Unit10 15

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Language Learning

Learn a new language and get a new

(Czech proverb)

You can usedifferent dictionaries whenlearninga foreign language.Do you know

how theyare different? Find the description of each one as they are mixedup. sp

1. Bilingual dictionary a) It traces a word's developmentover time, giving

historical examples to show changes.

2. Monolingual dictionary _b) It uses the same language for words andtheir

3. Etymological dictionary c) It is a small, easily portable dictionary designed to

be carried around, e.g. when on a journey.

4 Crossword dictionary qd) It is the e-version of a traditional dictionary

available and accessible on the net

5. Rhyming dictionary e) It is a list of words or phrases used in a particular

field with their definitions, often found at the back
of a specialist or academic book as an appendix to
the text.

6. Mini-dictionary f) It gives words and their equivalents in

two languages, each language is grouped
alphabetically in separate halves of the book.

7. Pocket dictionary _ g) Init words are grouped together by their ending

sounds. When two words end in the same sound,
they rhyme andthey are used more frequently in
poetry than in prose as an effect.

8. Thesaurus h) It has words grouped together by the numberof

the letters in the word to help users find words
of a certain length to complete their crossword


9. Glossary i) a little dictionary with a very limited numberof

word entries, suitable for being carried around very

10. Online dictionary j) It is a reference book that organizes words by

categories and concepts, so synonyms and near-
synonymsare grouped together.

iososons eaee
Whyis it importantto learn foreign languages?

Whydo youlearn English?

Have you ever had to use English for real communication?
At what age do you think people shouldstart learning a foreign language?
Are you a good language learner? Why? Whynot?
Howwill your knowledge of English be useful to youin the future?
What can people do to continue improving their English?
Whatdo you do in English lessons?
Hasyourschoolgot a language lab? Howis it equipped?
Whatsort of materials/teaching aids do you believe are helpful in the English lesson?
Whatlanguages do/did you study at school?
How doyouprepare for the state exam in English?
Is there an effective way of memorizing words?
Which one is better to prepare you for the state exam: a private teacher or a language
Have you ever considered doing a language course in an English-speaking country?

Whatforeign languages are taught in Hungarian secondary schools?

Is the teaching of English efficient in Hungarian secondary schools? Why?/Whynot?
Are/were you givena lot oftests in the English lessons?

Is good pronunciation difficult to learn in a foreign language?

What can help you to becomenative-like in any foreign language?

Whyis it important to learn foreign languages?

On personallevel, learning a second languagetakes people out of their imprinted mindset
and exposes them to the values and customsof an entirely different group of people. Their
view of the world expandsinto a deeper understanding of how other people think. In terms
of community, learning a second languagewill also increase understanding and sympathy
for other cultures. Many people love learning languages or would like to learn a language
and use their language skills in a job. In today’s global economy the demandfor language
skills continues to grow as governments, businesses and organisations build relationships
with foreign interests. Learning a language is beneficial in employment as it opens doors
to new careers and employment opportunities. Speaking a foreign language makes you a
good candidate for positions in tourism andthecatering industry. Many speakers offoreign
languages go into teaching. Teaching notonly offers the chance to pass on knowledge ofa
language, but also to constantly practiseit.

© Whydoyoulearn English?
I study English becauseit’s the most importantinternational language.It is widely used for
business communication,aviation, politics, medicine anda lot ofother purposes. Furthermore,
for me personally English is a very nice language with a pleasant rhythm andintonation.
Modern music culture is almostexclusively in English andthereare lot of English-speaking
films as well, so I can use my knowledgein various different ways from readinga blog on the
net to talking to a foreigner whois asking for directionsin thestreet.

3 Haveyouever had to use English for real communication?

a) Not very often, unfortunately. I mainly use English in my
language class when I am asked by my teacher. I don’t
really know if I would be effective in a real-life
situation, I can only hope I will be able to make
myself understood somehow.
b) My job requires me to use English on a daily
basis. Being a trade representative of a company
involves a lot of phone calls and e-mails with
prospective customers and the commonlanguageis
always English. Very often broken English, though.
Nevertheless, it is essential for me to possess
effective communication skills and I have
already learnt the key vocabulary necessary for

@23 At whatage do youthink people should start learning a foreign language?

This is a question that many people think very differently about. Somesay the earlier the
better. That is why there are programscalled “Early English” that teach children as youngas
9 monthsold. Supporters ofthis view claim infancyis the best timeto start learning a second
language. Learning a second languageatthis age notonly creates the optimalbrainstructure,
but also makesit easier to learn additional languagesas the child gets older. For me, however,
it is quite difficult to imagine how a babythat young can learn a second language when the
first languageis still in a very early developmental stage. Of course, there is the age barrier,
which meansthat past a certain age one can neverattain native-like pronunciation andwill
always have a foreign accent. Adolescent or adult language learning is markedly different
from language acquisition,it is a faster process butit will never be as efficient and thorough
as a bilingual environment from babyhood.

(3 Are you a good language learner? Why? Whynot?

a) I guess I am. Myteachers always say that I have a special gift for languages. I study
English and French andthey are myfavourite subjects, probably because they comeeasily
to me and I have a constantfeeling of success and achievement.I especially enjoy it when
I am watchinga film in the original and I can understand most of what is said without
b) Unfortunately, languages and I are on twodifferent planets. Back at school I was always
moreinterested in sciences than other subjects and foreign languages in particular were
my weakpoints. Now I need a state exam in English for my job so I have been working
really hard on my English skills in order to be able to use the language in myjob.

§& Howwill your knowledge of English be useful to youin the future?

I suppose the knowledge of English will always come in handylater in life, not just for
communication but with the Internet there are certain articles that are only available in
English. Furthermore,being able to write e-mails in English is absolutely necessary if you are
working in commerce.

What can people do to continue improving their English?

Improving your English or at least maintaining the level you've achieved is not impossible if
youreally wantit. The key to success is probably doing it as often as you can, which means
keeping your knowledgealive.It is a very good ideato read in English regularly, for example
by subscribing to a news magazine. There is a wide variety of DVD filmsavailable nowadays
with the original soundtrack on.It is also a goodidea to listen to English-speaking radio
channels or watch the BBC Newsor the CNN.If you are lucky enoughto havea friend who
is a native speaker the battle is won.

3 Whatdo you do in English lessons?

I like English lessons becauseourteacher devotesa lot of attention to variety andinterest.
The lessons are neverboring orroutine-like, we always do some chattingat the beginning
of the lesson to get tunedin and then weeither describe pictures andreadtexts orlisten
to recordings, and do different comprehension check tasks. Our teacher often asks us
to act out situational dialogues or dramatize a story which weall like a lot. Of course,
we do grammar exercises as well, but we also find them interesting because (s)he always
manages to present the material in a way that we ourselves figure out the rules ofcertain

©) Has your school got a language lab? Howisit equipped?

a) Unfortunately we didn’t have a language lab ora separate classroom forthe English lessons
whenI wasat school, we had our English lesson where wehad the other subjects. The only
gadget we had wasourteacher’s old tape recorder whichshe usedto carry with herto the
lesson if she wantedus tolisten to a text.
b) We havea very well-equipped languagelab in our school, with all the modern equipment
available. We have a TV, a DVDplayer,a laptop anda projector, and a CD-player. We have
also been promised to be givenaninteractive board next year andourteacher has chosen
a bookthat is compatible with this board.

Whatsort of materials/teaching aids do you believe are helpful in the English

Modern technology offers a vast array of opportunities for language teachers to maketheir
lessons moreinteresting and memorablefor their students. Using the video or DVDis one
extra support to the book material, also, computer-aided language learning is getting more
and morepopular. Interactive boards open new perspectivesfor both teachers and students in
visualizing study material. Visualizing in general helps language learners to acquire longer-
lasting knowledge, therefore everything from the good old OHPto realia (real objects) is
welcomein the languageclassroom.

Whatlanguagesdo/did you study at school?

| Myfirst foreign languageis English, I have been learningit for nine years now and wehave
five lessons a week, althoughI think I will opt for the three-lesson schedule next year. My
secondforeign languageis French,I startedit three years ago as a complete beginner. We do
it in three lessons a week butI have found a private teacher to give me someextra practice as
Iam seriously considering taking an intermediate-level state exam in French too sometime
in the nearfuture.


How doyoupreparefor the state exam in English?

There are so many English language examsavailable these days that it can be hardto figure
out which exam is best for you. However, experience has shown that most students do not
pass if they do not study. You simply cannot escape the old routine of memorizing words.
practising grammarstructures in sentences and developing yourreceptive skills by doing
listening and reading comprehension practice tasks. You can do that with the help of books ~
with smartkeys or get a teacher to help you with explanations andclarifications.

Is there an effective way of memorizing words?

Learning a foreign language — particularly as an adult - can be a frustrating experience.
Learning the vocabularyis half the battle, which involves improving your memory. There are
plenty of memorytricks you can use, butrepetition is hands-downthe most popular method.
If you can consistently see, hear andwrite a word,it will eventually become ingrained in your
memory. There are some unique tips for memorizing foreign language vocabulary. One ofthe
best ways to memorize foreign language vocabularyis to grab your vocabulary textbook and
a packetof Post-It notes andstart sticking them at variousplaces in your home.Just write the
wordin the foreign language on yourPost-It and you'll see it every time you goorsit nearit.It
won't feel like studying, butit will be far moreeffective as the words sneak in your long-term
memory almost unnoticed.
Another great way to memorize foreign language vocabularyis by reading children’s books.
You can find them onlineor even in yourlocal library written in multiple languages, and —
they use sufficiently simple vocabulary that you won't havetrouble reading mostof the words. |
When you run across a word you don’t know or can’t remember,have a foreign language
dictionary handyto lookit up.
Often, hearing words spoken in a foreign language will help you memorize vocabulary. Most
film stores and rental shops havea foreign film section from which you can choose multiple
titles. Take them home and watch them over and over again, looking for context clues to help —
you figure out what’s being said. You can also watch that particular foreign language channel
on television. The final unique way to memorizeforeign language vocabularyis bysettingit to
music. Many children learn small foreign language phrases through songs, which means you

Which oneis better to prepare you for the state

exam: a private teacher or a language course?
Like almost anything, there are advantages as well as
disadvantages. Enrolling in a language course means
you have to pay the tuition fee in advance whereas you
normally pay a private teacher after the lesson. When
you attend a language course,there are set times for the
lessons and thelesson will be held with or without you


participating, while with a private teacher the time of the lesson is a matter of consensus
between the teacher and student and can bealtered if necessary. Private lessons are usually
more expensive in the long run than language courses, althoughit is true that 100 percent of
lesson time is devoted to you personally if you are studying with a private teacher.It really
dependson yourpersonality and financial means which one youoptfor.

FE] Have you ever considered doing a language course in an English-speaking

Doing a language coursein a native speaking environment can be fun and challenging and
soundsreally appealing to me. The only problem realize is that these courses are usually
very expensive astheir fees include tuition, accommodation, meals and,veryoften, additional
programmesthat comeasanall-in package. Obviously youalso have to pay for the journey
there and back. All these things make such courses incredibly expensive, especially for
Hungarian language students.

Whatforeign languagesare taught in Hungarian secondary schools?

| Hungarian secondary educationoffer studentsa choiceoffirst and second foreign languages.
Hungarian secondary school students study English, Germanor Frenchastheirfirst foreign
languages andpair them up with another western language, Italian or Spanish, Russian and
perhapsLatin. In ourschool, for example, there is a possibility to study oneoriental language,
namely Chinese, in an afternoon course.

Is the teaching of English efficient in Hungarian secondary schools? Why?/

a) If l take my own schoolas a starting point, I can say that the teaching of English is pretty
efficient. There are quite a few students who manageto pass advancedlevel or proficiency
exams. Students are motivated by the entrance exam wherethey can get additionalscores
| for successful language exams.
| b) I don’t consider language teaching in Hungarian schools efficient enough. The biggest
problem seemsto be the high numberof students in a group and the low numberoflessons
per week. Also, many schools haveto copewith financialdifficulties as they are given less
andless money from the Ministry of Education. Thereforeit is no wonder that they cannot
afford to buy modern teaching aids whenthere is hardly enough moneyfor chalk.

FE} Are/were you givena lot of tests in the English lessons?

a) Notreally. I rememberwe hadto study the new wordsfrom a reading passage that we were
doing in thelesson, very often had to translate sentences from Hungarian into English,
sometimes we wereaskedto give an oral presentation on either the summaryof a text or
we madesituational dialogues that were similar to what we had in the book.


b) In our school foreign languages are given a great importance, that’s why our teachers
are well-qualified and good at their jobs. We do a great variety of activities in the
lessons, cover the material in the coursebook andhavetests, both oral and written, quite
regularly. Fortunately theyare neversurprise tests, our teachersfind it importantto let us
know aboutthe relevant dates so that we can prepare better and manage our time more ©

Is good pronunciationdifficult to learn in a foreign language?

Learning how to pronounce a foreign language like a native speaker is difficult but not
impossible. The better your pronunciation, the better people will understand you and the
easier you will find it to understand them. With yourears tuned to the sounds and rythms
of your second language, you'll find learning howto pronouncethe languageless difficult. If _
you enjoy singing,try learning some songsin the language youre learning. This is a fun way ~
to improve your pronunciation and vocabulary.

Whatcan help you to becomenative-like in any foreign language?

To be quite honest, I don’t think anybodycan fully achieve that, what’s more,it doesn’t seem
to be the goal of any language learning. You can only approachnative-like proficiencyif you
follow certain rules. Firstly, it is important to meet a new languageasearly as possible to get
used to the different way of thinking and sounding. Secondly, you needto find a learning
method that is best for you and you must be willing to take risks and be ready to make
mistakes while using the language. You mustalso take every opportunity to use the language
either in or out of the classroom.It is important to understand that learning a new language
can bea lengthy process and doesnotnecessarily take place at an even pace. Furthermore,the
opportunity to spend time in the native environment further enhances the languageskills
of those whose motivation to learnis intrinsic, that is, an inner desire to be part of that


a matter of consensus ‘meaterov,ken'senses
megbeszélés targya/
accelerate ok'seloreit felgyorsit
adolescent eede'lesent serdul6
advancedlevel ed'varnst ‘level halad6 szint(ti)
olyan ar, ami mindent
all-in package ‘Orlin ‘paekidz
alter ‘orlte mddosit, megvaltoztat
appealing e'prlin vonzo
as a consequence .eze'konsikwens kovetkezésképp
attain e'tein elér
aviation eivielfn repulés
barrier ‘beerie sorompo
be willing to do sth wilin hajland6 vmit megtenni
becomeingrained bi'kam tn'greind bevesddik
beneficial beni'fifl jotékony hatasu, el6nyos
bilingual bar'lingwel kétnyelvt
catering industry ‘keitorin ‘indastri vendéglatdipar
chalk tfozk kréta
claim kleim allit
clarification kleerif'keifn tisztazas, magyarazat
colonisation kolenalzeifn gyarmatositas
jl jon, jO hasznat lehet
comein handy ‘kam tn ‘heendi
megertést ellendrzd
comprehension check kompri'henjn'tfek
consider ken'side fontolgat
nyelvi érintkezés eszkoze
contact language ‘konteekt ‘leengwid3
(kOzos nyelv)
a szovegosszefuiggésbol
context clue ‘kontekst klu: fakado segitség (kulcs a
cope with sth ‘koup wid megbirkdzik vmivel
definitely ‘definitl hatarozottan
devote di'veot szan, szentel
dominant ‘dominent uralkodo
dramatize a story ‘dreemetaiz a ‘storri eldad torténetet
enrol in a language beiratkozik nyelvtan-
in'reol in a ‘lzengwidz ko:s
course folyamra
entirely in'taleli teljes mértékben,teljesen

entrance exam ‘entrens igzaem felvételi vizsga

expand ik'speend kiszélesedik
exposesb to sth ik'speuz kitesz vkit vminek
figure out sth 'fige aut rajon vmire
frusztral6, kudarcélményt
frustrating fras'treitin
gadget ‘geedzit berendezés
get by ‘get bar elboldogul valahogy
get tuned in get ‘tju:nd in rahangolddik
gift for languages ‘gift fox ‘leengwidziz nyelvérzék, tehetség
globalis, az egész vilagon
global ‘gloubl
itt: kétségkivul,
hands-down ‘heendzdaon
hesitate ‘heziteit habozik, hezital
imprinted im'printid berogzult
incredibly in'kredibli hihetetlenul
inner ‘ine bens6
intonation inte'neifn intonacio, hanglejtés
intrinsic in‘trinsik bels6, belulrdl fakado
konnyen megy nekem
it comeseasily to me It 'kamz ‘i:zili to mi:
key vocabulary kn: ve'keebjoleri alapszokincs
languageacquisition ‘laengwidz eekwizifn nyelvelsajatitas
languageskills ‘lzengwid3 skilz nyelvi készség
lengthy ‘leno! hosszadalmas
look sth up ‘lok ,Ap megnez (szotarban)
make oneself understood maik wan'self ande'stod megérteti magat
manage one’s time ‘meenidz wanz ,taim beosztja az idejét
markedly ‘mazkidli markansan,jelent6sen
means of communication ‘minzev komjonikeifn a kommunikacio eszk6ze
mindset ‘maindset gondolkodasmod
mother tongue ‘madetan anyanyelv
native speaker ‘neitlv ‘spike anyanyelvi beszél6
‘eveit{[pi, ‘eovahed pre'd-
OHP(overheadprojector) trasvetitd
on a daily basis ‘one ‘deili 'beisiz napi szinten, nap mint nap
oriental language o:rrentl ‘leengwidz keleti nyelv
over and over again ‘euvereend,suve a'gen ujra meg ujra
participate partisipeit részt vesz
particularly pa'tikjolar kulonosen
pass on ‘pars on atad (tudast)


ragasztos hatoldalu
Post-It note ‘peustit noot
postpone ‘peustpeon halogat, elhalaszt
proficiency exam prefifansi ig'zeem nyelwizsga
pronunciation prenansieifn kiejtés
prospective pre'spektiv jovobeni, leenddé
valddi targyak (nyelvorai
realia rreelja
reflect riflekt tukroz
relevant ‘relevent fontos
rental shop 'rentl fop kdlcs6nzd
belebotlik (ismeretlen
run across a word ‘ran a'kras 9 wa:d
schedule ‘fedju:l itt: rendszer, 6rabeosztas
set time ‘set taim
simplified ‘simplifaid (le)egyszerusitett
szituacios parbeszéd/
situational dialogue — ‘sitjo'eifnl ‘daialog
magyarazattal ellatott
smart key ‘smaxt ki:
sneak snk beoson
soundtrack ‘saundtreek film hangja
stateexam steit ig'zeem nyelwizsga
subscribe to a magazine/ seb'skraib tu 9 'meegeziin magazinra eldfizet, ujsagot
newspaper ‘nju:zpeipe megrendel
subtitles sAb'taitl felirat (filmen)
superpower ‘suipepave nagyhatalom
eldre nem bejelentett
surprisetest se'praiz test
sympathy ‘simpe0! egyuttérzés
thorough ‘Baran teljes, alapos
time-consuming taimken'zju:min iddigenyes
kereskedelmi cég
trade representative treid reprizentativ
transaction traen'zeek{n tranzakcio, ugylet
tuition fee turin fi: tandij
unnoticed An'ngotist észrevetlenul
usage ‘jursidZ nyelvhasznalat
vmiszéles spektruma/
vast array of sth vast d'rel av
visualize ‘viz0elaiz megjelenit


well--equipped wellk'wipt jol felszerelt

withrespectto = wid rispekt to — : vmihez képest/viszonyitva

a veel Comprehension
2 goingto.‘reac about|certaintips. on how to overcome stresswhile
preparing for anexam.All theheadings havebeenremoved. Yourtask is to.
- matchthe headingsand the paragraphs, andputthe letters (A-H)in the boxesas
S showniintheexample. There are two extra letters that youdonot need. oey

Stress-busting Tips
Preparing for exams does not only meansleepless nights and endless swotting but also those
stubborn butterflies in your stomach which keep your thoughts revolving around the moment |
you must enter the exam room. A certain amountofstress is found to be beneficial for your
achievement, but not too much.Hereare sometoptips on how to deal with the extra amount.

Try to keep yoursleep routine as regular as possible, and don’t forget that the minimal amount
is 6 hours.

This is really important, you should give yourself plenty of short

getawaysas yourevise, this keeps youfresherfor longer,so youwill
learn more.

Try to leave enough timein yourrevision for some fun. Youwill

need to put your books down and do something you enjoy
for a while if you want to stay in a good mood.

Don't try to do too much workeach day. If you overdoit

you won'ttake in the facts yourerevising.

Makesure yourdiet includes plenty offruit and veg. Optfor juice or water, avoid too much tea
or coffee.

It’s a fantastic stress buster. Go running, skateboarding, play a sport, or just take a walk around
the block. You will feel more relaxed. If you're notsleeping very well trying it can makea real

Don't beat yourself up about things, instead be nice to yourself. Make a quicklist offive things
you've donethatyou are proudof. This will put you in a good mood andyouwill learn more.

If you arestartingto loseit, andfeel that the studyingis getting on top of you — takea bit of time

breathe deeply.

tell yourself how well you are doing.


remindyourself that everythingis going to turn outalright.


standup straight and smile, you will feel a bit better straight away.


Don’t miss a chance

Get someexercise
Timefor yourself
Be positive
Chill out
Take a break
Eat properly
Feel responsible

t. Yourtask
illhavesome _
wg in onepiece. —

heck youranswe Theftfirsttquestion 0) has been done for

Kato Lomb

gq For her the most important motivation to learn a language is interest

Shebelieved that could learn a foreign language successfully.


What prevents people from starting to speak is called _ pete

BSE H 88s
She chosetostart learning a new foreign language from a(n)
It was her conviction that language learners do not need a(n) to
understanda text.
A famous Hungarian authorlearnt with her method without even
knowing aboutit.
Anothervery importantfactor in learningis
It is recommendedto study wordsin
If you notice the side of language learning, you are on the road to

11. The World of Work

Thesecret oflife is not to do what you

like, but to like what you do.
(American proverb)

Therearealotofproverbsinconnectionwithwork. Howev
proverbs arejumbledup.Put thewordsinthe correctorder. _

B®} boyi / work / All/ dull / makes / no / a/and/ play

play / Jack
Atk work and uo ploy makes Jack a due boy.
your / hatched / Don’t / chickens/ they / are / before / count
S 8 68 8 6 Ss 8

broom / clean / new / A / sweeps

made / the / Gardens sitting / by / in / are / not / shade

waste / Haste / makes

hands/ light / make / work / Many

put off / tomorrow /done / what/ be / today / Never / till / can

was/ in/ built / Rome not / day/a

The/ idle / work / devil / for / makes / hands

early / catches / the / The / worm bird

workman/ his / always / A tools / blames / bad

A ry


trades / Jack / of / and / none all / of / master

spoil / many / broth / Too / cooks / the

2% Questions

Have you ever had a summerjob? Whatwasit like?


Whyare summerjobs important?

Is it a good idea to work while studying?
Whatdo youdo for a living?
Whattype ofjob/career would you like to have in the future? Why?

Is it easy to find a job nowadays?

Where/how would yousearchfora job?
Whatare the most important considerationsin findinga job?
Whatfeatures make a job attractive to you?
Whatshould youwritein letter of application?

Is earning a lot of money important?

Whatare the new trendsin the job market?

Whatis telecommuting?
Wouldyoulike to do it?

Whatis an ideal workplace like for you?

Whatkindof benefits do employees get from their companies?
Whatdo we meanbygross andnetsalaries?
Whatis incometax?

Whatother deductions are made onsalaries in Hungary?

Answers BB)

Have you ever had a summerjob? Whatwasit like?

a) Yes, I’ve worked during the summerholidayssince I wasfourteen.I’ve worked at myfather’s
companyas cleaner, a helper and a car-washer.Atfirst it was quite hardto get up early and
obey everyone’s orders, butI liked my workmates and the world ofadults.I learnt a lot from
them. Moreover, I earned some money, whichI spent on things I had longedfor.
b) Yes and no.I live in a village and I always help my parents andrelatives with harvesting
in the orchardsorfields. I regularly take partin fruit picking,it’s great fun. I don’t have a
contract, so I’m not an hourly-paid worker,butso far I have alwaysbeensatisfied with the
sum of money I wasgiven.

Whyare summerjobs important?

Children often get bored during the summerholidays andif they work they spendtheir time
in a useful way. They benefit from work, and they have a certain routineto keep to and duties
to carry out. Theylearn responsibility, discipline and adaptation. They getreallife experience,
and can see how schoollife differs from everydaylife. In addition, they earn some money,
which they do not wasteas easily as their pocket money. Theylearn to appreciate money and
understand howdifficultit is to earn one’sliving.

EEX Is it a good idea to work while studying?

a) I study far from home and myparentsare notveryrich, so
I have to help them with covering my expenses, which
are quite high. I can work,as I have somefree time
and there are opportunities to earn some money.
I can even save some moneyforleisureactivities.
b) Thereare certain work regulations which do not allow
children under 16 to work withoutthe consentoftheir
parents. Secondary school students are allowed to
workif they’re 16, but I think it should only be done
at weekends.If they worked during the weekdays
they wouldn't be able to prepare for the next day.
However,university or college undergraduates have
a fairly flexible timetable and they can work.

®3 What do you dofor a living?

a) I'm an environmental engineerat a factory owned by the government.I generally earn less
than others with similar experiencein the field who havechosento workin theprivate sector,
butit works for me. Having done my 40 hours I can go hometo mywife andfamily.
b) Iworkasa marketing managerfor a software company.In the evenings] do freelance writing
for a website. I do eBay sometimes,if I know how to get my handson an extraordinary
deal, and I knowit willsell.
c) lama corporate credit analyst by day, and a bit of an “entrepreneur”in myfree time. Most
recently I've been designing and creating wedding invitations andaccessories.It’s a small
side business right now butone day I would like to turnit into my full time job so that I can
be a work-at-home mom.

B whattype ofjob/career would you like to havein the future? Why?

a) A job that gives mesatisfaction, I mean,I'd like to enjoy whatI do.I don’t mindtaking respon-
sibility if it guarantees a steady income. Financial security is a very importantfactor. I think
I'm quite sociable and would like to deal with people. I haven’t chosen careeryet, but being a
doctor, a lawyer, a teacheror a businessman/business woman would answerthesecriteria.

b) I like learning languages and I can communicate with peopleeasily. I’d like to get a
university or college degree. I’m interested in tourism andcatering, so I’d like to become a
travel agent, a tour guide, a hotel receptionist or may be a restaurant owner.
c) I'd like to have a job that has a high prestige, gives good money andprovides a valuable
service to society.

{Fi Is it easy to find a job nowadays?

No,it isn’t. Companies don’t have as much moneyastheyusedto. Therefore,a lot ofemployers
are cutting salaries and laying peopleoff. In addition,there are a lot of people without jobs
right now,so there’s a lot of competition. Also, not all companiesadvertise publicly that they
needhelp. That is whyit’s importantto get active and inquire. Like the old saying goes,it’s
not what you know, but who you know. Despiteall these facts it’s not totally hopelessto get
employed. The most important thing is you shouldn’t give up. Persistence is very important.

Where/how would yousearchfor a job?

Thereare several possibilities when lookingfor a job. You should look throughtheclassified
advertisement sections in newspapers and magazines. You can also browse job websites on
the Internet. They are very popular and convenientto useas, if you find an appropriate job,
you can send an application form and a covering letter throughthenet. If you have a dream
companyyoucan writestraight to them enquiring about any vacancies. There are employment
offices in each big town andtheofficials will deal with you personally. They'll interview you
andwill offer you a job or jobs that suit yourinterest, skills and qualifications.

&3 Whatare the most important considerationsin finding a job?

First of all, your workplace shouldn't be too far from your home, otherwise you haveto live in
lodgings spending the weekdays far from your family, or commute every day spending hours
in a car or ona train. Secondly, the number and modeof workinghoursplaya great role. There
are nine-to-five jobs, jobs with flexi-time and jobs with shifts; at some places you have to work
overtimeor perhapsat weekendstoo. Thirdly, you should do a job where you can use yourskills,
certified knowledge (knowledge of foreign languages, computer skills etc.) or qualifications.
Youcanstarta totally new job for whichyouwill be trained, but then the chances of promotion
will definitely be lower. A goodjob opensperspectives for climbing up the career ladder. Finally,
the pay (salary or wages) is also important (for some people the most important factor), as
basically this is the main reason for looking for a job. We all work to earn ourliving.

§) Whatfeatures make job attractive to you?

a) A job should be creative andchallenging.I hate monotonouswork and can'tsit at oneplace for
hours, so a nine-to-five office job is not for me. I’m convinced I won'tfindsatisfaction in my
work unless I have to solve complextasks using my imagination and I am expected to come
up with original ideas. As I'm alwaysactive,if a job involvestravellingit is a great advantage.

b) I wouldlike to have a nine-to-five job, a kindofoffice job that I canfinish at a certain time.
WhenI step out of myoffice I'd like to deal with other segmentsoflife: family, friends and
entertainment.I agree with the proverb, that “All work and no play makesJack a dull boy”.
I wouldn’t want to become a workaholic like my parents.
c) Being your ownbossis the best form of work. I wouldn’tlike to obey orders and be told
whatto do. I’d like to have my ownbusiness, where I would be responsible for everything.
Success or failure would be mine; no one else could be blamedforit. It’s because I don’t
really trust other people, I’m not a team worker, I know.

£} What should you write in a letter of application?

At the beginning ofthe letter you should explain why you are writing the letter, where you
saw the advertisement and which post youare interested in. Then, you should give personal
information including your qualifications, work experience, and certain skills you have that
could be useful in the job. If you have severalcertificates list them. Try to prove that you are
totally suitable for that job highlighting your characteristic features and emphasising your
strengths. You should also enclose your CV and,if you can, send somereferences. You may
inform them aboutthe date of youravailability for an interview.

Is earning a lot of money important?

a) Yes,itis. Althoughitis true that “Money doesn’t buy happiness”,
as the saying goes, but withoutit there is nolife.
In our material world, unfortunately, personal
success is often measured by financial success.
High salary provides financial security which is
extremely important. Moreover, if you have good
wages you feel your work is valued and appreciated.
Being successful at work and experiencing work
satisfaction have a great impact on your general
well-being and personal happiness.
b) No,not at all. You may earna lot, but if you get this money by doing a profession you
hate you won't be able to carryit on for a long time. Money cannot compensateforfeeling
frustrated andstressedall the time. We spend too muchtimeat work, so we should work
in a friendly atmosphere, with helpful and cooperative colleagues and a demanding but
understandingboss. In myopinion these things are more important thanthesalary.

Whatare the newtrendsin the job market?

The biggest change in the job market is that there is very little security, wherever you work
you maylose your job almostat any time. The reasonforthis beside the overall recession of
the global marketis a new concept ofwork. In the “old-type” system employeesare assured of
their jobstill retirement. They enjoy all privileges and rights and makeuse ofall the benefits

andfacilities without much concernfor the functioning of the company. In the future the
priorities of an organization will be productivity and performance, so newor re-organised
companieswill not havea lot of permanent employees, they will employ freelancers offering
them project-oriented contracts. The contract is or is not renewed on the basis of the
performance in the completed project. The employeesareatliberty either to accept a new
contract or seek a better-paying and/or more challenging company. Anotherchangeis that
in the present day job market, besides university degrees, communication skills, assertive
personality, positive thinking andleadership qualities are given importance. However,it is
not enoughif you possessthese traits. They should be properly exhibited and demonstrated
in yourapplication and résumé andatthe timeofthe interview.

Whatis telecommuting?
Telecommuting, e-commuting, e-work, telework, working from home or working at homeis
a work arrangementin which employeesenjoyflexibility in working location and hours. The
daily commuteto a centralplace ofworkis replaced by telecommunicationlinks. A frequently
repeated mottois that “work is something you do, not something youtravelto”.

Would youlike to doit?

a) I think, telecommuting, or morespecifically, work from homeis a goodidea. It would
improve my work-life balance, and would free up the equivalent of 15 to 25 workdays a
year — time otherwise I would have to spend commuting, andit could save meall the work-
related costs. However, it demands special equipment to go mobile: you need a desktop
computer;a laptop and a high speedInternet connection at your home. Unfortunately,in
Hungaryitis still not so widespread, butI think that’s the future.
b) No,notat all. I need people around me, and if I worked at home I wouldn't go out of the
house for days and wouldn't dress up properly. After several daysI’dfeel isolated, lonely
and wouldlose my interest in work. For methat would be a quick way to depression.

Whatis an ideal workplace like for you?

a) I wouldn't like to be my ownboss,as it is insecure and frightening. A small or a medium
sized organisation would be good, which I could get to know quickly. I’d like to be part
of a team, and would have to share the work and responsibility with my colleagues. My
office should be big andlight, with all sorts of modern equipment.I wouldalsolike to have
a young, ambitious male boss. The salary should be good, and I wouldn’t want to work
b) P'dlike to work for a big multinational company, which does cutting edge, modern business.
I am genuinelyinterestedin financing. I wouldlike to work in an elegant environment, in
a bankoroffice wearing smart clothesall day long. I don’t mind working in a team,but
I prefer carrying personalresponsibility and doing things at my ownpace.I can workfast,
but I leave everythingfor the last moment. I am an adrenaline junkie who can’t get things

done unless there are tight deadlines. However, I would also like to have nice, friendly
colleagues of my age with whom I could spend time in the nearby pub/cafeteria after

Whatkind of benefits do employees get from their companies?

The purposeof the benefits is to increase the economicsecurity of employees. Someof these
benefits are: housing (employer-provided or employer-paid), group insurance(health, dental,
life etc.), retirement benefits, day care, tuition reimbursement, sick leave, holidays (paid and
non-paid), funding of education, travel contribution and other specialized benefits. The
term perksis often used colloquially to refer to the benefits of a more discretionary nature.
Commonperksare: a companycar, free mobile phone, free internet access, leisure activities
in work timeor at workplace (golf, tennis,etc.), stationery, luncheon vouchersortraveller’s

What do we meanbygross and netsalaries?

Your “gross salary” is the amountofsalary paid to you after addingall your benefits and
allowances and before deductinganytax.It is made uplikethis: basic salary; your contribution
to medical aid, pension/provident fund, etc; allowances such as travel, entertainment,
computer, cell phone, etc.; overtime and bonusfor the specific period.
Your “net salary” is whatis left of your salary after deductions have been made. This is also
the amountthatis paid into your bank account on a monthly basis. Net salaryis also referred
to as “take home pay” - the amountof moneythat you take home every month.

EE} Whatis incometax?

Incometax is the sum of money each workingcitizen should pay to the government from
all the money he/she earns. Hungary’s taxation of an individual’s incomeis progressive: the
higher the income, the higher the rate of tax payable. In 2009 the tax rate for an individual
was 18% or 36%. An individualpays tax on his incomeas a wage-earneror as a self-employed

§E) Whatother deductions are made onsalaries in Hungary?

There are social security taxes, health coverage and pension contribution. Social security is
paid by employeesat the following rates: pension contribution: 8%; health care contribution:
4%; and unemployment contribution: 1%. The base of the monthly contributions is the
employee’s income.



ability /a'biliti/ képesség

accept /ak'sept/ elfogad
adaptation /eedeep'teifan/ alkalmazkodas
adrenaline junkie /e'drenalin 'd3anki/ adrenalinfuggd
allowance /2'lasens/ juttatas, potlék
application form /eepli'kefan ‘form/ jelentkezésilap
appreciate /e'prizfieit/ értékel
assertive /a'saxtiv/ ramenos
assure /a'foo! biztosit
benefit /benifit/ jarulék

Seuss 3eeepEGY TRY /bleim/ hibaztat, okol

boss /bos/ f6ndk
car mechanic Ika: mi'keenik/ autoszerel6
career ladder /ke'ria ‘leede/ szakmairanglétra
certificate /so'tifiket/ bizonyitvany
certified accountant I'saxtifaid e'kaontent/ merlegképes konyveldé
challenging /'tfeelind3in/ kihivast jelentd
classified advertisement _/‘klzesifaid ad've:tisment ee ia
z ; aprohirdetési oldal
section sekfan/
CNC-turner /'si: ‘en ‘st: ‘ta:ne/ CNC-esztergalyos
commute /kem)juxt/ ingazik
consent /ken'sent/ beleegyezés
contract /kon'treekt/ szerzodés
contribution / kontri'bjuzfen/ hozzajarulas,
kozremukodés, jarulék
covering letter /kaverin ‘lete/ kisérdleveél
cover one’s expenses kava ‘wanzik'spensiz/ fedezi a kiadasait
CV (curriculum vitae) si: ‘vil /ke'rikjolem ‘vitai/ onéletrajz
databaseclerk 'deitebeis ‘klark/ adatkezel6
deadline /‘dedlain/ hataridd
banik, foglalkozik vkivel,
deal with /di:l wid/
decision /di'sizen/ dontés
deduct /di'dakt/ levon
deduction /di'dakfen/ levonas
demandfor /di'ma:znd fo/ kereslet vmiirant, igény
employee /emplor'i/ alkalmazott, munkavallald
employer /im'ploie/ alkalmazo, munkaado


employer-provided /im'ploie pre'vaidid/ munkaado altal biztositott

employmentoffice /im'ploiment‘ofis/ munkakozvetit6 iroda . _
entrepreneur /ontrepre'ne:/ vallalkoz6
failure /feilja/ bukas
financial security /far'neenfel si'kjoeriti/ anyagi biztonsag
finance /faineens/ — pénzel, finansziroz
flexi-time /fleksi ‘taim/ rugalmas munkaid6é
freelancer /frinla:nse/ szabaduszo
frustrated /fra‘strertid/ csalodott, frusztralt
get an insight get an ‘insait/ bepillantast nyer
grosssalary [gros ‘seelori/ brutto fizetés
harvesting /ha:vestin/ betakaritas
imagination /imeed3i'neifen/ fantazia, képzelder6é
income tax /'inkam ‘'taeks/ jovedelemado
lathe /leid/ esztergapad
lay somebodyoff let ‘sambadi off elbocsajt
leaflet delivery /\ixflit di'liveri/ szorolapkihordas
legislator /ledzisleite/ torvényhozo
allashirdetésre valaszolo
letter of application /'lete ev epli'keifen/
lodgings /lodzingz/ albérlet, butorozott szoba
luncheon voucher /lantfen ‘vaotfa/ étkezési jegy
material world /me'tiarial ‘we:ld/ anyagias vilag
monotonous /me'notenes/ monoton
net salary [net ‘'seeleri/ — netto fizetés
obey one’s order /e'bel 'wanz 'o:de/
part-time /'pazt ‘taim/ részidés munka
pay /pei/ fizetés
pension contribution /‘penfen kontri'bju:fen/ nyugdijjarulék
performance /pe'foxmens/ teljjesitmény
perks /pa:ks/ juttatasok ~
hatarozatlan iddre szolo,
permanent /pe:menent/
persistence /pe'sistens/ kitartas
posh /pof/ elegans, men6, flancos
productivity /prodak'tiviti/ termelékenység
promotion /pre'mevfen/ eldléptetés
pursue /pe'sjux/ foglalkozast Uz
reference /referens/ ajanlas, ajanloleveél
regulate /regjoleit/ szabalyoz


regulation /regjo'leifan/ szabalyozas

responsibility /r'sponsibiliti/ felelosség
restriction /r'strikfan/ korlatozas
résumé /reizjomei/ szakmai Oneéletrajz
retirement /ri'tatament/ nyugdijba vonulas
retirement benefit / ritatament‘benefit/ nyugdijjarulék
ruling /ruxlin/ szabalyozas
salary /seeleri/ bér, havi fizetés
seek /sik/ keres
self-employed /'self im'ploid/ maganvallalkozo
shift /fift/ muszak
sick leave I'sik ‘lirv/ tappénz
skilled-worker /'skild ‘werke/ szakmunkas
skill /skil/
steady income /'stedi in'kam/ biztos jovedelem
strength /stren9/ erdsség
taxation /teek'seifon/ adozas
team worker /tirm ‘werke/ csapatmunkas
telecommunication link /telikemjoni'keifan link/
szamitogépen keresztul
telecommuting /telike'mjurtin/
vegzett munka
utazasi kdltség hoz-
travel contribution /'treevel kentri'bju:fen/
traveller's cheques /treevelez tfeks/ udulési csekk
trust somebody /trast/ megbizik valakiben
tanulmanyi kiadasok
tuition reimbursement _ /tjo'lfen riim'be:sment/
university or college egyetemi vagy fdiskolai
/ju:ni'versitt ‘ox ‘kolidz di'gri:/
degree diploma
vacancy /veikensi/ ures allas, allashely
value /vealju:/ értékel
wage /weid3/ heti bér
work overtime werk 'aovetaim/ tulorazik
workaholic /werke'holik/ munkamanias
workmate /werkmeit/ munkatars



6B Reading Ss
You are going to read an ee about.job-seekers’ problems. Your task is to.
finish the sentences(1-6) followingthetext. Choosethe phrase(A-D) whichis
nearest in meaningto whatthearticle says.Write theletterstin.the boxes ee
i an example (0) atthebeginning.
There is r—~—r——“‘*EEEUCCCW y

Young Job-seekers Hiding Their Facebook Pages

Some Facebook users are using aliases on the social-networking site while they hunt for jobs.
Justin Gawelsays there’s nothing too incriminating on his Facebookpage. Even so, the Michigan
State University junior recently changed his Facebook display nameto “Dustin Jawel” to keep his
personallife from potential employers while applying for summerinternships. Although Gawel
ditched his rhymingalias after two weeks whenherealized Facebookusers also can be searched
by e-mail address, school and network,heis not alone in his efforts to scrub his online résumé.
Manystudents andrecent graduates say they are changing their names on Facebookortightening
privacy settings to hide photos and wall posts from potential employers. And with good reason.
A recent survey commissioned by Microsoft found
| that 79 percent of recruiters and hiring managers in
the United States have rejected an applicant based on
| information they found online.
Whatkind of information? “Inappropriate” comments
by the candidate; “unsuitable” photos and videos;
criticisms ofprevious employers, co-workers, or clients; “&
and even inappropriate commentsbyfriends andrelatives, according to the survey report, titled
“Online Reputation in a Connected World.”
Such prying into his online life makes Gawel uncomfortable and he’s not sure that employers
would object to the information on his Facebookpage.
For better or worse, online screenings may be a permanentpartofthe 21st-century hiring process.
_ the Microsoft survey foundthat 79 percent of US hiring managershaveused theInternetto better
assess applicants.
Dan Eggers of Partners Marketing Group in Marietta, Georgia, is among that 79 percent.
“Wereview and certainly do research on anyone we're looking at hiring or using as a contract
employee,” Eggers said. “We would Google their names, look at LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
“Hesaid his firm usually only consults an applicant’s online reputation to make sure he or she
hasn't misrepresented their work experience.”
Facebook spokesperson Kathleen Loughlin said she could not commenton the numberof users
who change their names on Facebook, but students who spoke to CNN said that amongtheir
peers, the trend is rampant.
With the Internet playing sucha large role in business today, few recruiters don’t assess applicants’

online reputations in some capacity before hiring, said George Matlock,director of operations at
Matlock Advertising and Public Relations in Atlanta, Georgia. And while Matlock said he almost
always Googles a person’s namebeforehiring them,hesteers clear of Facebook.
“Websites are almost impossible to eliminate,” Raymansaid. “They get cached somewhere and
they'll keep comingup. It used to be if you had a poor reputation in one school, you'd movete
another and yourrecord didn’t necessarily follow you.It’s getting harder and harder to do that as
everyoneis on the Internet and everyone knowseveryone’s business.”

Ql Facebook users adoptfalse names

in orderto hide from theirrelatives.
§) to start a new relationship.
during a certain periodoftheir lives.
M5) while looking for a new businesspartner.
Jastin Gavel stoppedusinghisnewalias
because he found out that rhymes gave him away.
®3) because he discovered there were other methodsto find him on Facebook.
after he had foundaninternship.
(@) as herealised he had noincriminating information onhis wall post.
A Microsoft survey revealed that yepeeeee
hiring managersreject online information.
8) only a few companieslook for the applicants’ personal information online.
the majority of companies use online screening whileassessing applicants.
@) recruiters are not interested in applicants’ online reputations.
§3 Incriminatingonline information include coey
praise of formerbosses.
§5) comments made by enemies.
disapproving remarks made aboutcolleagues.
@) improperly made photosandvideos.
@3 Partner Marketings Group checks information
in orderto offer a better contract to their employees.
§B) to be certain of the candidate’s previous working experience.
to use people’s opinion about the applicants as a main source.
@) to find out whetherthe candidate has enough working experience.


~ Facebook spokesperson Kathleen Loughlin ihROEa

talked to several students about the new trend.
@) has used an alias herself.
has no idea of how many Facebookusers have changed their names.
@) thinks this new trendis spreading.
WA Thearticle concludesthat nowadaysit is getting harder and harder
to leave a bad reputation behind.
BB to movefrom one workplace to another.
to hide from businesspartners.
@P) to follow records kept on websites.

“Best job” Winner Says Goodbyeto Island Paradise

®} Ben Southall completed a job
that lasted for six-months.
5 that was offered by Queensland Tourist Board.
The job
caused dhim him lot
lot of sleepless nigh
sleepless nights.
BI was harder thanhefirst thought.
B According to the advertisementthe job involved
Bi watching the dolphins.
While doing the job
he visited a new island daily.
GD heoften workedlate at night.


§Z3 Besides gaining unforgettable experiences

he earned almost $ 140,000.
BE keptcollecting shells.
§3 Southall thinks this job
waseasierthanhis previousjobs.
@5) can’t be classified as real work.
&3 Heplansto go on holiday
at Christmas.
§5 to a warm,sunnyplace in the South.
Heis sorry to leave the villa where he lived,
whichis worth $ 4 million.
(5 which is called Blue Pearl.
Eat well, drink in moderation,
and sleep sound,
in these three good health abound.
(Latin proverb)

keep body and soul together, FA keep up appearances,
3, keep up with the Joneses, 4. live in an ivory tower,
BB live outof a suitcase, #3 makethe best of things, make ends meet

acceptthe situation and do whatyoucanin spite ofthe difficulties or disadvantages
GE) havea lifestyle which preserves someone from the problemsanddifficulties experienced by
Ԥ maintain an outward show ofprosperity or well-being in order to hide the difficulties from
travel a lot, move from place to place, and therefore be restricted to the contents of a
G3 have enough moneyto live on
manage to survive
try to have the same possessionsor social achievements as someoneelse



Hownecessaryisit for people to take care of their health?

Doyoulike readingarticles on health issues? Why? Whynot?
3, Doyou thinkyoulead a healthylifestyle?
nS How do youkeepfit?
5. In what ways can people be persuadedto take more exercise?
6. Is yourlifestyle stressful?
Howdo you cope withstress?
a Howcanthe climate and the weatheraffect our moods?
a Are you influenced by the weather? How?
How muchsleep do you need? How muchsleep do youusually have?
Howcanpeople avoidsleepless nights?
Whatis harmful to our health?
In some countries smoking in public places is forbidden. What do you think about this
Whatis passive smoking? Doyouthinkit’s a health hazard?
What should be done to reduce smoking amongchildren?
Canyoulist other addictions? Whatare their potential dangers?
Whatwould you doto prevent your children from smoking, drinking heavily and taking

Whateating disorders do you know of? Whydo people develop these diseases?
Howcan you recognize that someoneis anorexic or bulimic?
Howcan people cope with these diseases?

Hownecessaryisit for people to take care of their health?

I think leadinga healthylife is vital and very important, and I do not understand whypeople
harm themselves deliberately. I think that smokers should give up smoking and everybody
should try to ease their stressfullife. Moreover, prevention is much cheaper than cure, not
only for the government but for each person as well. A healthy lifestyle is basically not a
question of money,it is a question of responsible thinking and understanding. Evenifwe take
care of our health, there are enough harmful phenomena:noise, exhaust fumes, ultraviolet
radiation,stress etc. that endanger ourlife.

Do youlike readingarticles on health issues? Why? Why not?
a) Yes, I do. Ican find them ontheInternet orin health magazines. Theygive useful advice about
different health problems, and they explain things from scientific point ofview.I like these
explanations, and biological, chemicalor physical backgroundinformation.I learn a lot from
them.I can learn aboutnew therapies, treatments, and thesearticles help with prevention.
b) No, I don’t. The only aim ofsuch anarticle is to advertise a new product, or a new gadget,
and they try to persuade people that they are worth their cost, and people will finally
buy them. Unfortunately,it is very often just a question of fashion, andtheeffects or the
mechanism ofa popular new medicine or treatmentare not proven. You buyit just because
youbelieveit will help.

IE} Do youthink youlead a healthylifestyle?

a) Yes, I think,I do. I eat moderately, exercise regularly andtry to laugh a lot while spending
my free time with my friends. I don’t smoke andrarely drink alcoholic beverages. I think
I am in tip-top shape and I enjoy every minute ofmylife.
b) It depends. In my opinion a healthylifestyle doesn’t mean doing exercise every day or
eatingless, andall thatstuff that people say. A healthylifestyle means that you are happy
about the wayyouare, and youaresatisfied with your body andpersonality.
Cc) No,notat all. I never watch what eat. Fast foodis said to be very unhealthy, but like it,
and often eat out in one of those restaurants. And afterwardsI feel all right, I do notfeel
any remorse. I know,I should movea lot, because I am bit overweight, butit is so com-
fortable to sit in my car and drive wherever I wantto go.

How doyoukeepfit?
a) Ihave dailyfitness routine which incorporatesactivities for my spirit and mind as well as
my body. I do exercise regularly. I do yoga at home and spend half an hour on my yoga mat
every morning. Moreover,I spend lot of time outdoors.I have a balanced diet, but I like
sweets very much,andeatchocolate everyday.I believe thatit is a natural mood booster.
I always sleep eight hours.
b)I try to follow a healthydiet. I never skip breakfast,eat a lot of vegetables andfruit, I have
cut down on red meat, caffeine, sugar andsalt. I never eatafter 6 o'clock, but take a long
walk before going to sleep. I do not exercise regularly, but in winter I go skiing and in
summerI often swim.I like all kinds of fruit and although I eat it frequently my mum
insists on me taking vitamins every winter.

© In what wayscan people be persuadedto take more exercise?

The government or health organizations should launch campaigns and organize events
~ bikers’ festivals, town marathons, family activity days - to attract people outdoors and
persuade themto takecare oftheir health. The benefits of certainactivities, dieting, exercising

should be explained to people and the results can be demonstrated on charts or displayed on
photos. There are people who have survived a heart attack, or have been cured of cancer and
they could speak abouttheir experiences. Personal examples are always very impressive.

(i Is yourlifestyle stressful?
a) It is not mylifestyle,butlife itself that is stressful. It is impossible to have a stress-freelife.
It is true, that a certain level of positive stress is good, asit helps usto rise to everyday
challenges andget things done. But most people have too muchofit. There is more stress
in their lives than necessary. Unfortunately, I am one of them. I work long hoursin a very
stressfuljob, so I havelittle time for my family. Moreover, we havefinancial problems, and
my mom wasoperated on with breast cancer a month ago. As you cansee,I have several
things to worry about.
b) I am an undergraduate, and often haveto do tests, take examsor give a presentation
in front of my group mates. Everything in connection with my studies worries mea lot.
I think I will never get used to taking exams. I have been quarrelling a lot recently with
myboyfriend,so ourrelationship is far from being optimal. So there is something on my
mindall the time. No wonderI suffer from insomnia.

How doyou cope with stress?

b) I used to be very nervousbefore an exam,ortest, but now I alwaystry to study as much as I
can, so I can say: “I did my best.” The night before the test or exam I do notstayuplate, but
go to bed early and have a good night’s sleep. I always eat before I leave home, and drink
tea or fruit juice. I take a bar of chocolate with me and consumeit during a written exam.
It really helps my mind with concentration.
b) Iam verystressful, fussy type, and I have to wind downphysically in stressfulsituation.
I have learnt a two-minute relaxation exercise which helps mea lot.
c) When I am worn out mentally I put on my runningshoes andplug myears, and off I go
and run and run in the openair listening to my favourite music until I almost collapse.
This strong physical exercise diverts my thoughts andclears my head.

9:3 How canthe climate and the weatheraffect our moods?

a) People in the Mediterranean are very energetic, lively,
optimistic and easy-going, whereas Northern people,
the Scandinaviansfor example, are gloomy, moody
and almost emotionless. The climate may have
certain effects on their personalities. If you have to
live in darkness mostof the year youarelikely to be
depressed anddefinitely will long for sunshine.
b) In Hungary wehave four seasonsand according
to them different moods. In winter, whenit is cold
and windy, and we have to wear warm clothes werarely go out, and meet ourfriends
just occasionally. We spend the long winter evenings at home watching TV and going
to bed early. On the other hand, in summerweoften go out, have barbecues, go on trips
or outings. We meet more people, spend moretimein nature, therefore we are in better
moodsand we seem to be happier.

®) Are youinfluenced by the weather? How?

a) Yes, Iam. Bright, sunny weather makes mefeel good and happy;I feel in seventh heaven.
Onthe other hand,ifit is raining,or it’s cloudy and foggy lam gloomy, deep in depression.
I do not wantto do anything,just stay at home,lie down,sleep orlisten to music.
b) No, I am not. I am always cheerful, enjoy being with myfriends or reading a fantastic
book. Nothing can destroy mydesire for happiness. I definitely like walking and “singing
in the rain”just like Fred Astaire.

How muchsleep do you need? How muchsleep do you usually have?

a) I need a lotofsleep. If I do notsleep atleast eight hoursI feeltired. I never forget to go to
bed on time,so that I can have enoughrest. I am anearlybird, so I can’t stay up late even
if I wantto. In the morning I always wake up at 7 without an alarm clock. I can rely on my
biorhythm,it is very punctual.
b) I need lot of sleep but in the morningI always feel exhausted. It means I never sleep
enough;I could always sleep a bit more. My mom argues with me every morning. Ifit
wasn't for her I'd alwaysbelate for school. I know thereason: I go to bedlate, because
I play computer games, and thelast gamealwayslasts for 2-3 hours. Yesterday I fell asleep
on the bus, andthe bus driver woke meupatthe final bus top. Two days ago myart teacher
wasvery angry when hefoundoutthat I was sleeping during his lesson. Soonerorlater I’ll
have to do somethingaboutit.

Howcanpeopleavoid sleepless nights?

There are manytips about how to have a soundnight’s sleep. Experts support the idea that we
should establish a steady sleeping plan or regular sleeping schedule, which means going to
bed andgetting up at around the sametime.The bed should be comfortable and the bedroom
dark and quiet. We should useit only for sleeping. We should keep away from heavy meals
andcaffeine drinks before bedtime. Coffee andotherstimulantslike tea, nicotine or chocolate
can keep your bodyfeeling active and wide awake. If your mindrefuses to rest whenin bed,
get up and do somelight chores, read a boring novelor practise light tai-chi. You may try
inducingsleep through relaxation techniques. When your mindis relaxed and peaceful,it’s
mucheasier for your bodyto give in andfall asleep.


Whatis harmful to our health?
a) Almost everything. If you live in a town or city you inhale polluted air, you hear the
continuous murmur ofthetraffic, you are anxiousall the time, not to mentionthefact that
you do not know whatyou actually drink oreat. Everythingis ready-made,prepared, you
can't see the processjust the result. In the countryside you may have something natural
and harmless, I guess.
b)It’s a difficult question. As the proverb says: One man’s meatis another man’s poison. This
meansthat whatis good for me, may be bad or even harmful to you. I can drink lot of
coffee, and as my bloodpressureis low it does not do too much harm.Butit has a different
effect on my father, who haschronic high bloodpressure. If he drinks more than one
cup ofcoffee he feels bad and dizzy. So he shouldn’t drink too much ofit. However, there
are somehealth-threatening things, such as smoking, taking drugs or drinking alcohol,
which are considered to be harmful and very dangerous. The dangeroriginates from the
fact that it is easy to become addicted to these things, and in the majority of cases it is
almost impossible to get rid of these addictions.

In some countries smoking in public places is forbidden. What do you think

aboutthis regulation?
a) I totally agreewith it. This is the only wayto tackle the problem ofsmokingeffectively. A ban
on smokingin public places and workplaces cameinto force in July 2008 in England, and
since then heartattack rates havefallen by about 10%. It is proven that second-hand smoke
increases the chancesof a heart attack. Advertising is anotherhot issue. Half measures are
not enough.I gofor a full ban of cigarette ads, as manufacturers use very sophisticated
marketing techniques. When one form of advertising is banned (they cannot appear on
TV), they simply shift to another channel(they advertise throughthe internet, magazines,
films, concerts and sporting events).
b) It is a very controversial move, and many governmentshaveresisted such proposals. The
tax on tobaccois still high, so governments still need this money. Unfortunately, the
tobacco industry andits distributors form a large group, and they can successfully lobby
for their rights.

Whatis passive smoking? Do youthinkit’s a health hazard?

In a simple way it means breathing other people’s tobacco smoke.It has been estimated that
tobacco smoke contains as many as 60 substances which cause cancer. And manyirritate the
tissues of the respiratory system. Breathing in other people’s smoke can cause eye irritation,
headache, cough,sore throat, dizziness and nausea. Researchers have recently found that
passive smoking is a cause of lung cancer and heart disease in adult non-smokers, Thereis
also evidence that suggests that passive smoking mayaffect children’s mental development.
So it is much more thana great health hazard,it is a crime.
Whatshould be done to reduce smoking amongchildren?
First of all smoking parents should be persuaded that they do harm to their children.
According to a survey the children of smokers are three times more likely to take up the
habit than those of non-smokers. It is vital to take away temptation from children.If brightly
coloured packets were banned, shopkeepers were forced to removecigarettes from display,
and there was a complete ban on cigarette vending machines andall tobacco advertising
there would bea slight hope of preventing young people from takingup this habit.

Can youlist other addictions? Whatare their potential dangers?

Drinking alcohol, taking drugs, gambling, but there are
some new, technology-related addictions, such as
online or video gaming,Internet or e-mail addictions.
But I have heard about kids who were mobile phone
addicts. The most dangerousaddiction ofall is alcohol
and drug addiction, as they mean an addiction to a
certain substance, which affects the brain changing
its chemistry. Internet use turns into Internet addiction
when an individual wants to be onlineall the time.
If you feel anxious or upset when youare not able
to see your computer,it may be a sign that you have
developed an Internet addiction. There are shopaholics and workaholics. Shopaholics use
compulsive shopping as a way to deal with emotional and other problemsin their lives. For
workaholics work becomesan obsession, whichis a problem.Ifyougetto the point where you
can’t stop working and thinking about work when youare supposed to be off the job, it may
be a sign that your dedication has turned into an addiction.

What would you doto prevent your children from smoking, drinking heavily
and taking drugs?
As a parent I would talk with my child about these problems openly andsincerely. I would
highlight the potential dangersof all these addictions. I would keep an eye on mychild, and
would notlet him/her go out whenever he or she wanted. Moreover, there would be forbidden
places,like certainill-famed discos for example, where she/he wouldnotbe allowedto go.I also
would meethis/herfriends, and would talk to them in order to check whether they form good
company. Peerpressure is very strong amongstadolescents. If somethingis totally forbidden it
will easily turn into temptation. Therefore, I would allow mychild to try somelight alcohol, wine
or beer and wouldtry to persuade him notto drinkor at least consumealcohol moderately. As
for smoking I wouldn't let him/hertake it up. You can smell ifsomeonehas been smoking,soitis
notso difficult to find out ifyourchild is a regular smoker. Youjust have to pay enoughattention.
Drugs are very expensive, so ifyou do notgive yourchild a large sum ofmoneyhe/she won't have
opportunity to try it. Moreover, the effect of regular drug taking can beseen,so I think I would
notice that there was something wrong with mychild if I kept an eye on him orher.

Whateating disorders do you know of? Why do people develop these diseases?
Thereis anorexia nervosaor,in short anorexia, and bulimia nervosaor bulimia. Both are driven
by an intense fear of becoming overweight, and this fear damages both physical and mental
health. It usually begins to be a problem in teenageyears, but can happenat any time.It is not
certain whatactually causesthese diseases, there are several factors that may play a part.Social
pressure, which comes from the media, which idealize thin models and beingthin,in general.
There might be family problems, when saying “no”to food is the only possible way for a child to
expresshis/herwill. People who suffer from anorexia or bulimia seem to have a very lowself-es-
teem, andlosing weight makes them feel good. However,they can’t stop starving themselves.
Food addiction and binge eatingalso fall into these categories. Someone can be addicted to
sugar or fat. A binge eater consumes large amounts of food in relatively short amount of
time, but then he or she doesn’t purge. This type is commonin obesity. These people use food
as a way to deal with feelings of sadness, depression, or anxiety.

How can you recognize that someoneis anorexic or bulimic?

They are both extremely stressed about losing weight. An anorexic controls weight by
starvation, which usually occurs in secret. Anorexic people are very thin and they are
obsessed with their body weight, physical appearance and body image. A patient whosuffers
from bulimia is usually of normal weight. He or she performsbinge eating, whichis followed
by compensatory behaviour, such as vomiting and taking laxatives.

Ea) How can people cope with these diseases?

They should see their GP or a therapist. There are in-patient (you are in hospital all the time)
and out-patient (you spend just some hoursin hospital) treatment programmes. Nutritional
counselling, menu planning and individual and group therapy sessions are provided by
experts. The most important thingis that the patient has to be encouragedto confronthis or
herfears about weight gain and normalize eating. Family membersandfriends should help,as
anorexia is an extremely serious disease, and only 40-50% ofall patients make a full recovery.


achievement et{nvment teljesttmény, eredmény

addict ‘gedikt fugg6 (szemely)
adolescent edelesent kamasz
hat valamire, hatassal van
affect e'fekt
aim elm eél: céloz
aggodalom,aggaly, szo-
anxiety eenzailoti
aggalyos, aggdodo,
anxious ‘eenkfes
avoid e'void kerul, elkerul
balanced diet ‘beelenst‘daiet kiegyensulyozott étrend
ban been tiltas, betiltas; betilt
benefit ‘benifit hasznot huz
beverage ‘beveridz ital
binge eating ‘bindg ‘rtin mertéktelen evés
biorhythms ‘balsuridemz bioritmus
bleary and swollen eyes ‘bliari and ‘swolen ‘aiz csipas és bedagadt szem
blood pressure ‘blad ‘prefa véernyomas
fokozza valaki kedvét,
boost one’s mood ‘burst '‘WaAnz 'murd
életbe lép, hatalyos lesz
comeinto force ‘kam inte ‘fors
collapse kelleps Osszeesik
compensatory behaviour ‘kompen'seiteri bi'heivje kompenzacios viselkedés
continuous murmur ken'tinjoes folytonos zugas
controversial ‘kontre'va;fal ellentmondasos
cope with ‘kaup ‘wid megbirkozni valamivel
cure kjoe gyogyitas; gydgyit
damage ‘deemidz kart tesz, rombol; kar
dedication dedi'keifan elkotelezettség, odaadas
deliberately diliberithi szandékosan
desire for di'zaia fa vagy valami irant
developed an addiction divelept on e'dikfan fuggdéség alakul ki
distributor di'stribjote forgalmazo
divert ‘daiva:t elterel, masfele iranyit
dizzy ‘dizi széduld, szédelgd
do harm ‘du: ‘harm kart okoz

elszunnyad, elszendereg,
doze off 'deuz ‘of
enyhit, csillapit,
easy-going ‘ZI 'QouIn dolgokat konnyen vevé
eating disorder ‘tin dis'o:da étkezési rendellenesség
effect I'fekt hatas
emotionless 'meofenies érzéketlen, rideg
empty ‘empti kiurit
encourage inkaridZ batorit, 6sztondz, buzdit
endanger in'deindze veszélyeztet
establish 'steeblif letrehoz, kiépit, alapit
event 'vent esemény
Every cloud hasa silver ‘evr! ‘klaod ‘hzez a ‘silva Minden rosszban van
lining ‘lainin: valamijo.
rendszeres testmozgast
exercise regularly ‘eksasaiz 'regjolall
exhaust fumes igzo:st ‘fju:mz kipufogégazok
exhausted Ig zo:stid kimerult, faradt
expert ‘ekspert szakember, szakért6
fear fio félelem
a hetedik mennyorszagban
feel in seventh heaven ‘fil in 'seven® ‘heven
érzi magat
forbidden fa'bidn tilos
full ban ‘furl ‘been teljes kort betiltas
teljes felépulés,
full recovery furl ri'kaveri
fussy TKSi= aggalyoskod6o, aggodo
gambling ‘geemblin szerencsejaték
get into trouble ‘get inte ‘trabl — bajba keveredik
get rid of ‘get ‘rid ev megszabadul valamit6l
gloomy mélabus, bus, komor,
harmful . ‘haimfol karos, artalmas,
harmless _ ‘harmles artalmatlan, nem karos
have a sound night ‘heev 9 'saond 'maind jOl alszik
have a barbecue - ‘haev 9 'barbekju: a szabadban sut-féz
heal hil gydgyit; gyogyul
health acard ‘hel® ‘heezed
egészség kockaztatasa,
- veszélyeztetése
health issues ‘hel® ''fu:z egészséggel kapcsolatos


fontos, sokakat foglalkoz-

hot issue ‘hot fur
tatd probléma
hurt hext megseért
ill-famed ‘Il ‘feimd rosszhiru
impressive im'presiv hatasos
incorporate in'koxpereit egyesit, magaba foglal
induce In'dju:s eldidéz, gerjeszt, indukal
influence ‘infloens
hat, hatassal van vmire,
vkire, befolyasol ©
inhale in‘heil besziv, belélegzik
insomnia in'so:zmnia almatlansag
keep an eye ‘kip 9n ‘al szemmeltart, figyel
lack of sleep ‘leek ev ‘slip alvashiany
launch a campaign ‘lornt{ @ keem'pein kampanytindit
laxative ‘leeksativ hashajté
lose one’s temper ‘lurz 'waAnz 'tempe elveszti a turelmét
alacsony Onértékelés,
low self-esteem ‘lao ‘self o'stizm
manufacturer imenjo'feektfere gyarto
mental development ‘mental di'velapment szellemi fejlo6dés
measure ‘meze intézkedés, rendszabaly
mentally ‘menteli szellemileg
moderately ‘moderetli mertékletesen
mood booster ‘muzd‘bu:ste
mood mu:d kedv, hangulat
rosszkedvu, kedvetlen,
moody mu:di
nausea 'no:zle emelygés, hanyinger
nutritional counselling njutrifenel ‘kaonsalin éetkezési tanacsadas
obesity 90 bisit koverség, elhizottsag
megszallottsag, rogeszme,
obsession ab'sefen
mania |
occasionally a'keizeneli alkalomadtan
occur ake: eldfordul, torténik
outing ‘avtin kirandulas
overwhelmed e0ve'welmd tulterhelt
passion ‘peefen szenvedeély
kortars csoport altal gya-
peer pressure ‘plo ‘prefe
korolt nyomas
persuade pe'sweid meggy6z
prevention pri'venfen megeldzés
proposal pre'peozel javaslat
prove prurv bebizonyit; bizonyul
public place ‘pAblik ‘pleis kdézéptlet, nyilvanos hely |
punctual ‘panktfoal pontos |
purge perdz tisztit, Urit (beleket)
reduce r'djurs csokkent |
regulation regjo'leifen szabalyozas, rendelkezés
remove remurv eltavolit
resist rizist ellenall
responsible r'sponsebel felelds, felelésségteljes
sadness ‘seednis szomorusag
satisfied ‘seetisfaid megelégedett, kielégult
sincerely sin'siall oszintén
skip skip ugrik, atugrik, kihagy |
sleeping pill ‘slizpin ,pil altaté .
social pressure ‘sovfal ‘pref tarsadalmi nyomas
spirit ‘spirit lélek
starve starv éhez
steady ‘sted szilard, biztosan allé
substance 'sAbstens anyag
suffer from ‘sAfo szenved valamitdél
tackle the problem ‘taeekl 60 ‘problem megbirkdzik a problémaval
temptation temp'teifan csabitas
tip-top ‘tip ‘top kivalo
tissue ‘tifux szovet (emberi testben)
treatment ‘tritment kezelés
tremble trembl remeg
upset ‘Apset izgatott, ideges, zavart
vending machine ‘vendin me'fizn automata

vital letfontossagu, életbevago,

vomit ‘vomit hany
workaholic werke'holik munkamanias
yawn. jo:n asit


6B Reading Comprehension
Read the following,text about mindless eating. Markeachstatement(1-9) A ifit |
says. the sameasthetext, Bifit says something different from thetext, c if the ©_
text does notgive enough.information foraSchooseAor 8.Write the letters S
inthe boxes.Thereisan example (0) for a rrr—“‘isésCSCO yy

Mindless Eating
Food Psychologist Explains the Mindless Way People Overeat
“We're a nation of mindless eaters. We do so many things during the
day that when it comes to food we can just nibble and nibble, and
eat and eat,” says Brian Wansink a food psychologist at
Cornell University, who focuses on how and why people
eat. His Food and Brand Labtries to help people eat more
nutritiously and to help control how muchthey eat. An
additional focus is on increasing the acceptance of soy
food and the consumption of fruit and vegetables.
He oversees a series of test kitchens, restaurants and
cooperating grocery stores to understand how consumers
“choose and use”foods.
Dr. Wansinksays the mindis to blame for over-eating, not
always the stomach. The human stomachisn’t designed to keep accurate track of how much we
haveeaten.In fact, it takes about 20 minutes after we eat before our stomachsregister that we are
“full”. Students participating in an all-you-can-eat chicken wing buffet ate continually if their
tables were continually cleared, because they couldn’t see how much they'd already consumed.
People who put everything on their plate before they sit down to eat —- including dessert - eat
about 14% less than people who take smaller amounts and go backfor seconds or thirds. He also
advises people not to eat snacks out of the box; but put it into a separate dish and leave the box in
the kitchen. You will eat less if you can see how much you'vealready eaten.
“Ourstudies show the bigger theplate is, the more people serve; typically to the level of about 25
to 28 percent more. The best way to mindlessly eatless is to get rid of your largeplates, or get rid
of your large serving bowls,” Dr. Wansinksaid.
Wansink andhis colleagues conducted twostudies of 167 people demonstrating that both children
and adults pour and consume morejuice when given a short, wide glass compared to those given
a tall, narrow glass. The bias is caused bya visual illusion: we tend to focus on heights instead of
Wansink has also found that people will eat more of a snack if it is labelled “low fat.” The low-
fat label leads people to mindlessly overeat a product, while believing they are being “health-

Distracted television viewersalso don’t pay attention to what’s in front of them. Studies show over
40 percent morefoodis eaten while watching TV.

According to Brian Wansink, a food psychologist, our brain is responsible for mindless

Brian Wansinkis interested in theresult of overeating.
Heis also trying to persuade people to consume moresoyfood.
Hesays our stomachsregister quite accurately how muchwehaveeaten.
Students who tookpart in the all-you-can-eat experiment werecarefully selected.
If you don’t want to eat too much, you should place everything on yourplate, even the
Dr Wansinkadvises people to buy smaller plates and bowls.
People like to drink from tall glasses.
Health-conscious people always buy low-fat labelled products.
TV-viewers are aware of how muchtheyeat.


EY} ESSaul Comprehension _
egoingt w withTrudie Styler, anactressandfilm producer,
) intheor with oneortwo words as ¢ indicated :

shortpause, listen to therecordingagain. There /

donefor SO

Trudie Styler has been doingyogafor nineteen years

She wanted to lose weight put on
Atfirst she found yoga __
She meditates twice a day: on waking and
Dueto the early meditation she appears at meetings
and empowered.
Warrior Yoga’s maintarget group is _
Womenare expected to pay attention to _
She thinksthat life is a great journey and we have our bodyas the only

She considers herself a_ - ____ person whotendsto be


One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

Hereisthe ‘recipe of Yorkshire pudding.‘Itiis not a pudding,buta puffed pastry

— baked vith meat dripping. Traditionally itis servedwith roastbeef.To getth 7
recipe youhave tomatchthe ingredients-—numbersandletters, then.putthe|
; instructionsintheright order. Write the letters in the boxes below. 7

Yorkshire Pudding
1/2 pint (285 millilitres) of eggs
BA 4 ounces(115 grams) of §) beefor bacon dripping
3 flour
@Z3 1/2 teaspoon of Be) milk
B83 tablespoonsof | salt

In large bowl mixtogether theflour, milk, eggs andsalt.
a Lower oven temperature to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Coat a 9x13 inch baking pan with beef or bacon dripping.
|) Remove from oven andserve hot.

| Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degreesC).

Without openingthe oven, continue baking 15 minutes.
The mixture should be puffed and golden brown.
Using anelectric mixer beat the mixture 5 minutes, until smooth. Cover and refrigerateit
1 hour.

GB) Beat briefly, and then scoopinto the baking pan. Bake 20 minutes.
Preheat the pan 15 minutesso the drippingis hot and sizzling.
Remove the mixture from therefrigerator.


ee Are you a healthy eater? Why? Whynot?

Es Whatdoes “healthy eating” mean?
Ey Whyis genetically modified (GM) food a hot issue nowadays?
4) Canfood be dangerous? Why? Whynot?
Bi Are you a conscious shopper? Do you checkthelabels of the food you buy? Why? Whynot?
mB Would you consider becoming a vegetarian? Why? Whynot?
& Whatdoyou havefor breakfast, lunch and dinner?
5 Howoften do you cook? How muchtime doyouspendin the kitchen?
ke Is it important for a womanto be able to cook? Why? Whynot?
Women cookbecause they have to; men cook as a hobby. Do you agree? Why? Whynot?

Whatis your favourite dish? Can youtell meits recipe?

Namesome traditional Hungarian dishes.
Whatis Hungarian cuisine like? Whatdoforeignerslike aboutit?
Whatis a Hungarian barbecueor picnic like?
Whatis British cuisinelike?
Whattypical English, Scottish, Irish, American, Canadian or Australian dishes do you
Howoften do youeat out? Whichis your favourite restaurant? Whydoyou likeit?
Whichis your favourite foreign cuisine? What do youlike aboutit?
Whyarefast food restaurants so popular nowadays?
Restaurant food nevertastes as good as home-cooking. Do you agree? Why? Whynot?

15 Are you a healthy eater? Why? Whynot?

a) I don’t know.I don’t care about food too much.I eat whenever I am hungry and whatever
Icanfind. Weeatto live notvice versa, as the saying says. SometimesI have a big, 5-course


meal when our family celebrates something, and the next day I make do with some
sandwichesand big glass ofcoke.
b) Yes, I think I am.I try to follow a sensible diet. I only eat white meat, whole-meal bread,
and low-fat dairy products.I eat five portions of fruit or vegetables every day. I don’t eat
between meals, I have given up snacks. The only problem is that I smoke, and I can’t stop
doing it. But nobodyis perfect, are they?

Whatdoes“healthy eating” mean?

Healthy eating is not aboutstrict nutrition philosophy.It’s about feeling great, having more
energy and keeping ourselves healthy. We should take into consideration not only what to
eat, but how to eat. We should choose foodsthat are both nourishing and enjoyable. Some
tips how to doit. Take time to chew your food savouringevery bite. Taste the flavour and feel
the texture. Avoid eating while working,driving, arguing or watching TV. Light candles and
play soothing music to create a relaxing atmosphere. During a mealstop eating before you
feel full. Eat just enough to satisfy your hunger. Eat small, healthy meals throughoutthe day,
rather than the standard three large meals, thus you can help keep your metabolism going
and ward off snack attacks. Enjoy your favourite sweet and fried food. You can eat them
in moderation, and as longas they are only an occasionalpart of yourdiet. Food is a great
sourceofpleasure, and pleasure is goodfor the heart, even if Frenchfries aren't.

Whyis genetically modified (GM) food a hot issue nowadays?

Genetically modified (GM) foods are mainly crop plants created for human or animal |
consumptionusing the latest molecular biology techniques. This technologyis often called
“modernbiotechnology”, “gene technology”or “genetic engineering”, whichalters the genetic
material (DNA)ofan organism in a way that does not occur naturally. GM foods are marketed
but environmentalactivists, religious organizations, public interest groups and somescientists
have raised concerns about them. Most concernsfall into three categories: environmental
hazards, humanhealth risks and economic concerns. In many countries there are national
authorities which conduct humanhealth risk and environmental risk assessments on GM
foods, and GM foods haveto be labelled. Despite these regulations consumer confidence
in the safety of food supplies in Europe has decreased as many people question the validity
of risk assessments, mainly with regard to long-term effects. In EU countriesthereis strict
regulation on GM foods, and GM foodsarelabelled. As far as I know in Hungarythereis a
four-year moratorium on GM crops.

Can food be dangerous? Why? Whynot?

a) I thinkit can. There are certain dangers that improperly handled food cancarrydiseases.
Wejust have to think of mad-cow disease, bird flu or salmonella infection. To avoid any
problems we should checkthe labels on the fooditself, moreover we should prepare the
food properly. Another dangeris food additives. More than 3,000 substances can be added

to foods in order to preserve or colour them,to improve their texture or to increase their
flavour. Someof these additives have never beentested for safety andtheir potential side
effects vary. They may cause death, cancer or headache and many seem tobe the primary
causesofobesity, as studies have proved.
b)It can’t, if you keep an eye on whatyoueat.It’s true that 90% of ourfoodis not fresh when
webuyit, and if it comesin a box,can,bagorcarton,it is processed. Processed foods contain
starch, dangeroustypesoffat andtheyare highin salt. However, ifwe combine processed food
with freshorat least frozen products we won't have any health problems caused by food.

©) Are you a conscious shopper? Do you checkthe labels of the food you buy?
Why? Whynot?
a) No,I’m not. Myguideline in shoppingis the price. I go from supermarket to supermarket
and buy whatever is on sale. When I go to the market I always buy vegetables and fruit
straight from the farmers, these products are the cheapest.
b) Yes, Iam.I alwayscheck thelabels on tins, cans andall types of dairy products. I look for
the expiry date, andin the case of someproductsI check the ingredients andthecalories.
Mysonis allergic to yeast, so I look at the labels which inform meaboutthe additives.
From processed foods I purchase the ones that were made without any preservatives. Iam
against GM food,andtry to support Hungarian products andthelocal farmers.

3 Would you consider becoming a vegetarian? Why? Why

a) No, I wouldn’t. I am convinced that the human body needs
protein which can be found in meat. It is not healthy if you
cut out entirely one group of food from yourdiet. In addition,
as mankind has been hunting for thousandsofyears, why
should weinterfere with nature? Anyway,I can’t imagine
my meals without meat, I would always stay hungry.
b) Yes, if I had a serious disease and I would be
advised to keep to a strict vegetable diet in order
to be cured from cancer. I have heard of such
cases, and this method worked wonders.
c) Yes and no. I can imagineliving without beef or
pork, but I would definitely like to eat fish. I know
people whoeatfish anddairy products. I think I would
like it. However,it is not vegetarianism,isit?

Whatdo you havefor breakfast, lunch and dinner?

a) For breakfast I do not have much: a bowlof cereal with milk or cocoa. I take a sandwich
with me to school/work, andI eat it around 10 or 11. I have lunch at home. My mom/wife

always prepares me somesoup,I really like tomato and beansoup.I eatall kinds of meat:
chicken,pork, beef or fish. My favourite is grilled chicken with steamed vegetables and
pork fried in breadcrumbs with mashedpotatoes. For dinner I sometimeseat a hot meal:
if there is leftover from lunch,I eatit. But I like cold food as well: someslices of salami or
ham with bread and butter.
b) I start breakfast with a glass of freshly squeezed orangejuice, then I eat toast with a soft-
boiled egg ora slice of bread spread with butter and jam orhoney. I always drink a cup of
green tea. Then the next mealis lunch.I order food from a delivery kitchen. It normally “4

consists of three courses: soup, main course and somedessert. The lightest mealis dinner.
If I do noteat outI have onlya bit of cheese and an apple or someotherfruit for dinner. If |
I meet myfriends and wegoout we have somethingina fast-food restaurant. I really like
Chinese food.
3 How often do you cook? How muchtime do you spendin the kitchen?
a) I can’t cook, but I help my mother every weekend. Then we spend the whole morning in
the kitchen. We always have a decent meal on Saturday and Sunday,as on the other days
of the week weeatat the schoolcafeteria or the work canteen. To prepare a three-course
meal takes fourorfive hours.
b) I cook every evening,as dinneris the main mealin my family. I like pre-prepared orfrozen
ready madefoods. Thereis a great variety of processed foods, and youeither haveto fry or
heat them, which doesnottake a longtime. If 1 am very tired we can ordera pizza or there
are other food delivery services which are not too expensive. Moreover, they are delicious
and you can have your dinnerreadyinjust half an hour.

(©) Is it important for a womanto beable to cook? Why? Whynot?

I thinkit is. “The way to a man’s heartis through his stomach”,as the saying goes. My history
teacher used to say that “Even the national anthem cannot be sung on an empty stomach”.
Eating or consumptionis one of the main activities humansshould carry on in orderto stay
alive, and in a family it’s the mother’s role to provide the members with decentfood. Children
cannot make andprepare their own foodso they need assistance. Moreover, home-made food
is alwaystastier than pre-prepared,heated ordelivered food.

Womencook becausethey have to; men cook as a hobby. Do you agree? Why?
a) I agree with this statement.It is true for most families. Families need food regularly, and
if necessary wives or mothers cook every day. I have heard of some eccentric men who
prepare the Saturday and Sundaylunch,butthey are just exceptions.
b) Men somehowprefer cooking in the openair, and cookinga fine beef stew or goulash in
a cauldronover an openfire seemsto be a malejob. But as this is not an every day routine
it can be considered a hobby.
c) I agree, however, great chefs are men. In their cases they are lucky astheir job is the same
as their hobby, I think. Men are better cooks than women because they may havea livelier
imagination and morecreative power,plus their commercialsense can be better developed.

Whatis your favourite dish? Can youtell meits recipe?

a) Myfavourite dish is stuffed cabbage. We mix minced porkwithfinely chopped onion and
garlic. Then we addspices: salt, red and black pepper, ground caraway seed. Wealso add
someeggs andrice. Then the mixture will be put in pickled cabbage leaves which will be
rolled up. We simmertherolls in a coveredpot. It is best if served with thick sour cream.
b) Myfavourite is chicken paprika with dumplings and cucumbersalad. I heat someoil and
fry finely chopped onions until they are transparent. Then I remove the pan from the
cooker and add groundred pepper,then thechicken parts. After that I poura bit of water
on the meat, sprinkle it with salt, add a tomato and a green peppercut into half and put the
pan back.I stir it occasionally and add water whenever needed.I cook the stew until the
chicken is tender. For the dumplingsI mix eggs,flour, water and salt, and beat the mixture
with a spoon until smooth. Then I drop small pieces of this dough with a teaspoon into
boiling salty water. When the dumplings come up to the surface of the water, they are
ready. I drain and rinse them, and put them in a bowl.

Namesometraditional Hungarian dishes.

Goulash soup,fish soup, chicken broth with liver dumplings, cold sour cherry soup; stuffed
cabbage, stuffed pepper, beef or chicken stew, pancakesstuffed with meat in Hortobagystyle,
layered potatoes in a casserole, noodles with cottage cheese, deep fried pork, chicken,fish or
cheese in breadcrumbs; Gundel pancakes, strudels and Doboscake.

Whatis Hungarian cuisine like? What doforeignerslike aboutit?

“Hungaryis a true country of flavours” - said Henri Gault, ;
a French culinary expert at the end of the 20‘ century.
A similar opinion was held in the 15‘ century, when ( ¢
Antonio Bonfini, an Italian historian, noted that Hungarian —

cuisine is uniquein its richness of aromas. Although our

cuisineis said to be greasy and spicy, nowadaysit does =
not seem to be totally unhealthy. It is true that it has
“Decome” a bit healthier in the past decades, as for
example, instead of lard we started to use sunflower Ns
oil or margarine, and we use less hot and more sweet
or mild red pepper than before. Hungarian cuisine usesall kinds of meat: beef, pork, chicken,
lambandfish, and these types of meat are often mixed and then combined with vegetables and
herbs. The wide range offlavoursis also due to onion andgarlic, red and black pepper, parsley
anddill, and our unique thick sour cream. Foreigners also like our cakes, as well as our wines.

Whatis a Hungarian barbecueorpicnic like?
In Hungaryit is very common to have a special type of barbecue called “szalonnasiités”
(roasting baconorlard). It’s a popular social activity in summer. People sit around an open
fireplace in the gardenorin a forest campsite and they roast bacon orlard with onions over —
the fire. The melted fat is allowed to drip on slice of bread, andit is eaten withslices of
onions, tomatoes and green pepper.It’s not healthy, but delicious and the whole procedureis
lots of fun. Another favourite way of outdoor cooking is when people prepare goulash orfish
soup, porkorbeef stew in a cauldron over an openfire. For an unforgettable picnic you need
the following ingredients: a steadyfire, patient guests and a cheerful host and hostess. What
is more, some tasty Hungarian wine and delicious cheese scones accompanied with bright
sunny weatherareessential to makeit perfect.

Whatis British cuisine like?

British cuisineat its best is hearty and delicious, it is the blending of the practical with the
nutritious. However, the dishes can be stodgy and starchy, the vegetables overcooked,the steak
overdone and thefish and chips soakedin oil. Furthermore,it is said to be unimaginative, as
even the nameofthe meals areplain: roast beef, fish and chips, steamedor boiled vegetables.
Yorkshire puddingetc. On the other hand, each mealhas its own characteristic flavour which
is not destroyed or modified by variousspices or herbs.
ModernBritish cuisine is digesting international influences from the FarEast, Italy, France
andSpain.Interestingly enough,spicy Indian cooking is England’s second “national”cuisine.
In addition,thereis a revival of old national dishes and quality home-growningredients.

Whattypical English, Scottish, Irish, American, Canadian or Australian dishes

do you knowof?

I have never tried maple syrup, but I’d liketo.It is typical Canadian syrup madefrom the sap
of mapletrees.It is said to be verydelicious if served with pancakes.
A very popularand delightful British dessertis thetrifle, a sponge cake soakedin port, layered
with custard, jam,fruits and topped with whipped cream.
A truly American dish is the hamburger.It started in America andhastravelled around the
world. However,I thinkit is not a real dinner, more of a snack or a substitute for a real meal.
I’ve read on an American blog that the quintessential American mealis fried chicken with
mashed potatoes. Who knows?
Irish stew is said to be similar to our “pérkdlt”. It is a thick casserole made from lamb or
mutton with potatoes, onions, carrots andparsley, seasoned with salt and pepper.
Haggis is the famousScottish dish described by Robert Burns (Scotland’s bard) as the “great
chieftain o’the puddin’race.”It is a kind of sausage, with chopped or groundliver mixed with
oatmeal, onion andspices boiled in a sheep’s stomach.
A typical Australian meal might be a meatpie. A hand-sized pie containing minced meat and
gravy. It is consumedas a takeaway food snack.

How often do you eat out? Which is your favourite restaurant? Why do you
like it?
a) I rarely eat outasit is very expensive in Hungary. Weonly goto a restaurant whenthereis
a very big occasion. Last time we celebrated my grandparents’ 50‘ wedding anniversary.
Myfavourite restaurant is called “Flaska”. It is an old wine cellar, which is a bit cold
in winter. WhatI like most aboutit is the quality of the food and the politeness of the
b) I often eat out as I live in lodgings and have no timeor properplace to cook. I often have
lunchin fast food restaurants, but if I want to spend my evening with myfriends we go to
the “Pirate”, which serves excellent sea food and deliciousfish dishes. As this place is very
popular we always have to book a table well in advance.

Whichis your favourite foreign cuisine? What do youlike aboutit?

a) I like French cuisine the most. French people’s eating habits and their abilities to enjoy
their meals are appealing. French restaurants are cosy, always full and youareservedfast.
I can't imaginea better ending to a lunch than slice of cheese with a glass of dry red wine
madein France.
b) I like the taste of Italian cuisine. Pizza and all kinds of pasta with tomato sauce taste
wonderful. The Italian vegetable soup was the best soup I have ever tried. Another
advantageis that you can buya lot ofItalian ingredients: dried pasta, tinned tomato sauce,
herbs and spices in Hungary,so it is easy to prepare them at home.
c) Chinese or Thai foods are getting more and more widespread. I like their exotic tastes,
which are totally different from our meals’ flavour. What is more, exotic vegetables —
seaweed, bambooleaves, soy beans, Shiitake mushrooms,etc. - are unbelievably tasty.

EE} Whyare fast food restaurants so popular nowadays?

They are fast, I mean you are served veryfast. There is a great choice of foods: from salads
to desserts. The food itself tastes good. The flavours are original and incomparable. The
restaurants are big, spacious and very clean. They regularly offer some kinds of discount or
bonusservice or small gifts for children. There are nice separate rooms with a huge round
table for organising birthday parties. They are supposed to be cheap, however, in Hungary
they seem to befairly expensive.

Restaurant food never tastes as good as home-cooking. Do you agree? Why?

a) Ilike almost everything, I mean all kinds ofHungarian dishes and all types of international
meals from Chinese to Italian. As I travel a lot both in Hungary and abroad, I have
opportunities to try small country innsas well as famous posh restaurants. However, there
is nothing better than my mom’s stuffed cabbage. I don’t know why.

_tea. b) At home you know whatyouare eating. Home cookingis alwaysfresh, and the ingredients
are healthy. At a fast food restaurant, for example, they use patented frying oils, which
I wouldn't use at home. However, somerestaurants may have better equipment, high-tech
ovens andspecial seasoning.
c) It dependsonthe restaurant and the “homechef”. Ifyou can’t cook,then lot ofthings will
taste better in a restaurant. Sometimesit is good that someone cooksfor you, serves you
and you do not have to bother aboutthe dishes after dinner. And of course there are some
really amazing chefs whosedishes are simply miracles.

allergic to alaidzik ta allergias valamire

assistance a'sistans segitség
balance ‘beelens egyensuly
beef buf marhahus
blend blend kever, vegyit
broth bro@ zoldséges husleves
buffet-style ‘bofel ‘stall svédasztalos étkezés
cafeteria keefe'tioria Onkiszolgalo étterem
kantin, uzemi, iskolat
canteen keen'tiin
caraway 'keerowel komény
carbohydrate ‘karbeu'haidreit szenhidrat
tuzalld tal; tuzallo talban
casserole ‘keesereul
készitett étel

cauldron ‘koxldran bogracs
cereal, cereals ‘slorial, ‘siorialz muzli, gabonafélék
cheese scones 'tfz 'skaonz pogacsa (magyar)
chef Jef foszakacs, séf
chew tfur rag
chicken paprika ‘tfiken ‘peeprike paprikas csirke
commercial sense ke'ma:fel ‘sens uzleti érzék
concern ken'sein gond, aggodalom
conduct a risk kockazati tenyezdket
ken'dakt 9 ‘risk e'sesment
assessment vizsgal, elemez —
confidence ‘konfidens bizalom
conscious ‘konfas tudatos
cook kok szakacs; f6z
course kors fogas
cuisine kwizirn konyhamtvészet, konyha
culinary ‘kalineri étkezési, konyhai, kulinaris
dairy product ‘deori ‘prodakt tejtermék
decrease dikrizs csokken, csokkent
dill dil kapor
dough dau tészta
drain leonti valamirél a vizet,
drip on ‘drip ‘on racsopogtet valamire
dumplings ‘damplinz nokedli, galuska
expiry date ik'spaieri ‘deit szavatossagi id6é
fat feat zstr
fibre faibe rostanyag
finely chopped ‘fainli tfopt aprora vagott
flavour 'fleiva iz, zamat, aroma
food additives ‘fuxd ‘eedeativz élelmiszer-adalékanyagok
freshly squeezed ‘frefli skwizd frissen facsart, csavart
fried in breadcrumbs ‘fraid an 'bredkramz rantott (hus)
genetic engineering dge'netik ,endzi'niarin génsebészet
dze'netikli '‘modifaid
genetically modified (GM) genkezelt, génmanipulalt
(‘d3ix ‘'em)
grains greinz gabona
gravy ‘grelvi pecsenyelé, szaft
greasy ‘Qri:Zl, grisi zsiros
ground graond Srolt (ftiszer)
handle heendl kezel
hazard ‘heezed kockazat,rizikd, veszély

hearty ‘ha:ti taplalo, béséges
herb hexb fliszernovény
hot hot eros
hunger ‘hange éhség
infection in'fekfen fertdzés =
inn In fogado, utszéli kocsma
jacket potatoes ‘dzeekitpe'teitaoz héjaban sult burgonya
felctmkéz, cimkével ellat,
label ‘leibal
lamb laam_ barany, baranyhus
lard lard disznozsir
layer ‘lela réteg; rétegesenlerak
layered potatoes ‘leied po'teitaoz rakott burgonya
leftover ‘lefteove ételmaradék
locally-grown ‘leokeall ‘graon helyben termesztett
étkezési jegy, étkezési
luncheon voucher ‘lantfan‘vaotfa
mad-cow disease '‘meed ‘kav di'siiz kergemarhakor
main meal ‘mein ‘mil foétkezés
maintain ‘meintein fenntart
make do with ‘meik ‘du: ‘wid megeléegszik valamivel
maple syrup ‘meipel ‘sirap juharszirup
mashed potatoes _ ‘meat pe'teitaoz burgonyapuré
meatpie ‘mut ‘pal husospite
melted fat 'meltid ‘feet olvasztott zsir
metabolism mi'teebelizm anyagcsere
minced — —minst — daralt
mineral ‘mineral asvanyi anyag
moderation imode'reifan mérték, mértékletesség
mutton matn uruhus, birkahus
orszagos hatosagok,
national authorities 'nee{nelox@eritiz szervek
non-saturated fat ‘non ‘szatjoreitid ‘feet telitetlen zsirsav
noodles withcottage
cheese | SS
“'nuidiz wid ‘katidg fiz — turds csusza
nourishing NArIfiN taplalo
nutrition njo'triin taplalkozas_
oatmeal ‘eotmul zabliszt, zabdara
overcooked ‘aovekukt tulf6zott
pancakes ‘peenkeiks palacsinta
parsley -‘parsit petrezselyem
patented ‘peitentid szabadalmaztatott
pickled cabbage ‘pikid ‘keebidz savanyu kaposzta
pie pal pite
pleasure ‘plezo élvezet, 6rom, gyOnyor
poached egg ‘peotfd 'egz buggyantott tojas
pork pork sertéshus
port pot portdi (desszertbor)
portion pon adag
posh pof elegans, mené, flancos
poultry ‘peoltri baromfihus
preservative pri'zea:vetiv tartosttoszer
preserve pri'zeiv tartosit, beféz, konzerval
processed food ‘preusest ‘furd feldolgozott élelmiszer
protein ‘preotiin fehérje
pulses ‘pAlsiIs huvelyesek (novény)
raise concerns ‘reiz kan'sa:nz aggodalmatkelt
raisin 'reizin mazsola
rinse rins lemos,ledblit
roast reost sut (sutdben, zsirban)
rollup ‘rol Ap felteker
roll rol zsemle
sap seep nedv (faé)
scrambled egg ‘skreembld ,eg rantotta
season ‘suizen fuszerez, izesit
seasoning ‘SHZoNIN fuszer; izesités
seaweed ‘siiwid tengeri moszat —
side effect ‘said I'fekt mellékhatas
simmer ‘sime lassu tuz6n parol, sut
snack sneek nass, falatozas
soakedin oil ‘sookt tn ‘oil uszik az olajban
soft-boiled egg ‘soft 'boild ‘eg lagy tojas
sour cherry ‘save ‘tferi meggy
sour cream ‘save ‘krizm tejfdl
soy sol szoja
sprinkle sprinkl megszor
starch startf keményit6
starchy ‘startfl keményitdt tartalmaz6
steam stim parol
stir ste: kavar
laktato, nehezen
stodgy ‘stod3

strudel ‘strurdl rétes
studded with ‘stadid wid diszitett, megtuzdelt
stuffed cabbage ‘staft '‘keebidZ toltott kaposzta
stuffed pepper 'staft ‘pepe toltott paprika
substitute for ‘sAbstitju:t fo potanyag, helyettesit6
sustain se'stein fenntart
take-away 'telk o'wel hazavihetd, elvineté
tender ‘tendo puha
texture ‘tekstfo textura, allag
three-course meal ‘Ori: ‘kozs ‘mul haromfogasos étel
toast tevst piritos
transparent ‘treansperent atlatszo
rétegezett gyumodlcsdos
trifle traifl édesség (UK)

validity velideti ervenyesseg

whipped cream ‘wipt ‘kriim felvert tejszin, tejsztnhab
whole-meal bread ‘heolmul ‘bred teljes kidrlésu kenyér
yeast just éleszto

6 Reading Comprehension
You are goingto readan article about organic chicken.Giveshort answers to the|
questions(1-9) foundafter the text. There is an example (0) for yu Ff

Whatis Organic Chicken?

People must have heard about the nasty conditions which broiler chickens - which
are bred for their meat — are raised in. These chickens have no morefloor
space than a sheet of A4 paper. Chickens are over-fed to reach
slaughter weight in six weeks, when it would normally take
four months.
Modernintensive systems of poultry production have
produced cheap meat for the consumer — butat a price.
Inside the intensive chicken houses up to 40,000 birds are
crammedinto a single windowless building, with almost
continuouslowlevels ofartificial light, they are then given drugsto speed uptheirrate of growth.
Keeping so many animals packedtogetherin such a stressful environmentcan only contribute te
their rates of infection.It isn’t necessary to produce food in this way.
Organic farmers do a numberofthings to ensurethat chickensare reared as naturally as possible
Forstarters, antibiotic growth promoters cannotbe used but sick organic birds must be treated
with appropriate veterinary medicine, so they canbe given antibioticsif theyre very ill. But they
cannotbe given drugson regular and routine basis. Organic poultry is reared on a specially
formulated feed containing only cereals, vegetable protein, a small amountoffish meal, and a
yitamin/mineral supplement. Thesechickens are often guaranteedto be fed on feed whichis free
from genetically modified feedstuffs (GMOs). To be fully organic, chickens mustbe fed a diet
containing grain which has been grownorganically, withoutartificialfertilisers or sprays. Such
feed is expensive, and therefore organic chicken is more expensiveaswell. Also, on Soil Association
registered farms, the numberof chickens housed in a single shedis restricted to 1,000. Organic
birds are kept free-range, having continuous daytime access to clean pasture, except in adverse
In addition,the Soil Associationinsists on full andclearlabelling of processed chicken products.
They are able to trace back to the farm all ingredients used in any Soil Association chicken
products. Their organiccertification standardsstate that food must undergoaslittle processing as
is practical. Organic standardsarelegally binding. All organic businesses mustbelicensed bylaw,
andarefully inspectedatleast oncea year. Soif you wantto see for yourself how organic animals
are reared, why notvisit an organic farm? Find Organic Farmsin the Organic Directory.
Ss 8 6 8 8 8 & 6

Howare broiler chickens raised?

in nasty conclitions
Whatare broiler chickens?

Whyare chickensover-fed?

Whatare the main features of intensive chicken houses?

Howis the chickens’ growth accelerated?

Whatis the basic idea of organic farmers?

Howaresick chickenstreated on organic farms?

Whatkind of products are organic chickens fed on?

Whatkindof crops are used toraise fully organic chickens?

Whydoesthe Soil Association demandlabelling of processed products?

You are going to hearaninterview with a famouschef. Yourtask will be tofill in
the gaps with a maximum ofthree words. First, you will have sometimeto study
the task, and then you will hear therecording. Then, after a short pause,listen to
the recording again. There is an example (0) that has been done foryou. —© y

Finnish Chef Jaakko Sorsa

Secretof w_ likes] what be does

Scce ® overcomesdifficulties because
The job ® involves endless errst and
e@ hardestpartis to
FINDS ® represents MEY with an urbanite twist
® design was influenced by a
® ingredients, mainly Finnish ea , delivered
by Finn air

Kitchen slang @ cremation means §3

® clear commandsas sometimesthey have ES
at the same time

SOE EH iiiss
f ah ee
“oe ees "ae

“AicoResetet MPR,

ai +

Ourhealth always seems

much more valuable after weloseit.
(Source unknown)

medicine, health, anger, doctor, stitch, healthy, cure, better, body

is better than wealth.

Prevention is better than
3 Laughteris the best
A healthy mindin a healthy :
® Anapplea day keeps the away.
4 Early to bed andearlyto rise, makes a man ___, wealthy and wise.
to wearout thanto rust.
EB Neverlet the sun go down on your
BB A in time saves nine.


Whatare the most dangerousdiseases in the world?

HSH ess

Whatnewhealth issues are widely discussed nowadays?

Whatare the most commondiseases in Hungary?
Whatkind of medical personnel do you know?
Whathealth problems do you have? How doyoutreat it? How doyoutryto preventit?
Whatchildhooddiseases did you have?
Whenwereyoulastill? What was the matter with you? How longdid it take you to get well?
Howdid the doctor examine you when youwereill?

#§ S88S8S88888
Howoften do you have your teeth examined?
Whatadvice would you give someone about lookingafter their teeth?
Name somedepartmentsin a hospital.
Haveyoueverbeen in hospital? Why?
Haveyouever been injured? What happened? Whattreatmentdid youget?
Whatkind of minor accidents can we have at home? Whattreatment can we apply?
Whatis alternative medicine?
What kindof alternative therapies do you know? Whatdothey involve?
Whatare the advantages and disadvantagesofalternative medicine?
Wouldyouever considertrying analternative method oftreatment? Why? Whynot?
pS} Have you ever used home remedies? Weretheyeffective?

@ Answers Ap

What are the most dangerousdiseasesin the world?

In the “top 10” dangerous diseases of mankind there are curable (malaria, tuberculosis,
hepatitis B, some types of cancer) and incurable/fatal (HIV/AIDS, other types of cancer)
diseases. However, these illnesses and the epidemics through which they spread do not
affect the world equally as the generalliving conditions andthe healthcare that governments
providefor the people showgreatdifferences. People in the third world (developing countries
in Africa, Asia and South-America) suffer mainly from malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and
hepatitis B. It is due to poorquality healthcare,lack ofvaccination,shortage of drinkingwater,
poorsanitation and malnutrition. On the other hand,people in developed countries (Europe
and North-America) have to deal with stress, cardiovascular (heart) diseases, type 2 diabetes,
stroke and several formsof cancer.Stressfullifestyle, tobacco use, physical inactivity and an
unhealthy diet are considered to be responsible for them.

Whatnewhealth issues are widely discussed nowadays?

Nowadays two newtypesofinfluenza worry people the most:bird flu and swineflu. A decade
ago it was impossible to recognize an epidemic early enoughto mitigate its effects. Nowadays
there is a global network oflaboratories andscientists that are able to discover the cause of the
epidemic, and shortly after its appearance they can identify the virus. Then they try to stop it
spreading bycreating a cure (e.g. vaccine or proper treatment) and help peopleto fight against
the disease. Prevention and proper communication aboutthese diseases play an importantrole.

What are the most commondiseases in Hungary?

They are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, different types of allergies, neurotic
problems,lung, breast or skin cancers. Cardiovasculardiseases are caused by disorders of the

heart andblood vessels, and includeheartattack, stroke, hypertension (high bloodpressure).
Manypeople have type 1 and even moretype 2 (adult-onset) diabetes. Hungarian people are
said to be suicidal, as the rate of people committing suicide is comparatively high.It is due to
severalfactors: our pessimistic way of thinking andlack of mental strength. Nowadays many
people suffer from hayfever.

Whatkind of medical personnel do you know?

There are general practitioners or GPs, dentists, sur-
geons,plastic surgeons, nurses, dieticians/nutrition-
ists, psychiatrists, psychologists, vets/veterinarians,
acupuncturists, homeopaths, chiropractors, para-
medics and ambulance men.

® Whathealth problems do you have? How do you

treat it? How do youtryto preventit?
a) I catch a coldeasily. I always have a slight temperature, a headache, a runny and blocked
nose. Then I develop a sore throat and it hurts when I swallow. The best treatmentis if
I stay in bed, take some medicine, drinklots of fluids and have rest. In autumn and
winter I take a lot of vitamins, drink tea with lemon and honeyandI alwaysgetthe flu
vaccine, but my immunesystem seemsto be too weak and vulnerable.
b) Ihavefoodallergies or intoleranceto dairy products.If eat the food to which I am allergic
I come out in a rash. I sometimes have chronic diarrhoea and nausea. I always have to
checkthelabels of food before eating and I always keep something in my bagtoeatif I go

3 What childhood diseases did you have?

Thad measles, chickenpox and mumps. WhenI caught measles, I had a fever for 3 days and
then small red spots covered my whole body. In addition I had a cough,a runny nose andred
eyes.I felt really miserable.
I got chicken pox from myclassmatesandthenI infected mybrothers too.I had slight fever
and a rash on myskin. The spots were unbearablyitchy, and even thelotion that the doctor
prescribed couldn't relieve theitchiness.
The worst of these diseases was mumps.I had pain in myface andears, a headache and a sore
throat. My cheeks and my neck were swollen. Asthereis no specific treatment, I suffereda lot.

Whenwere youlastill? What was the matter with you? How longdid it take
you to get well?
a) I came downwiththeflu last winter. I had a high temperature and achedall over.I lost my
appetite andfelt awful as I had aching muscles andlimbandjoint pain. I didn’t take any

antibiotics, just vitaminsand drank hottea.I stayed in bedfor 4 days. Onthefifth day I started
to feel better. However, the dry cough and generaltiredness lasted for 2 more weeks.
b) In the summerI had the worstillness ever. I had unbearable stomachache and a wave of
nausea swept over me, then I vomited for almost 2 days. I couldn't eat and drink.I tried
drinking with the help ofa straw sippingone gulp ofliquid at a time. It was food poisoning.
I must have eaten some decayed food. It took me several days to get back my appetite.
I lived on drybiscuits, cookies, boiled potatoes andrice for 4-5 days and as soon asI didn’t
feel sick I drank a lot to avoid dehydration.

gS How did the doctor examine you when you wereill?

First he asked what my problem was. Then he took my temperature andfelt my pulse, and
asked metostrip to the waist. He listened to my heart, lungs and looked at my throat. After
that he took my bloodpressure andsent meto the laboratory for blood andurinetests, and my
chest was X-rayed. Whenthelab results were ready he diagnosed pneumonia and prescribed
some medicine.I took the prescription to the pharmacy, where I got thepills that I had to take
three times a day during meals. Seven dayslater I had to go back to my GP and helet me go
back to school/workas I was fully recovered.

§} How often do you have yourteeth examined?

a) Ihave myteeth checked on regularbasis, so I visit my dentist twice a year. I like to ensure
my teeth and gumsare in good shape. I have somefillings and I had to have one of my
wisdom teeth removed.It was blocked by anothertooth and did not have enough room to
come through completely. It caused pain and swelling,so it had to be extracted.
b) Eventhe thoughtofgoing to the dentist terrifies me. I am so frightenedthat I do anything
to avoid a dental appointment. It takes me days to pluck up my courage, I postpone the
visit and put up with the pain taking one painkiller after another. Therefore I have had
several teeth extracted and I have two crowns and bridge.

Whatadvice would you give someoneaboutlookingafter their teeth?

Have a regular check-upat the dentist once or twice a year. Lookafter your teeth properly:
spend at least 2 minutes every morning and night on your brushing andflossing routine.
Watch what you eat as it can reduce the risk of tooth decay. Some of the bacteria in our
mouths love the sugar and starch found in foods. They turn these into acid, which causes
decay. Limit your intake of sugary andstarchy food and you can prevent tooth decay and the
need for dental treatment.

Name some departments in a hospital.

In a hospital there is a coronary care unit, an emergency department, sometimescalled
emergency room or casualty department, an intensive care unit, a paediatric unit, a cancer

centre, the department of surgery, an ear nose and throat department, a maternity ward and
the departmentof infectious diseases.

FPR Have youeverbeenin hospital? Why?

a) Only once, when I was born. At that time home birth wasnot allowed, and was not in
fashion. However, I know what hospital wards look like as several of my relatives were
hospitalised and I visited them regularly.
b) Yes. I was there twice. First, at the age of 5. I had chronic diarrhoea and was dehydrated.
I spent three days in hospital, where I was put on a drip. The second time was not as
pleasantas thefirst. I was ten years old whenI fell off my bike and the back of my headhit
the concrete and cracked myskull. I could talk but I couldn’t standstraight. Mom took
meto the hospital the next day. The swelling was bad andI ended up with a bloodclot on
the top part of mybrain. I was bedriddenin hospital for a week with roundsofpenicillin.
However, I had nolongterm effects from this injury, except I have trouble with left and
right directions. I am luckytobealive.

Have you ever been injured? What happened? What

treatment did you get?
a) I suffered some minorinjuries whenourcar wentoffthe road and
crashed into a tree. An ambulance was called and I was rushed to
hospital. Luckily I got away with some scratches on my face. Nobody
wasseriously injured although ourcar was a write-off.
b) Back in kindergartenI fell into a bush and a sharp twig hurt
my eyebrow. I was taken to the casualty department and the
edges of my woundhadto be sewn.I hadfourstitches after the
accident. If I close myrighteye youcanstill see the wound.
c)I fell of the monkeybars in the playground and my arm wasswollen
for an hour. Daddy took meto the casualty department, where the
doctor examined the injured area and an X-ray was taken. I had a
closed fracture and my arm wasputin a plastercast for 3 weeks.

Whatkind of minor accidents can we have at home? What treatment can we

a) I often cut my finger andit always bleedsfor a long time. First I stop bleeding, and then
I washthe cut and disinfect it. To keep the woundcleanI coverit with a bandage. I change
it twice a day and use antibiotic ointment to preventfurther infection.
b) As I cook very often I am always burning some part of my body. Whenthis accident
happensfirst ofall I try to relieve pain by putting the burnt area in cold water. Then I use
an ice pack. Unfortunately, in mostcases the burnblisters, andif it punctures it may infect
easily, therefore I normally cover the area withsterile, non-stick gauze.

Whatis alternative medicine?
Complementaryand alternative medicine (CAM)is a broad domainofhealing resources and
therapeutic practices. They are not considered an integral part of conventional allopathic
medical practice, however they are widely used by patients for preventing ortreatingillnesses
or promoting health and well being. Theyare called complementary whenusedin addition te
conventionaltreatments andalternative when used instead of conventional treatment. They
include: folk medicine, herbal medicine, diet fads, homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture,
naturopathy, massage andseveralother therapies.

Whatkind of alternative therapies do you know? Whatdo they involve?

Homeopathy - its fundamental healing principle is the “law of similars”. It treats diseases
with extremely small amountsof remediesthat, in large amounts in healthy people, produce
symptoms similar to those being treated. Homeopathic products are made from plant,
mineral and animal substances.
Acupuncture — an ancient Asian treatmentof pain ordisease by inserting the tips of needles
at specific points on the skin. In the USAit is considered as a complementary therapyfor
manydiseases(e.g.: anorexia, sprains, diarrhoea or persistent hiccups).
Sole massage - for a lot oflife-style related diseases the foot (sole) massage is an effective
popular traditional therapy, which has about a 5000-year history in China. Thereare certain
reflexion zoneson the sole which correspondto certain parts of the body andrelatedillnesses.
Somediseases,e.g.: headache, depression,tired eyes, stomachache,diabetes, acne, high blood
pressureetc. can be cured or the symptoms weakened by manually manipulating (massaging)
a particular part ofthe sole.
Chiropractic — a methodoftreatment that manipulates bodystructures (especially the spine)
to relieve low back pain or even headacheorhigh bloodpressure.
Folk medicine — refers to healing practices and health preservation widely known to much of
the populationin a culture.It is transmitted informally as general knowledge and practised and
applied by anyonein the culture. Folk remedies were handed downfrom generationto generation
and have survived well into the 21% century and constitute part of home treatments.
Naturopathy - an eclectic alternative medical system that focuses on natural remedies and
the body’svital ability to heal and maintainitself.

Whatare the advantages and disadvantagesof alternative medicine?

Alternative medicinefavours the holistic approach; instead of the symptomsit concentrates
on the body as a whole. The emphasis is on supporting health rather than on combating
disease. Conventional medicine treats diseases by using antibiotics or various drugs, which
means taking a course of pills, whereas alternative medicine uses hydrotherapy, gentle
exercise, herbal medication, wholesomediet in orderto activate the healing power of the
body. However, alternative medicine is not successful in curing all kinds ofailments. It
mainly can be used to healallergies, asthma, hypertension, insomnia or rheumatism. In


the case of broken bones or some urgent surgery conventional medicine is moresuitable.
Another disadvantageis that alternative therapies are very expensive, as in Hungary(and in
most European countries) they are notavailable on the national healthcare system.

EE] Would you ever consider trying an alternative method of treatment? Why?
a) Yes, absolutely. My sister was cured by a homeopathten years ago, and since then we have
not taken any antibiotics, or prescription medication. We always use homeopathic drugs
whatever our problem is.
Oneof my friends was overweight andhadto lose a few kilos. He tried everything without
any success, andfinally went to an acupuncturist, whose treatmenthelped him to lose ten
kilos during four months withoutsuffering from hunger.
b) No, I wouldn't. I think naturopaths deceive people, and take advantage ofthe situation of
desperate patients. Having sole massageor undergoingchiropractic treatmentis just a waste
of time and money.Thereis verylittle scientific evidence to support these treatments.

FE) Have you ever used home remedies? Weretheyeffective?

a) No, never. We have a very good medicine cabinet at home, and mom knowswhichpills to
take if we are ill. Home remedies are enchantments.
b) Yes,I believe that home remedies and somefolk remedies are worthtrying. I learnt them
from my grandmawhoinherited this knowledge from her grandmatoo.She collects herbs
andplants in the summer,then dries them andinthechilly winter days we drink her herb
tea made from these leaves or roots. WhenI have a cold, I make tea from spearmint and
peppermint, lemon balm, blackcurrant leaves, and lime flower or elderflower. I always
drink tea with honey and lemon,or without anything.It really works wonders.
WhenI burn myhand,I apply my grandma’s home-madeliquid. Every summershecollects
fresh St John’s wort, andputsits flowers in a jar which containsoliveoil. She puts it in the
sun and keepsit there for three weeks. Duringthis period a purple drug called hypericum
is extracted from the flowers and a magic remedyis made. If you put gauze wetted with
this extract on a burnit will notblister and the woundwill heal in a couple ofdays.


ailment ‘eilmont betegség, gyengélkedés

allergic a'la:dzik allergias
allergy ‘eelod3! allergia
ambulance man ‘eembjolens ‘meen mentéds
anaesthetic enesSetik érzéstelenit6
antiseptic enti'septik fert6zésgatlo
apply aplai alkalmaz
blackcurrant iblaek'karent fekete ribizli
bleed blird verzik
blister ‘blisto felhdlyagzik
blood clot ‘blad ‘klot verrog
blood vessels ‘blAd 'vesl véredény
cancer ‘keense rak
cardiovascular ‘ka:diau'veeskjole sziv-, ér-, keringési
casualty department ‘keezoalti dipa:tment baleseti osztaly
cavity 'keeveti lyuk, ureg
chickenpox ‘tfikinpoks baranyhiml6
chiropractic iKkalerao'preektik hatgerincmasszazs
chiropractor ‘kalereupreekta csontkovacs
closed fracture ‘klouzd ‘freektfe zart torés
combat '‘kombeet kuzd vmi ellen
commit suicide ke'mit 'suzsaid Oongyilkossagot kovet el
complementary kompli'mentri kiegészit6
szivbetegségeket gydgyitd
coronary care unit ‘korenri ‘kee ‘jurnit
curable ‘kjurrebl gyogyithato
gydogyitas; gyogyulas;
cure kjue
dehydration \dishar'dreifn kiszaradas
dental braces ‘dentel ‘breisiz fogszabalyozo
diabetes dale’ birtiz cukorbaj
diarrhoea dais'ria hasmenés
diet fad ‘daiat ‘feed fogyokurazasi 6rulet
diétaspecialista, diétas
dietician daia'tifan
disease GIZZ betegség
disinfect disin'‘fekt fertdtlenit
dress or wrap a cut ‘dres 0: ‘reapo kat _ bekotoz (sebet)
elderflower ‘eldoflane bodzavirag
emergency department i'me:dzensi di'pa:tment surgosségi osztaly
epidemic epi'demik jarvany
extract ‘ekstreekt kivonat
fatal ‘feital halalos
fever reducer ‘five ridju:se lazcsillaptto
filling ‘filirn tomés
fluid ‘floid folyadék
folk medicine ‘faok 'medsin népi gydogyaszat
food poisoning ‘furd ‘poizenin ételmérgezes
generalpractitioner (GP) ‘dgenrel preek'tifene haziorvos
gums gamz foginy
hay fever ‘het ‘five szénanatha
heal hil gyogyul; gydgyit
healthcare ‘helOkee egészségugyi ellatas
herb ha:b gyogynoveny
hiccup ‘hikap csuklas, csuklik
holistic approach ‘holistik e'preotf holisztikus megkozelites
home remedies ‘haom ‘remidiz hazi gyogymodok
hypertension (high blood ihaipe'tenfan (‘hat ‘blad
magas vérnyomas
pressure) ‘prefa)
indigestion Indi'dzestfan emeésztési zavar
infect in'fekt elfert6z, megfertdz
infectious in'fekjas ragalyos, fert6z6
injury ‘indgzeri serulés, sebesulés
itchiness ‘itfines viszketés
itchy ‘ttf! viszketds —
jaw ago: allkapocs
joint pain ‘dzoint ‘pein — {zUleti fajdalom
lack of ‘leek ev valaminek a hianya
lemon balm ‘lemon ‘barm citromfu
limb lim vegtag
lime flower ‘laim ‘flaoe harsfavirag
alultaplaltsag, hianyos/
malnutrition meelnjurtrifn
rossz taplalkozas
maternity ward me'te:niti ‘word szulészet
measles mizlz kanyaro
_ gyogyszer; gyOgyszeres
medication medikeifn
mitigate ‘mitigeit enyhit, csillapit, mérsékel
mumps mamps mumpsz z
national healthcare orszagos egészségbiztosito
‘neefnal ‘helOkee ‘sistem
system rendszer
naturopathy ‘neetfereped! — természetgyogyaszat
nausea 'Nd:zIe émelygés, hanyinger
neurotic njoerotik | neurotikus, idegrendszeri
numb nam elzsibbad
nutritionist njotrifenist taplalkozasi szakember
obesity 90 biseti koverség, elhizottsag
ointment ‘ointment kenocs,tr, balzsam
Paediatric unit plidr'eetrik juznit gyermekosztaly
painkiller ‘peinkila. fajdalomcsillaptté
pharmacy ‘faimas! gyogyszertar
plaster ‘pla:ste sebtapasz; gipsz
pluck up one’s courage ‘plak ‘Ap '‘wanz ‘karidZ Osszeszedi a batorsagat
pneumonia nju:'meonia tuddgyulladas
postpone peus'peon _halogat, elhalaszt
prescribe pri'skraib _ _ felir (gyogyszert)
prescription pri'skripfen recept (orvosi)
preservation \preze'veifan = megdérzés.
megakadalyoz, meghiustt,
prevent pri'vent
prevention privenfen -megelézés, prevencid.
psychiatrist sal'kalatrist _elmeorvos,_pszichiater_
pulse pals Se
puncture ‘panktfa kipukkan (hdélyag)
put in a plaster cast ‘potin a ‘plarste ‘ka:st gipszbe rak
put ona drip ‘pot on 9 ‘drip infuziora tesz
rash ref = Utes, porsenes=—-
recover r'kava felgyogyul, meggyogyul
orvossag, gyogyszer,
remedy ‘remedi
remove rimurv eltavolit, kinuz (fogat)
resemble r'zembl | ~ hasoniit
runny and blocked nose ‘rant ond 'blokt 'neuz csorgo és bedugult orr
sanitation Senittefn _ kozegészséguagy, higiénia
scratch skreejt karcolas
shortage of water ‘Jortidg av ‘worte- = vyeonany =
similar ‘simild hasonlo
skull : SKA : = oponya
spear- and peppermint ‘spla ond ‘pepemint fodor- és borsmenta
spine spain - gerincoszlop —
St John’s wort ‘seint 'dzonz ‘wert orbancfu
stitch stitf — altés

| stroke strook roham, gutautés
suffer from ‘sAfo fram szenved
suicidal ‘sui'saidl ongyilkos, Ongyilkossagi
surgeon ‘se:dzen sebész
swallow ‘swoleo nyel
swine flu ‘swain ‘flu: sertésinfluenza
swollen ‘sweolen feldagadt, megdagadt
tooth decay ‘tu:6 di'kel fogszuvasodas
transmit treenz'mit atad
treatment ‘tritment kezelés
unbearable An'beerebl elviselhetetlen
_ urine joerin vizelet
vaccination veeksi'nelfn veddoltas
vet vet allatorvos
vomit ‘vomit hany
vulnerable ‘valnerebl sebezhet6, sérulékeny
| wearoff ‘WI‘of elmulik
_ wisdom ‘wizdem bdlesesség
_ wound wu:nd seb
X-ray ‘eks rel megrontgenez; rontgen

6 Reading Comprehension
Youare going to reada‘magazine article about a medical discovery. After the _
article you canfindthe summaryofthe text, but some words have beenleft
out.Fill in the gaps (1-10) with one or two words. Contractedformscount as one
word. There ii s.an example (0) foryou. — : y

| Grapefruit Ingredient Could Be UsedforDietPill

_ the chemical compound which gives grapefruitits
| bitter taste could be used to create a dietpill, a
study has indicated.
_ Research found naringenin, which is described
as a flavonoid foundincitrus fruit, has a revo-
| lutionary effect on the liver, making it burn fat
_ instead ofstoringit after a meal. This means that
_ without having to changediets or cut out particular
| s00ds, a dose of naringenin could prevent weight gain and even help toloseit.
| Long-term, the researchers behindthe tests believe it would also help obesity sufferers and even
(° ©)
fight diabetes becausethe processalso helped balance insulin and glucoselevels.
Grapefruit has long been recommendedasa good wayto control weightbut thetests involved far
higherdoses of naringenin than wouldbeaccessible just by eating grapefruit. It would haveto be
concentrated into a supplementto havethe desiredeffect for those suffering from Type2 diabetes,
whichis also a precursor to cardiovasculardisease.
The tests were carried out on mice by a team at the Robarts Research Institute at the University
of Western Ontario and publishedin the journal Diabetes. Two groups of mice were bothfed the
equivalent of a Western diet to speed up their “metabolic syndrome” — the process which leads
to Type 2 diabetes in human. Thefood given to one of the groups wastreated with naringenin.
The non-naringenin mice became obese, they developed the metabolic syndrome which saw
their cholesterol rise and their bodies becameresistant to insulin. The mice given naringenin
did not suffer from these. Anyrise in cholesterol was corrected by the naringenin, which also
“reprogrammed”theliver to burn upfat rather thanstoreit.
Lead researcher Professor Murray Huff said: “The marked obesity that develops in these mice
was completely prevented by naringenin. The most surprising thing aboutthe study wasthat the
effects were independentofcalorie intake, meaning the miceate exactly the same amountoffood
and the same amountoffat. There was no suppression ofappetite or decreased food intake, which
are often the basis of strategies to reduce weight gain and its metabolic consequences.”
The researcherswill now try and develop the compoundinto a drug which would bebotheffective
andsafe for humansto take as a supplementor treatment.

Researchers have discovered that naringenin, because of which grapefruit
BS tastesGitter ___,» affects the liver. If you take this substance in
it will help you get rid of
without changingyourdiet.
Duringthe study whoseresults are available in (3 researchers fed two
groupsof mice. Their diet was almost (23 . The only difference was that
the food which wasgiven to of one of the groups 9 Torte naringenin. The
naringenin-miceQ_ any symptomsof metabolic syndromes, whilethe
non-naringenin mice . This result gs the
researchers, as naringenin-miceate BS as non-naringenin mice.
If this substance is developed into a drug there will be hope for dieters to lose weight without

>» Spe Ree)acaCATs
In this sectionyouare going tohearanewsreport about asalt cave. Your task
willbetocircletheletter orlettersofthe correctansweroranswersintheboxes —
below. Pleasenote thatin thistaskbothanswersmay be correct.However, there
is always at leastonecorrect.answer. This meansthat youhave tocircle oneor
twoletters.First, youwill have sometimetostudythetask, and then you will
heartherecording. Then,aftera short pause,listentothe recording again.There
is an example (0) thathas been done foryou.

Salt Cave Offers Saline Solution to Sinus Problems

W} Thesalt cave in London eetaee

is located in a former church.
§& lookslike a Polish salt mine.
Halotherapycan help people with
Bi asthma.
‘The place gives the impression of a snow beach becausethe guests
hear the soundof waves.
HE step onsalt thatfeels like sand.
—3 In the room the guests wear
a baseball cap.
BB) a pair of shoes.
H3 The therapy was discovered _
in the 19" century.
5 in Siberia.
©) The ownerofthe caveis
| @B) arrived in Englandthree years ago.
WS Thesalt used in the cave
is pure.
Be) is transported from Siberia.
The ideal treatmentlasts for
two weeks.
BD oneto two hours daily.


#3 The therapy =
showspositive effects.
EE) has been recognised by the UK’s NHS.
BY} Doctors advise people with asthma
to stop medication during cave therapy.
BE) to use halotherapy as a complementary treatment.

15. Leisure Time Activities

Dream asif you'll live forever,

live as if you'll die tomorrow.
(James Dean)

_ Oddwordout.Findthewordthatdoesnotfitintheline.

weekend, dayoff, payday, red-letter day, bank holiday

collect stamps, watch TV,go to the cinema,prepare for an exam,listen to music

quiz show, news,novel, chat show, sports programmes

board game,chess, cards, barbecue, jigsaw puzzle
fishing, DIY, gardening,folk dance, cartoon
collection, rare item,auction, collect, collage, swap
hamster, budgerigar, pig, gold fish, dog, guinea pig
rock-n-roll, heavy metal, reggae,classical, rap, techno

#? Questions

How importantisit for us to have leisureactivities in ourlives?

How muchfree time do you have? How do you spendit?
What do Hungariansdo in the evenings?
Whatare the most popular games people play nowadays?
Whatare the most popular outdooractivities in Hungary?
Where doyou usually go on a night out with yourfriends?
Whydopeople collect things?
Whatdo children, young people and adultscollect?
What hobbies can youlist?
Which of them do you and the membersof yourfamily do?
Whydo people keep pets?
What animals do people keepas pets in Hungary?


Whatare the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet?

Doyouprefer going to concertsorlistening to music at home?
Whyare musicfestivals so popular with young people?
Whatare the dangersof suchfestivals?
Whatare “disco accidents”? What are their commoncauses?
How canthey be avoided?
Whyis there so muchviolence at football matches?
Football hooliganism is a serious problem nowadays. Do you agree? Why? Whynot?

How importantis it for us to haveleisure activities in our lives?

It is very important because after work or school everybody needsto relax, switch off, and
forget about the problems that cannotbesolved easily. We have to work to earn money and
providefor our family, we needto sleep to give our body timeto have rest and regain energy.
but we also need somesortofactivity that makes us happy andgivesjoy.

© How muchfree time do you have? How do you spendit?

a) I think I have enoughfree time. Every day after schoolI have a rest for about one or two
hours. I listen to music, watch a bit of TV or chat with myfriendson thenet. In the evening
before falling asleep I always read for at least half an hour. And the weekendsarefree.
I don’t haveto do anything,just havetorest. I sleep a lot, and hang out with friendsor have
a sleepover party on Saturday night.
b) I only have free time at weekends. I work long hours on weekdays butI finish on Friday
afternoon. I always spend my weekend with my friends or family. We often gather at
someone’s place and haveparties. If the weather is good we go on outings, and spend our
time doing sport, having a picnic or playing togetherin the openair.

§3 What do Hungarians doin the evenings?

In the evenings mostpeople watch TV,talk on the phoneorchat on the Net with their friends
or relatives. Someotherpeople read, listen to music or watch video or DVDfilms in their
homes. Few people go out on weekdays. From spring to autumn those who have a garden
work there: weed and waterthe plants, mow the lawnorjust enjoy the beauty of nature.

£3 Do people like playing games? What are the most popular gamespeople play
a) I don’t know. My family andfriendslike board games, chess andall sorts of card games.
Wehaveseveral types of board games: commercial (like Monopoly), educational(like

“Ask! I'll answer!”, “Risk” and “Katan”) and psychological (like “Ungame”). We also have
a lot ofjigsaw puzzles. The biggest one consists of 1000 pieces, which takes several hours or
sometimesdaysto solve. There is no Christmas without a new board game underthetree.
It’s really amazing when the wholefamily plays together.
b) In each ofus there lives the Homo Ludens(“Theplayer”), however nowadays weplay very
rarely. If we do, we play cards. My father plays bridge with his friends every Friday.I learnt
to play “kanaszta” at a very early age, when I was 4 or 5. My grandparents used to play
cards every Monday,andas they were playing I followed their game and picked up the
rules. A real recreation and total relaxation for me is when I play cards with my children
or friends.

©) Whatare the most popular outdooractivities in Hungary?

Outdooractivities depend on the weather anddiffer according to the four seasons.In spring
people walk in the woods and admirereviving nature, go for outings or excursions. In summer
they go on one or two-daytrips, invite their friends to have a barbecue or do somesport(like
cycling, swimmingor roller skating). In autumn families help each other with harvesting
and wine-making. They pick mushrooms,collect plums, apples, grapes and walnuts. Winter
weekendsandholidaysare often spent outdoors. Skiing in the Northern Mountainsor abroad
or skating on frozenlakes in a snow-covered environmentis pure pleasure for manyfamilies.
City dwellers simply go for a walk in the evenings,or havea stroll in the mainstreet enjoying
and admiringthe finely-decorated andfestively-illuminated Christmas displays.

3 Where do you usually go on a night out with your friends?

a) There are a lot of places: clubs, bars, tea-houses and discos to go to. Each placehasits
unique atmosphere anda special type of music. “Hangfog6” is my favourite music club,
wherethere are local bands.If we fancy dancing wego to a nightclub, wherethere is a huge
dance floor and the musicis mixed by excellent DJs. But most of the time we go to a calm
place, gather rounda bigtable to drink andtalk. I have a lot of friends, and almost every
weekend someonehasa birthday or nameday,so weregularly celebrate something.
b) I am a folk dancer, and my favourite place is our dance club, where a so-called “Dance
House”is organised every Saturday. We have live music, a folk orchestra plays traditional
Hungarian folk music to which wedancetill dawn. Everythingis traditional there. Weeat
“zsiroskenyér” (which is a typical Hungarian “sandwich”ofa slice of bread with fat) or
fried sausages with mustard and horse-radish. We drink wine, and in winter mulled wine
is served, which is wine boiled with sugarandspices (like cinnamon andcloves).

Whydo people collect things?

Wearehistorically compelled to collect as we used to be hunters and gatherers. People collect
things for manydifferent reasons. Some people collect to create their own identities, some
do it as an investment, and someothers for pure enjoyment- it’s fun. There are people who

collect things from the past which has somerelevance to them. Things from thepast help us
understand where we come from and where we belong. Moreovercollections furnish a home.
They are physical, touchable, tangible things. It can be a wayofcreating value in things. Some
peoplecollect for profit, and if the collectionis increasing in value, they sell certain pieces or
swaprare items. Moreover, if you are a collector you can expand yoursociallife, attend swap
meets and get in touch with collectors on the Internet.

3 What do children, young people and adults collect?

Children collect all kinds of things: basketball
cards, marbles, stamps, teddy bears, postcards,
calendars, napkins, shells or beach stones.
Young people are interested in music and
certain youth culture, and they collect
CDs, posters of their favourite bands and
sports teams, and all kinds of memorabilia.
Everybody likes recalling memories of
pleasant experiences, a journey or a music festival.
Youngsters saveflight or train tickets, boarding passes, luggage
tags, concertorfestivaltickets, festival wristbands, leaflets etc.
If someone continuescollecting things in adulthood it means he/she has becomea serious
collector who regularly arranges his/her collection, swaps items and hunts for new andrare
pieces. These people collect coins, antique books, clocks, paintings or even more valuable
things,like old cars or motor-cycles.

3 What hobbies can youlist?

Hobbies can beactiveor passive, outdooror indoor, team or individual, free or expensive past
timeactivities. Doing any kindofsport,collecting anything, playing a musical instrument or
singing in a choir, building models, cooking, gardening,fishing, wall or rock climbing, acting
or dancing can give happinessto the doer.

Which of them do you and the membersof your family do?

I am fond of visual arts. I have a huge collection of DVDs and books on the history of
Hungarian films. I watch films every Friday night and often invite friends to a sleepover
party. In addition,I attend an evening class where I study photography. Every weekendI grab
my cameraandoff I go to a park,a flea marketor just walk in the street and take snapshots of
people, nature and whateverI find worth takinga picture of. I am also interested in computer
graphics, and make photos with the help of Photoshop.It’s a real hobby, or as myfriend says
an obsession.
Myfatherlikes repair work, he has highly developedpractical skills, he fixes everything that
breaks downin our house. His other hobbyis fishing. He cansit by the waterstaring at the

float of his fishing rod without saying a word. Hesays he enjoys nature,total silence and can
clear his mind from all sorts of thoughts.
My mumlikes knitting. There is always something being made onherneedles. She follows
the latest knitting trends andI always have something fashionable. She simply can’t sit with
her handsclaspedin herlap.
Mysisteris totally absorbedin folk arts. She is a memberofa folk dance group, does pottery
underthe supervision of a potter who hasgainedthetitle of “Master of Folk Arts”. Moreover,
she regularly travels to Transylvania to study the traditional rurallife and old Hungarian
customs.She also collects old plates andjugs.

Whydo people keeppets?

There are manyreasons. Pets can provide companyfor lonely or elderly people. Children are
curious and interested in animals and like observing them andplaying with them. We are
historically boundto live with animals and mankind has domesticated several types of them.
Dogsare a good exampleofthat. Their primary role even todayis to be a guard and watch the
houseandthe garden.

Whatanimals do people keep as pets in Hungary?

Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, turtles or tortoises, birds, budgerigars, fish or
rabbits. Exotic pets like snakes, spiders, iguanas or someinsects are rare, but can be found
in some homes.

Whatare the advantages and disadvantagesof having a pet?

Advantages: Pets can provide company and guard the house. A big aquarium with beautifulfish
andflourishingplants can be an aesthetic phenomenon. Children enjoy their companyand learn
certain things. Ifwe accepta stray dog orcat wereally savea tiny part of the animal kingdom.
Disadvantages: Pets need constant attention, they cause quite a lot of work and take up part
of our free time, we must feed them, take them for walks and clean their homes. They cost
money ~ food, medical treatment — and somebreeds can be expensive. If you go on holiday
you haveto ask someoneto lookafter yourpetor take them to special homesorlocal kennels.
Pets soon become emotionally attached to you andif they die it can be a real trauma for a
child or an adult person to losetheir loved ones.
Do youprefer going to concertsor listening to music at home?
| a) I like both. I can’t imagine my life without music. My MP3player is the most valuable
thing I have. J alwaystry to shut out everydaylife, so my ears are continuously plugged in
| and my favourite band entertains meall the time. Concerts are not part of my everyday
life, as I can rarely afforda ticket, but if my favourite bandplays a gig in my townI save up
for monthsto be there.

b) Concerts are special events, as they are rather about being together, inhaling a sort of
fantastic atmosphere. They are unique, and you can have the experience ofa lifetime.
However, good bands rarely come to Hungary andtheticket prices have rocketed in the
last decade, so they are not always affordable.

Whyare musicfestivals so popular with young people?

Rock festivals have become the most important summer
events in youngsters lives. Young people spendtheir summer
holiday wandering from one festival to another. These
festivals are big socio-cultural events, large-scale outdoor
rock music concerts that last for several days. Festivals are
mainly about togetherness; besides experiencinglive
music and the performance of your favourite band
you meet people whoshare yourinterests. You chat
with the folks sitting or camping next to you, so you
expand yoursocialcircle. In addition,festivals offer
side shows ranging from the theatre, cinema, dance,
stand-up comedy, art exhibitions, to on-site record
shops, tattooing, Internet access and sports facilities.
Thereare also activity booths promoting health, anti-
drug campaignsandgreeninitiatives, so you can learn
about new things as well.

Whatare the dangersof suchfestivals?

Unfortunately music culture and drugculture overlap, especially in a live musicsetting, so
alcohol and drug abuse are the highestrisks of a music festival. Despite the strict security
checks andsearch for drugs andbottles of alcoholat the gates, festival experiences may come
to an early end because of drug and alcohol abuse.If the weatheris rainy you may get soaked
to the skin, and mightcatch a cold; moreoverall your clothes might get ruined because of
the mud.As there are manypeople, and mostof them sleep in tents (which are easy to open).
you mayget your valuables and documentsstolen. It is a commonrule in each festival that
bottles and alcoholic drinks and even food cannotbetakenin to theterritory, so you have
to buy everything on the spot, which meansyouwill spend a lot of money. I am totally con-
vinced that the costs ofa festival seriously stretch the financial means of an average Hungar-
ian youngster.

Whatare “disco accidents”? Whatare their commoncauses?

They are accidents that are connected with driving to or from disco. These accidents
normally happenat the weekend,on Friday or Saturday nights. The passengers andthedriver
are all teenagers or people in their twenties. The causes of these accidents in manycases are
high speed or drunk driving. Evenif the driver has not drunk, the drunken passengerstease

the driver, force him/her to show off and drive as fast as possible. Road conditions or bad
weatherare nota factorthat is taken into consideration.

EF] How cantheybe avoided?

In most cases the cars are the property of the parents, so if parents didn’t lend their cars to
their teenage kids manyaccidents could be avoided. Moreover, young people should take more
responsibility for each other. Local councils and the police should also take action. Policemen
should patrol in front of big discos andstricter traffic supervision ought to be provided. In
Polandthere is a major “Road safety” campaign. There are shockingposters stuck to the mirrors
in the toilets of discos whose aim is to raise awareness of disco accidents’ consequences. They
show through shocking images howirreversible and fatal such consequencescan be. In Austria
disco-buses are run in rural areas during weekendsat night time. They offer youngsters the
possibility to be mobile without a car. Similar measures would bereally useful in Hungary.

19,] Whyis there so muchviolence at football matches?

Football hooliganism originated in England in the early 60s and then spread throughout
Europe. Its causes should be considered in the context of the generalrise in juvenile crime
and delinquency and the emergence of new deviant sub-cultures. However, several other
factors can be mentioned,suchas therole of the media, the emergence of overt racism and
the alleged influence of alcohol consumption on violent behaviour.

2 Football hooliganism is a serious problem nowadays. Do you agree? Why?

a) Yes, I do. Someyears ago there was just sporadic violence which wasdirected at referees
andplayers. Then it was followed by violence between opposing groupsoffans and against
police and security officers inside the stadium. Nowadays, unfortunately all the fans’ anger
ends up in violent encounters between opposing groups outside the stadium and often
turns into vandalism and uncontrollable fights.
b) No, I don’t think so. Football clubs andstadia apply strict security measures at the entrance
searching for bottles and all kinds of “weapons”. Moreover, special security guards are
employed and police squads secure the matches. In addition, the supporters have their
own clubs andleaders and they take responsibility for their fans. Troublemakersjust take
advantage of the opportunity and in most cases have nothing to do with football.



elmerul, elmelyed,teljesen
absorbed in eb'so:bd in
abuse a'bjurs meértéktelen fogyasztas
affordable e'fo:dabl anyagilag megengedhet6é
auction ‘orkfen aukcid
avoid avoid elkerul
be fond of ‘bi: ‘faond ev szeret, kedvel
board game ‘bord ‘geim tarsasjaték
booth bu:d bdédé
breed brid faj
budgerigar ‘budzeriga: torpepapagaj
choir ‘kwale korus
collection ke'lekfan gyujtemény
commercial ke'ma:fal kereskedelmi
common cause ‘komen 'ko:z kOzos Ok
consequence ‘konsikwens kovetkezmény
curious ‘kjurrias kivancsi
custom 'kastam szokas
Dance House ‘darns 'haoz Tanchaz
vetség, buncselekmeény,
delinquency di'linkwens
deviant ‘di:vient devians, normaktol eltéré
direct dal'rekt, direkt iranyit
discipline ‘diseplin fegyelem
do-it-yourself ‘du: it jorself barkacsolas
domesticate de'mestikeit haziastt
drunken driving ‘dranken‘draivin ittas vezetés
elderly people ‘eldali ‘pizpl idés emberek
valami felmerulése,
emergence 'me:idzensi
encounter in'kaonte
enjoyment in'dzoiment élvezet, gyOnyor
excursion Ik'ske:fen kirandulds
fatal ‘feital halalos
feed, fed, fed fird, fed, fed etet
festively-illuminated ‘festivli lurmineitid unnepélyesen kivilagitott
financial means fal'neenfl miznz anyagi lehetéségek
fishing rod ‘fifin ‘rod horgaszbot

flea market flix ‘mazkit bolhapiac, ocskapiac

float fleot uszo (horgaszboton)
folk dancer ‘feok ‘da:nse néptancos
folk feok emberek, nép
gatherer ‘geedere gyljtogetd
gig gig koncert
guinea pig ‘gint ‘pig tengerimalac
hamster ‘heemstoe horcsog
hands clasped in one's
‘heendz 'kleespt In wAnz ‘leep Olbe tett kéz
harvesting ‘ha:vestin betakaritas
szabadban valo sutés-
have a barbecue ‘heev 9 ‘baxbikju:
have a stroll ‘heev @ ‘strol séetal
high speed ‘hal ‘spi:d gyorshajtas
Homo Ludens ‘heomeo lu:dans a jatékos ember
horse-radish ‘ho:s 'reedif torma
huge hjurdz hatalmas, Oriasi
inhale in‘hell besziv, belélegzik
investment in'vestment befektetés
irreversible Iriversebl visszafordithatatlan
jigsaw puzzles 'dZigso: paz! kiraké
joy dzo1 élvezet, orom
jug d3ag korso
juvenile crime ‘dgu:venail fiatalkoru bUnNdzés
kutyadl, kutyakra vigyazo
kennel ‘kenel
hely =
knitting ‘nitin kotés
large-scale ‘la:dz ‘skeil nagy formatumu
last larst tart (ideig)
live music Jatv ‘mju:zik eld6 zene
marbles ‘mazblz uveggolyok
Master of Folk Arts ‘maiste ev feuk ‘a:t anépmuvészet mestere
measure ‘meze intézkedés
memorabilia 'memere'bilia emléktargyak
mowthe lawn ‘med dea ‘loin pazsitot nytr
mud mad sar
mulled wine ‘mald wain forralt bor
napkin ‘neepkin szalvéta
needle nizdl tu, kot6tu
obsession ab'sefn szenvedély, mania


on the spot on da ‘spot a helyszinen

opposing groups @'pevzin ‘grup. szemben allo felek
outing aotin kirandulas
overlap ‘auvelesp - atfed
overt racism ‘guvart ‘reisizm nyilt rasszizmus
patience ‘peifens turelem
patrol pe'treol Orkdédik, korbe jar
pleasure ‘pleze elvezet
police squad pe'lis 'skwod renddérosztag
pottery ‘poteri fazekassag
property ‘propeti tulajdon
provide company pre'vaid ‘kAmpeni tarsasagot nyujt
pure pjoe tiszta, puszta
pursue a hobby pe'sjur 8 ‘hob hobbit uz,hobbija van
tudatara ébreszt, felhivja a
raise awareness '‘relz e'weenis
recreation rekrieifn megujulas, kikapcsolodas
referee refa'ri: bird (sport)
a dologhoztartozé,
relevance relavens —
_ Televans_
responsibility rsponse'biltti felelésség
-éled6, ujjaszuleté ter-
reviving nature ri'vaivin ‘neitfe
rise ralz no, novekszik
risk risk kockazat, riziko
rocket ‘rokit égbe szokik, gyorsan nd
nagyképuskodik, jatssza a
show off ‘feu of
side shows ‘sald ‘[a0z
snapshot ‘sneepfot pillanatfelvétel
snow-covered 'sneo ‘kaved hofodte
soakedto the skin ‘sgukt ta de'skin bérig azott
soppy ‘SOpl csopogés
source of joy and delight ‘sors ev'dzol anddilait orom és élvezet forrasa
sporadic spe'reedik _ szorvanyos
stadium ‘steldiom = Seen
stamina ‘stzemine kitartas
stray dog ee _kéborkutya
swap swop cserel, csere
switch off ‘swit‘of kikapcsol

take action ‘teik 'aekfon intézkedik, cselekszik

take advantage of ‘telk ed'va:ntidz ev kihasznal
tangible ‘teendzebl megfoghat6, tapinthatd
tease tHZ ugrat, piszkal
iteknoa'lodzikl ed'va:nsment technikai haladas
togetherness te'gedanes egyuttlet
tortoise ‘tates (szarazfdldi) tekndésbéka
touchable ‘tatfebl megfoghatd, megérinthetd
Transylvania treensil'veinie Erdély
trauma ‘troime trauma
trim trim nyir, rovidre vag
troublemaker ‘trabImeike bajkeveré
turtle taxtl (vizi) teknésbéka
uncontrollable Anken'travlebl iranyithatatlan, féktelen
unique jus‘nik kulonleges, egyedi
value ‘veelju: érték
victory ‘vikteri gydzelem
violence ‘vaialens erdszak
violent behaviour ‘valalant bi'heivie erdszakos viselkedés
wallpaper ‘wo:lpeipa tapetazik
wander ‘wonde koborol, vandorol
weapon ‘wepen fegyver
wine-making ‘wain 'meikin szuret
woods wudz erd6
wristband 'ristbeend karszalag
youngster jAngste fiatal, iu


6 Reading Comprehension
You are goingto read anarticle aboutSzigetFestival in Budapest. After reading
_ the article look at the sentencesfollowingit. Yourtask is to choose the sentences
_ that best summarizethe idea(s) expressed in each paragraph. Choosethe phrase
(A-D) which isnearest in meaning to whatthe article says. Write theletters in the
boxes below. Thereis an example (0) at the beginning. y

The Music Takes SecondPlace to Everything Else at Sziget

(Sziget 2008, Review by Greg Forbes)

@} What are you looking for in a festival? If music and
bands are your numberonepriorities stick to someof the
bigger onesin the UK.Ifyou wantto try something different
why not jump on a planeor train and head to Budapest in
Hungary next August. Sziget on ObudaIsland in the middle
of the Danube River, between Buda and Pestis truly an
amazing festival. From theriver, the trees on the island are
so dense that you would not even know that there was a
festival on.
Located approximately 3 miles outside the city centre
with excellent public transportlinks by train (HEV), tram,
and water taxi, Sziget festival is easy to get to. No weekender
here but seven full days of bands and fun in 90-degreeheat.
At £100 for a week’sfestival including campingit’s pretty good
value. Onceinside, the first thing I pick upis a free detailed
festival guide that’s available in every European languageI can thinkof.It’s jammedfull of info
andlets me plan my non musicpartof the week.
© The centre ofthefestivalsite is called the city centre. Here you cangotothe postoffice, buy
groceries at a small supermarket,visit a local bank,leave yourluggage,visit a pharmacist, get your
photos developed,get married (not joking there was a marriage tent and people did get married)
or have laundry donevia a laundretteservice.
§3 Within thecentral area you can choosefrom a larger variety of food than you get in most
British city centres. From Chinese, Latin to Serbian, Transylvanian, Hungarian, Spanish,
American,it was all here in abundance. Mostof the food is between 3 and 7 quid, but for the top
endprice yougeta full quality meal that will really fill you up. With stomachfull I ventured to
the beerstall. It was pretty good from the taps at a maximumof£1.50 pint- really good value
compared to what I am usedto.
Ialso gotto in thespirit of reviewing the local Hungarianwine.It wasa bit sweet for my liking
and the annoying thing wasthatoutof the six times I purchased wine over the week for my wife

or myself, I got chargedsix different prices for similar amounts. This just goes to show that you
haveto be careful.
§5 I’ve purposely not even mentioned the music yet. So what apart from music can you doat
Sziget? Someofthe activities I will mention are for kids but adults can enjoy them also. Take
pottery for example. Where at a UKfestival could you make a pot under the guidance ofa potter
using a wheel? On previousvisit to Hungary I found out they were as a nation obsessedbylogic
puzzles. So it should comeas no surprise that there was a puzzles tent where you could sit and
engage your mindin everything from complex relations of the Rubik’s cube to tangled wheel
puzzles that I would notsolvein a lifetime.
| WB After enduring twohoursof mywife and kids glued to the puzzles I dragged them awayto the
Latin village where we danced the morning awayto salsa class and watchedin awe as a Brazilian
martial arts/dance group led approximately 50 festival goers through moves. Apart from that,
you could visit Moroccan tea roomsor join in an African coffee-making ceremony. There was a
travelling circus area, a massive water puppettheatre from Vietnam,public art displays, and giant
play parksfor thekids.
Oneother thing worth mentioning,just because I’ve never seen anything like it in the UK,
was the Sports Terrace. From tent offering free 20-minute massages to 40-foot climbing walls,
massive trampolines, beach volleyball, beach football, table tennis, arm wrestling machines,
basketball, and a large mechanised kayak machineit was all going on and without you having to
put your handin your pocket once.
So to sum up I foundSzigetto be a great experience as did my wife and two kids (aged 7 and 5).
The musicatthis festival is definitely secondary to everything else that’s going on. Compared to
British festivals the line up is comparatively weak, howeverifyou lookat the experience as a whole
it’s well worththetrip.
(source: http://www.efestivals.co.uk/festivals/sziget/2008/review-overview.shtml)

If you are lookingfor excellent music groupsin a festival you shouldn't stay in the UK.
§&) Sziget is an amazingfestival becauseofits environment.
A festival fan should cometo Sziget if he is eager to experience something unique.
Sziget festival is not as big as festivals in Europe.
Althoughit’s easy to get to Sziget Festivalit’s too long and the weatheris too hot.
2) AtSziget everything seemsto be perfect: the accessibility, the weather, the prices and the
The ticket for this festival is reasonable as it includes accommodation.
@) Thefestival guide bookis very informative butit is available only in the main European


The most amazing thing about thefestival is that people can get married there and
surprisingly theydid.
5) Thefestivalsite is far from thecity centre.
The so-called city centre provides the guests with all kinds of services.
@) You can have your clothes washedduringthefestival.
Thereis a wide range ofinternational cuisines; however there is only Hungarian beer.
@3 The authorthinks that the food is more varied andthe beer is more expensive than in
After having a top quality meal for £5 the authortasted the beer.
§@5) The authoris satisfied with the choice and price of food andbeer.

The writer of the article thinks that Hungarian wineis too sweet and too expensive.
§ Wheneverthe author bought winehepaid a different price, which annoyed him.
The author was careful with his money because he didn’t want to spendit only on wine.
@) Both the author and his kids tasted several types of Hungarian wine.
Activities offered at Sziget provide entertainment for peopleofall ages.
2) The Hungarianslike logic puzzles more than the English.
While the author was making pothis kids were playing with Rubik’s cube.
@}) It wasn’t surprising that the puzzles tent was the most popularplace.

Greg Forbes, the author, danced salsa and learnt the basic elements of Brazilian martial
(4) Forbes’s family had a wonderfultimeas they activated their minds, bodies and senses.
There were so manyactivities that it was impossible to try them all.
5) There was such a widerange ofactivities that you could get an insight into different

The Sports Terrace reminded the author of his previous experiences in the UK.
§5) On the Sports Terrace you could do manydifferent things- play ballgames, climb and
jump, fight - everything except paddling.
People were so busy on the Sports Terrace that they had no timeto put their handsinto
their pockets.
@) Whatever you did on the Sports Terrace wasfree ofcharge.

st, eesome= tame to a
- thetask, and‘then youwill hearthetec ing.a after a oor pause,listen
to theseconagain. —
| From Bambooto Chocolate
Val Kolpakov’s collection is one of the Guinness World Records.
BSH SAasse

His patients can see the whole collection in his waiting room.
Hegot in touch with Carsten Gutzeit, a Germancollector.
Each item is catalogued.
Toothpowders appearedearlier than toothpastes.
The most expensive item is an English gold toothpowder box.
Hehasrecently tried out chocolate-flavoured toothpaste.
Hehaspieces that were used during World WarI.
During World WarII radioactive toothpastes were produced.

: S - 1


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