Season 2 - Dark Sun (Chapter 1)

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At the end of your first session:

Have the adventurers take a short rest if they want, but

remind them to track their daily abilities. Healing
surges used, daily powers expended, and other daily
resources do not refresh in-between each session; only
A D&D Encounters™ adventure for four to six
at the end of each chapter. Make sure your players track
1st-level characters this information on their D&D Encounters Play Tracker.
Turn in your session tracking sheet to the organizer.
Welcome to an exciting official D&D play program called Make sure you've recorded all the DCl/RPGA numbers
D&D Encounters. This adventure is a mini-campaign on it, along with your names and the play date.
"season" designed to be played in one-encounter sessions Report Renown Point totals earned for each player to the
once per week at your local Wizards Play Network location. organizer. The organizer will fill out the Renown Point
Each Wednesday, players will earn both in-game rewards Tracker for the location, and will determine if any play-
for their characters (such as treasure) and accumulate ers have earned a D&D Encounters Card.
Renown Points towards special program-exclusive D&D Give out rewards to the players. This includes treasure and
Encounters Cards that can be used in this and future sea- possibly D&D Encounters Cards (the organizer will tell you
sons ofD&D Encounters. if any players have earned this reward). Make sure the play-
ers write down their rewards on their D&D Encounters
Play Tracker.
In order to DM this adventure, everything you need should Collect your reward! You should receive a special reward for
be provided in the D&D Encounters play kit - this adven- providing your time as a DM to make the event happen.
ture, the poster maps of all the encounter areas (inside the Your organizer will have more details on your reward.
adventure), and a sheet of tokens to use for monsters, adven-
turers, and battlefield effects. Preparing the adventure for At the end of the final session of this chapter:
play is easy, simply follow the steps below. The adventurers take an extended rest, regaining all of
their healing surges, hit points, and daily powers. In
Before you DM your first session: addition, their action point totals reset to 1.
Read over the Introduction, Adventure Synopsis, Adventure The adventurers level up to 2nd level.They apply the
Summary, and Resting sections. changes listed on their character card to their character
Read Session 1: Escape the Storm under the Chapter in preparation for the beginning of Chapter 2.
1: An Obsidian Rain section, and read Encounter 1-1:
Salvage in the Storm. (Alternatively, if you are starting CRED1TS
at some other point in the adventure, read the appropriate
sections and what's come before.) Nicholas K. Tulach William O'Connor
Design Cover Illustration
At the table of your first session:
Ensure each player has a character to play. Players use one of Andy Collins Warren Mahy, Michael Phillippi,
the characters provided in the play kit. At the end of Chap- Development Ef'ic Belisle, Matias Tapia
Interior Illustrations
ter 1, all players' characters reach 2nd level.At the end of
Chapter 2, all players' characters reach 3rd level. M. Alexander Jurkat
Editing Liz Schuh, Jesse Decker,
Ensure each player has a D&D Encounters Play Tracker.
laura Tommervik, Shelly
This sheet can be found in the play kit, and allows the Mazzanoble, Kierin Chase
Chris Tulach
players to track their character's treasure, experience, and D&D Brand Team
Organized Play Content Developer
Renown Points earned for each play session.
Get a session tracking sheet from the organizer. Record all the Matthew Stevens Joe Yochum
players' DCI!RPGA numbers on it, along with your DClI Art Director Organized Play Project Manager
RPGA number. Ifyou or any of the players don't have a DCI!
RPGA number, ask the organizer for a membership card. Cole Meier Donna Woodcock
Graphic Designer Production Manager
During the session:
Remember, each session is one encounter in length. Just DM
DUNGEONS& DRAGONS.DARKSUN.Wizards of the Coast, Wizards Play Network, D&D
the encounter assigned for that week's session. A typical Encounters, Player's Handbook, Dunaeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, and all other
play time for one encounter is about 90 minutes - 2 hours. Wizards ofthe Coast product names and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards
Remember to make decisions and adjudications that of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Wizards characters and the distinctive
likenesses thereof are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This material is protected
enhance the fun of the game when possible. As the DM,
under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized
you can make some adjustments to the adventure (see the
use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
sidebar) to facilitate the fun of the players .. permission of Wizards ofthe Coast LLC. Any similarity to actual people, organizations,
places, or events included herein is purely coincidental. Printed in the U.S.A. ©201 0 Wizards

of the Coast LLC. B8679. _...,..-:- .•••.•.

Unlike some seasons ofD&D Encounters, this special AWARD1NG MAG1C 1TEMS
DARKSUN preview season doesn't award experience When the characters find a permanent magic item, most
points in the standard method. Instead, characters level of the time, the group will decide who gets to keep what.
up at the end of each chapter. However, if the players can't agree who gets what, use
XP Awards: The XP awards listed throughout this the following system to award magic items in the prior-
adventure are for reference only, as characters level up ity listed.
automatically at the end of each chapter. 1. Characters without permanent magic items.
Milestones: For every 2 encounters a character 2. Character with the lowest-level permanent magic
completes without taking an extended rest (offered at item.
the end of a chapter), the character reaches a milestone, If there's more than one character that doesn't have a
gaining an action point and possibly gaining use of magic item, or two characters tie for the lowest-level
another magic item daily power. magic item, have those players decide who gets it. Ifthey
still can't decide, have each roll a d20; high roll gets the
item. A player that wants to "opt out" of a pick can do so.
THE EVER-CHANG1NG GROUP You can also do the same with the potions of healing and
Since you can never tell who's going to show up to a D&D the ritual book if the players can't decide who gets them
Encounters session from week to week, you might wind (but don't count these items as permanent magic items).
up with a different group of players. Some players might Anyone character may not have more than 3 perma-
be starting in "mid-stream," some may have missed a ses- nent magic items at the conclusion of this season.
sion or two, and others may have played all the sessions
with a different DM. That's OK. Catch up new players RENOWN POINTS
with a brief summary of what's come before, and make
One of the great rewards for playing in a D&D
sure that returning players have marked off resources Encounters season is the accumulation of
they spent (healing surges, daily powers, etc.) since their
last extended rest. Renown Points (RPs), which are given out
for accomplishments made by players during
Majority Rules: If some element of the adventure plot
(and sometimes in-between) sessions. These
hinges on the adventurers making a decision in a previ- Renown Points are tracked at the Wizards
ous session, and the group is different during the current
Play Network location, and reaching certain
session, Simply find out how the decision went down from
thresholds garners the player a tangible
the players. Go with the majority, and if it's an even split, reward - a D&D Encounters Card!
side with the most positive result.
These cards can be used by players during
the current D&D Encounters seaSQn, subse-
TREASURE quent seasons, or possibly both. Each card has
As the characters progress through the mini-campaign, all the information on how it works printed
they will have the opportunity to gain treasure in the right on the card itself.
form of gold pieces, valuables, and magic items. At the As the DM, it's your task to award Renown
end of each session, determine if the players earned any Points at the end of a session of play,just like
treasure. Use the following rules to divide up treasure you would award experience and treasure. Unlike
amongst the characters. experience and treasure though, you'll need to
Gold and Valuables: Jfthe adventurers earn it, each report the Renown Point totals earned for each player to
character gets a share as noted on the table below. All the organizer at the conclusion of the session when you
valuables like gems and jewelry are converted to gold turn in your session tracking sheet. The organizer will
pieces (gp). Note that the amounts have already been then tell you if any players have qualified for a card.
divided up per character, do not modify the amounts The Renown accomplishments, their frequency (how
based on the size of the group playing. often they can be awarded during the current season),
Magic Items: During the adventure, there are a and the point values of each are listed below.
number of magic items that may be discovered. They are
listed on the table below. Give out magic items accord-
ing to the sidebar Awarding Magic Items.
Name of Treasure Where Found Accomplishment Frequency RPs
2 healing fruits Encounter 1-1 Complete an encounter 1jSession 3
3 survival days Encounter 1-3 Hit a milestone 2jChapter 2
+1 acidic obsidian spear Encounter 1-3 Moment of greatness 1jChapter 2
+1 amulet of psychic interference Encounter 1-3 Revive a dying adventurer ally 1jSeason 1
Mystery of the hidden veil Encounter 1-4 Hit for 15+ damage against 1 enemy 1jSeason 1
2 stonemeal biscuits Encounter 1-4 Kill 3 minions in 1 attack 1jSeason 1
4 healing fruit Encounter 1-4 Take 50 enemy damage in 1 session 1jSeason 1
2 healing fruit Encounter 1-5 Use the reckless breakage rule 1jSeason 1
+1 orb of debilitating languor Encounter 1-5 Survive 10+ sessions without dying 1jSeason 2
Complete all quests 1jSeason 5

Moment of Greatness: This is a discretionary award

given out by the DM or through party vote to a player
for doing something inventive, daring, or just plain
cool during a session of play. Each player may earn this
award once per chapter.

If a character dies during a session, the player has 1
choices: they can either bring the same character back
at the beginning of the next session with a death penalty
of -1 to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability
checks until they've hit one (1) milestone (1 encounters),
or they can select another character, losing any extra trea-
sure they may have gained along the way.

When a player hits 10 points, they earn their first D&D
Encounters Card, called the Delver Reward. This is
awarded to the player at the conclusion of the session in
which they earned enough points to qualify. The second
award is called the Explorer Reward, and a player quali-
fies for the reward by obtaining }5 Renown Points in
this season. The third award is called the Adventurer
Reward, and a player qualifies for the reward byobtain-
ing 60 Renown Points in this season.
The final two awards are given out at the conclusion
of the season. At the end of the season, a limited number
ofD&D Encounters Cards will be distributed amongst
those that qualify for the reward. If there are more play-
ers that qualify for the reward than cards available, the
organizer will determine how they will be distributed.
Most arms and armor are made of bone, stone,
wood, and other such materials. Mail or plate armor
exists only in the treasuries of the sorcerer-kings.
The world of the DARK SUN campaign setting is Steel blades are almost priceless, weapons that
unique in several ways. Many familiar trappings many heroes never see during their lifetimes.
of the DUNGEONS& DRAGONSgame are missing or
turned on their heads. Athas is not a place of shin-
ing knights and robed wizards, of deep forests and
divine pantheons. To venture over the sands of DEFILES THE WORLD
Athas is to enter a world of savagery and splendor The reckless use of arcane magic during ancient
that draws on different traditions of fantasy and sto- wars reduced Athas to a wasteland. To cast an arcane
rytelling. Simple survival beneath the deep red sun spell, one must gather power from the living world
is often its own adventure. nearby. Plants wither to black ash, crippling pain
Newcomers to Athas have many things to learn wracks animals and people, and the soil is sterilized;
about the world, its people, and its monsters, but the nothing can grow in that spot again. It is possible
following eight characteristics encapsulate the most to cast spells with care, avoiding any more damage
important features of the DARK SUNcampaign setting. to the world, but defiling is more potent than pre-
serving. As a result, sorcerers, wizards, and other
1. THE WORLD IS A DESERT wielders of arcane magic are generally reviled and
Athas is a hot, arid planet covered with endless persecuted across Athas regardless of whether they
seas of dunes, lifeless salt flats, stony wastes, rocky preserve or defile. Only the most powerful spellcast-
badlands, thorny scrublands, and worse. From the ers can wield arcane might without fear of reprisals.
first moments of dawn, the crimson sun beats down
from an olive-tinged sky. Temperatures routinely 5. SORCERER-KINGS
exceed 100 degrees by midmorning and can reach RULE THE CITy-STATES
130 degrees or more by late afternoon. The wind is Terrible defilers of immense power rule all but
like the blast of a furnace, offering no relief from the one of the city-states. These mighty spellcasters
oppressive heat. Dust and sand borne on the breeze have held their thrones for centuries; no one alive
coat everything with yellow-orange silt. remembers a time before the sorcerer-kings. Some
In this forbidding world, cities and villages exist claim to be gods, and some claim to serve gods.
only in a few oases or verdant plains. Some places Some are brutal oppressors, where others are more
don't see rain for years at a time, and even in fertile subtle in their tyranny. The sorcerer-kings govern
regions, rain is little more than a humid mist that through priesthoods or bureaucracies of greedy,
falls for a few weeks each year before giving way to ambitious templars, lesser defilers who can call
long months of heat and drought. The world beyond upon the kings' powers. Only in the city-state ofTyr
these islands of civilization is a barren wasteland does a glimmer of freedom beckoi'1, and powerful
roamed by nomads, raiders, and hungry monsters. forces already conspire to extinguish it.
Athas was not always a desert, and the parched land-
scape is dotted with the crumbling ruins of a planet 6. THE GODS ARE SILENT
that once was rich with rivers and seas. Ancient bridges Long ago, when the planet was green, the brutal
over dry watercourses and empty stone quays that face
might of the primordials overcame the gods. Today,
seas of sand tell the tale of a world that is no more. Athas is a world without deities. There are no cler-
ics, no paladins, and no prophets or religious orders.
2. THE WORLD IS SAVAGE Old shrines and crumbling temples lie amid the
Life on Athas is brutal and short. Bloodthirsty raiders, ancient ruins, testimony to a time when the gods
greedy slavers, and hordes ofinhuman savages over- spoke to the people of Athas. Nothing is heard now
run the deserts and wastelands. The cities are little but the sighing of the desert wind.
better; each chokes in the grip of an immortal tyrant. In the absence of divine influence, other powers
The vile institution of slavery is widespread on Athas, have come to prominence in the world. Psionic
and many unfortunates spend their lives in chains, power is well known and widely practiced on Athas;
toiling for brutal taskmasters. Every year hundreds even unintelligent desert monsters can have deadly
of slaves, perhaps thousands, are sent to their deaths psionic abilities. Shamans and druids call upon
in bloody arena spectacles. Charity, compassion, the primal powers of the world, which are often
kindness-these qualities exist, but they are rare and sculpted by the influence of elemental power.
precious blooms. Only a fool hopes for such riches.
1FIERCE MONSTERS hope, and fear as freedom struggles against centu-
ries of tyranny. Because of its current status, 'lyr has
become a common destination for adventurers seek-
The desert planet has its own deadly ecology. Many
ing fortune and a free life.
creatures that are familiar sights on milder worlds
Balic: The wealthiest of the city-states, Balic
have long since died out or never existed at all.
sits on the shores of the Forked Tongue Estuary.
Athas has no cattle, swine, or horses; instead, people
tend flocks of erdlus, ride on kanks or crodlus, and Renowned for its thinly-veiled democratic tradi-
tions, the sorcerer-king Andropinis serves as
draw wagons with inixes and mekillots. Wild crea-
tures such as lions, bears, and wolves are almost dictator ruling over a senate known as the Chamber
of Patricians, who dare not defy his edicts. Balic's
nonexistent. In their place are terrors such as the
mercantile status allows it to prosper and it has
id fiend, the baazrag, and the tembo. Perhaps the
developed into one of the most cultured of the Seven
harsh environment of Athas breeds creatures tough Cities as a result.
and vicious enough to survive it, or maybe the touch
Draj: Farthest from the hub of civilization on
of ancient sorcery poisoned the wellsprings oflife
the outskirts of the Tyr Region, Draj is an isolated,
and inflicted monster after monster on the dying
brutal city-state embroiled in never-ending conflict.
world. Either way, the deserts are perilous, and only
a fool or a lunatic travels them alone. Known as the City of the Moons, the mad sorcerer-
king Tectuktitlay rules Draj through fear and overt
strength. Tectuktitlay's templars, the moon priests,
8. FAMILIAR RACES are constantly looking for suitable sacrifices to
AREN'T WHAT You EXPECT bring their king at the grand and bloody Father and
Typical fantasy stereotypes don't apply to Athasian Master Temple.
heroes. In many DUNGEONS & DRAGONS settings, Gulg: Within the verdant confines of the Cres-
elves are wise, benevolent forest-dwellers who cent Forest, the smallest of the city-states exists as
guard their homelands from intrusions of evil. On a community collective of villages drawing its sus-
Athas, elves are a nomadic race of herders, raiders, tenance from the rare bounty of the lush land. Its
peddlers, and thieves. Halflings aren't amiable river- residents consider their queen Lalali-Puy a goddess
folk; they're xenophobic headhunters and cannibals and most willingly serve her and her templars. The
who hunt and kill trespassers in their mountain people of Gulg believe that only the Oba (their name
forests. Goliaths-or half-giants, as they are com- for Lalali-Puy) can keep the primal spirits from
monly known-are brutal mercenaries that serve as harming them, and many in her service use primal
elite guards and enforcers for the sorcerer-kings and magic to control the dangerous spirits.
their templars in many city-states. Nibenay: Also known as the City of Spires, the
people ofNibenay see themselves as the last bastion
FEATURES OF THE of true civilization on Athas, an arrogance propagated
by their king, who bears the same name as the city-
TVR REGION state. The architecture of Nibena"'yis a reflection of the
The remains of civilization that tenuously clings to Shadow King's worldview - grand, opulent, and awe-
life on the harsh world of Athas exists in an area inducing. The reclusive king's templars are all females
ofland known as the Tyr Region, named after the wedded to him upon acceptance into his service.
oldest of the city-states. Beyond this area, bordered Raam: A populous city-state in the constant grip
by a massive chain of peaks known as the Ringing of chaos, its queen Alabach-Re cares little for any-
Mountains and the vast Sea of Silt, lie wastelands thing more than her own pleasure. Her citizens
devoid of civilization and culture. have broken themselves into squabbling factions,
The Tyr Region still has a number of towns and tearing at what scraps of sustenance haven't been
villages present, but most civilized life is huddled claimed by the sorcerer-queen. Its citizens teeter on
into seven great city-states, each ruled by the ancient the brink of hopelessness, desperate to be removed
and despotic sorcerer-kings. These Seven Cities from their current state of strife.
define life not only for those living in them, but for Urik: A powerful. militarized city-state, Urik is
the rest of the cultures that exist in the expanses ruled by Hamanu, a rigid-minded strategist whose
between them. What follows is a brief description battle prowess knows no equal. The self-styled King
of the city-states and the other major features of the of the World long ago erected fortress walls around
1yr Region. his city, and the authoritarian nature of his rule
Tyr: A massive golden ziggurat and Golden Tower demands peace and order be kept within Urik's
impress visitors to the oldest Athasian city-state. 1yr gates. The laborers and craftsmen here are industri-
is currently in a state of change and uncertainty, as ous, keeping Hamanu's war machine supplied and
the sorcerer-king Kalak was recently overthrown providing a vast output oftrade goods.
and killed. The city is now a hotbed of intrigue,
Forest Ridge: A vast expanse oflush wilderness Humans dominate the racial composition of most of
beyond the Ringing Mountains, the Forest Ridge is a the settlements, and indeed, all of the sorcerer-king are
primeval land filled with bounty and danger, home (or were once) of human stock. Elves ply the dunes and
to tribes of fierce halflings. Few have ever journeyed marketplaces, usually as shifty traders or opportunistic
to see even the outer edges of the Forest Ridge; for raiders. Dwarves labor with resolute determination
most people, it is no more than a mythical place. on their tasks, usually as builders or farmers. Goliaths,
Ivory Triangle: The crossroads of the Tyr Region, also known by civilized folk as half-giants, often make
the Ivory Triangle is a wasteland that serves as a their living as bodyguards and mercenaries, working
haven for raiders and fierce monsters. With the for those in power or the wealthy.
exception of a small belt of vegetation known as the Farther afield, tieflings make their homes in the
Crescent Forest, there are only a handful of villages wastes, frequently using their unsettling appearance
scattered throughout the wastes here. The low-lying to conduct fierce raids. Dragonborn (also known as
Mekillot Mountains are also found here, in the dray), find shelter in citadels of their own kind, and
middle of the Great Ivory Plain, a far-stretching salt journey forth to bring prosperity to their clan. Half-
flat that defines this area. lings feel most at home dwelling in the Forest Ridge,
Ringing Mountains: At the western edge of the their ancestral homeland, but are feared for their
Tyr Region, the Ringing Mountains are the greatest "savage ways" amongst many folk of Athas. The secre-
range known to the people of Athas. Peaks are over tive eladrin live in the few wild places still touched
20,000 feet in many areas, and even though there are by what they call the Lands within the Wind (the
many high vales here over 12,000 feet, some tribes of Feywild), and are a near-mythical race to most.
goliaths, halflings, and other folk try to eke out an exis- In addition to the more familiar D&D races, Athas
tence in the harsh altitudes free from the reach of the is home to the mul and the thri-kreen. Although
sorcerer-kings. taller than most humans, the mul are a hairless race
Sea of Silt: A great dust sink that extends far into the of half-dwarves; a strong, tough, quick people that
unknown reaches of Athas, the Sea of Silt is effectively often serve as slaves, gladiators, and laborers. The
impassible by any means short of flying or magic. Silt nimble, mantislike thri-kreen are truly adapted to
skimmers and waders are able to skirt the shoreline living in the wastes of Athas, hunting, raiding, and
where the dust is shallow. This eastern edge of the Tyr preying on those that show signs of weakness.
Region lies almost completely unexplored as a result of
not only its vastness, but also the hazard of succumbing ADVENTURERS OF ATHAS
to the Gray Death - suffocation by breathing in large
Unlike a typical DUNGEONS& DRAGONSworld, the
amounts of silt kicked up from siroccos. heroes of Athas are often fired from a different kiln,
Tablelands: The vast expanse of scrub plains,
constantly having to fight for survival and opportu-
desert, and rocky badlands forms the western cradle
nity in an unforgiving land. In addition, the history
of civilization in the Tyr Region. Here, Tyr and Urik
of Athas and its people have made certain paths
claim influence over the wastes, and most of the settled
unattainable or dangerous to pur~ue.
peoples of Athas that dwell outside the city-states live Martial adventurers, such as fighters, rangers, rogues,
in this area. The fortified town of Altaruk is one of the
and warlords, are common enough amongst the com-
more important settlements here, an important way munities both in the cities and the outlands. Anyone
stop on the trade route between Balic and 1Yr. Oases
who can wield a weapon can find ample work as a
such as Grak's Pool and Silver Spring, along with a few
guard, hunter, gladiator, or agent with a bit of ambition.
well-used trade routes, make this wilderness of the Tyr
Primal magic is powerful, revered, and sometimes
Region more hospitable than other areas. feared by those in the wastes and wilderness. Those
in the city-states do not fully understand it, and are
PEOPLE AND 'RACES often suspicious of those that wield it. But to travel-
OF ATHAS ers, an encounter with a barbarian, druid, shaman,
seeker, or warden is not particularly unusual, espe-
Amongst worlds of the DUNGEONS& DRAGONS
cially far from the typical settled areas.
game, Athas stands unique not only due to its harsh, Arcane magic is dangerous - it is the misuse of
savage environment, but also the people that can
this power that despoiled the world and continues to
be found living in it. A social order exists for those defile it if not wielded with care (an art called "pre-
living amongst the masses of the city-states, with the serving"). The sorcerer-kings, the greatest arcane
sorcerer-king at the pinnacle, templar enforcers and
wielders, seek to control arcane magic and punish
nobles in high stations, merchants and free citizens its unsanctioned use. Arcane casters such as bards,
forming the middle ranks, and the ubiquitous slave sorcerers, wizards, and warlocks are hated and per-
labor force providing the foundation at the bottom,
secuted for wielding their power, even if they walk
the path of a preserver.
Psionics, the power of the mind, is common and
many folk and creatures practice what is known as
"the Way" or possess psionic talents. The rich and
powerful often employ psionic adventurers to engage
in tasks both overt and covert. Ardents, battleminds,
monks, and psions are frequently encountered both
in civilized lands and in the wastes.
Whereas psionic power is common, divine magic
is essentially gone from the world of Athas. The
gods have been silent for many centuries, and their
faiths have crumbled into ruins like the temples
of old. Instead of true deities, the folk of the world
have supplanted them with worship of the sor-
cerer-kings, cults of demons or primordials, or
veneration of primal spirits.

This season ofD&D Encounters, players don't need
to worry about creating a character. There are six
specially-created DARKSUN characters provided
in the play kit on full-color character cards.
When a player shows up for their first session
of play, they can choose any available charac-
ter card from those remaining in the kit. They
can then keep that character card and bring
it back with them from week to week.
Character cards will also be available
for download on the Wizards website
in the Events download area. This
is especially useful if a player loses
their character card or if you need
to replace a card from the kit. Visit
and click on "Events" for more
Nature DC 15: Obsidian storms are so unusual that
they are considered myths by most people. Something
decidedly odd is occurring.

DARK SUN:Fury of the Wastewalker introduces the world

of DARK SUN,a parched and perilous campaign setting CHARACTER THEMES
for 4th edition, to both new and veteran players. Their The DARK SUNCampai8n Settin8 presents a new character
characters explore the blasted wastes of a world defiled option: a theme. All six characters included in this adven-
by arcane magic. This section provides background ture have it. A theme is a career, calling, or archetype not
information and a summary of the adventure. tied to a particular class or role. Just as race or class help
to identify you, a theme serves to refine your place in the
THE ANTAGONIST: world. You might be an elf rogue, but are you an elf rogue
THE WASTEWALKER dune trader, an elf rogue nomad, or an elf rogue who spies
for the Veiled Alliance? Each theme offers a different twist
The ssurran (desert lizardfolk) shaman, known to on a basic character concept. Ifa background details how
the Common-speaking races as the Wastewalker, has or where your character grew up, theme describes how
been warped by the cruel Athas environment-his face and why your character became a hero.
twisted; his back crooked. The Wastewalker's con- A theme embraces characters of any class. For example,
nection to the primal powers of the world is strong, many templar characters are warlocks, but a templar
however. His ability to sense and control the winds and who serves chiefly as a commander of the sorcerer-king's
stones of the wasteland has earned him the admiration
troops could be a warlord, whereas a templar who is
of a small cabal of fanatical followers. Spurred by the part of the sorcerer-king's secret police might be a rogue.
Wastewalker's abiding hatred for arcanists who brought Similarly, gladiator characters are often fighters-but bar-
such ruin to the world, his followers are dedicated to
barians, battleminds, rangers, rogues, or warlords can be
hunting and destroying all arcane magic wielders. just as successful in the arena. "Templar" and "gladiator"
are themes that, although particularly appropriate for
THE ADVENTURE BEGINS! warlocks and fighters respectively, extend beyond the
A caravan recently left the fortified trade town of warlock and fighter classes.
Altaruk for a trek across the Tablelands to the famous
city-state ofTyr. Two members of the Veiled Alliance, ADVENTURE SUMMARY
an organization devoted to the beneficial use of arcane DAHK SUN:Fury of the Wastewalker is a mini-campaign
magic, ride among the wagons. Other travelers include that spans the length of the summer 2010 D&D
a noble-born woman fleeing her family for the thrill of Encounters season. The adventure is broken into
the unknown and three slaves in the service of the mer-
three chapters-story arcs divided by opportunities for
chant who commissioned the trip. These six characters extended rests. Each chapter contains 5 sessions, which
(or suitable replacements, depending on the group) are are one encounter in length and designed to be run
the adventurers, the protagonists of this story. once per week.
The first night out in the wastes, the psi on, Jarvix, To give the Dungeon Master an overview of the sto-
noticed a subtle shower of meteors among the stars in ryline, the Chapter 1 summary and the individual play
the ebony sky. The caravan overseer, a practical man, sessions are listed below. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are
thought nothing of this dire omen, butJarvix made in separate adventure packages, available through your
sure his companions and a few others were aware of organizer after the previous chapters' play is completed.
the potential trouble ahead. The next day, a sandstorm
erupted early in the morning and quickly turned deadly.
The scouring sand was filled with unnatural obsidian WEAPONS OF lNFER10R
shards that tore through the travelers and pierced the
thick hide walls of the wagons, shredding the cargo. The
winds have lessened a bit, but have not completely sub- Metal is so scarce on Athas that most armaments are
sided. A few survivors rise from the wreckage. made of bone, wood, or stone. These substances are
History DC 10: The Tablelands are a true cross- weaker than metal and fracture more easily. A broken
section of Athas. This region features herders, elf tribes, weapon is at best an improvised weapon. Damaged magic
raiders, dwarf miners, trading posts, and ruins teeming weapons lose their enhancement, properties, and powers
with savage marauders. Scores of tiny hamlets, remote until repaired. The following option simulates the rela-
camps, and nomadic tribes are scattered about the area. tive fragility of nonmetal weapons, making combat more
Nature DC 10: Sandstorms are a common occurrence unpredictable and exciting.
in the Tablelands. Survival depends on hoarding as many Reckless Breakage: When you roll a natural 1 on an
attack roll, your weapon has a chance to break. You can

"uPP"" ., po,,'hlc without hinde<'ng you,,,,lf too much.
accept the result, automatically missing the attack as SESSION 5: CORNERED
usual, but keeping your weapon intact. Alternatively, Pushing deeper into the Ringing Mountains, the adven,
you can reroll. Regardless of the reroll result, a nonmetal turers are blocked by a sheer wall of stone. Fortunately
weapon breaks once the attack is complete. A metal for them, the area is badly defiled and the Wastewalk-
weapon breaks only if you roll a natural 5 or lower on er's shock troops fear entering. After driving off a group
the reroll. This rule gives you a say in whether a weapon of pursuers, the adventurers find a ruined tunnellead-
breaks. You can play it safe and accept the errant attack, ing into the mountain. Encounter 1-5: Backs Against
or you can attempt to avoid a miss by risking your weapon. the Wall is found on page 22.

Chapter 1 assumes a party of 51st level characters, Com-
The adventurers are harried by constant attacks from
pare your adventurers to the chapter's recommended
a dark, unseen villain-the Wastewalker-throughout
level with the following guidelines:
the first chapter. This chapter evokes a tiresome retreat
into the foothills of the Ringing Mountains, highlighted
Your party is a "weak party" if it consists of any of the
by scenes depicting the major events along the way. A
minor quest is achieved by surviving the continuous 1. 4 characters
assault and escaping into the ancient, crumbling tomb at
1. Most or all of the players are new to D&D or roleplay-
the base of the mountains (after Encounter 1-5: Backs
ing games
Against the Wall).
Your party is a "strong party" if it consists of any of the
The adventurers must raid the destroyed caravan for 1. 6 characters
as many supplies as they can before escaping the con- 1. Your players are veteran D&D 4th Edition players and
tinuing storm and the onslaught of silt runners allied like added challenge
with the Wastewalker. Encounter 1-1: Salvage in the
Storm is found on page 14. If you have a weak party, remove one of the lowest level
monsters from the encounter. If you have a strong party,
SESSION 2: ELEMENTAL ASSISTANCE add one monster among the types listed for each encoun-
In a fortunate twist of fate, the adventurers encounter ter whose level matches the encounter level.
an elemental fire spirit, a remnant of a lost age. It tells For instance, in Encounter 1-1 (a level 1 encounter),
a brief tale ofits existence then disappears as a swarm you might subtract a slit runner darter (level 1 artillery)
of insectlike creatures called kanks attack. Encounter from the encounter if your party is weak, or add a third
1-2: Banishing the Hive is found on page 16. silt runner rager (level 1 brute) if your party is strong.


Escaping the assault of the storm for a moment, the Although the adventurers can take short rests between
adventurers find a beautiful desert plant and resupply. sessions, they are allowed to take extended rests only
The peace doesn't last long, however. A band of goblin between chapters. During Chapter 1, the adventurers
raiders had their eyes on the fruits. Now, they covet the are harried by the forces of the Wastewalker and would
adventurers' treasures as well. Encounter 1-3: Bush be overwhelmed if they paused long enough to take an
and Ambush is found on page 18. extended rest.
This section collects all the treasure awarded in this
SESSION 4: RALO chapter, including the new items from the DARK SUN
The adventurers cross paths with a wasteland nomad Campaian Settina·
named Ralo. He tells them about the Wastewalker and
his cult of arcanist hunters. As soon as this information CONTINUING THE
is conveyed, elemental forces sent by the Wastewalker
arrive to capture or kill his enemies. Encounter 1-4:
Devilish Dust is found on page 20. Note that the adventure included here is the first of3
chapters of play for this D&D Encounters season. The
subsequent two chapters will be available separately as
the season progresses. Check with your organizer upon
completion of this chapter to receive the next chapter.
Stonemeal Biscuit Level 3
This coarse dwarven fare tastes foul but keeps you going
throughout the day.
Other Consumable 30 gp
Property: A single stonemeal biscuit weighs one-tenth of a
ENCOUNTER 1-3: BUSH AND AMBUSH pound and has the nutritional value of a full day's worth
of food.
Amulet of Psychic Interference Level 5+
Power (Consumable + Healing): Standard Action. You
A shrunken head carved from bone hangs from a rough eat the stonemeal biscuit. You gain a + 1 power bonus on
twine. It animates and cackles madly when you call on
Endurance checks for 12 hours. In addition, you regain
its power.
Lvi 20 +4 an extra 1 hit point the next time you spend a healing
Lvi 5 +1 1,000 gp 125,000 gp
surge this day.
Lvi 10 +2 5,000 gp Lvi 25 +5 625,000 gp
Lvl15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl30 +6 3,125,000 gp
Item Slot: Neck ENCOUNTER 1-5:
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will BACKS AGAINST THE WALL
Property: You make saving throws to end charm, fear, or
psychic effects at the start of your turn. If you fail any of
Orb of Debilitatin: Lan: uor Level 2+
these saving throws, you do not make a saving throw to This shadowy orb leaves your enemy enfeebled.
end that effect at the end of your turn. Lvi 2 +1 520gp Lvl17 +4 65,000gp
Power (Daily + Psychic): Immediate Reaction. Tri88er: Lvi 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvi 22 +5 325,000 gp
An enemy you can see hits or misses you using a power Lvl12 +3 13,000 gp Lvi 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
that has the charm, fear, or psychic keyword. Effect: The Implement (Orb)
triggering enemy takes 10 psychic damage. Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Level 10 or 15: 15 psychic damage. Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Free Action. Use this power when an attack
Acidic Wea on Level 4+ with this orb hits the target's Fortitude defense. The tar-
get is slowed (save ends).
A stream of acid lashes out from this melee weapon, burn-
ing a target who might otherwise be out of reach.
Lvi 4 +1 840 gp Lvl19 +4 105,000 gp
Lvi 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvi 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl14 +3 21,000 gp Lvi 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Weapon: Heavy Blade, light Blade, Spear
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: + 1d6 acid damage per plus
Power (Encounter + Acid): Standard Action. Make a
melee basic attack with the weapon against a target
within 5 squares of you. All damage dealt by this basic
attack is acid damage.
Power (Daily + Acid): Free Action. Use this power when
you hit with the weapon. Deal ongoing 5 acid damage
(save ends).
Level 14 or 19: Ongoing 10 acid damage.
Level 24 or 29: Ongoing 15 acid damage.


M ster of the Hidden Veil Level 3+
Throu8h misdirection and concealin8 ma8ic, you obscure your
Lvi 3 680 gp Lvl18 85,000 gp
Lvi 8 3,400 gp LvlB 425,000 gp
Lvi 13 1 7,000 gp Lvi 28 2,125,000 gp
Veiled Alliance Mystery
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff checks.
Level 13 or 18: +2 item bonus to Bluff checks.
Level 23 or 28: +3 item bonus to Bluff checks.
Power (Daily + Illusion): Free Action. Tri88er: You use an
arcane power. Effect: You become invisible until the end
of your next turn, and you can shift 1 square.
Level 8: Shift 2 squares.
Level 13: Shift 3 squares.
Level 18: Shift 4 squares.
Level 23: Shift 5 squares.
Level 28: Shift 6 squares.
The first five encounters span a relentless, extended ONGOING SKILL CHALLENGE
chase. As the players move from encounter to encounter
Once the adventurers escape the immediate danger of
in this chapter, play up the constant threat from the
environment and the Wastewalker's forces. the silt runner attack. they enter rocky badlands near
the Ringing Mountains. They hear the constant clatter
of the shard storm that stalks them. This looming threat
SESSION 1: is represented by an ongoing skill challenge that spans
ESCAPE THE STORM Chapter I, starting after the first session.

The adventure begins with a devastating assault on a

caravan making its way from Altaruk to Tyr. The adven-
Survival in the desert wasteland is difficult under
turers are survivors of a terrifying obsidian shard storm
that took the caravan by surprise. As the storm contin- normal circumstances. With the added pressure of
ues to pelt them, another threat emerges: a wicked pack storm and stalkers, it is truly daunting. This skill
of silt runners. Go to Encounter 1-1: Salvage in the challenge simulates two days of excruciating travel
and survival.
Storm (page 14).
At the beginning of Sessions 2 through 5, each
character makes one skill check for this ongoing skill
SURV1VAL DAYS challenge. Tabulate the results from week to week and
apply the conclusion just before the final encounter.
Travel between Athasian city-states is dangerous at best.
Level: 1 (500 XP).
Even with ample supplies and proper safeguards, travel-
Complexity: 5 (requires 12 successes before 3 failures).
ers are at risk from sandstorms, raiders, thirst, exhaustion,
Primary Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Heal, Nature.
and the punishing sun. The DARK SUNsetting abstracts
Athletics (DC 10): The character climbs ledges, leaps
necessary supplies for travel on Athas through the use
across chasms, and trudges through silt, helping the
of survival days. These expendable resources account
party bypass obstructing terrain. This skill can be used
for food, water, proper clothing, and other supplies. Each
to gain 4 successes in this challenge.
survival day allows a single character to travel in the
Endurance (DC IS): The adventurer keeps moving,
dangerous wastes of Athas for one day without being
shrugging off fatigue that threatens to overtaken the
subjected to starvation or thirst.
party. This skill can be used to gain 6 successes in
In DARK SUN:Fury of the Wastewalker, it is important to
this challenge.
track survival days from session to session just like trea-
Heal (DC 10): Using the meager resources the party
sure and experience points. Any unsupplied character
has, the character treats injuries and sooths abrasions
faces a sun sickness attack in the early portions of Chap-
caused by the heat and grit. This skill can be used to
ters 1 and 3. Survival days can also be used to alleviate
gain 4 successes in this challenge.
the effect of the ongoing skill challenge, Fleeing Across
Nature (DC 10): The hero finds the best paths through
the Wastes, in Chapter 1.
the desert, identifying hazards before the party runs
For any player that joins after Session 1,give his or her char-
into them, hunting creatures for food, and finding small
acter 1 survival days. This supply grants sufficient resources
amounts of water. This skill can be used to gain 6 suc-
for extended rests, but the hero stillexperiences the daunting
cesses in this challenge.
task of surviving travel through sun-scorched Athas.
Secondary Skills: Arcana, Perception.
Sun Sickness level 2 Arcana (DC 15): The character discreetly uses his or
her arcane abilities to create minor illusions or distant
The sun's punishing rays leech vitality from your body.
Attack: level + 4 vs. Fortitude diversions to throw off pursuers. Success on this check
Endurance improve DC 17, maintain DC 13, worsen DC 12 negates one previous skill challenge failure.
The target is cured. Perception (DC 10): The adventurer keeps a lookout for
~ Initial Effect: The target loses one healing surge or hit landmarks, dangers, or hazardous terrain. This watch-
points equal to the target's surge value. The healing surge or
fulness grants a +2 to the next Nature check made as
hit points cannot be regained until the target is cured.
m The target takes a - 2 penalty to all attack rolls and part of this skill challenge.
m The target is slowed and weakene<:l.
IJ Final State: The target dies.
Each week, after each adventurer has made one skill
check in this challenge, the perilous environment causes SESSION 2:
a setback. Rollld4 to determine which setback occurs.
(fmore than half the party members succeed on the
skill check imposed by the setback, the heroes gain 1 Keeping the darkened sky behind them and moving far
success in the skill challenge. If not, they do not suffer from any known trade routes, the adventurers discover a
a skill challenge failure, but all characters apply the copse of petri fied trees in a small valley. Read:
listed detriment. This effect lasts until the end of that
session's encounter. From your vanta8e point at the ed8e of the valley, you see that
1. Extreme Heat (Endurance DC 10): If the party it is littered with exotic bones from lon8-extinct creatures. As
fails the group Endurance check, it loses one survival the sun passes overhead, a small flame spirit appears in the
day per member. If the group has insufficient survival clearin8 and waves in your direction.
days, the deficit must be accounted for with lost heal-
ing surges. The heroes determine the distribution of The fire spirit communicates by using jets of name to
surge loses, but no character can lose more than one as a melt sand into glass script letters. If prompted, it imparts
result of this setback. the following information.
2. Mirage (Perception DC 10): Led astray by an
illusory image and a failed group Perception check, What are you? I am a Spirit of the Flame, an elemen-
each character takes a -1 penalty to all defenses I
tal force. collected here centuries a80, shortly after the lush
during this encounter. Athasian lands were destroyed by warfare.
3. Silt Storm (Endurance DC 15): If the party fails
the group Endurance check, all enemies are treated as Where did you come from? I once walked Athas as
you do, patrollin8 these lands as a protector of life.
having concealment during this encounter.
4. Treacherous Terrain (Acrobatics DC 5):
If the party fails this group Acrobat- Why are you here now? I am bound
to this place by stron8 elementalforces
unknown to me. await the return
ics session's
speed for~-takes
character ,
l.~...." (!JT , ... < of another Green A8e tofree

CONCLUSION How can we free

Success: If the group
you? You cannot. Only a
achieves 12 successes
collective effort by all Atha-
after the skill checks at the sians can restore Athas's lands
beginning of Encounter 1-5: to their lon8-lost fertility.
Backs Against the Wall, the
characters survive the chase in
After interacting briefly, the spirit
fine form. Each hero regains a vanishes abruptly in a puff of
healing surge for use in the chap- smoke. Moments later, a colony
ter's final session.
ofkanks attacks-proceed to
Partial Success: If the group did
Encounter 1-2: Banishing the
not achieve 12 successes but also did
Hive (page 16).
not get 3 failures, its trek across the desert
was a significant hardship. No healing
surges are regained before the last encounter.
Failure: If the characters get 3 failures, the
harsh desert and constant attacks take their toll.
Each character loses a healing surge before the final
encounter. If an adventurer is out of healing surges, he
or she takes 5 damage .

ROLEPLAY1NG PAST Can you tell us about obsidian shard storms? I've

never seen obsidian rain from the sky before. have heard tales
of a twisted lizardfolk shaman called the Wastewalker who
Veteran D&D players might recount among their favor-
uses storms and other primalforces of the desert to destroy
ite game sessions a time when they spent the evening
arcane maBie users. Have you aroused his wrath somehow?
roleplaying with the creatures the Dungeon Master had
designed to fight them. Although DARKSUN: Fury of the
At some point, Ralo pauses, glances around, and then
Wastewalker was designed with classic, combat-centered
whispers, "It's not safe." At that moment, a ssurran
D&D play in mind, several encounters lend themselves to
magus and several elemental air spirits attack. The
differing approaches toward defeating the weekly threat. lizard folk curses the "defiler" dwarf and menaces the
For these events, a well-prepared Dungeon Master can adventurers. Proceed to Encounter 1-4: Devilish
Dust (page 20).
Ifyour players hesitate to draw swords and start swing-
ing, they can try to convince the enemy that they mean
no harm. If they succeed, find a way to make the conse-
quences of their actions result in another tense situation. The adventurers flee toward the mountains, but the
For example, perhaps the players think that the goblins in eastern edge of the range is impassable in many places.
session 3 are simple fellow desert survivors seeking food In time, they find themselves trapped against a sheer
and water. After a dramatic and tense negotiation using rock wall rising a hundred feet in the air. Go to Encoun-
applicable skills (Diplomacy, Nature, and perhaps a little ter 1-5: Backs Against the Wall (page 22).
Intimidate to get their point across), some supplies are
traded and the party is considered to have "defeated" CHAPTER 1 FINALE
the encounter. If time remains in the session and the
The adventurers have survived so far but the dark
group is interested, the adventurers cross paths with clouds remain. For a brief moment no one approaches
more aggressive monsters shortly thereafter. Throw some and it appears that the heroes are safe. Read:
miniatures onto the table and pick a level-appropriate
sample encounter from one of the Monster Manuals. You
After the threat is Bone, you have afew moments to explore
can make up your own map on the spot or just use the
your surroundin8s. Within the defiled area, you notice a small
tactical map provided. Remember, it's about giving the
cave leadinB below. Outside, the desert promises only more
players what they want and, most of all, having fun!
storm and more attacks. Perhaps the passaBe offers a way out?

SESSION 3: The characters gain a level 1 minor quest reward (100

FRUITS OF THE DESERT XP) for surviving the Wastewalker's harassment.
After the heroes enter the mountain and proceed a
In the badlands canyons, the adventurers lose track of
short distance, they hear the Wastewalker's minions.
the obsidian shower briefly. They pause near a ripened
Emboldened by the direct orders of their champion,
cactus plant bearing sweet and tangy fruit. As they catch
they have braved the defiled terrain and rolled a large
their breath, they are beset by a group of goblins. Run boulder over the mouth of the cave. If the adventurers
Encounter 1-3: Bush and Ambush (page 18).
double back, they are unable to remove the block-
age by any means. The heroes clearly have time for
SESSION 4: RALO an extended rest, but must find another way out. The
As they rush toward the mountains, the adventurers adventure continues in Chapter 2: The Tomb of a
cross paths with a wandering wastelander named Ralo. Long, Lost Age.
If they ask him questions, he can reveal the following
information ..

Who are you? I was once a miner in the iron mines

ofTyr, but my mine was destroyed by afri8htenin8 band of
briBands known as hejkin. They burrow throu8h the earth and
have a particular dislike for arcanists and pointy-eared folk.

What are you doing out here? I have lon8 studied

preservinB ma8ic, but some Athasians believe all arcane
maBie is danBerous. That is why I'm a wanderer.

What can you tell us about this area? Sandstorms

are commonplace here. That is why wear this headdress.
Keeps the sand, sun, and wind off my face. Still, somethin8
odd is 80inB on.
Encounter Levell (525 XP) FEATURES OF THE AREA
Illumination: The desert is brightly lit, though the
SETUP shard storm limits visibility to 12 squares.
Boulders: These 2-square tall obstacles provide cover
Silt runner inciter (1) and require a DC 10 Athletics check to climb.
2 silt runner ragers (R) Covered Cart: The cart provides cover. It also grants
2 silt runner darters (D) shelter from the shard storm and contains many sur-
vival days of food and water. When inside or adjacent to
A sense of urgency fills this encounter. The adventur- the cart, a character can retrieve 1 survival day of sup-
ers set up in the outlined area of the encounter map plies as a minor action.
around the wagon. The silt runners attack from an area Shard Storm: The fantastic effect of the shard storm
of boulders nearby. The characters have two goals: Col- is hazardous to any creature out in the open (not inside
lect as many survival days (page 11) worth of supplies the covered cart). At the start of an exposed creature's
as possible from the broken wagon and flee the worsen- turn, it takes 2 damage.
ing shard storm by exiting the map edge beyond the silt Silt: The blue squares on the right edge are part of a
runners. Read:
depression filled with silt. Entering these squares immo-
bilizes a creature (save ends). With a save, the character
The deafenin8 clatter of the shards be8ins to subside, and pulls himself or herself to an adjacent square of solid
you notice few of your fellow travelers are still alive. As ground. Silt runners are immune to this effect.
your wits return, you see small bipedal reptiles leap from Treasure: Two healin8fruits (potion ofhealin8; PH 255)
the surroundin8 silt. They are li8ht on their feet and keen to lie among the caravan merchants' personal effects.
pick throu8h the remainin8 car80' You
quickly scan the area and see more of
them lurkin8 on all sides. The best path
away from the hordes and the worst of
the storm is directly throu8h the near-
est foes.
The silt runners try to prevent the

adventurers' escape. They hate fey
creatures and take particular notice
ofCastri, if he is among the party . •
They gang up on him, cursing his
fey heritage.
The inciter begins by dropping
psionic detonation between the adven-
turers and their escape path (at the
top of the map). The inciter then
keeps close to its allies to make full
use of incitefury.
The ragers team with the inciter
as a frontline force. They advance
quickly and engage in melee
combat, targeting Castri or the two ,.
humans first.
The darters attack from range, J
attempting to immobilize any heroes f
fleeing the area. Their goal is to keep
the adventurers close to the ragers.

Silt Runner Inciter (I) Level 2 Controller (Leader)
DEVELOPMENT Small natural humanoid (reptile) XP 125
The adventurers have 5 rounds to collect supplies (sur- HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +3
vival days) and clear a path through the enemies. At the AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 15 Perception +3
end of the fifth round and every 5 rounds after that, Speed 7 low-light vision
more silt runners arrive from any of the map sides near
Silt Runner Swarm
the wagon. Each group of reinforcements is composed of
An enemy that starts its turn adjacent to two or more silt run-
two ragers, two darters, and an inciter. ners takes 2 damage.
Keep track of the number of survival days the STANDARD ACTIONS
adventurers have taken from the cart. They can be CD Bone Sword (weapon) • At-Will
important during Chapter 1's Fleeing Across the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Wastes skill challenge. Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage.
~~ Psionic Detonation (force, zone) • Recharge [j]
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in burst); +6 vs. Reflex
2 Silt Runner Ragers (R) Level 1 Brute Hit: 1d1 0 + 5 force damage. The burst creates a zone that lasts
Small natural humanoid (reptile) XP 100 each
until the end of the encounter. Enemies treat squares within
HP 34; Bloodied 17 Initiative +2
the zone as difficult terrain.
AC 13, Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +2
Miss: Half damage.
Speed 7
low-light vision <~Incite Fury. Recharge when first bloodied
Effect: As a free action, each silt runner within a close blast
Silt Runner Swarm
5 shifts 1 square and makes a basic attack before or after it
An enemy that starts its turn adjacent to two or more silt run- shifts.
ners takes 2 damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS
<~Incite Frenzy. Encounter
CD Bone Spear (weapon) • At-Will
Tri88er: The inciter is first bloodied.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Effect (Free Action): As a free action, each ally within a close
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.
burst 5 shifts 1 square and makes a basic attack before or after
+ Brutal Spear (weapon) • Recharge when first bloodied it shifts.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Skills Athletics +6, Intimidate +9, Stealth +8
Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage. Str 11 (+1) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 15 (+3)
+ Penetrating Spear (weapon) • Encounter
Con 14 (+3) Int 8 (+0) _ Cha 16 (+4)
Requirement: The rager must be bloodied.
Alignment unaligned languages Draconic
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Equipment bone sword
Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 to all
damage until the end ofthe rager's next turn.
Skills Athletics +5, Stealth +7 2 Silt Runner Darters (D) Level 1 Artillery
Strl1(+O) Dex 15 (+2) Wis14(+2) Small natural humanoid (reptile) XP 100 each
HP 25; Bloodied 12 Initiative +4
Con 14 (+2) Int 6 (-2) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment unaligned languages Draconic AC 13, Fortitude 11, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +2
Equipment bone spear
Silt Runner Swarm
low-light vision
Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to two or more silt run-
ners takes 2 damage.

CD Wooden Dagger (weapon) • At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC

Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage.
@) Blowgun (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 12 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d1 0 + 4 damage.
:r Poison [j]
i · PC
Dart (poison, weapon) • Recharge ~

Attack: Ranged 12 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + 3 poison damage, and the target is immobilized
1 (save ends).

Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the
darter's next turn.

I AREA I Skills Athletics +5, Stealth +9

-- ---
Str 10 (+0) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 14 (+2)
Con 13 (+1) Int 6 (-2) Cha 11 (+0)
~ •.. ... Alignment unaligned languages Draconic
cl Equipment wooden dagger, blowgun, 20 darts

2 Kank Soldiers (S) level 4 Soldier
Encounter Level 2 (725 XP) lar e natural beast (mount) XP 175 each
HP 54; Bloodied 17 Initiative +7
AC 10, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 14
SETUP Speed 8
Perception +8

2 kank soldiers (5) Resist 5 acid, 5 poison

3 kank spitters (A)
Grabbed Advantage (mount)
A friendly rider of 4th level or higher mounted on the soldier
Before this encounter, each character performs a single has combat advantage against any creature grabbed by the
skill check in the ongoing Fleeing Across the Wastes soldier.
skill challenge (page 11). Make a note of the successes STANDARD ACTIONS
and failures. CD Bite. At-Will
The adventurers set up in the outlined area of the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC, or +11 against crea-
encounter map. The kanks surround the adventurers, tures grabbed by the soldier. While the soldier has a creature
grabbed, it can use bite against the grabbed creature only.
attacking from all sides. Read:
Hit: ld4 damage, or ld4 + 10 against creatures grabbed by the
soldier. In addition, the soldier grabs the target.
The stench of brimstone as the fire spirit snuffs out is supple- + Kank Venom (poison) • Recharge r;:;] [IJ
mented by the harsh smell of acid. Looking up, you notice that Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the soldier); +9 vs.
large, armored, green-eyed insects approach from all direc- Fortitude
tions. Their feet click against the rocky terrain as they close Hit: The target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 poison damage
around you. (save ends both).First Failed Savin8 Throw: The target is immo-
bilized (save ends).
Str 18 (+6) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 12 (+3)
TACTICS Con 14 (+4) Int 1 (-1) Cha 6 (+0)
Alignment unaligned languages -
The kanks are looking for food for their hive. They
attempt to pick off the weakest characters, but otherwise
attack in straightforward fashion.


Illumination: This area of desert is brightly lit.
Boulders: These 2-square tall obstacles provide cover
and require a DC 10 Athletics check to climb.
Petrified Trees: These ossified plants provide cover
against ranged attacks from creatures on the opposite
side of the trees.

3 Kank Spitters (A) level 2 Artillery

Small natural beast XP 125 each
HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +4
AC 14, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +3
Speed 8
Resist 5 acid, 5 poison

CD Bite (acid) • At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 1 damage plus 1d8 acid damage.
:r Kank Spit (acid) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 d4 + 1 damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing
5 acid damage (save ends both). If the target is already slowed,
it is instead immobilized (save ends).
Str 13 (+1) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 12 (+1) Int 1 (-3) Cha 6 (-1)
t Alignment unaligned languages -



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Encounter Levell (500 XP) Nature DC 10: You've never seen these creatures
before, but you've heard tales of desert humanoids that
survive off the land and keep away except in times of
SETUP desperate need.
2 goblin cursespewers (S)
Spiretop drake (D) TACTICS
2 goblin archers (A) The goblins do not try to go head-to-head with the
2 goblin cutters (C) adventurers. They use their advantageous positions and
high mobility to attack from the fringes. They are after
Before this encounter, each character performs a single the tree fruit and any other supplies they can steal from
skill check in the ongoing Fleeing Across the Wastes the party.
skill challenge (page 11). Tabulate the successes and The goblin archers have small desert air-elemental
failures with those from previous sessions. gliders that harness the hot desert winds so they can
The adventurers begin in the outlined area of the fly across the battlefield, peppering the adventurers
encounter map around the desert tree. The goblins have with arrows.
taken positions out of view on top of the high rocks over- The goblin cutters protect the cursespewers from atop
looking the area. the large cliff. The cursespewers dispatch them one
This encounter begins with a surprise round. The at a time to engage the adventurers, so they can make
goblins and any adventurers with Passive Perception 15 full use of 80blin doom. When the cursespewers fall, any
or higher get to act initially. In the surprise round, the remaining goblins break and run.
tamed drake drops a lasso loop around a pack of sup- The spiretop drake does not harm the adventurers,
plies and the goblins yank them away. Read: flying away if attacked.

A tribe of small ween-skinned creatures emer8es from atop

the badlands hei8hts. They wear bone armor arran8ed to
make them appear as skeletons. These trappin8s seem more
ceremonial than practical. Two of creatures have odd fins
attached to their le8s.

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1 PC
- -
FEATURES OF THE AREA 2 Goblin Archers (A) Level 1 Skirmisher
Small natural humanoid, goblin XP 100 each
Illumination: Twilight fills this area with dim HP 19; Bloodied 14 Initiative +5
illumination. AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 11 Perception +1
Brambleweed Heights: The rocks are 4 squares Speed 6, fly 8 (glider) Low-light vision
high and covered with brambleweed. A creature that
Great Position
starts its turn in a brambleweed square takes 5 damage.
If, on its turn, the goblin ends its move at least 4 squares away
A creature that ends its turn in a brambleweed square is from its starting position, it deals 1d6 extra damage on ranged
restrained until the start of its next turn. Brambleweed attack until the start of its next turn.
squares are difficult terrain. The goblins are immune to STANDARD ACTIONS

this terrain effect, having carefully surveyed their posi- CD Short Sword (weapon) • At-Will
tion here. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 1 damage.
Treasure: The goblins have 3 survival days (page 11)
worth of food and water with them. They also have a + I ® Shortbow (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
acidic obsidian spear (level 4 item; page 10; Adventurer's Hit: 1d8 + 1 damage.
Vault, page 62) and a +1 amulet of psychic interference (level ":>r Mobile Ranged Attack. At-Will
5 item; page 10; DAHK SUNCampaian Settina). Effect: The goblin moves half its speed. At any point during that
movement, it makes one ranged basic attack without provok-
Spiretop Drake (D) Level 1 Skirmisher ing opportunity attacks.
Small natural beast (reptile) XP 100
Initiative +6 Goblin Tactics. Encounter
HP 19; Bloodied 14
AC 16, Fortitude 11, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +3 Tri88er: The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
Speed 4, fly 8 (hover)
STANDARD ACTIONS Skills Stealth +10, Thievery +10
CD Bite. At·WiII Str 14 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 11 (+1)

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Con 13(+1) Int8(-1) Cha8(-1)

Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage. Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin

CD Snatch. At-Will Equipment leather armor, short sword, shortbow, arrows x40
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 damage, and the drake steals a small object from the 2 Goblin Cursespewers (S) Level 2 Artillery (Leader)
target, such as a vial, scroll, or coin. Small natural humanoid XP 115 each
Flyby Attack. At-Will HP 68; Bloodied 34 Initiative +1
Effect: The drake flies 8 squares and makes one melee basic AC 14, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 15 Perception +1
attack at any point during that movement. The drake doesn't Speed 6 Low-light vision
provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from the STANDARD ACTIONS
target of the attack. CD Sacrificial Knife (weapon) • At-Will
Str 11 (+0) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 16 (+3) Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Con 13 (+1) Int 3 (-4) Cha 11 (+0) Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage.
Alignment unaligned Languages - ® Confounding Curse. At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (two creatures); +7 vs. Will
2 Goblin Cutters (C) Level 1 Minion Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target grants combat advantage to
Small natural humanoid, goblin XP 15 each the goblin's allies until the end of the cursespewer's next turn.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 16, Fortitude 11, Reflex 14, Will 11 Perception +1 ~:- Goblin Doom (poison) • At·WiII
Speed 6 Low-light vision Tri88er: A goblin within 5 squares is hit by a melee attack.
STANDARD ACTIONS Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Area burst 1 centered on the trig-
CD Short Sword (weapon) • At-Will gering goblin (creatures in burst); +5 vs. Reflex
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. AC Hit: 1d1 0 + 3 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage
(save ends).
Hit: 4 damage, or 5 damage if the goblin has combat advantage
Goblin Tactics. Encounter
against the target.
TRIGGERED ACTIONS Tri88er: The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
Goblin Tactics. Encounter Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
Tri88er: The goblin is missed by a melee attack. Skills Religion +5
Str 11 (+1) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1)
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
Con 16 (+4) Int 9 (+0) Cha 17 (+4)
Skills Stealth +S, Thievery +5
Str 14 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Goblin
Con 13(+1) Int8(-1) Cha8(-1) Equipment leather armor, sacrificial knife, wand

Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin

Equipment leather armor, short sword

Poisonscale Magus (M) Level 2 Artillery
Encounter Levell (575 XP) Medium natural humanoid (reptile), lizardfolk XP 125
HP 32; Bloodied 16 Initiative +2
AC 14, Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 16 Perception +8
SETUP Speed 6 (swamp walk)
Poisonscale magus (M)
3 dust devils (D) CD Dagger (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
3 deep silt spots (S)
Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage.
:y Paison Blood (poison) • At-Will
Before this encounter, each character performs a single Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +7 vs. Fortitude
skill check in the ongoing Fleeing Across the Wastes Hit: 1d6 + 3 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage
skill challenge (page 11). Tabulate the successes and (save ends) .
failure with those of previous sessions. .;~ Poison Barrage (poison) • Encounter
Attack: Area burst 3 within 10 (creatures in burst); +5 vs.
Ralo, a dwarf wastelander, is surprised by the dust
devils. Characters with passive Perception 20 or higher
Hit: 1d6 + 3 poison damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5
detect the approach and can act in the surprise round. poison (save ends).
The heroes and Ralo set up in the outlined area of the Miss: Half damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 poison
encounter map; the enemies attack from all sides. until the end of its next turn.
Ralo has the following basic stats. He does not wield a
weapon and will not join combat. :y Corrupt Poison (poison) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature taking ongoing poison
damage); +7 vs. Fortitude
Ralo, DwarfWasterlander Level 1 NPC
Hit: The magus slides the target 3 squares, and the target is
HP 18; Bloodied 9 slowed (save ends).
AC 14, Fortitude 15, Reflex 12, Will 11 Skills Arcana +9, Athletics +7
Speed 5 Str 12 (+2) Dex 12 (+2) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 14 (+3) Int 15(+3) Cha 8 (+0)
Before the surprise round, read: Alignment unaligned languages Draconic
Dust kicks up all around you, swirlin8 in ever denser patterns. Equipment dagger
You steel yourself a8ainst the offputtin8 alkaline taste that
8athers in your mouth. Suddenly, the desert seems to rise up 3 Dust Devils (D) Level 3 Skirmisher
and attack. Small elemental magical beast (air, earth) XP 150 each
HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +7
AC 18, Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 14 Perception +0
The dust devils are after Ralo by command of the Immune disease, poison
ssurran magus. They concentrate their attacks in the
Moving Defense
surprise round on him, then turn on whichever adven-
A dust devil takes a -2 penalty to all defenses while slowed or
turer is the most immediate threat.
The poisonscale magus believes Ralo is a defiler and STANDARD ACTIONS
wants him vanquished. It stays back, near the edge of CD Grasping Winds. At-Will
the battlefield, allowing the dust devils to confront the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Reflex
heroes directly. 1d1 0 + 3 damage, and the dust devil slides the target 2

FEATURES OF THE AREA <~Stinging Sands. Encounter

Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in burst); +8 vs. Fortitude
Illumination: The dawn provides bright light Hit: 3d6 + 3 damage, and the target is blinded until the end of
the dust devil's next turn.
throughout the area.
Boulders: The rocks in this area are 1 square high.
A DC 10 Athletics or Acrobatics check allows a creature + Gale Blast. Recharge IZJ [i]
The dust devil shifts S squares and makes one attack
to hop onto a boulder square from the ground without against each enemy it moves adjacent to.
spending any extra movement. Failure results in that Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Fortitude
square being treated as difficult terrain. Hit: The target falls prone.
Skills Stealth +10
( Str 8 (+0) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 8 (+0)
( Con 15(+3) Int 5 (-2) Cha 15 (+3)
Alignment unaligned languages Primordial
Silt Pools: The blue areas of the map are silt pools Trees: These small cacti provide cover against ranged
and are difficult terrain. The squares marked with "S" attacks from creatures on the opposite side of the. trees.
are silt deep spots. Treasure: Once the ssuran and his servants are
defeated, Ralo bestows upon the two Veiled Alliance
Silt Dee. S. ot S At-Will Terrain characters the mystery of the hidden veil (level 3 award;
Within a shallow pool of silt, occasional deep spots can be ex- page 10; D,\RK SUN Campai8n Settin8). He also gives the
ploited by observant combatants. party 2 stonemeal biscuits (level 3 item; page 10; Adven-
Standard Action turer's Vault, page 192) and 4 healin8fruits (potion of
Check: Nature check (hard DC) to recognize a deeper spot healin8; PH 255).
in the silt pool.
Target: One creature you choose within a silt pool
Attack: level + 3 vs. Reflex
Hit: The target is restrained (save ends) .

' - ..D -

.. ~

L ____ ~I
Encounter Level 2 (675 XP) TACTICS
The shaman has been sent by the Wastewalker to
SETUP capture the adventurers, in particular the two arcane
casters. The ssurans' mission is hindered, however,
Ssurran shaman (S) because the adventurers have stumbled upon a defiled
3 poisonscale slitherers (P) area that terrifies the lizard folk. They refuse to enter or
Ankheg (A) stand adjacent to the map section marked in black out-
line. If forced into that area, they retreat back to "safe"
Before this encounter, each character performs a single ground as soon as possible, incurring attacks of opportu-
skill check in the ongoing Fleeing Across the Wastes nity to do so.
skill challenge (page II). Once that's done, apply the If the adventurers remain wholly in the defiled area,
results of the skill challenge conclusion. the ssurrans take cover atop the boulders, using what
ranged attacks they possess. One of the ssurrans car-
When you are ready to begin, read: ries a bundle of 20 extra bone javelins. If necessary,
Your path is blocked by the sheer face of a cliff that towers the ssurrans can make ranged basic attacks with these
above you. The pursuin8 dark clouds mass behind you, but javelins at ranged 10/20 (one creature); +8 vs. AC; Id6
the storm of stone does not arrive. In the distance, you hear + 3 damage.
hissin8 and screechin8' Althou8h you keep a careful eye on the
100min8 tempest, the attack comes instead from four ssurrans
that scramble over the rocks.
At the end of the first round of combat, the ankheg
The top and left side edge of the map forms a steep, bursts out of the ground and onto the battlefield. It
detects food and does not care who it eats first. Both
20-square tall cliff of black rock. The adventurers begin
in the outlined area of the encounter map. They seem sides can attempt to control the ankheg's attacks by
trapped, but the enemy will not enter the defiled area of making contested Nature rolls (the shaman rolls for
black sand. the ssurans; up to two characters can roll or aid for the
party). The higher result directs the ankheg's action for
3 Poisonscale Slitherers (P) Level2 Soldier that round. The beast uses only basic attacks against the
Medium natural humanoid (reptile), lizardfolk XP 125 each
ssurrans. If one side controls the beast for three consec-
HP 36; Bloodied 18 Initiative +6 utive rounds, it sides with that group until its opponents
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +7 have been defeated. Then, it turns on its former "allies."
Speed 5 (swamp walk)

Slitherer Bravery
A poisonscale slitherer gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls while it Illumination: The obsidian storm clouds looming
is adjacent to at least one ally. over the area reduce the illumination to dim light.
Slitherer Stability Black Sand: The outlined area on the map is defiled
A poisonscale slitherer cannot be knocked prone and ignores
land called black sand. A creature in a square of black
forced movement.
STANOARD ACTIONS sand regains half the normal hit points when targeted
CD Spear (weapon) + At-Will by healing powers or when spending healing surges.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Boulders: The smaller boulders in this area are 2
Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage. squares high. The two large, crescent-shaped boulders
::y Javelin (poison, weapon) + Encounter are 3 squares high. All boulders provide cover and
Attack: Ranged 10/10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC require a DC 10 Athletics check to climb.
Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage, and the poisonscale makes a secondary
Treasure: The shaman carries a +1 orb of debilitatin8
attack against the same target.
lan8uor (level 2 item; page 10; Adventurer's Vault, page
Secondary Attack: +4 vs. Fortitude
Hit: ld6 + 3 poison damage. 93) and 2 healin8fruits (potion ofhealin8; PH 255).
Skills Athletics +8, Stealth +9
Str 14 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 8 (+0) Cha 8 (+0)
Alignment unaligned languages Draconic
Equipment spear, javelin xl

Ankheg (A) Level 3 Elite Lurker Ssuran Shaman (S) Level 3 Controller
large natural beast XP 300 Medium natural humanoid (reptile), lizardfolk XP 150
HP 100; Bloodied 50 Initiative +10 HP 47; Bloodied 13 Initiative +1
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 14 Perception +9 AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 16 Perception +9
Speed 8, burrow 4 (tunneling) Tremorsense 5 Speed 6 (earth walk)

Saving Throws +1; Action Points 1 CD Spear (weapon) • At-Will

T RAfTS Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Mandible Carry Hit: 1d8 damage, and the shaman pushes the target 1 square.
The ankheg can move at normal speed while grabbing a crea- @? Sun Curse (fire) • At-Will
ture that is Medium or smaller. Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
STANDARD ACTIONS Hit: 1d6 + 1 fire damage, and the target is dazed until the end
CD Claw. At-Will of the shaman's next turn.
Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC ::r Treacherous Spirit (charm) • Recharge if the power misses
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Will
+ Mandible Grab. At-Will Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
Requirement: The ankheg cannot be grabbing a creature. Skills Athletics +7, Nature +9
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Str 11 (+1) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 17 (+4)
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target is grabbed. Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 10 (+1)
<~Acid Spray (acid) • Recharge when first bloodied Alignment unaligned languages Draconic
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +8 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + 5 acid damage, and the target is slowed and takes
ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends both) .
• ~"'II~[']
:.~1•• I'J~L'"
+ Gnaw and Scuttle (acid) • At-Will (l/round)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by ankheg); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 1 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
The ankheg then shifts 1 squares and pulls the target to a
space adjacent to its new location.
Skills Stealth +11
Str 15 (+3) Dex 10 (+6) Wis 16 (+4)
Con 18 (+5) Int 13 (+1) Cha 4 (-1)

Alignment unaligned languages -

- I- - I



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