Oral Lymphoma
Oral Lymphoma
Oral Lymphoma
Olive FL Allsobrook
This case series highlights the important malignant salivary gland tumours and develops in patients with a history of
role general dental practitioners play in oral lymphoma may present in the oral CLL, and Follicular Lymphoma (FL). These
the general screening and management cavity, and should raise clinical suspicion.1 patients presented to the Oral Medicine
pathways for rare oral malignancies outside Lymphomas encompass a broad range Department between 2012 and 2016
the routinely diagnosed common oral of cancers derived from lymphocytes with a variety of oral presentations, with
conditions, which may present as innocuous (immune cells). These can occur both varying degrees of systemic involvement
swellings, ulcers or bony lesions, without within lymph nodes and also extra-nodally and dissemination. All cases were
any systemic signs to raise suspicion. By within soft tissue and bone, including the ultimately managed by the Haematology
oral cavity. Lymphomas can be divided Department.
far the most common oral malignancy is
broadly into Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s
squamous cell carcinoma however, rarely,
type based on cell morphology and the
presence of Reed-Sternberg cells (large Case reports (Table 1)
binucleated cells with a distinct histological From 2012 to 2016, five
Olive FL Allsobrook, BDS, DClinDent, appearance). Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients with oral lymphoma presented
Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and develops in the lymphatics, within lymph to the Oral Medicine Department at
Surgery, Issam Bakri, DMD, MFDS, nodes, whereas Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Charles Clifford Dental Hospital. The
RCS(Eng) MSurgDent RCS(Eng), FDS (NHL) can present intra- or extra-nodally, patients were of an elderly age group,
RCPS, PhD, Oral Medicine and Surgery, including in the oral cavity.2 Both Hodgkin’s in their seventh and eighth decades,
Paula M Farthing, BSc, BDS, FDS and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can be four female and one male, and all
RCS, PhD, FRCPath, FHEA, Oral and divided into further subtypes according had a variety of oral presentations of
Maxillofacial Pathology, Nick J Morley, to histological morphology and lineage. lymphoma (Figures 1−4). Three patients
BA, MBBS, MRCP, FRCPath, Haematology The majority of adult presentations of presented with DLBCL, one Richter’s
Department and Anne M Hegarty, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas are Diffuse transformation of CLL and one oral FL in
BDentSc, MSc(OM), MBBS, MFD, RCSI, Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL),3 where various oral locations with varying clinical
FDS(OM) RCS, Oral Medicine and Surgery, the cell population is dominated by large sign and symptoms. Three patients had
The School of Clinical Dentistry, Sheffield neoplastic B cells. Five cases of extra- gingival swellings, one a history of a
and Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, nodal oral NHL are described, including painful palatal ulcer and one with an
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation DLBCL, Richter’s transformation of Chronic asymptomatic swelling of the upper lip.
Trust, UK. Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL), where DLBCL All five cases of oral lymphoma were
July/August 2018 DentalUpdate 641
4 M 65 Maxillary Primary care Gingival lesion on the left DLBCL Received chemotherapy
gingivae maxilla
Table 1. Five patients with oral lymphoma presented to the Oral Medicine Department at Charles Clifford Dental Hospital from 2012 to 2016.
Figure 1. Case 1: Swelling right alveolus. Figure 2. Case 2: Right palatal ulcer. Figure 3. Case 3: Gingival swelling left palate.
initially diagnosed by oral histopathologists undergo malignant transformation or the soft palate and oropharynx), the
and confirmed by a specialist pathology manifest systemic signs of disseminated palate, maxilla and mandible.5 The most
lymphoma team using both morphological disease. NHL make up the majority of important factors affecting prognosis
and immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of NHL oral cavity lymphomas which are of oral lymphoma are the histological
the tissue samples. The histological features mostly DLBCL,2 as was the case for the classification subtype and clinical stage
of lymphoma are highly variable. patients in this case study. Studies have at presentation.6 For oral lymphoma,
reported 58% of oral lymphomas are intra- or extra-bony presentation does not
DLBCL, have a mean age at presentation appear to have an effect on the prognostic
Discussion of 62−71 years and have an aggressive outcome.7 Oral lymphoma may present
Lymphoma makes up a small phenotype with a poor long-term as a solitary focus, but more commonly
but not insignficant proportion of oral prognosis.2,4 The most common oral site it may be a presenting manifestation of
malignancies. The oral cavity contains a is Waldeyer’s ring (an arch of lymphoid systemic and widespread disease, as was
large volume of lymphoid tissue which may tissue at the posterior junction of seen in some of the patients in this study,
642 DentalUpdate July/August 2018
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