Keratoconus When, Why and Why Not

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When, Why and Why Not

A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach
When, Why and Why Not
A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Mazen M Sinjab md ms cab(ophth) phd

Assistant Professor
Damascus University
Consultant in Anterior Segment and Refractive Surgery
Senior Lecturer in Al Mouasat University Hospital, Damascus, Syria
Supervisor of residency program in the Ophthalmology Department
Damascus University
CEO of Al Zahra Medical Group, Damascus, Syria
Research Consultant in Elite Medical Center in Riyadh, KSA
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Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

First Edition: 2012
ISBN 978-93-5025-922-1
Printed at
Dedicated to
My dear Father Mohamad (may God rest his soul),
who planted in my soul the love of excellence.
I will mention his name with my name all my life

My dear Mother Almasah (may God rest her soul),

who planted in my heart the love of poor and helping others

Keratoconus and other ectatic corneal disorders are common diseases; their prevalence increases day by
day due to the huge development in diagnostic and screening tools. Management of these diseases has
also developed; new approaches have risen either to halt the progression or to rehabilitate the cornea
or to achieve both. It is easy to diagnose these diseases, but it is not that easy to classify and grade
them. Nevertheless, each treatment modality has its own indications, conditions, contraindications,
and complications. All of that put the doctor, in many cases, on crossroads and make a challenge in
choosing the modality(s) that may give the patient the desired optimal results. There are – of course
– general guidelines, but tricky things are so many, hence the aim of this book: that is to clarify and
specify those guidelines and to build up a mesh among specific criteria that the doctor should look
for. The way that this book deals with this topic is systematic and academic. First, it mentions—in
detail—the classifications of the diseases. Second, it goes through treatment modalities in a classified
and listed manner and at the same time answering the major three questions: When to treat, Why
this modality, and Why not others? Third, it builds up a mesh in a flow chart manner and suggests a
checklist together with a three-step approach. The checklist and the three-step approach are finally
applied in nine cases taken as examples and studied following the systematic approach. As a novel idea
in this book, chapter 4 has been put to make sense of all those skills that the readers have gained, the
chapter is presented in an entertainment method to exchange knowledge and skills between readers
and the author. In this book, there is special concentration on what is absent in other books; therefore,
the readers will notice that clinical manifestations of the diseases and complications of management
modalities were ignored.
The strategy in compiling this little book is combining excellence in pictorial quality with a concise
but ordered text. I have aimed the book at all those who need some initial assistance in approaching
keratoconus. There are sure to be some errors; as the ophthalmology editor, I take full responsibility
for these and look forward to being further educated.

Mazen M Sinjab

The author would like to express his deep gratitude to Mrs Ruba, his wife, whose unwavering support
was critical for this book.

Chapter 1 Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and

Ectatic Corneal Disorders .................................................................................1
 Morphologic Classification 1
 Tomographic Classifications 1
Classification based on the elevation maps 1; Classification based on the thickness map 4;
Classification based on the curvature maps 7; Summary of Tomographic Features of
Keratoconus 19; Author’s New Classification of Tomographic Patterns of Keratoconus 20;
 Amsler-Krumeich Classification of Keratoconus 22
 Forme Fruste Keratoconus 22;
 Pellucid Marginal Degeneration (Pmd) and Pellucid-Like Keratoconus (Plk) 26;
Clinical Findings 27; Tomographic Findings 28
Chapter 2 Management of Keratoconus...........................................................................37
 Introduction 37
 Management Modalities 37
Non-interventional Managements 37; Interventional Procedures 38; Combination between
treatment modalities 57;
 Management Parameters 58;
 The Systematic Plan For Managing Kc 60

Chapter 3 Case Study.........................................................................................................69

 CASE 1 70
 CASE 2 74
 CASE 3 78
 CASE 4 83
 CASE 5 87
 CASE 6 90
 CASE 7 99
 CASE 8 110
 CASE 9 117
Chapter 4 Self-Assessment.............................................................................................120
 Case 1 120
 Case 2 123
 Case 3 125
 Case 4 127
 Case 5 129
 Case 6 131
 Case 7 133
 Case 8 135
 Case 9 137
 Suggestions 139
Index................................................................................................................................................. 141

Classifications and Patterns of
P Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal
E Disorders

Classification of keratoconus (KC) is the first step in approaching the disease because the severity of
the disease and the stage at which the patient is diagnosed and treated affect treatment results. There
are three major classifications of keratoconus: morphologic, tomographic, and that suggested by
Krumeich. Three entities related to this topic are also involved in these classifications: forme fruste
keratoconus (FFKC), pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD), and pellucid-like keratoconus (PLK).

Morphologically, KC has three patterns of cones (Table 1.1):
a. Nipple cone (Figure 1.1).
b. Oval cone (Figure 1.2).
c. Globus cone (Figures 1.3 and 1.4).
The best map to evaluate the shape of the cone is the tangential map since it is the best to highlight
corneal irregularities. In mild cases, cone morphology may be indeterminate.

Tomographically, KC can be classified according to elevation maps, to thickness map or to curvature
maps (Table 1.2).

Classification Based on the Elevation Maps

Cone location is determined only by the elevation maps. The elevation maps can be displayed either
by best fit sphere mode (BFS) as shown in Figure 1.5, or by best fit toric ellipsoid mode (BFTE) as

Table 1.1 Morphological patterns of keratoconus and ectatic diseases

Nipple 5 mm Steep Inferonasally

Oval 5–6 mm Ellipsoid Inferotemporally
Globus >6 mm Generalized Generalized
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Nipple cone. A small steep central or paracentral cone

Oval cone. A steep elliptical cone that is commonly displaced inferotemporally

Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Globus cone. A large steep cone involving over 75% of the cornea

Globus cone. Corneal thickness map—generalized corneal thinning

Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Table 1.2 Tomographic patterns of keratoconus and ectatic diseases

Central cone Apex within 3 mm

Paracentral cone Apex within 3–5 mm
Peripheral cone Apex out of 5 mm

Dome-like Conic shape (protrusion)

Bell-shaped Shape of a bell (inferior thinning)

R Round hot spot

O Oval hot spot
SS Superior steep
IS Inferior steep
Irregular Irregular shape
SB Symmetric bow tie
SB/SRAX Symmetric bow tie with skewed radial axis
AB/IS Asymmetric bow tie inferior steep
AB/SS Asymmetric bow tie superior steep
AB/SRAX Asymmetric bow tie with skewed radial axis
B Butterfly
Claw Claw
Junctional (vertical D) Junctional (vertical D)
4 SF Smiling face
Vortex Vortex (Nazi logo)

shown in Figure 1.6. The best to locate the cone is the BFS, and the best to evaluate the real height
of the cone is the BFTE. On the BFS, the cone can be central, paracentral or peripheral as shown
in Figure 1.7. This classification is important regarding treatment options as will be discussed later
in details.

Classification Based on the Thickness Map

There are two patterns of the thickness map in KC, the conic or dome-like and the “bell” shape. The
conic or dome-like shape (Figure 1.8) is encountered in KC, while the bell shape is encountered in
PMD (Figure 1.9). The bell shape comes from the inferior wide thinning of the cornea found with
PMD. When the bell shape is seen, PMD is diagnosed and inserting intracorneal rings carries the risk
of perforation, this will be discussed later in details.
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

The elevation map displayed in the best fit sphere float mode

The elevation map displayed in the best fit toric ellipsoid float mode
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Classification of cone location. On the BFS mode, when the apex of the cone is within the
central 3 mm, it is central; when it is located out of the central 5 mm, it is peripheral; when it is in between,
it is paracentral

Dome shape of the cone in KC on the corneal thickness map

Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Bell shape of the cone in PMD on the corneal thickness map

Classification Based on the Curvature Maps

To understand the abnormal patterns, normal patterns should be known first.
Normal Cornea
Normal corneal tomography can take one of the followings:
Every human being has a certain amount of astigmatism, though minimal. The rule is that the
vertical meridian of the cornea is slightly steeper than the horizontal. This is known as with-the-rule
astigmatism. Figure 1.10 shows the symmetry between segments “a” and “b”. They are also equal in
size. That is the normal pattern; it is known as “Symmetric Bow tie (SB)”, (see figures 1.15A and B).
If the SB is horizontal, it represents an against-the-rule astigmatism, ninety degrees rotated when
compared with a with-the-rule astigmatism (Figure 1.11).
When the bow tie is diagonal, it represents a cornea having an oblique astigmatism (Figure 1.12).
In the normal eye, nasal cornea is flatter than temporal. The nasal side of a healthy corneal map
becomes blue more quickly, indicating that the nasal cornea is flatter than temporal.
Generally, the two eyes of the same subject are very similar, and present a mirror image of each
other (Figure 1.13). This phenomenon is called enantiomorphism.
N.B. When studying the pattern of corneal curvature, it is important to study the single enlarged
map choosing the option of projected circles and the two major axes of curvature; in order to easily
compare values in the same eye and between both eyes (Figure 1.14).
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Symmetric bow tie (SB). It has two equal and aligned segments “a” and “b”.
When the SB is aligned vertically, it represents with-the-rule astigmatism

Symmetric bow tie (SB) aligned horizontally representing against-the-rule astigmatism

Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Symmetric bow tie (SB) aligned obliquely representing oblique astigmatism

Enantiomorphism. The two eyes of the same subject are very similar, and present a mirror
image of each other. The knowledge of this fact is useful to decide whether a cornea is normal or not, by
comparing with the map of the contralateral eye
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

The curvature map as a single enlarged map with projection of circles and the two major
axes of curvature. This is important for comparing values in the same eye and between both eyes

Tomographic Shape Patterns Characterizing Irregularity (Figures 1.15A and B)

There are several patterns of corneal curvature, some can be accepted, others are considered risky for
LASIK surgery or even indicators for KC. Corneal irregularity may appear as one of the following

Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Patterns of the anterior curvature map. The steep part of the curvature map may
take a bow tie shape, a hot spot shape or an irregular shape

• Pattern 1: Round (Figure 1.16).

• Pattern 2: Oval (Figure 1.17).
• Pattern 3: Superior steep (SS) (Figure 1.18).
• Pattern 4: Inferior steep (IS) (Figure 1.19).
• Pattern 5: Irregular (Figure 1.20).
• Pattern 6: Symmetric bow tie (SB) (Figure 1.21).
• Pattern 7: Symmetric bow tie (SB)/Skewed steepest radial axis index (SRAX). This is also called
“nonorthogonal astigmatism”, or the “lazy 8” pattern (Figure 1.22).
• Pattern 8: Asymmetric bow tie (AB) /IS (Figure 1.23).
• Pattern 9: Asymmetric bow tie/Superior steep (Figure 1.24).
• Pattern 10: Asymmetric bow tie/Skewed steepest radial axis index (Figure 1.25).
• Pattern 11: Butterfly (Figure 1.26).


Round hot spot

Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Oval hot spot


Superior hot spot: This pattern is called superior steep (SS)

Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Inferior hot spot: This pattern is called inferior steep (IS)


Irregular shape: There is no particular shape where steep areas are mixed with flat areas
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Symmetric bow tie: It may be an indicative of normal astigmatism or

occasionally symmetric type of KC


Symmetric bow tie with skewed steepest radial axis index: SB/SRAX. There is an
angulation between segments’ axes. This angulation is clinically significant when it is > 22°
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Asymmetric bow tie inferiorly steep: AB/IS. The inferior segment has higher values than the
superior one. As shown in white circles, the inferior value is higher than the superior by more than 1.5 dpt,
which is clinically significant


Asymmetric bow tie superiorly steep: AB/SS. It is opposite to the pattern in Figure 1.23
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Asymmetric bow tie with skewed steepest radial axis index: AB/SRAX. There is an
angulation between asymmetric segments. This angulation is clinically significant when it is > 22°


Butterfly. The bow tie is horizontally aligned with wing-like spread of the lobes
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

• Pattern 12: Claw pattern (Figure 1.27).

• Pattern 13: Junctional (vertical D) (Figure 1.28).

Claw pattern or the kissing birds’ pattern. The lobes of the bow tie or the wings of the
butterfly are inferiorly joined


Junctional pattern. The lobes are laterally joined. Junctional pattern is better seen with the
projected circles and curvature segments off
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

• Pattern 14: Smiling face (Figure 1.29).

• Pattern 15: Vortex pattern (Figures 1.30A and B).

Smiling face


Vortex pattern. The projected red and blue segments take a vortex distribution. A
and B are different shapes of the vortex pattern. Unlike the junctional pattern, the vortex pattern is better
recognized with the projected curvature segments on
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

N.B. The most concerning of the previous parameters are steep K-readings, inferorsuperior asymmetry,
and skewing of the steep axis.

Summary of Tomographic Features of Keratoconus

When more than one of the following criteria is found, any of the above mentioned patterns is
considered as frank KC, FFKC, early stage KC, or at least a case of suspicion according to the severity
and amount of signs (Table 1.3):

Table 1.3 Tomographic features of keratoconus and ectatic corneal diseases

K-readings • Look at flat K for myopic treatment > 48

• Look at steep K for hyperopic treatment
Maximum K • Important when treating hyperopia. It is
abnormal when maximum K-steepest K > 1 dpt
Corneal astigmatism Compare with manifest astigmatism >6
Average Q-value 0 to –1 ]0,–1[

Thickness > 500 µ 470–500 µ < 470 µ

Y-coordinate < 500 µ 500–1000 µ > 1000 µ

Important for treating hyperopia and >3D astigmatism

Pattern refer to tomographic patterns

Skewed steepest radial > 22°
axis index (SRAX)
Superoinferior > 1.5D when the inferior
difference on the 5 mm is steeper
central circle > 2.5 when the superior 19
is steeper
(within the 5 mm central circle)
Anterior > 12 µ
Posterior > 15 µ
Isolated island (or Might be an indicator for FFKC
tongue like extension)

Shape Cone like

Superoinferior < 30 µ > 30 µ
difference on the 5 mm
central circle
Difference in thickness < 30 µ > 30 µ
between both eyes@
thinnest location

Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach


Shape and location of • Does not follow the slope of the normative range
the curve • Deviation before the 6 mm circle
• S-shape
Average 1 1.1–1.2 > 1.2
Indices of irregularity White Yellow Red

On the Sagittal Map

a. Steep K-reading > 48 dpt.
b. Maximum K > steep K by more than 1 dpt.
c. SRAX > 22º.
d. Superoinferior difference (S-I) on the 5 mm circle > 2.5 dpt.
e. Inferosuperior difference (I-S) > 1.5 dpt.
f. Corneal astigmatism on either surface > 6D.
g. Against the rule astigmatism is considered suspicious.

On the Thickness Map

a. Cone like shape or bell-shape
b. Superoinferior @ 5 mm circle > 30 µ.
c. Thinnest location < 470 µ.
d. Thickness @ pachy apex – thickness @ thinnest location > 10 µ.
e. Y-coordinate value of the thinnest location > –500 µ.
f. Difference in thickness between both eyes @ thinnest locations > 30 µ.

On the Elevation Maps

a. Isolated island or tongue like extension (BFS mode) on either surface.
b. Values > 12 µ within the central 5 mm on the anterior elevation map (BFTE mode).
c. Values > 15 µ within the central 5 mm on the posterior elevation map (BFTE mode).
For further information, please refer to my book “Corneal Tomography in Clinical Practice” 2nd
edition by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2012.

Author’s New Classification of Tomographic Patterns of Keratoconus

Upon revision of the results of the author’s first 400 cases of intracorneal rings with at least 6 months
follow-up, he could recognize some factors affecting the results. From a tomographic point of view,
studying the changes that occurred in the sagittal curvature map revealed that there are three factors
affecting the response to the rings: (1) the skew between the axes of the bow tie segments, (2) the size
of the bow tie segments, and (3) the shape of the map. To understand this, the steep and flat segments
should be projected on the map, then the size and the axis of the upper and the lower segments of
the bow tie are studied.
The author finds it useful to classify the curvature map of KC into 7 patterns as follows:
1. Pattern 1: The inferior steep straight pattern, where the inferior segment of the bow tie is steeper (larger)
than the superior segment, with the axes of the central parts of these segments straight (Figure 1.31).
2. Pattern 2: The inferior steep skewed pattern, it is like pattern 1 except that there is > 22º of skew
between the two axes (Figure 1.32).
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Pattern 1 (author’s classification). Inferior steep with straight central red line (steep axis)


Pattern 2 (author’s classification). Inferior steep with skewed central red line (steep axis)
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

3. Pattern 3: Both segments of the bow tie are equal in size and have straight and aligned axes (Figure
1.33), or AB/SS with straight and aligned axes.
4. Pattern 4: The two segments are equal in size but there is > 22º of skew between their axes (Figure
1.34), or AB/SS with skewed axes.
5. Pattern 5: It is PMD or PLK with straight axis (Figure 1.35). PLK will be discussed later in details.
6. Pattern 6: It is PMD or PLK with > 22º of skew between the two axes (Figure 1.36).
7. Pattern 7: Where the cone is eccentric and the steep and flat axes are difficult to identify (Figures
1.37A and B).
The importance of this classification will be clear when talking about the intracorneal rings.


Severity of KC is also classified by Amsler-Krumeich. This classification depends on mean K-readings
on the anterior curvature sagittal map, central thickness, the refractive error of the patient, and corneal
transparency. Table 1.4 demonstrates grading of KC, where grade 4 is the worst.
There might be some intersection between the categories, such as cases with > 55 dpt of Km
(grade 4) and 400 µ thickness (grade 2). In such cases, a full judgment should be followed, which is
the aim of this book.


Forme fruste keratoconus (FFKC) is a subclinical disease and is not a variant of KC. Although
clinicians use many other terms such as mild KC, early KC and subclinical KC, their exact meanings


Pattern 3 (author’s classification). Symmetric bow tie (or AB/SS) with straight
central red line (steep axis)
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Pattern 4 (author’s classification). Symmetric bow tie (or AB/SS) with skewed
central red line (steep axis)


Pattern 5 (author’s classification). PMD or PLK with straight central red line (steep axis)
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Pattern 6 (author’s classification). PMD or PLK with skewed central red line (steep axis)

Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Patten 7 (author’s classification). Eccentric cone with the steep and flat axes
difficult to identify

Table 1.4 Amsler-Krumeich classification of keratoconus

4 > 55 < 200 Not measurable Central scar
3 54–55 200–400 >–8d No central scar
2 48–53 400–500 [–5,–8]d No central scar
1 < 48 > 500 <–5 No central scar

and applications are less certain. These terms are not universally accepted. The diagnosis of KC is a
clinical one that is aided by tomography, while the diagnosis of FFKC is tomographic.
Recently, there are two opinions regarding the definition of this disease:
1. Forme fruste keratoconus is a completely normal cornea with neither clinical nor tomographic risk
factors, but this cornea is able to develop KC when treated by photoablation. The fellow eye may
be keratoconic or there may be a family history of KC as shown in Figures 1.38A to C. Figure
1.38A represents a relatively normal corneal tomography of the left eye. Figure 1.38B represents
the right eye of the same patient, please notice the abnormal and irregular cornea which can be
considered as KC. Figure 1.38C is corneal tomography of the right eye of the patient’s brother, it
is a frank KC. According to this definition, the left eye of the patient has FFKC.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach


2. Forme fruste keratoconus is an abnormal cornea. Corneal tomography or corneal hysteresis or both
are abnormal, i.e. there are risk factors but the case is still not a clinically obvious KC. According
to this definition, data of the cornea falls in the suspected area in Table 1.3.


Pellucid marginal degeneration is one of the ectatic corneal disorders characterized by peripheral
inferior corneal thinning observed with slit-lamp biomicroscopy and on Scheimpflug image. Pellucid-
like keratoconus is a different entity; it KC but has some features of PMD as will be discussed bellow.
Differentiation between these two entities is important for the plan of management.
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders


Clinical Findings
In PMD, results of slit lamp biomicroscopy are characterized by:
1. A peripheral band of thinning of the inferior cornea from the 4O’clock position to the 8O’clock
position. This thinning is accompanied by 1–2 mm of normal cornea between the limbus and the
area of thinning.
2. Corneal ectasia is most marked just central to the band of thinning. The central cornea is usually
of normal thickness, and the epithelium overlying the area of thinning is intact.
3. The light slit becomes very narrow abruptly in the inferior part of the cornea which is the hallmark
of the disease (Figure 1.39, white arrow).
4. Flourescein pattern with the RGP lens: there is an inferior touch between the cornea and the lens as
shown in Figure 1.40. In the same figure, the Placido rings are distributed in a vertically oriented
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach


Corneal tomography of FFKC. (A) Corneal tomography of the left eye which is defined
as having FFKC, (B) Corneal tomography of the right eye of the same patient, it is very irregular and can
be considered KC, (C) Corneal tomography of the patient’s brother who has frank KC

oval due to the against-the-rule astigmatism. Notice that the rings become very thin and close to
each others in the inferior cornea while they are relatively broader and not crowded in the superior
part of the cornea, this is due to the inferiorly displaced cone characterizing PMD.

Tomographic Findings
Identifying features of PMD on corneal tomography is very important; there is some similarity between
PMD and PLK on corneal tomography especially in early stages of PMD. This similarity leads doctors
to misinterpret PLK as PMD. Careful studying of the tomography reveals many differences between
these two entities. Features are mainly seen on the curvature, elevation and thickness maps, and on
the keratoconus curve diagram.
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

Slit lamp view of PMD, the light slit becomes very narrow abruptly in the inferior part of the
cornea (white arrow) which is the hallmark of the disease


PMD. The upper left image is the slit lamp view demonstrating the inferior thinning. The upper
right image is an RGP lens. The lower right image is the flourescein pattern, notice the inferior touch. The
lower left image is Placido image; notice the vertical oval distribution of the mires
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

• Curvature map: The anterior sagittal curvature map takes a crab-claw appearance, as shown in
Figure 1.41. This feature is seen in both PMD and PLK.
• Elevation maps: There are two important things related to each others can be identified on the
elevation maps, mainly the anterior elevation map, the location of the cone and the "kissing
birds" sign. Neither the kissing birds sign nor the peripheral cone is a hallmark of PMD or
PLK. Figure 1.42 is a PMD case without the kissing birds sign; Figure 1.43 is a PLK case
with this sign.
• Corneal thickness map: In PMD, the corneal thickness map reveals a thinning of the inferior cornea.
This thinning is characterized with a special sign that can be called “bell” shape (Figure 1.44).
This sign is a hallmark of PMD; it is absent in PLK.
• Keratoconus curve diagram: This curve is an indicator of the gradual change in thickness
beginning from the thinnest point towards corneal periphery (for more details about this
curve please refer to the book: "Corneal Tomography in Clinical Practice, 2nd edition, Jaypee
Brothers Medical Publishers, 2012). In normal corneas, the red line takes the same slope of
and usually leys within the normal range (the black dotted lines) as shown in Figure 1.45. In
KC, PLK and in PMD, this curve deviates from the normal range rapidly and usually before
the 6 mm zone (Figure 1.46). In advanced cases of PMD, the curve usually takes an inverted
passage (Figure 1.47). S-shape of the curve is one of the indicators of ectatic disorders or at
least abnormal cornea (Figure 1.48).


Crab-claw appearance of PMD and PLK on the anterior sagittal curvature map. Corneal
power is low along the central vertical axis, but it increases as the inferior cornea is approached
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

PMD without the kissing birds sign
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

PLK with the kissing birds sign
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

The hallmark of PMD on the corneal thickness map: The bell sign. This sign is due to
inferior corneal thinning encountered in PMD


Normal keratoconus curve diagram. The red line (patient’s data) is consistent with and leys
within the normative data range
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Keratoconus curve diagram in a KC case. The red line is out of the normal range and does
not take the same slope


Keratoconus curve diagram in an advanced case of PMD. The red line is out of the normal
range and inverted superiorly (red arrows)
Classifications and Patterns of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Disorders

S-shape seen in ectatic corneal diseases or at least abnormal cornea

Table 1.5 summarizes the difference between PLK and PMD.

Table 1.5 Comparison between PLK* and PMD**

Nature Central or para-central ectasia Peripheral ectasia 35

Age of presentation Early teens Usually 20–40
Slit lamp and Scheimpflug image Central or paracentral thinning Inferior peripheral thinning
Curvature map Claw Claw
Elevation Cone Central or paracentral cone Central, paracentral or inferior
maps peripheral cone
Kissing birds Present occasionally Present in early and moderate
Thickness “Bell” sign Absent Present in moderate and
map advanced cases
Thinnest location May be displaced Usually largely displaced
Keratoconus curve diagram Deviated Deviated and usually inverted in
advanced cases
*PLK: Pellucid-like keratoconus
**PMD: Pellucid marginal degeneration
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

1. Alpins N, Stamatelatos G (2007). Customized photoastigmatic refractive keratectomy using combined
tomographic and refractive data for myopia and astigmatism in eyes with forme fruste and mild
keratoconus. J Cataract Refract Surg 2007;33:591–602.
2. Colin J, Velou S. Current surgical options for keratoconus. J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:379–86.
3. Ertan A, Colin J. Intracorneal Rings for Keratoconus and Keratectasia. J Cataract Refract Surg
4. Fogla R, et al. Keratectasia in 2 cases with pellucid marginal corneal degeneration after laser in situ
keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:788–91.
5. Gruenauer-Kloevekorn C, et al. Pellucid marginal corneal degeneration: evaluation of the corneal surface
and contact lens fitting. J Ophthalmol 2006;90:318–23.
6. Holladay JT. Detecting Forme Fruste Keratoconus with the Pentacam. Supplement to Cataract and
Refractive Surgery Today 2008;11:12.
7. Karimian F, et al. Tomographic evaluation of relatives of patients with keratoconus. Cornea 2008;27:874-8.
8. Kubaloglu A, et al. A single 210-degree arc length intrastromal corneal ring implantation for the
management of pellucid marginal corneal degeneration. J Ophthalmol 2010;150:185–92.
9. Lee WW, et al. Ectatic disorders associated with a claw shaped pattern on corneal tomography. J
Ophthalmol 2007;144:154–6.
10. Lim L, et al. Evaluation of keratoconus in Asians: role of Orbscan II and Tomey TMS-2 corneal
tomography. J Ophthalmol 2007;143:390–400.
11. Mularoni A, et al. Conservative treatment of early and moderate pellucid marginal degeneration. A new
refractive approach with intracorneal rings. J Ophthalmology 2005;112:660–6.
12. Oie Y, et al. Characteristics of ocular higher-order aberrations in patients with pellucid marginal corneal
degeneration. J Cataract Refract Surg 2008;34:1928–34.
13. Piñero DP, et al. Refractive and corneal aberrometric changes after intracorneal ring implantation in
corneas with pellucid marginal degeneration. Ophthalmol 2009;116:1656–64.
14. Rasheed K, Rabinowitz YS. Surgical treatment of advanced pellucid marginal degeneration. Ophthalmol
15. Santo MR, et al. Corneal tomography in asymptomatic family members of a patient with pellucid
marginal degeneration. J Ophthalmol 1999;127:205–7.
16. Sinjab MM. Corneal Topography in Clinical Practice (Pentacam System): Basics and Clinical
Interpretation. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
17. Sinjab MM. Step by Step Reading Pentacam Topography (Basics and Case Study Series). Jaypee -
36 Highlights Medical Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
18. Sinjab MM: Quick Guid to the Management of Keratoconus: A A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach.
Springer, Germany, 2011.
19. Sridhar MS, et al. Pellucid marginal corneal degeneration. Ophthalmol 2004;111:1102–7.
20. Tang M, et al. Characteristics of keratoconus and pellucid marginal degeneration in mean curvature
maps. J Ophthalmol 2005;140:993–1001.

P Management of Keratoconus

During the last few years, management of KC has advanced and still in progress. As there are new
modalities of treatment, it is better to say that there are traditional modalities and modern modalities
of treatment rather than saying old and new ones. That is because the old modalities such as spectacle
correction, contact lenses, penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) and conductive keratoplasty (CK) are still
used. The demand upon the last two modalities has been decreased by the modern alternatives. In
this chapter, there will be a high concentration on the main two modern modalities of treatment: the
intracorneal rings (ICRs) and the corneal collagen crosslinking (CxL). These treatment modalities
are still relatively new and caution should be taken when taking the decision to use them and the
surgeon should be aware of their indications, contraindications, conditions and complications, hence
the aim of this book.

KC treatment modalities can be divided into interventional and non-interventional.

Non-interventional Managements
Non-interventional managements include spectacle correction and the very advanced technology of
contact lenses.

Spectacle Correction
In very early cases of KC, spectacles can suffice to correct for the regular astigmatism and the very
low amounts of irregular astigmatism. But in moderate cases, spectacles may still be the best choice
when the case is stable and the refractive error and quality and quantity of vision are reasonable.

Contact Lenses
As the condition progresses, spectacles may no longer provide the patient with a satisfactory degree
of visual acuity. Once the cylindrical power increases beyond 4.0 dpt, visual intolerance may occur
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

at which time contact lenses are needed. Contact lenses provide a regular refracting surface over
the cone by means of tear fluid filling the gap between the irregular corneal surface and the smooth
regular inner surface of the lens, thereby creating the effect of a smoother cornea.
Traditionally, contact lenses for KC have been the ‘hard’ or rigid gas-permeable variety, although
manufacturers have also produced specialized ‘soft’ or hydrophilic lenses. A soft lens has a tendency
to conform to the conical shape of the cornea, thus diminishing its effect. To counter this, hybrid lenses
have been developed which are hard in the center and encompassed by a soft skirt. Soft or hybrid
lenses do not however prove effective for every patient. Recently, newer soft lenses developed for
KC have had successes to a good extent.
Some patients also find good vision correction and comfort with a “piggyback” lens combination, in
which RGP lenses are worn over soft lenses, both providing a degree of vision correction. One form
of piggyback lens makes use of a soft lens with a countersunk central area to accept the rigid lens.
Fitting a piggyback lens combination requires experience on the part of the lens fitter, and tolerance
on the part of the keratoconic patient.
In addition to the therapeutic use of contact lenses, they play a very important role in the diagnostic
procedure in KC management; when there is no significant difference between uncorrected distance
visual acuity (UCVA) and best spectacle corrected distance visual acuity (BSCVA), for example: UCVA
= 0.2 and BSCVA = 0.3, two causes should be put in mind: either amblyopia or high order aberrations
(HOAs). To distinguish between these two causes, an RGP lens is used and the best corrected visual
acuity is measured over the lens. When amblyopia is the reason, no significant improvement will
be found. Trial of RGP gives us an impression of the expected visual outcome and visual prognosis
when interventional procedures are needed.

Interventional Procedures
Conductive Keratoplasty (CK)
It is using heat to alter the curvature of the cornea. CK is generally only a temporary measure, because
re-steepening usually ensue, therefore, it can be combined with CxL to stabilize the results. On the
other hand, the results are not always predictable because there are many factors playing a role in
this field, the most important of which is the widely variable tissue response to thermal treatment. In
38 other words, this procedure can be considered of historical interest.

Penetrating Keratoplasty
Between 10–25% of cases of KC progress to the point where visual rehabilitation is no longer possible,
especially in those who present at a young age (younger than 20) and with keratometry measurements
> 60 dpt and/or corneal thickness < 400µ at the thinnest location.
Clear grafts are obtained in over 95% of cases but optical outcomes may be unsatisfactory because
of the iatrogenic astigmatism and anisometropia. Between 30–50% of grafted eyes still require contact
lens correction for best acuity or further keratorefractive surgical procedures such as astigmatic
keratotomies, or in more recent years, topography guided excimer laser procedures.
Recently, penetrating keratoplasty is indicated in patients with advanced progressive disease with
significant corneal scarring.

Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK)

In KC, the corneal endothelium is generally intact and healthy, even after many cases of acute hydrops.
While corneal stromal rejection episodes can occur, it is known that with time host keratocytes
Management of Keratoconus

migrate into and replace donor cells and that most rejection episodes (especially after 12 months)
are invariably endothelial in origin.
It is for these reasons that there has been a trend over recent years to perform lamellar (partial
thickness), rather than full thickness, grafting techniques. Such procedures offer replacement of the
diseased (stromal) part of the keratoconic cornea, while leaving the healthy non-diseased endothelial
cells relatively intact. This negates the risk of endothelial rejection and theoretically improves the
postoperative mechanical stability of the cornea, with less chance of wound dehiscence and possibly
less induction of iatrogenic astigmatism.
Lamellar keratoplasty has been shown to result in less endothelial cell loss, less intraocular pressure
problems than full thickness techniques, a reduction in rejection episodes and, in some cases, a
reduction of induced astigmatism.
However, while some series have achieved comparable visual outcomes, others have demonstrated
that in terms of BSCVA of 10/10 or better, penetrating techniques slightly outperform deep lamellar
procedures and that while endothelial rejection is negated, stromal rejection very rarely can occur.
Further refinements in operative techniques, together with improvements in technologies, such as
the implementation of femtosecond lasers and microkeratomes for lamellar keratoplasty, will allow
for further refinement of lamellar techniques and improve the ease of performing these procedures
for both surgeons and patients alike.
Indications of DALK regarding Keratoconus
a. Anterior corneal scars.
b. Advanced disease with Vogt’s striae (stress lines) and clear cornea.
c. K-max > 65 dpt.
d. Thinnest location < 350µ.
e. Very high refractive error (sphere > -6 and/or cylinder > 6).

Intracorneal Rings (ICRs)

Mechanism of actions
In general, ICRs act by an arc-shortening effect, flatten the center of the cornea and provide a
biomechanical support for the thin ectatic cornea. The changes in corneal structure induced by the 39
rings can be roughly predicted by the Barraquer thickness law; that is, when a material is added to the
periphery of the cornea or an equal amount of material is removed from the central area, a flattening
effect is achieved (Figure 2.1). In contrast, when a material is added to the center or removed from
the corneal periphery, the surface curvature is steepened. The corrective result varies according to
the thickness and the diameter of the segment (Figure 2.2).
Every segment has a double effect (Figure 2.3): A, a flattening effect along the virtual line (cd)
connecting the two ends of the segment; and B, a steepening effect perpendicular to the line (cd)
achieved by the skew action of the ring established by the difference between the plane of the segment
and the plane of the cornea at the insertion area (Figures 2.4A and B). Therefore, each segment flattens
the axis that is parallel to line (cd) and steepens the perpendicular axis. For this reason, the segments
are implanted on the steep axis. The flattening action of the arc is greater when the arc is longer (e.g.
160º arcs are stronger than 120º arcs) and vice-versa. The perpendicular steepening action is greater
when the arc is smaller (e.g. 90º arcs are stronger than 120º arcs) and vice-versa. On the other hand,
the overall flattening of the central cornea is greater with thicker segments (e.g. 300µ arcs are stronger
than 150µ arcs) and vice-versa.
The location of the ring has also an important role; the closer the segment to the center of the cornea,
the stronger the flattening effect will be (i.e. astigmatic correction), and the farer the segment from
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Barraquer thickness law. When a material is added to the periphery of the cornea or an equal
amount of material is removed from the central area, a flattening effect is achieved. In contrast, when a
material is added to the center or removed from the corneal periphery, the surface curvature is steepened

Principle of action of intracorneal rings. The corrective result varies according to the thickness
and the diameter of the segment. The greater the thickness is, the greater the correction would be (Barraquer
principle). The smaller the diameter is, the greater the correction would be (Blavatskaya principle)


Mechanism of action of intracorneal rings. Every segment has two effects: a flattening effect
on the virtual line (cd) connecting between the two tips of the segment; thus the segment is implanted on
the steep axis, and a steepening effect on the flat axis achieved by the skew action of the segment
Management of Keratoconus

The skew action of the segment. (a) The position of the segment when implanted,
(b) the final position of the segment after the skew; i.e. taking angle α

the center of the cornea, the better the flattening effect will be (i.e. myopic correction). Therefore,
segments implanted on the 5 mm circle (like Ferrara and Keraring) have better effect on astigmatism,
and those implanted on the 7 mm (such as INTACS) have better effect on myopia. Since getting
closer to the center of the cornea carries the problem of night glare, new designs of the segments
were developed to be implanted on the 6 mm circle, such as Kera-6 and INTACS-SK. In general, by
using the 6 mm segments, less night glare (if any) is encountered, and better effect on both myopia
and astigmatism is achieved.
On the other hand, Kera-5 which is designed to be implanted at 5 mm zone has better effect on
sphere (hyperopic shift) than Kera-6, which is designed to be implanted at 6 mm zone. Nevertheless,
Kera-6 has better effect on astigmatism than Kera-5. Therefore, when a patient has high astigmatism
and no myopic sphere, Kera-6 is better.
In summary, if a case requires correcting myopia more than astigmatism, longer and thicker arcs
are needed and vice-versa. However, each company has its own nomogram and guidelines to choose
the segments. The surgeon thereafter may modify the nomogram according to his/her accumulative
Most of the effect of the ICRs is noticed on the anterior surface of the cornea and to less extent 41
on the posterior surface as shown in Figures 2.5 to 2.11. Figure 2.5 represents the change in the
sagittal curvature map of the anterior corneal surface where the left column is the preoperative map,
the middle column is the postoperative map and the right map is the difference (change) map. In
the same way, Figure 2.6 represents changes in the anterior tangential curvature map, Figure 2.7
is for the posterior sagittal map, Figure 2.8 is for the posterior tangential map, Figure 2.9 is for the
anterior elevation map, Figure 2.10 is for the posterior elevation map, and finally, Figure 2.11 is for
the keratometric power deviation map. The latter—very briefly—reflects the changes that happen on
the posterior corneal surface. When reviewing all these figures, it is clear that improvements mainly
occurred on the anterior corneal surface.

The term (conditions) is preferred rather than indications, because the indication here is clearly KC,
but there are guidelines to follow and limits to stop at when deciding to use ICRs.
1. Guidelines:
a. Corneal thickness > 350µ at the thinnest location.
b. Maximum K-reading < 60 dpt.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal respond to intracorneal rings implantation. Changes on the anterior sagittal curvature
map. The right column reflects these changes. Look at the central part, there is a significant change


Corneal respond to intracorneal rings implantation. Changes on the anterior tangential curvature
map. The right column reflects these changes. Look at the central part, there is a significant change
Management of Keratoconus

Corneal respond to intracorneal rings implantation. Changes on the posterior sagittal curvature
map. The right column reflects these changes. Look at the central part, there is an insignificant change


Corneal respond to intracorneal rings implantation. Changes on the posterior tangential curvature
map. The right column reflects these changes. Look at the central part, there is an insignificant change
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal respond to intracorneal rings implantation. Changes on the anterior elevation map.
The right column reflects these changes. Look at the central part, there is a significant change


Corneal respond to intracorneal rings implantation. Changes on the posterior elevation

map. The right column reflects these changes. Look at the central part, there is an insignificant change
Management of Keratoconus

Corneal respond to intracorneal rings implantation. Changes on the keratometric power

deviation (KPD) map. The right column reflects these changes. Look at the central part, there is an
insignificant change. The KPD very briefly reflects the changes that happen on the posterior corneal surface

c. Refractive error (SE) < -6 dpt.

d. Clear cornea with no central scars or Vogt’s striae (stress lines).
The expert surgeon may go beyond these guidelines in selected cases.
2. Factors for poor visual outcome: 45
a. Preoperative Km (Sim K) > 55 dpt.
b. Preoperative pachymetry @ thinnest location 350–400µ.
c. Paracentral opacities

1. High visual expectations.
2. Uncontrolled autoimmune, collagen vascular and immunodeficiency diseases because of high
incidence of infections and corneal melting. When these diseases are well controlled, they become
relative contraindications.
3. Pregnancy and during nursing because of unstable refraction and for social considerations.
4. Continuous eye rubbing habits especially when associated with the following systemic conditions:
Leber congenital amaurosis, Down syndrome, atopic disease, contact lens wear, floppy eyelid
syndrome, and nervous habitual eye rubbing.
5. Corneal thickness < 350µ at the thinnest location.
6. Maximum K-reading > 65 dpt.
7. Corneal scarring.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Relative contraindications
1. Corneal thickness 350–400µ at the thinnest location.
2. Maximum K-readings 60–65 dpt.
3. Topographical astigmatism > 6 dpt.
4. Vogt’s striae (stress lines).

1. Central or paracentral corneal scarring or hydrops: In patients with large (>4 mm) dense scars that
completely obstruct the pupillary area, ICRs are unlikely to be effective. Reticular scarring does
not preclude ICRs but may be responsible for poor visual outcome. Hydrops should be resolved
before considering ICRs as the corneal shape will change once the edema is resolved and degree of
corneal scaring emerges. However, after hydrops cornea, the cornea will most likely need DALK
or PKP.
2. Progressive disease: ICRs improve the shape of the cornea but they do not stop the progression of
the disease unless the collagen is reinforced with CxL.
3. Poor visual outcome: Although uncommon, it causes disappointment to the patient who always
has very high expectations in any refractive procedure. The patient should be told such a truth in
4. Aberrations and night glare: Halos may occur due to the segments themselves; this will be a
significant problem at night especially during driving. Such a problem can be expected when the
pupil diameter is > 7 mm in dim light. This problem usually diminishes gradually after 6 months
for unknown reason and rarely persists. Using Alphagan 0.15% eye drops (brimonidine titrate) to
constrict the pupil at night time is an option.

Practical notices in using the rings

1. Regarding topographical patterns: After reviewing his first 400 cases of ICRs, the author could build
an idea regarding the relationship between the topographical pattern and postoperative improvement
in both corneal topography and BSCVA. In general, the best results can be obtained with pattern
1 and the worst results are with pattern 6, while in pattern 7 the results are unpredictable (author’s
classification). There may be an explanation for this. In pattern 5 and 6, which represent PMD or PLK,
46 the inferior ring will be implanted in a position that goes through the apex of the cone (Figures 2.12
A to C). The apex of the cone is the weakest part in the cornea, and as mentioned before, the ring
acts in two directions, but its action must come from out of the cone to change the latter. When the
ring goes through the cone, it becomes inside the supposed field of action and, therefore, composes
a barrier against the desired change. On the other hand, caution should be taken in this situation;
the thinnest location may happen on the passage of the ring (particularly in PMD as mentioned
before) leading to the risk of penetration. In such a case, it is strongly recommended to put the ring
on the 7 mm zone to avoid the apex of the cone in order to achieve the desired effect and to avoid
the thin area, but in advanced cases of PMD when the cone is very inferior, even those rings that
are implanted at 7 mm zone may not be helpful as shown in Figure 2.12C.
2. Regarding morphology of KC: Nipple and oval patterns are more prone to respond to treatment,
whereas globus cone may not. This is logical because the larger the cone the bigger the process
that is needed to make a change. On the other hand, nipple and oval cones are usually found at the
beginning of the disease where more elastic tissue is still available. The same can be applied to
corneal thickness and K-readings. The thinner the cornea is, the less the amount of elastic tissue
and the less the response would be. Similarly, the higher the K-readings are, the more advanced
the disease and the less the response would be.
Management of Keratoconus

The anterior sagittal curvature map in PMD and PLK


The cone is peripheral. If a segment is to be implanted at 5 mm zone,

it will go through the cone
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

If a segment is to be implanted at 7mm, still it goes through the cone

3. Regarding cone location: When the cone is central (Figure 2.13), usually two symmetric rings
are needed. When the cone is not central (Figure 2.14), either one ring or two asymmetric rings
are needed. On the other hand, cone location is important to choose the zone of implantation and
to avoid penetration as mentioned previously.
4. Regarding the refractive error: The fact that ICRs are mainly to regularize corneal surface should
be kept in mind. This will be achieved when irregular corneal astigmatism is minimized or at least
inverted into regular astigmatism to improve the quality of vision. For this reason, correction of
48 the spherical component of the refractive error is not the main goal. That is because the spherical
component may be due to the cone itself or it might be of axial or refractive origin (such as nuclear
sclerosis). A hyperopic component is sometimes found in the refractive error in KC. This is usually
due to low central K-readings encountered in peripheral cones and with PMD (see Figure 2.12A
and notice the very low K-readings in the green area and in the very center of the cornea). Since
the spherical component is not the main issue, the patient should never be told that this procedure
is a refractive procedure that completely corrects his/her refractive error.
5. Regarding visual acuity: As mentioned above, this procedure aims at improving the quality of
vision, and to some extent correcting visual acuity. Comparing BSCVA with UCVA of the patient
is very important because it gives an idea about the severity of the problem and the prognosis of
the visual outcome. As an example, a patient with KC with UCVA = 0.3 and BSCVA = 0.4, this
means one of two things: first, the patient is suffering from severe HOAs, second, the patient has
a kind of tortional amblyopia! To distinguish between these two causes, it is very useful to check
visual acuity with RGP contact lenses; the lens—with the tear film—composes a smooth surface
in front of the cornea and, therefore, visual acuity will highly improve when the cause is HOAs.
ICRs are useful—to some extent—when HAOs are the problem and they are not useful when the
tortional amblyopia is. In general, severely impaired visual acuity bears unpredictable prognosis.
Management of Keratoconus

A central cone as it appears on the anterior elevation map (BFTE float mode)


A peripheral cone as it appears on the anterior elevation map (BFTE float mode)
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

6. Regarding using contact lenses after ICR implantation: One of the benefits of ICRs is making
contact lenses tolerable. The ICRs regularize the cornea and, therefore, toric contact lenses (or
specially designed soft lenses) can be used to correct the residual astigmatism and sphere.

Corneal Collagen Crosslinking

1. Documented progression of KC in the preoperative months. Progression parameters include at
least one of the followings (during six months of follow up):
a. Change in K-max by > 1 dpt
b. Thinning of the cornea by > 30µ
c. Increase of topographical astigmatism by > 1 dpt
2. KC in age under 20 years.
3. PMD
4. To prepare the cornea with KC, PMD, PLK, FFKC or other ectatic diseases for PRK
5. Corneal ectasia after refractive surgery
6. Corneal deformation after radial keratectomy.
There are non-refractive indications for CxL mentioned by some researchers such as bollous
keratopathy and infectious keratitis. This book focuses on refractive indications which are KC, PLK,
FFKC, PMD and postlasik ectasia.

Upon decision, the following questions mount:
1. Is the cornea suitable for CxL, i.e. clear cornea and corneal thickness at the thinnest location is >
2. Are there any risk factors that might lead to unpleasant healing responses?
3. What does the patient expect from the procedure (visual expectation)?
4. Is the aim of CxL to stop the progression or to prepare the cornea for PRK or for both?
The importance of such questions will be highlighted in the case study chapter.

50 Contraindications
The answers of the above questions compose part of the contraindications for CxL. Contraindications
1. Corneal thickness < 400 µ @ thinnest location because of danger of damaging the endothelium.
Figure 2.15 shows the safety margin of the procedure.
2. K-max > 60 dpt
3. High visual expectations
4. Corneal epithelial healing disorders
5. Previous herpes keratitis
6. Corneal melting disorders (rheumatoid…)
7. Pregnancy
8. Continuous eye rubbing habits especially when associated with the following systemic conditions:
Leber congenital amaurosis, Down syndrome, atopic disease, contact lens wear, floppy eyelid
syndrome, and nervous habitual eye rubbing.
9. Corneal scarring
Management of Keratoconus

Safety margin of UV A in collagen corneal crosslinking. Corneal thickness must be > 400µ
before application of UV A, otherwise corneal endothelium will be damaged

Expected changes after CxL

CxL starts acting immediately during the operation. Apart from the biochemical bonding, CxL
affects two main aspects of the cornea, the curvature and the thickness. Collagen fibers not only
bond to each others, but also shrink. As a result, the cone will be displaced towards the center of
the cornea, which becomes by itself more regular. These changes lead to an increase in K-readings
almost by 2.0 to 2.5 dpt, and an increase in minus spherical component of the refractive error by
2.0 to 2.5 dpt. Figure 2.16 is a comparison between topographical parameters of pre-CxL and 1.5
months post-CxL, where A is the post-op (left column) and B is the pre-op (right column). Yellow
arrows point at anterior corneal astigmatism; notice its increase at 1.5 months. Red arrows point
at the steep K-readings, notice the increase. Blue arrows point at corneal thickness at the thinnest
location, notice the decrease. These changes are also visible on the anterior sagittal and tangential
curvature maps and also on the anterior elevation map as shown in Figures 2.17, 2.18 and 2.19 51
respectively. However, the changes in K-readings and the spherical refractive error are usually
temporary; they may last for three or four months after the operation and then diminish gradually
and may be followed by a reduction in K-max. On the other hand, CxL causes a reduction in central
corneal thickness by 30 – 50µ as shown in Figures 2.16 and 2.20. This may be explained by corneal
dehydration induced by the intensive exposure to UV light during the treatment. This thinning of
the cornea is usually temporary and the cornea retains its original preoperative thickness within
about one year. Nevertheless, from a topographical point of view, changes in the cornea mainly
happen on the anterior surface rather than the posterior surface. Figures 2.21 and 2.22 show the
changes that happened in the anterior surface, whereas Figures 2.23 and 2.24 show the changes
that happened in the posterior surface, it is very clear that the anterior surface is the main field for
changes. Finally, mainly the anterior two thirds of the cornea are affected by CxL, this can be seen
by the anterior OCT. Figure 2.25 is an anterior OCT of a cross-linked cornea, notice the demarcation
line between the anterior two thirds and the posterior third of the stroma. This demarcation line is
due to the difference between the (hyper-reflective) cross-linked tissue and the residual posterior
less-crossed-linked tissue.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

A comparison between topographical parameters before CxL and 1.5 months after CxL, where
A is the post-op map (left column) and B is the pre-op map (right column). Yellow arrows point at anterior
corneal astigmatism; notice its increase at 1.5 months. Red arrows point at the steep K-readings, notice
the increase. Blue arrows point at corneal thickness at the thinnest location, notice the decrease


Changes on the anterior sagittal curvature map after CxL

Typical clinical outcomes

1. Reduction in K-max by 1.0 to 2.0 dpt
2. Stability that is statistically proven over 48 months
3. 1 to 2 line gain in BSCVA
4. Low to moderate haze up to 6 months post surgery.
Management of Keratoconus

Changes on the anterior tangential curvature map after CxL


Changes on the anterior elevation map after CxL

Topography Guided PRK followed by Same-Day CxL

When TG-PRK and CxL are indicated, there are important considerations and guidelines to be
As mentioned above, CxL affects corneal thickness; shrinkage of about 30–50µ will follow the
procedure, thereafter, the cornea retains its previous thickness almost one year after the procedure.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Changes on the thickness map after CxL

Changes on the anterior corneal surface after CxL. Notice the significant change on the
anterior sagittal curvature map

Changes on the anterior corneal surface after CxL. Notice the significant change on the
anterior elevation map
Management of Keratoconus

Changes on the posterior corneal surface after CxL. Notice the insignificant change on the
anterior sagittal curvature map

Changes on the posterior corneal surface after CxL. Notice the insignificant change on the
anterior elevation map


Anterior OCT showing the demarcation line after CxL. The hyper-reflective anterior area
represents the cross-linked tissue; it composes nearly two thirds of corneal thickness in the central area of
the cornea, while it composes nearly half thickness at periphery. The cross-linked tissue acts as a barrier
in the front cornea preventing the bulging-out mechanical posterior forces

There are two conditions when doing topography guided (TG) PRK with CxL:
1. The maximum ablation depth must not exceed 40–50µ. Exceeding this ablation depth weakens
the structure of the cornea which is already weak.
2. The proposed residual corneal thickness after the procedure should not be less than 400µ including
the epithelium for the same reason above.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

There are two facts that should be known:

1. It is very important to know that more tissue is ablated during the TG-PRK (compared with the
standard treatment); the procedure has a dual role: regularizing corneal surface and correcting the
refractive error, this means that with the allowed 40–50µ of ablation, less than -4.0 dpt can be
2. When adding the refractive error correction to the TG-PRK profile, astigmatism has the priority
over the spherical component because the former is the main issue in KC. As an example, a patient
has a refractive error of -3.0 dpt sphere and -3.0 dpt cylinder. Including the astigmatism within
the profile will drain the allowed Maximum ablation depth (50µ), which means that the spherical
component will not be corrected. This is of course better than including the spherical component
and leaving the astigmatism.

Phakic IOLs (PIOLs)

This procedure is usually indicated when there are high refractive error and reasonable BSCVA.
Therefore, it can be a single or an additive procedure in KC patients; the following Table 2.1 represents
suggestions for treatment.

1. The anterior chamber depth (ACD) measured from the endothelium must be at least 2.8 mm.
2. Stable refraction.

1. ACD less than 2.8.
2. Myopia other than axial.
3. Evidence of nuclear sclerosis or developing cataract.
4. History of uveitis.
5. Presence of anterior or posterior synechiae.
6. Corneal dystrophy.
56 7. Glaucoma or IOP higher than 20 mm Hg.
8. Any other pathology in the anterior segment.
9. Personal or family history of retinal detachment.
10. Diabetes mellitus.
Some of the above contraindications are relative on the discretion of the surgeon and the needs of
the patients.

Table 2.1 Guidelines for managing KC with PIOLs.

stable > -6 reasonable ICRs

stable > -6 unreasonable ICRs + PIOLs
unstable > -6 reasonable CxL + ICRs
unstable > -6 unreasonable CxL + ICRs + PIOLs
The above guidelines are general and other guidelines should be considered such as corneal thickness,
Management of Keratoconus

Relative contraindications
1. The patient should not rub the eye. Patients who cannot follow instructions should not be implanted
with PIOLs.
2. The smallest available posterior chamber phakic lens is of 11 mm total diameter. The total
diameter of the lens is calculated by adding 0.5 mm to the white-to-white limbal diameter. The
minimum white-to-white diameter should be 11 mm. Any degree of microcornea from this size is
a contraindication. In the case of an iris claw lens, it is possible to have customized, smaller lenses.
While the normal phakic lens is 8.5 mm wide, the iris claw lens may be made as small as 6 mm,
thus greatly extending its application.

Ophthalmic examination
All patients should undergo a complete ophthalmic examination:
1. Manifest and cycloplegic refraction
2. Uncorrected visual acuity
3. Spectacle and/or contact lens corrected visual acuity
4. Slit lamp examination of the anterior segment and ocular adnexa
5. IOP
6. Pupil size measurement under scotopic conditions
7. Corneal endothelial cell count with specular endothelial microscopy
8. Biometry to calculate axial length of the eyeball and the anterior chamber
9. White-to-white corneal diameter measurement, if contemplating angle-supported or posterior
chamber implants
10. Corneal tomography
11. Fundus examination by indirect ophthalmoscopy
12. Anatomical imaging by anterior OCT or UBM.
Basic concepts
When planning for a PIOL implant, the surgeon should answer the following questions:
1. What is the minimum age at which the lens is to be implanted?
2. What is the minimum or the maximum refractive error to be treated?
3. What should be the lowest limit for anterior chamber depth?
4. What is the lowest corneal diameter at which lens implantation will be refused?
5. How accurate is the white-to-white diameter on the basis of which the length of an implant lens
is to be derived?
6. What is the smallest size of the lens available?
7. How can the risk of complications be minimized? What are those complications? What are the
chances of occurrence?

Combination Between Treatment Modalities

It is not unusual that a KC case can be (or needs to be) treated with more than one treatment modality
as shown in many studies. For example, a progressive case with high refractive error and good BSCVA
can be treated by CxL to stabilize the cornea and a PIOL to correct the high refractive error. A second
example, a progressive moderate KC with moderate refractive error, can be treated either by CxL
and contact lenses if the patient is tolerant, or by CxL and spectacles, or by CxL and ICRs. A third
example, a stable case of moderate KC with very high refractive error but with good BSCVA can be
treated by ICRs then by a PIOL in a second stage. In other words, combination between treatment
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

modalities gives the opportunity to correct as much as possible of corneal irregularity and refractive
error, but with the least number of procedures.

Before starting discussion of management parameters, there are general considerations regarding full
evaluation of the patient:
1. Using RGP lenses must be stopped for at least 2 weeks before evaluation of any KC case to achieve
a correct measurement of the corneal shape.
2. Anecdotally reported refractive changes do not serve as a basis for decision making.
3. Measurements previously performed in other clinics cannot be a basis for a treatment decision but
can give an idea of the progression of the disease.
4. Corneal topography should be done with Scheimpflug imaging and it will be more accurate when
combined with Placido imaging system.
5. Progression of the ectasia can only be determined by follow-ups.
6. Family history should be considered.

Management Parameters
Taking the right decision in treating KC is not a simple process; it depends on important parameters.
Patient’s age, sex, and environment should be considered and it is important to know whether the
disease has stopped progression or not. There are also important parameters related to the cornea
itself such as corneal thickness at the thinnest location, Maximum K-readings, corneal transparency
and the existence of Vogt’s striae (stress lines). Patient’s refractive error, UCVA and BSCVA with
and without the pinhole test (± PH) are also important factors affecting the decision.

Patient’s age is important for three reasons:
58 The younger the patient, the higher the possibility that the disease to be progressive.
The younger the patient, the more elastic the cornea and the more response to treatment the cornea
CxL has higher ratio of complications in patients older than 35 years old.

Patient’s sex is important for the following reasons:
a. KC is prone to progress in females more than in males because of estrogen, especially during
pregnancy and with taking anti-pregnancy estrogenic tablets. Therefore, it is recommended to think
of CxL in females when they are in the productive age even in stable cases (when other parameters
are suitable) to prevent deterioration of the case during pregnancy.
b. It has been found in one study that there was a ratio of pre-cross-linked pregnant women who had
lost the effect of CxL after pregnancy and they should have been re-cross-linked.
c. Both CxL and ICRs are contraindicated during pregnancy because of changes in corneal structure
and because of social considerations.
Management of Keratoconus

One of the proposed factors for KC is environment; the incidence of the disease increases in dry and
cold areas, especially in mountain populations. May be the high inter-marriage percentage in such
relatively socially closed areas may exaggerate the problem, this is particularly seen in the Middle
East, where cases are found to be more aggressive and in younger ages.

As mentioned previously, progression is defined as an increase in K-max by more than 1 dpt, or corneal
thinning at the thinnest location by more than 30µ, or an increase of topographical astigmatism by more
than 1 dpt within 6-months intervals. It happens during the young age, usually till mid 20s and rarely
after 30, hence the need for close follow-ups of patient’s young brothers and sisters who may develop
the disease, and also the need to stop the progression of the patient’s disease as soon as possible.

Corneal Thickness
Thickness of the diseased cornea is important for the following reasons:
a. The thinner the cornea the higher the alert for advanced disease.
b. It is contraindicated to cross-link corneas thinner than 400µ at the thinnest location.
c. It is not useful and not reasonable to implant ICRs in corneas thinner than 350µ at the thinnest location.
d. The response of the cornea to ICRs decreases when the cornea is thin (<400µ) or thick (>550µ).
The cause in both cases is the low percentage of collagen fibers, which are responsible for corneal
elasticity, and the high percentage of viscous matrix, which is responsible for corneal viscosity. The
high viscosity and the low elasticity lessen the corneal response needed by the ICRs to do their job.

It is well known that with high K-readings (>58 dpt), the response to ICRs decreases and the
complications after CxL increase.

Refractive Errors and the Visual Acuity

Refractive error should be determined by both manifest spectacle refraction and cycloplegic refraction.
Measuring UCVA and BSCVA with and without the pinhole test (±PH) is essential. The effect of
refractive error, UCVA and BSCVA was discussed previously, but in general, the followings are
When sphere is ≤ -3dpt and/or cylinder is ≤ 3dpt: think of CxL and PRK.
When sphere is -3 to -6dpt and/or cylinder is 3 to -6dpt: think of ICRs.
When sphere is ≥ -6dpt and/or cylinder is ≥ 6dpt: think of PIOLs or DALK.

Corneal Transparency and Vogt’s Striae (Stress Lines)

When the cornea is not transparent due to central scarring or hydrops cornea, PKP and DALK are the
main choices that should be discussed with the patient.
On the other hand, clear cornea with Vogt’s striae (stress lines) is an indicator of an advanced disease
where the followings are usually found: K-max > 60 dpt, high refractive error (SE > -6 dpt) and corneal
thickness < 350µ. In such cases DALK is usually indicated. In the author’s experience with such cases,
still other parameters can be considered such as the refractive error, UCVA and BSCVA of the patient
and there might be other choices such as ICRs with or without PIOLs unless the disease is progressive.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Besides the previously mentioned two points (thinnest location and field of action), there is important
pointes regarding PKP and DALK. A number of surgical procedures have been performed to provide
visual rehabilitation:
1. Standard-sized penetrating keratoplasty may produce poor results because the inferior edge of the
transplant has to be sutured to an abnormally thin cornea, causing a high degree of post keratoplasty
astigmatism in the short- and long-term periods. Continued thinning of the host cornea in the
inferior aspect produces a situation similar to the situation that indicated surgery.
2. Large-diameter grafts have been tried to remove as much of the affected cornea as possible, with
good success. However, because of the proximity to the limbus and its blood vessels, these grafts
may be prone to rejection.
3. Regular-sized grafts that are deliberately decentered in the inferior aspect also work poorly. The
degree of astigmatism is large because of decentered graft, and the incidence of rejection is high
because of the proximity to the limbus.
4. Conductive keratoplasty and epikeratophakia are of only historical interest because the results
obtained with these techniques are extremely poor.
5. Excision of a crescent wedge of corneal tissue from the inferior cornea, followed by tight suturing,
has been reported to reduce the corneal ectasia. The procedure is usually well tolerated; however,
the effect is typically short lived, and thinning and ectasia recur. In addition, this procedure may
be hazardous in inexperienced hands. Several instances of wound dehiscence and resultant flat
anterior chambers with its attendant problems have been reported with attempts of this procedure.
6. Crescent lamellar keratoplasty, in which a crescent transplant is performed to reinforce the area
of thinning, has been described, but it may result in a high degree of astigmatism that necessitates
subsequent central penetrating keratoplasty.
7. Currently, the combination of peripheral lamellar crescent keratoplasty, followed by a central
penetrating keratoplasty after a few months is a favored surgical treatment. The lamellar transplant
restores normal thickness to the inferior cornea and enables good edge-to-edge apposition at the
time of penetrating keratoplasty, reducing the possibility of high post keratoplasty astigmatism.
Furthermore, the central graft that is now sutured to normal—thickness host tissue can be treated
with videokeratography—guided selective removal of sutures and astigmatic keratotomy in the
60 usual way to reduce any residual astigmatism. Performing two keratoplasty procedures at different
times necessitates the use of two separate corneas. By performing the two procedures in the same
sitting, tissue from the same donor may be used, potentially reducing the antigenic load. Because
a central graft almost always is needed, performing both procedures at the same time significantly
decreases the time needed to attain best corrected acuity. This consideration is important, as patients
are often young and in the active and working phase of their lives.


The author’s systematic approach depends on determination of the following factors in the same
following order:
1. corneal transparency and Vogt’s striae (stress lines)
2. age
3. progression
4. contact lens tolerance
5. refractive error
6. UCVA and BSCVA with and without pinhole test. Best corrected visual acuity over gas permeable
contact lens should be tried if possible.
Management of Keratoconus

7. K-max
8. corneal thickness
9. sex
Figures from 2.26 to 2.33 illustrate management suggestion charts according to the mentioned factors.
Figures from 2.34 to 2.37 summarize management suggestions and the main factors.
Table 2.2 is suggested as a check list table.

Corneal Transparency. There are three probabilities: Contact lens tolerance.

1) the cornea is clear, go through age; 2) a paracentral scar, see If the patient is tolerant, CLs are one
the BSCVA, if the latter is ≥ 0.6, go through age, otherwise do of the options, otherwise think of other
DALK or PKP depending on the level of the scar; 3) a central modalities
scar, do DALK or PKP depending on the level of the scar


Age. If the age of the patient is <20 years, the disease should be considered as progressive
and should be stabilized; if the age of the patient is >30 years, the disease can be considered as not
progressive; if the age of the patient is 20–30 years, the disease should be monitored

BSCVA. Six over ten is the Difference between BSCVA and

cutoff point UCVA. The cutoff point is 2 Snellen lines. This
gives an impression about prognosis
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal thickness at the thinnest location. When corneal thickness is < 350µ, DALK will be
a medical indication rather than a refractive indication since the cornea becomes very weak and tears in
Descemets layer may happen leading to hydrops cornea. When corneal thickness is 350–400µ, DALK or
hypotonic CxL are options. When corneal thickness is > 400µ, options other than DALK are considered

Maximum K-readings. When K-max is > 65 dpt, DALK should be performed, but it becomes
an option when K-max is 58–65 dpt. When K-max is <58 dpt, options other than DALK are considered


Spherical equivalent (SE). When the SE is < -4 dpt, CxL with TG-PRK can be performed
since this refractive error can be corrected within the allowed 50 µ of ablation depth. When the SE is -4 to
-6 dpt, ICRs implantation is one of the options. When the SE is > -6 dpt, DALK will be one of the options
Management of Keratoconus

Range of management modalities according to K-max. The higher the K-max, the closer the
approach will be towards DALK. The lower the K-max, the closer the approach will be towards conservative
treatments such as spectacles. IORLs stands for Phakic IOLs (PIOLs)

Range of management modalities according to corneal thickness. The lower the thickness,
the closer the approach will be towards DALK. The higher the thickness, the closer the approach will be
towards conservative treatments such as spectacles. IORLs stands for Phakic IOLs (PIOLs)

Range of management modalities 63

according to refractive error. The higher the SE,
the closer the approach will be towards DALK.
The lower the SE, the closer the approach will
be towards conservative treatments such as
spectacles. IORLs stands for Phakic IOLs (PIOLs)

Range of management modalities

according to BSCVA. The worse the BSCVA,
the closer the approach will be towards DALK.
The better the BSCVA, the closer the approach
will be towards conservative treatments such as
spectacles. IORLs stands for Phakic IOLs (PIOLs)
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Table 2.2 A suggested table for patient’s data and the related management(s).

transparency and Vogt’s striae

(stress lines)
CL tolerance
refractive error (SE)
corneal thickness @ thinnest
Management summary

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Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

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P Case Study

Studying any case of KC consists of three steps:
Step 1: Analyzing step
This step consists of:
1. Analyzing patient’s data which include history, clinical examination and corneal tomography.
Analyzing corneal tomography consists of studying the following maps: the anterior sagittal and
tangential curvature maps, the anterior and posterior elevation maps and the thickness map.
i. The anterior sagittal curvature map should be displayed with the distribution of the steep and
flat segments on. Studying the anterior sagittal curvature map is essential to determine the
tomographic pattern. Modification of the color scale may be needed in order to clarify the
pattern of the cone.
ii. The anterior tangential map and the elevation maps in the BFS mode are essential to determine
the shape and the location of the cone.
iii. The thickness map is essential for differentiating between PMD and PLK. It is also important
when CxL or ICRs are indicated.
2. Krumeich classification is applied to grade the case.
Step 2: Management suggestion step
This step consists of:
1. Filling the suggested table with patient’s data.
2. Filling suggestion(s) for management(s) according to each category alone
3. Summarizing the most appropriate management(s) at the bottom of the table.
Step 3: Discussion step
All possibilities of suggested managements are discussed bearing in mind that the least managements
and the least combination between managements should be done.
N.P: In the following case study series, only positive findings will be mentioned in the history taking
of the patient.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

A 21 years old male has bilateral KC. As he says, the refractive error is still progressing slowly within
6 months intervals, he is happy with his glasses, but he is worried about his disease.
Table 3.1.1 represents his manifest refraction
Slit lamp examination shows clear cornea with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines). Other ocular findings
are within normal limits.
Corneal Tomography reveals KC in both eyes more advanced in the left eye.
Figures 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 represent right eye tomography; Figures 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 represent left eye

Table 3.1.1 Manifest refraction

OD 0 -2.5 45 0.6 1.0

OS -1.5 -3.5 130 0.3 1.0
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity

Table 3.1.2 represents his old correction (6 months ago)

Table 3.1.2 Manifest refraction

OD 0 -1.25 45
OS -0.75 -2.5 120


Corneal tomography of the right eye: mild KC

Case Study

Anterior curvature map of the right eye. The curvature pattern is SB/SRAX. According to
author’s classification, it is pattern 4


Corneal tomography of the left eye: mild KC

Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior curvature map of the left eye. The curvature pattern is SB/SRAX. According to
author’s classification, it is pattern 4

Step 1: Analyzing step

1. The patient is 21 years old; therefore, most often he is in the progressing age of KC.
2. His refractive error is progressing during reasonable periods (six months intervals); this is clear
from his complaint and by comparing his old glasses with his recent manifest refraction.
3. The axes of astigmatism in his old glasses, manifest refraction and tomography are quite similar
72 giving an impression of a mild case of KC.
4. UCVA is primarily good and there is at least 4 lines difference between UCVA and BSCVA, this
usually carries a good prognosis.
5. BSCVA is 10/10 which also carries a good prognosis and an impression of a mild case.
6. Corneal tomography:
The tomographic pattern of both eyes is SB/SRAX since there is almost no difference in K-readings
and size between the bow tie segments but there is > 22° of skew between their axes (more obvious
in the right eye tomography).
7. According to Krumeich, it is grade I KC since K-readings are < 48 dpt and corneal thickness at
the thinnest location is > 500 µ.
8. According to author’s classification, it is pattern 4.
Case Study

Step 2: Management suggestions

Table 3.1.3 Management suggestions

Transparency and Vogt’s striae transparent with no Vogt’s striae

(stress lines) (stress lines)
Age 20
Progression yes CxL
CL tolerance not tried before one of the options
Refractive error (S.E) -1.25 dpt RE CxL and TG-PRK
-3.25 dpt LE
BSCVA Vs UCVA very good CxL and TG-PRK
ICRs then CxL
K-max 46 dpt RE CxL and TG-PRK
47 dpt LE or
ICRs then CxL
Corneal thickness @ thinnest 521 µ RE CxL and TG-PRK
location 522 µ LE or
ICRs then CxL
Sex male
Management summary CXL to stop the progression or augment the cornea for PRK

Step 3: Discussion step

It is a typical case of mild KC in a young patient. Since the case is progressive, crosslinking the cornea
is recommended. The conditions for CxL are ideal in this case; corneal thickness at the thinnest location
is more than enough even if TG-PRK is within the plan, especially that the refractive error is small
(<-4 dpt SE) and can be corrected within the allowed 40–50 µ. Nevertheless, the BSCVA is optimal
which means that there are small amount of aberrations and, therefore, the results will be promising. 73
On the other hand, ICRs are also an option, especially if only one segment is used because the
cornea is not very irregular and both astigmatism and K-readings are not too high (<48 dpt). It is well
known that ICRs do not stop the progression, hence the need for CxL 3 months after ICRs implantation.
Personally, I prefer CxL with or without TG-PRK since the case is still mild and there is no need
to expose the cornea to more invasive procedures.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

A 16 years old male patient is complaining of progressive deterioration of vision and recently he
has been diagnosed to have bilateral KC. He has not been treated yet and he does not use spectacles.
Table 3.2.1 represents his manifest refraction

Table 3.2.1 Manifest refraction

OD 0 -1.75 60 0.7 1.0

OS -0.5 -0.5 120 0.7 1.0
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity

Slit lamp examination shows clear corneas with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines). Other ocular findings
are within normal limits.
Figure 3.2.1 represents corneal tomography of the right eye. Figure 3.2.2 is the anterior curvature
map after color modification.
Figure 3.2.3 represents corneal tomography of the left eye. Figures 3.2.4 is the anterior curvature
map after color modification.
Step 1: Analyzing step
1. The patient is very young; he is 16 years old. KC is supposed to be progressive in this age.
2. UCVA and BSCVA are very good and it seems to be a simple refractive error rather than KC.
3. Both corneas are clear with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines).
4. Corneal tomography:


Corneal tomography of the right eye: mild PLK

Case Study

a. Right eye:
– Figure 3.2.1 is corneal tomography of the right eye. Corneal thickness at the thinnest loca-
tion is 489 µ, the maximum K-reading is 48.7 dpt and the Km is 45.7 dpt.
– Figure 3.2.2 is the anterior curvature map. It is either PMD or PLK, but when considering
other maps, it is PLK. This case is pattern 5 according to author’s classification.
– According to Krumeich, it can be considered as grade 2.
b. Left eye:
– Figure 3.2.3 is corneal tomography of the left eye. Corneal thickness at the thinnest loca-
tion is 449 µ, the maximum K-reading is 59.5 dpt and the Km is 51.6 dpt.
– Figure 3.2.4 is the anterior curvature map. The cone is eccentric and according to author’s
classification, it is pattern 7.
– According to Krumeich, it can be considered as grade 2.


Anterior elevation map of the right eye. The curvature pattern is PLK. According to author’s
classification, it is pattern 5
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal tomography of the left eye


Anterior curvature map of the left eye. The curvature pattern is round hot spot /IS.
According to author’s classification, it is pattern 7
Case Study

Step 2: Management suggestions

Table 3.2.2 Management suggestions

Progression Yes CxL

CL tolerance ? can be tried after CxL

Age 16 CxL

Sex male

Transparency and stress lines clear CxL and TG-PRK

ICRs then CxL
Refractive error (SE) RE: -1.0 CxL and Spectacles
LE: -0.75 LE or
CxL and TG-PRK
BSCVA vs UCVA very good CxL and Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
ICRs then CxL
K max RE: 48.7 dpt RE: CxL and TG-PRK
LE: 59.5 dpt LE: ICRs then CxL

Corneal thickness @ thinnest RE: 489µ RE: CxL and TG-PRK or ICRs
location LE: 449µ then CxL
LE: ICRs then CxL or CxL for
progression not for TG-PRK

Management summary: RE: CxL and Spectacles

LE: CxL and Spectacles

Step 3: Discussion step
The patient is 16 years old and his case is progressive yielding the need for CxL.
ICRs are not suitable for this case due to the following reasons:
1. The manifest refractive error is very small especially astigmatism.
2. The tomographic astigmatism is not reasonable enough to indicate implanting ICRs. It is noticed
that the left eye is more advanced than the right eye although the tomographic astigmatism is smaller
in the left eye. That is because the cone in the left eye is more eccentric than that in the right eye.
3. Implanting rings usually push the cone towards the center of the cornea leading–in such cases–to
an increase in both spherical and astigmatic components of the refractive error!
PRK and CxL may be suitable to regularize the central 5 mm of the cornea and therefore improve
the quality of vision. This is possible because the thickness is suitable, but it is to remember that 40 µ
of maximum ablation depth is an important issue and the priority is for the irregular astigmatism.
Unfortunately, the patient is still young (16 years old), which is not logic to perform PRK for him.
What is suitable here are glasses after CxL. That is probably the most logic option since the
refractive error is too small and both UCVA and BSCVA are very good. The patient has not tried the
spectacles yet, so it is appropriate to persuade him to have CxL and continue with glasses.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

A 26 years old female has a refractive error. As she says, her refractive error began when she was 16
years old. The refractive error thereafter progressed slowly and became stable about 3 years ago. She
is pregnant now and she feels that her vision is blurred again. She is worried especially that she has
been told by the optician one month ago that she had KC.

Table 3.3.1 represents her manifest refraction

Table 3.3.1 Manifest refraction

OD + 1.0 -3.0 180 0.4 0.9

OS -1.5 -2.0 160 0.4 0.9
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity

Table 3.3.2 represents her old correction (2 years ago)

Table 3.3.2 Old refraction

OD + 1.0 -2.75 180

OS +1.5 -2.25 160

Slit lamp examination shows clear cornea with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines). Other ocular findings
are within normal limits.
Corneal tomography reveals posterior KC in both eyes.
For educational purposes, the right eye will be taken as an example.
Figure 3.3.1 represents corneal tomography of the right eye.
Step 1: Analyzing step
1. The patient is 26 years old, so her age is within the border line regarding the progression of KC,
but her refractive error—as she claimed and the old glasses showed—seems to be stable.
2. She is pregnant, so she may be prone to re-progression of the disease during pregnancy.
3. Her BSCVA is very good, therefore, treatment results will be promising.
4. Corneal tomography of the right eye will be taken as an example:
a. The curvature map (Figure 3.3.2): The axes of the central part of the bow tie are not skewed.
The K-readings in the upper segment are higher than those in the inferior segment by more
than 2.5 dpt. Therefore, the pattern is asymmetric bow tie/superior steep (AB/SS).
b. The elevation maps: Figure 3.3.3 is the anterior elevation map with the Benign fasciculation
syndrome (BFS) reference body, Figure 3.3.4 is the anterior elevation map with the BFTE
reference body, Figure 3.3.5 is the posterior elevation map with the BFS reference body,
and Figure 3.3.6 is the posterior elevation map with the BFTE reference body. The anterior
elevation map with both reference bodies shows normal shape and values, while the posterior
elevation map with both reference bodies shows abnormal shape and values. Therefore, the
diagnosis is posterior KC.
Case Study

Corneal tomography of the right eye: mild posterior KC


Anterior curvature map. The curvature pattern is AB/SS. According to author’s

classification, it is pattern 3
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior elevation map in the BFS float mode. Normal shape and values


Anterior elevation map in the BFTE float mode. Normal shape and values
Case Study

Posterior elevation map in the BFS float mode. Abnormal shape and values


Posterior elevation map in the BFTE float mode. Abnormal shape and values
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

5. According to Krumeich classification, it is grade 1 KC since K-readings are < 48 dpt and corneal
thickness at the thinnest location is > 500 µ.

Step 2: Management suggestions

Table 3.3.3 Management suggestions

Transparency and Vogt’s striae transparent with no Vogt’s striae

(stress lines) (stress lines)
Age 26
Progression no
CL tolerance not tried before one of the options
Refractive error (S.E) -0.5 dpt Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
BSCVA vs UCVA very good Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
K-max 44.1 dpt CxL and TG-PRK
Corneal thickness @ thinnest 583 µ R.E CxL and TG-PRK
location or
Sex female and pregnant close monitoring
Management summary Close monitoring of corneal tomography. Maybe CxL and
spectacles after delivery.

Step 3: Discussion step

This case is a mild posterior KC in a pregnant woman. Since pregnancy is thought to be a factor
82 that triggers KC progression, it is crucial to monitor the cornea in close intervals (may be monthly)
especially that ICRs and CxL are contraindicated during pregnancy due to social considerations. After
delivery, if a decision is taken to do something for this case, it is CxL in order to stop the progression
(if it happened) and to perform TG-PRK since the refractive error and corneal thickness are within
the allowed limits. The most important thing here is that ICRs must not be used at all because it is
a posterior KC. In posterior KC, the problem is in the posterior part of the cornea, which is out of
field of action of the ICRs. CxL is a good choice because it strengthens the anterior corneal barrier
against the posterior out-bulging.
It is not uncommon to see hyperopia in KC. If you look at the K-readings in the central 3 mm of
the cornea, you can find that there are some low K-readings (39 dpt), which explain the hyperopic
component of the patient’s refractive error.
Case Study

An 18 years old male has a progressive refractive error in both eyes. He is complaining of rapid
progression of blurring of vision. He is also intolerant to contact lenses.
Slit lamp examination shows clear cornea with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines). Other ocular findings
are within normal limits.
Corneal Tomography reveals KC in both eyes more advanced in the left eye.
For educational purposes, the left eye will be studied
Figure 3.4.1 represents corneal tomography of the left eye.
Step 1: Analyzing step
1. The patient is 18 years old, he is supposed to be in the age of progression.
2. His refractive error is progressing during short periods, this is clear from his complaint and by
comparing his old glasses with his recent manifest refraction.
3. The axes of astigmatism in the old glasses, manifest refraction and tomography are different. This
means a skew in astigmatism, which is usually consistent with KC.
4. UCVA is primarily not good, but there is 6-line difference between UCVA and BSCVA, this usually
carries a good prognosis.
5. Corneal tomography of the left eye is taken as an example:
a. Figure 3.4.1 shows the main four maps, it is obviously KC.
b. Figure 3.4.2 is the anterior sagittal curvature map. The tomographic pattern is AB/SRAX; it
is AB because the inferior segment of the bow tie is larger than the superior segment and the
refractive power of the inferior segment is higher than the superior by > 1.5 dpt; it is SRAX
because there is > 22° between the axes of the two segments. Since K-readings are not high,
the shape of the cone is clear and there is no need for color modification (see Figure 3.4.3).
6. According to Krumeich classification, this case is grade 1 KC.
7. According to author’s classification, it is pattern 2.

Table 3.4.1 represents her manifest refraction

Table 3.4.1 Manifest refraction

OD -1.25 -2.0 150 0.5 0.8
OS -2.0 -2.5 95 0.1 0.7
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity

Table 3.4.2 represents his old correction (3 months ago)

Table 3.4.2 Old refraction

OD -1.0 -1.25 140

OS -1.75 -1.0 135
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal tomography of the left eye: mild KC


Anterior sagittal curvature map. The curvature pattern is AB/SRAX. According to author’s
classification, it is pattern 2
Case Study

Anterior sagittal curvature map after color modification, which is necessary in severe cases
to identify the shape of the cone

Step 2: Management suggestions

Table 3.4.3 Management suggestions

Transparency and Vogt’s striae transparent with no Vogt’s striae

(stress lines) (stress lines) 85
Age 18 CxL
Progression Most probably yes CxL
CL tolerance no other options
Refractive error (S.E) -3.25 dpt CxL and Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
ICRs then CxL
BSCVA Vs UCVA 6-lines difference CxL and Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
ICRs then CxL
K-max 47 CxL and TG-PRK
ICRs then CxL
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal thickness @ thinnest 492 CxL and TG-PRK
location or
ICRs then CxL
Sex male
Management summary CxL and Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK

Step 3: Discussion
1. It is a mild case of KC which does not need aggressive procedures to be managed with.
2. As the case is progressive, the cornea should be crosslinked.
3. As the visual acuity is reasonable (BSCVA > 0.6) and the refractive error is small (< -4 dpt), CxL
and using spectacles will be a good option.
4. As the refractive error is small (< -4 dpt) and the thinnest location is >450 µ, CxL and TG-PRK
will be a good option.
Personally, I do not recommend ICRs because of small K-readings and refractive error; using ICRs
in such a case carries the possibility of overcorrection. I do advise CxL with or without TG-PRK.
Figure 3.4.4 shows a similar case treated with CxL and TG-PRK. A (on the left) is the preoperative
curvature map, B (in the middle) is the postoperative curvature map, and C (on the right) is the
difference map that shows the correction achieved by the TG-PRK. Notice the homogeneous shape
of the cornea after the operation that led to improvement in quality and quantity of vision.


Difference map. This case of KC was treated with CxL and TG-PRK. The right column
shows the correction achieved by this procedure
Case Study

A 25 years old male has bilateral refractive error. As he says, his right eye is worse than the left eye.
Although he can see well with spectacles, he has intermittent headache and gets fatigue after long
period of reading. He feels that his problem is most likely stable.
Slit lamp examination shows clear cornea with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines). Other ocular findings
are within normal limits.
Corneal Tomography reveals KC in both eyes more advanced in the right eye. For educational purpose,
the right eye will be studied.
Figures 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 represent right eye tomography.
Step 1: Analyzing step
1. The patient is 25 years old, therefore, KC in this age may be progressive.
2. His refractive error is not progressing; this is clear from his complaint and by comparing his old
glasses with his recent manifest refraction.
3. The axes of astigmatism in his old glasses, manifest refraction and tomography are quite similar
giving an impression of a mild case of KC.
4. UCVA is primarily not bad and there is 3-line difference between UCVA and BSCVA, this usually
carries a relatively good prognosis.
5. BSCVA is 8/10 which also carries a relatively good prognosis and an impression of a mild case.
6. Corneal tomography:
The tomographic pattern of the right eye is AB/SRAX since there is a difference in K-readings
and size between the bow tie segments, and there is > 22° of skew between their axes.
7. According to Krumeich, it is grade I KC since K-readings are < 48 dpt and corneal thickness at
the thinnest location is > 500 µ.
8. According to author’s classification, it is pattern 2.

Table 3.5.1 represents his manifest refraction

Table 3.5.1 Manifest refraction

OD 0 -2.5 45 0.5 0.8
OS -0.25 -1.0 130 0.7 1.0
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity

Table 3.5.2 represents his old correction (6 months ago)

Table 3.5.2 Old refraction

OD 0 -2.25 45
OS 0 -1 120
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Step 2: Management suggestions

Table 3.5.3 Management suggestions

Transparency and Vogt’s striae transparent with no Vogt’s striae

(stress lines) (stress lines)
Age 25
Progression May be observation
CL tolerance not tried before one of the options
Refractive error (S.E) -1.25 dpt RE Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
BSCVA vs UCVA good Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
ICRs then observation
K-max 46.5 dpt RE CxL and TG-PRK
ICRs then observation
Corneal thickness @ thinnest 486 µ RE CxL and TG-PRK
location or
ICRs then observation
Sex male
Management summary Spectacles and observation or CxL and TG-PRK

Step 3: Discussion step

It is a typical case of mild KC in a young patient. Since the case is primarily not progressive, it is
recommended to observe the case. Patient’s symptoms most probably come from aberrations, which put an
88 indication for regularizing corneal surface, hence the need for CxL and TG-PRK. ICRs are not recommended
here because of the small refractive error and relatively low K-readings. Another option in the view is to
use contact lens since it produces an artificial smooth optical surface. If the patient is intolerant to contact
lenses, still spectacles are the simplest method especially with the relatively good BSCVA.
Personally, I prefer CxL and TG-PRK in this case.
Case Study

Corneal tomography of the right eye: mild KC


Anterior curvature map of the right eye. The curvature pattern is AB/SRAX. According to
author’s classification, it is pattern 2
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

A 45 years old female has a stable refractive error. She is complaining of blurred vision and she is
not happy with her glasses. She knows that she has KC in both eyes more sever in the left eye. She
is also intolerant to contact lenses and is seeking for new solutions.
Table 3.6.1 represents his manifest refraction

Table 3.6.1 Manifest refraction

OD -3 -2.5 165 0.1 0.5 0.8

OS -5 -2.5 120 0.05 0.4 0.7
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity
***Pin Hole Test

Table 3.6.2 represents her old correction (1 year ago)

Table 3.6.2 Old refraction

OD -2.75 -2.5 155

OS -5 -3 120

Slit lamp examination shows clear cornea with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines). Other ocular findings
are within normal limits.
Corneal Tomography reveals KC in both eyes more advanced in the left eye.
For educational purposes, the left eye will be studied.
Figure 3.6.1 represents corneal tomography of the left eye.
Step 1: Analyzing step
1. The patient is 45 years old, therefore the case is already stable due to age related natural CxL
(unless the case was PMD).
90 2. Her refractive error is most probably stable by comparing her old glasses with her recent manifest
3. The BSCVA cannot reach 10/10 even with pinhole test (PH); this is usually consistent with KC.
4. UCVA is primarily not good but there is almost 4-lines difference between UCVA and BSCVA
with an additive gain of 3 lines with PH test, this usually carries a good prognosis.
5. Corneal tomography of the left eye:
a. Figure 3.6.1 shows the main four maps.
b. Figure 3.6.2 shows the same maps after color modification to clarify the details of the cone.
c. Figure 3.6.3 is the anterior sagittal curvature map. The tomographic pattern is initially PMD
or PLK.
6. According to Krumeich classification, this case is grade 2 KC.
7. According to author’s classification, it is pattern 5.
Case Study

Corneal tomography of the left eye: moderate KC


Corneal tomography of the left eye after color modification to clarify the shape of the cone
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

The anterior curvature map. The curvature pattern is PMD or PLK. According to author’s
classification, it is pattern 5

Step 2: Management suggestions

Table 3.6.3 Management suggestions

92 Transparency and Vogt’s striae transparent with no Vogt’s striae

(stress lines) (stress lines)
Age 41
Progression no
CL tolerance no other options
Refractive error (SE) -6.25 dpt ICRs
BSCVA vs UCVA 4 lines difference CxL and Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
K-max 56 ICRs
Corneal thickness @ thinnest 424 ICRs
Sex female
Management summary ICRs
Case Study

Step 3: Discussion step

1. This case seems to be not progressive, thus, CxL is not needed unless the refractive error is to be
treated by TG-PRK.
2. As the refractive error is not small (> -4 dpt) and the thinnest location is 424µ, TG-PRK is not a
good option.
3. Since BSCVA is < 0.6, spectacles are not a good option.
4. The best choice for this case seems to be inserting ICRs. The aim of the rings here is not correcting
the refractive error, but to regularizing the cornea, and spectacles can be worn after the surgery to
have further improvement in BSCVA. The expected results may be fairly good since the pattern
is 4. The case will be studied as a candidate for ICRs.
Figure 3.6.1 shows the main four maps. Choosing the size of the rings and the axis at which they
should be inserted rely upon the curvature map. Since the curvature map differs according to
misalignment during taking the capture, the surgeon should to be sure that this picture is valid and
reproducible (please refer to my book: Corneal Tomography in Clinical Practice, chapter 15, Jaypee
Brothers 2012). On the other hand, this curvature map with such color display cannot be reliable;
the details of the cone cannot be identified, so the pictures should be seen after color modification
(Figure 3.6.2).
Figure 3.6.3 shows the single curvature map with the steep and flat axes projected and the color
scale changed, the cone details are clearer. In general, the curvature map shows the refractive shape
of the cone, and the elevation maps show the anatomical location and height of the cone, therefore,
both curvature and elevation maps are important and should be studied carefully. This case is PLK
due to absence of inferior corneal thinning on both slit lamp biomicroscopy and the pachymetry map.
The cone can be considered central because it is within the 3 mm central zone; therefore, the cone is
not on the site of ICR insertion (Figure 3.6.4: arrows).
From a practical point of view, this case will be considered as pattern 1 (author’s classification)
because the apex of the cone is central (see the tomographic patterns). Pattern 1 shows the best
response when compared with other patterns.
Intracorneal ring implantation was performed in the left eye. Figure 3.6.5 is the 3-months
postoperative corneal tomography including the main four maps. There has been an improvement
in the curvature and the elevation maps. Figure 3.6.6 is the 3-months postoperative anterior sagittal
curvature map, when compared with Figure 3.6.3, a significant improvement can be seen in the 93
curvature pattern (which became more regular) and in K-readings.
Figures 3.6.7 and 3.6.8 represent corneal tomography 6 months postoperatively. Figure 3.6.9
is the difference map to show the changes that happened during the 1st three months after the
operation, the effect of the rings on the anterior corneal surface can be noticed. Figure 3.6.10 is
the difference map to show the changes that happened during the 2 nd three months postoperatively.
There were still some improvements but the biggest improvement was during the 1st three months
Figure 3.6.11 is the numerical changes that happened during the 1st three months, and Figure 3.6.12
is the numerical changes that happened during the 2nd three months. When following the changes
in K-readings, the most improvement in K1 and K2 was found during the 1st three months. It is not
uncommon to see an increase in corneal thickness at the thinnest location (red circles). There was
also an improvement in both UCVA and BSCVA as shown in Table 3.6.4.
In summary, using ICRs in this case was appropriate and the suggested reasons for good visual
outcome were: the cornea was stable, UCVA-BSCVA difference was acceptable, K-max was <58dpt,
corneal thickness was >400µ and the refractive error of the patient was reasonable.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Cone location on the elevation maps. The white arrows point at the cone. The intermittent
white arrows point at the location on the scale. The cone can be considered central because it is within
the 3 mm central zone
Case Study

Corneal tomography 3 months after ICR implantation. The curvature map is more regular
and the height of the cone decreased as shown in the elevation maps


Anterior curvature map 3 months after ICR implantation. The central cornea is more
regular, K-max improved (white arrow), and corneal astigmatism is insignificant (red circle)
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal tomography 6 months after ICR implantation. In comparison with figure 3.6.5, the
case was relatively stable during the second 3 months after implantation


Anterior curvature map 6 months after ICR implantation. In comparison with figure 3.6.6,
there are few changes. Look at K-max (white arrow) and corneal astigmatism (red circle)
Case Study

Difference map to show the changes that happened during the 1st three months after the
operation, the effect of the rings on the anterior corneal surface is visible


Difference map to show the changes that happened during the 2nd three months
postoperatively. There was still some improvement
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Numerical changes that happened during the 1st three months


Numerical changes that happened during the 2nd three months. Red circles indicate
changes in corneal thickness at the thinnest location
Case Study

Table 3.6.4 Postoperative manifest refraction

OS -1 -0.75 55 0.6 0.9 1.0

*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity
***Pin Hole Test

A 33 years old patient complaining of blurred vision in both eyes more severe in his right eye. He
was previously diagnosed to have KC in both eyes more advanced in his right eye. He is contact lens
intolerant, his glasses are not efficient and he has been advised to undergo a corneal graft.
Table 3.7.1 represents his manifest refraction

Table 3.7.1 manifest refraction

OD -1.0 -6.0 40 CF 2 m 0.3 0.5
OS +1.5 -4.5 115 0.2 0.6 0.7
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity
***Pin Hole Test

Table 3.7.2 represents his old correction

Table 3.7.2 Old refraction

OD -1.0 -5.5 40
OS 0 -4.5 110 99

Slit lamp examination shows Vogt’s striae (stress lines) in the right cornea but no scars, and the left
cornea is clear. Other ocular findings are within normal limits.
Figures 3.7.1 to 3.7.6 represent right eye maps, and Figures 3.7.7 to 3.7.12 represent left eye maps.
Step 1: Analyzing step
1. Patient’s age is 33 years, KC is supposed to be stable in this age.
2. The UCVA and BSCVA are severely compromised in the right eye and relatively better in the left
3. There is a gain of 2 lines in BCVA over RGP contact lenses in both eyes, but still not completely
corrected, which means an amblyopic component may be present.
4. The right cornea has Vogt’s striae (stress lines) indicating an advanced KC.
5. Corneal tomography:
a. Right eye:
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

– Figure 3.7.1 is the main four maps.

– Figures 3.7.2 and 3.7.3 represent the anterior curvature map before and after color scale
modification to clarify the shape of the cone. K-readings are very high (K-max = 71.4:
– Figures 3.7.4 and 3.7.5 are the anterior and posterior elevation maps respectively. Elevation
values are very high on both maps (88 µ for the anterior and 169 µ for the posterior: arrows).
– Figure 3.7.6 is the thickness map, the thinnest point is 379 µ and it is displaced infero-
temporally (arrows).
b. Left eye:
– Figure 3.7.7 is the main four maps.
– Figures 3.7.8 and 3.7.9 represent the anterior curvature map before and after color scale
modification to clarify the cone shape. K-readings are very high (K-max = 52.4: arrow)
and the tomographic pattern is PLK.
– Figures 3.7.10 and 3.7.11 are the anterior and posterior elevation maps respectively.
Elevation values are high on both maps (44 µ for the anterior and 81 µ for the posterior:
– Figure 3.7.12 is the thickness map, the thinnest point is 473 µ and it is displaced infero-
temporally (arrows).
6. KC in the right eye is advanced and according to Krumeich classification it is grade 3-4.
7. KC in the left eye is moderate and according to Krumeich classification it is grade 2.


Corneal tomography of the right eye: advanced KC

Case Study

Anterior curvature map. The shape of the cone cannot be identified in this color scale


Anterior curvature map after color modification. The curvature pattern is AB/IS.
According to author’s classification, it is pattern 1
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior elevation map in the BFS float mode. There is a severe cone.
The location of the cone is central


Posterior elevation map in the BFS float mode. There is a severe cone.
The location of the cone is central
Case Study

Corneal thickness map. The thinnest location is displaced inferotemporally (white arrows)


Corneal tomography of the left eye: mild PLK

Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior curvature map before color modification


Anterior curvature map after color modification. The curvature pattern is PLK. According to
author’s classification, it is pattern 5
Case Study

Anterior elevation map in the BFS float mode. The cone is paracentral


Posterior elevation map in the FBS float mode. The cone is paracentral
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal thickness map. The thinnest point is inferotemporally displaced (white arrows)

Step 2: Management suggestions

Table 3.7.3 Management suggestions

Progression most likely stable

CL tolerance no
Age 33
Sex male observation
Transparency and Vogt’s striae RE: Vogt’s striae (stress lines) RE: DALK
(stress lines) with no scars LE: CxL and PRK
LE: transparent with no Vogt’s or ICRs
striae (stress lines)
Refractive error (SE) RE: -4.0 dpt RE: ICRs
LE: -0.75 dpt LE: CxL and PRK
BSCVA vs UCVA RE: Poor UCVA with almost 2 CxL and PRK? ICRs?
lines difference between UCVA
and BSCVA.
LE: Poor UCVA with 4 lines
K-max RE: 71.4 dpt RE: DALK
LE: 52.4 dpt LE: ICRs
Corneal thickness @ thinnest RE: 379 µ RE: DALK or ICRs
location LE: 473 µ LE: ICRs or CxL and PRK
Management summary DALK for the right eye. ICRs or CxL and PRK for the left eye.
Case Study

Step 3: Discussion step

Patient’s age is 33 years, in which KC is most likely to be stable.
Regarding the right eye: The UCVA and BSCVA are poor although the refractive error is apparently
not high! This is a very important issue; the manifest refraction is not necessarily the full refraction
of the patient, it represents the refraction that gives the best visual acuity but still the eye has bigger
refractive error adding which will not improve the visual acuity any more. This patient indeed has
immeasurable refractive error because of the much skewed scissors and the blurred image on skiascopy
due to Vogt’s striae (stress lines). The mentioned refraction of the patient was on trial by applying the
tomographic astigmatism and identifying the axis by the fan and the slit tests. Therefore, it is only the
manifest refractive error that determines the management but in some cases it may be tricky. Vogt’s
striae (stress lines), immeasurable refractive error, poor UCVA and BSCVA, very high K-readings
and thin cornea are all indicators of advanced KC, hence the indication for DALK.
Regarding the left eye: Since the cornea is clear, the refractive error is measurable, BSCVA is
acceptable although the UCVA is poor, the K-readings are moderate and corneal thickness is > 450 µ,
ICRs or CxL with PRK are suitable and less invasive than the DALK.
DALK was the choice for the right eye and corneal ring implantation was the choice for the left eye.
ICRs for the Left Eye:
Because the cone is paracentral and the tomographic pattern is PLK, there are two concepts in
this regard:
1. The cone apex: When the cone apex lies on the passage of the ring, the ring might form a barrier
against the action because it is within the field of action as previously mentioned.
2. The thinnest location: When the thinnest location happens on the passage of the ring, it carries the
risk of penetration during tunnel creation.
The location of the cone is determined on the elevation maps and not on the curvature map.
Figures 3.7.13 and 3.7.14 show the relationship between the cone and the implanted ring. The ring
was implanted at the 6 mm circle. As seen in these figures, the cone is still internal to the implanted
ring; therefore, there is no interference between the cone apex and the ring.
Figure 3.7.15: shows the relationship between the thinnest location and the implanted ring. As seen
in this figure, the thinnest location is internal to the passage of the ring. In spite of this fact, there is
no guarantee for prevention of perforation during creation of the tunnel especially if this is to be done
by femtosecond. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to study all the proposed passage and take 107
80% of the thinnest part in this passage as a level to create the tunnel.
Figure 3.7.16: shows the anterior sagittal curvature map nearly six months after the operation. Figure
3.7.17 is the difference map between the preoperative and postoperative curvature maps. Notice the
significant improvement in the shape, K-readings, maximal K-reading (white arrows) and the amount
of astigmatism (red arrows).

Postoperative Results
The improvement in both corneal tomography and clinical refraction can be referred to the following
1. The patient is still young.
2. The cornea is clear with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines).
3. The refractive error is not high (<-6 dpt).
4. The K-readings are not high ( K-max < 55 dpt).
5. Corneal thickness is still good (thinnest location > 400 µ).
6. The tomographic pattern is pattern 5 in the author’s classification (PLK with straight central axes).
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

The relationship between the implanted ring and the anterior elevation map. The cone is
internal to the site of the ring, thus the latter takes its maximal effect since it is out of field of action


The relationship between the implanted ring and the posterior elevation map. What is
mentioned in Figure 3.7.13 can be said here
Case Study

The relationship between the thinnest location and the implanted ring. The thinnest location
is internal to the passage of the ring, but this is not always safe. The whole passage should be studied
before creation of the tunnel to avoid penetration


The anterior curvature map about six months after ICR implantation. The shape of the
central cornea is more regular
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Pre-op Post-op

The difference map. There is a significant improvement in the shape, K-readings, K-max
(white arrows) and the amount of corneal astigmatism (red arrows)

Table 3.7.4 represents manifest refraction in the left eye six months postoperatively.

Table 3.7.4 Postoperative manifest refraction

± PH
OD 0 -1.5 125 0.7 0.9

110 CASE 8
A 34 years old patient is complaining of blurred vision in both eyes more severe in his right eye.
His complaint began 5 years ago and he thinks that it is progressing slowly. Two years ago, he was
diagnosed to have KC in both eyes more advanced in the right eye. He is intolerant to contact lenses
and he does not like glasses and did not even try them.
Table 3.8.1 represents his manifest refraction

Table 3.8.1 Manifest refraction

± PH^
OD +1.5 -3.0 75 0.1 0.4 0.9
OS +1.5 -2.5 100 0.6 0.9 1.0
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity
^Pin Hole Test
^^Rigid Gas Permeable
Case Study

Slit lamp examination shows clear corneas with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines). Other ocular findings
are within normal limits.
For educational purpose, the right eye will be studied.
Figure 3.8.1 represents the right eye tomography.
Step 1: Analyzing step
1. Patient’s age is 34 years. KC is supposed to be stable in this age but PMD is not.
2. Age of onset of PMD is usually older than that of KC. This may explain the late onset of the
patient’s complaint.
3. The UCVA is low in the right eye and acceptable in the left eye, but the BSCVA is good in both
eyes especially with RGP trial contact lens meaning that there is no amblyopia and giving sense
to treatment.
4. Corneal tomography of the right eye will be studied as an example:
a. Figures 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 represent corneal tomography of the right eye before and after color
modification to show the shape of the cone. According to the anterior sagittal map, it is either
PMD or PLK, but when studying other maps, the case is PLK. Corneal thickness at the thin-
nest location is 443µ and the maximum K-reading is 52.2 dpt.
b. Figure 3.8.3 is the anterior curvature map. There is a significant skew in the central part and
according to author’s classification, it is pattern 6.
5. According to Krumeich classification, it is grade 2.


Corneal tomography of the right eye: moderate PLK

Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal tomography of the right eye after color modification, the shape of the
cone is better identified. The location of the cone is central


Anterior curvature map. The curvature pattern is PLK.

According to author’s classification, it is pattern 6
Case Study

Step 2: Management suggestions

Table 3.8.2 Management suggestions

Progression ? observation
CL tolerance no
Age 34
Sex male
Transparency and Vogt’s striae Clear and no Vogt’s striae (stress CxL and PRK
(stress lines) lines) or
Refractive error 0.0 Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
BSCVA Vs UCVA Acceptable Spectacles
CxL and TG-PRK
K-max 52.2 dpt CxL and TG-PRK
Corneal thickness @ thinnest 443 ICRs
location CxL for progression (if any)
Not for PRK
Management summary ICRS

Step 3: Discussion step

Since the BSCVA is 0.4 in the right eye and 0.9 in the left eye, and the patient has not tried the 113
spectacles yet, it is strongly recommended to try spectacles first. If the patient is not happy with the
spectacles, his explanation of unsatisfactory should be discussed with him. If the cause was just that
he does not like spectacles, he should know that there is no optimal treatment that guarantees getting
rid of them. If the cause was aberrations, he should know that ICR implantation which is the only
suitable interventional procedure in this case can reduce (but not eliminate) aberrations and the rings
themselves may induce halos that will disappear most often after 6 months.
CxL is indicated in this case if the disease is still progressing, but it is not indicated for TG-PRK
since corneal thickness is not sufficient for both the procedures.
However, ICR implantation was performed in the right eye. Figures 3.8.4 and 3.8.5 represent
corneal tomography one year after the operation. Figure 3.8.6 is a comparison between the preoperative
and postoperative tomography. In this comparison, the followings can be seen:
1. The center of the cornea became more homogeneous.
2. There is a decrease in K-readings (arrow) from 42.4 dpt to 41.2 dpt for K1, and from 47 dpt to 43.8
dpt for K2.
3. There is a decrease of almost 2 dpt in tomographic astigmatism.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Corneal tomography of the right eye one year after ICR implantation


Anterior curvature map of the right eye one year after ICR implantation.
The central cornea is more regular
Case Study

The difference map. Notice that the center of the cornea became more homogeneous, and
both K-readings and tomographic astigmatism decreased (white arrows)

Table 3.8.3 represents postoperative manifest refraction in the right eye

Table 3.8.3 Postoperative manifest refraction in the right eye

± PH***
OD +3.0 -3.0 85 0.4 0.4 0.9
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity 115
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity
***Pin Hole Test

Clinically, the right eye gained 3 lines in UCVA; it became 0.4, but surprisingly it is uncorrectable.
The patient was unsatisfied and he began complaining of halos especially when driving at night. When
comparing the pre- and postoperative refraction, the clinical astigmatism is still the same with an
increase in hyperopia! This is logical because the K-readings decreased shifting the refractive error
towards hyperopia. On the other hand, a soft toric contact lens was suggested and applied; the BVCA
with this lens was 0.9. That is because the corneal surface became more regular after implantation
allowing for soft lens application.
Looking at the site at which the ring was inserted (Figure 3.8.7) reveals that the ring was close to
the cone and part of the cone is on the passage of the ring. This may give an explanation of the small
effect of the ring on both tomographic and clinical astigmatism. Implanting a ring at 6 or 7 mm zone
might have been better in such a case.
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach


The site of insertion of the segment. It passes through the cone as shown on the elevation
maps. This may explain the small effect that the patient had either clinically or tomographically. Additionally,
this case is pattern 6 according to author’s classification where patterns 5, 6 and 7 have less favorable
results than others
Case Study

A 19 years old male patient is complaining of progressive deterioration of vision and he has been
diagnosed to have bilateral KC. He has corneal tomography with him showing bilateral KC more
severe in the right eye. He tried contact lenses, but he was intolerant.

Table 3.9.1 represents his manifest refraction

Table 3.9.1 Manifest refraction

OD -10 -3.5 55 CF 0.8

OS -4 -5 135 0.05 0.9
*Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity
**Best Spectacle Corrected Distance Visual Acuity

Slit lamp examination shows clear corneas with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines). Other ocular findings
are within normal limits. For educational purpose, the right eye will be studied.
Figure 3.9.1 represents corneal tomography of the right eye. Figure 3.9.2 is the anterior curvature map.
Step 1: Analyzing step
1. The patient is young; he is 19 years old. KC is supposed to be progressive in this age.
2. BSCVA is very good and the BSCVA-UCVA difference is also very good.
3. The right cornea is clear with no Vogt’s striae (stress lines).
4. Corneal tomography:


Corneal tomography of the right eye: moderate KC

Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior curvature map of the right eye. The curvature pattern is AB/SRAX.
According to author’s classification, it is pattern 2

a. Figure 3.9.1 represents the main maps. Corneal thickness at the thinnest location is 463 µ, the
maximum K-reading is 51.9 dpt and the Km is 47 dpt.
b. Figure 3.9.2 is the anterior curvature map. The curvature pattern is AB/SRAX since the size
and values of the bow tie segments are not equal, and there is >22° of skew between their
axes. According to author’s classification, it is pattern 2.
118 c. According to Krumeich, it can be considered grade 2.

Step 2: Management suggestions

Table 3.9.2 Management suggestions

Progression Yes CxL

CL tolerance no Other options
Age 19 CxL
Sex male
Transparency and Vogt’s striae clear CxL and TG-PRK
(stress lines) or
ICRs then CxL
Refractive error (SE) -11.75 CxL the PIOL (6 months apart)
Case Study

BSCVA vs UCVA very good CxL and Spectacles

CxL and TG-PRK
ICRs then CxL
CxL than PIOL
K-max 51.9 dpt ICRs then CxL
CxL and TG-PRK
Corneal thickness @ thinnest RE: 463 µ CxL and TG-PRK
location or
ICRs then CxL
Management summary Stage 1: ICRs then CxL (3 month apart)
Stage 2: PIOL

Step 3: Discussion step

• The patient is 19 years old and his case should be considered progressive yielding the need for CxL.
• ICRs are suitable for this case due to the following reasons:
1. Both manifest astigmatism and tomographic astigmatism are reasonable for ICRs.
2. According to author’s classification, it is pattern 2. Pattern 2 usually shows very good response
to ICRs. Regularizing the cornea by ICRs will improve both quality and quantity of visual
acuity and reduce astigmatism and to some extent the spherical component.
One limitation of this option is the limited amount of the corrected sphere.
• On the other hand, TG-PRK and CxL are also suitable to regularize the central 5 mm of the cornea
and therefore improve the quality of vision. This is possible because of the suitable thickness,
but it is to remember that 40 µ of maximal ablation depth is an important issue and the priority is
for the irregular astigmatism. Two limitations of this option are the high refractive error and the
already good BSCVA.
• Due to high refractive error, thinking of PIOL is logic and reasonable since both BSCVA and
BSCVA-UCVA difference are very good, and the case deserves such an invasive procedure because
of the high refractive error. One limitation to this option is the young age of the patient. 119
In summary, this patient certainly needs CxL, there is no doubt about that, but the argument is
about the combining procedure: is it TG-PRK, ICRs, or PIOLs?
In my opinion, I would do ICRs, wait for 3 months, and do CxL. Three to six months post CxL, I
would try spectacles or CL.

P Self-Assessment

In this chapter, I will present 9 presumptive examples in a very simple way.
I advise readers to deal with this chapter in the following plan:
First, read the presumptive example
Second, apply what they acquired before by the systematic approach and put their suggestions
Third, see the corresponding suggestions at the end of the chapter
Finally, as a novel idea, readers may like to share their discussion for the cases with me on my email:

Male 30 years old
Transparent cornea, no Vogt’s striae
Contact lens intolerant

Table 4.1.1 Parameters

no -3 -5 0.1 0.8 55 453

Figure 4.1.1: Main maps

Figure 4.1.2 and 4.1.3: Anterior sagittal map
Suggestions on page 139

Main maps


Anterior sagittal map

Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior sagittal map


Male 17 years old
Transparent cornea, no Vogt’s striae
Contact lens tolerant

Table 4.2.1 Parameters

May be -5 -3.5 CF 0.7 1.0 50.4 446

Figure 4.2.1: Main maps

Figure 4.2.2: Anterior sagittal map
Suggestions on page 139


Main maps
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior sagittal map


Female 25 years old
Transparent cornea, no Vogt’s striae
Contact lens intolerant

Table 4.3.1 Parameters

May be 0 -3 0.5 0.9 46.5 486

Figure 4.3.1: Main maps

Figure 4.3.2: Anterior sagittal map
Suggestions on page 139


Main maps
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior sagittal map


Female 50 years old
Transparent cornea, no Vogt’s striae
Contact lens intolerant

Table 4.4.1 Parameters

no +1 -5 0.2 0.7 52.3 453

Figure 4.4.1: Main maps

Figure 4.4.2: Anterior sagittal map
Suggestions on page 139


Main maps
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior sagittal map


Male 20 years old
Transparent cornea, but Vogt’s striae
Contact lens tolerant

Table 4.5.1 Parameters

yes -6 -7 CF 0.3 0.9 59.9 410

Figure 4.5.1: Main maps

Figure 4.5.2: Anterior sagittal map
Suggestions on page 139


Main maps
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior sagittal map


Female 45 years old
Transparent cornea, no Vogt’s striae
Contact lens tolerant

Table 4.6.1 Parameters

no -1 -2 0.5 0.9 1.0 49.1 468

Figure 4.6.1: Main maps

Figure 4.6.2: Anterior sagittal map
Suggestions on page 139


Main maps
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior sagittal map


Male 33 years old
Transparent cornea, no Vogt’s striae
Contact lens tolerant

Table 4.7.1 Parameters

no -9 -2 CF 0.6 1.0 47.3 522

Figure 4.7.1: Main maps

Figure 4.7.2: Anterior sagittal map
Suggestions on page 139


Main maps
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior sagittal map


Female 27 years old
Paracentral superficial scar
Contact lens tolerant

Table 4.8.1 Parameters

no 0 -3 0.2 0.6 0.8 55.6 424

Figures 4.8.1 and 4.8.2: Main maps

Figure 4.8.3: Anterior sagittal map
Suggestions on page 139


Main maps
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Main maps after color modification


Anterior sagittal map


Female 19 years old
Transparent cornea, but Vogt’s striae
Contact lens tolerant

Table 4.9.1 Parameters

no -7 -4 CF 0.2 0.4 71.4 379

Figure 4.9.1: Main maps

Figure 4.9.2 and 4.9.3: Anterior sagittal map
Suggestions on page 139


Main maps
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

Anterior sagittal map


Anterior sagittal map after color modification


Case 1
1. Spectacles
2. ICRs

Case 2
1. CxL then CL (1 month apart)
2. ICRs then CxL (3 months apart)

Case 3
1. Spectacles and observation every 3 months
2. CxL and TG-PRK

Case 4:
1. Spectacles
2. ICRs
3. CxL and TG-PRK

Case 5
1. CxL then CL (1 month apart)
2. ICRs then CxL (3 months apart), then either CL or spectacles

Case 6
1. Spectacles
2. CL
3. CxL and TG-PRK
Case 7
1. CL
3. CxL and TG-PRK just for the irregular astigmatism to regularize the cornea and improve quality
of vision, then PIOL (6 months apart)

Case 8
1. CL

Case 9
Page numbers followed by f for figure and t for table, respectively

Abnormal Central cornea 114f
cornea 35f Classification of
shape and values 40f, 81f cone location 6f
Action of intracorneal rings 40f keratoconus 1
Amsler-Krumeich classification of Classifications and patterns of keratoconus 1
keratoconus 22, 25t Claw pattern or kissing Birds’ pattern 17f
Anterior Combination between treatment modalities 57
chamber depth 56 Comparison between PLK and PMD 35f
corneal surface after CxL 54f Conductive keratoplasty 37, 38
curvature map 19t, 79f, 92f, 101, 101f, 112, 112f Cone
after color modification 101f, 104f involving of cornea 3f
map before color modification 104f location 48
of left eye 72f, 76f classification of 6f
of right eye 71f, 89f, 114f on elevation maps 94f
after ICR implantation 114f paracentral 105f
elevation map peripheral 47f
after CxL 53f Contact lens 37
in BFS float mode 80f, 105f after ICR implantation 50
in BFTE float mode 80f tolerance 61f
of right eye 75f wear 50
sagittal curvature map 84f Contralateral eye 9f
in PMD and PLK 47f Cornea, cone involving of 3f
surface parameters 19t Corneal
tangential curvature map after CxL 53f collagen crosslinking 37, 50
Asymmetric bow tie respond to intracorneal rings implantation 42f,
43f, 44f, 45f
inferiorly steep 15f
thickness 63f
with skewed steepest radial axis 16f
map 3f, 19ft, 30, 103f, 106f
Atopic disease 50
thinning 3f
tomography 87, 96f
b of FFKC 28f
Barraquer of left eye 28f, 71f, 76f, 84f, 91f, 103f
principle 40f of right eye 28f, 70f, 74f, 79f, 89f, 100f, 111f,
thickness law 40f 117f
Bell after color modification 112f
shape of cone in PMD on corneal thickness 7f eye after ICR implantation 114f
sign 33f one year ICR implantation 114f
Benign fasciculation syndrome 78 transparency 61f
Best fit and Vogt’s striae 59
sphere float mode 5f Crab-claw appearance of PMD and PLK on anterior
toric ellipsoid mode 1 sagittal curvature 30f
Blavatskaya principle 40f Curvature map 30
Bow tie, lobes of 17f CxL and TG-PRK 86f
Keratoconus: When, Why and Why Not—A Step-by-Step Systematic Approach

D KC case 34f
management of 37
DALK regarding keratoconus 39 tomographic patterns of 20
Dome shape of cone in KC on corneal thickness 6f Keratometric power deviation 45f
Down syndrome 50 Krumeich classification 100
Ectatic corneal Lamellar keratoplasty 38
diseases 35f Leber congenital amaurosis 50
disorders 1 Left eye 75, 100
Elevation maps 19t anterior curvature map of 72f, 76f
Enantiomorphism 9f Lobes of bow tie 17f
Expected changes after CxL 51
F Management
Features of keratoconus 19 modalities 37
Floppy eyelid syndrome 50 of keratoconus 37
Forme fruste keratoconus 1, 22 parameters 58
Manifest refraction 70t
G Morphological patterns of keratoconus and ectatic
Globus cone 1, 3, 3f diseases 1t
Morphology of KC 46
Hallmark of PMD on corneal thickness map 33f N
Nervous habitual eye rubbing 50
I Nipple cone 1, 2f
ICR implantation 113 Non-interventional managements 37
cornea 7
hot spot 13f
keratoconus curve 33f
steep 13f
with skewed central red line 21f
Intracorneal rings 37, 39, 40f
142 IORLs stands for phakic IOLs 63f Old refraction 78t
J cone 1, 2f
hot spot 12f
Junctional pattern 17f

Patterns of anterior curvature map 11f
KC with piols 56t
Keratoconus like keratoconus 1, 26
Amsler-Krumeich classification of 22, 25t marginal degeneration 1, 26
and ectatic Penetrating keratoplasty 37, 38
corneal diseases 19t Phakic IOLs 56
diseases 4t PLK with
morphological patterns of 1t kissing birds sign 32f
classification of 1 straight central axes 107
classifications and patterns of 1 PMD without kissing birds sign 31f
curve 30 Posterior
curve in corneal surface after CxL 55f
advanced case of PMD 34f elevation in BFS float mode 81f, 102f, 105f

Posterior elevation map in BFTE float mode 81f Steep elliptical cone 2f
Postoperative manifest refraction 99t Stress lines 59
in right eye 115t Superior
PRK same-day CxL 53 hot spot 12f
steep 12f
R Symmetric bow tie 7, 8f, 9f, 14f, 23f
Refraction in right eye 115t Systematic plan for managing KC 60
Refractive error 48, 59
RGP lens 29f T
Right eye 75, 99, 117 Tomographic
after ICR implantation, anterior curvature map astigmatism 113
of 114f patterns of keratoconus 20
anterior Topographical patterns 46
curvature map of 71f, 89f, 114f Transparency and
elevation map of 75f Vogt’s striae 73t, 118t
Rings on anterior corneal surface visible 97f Vstriae 73t, 118t
Round hot spot 11f
Transparent with no Vogt’s striae 73t
Safety margin of UV in collagen corneal 51f
Visual acuity 48, 59
Shapes of vortex pattern 18f
Vogt’s striae 59, 74, 78, 83, 107, 117
Skew action of segment 41f
corneal transparency and 59
Skewed steepest radial axis 14f
transparency and 73t, 118t
Slit lamp view of PMD 29f
Small steep central or paracentral cone 2f Vortex pattern 18f
Smiling face 18f
Spectacle correction 37 W
Spread of lobes 16f Wings of butterfly inferiorly joined 17f


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