Cataract in The Adult Eye PPP
Cataract in The Adult Eye PPP
Cataract in The Adult Eye PPP
Cataract in the
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal Adult EyeDraft
Submission PPP
Academy Staff
Andre Ambrus, MLIS
Meghan Daly
Flora C. Lum, MD
Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines are developed by the Academy’s H. Dunbar Hoskins Jr., MD Center
for Quality Eye Care without any external financial support. Authors and reviewers of the guidelines are
volunteers and do not receive any financial compensation for their contributions to the documents. The
guidelines are externally reviewed by experts and stakeholders before publication.
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Cataract in the
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal Adult EyeDraft
Submission PPP
We thank our partners, the Cochrane Eyes and Vision US Satellite (CEV@US), for identifying reliable
systematic reviews that we cite and discuss in support of the PPP recommendations.
The Preferred Practice Patterns Committee members reviewed and discussed the document during a
meeting in June 2021. The document was edited in response to the discussion and comments.
The Cataract in the Adult Eye Preferred Practice Pattern was then sent for review to additional internal and
external groups and individuals in June 2021. All those who returned comments were required to provide
disclosure of relevant relationships with industry to have their comments considered (indicated with an
asterisk below). Members of the Cataract and Anterior Segment Preferred Practice Pattern Panel reviewed
and discussed these comments and determined revisions to the document.
In compliance with the Council of Medical Specialty Societies’ Code for Interactions with Companies
(available at, relevant relationships with industry are listed. The Academy
has Relationship with Industry Procedures to comply with the Code (available at
preferred-practice-patterns). A majority (78%) of the members of the Cataract and Anterior Segment
Preferred Practice Pattern Panel 2020–2021 had no related financial relationship to disclose.
Academy Staff
Andre Ambrus, MLIS: No financial relationships to disclose
Meghan Daly: No financial relationships to disclose
Flora C. Lum, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Susan Garratt: No financial relationships to disclose
The disclosures of relevant relationships to industry of other reviewers of the document from January to
October 2021 are available online at
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Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal Submission Draft
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP
OBJECTIVES OF PREFERRED PRACTICE PATTERN GUIDELINES................................................P6
METHODS AND KEY TO RATINGS ...........................................................................................................P7
HIGHLIGHTED FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CARE................................................P8
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................P9
Disease Definition...............................................................................................................................................P9
Patient Population ...............................................................................................................................................P9
Clinical Objectives ..............................................................................................................................................P9
BACKGROUND ...............................................................................................................................................P9
Risk Factors ........................................................................................................................................................P10
Natural History ...................................................................................................................................................P11
Visual Function and Quality of Life ...................................................................................................................P11
CARE PROCESS..............................................................................................................................................P13
Patient Outcome Criteria.....................................................................................................................................P13
Diagnosis ............................................................................................................................................................P13
Evaluation of Visual Impairment .................................................................................................................P13
Ophthalmic Evaluation ................................................................................................................................P14
Supplemental Ophthalmic Testing ...............................................................................................................P14
Prevention ....................................................................................................................................................P16
Nonsurgical Management ............................................................................................................................P17
Surgical Management ..................................................................................................................................P17
Indications for Surgery........................................................................................................................P17
Contraindications to Surgery...............................................................................................................P17
Preoperative Evaluation and Counseling ............................................................................................P18
Biometry and Intraocular Lens Power Calculation .............................................................................P19
Anesthesia ...........................................................................................................................................P21
Infection Prophylaxis ..........................................................................................................................P22
Toxic Syndromes ................................................................................................................................P25
Cataract Surgery Checklist..................................................................................................................P26
Surgical Techniques ............................................................................................................................P26
Intraocular Lens Materials, Design, and Implantation ........................................................................P28
Alternatives to Capsular Bag Fixation ................................................................................................P31
Intraocular Lens Optical Considerations .............................................................................................P31
Outcomes ............................................................................................................................................P32
Complications of Cataract Surgery .....................................................................................................P33
Complications of Intraocular Lenses...................................................................................................P39
Ocular Comorbidities ..........................................................................................................................P41
Systemic Comorbidities ......................................................................................................................P46
Combined Surgery and Special Circumstances ...................................................................................P47
Second-Eye Surgery............................................................................................................................P53
Immediate Sequential (Same-Day) Bilateral Cataract Surgery ...........................................................P54
Discharge from Surgical Facility ........................................................................................................P55
Postoperative Management .................................................................................................................P55
Postoperative Follow-up .....................................................................................................................P56
Posterior Capsular Opacification.........................................................................................................P57
Provider and Setting............................................................................................................................................P58
Counseling and Referral .....................................................................................................................................P59
Socioeconomic Considerations ...........................................................................................................................P59
Utilization of Cataract Surgery in the United States ....................................................................................P59
Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Cataract Surgery in the United States ........................................................P60
Merit-based Incentive Payment System .......................................................................................................P61
APPENDIX 1. QUALITY OF OPHTHALMIC CARE CORE CRITERIA ..............................................P62
RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS (ICD) CODES ..............................................................................P64
APPENDIX 3. NUTRITION AND CATARACTS ........................................................................................P65
APPENDIX 4. WRONG-SITE WRONG-IOL SURGERY CHECKLIST .................................................P65
APPENDIX 5. LITERATURE SEARCHES FOR THIS PPP ......................................................................P68
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..........................................................................................................................P73
RELATED ACADEMY MATERIALS ..........................................................................................................P74
Cataract inSubmission
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal the Adult Eye
The Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines are based on the best available scientific data as interpreted by
panels of knowledgeable health professionals. In some instances, such as when results of carefully conducted
clinical trials are available, the data are particularly persuasive and provide clear guidance. In other instances,
the panels have to rely on their collective judgment and evaluation of available evidence.
These documents provide guidance for the pattern of practice, not for the care of a particular individual.
While they should generally meet the needs of most patients, they cannot possibly best meet the needs of all
patients. Adherence to these PPPs will not ensure a successful outcome in every situation. These practice
patterns should not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or exclusive of other methods of care
reasonably directed at obtaining the best results. It may be necessary to approach different patients’ needs in
different ways. The physician must make the ultimate judgment about the propriety of the care of a particular
patient in light of all of the circumstances presented by that patient. The American Academy of Ophthalmology
is available to assist members in resolving ethical dilemmas that arise in the course of ophthalmic practice.
Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines are not medical standards to be adhered to in all individual
situations. The Academy specifically disclaims any and all liability for injury or other damages of any kind,
from negligence or otherwise, for any and all claims that may arise out of the use of any recommendations or
other information contained herein.
References to certain drugs, instruments, and other products are made for illustrative purposes only and are not
intended to constitute an endorsement of such. Such material may include information on applications that are
not considered community standard, that reflect indications not included in approved U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) labeling, or that are approved for use only in restricted research settings. The FDA has
stated that it is the responsibility of the physician to determine the FDA status of each drug or device he or she
wishes to use, and to use them with appropriate patient consent in compliance with applicable law.
Innovation in medicine is essential to ensure the future health of the American public, and the Academy
encourages the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods that will improve eye care. It is
essential to recognize that true medical excellence is achieved only when the patients’ needs are the foremost
All Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines are reviewed by their parent panel annually or earlier if
developments warrant and updated accordingly. To ensure that all PPPs are current, each is valid for 5 years
from the “approved by” date unless superseded by a revision. Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines are funded
by the Academy without commercial support. Authors and reviewers of PPPs are volunteers and do not receive
any financial compensation for their contributions to the documents. The PPPs are externally reviewed by
experts and stakeholders, including consumer representatives, before publication. The PPPs are developed in
compliance with the Council of Medical Specialty Societies’ Code for Interactions with Companies. The
Academy has Relationship with Industry Procedures (available at
patterns) to comply with the Code.
Appendix 2 contains the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
(ICD) codes for the disease entities that this PPP covers. The intended users of the Cataract in the Adult Eye
PPP are ophthalmologists.
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Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal Submission
Cataract in the Draft
Adult Eye PPP
Recommendations for care are formed based on the body of the evidence. The body of evidence quality
ratings are defined by GRADE2 as follows:
Good quality Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of
Moderate quality Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the
estimate of effect and may change the estimate
Insufficient quality Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in
the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate
Any estimate of effect is very uncertain
The Highlighted Findings and Recommendations for Care section lists points determined by the PPP
Panel to be of particular importance to vision and quality of life outcomes.
All recommendations for care in this PPP were rated using the system described above. Ratings are embedded
throughout the PPP main text in italics.
Literature searches to update the PPP were undertaken in March 2020 and January 2021 in the PubMed
database. Complete details of the literature searches are available in Appendix 5.
Cataract inSubmission
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal the Adult Eye
Symptomatic cataract is a surgical disorder. Dietary intake and nutritional supplements have demonstrated
minimal effect on the prevention or treatment of cataract.
Most cataract surgery in the United States is performed by small-incision phacoemulsification with foldable
intraocular lens (IOL) implantation on an outpatient basis.
Refractive cataract surgery, including astigmatism management, intraoperative refractive guidance, and
specialty IOL implantation, has the potential to reduce a patient’s dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses
for distance, intermediate, and near vision.
Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) increases the circularity and centration of the
capsulorrhexis and the precision of the corneal incisions. It may also reduce the amount of ultrasonic energy
required to remove a cataract. However, the technology is not yet cost-effective, and the overall risk profile
and refractive outcomes have not been shown to be superior to that of standard phacoemulsification.
Topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce the incidence of early postoperative cystoid
macular edema (CME), but a long-term benefit has not been demonstrated.
There is substantial evidence that intracameral antibiotic administration reduces the risk of postoperative
bacterial endophthalmitis. Increasing evidence also suggests that topically applied antibiotics do not add to
the benefit of intracameral injection.
Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery can enhance the intraocular pressure-lowering effects of cataract
surgery in some patients with mild to moderate glaucoma.
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Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal Submission
Cataract in the Draft
Adult Eye PPP
A cataract is a degradation of the optical quality of the crystalline lens that affects vision. Most
cataract development is related to aging, and it can occur in one or both eyes.
Adults (18 years old and older) with cataracts.
Identify the presence and characteristics of a cataract.
Assess the impact of cataract on a patient’s visual status and function as well as the effect on
quality of life.
Educate the patient about the natural history of cataract and its impact on vision and functional
activity. Explain the benefits and risks of surgery and other treatment alternatives to enable the
patient to make an informed decision about treatment options.
Explain advantages and disadvantages of intraocular lens (IOL) options, including astigmatic,
multifocal, extended depth of focus, accommodating, postoperatively power adjustable, and
monovision IOL alternatives, to reduce the patient’s need for spectacles or contact lenses after
Identify any ocular comorbidities, high-risk ocular features, or systemic issues that could impact
the performance and outcomes of surgery.
Establish criteria for a successful treatment outcome with the patient, including working
distance(s) and potential limitations in visual outcome(s).
Discuss potential postoperative refractive options, including bilateral emmetropia, bilateral
myopia, and monovision, as well as the management of any anisometropia between surgical
Perform cataract surgery when surgery will result in enhanced patient function and when the
informed patient elects this option. Timing of surgery should be based on what is mutually
agreeable between the patient and surgeon.
Perform surgery when indicated for improved visualization and management of coexisting ocular
disease, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, or diabetic retinopathy.
Provide appropriate postoperative care, visual rehabilitation, and treatment of any complications,
such as elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) or corneal edema.
Improve patient safety by reducing the risk of traffic accidents, falls, and fractures.
Cataract is the leading cause of blindness worldwide.4 The risk of cataract increases with each decade
of life starting around age 40.5 Cataract is the leading cause of visual impairment among Americans of
all studied ethnic and racial backgrounds.6, 7 In the United States, the number of people with cataract
is forecasted to double from 24.4 million to about 50 million by the year 2050.5
There are several different types of cataracts that can be categorized according to which part of the
lens becomes opaque. Each type has its own anatomical location, pathology, and risk factors for
development. The different types can exist separately or in various combinations. Several systems are
available to classify and grade lens opacities,8-12 but variations in grading systems make it difficult to
compare prevalence rates between studies.13
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Cataract inSubmission
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal the Adult Eye
The three most common types of cataracts are nuclear, cortical, and posterior subcapsular. Less
common are anterior subcapsular, anterior polar, and posterior polar cataracts. Nuclear cataract
consists of a central opacification or discoloration of the lens that interferes with visual function.
There are different types of nuclear cataract: brunescent, opalescent, or both.14 Nuclear cataract tends
to progress slowly and affect distance vision more than near vision.
Cortical cataract can be central or peripheral. It can take the appearance of opaque spokes or oil
droplets. Patients with cortical cataract commonly complain of glare. When the entire cortex becomes
white and opaque, the cataract is referred to as a mature cortical cataract.
Posterior subcapsular cataract (PSC), located just inside the posterior lens capsule, can cause
substantial visual impairment if it involves the axial region of the lens. Patients with PSC often have
glare symptoms and poor vision in bright light. Their near vision is typically more affected than
distance due to miosis with near accommodation. In young patients, PSC is more common than
nuclear and cortical cataract.
Three population-based studies found that cataract surgery was most frequently performed when PSC
was a component of the cataract.15-17 In a study of an older population undergoing cataract surgery
(mean age 79 years), the nuclear type was most frequently encountered.18
Non-modifiable risk factors for cataract formation include increasing age,19-25 female gender,6, 18, 20, 26,
and family history.18, 28-34 Numerous risk factors have been linked with cataract development, the
most common of which are listed in Table 1.
Most studies on risk factors are observational and strongly suggest an association with cataract
formation, but they fail to prove causation.30, 35
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal Submission
Cataract in the Draft
Adult Eye PPP
Ocular trauma52
Prior PPV29
Retinitis pigmentosa80-82
Smoking71, 72
Systemic corticosteroid use83
Topical corticosteroid use84
Mixed Diabetes38, 39
Inactivity85, 86
Inhaled corticosteroid use87-90
Intravitreal corticosteroids91, 92
Ionizing radiation (low and high dose)78, 79, 93-96
Lower education20, 31, 97, 98
Ocular inflammatory disease99
Prior PPV29
Smoking72, 100, 101
Tobacco use (smoking and smokeless)73
Ultraviolet-B light exposure21
Cataract typically progresses over time, although the type, severity, and rate of progression vary
considerably among patients. With age, the lens increases in thickness and weight. Once visual acuity
and function decline, the disease progresses with no chance of reversal. Three large studies
demonstrate that PSCs progress more quickly than nuclear and cortical cataracts.23, 103-105
Cataract inSubmission
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal the Adult Eye
ocular and systemic risks. They are just as likely to have improved visual acuity compared with
younger patients, comorbidities excluded.129-131 However, they are at slightly higher risk of
developing endophthalmitis.132
Visual impairment, such as poor depth perception and low contrast sensitivity, is an important risk
factor for falls133, 134 and hip fractures.135, 136 In a randomized controlled trial, first-eye cataract surgery
reduced the rate of falls and fracture by 34% over a 12-month period.117, 137 Visual loss from cataract
and the increased risk of falls are both contributory factors for nursing home placement.138 Additional
studies show a reduction in mortality after cataract surgery,139-142 and evidence exists that waiting
more than 4 months to perform cataract surgery after it is clearly indicated can result in vision-related
complications such as falls and accidents.143, 144 Similar improvement following second-eye surgery
has also been confirmed.124, 145 Second-eye cataract surgery also increases the sense of independence,
reduces social isolation, and improves mood and the ability to interact socially.146
A decrease in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity is associated with trouble driving.106, 147-150 Drivers
with visually significant cataract are 2.5 times more likely to have an at-fault motor vehicle crash over
a 5-year period compared with drivers without cataract.151 In a cohort of 277 patients with cataract,
those who underwent surgery had half the rate of crash involvement compared with those who did not
have surgery in a 4- to 6-year follow-up period.152, 153 Patients who undergo cataract surgery are less
likely to be in serious car crashes as the driver.154 One large study that assessed patients’ visual
function preoperatively and postoperatively found the largest improvements in “driving during the
day,” “self-care activities,” and “driving during the night.” 155 Additionally, cataract surgery is shown
to increase cognitive abilities in the very elderly. The majority of very elderly patients live at least 1
year following surgery, and many live much longer.156
In summary, numerous studies show that physical function, mental health, emotional well-being,
safety, and overall quality of life can be enhanced when visual function is restored by cataract
extraction.157, 158
Improved visual function from cataract surgery can be characterized by the following:
Improved distance-corrected visual acuity113-116
Increased ability to read or do near work156, 159
Reduced glare160
Improved ability to function in dim light160
Improved depth perception and binocular vision by elimination of anisometropia and achievement
of good functional acuity in both eyes106, 135
Improved color vision161
Improved peripheral vision146
Improved physical function as a beneficial outcome of cataract surgery can be characterized by the
Increased ability to perform activities of daily living116, 155, 159
Increased ability to continue or resume an occupation157, 158
Increased mobility (walking, driving)106, 147-153, 155, 159
Decreased falls117, 133-137, 143, 144
Improved sleep127, 128
Improved mental health and emotional well-being as another beneficial outcome of cataract surgery
includes the following:
Improved self-esteem and independence146
Improved injury avoidance145
Improved cognition125, 156
Better social engagement and mood118, 146, 159
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal Submission
Cataract in the Draft
Adult Eye PPP
The purpose of the comprehensive evaluation of a patient whose chief complaint might be related to
cataract development is to identify the presence of a cataract, confirm that a cataract is a significant
factor contributing to the visual impairment and symptoms described by the patient, and identify other
ocular or systemic conditions that might be contributing to visual impairment.
Cataract inSubmission
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal the Adult Eye
These questionnaires have been used as research tools to provide a standardized approach to
assess visual function, and they can be compared across various time periods and populations.
When compared with visual acuity measurement, the ability of questionnaires to better correlate
with potential visual improvement, when used preoperatively, or to gauge improvement after
surgery, is controversial.180, 181
Ophthalmic Evaluation
A comprehensive ophthalmic evaluation, or history and physical examination, includes those
components of the comprehensive adult medical eye evaluation182 specifically relevant to the
diagnosis and treatment of a cataract as listed below.
Patient history, including an assessment of functional status, pertinent medical conditions,
medications currently used, and other risk factors that can affect the surgical plan or
outcome of surgery (e.g., immunosuppressive conditions, use of systemic alpha-1
antagonists, diabetes)
Visual acuity with correction (the power of the present correction recorded) at distance and,
when appropriate, at near
Refraction and measurement of corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) in both eyes
Glare testing when indicated
Assessment of pupil size and function
Visual field assessment
Examination of ocular alignment and motility
External examination (eyelids, lashes, lacrimal apparatus, orbit)
Measurement of IOP
Slit-lamp biomicroscopy of the cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens, vitreous, macula,
peripheral retina, and optic nerve through a dilated pupil
Indirect ophthalmoscopy
Optical Testing
Glare testing determines the degree of visual impairment in the presence of light scatter.
Cataracts may produce a severe visual disability in brightly lit scenarios, such as sunny
daytime lighting or oncoming automobile headlamps at night. The visual acuity of some
patients with cataract may be normal or near normal when tested in a darkened examination
room, but when retested in the presence a source of glare, it (or contrast sensitivity) may
drop significantly.188 However, significant reduction in visual acuity with glare testing is by
no means specific for cataract since the etiology may be secondary to other conditions,
such as ocular surface disease. Accordingly, correlation with slit-lamp biomicroscopy
findings is required to establish cataract as the etiology. Stray light (or light scatter) can be
measured and may be used for the evaluation of glare and indication for cataract surgery. 189
Contrast sensitivity testing measures the patient’s ability to detect subtle variations in
shading by using figures that vary in contrast, luminance, and spatial frequency and is a
more comprehensive and time-consuming measure of visual function than Snellen testing.
For the patient who complains of visual loss and has lens changes, contrast sensitivity
testing may demonstrate a loss of visual function that is not appreciated by Snellen testing
alone.184, 185, 190, 191 Contrast sensitivity (along with Snellen visual acuity) may decline for a
number of reasons, and therefore, this test is not a specific indicator of cataract. In spite of
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal Submission
Cataract in the Draft
Adult Eye PPP
substantial progress over the past years, there remains no standard or universally preferred
method for contrast sensitivity testing.
Ocular wavefront imaging has demonstrated that even relatively mild cataracts may cause
visual aberrations. For example, the naturally occurring negative spherical aberration of the
crystalline lens, which offsets the stable and naturally occurring positive spherical
aberration of the cornea, typically changes to positive spherical aberration later in life as
cataract develops, leading to a decrease in contrast sensitivity.192, 193 This may explain the
symptoms reported by some older individuals who have a mild lens opacity and reasonably
good CDVA.
Corneal Testing
Measuring corneal aberrometry might be useful during IOL selection and help identify
appropriate candidates for advanced technology IOLs.194, 195
Assessment of tear function is also important. Reduced tear meniscus and tear breakup time
(less than 10 seconds), debris in the tear film, a low basal tear secretion score on Schirmer
testing, filaments, or punctate erosions are all indicators of tear dysfunction that may
compromise preoperative keratometry and the postoperative result.196
Specular microscopy and corneal pachymetry can be used to evaluate patients with known
preoperative corneal endothelial disease to determine whether the cornea is likely to remain
clear following cataract surgery. These tests are usually unnecessary in healthy eyes.
However, they may be useful in eyes where corneal endothelial function is suspected to be
abnormal as a result of endothelial dystrophies, previous ocular surgery, or trauma. Several
studies suggest that specular microscopy has relatively low accuracy in predicting corneal
clarity following cataract surgery.197, 198
Although not routinely necessary, assessment of the corneal contour using topography or
tomography may be useful to determine whether irregularities in corneal power and shape
are contributing to visual impairment. Additionally, a corneal contour evaluation is helpful
in the assessment and management of regular and irregular astigmatism, especially when
considering advanced technology IOLs or corneal relaxing incisions in conjunction with
cataract surgery. Additionally, tomography devices can evaluate posterior corneal
astigmatism to aid in toric IOL selection or astigmatism management. 199-202 Manual
keratometry is a simple tool for assessing the degree of surface irregularity, which can
contribute to visual disability.
Gonioscopy, anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ultrasound
biomicroscopy can be useful for evaluating complex anterior pathology such as narrow
angle configuration, posterior polar cataract, or subluxated lenses.203
Macula Testing
Optical coherence tomography is very useful before cataract surgery to evaluate foveal
architecture and identify the presence of concomitant retinal disease,204-206 even when the
foveal center and immediately surrounding areas appear normal on direct examination.
Preoperative evaluation with macular OCT may be considered when visual acuity or
impairment are disproportionate to the degree of cataract to identify retinal disease that
may either be treatable or may impact postoperative visual prognosis. Macular OCT can
detect an epiretinal membrane, which will increase the risk of cystoid macular edema
(CME) and unexplained vision loss postoperatively. Fluorescein angiography is sometimes
performed when abnormalities of the circulation of the posterior pole are suspected.
When a patient corrected for near can read small print through a pinhole on a brightly
illuminated card, this indicates that the macula has some function.207-209
B-scan ultrasonography is appropriate when a dense cataract or other media opacity
precludes adequate visualization of the posterior segment or to detect the presence of an
intraocular mass, retinal detachment (RD), or posterior staphyloma.
Cataract inSubmission
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal the Adult Eye
Preventive measures that impart even a modest decrease in the risk of cataract could have a large
public health impact, given that 24.4 million people over the age of 40 years in the United States
are affected by cataract.5
The role of diet and antioxidant supplements has been studied with mixed conclusions. A 2012
Cochrane Systematic Review of nine randomized controlled trials found no evidence to support
high doses of vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta-carotene in preventing development or progression
of cataract.210 (I+, Good, Strong) A more recent systematic review about the role of nutrient
supplementation on lens pathology found that vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lutein and
zeaxanthin had a protective effect against cataract, but this analysis included observational
data.211 There is currently no level 1 evidence to suggest that high-dose antioxidant
supplementation slows cataract progression. There is moderate evidence that a
multivitamin/mineral supplement may decrease the risk of cataract.20, 212-214
Several observational studies also demonstrate the potential benefit of a healthy diet in
preventing cataract.215-220 There is currently insufficient evidence to support a specific diet, but a
well-balanced diet rich with fruits and vegetables is a reasonable recommendation based on
observational studies.216 Appendix 3 summarizes studies of nutrition and cataract.
Long-term increased physical activity and exercise may decrease the risk of cataract. 86, 221, 222
Additionally, long periods of inactivity and prolonged sitting may be associated with cataract
progression.85, 86
The effect of medications on the formation of cataract is difficult to study since the effect of the
medication is hard to distinguish from the effect of the disease being treated. Long-term users of
inhaled or oral corticosteroids are at higher risk of cataract formation.51, 77, 83, 87, 88, 223 The use of
intranasal corticosteroids, however, is not associated with a significant risk of incident cataract
based on two recent systematic reviews.84, 224 The association between statin use and cataract has
been studied extensively with conflicting results.225-231 Phenothiazines have been associated with
anterior subcapsular opacities.232, 233 Multiple studies show no benefit of aspirin on cataract
development or the need for cataract surgery.234-238 There is a long list of drugs that may be
associated with cataract in prevalence studies, but longitudinal studies are needed to confirm a
causative relationship.51, 239, 240 Patients on medications who are at high risk for cataract
formation should be counseled and monitored.
The presence of diabetes mellitus,19, 20, 37-39 hypertension,39, 57, 75, 241, 242 obesity,33, 34, 39, 243 and
metabolic syndrome (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and dyslipidemia)46, 242, 244, 245 is associated
with an increased risk of cataract or cataract surgery in numerous observational studies.
Prevention and treatment of these conditions may reduce the risk of cataract.
Smoking is a risk factor for various types of cataracts, with a dose-response effect seen for
nuclear sclerosis. 19, 20, 49, 66-68, 71, 72, 100, 246, 247 Cessation of smoking reduces the risk of cataract
development or progression and cataract surgery, and patients should be counseled to quit
smoking. 67, 68, 100, 101, 248, 249 32, 101, 250
Cataract in the Adult Eye PPP—Journal Submission
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Adult Eye PPP
A cumulative lifetime exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation has been associated with lens
opacities.21, 53, 54, 74, 251, 252 Therefore, brimmed hats and ultraviolet-B blocking sunglasses are
reasonable precautions to recommend to patients.32, 48
Ionizing radiation is a proven cause of cataracts.48 A recent study of U.S. radiologic
technologists suggested an elevated risk of cataract even at relatively low exposures.96
Therefore, the use of radiation protective shields and lead glasses is advisable.
Several studies demonstrate an increased risk of cataract with blunt and penetrating trauma.52, 102,
Therefore, safety glasses are recommended for high-risk recreational or work activities.
253, 254
Nonsurgical Management
The management of visually significant cataract is primarily surgical. However, there are
nonsurgical means for managing the symptoms of cataract before surgery is necessary.
Changes to glasses and contact lens prescriptions can often be made to account for refractive
shifts in the early stages of cataract development. Low-vision devices can maximize remaining
vision pending cataract surgery or allow surgery to be deferred in patients at high risk of
Currently, no pharmacological treatments are known to eliminate existing cataract or retard its
progression. Ophthalmologists should advise patients that, at this time, there is insufficient
evidence to support the use of pharmacological treatments for cataract, based on a 2017
Cochrane Systematic Review of N-acetylcarnosine drops.255 (I+, Good, Strong)
Patients who are long-term users of topical ophthalmic, periocular, oral, and inhaled
corticosteroids should be informed of the increased risk of cataract development51, 83, 87, 88, 90, 256-
and may wish to discuss alternative treatments with their primary care physician. In limited
circumstances, and often as a temporizing measure, the pupil can be dilated to provide better
vision around a small central cataract. However, this strategy may worsen glare disability.
Surgical Management
The predominant method of cataract surgery in much of the world is sutureless, small-incision
phacoemulsification with foldable IOL implantation performed on an outpatient basis.259 Sutures
or sealants are used for incision closure if needed. In randomized clinical trials,
phacoemulsification produces better uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) and a lower rate
of surgical complications, such as iris prolapse and posterior capsule rupture, than manual
extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) with incision closure by sutures or manual small-
incision cataract extraction (MSICS).260, 261 Phacoemulsification limits the astigmatic changes
that occur with larger incisions and enables both astigmatism management and the implantation
of specialty IOLs.262 In economically disadvantaged countries, MSICS remains popular because
of its cost-effectiveness, and sutureless ECCE with IOL implantation performed very well
compared with phacoemulsification in one randomized clinical trial.263
Contraindications to Surgery
Surgery for a cataract should not be performed under the following circumstances:
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Tolerable refractive correction provides vision that meets the patient’s needs and
Surgery is not expected to improve visual function and no other indication for lens
removal exists.
The patient cannot safely undergo surgery because of coexisting medical or ocular
Appropriate postoperative care cannot be arranged.
The patient or patient’s surrogate decision maker is unable to give informed consent for
nonemergent surgery.
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Olsen299 Anterior chamber depth Uses ray tracing and thick lens calculations to
Lens thickness derive the C constant
Although IOL manufacturers supply lens constants to be used with calculation formulas,
these numbers are generally considered to be only a recommendation and may not
correspond to the biometry method actually used. Optimization of lens constants for a
specific IOL based on an individual surgeon’s actual refractive outcomes may be helpful,
as may online databases pooling information from multiple surgeons.301
The surgeon should consider the patient’s desires and needs when selecting an appropriate
postoperative refractive target. Patients with high myopia may require unique lens
constants for plus and minus power IOLs that are quite different from those recommended
by the manufacturer because of IOL geometry.302, 303 For patients with extreme hyperopia
who require an IOL beyond the available power range, piggybacking two posterior
chamber IOLs is possible, including as a staged procedure.304-308 When this is indicated, it
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is highly preferable to place one IOL in the capsular bag and one in the sulcus to reduce the
risk of interlenticular membrane formation.309, 310
Corneal relaxing incisions can correct small amounts of preoperative corneal astigmatism,
but for larger amounts, toric IOLs should be considered.311-313 A 2016 systematic review
and meta-analysis found that toric IOLs provided lower amounts of residual astigmatism
than nontoric IOLs, even when corneal relaxing incisions were used.312 (I+, Good, Strong)
Toric lenses available in the United States are designed for implantation within the capsular
bag. Toric calculators require preoperative measurement of the corneal cylinder and a
knowledge of surgically induced astigmatism. Adding the contribution of the posterior
cornea has been shown to improve outcome accuracy, whether by nomogram or by
measuring the posterior cornea directly.314-317 The power of the toric component should be
adjusted for the effective lens position of the IOL.
Most modern IOLs contain aspheric optical surfaces. These lenses improve mesopic and
scotopic contrast sensitivity and visual quality by reducing or eliminating spherical
aberration.318-322 However, they are less tolerant of tilt and decentration and might not be
the best choice in patients with zonulopathy.323 Some surgeons choose the asphericity of an
IOL to match the asphericity of the cornea to maximize visual quality under mesopic and
scotopic conditions.324, 325
Intraocular lens power can be confirmed or refined intraoperatively in the aphakic and
pseudophakic states using intraoperative aberrometry. Aberrometry can assist with toric
IOL axis alignment as well.326 Intraoperative aberrometry can be useful in eyes with a
history of keratorefractive surgery such as photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and laser-
assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), although it is not as useful after radial
keratotomy.327, 328 It is not clear that intraoperative aberrometry always improves
Cataract surgery may be performed using a variety of anesthesia techniques that include
local (regional) anesthesia (e.g., retrobulbar, peribulbar, sub-Tenons injection,
intracameral, and topical) and occasionally general anesthesia. The planned mode of
anesthesia should be discussed with the patient so that she or he knows what to expect in
terms of pain, discomfort, consciousness level, visual experiences, and complications. The
outcomes of cataract surgery measured in terms of visual acuity, visual function,
complications, adverse medical events, and patient satisfaction have not been shown to
vary significantly between the anesthesia techniques.333-340 Intravenous (IV) sedation is
commonly used to complement the local anesthesia to optimize a patient's surgical
experience and cooperation.
Anesthesia techniques with needles or blunt cannulas may be associated with
complications that are not encountered with topical/intracameral techniques. Complications
include strabismus, globe perforation, retrobulbar hemorrhage, intravascular or
subarachnoid injection, and macular infarction.333, 337-341 Eyes with posterior staphylomas or
scleral buckles are at increased risk for globe perforation by peribulbar or retrobulbar
A Cochrane Systematic Review of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) comparing peribulbar
with retrobulbar blocks found no difference in efficacy (in terms of akinesia, anesthesia, or
need for supplemental injections) or safety.336 (I+, Good, Strong) Conjunctival chemosis
was more likely with peribulbar blocks, whereas lid hematoma was more likely with
retrobulbar blocks.
A 2015 Cochrane Systematic Review of RCTs comparing topical with sub-Tenon’s
anesthesia found greater intraoperative but less postoperative pain at 24 hours with topical
anesthesia.343 While statistically significant, the magnitude of differences in pain was not
clinically relevant. There was insufficient evidence to draw conclusions about the incidence
of surgical complications between the two techniques. (I+, Moderate, Discretionary)
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Infection Prophylaxis
Preventing postoperative infection is a key aspect of cataract surgery because of the
potentially severe consequences of endophthalmitis. Controlled trials of antibiotics have
been difficult to perform because of the low incidence of endophthalmitis following
cataract surgery in the United States.364 A sufficiently controlled trial for FDA approval
would require tens of thousands of subjects and an estimated initial research and
development expense of over $350 million.365 These and other factors have led to a paucity
of level I evidence for endophthalmitis prophylaxis, leaving a number of large retrospective
cohort studies to fill this gap.
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A study found endophthalmitis rates as high as 0.327% in the 1970s decreasing to 0.087%
in the 1990s when ECCE became predominant.366 The infection rate subsequently increased
and by 2003 reached 0.265% (1 infection in every 377 cases), whereas the incidence of
infection after other anterior segment procedures was reportedly on the decline.366-369 It has
been proposed that the period of rising rates of infection corresponded to the increased
adoption of clear corneal incisions in cataract surgery, where improperly constructed
corneal incisions were prone to postoperative instability, leakage, and a potential influx of
microbes compared with sclerocorneal incisions.370-377 On the other hand, four large case
series found no greater likelihood of infection with corneal versus other types of incisions
during this period.378-381 Nevertheless, careful watertight incision construction and closure
(with sutures or sealants, if necessary) is obligatory, irrespective of surgical style, because
the incidence of infection increases with wound leak.382 The endophthalmitis rate after
cataract surgery in the United States between 2013 and 2017 was estimated to be 0.04%.364
Other factors associated with increased rates of endophthalmitis include intraoperative
posterior capsule rupture, vitreous loss, prolonged surgical time, immunodeficiency, active
blepharitis, lacrimal duct obstruction, inferior incision location, incomplete removal of the
lens cortex, male gender, older age, previous intraocular injections, lower surgical volume,
and less experienced surgeons.379, 382-394
Role of antiseptic
Although rare clusters of infections may be induced by contaminated surgical products,395-
topical drops,401, 402 or contaminated operating room environments,403, 404 the patient’s
periocular flora is the primary source of microbes responsible for most cases of sporadic
postoperative infection.405
Nonrandomized controlled trials and a prospective trial with the unoperated eye as the
control provide evidence that instilling topical 5% povidone iodine in the conjunctival cul
de sac preoperatively reduces the bacterial load and the incidence of postoperative
infection.406-408 A one-time application of lower concentrations of povidone-iodine was less
effective in some studies at reducing conjunctival bacterial colony counts.409-411 Other
studies have shown that dilute concentrations of povidone-iodine between 0.05% and 1%
have better bactericidal activity, through greater availability of diatomic free iodine, and
reduce cornea toxicity and patient discomfort.412-415 The presence of lidocaine gel prior to
povidone-iodine instillation appears to diminish its antimicrobial efficacy. 416
Chlorhexidine is not recommended because it is toxic to the ocular surface and can cause
irreversible keratitis.417
Topical antibiotics
There is growing evidence that preoperative topical antibiotic administration is unnecessary
and may increase the potential for resistance.418-420 Although instilling antibiotics before
surgery decreases the bacterial load of the ocular surface,421 topical povidone-iodine alone
was as effective as povidone-iodine combined with preoperative topical antibiotics in a
randomized clinical study.420
A retrospective study of 315,246 cataract surgeries demonstrated that intracameral
antibiotic injection was more effective at preventing postoperative endophthalmitis than
topical antibiotic administration alone.393 No difference in effectiveness was apparent
between topical gatifloxacin, ofloxacin, or polymyxin/trimethoprim; however, topical
aminoglycoside use was associated with double the rate of postoperative endophthalmitis,
the same rate as the group with no antibiotic prophylaxis (5% of the study population).
However, the small benefit of topical postoperative antibiotics was outweighed by the
greater effectiveness of intracameral antibiotic injection.
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should be stressed that even with the added benefit of intracameral antibiotic injection, a
proper povidone-iodine prep and attention to surgical technique are important to prevent
postoperative infection.470
Alternative prophylaxis strategies have been used. One is mixing antibiotics into the
irrigation bottle, although this generally results in an inadequate drug concentration and
duration of action.406, 471 Another is subconjunctival antibiotic injection, which has been
shown to be inferior to the intracameral route of injection430, 433 because a much lower
concentration of the drug reaches the anterior chamber.472, 473 Transzonular and pars plana
intravitreal injection have been proposed as alternative routes of antibiotic delivery;474
however, large randomized studies establishing the safety and effectiveness of these
approaches are lacking.456, 475-477
Toxic Syndromes
Substances introduced into the eye during cataract surgery may result in immediate or
subsequent damage for reasons other than infection. Tissue injury may result from direct
toxicity or exuberant inflammation and involve the anterior or posterior segment.
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Surgical Techniques
Beyond the skill set needed to perform the steps of the operation, cataract surgery also
requires the cognitive skills, judgment, and experience necessary to recognize and respond
to unexpected events, problems, and complications that may arise intraoperatively. Only an
ophthalmologist has the medical and microsurgical training as part of a comprehensive
residency experience needed to perform cataract surgery.
In countries with adequate infrastructure to support advanced ophthalmic technology,
phacoemulsification is the preferred method to remove a cataract.
The ideal technical elements of a successful cataract procedure include the following:
A secure, watertight incision that minimizes surgically induced astigmatism or reduces
pre-existing corneal astigmatism510-513
Thorough removal of all nuclear, epinuclear, and cortical material514
Negligible or no trauma to the corneal endothelium, iris, and other ocular tissues 515, 516
Preservation of the integrity of the lens capsule
Capsular bag fixation of an appropriate posterior chamber IOL
Intraocular steps that are commonly used during phacoemulsification include the
Construction of an appropriately sized incision that is tight enough to achieve a stable
anterior chamber517
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Use of an OVD to protect the corneal endothelium, manipulate tissues, and maintain
adequate working space during surgery518, 519
Creation of a capsulorrhexis,520 which can be made manually, or by a femtosecond laser
or radiofrequency device. The capsulorrhexis aids in hydrodissection; prevents posterior
capsule tears that originate from radial anterior capsule tears; and facilitates the
implantation, fixation, and centration of the IOL within the capsular bag. A
capsulorrhexis that completely overlaps the IOL edge limits the development of
posterior capsular opacification (PCO) for some IOL designs and blocks the anterior
migration of vitreous gel following a laser posterior capsulotomy.521
Hydrodissection, which reduces zonular stress during phacoemulsification by
mobilizing the nucleus and epinucleus, and facilitates thorough cortical aspiration.522
Hydrodissection also helps to retard PCO.523, 524
Nuclear disassembly and emulsification using techniques such as divide and conquer,525
chopping or pre-chopping,526 and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS)
fragmentation to allow nuclear removal through a capsulorrhexis and small incision527-
Thorough removal of remaining epinucleus and cortex514 (polishing the anterior and
posterior aspects of the capsule when appropriate)
Implantation of a foldable IOL within the capsular bag
Removal of OVD to minimize postoperative IOP elevation530
Establishment of a watertight incision by various means (raising the IOP, stromal
hydration, sealant, or suture)374, 386, 510, 531-533
Incision location, size, and design may depend on several factors, including the patient's
orbital anatomy, the type of IOL to be implanted, the role of the incision in astigmatism
management, and surgeon preference and experience. For example, varying the incision
characteristics and centering it on the steep corneal meridian may reduce pre-existing
When feasible, small-incision surgery is generally preferred for several reasons.538 Smaller
incisions are more amenable to self-sealing wound construction, are inherently safer in the
event of sudden patient movement or a suprachoroidal hemorrhage during surgery, and
lead to fewer physical restrictions postoperatively. They are also associated with less initial
postoperative inflammation and less unwanted astigmatic change.538-549
When required, manual ECCE or MSICS may be preferred for certain cataract surgeries,
such as those with mature nuclei, weak zonular fibers, or a higher risk of corneal
decompensation.550-554 Chang reported no significant difference in outcome between
phacoemulsification and MSICS in a prospective comparison between two experienced
Femtosecond lasers can be used to construct corneal incisions,555, 556 create astigmatic
relaxing incisions,557-559 perform an anterior capsulotomy, and fragment or soften the
nucleus.527, 528
A 2020 meta-analysis of 73 studies was published in the Journal of Cataract & Refractive
Surgery comparing 12,769 eyes that underwent FLACS procedures with 12,274
conventional cataract procedures. It showed significantly improved uncorrected and
corrected visual acuity at 1 to 3 months, along with significantly decreased cumulative
dissipated energy, improved capsulorrhexis circularity, decreased central corneal thickness
at 1 day and at 1 to 3 months, and decreased endothelial cell loss at both 3 to 6 weeks and
at 3 months. However, anterior capsular ruptures were found to be more common with
FLACS. No differences in visual acuity were found at 1 week and after 6 months, and there
was no difference in posterior capsule rupture rates and endothelial cell loss after 6 months.
See the Outcomes section for a full discussion.
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disadvantages can be affected by pupil size,605 IOL tilt606 and decentration,607 and whether
the spherical aberration of the IOL and the patient’s cornea are custom matched.324, 608-613
Between 15% and 29% of cataract patients have more than 1.5 D of keratometric
astigmatism.614, 615 Toric IOLs, which correct for astigmatism, have been shown to decrease
eyeglass dependence compared with nontoric monofocal IOLs.616-619 In addition, they may
offer better predictability and stability of correction compared with incisional astigmatic
keratotomy, based on a 2019 Cochrane Systematic Review.620-624 (I+, Good, Strong)
For a toric IOL to be effective, the axis and magnitude of corneal or keratometric
astigmatism must be accurately measured, and the IOL must be accurately and permanently
aligned.625 The lenticular contribution to refractive astigmatism is eliminated with cataract
surgery; thus, preoperative manifest refractive astigmatism is irrelevant in astigmatism
planning. Toric IOL axis misalignment may reduce the desired refractive effect or may even
worsen the overall astigmatism.626 Because toric IOLs do not correct irregular astigmatism,
they should be used cautiously in patients who might require a rigid contact lens
postoperatively.627 Modified keratometers and aberrometers, collectively known as
intraoperative refractive guidance devices, are available to help with IOL power refinement
and toric IOL alignment intraoperatively.328, 628-631 An effort should be made to determine the
true corneal refractive power, which incorporates both the anterior and posterior corneal
power, either by direct assessment or by algorithmic adjustment.620, 632-638
Use of presbyopia-correcting IOLs or monovision may improve quality of life by reducing
eyeglass or contact lens dependence after cataract surgery.639 For each of these options,
patient selection is critical. Certain patient-related factors may be associated with suboptimal
postoperative performance and reduced patient satisfaction. Surgeons must understand an
individual patient’s lifestyle and expectations so that the most appropriate IOL can be
selected. Patients should be informed of the potential compromise in quality of vision
associated with the various choices.640-644
Monovision involves correction of one eye for distance vision and the fellow eye for
intermediate or near vision. The success of monovision depends on interocular blur
suppression where the blurred image from one eye does not interfere with the image from
the eye in focus.645 In one study, when the dominant eye was corrected for distance visual
acuity, the overall monovision acceptance rate following cataract and IOL surgery was
90% in patients with cataract who desired independence of correction with eyeglasses. 646 In
another study that analyzed modified monovision (-0.75 D anisometropia) versus
conventional monovision (-1.75 D or more anisometropia), the authors found that binocular
vision in relation to contrast sensitivity and stereopsis was better preserved with modified
monovision but near vision was compromised.647 In a small nonrandomized study
comparing patients who had bilateral multifocal IOLs versus bilateral monofocal IOLs
implanted to achieve monovision, there was no statistical difference in bilateral uncorrected
distance and near vision or in the satisfaction scores.648 Patients with a history of successful
adaptation to monovision with eyeglasses or contacts lenses are particularly well suited for
this modality.649, 650 Such patients may benefit from distance-corrected eyeglasses for
driving at night. In general, patients with latent strabismus, macular disease, or optic nerve
disease are poor candidates for monovision, unless they have previously done well with
optical correction.651-655
Presbyopia-correcting IOLs can be classified as multifocal or accommodative. Multifocal
lenses have near and distance elements in the optic of the lens, and accommodative lenses
change position, shape, or refractive index. When the focal points of the defocus curve of a
multifocal IOL are relatively close together, producing a minimal drop in visual acuity
between peaks, the lenses are said to have extended depth of focus (EDOF). 656 There is
usually a measurable drop in unaided visual acuity between the peaks of the defocus curve
foci of a standard bifocal multifocal IOL.
Extended depth of focus lenses can be implanted for bilateral distance focus or in a
monovision arrangement. They are often favored over full-add bifocal or trifocal IOLs for
eyes with subtle macular pathology or a history of keratorefractive surgery. 657-660 Extended
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depth of focus IOLs come in diffractive and nondiffractive designs, and each has
advantages and disadvantages with respect to glare, halos, near focus, and contrast loss.
Multifocal IOLs achieve their effect by dividing incoming light into two or more focal
points and can be classified as refractive, diffractive, or a combination.661, 662 They come in
bifocal, trifocal, and quadrifocal varieties.663 Some lenses are pupil-size dependent.664
Optical effects of multifocal IOLs may include reduced contrast sensitivity, halos around
point light sources, multiple images, and glare.665 A 2019 systematic review and meta-
analysis found that patients have better near and intermediate vision with multifocal IOLs
and have greater spectacle independence but are more likely to have glare, halos, and
reduced contrast sensitivity than patient with monofocal IOLs.666 (I+, Good, Strong)
Whether the improvement in near unaided acuity outweighs the optical side effects of
multifocal IOLs varies among patients, with important factors being the motivation to
achieve eyeglass independence, residual refractive error, posterior capsular wrinkles and
opacities, and adaptation over time.666, 667 Patient selection and counseling are particularly
important with these IOLs. There may be a symptomatic reduction in the quality of
distance vision, particularly if other ocular pathology is present, such as macular disease,
advanced glaucoma, or latent strabismus. Therefore, the candidacy of patients with
amblyopia or abnormalities of the cornea, optic disc, or macula for a multifocal IOL must
be carefully considered.644
Toric multifocal IOLs correct astigmatism and concurrently provide a range of vision.
When compared with spherical multifocal IOLs combined with peripheral corneal relaxing
incisions, they were found to be more predictable and to have good rotational stability.618,
Bifocal IOLs with low adds for near vision are available to help minimize issues of halo
and glare.669, 670
In an attempt to mimic human accommodation, accommodative presbyopia-correcting
IOLs, with or without a toric component, are designed to change their position or shape in
the eye with accommodative effort.671 These IOLs have demonstrated varied
accommodative potential without the loss of contrast sensitivity inherent in multifocal
IOLs.672-675 A modified monovision technique with the nondominant eye corrected
for -0.50 D or -0.75 D is used by some surgeons to improve uncorrected near vision.
Postoperative in situ power adjustment is a recent advance in IOL power refinement.676, 677
After refractive stability is achieved, the power of certain IOLs can be adjusted to reduce or
eliminate refractive errors. In one such technology, unpolymerized photosensitive silicone
macromers can be made to move down their concentration gradient after treating a special
silicone IOL with ultraviolet light. After the desired spherocylindrical adjustment is
achieved, remaining photosensitive macromers are consumed with an ultraviolet lock-in
In another technology that is not commercially available, the chemistry of an acrylic IOL is
changed by a femtosecond laser with high spatial sensitivity to effect a change in
hydrophilicity. The resulting change in local chemistry induces a change in water content
and a corresponding alteration in the material’s focal refractive index. The technology,
known as refractive index shaping, can be applied across an IOL to produce changes in
sphere, cylinder, and the number of focal points. 678-680 Theoretically, it might be possible to
apply wavefront error compensation as well. This technology has the potential for multiple
treatments over time. Other technologies being investigated include multicomponent IOLs,
mechanically adjustable IOLs, magnetically adjustable IOLs, and liquid crystal IOLs. 677
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chamber IOL haptics to the iris or sclera may be necessary in the absence of capsular
support.681-685 Certain unique IOL designs, such as plate haptic IOLs, require capsular-bag
fixation. In the event of posterior capsule rupture, the surgeon should reconsider capsular
IOL implantation without proper posterior capsular support and use an alternative IOL
style. No single method of noncapsular-bag fixation has been found to be superior. All
appear to be equivalent with respect to visual acuity and safety profile. Each type of
fixation has its own specific risks.687
Sulcus fixation
Optimal characteristics of a sulcus posterior chamber IOL include sufficient overall optic
diameter and haptic length, posterior haptic angulation, and the absence of sharp anterior
optic or haptic edges.685 Anticipating a more anterior location of the optic, the sulcus IOL
power for the average eye should be decreased by 0.5 diopters (D) to 1.0 D relative to that
calculated for capsular bag fixation (but decreased less with capsulorrhexis capture of the
optic).688, 689 Optic capture through a centered capsulorrhexis reduces reliance on adequate
haptic length to provide optic centration and stability. 690, 691 Because noncapsular fixation
increases the potential for optic tilt and decentration, the surgeon should reconsider
whether multifocal IOLs or IOLs with higher degrees of negative spherical aberration
should be implanted.607, 692 Also, single-piece acrylic IOLs currently available in the United
States are contraindicated in the ciliary sulcus because of associated risks such as IOL
decentration and iris chafing, which can cause transillumination defects, pigment
dispersion, elevated IOP, recurrent hyphema, and inflammation.685
Suture fixation of one or both haptics of a posterior chamber IOL to the iris or sclera is an
option in the absence of sufficient capsular support. 681-685 Risks include improper anatomic
placement and suture breakage or knot unraveling.693-697
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cauterized to create a flange. The flanged haptic ends are then tucked subconjunctivally
into their respective scleral tunnels. Complications include ocular hypertension, IOL tilt,
optic capture, vitreous hemorrhage, CME, haptic erosion through the conjunctiva, and
endophthalmitis.703, 709
Multiple large studies of cataract surgery, including a review of the Cochrane Library, have
repeatedly demonstrated favorable outcomes from cataract surgery.713 (I+, Good, Strong)
While there are many earlier outcome studies,714 a 2013 European Registry of Quality
Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery examined 368,256 surgeries from surgeon
dataset entries, national registries, and electronic medical record systems. It reported 94.3%
with 20/40 or better CDVA and 61.3% with 20/20 or better CDVA.112 Only 1.7% had worse
CDVA postoperatively, with the greatest risk factors being a postoperative complication,
ocular comorbidity, or surgical complication.
A study that accessed 2013 and 2014 Intelligent Research in Sight (IRIS®) registry data
reported 81.7% of 33,437 eyes having CDVA of 20/40 or better by postoperative month
1.715 A large multicenter study in the United Kingdom showed that over 95% of eyes with
no ocular comorbidity had a CDVA of 20/40 or better.716
The Cataract Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) study identified independent
predictors for greater improvement after surgery that included younger age (under 65), less
comorbidity, a higher cataract symptom score, and a worse VF-14 (visual function)
score.168 In several studies, preoperative Snellen visual acuity was found to be unrelated to
the likelihood of improvement in symptoms or self-reported visual function after cataract
surgery.168, 171, 717 A prospectively validated model found that predictors of improvement
included younger age, a poorer preoperative visual function as measured by the ADVS,
and absence of diabetes.717 However, even patients with diabetes and age-related macular
degeneration (AMD) show substantial improvements after cataract surgery, albeit at a
lower magnitude than patients without these conditions.718-722 There is no evidence that
AMD accelerates following cataract surgery.723 Although these studies have shown greater
benefits in younger patients, the improvement in quality of life for those 75 and older is
still functionally and statistically significant.
Another study used a validated visual function questionnaire and a variety of psychophysical
methods to assess visual improvement in patients with symptomatic cataracts but with
preoperative Snellen acuity better than or equal to 20/50. 724 Even in eyes with 20/20 or better
preoperative Snellen acuity, cataract surgery improved patients’ self-reported visual
impairment.171 Neither the preoperative best corrected high-contrast Snellen distance acuity
nor change in Snellen acuity predicted the observed improvement in visual function as
reflected in the preoperative and postoperative questionnaire scores. The strongest
preoperative indicators for improved visual function were glare disability tested at low and
medium spatial frequencies and the visual function questionnaire score. This suggests that in
patients with symptomatic nonadvanced cataract, Snellen visual acuity in isolation does not
accurately predict who will benefit from surgery.725
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Cataract surgery improves driving safety. There is an increased risk of motor vehicle
accidents in patients with cataract and a significant reduction after cataract surgery. 726
Multiple papers on FLACS show results similar to standard ultrasonic
phacoemulsification.527, 727, 728 They also confirm the generally excellent results of modern
cataract surgery. The ESCRS FLACS study compared 2814 consecutive cases from high-
volume FLACS surgeons with 4987 control patients matched by age, preoperative CDVA,
ocular comorbidities, and surgical comorbidities from the 2014 European Registry of Quality
Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery. The control group had better postoperative
CDVA (logMAR 0.03 vs. 0.05, P < 0.05) and a statistically significantly higher likelihood of
being 20/20 or better (76.1% vs. 70.8%) or 20/25 or better (90.4% vs. 87.8%) and a lower
likelihood of worse CDVA than preoperatively (0.4% vs. 1.0%).728 The mean refractive error
was 0.40 D versus 0.43 D for FLACS, P < 0.05, with 74.3% of control eyes being within 0.5
D and 94.1% being within 1 D of target.
The French Ministry of Health-sponsored femtosecond laser-assisted versus
phacoemulsification cataract surgery (FEMCAT) prospective, multisite, randomized
controlled trial enrolled 909 patients for bilateral FLACS or manual phacoemulsification. A
sham docking procedure was performed on manual eyes. The FEMCAT trial defined success
as no intraoperative or postoperative complications within 3 months; a UDVA of 20/20 or
better at postoperative month 3, an absolute refractive error of 0.75 D or less, and surgically
induced astigmatism of 0.5 D or less.727 The success rate was 41.1% for FLACS and 43.6%
for manual surgery (odds ratio 0.85, 95% CI 0.64–1.12, P = 0.250). Another randomized
controlled trial of 400 eyes found no significant difference between femtosecond and manual
cataract surgery. The laser group had a lower posterior capsule rupture rate, but the rate of
3% in the manual group was higher than in the other studies.729
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CME = cystoid macular edema; IOL = intraocular lens; NA = not available; NEON = National Eyecare Outcomes Network; OR =
operating room; PORT = Cataract Patient Outcomes Research Team.
* Number of cases varies depending on the studies included for each complication.
† The study used Current Procedural Terminology codes to identify cases that do not specify whether cataract surgeries are performed
by phacoemulsification or manual extracapsular cataract extraction. A survey736 of Veterans Health Administration facilities found that
phacoemulsification was performed in approximately 95% of extracapsular cataract surgeries.
‡ This is a composite figure that includes posterior capsule rupture without vitreous loss, posterior capsule rupture with vitreous loss,
and zonule rupture with vitreous loss.
§ This is a composite figure that includes diagnostic codes for posterior capsule tear and procedural codes for anterior vitrectomy.
║Postoperative information was not available for all study patients.
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Stein et al737 stratified Medicare beneficiaries who underwent cataract surgery into three
cohorts: those who had their first cataract surgery in 1994 –1995 (n = 57,780), 1999–2000
(n = 73,064), or 2005–2006 (n = 90,750). The overall rate of severe complications in the 1-
year postoperative interval was 0.5%. Severe complications were defined as
endophthalmitis (0.16%), suprachoroidal hemorrhage (0.06%), and RD (0.26%). The
occurrence of a severe complication declined over time from 0.6% in the earliest cohort to
0.4% in the most recent group.
A study performed in the United Kingdom reported a 9% complication rate in the overall
rate of complications after phacoemulsification.733 Of the complications reported, 2% were
considered major, including vitreous loss (1%), lens drop (0.1%), iris trauma (1%), RD
(0.2%), and endophthalmitis (0.1%). Less severe complications included wound leak (1%),
prolonged corneal edema (0.7%), uveitis (1%), and persistent elevated IOP (0.3%). A 2015
study showed similar results.738
Specific complications following cataract surgery are discussed below.
Incision complications
An incision that is not watertight can lead to several complications, including postoperative
wound leak, hypotony, and endophthalmitis.382 An incision that is too large will cause
leakage of fluid from the wound and destabilize the anterior chamber during surgery. An
incision that is too tight dramatically increases friction, which increases the heat from the
ultrasonic phacoemulsification needle and increases the risk of wound burn. Wound burn
(ultrasound stromal thermal damage) occurs at 60º C or higher. 739 A survey identified 419
cases of wound burn, which yielded an incidence of 0.043%.740 In a multivariable analysis,
factors associated with this problem in order of decreasing significance were lower surgical
volume, surgical technique, and type of OVD used.740 The risk of wound burn varies
among different OVDs.741 Clearing viscoelastic to create a working space before beginning
phacoemulsification of a cataract can help prevent burns. Thermal injury can result in
incisions that are difficult to close. Burn-induced astigmatism may affect refractive
outcomes, particularly with new-technology IOLs.
An incision that is not self-sealing at the end of the surgery will require sutures or adhesive
for proper closure. The risk of perioperative wound leak (e.g., risk increased with eye
rubbing, poor scleral rigidity) is another consideration for the use of sutures or eye
protection postoperatively. Sutures can induce postoperative astigmatism, the magnitude of
which is dependent on their location and tension.537, 742 The induced astigmatism is usually
reversed upon suture removal. 743, 744
Iris complications
Iris injury induced by cataract surgery can be classified according to location. Iris sphincter
damage at the pupillary margin may cause mydriasis and an irregular pupil. Mid-peripheral
defects are located peripheral to the sphincter but do not extend to the iris root.
Iridodialysis involves disinsertion of the iris from the internal wall of the eye.745 Damage to
the iris can result from iris prolapse due to conditions such as intraoperative floppy iris
syndrome (IFIS)746, 747 or a poorly constructed incision. Causes of surgical iris trauma due
to a shallow chamber may include iris aspiration or agitation from the phacoemulsification
tip, sphincterotomies, and excessive stretching or manipulation from expansion devices
(iris hooks and rings) and instruments. The sequelae of such trauma may include
iridodialysis; hyphema; transillumination defects; traumatic mydriasis; and an irregular,
atonic, or misshapen pupil.745 Sphincter necrosis may occur perioperatively as a result of
endophthalmitis, TASS, or excessively increased IOP that may result in a chronically
dilated or irregular pupil.
Corneal complications
Improper instrument entry into the anterior chamber can lead to Descemet membrane tears
or detachment.748, 749 Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery is also known to
produce small Descemet membrane detachments.750 A small tear may require no attention,
since such tears often spontaneously resolve. Larger tears can be repaired by repositioning
and tamponading the flap of Descemet membrane with a gas bubble or sutures. The corneal
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endothelium is susceptible to damage from any mechanical injury and from prolonged
ultrasonic power. It can also be damaged by intraocular solutions that have a
nonphysiologic osmolarity or pH, or by chemical insult from toxic contaminants or
improperly formulated intraocular solutions and medications. 479, 483 Prolonged elevated IOP
can lead to further endothelial decompensation and corneal edema. The surgeon should
avoid working close to the cornea and orient irrigation ports away from the corneal
endothelium. Replenishing dispersive OVD during prolonged phacoemulsification or in the
presence of several smaller shards of brunescent cataract can also help protect the corneal
endothelium. Fuchs endothelial dystrophy and other corneal pathologies may predispose to
prolonged corneal edema after surgery and, if severe with no improvement over time, may
require corneal endothelial transplantation.
Patients with a history of Herpes simplex virus stromal keratitis should receive
perioperative antiviral prophylaxis to avoid postoperative recurrence.
Prolonged inflammation
There are several potential etiologies for prolonged postsurgical inflammation. Prolonged
inflammation, or iritis, is defined as inflammation that does not resolve within a few weeks
of cataract surgery. This is in contrast to rebound inflammation, which is inflammation that
resolves in the usual time frame but then recurs. Persistent iritis has been associated with
herpetic eye disease, retained lens fragments,751 previous history of uveitis,752 and a
subacute infection with Propionibacterium acnes.753 Gonioscopy may be necessary to see
small lens fragments in the inferior angle. Ultrasound biomicroscopy, long-wavelength
OCT, or endoscopy may be needed to identify lens fragments trapped in the ciliary sulcus.
Other infectious agents, such as fungi, can cause indolent infection and inflammation.
Malposition or misplacement of IOLs of specific design may also lead to persistent
intraocular inflammation, such as a malpositioned anterior chamber IOL or a one-piece
acrylic IOL placed in the ciliary sulcus. The surgeon should ensure proper orientation of
IOLs to prevent corneal complications. Insufficient postoperative anti-inflammatory
medication may also be a contributory cause.754 Diabetic patients and patients who required
a pupil expansion device at the time of surgery are at increased risk of persistent
postoperative inflammation.755, 756 These patients are also at increased risk for developing
CME, up to 29.5% in one study. However, long-term outcomes are still equivalent to
patients without prolonged inflammation.755, 756
Rebound inflammation
Discontinuation of corticosteroid eye drops after cataract surgery may be followed by a
recurrence of inflammation, resulting in increased cell and flare or CME. Reinstituting anti-
inflammatory eye drops will decrease the inflammation and may require a slower taper to
prevent reappearance.
According to peer-reviewed literature, the incidence of postoperative endophthalmitis
ranges from 0.04% to 0.2% in the United States,113, 364, 367, 379, 715, 731 and from 0.02% to
1.16% elsewhere according to other English-language peer-reviewed literature.387, 443, 730, 732,
734, 737, 757-763
Staphylococcus epidermidis is the most common pathogen.757, 759 Risk factors
for endophthalmitis after cataract surgery include posterior capsular rupture (up to 10-fold
increase),379, 382, 387, 388, 763 older age,387 relative immunodeficiency,379 resident-performed
cataract surgery,388 wound leak on the first postoperative day,382 inferior incision
location,379 longer surgery,764 topical anesthesia,764 and the use of topical lidocaine gel
before povidone iodine application.379 The absence of intracameral cefuroxime
administration in the European endophthalmitis study was associated with a statistically
higher rate of postoperative endophthalmitis.424
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The type and size of incision (clear corneal vs. sclera) has been implicated as a possible
factor in the development of endophthalmitis.372 However, several articles found no
conclusive evidence for an association between clear corneal incision and
endophthalmitis.379, 765, 766
As mentioned earlier in the Infection Prophylaxis section, two pharmacologic interventions
have been shown to reduce the rate of postoperative endophthalmitis conclusively in clinical
trials. They include treating the eyelids and conjunctival cul de sac with povidone iodine
immediately before surgery and injecting cefuroxime into the anterior chamber at the
conclusion of surgery.406, 407, 424, 432, 767-770 Moxifloxacin injection is currently popular in the
United States even though it lacks randomized, prospective clinical trial evidence.
For a detailed discussion of endophthalmitis prophylaxis, please refer to the Infection
Prophylaxis section.
Patients who develop endophthalmitis may present with complaints of decreased vision,
pain, redness, new floaters, and eyelid edema.771, 772 Although, the onset of symptoms was
historically considered to occur during the first postoperative week, 773-775 newer studies
report delayed onset of up to several weeks.379, 776 Patients should be encouraged to call
their surgeon if they experience pain or worsening vision. Common findings include
conjunctival injection, corneal edema, anterior chamber inflammation, fibrin, hypopyon,
and vitritis.771, 772 Endophthalmitis must be differentiated from TASS and TPSS, which
have slightly different time courses and require completely different treatments.
If endophthalmitis is suspected, referral to a retina specialist is appropriate. If a retina
specialist is unavailable within 24 hours, the anterior or posterior segment should be tapped
by any experienced ophthalmologist, including the cataract surgeon, for evaluation of
possible pathogens, followed by intravitreal injection of antibiotics.773 The Endophthalmitis
Vitrectomy Study (EVS) recommended an intravitreal tap plus injection of antibiotics in
patients who present with vision of hand motion or better. Conversely, patients who present
with vision of light perception or worse are more successfully treated by means of pars
plana vitrectomy and antibiotics.773
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The most appropriate timing of a secondary pars plana vitrectomy is unclear, but the eye
should be carefully monitored for complications, such as elevated IOP and
Retinal detachment
Overall rates of RD range from 0.26% to 4%.734, 737, 766, 791-796 Risk factors for the
development of RD after cataract surgery include moderate to high axial length, posterior
capsule tear, vitreous loss, younger age, male gender, lattice retinal degeneration, zonular
dehiscence, RD in the fellow eye, and the new onset of a postoperative posterior vitreous
detachment.766, 791-796 In one study, the mean interval between cataract surgery and RD was
39 months,796 but the increased risk of RD in pseudophakic eyes may continue for as long
as 20 years.797 There was no statistically significant difference in the probability of RD
after phacoemulsification compared with ECCE.797
Suprachoroidal hemorrhage
Historically, the incidence of suprachoroidal hemorrhage related to large-incision cataract
surgery was reported to be 0.15% to 0.19% and to be associated with myopia, glaucoma,
diabetes, atherosclerotic vascular diseases, hypertension, and prolonged intraoperative
hypotony.798 Published data on the incidence of suprachoroidal hemorrhage following
phacoemulsification are lacking. The risk is probably lower because the surgical duration is
shorter and the hypotony time is reduced. Suprachoroidal hemorrhage has been reported
during FLACS.799 The majority of published studies support the continuation of
anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy during cataract surgery.800 Anticoagulation with
warfarin does not significantly increase the frequency of (supra)choroidal hemorrhage.801
Clinical signs and symptoms of an intraoperative (supra)choroidal hemorrhage include
sudden pain, scotoma and loss of red reflex, elevated IOP, shallowing of the anterior
chamber, and iris prolapse.802 Prompt diagnosis of a hemorrhage and immediate incision
closure minimizes the likelihood of sight-threatening complications.
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6 to 12 weeks and that intravitreal bevacizumab had no effect. In another study of patients
with stable diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, injections of ranibizumab reduced
the incidence of postoperative CME in the study group.810
At present, there is no firmly established protocol for preventing postsurgical CME. Aside
from retinitis pigmentosa, there are no known genetic predispositions. The perioperative
prophylactic use of NSAIDs for the prevention of CME has been advocated for high-risk
eyes based on a number of studies.803, 811 Administration of NSAIDs before and
immediately after surgery may hasten the recovery of vision in the first few weeks
following surgery.812 Again, there is no level I evidence that long-term visual outcomes are
improved by the routine use of prophylactic NSAIDs at 3 months or more after cataract
surgery.813 Anti-vascular endothelial growth factors and intravitreal corticosteroids may be
useful, especially in diabetics, when topical medications fail or produce limited results. 812,
814, 815
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Intraocular lens decentration or subluxation has been reported with virtually all IOL
materials and models, including both one-piece and three-piece designs.843 This
complication is seen most commonly when the haptics are not placed symmetrically inside
the capsular bag or when an IOL is placed in a bag with a capsular tear and the optic is not
fixated within an intact and centered capsulorrhexis. Major predisposing factors for IOL
subluxation in one study were secondary implantation, posterior capsule rupture, and
mature cataract.844 Posterior chamber IOL decentration can result from damaged haptics,
zonular dialysis, anterior or posterior capsular tears, asymmetric capsulorrhexis,
asymmetric contraction and fibrosis of the capsular bag, and asymmetric placement of the
haptics with one in the ciliary sulcus and the other in the capsular bag. Asymmetric haptic
placement can cause visual complaints, including edge glare, blur from high-order
aberrations, inflammation associated with uveal irritation, secondary glaucoma, and
hyphema (see the Uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome section).685
Toric IOLs may rotate after implantation, usually in the first few hours following surgery.
Single-piece acrylic IOLs are more rotationally stable than early generation silicone plate-
haptic IOLs, although malposition is seen occasionally and may depend on design.845, 846
Improper positioning at the time of surgery, high myopia, anterior capsule polishing,
retained OVD, and shifts in postoperative corneal astigmatism account for most cases of
toric IOL misalignment.847 Reoperation to reorient a toric optic on axis usually remedies
this problem.848
Pseudo-accommodative lenses with flexible hinges are at risk of tilting or of a “Z
syndrome” if the capsular bag is too small at the time of implantation or if it contracts
aggressively following surgery.849-851 Anterior capsule polishing and capsule tension ring
(CTR) implantation may reduce the incidence of this problem.
Delayed spontaneous in-the-bag posterior IOL luxation is associated with diffuse zonular
insufficiency, such as with pseudoexfoliation (exfoliation), prior vitreoretinal surgery, or a
history of trauma.852-855 In one study of 86 consecutive cases, the onset of late dislocation
occurred on an average of 8.5 years following uncomplicated cataract surgery and was
most commonly associated with exfoliation syndrome.855 Spontaneous bag-IOL dislocation
can occur with all types of IOL materials, including PMMA, silicone, and hydrophobic
acrylic one-piece and three-piece IOL designs.855 There is no evidence that the implantation
of a CTR reduces the risk of late dislocation of the capsular bag.856-858
Plate haptic silicone IOLs can dislocate posteriorly following laser capsulotomy and,
rarely, they can dislocate spontaneously from capsular contraction.859 The problem usually
occurs many years after surgery and may happen even if large fixation holes are present in
the haptics.860
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have since been reported with many different IOL materials and designs, including silicone
and hydrophilic acrylic IOLs.563, 863-866 Certain optic design characteristics such as a square
peripheral edge, flat anterior surface, smaller optic diameter, and multifocality are more
likely to result in unwanted optical images.864, 867-869 Complications such as IOL
opacification, cracked or damaged optics, and IOL decentration may also cause
dysphotopsias. Multifocal implants, in particular, are most often explanted because of
“waxy” vision, glare, halos, other dysphotopsias, and blurred vision that cannot be
corrected optically.870
In one recent study, optic opacification was the most common indication for IOL
exchange.880 However, the prevalence of IOL opacification or calcification may be
decreasing, at least according to a survey of IOL explantation.843
Hydrophilic acrylic or silicone IOLs may make future surgery complicated.881 Hydrophilic
acrylic IOLs may calcify if air or gas tamponade is necessary subsequently, such as in pars
plana vitrectomy, Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK) or Descemet
membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK).584, 882-885 In eyes at risk for corneal
endothelial decompensation, it is prudent to choose another lens material. Silicone IOLs
may become cloudy from adherent silicone oil in subsequent retinal surgery.886 Rarely,
hydrophobic acrylic IOLs must be explanted because of intolerable glistenings.578
Uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome
The uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema (UGH) syndrome is often associated with uveal irritation
from IOLs, especially modern single-piece acrylic IOLs.685 Thick square-edge haptics and
a square-edge optic in the sulcus can cause pigment dispersion, iris transillumination
defects, elevated IOP, recurrent inflammation and/or hemorrhage.685 Pseudophacodonesis
was a risk factor for UGH syndrome in a recent review of cases.887 Ultrasound
biomicroscopy and anterior segment OCT may be helpful in identifying lens-iris contact.
Anterior chamber IOLs can also cause UGH syndrome if there is improper sizing, iris tuck
following implantation, or rotation of a haptic through a peripheral iridectomy.887, 888
Ocular comorbidities
Preoperative ocular comorbidities may adversely affect the outcome of cataract surgery.112,
717, 889
Many comorbid conditions are associated with the potential for reduced improvement
in visual function or CDVA,890-892 and the patient should be informed and counseled prior to
surgery. This is particularly true if the patient is electing to receive a multifocal IOL.
Comorbid conditions found in patients with cataracts and the special considerations
associated with these conditions are listed in Table 4.
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CME = cystoid macular edema; IOL = intraocular lens; IOP = intraocular pressure; PCO = posterior capsule opacification; RD =
retinal detachment.
The presence and extent of AMD may be identified preoperatively using diagnostic
instrumentation such as OCT and fluorescein angiography, which can assist in establishing
realistic expectations. These tests, however, do not assist with the prediction of visual
potential. There is considerable evidence that the risk of pre-existing AMD worsening
following cataract surgery is low compared with its natural history.959-962
The status of coexisting diabetic retinopathy, particularly macular edema, may be evaluated
using OCT, thereby directing a more vigorous approach to preoperative, intraoperative, and
postoperative medical treatment, including the use of intravitreal injections. 810, 901, 963-969
Cataract surgery does not appear to increase the risk of progression of adequately treated
proliferative diabetic retinopathy or macular edema. 903, 970 However, patients inadequately
treated who have pre-existing diabetic macular edema (DME) are at increased risk for
progression of DME following cataract surgery.803, 901
Because of the risk of corneal decompensation in the presence of corneal endotheliopathy,
the surgeon may consider using dispersive OVDs along with optimizing machine
parameters and surgical techniques that reduce cumulative ultrasound time, fluid
movement through the eye, and endothelial trauma.971, 972 When selecting IOL power, the
potential hyperopic shift associated with endothelial replacement surgery should be
Pseudoexfoliation (exfoliation syndrome) is commonly associated with a small pupil and
weak zonular fibers, which increase the risk of capsular rupture, retained nuclear
fragments, and pseudophacodonesis.938 An anterior chamber depth of less than 2.5 mm
measured preoperatively may be indicative of zonular weakness and increases the risk of
complications almost fivefold.934 Because of the risk of late bag-IOL dislocation in these
patients, larger capsulorrhexis, capsule polishing, and laser anterior capsule-relaxing
incisions may be considered to prevent or treat anterior capsule contraction. 855, 856, 974
Although there is no evidence that implantation of a CTR reduces the risk of late-in-the-
bag IOL dislocation, CTR implantation may facilitate its repair using the lasso suture
The optimal timing of cataract surgery in the presence of uveitis is a function of many
factors.976, 977 Inflammation should be inactive or at its best level of control possible,
generally for 3 or more months prior to elective surgery. 957, 978, 979 Topical and/or
periocular, intraocular, and systemic anti-inflammatory medications should be started prior
to surgery. They are then used more frequently and for a longer duration following surgery.
Intravitreal, periocular, or systemic administration of anti-inflammatory medication may
also be considered.980
In addition to ocular comorbidities, other characteristics of the eye may be associated with
a higher risk for intraoperative and postoperative complications. High-risk ocular
characteristics include a history of previous eye surgery, special types of cataracts, very
large and very small eyes, deeply set eyes, small pupils, anterior or posterior synechiae,
scarred or cloudy corneas, zonular weakness or absence, prior ocular trauma, and the
systemic use of alpha-1a antagonists. Each set of circumstances poses unique challenges
(see Table 5). As with ocular comorbidities, patients with high-risk ocular characteristics
should be informed about the specific impact of their condition on the expected course and
outcome of surgery, along with options that may be considered if complications occur.
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Prior scleral buckling surgery1017, 1018 Change in axial length affects IOL power calculation
Conjunctival scarring
Increased risk of sclera perforation with injection anesthesia
Prior trabeculectomy or tube shunt surgery919, 1019-1022 Increased filtration through the bleb during surgery
Decreased filtration or bleb failure after surgery
Postoperative hypotony
Zonular laxity
Aqueous misdirection
Relative anterior microphthalmos1023, 1024 Damage to iris, cornea, and posterior capsule
IOL power calculation inaccuracy
Shallow anterior chamber1025 Iris injury
Iris prolapse
Postoperative corneal edema
Aqueous misdirection
Use of systemic sympathetic alpha-1a antagonist Poor pupillary dilation, intraoperative miosis, iris billowing and
medication for treatment of prostatic hypertrophy1026, 1027 prolapse
and other systemic conditions
White cataract (mature cortical cataract)1028-1031 Difficulty performing the capsulorrhexis (capsule staining and
femtosecond lasers may be helpful)1032-1034
Lens intumescence
Radial capsulorrhexis tear with extension to the posterior
Zonular laxity or dehiscence (e.g., trauma)781, 1035, 1036 Phacodonesis
Vitreous prolapse around the lens equator
Capsular rupture with retained lens fragments
Fluid misdirection syndrome
Postoperative lens implant decentration
Increased risk of radial capsulorrhexis tear
Capsular contraction with late IOL/capsular bag decentration
or dislocation
IOL = intraocular lens; IOP = intraocular pressure; PPV = pars plana vitrectomy; RD = retinal detachment.
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Systemic Comorbidities
Systemic comorbidities that may be of importance intraoperatively include diabetes
mellitus, pulmonary dysfunction, cardiovascular dysfunction (e.g., poorly controlled blood
pressure, heart failure), musculoskeletal disorders causing positional difficulties, tremor,
severe hearing impairment, anxiety disorders, intellectual disability, dementia, and
coagulopathies.1049 For patients with complex medical conditions, it may be beneficial to
coordinate care with the patient’s primary care physician. Depending on the planned
anesthesia and sedation, appropriate measures should be taken to stabilize and monitor the
Not only is diabetes a risk factor for early cataract development,19, 20, 37-39 but it also leads to
poor intraoperative pupillary dilation, slowed ocular surface healing, and an increased risk
of postoperative macular edema.804, 1050-1054 In a study of 65,370 patients, patients with
diabetes and no diabetic retinopathy achieved 20/20 vision at a rate similar to those without
diabetes. However, patients with diabetic retinopathy were less likely to achieve CDVA of
20/20, but they gained as many lines of vision from phacoemulsification as those without
A 2009 meta-analysis found that patients taking warfarin while undergoing cataract surgery
had a threefold increase (overall 9%–10% incidence) of nonclinically significant bleeding
events compared with patients not on warfarin.1055 The majority of bleeding events were
self-limited and included hyphema or subconjunctival hemorrhage. There was no evidence
that continuing warfarin had a negative impact on postoperative visual acuity. This analysis
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included studies with patients undergoing ECCE as well as phacoemulsification and who
had topical, sub-Tenon’s, peribulbar, or retrobulbar anesthesia.
Similarly, an analysis of 48,862 surgeries from the U.K. Cataract National Dataset found
that patients on warfarin or clopidogrel had an increased incidence of subconjunctival
hemorrhage (3.7% warfarin, 4.4% clopidogrel, 1.7% nonusers) and complications from
anesthetic blocks via sharp needle injection or sub-Tenon’s cannula (6.2% warfarin, 8%
clopidogrel, 4.3% nonusers).801 However, there was no significant increase in potentially
sight-threatening complications from local anesthetic or operative hemorrhage (hyphema,
choroidal/suprachoroidal hemorrhage). In patients taking aspirin alone, there was no
increase in hemorrhagic or anesthetic complications.
A study of 19,283 surgeries (74% of which included a peribulbar or retrobulbar block)
found that patients who continued aspirin or warfarin did not have an increased risk for
ocular hemorrhagic events (hyphema, vitreous hemorrhage, retrobulbar hemorrhage). No
information was provided on subconjunctival hemorrhage or eyelid ecchymosis.1056
Data on the use of newer anticoagulants with cataract surgery are sparse.
An increasing number of patients are on dual antithrombotic medications. A recent study
screened 141,213 emergencies referred to a university hospital. Three cases of grade IV
retrobulbar hemorrhage were identified; two of these patients were on combined
acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel and received retrobulbar injections.1057 In contrast, the
U.K. study of 48,862 cataract surgeries found no increase in anesthetic or hemorrhagic
complications in patients on dual antiplatelet or combined aspirin/warfarin treatment who
received blocks or sub-Tenon’s anesthesia.801
In summary, several studies show a higher incidence of subconjunctival hemorrhage in
patients undergoing cataract surgery while taking antiplatelet or anticoagulant
medication,801, 1055, 1058, 1059 but the available data do not show an increase in sight-
threatening complications801, 1056, 1058, 1059 or decreased postoperative visual acuity.1055
Evidence-based guidelines recommend continuation of anticoagulants and antiplatelet
medications in patients undergoing cataract surgery.1060-1063 Management of these cases
should still be tailored to the individual patient’s situation.1064, 1065
There are no recommendations from either the American Heart Association1066 or the
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons to prescribe systemic antibiotic prophylaxis
for patients with artificial heart valves or joint prostheses who undergo cataract surgery.1067
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Cochrane Systematic Review examined combined versus cataract surgery alone in patients
with glaucoma and concluded that there was low-quality evidence that combined cataract
and glaucoma surgery resulted in better IOP control at 1 year compared with cataract
surgery alone. (I-, Insufficient, Discretionary) The authors suggested the need for further
RCTs to further develop evidence-based therapeutic guidelines.1079 In the absence of such
guidelines, the decision to perform combined surgery rests with the surgeon and should be
based on individual patient circumstances.
In the presence of a pre-existing filtering bleb, cataract surgery may diminish the
effectiveness of the bleb.919, 1020
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The use of topical corticosteroids following corneal surgery may hasten PSC
Cataract surgery after corneal transplantation may damage the corneal graft.
Surgery is limited to a single procedure.
Visual rehabilitation is quicker.
Cataract surgery at the time of penetrating keratoplasty (PK) presents surgical challenges.
Intraocular lens power calculation is complicated because the post-penetrating keratoplasty
corneal curvature can only be estimated. Since IOL power calculations are less accurate,
toric and multifocal IOLs should generally be avoided.1095 Some surgeons prefer to perform
PK first, followed by cataract removal later after sutures are out and the corneal graft has
stabilized. If a cataract is removed following suture removal and stabilization of corneal
graft keratometry, a more predictable IOL power and, hence, refractive result may be
possible.1096, 1097
Surgeons should attempt to limit “open-sky” time (the time between corneal trephination
and replacement) in whatever approach is taken because of the increased risk of expulsive
hemorrhage during hypotony. Performing the PK first and following it with later cataract
extraction decreases the open-sky time. These considerations apply to deep anterior
lamellar keratoplasty as well. In combined cases, phacoemulsification should be performed
before PK if visualization is adequate to limit the amount of open-sky time.1098 Capsular
staining dyes may improve the likelihood of achieving an intact capsulorrhexis when
performing cataract extraction through a cloudy cornea.1099
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surgery. Intraoperative visualization of the posterior segment may become impaired when a
silicone optic comes into contact with silicone oil or a gas bubble. 575, 576 Additionally, there
have been reports of IOL calcification with the use of intravitreal air, gas, or silicone oil in
retinal surgery, often with hydrophilic acrylic IOLs, but other IOL materials can also be
similarly affected.1115
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specifically for posterior synechiae outcomes, but this effect was based on a single study
that suffered from potential performance and detection bias.958 A more recent evidence-
based review and meta-analysis indicates that some IOL materials may be associated with
better outcomes than others.957 In this study, eyes receiving acrylic IOLs or heparin-
surface-modified (HSM) polymethylmethacrylate IOLs had better visual outcomes than
eyes receiving non-HSM polymethylmethacrylate or silicone IOLs.1152 The authors
concluded that preoperative control of uveitis, use of an acrylic or HSM IOL, and a
diagnosis of Fuchs heterochromic cyclitis were associated with better outcomes. Lastly, a
study of 171 eyes found a good long-term biocompatibility and safety profile in uveitic
eyes receiving hydrophobic acrylic IOLs.1153
Pupil management
Although the pupil may dilate poorly in eyes with uveitis, iris manipulation should be
minimized to the extent possible to avoid worsening of inflammation and posterior
synechiae formation. Iris prolapse should be avoided during surgery.
Postoperative management
The postoperative use of short-acting topical mydriatic agents may help to prevent
postoperative synechiae formation; however, fixed dilation with long-acting cycloplegic
agents such as atropine may lead to formation of posterior synechiae in the dilated state.
Adjunctive corticosteroids at the time of surgery (IV, periocular, or intraocular) should be
considered. Patients with uveitis are at risk of postoperative inflammatory exacerbation.
Postoperatively, eyes with uveitis generally require a greater frequency and duration of
topical anti-inflammatory treatment and should be monitored closely for complications
such as severe iridocyclitis, secondary glaucoma, posterior synechiae, secondary
membranes, and CME.1156
Postoperative inflammation and CME generally respond to anti-inflammatory treatments.
As with preoperative prophylactic treatment, postoperative coordination of management of
uveitis patients with a uveitis care provider is recommended.
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the risks. Cataract surgery for these patients results in a greater improvement in functional
vision than surgery in binocularly sighted patients.1159 When the long-term visual outcomes
of cataract surgery on the better seeing eye are compared between monocular patients with
limited vision in the poorer-seeing eye and no light perception in the poorer-seeing eye,
those with limited vision in the poorer-seeing eye fare worse over the long term. The
reason is that these eyes are more likely to harbor medical comorbidities such as macular
degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, which tend to progress. 1160 Blind eyes are often
blind because of trauma or surgical mishap; these issues tend not to affect the better-seeing
eye. When cataract surgery is contemplated in a functionally monocular patient, the
ophthalmologist has an obligation to inform the patient that bilateral blindness is one of the
risks of cataract surgery and that it can result from worsening ocular comorbidity following
surgery as well.1161
The ophthalmologist and patient should understand that delaying surgery until a cataract is
advanced may increase surgical risk and slow visual recovery.
Second-Eye Surgery
Clinical studies provide convincing evidence that binocular summation occurs in
individuals who have similar visual acuities in the two eyes and at low illuminance
levels.1162-1167 Patients with a cataract and dissimilar vision in their two eyes (or one eye
status post cataract extraction and the second eye with a cataract) demonstrate binocular
inhibition.1167 A large epidemiological study found that persons who exhibit binocular
inhibition are more likely to have driving difficulties compared with those who do not.1162
However, patients with monovision may successfully sacrifice some binocular summation
to improve their spectacle independence.
Studies comparing the outcomes of first-eye and second-eye cataract surgeries concluded
that patients who had surgery in both eyes had greater improvement in functional status
than those who underwent surgery in one eye only.120, 124, 146, 1168-1173 Patients who had
surgery in both eyes were significantly more satisfied with their visual function than
patients who had surgery in only one eye.1168, 1174, 1175 One study demonstrated that the
cataractous eye interfered with the visual function of the pseudophakic eye and that
complaints of visual disability were eliminated after second-eye surgery.1176 Another study
found that the presence of stereoacuity increased from 32% after first-eye surgery to 90%
after second-eye surgery. Binocular horizontal field of vision improved by 20 degrees or
more in 54% of patients. The number of patients able to meet the driving standard
increased from 52% after first-eye surgery to 86% after second-eye surgery.1177
A population-based cohort study of 2849 drivers 60 years old and older in Australia found
that both first-eye (61%) and second-eye (23%) cataract surgery were statistically
significantly associated in a reduction in crashes compared with the year before first-eye
surgery.1178 Another study showed that drivers 55 and older were significantly less likely to
self-regulate their driving practices after first-eye (70% less likely) and second-eye (90%
less likely) cataract surgery.1179 Patients reported spending statistically significantly more
time on moderate leisurely physical activity after both first-eye and second-eye surgery.1178
A study of patients 55 and older who maintained a falls diary documented a 54% (P =
0.04) decrease in falls from baseline after first-eye cataract surgery and a 73% (P = 0.002)
decrease after second-eye cataract surgery.1180 A study from Vietnam showed similar
results.145 Cataract surgery for both eyes is an appropriate treatment for patients with
bilateral cataract-induced visual impairment.1168, 1170, 1171, 1181
A review of multiple randomized, controlled studies showed that, in the long term, second-
eye cataract surgery is not only clinically effective but has also been found to be cost-
effective.1182 A study in the United Kingdom determined that second-eye surgery was
100% likely to be cost-effective at even relatively low willingness-to-pay thresholds.1183
The indications for second-eye surgery are the same as for the first eye. The outcome of
surgery on the first eye may affect the timing of second-eye surgery. In some patients, a
byproduct of reducing ametropia in the first operated eye may be anisometropia. This may
result in impaired stereoacuity and a reduction in a patient’s ability to perform daily
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activities.146 A contact lens may make the anisometropia tolerable, but if the imbalance
interferes with visual function, second-eye surgery may be appropriate at an earlier stage of
cataract development.1170, 1184
The appropriate interval between the first-eye surgery and the second-eye surgery is
influenced by several factors, including a patient's visual needs and preferences, visual
acuity and function of the second eye, the medical and refractive stability of the first eye,
and the degree of anisometropia. Before performing second-eye surgery, knowing the
refractive error of the first eye can be helpful for refining the IOL power choice for the
second eye.1185-1187
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Postoperative Management
The operating ophthalmologist has the ultimate responsibility for the preoperative
assessment1230 and postoperative care of the patient, beginning with determining the need
for surgery and ending with completing the postoperative care contingent on medical
stability of the patient.1231, 1232 The ophthalmologist who performs the cataract surgery has a
unique perspective and thorough understanding of the patient’s intraoperative course,
postoperative condition, and response to surgery. The postoperative period is the time in
which most complications occur and within which stable visual function is achieved. The
operating ophthalmologist has an ethical obligation to the patient that continues until
postoperative rehabilitation is complete.
The operating ophthalmologist should also provide those aspects of postoperative eye care
that are within the unique competence of the ophthalmologist. These do not necessarily
include those aspects of postoperative care permitted by law to be performed by auxiliaries.
If such follow-up care is not possible, the operating ophthalmologist must make
arrangements before surgery to refer the patient to another ophthalmologist for
postoperative care with the prior approval of the patient and the ophthalmologist.1232, 1233
Comanagement is a relationship between an operating ophthalmologist and a nonoperating
practitioner for shared responsibility in the postoperative care. Comanagement occurs when
the patient consents in writing to multiple providers, the services being performed are
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within the providers’ respective scopes of practice, and there is written agreement between
the providers to share patient care. Transfer of care takes place when there is transfer of
responsibility for a patient’s care from one qualified health care provider functioning
within his or her scope of practice to another who also functions within his or her scope of
The ophthalmologist who performs surgery has an obligation to inform patients about
medication instructions, activity restrictions, postoperative eye protection, required visits,
signs and symptoms of possible complications, and information for accessing emergency
care. The ophthalmologist should also inform patients of their responsibility to follow the
advice and instructions provided during the postoperative phase and to notify the
ophthalmologist promptly if problems occur. Patients should always have access to an
ophthalmologist for appropriate care if serious problems arise.
(See the Comprehensive Guidelines for the Co-Management of Ophthalmic Postoperative
Care for detailed information.1232)
Postoperative medication regimens vary among practitioners; use of topical antibiotics for
infection prophylaxis and of topical corticosteroids and NSAIDs for CME prophylaxis are
discussed earlier in this PPP. Topical corticosteroids and NSAIDs are also used for control
of postoperative inflammation, but there is insufficient high-level evidence to compare
these interventions,807 (I+, Moderate, Discretionary) making it the decision of the
operating surgeon to use one or both of these medication classes. Complications of
postoperative medications include elevated IOP with corticosteroids and allergic reactions
to antibiotics. Significant corneal reactions, including epithelial defects and stromal
ulceration and melting, are rare complications of topical ocular NSAID use.1234-1236
Postoperative Follow-up
The frequency of postoperative examinations is based on the goal of optimizing the
outcome of surgery and swiftly recognizing and managing complications. This requires
promptly and accurately diagnosing and treating the complications of surgery, providing
satisfactory optical correction, educating and supporting the patient, and reviewing
postoperative instructions. Postoperative patients with low-risk surgeries and with no signs
or symptoms of possible complications following cataract surgery should be seen within
the first 48 hours of surgery. Studies have reported that, for the routine patient, omitting an
examination on the day after uncomplicated cataract surgery is associated with a low
frequency of serious ocular complications.1237-1241 Functionally monocular patients and
those at high risk of early postoperative complications should be seen within the first 24
hours of surgery.
In the absence of complications, the frequency and timing of subsequent postoperative
visits depend largely on the size or configuration of the incision; the need to cut or remove
sutures; and when refraction, visual function, and the medical condition of the eye are
stabilized. In patients with low-risk, uncomplicated cataract surgery who are seen within 1
day of surgery and remain asymptomatic, a subsequent visit 1 week later rarely serves to
change management;1242 however, this visit may increase medication compliance. More-
frequent postoperative visits are generally indicated if unusual findings, symptoms, or
complications occur. The patient should have ready access to the ophthalmologist’s office
to ask questions or seek care.
Components of each postoperative examination should include the following:
Interval history, including use of postoperative medications, new symptoms, and self-
assessment of vision
Measurement of visual function (e.g., visual acuity, including pinhole testing or
refraction when appropriate)
Measurement of IOP
Slit-lamp biomicroscopy
Counseling/education for the patient or the patient’s caretaker
Provision of a management plan
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Polishing the anterior capsule has a variable effect on reducing PCO development.1265-1267 It
probably increases the rate of PCO and accelerates the need for a Nd:YAG laser
capsulotomy in most eyes by limiting the ability of the capsule to form a tight bend around
the posterior edge of the optic, a bed that would otherwise retard LEC migration posterior
to the optic.1268 Benefits of anterior capsule polishing are improved anterior capsule clarity
postoperatively and reduced IOL decentration and capsulorrhexis phimosis.
Posterior laser capsulotomy is an effective surgical procedure to clear the visual pathway to
restore visual function and to improve contrast sensitivity.1269 The indication for performing
laser capsulotomy is PCO consistent with an impairment of vision to a level that does not
meet the patient’s functional needs or critically interferes with visualization of the fundus.
The decision to perform capsulotomy should take into consideration the benefits and risks
of the laser surgery. Posterior capsulotomy may be indicated earlier in patients with
multifocal IOLs because of a greater functional impact of early PCO in low-contrast and
glare conditions. Laser posterior capsulotomy should not be performed prophylactically
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(i.e., when the capsule remains clear). Same-day bilateral laser capsulotomy is occasionally
performed when there are extenuating circumstances such as difficulty traveling. The eye
should be inflammation free and the IOL stable prior to performing laser capsulotomy.1260
An uncommon condition that is treated with laser posterior capsulotomy is capsular bag
distension syndrome, or capsular block syndrome.1270 This complication is characterized by
an accumulation of a milky or clear fluid behind the lens optic associated with anterior
displacement of the lens, which may induce decreased vision and produce a myopic
refractive shift.1271, 1272
Although uncommon, complications of laser capsulotomy include increased IOP,1273 RD,
CME, corneal abrasion, iritis, vitritis, damage to the IOL, persistent floaters, and
dislocation of the IOL.1274 There have been case reports of macular hole formation1275, 1276
and indolent endophthalmitis1277 following laser capsulotomy. Having a posterior
capsulotomy can also complicate IOL exchange. Axial myopia increases the risk of RD
after laser capsulotomy,1278 as does pre-existing vitreoretinal disease, male gender, young
age, vitreous prolapse into the anterior chamber, and spontaneous extension of the
capsulotomy.1279 Two case series reported a 0% to 0.4% incidence of RD 1 to 8 years
following laser capsulotomy. In one of these series, there were no RDs in eyes with an
axial length less than 24.0 mm.1280 A recent study of billing records of a large number of
patients concluded there was a 0.29% risk of tear and 0.87% risk of RD in the first 5
months following capsulotomy.1281 Because retinal breaks or detachments are acute events
that can occur weeks to possibly years after laser capsulotomy, a routine dilated fundus
examination is unlikely to detect retinal pathology that requires treatment in the absence of
symptoms. Educating high-risk patients about the symptoms of retinal tears or detachment
may facilitate early diagnosis. 1282
In the absence of risk factors for IOP elevation, routine prophylaxis with ocular
hypotensive agents at the time of capsulotomy is not consistently supported by the
literature.1283, 1284 In the presence of risk factors, such as pre-existing glaucoma, a variety of
agents to lower IOP have demonstrated efficacy at blunting IOP elevation. 1285-1290 In high-
risk patients, the surgeon should monitor the IOP in the early postoperative period.
Treatment with topical corticosteroid, NSAID, ocular hypotensive, or cycloplegic agents is
dependent on the patient’s risk factors and surgeon’s preference.
Anterior capsular fibrosis and contracture (capsular contraction syndrome) is caused by
metaplastic LECs.1291 Shrinkage of the anterior capsular opening occurs more frequently in
conditions such as pseudoexfoliation syndrome, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetes, uveitis, and
eyes with zonular pathology.1265 Anterior capsule contracture also happens more frequently
with silicone than with acrylic optic materials. Anterior capsule polishing may reduce this
postoperative phenomenon.1265, 1266, 1292, 1293 Capsular contracture can lead to decreased
visual acuity, IOL tilt or decentration, and IOL dislocation in extreme cases. Treatment of
anterior capsular contracture with Nd:YAG or femtosecond laser anterior capsulotomy may
be effective.1265, 1266, 1292
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surgery can be unpredictable in some individuals and cannot always be accurately predicted
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New technology in cataract surgery, including the use of advanced technology IOLs and
femtosecond lasers, represent an increased out-of-pocket expense for cataract patients.
Currently, these technologies are used in a small portion of total cases, but their use is expected
to increase over the coming years. Although some benefits of new technology are clear, others
remain ambiguous. Their use does add to the patient’s economic health care burden. 1316
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Quality ophthalmic care is provided in a manner and with the skill that is consistent with the best interests of
the patient. The discussion that follows characterizes the core elements of such care.
The ophthalmologist is first and foremost a physician. As such, the ophthalmologist demonstrates
compassion and concern for the individual, and utilizes the science and art of medicine to help alleviate
patient fear and suffering. The ophthalmologist strives to develop and maintain clinical skills at the highest
feasible level, consistent with the needs of patients, through training and continuing education. The
ophthalmologist evaluates those skills and medical knowledge in relation to the needs of the patient and
responds accordingly. The ophthalmologist also ensures that needy patients receive necessary care directly or
through referral to appropriate persons and facilities that will provide such care, and he or she supports
activities that promote health and prevent disease and disability.
The ophthalmologist recognizes that disease places patients in a disadvantaged, dependent state. The
ophthalmologist respects the dignity and integrity of his or her patients and does not exploit their
Quality ophthalmic care has the following optimal attributes, among others.
The essence of quality care is a meaningful partnership relationship between patient and physician. The
ophthalmologist strives to communicate effectively with his or her patients, listening carefully to their
needs and concerns. In turn, the ophthalmologist educates his or her patients about the nature and
prognosis of their condition and about proper and appropriate therapeutic modalities. This is to ensure
their meaningful participation (appropriate to their unique physical, intellectual and emotional state) in
decisions affecting their management and care, to improve their motivation and compliance with the
agreed plan of treatment, and to help alleviate their fears and concerns.
The ophthalmologist uses his or her best judgment in choosing and timing appropriate diagnostic and
therapeutic modalities as well as the frequency of evaluation and follow-up, with due regard to the
urgency and nature of the patient's condition and unique needs and desires.
The ophthalmologist carries out only those procedures for which he or she is adequately trained,
experienced and competent, or, when necessary, is assisted by someone who is, depending on the urgency
of the problem and availability and accessibility of alternative providers.
Patients are assured access to, and continuity of, needed and appropriate ophthalmic care, which can be
described as follows.
The ophthalmologist treats patients with due regard to timeliness, appropriateness, and his or her own
ability to provide such care.
The operating ophthalmologist makes adequate provision for appropriate pre- and postoperative patient
When the ophthalmologist is unavailable for his or her patient, he or she provides appropriate alternate
ophthalmic care, with adequate mechanisms for informing patients of the existence of such care and
procedures for obtaining it.
The ophthalmologist refers patients to other ophthalmologists and eye care providers based on the
timeliness and appropriateness of such referral, the patient's needs, the competence and qualifications
of the person to whom the referral is made, and access and availability.
The ophthalmologist seeks appropriate consultation with due regard to the nature of the ocular or other
medical or surgical problem. Consultants are suggested for their skill, competence, and accessibility.
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They receive as complete and accurate an accounting of the problem as necessary to provide efficient
and effective advice or intervention, and in turn respond in an adequate and timely manner.
The ophthalmologist maintains complete and accurate medical records.
On appropriate request, the ophthalmologist provides a full and accurate rendering of the patient's
records in his or her possession.
The ophthalmologist reviews the results of consultations and laboratory tests in a timely and effective
manner and takes appropriate actions.
The ophthalmologist and those who assist in providing care identify themselves and their profession.
For patients whose conditions fail to respond to treatment and for whom further treatment is
unavailable, the ophthalmologist provides proper professional support, counseling, rehabilitative and
social services, and referral as appropriate and accessible.
Prior to therapeutic or invasive diagnostic procedures, the ophthalmologist becomes appropriately
conversant with the patient's condition by collecting pertinent historical information and performing
relevant preoperative examinations. Additionally, he or she enables the patient to reach a fully informed
decision by providing an accurate and truthful explanation of the diagnosis; the nature, purpose, risks,
benefits, and probability of success of the proposed treatment and of alternative treatment; and the risks
and benefits of no treatment.
The ophthalmologist adopts new technology (e.g., drugs, devices, surgical techniques) in judicious
fashion, appropriate to the cost and potential benefit relative to existing alternatives and to its
demonstrated safety and efficacy.
The ophthalmologist enhances the quality of care he or she provides by periodically reviewing and
assessing his or her personal performance in relation to established standards, and by revising or altering
his or her practices and techniques appropriately.
The ophthalmologist improves ophthalmic care by communicating to colleagues, through appropriate
professional channels, knowledge gained through clinical research and practice. This includes alerting
colleagues of instances of unusual or unexpected rates of complications and problems related to new
drugs, devices or procedures.
The ophthalmologist provides care in suitably staffed and equipped facilities adequate to deal with
potential ocular and systemic complications requiring immediate attention.
The ophthalmologist also provides ophthalmic care in a manner that is cost effective without unacceptably
compromising accepted standards of quality.
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Cortical ARC H25.01–
Anterior subcapsular polar ARC H25.03–
Posterior subcapsular polar ARC H25.04–
Other age-related incipient cataract, right eye (coronary; H25.09–
punctate ARC, water clefts)
ARC = age-related cataract; ICD = International Classification of Diseases; CM = Clinical Modification used in the United
States; (–) = 1, right eye; 2, left eye; 3, bilateral.
Additional information:
For bilateral sites, the final character of the codes indicates laterality. If no bilateral code is provided and the condition
is bilateral, separate codes for both the left and right side should be assigned. Unspecified codes should be used only
when there is no other code option available.
When the diagnosis code specifies laterality, regardless of which digit it is found in (i.e., 4 th digit, 5th digit, or 6th digit):
• Right is always 1
• Left is always 2
• Bilateral is always 3
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Study Date Sample Results
Published Size
Beta Carotene
Alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene 1998 28,934 No effect of beta-carotene on risk for cataract
study1322 men surgery
Physicians’ Health Study1323 2003 22,071 No effect of treatment on cataract
For current smokers at baseline,
supplementation appeared to lessen their
excess risk by about one-quarter
Women’s Health Study1324 2004 36,735 women No effect of treatment on cataract
Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 2013 3159 No effect on rate of cataract surgery,
(AREDS2)1325 development of posterior subcapsular or
cortical cataracts, or vision loss
Linxian Cataract1326 1993 2141 36% reduction in development of nuclear
cataracts in a nutritionally deficient population
Nutritional Supplements and Age- 2008 1020 34% reduction in nuclear cataract; twofold
Related Cataract212 increased risk of posterior subcapsular
Physicians’ Health Study II213 2014 11,497 Long-term multivitamin use moderately
men decreased the risk (9% lower) of nuclear
Omega-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (LCPUFAs)
Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 2013 3159 No effect on cataract progression
(AREDS2)1325, 1327
Linxian Cataract1326 1993 3249 44% reduction in development of nuclear
cataracts in a nutritionally deficient population
Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer 2015 11,267 No effect of selenium on development of
Prevention Trial (SELECT) Eye men cataract
Endpoints Study1328
Vitamin C and E
Physicians’ Health Study II1329 2010 11,545 No effect on cataract development of C alone,
men E alone, or C and E
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Study Date Sample Results
Published Size
Vitamin C, E, and Beta-Carotene
Age-Related Eye Disease Study1330 2001 4629 No effect of treatment on the development or
progression of cataracts
Antioxidants in Prevention of 2006 798 No effect of treatment on progression of
Cataracts Study1331 cataracts
Roche European American Cataract 2002 297 No effect of treatment on the progression of
Trial1332 cataracts in the U.K. group; small positive
treatment effect in U.S. participants
Vitamin E
Alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene 1998 28,934 No effect of vitamin E on risk for cataract
study1322 surgery
SELECT Eye Endpoints Study1328 2015 11,267 No effect of vitamin E on development of
men cataract
Vitamin E, Cataract and Age-Related 2004 1193 No effect of treatment on the development or
Maculopathy Trial1333 progression of cataracts
Women’s Health Study1334 2008 37,675 women No effect of vitamin E on development of
cataract (600 IU QOD)
Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene
Alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene 1997 1828 No effect of treatment on the development or
Cancer Prevention Study1335 progression of cataracts
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Study Date Type of Sample Measure Results
Published Study Size
Fruit and Vegetable Intake
Women’s Health 2005 Prospective 35,724 Dietary intake Reduced risk of cataracts
Study217 cohort women associated with higher intakes of
fruits and vegetables
Health Professionals 1999 Prospective 36,644 Dietary intake Modestly lower risk of cataract
Follow-up Study1336 cohort men extraction in men with higher dietary
intake of lutein/zeaxanthin
Multivitamin Supplement
Nurses’ Health 1992 Prospective 50,828 Supplement No association with multivitamin use
Study1317 cohort women use and cataract extraction
Nurses’ Health 1999 Prospective 73,956 Supplement Little overall benefit for risk of
Study1337 cohort women use cataract extraction in those taking
for ≥10 years
Physicians’ Health 1994 Prospective 17,744 Supplement Reduced risk of cataracts
Study1318 cohort men use
Cohort of Swedish 2013 Prospective 31,120 Supplement Not associated with cataract risk
men1338 cohort men use
Nurses’ Health 1992 Prospective 50,828 Total dietary No association
Study1317 cohort women intake
Vitamin C
Nurses’ Health 1999 Prospective 73,956 Supplement No significant association with risk
Study1337 cohort women use for cataract extraction, used
continuously for ≥10 years
Japan Public Health 2007 Prospective 35,186 Total dietary Reduced incidence of cataract
Center-Based cohort intake diagnosis or extraction with higher
Prospective Study1320 vitamin C intake
Swedish 2010 Prospective 24,593 Supplement 25% increased risk for cataract
Mammography cohort women use extraction for vitamin C supplement
Cohort1339 users
Cohort of Swedish 2013 Prospective 31,120 Supplement 21% increased risk of cataract
men1338 cohort men use
Twins U.K. Cohort1231 2016 Prospective 2054 Total dietary Reduced risk of cataracts
cohort white intake associated with vitamin C intake
female over 10 years
Vitamin E
Nurses’ Health 1992 Prospective 50,828 Total dietary No association
Study1317 cohort women intake and
Cohort of Swedish 2013 Prospective 31,120 Supplement 59% increased risk of cataract
men1338 cohort men use
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This checklist may be downloaded from the Patient Safety Statement, Recommendations of American
Academy of Ophthalmology Wrong-site Task Force (revised 2014), available at
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Visual Function and Quality of Life: ((("cataract extraction"[mh] OR "cataract surgery"[tiab] OR “cataract
extraction”[tiab]))) AND (("Quality of Life"[mh] OR “qol”[tiab] OR "Activities of Daily Living"[mh] OR
"Disability Evaluation"[mh] OR "Automobile Driving"[mh] OR depression[mh] OR anxiety[mh] OR "stress,
Psychological"[mh] OR "accidental falls"[mh]))
TASS (Toxic anterior segment syndrome): ("tass"[tiab]) OR ("toxic anterior segment syndrome" OR "toxic
anterior segment syndrome tass" OR TASS[tiab])
TPSS (Toxic posterior segment syndrome): ((("toxic posterior segment syndrome") OR (toxic[tiab] AND
posterior[tiab] AND segment[tiab] AND syndrome[tiab]))) OR (("cataract extraction"[mh] OR "cataract
surgery"[tiab] OR “cataract extraction”[tiab]) AND TPSS)
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To order any of these materials, except for the free materials, please contact the Academy’s Customer Service
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1. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Annex B: Key to evidence statements and grades of
recommendations. In: SIGN 50: A Guideline Developer's Handbook. 2008 edition, revised 2011. Edinburgh,
Scotland: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Available at:
2. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Vist GE, et al. GRADE: An emerging consensus on rating quality of evidence and
strength of recommendations. BMJ. 2008;336:924-926.
3. GRADE Working Group. Organizations that have endorsed or that are using GRADE. Available at:
4. Flaxman SR, Bourne RRA, Resnikoff S, et al. Global causes of blindness and distance vision impairment
1990-2020: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Glob Health. 2017;5:e1221-e1234.
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6. Congdon N, Vingerling JR, Klein BE, et al. Prevalence of cataract and pseudophakia/aphakia among adults
in the United States. Arch Ophthalmol. 2004;122:487-494.
7. Cotter SA, Varma R, Ying-Lai M, et al. Causes of low vision and blindness in adult Latinos: The Los
Angeles Latino Eye Study. Ophthalmology. 2006;113:1574-1582.
8. Vivino MA, Chintalagiri S, Trus B, Datiles M. Development of a Scheimpflug slit lamp camera system for
quantitative densitometric analysis. Eye. 1993;7 (Pt 6):791-798.
9. Magno BV, Freidlin V, Datiles MB, 3rd. Reproducibility of the NEI Scheimpflug Cataract Imaging
System. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1994;35:3078-3084.
10. Chylack LT, Jr, Wolfe JK, Singer DM, et al. The lens opacities classification system III. The longitudinal
study of Cataract Study Group. Arch Ophthalmol. 1993;111:831-836.
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