MTU 4000 With MIP v1.8

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ComAp solution

for MTU 4000

gas engines

Description of using InteliSys

controllers with MTU 4000
series engines

Copyright © 2022 ComAp a.s.

Prague, Czech Republic
ComAp a.s., U Uranie 1612/14a,
170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 0124 111
Revision table ................................................................................................................................. 3
1. Interface solution ........................................................................................................................ 4
2. Interface compatibility ................................................................................................................. 5
3. Known limitations ....................................................................................................................... 6
4. Interconnection between ComAp and MTU MIP 4000 ................................................................ 7
5. Interconnection between ComAp and MTU MIP 4000 (SW description) ..................................... 9
6. Default configuration files ......................................................................................................... 10
6.1. Interfacing InteliSys and InteliEngineInterface ....................................................................... 10
6.2. PLC Sheets in default configuration ....................................................................................... 10
7. Signals shared between ComAp and MTU MIP 4000 panel defined in default archive ............. 11
8. Circuits controlled by ComAp ................................................................................................... 14
9. Circuits controlled by MTU ....................................................................................................... 16
10. Breaker control ................................................................................................................... 17
11. Synchronisation .................................................................................................................. 19
12. Speed and load control....................................................................................................... 20
13. Voltage and cosφ control .................................................................................................... 22
14. Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................... 23
14.1. Droop function .................................................................................................................... 23
14.2. Ramp times (loading and unloading times) ......................................................................... 23
14.3. Cooling of the engine (engine running off-loaded) .............................................................. 23
14.4. SpeedRegLim and VoltRegLim alarms suppression ........................................................... 23
14.5. MIP 4000 alarms and statuses reading .............................................................................. 23

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 2

Revision table
Version Date Changes Name
1 2018 Initial release DVOM
1.1 13.4.2019 General document upgrade according to upgrades in the software. MRLU
Major changes:
 Chapter 5 – Default configuration files
 Chapter 6 - Upgraded list of signals available in configuration

1.2 10.10.2019 In configuration has been added VPIO module and on its outputs had been added Log Bouts: Speed UP, MRLU
Speed Down, AVR UP, AVR Down.
This supresses alarms VoltRegLim and SpeedRegLim
1.3 22.11.2019 Added two binary signals: MRLU
- Release Fast Gas
- Release Fast Ramp
Both signals were defined on PLC sheet “Command3”
1.4 30.9.2020 Upgraded I-CB file for better stability MRLU
1.5 1.6.2021 Replace the UC-7112-LX Plus with the InteliEngineInterface TARR
1.6 1.2.2022 Added information of network settings TARR
1.7 3.2.2022 Reworked signal list for InteliEngineInterface based on new templates TLDK
Replaced system layout diagram
Corrected syntax and typos
Added Known limitations section
1.8 14.3.2022 Added version of ECU list and version of available archives TLDK
Updated year of publishing

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 3

1. Interface solution
The MTU 4000 series gas engines, the exact model numbers defined below, can be ordered from MTU in
2 variants:
1. Full scope of supply, including MMC panel, where all the gen-set control and protection is tailored for
the dedicated application by MTU (not compatible with this solution)
2. Minimum scope of supply means with MIP 4000 panel only. In this variant the customer can fit any
control system on top of the MIP 4000 panel and must therefore take care of various tasks related
to the engine and alternator management as well as full application control (e.g. CHP) on his own
(compatible with this solution).

The complete solution from MTU is offering some extra benefits for certain territories, e.g. certification
according to the local Grid codes (e.g. in Germany) which the second solution does not offer by default,
however that can be pursued by the client (e.g. with IS GAS).

This document is dealing with the second case, means describes how to use ComAp InteliSys
controllers together with MTU MIP 4000 solution to get fully functional solution for the MTU 4000
series gas engines.

The word “interface” is used throughout the document and in majority of cases indicates a data interface
(via a communication bus) unless specifically mentioned. In some instances, the word interface stands for
a hardwired interface between ComAp and MTU - these cases are always referred to as "hardwired

ComAp believes, that the description provided herein is correct and error free. In case of any comments
or suggestions, please contact us at:, thank you.

This description shall be used only with the MTU official documentation (Functional Description, Gas
genset, MTU interface description, MIP 4000 from version 3.9 onward, Cabling and software
communication), referred as "MTU Functional Description" in this document.

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 4

2. Interface compatibility
The described ComAp interface to MTU 4000 series engines with MIP 4000 panel is compatible with
the following MTU 4000 gas engine lines:
 L32
 L33
 L64
The interface is not compatible with the following, older MTU gas engines:
 L62
 L61
 L63

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 5

3. Known limitations
The current firmware 2.0.3008.121488 exhibits the following limitations:
 WARNING: Use of USR or INIT jumpers will lead to reset of IEI IP address to a default
value which does not match with the expected IP address used for communication to the
MIP. The product will thus become unusable and can only be repaired at ComAp.
Therefore the two USR and INIT jumpers must not be used.

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 6

4. Interconnection between ComAp and
MTU MIP 4000
For the interface between ComAp InteliSys controller and MTU MIP 4000 panel there are needed:
 InteliSys controller (InteliSys Gas);
 InteliEngineInterface (IEI)

The interconnection between these products is depicted on the following picture:

 Interconnection between InteliSys controller and IEI: CAN line
 Interconnection between IEI and MIP 4000: Ethernet cable (direct link without any switch)

Figure 1 - Interconnection of MIP 4000, IEI and InteliSys

For the proper reading of the MIP 4000 Alarms and parameters (data points), it is necessary to add “MTU
MIP4000 CAN” ECU into the controller’s configuration in the configuration tool (e.g. GenConfig).

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 7

Default Ethernet settings:
Unit IP Address Network Mask
MIP 4000

The network settings of the IEI are fixed. Gateway is not used in this application.

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 8

5. Interconnection between ComAp and
MTU MIP 4000 (SW description)
 For the ComAp InteliSys controllers, the following firmware shall be used:
o InteliSys Gas hardware: IS2GASXX- or newer
o A set of default archives from ComAp has been prepared to aid with the interface to the MIP
4000. (more details in chapter 6.)
o A recent version of Standard ECU list (7.8.1 or newer)

 For the IEI module, the following shall be used:

o IEI firmware version 2.0.3008.121488 (can be downloaded to the product using the ComAp
Communication Gateway Configurator 2)
o ComAp Communication Gateway Configurator 2 is available at: https://www.comap-

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 9

6. Default configuration files
For an easy interfacing with MIP 4000, ComAp has prepared a set of default archives for the InteliSys
Gas controller, where the basic part of interface to the MIP 4000 is already implemented. Majority of
essential signals and basic PLC functions for this application has been preset directly in default archive
for this application. These archives can’t be considered as final configuration files and there are some
functionalities which are supposed to be taken care of by the end user (e.g. oil management).
Majority of the binary signals (commands to the MIP 4000) are already preconfigured, however there are
missing sources for the following signals which are essential to be handled by the end user:
a) Deactivate Cooling Water Preheating
b) Waste / Prelube Pump
c) Lube Oil Valve
d) Waste Oil Valve
It is essential, that these signals are configured by the end user i.e. the correct source value for
these signals has to be determined.
Below is the example of the current stubbed configuration for the signal Deactivate Cooling Water
Preheating which needs to be reconfigured to the respective logic defined by the end user

Currently the below archives are available on request:

IS2GASXX-MINT- – MINT application default archive
IS2GASXX-SPI- – SPI application default archive

6.1. Interfacing InteliSys and InteliEngineInterface

The IEI module is working as a “bridge” between MIP 4000 and InteliSys. The IEI is capable to
read signals from and write signals to the MIP 4000 through the UDP protocol on the ETH conector
of the IEI and provide these signals to and receive commands for these signals from InteliSys via
CAN bus on CAN C port of the IEI.

6.2. PLC Sheets in default configuration

 Handling of GCB feedback
 Signal for start command to MIP 4000
 Signal for release GCB to MIP 4000
 Black start GCB logic
 Requested Relative kW to the MIP 4000
 Requested cos phi to the MIP 4000
 MCB interlock
 Speed and Voltage control signals

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 10

7. Signals shared between ComAp and
MTU MIP 4000 panel defined in default
The following table shows signals which have been already added to the default archives for control unit.
Signals in bold are recommended by ComAp as a minimum set of signals.
Basic set of analogue signals from MIP 4000 to ComAp controller are defined in controller’s configuration.
These signals are not listed below.
Complete data interface description between the ComAp controller and MIP 4000 is available in the
“Electronic Engine Support” document under the chapter “MIP 4000 J1939” available for download at

Type Direction CAN Signal name Description

Bin To ComAp GCB is ON Generator breaker closed
Bin To ComAp GCB is OFF Generator breaker opened
MIP 4000 activates this signal to signalise, that Auxiliary systems (pumps, room
Bin To ComAp Demand Auxiliary Drives
ventilation, etc.) controlled by customer shall be activated.
MIP 4000 activates this signal to signalise, that customer Cooling water pump (HT circuit)
Bin To ComAp Demand Engine Preheating
shall be activated during engine Preheating.
Signal used in the case when the Fresh oil shall be refilled to the engine during engine
Bin To ComAp Demand Fresh Oil Pump
Bin To ComAp Machine Available
Bin To ComAp Engine Stopped
Bin To ComAp Island Operation Active
Bin To ComAp Mains Parallel Operation Active
Bin To ComAp Engine Running
Bin To ComAp Start Active
Bin To ComAp Level Lube Oil Min
Bin To ComAp Level Lube Oil Max
Bin To ComAp Level Lube Oil MinMax
Bin To ComAp Starter ON
Bin To MIP 4000 Engine start General request for engine start
Soft reset command - reset all the faults except for those which are part of the Safety
Bin To MIP 4000 Reset
Signal used for:

a. Closing GCB breaker to the dead bus, however in such a situation also signal
Black start, GCB has to be active, and
Bin To MIP 4000 Release GCB
b. Initiating the synchronisation process over GCB
c. Once the GCB breaker is closed and signal: Release GCB is deactivated, the GCB
is opened by MIP 4000
Request to increase the engine speed / increase the engine load in Multiple island
Bin To MIP 4000 Speed higher
Request to decrease the engine speed / decrease the engine load in Multiple island
Bin To MIP 4000 Speed lower

Bin To MIP 4000 Release island Operation Signalisation to MIP 4000 that AC voltage for auxiliary circuits is not available. This signal
shall be activated only in such a case, when AC voltage is not available to drive auxiliary

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 11

circuits. Some engine protections inside the MIP 4000 are postponed being activated by
activation of this signal.
This signal is pre=adjusted in SPI, SptM and MINT archives. Please take special care in
MINT archive to configure source of this signal properly.
Signal used for closing the GCB to the dead bus. In case of MINT application, a certain
Bin To MIP 4000 Blackstart GCB logic (described below) shall be used to make sure that only one ComAp controller
activates this signal.
Bin To MIP 4000 Cooling Water Deficiency Low cooling water. Engine will be stopped.
The return synchronization of the MCB will be initiated with the signal “Enable MCB”.
Bin To MIP 4000 Release MCB1
This sequence or corresponds to the return synchronization without interruption.
The following conditions must be satisfied to close the mains circuit breaker (MCB)
without synchronization:
• Busbar is de-energized.
• MCB is open.
Bin To MIP 4000 Blackstart MCB1
• GCB is open.
• “Enable MCB” signal is activated.
• “Black start MCB” signal is activated.
• No mains failure active.

Deactivate Cooling Water Request for disabling the Pre-heating of the cooling water circuit
Bin To MIP 4000

Activate Waste/Prelube Oil Activate used oil/oil priming pump

Bin To MIP 4000
Request for activation of Lube oil solenoid valve during filling the engine with the new oil
Bin To MIP 4000 Activate Lube Oil Solenoid Valve

Activate Waste Oil Solenoid Request for activation of Used oil solenoid valve, which is used during oil draining.
Bin To MIP 4000
Bin To MIP 4000 Voltage Higher Request to increase alternator voltage / increase the cosj in Multiple island operation
Bin To MIP 4000 Voltage Lower Request to decrease alternator voltage / decrease the cosj in Multiple island operation
Bin To MIP 4000 Release Fast Gas
Bin To MIP 4000 Release Grid Code Fast Ramp
Setpoint Effective Power Request for specific kWs the gen-set shall produce. Signal is accepted only in network
Ana To MIP 4000 parallel operation (MIP has info that both GCB and MCB are closed).
Signal in range 0 – 100% shall be sent from ComAp to MIP
Request for specific cosφ of the alternator. Signal is accepted only in network parallel
operation (MIP has info that both GCB and MCB are closed)
Signal range:

 0.7L to 0.99L shall be sent as value: 0.70 to 0.99 from ComAp

Setpoint Generator Power
Ana To MIP 4000  1R shall be sent as value 1.00 from ComAp

 0.7C to 0.99C shall be sent as -0.80 to -0.99 from ComAp

This signal is pre=configured in the SPI, SPtM and MINT archives for the options when
Base PF or #SysPwrFactor is selected. If a different mode of cosφ is used, the pre-
configured logic needs to be changed.
Is only used for biogas operation. The actual CH4 content is required for the engine
Ana To MIP 4000 Sepoint CH4 Content
Ana To MIP 4000 Setpoint Offset CH4 Content -10% to 10% offset

1 ComAp recommends keeping MCB control in ComAp controller

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 12

The following text describes what signals shall be activated based on engine start request, request for
breaker closure, etc.
Start/Stop of the gen-set with AC voltage available (i.e. network voltage is present)
 “Engine start” – when active it is a basic command to start the engine. When the signal is removed,
it is accepted as Normal Stop condition command. Shall the engine be on load and if there is a
possibility to soft unload (network parallel) the gen-set is softly unloaded; the GCB is opened and
the engine is stopped and cooled down. Shall there be no other source which can absorb the load
(the soft unload is not possible) the GCB is opened immediately, engine is stopped and cooled
Start of the gen-set without AC voltage available (e.g. into Island or Back-up situation):
 “Engine start” - basic command to start the engine
 “Release Island operation” - command that informs MIP, that the AC voltage is not present.
Warning: This mode shall be used only in those case, when really no AC voltage is present. During this
mode some of the pre-start functions are skipped and some Protection activation is delayed.
Closing the GCB to the dead-bus, single application
 “Black start, GCB” - when the engine has rated its Nominal speed, the bus bar is de-energized this
command to MIP will result in GCB closing.
Closing the GCB to the dead-bus, multiple application (MINT)
 In MINT application, ComAp logic has to take care of the priority of the signals: “Black start, GCB”. In
other words, ComAp controllers has to make sure, that such a signal (Black start, GCB) will be sent
to only one MIP system. Internal PLC interpreter of the ComAp controller shall be used for this. The
logic is part of the ComAp default archives for MTU 4000 series with MIP panel connection.
Command to start the synchronisation process over GCB:
 “Release GCB” - activating this command starts the synchronisation process (only if all other
conditions in MIP are fulfilled).
Closing the MCB to the dead bus:
 Full control from ComAp, no need to send anything to the MIP

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 13

8. Circuits controlled by ComAp
The MTU MIP panel does control majority of the engine functions, however there are few circuits which
needs to be controlled by ComAp, namely:
1. Oil management system
A) Oil refilling
Shall the oil be refilled; the MIP sends to ComAp a request signalised by active BI:
“Request fresh oil pump” and ComAp controller shall activate a fresh oil pump (if this
pump is fitted on the site). When MIP detects there is a need to refill the oil, it automatically
activates the Lube oil solenoid valves signal and with a certain delay it activates the Request
fresh oil pump signal. When the refiling shall be finished, the Request fresh oil pump
signal is deactivated, and MIP closes the Lube oil solenoid valve signal.

B) Oil drain
Shall be used oil needed to be drained, this can be done by the following commands:
Command to MIP: “Activate used oil / oil priming pump”, and
Command to MIP: “Activate used oil solenoid valve”
C) New Oil fill
Shall the new oil be filled to the engine, ComAp controller shall activate a command to MIP:
“Activate lube oil solenoid valve” which opens the valve for the fresh Oil and then ComAp
shall start the Oil pump (if fitted on the site). The valve and pump shall stay active until an
input: Level Lube Oil min (in ComAp default archive: BIN-5, BI5, called LubeOilLvlMin)
becomes active. From this moment the pump and the valve shall be operated in a pulse
mode (periodically On - Off) until the input: Level Lube Oil MinMax (In ComAp default
archive: BIN-5, BI7, called LuOilLvlMinMax) disappear.
2. HT water circuit
a. The HT water circuit is controlled through a HT water pump, HT valve and radiators
b. The HT water pump shall be running:
a. During engine preheating phase - based on request from MIP: “Request engine pre-
heating”. The Preheating itself (heater control) is done by MIP
b. During engine operation
c. During engine after cooling period - for 45 minutes after engine stops
c. The HT valve is controlling the engine inlet temperature (by means of heat rejection through
radiator fans). The Engine Inlet temperature shall be kept on the requested value, which
could be e.g. 78°C, however this value might change based on target application or project
(check with MTU the requested value). ComAp has to take care of this temperature control
through a logic of a 3-way valve and Radiator fans control
d. The engine Outlet temperature is monitored by MIP control system and if it gets over certain
limit, the MIP control system will start a derating of the machine power
3. LT water circuit
a. The LT water circuit is controlled through a LT water pump, LT valve and radiators
b. The LT water pump shall run from engine start till 10 minutes after engine still condition is
c. The Requested LT temperature, which is controlled by LT valve and radiators, shall be kept
on a certain value which varies application by application or project by project - contact MTU
for receiving the Requested LT temperature. ComAp has to take care of this temperature
control through a logic of a 3-way valve and Radiator fans control.
4. CH4 content for Biogas applications

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 14

a. On Biogas applications, where CH4 quality varies, the actual CH4 value can/shall be
provided to the MIP control system. There are 2 signals related to the CH4 content:
a. “Setpoint CH4 content”, in range of 0 - 100%, and
b. “Setpoint offset CH4 content”, range -10 to +10%, calculated from the "Setpoint value
CH4 content"
b. For those Biogas installations, where the gas compressor is switched off after engine stops,
and so the gas pressure in the inlet gas train drops, there shall for the time when engine is
stopped deactivated the Low gas pressure protection, as this protection is part of the Safety
chain and when active it blocks the engine start. Deactivation of this protection due to the
aforementioned reason can be done through - bridge of the pins: X100/21 and X100/22 in
the MIP panel (the bridge shall be controlled by a separate relay, which is controlled through
a dedicated logic).
SAFETY REMARK: Please refer to the MTU documentation to handle this change in
accordance with safety requirements
5. Reset to the MIP control system
a. MIP control system distinguish 2 types of Fault reset signals:
a. Reset - confirms all the alarms and faults except for those which are part of the
Safety chain. This Fault reset signal is activated through communication interface
b. Hard Fault reset - confirms all the alarms and faults, including those in Safety chain.
This Fault reset signal is activated through bridging the pins: X100/1 and X100/2 (the
bridge shall be controlled by a separate relay, which is controller through a dedicated
logic/signal), so it is a hardwired signal to the MIP.
6. Application control circuits
a. Shall a dedicated application, e.g. a CHP be used, then ComAp shall control this application
fully. Internal PLC interpreter can be used for this task (pumps, 3-way valves, ventilators,
louvers, etc.)

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 15

9. Circuits controlled by MTU
The MTU MIP control system does control majority of the engine related functions, namely:
 Engine Preheating
 Engine Pre-lubrication (ComAp involvement described in this document)
 Speed control
 Air Fuel ratio control
 Alternator synchronisation to the network or to other gen-sets on the same bus
 Gen-set loading and unloading ramps including Warming phases
 And others - the full description is available in the “MTU Functional Description” and other MTU

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 16

10. Breaker control
Mains Circuit Breaker (MCB) control
The mains circuit breaker (MCB) is controlled by MIP by default. However, it is possible to transfer the
control to the InteliSys controller and ComAp strongly recommends it. MIP unit requires to get information
about MCB position, namely the following 2 signals:
 MCB feedback On – pins X7/7 and X7/8 on MIP
 MCB feedback OFF – pins X7/9 and X7/10 on MIP
This information has to be provided to every MIP control system - in the Single genset and Multiple
gensets installations. When more gensets are working on the same load and there is e.g. 1 Mains
incomer, the Mains breaker position has to be available (hardwired) to every MIP panel. ComAp
recommends using SHBOUT/SHBIN or DISTBOUT/DISTBIN functions through which the signal from the
Mains controller can be easily shared to individual gen-set controllers through which the MCB position
shall be wired to the individual MIPs.
In case of any Mains protections become active, ComAp is tripping the MCB. MIP is measuring the Mains
voltage as well and signalise the Mains protection as an Alarm without any further action (MIP does not
trip MCB).
Selection what breaker shall be tripped in case of active Mains protection
In case a Mains protection device tripping the MCB is fitted, MIP should be informed by hardwired signal,
called: "Mains protection from outside". This signal is hardwired to the MIP terminals:
 X100/25 and X100/26, based on the document: MTU Functional description.
MIP also needs to receive an information what CB will be tripped upon active Mains protection. There can
be tripped either GCB (will be tripped by MIP) or MCB (will be tripped by a customer’s external unit)
 Tripping a MCB in case of active mains protection - this fact shall be provided to the MIP by
hardwired signal, called: "Mains isolation through MCB from outside", being wired to the MIP
terminals: X100/29 and X100/30 based on the document: MTU Functional description
 Tripping a GCB in case of active mains protection - this option does not require any additional wiring
and expects that hard wiring at pins X100/29 and X100/30 is not active.
The commands for closing the MCB are sent directly from ComAp controller and are hardwired - either
pulse or level signals.
The feedback from the breaker is received directly to the physical binary inputs on ComAp control system
and is hardwired.
Generator Circuit Breaker (GCB) control
The GCB is controlled by MIP control system. MIP is closing the GCB and is also tripping this breaker -
both in normal and in selected Alarm situations. ComAp control system needs to be adapted for this fact.
As the breakers can be tripped externally, means without ComAp controller command, the ComAp control
system parameter: Process control: CB ctrl mode shall be set to the option: FOLLOW. By this setting the
ComAp controller will accept the external tripping of both breakers and will adapt automatically to such a
situation without issuing a Failure message.
Closing the GCB
Closing the GCB during synchronisation process
During synchronisation process over GCB, ComAp controller does not send the GCB closure command.
It is up to the MIP to close the breaker and ComAp adopts to that situation during the Synchronisation
Closing the GCB to the dead bus
During the GCB breaker to the dead bus, ComAp sends the command to close the breaker to the MIP
(Black start, GCB). Due to some delay between this info is communicated to the MIP, breaker closure
and receiving info about feedback from MIP, there must be created a logic in the ComAp internal PLC
interpreter to handle this situation. ComAp recommends using this logic for handling GCB control.

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 17

The GCB control logic is part of the ComAp default archives for MTU 4000 series with MIP panel

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 18

11. Synchronisation
Synchronisation over MCB breaker (SPtM application, or IM-based applications)
ComAp recommends a full control over the MCB, so the synchronisation procedure over MCB is standard
as in any other installation. MIP needs the following information:
 MCB Feedback - wired to the terminal: X7/7 and X7/8
 MCB feedback neg - wired to the terminal: X7/9 and X7/10
Synchronisation over GCB (SPI, SPtM, MINT applications)
On the MTU 4000 series gas engines with MIP the synchronisation procedure and GCB control are
controlled by MTU. MTU uses with the aforementioned engine line Slip synchronisation procedure, either
positive or negative, based on the target application. Which slip synchronisation is used shall be checked
based on the project with MTU.
ComAp must adapt to this synchronisation process and to the GCB control. The solution on InteliSys Gas
is described below.
1. SPI application
a. Sync/Load ctrl: Phase window shall be set to 0° as the command to close the GCB will be
done by MIP
b. Sync/Load ctrl: Freq gain = 0
c. Sync/Load ctrl: Angle gain = 0
d. Process control: CB ctrl mode = FOLLOW
e. This setting will deactivate frequency and angle control
2. SPtM application - in SPtM application, it has to be ensured that in case of synchronisation over
MCB ComAp has full control of the synchronisation process and in case of synchronisation over
GCB, MTU can control the breaker fully:
a. Sync/Load ctrl: Phase window shall be forced to 0° in case the MCB is closed (LBI: MCB
feedback is recommended to be used as a source of the Force value function)
b. Sync/Load ctrl: Sync type can be set both to the PHASE MATCH or SLIP SYNC however the
corresponding parameters must be set for every option. ComAp recommends using SLIP
SYNC option.
c. Sync/Load ctrl: Freq gain and Angle gain shall be forced to 0 in case MCB is closed (LBI:
MCB Feedback is recommended to be used as a source of the Force value function).
d. Process control: CB ctrl mode = FOLLOW
3. MINT application
a. Sync/Load ctrl: Phase window shall be set to 0°
b. Sync/Load ctrl: Sync type can be set both to the PHASE MATCH or SLIP SYNC however the
corresponding parameters must be set for every option. ComAp recommends using SLIP
SYNC option
c. Sync/Load ctrl: Freq gain and Angle gain shall be forced to 0 during synchronisation over
GCB (LBO: Forward sync)
d. Process control: CB ctrl mode = FOLLOW

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 19

12. Speed and load control
Island operation - SPI, SPtM, MINT application:
In Island operation, the speed control is done over binary signals Speed Up, Speed Down (sent to MIP as
“Higher Speed, Lower Speed”). It is important to adjust properly the Speed/Load ctrl parameters, namely:
 SpeedRegChar = POSITIVE
 TauSpeedActuat = 160 s (this setting is important due to the fact, that speed control is done via
Speed Up/Down signals)
 Load ramp = 260 s (ActPwrRamps setpoint group in InteliSys Gas)
 FreqRegLoop can be set either ALL THE TIME or SYNC ONLY.
 Speed gov bias = 0.00V
 SpeedGovLoLim = -10.00 V
 SpeedGovHiLim = 10.00 V
 Sync timeout = 1801s (NO TIMEOUT)
 GCB open level = 2%
The following parameters of the frequency control were found during the MTU 4000 gas engine
commissioning and can be used as a basis for tuning the frequency control during the commissioning
For SPI archive:
 Freq gain = 0.0%
 Freq int = 28%
 Angle gain = 0.0 %
For SPtM archive:
 Freq gain = 20.0%
 Freq int = 28%
 Angle gain = 5.0 %
For MINT archive additionally:
 Freq gain = 20.0%
 Freq int = 28%
 Angle gain = 5.0 %
 LS gain = 20.0%
 LS int = 28%
Network parallel operation
In network parallel operation, the Requested engine kWs are sent to the MIP over analogue signal
(“Active power setpoint”). This signal needs to be sent in the range 0 – 100[%] range for the MIP.
During the network parallel operation, both the analogue signal and binary signals Speed Up and Speed
Down (sent to MIP as Higher Speed and Lower Speed) are accepted by MIP. To avoid causing any
regulation issues, ComAp recommends blocking the Speed Up and Speed Down signals to MIP during
network parallel operation. This blocking can be made e.g. through a PLC interpreter.
In the Multiple Island operation (more engines with controllers with MINT archives working on the same
bus) the load is controlled over binary signals Speed Up / Speed Down (sent to MIP as Higher Speed and
Lower Speed) only. The analogue signal (Active power setpoint) is not accepted by MIP in this case.
The PI constants for the load control can be kept on their default values. This is due to the fact, that in the
network parallel operation, the requested power of the engine is sent over Analogue signal and the

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 20

ramping time and regulation itself is done by the MIP system. The ramp time (parameter Load time)
though shall be set to the value indicated above.

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 21

13. Voltage and cosφ control
Island operation, single set (SPI, SPtM archives):
In island operation, single set, the signals for voltage control (AVR up/AVR dn) are active from ComAp
as the voltage control follows the required value.
Island operation, multiple sets (MINT archive)
In MINT installation, where more gen-sets are working on the same bus, both the voltage of the system
and sharing of the Reactive load (kVAr) needs to be managed. In this mode, there shall be used the
following signals for that:
 AVR up (being sent to MIP as Higher Voltage)
 AVR dn (being sent to MIP as Lower Voltage)
Essential settings for these signals, parameters in setpoint group: Volt/PF ctrl:
 TauVoltActuat = 60.0 s
 Parameters Voltage gain, Voltage int, PF gain and PF int shall be adjusted based on the system
Network parallel operation:
In network parallel operation the cosφ of the alternator or on the network side needs to be controlled. In
this network operation mode, ComAp shall send the Requested cosφ value to the MIP unit as an
analogue signal (Setpoint value - cosφ). The Requested cosφ value can be in the following range: 0.6L to
0.8C and needs to be sent in this format:
 0.7L to 0.99L shall be sent as value: 0.70 to 0.99 to the MIP
 1R shall be sent as value 1.00 to the MIP
 0.7C to 0.99C shall be sent as -0.70 to -0.99 to the MIP
This Setpoint value - cosφ logic is part of the ComAp default archives for MTU 4000 series with MIP
panel connection.

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 22

14. Miscellaneous
14.1. Droop function
Droop function is by default enabled in MIP 4000 on both speed/load control and voltage/cosϕ control.
This Droop function can be switched off by an MTU technician, however ComAp recommends keeping it
On, especially for Island operations.
The Droop function is set with 2% by default for both speed and voltage control and can be changed by
MTU technician.

14.2. Ramp times (loading and unloading times)

The Loading time is set in MIP 4000 to 0.4% kW/sec which means 250 seconds.
The unloading time is set in MIP 4000 to 1.1% kW/sec which means 91 seconds.
ComAp recommends adjust parameter: Sync/Load ctrl: Load time to 260 seconds

14.3. Cooling of the engine (engine running off-loaded)

Cooling of the engine shall be done by auxiliary circuits (pumps) after the engine stops. MTU requires not
to run the engine off-loaded for any longer time than few seconds (below 5 seconds). This means ComAp
parameter for cooling time: Engine params: Cooling time shall be set to e.g. 2 seconds.

14.4. SpeedRegLim and VoltRegLim alarms suppression

Speed and voltage (PF) is controlled via PLC and commands to MIP 4000 panel. It might happen that
alarms VoltRegLim and SpeedRegLim are issued. These can are automatically supressed if there are
used LogBouts Speed UP, Speed Down, AVR UP, AVR DOWN.
These signals are assigned to VPIO(1) BOUT virtual module

14.5. MIP 4000 alarms and statuses reading

The events and fault codes are processed as ECU fault codes. Every code shall be translated to a text
string and shall be configured as invisible or hidden. Up to 20 alarms / statuses are broadcasted to the
InteliSys controller simultaneously.

ComAp solution for MTU 4000 engines 23

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