Unit10 15
Unit10 15
Unit10 15
Language Learning
2. Monolingual dictionary _b) It uses the same language for words andtheir
iososons eaee
Whyis it importantto learn foreign languages?
© Whydoyoulearn English?
I study English becauseit’s the most importantinternational language.It is widely used for
business communication,aviation, politics, medicine anda lot ofother purposes. Furthermore,
for me personally English is a very nice language with a pleasant rhythm andintonation.
Modern music culture is almostexclusively in English andthereare lot of English-speaking
films as well, so I can use my knowledgein various different ways from readinga blog on the
net to talking to a foreigner whois asking for directionsin thestreet.
participating, while with a private teacher the time of the lesson is a matter of consensus
between the teacher and student and can bealtered if necessary. Private lessons are usually
more expensive in the long run than language courses, althoughit is true that 100 percent of
lesson time is devoted to you personally if you are studying with a private teacher.It really
dependson yourpersonality and financial means which one youoptfor.
b) In our school foreign languages are given a great importance, that’s why our teachers
are well-qualified and good at their jobs. We do a great variety of activities in the
lessons, cover the material in the coursebook andhavetests, both oral and written, quite
regularly. Fortunately theyare neversurprise tests, our teachersfind it importantto let us
know aboutthe relevant dates so that we can prepare better and manage our time more ©
a matter of consensus ‘meaterov,ken'senses
megbeszélés targya/
accelerate ok'seloreit felgyorsit
adolescent eede'lesent serdul6
advancedlevel ed'varnst ‘level halad6 szint(ti)
olyan ar, ami mindent
all-in package ‘Orlin ‘paekidz
alter ‘orlte mddosit, megvaltoztat
appealing e'prlin vonzo
as a consequence .eze'konsikwens kovetkezésképp
attain e'tein elér
aviation eivielfn repulés
barrier ‘beerie sorompo
be willing to do sth wilin hajland6 vmit megtenni
becomeingrained bi'kam tn'greind bevesddik
beneficial beni'fifl jotékony hatasu, el6nyos
bilingual bar'lingwel kétnyelvt
catering industry ‘keitorin ‘indastri vendéglatdipar
chalk tfozk kréta
claim kleim allit
clarification kleerif'keifn tisztazas, magyarazat
colonisation kolenalzeifn gyarmatositas
jl jon, jO hasznat lehet
comein handy ‘kam tn ‘heendi
megertést ellendrzd
comprehension check kompri'henjn'tfek
consider ken'side fontolgat
nyelvi érintkezés eszkoze
contact language ‘konteekt ‘leengwid3
(kOzos nyelv)
a szovegosszefuiggésbol
context clue ‘kontekst klu: fakado segitség (kulcs a
cope with sth ‘koup wid megbirkdzik vmivel
definitely ‘definitl hatarozottan
devote di'veot szan, szentel
dominant ‘dominent uralkodo
dramatize a story ‘dreemetaiz a ‘storri eldad torténetet
enrol in a language beiratkozik nyelvtan-
in'reol in a ‘lzengwidz ko:s
course folyamra
entirely in'taleli teljes mértékben,teljesen
ragasztos hatoldalu
Post-It note ‘peustit noot
postpone ‘peustpeon halogat, elhalaszt
proficiency exam prefifansi ig'zeem nyelwizsga
pronunciation prenansieifn kiejtés
prospective pre'spektiv jovobeni, leenddé
valddi targyak (nyelvorai
realia rreelja
reflect riflekt tukroz
relevant ‘relevent fontos
rental shop 'rentl fop kdlcs6nzd
belebotlik (ismeretlen
run across a word ‘ran a'kras 9 wa:d
schedule ‘fedju:l itt: rendszer, 6rabeosztas
set time ‘set taim
simplified ‘simplifaid (le)egyszerusitett
szituacios parbeszéd/
situational dialogue — ‘sitjo'eifnl ‘daialog
magyarazattal ellatott
smart key ‘smaxt ki:
sneak snk beoson
soundtrack ‘saundtreek film hangja
stateexam steit ig'zeem nyelwizsga
subscribe to a magazine/ seb'skraib tu 9 'meegeziin magazinra eldfizet, ujsagot
newspaper ‘nju:zpeipe megrendel
subtitles sAb'taitl felirat (filmen)
superpower ‘suipepave nagyhatalom
eldre nem bejelentett
surprisetest se'praiz test
sympathy ‘simpe0! egyuttérzés
thorough ‘Baran teljes, alapos
time-consuming taimken'zju:min iddigenyes
kereskedelmi cég
trade representative treid reprizentativ
transaction traen'zeek{n tranzakcio, ugylet
tuition fee turin fi: tandij
unnoticed An'ngotist észrevetlenul
usage ‘jursidZ nyelvhasznalat
vmiszéles spektruma/
vast array of sth vast d'rel av
visualize ‘viz0elaiz megjelenit
a veel Comprehension
2 goingto.‘reac about|certaintips. on how to overcome stresswhile
preparing for anexam.All theheadings havebeenremoved. Yourtask is to.
- matchthe headingsand the paragraphs, andputthe letters (A-H)in the boxesas
S showniintheexample. There are two extra letters that youdonot need. oey
Stress-busting Tips
Preparing for exams does not only meansleepless nights and endless swotting but also those
stubborn butterflies in your stomach which keep your thoughts revolving around the moment |
you must enter the exam room. A certain amountofstress is found to be beneficial for your
achievement, but not too much.Hereare sometoptips on how to deal with the extra amount.
Try to keep yoursleep routine as regular as possible, and don’t forget that the minimal amount
is 6 hours.
Makesure yourdiet includes plenty offruit and veg. Optfor juice or water, avoid too much tea
or coffee.
It’s a fantastic stress buster. Go running, skateboarding, play a sport, or just take a walk around
the block. You will feel more relaxed. If you're notsleeping very well trying it can makea real
Don't beat yourself up about things, instead be nice to yourself. Make a quicklist offive things
you've donethatyou are proudof. This will put you in a good mood andyouwill learn more.
If you arestartingto loseit, andfeel that the studyingis getting on top of you — takea bit of time
breathe deeply.
standup straight and smile, you will feel a bit better straight away.
t. Yourtask
illhavesome _
wg in onepiece. —
Kato Lomb
Therearealotofproverbsinconnectionwithwork. Howev
proverbs arejumbledup.Put thewordsinthe correctorder. _
2% Questions
Whatis telecommuting?
Wouldyoulike to do it?
Answers BB)
b) I like learning languages and I can communicate with peopleeasily. I’d like to get a
university or college degree. I’m interested in tourism andcatering, so I’d like to become a
travel agent, a tour guide, a hotel receptionist or may be a restaurant owner.
c) I'd like to have a job that has a high prestige, gives good money andprovides a valuable
service to society.
b) I wouldlike to have a nine-to-five job, a kindofoffice job that I canfinish at a certain time.
WhenI step out of myoffice I'd like to deal with other segmentsoflife: family, friends and
entertainment.I agree with the proverb, that “All work and no play makesJack a dull boy”.
I wouldn’t want to become a workaholic like my parents.
c) Being your ownbossis the best form of work. I wouldn’tlike to obey orders and be told
whatto do. I’d like to have my ownbusiness, where I would be responsible for everything.
Success or failure would be mine; no one else could be blamedforit. It’s because I don’t
really trust other people, I’m not a team worker, I know.
andfacilities without much concernfor the functioning of the company. In the future the
priorities of an organization will be productivity and performance, so newor re-organised
companieswill not havea lot of permanent employees, they will employ freelancers offering
them project-oriented contracts. The contract is or is not renewed on the basis of the
performance in the completed project. The employeesareatliberty either to accept a new
contract or seek a better-paying and/or more challenging company. Anotherchangeis that
in the present day job market, besides university degrees, communication skills, assertive
personality, positive thinking andleadership qualities are given importance. However,it is
not enoughif you possessthese traits. They should be properly exhibited and demonstrated
in yourapplication and résumé andatthe timeofthe interview.
Whatis telecommuting?
Telecommuting, e-commuting, e-work, telework, working from home or working at homeis
a work arrangementin which employeesenjoyflexibility in working location and hours. The
daily commuteto a centralplace ofworkis replaced by telecommunicationlinks. A frequently
repeated mottois that “work is something you do, not something youtravelto”.
done unless there are tight deadlines. However, I would also like to have nice, friendly
colleagues of my age with whom I could spend time in the nearby pub/cafeteria after
6B Reading Ss
You are going to read an ee about.job-seekers’ problems. Your task is to.
finish the sentences(1-6) followingthetext. Choosethe phrase(A-D) whichis
nearest in meaningto whatthearticle says.Write theletterstin.the boxes ee
i an example (0) atthebeginning.
There is r—~—r——“‘*EEEUCCCW y
online reputations in some capacity before hiring, said George Matlock,director of operations at
Matlock Advertising and Public Relations in Atlanta, Georgia. And while Matlock said he almost
always Googles a person’s namebeforehiring them,hesteers clear of Facebook.
“Websites are almost impossible to eliminate,” Raymansaid. “They get cached somewhere and
they'll keep comingup. It used to be if you had a poor reputation in one school, you'd movete
another and yourrecord didn’t necessarily follow you.It’s getting harder and harder to do that as
everyoneis on the Internet and everyone knowseveryone’s business.”
keep body and soul together, FA keep up appearances,
3, keep up with the Joneses, 4. live in an ivory tower,
BB live outof a suitcase, #3 makethe best of things, make ends meet
acceptthe situation and do whatyoucanin spite ofthe difficulties or disadvantages
GE) havea lifestyle which preserves someone from the problemsanddifficulties experienced by
Ԥ maintain an outward show ofprosperity or well-being in order to hide the difficulties from
travel a lot, move from place to place, and therefore be restricted to the contents of a
G3 have enough moneyto live on
manage to survive
try to have the same possessionsor social achievements as someoneelse
Whateating disorders do you know of? Whydo people develop these diseases?
Howcan you recognize that someoneis anorexic or bulimic?
Howcan people cope with these diseases?
Do youlike readingarticles on health issues? Why? Why not?
a) Yes, I do. Ican find them ontheInternet orin health magazines. Theygive useful advice about
different health problems, and they explain things from scientific point ofview.I like these
explanations, and biological, chemicalor physical backgroundinformation.I learn a lot from
them.I can learn aboutnew therapies, treatments, and thesearticles help with prevention.
b) No, I don’t. The only aim ofsuch anarticle is to advertise a new product, or a new gadget,
and they try to persuade people that they are worth their cost, and people will finally
buy them. Unfortunately,it is very often just a question of fashion, andtheeffects or the
mechanism ofa popular new medicine or treatmentare not proven. You buyit just because
youbelieveit will help.
How doyoukeepfit?
a) Ihave dailyfitness routine which incorporatesactivities for my spirit and mind as well as
my body. I do exercise regularly. I do yoga at home and spend half an hour on my yoga mat
every morning. Moreover,I spend lot of time outdoors.I have a balanced diet, but I like
sweets very much,andeatchocolate everyday.I believe thatit is a natural mood booster.
I always sleep eight hours.
b)I try to follow a healthydiet. I never skip breakfast,eat a lot of vegetables andfruit, I have
cut down on red meat, caffeine, sugar andsalt. I never eatafter 6 o'clock, but take a long
walk before going to sleep. I do not exercise regularly, but in winter I go skiing and in
summerI often swim.I like all kinds of fruit and although I eat it frequently my mum
insists on me taking vitamins every winter.
should be explained to people and the results can be demonstrated on charts or displayed on
photos. There are people who have survived a heart attack, or have been cured of cancer and
they could speak abouttheir experiences. Personal examples are always very impressive.
(i Is yourlifestyle stressful?
a) It is not mylifestyle,butlife itself that is stressful. It is impossible to have a stress-freelife.
It is true, that a certain level of positive stress is good, asit helps usto rise to everyday
challenges andget things done. But most people have too muchofit. There is more stress
in their lives than necessary. Unfortunately, I am one of them. I work long hoursin a very
stressfuljob, so I havelittle time for my family. Moreover, we havefinancial problems, and
my mom wasoperated on with breast cancer a month ago. As you cansee,I have several
things to worry about.
b) I am an undergraduate, and often haveto do tests, take examsor give a presentation
in front of my group mates. Everything in connection with my studies worries mea lot.
I think I will never get used to taking exams. I have been quarrelling a lot recently with
myboyfriend,so ourrelationship is far from being optimal. So there is something on my
mindall the time. No wonderI suffer from insomnia.
Whatis harmful to our health?
a) Almost everything. If you live in a town or city you inhale polluted air, you hear the
continuous murmur ofthetraffic, you are anxiousall the time, not to mentionthefact that
you do not know whatyou actually drink oreat. Everythingis ready-made,prepared, you
can't see the processjust the result. In the countryside you may have something natural
and harmless, I guess.
b)It’s a difficult question. As the proverb says: One man’s meatis another man’s poison. This
meansthat whatis good for me, may be bad or even harmful to you. I can drink lot of
coffee, and as my bloodpressureis low it does not do too much harm.Butit has a different
effect on my father, who haschronic high bloodpressure. If he drinks more than one
cup ofcoffee he feels bad and dizzy. So he shouldn’t drink too much ofit. However, there
are somehealth-threatening things, such as smoking, taking drugs or drinking alcohol,
which are considered to be harmful and very dangerous. The dangeroriginates from the
fact that it is easy to become addicted to these things, and in the majority of cases it is
almost impossible to get rid of these addictions.
What would you doto prevent your children from smoking, drinking heavily
and taking drugs?
As a parent I would talk with my child about these problems openly andsincerely. I would
highlight the potential dangersof all these addictions. I would keep an eye on mychild, and
would notlet him/her go out whenever he or she wanted. Moreover, there would be forbidden
places,like certainill-famed discos for example, where she/he wouldnotbe allowedto go.I also
would meethis/herfriends, and would talk to them in order to check whether they form good
company. Peerpressure is very strong amongstadolescents. If somethingis totally forbidden it
will easily turn into temptation. Therefore, I would allow mychild to try somelight alcohol, wine
or beer and wouldtry to persuade him notto drinkor at least consumealcohol moderately. As
for smoking I wouldn't let him/hertake it up. You can smell ifsomeonehas been smoking,soitis
notso difficult to find out ifyourchild is a regular smoker. Youjust have to pay enoughattention.
Drugs are very expensive, so ifyou do notgive yourchild a large sum ofmoneyhe/she won't have
opportunity to try it. Moreover, the effect of regular drug taking can beseen,so I think I would
notice that there was something wrong with mychild if I kept an eye on him orher.
Whateating disorders do you know of? Why do people develop these diseases?
Thereis anorexia nervosaor,in short anorexia, and bulimia nervosaor bulimia. Both are driven
by an intense fear of becoming overweight, and this fear damages both physical and mental
health. It usually begins to be a problem in teenageyears, but can happenat any time.It is not
certain whatactually causesthese diseases, there are several factors that may play a part.Social
pressure, which comes from the media, which idealize thin models and beingthin,in general.
There might be family problems, when saying “no”to food is the only possible way for a child to
expresshis/herwill. People who suffer from anorexia or bulimia seem to have a very lowself-es-
teem, andlosing weight makes them feel good. However,they can’t stop starving themselves.
Food addiction and binge eatingalso fall into these categories. Someone can be addicted to
sugar or fat. A binge eater consumes large amounts of food in relatively short amount of
time, but then he or she doesn’t purge. This type is commonin obesity. These people use food
as a way to deal with feelings of sadness, depression, or anxiety.
elszunnyad, elszendereg,
doze off 'deuz ‘of
enyhit, csillapit,
easy-going ‘ZI 'QouIn dolgokat konnyen vevé
eating disorder ‘tin dis'o:da étkezési rendellenesség
effect I'fekt hatas
emotionless 'meofenies érzéketlen, rideg
empty ‘empti kiurit
encourage inkaridZ batorit, 6sztondz, buzdit
endanger in'deindze veszélyeztet
establish 'steeblif letrehoz, kiépit, alapit
event 'vent esemény
Every cloud hasa silver ‘evr! ‘klaod ‘hzez a ‘silva Minden rosszban van
lining ‘lainin: valamijo.
rendszeres testmozgast
exercise regularly ‘eksasaiz 'regjolall
exhaust fumes igzo:st ‘fju:mz kipufogégazok
exhausted Ig zo:stid kimerult, faradt
expert ‘ekspert szakember, szakért6
fear fio félelem
a hetedik mennyorszagban
feel in seventh heaven ‘fil in 'seven® ‘heven
érzi magat
forbidden fa'bidn tilos
full ban ‘furl ‘been teljes kort betiltas
teljes felépulés,
full recovery furl ri'kaveri
fussy TKSi= aggalyoskod6o, aggodo
gambling ‘geemblin szerencsejaték
get into trouble ‘get inte ‘trabl — bajba keveredik
get rid of ‘get ‘rid ev megszabadul valamit6l
gloomy mélabus, bus, komor,
harmful . ‘haimfol karos, artalmas,
harmless _ ‘harmles artalmatlan, nem karos
have a sound night ‘heev 9 'saond 'maind jOl alszik
have a barbecue - ‘haev 9 'barbekju: a szabadban sut-féz
heal hil gydgyit; gyogyul
health acard ‘hel® ‘heezed
egészség kockaztatasa,
- veszélyeztetése
health issues ‘hel® ''fu:z egészséggel kapcsolatos
6B Reading Comprehension
Read the following,text about mindless eating. Markeachstatement(1-9) A ifit |
says. the sameasthetext, Bifit says something different from thetext, c if the ©_
text does notgive enough.information foraSchooseAor 8.Write the letters S
inthe boxes.Thereisan example (0) for a rrr—“‘isésCSCO yy
Mindless Eating
Food Psychologist Explains the Mindless Way People Overeat
“We're a nation of mindless eaters. We do so many things during the
day that when it comes to food we can just nibble and nibble, and
eat and eat,” says Brian Wansink a food psychologist at
Cornell University, who focuses on how and why people
eat. His Food and Brand Labtries to help people eat more
nutritiously and to help control how muchthey eat. An
additional focus is on increasing the acceptance of soy
food and the consumption of fruit and vegetables.
He oversees a series of test kitchens, restaurants and
cooperating grocery stores to understand how consumers
“choose and use”foods.
Dr. Wansinksays the mindis to blame for over-eating, not
always the stomach. The human stomachisn’t designed to keep accurate track of how much we
haveeaten.In fact, it takes about 20 minutes after we eat before our stomachsregister that we are
“full”. Students participating in an all-you-can-eat chicken wing buffet ate continually if their
tables were continually cleared, because they couldn’t see how much they'd already consumed.
People who put everything on their plate before they sit down to eat —- including dessert - eat
about 14% less than people who take smaller amounts and go backfor seconds or thirds. He also
advises people not to eat snacks out of the box; but put it into a separate dish and leave the box in
the kitchen. You will eat less if you can see how much you'vealready eaten.
“Ourstudies show the bigger theplate is, the more people serve; typically to the level of about 25
to 28 percent more. The best way to mindlessly eatless is to get rid of your largeplates, or get rid
of your large serving bowls,” Dr. Wansinksaid.
Wansink andhis colleagues conducted twostudies of 167 people demonstrating that both children
and adults pour and consume morejuice when given a short, wide glass compared to those given
a tall, narrow glass. The bias is caused bya visual illusion: we tend to focus on heights instead of
Wansink has also found that people will eat more of a snack if it is labelled “low fat.” The low-
fat label leads people to mindlessly overeat a product, while believing they are being “health-
Distracted television viewersalso don’t pay attention to what’s in front of them. Studies show over
40 percent morefoodis eaten while watching TV.
According to Brian Wansink, a food psychologist, our brain is responsible for mindless
Brian Wansinkis interested in theresult of overeating.
Heis also trying to persuade people to consume moresoyfood.
Hesays our stomachsregister quite accurately how muchwehaveeaten.
Students who tookpart in the all-you-can-eat experiment werecarefully selected.
If you don’t want to eat too much, you should place everything on yourplate, even the
Dr Wansinkadvises people to buy smaller plates and bowls.
People like to drink from tall glasses.
Health-conscious people always buy low-fat labelled products.
TV-viewers are aware of how muchtheyeat.
EY} ESSaul Comprehension _
egoingt w withTrudie Styler, anactressandfilm producer,
) intheor with oneortwo words as ¢ indicated :
One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Yorkshire Pudding
1/2 pint (285 millilitres) of eggs
BA 4 ounces(115 grams) of §) beefor bacon dripping
3 flour
@Z3 1/2 teaspoon of Be) milk
B83 tablespoonsof | salt
In large bowl mixtogether theflour, milk, eggs andsalt.
a Lower oven temperature to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Coat a 9x13 inch baking pan with beef or bacon dripping.
|) Remove from oven andserve hot.
GB) Beat briefly, and then scoopinto the baking pan. Bake 20 minutes.
Preheat the pan 15 minutesso the drippingis hot and sizzling.
Remove the mixture from therefrigerator.
meal when our family celebrates something, and the next day I make do with some
sandwichesand big glass ofcoke.
b) Yes, I think I am.I try to follow a sensible diet. I only eat white meat, whole-meal bread,
and low-fat dairy products.I eat five portions of fruit or vegetables every day. I don’t eat
between meals, I have given up snacks. The only problem is that I smoke, and I can’t stop
doing it. But nobodyis perfect, are they?
to foods in order to preserve or colour them,to improve their texture or to increase their
flavour. Someof these additives have never beentested for safety andtheir potential side
effects vary. They may cause death, cancer or headache and many seem tobe the primary
causesofobesity, as studies have proved.
b)It can’t, if you keep an eye on whatyoueat.It’s true that 90% of ourfoodis not fresh when
webuyit, and if it comesin a box,can,bagorcarton,it is processed. Processed foods contain
starch, dangeroustypesoffat andtheyare highin salt. However, ifwe combine processed food
with freshorat least frozen products we won't have any health problems caused by food.
©) Are you a conscious shopper? Do you checkthe labels of the food you buy?
Why? Whynot?
a) No,I’m not. Myguideline in shoppingis the price. I go from supermarket to supermarket
and buy whatever is on sale. When I go to the market I always buy vegetables and fruit
straight from the farmers, these products are the cheapest.
b) Yes, Iam.I alwayscheck thelabels on tins, cans andall types of dairy products. I look for
the expiry date, andin the case of someproductsI check the ingredients andthecalories.
Mysonis allergic to yeast, so I look at the labels which inform meaboutthe additives.
From processed foods I purchase the ones that were made without any preservatives. Iam
against GM food,andtry to support Hungarian products andthelocal farmers.
always prepares me somesoup,I really like tomato and beansoup.I eatall kinds of meat:
chicken,pork, beef or fish. My favourite is grilled chicken with steamed vegetables and
pork fried in breadcrumbs with mashedpotatoes. For dinner I sometimeseat a hot meal:
if there is leftover from lunch,I eatit. But I like cold food as well: someslices of salami or
ham with bread and butter.
b) I start breakfast with a glass of freshly squeezed orangejuice, then I eat toast with a soft-
boiled egg ora slice of bread spread with butter and jam orhoney. I always drink a cup of
green tea. Then the next mealis lunch.I order food from a delivery kitchen. It normally “4
consists of three courses: soup, main course and somedessert. The lightest mealis dinner.
If I do noteat outI have onlya bit of cheese and an apple or someotherfruit for dinner. If |
I meet myfriends and wegoout we have somethingina fast-food restaurant. I really like
Chinese food.
3 How often do you cook? How muchtime do you spendin the kitchen?
a) I can’t cook, but I help my mother every weekend. Then we spend the whole morning in
the kitchen. We always have a decent meal on Saturday and Sunday,as on the other days
of the week weeatat the schoolcafeteria or the work canteen. To prepare a three-course
meal takes fourorfive hours.
b) I cook every evening,as dinneris the main mealin my family. I like pre-prepared orfrozen
ready madefoods. Thereis a great variety of processed foods, and youeither haveto fry or
heat them, which doesnottake a longtime. If 1 am very tired we can ordera pizza or there
are other food delivery services which are not too expensive. Moreover, they are delicious
and you can have your dinnerreadyinjust half an hour.
Womencook becausethey have to; men cook as a hobby. Do you agree? Why?
a) I agree with this statement.It is true for most families. Families need food regularly, and
if necessary wives or mothers cook every day. I have heard of some eccentric men who
prepare the Saturday and Sundaylunch,butthey are just exceptions.
b) Men somehowprefer cooking in the openair, and cookinga fine beef stew or goulash in
a cauldronover an openfire seemsto be a malejob. But as this is not an every day routine
it can be considered a hobby.
c) I agree, however, great chefs are men. In their cases they are lucky astheir job is the same
as their hobby, I think. Men are better cooks than women because they may havea livelier
imagination and morecreative power,plus their commercialsense can be better developed.
Whatis a Hungarian barbecueorpicnic like?
In Hungaryit is very common to have a special type of barbecue called “szalonnasiités”
(roasting baconorlard). It’s a popular social activity in summer. People sit around an open
fireplace in the gardenorin a forest campsite and they roast bacon orlard with onions over —
the fire. The melted fat is allowed to drip on slice of bread, andit is eaten withslices of
onions, tomatoes and green pepper.It’s not healthy, but delicious and the whole procedureis
lots of fun. Another favourite way of outdoor cooking is when people prepare goulash orfish
soup, porkorbeef stew in a cauldron over an openfire. For an unforgettable picnic you need
the following ingredients: a steadyfire, patient guests and a cheerful host and hostess. What
is more, some tasty Hungarian wine and delicious cheese scones accompanied with bright
sunny weatherareessential to makeit perfect.
I have never tried maple syrup, but I’d liketo.It is typical Canadian syrup madefrom the sap
of mapletrees.It is said to be verydelicious if served with pancakes.
A very popularand delightful British dessertis thetrifle, a sponge cake soakedin port, layered
with custard, jam,fruits and topped with whipped cream.
A truly American dish is the hamburger.It started in America andhastravelled around the
world. However,I thinkit is not a real dinner, more of a snack or a substitute for a real meal.
I’ve read on an American blog that the quintessential American mealis fried chicken with
mashed potatoes. Who knows?
Irish stew is said to be similar to our “pérkdlt”. It is a thick casserole made from lamb or
mutton with potatoes, onions, carrots andparsley, seasoned with salt and pepper.
Haggis is the famousScottish dish described by Robert Burns (Scotland’s bard) as the “great
chieftain o’the puddin’race.”It is a kind of sausage, with chopped or groundliver mixed with
oatmeal, onion andspices boiled in a sheep’s stomach.
A typical Australian meal might be a meatpie. A hand-sized pie containing minced meat and
gravy. It is consumedas a takeaway food snack.
How often do you eat out? Which is your favourite restaurant? Why do you
like it?
a) I rarely eat outasit is very expensive in Hungary. Weonly goto a restaurant whenthereis
a very big occasion. Last time we celebrated my grandparents’ 50‘ wedding anniversary.
Myfavourite restaurant is called “Flaska”. It is an old wine cellar, which is a bit cold
in winter. WhatI like most aboutit is the quality of the food and the politeness of the
b) I often eat out as I live in lodgings and have no timeor properplace to cook. I often have
lunchin fast food restaurants, but if I want to spend my evening with myfriends we go to
the “Pirate”, which serves excellent sea food and deliciousfish dishes. As this place is very
popular we always have to book a table well in advance.
_tea. b) At home you know whatyouare eating. Home cookingis alwaysfresh, and the ingredients
are healthy. At a fast food restaurant, for example, they use patented frying oils, which
I wouldn't use at home. However, somerestaurants may have better equipment, high-tech
ovens andspecial seasoning.
c) It dependsonthe restaurant and the “homechef”. Ifyou can’t cook,then lot ofthings will
taste better in a restaurant. Sometimesit is good that someone cooksfor you, serves you
and you do not have to bother aboutthe dishes after dinner. And of course there are some
really amazing chefs whosedishes are simply miracles.
cauldron ‘koxldran bogracs
cereal, cereals ‘slorial, ‘siorialz muzli, gabonafélék
cheese scones 'tfz 'skaonz pogacsa (magyar)
chef Jef foszakacs, séf
chew tfur rag
chicken paprika ‘tfiken ‘peeprike paprikas csirke
commercial sense ke'ma:fel ‘sens uzleti érzék
concern ken'sein gond, aggodalom
conduct a risk kockazati tenyezdket
ken'dakt 9 ‘risk e'sesment
assessment vizsgal, elemez —
confidence ‘konfidens bizalom
conscious ‘konfas tudatos
cook kok szakacs; f6z
course kors fogas
cuisine kwizirn konyhamtvészet, konyha
culinary ‘kalineri étkezési, konyhai, kulinaris
dairy product ‘deori ‘prodakt tejtermék
decrease dikrizs csokken, csokkent
dill dil kapor
dough dau tészta
drain leonti valamirél a vizet,
drip on ‘drip ‘on racsopogtet valamire
dumplings ‘damplinz nokedli, galuska
expiry date ik'spaieri ‘deit szavatossagi id6é
fat feat zstr
fibre faibe rostanyag
finely chopped ‘fainli tfopt aprora vagott
flavour 'fleiva iz, zamat, aroma
food additives ‘fuxd ‘eedeativz élelmiszer-adalékanyagok
freshly squeezed ‘frefli skwizd frissen facsart, csavart
fried in breadcrumbs ‘fraid an 'bredkramz rantott (hus)
genetic engineering dge'netik ,endzi'niarin génsebészet
dze'netikli '‘modifaid
genetically modified (GM) genkezelt, génmanipulalt
(‘d3ix ‘'em)
grains greinz gabona
gravy ‘grelvi pecsenyelé, szaft
greasy ‘Qri:Zl, grisi zsiros
ground graond Srolt (ftiszer)
handle heendl kezel
hazard ‘heezed kockazat,rizikd, veszély
hearty ‘ha:ti taplalo, béséges
herb hexb fliszernovény
hot hot eros
hunger ‘hange éhség
infection in'fekfen fertdzés =
inn In fogado, utszéli kocsma
jacket potatoes ‘dzeekitpe'teitaoz héjaban sult burgonya
felctmkéz, cimkével ellat,
label ‘leibal
lamb laam_ barany, baranyhus
lard lard disznozsir
layer ‘lela réteg; rétegesenlerak
layered potatoes ‘leied po'teitaoz rakott burgonya
leftover ‘lefteove ételmaradék
locally-grown ‘leokeall ‘graon helyben termesztett
étkezési jegy, étkezési
luncheon voucher ‘lantfan‘vaotfa
mad-cow disease '‘meed ‘kav di'siiz kergemarhakor
main meal ‘mein ‘mil foétkezés
maintain ‘meintein fenntart
make do with ‘meik ‘du: ‘wid megeléegszik valamivel
maple syrup ‘meipel ‘sirap juharszirup
mashed potatoes _ ‘meat pe'teitaoz burgonyapuré
meatpie ‘mut ‘pal husospite
melted fat 'meltid ‘feet olvasztott zsir
metabolism mi'teebelizm anyagcsere
minced — —minst — daralt
mineral ‘mineral asvanyi anyag
moderation imode'reifan mérték, mértékletesség
mutton matn uruhus, birkahus
orszagos hatosagok,
national authorities 'nee{nelox@eritiz szervek
non-saturated fat ‘non ‘szatjoreitid ‘feet telitetlen zsirsav
noodles withcottage
cheese | SS
“'nuidiz wid ‘katidg fiz — turds csusza
nourishing NArIfiN taplalo
nutrition njo'triin taplalkozas_
oatmeal ‘eotmul zabliszt, zabdara
overcooked ‘aovekukt tulf6zott
pancakes ‘peenkeiks palacsinta
parsley -‘parsit petrezselyem
patented ‘peitentid szabadalmaztatott
pickled cabbage ‘pikid ‘keebidz savanyu kaposzta
pie pal pite
pleasure ‘plezo élvezet, 6rom, gyOnyor
poached egg ‘peotfd 'egz buggyantott tojas
pork pork sertéshus
port pot portdi (desszertbor)
portion pon adag
posh pof elegans, mené, flancos
poultry ‘peoltri baromfihus
preservative pri'zea:vetiv tartosttoszer
preserve pri'zeiv tartosit, beféz, konzerval
processed food ‘preusest ‘furd feldolgozott élelmiszer
protein ‘preotiin fehérje
pulses ‘pAlsiIs huvelyesek (novény)
raise concerns ‘reiz kan'sa:nz aggodalmatkelt
raisin 'reizin mazsola
rinse rins lemos,ledblit
roast reost sut (sutdben, zsirban)
rollup ‘rol Ap felteker
roll rol zsemle
sap seep nedv (faé)
scrambled egg ‘skreembld ,eg rantotta
season ‘suizen fuszerez, izesit
seasoning ‘SHZoNIN fuszer; izesités
seaweed ‘siiwid tengeri moszat —
side effect ‘said I'fekt mellékhatas
simmer ‘sime lassu tuz6n parol, sut
snack sneek nass, falatozas
soakedin oil ‘sookt tn ‘oil uszik az olajban
soft-boiled egg ‘soft 'boild ‘eg lagy tojas
sour cherry ‘save ‘tferi meggy
sour cream ‘save ‘krizm tejfdl
soy sol szoja
sprinkle sprinkl megszor
starch startf keményit6
starchy ‘startfl keményitdt tartalmaz6
steam stim parol
stir ste: kavar
laktato, nehezen
stodgy ‘stod3
strudel ‘strurdl rétes
studded with ‘stadid wid diszitett, megtuzdelt
stuffed cabbage ‘staft '‘keebidZ toltott kaposzta
stuffed pepper 'staft ‘pepe toltott paprika
substitute for ‘sAbstitju:t fo potanyag, helyettesit6
sustain se'stein fenntart
take-away 'telk o'wel hazavihetd, elvineté
tender ‘tendo puha
texture ‘tekstfo textura, allag
three-course meal ‘Ori: ‘kozs ‘mul haromfogasos étel
toast tevst piritos
transparent ‘treansperent atlatszo
rétegezett gyumodlcsdos
trifle traifl édesség (UK)
6 Reading Comprehension
You are goingto readan article about organic chicken.Giveshort answers to the|
questions(1-9) foundafter the text. There is an example (0) for yu Ff
Whyare chickensover-fed?
SOE EH iiiss
f ah ee
“oe ees "ae
“AicoResetet MPR,
ai +
#§ S88S8S88888
Howoften do you have your teeth examined?
Whatadvice would you give someone about lookingafter their teeth?
Name somedepartmentsin a hospital.
Haveyoueverbeen in hospital? Why?
Haveyouever been injured? What happened? Whattreatmentdid youget?
Whatkind of minor accidents can we have at home? Whattreatment can we apply?
Whatis alternative medicine?
What kindof alternative therapies do you know? Whatdothey involve?
Whatare the advantages and disadvantagesofalternative medicine?
Wouldyouever considertrying analternative method oftreatment? Why? Whynot?
pS} Have you ever used home remedies? Weretheyeffective?
@ Answers Ap
heart andblood vessels, and includeheartattack, stroke, hypertension (high bloodpressure).
Manypeople have type 1 and even moretype 2 (adult-onset) diabetes. Hungarian people are
said to be suicidal, as the rate of people committing suicide is comparatively high.It is due to
severalfactors: our pessimistic way of thinking andlack of mental strength. Nowadays many
people suffer from hayfever.
Whenwere youlastill? What was the matter with you? How longdid it take
you to get well?
a) I came downwiththeflu last winter. I had a high temperature and achedall over.I lost my
appetite andfelt awful as I had aching muscles andlimbandjoint pain. I didn’t take any
antibiotics, just vitaminsand drank hottea.I stayed in bedfor 4 days. Onthefifth day I started
to feel better. However, the dry cough and generaltiredness lasted for 2 more weeks.
b) In the summerI had the worstillness ever. I had unbearable stomachache and a wave of
nausea swept over me, then I vomited for almost 2 days. I couldn't eat and drink.I tried
drinking with the help ofa straw sippingone gulp ofliquid at a time. It was food poisoning.
I must have eaten some decayed food. It took me several days to get back my appetite.
I lived on drybiscuits, cookies, boiled potatoes andrice for 4-5 days and as soon asI didn’t
feel sick I drank a lot to avoid dehydration.
centre, the department of surgery, an ear nose and throat department, a maternity ward and
the departmentof infectious diseases.
Whatis alternative medicine?
Complementaryand alternative medicine (CAM)is a broad domainofhealing resources and
therapeutic practices. They are not considered an integral part of conventional allopathic
medical practice, however they are widely used by patients for preventing ortreatingillnesses
or promoting health and well being. Theyare called complementary whenusedin addition te
conventionaltreatments andalternative when used instead of conventional treatment. They
include: folk medicine, herbal medicine, diet fads, homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture,
naturopathy, massage andseveralother therapies.
the case of broken bones or some urgent surgery conventional medicine is moresuitable.
Another disadvantageis that alternative therapies are very expensive, as in Hungary(and in
most European countries) they are notavailable on the national healthcare system.
EE] Would you ever consider trying an alternative method of treatment? Why?
a) Yes, absolutely. My sister was cured by a homeopathten years ago, and since then we have
not taken any antibiotics, or prescription medication. We always use homeopathic drugs
whatever our problem is.
Oneof my friends was overweight andhadto lose a few kilos. He tried everything without
any success, andfinally went to an acupuncturist, whose treatmenthelped him to lose ten
kilos during four months withoutsuffering from hunger.
b) No, I wouldn't. I think naturopaths deceive people, and take advantage ofthe situation of
desperate patients. Having sole massageor undergoingchiropractic treatmentis just a waste
of time and money.Thereis verylittle scientific evidence to support these treatments.
| stroke strook roham, gutautés
suffer from ‘sAfo fram szenved
suicidal ‘sui'saidl ongyilkos, Ongyilkossagi
surgeon ‘se:dzen sebész
swallow ‘swoleo nyel
swine flu ‘swain ‘flu: sertésinfluenza
swollen ‘sweolen feldagadt, megdagadt
tooth decay ‘tu:6 di'kel fogszuvasodas
transmit treenz'mit atad
treatment ‘tritment kezelés
unbearable An'beerebl elviselhetetlen
_ urine joerin vizelet
vaccination veeksi'nelfn veddoltas
vet vet allatorvos
vomit ‘vomit hany
vulnerable ‘valnerebl sebezhet6, sérulékeny
| wearoff ‘WI‘of elmulik
_ wisdom ‘wizdem bdlesesség
_ wound wu:nd seb
X-ray ‘eks rel megrontgenez; rontgen
6 Reading Comprehension
Youare going to reada‘magazine article about a medical discovery. After the _
article you canfindthe summaryofthe text, but some words have beenleft
out.Fill in the gaps (1-10) with one or two words. Contractedformscount as one
word. There ii s.an example (0) foryou. — : y
Researchers have discovered that naringenin, because of which grapefruit
BS tastesGitter ___,» affects the liver. If you take this substance in
it will help you get rid of
without changingyourdiet.
Duringthe study whoseresults are available in (3 researchers fed two
groupsof mice. Their diet was almost (23 . The only difference was that
the food which wasgiven to of one of the groups 9 Torte naringenin. The
naringenin-miceQ_ any symptomsof metabolic syndromes, whilethe
non-naringenin mice . This result gs the
researchers, as naringenin-miceate BS as non-naringenin mice.
If this substance is developed into a drug there will be hope for dieters to lose weight without
>» Spe Ree)acaCATs
In this sectionyouare going tohearanewsreport about asalt cave. Your task
willbetocircletheletter orlettersofthe correctansweroranswersintheboxes —
below. Pleasenote thatin thistaskbothanswersmay be correct.However, there
is always at leastonecorrect.answer. This meansthat youhave tocircle oneor
twoletters.First, youwill have sometimetostudythetask, and then you will
heartherecording. Then,aftera short pause,listentothe recording again.There
is an example (0) thathas been done foryou.
#3 The therapy =
showspositive effects.
EE) has been recognised by the UK’s NHS.
BY} Doctors advise people with asthma
to stop medication during cave therapy.
BE) to use halotherapy as a complementary treatment.
_ Oddwordout.Findthewordthatdoesnotfitintheline.
#? Questions
£3 Do people like playing games? What are the most popular gamespeople play
a) I don’t know. My family andfriendslike board games, chess andall sorts of card games.
Wehaveseveral types of board games: commercial (like Monopoly), educational(like
“Ask! I'll answer!”, “Risk” and “Katan”) and psychological (like “Ungame”). We also have
a lot ofjigsaw puzzles. The biggest one consists of 1000 pieces, which takes several hours or
sometimesdaysto solve. There is no Christmas without a new board game underthetree.
It’s really amazing when the wholefamily plays together.
b) In each ofus there lives the Homo Ludens(“Theplayer”), however nowadays weplay very
rarely. If we do, we play cards. My father plays bridge with his friends every Friday.I learnt
to play “kanaszta” at a very early age, when I was 4 or 5. My grandparents used to play
cards every Monday,andas they were playing I followed their game and picked up the
rules. A real recreation and total relaxation for me is when I play cards with my children
or friends.
collect things from the past which has somerelevance to them. Things from thepast help us
understand where we come from and where we belong. Moreovercollections furnish a home.
They are physical, touchable, tangible things. It can be a wayofcreating value in things. Some
peoplecollect for profit, and if the collectionis increasing in value, they sell certain pieces or
swaprare items. Moreover, if you are a collector you can expand yoursociallife, attend swap
meets and get in touch with collectors on the Internet.
float of his fishing rod without saying a word. Hesays he enjoys nature,total silence and can
clear his mind from all sorts of thoughts.
My mumlikes knitting. There is always something being made onherneedles. She follows
the latest knitting trends andI always have something fashionable. She simply can’t sit with
her handsclaspedin herlap.
Mysisteris totally absorbedin folk arts. She is a memberofa folk dance group, does pottery
underthe supervision of a potter who hasgainedthetitle of “Master of Folk Arts”. Moreover,
she regularly travels to Transylvania to study the traditional rurallife and old Hungarian
customs.She also collects old plates andjugs.
b) Concerts are special events, as they are rather about being together, inhaling a sort of
fantastic atmosphere. They are unique, and you can have the experience ofa lifetime.
However, good bands rarely come to Hungary andtheticket prices have rocketed in the
last decade, so they are not always affordable.
the driver, force him/her to show off and drive as fast as possible. Road conditions or bad
weatherare nota factorthat is taken into consideration.
elmerul, elmelyed,teljesen
absorbed in eb'so:bd in
abuse a'bjurs meértéktelen fogyasztas
affordable e'fo:dabl anyagilag megengedhet6é
auction ‘orkfen aukcid
avoid avoid elkerul
be fond of ‘bi: ‘faond ev szeret, kedvel
board game ‘bord ‘geim tarsasjaték
booth bu:d bdédé
breed brid faj
budgerigar ‘budzeriga: torpepapagaj
choir ‘kwale korus
collection ke'lekfan gyujtemény
commercial ke'ma:fal kereskedelmi
common cause ‘komen 'ko:z kOzos Ok
consequence ‘konsikwens kovetkezmény
curious ‘kjurrias kivancsi
custom 'kastam szokas
Dance House ‘darns 'haoz Tanchaz
vetség, buncselekmeény,
delinquency di'linkwens
deviant ‘di:vient devians, normaktol eltéré
direct dal'rekt, direkt iranyit
discipline ‘diseplin fegyelem
do-it-yourself ‘du: it jorself barkacsolas
domesticate de'mestikeit haziastt
drunken driving ‘dranken‘draivin ittas vezetés
elderly people ‘eldali ‘pizpl idés emberek
valami felmerulése,
emergence 'me:idzensi
encounter in'kaonte
enjoyment in'dzoiment élvezet, gyOnyor
excursion Ik'ske:fen kirandulds
fatal ‘feital halalos
feed, fed, fed fird, fed, fed etet
festively-illuminated ‘festivli lurmineitid unnepélyesen kivilagitott
financial means fal'neenfl miznz anyagi lehetéségek
fishing rod ‘fifin ‘rod horgaszbot
6 Reading Comprehension
You are goingto read anarticle aboutSzigetFestival in Budapest. After reading
_ the article look at the sentencesfollowingit. Yourtask is to choose the sentences
_ that best summarizethe idea(s) expressed in each paragraph. Choosethe phrase
(A-D) which isnearest in meaning to whatthe article says. Write theletters in the
boxes below. Thereis an example (0) at the beginning. y
or myself, I got chargedsix different prices for similar amounts. This just goes to show that you
haveto be careful.
§5 I’ve purposely not even mentioned the music yet. So what apart from music can you doat
Sziget? Someofthe activities I will mention are for kids but adults can enjoy them also. Take
pottery for example. Where at a UKfestival could you make a pot under the guidance ofa potter
using a wheel? On previousvisit to Hungary I found out they were as a nation obsessedbylogic
puzzles. So it should comeas no surprise that there was a puzzles tent where you could sit and
engage your mindin everything from complex relations of the Rubik’s cube to tangled wheel
puzzles that I would notsolvein a lifetime.
| WB After enduring twohoursof mywife and kids glued to the puzzles I dragged them awayto the
Latin village where we danced the morning awayto salsa class and watchedin awe as a Brazilian
martial arts/dance group led approximately 50 festival goers through moves. Apart from that,
you could visit Moroccan tea roomsor join in an African coffee-making ceremony. There was a
travelling circus area, a massive water puppettheatre from Vietnam,public art displays, and giant
play parksfor thekids.
Oneother thing worth mentioning,just because I’ve never seen anything like it in the UK,
was the Sports Terrace. From tent offering free 20-minute massages to 40-foot climbing walls,
massive trampolines, beach volleyball, beach football, table tennis, arm wrestling machines,
basketball, and a large mechanised kayak machineit was all going on and without you having to
put your handin your pocket once.
So to sum up I foundSzigetto be a great experience as did my wife and two kids (aged 7 and 5).
The musicatthis festival is definitely secondary to everything else that’s going on. Compared to
British festivals the line up is comparatively weak, howeverifyou lookat the experience as a whole
it’s well worththetrip.
(source: http://www.efestivals.co.uk/festivals/sziget/2008/review-overview.shtml)
If you are lookingfor excellent music groupsin a festival you shouldn't stay in the UK.
§&) Sziget is an amazingfestival becauseofits environment.
A festival fan should cometo Sziget if he is eager to experience something unique.
Sziget festival is not as big as festivals in Europe.
Althoughit’s easy to get to Sziget Festivalit’s too long and the weatheris too hot.
2) AtSziget everything seemsto be perfect: the accessibility, the weather, the prices and the
The ticket for this festival is reasonable as it includes accommodation.
@) Thefestival guide bookis very informative butit is available only in the main European
The most amazing thing about thefestival is that people can get married there and
surprisingly theydid.
5) Thefestivalsite is far from thecity centre.
The so-called city centre provides the guests with all kinds of services.
@) You can have your clothes washedduringthefestival.
Thereis a wide range ofinternational cuisines; however there is only Hungarian beer.
@3 The authorthinks that the food is more varied andthe beer is more expensive than in
After having a top quality meal for £5 the authortasted the beer.
§@5) The authoris satisfied with the choice and price of food andbeer.
The writer of the article thinks that Hungarian wineis too sweet and too expensive.
§ Wheneverthe author bought winehepaid a different price, which annoyed him.
The author was careful with his money because he didn’t want to spendit only on wine.
@) Both the author and his kids tasted several types of Hungarian wine.
Activities offered at Sziget provide entertainment for peopleofall ages.
2) The Hungarianslike logic puzzles more than the English.
While the author was making pothis kids were playing with Rubik’s cube.
@}) It wasn’t surprising that the puzzles tent was the most popularplace.
Greg Forbes, the author, danced salsa and learnt the basic elements of Brazilian martial
(4) Forbes’s family had a wonderfultimeas they activated their minds, bodies and senses.
There were so manyactivities that it was impossible to try them all.
5) There was such a widerange ofactivities that you could get an insight into different
The Sports Terrace reminded the author of his previous experiences in the UK.
§5) On the Sports Terrace you could do manydifferent things- play ballgames, climb and
jump, fight - everything except paddling.
People were so busy on the Sports Terrace that they had no timeto put their handsinto
their pockets.
@) Whatever you did on the Sports Terrace wasfree ofcharge.
st, eesome= tame to a
- thetask, and‘then youwill hearthetec ing.a after a oor pause,listen
to theseconagain. —
| From Bambooto Chocolate
Val Kolpakov’s collection is one of the Guinness World Records.
BSH SAasse
His patients can see the whole collection in his waiting room.
Hegot in touch with Carsten Gutzeit, a Germancollector.
Each item is catalogued.
Toothpowders appearedearlier than toothpastes.
The most expensive item is an English gold toothpowder box.
Hehasrecently tried out chocolate-flavoured toothpaste.
Hehaspieces that were used during World WarI.
During World WarII radioactive toothpastes were produced.
: S - 1