Fact Sheet 1. Site Characterization and Evaluation
Fact Sheet 1. Site Characterization and Evaluation
Fact Sheet 1. Site Characterization and Evaluation
Learning Content:
A. Socio-economic factors
1. Peace and order
2. Manpower availability
3. Market availability
4. Farmer’s preference
5. Zoning and other regulations
6. Land tenure situation
B. Biological factors
1. Crops planted
2. Crop pests and diseases
C. Physical factors
1. Resources
a. Water supply- refers to both distribution and amount of water for
Deep-rooted horticultural crops such as fruit trees and plantation
crops, their water needs may be met by the uniform distribution
of rainfall and good water retention.
Propagated plants (nursery crops)- many of the vegetables and
the florist crops which are shallow-rooted, nearness to a good
water supply is the most important consideration
b. Facilities/Amenities-refer to the availability of structures ( ex.
Nursery), fertilizer and chemical supply , transport system for
agricultural products , cold storage, warehousing., mean of
communication. The nearness of the enterprise to these facilities
can promote success and reduce cost of production.
Cardinal temperatures
AVRDC. 1990. Vegetable Production Training Manual. Asian Vegetable Research and
Development Center. Shanhua, Tainan
Bautista, O.K. 1994. Introduction to Tropical Horticulture ( Second Edition) SEAMEO and
UPLB, Los Baños, aguna
Lantican, R.M. 2001. The Science and Practice of Crop Production. Los Banos, Laguna: