8 SadbOngs B50HenEa, § Eom
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
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(1) Write on both sides ofthe paper (2) Wite the numberof each question at the top of
‘each page inthe space provided. (3) Cross cut al ough work and blank pages. 4) Fasien
‘any supplementary paper, books, outine maps, ec tthe end ofthis book so that it may
provide continuous reading mater tothe examiner. (5) Do not tear off any part of this
Enewor book (6) Inno circumstances must his book, used or unused, be removed from
Exansnaton Hal by a candiate. (7) Any candidate whois found to be in possession of
‘any wen, printed or pictorial mater not authorised by the Registrar wil be raquired to
‘ve an explanation In wring may be excluded from the Examination Hal, and wil be
Feporod tothe Vice - Chancellor.
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For us
of Candidate
Vrs ho the NUMBER OF THE ANSWERS ne er wich ty ae bon writen,
unbrof back tach and any ober arses ch amas rah pa
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‘This book shouldbe handed over personaly othe inviglator, it should not be Fe
‘behind onthe desk