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Minerals Engineering: Sciencedirect
Minerals Engineering: Sciencedirect
Minerals Engineering
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VALE Mineral Development Centre, Rodovia BR 381, Km 450, Distrito Industrial Simão da Cunha, CEP 33040-900 Santa Luzia, MG, Brazil
Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN), Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos, 6627, Pampulha, CEP 30123-970 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos, 6677, Pampulha, CEP 31270-901 Belo Horizonte,
MG, Brazil
Keywords: One of the world́s most abundant of all the rare earth elements (REE) is cerium. It represents about 50 wt% of
Cerium removal total REE content in the main rare earth minerals used industrially (monazite and bastnaesite). However, cerium
Rare earth element is not a valuable product if compared with the other REE. In the most current pyro-hydrometallurgical processes
Thermal treatment routes, a high amount of cerium goes to the rare earth liquor, incurring in high operational and capital costs in
Hydrochloric acid leaching
the solvent extraction step used in the separation of each individual rare earth element. In this context, this study
evaluates the use of thermal treatment for rare earth oxalates and carbonates and also hydrochloric acid leaching
of calcination products for selective separation of cerium from other REE. This investigation also sheds light on
the mechanisms involved in the processes proposed. For this purpose, mixed rare earth and cerium oxalates, also
mixed rare earth and cerium carbonates were used as precursors. The mixed rare earth salts used in the ex-
periments were generated from a non-purified rare earth sulphate liquor. The results indicated that the minimum
required temperature to fully decompose the mixed rare earth oxalates, cerium oxalate, mixed rare earth car-
bonates and cerium carbonate to their respective rare earth oxides (REE2O3) or CeO2, was 1100 °C, with 1 h of
residence time. In the experiments carried out with mixed rare earth oxalates, Ce3+ was not fully oxidized to
Ce4+, it formed a mixture of Ce2O3 and CeO2 represented by Ce4O7, which was completely dissolved in the
hydrochloric acid solution (37 wt%). Therefore, in such case, cerium was not selectively removed from the mixed
rare earth oxalates by thermal treatment and hydrochloric acid leaching. On the other hand, the Ce3+ presented
in the composition of the pure cerium oxalate or carbonate was fully oxidized to Ce4+ (CeO2) under the same
condition of calcination. As expected, CeO2 was not dissolved by the hydrochloric acid solution (37 wt%). It was
concluded that mixed rare earth carbonates generated Ce0.60Nd0.40O1.80 (Ce1-xNdxO2-x/2, x = 0.40) when cal-
cined under the same condition. This crystalline structure was not also dissolved by hydrochloric acid solution
(37 wt%). As a result, a process flowsheet was proposed to remove cerium selectively from a rare earth ore.
1. Introduction than other commonly exploited elements but they are not concentrated
enough to make them easily exploitable (Jar et al., 2016). Currently,
Rare earth elements (REE) include the 15 elements of the lanthanide well over 250 rare earth minerals have been recognized, however in
group from lanthanum to lutetium, coupled with chemically similar most of them the concentration of rare earth is very low, ranging from
yttrium and infrequently scandium. These elements are split into three 10 to 300 ppm (Zhang and Edwards, 2012). Only three minerals are
sub-groups: light rare earth elements (LREE (La, Ce, Pr and Nd)), SEG extensively used in the production of rare earth products, namely
elements (Sm, Eu, Gd) and then the heavy rare earth elements (HREE bastnasite (REECO3F), monazite (REEPO4) and xenotime (YPO4)
(Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Sc and Y)) (Wang et al., 2017; Silva et al., (Kanazawa and Kamitani, 2005).
2019a). The normal oxidation state of the lanthanides is 3+, but some REE and their alloys are used in many ways, such as in memory
can either be reduced to 2+, such as Eu, or oxidized to 4+, such as Ce storage devices, rechargeable batteries, mobile phones, catalytic con-
(Donohue, 1979; Abrão, 1994). verters, magnets, fluorescent bulbs and so on (Krishnamurthy and
Rare earth elements are relatively more abundant in the earth́s crust Gupta, 2004). Currently, the strongest magnet available belongs to
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: ruberlan.silva@vale.com (R.G. Silva), cmorais@cdtn.br (C.A. Morais), eder@deq.ufmg.br (É.D. Oliveira).
Received 27 April 2019; Received in revised form 5 July 2019; Accepted 7 July 2019
Available online 10 July 2019
0892-6875/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
NdFeB magnet family and it is composed of 30–40 wt% of REE Considering the pure precursors, the oxidation of Ce3+– Ce4+ occurs
(15–30 wt% of it is Nd) and 60–70 wt% of other elements (50–70 wt% during calcination under different air temperatures, according to the
of its content is Fe alongside ∼ 1 wt% of B) (Onal et al., 2015). An in- reactions shown in Eq. (1), Eq. (2) and Eq. (3). For hydroxide pre-
crease in demand of more than 700% for Nd and 2600% for Dy for the cursors, oxidation takes place at low temperature (< 150 °C), for car-
next 25 years has been forecast, due to the development of the elec- bonate precursors, it occurs in a temperature range of 200–400 °C
tronic vehicles and wind energy industries (Alonso et al., 2012; Bauer (Krishnamurthy and Gupta, 2004), and for oxalate precursors the total
et al., 2010). More specifically, cerium oxide (CeO2) have numerous decomposition and oxidation occurs in the range of 250–450 °C (Zhai
applications in catalysts, cosmetics, ceramic, oxygen gas sensors, solid et al., 2007). In all the conditions described above, the CeO2 formed has
oxide fuel and fluorescent materials (Zhai et al., 2007; Li et al., 2018). little solubility in hydrochloric acid solution.
Currently, China supplies about 94% of the world́s REE demand, with
4Ce(OH)3(s) + O2(g) + 2H2O(l) → 4Ce(OH)4(s) (or 4CeO2·2H2O) (1)
the remainder produced in Russia, Estonia, USA, India, Malaysia and
Brazil (Zhanheng, 2011). Ce2(CO3)3(s) + 1/2O2(g) → 2CeO2(s) + 3CO2(g) (2)
LREE minerals are classified as ‘cerium group’ minerals because
they contain approximately 50 wt% of cerium oxide. Bastnasite and Ce2(C2O4)3(s) → 2CeO2(s) + 2CO2(g) + 4CO(g) (3)
monazite are included in the ‘cerium group’, leading to an over- A recent study of the solubilization of mixed rare earth oxides by acid
production of cerium (McNeice and Ghanreman, 2018). The CeO2/ solutions (HNO3, HCl and H2SO4) has been undertaken by Horlait et al.
REE2O3 (Rare Earth Oxides) mass ratio is approximately 50 wt% for (2012). The rare earth oxides obtained from the respective oxalates cal-
bastnasite and 45–50 wt% in the case of monazite (Dan et al., 2014; Li cined at 1000 °C were represented by Ce1-xLnxO2-x/2, where Ln is any REE,
et al., 2018). Additionally, cerium removal is usually the first step in except Ce. The results indicated that solubilization is strongly dependent
REE purification, as the largest mass fraction of the concentrate lowers on the content of Ln in the crystalline structure formed after calcination.
the throughput of the subsequent steps (McNeice and Ghanreman, For Ln = Nd and x = 0.10, only 4% of the solid was dissolved after
2018; Xie et al., 2014). The low cerium content may be obtained by the 4 weeks; for Ln = Nd and x = 0.34, 54% was dissolved after 4 weeks and
follow-up acid dissolution process, which is favourable in the sub- for Ln = Nd and x = 0.59, the complete dissolution was achieved within
sequent extraction of rare earth elements (Yanhui et al., 2012). Several only a few hours. The experiments were carried out in pairs (La-Ce, Nd-Ce,
studies have been undertaken into the separation of cerium from other Sm-Ce, Eu-Ce, Gd-Ce, Dy-Ce, Er-Ce and Yb-Ce), rather than with a mixture
rare earth elements. of all rare earth elements, similar to the technique which is proposed in
The standard redox potential of Ce4+/Ce3+ is about 1.28 V in an this work. The current study evaluates these aspects with experiments
HCl medium (Yu et al., 2006). Hence strong oxidants such as persulfate carried out with mixed rare earth oxalates and mixed rare earth carbo-
(2.1 V), potassium permanganate (1.7 V), bromate, ozone (2.2 V), nates, each one containing the following mass ratios: La/REE = 18–27 wt
chlorine (1.4 V) and hypochlorite (1.6 V) have been used in the oxi- %, Ce/REE = 47–50 wt%, Pr/REE = 5.3–5.8 wt%, Nd/REE = 17–23 wt%
dation of cerium. Electrolysis is another technique which was studied and other rare earth oxides/REE = 3.6–3.9 wt%.
by several researchers. The aforementioned reagents and methods are In terms of processing, three precipitating agents, namely, oxalic
costly and the process is not helped by the generation of by-products acid, ammonium/sodium hydroxide or ammonium/sodium bicarbo-
that can impair the performance of the process. It can also require nate/carbonate, are typically applied in the production of rare earth
additional steps to separate it from the cerium thereby compromising concentrates (Lucas et al., 2015; Silva et al., 2019b). More specifically,
the project economics. oxalic acid is used in the precipitation of high purity products, whereas
Abreu and Morais (2010) processed monazite through a series of hydroxides and carbonates are used to precipitate products demanding
steps before achieving a chloride solution. The Ce3+ was then oxidized less rigorous purity. The choice of the agent depends on the physical
to Ce4+ with the use of potassium permanganate. The optimum pH characteristics required in the application of the final product (Lucas
found was around 3, where both Ce recovery and purity were 99%. et al., 2015). Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the
More than 30% of stoichiometric dosage of permanganate was needed. processing of lower grade ores which are not readily amenable to
MnO2 was co-precipitated with CeO2 so that the product reached 69 wt beneficiation and impurity separation of REE (Anvia et al., 2013).
% CeO2 and 14 wt% MnO2. This solid was re-dissolved in HCl and the Nevertheless, purity and quality are factors that impact the final
Ce re-precipitated as hydroxide or oxalate, yielding CeO2 and MnO2 price of the rare earth products (Abreu and Morais, 2010; Morais and
with purities of 99.0% and 99.5%, respectively. Ciminelli, 2004; Silva et al., 2019b; Panda el al., 2016). However, the
Additionally, Goode (2018) listed several methods that could be solvent extraction step is required to individually separate each REE
applied in the selective removal of cerium from a mixture of rare earth dissolved in either nitric or hydrochloric acid and the presence of dis-
elements, including separation techniques based on the oxidation of solved impurities can result in emulsification of the extractants, causing
Ce3+ in a solution and by thermal treatment of rare earth hydroxides, in a negative impact on the purity of the final product (Ru'an et al., 1995).
order to get Ce4+. The use of ozone (O3), sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), There are few studies in the literature aiming at elucidating the
potassium permanganate (KMnO4), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), elec- mechanism involving in the thermal oxidation of the cerium present in
trolytic oxidation and photochemical oxidation were also evaluated. the composition of a mixed rare earth oxalates. In this context, this
The oxidation of cerium by blowing air onto a slurry of rare earth study addresses the use of thermal treatment, XRD patterns and hy-
hydroxides attained has the lowest cost (Krishnamurthy and Gupta, drochloric acid leaching to selectively separate Ce from other rare earth
2004; Lucas et al., 2015). The oxidization of Ce3+ in a basic condition, elements and then shed light on the mechanisms involving in the
such as rare earth hydroxides (REE(OH)3) in contact with hot air, is well thermal processes. Finally, a process flow sheet with a mass balance was
known by the state-of-art (Krishnamurthy and Gupta, 2004; Lucas et al., proposed to remove cerium selectively from any other rare earth ele-
2015). During the drying operation of the mixed rare earth hydroxides, ment present in a rare earth ore.
Ce3+ is oxidized and converted into hydrate CeO2·xH2O (Ce4+).
In the same way, cerium is separated from bastnasite (REECO3F)
through roasting. In the Molycorp process operated in the 1960 s at 2. Material and methods
Mountain Pass, the bastnasite concentrate was roasted in air at 620 °C in
order to eliminate carbon dioxide and oxidize the Ce3+ to Ce4+ (Harrah, 2.1. Reagents and analytical methods
1967; Krishnamurthy and Gupta, 2004). The calcined was leached with
hydrochloric acid, leaving Ce4+ in the residue, thus producing a leaching 2.1.1. Reagents
solution containing approximately 100 g/L of REE2O3. HCl 37 wt% analytical reagent (A. R.), CeO2 A. R. (99.9 wt%),
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
• Weighing of approximately 100 g of precursor. A container made of • The first step, which occurred at temperatures from 65 °C to 125 °C
owed to the dehydration of both products. The weight losses in both
zirconite was used, its height was approximately 10 cm, to prevent products were about 8 wt%. No free water occurred in the mixed
any mass losses during thermal decomposition; rare earth oxalates, since this sample was dried at 60 °C before the
• Calcination in different temperatures (450 °C, 700 °C and 1100 °C) thermal analysis. According to this weight loss, the precursors can
and residence times (1 h and 4 h); be classified as REE2(C2O4)3·2.7H2O and Ce2(C2O4)3·2.6H2O A mean
• Cooling of the calcination products to room temperature (20 °C); molecular weight of 141 g.mol−1 was used to represent the REE.
• Weighing of the final mass and assaying the calcination products. This value was explained in Section 3.2 of the current study. The
reactions occurring in this step are shown in Eq. (4) and Eq. (5).
2.2.2. Hydrochloric acid leaching
The procedure used in hydrochloric acid leaching experiments of REE2(C2O4)3·2·.7H2O(s) → REE2(C2O4)3(s) + 2·.7H2O(g) (4)
Table 2
Methods used in the chemical analyses of solid samples.
Elements Procedures
REE Fusion with Li2B4O7 or H2O2, cooling and dilution in 2% (vol/vol) nitric acid and reading in ICP-MS
Na Digestion with HNO3 and HF and reading in ICP-OES
S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, P, Mn Fusion with Na2CO3 and Na2B4O7, dilution to 67% (vol/vol) hydrochloric acid and reading in ICP-OES.
S, C Direct combustion and infrared spectrometry (solid sample)
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
100 1
DTG (kg/ºC)
TG (%)
50 -3
Mixed rare earth oxalates Mixed rare earth oxalates
10 Pure cerium oxalate
Pure cerium oxalate
0 -7
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
(a) (b)
DTA (µV/mg)
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 1. (a) TG curves (b) DTG curves (derivative of TG curve) and (c) DTA curves of mixed rare earth oxalates and pure cerium oxalate as precursors.
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
100 2
70 0
DTG (kg/ºC)
TG (%)
40 -2
Mixed rare earth carbonates Mixed rare earth carbonates
10 -4
Pure cerium carbonate
Pure cerium carbonate
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
(a) (b)
1.5 Exothermic
Mixed rare earth carbonates
0.5 Pure cerium carbonate
DTA (µV/mg)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 2. (a) TG curves, (b) DTG curves and (c) DTA curves of mixed rare earth carbonates and pure cerium carbonate as precursors.
when the precursor was the pure cerium oxalate. attributed to free water loss and 11 wt% happened due to the
Different to what was observed, another exothermic event occurred crystallization water loss. Free water was not observed as these
with the mixed rare earth oxalates, starting at 400 °C and finishing at samples were also dried prior to the thermal analysis similar to the
775 °C. This could mean that there was a formation of a different oxalates in Section 3.1.1. Considering these weight losses, the pre-
crystalline structure in the range 400–775 °C when the mixed rare earth cursors can be shown as REE2(CO3)3·1.4H2O and Ce2(CO3)3·3.2H2O,
oxalates were thermally decomposed. The XRD patterns of the calci- respectively. The reactions that occurred in this step are shown in
nation products and the results of the hydrochloric leaching experi- the Eq. (10) and Eq. (11).
ments are expected to complement these behaviours, and also elucidate
REE2(CO3)3·1.4H2O(s) → REE2(CO3)3(s) + 1.4H2O(g) (10)
the difference in the results of cerium removals from both calcination
products. Ce2(CO3)3·3.2H2O(s) → Ce2(CO3)3(s) + 3.2H2O(g) (11)
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
ones was 16 wt% when the precursor was the pure cerium oxalate, the REE2(C2O4)3·xH2O(s) + 3H2SO4(aq) (14)
total weight loss of anhydrous pure cerium carbonate was about 24 wt
REE2(SO4)3(aq) + 3Na2CO3(aq) + xH2O(l) → RE-
%. This value was similar to what was expected for the thermal de-
E2(CO3)3·xH2O(s) + 3Na2SO4(aq) (15)
composition of the anhydrous pure cerium carbonate (approximately
25 wt%). According to the TG analysis, the composition of the mixed REE2(SO4)3(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) → 2NaREE(SO4)2(s) (16)
rare earth carbonates was 71 wt% of a crystalline structure to be de-
fined in this study, 24 wt% of CO2 and 5 wt% of H2O. The composition According to what was expected, there was no a significant variation in
of the pure cerium carbonate was 60 wt% of CeO2, 24 wt% of CO2 and the mass ratios of individual rare earth elements/REE (i.e. La/REE, Ce/
16 wt% of H2O (5 wt% of free water and 11 wt% of crystallization REE, etc.) in the mixed rare earth oxalates and carbonates. The sum of
water). The reactions that occurred in this step are shown in Eq. (12) the mass ratios of La/REE, Ce/REE, Pr/REE and Nd/REE is above 96 wt
and Eq. (13). % in both cases, while the mass ratio for Ce/REE being about 48.9 wt%.
Considering the individual mass ratios of both products and the re-
REE2(CO3)3(s) → REE2O3(s) + 3CO2(g) (12) spective molecular weight of each rare earth element, the molecular
weight of the REE is about 141 g.mol−1. This value just justify the use
Ce2(CO3)3(s) + 1/2O2 → 2CeO2(s) + 3CO2(g) (13)
of 141 g.mol−1 in the estimation of the amount of the crystallization
Fig. 2(c) depicts an exothermic event starting at 145 °C with pure water molecules in their respective compositions in Section 3.1.1 of this
cerium carbonate, which was not displayed in the case of mixed rare study.
earth carbonate. On the contrary, the mixed rare earth carbonated
showed an endothermic reaction at 825 °C, while the pure cerium
3.3. Calcination experiments
carbonate showed the same at 1100 °C. The XRD patterns of calcination
product and the results of the hydrochloric acid leaching experiments
3.3.1. Mixed rare earth oxalates
will allow an understanding of these behaviours.
Table 5 shows the results obtained in the calcination experiments
with mixed rare earth oxalates.
3.2. Chemical analyses of mixed rare earth oxalates and carbonates It can be observed that there was a complete thermal decomposition
of the mixed rare earth oxalates in the muffle at 1100 °C and 1 h of
The Table 3 presents the composition of the mixed rare earth ox- residence time. An incomplete calcination is also observed given the
alates or carbonates used in this study, whereas Table 4 shows the in- carbon content existing in the product after thermal treatment.
dividual REE mass ratios for both products. Under these conditions, the weight losses stabilized at 52 wt%,
It is possible to see that the mixed rare earth oxalates contain lower value very close to figures observed in the thermogravimetric analysis
REE2O3 and sulphate content, whereas the mixed rare earth carbonates (51 wt%). As expected, the REE2O3 and impurities content increased
presented a higher sulphate, Fe2O3, Al2O3, MnO2 and Na2O content. alongside rose with temperature and residence time. Additionally, there
The amount of crystallization water in their compositions complied was no significant variation in the La/REE, Ce/REE, Nd/REE e Pr/REE
with what was determined in their thermogravimetric analysis. mass ratios in the calcination products, when compared with the ones
The total amount of impurities was about 0.20 wt% in the mixed in the mixed rare earth oxalates (see Table 4).
rare earth oxalates and 2.25 wt% in the mixed rare earth carbonates. Fig. 3 shows X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) of CeO2 A.R. 99.9 wt
The main impurity presented in the mixed rare earth oxalates is sul- %, mixed rare earth oxalates and samples obtained in a muffle, at dif-
phate (0.19 wt%), perhaps due to the coprecipitation of some sulphate ferent temperatures (450 °C, 700 °C and 1100 °C) and residence time of
salts, where the main impurities in the mixed rare earth carbonates are 1 h, whereas Fig. 4 presents the XRD patterns of the calcination pro-
sulphates (1.45 wt%), iron oxide (0.13 wt%), aluminium oxide (0.12 wt ducts generated at the same temperatures, but with a residence time of
%), manganese oxide (0.46 wt%) and sodium oxide (0.08 wt%). A low 4 h.
purity mixed rare earth carbonate occured due to the coprecipitation of The Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 suggest that the crystallinity increases along-
some sulphate salts or hydroxides containing Mn, Fe and Al, and the side a rise in the calcination temperature and residence time, with
formation of sodium and rare earth double sulphate or NaREE(SO4)2 peaks becoming stronger and sharper gradually. The peaks of calcina-
(Morais et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2018b; Silva et al., 2019a). During the tion products are unlikely to correspond to the peaks of CeO2 A.R.
precipitation of REE with oxalic acid, sulfuric acid was generated, re- 99.9 wt%.
sulting in the fall in the pH of the filtrate to pH ∼ 1.4, whereas when
the REE was precipitated with sodium carbonate, the pH of the filtrate
3.3.2. Pure cerium oxalate
rose (pH ∼ 6.5) due to the formation of basic character salt (Na2SO4). A
Table 6 presents the results obtained in the calcination experiments
rise in pH favours the hydrolysis of some ions, such as, Fe3+ and Al3+
carried out with pure cerium oxalate.
ions, causing their precipitation (Silva et al., 2018a).
It can be observed that there was a complete thermal decomposition
The reaction that represents the precipitation of REE with oxalic
of the pure cerium oxalate in the muffle only at 1100 °C and 1 h of
acid and the formation of mixed rare earth oxalates is shown in Eq.
residence time. Under this condition, the weight losses were 48 wt%,
(14), whereas the reactions presented in the Eq. (15) and Eq. (16), show
value close to figures found in the thermogravimetric analysis (51 wt
the precipitation of REE with sodium carbonate and sodium sulphate,
%). Again, an incomplete calcination was also observed by the carbon
with the respective formation of mixed rare earth carbonates and so-
content in the product obtained after thermal treatment at temperatures
dium and rare earth double sulphate.
of 450 °C and 700 °C. As expected, the CeO2 and impurities content
REE2(SO4)3(aq) + 3C2H2O4(aq) + xH2O(l) → increased as temperature and time of calcination rose. Fig. 5 shows XRD
Table 3
Chemical compositions of mixed rare earth oxalates or carbonates (wt%).
Type of mixed rare earth REE2O3 REE C Sulphate Fe2O3 Al2O3 CaO MgO MnO2 P2O5 Na2O Water (*)
Oxalates 53.8 44.7 12.1 0.19 < 0.11 < 0.03 < 0.68 < 0.09 < 0.03 < 0.05 < 0.05 8.03
Carbonates 68.3 56.9 6.20 1.45 0.13 0.12 < 0.68 < 0.09 0.46 < 0.05 0.08 5.00
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
Table 4
Individual rare earth elements mass ratios in the composition of mixed rare earth oxalates or carbonates (wt%).
Type of mixed rare earth La/REE Ce/REE Pr/REE Nd/REE Sm/REE Eu/REE Gd/REE Tb/REE
Type of mixed rare earth Dy/REE Ho/REE Er/REE Tm/REE Yb/REE Lu/REE Y/REE Sc/REE
Table 5 composition. Considering the initial carbon content (see Table 3), the
Results of calcination experiments with mixed rare earth oxalates. mean calcination efficiency was about 99.5%. The mean weight losses
Temperature (°C) 450 700 1100
stabilize in 31 wt%, having its value close to figures found in the
Time (h) 1 4 1 4 1 4 thermogravimetric analysis (29 wt%). The mean REE2O3 and impurities
Calcination products (g) 67.4 50.3 50.3 47.9 47.9 47.8 content were 88.1 wt% and 11.8 wt%, respectively. As expected, there
Weight loss (wt%) 33 50 50 52 52 52 was no significant variation in the La/REE, Ce/REE, Nd/REE and Pr/
Chemical composition of calcination products (wt%) REE mass ratios in comparison with values verified in the mixed rare
earth carbonates (see Table 4). Fig. 6 shows XRD patterns of CeO2 A.R.
REE2O3 66.8 90.9 94.7 97.2 97.7 98.0
99.9 wt%, mixed rare earth carbonates and calcination product ob-
REE 55.7 75.7 78.9 81.0 81.4 81.7
Carbon 6.75 1.98 0.98 0.04 < 0.03 < 0.03 tained in a muffle at temperature of 1100 °C and 1 h of residence time.
Impurities 0.59 0.76 0.75 0.80 0.82 0.81 From Fig. 6, it can be seen that the peaks of the calcination product
Mass ratios (wt%) seem are unlikely correspond to the peak of CeO2.
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of CeO2 A.R. 99.9 wt%, mixed rare earth oxalates and calcination products obtained using the mixed rare earth oxalates as precursor at different
temperatures and residence time of 1 h.
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
Fig. 4. XRD patterns of CeO2 A.R. 99.9 wt%, mixed rare earth oxalates and calcination products obtained using the mixed rare earth oxalates as precursor at different
temperatures and residence time of 4 h.
Fig. 5. XRD patterns of CeO2 A.R, pure cerium oxalate and calcination products obtained with pure cerium oxalate as precursor at different temperatures and
residence time of 1 h.
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
Table 7 Table 8
Results of calcination experiments with mixed rare earth carbonates. Results of calcination experiments with pure cerium carbonate.
Temperature (°C) 1100 Temperature (°C) 450 700 1100
Time (h) 1 Time (h) 1
Calcination products (g) 69.1 68.9 Calcination products (g) 58.5 57.0 57.5
Weight loss (wt%) 31.1 31.4 Weight loss (wt%) 41 43 43
Chemical composition of calcination products (wt%) Chemical composition of calcination products (wt%)
Fig. 6. XRD patterns of CeO2 A.R. 99.9 wt%, mixed rare earth carbonates and calcination product obtained with mixed rare earth carbonates as precursor at 1100 °C
and residence time of 1 h.
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
Fig. 7. XRD patterns of CeO2 A.R. 99.9 wt%, pure cerium carbonate and calcination products obtained with pure cerium carbonate as precursor at different
temperatures and residence time of 1 h.
Fig. 8. XRD patterns of CeO2 A.R. 99.9 wt% and calcination products obtained from pure cerium oxalate, pure cerium carbonate, mixed rare earth oxalates and mixed
rare earth carbonates as precursors in muffle at temperature of 1100 °C and residence time of 1 h (30° to 70° 2Theta).
respective calcination products were extracted by the HCl solution. fed in the calcination products, respectively in the first and in the
Additionally, the mean cerium and chloride concentrations in the second experiments, were extracted. A very low mass ratio of Ce/REE
cerium hydrochloric liquor were (2.55 ± 2.99) g/L and can be observed in the liquor (mean value of 6.4 kg/kg) in comparison
(11.1 ± 3.9) g/L. The mean HCl loss by vaporization was about 92%. with the same mass ratio observed in the calcination products (Ce/
As expected, the loss of HCl in these experiments was higher than ones REE ∼ 48 wt/wt) (see Table 7).
verified in the experiments carried out with calcination products from The mean REE and chloride concentrations in the rare earth hy-
the mixed rare earth oxalates. This took place because the only rare drochloric liquor were respectively (58.5 ± 5.9) g/L and
earth element in pure cerium oxalate is cerium, which oxidizes easily to (48.1 ± 10.0) g/L. The mean HCl loss during the experiment was
Ce4+ and becomes insoluble in the HCl solution, remaining HCl free about 64%. As expected, less HCl was lost in these experiments if
(not reacted) in the solution to be vaporized. compared to HCl losses checked in the experiments carried out with
calcination products from mixed rare earth oxalates (40% of HCl losses)
3.5.3. Calcination products from mixed rare earth carbonates and pure cerium oxalate (92% of HCl losses). This occurred because
Table 11 shows the results of the hydrochloric leaching experiments these calcination products contain lower amounts of cerium oxidized
carried out with the calcination products obtained from mixed rare (Ce4+) than the calcinations product obtained from the pure cerium
earth carbonates at temperature of 1100 °C and residence time of 1 h. oxalate, whereas assaying more cerium oxidized than the calcination
In both experiments, the calcination products were not fully solu- products generated when the precursor was the mixed rare earth ox-
bilized by the hydrochloric acid solution and only 9% and 4% of cerium alates.
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
Table 9
Results of hydrochloric leaching experiments carried out with calcination products obtained from mixed rare earth oxalates in different temperatures and residence
Temperature of calcination (°C) 450 700 1100
Residence time of calcination (h) 1 4 1 4 1 4
Calcination product mass (g) 67.4 50.3 50.3 47.9 47.9 47.8
REE content in calcination product (wt%) 55.7 75.7 78.9 81.0 81.4 81.7
HCl 37 wt% mass (g) 202.18 150.84 150.84 143.62 163.06 143.20
Dilution water mass (g) 145.00 110.00 155.00 145.00 137.00 135.00
Washing water mass (g) 225.00 44.97 55.79 37.50 55.78 34.95
Dry cake mass (g) 39.87 0 0 0 0 0
REE content in dry cake (wt%) 44.24 – – – – –
Rare earth hydrochloric liquor mass (g) 556.36 338.73 403.24 367.51 383.26 344.93
Rare earth hydrochloric liquor density at 20 °C (g/cm3) 1.080 1.235 1.233 1.242 1.234 1.256
REE concentration in rare earth hydrochloric liquor (g/L) 38.31 139.05 145.49 157.32 151.42 166.85
Chloride concentration in rare earth hydrochloric liquor (g/L) 50.65 108.96 108.75 109.71 105.66 115.04
Table 10 Table 11
Results of hydrochloric leaching experiments carried out with calcination Results of hydrochloric leaching experiments carried out with calcination
products obtained from pure cerium oxalate in different temperatures and re- products obtained from mixed rare earth carbonates at temperatures of 1100 °C
sidence time of 1 h. and residence time of 1 h.
Temperature of calcination (°C) 450 700 1100 Temperature of calcination (°C) 1100
Residence time of calcination (h) 1 Residence time of calcination (h) 1
Calcination product mass (g) 61.85 53.92 52.17 Calcination product mass (g) 69.05 50.00
Ce content in calcination product (wt%) 67.30 80.69 81.24 REE content in calcination product (wt%) 75.07 71.74
HCl 37 wt% mass (g) 185.59 161.77 156.99 HCl 37 wt% mass (g) 205.82 150.00
Dilution water mass (g) 30.44 67.00 55.00 Dilution water mass (g) 163.77 180.00
Washing water mass (g) – 189.57 198.45 Washing water mass (g) 217.37 165.25
Dry cake mass (g) – 51.50 51.85 Dry cake mass (g) 23.50 33.00
Ce content in dry cake (wt%) – 80.91 81.42 REE content in dry cake (wt%) 98.9 99.2
Cerium hydrochloric liquor mass (g) – 415.08 394.73 Rare earth hydrochloric liquor mass (g) 597.64 445.07
Cerium hydrochloric liquor density at 20 °C (g/cm3) – 1.042 1.010 Rare earth hydrochloric liquor density at 20 °C (g/cm3) 1.123 1.074
Ce concentration in cerium hydrochloric liquor (g/L) – 4.67 0.44 REE concentration in rare earth hydrochloric liquor (g/L) 62.67 54.40
Chloride concentration in cerium hydrochloric liquor – 13.76 8.27 Chloride concentration in rare earth hydrochloric liquor (g/L) 55.25 41.17
Chemical composition of rare earth hydrochloric liquor (g/L)
La 37.2 29.9
3.5.4. Calcination products from pure cerium carbonate Ce 5.45 2.23
Table 12 shows the results of hydrochloric leaching experiments Pr 4.74 4.71
carried out with the calcination products obtained from pure cerium Nd 12.2 13.6
Other rare earth elements 3.14 3.98
carbonates in different temperatures and residence time of 1 h.
A decrease in the cerium and chloride concentrations in the cerium Mass ratios in the rare earth hydrochloric liquor (wt%)
hydrochloric liquors is noticeable when there was an increase in tem- La/REE 59.5 54.9
perature in the calcination experiments. Ce/REE 8.69 4.10
The difference in the cerium concentration in the cerium hydro- Pr/REE 7.56 8.66
chloric liquors (from 57.3 g/L of Ce at 450 °C/1h to 0.91 g/L of Ce at Nd/REE 19.5 25.0
1100 °C/1 h) occured due to the different cerium extractions presented
by the respective calcination products. The extraction was respectively
calcination products having the pure cerium oxalate a precursor (92%
45.7%, 18.1%, and 0.92% of cerium in the first (450 °C/1 h), second
of HCl losses), however more HCl was expected to be lost if compared
(700 °C/1 h) and third (1100 °C/1 h) experiments. These results show
with the results of experiments carried out with calcination products
that a temperature of 1100 °C and a residence time of 1 h in a muffle
having the mixed rare earth oxalates (40% of HCl losses) or carbonates
was capable of transfering 99% of the cerium fed into the calcination
(64% of HCl losses) as precursors.
Additionally, the HCl losses were 43 wt% in first, 77 wt% in the
second and 98 wt% in the third experiment, which is feasible since the 3.5.5. Results comparison
HCl did not react with cerium is lost by vaporization. Fig. 9 consolidates all results obtained in the hydrochloric leaching
The same amount of HCl was expected to be lost in these experi- experiments with mixed rare earth oxalates, pure cerium oxalate, mixed
ments, in comparison with the results of experiments carried out with rare earth carbonates and pure cerium carbonate.
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
100% 180
Ce concentration in hydrochloric liquor (g/L)
Ce extraction
20% 30
0% 0
450ºC/4h 700ºC/1h 700ºC/4h 1,100ºC/1h 1,100ºC/4h 450ºC/4h 700ºC/1h 700ºC/4h 1,100ºC/1h 1,100ºC/4h
Calcination condition in muffle Calcination condition in muffle
Mixed rare earth oxalates Pure cerium oxalate Mixed rare earth oxalates Pure cerium oxalate
Mixed rare earth carbonates Pure cerium carbonate Mixed rare earth carbonates Pure cerium carbonate
(a) (b)
140 100%
Cl concentration in hydrochloric liquor (g/L)
HCl losses (%)
80 60%
0 0%
450ºC/4h 700ºC/1h 700ºC/4h 1,100ºC/1h 1,100ºC/4h 450ºC/4h 700ºC/1h 700ºC/4h 1,100ºC/1h 1,100ºC/4h
Calcination condition in muffle
Calcination condition in muffle
Mixed rare earth oxalates Pure cerium oxalate Mixed rare earth oxalates Pure cerium oxalate
Mixed rare earth carbonates Pure cerium carbonate Mixed rare earth carbonates Pure cerium carbonate
(c) (d)
Fig. 9. Consolidation of all results obtained in hydrochloric leaching experiments with mixed rare earth oxalates, pure cerium oxalate, mixed rare earth carbonates
and pure cerium carbonate.
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
Sulphuric acid 98% w/w Gases I to be treated
Purification I
Limestone pulp Residue III to be disposed
pH 3.5
Purification II
Lime pulp Residue IV to be disposed
pH 5.0
Fig. 10. Block of diagram with a mass balance to REE2O3 for a proposed process route to remove cerium selectively from rare earth ore and to produce high purity
cerium oxide and mixed rare earth carbonates with a low cerium content.
rare earth carbonates with a low Ce content, the outcome was 1934 kg REE2O3. According to Testa et al., 2016, it seems to be consistent be-
of REE2O3 in the rare earth ore (3.09 wt% of REE2O3). About 1341 kg of cause 70.0% of the feed mass is rejected and the loss is only 30.7% of
REE2O3 was in the beneficiated rare earth ore (7.11 wt% of REE2O3), the REE2O3 fed in the rare earth ore using a single beneficiation process
1073 kg of REE2O3 in the non-purified rare earth sulphate liquor route encompassing scrubbing, screening, crushing, milling, disliming
(5.22 g/L of REE2O3), 1042 kg of REE2O3 in the partially purified rare with cyclones, filtration and drying. Additionally, 80% of REE2O3 was
earth sulphate liquor (5.07 g/L of REE2O3) and 1000 kg of REE2O3 in attained in the extraction step (sulphation/pyrolysis/cooling and water
the partially purified rare earth sulphate liquor (4.87 g/L of REE2O3). leaching) and of 93.2% was recovered in the purification steps (being
A REE2O3 recovery of 69.3% and a mass recovery of 30 wt% was 97.1% with limestone and 96.0% with lime). No REE2O3 losses oc-
assumed in the beneficiation step, which means that for a feed of curred in the steps: REE precipitation, calcination and hydrochloric
1000 kg of rare earth ore containing 30.9 kg of REE2O3, the yield was of leaching. Therefore, the total REE2O3 recovery was 51.7%
300 kg of beneficiated rare earth ore (< 74 µm) containing 21.4 kg of (51.7% = (1000/1934 × 100) or 51.7% = (69.3% × 80.0% × 93.2%).
R.G. Silva, et al. Minerals Engineering 139 (2019) 105865
The mass ratio CeO2/REE2O3 in the purified rare earth sulphate li- 5. Ackowledgements
quor was 49.5 wt%, amounting to 495 kg of CeO2 in the liquor
(49.5% × 1000 kg of REE2O3). It was considered that the recovery was The authors would like to thank Vale S.A. especially Patrice
94% of cerium from this liquor and 5% of other rare earth elements Mazzoni, Cássia Souza and Keila Gonçalves for authorizing the pub-
(except cerium) coprecipitating together with cerium, which results in lication of this work. The authors are also thankful to technicians at
the recovery of 465 kg of CeO2 and 26 kg of other rare earth elements, Vale Mineral Development Centre, especially to Wagner Soares, Daiene
totalling 491 kg of REE2O3 in the cerium oxide (CeO2·xH2O). Santos, Márcio Jacob and Kelly Fonseca, who were dutifully engaged in
The remaining REE2O3, amounting to 509 kg, in the hydrochloric this study. We would also like to thank Ricardo Terra and Julius
liquor, can be precipitated as mixed rare earth carbonates Martins for proofreading the paper. Éder Oliveira and Carlos Morais
(REE2(CO3)3·1.4H2O), when Na2CO3 is used as a reagent. The product acknowledge the support from CNPq (Conselho Nacional de
obtained had a REE2O3 content assigning 58.0 wt% and 99.9% of Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil), CAPES
purity. The REE2(CO3)3·1.4H2O will be of high purity and could feed (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brazil)
the downstream steps, such as hydrochloric acid leaching and solvent and FAPEMIG (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais,
extraction (SX) or ion exchange (IX), to separate each REE individually. Brazil).
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