Physio Psy Module 8
Physio Psy Module 8
Physio Psy Module 8
Topic: Movement
A given axon may innervate more than one muscle fiber (eg. Eye muscles have a ratio of about one axon per three
muscle fibers, and the biceps muscles of the arm have a ratio of one axon to more than a hundred fibers ).
Neuromuscular Junction - is a synapse where a motor neuron axon meets a muscle fiber.
- in skeletal muscles, every axon releases acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, and this substance always
excite the muscles to contract.
Antagonistic Muscles - opposing sets of muscles (flexor: muscle that flexes or raises it; extensor: muscle that extends or
Any deficit of acetylcholine or its receptors in the muscles can greatly impair movement.
Myasthenia gravis - an autoimmune disease, in that the immune system forms antibodies that attack the individual’s own
- the immune system attacks the acetylcholine receptors at neuromuscular junctions.
- symptoms include progressive weakness and rapid fatigue of the skeletal muscles.
- it can be treated with: drugs that suppress the immune system, thereby decreasing the autoimmune attack
on acetylcholine receptors; and drugs that inhibit acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme that breaks down
acetylcholine, thereby prolonging acetylcholine’s effects at the neuromuscular junction.
Primary Motor Cortex - has no direct connections to the muscles; some of its axons go to basal ganglia cells, which
feedback to control later movements; some go to the brainstem and spinal cord, which have the central pattern generators
to control the actual muscle movements.
- people with damage to the primary cortex or its axons suffer at least a temporary loss of fine
movements on the contralateral side.
Posterior Parietal Cortex - some neurons respond primarily to visual or somatosensory stimuli, some respond to a
complicated mixture of the stimulus and the upcoming response.
Primary Somatosensory Cortex - is the main receiving area for touch and other body information.
- it sends a substantial number of axons directly to the spinal cord and also provides the primary motor cortex
with sensory information.
Cells in the prefrontal cortex, premotor cortex and supplementary cortex actively prepare for a movement.
Prefrontal Cortex - responds to lights, noises, and other sensory signals that lead to a movement.
- it also calculates probable outcomes of various actions and the values of those outcomes.
- damage in this area has badly planned movements.
- inactive during dreams.
Premotor Cortex - is active during preparations for a movement and somewhat active during movement itself.
- it receives both information about target in space, to which the body is directing its movement, and
information about the current position and posture of the body itself.
- sends output to both the primary motor cortex and the spinal cord, organizing the direction of the
movements in space.
Supplementary Cortex - is most active just before a rapid series of movements in a particular order.
- damage to this area impairs the ability to organize smooth sequences of activities.
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brain and the genitals, the genitals still respond reflexively to
touch. Paraplegics have no genital sensations but they can still
experience orgasm.
Quadriplegia Loss of sensation and muscle control in all four extremities. Cut through the spinal cord above the
segments controlling the arms.
Hemiplegia Loss of sensation and muscle control in the arm and leg on Cut halfway through the spinal cord or
one side. (more commonly) damage to one
hemisphere of the cerebral cortex.
Tabes dorsalis Impaired sensation in the legs and pelvic region, impaired leg Late stage of syphilis. Dorsal roots of
reflexes and walking, loss of bladder and bowel movement. the spinal cord deteriorate.
Poliomyelitis Paralysis. Virus that damages cell bodies of motor
Amyotrophic Gradual weakness and paralysis, starting with the arms and Unknown.
lateral sclerosis later spreading to the legs.
Both motor neurons and axons from the brain to the motor
neurons are destroyed.
Caudate nucleus and putamen - are areas that receive input from the sensory areas of the thalamus and the
cerebral cortex.
Globus pallidus - is the output area, sending information to the thalamus, which in turn sends it to the motor
cortex and the prefrontal cortex.
1. Parkinson’s Disease - is characterized by impaired initiation of activity, slow and inaccurate movements, tremor,
rigidity, depression, and cognitive deficits.
- it is associated with the degeneration of dopamine-containing axons from the substantia nigra the
caudate nucleus and putamen.
- early onset has a strong hereditary basis, and the responsible gene has been identified; however,
heredity plays only a small role in the ordinary form of this disease, with onset after age 50.
- sometimes results from exposure to toxins; substance MPTP accumulates in, and destroys neurons
that release dopamine.
- most common treatment is L-dopa, which crosses the blood-brain barrier and enters neurons that
convert it into dopamine.
2. Huntington’s Disease - a hereditary condition marked by deterioration of motor control as well as depression, memory
impairment, and other cognitive disorders; age of onset is usually between 30 and 50.
- by examining one gene on chromosome 4, physicians can determine someone is likely to develop this
disease later in life.
- the gene responsible for this disease alters the structures of protein (huntingtin), which affects many
aspects of neural functioning.
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