DC-60 - CE&FDA - Service Manual - V10.0 - EN
DC-60 - CE&FDA - Service Manual - V10.0 - EN
DC-60 - CE&FDA - Service Manual - V10.0 - EN
Service Manual
Revision 10.0
Table of Content
Table of Content .....................................................................................................................i
Revision History .....................................................................................................................I
Intellectual Property Statement ............................................................................................II
Applicable for.........................................................................................................................II
Statement ...............................................................................................................................II
Responsibility on the Manufacturer Party .........................................................................III
Customer Service Department ............................................................................................III
1 Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Meaning of Signal Words ..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Symbols ................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2.1 Meaning of Safety Symbols .......................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.2 Warning Labels ............................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2.3 General Symbols .......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Safety Precautions ............................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.1 Electric safety ............................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.2 Mechanical safety ......................................................................................................... 1-5
1.3.3 Personnel Safety .......................................................................................................... 1-5
1.3.4 Other ............................................................................................................................. 1-5
2 Specifications ............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.1 Intended Use ................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.2 Introduction of Each Unit .............................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.3 Peripherals Supported ................................................................................................ 2-12
2.2 Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 2-12
2.2.1 Dimensions & Weight ................................................................................................. 2-12
2.2.2 Electrical Specifications .............................................................................................. 2-12
2.2.3 Environmental Conditions ........................................................................................... 2-12
2.2.4 Monitor Specification .................................................................................................. 2-13
3 System Installation ..................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Preparations for Installation.................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Electrical Requirements ................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.2 Installation Conditions..................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 Confirmation before Installation .................................................................................... 3-3
3.2 Unpacking ............................................................................................................................ 3-3
3.2.1 Unpacking Process ....................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.2 Check ............................................................................................................................ 3-6
3.3 Installation of Main Unit ........................................................................................................ 3-6
3.3.1 Open up the Monitor ..................................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.2 Connecting the Power Cord ......................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.3 Connecting ECG ........................................................................................................... 3-7
3.3.4 Installing Probe/Gel Holder ........................................................................................... 3-7
3.3.5 Connecting the Transducer .......................................................................................... 3-8
3.4 Installing Peripherals ............................................................................................................ 3-9
3.4.1 Connecting the Footswitch ........................................................................................... 3-9
3.4.2 Installing a Graph / Laser Printer .................................................................................. 3-9
3.4.3 Installing Video Printer ................................................................................................ 3-12
3.4.4 Installing a Wireless Printer ........................................................................................ 3-12
3.4.5 Position a Printer ........................................................................................................ 3-13
3.4.6 Installing Barcode Scanner ......................................................................................... 3-14
3.5 System Configuration ......................................................................................................... 3-15
3.5.1 Running the System ................................................................................................... 3-15
3.5.2 Enter Doppler.............................................................................................................. 3-15
3.5.3 System Preset ............................................................................................................ 3-16
3.5.4 Print Preset ................................................................................................................. 3-17
3.5.5 Network Preset ........................................................................................................... 3-17
3.5.6 DICOM/HL7 Preset ..................................................................................................... 3-18
3.5.7 Check System Information ......................................................................................... 3-20
4 Product Principle ........................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Hardware System Diagram .................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Ultrasound Front-end Unit .................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1 Probe Board.................................................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.2 TR Board ...................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.3 CW Module ................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.4 Engine Board ................................................................................................................ 4-5
4.2.5 4D Module .................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.2.6 ECG Module ................................................................................................................. 4-7
4.3 Ultrasound Back-end Unit .................................................................................................... 4-7
4.3.1 PC Module .................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.3.2 Storage Device ............................................................................................................. 4-8
4.3.3 Wireless Network Module ............................................................................................. 4-8
4.3.4 PC Carrier Board .......................................................................................................... 4-8
4.3.5 IO Interface Module ...................................................................................................... 4-9
4.4 Extension and Distribution ................................................................................................. 4-10
4.4.1 Video Extension Function ........................................................................................... 4-10
4.4.2 Audio Interface............................................................................................................ 4-11
4.4.3 SATA Interface ............................................................................................................ 4-11
4.4.4 USB Distribution ......................................................................................................... 4-11
4.4.5 Network Interface........................................................................................................ 4-12
4.4.6 PCIE Interface Distribution ......................................................................................... 4-13
4.4.7 Other IO Extension ..................................................................................................... 4-13
4.5 Power Supply Unit .............................................................................................................. 4-14
4.5.1 AC-DC Module............................................................................................................ 4-15
4.5.2 DC-DC Module ........................................................................................................... 4-15
4.5.3 PHV Module................................................................................................................ 4-15
4.5.4 Time Sequence of Power-On ..................................................................................... 4-15
4.6 User interaction Unit ........................................................................................................... 4-16
4.6.1 Control Panel Assembly ............................................................................................. 4-16
4.6.2 Primary Display Assembly .......................................................................................... 4-16
4.6.3 Secondary Display Assembly ..................................................................................... 4-17
5 Function and Performance Checking Method ......................................................... 5-1
5.1 NOTE ................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 System Running Status ........................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2.1 Running Status ............................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2.2 Working Condition ........................................................................................................ 5-1
5.3 General exam ....................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3.1 Check Flow ................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3.2 Checking Content ......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.4 Function Checking ................................................................................................................. 5-5
5.4.1 Checking Flow .............................................................................................................. 5-5
5.4.2 Content ......................................................................................................................... 5-5
5.5 Performance Test ............................................................................................................... 5-11
5.5.1 Test Process ............................................................................................................... 5-11
5.5.2 Test Content................................................................................................................ 5-11
6 Software Installation &Maintenance ......................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Enter Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Software Installation/Restoration ......................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Enter Windows ..................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.4 Software Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 6-2
6.4.1 Export Log .................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.5 Data Backup and Storage .................................................................................................... 6-3
6.5.1 Preset Data Management ............................................................................................. 6-3
6.5.2 Patient Data Backup and Restoration .......................................................................... 6-4
6.6 Introduction on Hard disk's Partitions ................................................................................... 6-5
7 Adjustments ................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.1 Monitor Adjustment............................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Position Adjustment ...................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 Brightness and Contrast Adjustment ............................................................................ 7-2
7.1.3 Monitor Test .................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.1.4 Monitor Parameter Setting ............................................................................................ 7-4
7.2 Touch Screen Adjustment .................................................................................................... 7-5
7.2.1 Touch Screen Brightness and Contrast Adjustment ..................................................... 7-5
7.2.2 Touch Screen Test ........................................................................................................ 7-5
7.3 Control Panel Adjustment..................................................................................................... 7-6
7.4 Caster Adjustment ................................................................................................................ 7-7
8 Field Replaceable Unit ............................................................................................... 8-1
9 Structure and Assembly/Disassembly...................................................................... 9-1
9.1 Structure of the Entire System ............................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Preparation ........................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.1 Disassembly Tools Required ........................................................................................ 9-2
9.2.2 Engineers Required ...................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.3 Disassembly Requirements .......................................................................................... 9-2
9.3 Assembly/Disassembly ........................................................................................................ 9-3
9.3.1 Display (Monitor) Assembly .......................................................................................... 9-4
9.3.2 Support Arm Assembly of the Display .......................................................................... 9-5
9.3.3 Control Panel Assembly ............................................................................................... 9-8
9.3.4 Upper Cover Assembly of the Speaker/Speaker ........................................................ 9-13
9.3.5 Intra-cavity Probe Holder and Disassembly of Switching Part ................................... 9-14
9.3.6 Support Arm Assembly of the Keyboard .................................................................... 9-14
9.3.7 Keyboard Assembly .................................................................................................... 9-18
9.3.8 Probe Board Assembly ............................................................................................... 9-18
9.3.9 Outlet Fan ................................................................................................................... 9-19
9.3.10 IO Board/WIFI Board .................................................................................................. 9-21
9.3.11 HDD ............................................................................................................................ 9-23
9.3.12 Electronic Assembly on the Base ............................................................................... 9-25
9.3.13 DC Box Assembly ....................................................................................................... 9-26
9.3.14 PC Assembly .............................................................................................................. 9-27
9.3.15 Engine Board and TR Board ...................................................................................... 9-29
9.3.16 Inlet Fan ...................................................................................................................... 9-30
9.3.17 Motherboard ............................................................................................................... 9-31
9.3.18 Caster ......................................................................................................................... 9-33
9.3.19 FAN 12V 7.5CFM 34dB 70*67*12mm (CPU Fan)...................................................... 9-33
9.3.20 Power Input Assembly ................................................................................................ 9-35
9.3.21 Control Switch Board .................................................................................................. 9-37
9.3.22 AC Connecting Board (220 V) .................................................................................... 9-37
9.3.23 FAN (AC-DC Fan)....................................................................................................... 9-37
10 Optional Installation/Assembly ............................................................................... 10-1
10.1 Installing Optional Software................................................................................................ 10-1
10.2 Installation of Optional Devices to Hardware ..................................................................... 10-3
10.2.1 ECG Assembly............................................................................................................ 10-3
10.2.2 DVD ............................................................................................................................ 10-5
10.2.3 Battery Assembly ........................................................................................................ 10-6
10.2.4 CW Assembly ............................................................................................................. 10-8
10.2.5 4D Assembly ............................................................................................................... 10-9
11 System Diagnosis and Support................................................................................11-1
11.1 General Status Indicator ..................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1.1 Indicators on Control Panel ........................................................................................ 11-1
11.1.2 The Status Indicator of the Batteries on IO Rear Board ............................................. 11-2
11.1.3 Display Status Indicator .............................................................................................. 11-2
11.1.4 Status of Entire Device ............................................................................................... 11-3
11.1.5 Status Indicator of Gel Warmer................................................................................... 11-3
11.2 Get Entire Device Started ................................................................................................... 11-4
11.2.1 Power-on of Entire Device Supplied by AC ................................................................ 11-5
11.2.2 Start-up Process of BIOS ........................................................................................... 11-5
11.2.3 Windows Start-up........................................................................................................ 11-5
11.2.4 Start-up of Doppler...................................................................................................... 11-6
11.3 Alarming and Errors ........................................................................................................... 11-8
11.3.1 Battery Error ............................................................................................................... 11-8
11.3.2 Abnormal Voltage of System Power ........................................................................... 11-8
11.3.3 Abnormal Temperature ............................................................................................... 11-9
11.3.4 Fan Error................................................................................................................... 11-10
11.3.5 PHV Error ..................................................................................................................11-11
11.3.6 Gel Warmer Abnormality........................................................................................... 11-12
11.3.7 Other Errors .............................................................................................................. 11-13
11.4 Self Test ............................................................................................................................ 11-13
11.4.1 Self Test Introduction ................................................................................................ 11-13
11.4.2 Operation Procedure of Maintenance Self Test ........................................................ 11-13
11.4.3 User Self Test ........................................................................................................... 11-18
11.4.4 Test Report ............................................................................................................... 11-19
12 Care and Maintenance.............................................................................................. 12-1
12.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 12-1
12.1.1 Tools, Measurement Devices and Consumables ....................................................... 12-1
12.1.2 Routine Maintenance Items ........................................................................................ 12-1
12.2 Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 12-3
12.2.1 System Cleaning......................................................................................................... 12-3
12.2.2 Peripherals Cleaning .................................................................................................. 12-7
12.3 Check ................................................................................................................................. 12-7
12.3.1 General Check ............................................................................................................ 12-7
12.3.2 System Performance Check ....................................................................................... 12-8
12.3.3 Check for Peripherals and Optional Functions ........................................................... 12-8
12.3.4 Mechanical Safety Inspection ..................................................................................... 12-9
12.3.5 Electrical Safety Inspection ...................................................................................... 12-10
13 Troubleshooting of Regular Malfunctions.............................................................. 13-1
13.1 System Cannot Power On .................................................................................................. 13-1
13.1.1 Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 13-1
13.1.2 Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 13-1
13.1.3 Troubleshooting as the System Unable to Power On ................................................ 13-2
13.2 System Cannot Start .......................................................................................................... 13-3
13.2.1 Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 13-3
13.2.2 Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 13-3
13.2.3 The System Cannot Perform Troubleshooting ........................................................... 13-3
13.3 Image Problems ................................................................................................................. 13-4
13.3.1 Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 13-4
13.3.2 Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 13-4
13.3.3 Image Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 13-5
13.4 Probe Socket System Malfunction ..................................................................................... 13-6
13.4.1 Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 13-6
13.4.2 Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 13-6
13.4.3 Troubleshooting of Probe Socket System .................................................................. 13-6
13.5 IO Interface System Failure ............................................................................................... 13-6
13.5.1 Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 13-6
13.5.2 Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 13-7
13.5.3 Troubleshooting of IO Interface System ..................................................................... 13-7
13.6 Control Panel Failure ......................................................................................................... 13-8
13.6.1 Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 13-8
13.6.2 Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 13-8
13.6.3 Troubleshooting of Control Panel ............................................................................... 13-8
13.7 LCD Display Failure ........................................................................................................... 13-9
13.7.1 Related Modules or Boards ........................................................................................ 13-9
13.7.2 Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 13-9
13.7.3 Troubleshooting of the Monitor ................................................................................. 13-10
13.8 ECG Module Failure ......................................................................................................... 13-10
13.8.1 Related Modules or Boards ...................................................................................... 13-10
13.8.2 Key Points Supporting Troubleshooting ................................................................... 13-11
13.8.3 Troubleshooting for ECG Module ............................................................................. 13-11
Appendix A Electrical Safety Inspection .................................................................. A-1
Appendix B Phantom Usage Illustration................................................................... B-1
Appendix C Description of Self Test Items ............................................................... C-1
Revision History
Mindray may revise this publication from time to time without written notice.
Revision Date Reason for Change
© 2017 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-medical Electronics Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Intellectual Property Statement
owns the intellectual property rights to this Mindray product and this manual. This manual may
referring to information protected by copyright or patents and does not convey any license under
the patent rights or copyright of Mindray, or of others.
Mindray intends to maintain the contents of this manual as confidential information. Disclosure of
the information in this manual in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Mindray
is strictly forbidden.
, , , , , BeneView, WATO,
BeneHeart, are the trademarks, registered or otherwise, of Mindray in China and other
countries. All other trademarks that appear in this manual are used only for informational or
editorial purposes. They are the property of their respective owners.
Applicable for
This service manual is applicable for the service engineers, authorized service personnel and
service representatives of this ultrasound system.
This service manual describes the product according to the most complete configuration; some of
the content may not apply to the product you are responsible for. If you have any questions, please
contact Mindray Customer Service Department.
Do not attempt to service this equipment unless this service manual has been consulted and is
understood. Failure to do so may result in personnel injury or product damage.
Responsibility on the Manufacturer
Mindray is responsible for the effects on safety, reliability and performance of this product, only if:
z All installation operations, expansions, changes, modifications and repairs of this product are
conducted by Mindray authorized personnel;
z The electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the applicable national and local
z The product is used in accordance with the instructions for use.
Mindray's obligation or liability under this warranty does not include any transportation or other
charges or liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages or delay resulting from the improper
use or application of the product or the use of parts or accessories not approved by Mindray or
repairs by people other than Mindray authorized personnel.
This warranty shall not extend to:
z Any Mindray product which has been subjected to misuse, negligence or accident;
z Any Mindray product from which Mindray's original serial number tag or product identification
markings have been altered or removed;
z Any products of any other manufacturers.
1 Safety Precautions
This chapter describes important issues related to safety precautions, as well as the labels and
icons on the ultrasound machine.
1.2 Symbols
The following tables provide location and information of the safety symbols and warning labels,
please read carefully.
"Attention" indicates the points that you should pay attention to. Before using the
system, be sure to carefully read the relevant contents of this operator’s manual.
Safety precautions1-1
1.2.2 Warning Labels
No. Warning Labels Meaning Position
1. a. Do not place the On the right panel of the
system on a sloped system
surface. Otherwise the
a d system may slide,
resulting in personal
injury or the system
malfunction. Two
b c persons are required to
move the system over a
sloped surface.
b. Do not sit on the
c. DO NOT push the
system. When the
casters are locked.
d. Read this information
carefully before using
the system.
2. Beware of excessive On the top-left corner of the
stress exerted to the keyboard
AC (Alternating current)
Functional grounding
Network port
USB port
VGA Used for VGA output.
S-VIDEO Reserved, used for separate video output
AUDIO Used for stereo audio output.
HDMI High definition multimedia interface.
Microphone input jack
When the lever located at the bottom of the monitor supporting arm points to ,
you can move the monitor to the right and left.
When the lever located at the bottom of the monitor supporting arm points to ,
the supporting arm is fixed in the middle position.
Dangerous voltage
Product serial number
Manufacture date
This product is provided with a CE marking in accordance with the regulations stated
in Council Directive 93/42/EEC concerning Medical Devices. The number adjacent to
the CE marking (0123) is the number of the EU-notified body certified for meeting the
requirements of the Directive.
The radio device used in this product complies with the essential requirements
and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC (Radio Equipment and
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive). The product is in compliance
with ETSI EN 300 328 and ETSI EN 301 489.
Safety precautions1-3
1.3 Safety Precautions
Please read the following precautions carefully to ensure the safety of the patient and the operator
when using the probes.
WARNING: 1. Connect the power plug of this system and power plugs of the
peripherals to wall receptacles that meet the ratings indicated
on the rating nameplate. Using a multifunctional receptacle
may affect the system grounding performance, and cause the
leakage current to exceed safety requirements. Use the power
cord accompanied with the system provided by Mindray.
Disconnect the AC power before you clean or uninstall the
ultrasound machine, otherwise, electric shock may result.
3. In maintenance or assembly/disassembly, make sure other
cables are connected well before the battery connecting cable
is connected, otherwise the system may be damaged due to
4. Do not use this system simultaneously with equipment such
as an electrosurgical unit, high-frequency therapy equipment,
or a defibrillator, etc.; otherwise electric shock may result.
5. This system is not water-proof. If any water is sprayed on or
into the system, electric shock may result.
1.3.4 Other
For detailed operation and other information about the ultrasound system, please
refer to the operator’s manual.
Safety precautions1-5
2 Specifications
2.1 Overview
Specifications 2-1
2.1.2 Introduction of Each Unit
2-2 Specifications
No. Name Function
1. Monitor Displays the images and parameters during scanning.
2. Speaker Sound output.
3. Touch screen panel Operator-system interface or control.
4. Ultrasound gel holder Used for placing the ultrasound gel.
Specifications 2-3
No. Name Function
Used for placing the general probe (not including pencil probe
5. Probe holder
or intra-cavity probe).
6. Pencil probe holder Used for placing the pencil probe.
7. Probe cable hook Used for fixing the probe cable.
Control panel adjusting
8. Used for lifting or swiveling the control panel.
9. Keyboard Used for typing characters or entering some functions.
10. Main control panel Operator-system interface or control.
11. USB_MIC port USB/MIC port
12. Hanger /
Intracavitary probe
13. Used for fixing the intracavitary probe.
Ultrasound gel
14. Used for placing the ultrasound gel or installing the gel warmer.
holder/gel warmer
15. Physio panel Used for connecting the ECG leads and external ECG device.
16. Compartment Used for positioning the B/W video printer.
17. Probe port Sockets connecting transducers and the main unit.
18. Caster Used for securing or moving the system.
Supports the monitor, for adjusting the height and position of the
19. Monitor supporting arm
Keyboard supporting
20. adjusting the height of the keyboard
21. Rear handle Used for pushing and moving the system.
22. Cooling vent /
23. I/O Panel Interface panel used for inputting and outputting signals.
24. Caster brake Used for locking/unlocking the caster
25. Power supply panel Electrical port panel.
26. DVD-RW DVD-RW drive.
2-4 Specifications I/O panel
NOTE: 1. The S-VIDEO port performs better with analog video printing.
2. When connecting an external video device (HDMI/VGA), make sure the display
resolution setting is 1280x1024, otherwise the image quality may be degraded.
Specifications 2-5 Power Supply Panel
2-6 Specifications Physio Panel
Specifications 2-7 Control Panel
2-8 Specifications
No. Name Description
<14> Text Enter/exit the textual comment status.
<15> Clear Clear the comments or measurement caliper.
Press to enter the Cine Review status from non-cine status when
<16> Cine
there is a multi-frame cine file playing.
<17> Body Mark Enter/exit Body Mark.
Press to enter M mode, and rotate to adjust M mode gain. While in
<18> M 3D/4D mode, rotate the knob to make the 3D image to rotate
around X-axis.
<19> CW Enter CW mode.
Press to enter PW mode, and rotate to adjust PW or CW gain.
<20> PW While in 3D/4D mode, rotate the knob to make the 3D image rotate
around Y-axis.
<21> Power Enter Power mode.
Press to enter Color mode, and rotate to adjust Color or Power
<22> Color gain. While in 3D/4D mode, rotate the knob to make the 3D image
rotate around Z-axis.
Enter Dual mode in Non-Dual mode.
<23> Dual
Switch between the two display windows in the Dual mode.
<24> B Press to enter B mode, and rotate to adjust B mode gain.
<25> Single Enter single window in multiple window mode.
<26> 4D Press to enter 4D function and rotate to make the 3D image rotate.
<27> 3D Enter the 3D imaging function: Smart 3D or Static 3D.
<28> iTouch Optimize the image.
Adjust the angle.
<29> Angle/Steer
Adjust the steering of the probe.
<30> Measure Enter/exit the application measurement mode.
Switching key: Press to change the currently active window.
<31> Update
Start/stop image acquisition in iScape or 3D/4D mode.
<32> Caliper Enter/exit the general measurement mode.
Rotate to enter the pan-zoom mode, and press to enter the
<33> Zoom
spot-zoom mode.
Enter Quad mode in Non-Quad mode.
<34> Quad
Switch between the four display windows in the Quad mode.
<35> Depth Adjust the depth in real-time imaging.
<36> Focus Change the focus position.
<37> Cursor Show/hide the cursor.
Confirm an operation. The function is same with the left-button of
<38> Set
the mouse.
<39> / Move the trackball to change the cursor position.
Specifications 2-9
No. Name Description
Confirm an operation. The function is same with the left-button of
<40> Set
the mouse.
<41> Freeze Freeze/defreeze the image.
<42> Save Save the image; user-defined key.
<43> P User-defined keys, functions of which can be defined in preset.
<44> Print Print: user-defined key.
Battery status indicator.
Charging status:
It illuminates in green when batteries are charged fully.
Discharging status:
It illuminates in green color when the power of the batteries is more
than 20%;
It illuminates in orange color for low battery power.
AC indicator
The indicator is on at AC supply.
Standby indicator.
Standby: blinking in orange.
2-10 Specifications
Specifications 2-11
2.1.3 Peripherals Supported
Item Model
Black/white digital video SONY UP-D897, MITSUBISHI P95DW-N, SONY UP-D898MD, SONY
printer UP-X898MD
Black/white analog
video printer
Graph/text printer HP Officejet 7000 wide format
Wireless printer HP Officejet Pro 8100
USB port: 971-SWNOM (2-pedal)
Foot switch
USB port: 971-SWNOM (3-pedal)
Bar code reader SYMBOL LS2208 (1D); SYMBOL DS6707 (2D)
2.2 Specifications AC Input
Voltage 220-240~,100-127V~
Frequency 50/60Hz
Power consumption 630VA
2-12 Specifications
Do not use this system in the conditions other than those
Warning: specified
Dimension 10.4inch
Resolution 800×600
Visible angle 140° left/right; 110° up/down
Specifications 2-13
3 System Installation
WARNING: DO NOT connect this system to outlets with the same fuses
that control the current of devices such as life-support
systems. If this system malfunctions and generates an over
current, or when there is an instantaneous current at power
ON, fuses of the building’s supply circuit may be tripped.
These sources include: medical lasers, scanners, monitors, cauterizing guns and so on. Besides,
other devices that may result in high frequency electromagnetic interference such as mobile phone,
radio transceiver and wireless remote control toys are not allowed to be presented or used in the
room. Turn off those devices to make sure the ultrasound system can work in a normal way.
3.2 Unpacking
Unpacking tool: a pair of scissors
Installation duration: 2 persons, 10 minutes.
2. Remove the wooden cover from the close carton box, and lay down the cover as the slope in
front of the device. See the figure below.
Take out the plastic clasp out of the box (5 plastic clasps);
5. Release the buckle. Take the plastic bag out as shown in the figure below:
6. Remove the front panel in the direction of the arrow, and then get out the device.
NOTE: Take care of your hands when adjust the monitor up and down.
(a) (b)
2. Push the retaining clamp downward, and lock the power cord, as shown in the figure (b) above.
Grounding terminal
NOTE: Make sure to allow sufficient slack in the cable so that the plug is not pulled out of the
wall if the system is moved slightly.
Press the clip in the direction of the arrow to get out the holder.
3. Place the probe properly to avoid being treaded or wrapping with other devices (use hanger or
hooker). DO NOT allow the probe head to hang free.
4. Turn the lock handle 90°anticlockwise to unlock it, and then pull out the connector.
NOTE: Before inserting the connector into the probe port, inspect the connector pins. If any pin
is bent, do not use the probe until it has been inspected / repaired / replaced.
Power supply
Data cable
USB port
1. Connect the data cable to the USB port on the ultrasound system.
2. Power the system and the printer on.
3. Put the installation optical disk of the printer driver into the DVD R/W drive.
4. Install the printer driver: Select [Setup]→[Print Preset]→[Add Printer].
NOTE: all the operations are finished with right <Set> key.
5. Select [Add a local printer] and click [Next] to enter the screen used for browsing driver.
NOTE: see the printer’s operation manual to select the port, or try to use the default port of the
7. Complete the operation according to the tips on the screen. Click [Finish] to end the installation.
NOTE: 1.
Before adding the local printer, make sure the printer is powered on, and the printer
has been well connected with the ultrasound device (a sound feedback will be heard
when connecting)
2. In case of installation failure under Doppler, try to install the printer in Windows (click
[Enter Windows] on the Maintenance menu). If the installation can’t be performed
neither in Doppler nor Windows, then the printer can’t be supported by the ultrasound
3. Use the original drive disk to perform the drive installation.
Add network printer
1. As the system is connected into a LAN, open [Setup]-> [Printer Preset] screen.
2. Click [Add Printer], select [Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer].
3. The system starts to search all available printers within the network. Select the target printer and
click [Next], the system tries to connect to this printer.
4. When the connection is successful, the system prompts the dialogue box, click [Next] according
to the screen tips and then click [Finish].The printer is installed successfully.
Tips: the system has combined many types/brands of printer drivers, if targeted printer drive is not
included in the system, you may need to install the driver for the network printer. Please use the
optical disk or USB disk with the driver to install according to the system prompts.
NOTE: When you install the printer’s driver, you must specify the specific path for installation. A
vague path may result in longer searching times.
The network printer functions depending on the configured network environment in the
hospital, please consult the network configuration manager in case of failure.
Before connecting a network printer, connect the ultrasound machine into the same
network with the printer and make sure the network works normally.
Once a network printer is found, an identification dialogue box will appear if the server
needs identity confirmation. Enter the user name and passcode; select “Auto Connecting”
and then click [OK].
The printer name typed should be valid, \\server\printer for example. Otherwise, a
connection failure notice may appear.
Both report and image can be printed on a graph / text printer.
To set the default report printer and its attribute:
(3) Select the service type and enter the service name manually.
(4) Click [OK] to return to the page.
(5) Select the target printer from the drop-down list in the “Property” box and set other printing
(6) Click [Save] to complete.
Scanning surface
LED indicator
3. Connect the other end of the cable to the USB port on the ultrasound system.
4. When the ultrasound system is working, information scanning can be performed by pressing
the switch on the scanner. For detailed operations, please refer to the operator’s manual of the
5. Fix the scanner on the bracket (see the figure below) to avoid accidental falling.
Scanning surface
2D scanner 1D scanner
No. Item
1. Region: preset the hospital name, date and time, and select the language.
Key Config: preset the function of user defined keys (Print, Save, P, F3, F4, F5, F6 and
2. F12) and the footswitch, key lightness, key volume and trackball speed can be adjusted.
You can also define the gesture.
3. General: preset the time in standby mode, set the brightness/contrast of the display.
Click the network icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen (including wireless connection icon
and wired connection icon ) to enter TCP/IP setting:
1. Click [DICOM Preset] to open the DICOM Preset screen. Enter the AE Title of the ultrasound
system, port and PDU according to the actual situation.
2. DICOM Server Setting
1) Enter the device name and the IP address.
2) You can ping other machines to verify connection after entering the correct IP address by
clicking [Ping].
NOTE: 1. AE Title should be the same with the SCU AE Title preset in the server
2. DICOM communication port should be the same with the one in the server.
3. If the currently entered name has already existed, the system will pop up: “The
server name exists!” Click [OK] to enter another name.
3. Click [Set DICOM Service].
Physiological Signal
Battery TX/RX
Battery Connector
Management ATGC A
PHV Probe Probe
Battery Unit TX Signal Connector
RX Switch B
PHV DSP Data TR Data
Sampling FPGA FPGA Probe
PHV Control Connector
Scan Status DDR Mini Brd
Front End Probe
TR_A Board
Monitoring CPLD Connector
DC-DC 4D&TEE Probe Various Signals
DC-DC Board Probe Management Probe Board
Engine Present/ID Pencil Probe
AC Board Connection
Input AC-DC Front- End
The probe board offers the connection to the probe, and connects the channel of probe's port to the
channel of receiving/transmitting module in main unit. The probe board is subordinate to the engine
board, and manages the probe with the engine board. The functions of probe management:
The notice for probe’s change when it is in the place.
Each in-place signal of the probe is connected to CPLD. CPLD informs DSP_FPGA via an
interruption as each time the change occurs.
General control of the probe - power supply management
CPLD manages the power-up and power-down of each probe’s socket.
Supply the power to flash when accessing to ID as the probe is connected. Enable the probe in
which the channel needs to be switched. The switch circuit inside the probe also needs the
power supply.
After the probe is unplugged, shut down the power supply to the probe and notify the engine
board of stopping transmitting.
General control of the probe -probe recognition
CPLD obtains ID code as SPI accesses to each Flash inside the probe and informs
The interconnection to socket's signal
The receiving and transmitting POUT signal of regular probe can be switched among many
probes on the realization of CPLD controlling the relay.
The switch of control signal on the probe containing high-voltage switch is produced by
DSP_FPGA. The probe distributes out to each probe’s socket.
After being selected and distributed, the control and signal’s feedback of various special probes
(such as 4D, bi-planar, TEE) are connected to the engine board. The selection and the distribution
is realized by CPLD which is controlled DSP_FPGA.
4.2.2 TR Board
TR board has the capacity for basic ultrasound services. Single board fulfills 64 channels'
transmitting and receiving.
4.2.3 CW Module
CW probe is an option. The transmitting circuit of CW shares the transmitting circuit with B/Color
mode. The receiving circuit of CW is more than B/Color mode’s.
CW module of DC-60 is CW mini board. It is used to add the receiving signals of TR board and
adjust the data. The data is transmitted to TR_FPGA inside TR board. TR_FPGA recognizes CW
mini board via in-place signal and ID code.
manager communication
Probe Board PrbManager_JTAG
various signals
from/to probes. e.g. 4D/TEE
TR Board reset status
JTAG downstream
TX_CLK Distribution
AFE_CLK Front End Clock Source
TR FPGA control bus
data bus Control ATGC
Mother DDR IF
PC Carrier Board Board PCI-E bus Data Gathering DDR
EC global reset
PC module IQ DDR
JTAG downstream
MF FPGA config. status DDR IF
Upload DDR
config. status
IO Board acoustic power
4.2.5 4D Module
The generator inside 4D probe requires the driving signal. With the specialized requirements of the
voltage and the phase of the driving signal, the driving circuit comes into form.
Temperature signal test on TEE probe needs balance bridge current and ADC sampling.
The two probes are both optional. The related circuit has an independent module. The supportive
circuits of the two probe bound together come into 4D&TEE module and are placed above the
engine board.
HALL digital signal from 4D probe shows the location of the probe. The signal does not arrive at
4D&TEE module, but goes into DSP_FPGA directly.
1 Power
DAC_SPI DAC Amplifier
Signals for motor For Self-Test 4D Function
TEE Function
Engine Board
USB control Expansion
Panel Status indication
PC Manager (EC) Back- End
USB Monitoring
Front Panel MIC
Speaker Audio(L/R)
Touch Screen Board
Secondary Display
Primary Display
Pri_DDC Primary Display
Sec_DDC Secondary Display
PC Carrier
The schematic diagram of video distribution for the PC carrier board is shown below:
Standard interfaces on PC carrier
I2C HDMI Encoder User DDI2
DVI Encoder DVI Driver DVI
Multi-function FPGA
COME Reserved User S-Video
TV Encoder
I2C User Video
Video Driver
Black/white printer
DDI2 Translator DVI Secondary
User DDI3
USB 2.0
Port 2 User Port
VBUS 2.0
USB 2.0
Port 3 User Port
VBUS 2.0
IO Board
Port 6
The power supply function is shown as below. The power supply unit can be divided into AC and
DC from the aspect of power supply transfer flow.
DC includes DC-DC module, PHV module and battery assembly.
AC includes AC-DC module, assistant output module and AC interface module.
Closely related to ultrasound services, the voltage circuits in DC part are quite large, in which the
performance also occupies high-performance. The coupling of DC part keeps tight as well. At the
same time, the space arrangement also keeps close to ultrasound service. However, AC, to some
extent, couples little with ultrasound service. The volume is comparatively larger, which may lead
away from ultrasound service.
DC and ultrasound services are located inside the main unit box above the base. Whereas, AC is
located inside the power supply box below the base. Two parts are connected by cables. The output
path for heavy current should take pressure drop, the security, fool-proofing and the reliability into
Control System
DC Unit
Ultrasound Functions power
Mainframe Box
Metal Plate
Power Box
AC Unit
Figure 4-13 The connection of power supply box and main unit box
DC-DC 12V、5V
Function Power
Module Encoder Knob TGC Lever Gel warmer
5.1 NOTE
The chapter supplies the detailed method for product main function and performance checking.
This is used for referring or studying by engineer but not required.
5.4.2 Content
Parameters that can be adjusted to optimize the B Mode image are indicated in the following.
Adjustment Parameter
Control panel Gain, depth, TGC, iTouch, Zoom, Focus Position, Steer
Tint map, line density, flip, persistence, image quality, focus, FOV, iClear,
Touch screen / menu dynamic range, TSI, iBeam, H Scale, dual live, LGC, echo boost, gray
2. M mode
In M mode scanning, the image parameter area in the upper left corner of the screen displays
the real-time parameter values as follows:
Parameter F D G V DR
Meaning Frequency Depth M Gain M speed M Dynamic Range
Parameters that can be adjusted to optimize the M Mode image are indicated in the following.
Speed, Display Format, Gray Map, Dynamic Range, Tint Map, M Soften, Edge
Touch Screen
3. Color mode
In Color mode scanning, the image parameter area in the upper left corner of the screen
displays the real-time parameter values as follows:
Parameter F G PRF WF
Meaning Frequency Color Gain Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) Color Wall Filter
Parameters that can be adjusted to optimize the Color Mode image are indicated in the
Gain, Depth, iTouch, Scale
Touch Invert, Baseline, B/C Wide, Dual Live, Image quality, Flow State, Priority, Packet Size,
Screen Map, Wall Filter, Line Density, Smooth, Persistence, Velocity Tag, steer
4. Power mode
In Power mode scanning, the image parameter area in the upper left corner of the screen
displays the real-time parameter values as follows:
Display F G WF PRF
Parameter Frequency Power Power Wall Pulse
Gain Filter Repetition
Display Format, Invert, Duplex/ Triplex, Quick Angle, Wall Filter, Image Quality,
Tint Map, Dynamic Range, Trace Area, Speed, SV,
Gray Map, T/F Res, Auto Calc, Auto Calc Para, HPRF, Auto Calc cycle, Volume,
A. power
Total frames
End mark Resolution
transverse resolution
Test Step:
1. Cover the scan surface of the phantom with water or couple gel, gently contact the probe with
the scan surface, making the transverse resolution testing targets to be displayed around the
midline of the image.
2. Adjust the focus point focuses at the position where the transverse resolution testing targets
are displayed.
3. Adjust parameters like gain, dynamic range, TGC, making the background tissue unseen, just
displaying the target image clearly.
4. In condition that the transverse resolution testing targets are horizontally displayed, record the
minimal distance of two targets that can be clearly recognized.
5. Repeat the operation above for the transverse resolution testing targets at other depths.
As shown in figure below.
Axial resolution
Test Step:
1. Cover the scan surface of the phantom with water or couple gel, gently contact the probe with
the scan surface, making the longitudinal resolution testing targets to be displayed around the
midline of the image.
1. When using the convex probe, keep the transverse resolution testing targets to
be displayed near the midline.
2. When using a linear probe with steer function, do not turn on the steer function
when perform the transverse resolution test.
3. Zoom in the region where the targets located if necessary.
4. The diameter of the target point at a certain depth is equal to the transverse
resolution at the depth.
NOTE: 1. When using a linear probe, record the transverse distance by segment.
2. When using a convex probe, all transverse targets should be displayed
integrally in an image.
3. The measure caliper should be posited at the upper side or lower side of
the target center.
As shown in figure below.
2. Log in the system with the account of Service. Press [Setup] to select [Maintenance]→[Setup]
to enter the related maintenance menu.
WARNING: In case of data loss, back up user’s preset data and patient data before
system restoring.
2. Do Not cut off, shut down or restart the system in the process of restoration.
2. Type device’s Mac address and serial number (see System Information). The password of Mac
address to Windows system is created after clicking Make Pwd.
3. Enter maintenance menu. Click [Enter Windows]. Type the password to enter Windows system.
Adjustments 7-1
7.1.2 Brightness and Contrast Adjustment
Monitoring the brightness and contrast adjustment is one of the most important factors for proper
image qualities. If set incorrectly, the gain, TGC, dynamic range or even acoustic output have to be
changed more often than necessary to compensate.
The adjusting buttons are shown as follows:
Brightness adjustment:
<1>, <2> refer to the brightness control keys with a sun marked at the top. Key <1>, marked
with a “-” on the top, can be used to decrease the brightness, while key <2>, marked with a “+”
on the top, can be used to increase the brightness.
Contrast adjustment:
<3>, <4> refer to the contrast control keys with a moon marked at the top. Key <3>, marked
with a “-” on the top, can be used to decrease the contrast, while key <2>, marked with a “+” on
the top, can be used to increase the contrast.
NOTE: On the monitor, the brightness adjustment comes before contrast. After readjusting the
monitor’s contrast and brightness, adjust all preset and peripheral settings.
7-2 Adjustments
No. Item Description
The screen displays a white strip in the middle while the above and below
1. Contrast
are black, if the boundary of black and white is clear, the test is passed;
Press [Set] to switch between the 2 interfaces, and it's required that the black
2. Resolution and white strips in the middle or around are clear, while the adjacent strips
can be distinguished to pass the test;
Images of different gray rank levels can be distinguished easily with a
smooth transition, and the brightness transition can also be obtained from
3. AshRank
the images. Gray rank of low level is not obviously lean to red or green, and
then the test is passed.
Images of different color rank levels can be distinguished easily with a
4. ColorRank smooth transition, and the brightness transition can also be obtained from
the images.
If different kinds of color graphics appear on the screen where the color and
5. Colorful
the word of each graphics are consistent, test is passed.
Press [Set] to switch among the 3 interfaces, if the images are clear with
6. focus letters and characters easy to be recognized and there is no ambiguous
display or variance among them, the test is passed;
Adjustments 7-3
Press [Set] to enter pure color interfaces of green, blue, red, black and white.
Observe the LCD screen. Check bright point and dark point in the black and
white interfaces. Criterion for pass: bright point number is 0; number of
7. BadPoint continuous dark point pair is ≤3, and no continuous dark point appears in the
image area; there are no three or more than three continuous dark point;
dark point defects number is ≤7, and number of dark points in the image area
is ≤2; point flash defects is 0; space between fail points is ≥5mm.
4. Click [OK] on the touch screen or press [ESC] on the keyboard to return to the main screen
1. Press <1> and <4> key on the monitor as shown in the figure for more than 3 seconds to enter
the screen.
2. Press <1> or <2> to select Default, the cursor is on the Default position, press <4> to enter the
parameter automated loading, and it takes about 3 seconds to finish.
3. Color temperature is default to be 11000K, and adjustment is not recommended.
4. After all settings are finished, move the cursor to Exit or press <3> to exit the menu.
7-4 Adjustments
7.2 Touch Screen Adjustment
The difference is that in the touch screen test, you should click the touch screen rather than press
[Set] in the main screen test; and click the corresponding icon on the touch screen rather than the
main screen.
Adjustments 7-5
NOTE: After changing the 10.4 inch LCD screen, parameter setting must be performed
before using.
7-6 Adjustments
7.4 Caster Adjustment
There are four braking casters of the main unit, as shown in the figure: tread the 2 “On” button
downwards by foot to lock the caster, tread the 1 “Off” button downwards by foot to release the
caster. When locking or releasing the casters, move the casters if necessary.
1 2
Adjustments 7-7
8 Field Replaceable Unit
Main unit
Hard Disk(DC-60
Hard Disk(DC-60
115-033334-00 Including the bracket;
12. Not including the 9.3.11
Hard Disk(DC-60 connect cable
Touchscreen assembly
13. 115-033327-00
Touchscreen assembly
14. 115-033328-00
Monitor Touchscreen assembly
15. related 115-033329-00
Touchscreen assembly
16. 115-033330-00
20. TGC board
21. Encoder assembly 115-041020-00
<3>. Rear cover of main unit <4>. The handle of main unit
<5>. Left side-panel assembly of main unit <6>. Ultrasound Gel Heater
<7>. The minor control panel assembly <8>. Speaker upper cover
<9>. Display cable cover <10> Support arm assembly
<11>. The cover of support arm <12> Display (monitor) assembly
<13>. The control panel assembly <14> Touchscreen assembly
<15>. Printer cover <16> Frontal cover of the main unit
<17>. Keyboard assembly <18> The ultrasound gel holder
<19>. The cover of upper support arm /
9.2 Preparation
9.3 Assembly/Disassembly
This section describes the disassembling and the assembling of the main modules and hardware
boards. The assembling is the inverse process of the disassembling if not mentioned in particular.
Engine 4D TR
board board board
Frontcover Rearcover
ECG Lithium
Probeboard IO WIFI Hard supply
assembly -ion
assembly board board disk input
Display Controlpanel
assembly assembly
Adjus TGC Top
control Front Rear hine
tment Encoder Trackball Board
panel cover cover asse Buzzer cover
keys Speaker board assembly
mbly assembly
NOTE: The illustration of disassembly is for reference only; please relies on the actual model.
2. Unscrew three M4 X 12 screws. Remove the power supply cable of the display and unplug the
signal cable.
3. Unscrew six M4X12 screws, and remove the display assembly upwards.
NOTE: The metal part is inserted in the hole of the plastic part. The damage of the display’s
rear cover may occur if removed by force.
2. Unscrew three M4 X 12 screws. Remove the power supply cable of the display and unplug the
signal cable.
3. Unscrew six M4X12 screws, and remove the display assembly upwards.
NOTE: The metal part is inserted in the hole of the plastic part. The damage of the display’s
rear cover may occur if removed by force.
5. Pry off the position marked on the figure below by a slotted screwdriver to release the (left /right)
claspers of the support arm and take off the support arm forward.
6. Remove to M4x12 screws fixing the two cable clips to release the cable.
7. Remove a M5x20 screw on the base of the minor panel, take off the support arm assembly
4. Unscrew the M3 X 8 screw on the cast-aluminum base to remove the control panel assembly.
2. Unscrew nine PT4 X 10 tapping screws from the encoder board. Disconnect the plug
connecting the encoder to the keyboard to remove the encoder assembly. Trackball
The disassembly tool: cross-headed screwdriver (M3, M4), anti-electrostatic glove
Unscrew two M3 X 8 SEMS screws fixing the trackball. Disconnect the plug connecting the trackball
and the keyboard to remove the trackball assembly. Buzzer
The disassembly tool: cross-headed screwdriver (M2).
Unscrew two PT2 X 6 tapping screws and gaskets to remove the buzzer. Disconnect the plug of the
buzzer to remove it.
NOTE: The connecting cables lie behind the rear cover of the touchscreen. Be careful of
the cables when removing the assembly.
NOTE: To avoid incorrect installation, please take notice of the position of the speakers.
2. Unscrew two screws M4 X 12 SEMS screws from switching part to remove it.
3. Remove 6 M4x12 screws fixing the cover of the minor panel, and take off the minor panel cover.
4. Unfasten the screw, and then remove the bolt. Take the guide cable out of the slot.
10. Remove the frame of the keyboard. Rotate the white plastic circle on the mechanical arm to
remove the white plastic circle.
11. Unscrew six M6 X 20 screws. Take the data cable out of the inner to remove the support arm
assembly of the keyboard.
NOTE: 1. Because of the socket of the probe board lying on the left side, please use even
strength when pulling out it.
2. There are two bolts on the probe board assembly. Snap the assembly into place after
inserting the bolts, and then fix the screws.
4. Unscrew two M3 step screws fixing PCBA, and remove fan PCBA.
5. Pull out of the fan socket to remove the fan. See the figure.
NOTE: Aim the hole at the bolt in the process of installation. To avoid the damage to the
pins, snap the socket into place.
4. Unscrew two M3 X 8 screws on WIFI shield, and remove the shield.
6. Pull two plugs out. Insert the plug into the black hole.
9.3.11 HDD
The disassembly tool: cross-headed screwdriver (M3, M4), anti-electrostatic glove
1. Follow step 1 and step 2 in Chapter 9.3.8 to remove left and right side panels.
2. Unscrew two M4 X 8 screws fixing the rear cover, and remove the rear cover.
4. Unscrew three M4 X 8 screws fixing the hard disk to remove the hard disk assembly.
5. Pull the power supply cable of the hard disk and SATA signal plug out. Unscrew 2 M3 X 8
screws on two sides to remove the hard disk.
NOTE: If the metal plate holds the electronic assembly back, lift it upwards to pull it out.
9.3.14 PC Assembly
The disassembly tool: cross-headed screwdriver (M3, M4), anti-electrostatic glove
1. Follow step 1 in Chapter 9.3.8 to remove the left side panel.
3. Release two plastic clips by hands to remove the engine board and TR board.
4. Unscrew two M3 step screws fixing PCBA, and remove fan PCBA.
9.3.17 Motherboard
The disassembly tool: cross-headed screwdriver (M3, M4), diagonal cutting pliers, anti-electrostatic
1. Follow step 1 to step 3 in Chapter 9.3.8 to remove the left/right side panels and the front cover.
2. Refer Chapter 9.3.8 to unscrewing the probe assembly.
3. Refer Chapter 9.3.12 to unscrewing the rear cover and IO assembly.
4. Refer Chapter 9.3.15 to Chapter 9.3.17 to removing DC box assembly, PC assembly, engine
board and TR board.
5. Unscrew the M4 X 8 grounding screw on the right side of the device.
6. Unplug the cables on the motherboard. Unscrew five M3 X 8 screws to remove the shield of the
mother board upwards. Be careful with the electronics on the mother board.
2. Use the spanner to lock the stud and turn the spanner clockwise to remove the caster.
3. Pull the power supply module; unscrew the screw to pull the whole assembly.
5. Unscrew the screws and disconnect the plug as shown in the figure.
3. Click [Install]. Select key file from the dialog box, and then click [OK].
Select more than 1 option from the list and click [Batch Install] to install more than 1 option.
4. The options become Installed after the key files are installed. The corresponding function is
activated after returning from preset.
5. Option trial: select the corresponding software package, and then click [Trial].
3. Return to the system preset interface. The option status changes into Uninstalled.
The uninstall function is exclusive to internal users. The service engineers must
log in the system with the account of Service, and then conduct the uninstall.
No. Material No. Descriptions Material and pictures
The material package of ECG
1. 115-024659-00 / 10.2.1
assembly (FDA AHA leads)
Battery assembly
(independent pack/ SFDA/
2. 115-024663-00 Note: including battery, battery 10.2.3
manage board, battery
charging device and metal
3. Unscrew three M4 X 8 screws fixing the assembly of front output panel, and pull the assembly
of front output panel out.
4. Unscrew three M4 X 8 screws fixing ECG assembly, and pull ECG assembly out.
4. Unscrew two M3 X 6 screws on the back of DVD assembly to remove DVD shield board.
4. Unscrew four M3 X 8 screws to part the battery assembly to top cover and bottom cover.
6. Take off the battery PCBA from the top cover of the battery compartment.
10.2.4 CW Assembly
The disassembly tool: cross-headed screwdriver (M3, M4), anti-electrostatic glove
1. Follow step 1 in Chapter 9.3.8 to remove left side panel.
2. Unscrew four M4 X 8 screws to remove the metal cover.
10.2.5 4D Assembly
The disassembly tool: cross-headed screwdriver (M3, M4), anti-electrostatic glove
1. Follow step 1 in Chapter 9.3.8 to remove left side panel.
Power supply of digital board 12 Power on. The indicator is on (green), which indicates
D+12V status indicators D+12V output of CPU module is normal.
Power supply of digital board 5 Power on. The indicator is on (green), which indicates
D+5V Status indicators D+5V output of CPU module is normal.
Power supply of digital board 3.3 Power on. The indicator is on (green), which indicates
D+3V3 Status indicators D+3V3 output of CPU module is normal.
The locking status of video PC_LVD Power on. The indicator is on (green), which indicates
output for PC module S that the digital signals outputted by PC module are
locked logically.
User screen
Initialize PC configured
Initialize PC peripherals
Initialize PC
Initialize ultrasonic hardware
Generate the servers of local preset and system In increments of
preset 1
Loading preset data
common In increments of
Generate general data manager of the exam mode
exam 1
Add function package of measurement menu;
ultrasound In increments of
register application interface for the patient to be /
application 1 Patient
… information
Initialization library
Configure the patient information manager In increments of
completed /
(UPatientApp) 1
In increments of Doppler
/ Enter Doppler interface /
1 interface
The user can see production, maintenance and user self test interface from the screen. The
production and maintenance self test interfaces can be divided into five areas.
7. Monitoring information
Monitoring information include: current time, CPU occupation rate, CPU 1 temperature, CPU 2
temperature, PCT1 temperature, PCT2 temperature and PCT3 temperature.
If the temperature exceeds the working temperature, the temperature status in progress bar
appears in red.
8. System dialog box
The color of the element in the system dialog box changes as the color of test result changes in the
test process. If the test fails, the element becomes red FAIL; if the test succeeds, it becomes green
PASS. If the color of the element keeps the same, it indicates the test is not proceeded.
9. Test information
The test result is displayed after the test is completed. Green PASS indicates the pass of the
sub-item. Red FAIL indicates the failure of the sub-item. If the item has not been tested, it appears
in grey Skip. If the board and the assembly are not in the place, it appears in grey NaN. Red Error
appears as the test item error occurs. The test result of parent test item is the aggregate for the test
results of all selected sub-test items. If there is FAIL test in the selected list, the test result of parent
test item is FAIL. As long as the test result of the selected item is PASS, the test result of parent test
item would be PASS.As shown in the following figure.
Click each test item in Test Items list. The program searches for related test result of each test item.
The detail of the test is shown as well. See the figure below:
Item Description
[Start/Stop] Click to perform tests for selected items one by one while the button turns
to [Stop]. The test stops during the test if you click [Stop]. After the test is
completed, the [Stop] button turns to [Start], and starts the next new test.
[Test Report Save Displays the logic drive of removable storage medium (USB flash disk,
Location] check box removable hard disk, etc.) connecting to the system. The check box is
disabled in test process.
If there is no removable storage medium, click the control to remind the
user of inserting the removable storage medium.
[Save Report] button Saves the test data to the root directory of selected logic drive. The button
is disabled when the logic drive is deselected or in test process.
[Shut Down button Close the program, and shut down the device. The system reminds the
user of saving the test report to removable storage device when shutting
down the device.
Start the test when entering user self test. After finishing the test, the number of test item only
displays on the screen if there is FAIL test item. For example, if the “system voltage monitoring” fails,
only Z0210 displays on the screen. The test item for Z0210 corresponds with the system voltage
test by viewing the appendix.
The dialog box of PASS appears only with all test items passing, as shown below:
Qty. Remarks
Plastic and resin 1 Used to contain the physiological saline and two
container probes available in the container.
Soft brush 1 The size is similar to that of the brush. The
material of the brush should be soft.
Small plastic bowl 1 Used to contain soap-suds
Safety testing device 1 See Appendix A for details
Physiological saline About 1000 mL Reach the half of the container to submerge
the probe in the saline.
(See Appendix A for details)
(Concentration 0.85% to 0.95%)
Mild soap-suds About 400 mL /
WARNING: Before cleaning the system, be sure to turn off the power and
disconnect the power cord from the outlet. If you clean the system
while the power is “On”, it may result in electric shock. Procedures
1. Dust-proof cover cleaning
Including dust-proof mesh of the trolley and dust-proof mesh of probe socket.
Tool: soft brush
a) Remove dust-proof mesh/cover before cleaning.
Dust-proof mesh of the trolley: release the clasps of the mesh to arrow’s direction. Pull the
dust-proof mesh towards the front of the trolley to let the mesh fall off. Then, remove the
dust-proof mesh.
Dust-proof cover of probe socket: four sockets are arranged in front of the device. Pull one
mesh out of the device.
b) Cleaning the dust-proof mesh/cover---use soft brush to clean off the dust on the
c) Installing dust-proof mesh/cover.
Dust-proof mesh: put the mesh into the slot of the trolley’s base. Push the dust-proof mesh
towards the back of the trolley until the mesh snaps into the slot.
The dust-proof cover of the probe socket: plug the probe properly.
CAUTION: Please clean all dust-proof covers of the system periodically (1 time per
month); otherwise, it may result in damage. Cleaning times can be
increased when the system is used in the open air or somewhere dust is
Rotary ball
Top cover
Clamping ring
z Cleaning:
Clean the two long shafts, the bearing, plastic cover and the internal area of clamping ring (see
the illustration below) with clean soft dry cloth or tissue.
Long shaft
Long shaft
z Restoration installation:
Put the rotary ball back in the trackball mechanism and put the clamping ring back in, turn the
ring clockwise until the bulges are flush with the top cover, and the ring clicks and locks, which
means the ring is secured. See the illustrations below.
5. Probe cleaning
Tool: dry soft cloth, mild soap-suds
a) Use dry soft cloth to clean off the dust on probe head, connector cover and its cables.
b) Use soft brush to clean off the dust on the terminal of the probe connector.
c) If there are any stains, use the mild soap-suds to clean off the dust on the appearance
of the cables and connector cover. Then air dry it.
NOTE: the probe connector cannot be clean with wet cloth.
6. Holder cleaning
Tool: dry soft cloth, soft brush, mild soap-suds
a) Use soft dry cloth to clean off the dust on probe and gel holder and its gap; use the soft
brush to clean off the dust from gaps and probe holders of smaller intracavity probes.
b) If there are ant stains, remove the probe holder. Use mild soap-suds to clean off the
stains. Re-install it after being air dried.
c) Gel heater: unplug the cable of gel heater, and take off the heater. Use the mild
soap-suds to clean the heater. Use soft brush to clean the holes. Use soap-suds to
clean off the stains, and re-install it after air-dry.
7. Device cover cleaning
Tool: dry soft cloth, mild soap-suds
Use soft cloth to clean off the dust on the device cover (the part exposed).Or use mild
soap-suds to clean off the stains, and air dry it.
NOTE: it is preferred to use soft brush to clean off the dust on the port or socket rather than wet
cloth (such as probe socket, IO board and ports and sockets on power supply board).
Color/Black/White Use soft dry cloth to clean off the dust and stains on the
cover. Remove the cover to clean the internal of the printer. It
1. video
is necessary to abide by the operation procedures in
printer Operator’s Manual to clean the printer.
Use soft dry cloth to clean off the dust and stains on the
cover. Remove the cover to clean the internal of the printer. It
2. Graph/text printer
is necessary to abide by the operation procedures in
Operator’s Manual to clean the printer.
Use the dry soft cloth and soap-suds to clean off the dust and
3. Footswitch
stains on footswitch and the cables.
Use dry soft cloth to clean the glass board of the scanner,
and the clean off the dust on the cables and the bracket.
4. Barcode reader
Please abide by the operation manual on the scanner to
perform the cleaning.
12.3 Check
Power a) Visual estimation, check whether there are creases, cracks or aging to the
power supply cable;
2. b) Manual operation, check whether the plug of the power supply is fixed well.
cable and
No loose or crack occurs. The retaining clamp of power supply cable works
socket well.
Checking battery performance routine:
a) Charge the battery when the device is powered on: if the battery capacity
reaches 100% or the battery continues to be charged, it indicates the
3. Battery battery works well. If the battery capacity is less than 90%, the time to
increase 1% of battery capacity is less than 5 minutes. If the battery
capacity is more than 90%, it need more time to charge the battery.
b) In stand-by status, the standby indicator shows the status of the battery.
Control Check by hand to confirm that the support assembly is normal none
4. panel and and the control panel is free of skewness and looseness.
1. Visually check to confirm if any inclination happened to the none
2. Manually operate the monitor to make sure the monitor can none
move normally when it is turned left/ right, lifted/ lowered,
and no abnormal sound exists.
Fixing and 3. Manually turn the monitor supporting arm, the monitor can none
move up or down. When rotate the arm to the position,
5. mechanism
the monitor will be locked in the middle position and can’t
of the
move left or right. Make sure there is no obvious
4. Remove the rear cover of the control panel and neck cover screwdriver
of the monitor, check by a wrench to confirm that the fixing , inner
screw are free of looseness; Visually check to confirm that hexagonal
the cables are not scratched or clipped out that the core wrench 5
can be seen.
1. Hold the lifting arm control handle, make sure that the none
Turning and lifting arm can go up and down normally without abnormal
6. lifting sounds or phenomena
mechanism 2. Hold the handle to make sure that the control panel can
turn smoothly without abnormal sounds or phenomena.
If the strip is not fixed well for a single Replace probe assembly
probe, the probe board may go wrong.
3 Noise appears Probe malfunction. Replace with different Replace the probe;
in B image probes to check the error.
Other electrical equipment in the voltage Confirm the cause of the
is working, so that the probe may be failure by turning off
influenced by common-mode interference electrical equipment of all
on the floor; peripherals connected to the
Ripple-shaped interference signal system.
appears on the image
MIC malfunction
If MIC works well, the error may Replace PC carrier
4 Self test for Microphone occur to PC carrier board. board
Interface Test: Fail
If the network and the settings
Network disconnected or Replace IO board or
5 work well, the error may occur to
abnormal PC module.
IO board or PC module.
Check the indicator of 3.3 V on IO
board. If the indicator goes Replace PC carrier
brighter or off, the error may board
6 Fail to recognize Wi-Fi occur to PC carrier board.
If the network and the settings
Replace Wi-Fi board
work well, the error may occur to
or PC carrier board.
Wi-Fi board or PC carrier board.
4 Trackball failed or Dirt or obstacles jam in the Open and clean the groove
abnormal trackball groove.
All tests can be performed using commercially available safety analyzer test equipment. These
procedures assume the use of a 601PROXL International Safety Analyzer or equivalent safety
analyzer. Other popular testers complying with IEC 60601-1 used in Europe such as Fluke, Metron,
or Gerb may require modifications to the procedure. Follow the instructions of the analyzer
The consistent use of a safety analyzer as a routine step in closing a repair or upgrade is
emphasized as a mandatory step if an approved agency status is to be maintained. The safety
analyzer also proves to be an excellent troubleshooting tool to detect abnormalities of line voltage
and grounding, as well as total current loads.
Visual Inspection
The Enclosure and Accessories No residue of fluid spillage (e.g., water, coffee,
chemicals, etc.).
Contextual Inspection
Check the labels provided by the manufacturer or the healthcare facility is present and legible.
¾ Main Unit Label
¾ Integrated Warning Labels
¾ Slope and High Voltage Caution Label
¾ Don’t Stress Label
Protective Earth Resistance is measured using the RED test lead attached to the DUT
Protective Earth terminal or Protective Earth Metal enclosure or equipotential terminal. Select the
test current by pressing SOFT KEY 3 to toggle between 1AMP, 10AMP, and 25AMP. The front panel
outlet power is turned off for this test.
The following conditions apply: L1 and L2 Open.
1) First select the test current that will be used for performing the Protective Earth Resistance test
by pressing AMPERES (SOFT KEY 3).
2) Connect the test lead(s) between the RED input jack and the GREEN input jack.
3) Press CAL LEADS. The 601PRO will measure the lead resistance, and if less than 0.150
Ohms, it will store the reading and subtract it from all earth resistance readings taken at the
calibrated current.
4) If the calibration fails, the previously stored readings will be used until a passing calibration has
During Earth Resistance testing, the DUT must be plugged into the 601PRO front outlet. If the
DUT fails Earth Resistance, discontinue tests and label the device defective.
1) From the MAIN MENU, or with the outlet unpowered, plug the DUT into the 601PRO front
panel outlet.
2) Attach the 601PRO RED input lead to the device’s Protective Earth terminal or an exposed
metal area.
4) Press SOFT KEY 3 to select a test current (1AMP, 10AMP, or 25AMP). The selected test
current is displayed in the upper right corner of the display.
5) Press START TEST to start the test. The test current is applied while resistance and current
readings are taken. This takes approximately 5 seconds.
6) Press the print data key at any time to generate a printout of the latest measurement(s).
When "Over" is displayed for Ohms, this signifies that a valid measurement was not obtained
because either an open connection was detected or that the measurement was not within range.
Readings greater than 9.999 Ohms will be displayed as Over.
Once it reaches the limitation, stop using equipment. Check the protective earth connection
between Protective Earth terminal and Protective Earth Metal enclosure and equipotential terminal;
Retest and inform the Customer Service Engineer for analysis and disposal if still fail.
Run an Earth Leakage test on the device being tested before performing any other leakage
Leakage current is measured the following ways:
♦ Earth Leakage Current, leakage current measured through DUT outlet Earth
♦ Earth Leakage Current AP-EARTH (ALL Applied Parts connected to Earth), leakage current
measured through DUT outlet Earth
There is no need to attach a test lead; the 601PRO automatically connects the measuring device
1) From the MAIN MENU, or with the outlet unpowered, plug the DUT into the 601PRO front
panel outlet, and turn on the device.
2) Attach the device's applied parts to the 601PRO applied part terminals if applicable.
3) Press shortcut key 4.The Earth Leakage test appears on the display, and the test begins
¾ SOFT KEY 1 toggles the DUT outlet Polarity from Normal to Off to Reverse.
¾ SOFT KEY 2 toggles the DUT outlet from Earth to No Earth.
¾ SOFT KEY 3 toggles the DUT outlet from L2 to No L2.
¾ SOFT KEY 4 toggles the AP to Earth to No AP to Earth.
4) Press the print data key at any time to generate a printout of the latest measurement.
Check any short-circuits of the Y capacitor on power unit. Replace a new one if any portion
Check any broken of the Power Unit. Replace a new one if any portion defective.
Inspect mains wiring for bad crimps, poor connections, or damage.
Test the wall outlet; verify it is grounded and is free of other wiring abnormalities. Notify the user
or owner to correct any deviations. As a work around, check the other outlets to see if they could be
used instead.
Change another probe to confirm if the fail is caused by console.
Inspect mains wiring for bad crimps, poor connections, or damage.
If the leakage current measurement tests fail on a new unit and if situation cannot be corrected,
submit a Safety Failure Report to document the system problem. Remove unit from operation.
If all else fails, stop using and inform the Customer Service Engineer for analysis and
Patient leakage currents are measured between a selected applied part and mains earth. All
measurements may have either a true RMS or a DC-only response.
If all of the applied parts correspond to the instrument type, the applied parts will be tied
together and one reading will be taken. If any of the applied parts differ from the instrument type, all
applied parts will be tested individually, based on the type of applied part. This applies to Auto and
Step modes only.
1) From the MAIN MENU, or with the outlet unpowered, plug the DUT into the 601PRO front
panel outlet, and turn on the device.
3) Press shortcut key 6. The Patient Leakage test is displayed, and the test begins immediately.
4) Press APPLIED PART (SOFT KEY 4) at any time to select the desired applied part leakage
5) Modify the configuration of the front panel outlet by pressing the appropriate SOFT KEY on the
6) Press the print data key at any time to generate a printout of the latest measurement.
1, In addition to Probes ,Patient leakage current test should be perform if ECG or PCG parts
2, If the current test standard being used does not include Patient Leakage DC readings, or the
DC option is not enabled, then DC readings will not be available through the APPLIED PART SOFT
KEY selections. Refer to Chapter 8, Standards and Principles.
Check any broken of the Applied parts. Replace any defective one.
Check any broken of the ECG/PCG module if used, Replace any defective one.
Check any broken of the Power Unit. Replace a new one if any portion defective.
Inspect wiring for bad crimps, poor connections, or damage.
Test the wall outlet; verify it is grounded and is free of other wiring abnormalities. Notify the user
or owner to correct any deviations. As a work around, check the other outlets to see if they could be
used instead.
Change another probe to confirm if the fail is caused by console.
Inspect wiring for bad crimps, poor connections, or damage.
If the leakage current measurement tests fail on a new unit and if situation can not be
corrected, submit a Safety Failure Report to document the system problem. Remove unit from
If all else fails, stop using and inform the Customer Service Engineer for analysis and disposal.
All countries
The Mains on Applied Part test applies a test voltage, which is 110% of the mains voltage,
through a limiting resistance, to selected applied part terminals. Current measurements are then
taken between the selected applied part and earth. Measurements are taken with the test voltage
(110% of mains) to applied parts in the normal and reverse polarity conditions as indicated on the
The following outlet conditions apply when performing the Mains on Applied Part test.
Normal Polarity;
Reversed Polarity
To perform a calibration from the Mains on Applied Part test, press CAL (SOFT KEY 2).
1) Disconnect ALL patient leads, test leads, and DUT outlet connections.
2) Press CAL to begin calibration, as shown:
If the calibration fails, the previously stored readings will be used until a passing calibration has
occurred. Also, the esc/stop key has no effect during calibration.
3) When the calibration is finished, the Mains on Applied Part test will reappear.
1) A 2-beep-per-second signal indicates high voltage present at the applied part terminals while a
calibration is being performed.
2) High voltage is present at applied part terminals while measurements are being taken.
1) From the MAIN MENU, or with the outlet unpowered, plug the DUT into the 601
2) Attach the applied parts to the 601PRO applied part terminals.
3) Attach the red terminal lead to a conductive part on the DUT enclosure.
4) Press shortcut key 7. The Mains on Applied Part test is displayed.
5) Select the desired outlet configuration and applied part to test using the appropriate SOFT
6) Press START TEST (SOFT KEY 1) to begin the test.
7) Press the print data key to generate a printout of the latest measurement.
1, In addition to Probes ,Patient leakage current test should be perform if ECG or PCG parts
2, If all of the applied parts correspond to the instrument type, the applied parts will be tied
together and one reading will be taken. If any of the applied parts differ from the instrument type, all
applied parts will be tested individually, based on the type of applied part. This applies to Auto and
Step modes only.
Check any broken of the Applied part. Replace any defective one.
Check any broken of the ECG/PCG module if used, Replace any defective one.
Check any broken of the Power Unit. Replace a new one if any portion defective.
Inspect wiring for bad crimps, poor connections, or damage.
Test the wall outlet; verify it is grounded and is free of other wiring abnormalities. Notify the user
or owner to correct any deviations. As a work around, check the other outlets to see if they could be
used instead.
Change another probe to confirm if the fail is caused by console.
Inspect wiring for bad crimps, poor connections, or damage.
If the leakage current measurement tests fail on a new unit and if situation can not be
corrected, submit a Safety Failure Report to document the system problem. Remove unit from
If all else fails, stop using and inform the Customer Service Engineer for analysis and disposal.
All countries:
Patient Auxiliary currents are measured between any selected ECG jack and the remaining
selected ECG jacks. All measurements may have either a true RMS or a DC-only response.
1) From the MAIN MENU, or with the outlet unpowered, plug the DUT into the 601PRO front
panel outlet, and turn on the device.
2) Attach the patient leads to the 601PRO ECG jacks.
3) Define the Lead Types from the View Settings Option (refer to: Lead Type Definitions in Section
5 of this chapter).
4) Press shortcut key 8. The Patient Auxiliary Current test is displayed, and the test begins
immediately. Display values are continuously updated until another test is selected.
If the current test standard being used does not include Patient Auxiliary Current DC readings,
or the DC option is not enabled, then DC readings will not be available through the APPLIED PART
SOFT KEY selections.
Check any broken of the AC cable. Replace a new one if any portion defective.
Check any broken of the enclosure. Replace any defective part.
Inspect wiring for bad crimps, poor connections, or damage.
Test the wall outlet; verify it is grounded and is free of other wiring abnormalities. Notify the user
or owner to correct any deviations. As a work around, check the other outlets to see if they could be
used instead.
Change another probe to confirm if the fail is caused by console.
Inspect wiring for bad crimps, poor connections, or damage.
If the leakage current measurement tests fail on a new unit and if situation can not be
corrected, submit a Safety Failure Report to document the system problem. Remove unit from
If all else fails, stop using and inform the Customer Service Engineer for analysis and disposal.
All countries
□ Opened repair type, not modify the power part Test item: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
including transformer or patient circuit board
□ Opened repair type, modify the power part including Test item: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
transformer or patient circuit board
Location: Technician:
7 Mains on Applied Part Leakage □BF___μA
BF applied part: 5000μA
Patient Normal condition(NC) □BF___μA Max:
8 Single Fault BF applied part:
Leakage □BF___μA
condition(SFC) NC:100μA, SFC: 500μA
The equipment which sell to America shall comply with the requirement of UL60601-1,
others shall comply with the requirement of IEC60601-1.
Name/ Signature: ____________________ Date:_____________________________
on the simulation keyboard blinks, which indicates that the system receives data from the
trackball and the trackball has been tested already.
The encoder rotation test: the icon on the simulation keyboard corresponds to the
encoder on the real keyboard. When the user rotates the encoder towards one exact direction, the
corresponding dark green ball around the encoder on the simulation keyboard will rotate to the
same direction. The encoder panel turns to white when pressing the encoder.
Encoder button test: encoder panel turns to white when pressing the encoder.
All orange controls indicate that all keys have the corresponding orange indicators.
TGC test: 8 TGC sliders on the keyboard correspond to controls on the simulation keyboard.
When moving TGC sliders on the keyboard, the corresponding controls on the simulation
keyboard move as well.