Core Cutter Test
Core Cutter Test
Core Cutter Test
Core cutter test is used to determine the in-situ density of soil. The in-situ density is defined as the density of
soil measured at its actual depth on the field. The in-situ moisture content of soil varies with time, resulting in variable
in-situ bulk density. To avoid variation with time, the in-situ density should be reported in terms of the dry density with
moisture content.
This method can not be used for gravelly soil, in which the sharp edges of the core-cutter would deteriorate on ramming.
Moreover, it can not be used for purely cohesionless soil, where the soil is not able to stick to the inner surface of core
cutter. In such cases, core cutter can not retain the soil, hence sand replacement method shall be used.
1. Core Cutter
2. Dolly
3. Vernier Callipers
4. Rammer
5. Straight edge
6. Balance of 20 kg capacity
7. Small containers
8. Balance with a sensitivity of 0.01 gm
9. Oven controlled at 105˚ C
Determination of In-situ Bulk density
1. Take the empty weight of core cutter and measure the internal diameter and height of the core cutter using a
vernier callipers.
2. Level the soil surface, where we need to find the in-situ density and place the core cutter vertically on the surface,
with a dolly over it.
3. Using the rammer, give blows to the core cutter assembly to drive it inside the ground. Stop ramming when the
dolly is just around the surface.
4. Dig out the cutter containing the soil out of the ground and trim off any solid extruding from its ends, so that the
cutter contains a volume of soil equal to its internal volume determined from dimensions of core cutter.
5. Determine the weight of the collected soil inside the core cutter and find the in-situ bulk density of soil sample.
6. Take out the soil from the core cutter and take three soil samples for moisture content determination.
1. Take the weight of empty containers used for moisture content determination.
2. Place the wet soil sample in the container and take the weight of the container filled with wet soil.
3. Place the containers with wet soil in an oven set at 105˚ C temperature for at least 24 hours for drying.
4. Take out the containers from oven after 24 hours and weigh the container filled with dry soil.
5. Take average of the moisture content of three samples and report the average moisture content of soil sample.
Bulk density:
Wt. of Core-Cutter (W1) = gm.
Wt. of Core-Cutter + Wet Soil (W2) = gm.
Wt. of Wet Soil (Ws = W2 – W1) = gm.
Volume of Core-cutter Vc = cm3
Bulk Density of Soil (γt = Ws/Vc) = g/cm3
Moisture Content:
Dry Density:
Dry Density of Soil,