Nidita Catalogue
Nidita Catalogue
Nidita Catalogue
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At NIDITA HERBALS, we believe in the beauty of every Human
Being. We also know that sometimes your skin could use a
helping hand to let your inner beauty shine. So, we developed a
range of breakthrough skincare products that blend he power of
Ayurveda with the purity of nature to help you looking youthful.
We wanted to make sure our products work under any
condition, so we developed and tested them. We want you to
feel confident that you are beautiful – inside and out!
Our products work from the inside out. Nidita Herbals products are Premium cosmeceuticals
that work to repair existing damage and slow down the skin’s aging rate at the cellular level.
NIDITA HERBALS is perfect for both sensitive and hypersensitive skin. Our chemists choose
ingredients and craft formulations with the lowest possible allergy potential.
NIDITA HERBALS products combine the purity of nature with the power of Ayurveda. Our
world-class chemists balance rare herbal extracts, aromatherapy oils providing results you can
see and feel immediately.
Our products are fragranced naturally with herbs and flowers. We never use alcohol based
perfumes that can dry and irritate the skin.
We rigorously test on real people to assure both safe and effective products that provide
incredible results year after year.
Our luxury skincare line is truly affordable. We provide the finest products at an incredible value
and multiple benefits to save you time and money so you can afford to replenish your products
NIDITA HERBALS uses active ingredients so our products are more effective and last longer.
We never use cheap fillers such as tap water or mineral oil.
Exclusive Premium Beard Growth and Nourishing Herbal Shampoo
Premium Ayurvedic Hair Oil oil for Men
100 ml net wt.
This charcoal face wash, along with the goodness of Tea Tree Oil
and Vitamin E, can be the best product to start your daily skincare
routine. It has been formulated by rigorous research and
combination of natural ingredients. It can effectively take care of
the initial signs of skin problems besides cleansing. NIDITA
HERBALS charcoal face wash benefits the skin by deep cleansing it,
clearing all the clogged pores and removing the early signs of
blackheads, acne, and pimples.
Unclogs pores: One of the most annoying things about the dirt and
•Anti-pollution wash that visibly reduces blackheads and dark oil is that they settle down in the skin pores and thus, cannot be
spots. removed with a normal wash. The dirt and excess oil then go on to
•Eliminates dirt, dead skin cells and excess oil. breed the bacteria that results into pimples.
•Anti-acne properties to purify and refresh your skin with Removes dead skin cells: With time, the old skin cells wear away,
every wash. making way for the new ones. Activated charcoal, along with Tea
•SLS & Paraben free formula. Tree Oil, helps in getting rid of the dead skin cells and bring out the
new natural skin.
•For daily use.
•Suitable for all skin types.
•Charcoal evacuates excessive oils and purifies the skin. How to Use It
•Unclog Pores & Treats Acne - Use twice a day, morning and night
•Radiantly Healthy Skin - Lather between palms with tepid water
•Revitalizes & Rejuvenates the Skin - Massage all over damp skin to remove dirt and oil, and soften
- Rinse well and towel dry. Mornings, shave as usual 7
CLEANSE Apricot Face Scrub
100 ml net wt.
A refreshing cleanser with an exclusive blend of fruit extracts to
dissolve impurities, leaving the skin feeling fresh and smooth.
Sulphate free and non- irritating. For normal to oily skin.
Vitamin E
FACT: Nearly 70% of the visible signs of Apricot Scrub is special Blend of vitamins,
aging are simply dehydration and dead fruits with Aloevera, gives natural Skin
skin cells. Peels and Exfoliators are speedy glow, improves skin texture and fair
skin improvers, shedding dead skin cells complexion.
to encourage the growth of new ones.
Helps in removing black heads and white
heads, tone up the skin.
1. Rich, creamy formula that provides intense hydration
2. Contains Vitamin E, the best possible hydrator out there.
3. 100% vegan, paraben-free, and cruelty-free, as always.
4. Contains Wheat germ oil which helps in building collagen, It may also help reduce fine lines
the most abundantly found protein in the body that and improve the overall appearance
of aging skin.
provides the skin its strength and structure. "The oil
repairs, heals and prevents scarring.
5. Being a great source of vitamins - B6, Folic acid and E,
wheat germ oil is said to act as an anti-ageing agent for
the skin.
6. Antioxidant power of jojoba oil may help slow the signs of
aging when used on your skin.
Get Rid of Dandruff and Dry Scalp
Stop Baldness
Controls Hair Fall
Hair Growth
Prevents Greying of Hair
Adds Shine
KEY INGREDIENTS METHI SEEDS An Ayurvedic preparation that stimulates hair growth to restore
AMLA TULSI It strengthens hair follicles to reduce hair fall.
SHIKAKAI HENNA Free from chemicals, parabens and petrochemicals.
200 ml net wt.
• One of its first benefits is the reduction in hair fall. In order to reduce the hair fall in a natural way, it is advised
to wash the hair with the NIDITA shampoo at least Twice a week.
• This potent Herbal preparation effectively cleanses the scalp and hair, without stripping the natural oils.
• It nourishes the scalp to control hair thinning and breakage, while stimulating growth of new hair.
• It helps to control dandruff and soothes the scalp.
• Free from Harsh chemicals, parabens and petrochemicals.
• To increase the growth of the hair, NIDITA shampoo is one among the best shampoos which help in
strengthening the root which in turn helps in increasing the growth of the hair.
• Split ends can be treated by use of the herbal shampoo on regular basis.
• NIDITA shampoos help in reducing the dandruff production in the scalp.
• Revitalizes your scalp and helps in strengthening of hair roots.
• Helps hair re-growth and keeps your hair healthy and black
30 ml net wt.
Go natural with The NIDITA Beard Oil. The 100% natural, high
performance beard oil provides soft, conditioning and nourishing
results day after day. No-fuss ingredients ensure the oil is kind to
your skin, preventing any irritation with daily use.
NIDITA Herbals Green Tea Facial kit is an advanced treatment kit which is
formulated to fortify and amplify the skins protective barrier and help prevent
appearance of premature fine lines. An Anti-pollution facial kit, this one is
enriched with free-radical fighting agents like Vitamin A, Green Tea and
Vitamin E and helps to remove pollutants and clears the skin deeply. This
Facial is recommended for people who often have to be outdoors for their
•NIDITA Herbals green tea facial kit is an anti-pollution facial kit.
•Enriched with free-radical fighting agents like Vitamin A, Neem and Vitamin E.
•Strengthens and intensifies the protective barrier in your skin against the fine
lines and dark spots which are the visible signs of ageing.
•Helps in deep cleansing of the skin pores, keeping your skin clear and away
from harmful pollutants.
•The Kit includes a Cleanser, Scrub, Gel, Creme, Pack, Serum.
Smooth & Soft, 100% Safe, Free From
Harmful Chemicals, 100% Herbal, Gentle On
Skin, Easy To Use. Suitable For All Skin Type PAPAYA FACIAL KIT
NIDITA Herbals Papaya facial Kit Products are filled with antioxidants and
vitamin C that are great for oily skin. These ingredients help in regulating oil
production without drying out the skin. Thus, if you have oily or combination
skin, go for a papaya facial kit.
This Kit helps in removing blemishes, gives cooling sensation to skin, tighten
facial skin, improves skin tone and reduces pimples respectively. It is suited for
all skin types and even people with sensitive skin can use it as it contains all
natural ingredients. It will make your skin smooth, soft and the effects will last
for long.
The Kit includes a Cleanser, Scrub, Gel, Creme, Pack, Serum.
ु ेददक तुलसी अकक
तुलसी के फायदे एवं उपयोग
तुलसी का यह अकक सैकड़ों रोग़ों में लाभदायक ससद्ध होता है । बुखार, फ्ल,ू स्वाइन फ्लू, डेंगू, सदी, खाांसी, जख
ु ाम, प्लेग, मलेररया, जोड़ों का ददक ,
मोटापा, ब्लड प्रेशर, शुगर, एलजी, पेट में कृसम, हे पेटाइटटस, जलन, मत्र
ू सांबांधी रोग, गटिया, दम, मरोड, बवासीर, अततसार, आांख ददक , खज ु ली,
ससर ददक , पायररया, नकसीर, फेफड़ों की सज
ू न, अल्सर, वीयक की कमी, हाटक ब्लॉकेज आटद समस्याओां से एक साथ तनजात टदलाने में सक्षम है ।
यह समश्रण एक बेहतरीन ववष नाशक की तरह कायक करती है । इसके रोजाना सेवन से शरीर से हातनकारक एवां अवाांतित तत्व बाहर तनकल जाते हैं
और शरीर के आांतररक अांग़ों की भी सफाई होती है । श्री तल
ु सी स्मरण शक्तत को बढ़ाने के सलए बेहद कारगर उपाय है ।
इसके सेवन से लाल रतत कण़ों में इजाफा होता है और हीमोग्लोबबन का स्तर बढ़ता है ।
त्वचा की हर समस्या का समाधान है इसके पास। नीांबू के रस के साथ इसे त्वचा पर लगाने से त्वचा की सफाई होगी और चेहरा दमकने लगेगा।
सबु ह और शम के वतत चेहरे पर इसका इस्तेमाल करने पर कील, मुांहासे, दाग-धब्बे और झाइय़ों से तनजात समलेगी। इसे नाररयल तेल के साथ
लगाने से सफेद दाग भी िीक हो जाता है ।
वजन घटाने के सलए भी तुलसी बेहद काम की चीज है । इसके तनयसमत सेवन से आपका मोटापा तो कम होगा ही, यह कोलेस्रॉल को कम कर रतत
के थतके जमने से रोकती है । इससे हाटक अटै क की सांभावना भी कम होती है ।
NIDITA Immunity Booster : आयुवेददक ड्रंक
आयव ु ेद हमारी कई स्वास््य समस्याओां को िीक करने के सलए प्रभावी असर टदखाता है । यही वजह है कक बडे
पैमाने पर लोग आयुवेद चचककत्सा पद्धतत का सहारा लेकर कई बीमाररय़ों से िीक भी हो जाते हैं। बीमाररय़ों से बचे
रहने के सलए सबसे जरूरी है कक आपके शरीर की रोग प्रततरोधक क्षमता मजबत ू बनी रहे । रोग प्रततरोधक क्षमता
अगर मजबूत बनी रहती है तो यह हमें कई प्रकार की सांक्रामक बीमाररय़ों से भी सुरक्षा प्रदान करती है । सदी,
खाांसी और बख ु ार जैसी क्स्थतत मजबत
ू इम्यतु नटी वाले लोग़ों को जल्दी नहीां परे शान करती है ।
इसका सेवन तनयसमत रूप से करने वाले लोग़ों की रोग प्रततरोधक क्षमता काफी मजबत ू हो जाती है । जबकक ड्रांक
के रूप में अगर आप इसका इस्तेमाल करते हैं तो यह आपकी इम्युतनटी को और भी तेजी से मजबूत कर सकता
है । खासकर कोरोना वायरस सांक्रमण के इस दौर में हम रोग प्रततरोधक क्षमता को मजबतू बनाकर ही, अपने शरीर
को सांक्रमण से लडने की ताकत बढ़ा सकते हैं और सांक्रमण की चपेट में आने से भी बचे रह सकते हैं।
भारत के आयुष मांत्रालय ने कोरोना महामारी के माहौल में इम्यूतनटी यातन रोग-प्रततरोधक शक्तत बढ़ाने के सलए
आयुवेद की मदद लेने के सलए कहा है । आयुवेटदक औषचधय़ों, जडी-बूटटय़ों और उनसे तैयार नुस्ख़ों का सेवन करने
के सलए कहा है । अपनी गाइडलाइन्स में आयषु मांत्रालय ने हबकल काढ़ा पीने की सलाह भी दी है ।