Articlefile 1656317759780 Main
Articlefile 1656317759780 Main
Articlefile 1656317759780 Main
In this paper, the analysis of engine mounting structures that will be applied to electric vehicles is conducted. The
engine mounting structure will be subjected to static loading from the mounted components assembly, including
the assembly of the gearbox, electric motor, and corresponding brackets. In the structure arrangement, HSLA
material is mostly used and general structural steel such as AISI 4130 is also used. This study aims to evaluate the
existing design so that further optimization steps can be carried out. Simulations and analysis with a static approach
were performed using SOLIDWORKS. The stress and displacement contours are then created, and the location of
the critical points of maximum stress and maximum deflection can be obtained so that the safety factor of the design
can be evaluated. Based on the simulation results, the current safety factor value is very high when compared to
using materials with lower physical properties. In addition, it is necessary to develop further studies involving
dynamic loading so that it can also be considered to reduce production costs and increase production efficiency.
Engine mounting; Structural analysis; Static simulation; Safety factor
2 Methodology
2.1 Modeling
The cross-member type design model that is often used
in conventional vehicles is the I beam, C beam, and a
rectangular box. After conducting a comparative study
through previous research, in this research, a cross-
sectioned rectangular box cross-member was used. As (a)
shown in Figure 1a, these cross-members are mounted
on the main frame with bolted connections. In addition,
there are several mountings to support the electric motor
assembly. The mountings are welded together with the
cross-member, and their position is adjusted according
to the position of the bolt holder of the electric motor
assembly. In the model design, two cross members hold
the motor and gearbox assembly. These two cross-
members are also connected to a steel pipe that
functions as lower arm mounting as shown in Figure 1b.
In the simulation that will be carried out, the simulation
will cover the connection between the frame and the
cross-member up to the lower arm mounting pipe. This
is done because, in terms of the structure being
evaluated, the assembly structure of these components
will have the most influence when loading conditions
are carried out. Figure 1 Front assembly of the vehicle chassis (a) and
evaluated cross-member structures (b)
34 I Nyoman Adhywinaya and Bentang Arief Budiman
2.3 Meshing
In calculating the force that occurs, the dimensions of
The meshing process was done using SolidWorks. The each mounting concerning the COG (Figure 5) are used
element of the structure should have the capability of based on the moment equilibrium formula. Thus, the
deflection, plasticity, elasticity, stress stiffening, creep, following formulation for the occurred force for each
and strains. Mesh was generated using blended point is obtained.
curvature-based mesh to cover the geometry complexity
within the bent steel plate. For some components that 𝑊𝐹 (2)
(𝐹" + 𝐹# ) =
utilize bending plates, the meshing process is carried out 𝐸+𝐹
𝑊𝐸 (3)
using the mid-surface of sheet metal components. This (𝐹$ + 𝐹% ) =
is done to drastically reduce the number of mesh while (𝐹" + 𝐹# )𝐵 (4)
maintaining a good surface mesh fidelity. The 𝐹" =
maximum element size is set to be 20 mm while the (𝐹" + 𝐹# )𝐴 (5)
𝐹# =
minimum element size is 5 mm. Figure 3 shows the 𝐴+𝐵
(𝐹$ + 𝐹% )𝐷 (6)
detailed mesh of the structure. 𝐹$ =
(𝐹$ + 𝐹% )𝐶 (7)
2.4 Boundary and loading condition 𝐹% =
Simulations were carried out to determine the strong
performance of the structure when it was given a load Using the given formula, the acting force can be
in the form of motor and gearbox assembly placing. To determined as can be seen in Table 3. These respective
determine the static analysis, it was simply supported on forces are then applied to the structure as detailed in
the 4 sides of the bolt connection between the main Figure 5.
frame and the cross-member bracket. One side of the
Table 3 Force magnitude for each mounting
connection is fixed in all directions while the other three
sides are only fixed in the vertical direction so that the Force Component Force Value (N)
horizontal shifting possibility of each mounting can be 𝐹" + 𝐹# 584
seen as well. 𝐹$ + 𝐹% 455
𝐹" 295
𝐹# 289
To determine the loading conditions within the
𝐹$ 21
structure, each force that occurs on each mounting can 𝐹% 453
be calculated based on the static equilibrium method
which is formulated as follows.
𝛴𝑀! = 0 (1)
3 Results and Discussion
The load consists of the total weight of each component Based on the results of the current design simulations
that is part of the motor and gearbox assembly, (using combination materials of HSLA and AISI 4130)
including the electric motor, gearbox assembly, and that have been carried out, the maximum stress that
motor brackets, including the bushings. These loads occurs reaches 25.98 MPa, and the maximum stress
occur within the assembly's center of gravity (COG). point is at the connection between the main frame and
The data for each component weight can be seen in the cross-member.
Table 2.
Structural Design and Analysis of Electric Car Engine Mount 35
There is a small deviation within the simulation results Figure 8 Maximum displacement distribution using a
if AISI 4130 material is applied for all components. The combination of HSLA and AISI 4130
result shows that the maximum von mises stress is 28.39
MPa and the location of the maximum stress is also at
adjacent points as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7.
36 I Nyoman Adhywinaya and Bentang Arief Budiman
4 Conclusion
Figure 9 Maximum displacement distribution using only Structural analysis has been carried out to determine the
AISI 4130 current engine mounting structure's maximum stress,
deflection, and safety factor. Based on the simulation,
the result shows that the current design's maximum
stress condition still has a high safety factor, which is
16.43. Compared to the application of materials that
tend to have lower physical properties, the safety factor
value is still in the safe zone, which is 6.62, so it is
possible to optimize in terms of reducing production
costs by replacing materials.
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