Dangote CPP

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The document provides an operating manual for the balance of plant facilities of a captive power plant for a refinery and petrochemicals project. It outlines the process flow, equipment details, operating procedures, and testing/sampling methods.

The operating manual is intended to provide general guidelines for routine start-up and operation of the balance of plant facilities. It should be treated as a supplementary document and more specific equipment manuals should be referred to for detailed specifications and procedures.

The balance of plant facilities include utilities like steam generation, power generation, pressure reduction equipment, and de-superheaters to support the refinery operations.


Rev A

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Template No. 5-0000-0001-T2 Rev. 1 Copy right EIL – All rights reserved
OPERATING MANUAL Doc No. A545-02-42-SOI-1680
Rev A


This operating manual for Captive Power Plant – Balance of Plant facilities of M/s
DORC has been prepared by M/s Engineers India Limited.

Operating procedures & conditions given in this manual are indicative. These should
be treated as general guide only for routine start-up and operation of the unit. The
actual operating parameters and procedures may require minor
modifications/changes from those contained in this manual as more experience is
gained in operation of the Plant.

For detailed specifications and operating procedures of specific equipment,

corresponding Vendor's operating manuals/instructions need to be referred in
addition to Process Package and Design Basis.

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OPERATING MANUAL Doc No. A545-02-42-SOI-1680
Rev A

FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................ 2
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Refinery Overview................................................................................................. 10
1.2 Process Objective ................................................................................................. 11
1.3 Process Chemistry ................................................................................................ 11
2 PLANT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 13
2.1 Capacity of the Plant ............................................................................................. 13
2.2 On Stream Factor ................................................................................................. 13
2.3 Turn Down Ratio ................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Feed Specifications............................................................................................... 13
2.5 Product Specifications .......................................................................................... 20
2.6 Material Balance / Stream Data ............................................................................ 20
2.7 Equipment List of the Unit ..................................................................................... 20
2.8 Battery Limit Summary Including Utilities .............................................................. 21
2.9 Effluent Summary ................................................................................................. 22
2.10 Flare Load Summary ............................................................................................ 22
3 PROCESS FLOW DESCRIPTION ........................................................................... 24
3.1 VHP Steam Generation & Consumption/ Distribution ............................................ 24
3.2 HP/ MP/ LP Steam Generation & Consumption/ Distribution ................................. 27
3.3 Power Generation ................................................................................................. 29
3.4 Pressure Reduction and De-super heaters ........................................................... 31
3.5 DM Water/ Condensate Storage & Transfer .......................................................... 34
3.6 Deaerators ............................................................................................................ 35
3.7 VHP BFW Transfer & Distribution ......................................................................... 37
3.8 HP BFW Transfer & Distribution............................................................................ 37
3.9 MP BFW Transfer & Distribution ........................................................................... 38
3.10 HSD Storage & Distribution................................................................................... 38
3.11 LCO/ IFO-2 Storage & Distribution ........................................................................ 39
3.12 CLO/ IFO-1 Storage & Distribution ........................................................................ 40
3.13 Natural Gas/ Fuel Gas Handling & Distribution ..................................................... 41
3.14 Propane Handling & Distribution ........................................................................... 42
3.15 UB SCAPH and BFW Pre Heater Condensate Handling ....................................... 43
3.16 Atmospheric / LP Condensate Handling................................................................ 44
3.17 Cooling Water Distribution .................................................................................... 44

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OPERATING MANUAL Doc No. A545-02-42-SOI-1680
Rev A

3.18 DM Water Distribution ........................................................................................... 45

3.19 Service Water Distribution..................................................................................... 45
3.20 Instrument Air/ Plant Air/ Breathing Air Distribution ............................................... 45
3.21 Nitrogen Distribution ............................................................................................. 46
3.22 Closed Blow down (CBD) Handling ....................................................................... 46
3.23 HRSG/ Boiler Blow down Handling ....................................................................... 46
3.24 Chemical Handling ................................................................................................ 47
3.25 Flare Distribution ................................................................................................... 47
4 OPERATING VARIABLE & PROCESS CONTROL .................................................. 49
4.1 Steam System ...................................................................................................... 50
4.1.1. VHP Steam Header Pressure/ Flow .................................................................. 50
4.1.2. VHP Steam Temperature .................................................................................. 53
4.1.3. HP Steam Header Pressure/ Flow ..................................................................... 53
4.1.4. HP Steam Temperature..................................................................................... 54
4.1.5. MP Steam Header Pressure/ Flow .................................................................... 54
4.1.6. MP Steam Temperature .................................................................................... 55
4.1.7. LP Steam Header Pressure/ Flow ..................................................................... 56
4.2 DM Water/ Condensate System ............................................................................ 56
4.2.1 DM Water/ Condensate Storage Tank Level ..................................................... 56
4.2.2 Atmospheric Condensate Flash Drum Level ...................................................... 57
4.2.3 LP Condensate Collection Drum Level .............................................................. 57
4.2.4 UB Atmospheric Condensate Flash Drum Level ................................................ 57
4.3 Deaerator System ................................................................................................. 57
4.3.1 Deaerator Storage Tank Level ........................................................................... 57
4.3.2 Deaerator Pressure Control ............................................................................... 58
4.4 Fuel Handling System ........................................................................................... 58
4.4.1 Fuel Availability ................................................................................................. 58
4.4.2 CLO Heater Outlet Temperature & CLO Heater Condensate Pot Level ............. 59
4.4.3 NG Heater Outlet Temperature & NG Heater Condensate Pot Level ................. 59
4.4.4 NG Header Pressure/ Flow to UB‟s/ HRSG‟s .................................................... 60
4.4.5 Vaporised Propane Pressure/ Flow to UB‟s/ HRSG‟s ........................................ 60
4.4.6 LCO Header Pressure to GTG‟s ........................................................................ 60
4.4.7 LCO Heater Outlet Temperature ....................................................................... 61
4.4.8 HSD Header Pressure to GTG‟s ........................................................................ 61
4.5 Nitrogen Blanketing System .................................................................................. 61
4.5.1 DM Water/ Condensate Storage Tank Blanketing ............................................. 61

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OPERATING MANUAL Doc No. A545-02-42-SOI-1680
Rev A

4.5.2 HSD Storage Tank Blanketing ........................................................................... 61

4.5.3 LCO Storage Tank Blanketing ........................................................................... 62
4.5.4 IFO/CLO Storage Tank Blanketing .................................................................... 62
5 UTILITIES AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES ............................................................ 64
5.1 Utility Specifications and Requirement .................................................................. 64
5.2 Estimated Utility Summary .................................................................................... 66
5.3 Interconnectivity of unit along with Offsite and Utility ............................................. 66
5.3.1 Unit to Unit (Within block / OSBL unit) ............................................................... 66
5.3.2 Unit to / from Utility ............................................................................................ 66
5.4 Description of Utility Systems OWS, CRWS, CBD, FG, FO, FLO, Flare KOD & Mist
Oil Lubrication Description ............................................................................................... 66
5.4.1 Flare System ..................................................................................................... 66
5.4.2 OWS ................................................................................................................. 67
5.4.3 CRWS ............................................................................................................... 67
5.4.4 Closed Blowdown System ................................................................................. 67
5.4.5 Mist Oil Lubrication System ............................................................................... 67
5.4.6 Flushing Oil System .......................................................................................... 67
6 PRECOMMISSIONING PROCEDURE ..................................................................... 69
6.1 System Philosophy ............................................................................................... 69
6.2 Format Philosophy ................................................................................................ 70
6.2.1 FORMAT- I (Intimation Regarding System Completion) .................................... 70
6.2.2 FORMAT- II (Checklist) ..................................................................................... 70
6.2.3 FORMAT- III (Ready for Pre-Commissioning Certificate) ................................... 70
6.2.4 FORMAT- IV (Ready for Commissioning Certificate) ......................................... 71
6.2.5 FORMAT- V (Completion of Commissioning Certificate) ................................... 71
6.3 Pre-Commissioning Activities (General) ................................................................ 72
6.3.1 Vessel Inspection ............................................................................................. 72
6.3.2 Inspection of Other Major Equipment .............................................................. 73
6.3.3 Piping and Instrument Check .......................................................................... 74
6.3.4 Hydrostatic Testing .......................................................................................... 74
6.3.5 Line Flushing .................................................................................................... 75
6.3.6 Run-in of Pumps and Drivers .......................................................................... 76
6.3.7 Servicing and Calibration of Instruments ........................................................ 78
6.3.8 Commissioning of Plant Service ...................................................................... 80 Availability Check of Chemicals and Other Materials ......................................... 81 Plant Pressure Test ........................................................................................... 81 Air Freeing......................................................................................................... 81

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Rev A
DORC-LEKKI,NIGERIA Page 6 of 161 Commissioning of Additional Plant Services ...................................................... 82

6.3.9 Line flushing, Air Drying, Cardboard Blasting, Steam blowing& Pigging with
necessary Check List. ..................................................................................................... 83
6.3.10 Chemical Cleaning ............................................................................................ 87
6.3.11 Pumps ............................................................................................................... 88
6.3.12 Steam Turbine ................................................................................................... 90
7 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE ............................................................................ 92
7.1 Ready for Commissioning ..................................................................................... 92
7.2 Piping .................................................................................................................... 93
7.3 Tanks .................................................................................................................... 95
7.4 Pumps .................................................................................................................. 97
7.4.1 Centrifugal Pumps.............................................................................................. 97
7.4.2 Positive Displacement Pumps .............................................................................. 101
7.5 Instrumentation ................................................................................................... 103
7.6 Relief Valves ....................................................................................................... 104
7.7 Chemical Inventory .............................................................................................. 104
7.8 Pipe Cleaning and Flushing ................................................................................. 104
7.9 Water Flushing .................................................................................................... 105
7.10 Air Blowing .......................................................................................................... 105
7.11 Air Blasting .......................................................................................................... 106
7.12 Steam Flushing.................................................................................................... 106
7.13 Tightness Test ..................................................................................................... 106
7.14 Drying ................................................................................................................. 107
7.15 Purging and Inerting............................................................................................. 107
7.16 Functional Test .................................................................................................... 108
7.16.1 Motors ............................................................................................................. 108
7.16.2 Pumps ............................................................................................................. 109
7.16.3 Instruments ..................................................................................................... 109
8 NORMAL START UP PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 112
8.1 Sequence of CPP Start-up .................................................................................. 112
8.2 Utility Required for CPP Operation from OSBL ................................................... 112
8.3 Normal Operating checks.................................................................................... 113
8.4 Start-up of Fuel Oil System within CPP (HSD, CLO and LCO) ............................ 113
8.5 Start-up of Natural Gas/ Fuel Gas/ Propane System within CPP......................... 114
8.6 Start-up of DM Water/ Condensate Storage/ Deaerator/ BFW System within CPP
8.7 Start-up of Chemical Dosing System within CPP ................................................ 115

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OPERATING MANUAL Doc No. A545-02-42-SOI-1680
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8.8 Start-up of Pumps within CPP ............................................................................. 115

9 NORMAL SHUTDOWN .......................................................................................... 118
10 EMERGENCYPROCEDURE .............................................................................. 121
10.1 General ............................................................................................................... 121
10.2 Explosion, Fire, Line Rupture .............................................................................. 121
10.3 Leaking Valves or Vessels .................................................................................. 122
10.4 Power Failure...................................................................................................... 122
10.5 Instrument Air Failure.......................................................................................... 122
10.6 Cooling Water ..................................................................................................... 122
10.7 Loss of DM Water/ Pure Condensate/ Polished Condensate ............................... 123
10.8 Loss of Fuel ........................................................................................................ 123
11 GENERAL EQUIPMENT OPERATING PROCEDURES ..................................... 125
11.1 General ............................................................................................................... 125
11.2 Centrifugal Pumps .............................................................................................. 125
11.3 Positive Displacement Pumps ............................................................................. 128
11.4 Heat Exchangers ................................................................................................ 129
11.5 Electrical Power System Description ................................................................... 131
12 INSTRUMENTATION ......................................................................................... 135
13 UNIT SAFE GUARDING SYSTEM ..................................................................... 137
13.1 General ............................................................................................................... 137
13.2 Alarm & Trip Summary ........................................................................................ 137
13.3 Process Safe Guarding Devices ......................................................................... 137
14 TROUBLE SHOOTING ....................................................................................... 140
15 CATALYSTS AND CHEMICALS ......................................................................... 142
15.1 Catalyst............................................................................................................... 142
15.2 Chemicals ........................................................................................................... 142
16 HEALTH, FIRE AND SAFETY ............................................................................ 144
16.1 General ............................................................................................................... 144
16.2 Toxicity of Chemicals and Catalysts .................................................................... 145
16.3 Explosive Limits and Auto-ignition Temperatures ................................................ 147
16.4 Gas Detection System ........................................................................................ 147
16.5 Fire Fighting System ........................................................................................... 147
16.6 Presence of Sour gas (H2S) and Safety precautions .......................................... 147
16.7 Precautions for entering a Contaminated or Inert Atmosphere ............................ 147
16.8 Fire water system................................................................................................ 148
16.9 Safety Showers and Eye Washers ...................................................................... 149

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16.10 Confined Space Entry...................................................................................... 149

16.11 Breathing Air system ....................................................................................... 152
16.12 Handling of Chemicals..................................................................................... 153
17 LABORATORY SAMPLING ................................................................................ 157
17.1 General ............................................................................................................... 157
17.2 Sample Schedules/Approved Test Methods ....................................................... 159
18 LIST OF ANNEXURES ....................................................................................... 161
18.1 Refinery Layout Plan........................................................................................... 161
18.2 Unit Plot Plan ...................................................................................................... 161
18.3 Cause and Effect Diagram .................................................................................. 161
18.4 MSDS (All Chemicals and Catalysts) .................................................................. 161
18.5 P&ID (CPP Balance of Plant Facilities) ............................................................... 161
18.6 Equipment Operating Conditions ........................................................................ 161
18.7 Interconnectivity of CPP with other Units ............................................................ 161
18.8 Hazardous Area Classification ............................................................................ 161
18.9 Process Data Sheets of Equipment .................................................................... 161
18.10 Process Data Sheets of Main Control Valve .................................................... 161
18.11 Fire Water System Layout ............................................................................... 161
18.12 F&G Layout ..................................................................................................... 161
18.13 Control Valve List ............................................................................................ 161
18.14 LO/LC Valve List ............................................................................................. 161
18.15 Material Balance / Stream Summary (HMBD).................................................. 161
18.16 Equipment List................................................................................................. 161
18.17 Effluent Summary ............................................................................................ 161
18.18 Utility Summary ............................................................................................... 161
18.19 Blind List.......................................................................................................... 161
18.20 Alarm and Trip Summary ................................................................................. 161
18.21 Catalysts and Chemicals ................................................................................. 161
18.22 PSV Datasheet ................................................................................................ 161
18.23 Mark Up P&ID for Chemical Cleaning .............................................................. 161
18.24 Test Methods & Sampling Schedule ................................................................ 161
18.25 Push Button List .............................................................................................. 161
18.26 Battery Limit Conditions for GTG/ HRSG/ UB/ STG ......................................... 161
18.27 Flare Load Summary ....................................................................................... 161

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OPERATING MANUAL Doc No. A545-02-42-SOI-1680
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1.1 Refinery Overview
Dangote Oil Refining Company Ltd (DORC) is setting up a state-of-the-art refinery complex
in the Lekki Free Zone (LFZ), Nigeria. The refinery plans to produce gasoline, diesel,
kerosene, LPG, polypropylene and sulfur for the local market and export the surplus, if any.
The complex shall comprise of 650,000 BPSD crude oil refinery processing unit, product and
crude oil transfer facilities, tank farm for crude oil and intermediate / product storage, and an
associated effluent treatment facilities.

The proposed Dangote Refinery Plant Complex includes plant site area, pipeline system,
harbor area and access road. The processing facilities will comprise of following process
o Crude Distillation Unit (Unit No. 101)
o Sat. Gas Conc. Unit (Unit No. 102)
o Sat. LPG Merox Unit (Unit No. 103)
o Kerosene Merox Unit (Unit No. 104)

o Reactor - Regenerator Section (Unit No. 111)
o Main Column Section (Unit No. 112)
o UOP Gas Concentration Unit (Unit No. 113)
o Propylene Recovery Unit (Unit No. 114)
o Power Recovery System (Unit No. 115)
o Unsaturated LPG Merox Unit (Unit No. 116)
o C5 Extraction Merox Unit (Unit No. 132)


o MHC Unicracking Unit (Unit No. 121)


o RFCC Gasoline Desulphurisation Unit (Unit No. 133)


o Butamer Unit (Unit No. 141)
o Sulphuric Acid Alkylation Unit (Unit No. 142)
o Sulphuric Acid Regeneration Process (Unit No. 143)

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o Huels Selective Hydrogenation Unit (Unit No. 144)

o Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit (Unit No. 151)
o CCR Platforming Unit (Unit No. 152)
o CCR – Regen Section (Unit No. 153)
o Penex Process Unit (Unit No. 155)

o Hydrogen Generation Unit Train-I & II (Unit No. 161 & 162)

o Poly Propylene Unit Train – I & II (Unit No. 171 & 172)

o Non-Phenolic Sour Water Stripper (Unit No. 181)
o Phenolic Sour Water Stripper (Unit No. 182)
o Amine Regeneration Unit (Unsaturated) (Unit No. 183)
o Amine Regeneration Unit (Saturated) (Unit No. 184)
o Sulphur Recovery Unit – I & II (Unit No. 185 & 186)


1.2 Process Objective

The purpose of the Captive Power Plant is to produce power, steam and boiler feed water
for the refinery consumers.

1.3 Process Chemistry

Not Applicable.

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OPERATING MANUAL Doc No. A545-02-42-SOI-1680
Rev A

2.1 Capacity of the Plant
The major components of captive power plant and their design capacities are as follows:
 8 + 0 Frame-6 equivalent GTGs of 35.5 MW each. (Net Power Export at site)
 8 + 0 HRSGs each of 110 TPH of VHP steam generation capacity
 3 + 1 STGs each of 31 MW extraction (HP & MP) cum condensing. Each STG
extraction shall be VHP to HP (90 TPH max) + MP (180 TPH max) and condensing
(47 TPH max)
 3 + 1 utility boilers, each of 400 TPH of VHP steam generation capacity

2.2 On Stream Factor

CPP is designed to operate throughout the year. Standby equipment‟s are provided to take
care of the scheduled equipment maintenance as recommended by individual equipment

2.3 Turn Down Ratio

Not Applicable. If the steam, power and BFW demand of the complex decreases the number
of working equipment‟s in CPP shall be decreased to cater to the same. For turndown of
GTG, Utility Boiler, HRSG and STG within CPP, refer respective package vendor‟s
specification/ O&M manual.

2.4 Feed Specifications

CPP receives the following streams at its battery limit:
 DM Water
 Polished Condensate
 Pure Condensate
 High Speed Diesel (HSD)
 Light Cycle Oil (LCO) / IFO-2
 Clarified Oil (CLO) / IFO-1
 Natural Gas
 Fuel Gas
 Liquid Propane

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OPERATING MANUAL Doc No. A545-02-42-SOI-1680
Rev A

DM Water Specifications:


1. pH 6.5 - 7.0
2. Conductivity at 20 oC µmho/cm < 0.2
3. Total hardness ppm Nil
4. Total Suspended Solids ppm Nil
5. Total (reactive) Silica as SiO2 ppm 0.02 (Max)
6. Turbidity NTU Nil
7. Total Iron as Fe ppm 0.03 (Max)
8. KMnO4 value at 100deg C ppm 1 (Max)
9. Total Copper as Cu ppm 0.003 (Max)
10. Sodium as Na ppm 0.01 (Max)
11. Oil ppm Nil
12. Total dissolved solids ppm 0.1

Pure Condensate / Polished Condensate Specifications:


1. pH - 6.5-7.0
2. Turbidity, NTU (5 min settled) NTU NIL
3. Total suspended solids mg/l NIL
4. Total dissolved solids mg/l 0.1
5. Conductivity@20 DEG C µmho/cm <0.2
6. Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l Nil
7. Total reactive Silica as SiO2 mg/l <0.02
8. Total Colloidal Silica as SiO2 mg/l <0.005
9. Sodium as Na mg/l 0.01 max.
10. Total Iron mg/l <0.005
11. Chlorides as Cl mg/ l <0.005
12. Total Copper, mg/l 0.003 max.
13. KMnO4 value at 100 DEG C, mg/l 1 max
14. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) mg/ l Nil

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High Speed Diesel (HSD) Specifications:

S. No Parameter Diesel from MHC

1. Specific Gravity 0.8262 to 0.8368
2. Gravity, API 37.59 to 39.76
3. Sulphur, wt-ppm <1
4. Aromatics, wt-% 5 to 8
5. D4737 Cetane Index 55.2 to 65.7
6. Cetane Number 51 to 60.7
7. PM Flash Point, oC 76 to 112
8. Cloud Point, oC -2 to -6
9. Viscosity @40 oC, cSt 2.599 to 3.390
10. CFPP, C o
-4 to -8

Light Cycle Oil (LCO) / IFO-2 Specifications:

Parameter IFO-2 Light Cycle

UOM (60 wt% LCO + 40 wt% Hdt Oil
No. Name
Diesel) (LCO)
1. Sp. Gravity @ 15 Deg C 0.899 0.9974
2. ºAPI 25.897 10.37
3. Sulfur content wt% 0.27982 0.4657
4. Carbon wt% 90.7
5. Hydrogen wt% 8.7
6. Nitrogen content (total) wppm 1100 1771
7. Nickel content wppm nil nil
8. Vanadium content wppm nil nil
9. Sodium content wppm nil nil
10. Copper content wppm nil nil
11. Calcium content wppm nil nil
12. Potassium content wppm nil nil
13. Flash point 67.6 102
14. Pour point -10.5

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Parameter IFO-2 Light Cycle

UOM (60 wt% LCO + 40 wt% Hdt Oil
No. Name
Diesel) (LCO)
15. Pour point (summer) -10.5
1.4 – 3.2 at 99
Kinematic Viscosity at 100 C
16. cst
Deg C 6.66 – 9.2 at
6.3 – 7.6 @ 40°C
40 C
Kinematic Viscosity at 150
17. cst 0.85
Deg C
Conradson Carbon
18. wt% 0 0
Residue, max

Clarified Oil (CLO) / IFO-1 Specifications:

Parameter IFO-1 Slurry Oil

UOM (15.4 wt% CLO + 84.6 wt% (CLO)
No. Name
Hdt Diesel)
1. Sp. Gravity @ 15 Deg C 0.836 1.1284
2. ºAPI 37.76 -6.1
3. Sulfur content wt% 0.190266 1.23
4. Carbon wt% 90.08
5. Hydrogen wt% 7.59
6. Nitrogen content (total) wppm 1700 11013
7. Nickel content wppm 20.6 134
8. Vanadium content wppm 3.4 22
9. Sodium content wppm nil nil
10. Copper content wppm nil nil
11. Calcium content wppm nil nil
12. Potassium content wppm nil nil
13. Flash point 60.3 137.7
14. Pour point 10

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Parameter IFO-1 Slurry Oil

UOM (15.4 wt% CLO + 84.6 wt% (CLO)
No. Name
Hdt Diesel)
15. Pour point (summer) 10
Kinematic Viscosity at 100
16. cst 2.7 – 2.9 @ 100°C 20.8
Deg C
Kinematic Viscosity at 150
17. cst 5.4
Deg C
Conradson Carbon
18. wt% 0.92 6
Residue, max

Natural Gas Specifications:

S. No. Parameter Natural Gas

Volume % (unless otherwise specifically mentioned)
1. Nitrogen 0.19
2. Carbon Dioxide 5.06
3. Methane 86.65
4. Ethane 5.53
5. Propane 1.54
6. n-Butane 0.31
7. Iso-Butane 0.32
8. n-Pentane 0.06
9. Iso-Pentane 0.11
10. Hexane 0.12
11. Heptane 0.11
12. Hydrogen Sulfide 4 ppmv
13. Water *
14. Molecular Weight 19.23
* - The water content value is based on 99.99% filtration efficiency of 3 micron and above
liquid droplet size achieved by Filter Separator in NG Treatment Skid.

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Fuel Gas Specifications:

Composition of Fuel gas / Natural gas

Case 2A Case 6A
No. Parameter
Unsat + Sat UnSat Unsat + Sat Unsat
Volume % Volume % Volume % Volume %
1. Hydrogen 41.3 34.84 39.8 33.63
2. Nitrogen 7.58 9.65 6.96 8.69
3. CO2 0.84 1.07 0.79 0.99
4. CO 0.33 0.41 0.30 0.37
5. O2
6. H2O 0.62 0.55 0.61 0.55
7. Methane 23.86 25.86 26.17 28.21
8. Ethane 12.60 11.88 13.31 13.04
9. Ethylene 11.39 14.51 10.67 13.33
10. Propane 0.51 0.10 0.44 0.09
11. Propene 0.66 0.85 0.68 0.85
12. i-Butane 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.04
13. n-Butane 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
14. i-Butene 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
15. 1-Butene 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02
16. tr2-Butene 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03
17. cis2-Butene 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
18. i-Pentane 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02
19. 2M-1-Butene 0.01
20. 2M-2 Butene 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Pentane and higher
22. C6 (+) Product 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.06
100 (ppm by 100 (ppm by 100 (ppm by 100 (ppm by
23. H2S
vol) vol) vol) vol)
Total Sulphur including
25. Molecular Weight 15.08 16.50 15.16 16.50

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Liquid Propane Specifications:

S. No. Parameter
Volume %
1. Hydrogen
2. Nitrogen
3. CO2
4. CO
5. O2
6. H2O 0.01
7. Methane
8. Ethane 0.88
9. Ethylene
10. Propane 93.33
11. Propene 3.83
12. i-Butane 1.15
13. n-Butane 0.05
14. i-Butene 0.01
15. 1-Butene 0.75
16. tr2-Butene
17. cis2-Butene
18. i-Pentane
19. 2M-1-Butene
20. 2M-2 Butene
21. Pentane and higher hydrocarbon
22. C6 (+) Product
23. H2S
24. Total Sulphur including H2S
25. Molecular Weight 44.06

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2.5 Product Specifications

CPP produce Very High Pressure (VHP), High Pressure (HP), Medium Pressure (MP) and
Low Pressure (LP) Steam. The generated steam quality shall adhere to following

S. No. Parameter Unit Specification

1. pH >8.3
2. Cation Conductivity at 25 oC mho/cm < 0.2
3. Total Fe mg/l <0.02
4. Copper mg/l <0.003
5. Total Silica SiO2 mg/l <0.02
6. Na + K mg/l <0.01

CPP also produce Boiler Feed Water (BFW) at Very High Pressure (VHP), High Pressure
(HP) and Medium Pressure (MP) levels. VHP BFW is utilised internally within CPP whereas
HP BFW and MP BFW are exported outside battery limit for refinery complex use. The BFW
quality shall adhere to following specifications:

S. No. Parameter Unit Specification

1. pH 8.5 – 9.5
2. Turbidity NTU Nil
3. Total Suspended Solids mg/l Nil
4. Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 0.5 (max.)
5. Conductivity at 20 Deg C mho/cm 1 (max.)
6. Total Silica as SiO2 mg/l 0.02 (max.)
7. Dissolved Oxygen ppmv 0.007
8. Total Iron mg/l 0.03 (max.)
9. Total Copper mg/l 0.003

2.6 Material Balance / Stream Data

Annexed. Refer Annexure 18.15

2.7 Equipment List of the Unit

Annexed. Refer Annexure 18.16

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2.8 Battery Limit Summary Including Utilities

Battery Limit connection for CPP unit is given below:


2 2
(Deg C) (Kg/cm g) (Deg C) (Kg/cm g)
Incoming Streams
1. HSD (Gr-A) 38 5.0 120 37.0 FO-680-5101
2. HSD (Gr-B) 38 5.0 120 37.0 FO-680-5104
3. Diesel/ LCO 45 5.0 65 19.0 FO-680-5201
4. IFO-1/CLO 80 5.0 100 17.5 FO-680-5501
5. Natural Gas 38 38.0 – 40.0 70 49.0 NG-680-6001
6. Fuel Gas 38 – 40 4.0 – 5.0 120 10.0 FG-680-6301
7. Liquid Propane Ambient 16.0 65 45.06 P-680-6501
(from offsites)
8. Liquid Propane Ambient 16.0 65 45.06 P-680-6505
(from rundown
9. Hot DM Water 75 5.0 90 16.34 WDM-680-3105
(from RFCC)
10. Hot DM Water 63 5.0 78 16.34 WDM-680-3101
(from CDU)
11. Polished 60 – 90 5.0 125 15.0 CL-680-3101
12. Pure 90 2.7 125 15.0 CL-680-3401
13. Cooling Water 33 5.0 65 10.0 WCS-680-2501
14. Emergency 33 5.0 65 10.0 WCS-680-2541
Cooling Water
15. Plant Air Ambient 7.5 – 8.5 65 10.5 AP-680-2702
16. Instrument Air Ambient 6.0 – 8.0 65 10.5 AI-680-2702
17. Breathing Air Ambient 7.5 – 8.5 65 10.5 AB-680-2701
18. Nitrogen 38 5.0 – 7.5 65 10.5 N-680-2801
19. Cold DM Water Ambient 5.0 65 16.34 WDM-680-2901
20. Service Water Ambient 5.0 65 12.0 WS-680-3001
21. Flushing Oil 45 5.0 65 19.0 FLO-680-5901

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2 2
(Deg C) (Kg/cm g) (Deg C) (Kg/cm g)
Outgoing Streams
1. VHP Steam 505 104.0 525 116.0 / FV SVH-680-1102
2. HP Steam 400 43.0 425 52.0 / FV SH-680-1501
3. MP Steam 280 16.0 350 24.0 / FV SM-680-1802
4. LP Steam 190 5.5 250 10.0 / FV SL-680-2001
5. Suspect 90 8.5 120 12.0 CL-680-2402
6. Surface 55 7.0 125 15.0 CL-680-2410
7. Cooling Water 45 2.5 65 10.0 WCR-680-2501
8. Boiler Blow 60 8.0 75 18.0 BD-680-2601
9. HP Boiler Feed 125 – 130 72.8 145 92.0 WB-680-4006
10. MP Boiler Feed 125 – 130 31.0 150 42.0 WB-680-4302
11. Flare Ambient – 125 0.1 – 1.7 120 3.5 FL-680-7202
12. Closed Blow Ambient – 120 8.2 200 19.9 P-680-7401

1. Battery limit conditions for following vendor packages shall be as per Annexure 18.26
 Gas Turbine Generator
 Utility Boiler
 Heat Recovery Steam Generator
 Steam Turbine Generator

2.9 Effluent Summary

Annexed. Refer Annexure 18.17

2.10 Flare Load Summary

The flare load summary is annexed. Refer Annexure 18.27

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The unit consists of the following sections:

1. VHP Steam Generation & Consumption / Distribution
2. HP/ MP/ LP Steam Generation & Consumption/ Distribution
3. Power Generation
4. Pressure Reduction & De-super heaters
5. DM Water/ Condensate Storage & Transfer
6. Deaerators
7. VHP BFW Transfer & Distribution
8. HP BFW Transfer & Distribution
9. MP BFW Transfer & Distribution
10. HSD Storage & Distribution
11. LCO/ IFO-2 Storage & Distribution
12. CLO/ IFO-1 Storage & Distribution
13. Natural Gas/ Fuel Gas Handling & Distribution
14. Propane Handling & Distribution
15. UB SCAPH & BFW Pre heater Condensate Handling
16. Atmospheric/ LP Condensate Handling
17. Cooling Water Distribution
18. DM Water Distribution
19. Service Water Distribution
20. Instrument Air/ Plant Air/ Breathing Air Distribution
21. Nitrogen Distribution
22. Closed Blow Down Collection & Handling
23. HRSG/ Boiler Blow Down Handling
24. Chemical Handling
25. Flare Distribution

3.1 VHP Steam Generation & Consumption/ Distribution

Steam System
Steam is consumed in the refinery and petrochemical complex at four levels, viz. Very High
Pressure (VHP) steam, High Pressure (HP) Steam, Medium Pressure (MP) Steam, and Low
Pressure (LP) Steam. Steam is also generated at three levels (except VHP) within process
units / facilities of refinery complex either in process steam generators or through steam
turbines already considered for process & utility system`s pump / compressor drives.
Steam is used in the various units mainly for the following purposes:

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 Process use (Chemical reaction, stripping steam etc.)

 Steam drives for some of the compressors / pumps
 As heating medium for steam heated exchangers
 Fuel oil atomization
 Steam tracing of lines (as required) / Tankage heating
 De-aeration
 Intermittent requirement like snuffing, soot blowing, decoking, purging etc.
 Air conditioning units for control rooms.

VHP Steam Generation

VHP steam is generated in CPP through 8 numbers of Heat Recovery Steam Generators
and 4 numbers of Utility Boilers.

VHP Steam from HRSG’s:

HRSG recovers the waste heat available in Gas Turbine exhaust gas. The recovered heat is
used to generate steam at high pressure and high temperature. The HRSG is primarily a
heat exchanger composed of series of pre-heaters/ economizers, evaporators, re-heaters
and super heaters. HRSG also has supplementary firing in the duct to ensure production of
steam at rated conditions in case of heat load fluctuation in waste gases coming from GTG
depending on power generated from each GTG.

Eight numbers of HRSG‟s are provided in the captive power plant. Each HRSG is designed
to generate 110 TPH of VHP steam at 107 kg/cm2g pressure and 520 deg C at battery limit.
HRSG‟s are designed to achieve the same at 65% of base load of GTG to 35.5 MW net
power from GTG at all ambient temperatures and for all fuels. HRSG turndown during GTG
load of 35.5 MW net power shall be 80 TPH or below meeting VHP steam parameters for all
fuels (package vendor‟s manual shall be referred).

The supplementary fuels used in HRSG are as follows:

 Main fuel : Natural gas/Propane
 Alternate fuel : LCO/ IFO-2 (LCO + Diesel blend), Fuel gas
 Start-up fuel for pilot : Natural gas, LPG cylinder

Detailed process description of steam generation and components of HRSG shall be

provided by HRSG supplier in HRSG‟s operating manual (to be prepared by M/s Thermax).

VHP Steam from Utility Boiler’s:

Utility Boilers burn fuel and produce steam. Utility Boilers are typically water tube type, i.e.,
combustion takes place in enclosed furnace and heat is transferred from furnace to water in
the tubes. Four numbers of UB‟s are provided in the captive power plant. Each boiler is

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designed to generate 400 TPH of VHP steam at 107 kg/cm2g pressure and 520 deg C at
battery limit. Utility Boiler turndown is 30% of Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) on super
heater temperature control and automatic combustion control mode of operation for gaseous
fuels, whereas for liquid fuel, it is 40% of MCR on super heater temperature control mode
and 30% of MCR on automatic combustion control mode of operation.

The fuels used in Utility Boiler are as follows:

 Main fuel : CLO / IFO-1 (CLO + Diesel blend)
 Alternate fuel : Natural Gas / LCO/ IFO-2 (LCO + Diesel blend)/
Fuel gas / Propane
 Start-up fuel for pilot : Natural gas/ Propane/ LPG cylinder

Detailed process description of steam generation and components of Utility Boiler shall be
provided by UB supplier in UB‟s operating manual (to be prepared by M/s Thermax).

Emergency steam
During total power failure, to facilitate safe shutdown / quick re-start of refinery and supply
emergency steam to critical consumers, single utility boiler will be designed to continue to
operate even during power failure.

For this operation all corresponding utility required for boiler operation must be ready even in
total power failure. Cooling water for the bearing cooling of devices operating during a power
failure is provided through a separate emergency cooling water header. This header is
served by cooling water pumps operated with steam turbines. This cooling water header
remains operational even during a power failure. Instrument air shall be provided through
separate header to CPP which shall also meet the emergency requirement during power

The emergency operating provisions are provided in all four boilers; however, during
emergency only one boiler shall be operating. However, as the steam network is common for
all consumers, to prioritize the steam to emergency consumers steam shedding in non-
emergency consumers shall be considered.

VHP Steam Consumption & Distribution:

VHP Steam produced from UB‟s and HRSG‟s is consumed within CPP for following purpose:
 Internally within CPP for production of HP Steam and MP Steam through Steam
Turbine Generators

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In addition to the above, VHP steam is also consumed in RFCC unit as motive fluid for
turbine drives.

VHP Steam is distributed to Pressure Reducing & De-superheating system (PRDS). Three
numbers of PRDS are provided for converting VHP steam to HP Steam and three numbers
for converting VHP steam to MP Steam. VHP steam is distributed to OBSL (to RFCC unit)
through a 36” header.

VHP Steam Header Pressure Control

Steam generation processes often have multiple boilers that feed a common steam header.
When steam is needed anywhere in the plant, the load is drawn from this common header.
With so many uses, steam load can vary significantly and unpredictably with time in a plant.
The individual boilers must generate and feed steam to the common header at a rate that
matches these load draws. Controlling the main steam header to a constant pressure
provides an important stabilizing influence to plant-wide operation.

Therefore, it is prudent to provide a single pressure controller on a common header that

controls a firing demand for all the Utility Boilers and HRSGs irrespective of their individual
controllers. This steam pressure controller is referred to as the Master Controller (PIC-1101)
having a required set point of 107 kg/cm2 (g). The description of the steam header pressure
control is elaborated in control philosophy section.

3.2 HP/ MP/ LP Steam Generation & Consumption/ Distribution

HP Steam Generation:
HP steam is generated within CPP through Steam Turbine Generators (STG). Four numbers
of STG‟s – Double extraction cum condensing type are provided within CPP. VHP steam is
fed to the STG to extract HP steam, MP steam and also condensed thereby producing
incidental power. A steam turbine generator is a rotary machine having a rotating wheel to
which is secured a series of buckets, blades or vanes, uniformly spaced on its periphery.
Steam from nozzles or guide passages are directed continuously against these buckets,
blades or vanes, thus causing their rotation and thereby it‟s shaft which is connected to an
electrical generator to produce incidental power. Further HP steam demand can also be met
through three numbers of VHP to HP PRDS in the scenario when STG‟s are not available.

Detailed process description of power generation and components of STG shall be provided
by STG supplier in STG‟s operating manual (to be prepared by M/s HTC).

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HP Steam Consumption & Distribution:

HP Steam is consumed within CPP for following purposes:
 In two number of HP to LP turbine drives for driving VHP BFW Pumps.
 In one number of HP to LP turbine drive for driving IFO-1/CLO Forwarding Pump.
 In each of the four Utility Boiler‟s for driving FD Fan

In addition to the above, HP steam is also consumed in various process units of DRP
complex as motive fluid for turbine drives as well as heating medium in heat exchangers.

HP Steam is also distributed to Pressure Reducing & De-superheating system (PRDS). One
number of PRDS is provided for converting HP steam to MP Steam. HP steam is distributed
to OBSL through a 30” header.

MP Steam Generation:
MP steam is also generated within CPP through Steam Turbine Generators (STG) and MP
steam demand can also be met through three numbers of VHP to MP PRDS and one
number of HP to MP PRDS in the scenario when STG‟s are not available.

MP Steam Consumption & Distribution:

MP steam is consumed within CPP for following purposes:
 In Utility Boilers for BFW preheating, for fuel atomisation and for soot blowers
 In HRSGs for soot blowers

In addition to the above, MP steam is also consumed in various process units of DRP
complex as motive fluid for turbine drives, heating medium in heat exchangers as well as
decoking steam. MP Steam is also distributed to Pressure Reducing & De-superheating
system (PRDS). Three numbers of PRDS are provided for converting MP steam to LP
Steam. MP steam is distributed to OBSL through a 40” header.

LP Steam Generation:
LP steam is generated within CPP from HP to LP drives of BFW pumps and IFO-1 / CLO
forwarding pumps. LP steam is also generated from HP-LP drive of FD fans of each utility
boiler and flashed steam from continuous blow down drum of each UB and HRSG. Further
LP steam shall also be generated within CPP through three numbers of MP to LP PRDS in
the scenario when other sources of generation are not available.

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LP Steam Consumption & Distribution:

LP steam is consumed within CPP for following purposes:
 LP steam is consumed in De-aerator as heating medium
 In utility boilers for BFW preheating and steam coil air pre heater
 In HRSGs for BFW preheating
 In GTGs for heat tracing of natural gas piping and vaporised propane piping
 LP steam is also used for heat tracing propane/ natural gas/ liquid fuel lines within
 In propane conditioning skid for propane vaporiser and propane super heater
 In natural gas conditioning skid for NG heater
 As heating medium in LCO, CLO and natural gas heater as part of CPP balance of
plant facilities
 As heating medium in CLO/ IFO-1 Storage tank, Closed Blow Down drum and LP
Flare KOD.

LP steam is also generated as well as consumed in various process units of DRP complex.
In case of any net excess LP steam generation from DRP complex, provision to utilise the
same within CPP is available. Further if there is a net LP steam demand to OSBL LP
network, PRDS provided within CPP shall cater to the same.

3.3 Power Generation

Power demand for the DRP complex is met from CPP primarily through eight number of Gas
Turbine Generators (GTG) and secondarily through incidental power obtained from four
number of Steam Turbine Generators (STG).

Gas Turbine Generators

Gas turbine generator is a combustion engine that converts natural gas or other liquid fuels
to mechanical energy, which then drives a generator to produce electrical energy. GTG
heats a mixture of air and fuel at very high temperature, creating a hot exhaust gas which
causes the turbine blades to spin which then drives a generator for further conversion to

Eight numbers of Industrial heavy Duty type GTG‟s are provided in the captive power plant.
Each GTG is designed to generate 34.5 MW net exportable power (after deduction of all
internal consumption and losses). GTG‟s are designed to operate at a turndown of 30% to
100% on each fuel. GTG exhaust gases are routed to Heat Recovery Steam Generator
(HRSG) for production of VHP steam. GTG is provided with bypass stack with diverter

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damper to operate it standalone when HRSG is under maintenance.

The fuels used in GTG are as follows:

 Main fuel : Natural gas/Propane
 Alternate fuel : LCO/ IFO-2 (LCO + Diesel blend)
 Black Start Fuel : Natural gas/ Diesel

Each GTG shall also have black start facility. All facilities and associated auxiliaries as
required for one GTG start-up at a time and loading up to its rated capacity are provided.
Diesel generator set complete with all auxiliaries as required are provided for black start of
GTG. Detailed process description of power generation and components of GTG including
black start facilities shall be provided by GTG supplier in GTG‟s operating manual (to be
prepared by M/s GE).

Steam Turbine Generators

In addition to GTG‟s, incidental power from STG shall also be generated as a result of HP
steam and MP steam extraction from STG‟s. STG‟s are designed to produce 31 MW net
power output at generator terminal with design HP steam, MP steam extraction and
condensing steam of 90 TPH, 180 TPH and 32 TPH respectively. STG‟s are also designed
to generate 6.8 MW of net power by only condensing steam without HP steam and MP
steam extraction.

Detailed process description of power generation and components of STG shall be provided
by STG supplier in STG‟s operating manual (to be prepared by M/s HTC).

Emergency Power
Emergency power is required for safe shutdown of various process units in the refinery
complex during general power failure and also to sustain at least one utility boiler continuous
operation during general power failure for quick restart of refinery.

During general power failure, for safe shut down of refinery there are few consumers that
have been provided with emergency power backup to supply power during power failure.
Accordingly Emergency DG set of suitable capacity is being provided.

CPP emergency DG set: During general power failure to sustain one boiler continuous
operation, a DG set dedicated to Boiler power requirements, BFW/Cooling water LO pumps,
Fuel forwarding pumps to Boiler is provided.

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Refinery emergency DG set: During general power failure for safe shutdown of refinery, a
dedicated DG set is provided.

Black start DG: For black start of one GTG, a dedicated black start DG set is considered.

During general power failure, first CPP emergency DG set shall start and provide the power
to CPP emergency power requirements. In case this DG set fails to start, a backup provision
from refinery DG set is made available. The emergency power demand of CPP, i.e., for
sustaining one UB operation is around 200 KW. 750 KVA capacity CPP emergency DG set
is provided to meet the same.

3.4 Pressure Reduction and De-super heaters

Pressure reduction and de-super heaters are provided to take care of any exigencies in the
system as well as for start up steam requirements. Normally, PRDS shall not be in operation,
only in case of any upset in steam generation during normal operation, PRDS will come on
line to meet the refinery steam requirement. Further during refinery start up, LP steam will be
required for steam blowing of lines, the LP steam demand during this period shall be met
through operation of PRDS. Each PRDS is provided with a temperature transmitter and
pressure transmitter at downstream along with controllers to initiate and control the PRDS
operation. In addition, Pressure safety valves are also provided to safeguard the
downstream piping network in case the downstream header pressure increases due to
operational failure of PRDS (full open scenario).

Following are the PRDS system provided as part of CPP:

 MP- LP PRDS-I : 30 TPH

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Normally HP steam requirement shall be met through HP steam extraction through STG and
through process steam generators in RFCC, CCR platforming, HGU, SRU, etc. VHP – HP
PRDS is provided to supply HP steam to refinery when any one of the major HP steam
generator is down.

One number of 80 TPH and two numbers of 240 TPH VHP-HP PRDS are provided to cater
to various HP steam shortfall scenarios of the complex. The 80 TPH PRDS (680-YS-1001)
will be in line once the HP steam header pressure falls to 42.5 kg/cm 2g and the 240 TPH
PRDS (680-YS-1002 A) will be in line once the HP steam header pressure falls to 42.0,
whereas the second 240 TPH PRDS (680-YS-1002 B) will be in line when the pressure falls
to 41.5 kg/cm2g. High pressure BFW is provided at the inlet of each PRDS to take care of
de-superheating requirement. Further PRDS downstream is also provided with safety valves
to take care of control valve full open scenario which can result in over pressurisation of HP
steam header due to VHP steam.

Normally, MP steam requirement shall be met through MP steam extraction through STG
and other process drives in RFCC, CCR platforming etc. It is to be noted that HP steam
requirement in refinery is lower than MP seam requirement; hence PRDS of VHP to MP is
considered instead of HP to MP extraction, to reduce capacity of VHP to HP PRDS as well
as HP header.

One number of 45 TPH and two numbers of 140 TPH VHP-MP PRDS are provided to cater
to various MP steam shortfall scenarios of the complex. The 45 TPH PRDS (680-YS-1003)
will be in line once the MP steam header pressure falls to 15.5 kg/cm2g and the 140 TPH
PRDS (680-YS-1004 A) will be in line once the MP steam header pressure falls to 15.0,
whereas the second 140 TPH PRDS (680-YS-1004 B) will be in line when the pressure falls
to 14.5 kg/cm2g. High pressure BFW is provided at the inlet of each PRDS to take care of
de-superheating requirement. Further PRDS downstream is also provided with safety valves
to take care of control valve full open scenario which can result in over pressurisation of MP
steam header due to VHP steam.

Normally MP steam requirement shall be met through MP steam extraction through STG and
other process drives in RFCC, CCR platforming etc. However, this HP-MP PRDS (680-YS-
1007) of 50 TPH is provided within CPP for a case specific scenario. In one of the refinery

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operating case, there is net excess of HP steam generated from the complex and net LP
steam demand in the complex. To avoid venting HP steam, it is envisaged to convert this HP
steam to MP steam and further to LP steam through a HP-MP PRDS (680-YS-1007) and
MP-LP PRDS (680-YS-1008). This HP-MP PRDS will be in line once upstream HP header
pressure rises to 43.5 kg/cm2g.

High pressure BFW is provided at the inlet of each PRDS to take care of de-superheating
requirement. Further PRDS downstream is also provided with safety valves to take care of
control valve full open scenario which can result in over pressurisation of MP steam header
due to HP steam.

Normally LP steam requirement shall be met through LP steam extraction through various
drives in the complex. Further during the commissioning of various units, LP steam will be
required for steam blowing of various lines. In order to cater to the same, MP-LP PRDS is

One number of 30 TPH and one number of 90 TPH MP-LP PRDS are provided to cater to
various LP steam shortfall scenarios and commissioning LP steam requirement of the
complex. The 30 TPH PRDS (680-YS-1005) will be in line once the LP steam header
pressure falls to 5.0 kg/cm2g and the 90 TPH PRDS (680-YS-1006) will be in line once the
LP steam header pressure falls to 4.5.

In addition to above one more MP-LP PRDS (680-YS-1008) of 50 TPH is also provided
within CPP. This is provided for a case specific scenario. In one of the refinery operating
case, there is net excess of HP steam generated from the complex and net LP steam
demand in the complex. To avoid venting HP steam, it is envisaged to convert this HP steam
to MP steam and further to LP steam through a HP-MP PRDS and MP-LP PRDS (680-YS-
1008). This MP-LP PRDS (680-YS-1008) will be in line once upstream MP header pressure
rises to 16.5 kg/cm2g, which will occur due to increase in HP steam header pressure to 43.5

High pressure BFW is provided at the inlet of each PRDS to take care of de-superheating
requirement. Further PRDS downstream is also provided with safety valves to take care of
control valve full open scenario which can result in over pressurisation of LP steam header
due to MP steam.

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3.5 DM Water/ Condensate Storage & Transfer

DM Water is primarily required for steam generation & BFW generation within CPP, besides
for chemical dilution, water washing of GTG‟s and Centrifuge washing. Also, the steam used
within the refinery complex becomes condensate and thus can be reused for steam
generation. This condensate reuse will greatly reduce the DM water consumption for steam

In the complex, the condensate generated is classified in to three categories - suspect,

surface and pure condensate. Suspect condensate and pure condensate are classified
based on the steam side pressure in a heat exchanger, i.e., if steam side pressure is higher
than process fluid side pressure, it is typically categorised as pure condensate and vice
versa for suspect condensate. Whereas surface condensate is typically condensate
generated from turbine drives.

As per condensate handling philosophy in the complex, the surface and suspect condensate
are collected and routed to Condensate Polishing Unit (CPU) located in RO DM plant battery
limit area via surface and suspect condensate header respectively and pure condensate is
collected and routed back directly to CPP.

The makeup DM water required in CPP is routed from RO DM Plant battery limit. A part of
DM water is also routed to CDU block & RFCC block for cooling process fluids thereby
preheating a part of DM Water. The preheated DM water is routed back to CPP.

DM Water and Condensate Storage

Hot DM water (after preheating in CDU / RFCC block), cold DM water and polished
condensate are routed to 2 numbers of DM water/ condensate storage tanks (680-TT-1004
A/B). Each DM water / condensate storage tanks are provided with a nominal capacity of
995 m3. Cold DM water and polished condensate are routed to these tanks under level
control. These tanks also receive the condensate generated from each STG through the
Condensate Extraction Pumps (CEP).

In each STG battery limit, there is provision to route the condensate to DM water /
condensate storage tanks within CPP or to Condensate Polishing Unit (CPU) in OSBL RO
DM Plant battery limit through surface condensate header. This routing is based on
conductivity analyser feedback provided in CEP discharge header. The DM water /
condensate storage tanks are provided with nitrogen blanketing to avoid air ingress. PVRV is
also provided for the tank safety. Further, Morpholine dosing provision is kept for adjusting

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the pH of the incoming condensate / DM water.

DM Water and Condensate Transfer

DM water / condensate from these tanks are transferred to Deaerator within CPP through
MUH Feed Pumps (680-PA-1003 A/B/C/D/E) and Deaerator Feed Pumps (680-PA-1004
A/B/C/D/E/F). Each MUH feed pump is of 272 m3/hr rated capacity and Deaerator feed
pump is of 375 m3/hr rated capacity. Make-up Heaters (MUH) are provided in HRSG for
heat recovery from GTG exhaust gases through DM water / condensate preheating before
routing the same to Deaerators. Detailed process description of MUH components in HRSG
shall be provided by HRSG supplier in HRSG‟s operating manual (to be prepared by M/s

MUH feed pumps are provided to route the DM water / condensate stream from storage tank
within CPP to MUH in each HRSG‟s and further to Deaerator. Each MUH is designed to
preheat 115 TPH of DM water / condensate to a temperature of up to 100 ºC. The
Deaerator feed pumps are provided to route the balance DM water / condensate required
directly to Deaerator. From MUH feed pumps discharge header, there is also a provision for
condenser initial filling / CEP sealing in each STG area.

3.6 Deaerators
DM water/ condensate used as boiler feed water for steam generation/ de-superheating shall
be free of dissolved gases so that corrosion as result of dissolved gases shall be avoided in
downstream steam generators, turbines and piping at high temperatures. Thermal
deaerators are provided for the same, two deaerators are provided and each deaerator is
designed to produce BFW of 1650 TPH. They generally consist of two sections, Deaeration
section and Storage Section.

Deaeration Section
Thermal deaerators are direct contact heaters and the water to be deaerated is heated to a
temperature just above the saturation temperature for the corresponding pressure, when the
partial pressure of the dissolved gases becomes zero and dissolved gases are consequently
expelled from liquid.

In order to achieve this, steam is passed counter current to water flow, which is first
dispersed into small droplets and then passed over a tray stack. In some design steam is
passed co-currently. The tray stack brings steam into intimate contact with water dropping
down and ensures a number of reversals exposing fresh water surfaces. The top spraying

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system and the first part of the assembly are so designed that the inlet water gets heated to
nearly the saturation temperature desired. The lower portion of the tray stack acts as a
scrubber removing all the dissolved gases. The rising steam gets condensed when it comes
into contact with inlet spray and only a small amount of steam (max 2 %) is vented to
atmosphere along with the non-condensable gases.

The spray area condenses almost 100% of the steam used thus preventing excess steam
losses. All the steam used flows back over the trays to the storage tank. Water admitted at
the top of the deaerator and sprayed on to the tray stack by spray nozzles flows counter
current to the rising steam and steam is allowed to enter from the bottom of the tray stack.

Storage Section
The storage vessel of a deaerator provides the required residence time for the deaerated
water. In order to provide the required NPSH for the Boiler Feed Water pump, the deaerators
are always located at a higher elevation above the ground. Detailed process description of
Deaerator and its components shall be provided by equipment supplier in Deaerator‟s
operating manual (to be prepared by M/s Sterling Deaerator Company).

Pure condensate (directly from CPP battery limit) and DM water/ polished condensate
(through MUH feed pumps and Deaerator feed pumps) are routed to each deaerator at the
top of spray tower. There is also a provision made to route cold DM water from CPP battery
limit to each deaerator. This connection is kept for initial start-up of the plant as well as for
total power failure scenario. During total power failure scenario, the deaerator shall be able
to generate BFW to run one utility boiler continuously. Since the DM water transfer pumps
(622-PA-101 A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H) are provided with emergency power backup, during power
failure the DM water supply to CPP will continue to remain uninterrupted except a short
interval required for emergency DG set to take over.

In addition to these streams, condensates generated within CPP from steam traps and from
UB condensate (BFW pre heater condensate and Steam Coil Air pre heater condensate) are
also routed to each Deaerator top. The MUH preheated DM water/ condensate and pure
condensate streams are controlled through a HV whereas the DM water/ condensate from
Deaerator feed pumps is under level control with deaerator storage vessel level. LP steam is
introduced at the bottom of spray tower and is regulated by deaerator storage tank pressure

The deaerated water enters the storage vessel through down comers which connects the

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two. In order to ensure dissolved gas free BFW supply, an oxygen scavenger chemical is
also added in the down comer. The dose rate of the oxygen scavenger is based on
maintaining a residual chemical content in the deaerated water. Both the deaerator storage
vessels are interconnected at their liquid and vapour spaces for balancing level and pressure
between both deaerators. Further the balancing drum leak off connections from MP BFW
pumps and Auto Recirculation (ARC) line header of all BFW pumps are also routed to
deaerator storage vessel. The deaerator storage tank is also provided with LP steam
connection for initial heating.

3.7 VHP BFW Transfer & Distribution

BFW from deaerator is consumed within CPP & the refinery complex in three levels. They
are Very High Pressure (VHP) BFW, High pressure (HP) BFW and Medium Pressure (MP)

VHP BFW is consumed only within CPP for generation of VHP steam in UB‟s and HRSG‟s.
Four working and two standby VHP BFW pumps (680-PA-1005 A/B/C/D/E/F) are provided
for transferring VHP BFW from deaerator to each UB/ HRSG. Two of the working pumps are
turbine (HP to LP) driven whereas the rest are electrical motor driven. These turbine driven
VHP BFW pumps ensure continuous supply of BFW to one UB during power failure. Each
VHP BFW pump has a rated capacity of 595 m3/ hr. The ARC valve outlet from each VHP
BFW pump is routed to each deaerator storage vessel.

Each VHP BFW pump also has an intermediate bleed to produce HP BFW at 58 kg/cm2g for
consumption within CPP. This HP BFW is utilised within CPP for following purpose:
 CLO Transfer Pump turbine drive exhaust steam de-superheating
 VHP BFW pump turbine drive exhaust steam de-superheating
 FD fan turbine drive exhaust steam de-superheating in each Utility Boiler
 Extraction steam de-superheating in each STG
 De-superheating in each PRDS

3.8 HP BFW Transfer & Distribution

HP BFW is consumed in various units of the complex for HP steam generation and de-
superheating purpose. Four working and two standby HP BFW pumps (680-PA-1006 A /B/
C/D/E/F) are provided for transferring HP BFW from deaerator to CPP battery limit. All of the
HP BFW pumps are electrical motor driven. Each HP BFW pump has a rated capacity of 320
m3/ hr. The ARC valve outlet from each HP BFW pump is routed to each deaerator storage

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3.9 MP BFW Transfer & Distribution

MP BFW is consumed in various units of the complex for MP steam generation and de-
superheating purpose. One working and one standby MP BFW pumps (680-PA-1007 A/B)
are provided for transferring MP BFW from deaerator to CPP battery limit. Both the MP BFW
pumps are electrical motor driven. Each MP BFW pump has a rated capacity of 120 m3/ hr.
The balancing drum leak off connection and ARC valve outlet from each MP BFW pump is
routed to each deaerator storage vessel.

3.10 HSD Storage & Distribution

HSD is used as start-up fuel in GTG. HSD is routed to CPP battery limit from OSBL through
rundown lines from MHC unit. HSD received at CPP battery limit is routed to one number
HSD storage tank (680-TT-1001) of nominal capacity 995 m3. The HSD storage tank is
provided with nitrogen blanketing to avoid air ingress. PVRV is also provided for the tank
safety. HSD tank also has provision to receive HSD for refinery start-up from CPP battery
limit through refinery offsite HSD storage facilities.

HSD from storage tank is routed to each GTG by two sets of pumps. HSD to GTG pumps,
680-PA-1002 A/B/C (2 Working + 1 Standby) of rated capacity 26 m3/hr for supplying HSD to
four GTG‟s (I to IV) and 680-PA-1002 D/E/F (2 Working + 1 Standby) of rated capacity of 26
m3/hr for supplying HSD to four GTG‟s (V to VIII) operating at their rated capacity. Each set
of pumps are designed to cater to the needs of four GTG operation. Each GTG is also
provided with HSD return lines which will return a part of HSD during start-up of GTG. Once
GTG ramps to its rated capacity, these HSD return lines will have no flow. These HSD return
lines from each GTG are collected in a common header and routed back to HSD storage

Further, from the discharge header of both set of HSD to GTG pumps, a connection to
supply HSD to emergency DG set and to Black-start DG set is also provided.

HSD Centrifuge
Two numbers (1 working + 1 standby) of 50 m3/ hr capacity HSD centrifuge is provided near
HSD tank area within CPP for HSD purification. Since the purity of HSD w. r. t its water and
sediment content is critical for GTG operation, HSD centrifuge is provided. HSD from
storage tank is routed to centrifuge through feed pump and the treated HSD is routed back
to HSD storage tank. Centrifuging operation is batch process and is carried out before using
the HSD for GTG start-up. HSD centrifuge is designed to achieve 500 ppmv free water and

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100 % removal of 10µ and above sized particles. The quality of HSD in HSD storage tank
shall be analysed periodically in lab viz., once in an hour or once in two hours, through
manual sampling and depending on the same the centrifuging operation shall be continued
or stopped.

The sludge from centrifuge shall be collected in a sludge tank and pumped to centrifuge skid
battery limit for disposal in nearby OWS connection. Detailed process description of
centrifuge and its components shall be provided by equipment supplier in centrifuge vendor‟s
operating manual (to be prepared by M/s Alfa Laval).

3.11 LCO/ IFO-2 Storage & Distribution

LCO is used in CPP as the alternate fuel for GTGs, UBs and HRSGs. Since the nitrogen
content in LCO is high, in order to meet environmental norms for gaseous emission w. r. t
NOx content, HSD is blended with LCO in offsite facility and pumped to CPP battery limit as
IFO-2. However, all units within CPP are designed for neat LCO quality.

LCO/ IFO-2 is routed to CPP battery limit from OSBL from offsite facility. These LCO lines
from offsite shall also be used to supply diesel to CPP during refinery start-up. The LCO/
IFO-2 received at battery limit is routed to two numbers of LCO storage tank (680-TT-1002
A/B) of nominal capacity 2500 m3. The LCO storage tanks shall also receive the false start
drain tank contents from each GTG. The LCO storage tank is provided with nitrogen
blanketing to avoid air ingress. PVRV is also provided for the tank safety.

LCO/ IFO-2 to GTGs

LCO/ IFO-2 from storage tank is routed to each GTG by two sets of pumps. LCO forwarding
pumps to GTG, 680-PA-1011 A/B/C (2 Working + 1 Standby) of rated capacity 28 m3/hr for
supplying LCO/ IFO-2 to four GTG‟s (I to IV) and 680-PA-1011 D/E/F (2 Working + 1
Standby) of rated capacity of 28 m3/hr for supplying HSD to four GTG‟s (V to VIII) operating
at their rated capacity. Each set of pumps are designed to cater to the needs of four GTG
operation. Since the LCO/ IFO-2 fuel to GTG has to be maintained at a minimum
temperature of 40 – 45 deg C to maintain viscosity of fuel, one number of LCO heater is
provided in the discharge header of each set of LCO forwarding pumps to GTG before
routing the fuel to each GTG. LP steam is used as heating medium and is provided to each
LCO heater under LCO/ IFO-2 outlet temperature control.

Each GTG is also provided with LCO/ IFO-2 return lines which will return a part of LCO/ IFO-
2 during start-up of GTG. After GTG ramps up to its rated capacity, the return flow will stop

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from each GTG. These LCO/ IFO-2 return lines from each GTG are collected in a common
header and routed back to LCO storage tanks.

LCO/ IFO-2 to UBs/ HRSGs

LCO/ IFO-2 from storage tank is routed to UBs & HRSGs through common pumps, LCO
forwarding pumps to UBs & HRSGs, 680-PA-1001 A/B/C/D (3 Working + 1 Standby) of rated
capacity 45 m3/hr. These pumps are designed to cater to the needs of eight HRSG and 3 UB
operating at its rated capacity.

LCO/ IFO-2 Centrifuge

Three numbers (2 working + 1 standby) of 50 m3/ hr capacity LCO/ IFO-2 centrifuge is
provided near LCO tank area within CPP for LCO purification. Since the purity of LCO/ IFO-2
w. r. t its water and sediment content is critical for GTG operation, LCO/ IFO-2 centrifuge is
provided. LCO/ IFO-2 from storage tank is routed to centrifuge through feed pump and the
treated LCO/ IFO-2 is routed back to LCO storage tank. Centrifuging operation is batch
process and is carried out before lining up one of the LCO storage tank for use. Normally,
out of two LCO storage tanks, one tank will be receiving/ centrifuging mode and the other
tank will be in dispatch mode for use in GTG/ UB/ HRSG.

LCO/ IFO-2 centrifuge is designed to achieve 500 ppmv free water and 100 % removal of
10µ and above sized particles. The quality of LCO/ IFO-2 in LCO storage tank (which was in
receiving/ centrifuging mode) shall be analysed periodically in lab viz., once in an hour or
once in two hours, through manual sampling and depending on the same the centrifuging
operation shall be continued or stopped.

The sludge from centrifuge shall be collected in a sludge tank and pumped to centrifuge skid
battery limit for disposal in nearby OWS connection. Detailed process description of
centrifuge and its components shall be provided by equipment supplier in centrifuge vendor‟s
operating manual (to be prepared by M/s Alfa Laval).

3.12 CLO/ IFO-1 Storage & Distribution

CLO is used in CPP as the main fuel for UBs. Since the nitrogen content in CLO is high, in
order to meet environmental norms for gaseous emission w. r. t NOx content, HSD is
blended with CLO in offsite facility and pumped to CPP battery limit as IFO-1. However, all
UBs within CPP are designed for neat CLO quality.

CLO/ IFO-1 is routed to CPP battery limit from OSBL from offsite facility. The CLO/ IFO-1

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received at battery limit is routed to one number of CLO storage tank (680-TT-1003) of
nominal capacity 2500 m3. The CLO/ IFO-1 storage tank is provided with nitrogen blanketing
to avoid air ingress. PVRV is also provided for the tank safety. Since CLO is a viscous fluid,
LP steam heating coil arrangement is provided in the tank to minimise its viscosity to
acceptable limits for UBs. The LP steam heating will maintain the tank content to a minimum
temperature of 80 deg C.

CLO/ IFO-1 from storage tank is routed to UBs through common pumps, CLO supply pumps
to UBs, 680-PA-1008 A/B/C/D (3 Working + 1 Standby) of rated capacity 50 m3/hr. These
pumps are designed to cater to the needs of three UBs operating at its rated capacity. One
of the working pump is turbine (HP to LP) driven whereas the rest are electrical motor driven.
These turbine driven CLO supply pumps ensure continuous supply of fuel to one UB during
power failure.

The discharge from the CLO pumps are routed to a CLO trim heater (680-EE-1001 A/B) for
maintaining the temperature of the fuel considering the heat losses (after insulation) that will
be incurred in the piping from CLO pump area to farther most UB. LP steam is used as
heating medium and is provided to each CLO trim heater under CLO/ IFO-1 outlet
temperature control.

The CLO/ IFO-1 fuel is then routed to a two numbers (1 working + 1 standby) of CLO filter
(680-GN-1003 A/B), which is a basket type filter to remove particle of size 250µ and above
in the fuel to avoid choking of burners in UBs. The filters are designed with a particle
removal efficiency of 99%. The fuel from downstream of the filter is routed further to each UB
battery limit. Since this being a congealing fluid, a return line is provided from each UB so as
to avoid congealing of fluid in piping dead zones. The return from each UB is routed back to
CLO storage tank. The CLO lines within CPP are heat traced and insulated.

3.13 Natural Gas/ Fuel Gas Handling & Distribution

Natural Gas
Natural gas is used in CPP as the main fuel for GTGs and HRSGs. Natural gas is also used
as alternate fuel in UBs. Natural gas is received at CPP battery limit from offsite area of the
DRP complex. Natural gas within CPP battery limit is first routed to a NG knock out drum
(680-VV-1003) to take care of condensate presence. Natural gas (free of condensates) is
split in to two streams at downstream of NG KOD.

One stream is routed to GTG‟s through NG forwarding skid. Two NG forwarding skids are

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provided, each to cater to requirements of four GTG‟s. Each NG forwarding skid comprise of
NG heater, pressure control system and scrubber to meet the GTG fuel specifications.
These skids are supplied by GTG vendor. Detailed process description of NG forwarding
skid and its components shall be provided by equipment supplier in GTG vendor‟s operating
manual (to be prepared by M/s GE). The outlet from these NG skids is routed to each GTG
battery limit. To ensure meeting NG specification for GTG‟s the natural gas from each
forwarding skid is also routed to a chromatograph skid for detailed analysis of the fuel.

The other stream is routed to UB‟s and HRSG‟s. Since the pressure requirement of NG in
UB/ HRSG is very less compared to incoming NG stream at battery limit, the NG stream for
UB/ HRSG is split from NG KOD downstream. This NG stream is first routed to a NG heater
(680-EE-1002 A/B) to take care of temperature drop that would result in downstream
pressure reduction. The outlet from NG heater is routed to pressure control valve assembly
before being routed to each UB / HRSG battery limit. LP steam is used as heating medium in
NG heater and is provided to each NG trim heater under outlet temperature control.

Fuel Gas
Fuel gas is also made available at CPP battery limit. Normally, Fuel gas generated in the
refinery complex is being used in heaters of different process units. In case if the
consumption in process units is less, then the excess fuel gas is envisaged to be used in
CPP. Fuel gas is envisaged to be used as an alternate fuel for UB‟s and HRSG‟s. Fuel gas
within CPP battery limit is first routed to FG KOD (680-VV-1002) for removal of any
condensates in the incoming stream. The NG stream after pressure control valve assembly
mixed with the fuel gas stream at the outlet of FG KOD. The condensate from FG KOD will
be drained manually to CBD after flaring the contents in FG KOD by LP steam purging.

The condensate accumulated in NG KOD is automatically (through ON OFF valve

interlocked with level of NG KOD) drained to a NG condensate drain tank (680-VV-1006).
The condensate from NG condensate drain tank shall be removed manually through a
portable pump in to a tanker for disposal to offsite slop tanks.

3.14 Propane Handling & Distribution

Propane is used as alternate fuel in GTG‟s / UB‟s and HRSG‟s. But propane is not available
to run all GTG‟s or all UB‟s/ HRSG‟s. During normal refinery operating scenario only 15 to 30
TPH of propane will be available. Thus, propane can be used to run either one UB at MCR
or seven HRSG‟s at MCR or three GTG‟s at their base load.

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Liquid propane is made available at CPP battery limit. Propane forwarding pumps (680-PA-
1027 A/B) of 72 m3/ hr capacity is provided to boost the pressure of liquid propane and also
to further route the same to Propane forwarding skid. Propane forwarding skid (1 number)
comprise of vaporisers, super heaters, vane pack separator and scrubbers to meet GTG fuel
specifications. A slip stream is taken at downstream of vaporiser to meet UB/ HRSG
requirements. These skids are supplied by GTG vendor. Detailed process description of
propane forwarding skid and its components shall be provided by equipment supplier in GTG
vendor‟s operating manual (to be prepared by M/s GE). The outlet from the propane skid is
routed to each GTG battery limit. To ensure meeting fuel specification for GTG‟s the
vaporised propane from forwarding skid is also routed to a chromatograph skid for detailed
analysis of the fuel.

The vaporised propane piping is provided with dual LP steam tracing to avoid condensation
in piping. The propane gas from downstream of vaporiser (in propane forwarding skid) is
further routed to a pressure control valve to meet pressure requirements of UB & HRSG.

3.15 UB SCAPH and BFW Pre Heater Condensate Handling

Boiler feed water routed to each UB for steam generation is required to be preheated before
routing it to economiser. The same is required because of presence of sulphur in fuel which
requires that the fluid that gets heated to a higher temperature than the sulphur dew point of
flue gas. A BFW pre heater is provided in each UB to raise the temperature of BFW. Both LP
steam and MP steam heating provision is made in these pre heaters and depending on fuel
burned in UB (LCO/ IFO-2/ CLO/ IFO-1) either LP steam or MP steam will be used as
heating medium.

The air used for combustion in UB‟s is also required to be preheated and thus a LP steam
based Steam Coil Air Pre Heater (SCAPH) is provided in each UB. The condensate
generated from BFW pre heater and SCAPH is also envisaged to be reused within CPP
since both these streams are pure and is not required to be routed to Condensate Polishing
Unit (CPU). However, these streams required deaeration to eliminate presence of any
dissolved gases.

The BFW pre heater condensate is provided with two separate routings, either it can be
routed directly to Deaerator top or through a flash vessel and pumping system. In case if MP
steam is used in BFW pre heater, the first option of routing it directly to deaerator top shall
be utilised. In case if LP steam is used, then the condensate pressure won‟t be sufficient
enough to route it to deaerator top and hence it is routed first to a flash vessel and then

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pumped to deaerator top. The condensate from SCAPH is routed to flash vessel and then
pumped along with BFW pre-heater condensate to deaerator top.

A UB atmospheric condensate flash drum (680-VV-1023) is provided to receive both the

condensates and is pumped to deaerator top further using UB condensate transfer pumps
(680-PA-1028 A/B/C) of each 70 m3/ hr capacity. The steam generated in flash drum is
routed to a vent condenser (680-EA-1009) (air cooled) and routed back to flash drum for
recovery of flashed steam.

3.16 Atmospheric / LP Condensate Handling

Other than BFW pre heater condensate and SCAPH from UB, there are various other LP
condensate streams generated within CPP. They are as follows:
 From IFO-1/ CLO storage tank heating coil
 From IFO-1 heater condensate pot
 From LCO heaters
 From NG heater
 From NG forwarding skids
 From Propane forwarding skid

Condensate generated from these sources are routed to a dedicated Atmospheric flash
drum (680-VV-1012) and further pumped to CPP battery limit through Atmospheric
Condensate pumps (680-PA-1023 A/B) each of 10 m3/ hr. From CPP battery limit the
condensate joins the suspect condensate header is OSBL for further polishing in
Condensate Polishing Unit (CPU). The steam generated in flash drum is routed to a vent
condenser (680-EE-1006) (water cooled) and routed back to flash drum for recovery of
flashed steam.

3.17 Cooling Water Distribution

Cooling water is used within CPP for following:
 Condenser cooling & for other auxiliary use in each STG
 Generator cooling, mineral oil cooling & other auxiliary use in each GTG
 FD fan bearing cooling, FD fan turbine bearing cooling, continuous blow down
cooling & sample cooling in each UB
 Continuous blow down cooling & sample cooling in each HRSG
 In vent condenser (680-EE-1006)
 Bearing cooling for all pumps within CPP

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A 56” supply header is provided at CPP battery limit from cooling tower-1 for CPP use.
Further since once UB is required to operate during total power failure scenario and also for
GTG emergency operation, a dedicated 20” cooling water supply header is provided at CPP
battery limit for use in each UB and GTG. This emergency cooling water header is fed from
emergency cooling water pumps located in cooling tower-1 area.

3.18 DM Water Distribution

DM water is used within CPP for following:
 For initial filling of steam drum and for chemical preparation in each UB
 For initial filling of steam drum and for chemical preparation in each HRSG
 For water injection for NOx abatement and water washing in each GTG
 For operating discharge mechanism, to lubricate and cool mechanical seals in HSD
and LCO centrifuges
 To deaerator for generation of BFW through DM Water/ condensate storage tank
 To directly to deaerator for initial filling as well as during power failure
 For chemical preparation

18” supply header is provided at CPP battery limit from OSBL for CPP use.

3.19 Service Water Distribution

Service water is used within CPP mainly for two major applications. One in various hose
stations and the other is for quenching continuous blow downstream within continuous blow
down drum of each UB & HRSG in the event of cooling water failure in downstream blow
down cooler. 4” supply header is provided at CPP battery limit from OSBL for CPP use.

3.20 Instrument Air/ Plant Air/ Breathing Air Distribution

Instrument air in CPP is mainly used for control valve operation. Instrument air to CPP is
through a dedicated HP instrument air receiver located in OSBL (within compressed air
system battery limit) which is sized for 6 hour requirement of CPP. This is to bring all the
facilities in CPP to safe shutdown as well to enable sustained operation of one Utility Boiler
for emergency steam supply to refinery units. 6” instrument air supply header is provided at
CPP battery limit from OSBL for CPP use. In addition to this, within CPP there is a Black
Start Instrument Air facility, which is supplied by GTG vendor for enabling black start of one
GTG at a time. This facility comprise briefly of an instrument air compressor, air/ oil
separator, pressure control valve, air cooler, air/ water separator, instrument air dryer filter,
instrument air buffer vessel, etc., Detailed process description of black start instrument air
and its components shall be provided by equipment supplier in GTG vendor‟s operating

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manual (to be prepared by M/s GE).

Plant air is mainly used for oil atomization in Utility Boilers and HRSGs and also in hose
stations within CPP. 6” plant air supply header is provided at CPP battery limit from OSBL
for CPP use.

A separate plant air header, designated as breathing air is also provided within CPP battery
limit. In order to provide clean breathing air to operators who are likely to be exposed to
contaminated air during operation, a breathing air hose connection is also provided in
various locations within CPP. Operating personnel shall come with portable breathing air
stations which can be connected with these breathing air hose connections using hose
stations. This flexible hose with detachable coupling will be incompatible with outlets for non-
respirable plant air or other hose stations. 3” designated breathing air supply header is
provided at CPP battery limit from OSBL for CPP use.

3.21 Nitrogen Distribution

Nitrogen is mainly used in CPP for tank blanketing & purging requirement. The DM water/
condensate storage tanks and all the fuel day tanks in CPP are provided with nitrogen
blanketing arrangement. 6” nitrogen supply header is provided at CPP battery limit from
OSBL for CPP use.

3.22 Closed Blow down (CBD) Handling

All fuel oil drains within CPP are collected in an underground CBD header and routed to a
CBD drum (680-VV-1009). CBD headers are provided in HRSG area, UB area, fuel gas
conditioning skid area and fuel oil storage tank area. The contents from CBD drum is routed
to CPP battery limit through CBD pump (680-PA-1022 A/S) of 5 m3/ hr capacity for further
routing to OSBL slop header.

Further, the fuel oil drains from each GTG battery limit is routed to liquid drain tank within
each GTG which also collects false start drain from GTG‟s. From these liquid drain tanks,
the contents are pumped to a separate header within CPP for transferring it to the LCO
storage tank for reuse.

3.23 HRSG/ Boiler Blow down Handling

Continuous blow down from steam drum of each HRSG and each UB is collected within
CPP in a header and routed to CPP battery limit for OSBL transferring to RO DM plant for
treatment and reuse. A 6” header and a 4” sub header (in HRSG area) is provided within the

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CPP area for the same.

3.24 Chemical Handling

Following chemicals are being used within CPP.
 Morpholine dosing in incoming DM water (Cold) line, DM (Hot) line and in DM Water
(Deaerator initial filling) line. This chemical dosing skid is designated as Morpholine
Dosing Skid – I (680-LZ-1001).
 Morpholine dosing in incoming polished condensate line. This chemical dosing skid is
designated as Morpholine Dosing Skid – II (680-LZ-1002).
 Morpholine dosing in BFW pump suction header. This chemical dosing skid is
designated as Morpholine Dosing Skid – III (680-LZ-1003).
 Carbohydrazide dosing in each Deaerator. This chemical dosing skid is designated
as Oxygen Scavenger Dosing Skid (680-LZ-1004).

Morpholine is used for pH correction in deaerator feed streams and as well as in boiler feed
water. Carbohydrazide is used as oxygen scavenger in deaerator and is dosed in the down
comers of each deaerator. Each dosing skid comprise of a solution preparation drum,
solution metering drum and dosing pumps.

3.25 Flare Distribution

Hydrocarbon discharge from relief valves/ start up vents are collected within CPP in a flare
header and are routed to a LP Flare KOD (680-VV-1010) before connecting to the OSBL
main flare header. The condensate removed from KOD is routed to CBD header through an
auto ON OFF valve in drain line. Within UB and HRSG packages, the hydrocarbon
discharge is routed to atmosphere at a safe location.

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Captive Power Plant is the major exporter of steam and power to the refinery complex.
Hence the pressure and temperature of steam and the power generation from GTG‟s are
two primary operating variables in CPP operation.

A detailed analysis of the system reveals the various operating variables within CPP as
listed in this section. Each will be discussed as an independent with all others held constant.
Further these variables are best studied considering the different sections of the CPP and
accordingly they have been sub-classified as below:

 Steam system
o VHP steam header pressure/ Flow
o VHP steam temperature
o HP steam header pressure/ Flow
o HP steam temperature
o MP steam header pressure/ Flow
o MP steam temperature
o LP steam header pressure/ flow
 DM water/ Condensate system
o DM water/ condensate storage tank level
o Atmospheric condensate flash drum level
o LP condensate collection drum level
o UB atmospheric condensate flash drum level
 Deaerator system
o Deaerator storage tank level
o Deaerator pressure control
 Fuel handling system
o Fuel flow/ availability
o CLO heater outlet temperature & CLO heater condensate pot level
o NG heater outlet temperature & NG heater condensate pot level
o NG header pressure/ flow to UB/ HRSG
o Vaporised propane pressure/ flow to UB/ HRSG
o LCO header pressure to GTG‟s
o LCO heater outlet temperature
o HSD header pressure to GTG‟s
 Nitrogen Blanketing system

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4.1 Steam System

Steam generation processes often have multiple boilers that feed a common steam header.
When steam is needed anywhere in the plant, the load is drawn from this common header.
With so many uses, steam load can vary significantly and unpredictably with time in a plant.
The individual boilers must generate and feed steam to the common header at a rate that
matches these load draws.

4.1.1. VHP Steam Header Pressure/ Flow

Since the steam generation in CPP from boilers and HRSG‟s is at VHP level, controlling the
main VHP steam header to a constant pressure provides an important stabilizing influence to
plant-wide operation.

Therefore, it is prudent to provide a single pressure controller on VHP steam common

header that controls a firing demand for all the Utility Boilers and HRSGs irrespective of their
individual controllers. This VHP steam pressure controller is referred to as the Master
Controller (PIC-1101) having a required set point of 107 kg/cm2 (g).

The individual controllers are mounted on the respective Utility Boilers and HRSGs with
Manual / Auto Selector switch to either control individual steam header pressure or to control
common steam header pressure. The auto controller facility is provided with biasing (+/-)
values by which Boiler/HRSG can be operated in different load sharing. If all the individual
controllers are in automatic, any change in Master Output signal shall pass through and
create an associated change in the firing demand for the UBs and HRSGs as per biasing.

If the individual controller is in automatic, that Boiler/HRSG is said to be operating as a swing

Boiler/HRSG. As such, its firing demand signal will vary (or swing) as the Master signal
varies. So, based on stated philosophy, various options may occur:

All HRSGs shall be base loaded (i.e. firing of each HRSG shall be controlled by respective
individual upstream pressure controllers). Therefore any variation in the main steam header
pressure doesn‟t directly affect the firing demand of HRSGs and it only for the variation in
firing demand of UBs, i.e. UBs firing demand signal shall swing as per biasing input from the
Master signal varies. So, based on the above stated philosophy various scenarios can occur
and are listed below:

Scenario 1:
When all the three boilers (i.e. UB1, UB2 & UB3) are operated below their rated

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capacity, but each operating at same load(as sensed by FT-1202A for UB1, FT-2202A
for UB2 and FT-3202A for UB3), then the Master signal (PIC-1101) shall pass (through
SS-1203, SS-2203 & SS-3203 for UB1, UB2 & UB3 respectively) and create an equal
and associated change in the firing demand (i.e. equal biasing) for the UBs.

Scenario 2:
When all the three boilers (i.e. UB1, UB2 & UB3) are operated below their rated
capacity, and each operating at different load (as sensed by FT-1202A for UB1, FT-
2202A for UB2 and FT-3202A for UB3), then the Master signal (PIC-1101) shall pass
(through SS-1203, SS-2203 & SS-3203 for UB1, UB2 & UB-3 respectively) and create
a change proportional (based on biasing input given) to operating demand.

If, suppose a boiler reached 90% of MCR then the ramping up of that particular boiler
shall stop and the remaining boilers shall ramped up proportionally until they reach
90% of MCR. When all the boilers attain 90% MCR, then biasing shall be equally

For decreasing demand, suppose a boiler reached 40% of MCR, then the ramping
down of that particular boiler shall stop and the remaining boilers shall ramped down
proportionally until they reach 40% of MCR. When all the boilers attain 40% MCR, then
biasing shall be equally distributed.

Scenario 3:
When one boiler is operated at MCR (suppose UB1, as sensed by FT-1202A) and
other two boilers (suppose UB2 & UB3) are operated below their rated capacity (as
sensed by FT-2202A for UB2 and FT-3202A for UB3). Then the boiler at MCR (i.e. UB
1) shall be base loaded and UB2 & UB3 shall swing with the Master Controller (PIC-
1101) in accordance with the scheme defined in scenario 1 and scenario 2.

All UBs and HRSGs shall swing with the master pressure controller. Therefore any variation
in the main steam header pressure affect the firing demand of both UBs and HRSGs so,
based on the above stated philosophy various scenarios can occur and are listed below:

Scenario 1:
When all the seven HRSGs and all three UBs (i.e. HRSG1, HRSG2, HRSG3, HRSG4,
HRSG5, HRSG6, HRSG7, UB1, UB2 & UB3) are operated below their capacity, but

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each operating at same capacity (as sensed by FT-1102 for HRSG1, FT-2102 for
HRSG2 , FT-3102 for HRSG3, FT-4102 for HRSG4, FT-5102 for HRSG5, FT-6102 for
HRSG6, FT-7102 for HRSG7, FT-1202A for UB1, FT-2202A for UB2 and FT-3202A),
then the Master signal (PIC-1101) shall pass (through HS-1102, HS-2102, HS-3102,
HS-4102, HS-5102, HS-6102, HS-7102, SS-1203, SS-2203 & SS-3203 for HRSG1,
HRSG2, HRSG3, HRSG4, HRSG5, HRSG6, HRSG7, UB1, UB2 & UB3 respectively)
and create a change proportional to total demand with biasing.

Scenario 2:
When all the seven HRSGs and all three UBs (i.e. HRSG1, HRSG2, HRSG3, HRSG4,
HRSG5, HRSG6, HRSG7, UB1, UB2 & UB3) are operated below their capacity, and
each operating at different capacity (as sensed by FT-1102 for HRSG1, FT-2102 for
HRSG2 , FT-3102 for HRSG3, FT-4102 for HRSG4, FT-5102 for HRSG5, FT-6102 for
HRSG6, FT-7102 for HRSG7, FT-1202A for UB1, FT-2202A for UB2 and FT-3202A),
then the Master signal (PIC-1101) shall pass (through HS-1102, HS-2102, HS-3102,
HS-4102, HS-5102, HS-6102, HS-7102, SS-1203, SS-2203 & SS-3203 for HRSG1,
HRSG2, HRSG3, HRSG4, HRSG5, HRSG6, HRSG7, UB1, UB2 & UB3 respectively)
and create a change proportional to total demand with biasing.

If, suppose a boiler reached 90% of MCR then the ramping up of that particular boiler
shall stop and the remaining boilers shall ramped up proportionally until they reached
90% of MCR. When all the boilers attain 90% MCR, then biasing shall be equally
distributed. However, for HRSG‟s the ramping up shall be up to 100% of its rated

For decreasing demand, suppose a boiler reached 40% of MCR, then the ramping
down of that particular boiler shall stop and the remaining boilers shall ramped down
proportionally until they reach 40% of MCR. When all the boilers attain 40% MCR, then
biasing shall be equally distributed. For HRSG‟s, ramping down shall be limited to
turndown of HRSG based on GT load. The same shall be confirmed with HRSG

The above cases were made considering, UB4 and HRSG8 shall be at standby mode. In
case UB4 and HRSG8 are operating, then their respective tag nos. shall be replaced by their
corresponding standby UB and HRSG.

Further, biasing shall be either automatic or manual. In automatic biasing, the ramp up/ ramp

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down of individual boiler/ HRSG shall be automatically decided based on the operating
capacity of respective boiler/ HRSG, whereas in manual biasing mode, the ramp up/ ramp
down of individual boiler / HRSG shall be manually set and accordingly the respective
equipment shall take part in load sharing operation. Accordingly manual biasing provision
same shall be implemented.

4.1.2. VHP Steam Temperature

VHP steam temperature is being controlled within each utility Boiler and HRSG. Each Boiler
and HRSG comprise of an attemperator unit, located between primary super heater and
secondary super heater, for controlling the temperature of VHP steam. In HRSG, the
attemperator BFW spray is controlled based on the temperature monitored at attemperator
outlet and secondary super heater outlet. Whereas in boilers, the BFW spray in attemperator
is controlled by temperature monitoring at secondary super heater outlet only.

Further the combustion control system provided in each UB and HRSH also ensure that the
VHP steam temperature is maintained as desired. Detailed control description of VHP steam
temperature control shall be provided by equipment supplier in UB & HRSG vendor‟s
operating manual (to be prepared by M/s Thermax).

4.1.3. HP Steam Header Pressure/ Flow

Steam Turbine Generators
In CPP, the main HP steam source is by extraction through steam turbine generators. Each
STG is provided with pressure control based extraction system. Since all the STG‟s are
connected to common header, the pressure variation in the header will be reflected uniformly
in all STG‟s. Thus each STG‟s will either increase or decrease the HP extraction flow to take
care of the pressure fluctuation in header which might arise due to the net HP demand of the
complex. Detailed control description of HP steam extraction control shall be provided by
equipment supplier in STG vendor‟s operating manual (to be prepared by M/s HTC).

STG extraction control has a maximum limitation of 90 TPH of HP steam in each STG.
However, there could arise a certain case where the net HP steam demand may go higher
than maximum extraction demands from all working STG‟s or if any one of the operating
STG trips, then there could be drop in HP steam header pressure which cannot be taken
care by STG extraction control. During such a scenario, VHP-HP PRDS will come in to
operation. The three VHP-HP PRDS-I/II and III are provided with set points at 42.5, 42.0 and
41.5 kg/cm2g respectively. When this set point reaches as sensed by PT/PIC-

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1402/1404/1406, the respective PRDS converts VHP steam to HP steam thereby stabilising
the HP steam header pressure.

STG extraction pressure control also takes care of high HP steam header pressure scenario.
However, there could be a certain case where the HP steam header pressure may rise
beyond the controlling limit of STG‟s. In such an eventuality, the HP-MP PRDS will come in
to operation to relieve excess HP steam header pressure. The HP-MP PRDS is provided
with set points at 43.5 kg/cm2g. When this set point reaches as sensed by PT/PIC-4802, the
PRDS converts HP steam to MP steam thereby stabilising the HP steam header pressure.

HP Steam Header Vent

In order to protect the HP steam network, a HP steam header venting arrangement is also
provided within CPP. Whenever the HP steam header pressure reaches 47.0 kg/cm2g as
sensed by PT/PIC-1503, the vent valves PV-1503A/B vents HP steam to maintain the HP
steam header pressure within its mechanical design limits.

4.1.4. HP Steam Temperature

Steam Turbine Generators
As per the STG vendor‟s design, the HP steam extracted from each STG requires
downstream superheating arrangement. Each STG is provided with a HP steam super
heater which uses a part of VHP steam to superheat the HP steam. The VHP steam flow to
the super heater is controlled based on temperature of HP steam monitored at the outlet of
each super heater. Detailed control description of HP steam super heater shall be provided
by equipment supplier in STG vendor‟s operating manual (to be prepared by M/s HTC).

4.1.5. MP Steam Header Pressure/ Flow

Steam Turbine Generators
In CPP, the main MP steam source is by extraction through steam turbine generators. Each
STG is provided with pressure control based extraction system. Since all the STG‟s are
connected to common header, the pressure variation in the header will be reflected uniformly
in all STG‟s. Thus each STG‟s will either increase or decrease the MP extraction flow to take
care of the pressure fluctuation in header which might arise due to the net MP demand of the
complex. Detailed control description of MP steam extraction control shall be provided by
equipment supplier in STG vendor‟s operating manual (to be prepared by M/s HTC).

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STG extraction control has a maximum limitation of 180 TPH of MP steam in each STG.
However, there could be a certain case where the net MP steam demand may go higher
than maximum extraction demands from all STG‟s or if any one of the operating STG trips,
then there could be drop in MP steam header pressure which cannot be taken care by STG
extraction control. During such a scenario, VHP-MP PRDS will come in to operation. The
three VHP-MP PRDS-I/II and III are provided with set points at 15.5, 15.0 and 14.5 kg/cm2g
respectively. When this set point reaches as sensed by PT/PIC-1602/1604/1606, the
respective PRDS converts VHP steam to MP steam thereby stabilising the MP steam header

STG extraction pressure control also takes care of high MP steam header pressure
scenario. However, there could be a certain case where the MP steam header pressure may
rise beyond the controlling limit of STG‟s. In such an eventuality, the MP-LP PRDS will come
in to operation to relieve excess MP steam header pressure. The MP-LP PRDS-III is
provided with set point at 16.5 kg/cm2g. When this set point reaches as sensed by PT/PIC-
4804, the PRDS converts MP steam to LP steam thereby stabilising the MP steam header

MP Steam Header Vent

In order to protect the MP steam network, a MP steam header venting arrangement is also
provided within CPP. Whenever the MP steam header pressure reaches 20.0 kg/cm2g as
sensed by PT/PIC-1803, the vent valves PV-1803A/B vents MP steam to maintain the MP
steam header pressure within its mechanical design limits.

4.1.6. MP Steam Temperature

Steam Turbine Generators
As per the STG vendor‟s design, the MP steam extracted from each STG requires
downstream de-superheating arrangement. Each STG is provided with a BFW spray de-
super heater to reduce the superheat the MP steam as per piping mechanical design limits.
The BFW flow to de-super heater is controlled based on temperature of MP steam monitored
at the outlet of each de-super heater. Detailed control description of MP steam de-super
heater shall be provided by equipment supplier in STG vendor‟s operating manual (to be
prepared by M/s HTC).

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4.1.7. LP Steam Header Pressure/ Flow

Whenever the net MP steam demand goes higher, then there could be drop in LP steam
header pressure which will be taken care by MP-LP PRDS system. The two MP-LP PRDS-I
and II are provided with set points at 5.0 and 4.5 kg/cm2g respectively. When this set point
reaches as sensed by PT/PIC-1902/1904, the respective PRDS converts MP steam to LP
steam thereby stabilising the LP steam header pressure.

LP Steam Header Vent

In order to protect the LP steam network against overpressure, a LP steam header venting
arrangement is also provided within CPP. Whenever the LP steam header pressure reaches
7.0 kg/cm2g as sensed by PT/PIC-2003, the vent valves PV-2003A/B vents excess LP
steam to maintain the LP steam header pressure within its mechanical design limits.

4.2 DM Water/ Condensate System

4.2.1 DM Water/ Condensate Storage Tank Level
The polished condensate and DM water (cold) stream routed to DM water/ condensate
storage tank is under split range level control. In addition the tank receives uninterrupted
flow from DM water (hot) stream, CEP extraction pump discharge (from STG‟s) and pump
minimum circulation flows. The split range control acts as follows for DM water/ condensate
tank-A (680-TT-1004A):
 When the tank is at low level (when the controller output, i.e. tank level is 0%), both
the valves, LV-3102 B & C (DMW-cold) and LV-3102 A (polished condensate) will be
in 100% open position.
 When the tank level increases, the valves LV-3102 B & C will be proportionately
controlled up to a controller output of 50 (i.e., tank level is 50%), at 50% tank level
the valves LV-3102 B & C will be completely closed.
 On further rise in tank level, the valve LV-3102 A will come in to control. The valve
LV-3102 A will be proportionately controlled for a controller output from 50 to 100
(i.e., tank level between 50% and 100%) and LV-3102 A will go to close position at
100% tank level.
 Vice versa, when the tank level decreases LV-3102 A will proportionately open up to
tank level of 50%. Further decrease in tank level will lead to opening of LV-3102 B &
C proportionately.

As elaborated above, the same is applicable for the other tank, 680-TT-1004 B as well. The
valves LV-3103 B & C and LV-3103 A will be in operation. Level controllers LIC-3102 and

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LIC-3103 are provided for operation of the split range control for the tanks 680-TT-1004 A &
B respectively.

4.2.2 Atmospheric Condensate Flash Drum Level

The various condensate streams routed to the atmospheric condensate flash drum is routed
to OSBL as suspect condensate through Atmospheric condensate pumps under level control
with flash drum. LV-2401 is provided in the pump discharge header, which takes flash drum
level signal through LT/LIC-2401. FV-2401 operated through FT/FIC-2401 is also provided in
pump discharge header to take care of pump minimum flow requirements as well as any
additional flow upstream of LV-2401 that is not routed to OSBL.

4.2.3 LP Condensate Collection Drum Level

The various tracer and trap condensate received within entire CPP is routed to the LP
condensate collection drum and is routed to Deaerators through Condensate pumps under
level control with condensate collection drum. LV-8502 is provided in the pump discharge
header, which takes condensate collection drum level signal through LT/LIC-8502. FV-8501
operated through FT/FIC-8501 is also provided in pump discharge header to take care of
pump minimum flow requirements as well as any additional flow upstream of LV-8502 that is
not routed to deaerators.

4.2.4 UB Atmospheric Condensate Flash Drum Level

The pure condensate stream received from utility boilers within CPP is routed to the UB
atmospheric condensate flash drum and is routed to Deaerators through UB Condensate
transfer pumps under level control with UB condensate flash drum. LV-8602 is provided in
the pump discharge header, which takes UB condensate flash drum level signal through
LT/LIC-8602. FV-8601 operated through FT/FIC-8601 is also provided in pump discharge
header to take care of pump minimum flow requirements as well as any additional flow
upstream of LV-8602 that is not routed to deaerators.

4.3 Deaerator System

4.3.1 Deaerator Storage Tank Level
Each deaerator is fed by three major streams, the pure condensate line routed directly from
CPP battery limit, from deaerator feed pump discharge and from MUH feed pump discharge
(routed to MUH in each HRSG and further to deaerator). The pure condensate line and MUH
outlet line (from HRSG‟s) are provided with remote operated control valve to set equal flow
distribution to each deaerator. This is carried out through HIC 3401/ 3501 for pure
condensate stream and HIC-3301/3302 for MUH outlet stream. For setting the pure

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condensate distribution to each deaerator, FT/FI-3401 shall be referred. Similarly, for MUH
outlet flow to each deaerator, FT/FI-3302/3303 shall be referred.

The deaerator feed pump discharge only supplies the remaining water to deaerator (in
addition to pure condensate and MUH outlet) required for BFW generation. Thus, this stream
is under level control of deaerator storage tank. The valves LV-3401 and LV-3501 will be in
operation under level control through LIC-3401 and LIC-3501 for the deaerator storage tank
A & B respectively. The LIC-3401 and LIC -3501 takes signal from LT-3401 A & B and LT-
3501 A & B respectively.

4.3.2 Deaerator Pressure Control

Deaerator pressure control is one of the important aspects in effective operation of
deaerators. The operating pressure of deaerator directly impacts the following:
 Removal of dissolved gases/ heat transmission of steam to water
 Temperature of deaerator/ BFW.
 Venting dissolved gases, i.e., avoids mixing of separated gases again with BFW.

The solubility of gas in liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure & inversely
proportional to temperature of liquid. Thus by adding steam in deaerator, the partial pressure
of dissolved gases are decreased thereby effecting the removal of the same. LP steam flow
to each deaerator is controlled through Deaerator pressure. Pressure control valve PV-3401
& PV-3501 operated through controllers PIC-3401 & PIC-3501 for Deaerator-A & B
respectively is provided to take care of the same. PIC-3401 & PIC-3501 takes input from
PT/PI-3401 A/B & PT/PI-3501 A/B (high selecting) for Deaerator-A & B respectively.

4.4 Fuel Handling System

4.4.1 Fuel Availability
The primary and alternate fuels utilised for operation of GTGs, Utility Boilers and HRSG is
dependent on fuel availability. The primary/ main and alternate fuels for various equipments
within CPP are listed below:
Main fuel : Natural gas / Propane
Alternate fuel : LCO, (LCO + Diesel) blend (IFO-2)
Start-up fuel : Diesel, Natural gas

Main fuel : Natural gas / Propane

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Alternate fuel : LCO/ (LCO + Diesel) blend (IFO-2), Fuel gas

Start-up fuel for pilot : Natural gas, LPG cylinder

Main fuel : CLO, (CLO+ Diesel) blend (IFO-1)
Alternate fuel : Natural gas, LCO/IFO-2, Fuel gas, Propane
Start-up fuel for pilot : Natural gas/Propane/LPG cylinder
(Boilers shall be designed for combination fuel firing, with any one of liquid and any
one of gaseous fuel in various proportions)

In view of the availability of fuels, natural gas and LCO system within CPP is designed to
cater to supply all eight GTGs/ HRSGs and three utility boilers to operate at 100% load
simultaneously. CLO system, being only utilised in utility boilers, is designed to cater to
supply three utility boilers operating at MCR continuously. Similarly, HSD system, being only
utilised in GTGs, is designed to cater to supply all eight GTGs operating at 100% load
continuously. Propane and fuel gas fuels are used only if the same is available for CPP

4.4.2 CLO Heater Outlet Temperature & CLO Heater Condensate Pot Level
The CLO stream is heated in CLO trim heater to maintain viscosity of CLO fuel within
acceptable limits for utility boiler burner design. The flow of LP steam, used as heating
medium in CLO trim heater, is controlled based on CLO trim heater‟s exit temperature.
TE/TT/TIC-5801 is provided at the outlet of CLO trim heater to control TV-5801, thereby
controlling the heating medium quantity in trim heater. Further the steam condensed in trim
heater is removed through level control valve LV-5802 acting under LT/LIC-5802 provided in
CLO heater condensate pot.

4.4.3 NG Heater Outlet Temperature & NG Heater Condensate Pot Level

The natural gas stream is heated in NG heater to avoid condensation due to temperature
drop as a result of depressurization in downstream pressure control valves before being
routed to UB‟s and HRSG‟s. The flow of LP steam, used as heating medium in NG heater, is
controlled based on NG heater‟s exit temperature. TE/TT/TIC-6104 is provided at the outlet
of NG heater to control TV-6101, thereby controlling the heating medium quantity in NG
heater. Further the steam condensed in NG heater is removed through level control valve
LV-6102 acting under LT/LIC-6102 provided in NG heater condensate pot.

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4.4.4 NG Header Pressure/ Flow to UB’s/ HRSG’s

For utilising the natural gas stream in UB‟s and HRSG‟s the natural gas stream is required to
be de-pressurised (since the battery limit pressure is high w. r. t GTG requirement in CPP)
before being routed to each UB/ HRSG battery limit. Further the NG flow required for
operation of UB‟s and HRSG‟s is also to be regulated. The pressure control valves provided,
PV-6101 A/B/C, carries out both the requirements.

Pressure sensed at the outlet header of FG KOD (VV-1002) by PT/PIC-6304, which

indirectly gives a feedback on flow requirement for UB‟s and HRSG‟s, controls the pressure
control valves PV-6101 A/B/C. PV-6101 A & B are 2 x 100% valves (Operation of all eight
HRSG‟s and Three UB‟s) whereas PV-6101 C is provided for HRSG requirement (HRSG‟s
operating at normal load, i.e., without supplementary fuel firing in HRSG/ heat input from flue
gas from GTG operating at base load). The operating sequence of PV-6101 A/B/C is as
 At low pressure as sensed by PT-6301, PV-6101 C opens first. If the pressure at the
downstream header remains low, PV-6101 A opens next. If the pressure still remains
at low level, PV-6101 B opens to meet natural gas demand.
 Vice versa, at high pressure as sensed by PT-6301, PV-6101 B closes first, followed
by PV-6101 A and PV-6101 C (if pressure remains high even after valve closure).

4.4.5 Vaporised Propane Pressure/ Flow to UB’s/ HRSG’s

Since the propane stream shall be utilised within CPP depending on its availability as well as
requirement within CPP, the propane flow required for operation of UB‟s and HRSG‟s is to
be regulated. The flow control valves provided, FV-6401 A/B carries out the same. FV-6401
A/B opens depending on flow signal sensed by FT/FIC-6401. The set point on FT/FIC loop
shall be manually set by the operator depending on exact requirement of number of
equipment intended to operate on propane subject to availability of propane.

4.4.6 LCO Header Pressure to GTG’s

LCO stream is received within each GTG battery limit at a pressure of 6 to 7 kg/cm2g. In
order to maintain the header pressure near GTG battery limit, a pressure control valve PV-
6601 & PV-6602 is provided for GTG‟s 1 to 4 & 5 to 8 respectively. In an event that only one
GTG is operating or the flow requirement within each GTG decreases depending on its
operating load, there may be slight build up of pressure in the header. This increase in
pressure is sensed by PT/PIC-6625 & PT/PIC-6626 for GTG‟s 1 to 4 & 5 to 8 respectively
which regulates PV-6601/ 6602 to divert the excess flow to return header thereby controlling
the header pressure.

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4.4.7 LCO Heater Outlet Temperature

The LCO stream is heated in LCO heater to maintain viscosity of LCO fuel within acceptable
limits for GTG design (1.8 – 10 cst). The flow of LP steam, used as heating medium in LCO
heater, is controlled based on LCO heater‟s exit temperature. TE/TT/TIC-6601 & 6602 is
provided at the outlet of LCO heater to control TV-6601 & TV-6602 for GTG‟s 1 to 4 & 5 to 8
respectively, thereby controlling the heating medium quantity in each LCO heater.

4.4.8 HSD Header Pressure to GTG’s

HSD stream is received within each GTG battery limit at a pressure of 6 to 7 kg/cm 2g. In
order to maintain the header pressure near GTG battery limit, a pressure control valve PV-
6901 & PV-6902 is provided for GTG‟s 1 to 4 & 5 to 8 respectively. In an event that only one
GTG is operating or the flow requirement within each GTG decreases depending on its
operating load, there may be slight build-up of pressure in the header. This increase in
pressure is sensed by PT/PIC-6921 & PT/PIC-6922 for GTG‟s 1 to 4 & 5 to 8 respectively
which regulates PV-6901/ 6902 to divert the excess flow to return header thereby controlling
the header pressure.

4.5 Nitrogen Blanketing System

4.5.1 DM Water/ Condensate Storage Tank Blanketing
The nitrogen line to 680-TT-1004 A/B is provided with self-regulating pressure control valves
PCV-3102/3102 and PCV-3103/3104 for tank A & B respectively for blanketing purpose.
When the tank pressure falls below 50 mmWC, the nitrogen inbreathing valves, either PCV-
3101 or PCV-3103 will open for tank A & B respectively. Similarly, when the tank pressure
increases beyond 80 mmWC, the nitrogen out breathing valves, either PCV-3102 or PCV-
3104 will open for tank A & B respectively for relieving excess pressure.

Each tank is provided with a sensing line which will give continuous feedback on tank
pressure to individual PCV‟s. Further the tanks are also provided with an interconnection line
on the roof for reducing the overall nitrogen consumption.

4.5.2 HSD Storage Tank Blanketing

The nitrogen line to 680-TT-1001 is provided with self-regulating pressure control valves
PCV-5101/ 5102 for blanketing purpose. When the tank pressure falls below 50 mmWC, the
nitrogen inbreathing valves, PCV-5101 will open. Similarly, when the tank pressure
increases beyond 80 mmWC, the nitrogen out breathing valves, PCV-5102 will open for
relieving excess pressure. The tank is provided with a sensing line which will give continuous

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feedback on tank pressure to individual PCV‟s.

4.5.3 LCO Storage Tank Blanketing

The nitrogen line to 680-TT-1002 A/B is provided with self-regulating pressure control valves
PCV-5203/5204 and PCV-5201/5202 for tank A & B respectively for blanketing purpose.
When the tank pressure falls below 50 mmWC, the nitrogen inbreathing valves, either PCV-
5203 or PCV-5201 will open for tank A & B respectively. Similarly, when the tank pressure
increases beyond 80 mmWC, the nitrogen out breathing valves, either PCV-5204 or PCV-
5202 will open for tank A & B respectively for relieving excess pressure.

Each tank is provided with a sensing line which will give continuous feedback on tank
pressure to individual PCV‟s. Further the tanks are also provided with an interconnection line
on the roof for reducing the overall nitrogen consumption.

4.5.4 IFO/CLO Storage Tank Blanketing

The nitrogen line to 680-TT-1003 is provided with self-regulating pressure control valves
PCV-5501/ 5502 for blanketing purpose. When the tank pressure falls below 50 mmWC, the
nitrogen inbreathing valves, PCV-5501 will open. Similarly, when the tank pressure
increases beyond 80 mmWC, the nitrogen out breathing valves, PCV-5502 will open for
relieving excess pressure. The tank is provided with a sensing line which will give continuous
feedback on tank pressure to individual PCV‟s.

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5.1 Utility Specifications and Requirement


Pressure, kg/cm g 102 104 106 116/FV
Temperature, 0C 480 505 520 525
Pressure, kg/cm2g 41 42 43 52/FV
Temperature, 0C 380 400 405 425
Pressure, kg/cm g 14 15 16 24/FV
Temperature, C 250 265 280 350
Pressure, kg/cm2g 4 4.5 5.5 10.0/FV
Temperature, 0C 170 185 190 250
Pressure, kg/cm2g 7.0 15
Temperature, C 90 125
Pressure, kg/cm g 7.0 15
Temperature, 0C 45-55 125
Pressure, kg/cm2g 7.0 15
Temperature, 0C 90 125
Pressure, kg/cm g 7.0 15
Temperature, C 60-90 125
Pressure, kg/cm2g 5 12
Temperature, 0C Ambient 65
Supply Pressure, kg/cm2g 5 10
Return Pressure, kg/cm g 2.5 10
Supply Temperature, C 33 65

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Return Temperature, 0C 45 65
Pressure, kg/cm g 5.0 8.5 16.34
Temperature, 0C Ambient 65
Pressure, kg/cm2g 125 126 144 204
Temperature, 0C 110 120 130 150
Pressure, kg/cm g 70 70 74 92.0
Temperature, C 110 120 130 150
Pressure, kg/cm2g 27 28 31 42
Temperature, 0C 110 120 130 150
Supply Pressure, kg/cm2g 5 10
Return Pressure, kg/cm g 2.5-3.5 10
Supply Temperature, C 33 65
Return Temperature, C 45 65
Pressure, kg/cm2g 7.5 8.5 10.5
Temperature, 0C Amb 65
Pressure, kg/cm2g 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.5
Temperature, C Ambient 65
Pressure, kg/cm g 3.5 4.0 5.0 10.0
Temperature, 0C 38 40 120
Supply Pressure, kg/cm2g 12.0 11 16
Return Pressure, kg/cm2g 2.5 21.8
Temperature, C 80 120
Pressure, kg/cm g 5.0 6.5 7.5 10.5
Temperature, 0C Ambient 65

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Pressure, kg/cm2g 43.0 45.0 49.0
Temperature, C 28 38 70
Pressure, kg/cm2g 7.5 8.5 10.5
Temperature, 0C Ambient 65

5.2 Estimated Utility Summary

The estimated Utility Summary is annexed in Annexure 18.18

5.3 Interconnectivity of unit along with Offsite and Utility

CPP has interconnection with utility systems and offsite tankages. Please refer 2.8 of this
document and Annexure 18.7 for details.

5.3.1 Unit to Unit (Within block / OSBL unit)

CPP has interconnection only with RFCC block for VHP steam supply. Please refer 2.8 of
this document and Annexure 18.7 for details.

5.3.2 Unit to / from Utility

Please refer 2.8 of this document and Annexure 18.7 for details.

5.4 Description of Utility Systems OWS, CRWS, CBD, FG, FO, FLO, Flare
KOD & Mist Oil Lubrication Description
5.4.1 Flare System
Flare system is provided within CPP for safe disposal of hydrocarbon gases relieved from
various safety valves provided on equipments/ piping, vents of fuel lines, seal plan vents
from various fuel pumps.

The LP flare relief streams are routed either directly to main LP flare header or through sub-
header depending on the location of the relief valves with respect to main header within
CPP. The main LP flare header is routed to a LP flare KOD (680-VV-1010) for removal of
any condensates before being routed to OSBL main LP flare header. The collected
condensate from the vessel is routed to CBD vessel inside CPP and further to refinery slop

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5.4.2 OWS
The oily water sewer (OWS) network is mainly to collect water contaminated with
hydrocarbon oil. The OWS stream is a mixture of process/oil and water which
includes process spillages, hydrocarbon drains from equipment, oily condensates, flushing
during routine operation and other drains which have a chance of becoming polluted with oil.
An oily water system safely transfers the collected flows to the treatment facilities through a
combined header. All equipment having CBD connections are normally provided with OWS

The system consists of drains, funnels, underground piping, clean-outs, catch basins,
manholes, sealed manholes and vent pipes etc.

5.4.3 CRWS
Rainwater collected from process units area is handled by Contaminated Rain Water System
(CRWS). It is expected that first 15 minutes of floor wash of identified equipment area of
process units have oil contamination. The floor wash of contaminated area shall be collected
in a CRWS pit through a network of catch basin and CRWS sewer and shall be sent to ETP
by pumping. Baffle wall shall be provided both for incoming pipe & outgoing discharge to
storm water drain. After 15 minutes, it shall be routed to storm water open drain.

5.4.4 Closed Blowdown System

CBD system is provided within CPP for safe disposal of hydrocarbon liquid drains relieved
from various equipment and piping. The hydrocarbon drains from equipments/ piping are
routed either directly to main CBD header or through sub-header depending on the location
of equipments. The main CBD header is routed to a CBD vessel (680-VV-1009) for further
transfer of the stream to OSBL slop header. The CBD vessel is also floated with LP flare
header within CPP for separation of any hydrocarbon gases.

5.4.5 Mist Oil Lubrication System

Not Applicable for CPP BOP facilities.

5.4.6 Flushing Oil System

Flushing oil received from refinery offsite facilities is routed within CPP for flushing of various
piping, exchangers, pumps and other equipment as applicable.

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6.1 System Philosophy

A systemization plan (System / Sub-system breakdown) or a list of systems / sub-systems
shall be developed during the construction phase of the plant.

A "System" is a part of the plant (utility, process, offsites or other) which corresponds to an
independent group of equipment having a specific function or service, and in which the
major part (or the totality) of the Pre-commissioning activities can be performed reasonably
independently to form an individual and functional working area of the whole plant.

A “Sub-system” is a further subdivision of a System (if required), made to facilitate the

internal transfer between project phases. The System/sub-system approach is a method to
split the plant into well identified sections as defined above. The main objectives of System /
Sub-system preparation are to:

 Organize the Pre-commissioning activities not at whole plant level, but at functional
systems and sub-systems level, having a total control in respect of the safety and
progress measurement;
 Identify the optimum completion sequence, minimizing the time between end of
Construction and Commissioning of the plant, taking advantage of the fact that, while
some subsystems are still under Construction, others can be under Pre-
commissioning and some others can be under Commissioning;
 Optimize means and resources with respect to the schedule.

The "system / sub-system" concept will be used during the completion phases to each
the contractual milestones / targets:

 The Mechanical Completion (MC) by system, to reach the Mechanical Completion

 System-wise issuance of check lists / liquidation of check lists / verification of
liquidation of check lists
 System-wise completion of pre-commissioning activities
 The Ready for commissioning by system, to reach the commissioning stage.

Systems/Subsystems will be smartly selected to ensure an optimization of the schedule

and control of the overall completion activities. P&IDs shall be marked-up in accordance to
process system / sub-systems with appropriate legends. Systems marked-up P&IDs shall

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be uploaded in EIL‟s commissioning software PCAMS for the management of all above
activities by systems / sub-systems.

6.2 Format Philosophy

Following philosophy for Format System to enable smooth transition from
construction to commissioning shall be followed:

6.2.1 FORMAT- I (Intimation Regarding System Completion)

As a first step, Contractor‟s competent representative shall check the system / sub- system
so that system / sub-system meets the process and operability requirement and is
constructed as per the approved drawings. Contractor shall liquidate the checklist,
generated by Contractor‟s competent representatives.

Contractor shall submit FORMAT-I certificate stating system / sub-system. Checklist

generated by Contractor representative and test certificates connected with the system /
sub-system will form a part of the FORMAT-I. Certificates of various statutory bodies for
relevant portion of the work completed shall be made available by the Contractor as part of
mechanical completion.

6.2.2 FORMAT- II (Checklist)

Owner / Consultant shall check the system along with Contractor‟s representative and shall
issue FORMAT-II which includes deficiencies to be liquidated / modifications required for
the portion of the work for which Contractor has issued FORMAT-I.

The unit‟s system shall also be checked by respective unit‟s licenser representatives.
Contractor shall be required to liquidate punch list / checklist items of the licenser checklist

6.2.3 FORMAT- III (Ready for Pre-Commissioning Certificate)

Contractor shall liquidate all the checklist points agreed between Contractor / Owner /
Consultant to the satisfaction of Owner / Consultant and issue certificate in form of
FORMAT – III. This is a necessary requirement for Mechanical Completion.

Mechanical Completion of systems shall mean that all installation works of the unit have
been completed and hydro tested in accordance with approved construction drawings,
approved specification, applicable code as defined in the bid package, accepted
international good engineering practices and all the activities have been completed in a

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comprehensive manner by the Contractor except for minor mutually agreed leftover works
which may be completed during pre-commissioning phase. All statutory approval shall be
obtained by Contractor as part of mechanical completion.

6.2.4 FORMAT- IV (Ready for Commissioning Certificate)

The units shall be considered `Ready for Commissioning' when pre-commissioning
activities are completed. Contractor shall further ensure that all the facilities have been
completed along with their auxiliaries and support facilities in every respect including
charging of lubes, catalyst / chemicals, preparation of solution, any last minute
modifications, if any, as recommended by the Owner / Consultant. All temporary structures,
scaffolding etc. used for carrying out the pre- commissioning works shall be removed, all
the blinds shall be put into position as required in P&IDs. All pre- commissioning and other
documents including blinds list, set pressures of PSVs and TSVs and their calibration test
certificates, Instrument Loop check / control valve stroke test, on-off valves functional test
report and interlock checks report, Hydro test and box up report, motor no load / load test
certificates, flushing/blowing reports, leak test reports, inertization reports, refractory dry
out reports, chemical cleaning reports, catalyst loading reports, etc. shall be handed over to
the Owner / Consultant by the Contractor through their commissioning in-charge once the
units has reached a stage of ready for commissioning.

The Contractor shall issue a certificate of “Ready for Commissioning” of the unit for
acceptance by the Owner / Consultant / Process Licensor in standard format, FORMAT- IV
with all exceptions resolved. After the Unit has been declared as “Ready for
Commissioning”, the Contractor shall not carry out any hot work in the Unit without prior
written permission of the Owner.

6.2.5 FORMAT- V (Completion of Commissioning Certificate)

Commissioning of the Unit shall mean taking the feed (i.e. introduction of hydrocarbon as
applicable), filling of systems, start of pumps / compressors / ignition of furnaces,
establishing start-up cycle, passing it through the normal route, establishing the process
control parameters first at turn down & then at near to operating value stipulated in the
process package, production from the plant along with supplementary instructions if any
from Owner.

PCAMS Software shall be used in pre-commissioning and commissioning. Status of all the
formats shall be through PCAMS.

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6.3 Pre-Commissioning Activities (General)

As the construction of the unit nears completion, a large amount of work must begin to
prepare it for startup. These pre commissioning activities have three main purposes:
 To ensure, by thorough inspection and testing, that the unit is safe, operable and
constructed as specified;
 To prepare equipment for operation by flushing, running in, etc. and
 To acquaint the operators with the unit.

The exact order of presentation need not be strictly followed. Depending on the progress of
construction, certain procedures may be required earlier or later than suggested here. A
thorough knowledge of the entire pre commissioning operation will allow the plant personnel
to schedule activities in the most time-saving and labor efficient way. These are the
necessary pre commissioning activities:
1. Vessel Inspection
2. Inspection of other Major Equipment
3. Piping and Instrument Check
4. Hydrostatic Testing
5. Line Flushing
6. Run-in of Pumps and Drivers
7. Servicing and Calibration of Instruments
8. Commissioning of Plant Services
9. Availability Check of Chemicals, Catalysts, and Other Materials
10. Plant Pressure Test
11. Air-Freeing
12. Commissioning of Additional Plant Services
The material in this section gives general guidelines for preparing a unit for startup. Some
sections need to be expanded to give specific instructions, but this can best be done by
personnel on site.

6.3.1 Vessel Inspection

Inspection of all vessels should be made at an early stage of construction. The actual
installation should be compared to the vessel drawings in the Project Specifications.
Particular attention should be given to the following details:
a. Vessel temperature, pressure, and vacuum rating.
b. Vessel wall thickness and metallurgy.
c. Vessel elevation and support.

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d. Vessel cladding: thickness and metallurgy.

e. Distributors: type, levelness, orientation, size, number, and size of openings.
f. Nozzles: location and size.
g. Vortex breakers, baffles, wear plates.
h. Demisters and coalescing screens: thickness, materials, support.
i. Thermowells: location and length.
j. Level instruments: type, length, location of nozzles.
k. Insulation.
l. Fireproofing.
m. Cleanliness.

CAUTION: Before entering a vessel, the refinery's safety precautions should be observed.
These usually include the following:
 Sampling the vessel for toxic vapors and oxygen concentration,
 Wearing a safety harness, and
 Having an attendant outside the vessel.

An unattended vessel should never be entered.

6.3.2 Inspection of Other Major Equipment

When inspecting the following equipment, special attention should be given to the
associated items:
a. Heat Exchangers: metallurgies, tubes, grounding wires, expansion provisions;
manufacturer's ratings for temperature, pressure, and pressure drop; nozzles,
flanges. Shell and Tube: elevation, insulation, tube sheets, baffles, channel
covers, differential pressure rating.

b. Pumps: metallurgy, suction and discharge block valves, suction strainer,

discharge pressure gauge, check valves, lubrication and cooling systems, piping
expansion provisions, drains, steam tracing and insulation of pump and
associated lines; vendors ratings for head, capacity, temperature, and pressure.

Centrifugal: NPSH and speed rating, balancing line, warm up lines, seal flush, bearings.

Positive Displacement: discharge relief valve, pulsation dampeners, packing, speed and
stroke rating.

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6.3.3 Piping and Instrument Check

The unit should be checked to ensure that it conforms to the piping and instrument diagram.
In addition to verification of the correct process flow, the inspection should include the
a. Line sizes and metallurgy
b. Flanges and gaskets
c. Bolting
d. Drains and vents
e. Relief valve settings
f. Piping supports and expansion provisions
g. Equipment accessibility
h. Utility lines
i. Tie-ins with other units/storage
j. General safety requirements

6.3.4 Hydrostatic Testing

After all fabrication has been completed the unit vessels and piping should be pressure
tested hydraulically. Hydrostatic tests are made on new or repaired equipment to prove the
strength of materials and welds. This test is made by completely filling the equipment with
water (typically) and increasing the pressure. Normally a positive displacement pump will be
used to raise the pressure. This test is normally performed by construction personnel and it
should not be confused with other less severe tests generally carried out before a startup to
check the tightness of connections.

 Vessels that have met hydro testing requirements in the fabricators shop maybe
isolated from the hydro test if desired and if allowed by applicable codes. Before
hydro testing any vessel it should be confirmed that the vessel is designed and
supported such that it can safely be filled with water. If not, the applicable code
should be consulted for testing requirements.

 Care should be taken not to exceed the pressure rating of any vessels or equipment
when preparing a hydro test circuit. Internals, such as displacers, level ball floats, or
other instruments not designed for the test pressure must be removed. All relief
valves (PSV's) should be removed, blinded, or gagged during the hydro test. Since
all relief valves must be bench tested and set before final installation, it may be
desirable to perform the testing at this time.
 Vents must be provided at all high points of vessels and piping in the hydro test

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circuit(s) to purge possible air pockets while filling.

 All internal valves within a test circuit should be confirmed open. Usually the
hydrostatic pressure test is carried out at 1.5 times the design pressure, but the
proper test pressure must be confirmed for each vessel or piping circuit in question.

 Care should be taken that the temperature is not too low, causing the metal to
become brittle. The vessel/piping and water temperature should always be above
15.5°C (60°F) to eliminate the possibility of cold-fracturing the metal.

 Note that a water filled system requires venting when being drained in order to avoid
pulling a vacuum and possibly collapsing equipment.

6.3.5 Line Flushing

All piping must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and scale. This may be done after
hydrostatic testing, before the test water is drained. Generally, liquid lines are flushed with
water and thoroughly drained. Gas lines may be either water flushed or air blown, but water
should be blown from gas lines if water flushed. Gas lines to compressors must be free of

The following items are suggested as a guide for line flushing:

a. Where practical, clean water should be supplied to the vessels, and contiguous
lines should be flushed away from the vessel. Never flush into equipment.
b. No matter what the flushing medium – steam, air, or water – maximum volume and
velocity should be used for thorough cleaning.
c. Remove orifice plates before flushing.
d. Control valves should be removed.
e. Instrument lines should be closed off or disconnected. The instrument air header
should be thoroughly blown with clean, dry air.
f. Relief valves should be blinded if they have been returned to service following
hydrostatic testing.
g. Regulate the flushing medium at its source. As examples, water from a vessel
should be regulated at the vessel; and steam, at the valve in the supply to the line
being blown.
h. Where possible, flush downward or horizontally.
i. Always flush through a piece of equipment's bypass to an open end before flushing
through the equipment.

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j. Disconnect lines at exchangers and flush to the openings.

k. Flush through all vents and drains.
l. At pumps:
1. Disconnect suction and discharge piping and flush lines.
2. Install temporary screens in pump suction strainers.
3. Reconnect lines for circulating water.
4. See further discussion under "Run-in of Pumps and Drivers."
m. Flush or blow:
1. The main header, from source to end, then
2. Each lateral header, from the main to end, and
3. Each branch line, from the lateral header to end.
n. For steam systems, flush well through dirt leg drains and steam trap bypasses
before placing the traps in service.

Upon completion of line flushing of any system, carefully check that all temporary breaks are
re-connected, control valves are replaced, and pump alignments are normal. Also, verify that
all free water has been drained.

6.3.6 Run-in of Pumps and Drivers

Proper installation and operation of pumps and drivers is essential for trouble-free
performance. The pumps and drivers should receive careful handling during initial run-in.
The initial run-in of pumps is generally done by circulating water through the new equipment.
Temporary strainers are installed in the suction line of the pumps, conveniently located for
removal and cleaning. The screens also should be positioned so that dirt particles will not
gravitate to inaccessible places when flow is stopped. During run-in of pumps, the strainers
may cause some restriction of flow.

As debris collects in the strainers, flow to the pumps will fall off. When this happens to a
centrifugal pump, it will be necessary to throttle the pump discharge by partially closing the
discharge valve. This will prevent the pump from cavitating, which can cause damage to the
pump. However, also avoid restricting the pump discharge to the extent that it causes
internal slippage and excessive heat generation.

In starting a turbine driven centrifugal pump, the rotation should be brought up to speed as
rapidly as possible. Normal operating speeds are usually attained rapidly and automatically
with motor-driven pumps, assuming proper motor starting. The development of discharge
pressure is essential to flush and lubricate the wearing rings. After initially starting the pump,

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close the discharge valve for a short time. Subsequently, it is always advisable, where
practical, to close the pump discharge valve immediately prior to shutting down a centrifugal
pump. However, discharge valves on operating positive displacement pumps should never
be closed. These pumps can over pressure themselves and downstream lines and
equipment. The following items are suggested for checking prior to run-in:
a. The manufacturer's operating instructions for any specific precautions that should
be observed.
b. Completion of overall installation.
c. Alignment of pump and driver for cold operation. No undue strain by the piping on
the pump or driver is allowable.
d. Cooling fluid piping and seal or gland oil piping:
1. Conventionally packed pumps in hot service are generally furnished with gland
oil. Verify that this installation is correct and complete.
2. For pumps with mechanical seals, verify that all of the components of the
flushing system (such as strainers, separators, restriction orifices and coolers)
have been correctly installed and are clean. Loss of flush or dirty flush may
cause the failure of seals.
e. Packing or seals are installed.
f. Bearings and shafts have been cleaned prior to final lubrication.
g. Pump and driver are lubricated according to lubrication instructions.
h. Rotation of electric motor drivers uncoupled from the pump. Run-in uncoupled for a
minimum of four hours, verifying good motor operation.

During run-in, many pumps are delivering a higher density liquid (water) than the normal
process fluid, but the pumps drivers are sized for the normal pumping fluid. Consequently,
there is potential for the overload of many electric motors. To avoid overloading the motor of
a centrifugal pump, the flow must be limited by throttling the pump discharge valve. When
doing so, if possible, check the amperage usage against design. The following procedure is
suggested for pump run-in:
a. Rotate pump and driver by hand, verifying that they roll freely.
b. Check that run-in water circulation is lined up.
c. Open suction valves fully, venting air from piping and pumps, completely filling with
d. Establish flow of cooling fluid, where required.
e. Check that lubrication is satisfactory.
f. Make sure electric power is available from the switch gear to the starter of the
electric motor driver.

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g. Barely open the discharge valve on the centrifugal pump.

h. Start the pump; if the pressure does not build immediately, stop and resolve
i. When the discharge pressure has increased satisfactorily after starting, gradually
open the discharge valve to obtain the desired flow rate.
j. In the event of unusual noise, vibration, overheating, or other abnormal conditions,
shut the pump down immediately. Correct the cause before resuming use of the
pump. Continue to check for abnormal conditions as these may occur after
prolonged operation.
k. Check shaft sealing; mechanical seals should show no leakage. Conventionally
packed stuffing boxes must always be permitted to leak slightly to provide some
lubrication and to prevent overheating. Stuffing box gland nuts are generally only
finger tight. A leaking mechanical seal will show some leakage on startup. However,
after the pump is started and stopped a few times, the leakage may stop.
l. Operate the pump, directing flows through all suction and discharge piping circuits.
m. Inspect and clean screens as required.
n. Recheck and realign if required, after any disturbance of piping, such as required for
suction screen inspection if pipe flanges have to be parted for screen removal.
o. When shutting down, close the discharge valve first, maintaining discharge pressure
while the pump rolls to a stop. This will protect against the pump rolling backwards
should the discharge check valve leak, and gives the wearing rings a quick flush.
p. After all lines available to a pump have had suitable flushing, the temporary screen
may be removed, but only after it has shown free of debris on two successive
examinations. The permanent strainers may then be installed where required.

6.3.7 Servicing and Calibration of Instruments

Preparation of the plant instrumentation for startup and operation should include the
following inspections and tests:
a. Visual inspection of instruments to verify compliance with specifications.
b. Visual inspection of instrument installation to verify compliance and installation
specifications in the instrument instruction manual.
c. Pressure testing of instrument piping.
d. Testing and calibration of instruments.
e. Testing of instrument air signal lines.
f. Testing of thermocouple wiring.
g. Loop checking.
h. Testing of safety relief valves, if not done during hydrostatic testing.

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i. Final preparation.

In inspecting instruments for compliance with specification, attention should be given to

instrument range, pressure rating, connections, materials of construction, size, electrical
characteristics, and special features. Special attention should be paid to notes in the
specification. Orifice plates should be inspected as soon as possible so they will be ready for
installation when line flushing is complete; inspection should include size, materials of
construction, location of weep hole, if any, counter bore, overall condition, measurement of
orifice bore, and verification of information stamped on tab.

Inspection of installations should include attention to location of transmitters with respect to

the connection point; to piping for proper drainage, and for proper valves and gaskets; to
transmitters and control valves to insure that they are not installed backwards; and to special
treatments such as winterizing for proper coverage and insulation. Orifice installations
should be checked as soon as possible to ensure that straight run requirements are met, so
that required piping changes can be completed before start up.

Instrument piping should be inspected visually for completeness and condition of welds and
connections, and tested by pressuring with instrument air and brushing joints with soap
solution. During hydrostatic testing of the plant, control valves should be isolated from the
test system and adjacent drain valves should be opened to relieve any pressure. Control
valve assemblies may be included in the hydrostatic test, provided that it is understood by all
personnel that any leaks at control valve stem packings will be corrected by a qualified
instrument technician. It is generally safer to exclude the control valve assemblies from the
hydrostatic test.

Testing and calibration of instruments should include calibration of transmitters (in place, if
possible), control board equipment, and local controllers. Control valves and positioners
should be adjusted. Temperature transmitters should be checked for proper thermocouple
burnout protection. Meter factor tags and valve position indication on controller output
indicators should be installed at this time, and control actions should be set. ("Tuning")

Instrument air signal lines should be checked for leakage, kinked tubing, and for connections
to the proper port of shutdown solenoid valves and controllers. Thermocouple wiring should
be inspected for proper polarity at the thermocouple head. Point by point verification of the
switch identification at the temperature indicator in the control room can be accomplished by
selecting a point to be checked and opening the circuit at the thermocouple head. With

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proper identification, the corresponding temperature indicator will drive upscale or otherwise
indicate an open circuit. Loop checking involves checking inputs and outputs to ensure that
piping and wiring has been properly installed. A signal should be simulated at the
transmitter, and the control board instrument should be watched for response. The controller
output should be adjusted manually, and the control valve watched for response. Proper
response of control valves to air failure should be verified. All safety relief valves should be
bench tested and set, if this was not done previously during the hydrostatic testing.

Final preparation includes checking instrument piping to verify that valves are in the proper
position, making preliminary control mode adjustments, filling seal pots and seal legs, and
making sure that instrument air and electrical power are supplied to all instruments. It may
also be necessary to have the steam tracing operable at this time.

Commissioning of instruments will be carried out as the plant comes on stream. Differential
pressure instrument piping must be drained to eliminate accumulated dirt and water, and the
instrument zero must be adjusted to obtain a correct zero reading on the indicator scale on
the control board. Controllers must be tuned, interface level transmitters must be zero
checked. Scale, weld slag, and trash must be removed from sticking control valves, and
other malfunctions must be corrected.

6.3.8 Commissioning of Plant Service

For ease of operation, the plant's utility systems should be placed into service as soon as
possible. Lines should be flushed and leak tested. Steam lines should be warmed up slowly
to prevent damage from water hammer. All steam traps and control valves are to be placed
into service and tested. The following list of systems should be commissioned:
a. Plant water and treated water systems. These systems should already have been
commissioned prior to the line flushing procedure.
b. All electrical and light systems, including emergency power backups.
c. All plant and instrument air systems.
d. Nitrogen system.
e. Steam and condensate systems, excluding steam tracing for the moment.
f. All drains and effluent systems.
g. All storage tanks must be thoroughly flushed, leak tested, dried, and perhaps air-
freed if the tank is in hydrocarbon service. Those tanks that have been air-freed
should be left under slight positive nitrogen pressure. All lines to and from tankage
must be flushed, blown dry with nitrogen, and pressure tested.

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The steam tracing, plant cooling water, and flare systems will be commissioned after the
plant pressure test has been completed. Availability Check of Chemicals and Other Materials

A check of chemicals, catalysts, and other materials should be made to assure no delays
due to shortages. All necessary laboratory equipment and reagents should be obtained. Plant Pressure Test

The purpose of the plant pressure test is to check the piping and equipment for tightness of
flanges, connections, and fittings. These tests should not be confused with the hydrostatic
tests made during construction. Generally plant air or nitrogen is used for this test.

The basic procedure consists of pressuring the vessels and lines in the appropriate circuit to
maximum operating pressure or 3.5 kg/cm2 (50 psig), whichever is less, and then conducting
the pressure test. The test pressure should be held for a minimum of one hour, while every
flange and joint in the system is closely examined for leaks. Stubborn flange leaks may often
be stopped by simply unbolting and re bolting the flanges. Screwed connections may require
Teflon tape. Air Freeing

Before admitting hydrocarbons into any process lines or vessels, safe refinery practice
requires that the unit be freed of air. The air may be displaced with water, steam, or inert
gas, such as nitrogen.

If steam is used, precautions should be taken to avoid the following potential problems or
a. Collapse due to Vacuum: Some of the vessels may not be designed for vacuum. This
equipment must not be allowed to stand blocked in with steam since the
condensation of the steam will develop a vacuum. Thus, the vessel must be vented
during steaming and then immediately followed up with an inert fuel gas or nitrogen
purge at the conclusion of the steam out.
b. Flange and Gasket Leaks: Thermal expansion and stress during warm up of
equipment along with dirty flange faces can cause small leaks at flanges and
gasketed joints. These must be corrected at this time.
c. Water Hammering: Care must be taken to prevent “water hammering” when steam
purging the unit. Severe equipment damage can result from water hammering.

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The following steps briefly outline air freeing by steam purging:

a. Block in the cooling water to all coolers and condensers. Shut down fans on Fin-Fan
coolers and condensers.
b. Open high point vents and low point drains on the vessels to be steam purged.
c. Start introducing steam into the low points of the all vessels. It may be necessary to
make up additional steam connections to properly purge some piping which may be
d. Thoroughly purge all equipment and associated piping of air. The progress of the
steam purge can be followed by marking up a P&I diagram to indicate the lines
purged. Verify that sufficient drains are open to drain the condensate that will collect
in low spots in the unit.
e. When the steam purging is completed, start to close all the vents and drains.
Immediately start to introduce fuel gas or nitrogen into all vessels and then cut back
the steam flow until it is stopped. Regulate the fuel gas or nitrogen flow and the
reduction of steam so that a vacuum due to condensing steam is not created in any
vessel or that the refinery fuel gas system pressure is not appreciably reduced.
Pressure the unit up to approximately 0.7 kg/cm2 (10 psig) with fuel gas or nitrogen.
f. Drain any residual condensate from the unit. Commissioning of Additional Plant Services

At this time the following plant services should be put into operation:
a. Plant cooling water system.
b. Plant steam tracing.
c. Plant flare header.
The plant cooling water system should be flushed, drained, and leak tested. When flushing,
the cooling water lines should be disconnected at exchangers and the exchanger flanges

The flare system should be flushed and drained. Also, the flare header must be purged of
oxygen down to an acceptable level, generally less than 1.0%.

The steam tracing system should be flushed with steam to verify free flow of steam. All
steam tracing and condensate return lines should be checked to ensure that the steam and
condensate are free flowing. After commissioning, the tracing should be checked to verify
that it is hot.

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6.3.9 Line flushing, Air Drying, Cardboard Blasting, Steam blowing& Pigging
with necessary Check List.

Considering the type of fluid handled, pipe material and internal wall conditions, pipe
cleaning method shall be selected.
In general following guidelines will be used for selection of flushing medium.

Water flushing:
 Process lines up to 8” size except some critical lines
 All water lines

Air Blowing:
 Air & N2 lines
 Flare header
 Process lines above 8”size
 Critical process lines

Steam Blowing:
 Steam line
 Condensate lines

Cleaning By Water
As a rule, water flushing shall be done for pipes in liquid service. If cleaning by water is
unsuitable, other methods will be used. Following procedure shall be adopted for water
 Low point drains and high point vents should be opened.
 Low point flanges should be opened during initial flushing, wherever possible.
 All instrument connections should be isolated, orifice plates removed, control valves
dropped or isolated and bypassed. In case there is no bypass facility provided,
remove control valves and flush the line. The valve will be installed after clear water
starts coming out and further flushing may be continued. Orifice plate can be installed
only after the total flushing of the loop is over.
 If there is any heat exchanger in the line, flushing should be done up to inlet of heat
exchanger and around the exchanger using bypass line. It should be ensured that
dirty water from initial flushing does not get into the exchanger. Wherever by-passes
are not available, the flanged joint at the inlet of heat exchanger should be first
opened (the exchanger nozzle should be covered thereby isolating the exchanger

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internals) and the line flushed till clear water starts coming out. Then reconnect flange
and flush through the exchanger.
 At each opening of the flanged joint, a thin metallic sheet should be inserted to
prevent dirty water from entering the equipment or piping.
 The flow of water should preferably be from top to bottom for flushing of heat
exchangers/coolers. The bottom flange of the equipment should be opened to permit
proper flushing.
 Flushing should be carried out with maximum possible flow of water till clear water
starts coming out.
 Lines which are long and rather big (say over 100 mm dia.) should preferably be
flushed from top to bottom. This will ensure better flushing. Filling the lines and
releasing from bottom is also helpful. Temporary water connection at suitable points
can be made to carry out flushing operation. The run down lines should be flushed
from the unit to the respective tanks or tanks to unit.
 It should be ensured in all flushing operations that design pressure of lines and
equipment are never exceeded. After flushing of lines and equipment, water should
be thoroughly drained from all low points. Lines and equipment containing pockets of
water should not be left idle for a long time; it is preferable to dry these lines and
equipment with air after water flushing. During water flushing wherever applicable for
the equipment having demisters, the demisters are to be removed and shall be
installed only after flushing and subsequent drying with air is completed.
 For flushing of stainless steel lines and equipment, DM water shall be used.
 In case the piping which is used in gas service is being cleaned by water, temporary
pipe supports may have to be installed. Confirmation from engineering departments
should be obtained regarding weight carrying capability of these lines, prior to
introducing water.

Cleaning process lines with compressed air - Card Board Blasting

 During flushing and blowing each drain and vent valve, instrument connection tapping
are ensured to be clear.
 A conventional flushing method, require compressed air @ 5.0 kg/cm2g at one end.
The other end is blocked with card board.
 Due to pressure the card board is allowed to rupture. Dust, iron, scales are removed.
This process is repeated by increasing the thickness of the card board.
 This method can only remove dust and iron scales.
 During this process control valves, instruments, tapping etc are not taken on line.
 One end of loop is kept open & the rest are blinded except the one from where

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compressed air to be introduced. Air connection is given with PG. Sheets of card
board are cut according to size of the line and depending on rating of flange holes
are made. A special spacer type flanges are used to hold the card board sheet
.Compressed air introduced slowly. Normally 2 to 3 sheets of cards board blast off at
a pressure of 1.5 to 2.0kg/cm2g. The air injection is stopped once the blast occurred.
The process is repeated till very less dust or material comes out of the pipe. The
cleaned loop is blinded and the second one is taken up for card board blasting.

 Barricade the area properly and display „No Entry‟ caution board
 Inform commissioning in-charge and other workers nearby
 Neighboring plants also may be informed
 Maintain Operation standby till completion of the job.
 Use ear muffs / ear plugs in addition to PPEs
 Wherever possible provide air connection at higher location card board blasting at
lower elevation

Cleaning Steam lines with Steam Blowing

Steam Blowing shall be done mainly for steam lines as a pipe cleaning activity. The
respective level steam (i.e. MP, LP steam) shall be imported and used as the source of
steam blowing to ensure that any construction debris that may be left will be effectively
dislodged prior to commissioning. It is preferable that insulation should be complete,
otherwise when steam is opened; a lot of condensate formation will take place. Hot non-
insulated pipes may cause injury to personnel. When cleaning by steam is performed,
thermal expansion of pipe should be taken into consideration. Following procedure should be
 Open all low point drains available
 Remove orifice plates and control valves. Spool piece to be put in place of control
valves, flow meters etc. In case the above instruments have been provided with a
bypass, isolate the instrument and open bypass.
 Disconnect equipment to avoid entry of flushed material.
 If necessary make temporary arrangement for steam blowing at open end of the pipe.
 Open steam trap bypass valves and isolate steam traps.
 Slowly allow steam to heat the pipe and then flush thoroughly with good steam
 Avoid steam hammering by draining condensate properly. Repeat this operation after
allowing the line to cool for effective flushing.

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 Check pipe supports and expansion loops for free movement during
expansion/contraction of pipe. After steam blowing is over, allow the pipe to cool, with
vent open to prevent vacuum pulling. Open drip leg flanges and ensure that water
drained is clear. Then box up the line. Install the control valves and orifice plates.
Steam blowing of steam lines other than steam turbine line shall be done at least for
four times. Each cycle consisting:
o Heating and blowing of pipe by steam
o Cooling

Safety Precautions
All necessary safety precautions given below are to be followed during flushing activities:
 Steam blowing pipe surrounding 3-4 meter area to be cordoned off.
 Covering electrical equipment like motors, switch board panel, etc.
 Covering instruments like transmitters, diaphragm gauges, control valves,
temperature gauges, flow meters, etc.
 Cover critical equipment nozzles with tags
 PSVs to be handled with care and inlet/outlet to be covered
 Wearing safety goggles, ear plugs, hand gloves, dust mask, etc.
 Proper communication arrangement to be made.

Box-up Checks
For the safe and smooth startup of the plant, a leak proof plant is must. There are several
incidents known when there were major fires during startup, causing serious damage to the
plant, apart from delay in commissioning and startup. In few of the incidents, there were
fatalities as well. Following are some causes, which lead to leakage from flanged joints:
 Damaged gasket-seating surface (burr, dents, grooves, etc.).
 Improper cleaning of gasket seating surface.
 Improper or no serration on gasket seating surface.
 Dirty / soiled gaskets.
 Damaged gaskets.
 Gasket of wrong size, rating and specification.
 Improper positioning of gaskets
 Use of stud bolts of wrong size and specification.
 Improper tightening of flanges.
 Short bolting.

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 Inexperienced contract labour force

 Inadequate resource and time for mechanical completion
 Lack of QA/QC program or its implementation
 Line tension.

Box up Procedure:
 All the loops are completed in all respect.
 Check all provided Spacer/Blind tail is given with mark, one hole for blind and two
holes for spacer.
 Check the loops as per the P&ID. Ensure each and every item is made as per the
process requirement.
 Check the directions of NRV and globe valve and also the position of globe valves.
 Check the directions of all control valves.
 Check the direction of the Orifices at the time of installation and instrument shall
check the bore size and keep record.
 Ensure all the instruments are fitted and boxed up.
 Ensure all the high point vents are blinded with proper gasket. (Hydro test vents to be
seal weld)
 Ensure all the Low Point Drains are blinded with proper gasket.
 Ensure that all the valves are in operable approach.
 Check the freeness of all the valves.
 Ensure that all the supports, hanger, spring support etc. have been checked and
certified by Maintenance.
 Check all the flanges and the gaskets as per the specified spec. Confirm the color
coding of the gaskets
 Check the stud and bolts are the spec. Ensure that there is no short bolting. Check all
studs bolt are as per specification given in ISO.
 Mark the flanges with yellow paint after the box up is over.
 Check for fine mesh at pumps suction.
 Check for filter element in the side steam filter.
 Vessel manhole to be boxed up in the presence of operation.

6.3.10 Chemical Cleaning

The CPP BOP facilities would require passivation of cooling water circuit. The depiction of
lines which require chemical cleaning are shown in mark-up P&IDs which is annexed as

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Annexure 18.23.

Chemical Cleaning of Utility Boilers / HRSG‟s (as applicable) shall be elaborated in

respective equipment supplier‟s operating manual.

6.3.11 Pumps

Proper installation and operation of pumps and drivers is essential for trouble-free
performance. The pumps and drivers should receive careful handling during initial run-in.
The initial run-in of pumps is generally done by circulating water through the new equipment.
Temporary strainers are installed in the suction line of the pumps, conveniently located for
removal and cleaning. The screens also should be positioned so that dirt particles will not
gravitate to inaccessible places when flow is stopped. During run-in of pumps, the strainers
may cause some restriction of flow.
As debris collects in the strainers, flow to the pumps will fall off. When this happens to a
centrifugal pump, it will be necessary to throttle the pump discharge by partially closing the
discharge valve. This will prevent the pump from cavitating, which can cause damage to the
pump. However, also avoid restricting the pump discharge to the extent that it causes
internal slippage and excessive heat generation.

In starting a turbine driven centrifugal pump, the rotation should be brought up to speed as
rapidly as possible. Normal operating speeds are usually attained rapidly and automatically
with motor-driven pumps, assuming proper motor starting. The development of discharge
pressure is essential to flush and lubricate the wearing rings. After initially starting the pump,
close the discharge valve for a short time. Subsequently, it is always advisable, where
practical, to close the pump discharge valve immediately prior to shutting down a centrifugal
pump. However, discharge valves on operating positive displacement pumps should never
be closed. These pumps can over pressure themselves and downstream lines and
equipment. The following items are suggested for checking prior to run-in:
a. The manufacturer's operating instructions for any specific precautions that should be
b. Completion of overall installation.
c. Alignment of pump and driver for cold operation. No undue strain by the piping on the
pump or driver is allowable.
d. Cooling fluid piping and seal or gland oil piping:
1) Conventionally packed pumps in hot service are generally furnished with gland oil.
Verify that this installation is correct and complete.

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2) For pumps with mechanical seals, verify that all of the components of the flushing
system (such as strainers, separators, restriction orifices, and coolers) have been
correctly installed and are clean. Loss of flush or dirty flush may cause the failure of
e. Packing or seals are installed.
f. Bearings and shafts have been cleaned prior to final lubrication.
g. Pump and driver are lubricated according to lubrication instructions.
h. Rotation of electric motor drivers uncoupled from the pump. Run-in uncoupled for a
minimum of four hours, verifying good motor operation.

During run-in, many pumps are delivering a higher density liquid (water) than the normal
process fluid, but the pumps drivers are sized for the normal pumping fluid. Consequently,
there is potential for the overload of many electric motors. To avoid overloading the motor of
a centrifugal pump, the flow must be limited by throttling the pump discharge valve. When
doing so, if possible, check the amperage usage against design. The following procedure is
suggested for pump run-in:
a. Rotate pump and driver by hand, verifying that they roll freely.
b. Check that run-in water circulation is lined up.
c. Open suction valves fully, venting air from piping and pumps, completely filling with
d. Establish flow of cooling fluid, where required.
e. Check that lubrication is satisfactory.
f. Make sure electric power is available from the switch gear to the starter of the electric
motor driver.
g. Barely open the discharge valve on the centrifugal pump.
h. Start the pump; if the pressure does not build immediately, stop and resolve problem.
i. When the discharge pressure has increased satisfactorily after starting, gradually
open the discharge valve to obtain the desired flow rate.
j. In the event of unusual noise, vibration, overheating, or other abnormal conditions,
shut the pump down immediately. Correct the cause before resuming use of the
pump. Continue to check for abnormal conditions as these may occur after prolonged
k. Check shaft sealing; mechanical seals should show no leakage. Conventionally
packed stuffing boxes must always be permitted to leak slightly to provide some
lubrication and to prevent overheating. Stuffing box gland nuts are generally only
finger tight. A leaking mechanical seal will show some leakage on startup. However,
after the pump is started and stopped a few times, the leakage may stop.

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l. Operate the pump, directing flows through all suction and discharge piping circuits.
m. Inspect and clean screens as required.
n. Recheck and realign if required, after any disturbance of piping, such as required for
suction screen inspection if pipe flanges have to be parted for screen removal.
o. When shutting down, close the discharge valve first, maintaining discharge pressure
while the pump rolls to a stop. This will protect against the pump rolling backwards
should the discharge check valve leak, and gives the wearing rings a quick flush.
p. After all lines available to a pump have had suitable flushing, the temporary screen
may be removed, but only after it has shown free of debris on two successive
examinations. The permanent strainers may then be installed where required.

6.3.12 Steam Turbine

There are several points that must be checked before the steam turbine drive is ready to
run. In general manufacturer‟s representative will pre-check the turbine drivers, the lube
oil system and circulating cooling water system prior to initial start-up.

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7.1 Ready for Commissioning

Commissioning activities are those which are required to be performed on the plant “to
manufacture the required product as per Process specifications”.

Commissioning activities are operational activities performed after pre-commissioning that

are directly associated with the hydrocarbon/ feed charging and manufacture of desired
end/intermediate products. These activities are covered under different section of this

Following is a list of checks to be performed prior to start commissioning activities of a

system. Ensure that all pre-commissioning activities have been completed with respect to the
subject system.
 Carry out a final audit to ensure that the system is as per design intention, system is
boxed up, all temporary blinds/slip plates/gaskets are removed and Instruments are in
 Special attention shall be paid to P&ID notes and valves marked as locked open
or closed shall be properly checked for position and securely locked as per the
 Ensure that all drain and vents are closed. These shall be positively isolated after
 Remove all construction tools and materials lying around in the unit and clean up the
 Ensure that all earthing and bonding are fully checked.
 Install blinds as per master blind list (A master blind list needs to be prepared for this
purpose which would reflect the position of the blinds at site and the position required at
various stages of the start-up of the system). Isolate the system from other systems if
 Ensure that underground sewerage system (OWS) is in working condition. Clear
plugging, if any. Check by flushing with water.
 Check that communication system between units, control room, offsite and utilities is
complete and in working condition.
 Ensure that proper illumination is available in all works areas.
 Ensure that the required lube oil, grease, gaskets and other consumable are available
in the unit.
 Ensure that necessary temporary strainers are available.

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 All valves stroke checked and actuators of actuated valves taken into operation.
 Ensure that all instruments calibrations have been checked, instrument loop checks
have been completed and the instruments have been taken on line and verified. DCS,
PLC, ESD and other control systems (as applicable) are operational.
 Ensure that all the utilities like instrument air, power, UPS system, fire water are
available prior to commissioning.
 Ensure that safety systems like Fire alarm/protection system, Fire and Gas detection
system are operational. Portable fire extinguishers and breathing apparatus are in
position. Fire tenders are available on all.
 Ensure that safety barriers are erected around dispatch & receiving stations and no hot
work or any other construction work is carried out within 100m radius. No other
ignition source is present in the vicinity of the facilities.
 Ensure that relevant authorities have been notified and are in attendance if required.
 Ensure that all necessary personnel are present and fully briefed regarding their
functions and responsibilities.
 No cars/trucks are allowed to be within the region without mufflers.
 Ensure that safety officers are in attendance with portable gas detectors at dispatch and
receiving terminals.

A discussion and lists of the major points that must be examined in the inspection of the areas
are listed as following. Check List described in earlier section must also be perused along with it
as the points discussed here may be repetitive or in addition to those mentioned previously.

7.2 Piping
The unit must be constructed in accordance with Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams
(P&ID's), including all details, elevations, dimensions, arrangements, and other notes on the
P&ID's. One must be able to startup, shutdown and conduct normal operations on the unit as
envisioned in the licensor design. Also, piping for special procedures such as dry-out, special
materials preparation, regeneration and/or alternative flow schemes may have been
incorporated into the unit's design, and the unit should be able to operate in all of these modes
with piping as designed and constructed.

If the unit is connected to other process facilities, adequate means must be provided to receive
feed from or send products to these facilities without contamination of these streams, and
minimize as much as possible the effects of upsets of other process units especially where
contamination of feed or product stream might occur. Check all tankage interconnections to
minimize the possibility of stream contamination outside of the battery limits. Check that

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adequate means of measuring flows, pressures, and temperatures, and sampling of all process
streams has been provided.

The following items must be checked to ensure conformity to the design specifications:
 Flanges: rating, facing, and metallurgy; type (typically, 2" and smaller are socket weld,
2½" and larger are weld neck flanges).
 Gaskets: type; metallurgy (materials of retainer, jackets, winding, filler, etc.); thickness,
ring size, etc.
 Fittings, connections and couplings: rating and metallurgy.
 Valves: rating and metallurgy (body, trim, seats, etc.); packing; seat inserts; bonnet
gaskets; grease seals; socket-weld or flange type, rating and facing; installed in correct
direction of flow; lubricant provisions; gear operators; extended bonnets; stops; ease of
 Bolting: stud or machine bolts; bolt and nut metallurgy; bolt size.
 Pipe: metallurgy, thickness; seamed or seamless; lining.
 Tubing: size and thickness; metallurgy; seamed or seamless.
 Gauge glasses:
- Through-view types should have rear-mounted lights.
- Design pressure and temperature.
- Special materials of construction.
- Drains to safe location.
- Visible from grade (or platform, if required).
 Pressure relief valves:
- Size and style.
- Lever requirement.
- Inlet / outlet flange material, facing and rating.
- Set pressure - must be bench tested.
- Metallurgy of nozzle, disc, spring, etc.
- Type (pilot operated, balanced, etc.).
- Inlet / outlet block valves car-sealed open; valve stems installed in horizontal or
 General:
- Utility systems within the battery limit should follow all relevant pipe class
specifications in the same detail required for process lines.
- Package systems (modular units, etc.) shown on the EIL P&ID should follow all
relevant pipe class specifications in the same detail required for other process

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- Expansion: Review the physical installation to ensure that no expansion

problems will occur when the unit gets hot and that:
a) Column overhead, reflux, feed and other lines are free to expand.
b) Rotating equipment will not be pulled out of alignment.
c) Sufficient expansion loops have been provided on long hot lines.
d) Pipe shoes are free to move in one direction, and are resting on supports of sufficient
size that the shoe will not fall off the support.
- High point vents and low point drains should be installed where necessary.
- Spectacle blinds should be provided where required.
- Car-sealed valves should be locked in proper position.
- Spring hangers should have locking pins removed (after hydro testing) and
necessary adjustments should be made for hot/cold position after startup

7.3 Tanks
Following are the general instructions for pre- commissioning and commissioning of cone
roof tanks within CPP, e.g. DM Water/ Condensate Storage Tank, HSD Storage Tank, LCO
Storage Tanks and CLO Storage tank.


Internal Inspection
 Open the manhole cover for internal inspection and inspect the tank from inside.
The manhole cover shall be fixed back after completion of inspection with proper
 Check the tank and connected piping installed as per data sheet & P&ID. Shell,
roof appurtenances and accessories are provided and internals are complete.
 Check nozzle orientation/drain elevation, etc.
 Ensure drain lines, sump are cleaned.
 Ensure tank bottom is properly sloped towards water draw off sump.
 Check roof vent is properly working condition.
 Check the cleanliness of tank bottom, shell and internals.
 Check the condition of internal coating and painting.
 Check for installation and functioning of level instruments.
 Check alignment of gauge hatch, gauge hatch reference for easy operation & dip pipe
for communication holes at regular intervals, etc. as per drawing.
 Ensure removal of blind plates and blind gaskets from nozzles wherever

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 Check the datum plate arrangement and its position from tank bottom.
 Check Steam heating coils are isolated.

External Inspection
 Check the moving of ladder/rails/wheels on the roof top for greasing and easy
 Check for provision of fire-foam connections with rupture disc. (Glass)
 Check whether earthing connections and lightening arrestors are provided.
 Ensure that calibration is done for all the instruments as well as check their mountings.
 Check dyke and drainage system.
 Check for breather arrangement and their cleanliness.
 Check for fire water spray arrangement.
 Check whether hydraulic test and external paining subsequently are over after site
 Check the platform for safe operation and maintenance.
 Check that the connected pipelines/fittings are erected/ supported as per the
 Check the foundation bolts for proper size and tight fixing.
 Check the accessibility of all the valves connected to the tank nozzles.
 Check insulation for the tank is completed.

 Once tank-inspection is over fix the cover back with proper gaskets.
 Ensure removal of blind plates and blind gaskets from nozzles wherever
applicable and box-up the piping with proper gaskets.
 Ensure that fire water is available for emergencies.
 Close all drain and vent valves on tank and piping. Close all valves on tank nozzles.
 Open drain valve to purge air from the tank. Close the drain valve and check if stable
pressure is maintained.
 Now the tank is ready to receive feed (e.g. HSD). Open inlet valve. Line up the HSD
product to the tank inlet. During filling operation look for any leakages from flange joints,
manholes, etc. of the tank. In case of any leakage, stop filling operation and take
corrective action. Care must be observed so as not to fill the tank above its safe filling
 When the steam coils are submerged check from the drain points of the
steam/condensate line if there is any oil leakage. Leakage of steam coils is not

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 Charge heating steam and line up steam traps to maintain proper product
temperature. Steam to be lined up only when steam coils are submerged in liquid.
 When the feed nozzle is almost submerged, increase feeding rate by slowly opening
inlet isolation valve at manifold. Level rise can be checked from LI and LT.
 Never fill the tank beyond its safe filling height.

7.4 Pumps
7.4.1 Centrifugal Pumps
Specification Check
The design specifications should be reviewed against the pump curves and data given by
the vendor to confirm agreement on the following:
 Head and capacity.
 Pressure and temperature rating.
 Speed.
 NPSH requirement.
 Pump type, materials of construction, flange ratings, seals, bearings, number of
stages, lubrication and cooling systems, etc.
 Type of driver.
 Balancing lines for multistage pumps must have flanged joints (not unions).

Field Inspection
The following items should be checked in the field (as applicable):
 Sight flow indicators, inlet/outlet shutoff valves on cooling water lines.
 Thermometers/pressure gauges for gland seal and flushing oil manifolds.
 Restriction orifices (if required) present in seal flush manifold piping.
 Pedestals on pumps operating over 500°F (260°C) should be water cooled.
 Cooling water to mechanical seals on pumps operating over 250°F (121°C).
 Proper direction of rotation.

During pump trial run with water, it is to be ensured that pump motor is suitable for operation of
increased load due to pumping of water. Also such operation may need approval of pump
vendor/specialist rotary group engineer in certain cases. Pump suction strainer during initial
trial run should be finer (typically 40 mesh). This can be replaced with a coarse strainer
(typically 6 to 8 mesh) or as recommended by pump vendor during normal duty. During trial run
of the pump, seal flushing line can also be charged with pumping fluid, only if approved by
pump and mechanical seal vendor.

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For starting the pumps,
1) Line up sealing system to the seals as per vendor‟s instructions.
2) Settle the source tank as per prevailing operating practices of the COMPANY and drain
accumulated water from the tank drain (as applicable).
3) Identify one of the source tanks. To line up the circuit open tank inlet/outlet body valves,
valve in pump suction line at tank manifold, pump suction/discharge valves, valves
in minimum flow spill back line to the identified source tank. Only one tank outlet valve
should remain open at a time else it may lead to undue transfer of product from one tank to
the other.
4) Valve line up of different products with different tank and pump combinations shall be
followed as per P&ID.
5) Charge the pump‟s suction and discharge lines with the process fluid. Look for any
leakages and correct as required.
6) Open drain/vent, as required to ensure that the all air has been removed from the pump
casing and the piping. Entire piping from tank to pump and pump discharge circuit
(maximum practical and permitted by process) may be charged with the fluid before starting
the pump.
7) Open minimum flow control valve manually to 20-30%. Close the pump discharge valve
and crack open it.
8) Energize the pump motor and kick start to ensure proper direction of rotation.
9) Start the pump motor. Look for any unusual vibration. Check that the pump discharge
pressure gradually builds to a stable value near its normal operating pressure.
Ensure that the shut off pressure is within the specified limit. Open discharge valve
gradually and check the parameters like suction/ discharge pressures, current and flow.
Ensure that the minimum flow protection system is controlling flow properly at the set value.
Look for any leakages and take necessary corrective action.
10) Check for any abnormal sound or excessive vibration. Get the pump vibration checked.
Stop the pump in case of any abnormal scenario and take corrective actions as required.
11) Sometime after pump running, feel bearing, motor to ensure that these are not overheated.

After successful running of one pump, charge the standby pump and run it in the same way.

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Shut Down
1) Close discharge valve fully if pump is single stage. If pump is multi-stage, having high
tension electric motor, follow pump vendors instructions particularly regarding minimum
continuous flow requirements.
2) Stop the pump if pump is going to remain as stand by and has provision for keeping the
pump hot, proceed as follows:
 Open the valve in the bypass line across the discharge valve and check valve.
 The circulation rate should not be so high as to cause reverse rotation of idle pump
or overloading of the running pump. Reverse rotation of pump may have adverse
effect on thrust bearings as they are not designed for the same.
If pump is to be prepared for maintenance, proceed as follows:
 Close suction and discharge valves.
 Close valve on check valve by-pass line, if provided.
 Close cooling water to bearing, if provided.
 Close external flushing liquid to mechanical seals, if provided.
 Open pump casing vent.
 Slowly open pump bleeder and drain liquid from pump. If the liquid is very hot or
cold, allow sufficient time before draining is started. Ensure that there is no
pressure in the pump. Also drain pump casing.
 Blind suction, discharge, check valve by-pass line and pump minimum flow line
 Cut off electrical supply to pump motor prior to handing over for maintenance.

Trouble Shooting
1) Pump not developing pressure
 Bleed/ vent pump casing.
 Check the lining up in the suction side.
 Check the suction strainer.
 Check the liquid level from where the pump is taking suction (physical verification).
 Check pump coupling and rotation
 Check the foot valve (in case of vertical lift pumps).
 Check the temperature of liquid. If it is higher than for what the pump has been
designed, available NPSH may come down.
 Check for any air leakage in the pump suction line or pump casing.
2) This may occur at various joints and packing boxes as the packing ages.
 Unusual Noise
 Check if coupling guard is touching coupling.
 Check for proper fixing of fan and fan cover of the motor.

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 Check for pump Cavitations.

 Get the pump checked by a technician.
3) Rise of bearing temperature
Generally the bearing oil temperature up to 80ºC or 50ºC above ambient, whichever is lower
can be tolerated. Refer vendor‟s instruction manual for maximum tolerable pump bearing
 Arrange lubrication if bearing is running dry or oil level is low.
 Adjust cooling water to the bearing housing if there is such provision.
 Stop the pump, if temperature is too high, call the pump technician.
4) Gland Overheating
 Adjust cooling water if facility exists.
 Slightly loosen the gland nut, if possible.
 Stop the pump and hand over to maintenance.
 Arrange external cooling if pump has to be run for some time.
5) Unusual Vibrations
 Check the foundation bolts.
 Check the fan cover for looseness.
 Stop the pump and hand over to maintenance
 Check alignment.
 Leaky Gland
 Check the pump discharge pressure.
 Tighten the gland nut slowly, if possible.
 Prepare the pump for gland packing adjustment or replacement of mechanical seal
as the case may be.
6) Mechanical Seal Leak
 Stop and isolate the pump and hand over to maintenance.
 In case of double mechanical seal, primary seal failure will result in high pressure in
seal pot, indicated by a high pressure alarm. Stop & isolate the pump. Hand over to
maintenance after draining & flushing.

Refer to vendor's instruction for more details on trouble shooting of pumps.

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7.4.2 Positive Displacement Pumps

Specification Check
The vendor information should be checked against the specifications to verify agreement on
the following:
 Head and capacity (minimum, normal, maximum).
 Materials of construction (body/glands, plungers, diaphragms, packing, internal check
 Cooling/lubrication systems.
 Pressure, temperature ratings.
 Relief valve setting must be bench tested.
 Pump speed and stroke.
 Pulsation suppression devices, if required.
Means for calibrating the pump flow rate should be investigated.

1) Check if all mechanical jobs are completed.
2) No load run of the motor to be carried out before coupling with the pump. Start the motor
and check direction of rotation. If wrong correct it. De-energize electrical supply. Couple the
motor with the pump.
3) Flush and renew oil in pump gear box.
4) Check whether suction/discharge blinds are removed.
5) Check whether suction strainer is installed and is clean.
6) Check for proper lining up including the pulsation dampener and pressure safety valve in
the discharge. Open suction valve fully.
7) Check that the motor shaft is reasonably free and coupling secured. Coupling guard should
be in position.
8) Energize motor. Open discharge valve. Start the pump. Never start the pump with
discharge valve closed.
9) Adjust the pump stroke in case of dosing pumps and run the pump at desired settings.
Watch discharge pressure and check the rate of pumping using the flow meter or by taking
suction from the calibration pot. The valve on the recirculation line (provided in case of
gear-pump, screw pump etc.) shall be adjusted to obtain the required discharge pressure.
10) Care should be taken to avoid dry running of pump and back flow of liquid. Bleed if
necessary to expel vapor/air.
11) Check for unusual noise, vibrations, rise of temperature of both motor and pump.

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1) Stop the pump.
2) Close the suction and discharge valves.
3) Drain the liquid if maintenance jobs are to be carried out on the pump. Flush pump casing.
4) De-energize the motor before handing over to maintenance.

Trouble Shooting
1) Insufficient discharge pressure:
 Check the line up in suction side.
 Check suction pressure.
 Check the functioning of the safety valve and pressure control valve on
 Discharge to suction.
 Check the strainer on the suction side.
 Check for insufficient liquid level in the vessel from which pump is taking suction.
 Check pumps coupling and rotation.
 Get the pump checked by pump technician.
2) High Discharge Pressure
 Check the line up on the discharge side.
 Check pressure control valve opening.
3) Leaky Gland
 Check for normal pump discharge pressure
 Tighten the gland nut slowly if possible.
 Handover the pump for replacing gland packing.
4) Unusual Vibration
 Check the foundation bolts
 Check motor fan cover for looseness.
 Stop the pump and hand over to maintenance.

General points to be remembered for any pump start-up

The following items should be checked for all pumps:
 Piping to be arranged to permit removal or replacement of pump and driver.
 Piping independently supported from pump; pump will not be pulled out of alignment
when lines get hot; no vapor pockets in piping.
 Suction strainer easily removed for cleaning; strainers fit well so no bypassing can
occur; strainers have been installed.
 Discharge pressure gauge readable from discharge block valve.
 Suction/discharge valves easily accessible and operable, and near to the pump.

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 Accessibility of auxiliary piping and controls.

 Check that NPSH requirements have been met.
 Warm-up lines provided across discharge check valve when pumping hot fluids.
 Base plate grouting complete.
 Steam tracing and insulation provided on suction/discharge lines, pump casing, and
process seal flush lines, as required.
 Minimum flow bypasses (with restriction orifice), if required.
 All seal oil, warm-up, etc. lines have flanged connections and valves to permit removal
of pump.
 Lubrication and cooling systems operate correctly.
 Adequate means for venting and draining the pump casing are available.
 Vacuum service pumps must have a discharge vent back to the system to allow filling
the pump with liquid.
 Pumps and drivers are aligned correctly.
 Check valves are of proper type and installed in the correct direction.
 All drains from pumps and associated piping and instrumentation should be routed to a
safe location.

7.5 Instrumentation
All personnel on site should check to ensure that the instrumentation is provided as specified;
that it is functional; and that a minimum of instrumentation problems will occur when the unit is
commissioned. Some of the basic items which must be checked include the following:
 Instrument type, range, and size.
 Materials of construction and rating of instrument, accessories, and connecting
 Piping, flanges, and valves.
 Accessibility of instrument for routine checks and maintenance; rigidly mounted.
 Installation according to correct drawing details.
 Accessories (pulsation dampeners, filter/regulators, diaphragm seals, excess flow
checks, seal pots).
 Location of local indicators so they are readable from grade platform or controller
assembly, as required.
 Process requirements of flow, temperature, pressure, differential pressure, specific
gravity, etc.
 Controller type, number of modes, chart type, range, cascades.
 Power requirements of voltage, frequency; emergency power supply and connections.
 Calibration of controllers, transmitters, analyzers, special instrumentation.

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 Control valve, block and bypass valve sizes for control valve assemblies.

7.6 Relief Valves

Relief valves will be checked against specifications. Relief valves will be set at site workshop
and mounted just before the system tightness test. Block valves before and after relief
valves will be checked for lock open position as per P&ID. Relief valve setting and sealing
are to be carried out and jointly inspected by instrumentation and operations. Set value is to
be separately recorded and kept.

7.7 Chemical Inventory

It must be verified that the proper type and quantity of chemicals (such as Morpholine,
Oxygen Scavenger and Tri-Sodium Phosphate etc.) are on site and stored properly.

7.8 Pipe Cleaning and Flushing

Pressurized air or clean water may be used as flushing medium depending on the availability
of these media and line size. Normally for small bore (<=8”) lines, water or air flushing may
be resorted to. Higher bore lines prohibit use of water due to high flow requirement and
subsequent disposal problem. For these lines, cleaning by air is preferred. SS lines shall be
flushed by DM water or air. It should be ensured in all flushing operations that design
pressure of lines and equipment are never exceeded.

Before undertaking any flushing operation, in-line instruments like flow measuring
elements, control valves, static mixers, which may get plugged or damaged due to debris
must be dropped and replaced with temporary spool pieces. If spool piece is not provided,
upstream and downstream pipes may be flushed separately. Strainers should be removed.
All pressure tappings and safety valves should be isolated to ensure that the debris does not
enter in them. All equipment should be disconnected from piping and slip plates should
be provided at the nozzles so that flushed out material does not enter into the tank.

Flushing should be carried out with sufficient flow such that any debris not by picked up
during normal operation. As a normal practice drag force exerted by the flushing fluid should
be more than that of normal process fluid. Drag force is defined by velocity head (density x
square of velocity) of fluid. In larger diameter pipes, required flow shall in general be
prohibitive. Such pipes can be cleaned by pressurizing and depressurizing by bursting disc
of cardboard or gasket material.

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7.9 Water Flushing

Following procedure shall be adopted for water flushing.
1) Identify flushing loops. Small loops are preferred for better cleaning. In each loop identify
water inlet and outlet points.
2) Low point drains and high point vents should be opened.
3) Low point flanges should be opened during initial flushing, wherever possible.
4) At each opening of the flanged joint, a thin metallic sheet should be inserted to prevent
dirty water from entering the equipment or piping.
5) Vertical lines which are long and rather big (say over 100 mm dia) should preferably be
flushed from top to bottom. This will ensure better flushing. Filling the lines and releasing
from bottom is also helpful. Temporary water connection at suitable points can be made
to carry out flushing operation. The run down lines should be flushed from the unit to the
respective tanks or tanks to unit.
6) Flushing is deemed complete when no visible debris is sampled in the effluent water.
7) After flushing of lines and equipment, water should be thoroughly drained from all
low points. All drains and vents should be opened to facilitate draining operation and
ensure that they are through.
8) Lines and equipment containing pockets of water should not be left idle for a long time; it
is preferable to dry these lines and equipment by air blowing after water flushing. Air
blowing should continue until no free moisture is observed from the low point drains in
the system.
9) After flushing is over, reinstall the equipment and instruments, removed for flushing
purpose. Box up the opened flanges. Permanent gaskets are to be used at this point. If
at any other points, temporary gaskets were provided, they should be replaced with
permanent gaskets. Do not forget to remove the slip plates or temporary blinds, inserted
for flushing.
10) Remove the hose connection and close drain/vent valves. If the
commissioning of system is expected to be delayed, it is preferred that the piping system
is preserved under positive pressure of dry air. Air pressure should not exceed 0.5
kg/cm2g. Proper identification tags should be placed to inform all concerned that the line
is under pressure.
11) Clean the area.

7.10 Air Blowing

Air blowing procedure shall be similar to that for water flushing with the difference that air
shall be used in place of water.

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7.11 Air Blasting

Air blasting (repeated pressurization and rapid depressurization) shall be carried out for high
bore pipes. Bursting pressure should not increase beyond 2.0 kg/cm2g or so.

If this method is resorted, it must be ensured that pipe is properly supported and exit end of
the pipe should be provided with temporary fasteners/supports so that the pipe does not
move from its position. Mechanical group must be consulted before deciding on the method
for suitability of this method for the subject piping loop. Cordon off the area so that flying
pieces of solid material do not injure any one. After air blasting, gentle air blowing and
cleaning of drains/vents shall be carried out.

7.12 Steam Flushing

This operation shall be carried out after the startup of first Utility Boiler/ HRSG. Along with
the Boiler/ HRSG startup, the PRDS/ STG provided within CPP also has to be commissioned
and be ready for generating steam at different levels for steam flushing/ blowing operation.

Steam flushing shall be done mainly for steam lines. It is preferable that insulation should be
complete; otherwise when steam is opened lot of condensate formation will take place. Hot
un-insulated pipes may cause injury to personnel. When cleaning by steam is performed
thermal expansion of pipe should be taken into consideration. Following procedure
should be followed.
1) Disconnect equipment to avoid entry of flushed material.
2) If necessary, make temporary arrangement for steam blowing at open end of the
3) Open steam trap bypass valves, and isolate steam traps.
4) Slowly allow steam to heat the pipe and then flush thoroughly with a strong flow of
steam. Avoid steam hammering by draining condensate properly. Repeat this
operation after allowing the line to cool for effective flushing.
5) Check pipeline supports and loops for expansion.
6) After blowing is over, allow the pipe to cool, with vent open to prevent vacuum
pulling. Open drip legs flanges and remove accumulated muck. Then box up the line.
Install the control valves and orifice plates.

7.13 Tightness Test

The purpose of this test is to check the tightness of flanges, joints, manholes etc. for systems
that operate under pressure. Testing is done with air using soap solution for leak detection.
The following steps are recommended:

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1) Ensure that the system that is to be tested is isolated from the rest of the
2) Take the system gradually to a pressure of 1-1.5 kg/cm2g or the operating pressure,
whichever is lower. Check all flanges, joints, manholes etc. for any leakage with
soap solution. Design pressure of the system should never be exceeded.
3) If the operating pressure of the system is more than 1.5 kg/cm2g, slowly raise the
pressure of the system in the stage of 1.0 Kg/cm2g at a time to 3.5-5.0 kg/cm2g.
After each stage check for leaks using soap solution. Attend the leaks if any.
4) Leak testing is complete at 6.0 -7.0 Kg/cm2g. Additional tightness test can be carried
out when the pumps are tested with the process fluid.

7.14 Drying
Systems that have been water flushed or steam flushed may require complete drying before
hydrocarbon can be taken in. If slugs of water are to be removed, the system is initially
blown hard with a strong flow of plant air. Necessary temporary connections for air inlet and
outlet are to be made. Since plant air can give rise to about 7 Kg/cm2g pressure on
blocked out conditions, care should be taken to ensure that line design conditions are
not exceeded.

Ensure that there is no inadvertent closing of valves during air blowing & adequate venting is
available. When major portion of water has been removed, the air drying can be continued
with compressed utility air to make the system completely dry. For pre-specified critical
services, the plant air is to be heated up to 80ºC and blown through the system followed by
instrument air or Nitrogen. Alternatively the line can be blown through by N2 from Nitrogen
cylinders. Portable dew point instrument is to be used to measure the dew point of exit air.
Normal recommended value is - 40 Deg C at Atm pressure.

It is advisable to take up small systems at a time for drying. After drying these are to be
isolated and kept sealed with Nitrogen. While blowing with hot air, precautions are to be
taken to take care of thermal expansion of pipes.

7.15 Purging and Inerting

Before feeding any hydrocarbon to the plant (as applicable) all piping and vessels are to be
purged out free of air. If air is allowed to remain it will form an explosive mixture with the
hydrocarbon. It can become potential hazard for explosion. Hence it is imperative to remove
Air (oxygen) from the system. Normal criteria are to bring down oxygen content to less than
1%. This can be achieved as follows:

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Steam purging, followed by Natural gas backing up and hydrocarbon charging:

This method is generally practiced in refineries or plants where Nitrogen or inert gas is
generally not available in required quantities. In such plants the system is purged with steam
continuously taking care to keep the vents and drains open for steam & condensate
respectively. Steam flow is maintained in such a way that there is a positive pressure
attained in the system. After blowing for a period long enough to bring down oxygen content
within limits, the Natural gas is backed up immediately, steam is cut off, and vents and drains
closed. After the system is cooled the condensed water is drained off from the low point
drains. Hydrocarbon liquid/vapor is taken into the system under small positive fuel gas

Nitrogen purging followed by hydrocarbon feed:

The second method, where N2 or inert gas is available, is fairly simple and straight forward.
The system is flow purged continuously from one end to the other with unidirectional
flow than can sweep off all the air in the system. Normal requirement of N2 for flow purge is
of the order of 3 to 5 times the system volume. If the system is designed for higher pressure
it can also be pressure purged by pressurizing it with N2 and releasing through a top vent
that will establish a unidirectional flow.

If the system can operate under vacuum, it is advisable to pull vacuum and refill with N2. In
this case N2 consumption can be reduced to a maximum of 3 times the system volume. HC
is taken while the system is still under slight positive N2 pressure.

7.16 Functional Test

All motors, mixers/ agitators equipment will undergo functional test to check their
performance. Pumps may be tested on water if manufacturer‟ instructions permit or
recommend the same. All instruments will be checked / calibrated.

7.16.1 Motors
Manufacturer‟s lubrications schedule should be used to ensure that all lubrication points
have been serviced. Each motor should be checked and started on no load. Ensure that it
has the correct direction of rotation. The motor speed should be checked with tachometer to
ensure that RPM is correct. After a short run each bearing should be felt to ensure that it is
free and not over heated.

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7.16.2 Pumps
Generally the pump casing is opened and checked to ensure that it contains no
foreign materials. Pump casings need not be opened up in case the pump had been stored
carefully and the blinds covering suction and discharge nozzles were not removed in
storage or in transit. Cleanliness of suction line and installation of fine mesh strainer should
be ensured. Pumps and motor will be aligned.

As such the system configuration allows for running of all pumps individually without any
dependence to other systems. For example HSD transfer pump may be run on recirculation
back to HSD storage tank without delivering any net flow to downstream system. Therefore,
as such, there is no need to run these pumps on water and the pumps may be run
directly on the designated hydrocarbon fluid. However, if it is decided to carry out trial run of
pumps on water, vendor must be consulted for the required arrangements and precautions.
Temporary connections may have to be made for providing suction to the pump and
collect pumped water.

When running a pump designed for hydrocarbons tested on water, the discharge valve may
have to be throttled, so that the rated current is not exceeded. Ensure that the vents and
drains of the pump are clear. Pressure gauge tapping will be flushed and filled with
sealing fluid wherever necessary.

7.16.3 Instruments
Instruments will be checked, starting from the controller and proceeding logically
through the control loop. Cascade control system will be checked from the impulse point of
primary loop. Operating crew should check proper mounting of control valves. The shutdown
systems of the equipment should be checked by simulating the various conditions in the
control circuits, including the fail safe positions.

Orifice Plates
Before each orifice plate is installed, the orifice taps should be blown clear. The
orifice plate should be callipered to check if the correct size orifice plate is being
installed. The plate should then be installed after checking for the correct direction. Particular
attention should be given to weep holes of orifice, where ever provided.

Transmitters and Receivers

These should be checked in place. The calibration of the receiver should be checked at the
same time.

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Control Valves
Ensure that control valve port is clean. Release control valve hand jack (if provided) is
released. Put on instrument air supply to control valve. Look for any undue leakage of
instrument air. Control valves operation shall be checked with signal from DCS. Typically
stoke should be checked at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% opening of the valve, both ways, i.e.
during valve opening and closing. Check valve operation time, any hunting (stability).
Ensure that valve operation is smooth (not jerky).

All alarms, auto start and cut off system should be checked by simulating the

Start-Up/Shutdown Logic
Check the sequence of startup/shut down interlocks by simulation.

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This section covers the normal start up procedure for balance of plant facilities within CPP.
For major package equipment within CPP, refer respective vendor‟s operating manual such
as for GTG, HRSG, Utility Boiler, STG and Deaerator.

8.1 Sequence of CPP Start-up

Following is the sequence of start-up of equipment within CPP. The start-up sequence and
readiness of system mentioned below is to prioritise power generation from GTG first
followed by steam generation from either HRSG/ Utility Boiler within CPP.
 HSD to be filled in storage tank
 HSD to be stored in both HSD storage tanks as well as LCO storage tanks using the
provision made in feed piping.
 Cooling water availability to GTG B/L
 HSD to be transferred to GTG B/L
 GTG start-up. (Bypass stack to be utilised for diversion of flue gas from GTG till
HRSG is lined up)
 All other utilities headers within CPP B/L to be charged from utilities available at CPP
 HSD shall be transferred to Utility Boiler/ HRSG B/L using LCO transfer pumps to
 DM water available at B/L to be used for initial filling of Utility Boiler/ HRSG
 Utility Boiler/ HRSG start-up
 Steam generated from Utility Boiler/ HRSG shall be let down using PRDS or through
STG. For LP steam generation, PRDS shall be used.
Once power generation from first GTG and steam generation from first UB/ HRSG is
started, other facilities within CPP shall be sequenced for start-up.

8.2 Utility Required for CPP Operation from OSBL

For Start-up and normal operation of CPP, following utilities are required:
 Nitrogen
 Flare System
 DM Water
 Condensate
 Service Water
 Instrument Air
 Plant Air

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 Cooling Water

The utility headers within CPP shall be charged with respective utilities and shall be used for
start-up activities of all equipment within CPP. DM water and polished condensate shall be
stored in DM water/ condensate storage tanks before being pumped for further use within
CPP. Major package equipment within CPP such as GTGs, HRSGs, Utility Boilers, STGs,
Deaerator, NG conditioning skid, etc. shall be commissioned first for startup of CPP. Utility
required for the commissioning of these package units shall be identified and shall be
prioritized and made available for CPP startup.

In addition to above, the drain network (OWS, CRWS & storm sewer – as applicable), closed
blow down system within CPP, CPP Condensate handling system (UB condensate handling,
atmospheric condensate handling and tracer/ trap condensate handling within CPP) shall
also be commissioned and be available before CPP startup.

Since, steam generation source is within CPP, the steam network inside CPP can be only
commissioned after startup of first Utility Boiler/ HRSG. Similarly, for start-up of first GTG for
power generation, emergency DG set provided within CPP shall be utilized for drives
required for first GTG operation.

8.3 Normal Operating checks

 All drains in the system should be kept closed preferably blinded.
 It is to be checked whether there is any leakage.
 Samples from sample points are to be collected regularly and the results are to be
 Pump performance is to be watched periodically.
 All TSV's/PSV‟s isolation valves shall be kept lock open and these will be periodically
checked for any passing.

8.4 Start-up of Fuel Oil System within CPP (HSD, CLO and LCO)
Once all the pre-commissioning and commissioning activities are completed, the tank which
is intended to be filled is lined up with the feed piping from CPP B/L. For start-up of first
Utility boiler and GTG/ HRSG, HSD is the preferred fuel. Once the refinery is put in to normal
operation/ when the other fuels are produced from other process units in refinery, the LCO
and CLO fuel handling systems shall be started. For LCO and HSD fuel, CPP is also
provided with respective centrifuge and hence before taking the fuel in HSD/ LCO storage
tanks, the centrifuges shall also be commissioned.

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In addition to HSD storage tank, the LCO storage tanks provided are also designed to
receive and distribute HSD during refinery startup operation. During HSD system startup,
before lining up the tank for transfer, it should be ensured that sufficient time is provided for
centrifuging operation for separation of water and sediments. Once the centrifuging
operation is complete, the tank content is sampled before lining up the tank for further
transfer using transfer pumps to GTG or utility Boiler.

For lining up the tank to transfer pumps, open tank outlet valve. After this, open pump
suction valve and minimum flow recirculation valve. In case of common transfer from two
tanks (case of LCO storage tank) as soon as the suction valve gets opened, close suction
and recirculation valve of other tanks which are floating with the same pump (suction).

In case of two tanks, when one of the tank level reaches near high level, the other tank is to
be prepared for lining up. Before lining up the second tank, note the initial level of the tank.
The second tank is lined up by opening the inlet line valves of the respective tanks and by
closing the inlet line valves of other storage tank after ensuring the tank level of the newly
lined up tank is rising. In case of single tank, the respective tank inlet valve shall be closed
when the level reaches near high level. The HSD shall then be pumped to GTG battery limit
and other users in CPP.

Since all the tanks within CPP are nitrogen blanketed, nitrogen is to be charged from OSBL
header to nitrogen lines within CPP. Before starting the transfer of fuel in to storage tank, the
availability of nitrogen in the respective tanks along with the pressure control valves in
nitrogen blanketing lines shall be ready.

8.5 Start-up of Natural Gas/ Fuel Gas/ Propane System within CPP
Once all the pre-commissioning and commissioning activities are completed, the NG KOD
shall be lined up with natural gas feed piping from CPP B/L. The condensate separated (if
any) from NG KOD shall be collected in NG condensate drain tank and shall be disposed of
manually based on level monitoring in NG condensate drain tank. Then Natural gas shall be
supplied to end users. For routing it to GTG‟s the GTG NG forwarding skid is to be ready.
Similarly, for routing the Natural gas to UB and HRSG, the NG heater and control valves
provided in NG heater downstream shall be commissioned and be ready. Natural Gas (if
available) is the preferred fuel for Utility Boiler Start-up.

Once liquid propane is made available from refinery operation, the same shall be routed

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within CPP. Once it is ensured that the Liquid propane line is charged and Propane
forwarding skid (supplied by GTG vendor) is commissioned and ready for startup, the liquid
propane transfer pumps within CPP shall be started.

8.6 Start-up of DM Water/ Condensate Storage/ Deaerator/ BFW System within CPP
The DM Water/ condensate storage tank which is intended to be filled is lined up with the
feed piping from CPP B/L. For start-up of first Utility boiler and HRSG, the readiness of this
system is essential. As start-up provision, DM water (for Boiler initial filling) from the main
DM water header within CPP shall be routed directly to Utility Boiler B/L. Once the LP steam
is made available within CPP after utility boiler startup, Deaerator/ BFW pumps shall be
started and BFW generated shall then be used for steam generation.

Polished/ Pure Condensate as and when made available at CPP battery limit shall also be
utilized within CPP. As a precaution, regular sampling of DM water, condensate and BFW
stream shall be carried out and to be reported and checked with acceptable limits. If there
arise a deviation in the quality of these streams, package vendor of utility boiler and HRSG
shall be immediately consulted with regarding acceptability of the same.

8.7 Start-up of Chemical Dosing System within CPP

Chemical dosing system within CPP such as Morpholine dosing and oxygen scavenger
dosing shall also be commissioned and be made available. During initial phase where DM
water header within CPP is not charged, temporary arrangement to make Morpholine
solution shall be arranged so that the pH adjustment required for incoming DM water and
polished condensate stream shall be carried out. Oxygen scavenger system shall be in place
before starting up Deaerator system.

8.8 Start-up of Pumps within CPP

Below mentioned procedure is the general guideline for start-up of centrifugal pumps.
Respective pump vendor‟s operating instructions/ SOP to be referred for detailed description
including any specific requirements of pre-startup checks. Also refer subsequent “General
Equipment Operating Procedures” for start-up of pumps.
 Open suction valve to full position
 Open discharge valve a slight amount (for positive displacement pumps, discharge
valve shall never be in closed position during startup/ pump operation). For mixed
and axial flow pumps, open the discharge valve fully.
 Ensure that the pump is primed. For pumps with priming chamber, the priming
chamber is required to be filled for initial startup only.

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 All cooling, heating and flush lines must be started and regulated (as applicable)
 Start driver (typically electric motor)
 After pump is running, adjust the discharge valve slowly until the desired flow is
 For pump equipped with mechanical seals, check for seal leakage – there should be
 For pumps with shaft packing, observe the leakage from the stuffing boxes and adjust
the sealing liquid valve for proper flow to ensure the lubrication of the packing. If
packing is new, do not tighten up on the gland immediately, but let the packing run in
before reducing the leakage through the stuffing boxes.

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For shutdown operation of major package equipment within CPP, refer respective vendor‟s
operating manual such as for GTG, HRSG, Utility Boiler, STG, Deaerator, centrifuge, etc.
CPP is designed for round the clock operation but shutdown of individual equipment may be
carried out depending on the periodic maintenance schedule.

Following are the general guidelines for taking balance of facilities in to shut down for
maintenance activities:
 Equipment within CPP handling hydrocarbon is to be emptied following normal refinery
safely practices pertaining to venting, draining, disposing of hydrocarbon, blinding, and
steam out.
 Fuel Tanks
- Isolate feed inlet valve and recirculation valve at the manifold.
- Pump out maximum possible liquid – until the transfer pump loses suction.
- A temporary pump requiring lower NPSH may be deployed for further tank
emptying out. Suction of the pump is connected to the drain point of the tank
being decommissioned for maintenance and its discharge is connected to other
similar product tank or to drain network. Pump discharge may be connected to
the available stub in connection or to the drain point at the manifold.
- In case of viscous fluid (for CLO fuel), sometimes flushing oil is mixed before
final emptying out.
- Remaining oil in the tank may be collected in drums / pit through drain line.
Congealing products should not be drained in to OWS. For draining suitable
provision may have to be made by removing drain line spool piece and
connecting it to drums/pit. However, deploying a temporary pump is better
option as the remaining oil quantity will be substantial.
- Put blind in all the available nozzle of the tank towards the tank side to isolate it
from the system.
- In case of tank heating provision, heating source shall be cut off before starting
the decommissioning activities.
- After emptying out, open the manholes (on the shell) and allow the tank to
cool down.
- As flashpoint of the liquids is high (<65°C) natural ventilation is sufficient, but O2
and Hydrocarbon vapor concentration must be checked before man entry.
- Before handing over the tank for maintenance work the residual oil/ sludge/
water are required to be removed.

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 For pumps within CPP, the shutdown procedure is just the reverse of startup sequence.
For centrifugal pumps the discharge valve is to be closed slowly, then the driver to be
shut down and finally the suction valve to be closed. For positive displacement pumps
the discharge valve should never be closed when pump is running.
 For natural gas/ fuel gas handling facilities, the fuel supply from battery limit is to be cut
off first. Then depressurization of the piping and KOD shall be carried out through vent
lines and the contents to be flared.
 To ensure complete removal of fuel gas from the system, the equipment shall be
subjected to steam out operation. Any vessel entry shall only be allowed after ensuring
the O2 and HC vapor content and process blinds are in place.

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10.1 General
The emergency procedure for shutdown of the CPP Balance of Plant facilities is identical to
those of the normal shutdown procedure.

Emergencies must be recognized and acted upon immediately. The best way to be prepared
for an emergency is to ensure that the proper procedures are in place and that all operators
are fully trained in these procedures. The operators should have an understanding of the
unit and the procedures, which enables them to devise a course of action. Some general
outlines are provided for the following emergency situations.
A. Explosion, Fire, Line Rupture
B. Leaking Valves or Vessels
C. Power Failure
D. Instrument Air Failure
E. Cooling Water Failure
F. Loss of DM Water/ Pure Condensate/ Polished Condensate
G. Loss of Fuel

For above scenarios of various emergencies and their impact on major package equipment
within CPP, refer respective vendor‟s operating manual such as for GTG, HRSG, Utility
Boiler, STG, Deaerator, centrifuge, etc.

Exact procedures cannot be provided for every type of emergency situation. General
procedures for the most common types of emergency situations follow. With an
understanding of these procedures and the various concerns outlined above, the operators
should be able to devise a course of action for the various situations that can arise.

10.2 Explosion, Fire, Line Rupture

The major considerations in this case are to minimize personnel injury, prevent the fire or
potential for fire from spreading and to put the fire out.

A. Sound alarm and notify proper services.

B. Stop hydrocarbon and gas feed to the unit and stop all heat input. Emergency
shutdown valves provided for the fuel supply lines shall be operated in such
C. Depressurize the fuel system to the flare and try to isolate the affected area.

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D. Shut down the remainder of the equipment as the situation permits.

10.3 Leaking Valves or Vessels

Leaking valves and vessels in the sections of the plant, which handles hydrocarbon are
considered an emergency since the unattended leaks shall lead to fire. Leaks should be
repaired quickly.

10.4 Power Failure

Since CPP is the source of power generation in the complex, the eventuality of power failure
is remote. However, in order to take care of the overall complex requirement and safety
aspects, critical drives within CPP are provided with emergency power and in the eventuality
of normal power failure, these drives are automatically fed from emergency DG set located
in CPP. In addition some of the critical drives such as VHP BFW Pumps, FD fans in Utility
Boilers, CLO transfer pumps (regular fuel supply to Utility Boilers), etc., are steam driven to
take care of this exigency.

10.5 Instrument Air Failure

1. When instrument air fails, all control valves, etc. will assume their fail positions. For a
control valve the position is designed to be either fully open, fully closed, or locked in
position. The fail position depends on the service. The operators should be aware of
the valve fail positions.
2. If there is a complex wise instrument air failure, the chances are that the unit will
have to be shut down. This will be the safest way to proceed. If the reason for the
failure can be located quickly, a shutdown may be prevented. However, in case of
CPP operation, there is instrument air backup provided in the compressed air system
which is designed to supply instrument air for 30 minutes to handle such situations.
3. If the air fails to one or two valves, operation could perhaps proceed using a
bypass. This ability depends on the service. Operating with a manual bypass will
require constant operator attention.

10.6 Cooling Water

If cooling water to CPP is interrupted, the operation of GTGs, STG‟s and various pumps will
be hindered. Hence in order to take care of this emergency, there is an emergency cooling
water pump provided in CT-1 which will cut-in instantly and ensure supply of cooling water to

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10.7 Loss of DM Water/ Pure Condensate/ Polished Condensate

DM water, pure condensate and polished condensate are required mainly in CPP for steam
generation from Utility Boilers and HRSGs in addition to auxiliary consumers.

Loss of Pure condensate or polished condensate can be compensated by DM water makeup

in Deaerator. However, in case of loss of DM water, pure condensate and polished
condensate alone cannot make up for the actual steam generation from UBs and HRSGs. If
the loss is intermittent, then this can be compensated by the interim storage available in DM
water/ condensate storage tank in CPP as well as the retention time available in Deaerator
storage vessel. But if the loss is for a prolonged period of time, then this needs operator‟s
attention and steam generation from UBs and HRSGs will be reduced.

10.8 Loss of Fuel

Loss of fuel will have impact in both GTG as well as UB/ HRSG operation since fuel is the
primary energy source for power and steam generation in CPP. Hence in order to cater
uninterrupted power and steam to the complex, GTGs, UBs and HRSGs are provided with
multiple fuel option. In case of interruption in primary fuel, the alternate fuel takes over the
operation of these equipment.

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11.1 General
In any unit, the unit has many operating variables, which influence the process parameters,
efficiencies, utility consumption, etc. The process specification for this unit is used only as a
guide as equipment design variations and other factors can and will cause a change in
these process conditions. It is, therefore, up to the unit operators, supervisors, and the
other personnel involved in the startup and subsequent operation of the unit to see that the
unit is being operated at maximum efficiency.

The most useful tool for detecting operational difficulties is the log sheet and listed readings.
The boardman must be careful to list each reading correctly at the appointed time. It is then
important to review all of the readings to determine what and if any changes have occurred.
The cause of any change must be determined; corrective measures can then be taken if

The outside operator should review the process equipment operation during his routine
duties and report any abnormalities (leak, noise, etc.) to the control room personnel. Proper
coordination between the boardmen and the outside operators is essential for good
operation. The following section will highlight each major piece of equipment and its
operation. This section covers the general procedure for operation and trouble shooting of
commonly used equipment like pumps, heat exchangers and furnace etc. For specific
information and more detail refer to vendor‟s manuals. Further, for major package equipment
within CPP, refer respective vendor‟s operating manual such as for GTG, HRSG, Utility
Boiler, STG and Deaerator for general equipment operating procedures.

11.2 Centrifugal Pumps

 Inspect and see if all the mechanical jobs are completed.
 Establish cooling water flow where there is such provision. Also open steam for seal
quenching in pumps having such facilities.
 Check oil level in the bearing housing, flushing may be necessary if oil it dirty or
contains some foreign material.
 Rotate the shaft by hand to ensure that it is free and coupling is secure. Coupling guard
should be in position and secured properly.
 Open suction valve. Ensure that the casing is full of liquid. Bleed, if necessary, from the
bleeder valve.

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 Energies the motor. Start the pump and check the direction of rotation. Rectify the
direction of rotation if it is not right.
 Check the discharge pressure. Bleed if necessary to avoid vapour locking.
 Open the discharge valve slowly. Keep watch on the current drawn by the motor, if
ammeter is provided. In other cases check at motor control center.

In some pumps a by-pass has been provided across the check valve and discharge valve to
keep the idle pump hot. In such pumps, the by-pass valve should be closed before starting the
pump. It should be ensured that casing of these pumps are heated up sufficiently prior to
starting of the pump to guard against damage of the equipment and associated piping due to
thermal shock.

 Close discharge valve fully.
 Stop the pump

If pump is going to remain as standby and has provision for keeping the pump hot, proceed as
 Open the valve in the by-pass line across the discharge valve and check valve.
 The circulation rate should not be so high to cause reverse rotation of idle pump and
also overloading of the running pump.

If pump is to be prepared for maintenance, proceed as follows:

 Close suction and discharge valves.
 Close valve on check valve by-pass line, if provided.
 Close cooling water to bearing, if provided. Also shut off steam for seal quenching, if
 Slowly open pump bleeder and drain liquid from pump if the liquid is very hot allow
sufficient time before draining is started. Ensure that there is no pressure in the pump.
Also drain pump casing.
 Blind suction and discharge and check valve by-pass line and flare connection if any.
 Cut-off electrical supply to pump motor prior to handling over for maintenance.

Trouble Shooting:
1. Pump not developing pressure
 Bleed to expel vapour/air
 Check the lining up in the suction side.

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 Check the suction strainer.

 Check the liquid level from where the pump is taking suction.
 Check pump coupling and rotation.
 Get the pump checked by a technician.

2. Unusual Noise
 Check the coupling guard if it is touching.
 Check for proper fixing of fan and fan cover.
 Check for pump cavitation.
 Get the pump checked by a technician.

3. Rise of Bearing Temperature

Generally the bearing oil temperature up to 80°C above ambient, whichever is lower
can be tolerated.
 Arrange lubrication if bearing is running dry or oil level is low.
 Adjust cooling water to the bearing housing, if there is such provision.
 Stop the pump, if temperature is too high, call the pump technician.

4. Hot Gland
 Adjust cooling water if facility exists.
 Slightly loosen the gland nut, if possible.
 Stop the pump and hand over to maintenance.
 Arrange external cooling if pump has to be run for some time.

5. Unusual Vibration
 Check the foundation bolts.
 Check the fan cover for looseness.
 Stop the pump and hand over to maintenance.

6. Leaky Gland
 Check the pump discharge pressure.
 Tighten the gland nut slowly, if possible.
 Prepare the pump for gland packing or adjustment/replacement of mechanical seal
as the case may be.

7. Mechanical Seal Leak

 Stop and isolate the pump and hand over to maintenance.

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11.3 Positive Displacement Pumps

 Check if all mechanical jobs are completed.
 Flush and renew oil in pump gear box.
 Check whether suction strainer is installed.
 Check for proper lining up including the pressure safety valve in the discharge. Open
suction valve fully.
 Check that the motor shaft is reasonably free and coupling secured. Coupling guard
should be in position.
 Energies motor. Open discharge valve. Start the motor and check direction of rotation.
Stop and rectify if direction of rotation is wrong.
 Adjust the pump stroke and run the pump at different settings. Watch discharge
pressure and check the rate of pumping using the flow meter or by taking suction from
the calibration pot. In case the pump is provided with a pressure controller adjust it to
obtain the required discharge pressure.
 Care should be taken to avoid dry running of pump and back flow of liquid. Bleed if
necessary to expel vapor/air.
 Check for unusual noise, vibrations, rise of temperature of both motor and gears.

 Stop the pump.
 Close the suction and discharge valves.
 Drain the liquid if maintenance jobs are to be carried out on the pump.

Trouble Shooting

1. Insufficient Discharge Pressure

 Check the lining up in the suction side.
 Check the functioning of the safety valve and pressure control valve on discharge to
 Check the strainer on the suction side.
 Check for insufficient liquid level in the tank.
 Check pump coupling and rotation.
 Get the pump checked by pump technician.

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2. High Discharge Pressure

 Check the line up on the discharge side.
 Check pressure control valve opening.

3. Leak Gland
 Check for normal pump discharge pressure.
 Tighten the gland nut slowly if possible.
 Handover the pump for replacing gland packing.

4. Unusual Vibrations
 Check the foundation bolts.
 Check motor fan cover for looseness.
 Stop the pump and hand over to maintenance.

11.4 Heat Exchangers

The unit has a number of heat exchangers & air coolers. Suitable valve for bypassing and
isolation was provided wherever necessary of offer the required operational flexibility.

The exchangers have been provided with draining and flushing connections. The coolers
and condensers have been provided with TSV‟s on the cooling water side to guard against
possible rise of pressure due to faulty operations with the safety release to atmosphere.
Temperature gauges or thermo wells have been provided at the inlet and outlet of
exchangers. Where water is the cooling medium, no temperature measurement is provided
for water inlet temperature which is the same as cooling water supply header temperature.

Air Coolers
The air coolers/condensers comprise of a fin tube assembly running parallel between the
inlet and outlet headers. These are of the forced draft type. The forced draft fans provided
have auto variable speed rotors in which the fan speeds are adjusted during rotation. This
allows variation in air flow as per the cooling requirements. A high vibration switch is
provided with alarm to indicate any mechanical damage.

Heat Exchangers
Shell and Tube type heat exchangers can be broadly classified into different types. Start-
up/shutdown procedures for each unit shall vary slightly from case to case. However,
general start-up/shutdown procedures are discussed in the following paragraphs:

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After the heat exchanger has been pressure tested and all blinds removed, proceed as
1. Open cooling medium vent valve to displace non-condensable (air, fuel gas, inert gas
etc.) from the system. Ensure the drain valves are capped. For high pressure system,
drain valves should be flanged. This activity is not required if gas is the medium.
2. Open cooling medium inlet valve. Close vent valve when liquid starts coming out
through it, then open cold medium outlet valve and fully open the inlet valve also.
Where cold medium is also hot, warming up to cold medium side gradually is also
3. Open hot medium side vent valve to displace non condensable (air, fuel inert gas
etc.). Check that the drain is closed and capped. This activity is not required if gas is
the medium.
4. Check open hot medium inlet valve. When liquid starts coming out from the vent
valve, close it. Open hot medium inlet valve and then open the outlet valve fully. In
case of steam heaters, initially the condensate shall be drained to sewer till pressure
in the system builds up to a level where it can be lined up to the return condensate
5. In case by passes are provided across shells and tube side, gradually close the
bypass on the cold medium side and then the bypass across the hot medium side.
6. Check for normal inlet and outlet temperatures. Check that TSVs are not popping.
7. The operation of inlet and outlet valves should be done carefully ensuring that the
exchangers are not subjected to thermal shock.
8. In case of coolers/condensers, adjust the water flow to maintain the required
temperatures at the outlet.
9. For avoiding fouling, velocity of water should be at least 1 m/sec in a

Shutdown of an exchanger, coolers, and condenser is considered when the equipment is to
be isolated for handling over to maintenance while the main plant is in operation. The
following is the suggested procedure for isolation of the piece of equipment.
1. Isolate the hot medium first. In case both hot and cold medium are from process
streams, exchanger shall remain in service till the hot stream has cooled down
2. In case of a cooler, adjust cooling water flow to the cooler which is in line so that

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product temperature is within allowable unit.

3. Isolate the cold medium next.
4. Drain out the shell and tube sides to OWS/Sewer/Closed blow down system as
applicable. In case flushing oil connection is given flush the exchanger to CBD.
Ensure that the CBD drum has sufficient space to receive the flushing of the
5. Depressurize the system to atmosphere/flare/blow down system as applicable.
6. Purge/flush if required. This is particularly important in congealing services.
7. Blind inlet and outlet lines before handling over the equipment for maintenance.

11.5 Electrical Power System Description

a. The major power shall be distributed in the refinery complex at following system
voltage levels
 66KV
 11KV
 415V
b. Power from each of the GTGs & STGs is stepped up to 66KV(through 11/69KV
transformers) and these are in turn connected to a common 66KV Gas Insulated
switchboard(GIS) located in main CPP substation. Power for facilities is distributed at
66 kV level to various substations.
c. MV distribution voltage for the plant is considered as 11KV. Hence, the power supply
received at 66KV (2 nos. feeders for each switchboard) is stepped down to 11KV
(through 66/11.5KV transformers) and connected to 11KV switchboard (1 no. feeder
for each bus section).
d. Power for facilities is distributed at 66 kV level to various substations. It is stepped
down to 11kV level using 66/11.5kV power transformers, as mentioned below:

Power Transformer Voltage

Location Levels (kV)
SS-01 SS-01 (CDU) 66/11.5
SS-02 SS-02 (RFCC) 66/11.5
SS-03 SS-03 (NHT + CCR + PENEX) 66/11.5
SS-04 SS-04 (MHC) + SS-13 (CT-03) 66/11.5
SS-05 SS-05 (Alkylation) + SS-08 (SRU) 66/11.5
SS-06 SS-06 (RFCC Gasoline + HGU) + 66/11.5
SS-17 (tank farm)
SS-07 SS-07 (PPU) 66/11.5

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SS-10 66/11.5
SS-09 (ETP) + SS-10 (TTP/RO/DM)

SS-11 SS-11 (CPP AUX) + CT-01+ N2 Plant. 66/11.5

SS-12 (CT-02) +
SS-15 (crude tanks)
SS-18 (admin) + MCC room workshop
SS-14 SS-14 (RWTP) + FWPH. 66/11.5
SS-19 SS-19 (Trading facilities) + 66/11.5
SS-16 (Gantry)

Power to other substation as below shall be distributed at 11KV voltage level taking plant
feeder from nearby substation listed in S.No.6 above.

Unit S/S FED FROM S/S Voltage Levels (kV)

SRU 08 S/S-05 11KV

ETP 09 S/S-09 11KV
CT-02 12 S/S-11 11KV
CT-03 13 S/S-04 11KV
GANTRY 16 S/S-19 11KV
TANK FARM 17 S/S-06 11KV

All the 11KV HT loads in the unit shall be fed from 11KV air insulated switchboard provided
at the substation. The power shall further step down to 415V through in each of the
substation through 11KV/433V distribution transformers catering all the LT loads at 415V
level of all the units/buildings.

Each 11KV switchboards has two separate bus sections (each fed from separate 66KV
feeder & 66/11.5KV transformer) capable of feeding the complete load. Under normal
conditions, each bus section supplies power up to 50% load. However, in case of power
supply failure on one bus section of switchboard, the other bus section feeds to complete
load of the unit.

All 415V switchboards also have similar distribution philosophy, with 2 bus sections and
each bus section capable of feeding the complete load. Overall power distribution is as

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indicated in the Overall Key Single line diagram for the Project (drawing no. A545-999-16-

The above system describes normal power distribution for the plant. Additionally, the
emergency power supply system for the plant shall be designed to feed the following loads
 Process loads (i.e. Loads critical for process & plant safety) Electrical loads essential
for the safe shutdown of the plant).
 Equipment safety (i.e. Plant communication system, Fire detection & Alarm system,
Firefighting system excluding main fire water pump)
 Control system (i.e. UPS systems)
 Lighting (AC Emergency & DC critical lighting).

In case of complete power failure (i.e. no supply available from CPP), power for the required
emergency loads shall be made available from Emergency generator. The total emergency
load requirements for complete plant (including Process emergency loads, Equipment safety
loads, UPS loads & Lighting loads), following Emergency DG sets have been provided
 1 no. 12MW DG located on CPP (for all emergency loads)
 1 no. 5MW DG located near SS-19, for energising Trading facilities
 1 no. 750KVA DG located in CPP for UB loads
 1 no. 1000KVA DG for GTG black start (By GE)
 1 no. 750KVA DG located near SS-19, for lighting loads of trading facility areas.

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Refer Section 4.0 – Operating Variable and Process Control. For instrumentation and process
control of major package equipment within CPP, refer respective vendor‟s operating manual
such as for GTG, HRSG, Utility Boiler, STG and Deaerator.

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13.1 General

13.2 Alarm & Trip Summary

For Alarms and trip values refer the document annexed in annexure 18.20.

13.3 Process Safe Guarding Devices

Pressure Safety/ Relief Devices

The various vessels, Shell & Tube Exchangers, Turbines, Dosing Pumps, fuel tanks & pipelines
etc. in CPP balance of facilities are protected by installing PSV / PRV devices, against
overpressures resulting from possible plant upsets / abnormal operating conditions such as
blocked flow / external fire etc. These devices are compiled as Annexure 18.22.

Also the u/s & d/s isolation valves for these PSV / PRV are oriented in such a way that their
stems are in a horizontal plane / position.

The fuel storage tanks and DM water/ condensate storage tanks are provided with PVRV as
safeguarding device.

The flare header valve at the unit B/L is a gear-operated valve installed in such a way that its
spindle is horizontal. The discharge of these PSV / PRV valves is free draining without any
liquid pockets. Also these valves are installed as close to the equipment as possible to protect it
against additional over-pressurization due to back-pressure.

Emergency Shutdown System

Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) will provide safeguarding for major equipment. In case of
upset in process or utility systems, ESD will act automatically to protect equipment / unit. For
details of these ESDs refer the “Cause & Effect Diagrams” as summarized in Annexure 18.3.

Lock Open Valves

The isolation valves, marked as LO (Locked open) are those valves whose hand wheel is kept
in locked open position. Whereas for LC (Locked close) valves hand wheel is kept closed.

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Locking of hand wheel is done by means of a lock & key.

Isolation valves of the PSV / PRV (which is inline) are kept Locked open to ensure free path for
the relief discharge. The upstream isolation valve of the spare PSV is kept LC to isolate the
spare PSV / PRV, whereas downstream isolation valve is kept LO to ensure that there is no
pressurization in the PSV / PRV downstream line due to the passing upstream isolation valve.
For steam services PSVs / PRVs are not provided with any isolation valve.

The list of LO/LC valves are annexed as Annexure 18.14.

Safeguarding System for Pumps

The pumps in CPP unit have been provided with various facilities as given below:
 Auto Start / Auto Stop
 DCS Start / DCS Stop
 Indication for Current Drawn / Vibration / Seal Trouble / Common Trouble Indication for
Running Hours / Run Indication etc.

Safeguarding System for Fin Fan Coolers

All the fin fan coolers in CPP unit have been provided with vibration sensing element (VE) for
the fans. In case of high vibrations the high vibration switch (VSH) would be actuated, sound
high vibration alarm in the control room & give signal in MCC to trip the concerned motor.

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Refer Section 11.0 – General Equipment Operating Procedure for trouble shooting of
equipment. For trouble shooting of major package equipment within CPP, refer respective
vendor‟s operating manual such as for GTG, HRSG, Utility Boiler, STG and Deaerator.

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15.1 Catalyst
Not Applicable.

15.2 Chemicals

In CPP BOP facilities, Morpholine and Oxygen Scavenger are used for pH correction and
dissolved oxygen removal respectively.

The information on estimated chemical quantity is annexed as Annexure 18.21. Also refer
MSDS in Annexure 18.4.

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16.1 General
Safety instructions for the refinery will also apply to the CPP unit, and general rules for
protection of personnel from moving machinery, electricity, hot equipment and from falling
should be observed.

Pipes and large equipment containing water, liquid hydrocarbon, steam and gas at high
temperature and pressure are installed in the plant. It is important to provide protection of
personnel from burns, where blowing out of such media can occur.

Special hazards pertaining to this plant include the risks of poisoning, fires and explosions
due to the materials handled. The fact that the plant is an open-air installation reduces the
effects of these risks, and any unnecessary housings or casings of the equipment must be
avoided. Use or storage of combustible materials at the site must be avoided.

Vents, drains and other small piping must be placed such that operators do not accidentally
hit, push, kick or slam against them.

In case of unconsciousness because of poisoning, artificial respiration must be applied.

Hand-operated fire extinguishers, fire blankets and emergency showers must be placed
wherever practical. The extinguishers should be used against small fires; the fire blankets
and showers when clothing has caught fire. The showers should also be used against burns
from chemicals.

In case of fire, water is normally used to keep the surroundings cool until the leak resulting in
the fire can be shut off. If the fire is extinguished before the supply is stopped, there is a risk
that an explosion hazard may be created.

Smoking is forbidden.

All sparks must be avoided where combustible gases may be present. Welding must be
performed with regard to the above.

For protection of personnel the following equipment must be available:

a. Safety helmets, overalls and shoes must be worn by the personnel when they are in
the plant.

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b. Goggles for protection against liquids and gases.

c. Gloves for protection against acid and alkaline solutions (rubber) and heat.
d. Respiratory masks with filters for dust and poisonous gases (H2S, NH3, etc.).
e. Self-contained breathing apparatus and escape masks for emergency use.
f. Various clothing such as boots, hoods, aprons or complete suits for protection
against acid and alkaline solutions, catalyst dust, heat, etc.
g. Earmuffs, earplugs or other devices for protection against noise.
h. Combination meters for combustible gases, O2, H2S, or individual meters for each of
these separately.
i. Drager equipment (tubes and "sniffer") for measurement of poisonous gases like
H2S, NH3, natural gas, etc.

16.2 Toxicity of Chemicals and Catalysts

The health hazards associated with the hydrocarbons and chemicals used in the CPP unit
are discussed below. There is no hazard to health in the normal operation of the unit when
these chemicals are handled in totally enclosed equipment. It is during periods of opening
and cleaning equipment, transferring chemicals, or in sampling that exposure can occur, and
caution must be exercised. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be obtained on each
chemical from the supplier and should be kept updated.

 Morpholine
Morpholine is utilized in CPP for pH adjustment of DM water, polished condensate, pure
condensate and Boiler Feed Water.

Morpholine is a colorless liquid with fishlike odour. First aid measures on exposure are as
- After inhalation, remove the victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position
comfortable for breathing. Immediately call for doctor/ physician.
- After skin contact, remove/ take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin
with water/ shower and immediately call for doctor/ physician. Wash contaminated
clothing before reuse.
- After eye contact, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact
lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing and immediately call for doctor/
- After ingestion, rinse mouth. Do not induce vomiting. Immediately call for doctor/

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Persons handling morpholine shall be supplied with gloves, safety glasses and protective
clothing. Respiratory protection not required in normal conditions.

 Oxygen Scavenger (Carbohydrazide based)

Oxygen Scavenger is utilized in CPP for dissolved oxygen removal in Deaerator. It is dosed
in each of the down comers of Deaerators.

Carbohydrazide is a white crystalline chemical and is odourless.. First aid measures on

exposure are as follows:
- After inhalation, move the victim to fresh air. If not breathing given artificial
respiration. Then consult a doctor/ physician.
- After skin contact, remove/ take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash off
with soap and plenty of water. Then consult a doctor/ physician. Wash contaminated
clothing before reuse.
- After eye contact, flush eyes with water as a precaution. Then consult a doctor/
- After ingestion, rinse mouth with water. Never given anything by mouth to an
unconscious person. Then consult a doctor/ physician.

Persons handling oxygen scavenger chemical shall be supplied with gloves, safety glasses
and protective clothing. Respiratory protection not required in normal conditions. However
for nuisance exposures use respirator catridges.

 Nitrogen
Nitrogen is non-toxic – 79% of the normal air we breathe is nitrogen. However, in vessels or
areas where there is a high concentration of nitrogen, there is a deficiency of oxygen
for breathing. Breathing an atmosphere deficient in oxygen will rapidly result in dizziness,
unconsciousness or death, depending on the time of exposure. Do not enter or even stick
your head into a vessel containing a high concentration of nitrogen and therefore deficient in
oxygen. Do not stand close to bleeders where nitrogen is being bled out of equipment at a
high rate, which might temporarily cause a deficiency in oxygen close to the bleeder.

 Hydrocarbons
The light hydrocarbons that are u s e d i n C P P are only mildly toxic; however, they
present a great safety concern with respect to vapor cloud formation and fire/explosion if
allowed to escape from the process equipment. Avoid breathing the hydrocarbon vapors and
if the clothing becomes wet with hydrocarbons, immediately remove the clothing, wash the

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affected area and put on fresh clothing. Any leaks that are noted should be attended to
without delay including, if necessary, shutdown of the unit to accomplish the repair.

 Catalyst
Not Applicable.

16.3 Explosive Limits and Auto-ignition Temperatures

CPP uses various fuels such as HSD, LCO, CLO, Propane, natural gas and fuel gas. The auto
ignition temperature and explosive limits of various components of the fuel are given below:
Explosion limits Auto ignition temperature
Hydrogen 4.0 – 77.0 vol% 560°C
Carbon monoxide 10.9 – 74.0 vol% 605°C
Hydrogen sulphide 4.0 – 45.5 vol% 270°C
Methane 4.4 – 17.0 vol% 537°C
Ethane 2.5 – 15.5 vol% 515°C
Propane 1.7 – 10.9 vol% 470°C

16.4 Gas Detection System

Gas detection system is for toxic detection and hydrocarbon detection. The signal goes from
field devices to PLC and further to safety network which gives display in MCC.

F&G network drawing of CPP unit is annexed as Annexure 18.12 for further reference.

16.5 Fire Fighting System

The operating personnel should be fully conversant with Fire Fighting system provided in the
unit. All of them should have adequate firefighting training and will serve as an auxiliary Fire
Squad in the event of a fire breakout. It will be the primary responsibility of unit personnel to
fight the fire at the very initial stage and, at the least, localize it.

16.6 Presence of Sour gas (H2S) and Safety precautions

Not Applicable.

16.7 Precautions for entering a Contaminated or Inert Atmosphere

Typically, professional inert atmosphere service companies are hired for entry into the vessels
during unloading under nitrogen purge. This activity requires highly skilled personnel to ensure
that the operation is conducted safely and should not be attempted by plant personnel unskilled
and inexperienced with inert atmosphere vessel entry procedures.

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16.8 Fire water system

Water is most important fire-fighting medium. Water is used for fire extinguishment, control,
equipment cooling & exposure protection of equipment/personnel from heat radiation. An
elaborate fire water distribution network is provided around SRB with Fire Water
Hydrants/Monitors, which give coverage to most of equipment.

Major Fire-fighting facilities provided in the unit comprise the following:

Foam System
For containing large Hydrocarbon fires, foam systems are useful. They have inherent
blanketing ability, heat resistance and security against burn back. Low expansion foam is used
for hydrocarbon oil fire. Foam can be applied over burning oil pool with the help of foam
tenders/foam delivery system.

Portable Fire Extinguishers

Fire should be killed at the incipient stage. Portable fire extinguishers are very useful in fighting
small fires. All extinguishers in the unit must be located in specified places only. The operating
crew should be acquainted with exact location of the extinguishers. They also must know most
suitable type, which, when and how to use an extinguisher. For example, electrical fires should
be put out with CO2 or dry powder extinguishers; water and foam should not be used. The
used extinguishers should be checked and restored by fire station personnel.

Fire Signal
Break Glasses have been provided at strategic locations of unit to see fire alarm in fire station.
If a fire is sighted, glass of window should be smashed, causing fire alarm switch to actuate.
This is an emergency call & should be periodically tested for proper functioning.

Steam Smothering
LP Steam hose connections have been provided at every convenient point inside PAD. Steam
lances of standard 15M length can be fitted with these hose stations. Where ever hydrocarbon
leakage is detected which is likely to catch fire, Steam blanketing may be done. Apart from
diluting combustible Hydrocarbons, steam prevents atmospheric oxygen from taking part in
combustion & thus helps in extinguishing fire. However, steam should never be applied on large
pool of hydrocarbon fire. Direct application of steam on burning oil may result in spillage of
burning hydrocarbon & spread of fire. Similarly use of fire water on hot oil surfaces may cause
sputtering & spread of fire.

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16.9 Safety Showers and Eye Washers

Safety showers shall be provided in areas where flammable products are handled and
personnel may be exposed to the product (on fire). Safety showers shall be positioned not more
than 15m away from the potential hazard. For situations where personnel can be exposed to
corrosive materials, safety showers shall be combined with eye wash stations. Safety showers
and eye washers are also to be installed near to the chemical injection facilities.

16.10 Confined Space Entry

General procedure recommended by EIL is given below.

Whenever a technical advisor must enter a vessel, a meeting should be arranged between
advisor and the plant personnel who will be involved. The meeting should include review of the
vessel entry procedures, the refiner‟s safety requirements and facilities, preparation of a vessel
entry schedule, assignment of responsibility for the preparation of a blind list, and assignment of
responsibility for the vessel entry permits.

The most common tasks of a technical advisor which could involve a potentially hazardous
vessel entry are:
 Unit Checkout Prior to Start-up
 Turnaround Inspections

The precautions apply equally to entry into all forms of vessels, including those enclosed areas,
which might not normally be considered vessels.
Examples include:
Knock out drums, Storage tanks, heaters, Sumps

Positive Vessel Isolation

Every line connecting to a nozzle on the vessel to be entered must be blinded at the vessel.
This includes drains connecting to a closed sewer, utility connections and all process lines. The
location of each blind should be marked on a master piping and instrumentation diagram
(P&ID), each blind should be tagged with a number and a list of all blinds and their locations
should be maintained. One person should be given responsibility for the all blinds in the unit to
avoid errors.

The area around the vessel man ways should also be surveyed for possible sources of
dangerous gases, which might enter the vessel while the person is inside. Examples include

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acetylene cylinders for welding and process vent or drain connections in the same or adjoining
units. Any hazards found in the survey should be isolated or removed.

Vessel Access
Safe access must be provided both to the exterior and interior of the vessel to be entered. The
exterior access should be a solid, permanent ladder and platform or scaffolding strong enough
to support the people and equipment who will be involved in the work to be performed.

Access to the interior should also the strong and solid. Scaffolding is preferred when the vessel
is large enough to permit it to be sued. The scaffolding base should rest firmly on the bottom of
the vessel and be solidly encored. If the scaffolding is tall, the scaffolding should be supported
in several places to prevent sway. The platform boards should be sturdy and capable of
supporting several people and equipment at the same time and also be firmly fastened down.
Rungs should be provided on the scaffolding spaced at a comfortable distance for climbing on
the structure.

If scaffolding will not fit in the vessel a ladder can be used. A rigid ladder is always preferred
over a rope ladder and is essential to avoid fatigue during lengthy periods of work inside a
vessel. The bottom and top of the ladder should be solidly anchored. If additional support is
available, then the ladder should also be anchored at intermediate locations. When possible, a
solid support should pass through the ladder under a rung, thereby providing support for the
entire weight should the bottom support fail. Only one person at a time should be allowed on
the ladder.

When a rope ladder is used, the ropes should be thoroughly inspected prior to each new job.
All rungs should be tested for strength, whether they be made of metal or wood. Each rope
must be individually secured to an immovable support. If possible, a solid support should pass
through the ladder so that a rung can help support the weight and the bottom of the ladder
should be fastened to a support to prevent the ladder from swinging. As with the rigid ladder,
only one person should climb the ladder at a time.

Wearing of a Safety Harness

Any person entering a vessel should wear a safety harness with an attached safety line. The
harness is not complete without the safety line. The harness should be strong and fastened in
such a manner that it can prevent a fall in the event the man slips and so that it can be used to
extricate the man from the vessel in the event he encounters difficulty. A parachute type

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harness is preferred over a belt because it allows an unconscious person to be lifted from the
shoulders, making it easier to remove him from a tight place such as an internal man way.

A minimum of one harness for each person entering the vessel and at least one spare harness
for the people watching the man way should be provided at the vessel entry.

Providing a Man way Watch

Before a person enters a vessel, there should be a minimum of two people available outside of
the vessel, one of whom should be specifically assigned responsibility to observe the activity of
the people inside of the vessel. The other person must remain available in close proximity to
the person watching the man way so that he can assist the person or go for help, if necessary.
He must also be alert for events outside of the vessel which might require the people inside to
come out of the vessel, for example, a nearby leak or fire. These people should not leave their
post until the people inside have safely evacuated the vessel.

A communication system should be provided for the man way watch so that they can quickly
call for help in the event that the personnel inside of the vessel encounter difficulty. A radio,
telephone, or public address system is necessary for that purpose.

Providing Fresh Air

The vessel must be purged completely free of any noxious or poisonous gases and inventoried
with fresh air before permitting anyone to enter. The responsible department, usually the safety
department, must test the atmosphere within the vessel for toxic gases, oxygen and explosive
gases before entry. This must be repeated every 4 hours while there are people inside the
vessel. When possible the technical advisor should personally witness the test procedure.
Each point of entry and any dead areas inside of the vessel, such as receiver boots or areas
behind internal baffles, where there is little air circulation should be checked.

Fresh air can be circulated through the vessel suing an air mover, a fan, or, for the cases where
moisture is a concern, the vessel can be purged using dry certified instrument air from a hose
or hard piped connection. When an air mover is used, make certain that the gas driver uses
plant air, not nitrogen, and direct the exhaust of the driver out of the vessel to guarantee that
this gas does not enter the vessel. When instrument air is used, the technical adviser must
confirm that a check of the supply header is made to ensure that it is properly lined up and that
there are no connections where nitrogen can enter the system (nitrogen improperly used as a
backup for instrument air by some refiners). The fresh air purge should be continued throughout
the time that people are inside of the vessel. The responsible control room should be informed

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that instrument air is being used for breathing so that if a change to nitrogen is required the
people are removed from the affected vessel.

A minimum of one fresh air mask for each person entering the vessel and at least one spare
mask for the hole-watcher should be provided at the vessel entry. These masks should
completely cover the face, including the eyes, and have a second seal around the mouth and
nose. When use of the mask is required, it must first be donned outside of the vessel where it
is easy to render assistance in order to confirm that the air supply is safe. Each mask must
have a backup air supply that is completely independent of the main supply. It must also be
independent of electrical power. This supply is typically a small, certified cylinder fastened to
the safety harness and connected to the main supply line via a special regulator that activates
when the air pressure to the mask drops below normal. The auxiliary supply should have an
alarm, which alerts the user that he is on backup supply and it should be sufficiently large to
give the user 5 minutes to escape from danger.

Preparation of Vessel Entry Permit

Before entering the vessel a vessel entry permit must be obtained. A vessel entry permit
ensures that all responsible parties know that work is being conducted inside of a vessel and
establishes a safe preparation procedure to follow in order to prevent mistakes, which could
result in an accident. The permit is typically issued by the safety engineer or by the shift
supervisor. The permit should be based on a safety checklist to be completed before it is
issued. The permit should also require the signatures of the safety engineer, the shift
supervisor, and the person that preformed the oxygen toxic and explosive gas check on the
vessel atmosphere. Four copies of the permit should be provided. One copy goes to the safety
engineer, one to the shift supervisor, one to the control room, and one copy should be posted
prominently on the man way through which the personnel will enter the vessel. The permit
should be renewed before each shift and all copies of the permit should be returned to the
safety engineer when the work is complete. Additional requirements or procedures may be
imposed by the refiner, but the foregoing is considered the minimum acceptable for good safety

16.11 Breathing Air system

One of the key constituents of safety is to provide clean breathing air to operators who are likely
to be exposed to contaminated air during certain operation. Workers who are exposed to air
borne inhalation which is hazardous in the workplace, should be provided with respiratory
protection devices that provides clean breathing air.

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The primary objective of the breathing air system is to supply and distribute “breathing quality”
air which should be as per Grade D described in the ANSI/Compressed Gas Association
Commodity Specification for Air, G-7.1-1989 and adopted by OSHA.

The compressed breathing air shall enable personnel wearing respirators to enter and work in
contaminated or potentially contaminated areas of the unit. Breathing air is also used by
workers wearing respirators when entering enclosed work locations having inadequate

In Dangote Refinery, the breathing air required, is taken from Compressed Air system (Sourced
from common air compressor for Air & N2 system). However, a separate network has been
considered in the whole complex through dedicated prioritized header for supplying breathing
air to various units.

Breathing air system shall comprise of following components:

 Galvanized carbon steel/ stainless steel piping network from common air compressor to
individual units. This network shall have dedicated points with stub, valve and blind.
 Portable Breathing air stations.

16.12 Handling of Chemicals

A major safety concern in handling morpholine is during chemical solution preparation. All
personnel employed should follow the safety precautions associated with preventing exposure
to the chemical. The refiner should obtain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Morpholine
from their supplier from time to time. These MSDS should be thoroughly reviewed by the
refiner, and recommended safety practices should be implemented. The MSDS should also be
reviewed by those workers who will work in and around the areas where these chemicals are

Workers may be exposed to the chemical during solution preparation, routine monitoring in and
around the area or during routine sampling or if leaks or spills occur during routine solution
processing and disposal. Exposure danger occurs principally through the skin and eyes if
protective clothing is not worn. Exposure by inhalation may occur if mist or vapors are
generated. Exposure by ingestion, while possible, is less likely.

Morpholine is regarded as hazardous to human health. The solution is harmful if swallowed,

inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. The solution can cause severe skin burns and eye

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damage on exposure. Repeated exposure to this material can result in absorption through skin
causing significant health hazard. Swallowing a small quantity of this material will result in
serious health hazard.

The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has established the
following exposure limits:
• For Morpholine (TWA): 70 mg/m3 (20 ppm)

First Aid:
Refer section 16.2.

Spill, Leak and Disposal Procedures:

In case of accidental spills, soak up spills with inert solids such as clay or diatomaceous earth
as soon as possible. Collect spillage and store away from other materials. The empty
containers (if applicable) are to be handled with care because the residual vapors are
inflammable. Provide good ventilation in process area to prevent formation of vapor. No naked
lights; no smoking. Take precautionary measures against static electricity/ discharge. Use only
non-sparking tools. Do not breathe mist, vapors, spray. Avoid contact during pregnancy/ while
nursing. Keep the bulk chemical in original container in a cool, well ventilated place away from
heat source, ignition source and incompatible materials (strong oxidisers, direct sunlight). Keep
container tightly closed.

Oxygen Scavenger (Carbohydrazide)

A major safety concern in handling oxygen scavenger chemical is during chemical solution
preparation. All personnel employed should follow the safety precautions associated with
preventing exposure to the chemical. The refiner should obtain Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) for oxygen scavenger chemical from their supplier from time to time. These MSDS
should be thoroughly reviewed by the refiner, and recommended safety practices should be
implemented. The MSDS should also be reviewed by those workers who will work in and
around the areas where these chemicals are used.

Workers may be exposed to the chemical during solution preparation, routine monitoring in and
around the area or during routine sampling or if leaks or spills occur during routine solution
processing and disposal. Exposure danger occurs principally through the skin and eyes if
protective clothing is not worn. Exposure by inhalation may occur if mist or vapors are
generated. Exposure by ingestion, while possible, is less likely.

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Carbohydrazide is regarded as hazardous to human health. The solution is harmful if

swallowed, cause skin irritation and may cause an allergic skin reaction. There is risk of
explosion if heated under confinement.

First Aid:
Refer section 16.2.

Spill, Leak and Disposal Procedures:

In case of accidental spills, use PPE, avoid dust formation, and avoid breathing vapors, mist or
gas. Ensure adequate ventilation. Prevent further spillage/ leakage, if safe to do so. Do not let
product enter drains. Discharge in to environment must be avoided. The chemical has to be
stored in cool place and the container shall be tightly closed and in well ventilated place. The
chemical is incompatible to strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, copper, zinc, nickel, lead and
brass. The surplus ad non-recyclable solutions shall be sent to a licensed disposal company.

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17.1 General
The ultimate objective of the CPP is to produce power and steam as well as BFW supply to
various consumers in refinery. Steam & BFW supply to refinery has to be of specific quality/
acceptable limits. In addition, various streams that are received at CPP battery limit such as
fuels, DM water, polished condensate and pure condensate are to be checked and ensured
of their quality. This is required to identify the source of upset of steam quality as well as to
ensure the suitability of material of equipment and piping within CPP. To accomplish this
objective, it becomes necessary to characterize the important physical and chemical
properties of the various refinery streams utilizing specific laboratory analytical testing
procedures. Thus, satisfactory refinery operation depends largely upon proper analytical
procedures for quality control. An analytical quality control program requires five steps as

A. Procedure
 Sampling
The initial objective must be to obtain a characteristic sample of a particular stream.
Depending upon the properties of a stream in question, sampling technique varies. Various
types of sampling methods are detailed in P&ID of CPP unit. The refinery operation should
be steady and free from fluctuations during sampling. The sample point should be well
purged to eliminate aged material, water, dirt, etc., and to assure withdrawal of a sample
representative of the material flowing in the pipe. The sample container must be adequate
for the analysis to be obtained.

The above by no means is intended to be a comprehensive discussion of sampling; were for

those who are intrigued by this subject to the excellent publications of organizations such as
API, NPRA, and ASTM. In this section, we shall introduce the refinery operations staff to
some of the basic considerations needed to obtain the best sample possible.

 Sample Preservation
Once a proper sample has been obtained, it must, if possible, be preserved intact until it can
be analysed. This requires the prevention of any physical or chemical changes in the
sample. Changes, particularly chemical, can occur as a result of many factors. Some of the
most perplexing changes have later been traced to influences of the sampling equipment
and container. Often a sample may be inherently unstable, requiring immediate analysis.
Others can be stabilized by the addition of a passivating compound or preservative. Some

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specific conditions to be avoided are as follows:

- Do not use plastic containers
- Never use copper or copper alloys including tubing, valves and fittings
- Avoid exposure to light by using amber glass sample bottles
- Avoid exposure to heat
- Minimize exposure to air by using N2 purged containers

 Analysis
Follow the analytical method PRECISELY. Each method represents the end result of many
hours of study, testing, and experience. The methods often note appropriate precautions
indicating potential problems to be avoided. Laboratory apparatus and equipment must be
properly calibrated and rechecked frequently.

 Error
There are two terms with which one may qualify an analytical result – precision and
accuracy. Precision refers to the dispersion, or spread, of results. One must consider both
repeatability (duplicate results by the same analyst) and reproducibility (duplicate results by
different analysts) of results in order to determine the permissible tolerance in each
specification. A high degree of precision usually requires minimizing the random
experimental error during development of the method. Accuracy refers to the deviation
between a reported analytical result and the true value. It is accuracy that can be the most
damaging since it is normally the result of systematic error. If any of the above procedures
have been compromised, the effect is always seen in the accuracy of the value reported.

 Significance
The significance or interpretation of the result obtained is the final step in any analytical
procedure. Misinterpretation of the result would render the whole procedure useless.
Therefore this step is the most important. Often several analyses measuring different
properties may be related to a common characteristic (physical or chemical). Proper
analytical procedure should lead to supporting rather than conflicting conclusions. In
attaching appropriate significance to the analysis, one must consider and relate all of the
previous steps of the analytical procedure to the operation of the process unit. A firm
understanding of the process and its capabilities is essential. From a thorough application of
these five steps, the necessary changes in operation may be implemented in order to reach
the ultimate objective of meeting the necessary product specification.

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17.2 Sample Schedules/Approved Test Methods

The suggested Sampling Schedule is annexed as Annexure 18.24.

For the sampling methods and schedules of steam and water analysis of Utility Boilers and
HRSGs, refer operating manual of respective equipment supplier.

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18.1 Refinery Layout Plan

18.2 Unit Plot Plan
18.3 Cause and Effect Diagram
18.4 MSDS (All Chemicals and Catalysts)
18.5 P&ID (CPP Balance of Plant Facilities)
18.6 Equipment Operating Conditions
18.7 Interconnectivity of CPP with other Units
18.8 Hazardous Area Classification
18.9 Process Data Sheets of Equipment
18.10 Process Data Sheets of Main Control Valve
18.11 Fire Water System Layout
18.12 F&G Layout
18.13 Control Valve List
18.14 LO/LC Valve List
18.15 Material Balance / Stream Summary (HMBD)
18.16 Equipment List
18.17 Effluent Summary
18.18 Utility Summary
18.19 Blind List
18.20 Alarm and Trip Summary
18.21 Catalysts and Chemicals
18.22 PSV Datasheet
18.23 Mark Up P&ID for Chemical Cleaning
18.24 Test Methods & Sampling Schedule
18.25 Push Button List
18.26 Battery Limit Conditions for GTG/ HRSG/ UB/ STG
18.27 Flare Load Summary

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