1 s2.0 S0038092X15005290 Main
1 s2.0 S0038092X15005290 Main
1 s2.0 S0038092X15005290 Main
Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137
Received 6 March 2015; received in revised form 16 August 2015; accepted 28 September 2015
Available online 12 November 2015
Objective of this study is to analyse the impact of main factors, viz., load being supplied, wind speed, global irradiance, ambient
temperature and battery bank capacity (BBC), on the performance of Hybrid Energy System (HES). Levelised Cost of Energy (LCE)
and Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP) have been considered as performance indicators. Energy balance approach is used for
calculating BBC and corresponding LCE at desired LPSP for the selected system configuration and inputs.
It is concluded that for a given load, with increase in BBC, the LCE increases linearly, whereas LPSP decreases exponentially. With
increasing load, the BBC required for supplying power at a given LPSP, and corresponding LCE initially increase gradually and then shar-
ply and linearly. With increase in wind speed, BBC and corresponding LCE initially decrease sharply and then gradually; this variation is
more prominent for higher loads. The BBC and corresponding LCE decrease with increase in global irradiance, the decrease is gradual for
low loads; whereas, for large loads the decrease is initially sharp and then gradual. The BBC required for supplying power to a given load
at a given LPSP, and corresponding LCE, increase almost linearly with increase in annual average of hourly ambient temperature.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Hybrid Energy System (HES); Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP); Levelised Cost of Energy (LCE); Wind Turbine Generator (WTG);
Photovoltaic (PV)
0038-092X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1124 V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137
papers have been published dealing with the design and siz- for finding the optimum component sizes for the HES, to
ing of HES. Borowy and Salameh (1994) demonstrated a supply a known load pattern at a given site, taking into
methodology for calculating the optimum size of the PV account economic factors. Yang et al. (2007) have devel-
array for a Wind/PV hybrid system for a specific wind oped the Hybrid Solar-Wind System Optimization Sizing
turbine operating at a given load. It has been concluded model to optimise the capacity sizes of different compo-
that optimal mix of wind and photovoltaic generators nents of HES, and have carried out optimisation studies
depends on the particular site and load profile. Kellog for a telecommunication relay station at a remote island
et al. (1998) have developed a simple numerical algorithm in Guangdong province, China.
V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137 1125
There are various ways to integrate different where a1 ; b1 and c1 , etc., are the coefficients of quadratic
renewable/alternative power generation sources to form a equations; v1 to vn are various wind speeds on the power
HES (Nehrir et al., 2011). Power frequency AC coupled curve of the selected wind turbine; vc and vf are cut in and
1126 V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137
furling speeds of the wind turbine, respectively, and v is the here m; k B and q stand for ideality factor, Boltzman’s con-
wind speed at which output of the turbine is to be calculated. stant and magnitude of charge on an electron, respectively.
Based on the above method, the characteristic equations The value of Rs at STC can be determined by the
describing the selected wind turbine are shown in Appendix expression
A. These have been derived by using the output power vs
FF V oc
wind speed data of the selected wind turbine available Rs ¼ 1 ð8Þ
FF 0 I sc
in the resource file of National Renewable Energy
Laboratory’s HOMER software (2012). The values of V oc ; I sc and other parameters of the solar cell
operating on arbitrary conditions of irradiance and cell
3.2. Modelling of PV generator temperature can be found from their standard values given
in manufacturer’s data sheet, using following assumptions
Maximum power output of a PV generator P mp , operat- (Lorenzo, 2003):
ing at arbitrary conditions of effective solar irradiance Ge
and cell temperature T c , can be determined with the help i. The short circuit current of the solar cell depends lin-
of information available in manufacturer’s data sheet by early on solar irradiance and increases slightly with
using following set of equations (Thapar et al., 2012): increasing temperature, and is given by
P mp ðGe ; T c Þ ¼ FF ðGe ; T c Þ V oc ðGe ; T c Þ I sc ðGe ; T c Þ
dI sc
I sc ðGe ; T c Þ ¼ I sc 1 þ T C T C ð9Þ
N ms N mp N cs N cp ginv goth ð2Þ G dT c
where ginv and goth are the efficiencies of the inverter circuit where dI sc
is the current temperature coefficient of the
dT c
and control & converter circuits associated with the PV solar cell.
generator, respectively. The PV generator consists of N ms ii. The open circuit voltage decreases linearly with the
modules in series and N mp modules in parallel, each module temperature and depends logarithmically on the illu-
having N cs and N cp cells in series and parallel, respectively. mination level, and is given by
V oc and I sc are, respectively, the open circuit voltage and
dV oc
short circuit current of the PV cell and FF is its fill factor. V oc ðGe ; T c Þ ¼ V oc þ T c T c
In Eq. (2) and equations to follow, a variable with Ge dT c
and/or T c in the bracket represents the value of that vari- Ge
þ V t ðT c Þ ln ð10Þ
able under arbitrary condition of solar irradiance Ge and/ G
or cell temperature T c , whereas * in the superscript (wher-
ever used) represents the value of that variable under Stan- where dVdTocc is voltage temperature coefficient, and is a
dard Test Conditions (STC) (Irradiance: 1000 W/m2; negative quantity.
Spectrum: AM 1.5; and Cell Temperature: 25 °C). iii. The operating temperature of the solar cell T c above
The fill factor of the PV cell at any arbitrary condition ambient temperature T a is roughly proportional to
can be satisfactorily found by suitably modifying the the incident irradiance and is given as
empirical formula developed by Green (1982): T c ¼ T a þ C t Ge ð11Þ
FF ðGe ; T c Þ ¼ FF 0 ðGe ; T c Þ ð1 rs ðGe ; T c ÞÞ ð3Þ
where the constant C t is related to Normal Operating
where FF0 is the fill factor of the ideal PV cell without resis- Cell Temperature (NOCT) by
tive effects and rs is the normalised value of cell resistance. NOCT 20
The values of FF0 and rs can be found by using Eqs. (4) Ct ¼ ð12Þ
and (5), respectively,
iv. The series resistance Rs is the property of solar cell,
voc ðGe ; T c Þ lnðvoc ðGe ; T c Þ þ 0:72Þ
FF 0 ðGe ; T c Þ ¼ ð4Þ and is unaffected by operating conditions.
voc ðGe ; T c Þ þ 1
Rs I sc ðGe ; T c Þ Once the value of output power of the PV generator is
rs ðGe ; T c Þ ¼ ð5Þ known at any arbitrary condition of solar irradiance and
V oc ðGe ; T c Þ
ambient temperature, its energy yield for the required time
where voc and Rs are the normalised values of voltage and period can be calculated.
series resistance of the solar cell, respectively.
The value of voc is given by
3.3. Modelling of battery bank
V oc ðGe ; T c Þ
voc ðGe ; T c Þ ¼ ð6Þ
V t ðT c Þ Various researchers have adopted different techniques to
where V t is thermal voltage and is given by model the behaviour of battery bank (Berndt, 2006; Diaf
et al., 2008, 2007; Deshmukh and Deshmukh, 2008;
m k B ð273 þ T c Þ Dufo-López and Bernal-Agustı́n, 2005; Hongxing et al.,
V t ðT c Þ ¼ ð7Þ
q 2009). In most of these models the state of battery at a
V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137 1127
given hour t, is related to its previous state of charge and to iii. When the total AC output power of the generating sys-
the energy production and consumption of the system tem is equal to the load requirement, the storage capac-
during the time interval from t 1 to t. At a given ity of the battery bank remains almost unchanged
hour, the battery bank capacity is subject to following (other than the self discharge), and is given by
rB Dt
C bat min 6 C bat ðtÞ 6 C bat max ð13Þ C bat ðtÞ ¼ C bat ðt 1Þ 1 ð19Þ
C bat min ¼ ð1 DODmax ÞC bat ð14Þ where
C bat ðtÞ and C bat ðt1) are the battery bank capacities
where C bat max is the maximum capacity of the battery bank
at hour t and t 1, respectively.
and is equal to its nominal capacity, i.e., C bat ; C bat min is the
rB is the daily discharging rate of the battery bank
minimum allowable capacity of the battery bank, and is
(the manufacturer’s documentation gives a self
determined by the maximum depth of discharge (DODmax),
discharging rate of 25% over 6 months at a storage
which is 80% for the selected batteries.
temperature of 20 °C, i.e., 0.14% per day
The following conditions may exist depending upon the
(Diaf et al., 2007)).
relative magnitude of total power generated by the HES
The load demand at hour t is given by
and the load requirement:
EL ðtÞ ¼ P L ðtÞDt, where P L ðtÞ and EL ðtÞ are the load
connected and energy consumed, respectively, and
i. When the total AC output power of the generating
Dt is the time interval used for the computations,
system is greater than the load requirement, the bat-
which is one hour for the present study.
tery bank is under charging state, and the battery
Eg ðtÞ is the net AC energy generated by the
bank capacity at hour t is given by
system at hour t and is given by Eg ðtÞ ¼ ðP w ðtÞ þ
ðP pv ðtÞ ginv ÞÞDt, where P w (tÞ and P pv (tÞ are AC
rB Dt
C bat ðtÞ ¼ C bat ðt 1Þ 1 and DC power generated by wind turbine and PV
generator, respectively.
þ Eg ðtÞ EL ðtÞ grec gbatch ð15Þ ginv and grec are the inverter and rectifier/dual inverter
When the battery bank capacity reaches its maximum efficiencies, respectively, considered as 90–95%; gbatch
value C bat max , the battery bank stops getting charged is the battery charging efficiency, which is between
and the remaining energy, called excess or wasted 0.65 and 0.85, depending on the charging current;
energy, either goes as waste or is supplied to a dump and gbatdch is the battery discharging efficiency, which
load, and is given by is usually assumed as 1 (Diaf et al., 2008, 2007;
Hongxing et al., 2009).
C bat max C bat ðt 1Þ
EXCEðtÞ ¼ Eg ðtÞ EL ðtÞ þ
grec gbatch
ð16Þ 3.4. Reliability model based on concept of LPSP
ii. When the total AC output power of the generating It is customary to quantify reliability of a supply system
system is less than the load requirement, the battery in terms of LPSP, defined as the ratio between the energy
bank supplies the stored energy and is in the state deficit and the energy demand, both referring to the load,
of discharging. The battery bank capacity at any hour over the total operation time (T Þ of the installation
t is then expressed as (Lorenzo, 2003). Thus,
rB Dt EL ðtÞ Eg ðtÞ
C bat ðtÞ ¼ C bat ðt 1Þ 1 LPSP ¼ R T0
Energy deficit
24 ginv gbatdch
Energy demand
Accordingly, LPSP, for a considered period T, can be
If the battery capacity reaches its minimum value found by dividing all the LPS(tÞ values by the total load
C bat min , the load is disconnected from the circuit as requirement for that given period T, and is expressed as
the system is unable to meet the load demand. PT
The energy deficit between the load demand and the LPSðtÞ
LPSP ¼ PTt¼1 ð21Þ
t¼1 L ðtÞ Dt
power supplied by the HES (which also includes the P
power supplied by the battery bank) is called Loss
of Power Supply (LPS), and can be expressed as
3.5. Economy model based on the concept of LCE
LPSðtÞ ¼ EL ðtÞ ðEg ðtÞ þ ðC bat ðt 1Þ
LCE is one of the commonly used indicators for com-
C bat min Þginv gbatdch Þ ð18Þ paring financial performance of various power generating
1128 V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137
utilities, including HES (Diaf et al., 2008, 2007; Whisnant 1þi
S pk ¼ S 0k ð27Þ
et al., 2003). It is the unit cost of electricity in $ (or any 1þd
other currency) per kWh, and is given by
where S 0k is the salvage value of the k th component of the
LCE ¼ ð22Þ
Annual electric production The capital recovery factor (CRF), which converts a pre-
where LCC is the life cycle cost, and is defined as the sum sent value into a stream of equal annual payments over a
of the present worth of all the cost components associated specified time, at a specified discount rate, is given by
with a project relating to procurement, erection, operation, d ð1 þ d Þ
maintenance and replacement activities, as also the salvage CRF ¼ n ð28Þ
ð1 þ d Þ 1
The life cycle cost of the hybrid system can, in general, Using Eqs. (22)–(28), the LCE of a HES can be calculated.
be found by using the following equation:
Xj X j X
l X
s 3.5.1. Cost components associated with hybrid energy system
LCC ¼ ðICÞk þ ðOM p Þk þ ðRC p Þk ðS P Þk The cost components in the equations for calculating
k¼1 k¼1 k¼1 k¼1 LCE depend upon the configuration of the HES, and are
ð23Þ shown in Table 1 for the HES considered in the present
where ICk is the initial investment cost of the k th compo-
nent of HES; j; l and s are the limits of summation, being
4. Methodology
the number of components which, form the hybrid system,
require replacement and have salvage value, respectively.
4.1. The flow chart of the basic algorithm used for this
The present worth of operation and maintenance cost of
study is shown in Fig. 2, which for the selected ratings of
the k th component (OMpk) is given as under, if the mainte- wind and PV generators, by using the energy balance
nance amount is spent at the beginning of the year: approach, computes the BBC required for supplying power
1þd 1þi to a connected load at a desired LPSP. Inputs required for
OM pk ¼ OM 0k 1 ð24Þ
d i 1þd this algorithm are wind speed, solar radiation, ambient
temperature, load and LPSP. Once the BBC is known the
However, if the maintenance amount is spent at the end of
LCE of the selected system is computed.
the year then
1þi 1þi Programs have been developed for the relevant compu-
OM pk ¼ OM 0k 1 ð25Þ
d i 1þd tations and implemented using MATLAB. Models used for
where OM0k is the maintenance cost in the first year of the performance analysis of HES components, reliability and
k th component, i is the inflation rate, d is the discount rate economic analyses are given in Section 3. The characteristic
and n is the life span of the system. equations used for the selected wind turbine model are
The present worth of the replacement cost RCpk of the shown in Appendix A. The relevant technical specifications
for the selected PV module are given in Appendix B
k th component of the HES is given by
(Website of BP solar (2012)).
Xr n y
1þi r
RC pk ¼ IC k ð26Þ
1þd 4.2. Performance analyses of HES have been done with
following common conditions, unless otherwise specified:
where nr is the life span of the component requiring
replacement, and r is the number of replacements required i. Hourly weather data of Valkenburg, Netherlands
by the k th component. (latitude 52°90 N & longitude 4°250 E) for the year
The present worth of the salvage value of the k th 2004 is considered for the analysis (Royal
component S pk of the HES is given by Netherlands Meteorological Institute (2012)).
Table 1
Various cost components associated with HES.
Component Basic Installation Annual Salvage Life span
of HES cost cost O&M cost value (years)
Wind Energy Conversion Varies linearly from $ 3.6 to 3.2/W for rating 20% of the cost 1% of the cost of WECS 10% of the capital cost 25
System (WECS) varying from 1 to 10 kW of WECS of WECS
PV system $ 1.75/W 50% of the cost 0.2% of the total capital 10% of the capital cost 25
of PV array cost of PV system of PV system
Battery bank $ 0.1132/Wh – 1% of the cost of battery – 5
Dual inverter with charger $ 0.76/W – 1% of the cost of inverter – 10
V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137 1129
ii. The system is feeding to yearly hourly load of 800 W. 5. Results and discussions
iii. The efficiency of inverter/dual inverter is assumed to
be 95%. 5.1. Impact of battery bank capacity on the performance of
iv. Battery charging and discharging efficiencies are HES
assumed 85% and 100%, respectively.
v. Inflation and discount rates are assumed as 7% and The variation of LCE and LPSP with BBC is plotted in
10%, respectively. Fig. 3.
vi. PV module is mounted horizontally. It can be observed from Fig. 3 that:
vii. Ideality factor for the solar cell is taken as 1.2.
i. With the increase in the BBC from 1.8 (single battery)
to 14.4 kWh (8 batteries), the LPSP decreases sharply
4.3. Following procedures have been adopted to study from 0.1950 to 0.0374; thereafter, it decreases gradu-
the impact of factors influencing the performance of ally to 0 for BBC of 207 kWh (115 batteries).
HES: ii. The LCE increases linearly from $ 0.2995/kWh for
BBC of 1.8 kWh to $ 0.3196/kWh for BBC of
14.4 kWh and thereafter to $ 0.6265/kWh for BBC
4.3.1. Impact of battery bank capacity (BBC) of 207 kWh (115 batteries); the relationship is
Number of batteries connected in HES is increased from LCE ¼ 0:0015939ðBBC Þ þ 0:29661
0 to such a value where complete load requirement is met
by the renewable source/s. For each of these BBC, corre-
sponding values of performance indicators (LCE and It can be concluded from above that for a W–PV–B
LPSP) are calculated. system:
1.Input hourly weather data of wind speed; solar irradiance and ambient temperature.
2. Input hourly load (EL).
3.Input all relevant technical data pertaining to different components used in the HES.
4.Input all relevant information pertaining to economical analysis of the system.
5.Input required LPSP (LPSPreq).
NB = 1
t= 1
Calculate AC output
generated by the system
for that hour Eg(t)
LPS (t)
t = t +1 No t = 8760
Calculate LPSP & Excess Energy
NB = NB + 1 LPSPreq
Do economic analysis
ii. The Increase in LCE with the load follows the 0, for different yearly hourly loads are plotted in Fig. 6,
same general pattern as that of variation of BBC with corresponding variation of LCE is plotted in Fig. 7.
load. It can be observed from Figs. 6 and 7 that at a LPSP of 0:
iii. The difference between the BBC required (and the
corresponding LCE) for supplying power at different i. When feeding power to a yearly hourly load of
LPSPs, increases with load. 2.0 kW, the requirement of BBC initially decreases
sharply from 11244.6 (6247 batteries) to 1134 kWh
(630 batteries) for increase in wind speed from 1.31
5.3. Impact of wind speed on the performance of HES to 5.91 m/s. Beyond this wind speed the reduction is
gradual, decreasing to 126 kWh (70 batteries) at a
The variation of BBC with annual average of hourly wind speed of 13.15 m/s. The requirement of BBC
wind speed required for maintaining supply at a LPSP of decreases with decrease in load, and the curve of
V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137 1131
BBC versus wind speed becomes flatter. For a load of iv. The variation of LCE with wind speed follows
0.2 kW, the requirement of BBC decreases from 59.4 the same general pattern as that of BBC with wind
(33 batteries) to 5.4 kWh (3 batteries) for increase in speed.
annual average of hourly wind speed from 1.31 to
13.15 m/s.
ii. The decrease in LCE with increase in annual average 5.4. Impact of global irradiance on the performance of HES
of hourly wind speed follows the same general pattern
of variation as that of BBC with wind speed. For a The variation of BBC with annual average of hourly
load of 2.0 kW, the LCE decreases sharply from global irradiance required to maintain supply at a
$ 57.4287 to 2.4610/kWh for increase in wind speed LPSP of 0, for different yearly hourly loads, is plotted in
from 1.31 to 5.91 m/s, and then gradually to Fig. 8; corresponding variation of LCE is plotted in
$ 0.2829/kWh for a wind speed of 13.15 m/s. Fig. 9.
Whereas for a load of 0.2 kW, the LCE decreases It can be observed from Figs. 8 and 9 that when W–PV–
from $ 1.2066 to 0.1675/kWh for increase in annual B system supplies power at a LPSP of 0:
average of hourly wind speed from 1.31 to 13.15 m/s.
i. For yearly hourly load of 0.5 kW, the requirement of
It can be concluded from above observations that for a BBC decreases from 120.6 (67 batteries) to 12.6 kWh
W–PV–B system supplying power at a given LPSP: (7 batteries) with increase in annual average of hourly
global irradiance from 12.24 to 270.05 W/m2. The
i. For large loads the requirement of BBC at lower corresponding decrease in BBC for loads of 1.0, 1.5
speed range (of about 3–5 m/s) decreases sharply with and 2.0 kW is from 428.4 (238 batteries) to
increase in annual average of hourly wind speed, 172.8 kWh (96 batteries), 763.2 (424 batteries) to
beyond which requirement of BBC decreases gradu- 471.6 kWh (262 batteries) and 1738.8 (966 batteries)
ally, whereas for small loads the decrease is gradual to 804.6 kWh (447 batteries), respectively.
for all wind speeds. ii. For loads of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 kW the BBC
ii. The rate of change of BBC with wind speed increases decreases gradually with the increase in annual
with load. average of hourly global irradiance from 12.24 to
iii. At a given wind speed requirement of BBC increases 270.05 W/m2. Whereas for a load of 2.0 kW the
with load. However, as the wind speed increases, the BBC decreases sharply for increase in global
difference between BBC required for different loads irradiance from 12.24 to 36.73 W/m2, thereafter the
decreases. decrease is gradual.
1 0.2
0.9 0.18
Levelised Cost of Energy in $/Wh -------------------->
0.8 0.16
Loss of Power Supply Probability -------------------->
0.7 0.14
0.6 0.12
0.5 0.1
0.4 0.08
0.3 0.06
0.2 0.04
0.1 0.02
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Battery Bank Capacity in kWh -------------------->
Fig. 3. Variation of LCE and LPSP with BBC for a W–PV–B system.
1132 V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137
x 10
LPSP = 0
LPSP = 0.1
Battery Bank Capacity in kWh -------------------->
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Hourly Electrical Load in W --------------------->
LPSP = 0
LPSP = 0.1
Levelised Cost of Energy in $/kWh -------------------->
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Hourly Electrical Load in W -------------------->
iii. For a load of 0.5 kW, the value of LCE decreases decrease in LCE, for yearly hourly load of 1.0,
from $ 0.6816 to 0.2378/kWh, with the increase 1.5 and 2.0 kW, is from $1.3749 to 0.4342,
in annual average of hourly global irradiance 2.1284 to 0.7978 and 4.3134 to 1.2026/kWh,
from 12.24 to 270.05 W/m2. The corresponding respectively.
V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137 1133
Load = 0.2 kW
Load = 0.5 kW
LPSP = 0 Load = 1.0 kW
Load = 1.5 kW
Battery Bank Capacity in kWh -------------------->
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Average Wind Speed in m/s -------------------->
Load = 0.2 kW
LPSP = 0 Load = 0.5 kW
Levelised Cost of Energy in $/kWh -------------------->
Load = 1.0 kW
Load = 1.5 kW
50 Load = 2.0 kW
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Average Wind Speed in m/s --------------------->
It can be concluded from above that for a W–PV–B sys- the requirement of BBC initially decreases sharply
tem supplying power at a LPSP of 0: and thereafter gradually with the increase in global
i. For low values of load the BBC decreases gradually ii. The variation of LCE with global irradiance follows,
with the increase in annual average of hourly global in general, the same pattern as that for the variation
irradiance. However, beyond a certain value of load, of BBC with global irradiance.
1134 V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137
Load = 0.5 kW
LPSP = 0
Load = 1.0 kW
1600 Load = 1.5 kW
Battery Bank Capacity in kWh -------------------->
Load = 2.0 kW
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
Annual Average of Hourly Global Irradiance in W/sq. meter -------------------->
Load = 0.5 kW
LPSP = 0 Load = 1.0 kW
Load = 1.5 kW
Levelised Cost of Energy in $/kWh -------------------->
Load = 2.0 kW
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
Annual Average of Hourly Global Irradiance in W/sq. meter -------------------->
5.5. Impact of ambient temperature on the performance of It can be observed from Figs. 10 and 11 that for a
HES W–PV–B system supplying power at a LPSP of 0:
The variation of BBC with annual average of hourly i. For a yearly hourly load of 0.5 kW, the BBC required
ambient temperature required to maintain supply at a increases from 55.8 (31 batteries) to 73.8 kWh (41
LPSP of 0, for different yearly hourly loads, is plotted in batteries) with the increase in the annual average of
Fig. 10; corresponding variation in LCE is plotted in hourly ambient temperature from 9.48 to 30.52 °C.
Fig. 11. The corresponding increase in BBC for loads of
V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137 1135
Load = 0.5 kW
Load = 1.0 kW LPSP = 0
Load = 1.5 kW
Load = 2.0 kW
Battery Bank Capacity in kWh -------------------->
-10 -7.5 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5
Annual Average of Hourly Ambient Temperature in deg. C -------------------->
Fig. 10. Variation of BBC with ambient temperature for a W–PV–B system.
Load = 0.5 kW LPSP = 0
Load = 1.0 kW
Levelised Cost of Energy in $/kWh -------------------->
Load = 1.5 kW
Load = 2.0 kW
-10 -7.5 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5
Annual Average of Hourly Ambient Temperature in deg. C -------------------->
Fig. 11. Variation of LCE with ambient temperature for a W–PV–B system.
1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kW is from 318.6 to 347.4 kWh (177 It can be concluded from the above observations that
to 193 batteries), 646.2 to 676.8 kWh (359 to 376 bat- for W–PV–B system supplying power at a LPSP of 0:
teries) and 993.6 to 1027.8 kWh (552 to 571 batter-
ies), respectively. i. The BBC required, for supplying power to a given
ii. With the increase in BBC the value of LCE also load at a given LPSP, and the corresponding LCE
increases. For increase in annual average of hourly increase almost linearly with the increase in annual
ambient temperature from 9.48 to 30.52 °C, the value average of hourly ambient temperature.
of LCE increases from $ 0.3643 to 0.4343, 0.7665 to ii. The rate of increase in LCE and BBC with
0.8986, 1.2669 to 1.4567 and 1.7973 to 2.0510/kWh ambient temperature increases slightly with increase
for loads of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kW, respectively. in load.
1136 V. Thapar / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 1123–1137
5.6. The results of this study have been obtained by using ¼ 0:064 v2 0:018 v 1:332 ðfor 7 < v 6 9Þ ðI:4Þ
well established mathematical models, which have been val- ¼ 0:17 v 2:17 v þ 9:45
ðfor 9 < v 6 11Þ ðI:5Þ
idated by various authors, some of them have been cited in
the appropriate sections. As such, these results can be consid- ¼ 0:085 v 0:775v þ 4:39
ðfor 11 < v 6 13Þ ðI:6Þ
ered as validated for the purpose of achieving the objective of ¼ 0:14 v þ 5:23 v 35:65 ðfor 13 < v 6 15Þ
the present study.
¼ 0:38 v þ 12:48 v 90:4 ðfor 15 < v 6 17Þ
¼ 0:11 v þ 3:51 v 15:94 ðfor 17 < v 6 19Þ
6. Conclusions
¼ 0:06 v þ 1:78 v 1:12 ðfor 19 < v 6 21Þ
The first part of this paper discusses simple mathemati- ¼ 4:921e 15 v 0:68 v þ 24:08
ðfor 21 < v 6 23Þ ðI:11Þ
cal models for the modelling of various components of ¼ 5:181e 16 v 0:68v þ 24:08 ðfor 23 < v 6 25Þ
HES. These models use only limited data which are nor-
¼0 ðfor v > 25Þ ðI:13Þ
mally available in manufacturer’s data sheet. Reliability
and economic models based on the concept of Loss of
Power Supply Probability and Levelised Cost of Energy, Appendix B. 215 W Photovoltaic module manufactured
respectively, have also been discussed. by BP solar Ltd
In the second part of the paper the impact of variation
in battery bank capacity, load, wind speed, global irradi- Sr. Item Specification
ance and ambient temperature on the performance of the number
selected hybrid energy system have been investigated and 1 Model number BP 3215B
analysed. The LCE and LPSP have been considered as per- 2 Maximum power under 215 W
formance indicators. STC
In view of varied nature of investigations carried out, 3 Voltage at maximum 29.1 V
the conclusions for each of the investigations have been power under STC
given in ‘‘Results and Discussions” section of the respective 4 Current at maximum 7.4 A
study for better comprehension. The main findings are power under STC
summarised below: 5 Short circuit current 8.10 A
It has been observed that for a given load, with increase under STC
in BBC, the LCE increases linearly; whereas, LPSP 6 Open circuit voltage 36.5 V
decreases exponentially. With increase in load, the BBC under STC
required for supplying power at a given LPSP and corre- 7 Temperature coefficient (0.065 ± 0.015)%/°C
sponding LCE initially increase gradually and then sharply of Isc
and linearly. With increase in wind speed, BBC and corre- 8 Temperature coefficient (0.36 ± 0.05)%/°C
sponding LCE initially decrease sharply and then gradu- of Voc
ally; this variation is more prominent for higher loads. 9 Normal Operating Cell 47 ± 2 °C
The BBC and the corresponding LCE decrease with the Temperature (NOCT)
increase in global irradiance, the decrease is gradual for 10 Solar cells connected in 60
low loads, whereas for large loads the decrease is initially series
sharp and then gradual. The BBC required for supplying
power to a given load at a given LPSP and the correspond-
ing LCE increase almost linearly with the increase in
annual average of hourly ambient temperature. References
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