Ucsp Dlpweek1
Ucsp Dlpweek1
Ucsp Dlpweek1
DAILY LESSON Teacher April Ann D. Abadilla Learning Area Understanding Culture, Society & Politics
LOG Teaching Dates and Time Aug.30-31, Sept. 01-02, 2022 Quarter 1st
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the significance of studying culture, society, and politics
B. Performance Standards Appreciates the value of disciplines of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science as social sciences
C. Learning Competencies/ Articulate observations on human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities (UCSP11/12SPU-Ia-1)
Write the LC code for each
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide-Core
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources www.google.com
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Present distorted figures Review the previous lesson. Review the previous lesson. Synthesize the three previous lessons.
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the What is Culture? Elements of Culture Characteristics of culture How Does Culture Change
C. Presenting examples/instances Ask the students: “what comes The teacher will present some Ask students about the Lecture discussion
of the new lesson to your minds when you situations and the students will examples of traditions in the
encounter the word Culture?” try to analyze each examples. Philippines How Does Culture Change
Example: Pagmamano, Unique Aspects of the Human Species
D. Discussing new concepts and Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlocking of Difficulties: The teacher will present the
practicing new skills #1 Defining Culture and Society Elements of Culture different characteristics of .
from the perspective of 1. Belief System culture
Anthropology and Sociology 2. Cultural Values
3. Attitudes
E. Discussing new concepts and Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlocking of Difficulties:
practicing new skills #2 Discussed the 2 types of Discussed the meaning of
culture Norms, Mores and Folkways
F. Developing mastery (leads to Ask the difference Material Activity: Compare and Activity: Recitation:
Formative Assessment 3) and Non-material culture Contrast The class will a group activity Can society exist without culture?
and they will be divided into 4
groups. After doing the
Culture activity the students will
Mores Folkways answer the following
1. What are the
similarties and
differences of every
Cite the differences of mores 2. Do these similarities
and folkways and differences affect
the life of the whole
community? Why?
G. Finding practical applications of What makes your culture How does folkways affect Why do we need to respect Task the students to write an essay
concepts and skills in daily living different from the rest and culture the culture of other country?
H. Making generalizations and The learners will be tasked to The class will be grouped into
abstractions about the lesson come up with a word web map two. The first group will be
based from their tasked to give examples of
understanding of the Mores and the other group will
discussion. provide examples of folkways.
Prepared by Approved by
Teacher II Asst. Principal II