Handmade Soaps
Handmade Soaps
Handmade Soaps
Names: Doménica Enriquez, Melissa Huera, Gabriela Ramos, Giulianna
Alcívar, Jorge Barreno and Luis Herrera.
Materials Substances
Molds. Coconut oil.
Spoons Crushed oats.
Cooking pot. Glycerin.
Electric Milk.
kitchen. Honey.
Vitamin E.
Rose oil.
Coal pills
1. Cut the soap into small pieces or small
2. Melh in the microwave or in a water
3. Add the essence, the dye, the flowers,
grains and other ingredients.
4. Empty the mixture in the soap molds.
5. Sprinkle alcohol to break the surface
tension and give them a smooth finish.
6. Let it rest for 3 or 4 hours. You can
leave it more time to make sure it
solidified well.
Benefits of Oatmeal Soap:
Oatmeal soap acts as a natural exfoliant, since it manages to eliminate the dead
cells accumulated in our skin, unclogging the pores and improving the appearance.
• It is ideal for sensitive and delicate skin, as it softens it and restores its
natural moisture, while controlling its restoration on the skin.
• It helps soothe certain allergies and is appropriate for any skin type.
• It absorbs our fat, therefore it is very suitable for those who suffer from
acne, since oatmeal soap is responsible for absorbing the oils that come out
of our pores.
• Relieves irritation and is ideal for preventing dermatitis.
• Helps relieve pain from sunburn, or areas burned by a friction accident.
• You can find this soap in any supermarket or beauty store, since it is very
common and used, so if you want to get a skin of 10, do not hesitate to go for