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System impact of heat exchanger pressure loss in ORCs for smelter off-
gas waste heat recovery
Monika Nikolaisen a, *, Trond Andresen a
SINTEF Energy Research, Department of Gas Technology, Sem Sælands Vei 11, 7034, Trondheim, Norway
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Applying Rankine cycles to smelter off-gas could increase the required off-gas fan power in an order of
Received 9 February 2020 magnitude equivalent to the power production. Predicting the fan power is not straightforward since it is
Received in revised form affected in two contradictory ways: 1) the heat recovery heat exchanger creates additional off-gas
10 September 2020
pressure loss, increasing fan power; 2) off-gas cooling reduces pressure loss in the off-gas handling
Accepted 27 September 2020
system downstream of the cycle, reducing fan power. The purpose of our study is to analyze the effect of
Available online 6 October 2020
fan power on optimum system performance. While additional fan power can be calculated based on heat
exchanger pressure loss, the reduction in fan power depends on the total pressure loss downstream of
Waste heat recovery
the cycle, which is unknown. As an alternative to calculating fan power reduction, we account for the off-
Aluminum smelter off-gas gas cooling effect by including only parts of the fan power caused by heat exchanger pressure loss.
ORC optimization Results from three cases show that both heat exchanger and cycle performance strongly depend on the
Heat exchanger pressure loss potential for downstream pressure loss reduction. Thus, the total pressure loss in the downstream off-gas
Hydrocarbon working fluid handling system has a significant impact on the optimum heat exchanger and cycle performance, and
should be accounted for during system design.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
1. Introduction industry owing to the low quality of rejected heat and a lack of
nearby demand for heat [5]. Further research is necessary to pave
The aluminum industry is one of the most energy intensive the way for cost-efficient and large-scale surplus heat utilization in
industries in the world [1], and accounts for around 3.5% of global the aluminum industry.
electricity consumption and 1% of global CO2 emissions [2,3]. In An option for more widespread utilization of surplus heat in the
Norway, aluminum production represents about 17% of all inland aluminum industry is conversion into electric power, or "heat-to-
electricity consumption [4]. Still, the aluminum industry is ex- power" conversion. Heat-to-power conversion can be realized us-
pected to consume even more energy in the future, as the demand ing Rankine cycles, also known as organic Rankine cycles (ORCs)
for aluminum is projected to increase 2e3 times by 2050 [2]. The when utilizing an organic working fluid. Research on Rankine cy-
industry has targeted a 50% reduction in emissions by 2050, cles covers a broad range of application areas and research topics. A
meaning that, in practice, the specific emissions have to be reduced few examples include power production from engine waste heat
by at least 75% [2]. [8,9], geothermal heat [10,11] and solar heat [12], and evaluation of
Around half of the energy input to aluminum smelters is lost to expander technology [13e15], cycle architecture [16,17], and
the surroundings as surplus heat [5e7]. Recovering this surplus thermo-economic analysis [10,18,19]. Our article focuses on the
heat could significantly improve energy efficiency and reduce particular challenges concerning application of Rankine cycles for
emissions in the aluminum industry. The two most efficient ways of surplus heat-to-power conversion in the aluminum industry.
utilizing surplus heat are direct re-use at the same temperature However, results could also be valid for other industries with
level and upgrading to a higher temperature level using a heat similar heat source characteristics and boundary conditions.
pump. However, such reutilization is limited in the aluminum There are several potential surplus heat sources that can be
recovered at primary aluminium production facilities. Our study
focuses on surplus heat originating from the electrolytic reduction
* Corresponding author. process. This process takes place in a series of aluminum electrol-
E-mail addresses: monika.nikolaisen@sintef.no (M. Nikolaisen), trond. ysis cells, as illustrated in Fig. 1. In this example, the electrolysis
andresen@sintef.no (T. Andresen).
0360-5442/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M. Nikolaisen and T. Andresen Energy 215 (2021) 118956
Wet scrubber
and stack
Fan Gas
Off-gas duct system
electrolysis cell
cells are organized in clusters of eight, and a duct system transports total energy content in the gas could be significant and in some
the off-gas from the cells to a gas treatment center, fan, wet cases larger than that dispersed through the sidewalls [22]. Utili-
scrubber and stack. The fan recovers the total off-gas pressure loss zation of the off-gas also has several practical advantages. First of
through the system. Surplus heat from the electrolysis cells mainly all, the off-gas is considered the most easily accessible heat source
takes the form of heat dissipation through the steel shell of the at aluminum facilities since it is already collected in ducts and
electrolysis cells, and as heat contained in the warm off-gas exiting chimneys [7,22]. Moreover, off-gas utilization requires no or only
the cells. minimal structural modifications to the electrolysis cells, and does
Utilization of surplus heat dispersed through the sidewalls of not have a significant influence on the thermal energy balance of
aluminum electrolysis cells has been investigated in several the cells [27,28]. We focus on off-gas surplus heat utilization due to
research articles [1,20,21]. This heat source has a relatively high its practical advantages and significant energy content. However,
exergy content, i.e. potential for power production, owing to the other heat sources at aluminum plants are also important to
temperature level of the rejected heat, which typically ranges be- investigate to maximize surplus heat recovery.
tween 200 and 350 C [1,22]. However, recovering heat from the Conversion of surplus heat to power is challenging in general
electrolysis sidewalls is challenging because it can affect the ther- because of low cost-efficiencies [1]. Surplus heat sources with low
mal energy balance of the electrolysis process itself, the sidewalls specific energy density,1 such as aluminum smelter off-gas, intro-
are difficult to access and the smelter environment is chemically duce additional challenges; the heat recovery heat exchanger will
reactive [1]. Moreover, utilizing the heat rejected through the create additional off-gas pressure loss and thereby contribute to
sidewalls would require new infrastructure in connection to a large additional fan power consumption. Due to the large volume flow of
number of electrolysis cells, as evident from Fig. 1. the gas, the additional fan power could be significant compared to
Recovering the heat contained in the electrolysis off-gas is an the power production, and in some cases equal in magnitude to the
interesting alternative to utilization of heat rejected from the power output [7]. Thus, accounting for fan power during power
sidewalls. The off-gas mainly consists of air infiltrated into the cells cycle optimization is critical to system performance. As can be seen
and CO2 released in the electrolytic reduction process [5]. Air in the following, previous research has been insufficient in ac-
infiltration is necessary for operational reasons and to limit fluoride counting for the off-gas fan power during Rankine cycle optimi-
emissions, and significantly reduces the temperature of the off-gas zation. Even when the change in fan power has been calculated, the
[23]. The off-gas typically exits the cells at a temperature in the
range 150e180 C, depending on ambient temperature and other
factors [24e26]. Since the off-gas has a relatively low temperature, 1
Aluminum electrolysis off-gas is similar to air in thermodynamic properties at
the specific potential for power production is limited. However, the approximately atmospheric pressure and a temperature in the range of 150e180 C.
M. Nikolaisen and T. Andresen Energy 215 (2021) 118956
analyses are limited by fixed heat recovery heat exchanger pa- gas fan. Thus, the results cannot be generalized to plants with
rameters. Note that auxiliary power on the heat sink side could also different pressure loss in the gas collection and treatment system.
be of a significant magnitude, especially in the case of air cooling. Yu et al. [7] accounted for the change in off-gas fan power during
However, our study involves a water heat sink with a relatively Rankine cycle optimization. They formulated an equation for net
small ratio of pumping power to net power. power that included the additional fan power due to off-gas heat
Research on off-gas heat-to-power conversion has covered exchanger pressure loss, as well as the reduction in fan power due
different topics, such as optimization of Rankine cycle working fluid to off-gas cooling. They optimized the Rankine cycle using a multi-
and operating conditions [29,30]. The effect of an off-gas cooling objective optimization approach with the purpose of finding an
limit has also been investigated, which is necessary to avoid optimal compromise between net power, exergy efficiency and
corrosion problems caused by condensation of acidic components heat transfer surface area. The resulting net power was 1.2 MW,
[31]. Ladam et al. [31] investigated the effect of such a cooling limit accounting for 2.4 MW additional fan power due to off-gas heat
on Rankine cycles that recover heat from the source both directly exchanger pressure loss, and 1.3 MW reduction in fan power due to
and indirectly through an indirect heat transfer loop. Their results off-gas cooling. Although the study accounted for the change in fan
showed that the cooling limit had less impact on indirect cycles power during optimization, the analysis involved several simplifi-
than direct cycles, but the latter achieved higher power output. cations, such as fixed heat exchanger geometries (i.e. no heat
Other studies have analyzed the potential for implementation of exchanger geometry optimization) and a fixed off-gas pressure loss
Rankine cycles at existing aluminum plants in the Nordic countries. and heat transfer coefficient. Thus, the optimization tool had
For instance, Yu et al. [7] investigated both Rankine cycles and limited freedom to optimize performance, and there may be a
combined heat and power cycles at Alcoa’s plant in Fjardaal, Ice- higher net power with a more optimal compromise between power
land. They found that the Rankine cycles achieved the highest production and fan power. Furthermore, the results are only valid
exergy efficiency, whereas the combined heat and power cycles for the specific evaluated aluminum production facility. In any case,
achieved the highest energy efficiency. Another example is it is worth noting that the net increase in fan power, 1.1 MW, was
Børgund [32], who evaluated implementation of Rankine cycles at approximately the same as the net power, demonstrating the
Hydro’s plant in Øvre Årdal, Norway. One of her findings was that importance of accounting for fan power during cycle optimization.
Rankine cycles were more suitable than other power cycles, such as While a few studies have accounted for the change in off-gas fan
Stirling engines, steam cycles and Kalina cycles. A similar conclu- power in Rankine cycle analysis, the performance of the heat re-
sion was reached by Kolasin ski [33], who concluded that the covery heat exchanger has not been optimized. Furthermore, no in-
Rankine cycle was a promising technology for heat-to-power con- depth analysis has been made of how fan power affects system
version in the metal smelting industry. performance under different boundary conditions. To close this
The design of heat exchangers for off-gas heat recovery is also an research gap, our study evaluates the effect of fan power on opti-
important research topic, since such heat exchangers are prone to mum system performance by optimizing both heat exchangers and
fouling and abrasion [34]. Fouling of heavy dust particles is critical cycle operating conditions simultaneously. We do not evaluate a
to performance and should be avoided, as it reduces heat transfer specific nominal pressure loss in the downstream gas collection
coefficient, increases pressure drop and requires expensive main- and treatment system. Instead, we evaluate different downstream
tenance [28]. We have assumed that fouling does not affect the conditions, and thus different potential for fan power reduction, by
performance of the heat recovery heat exchanger based on the including only parts of the fan power caused by heat exchanger
assumption that fouling can be avoided using circular channels pressure loss. The underlying assumption is that the part of fan
without surface enhancements [24,35]. power from heat exchanger pressure loss that is not included can
Our scope is to investigate the effect of off-gas fan power on be compensated for by an equivalent reduction in fan power from
optimum system performance, which is not a trivial task. As off-gas cooling. We analyze the two extreme cases, which include
mentioned, fan power increases due to off-gas pressure loss in the none and all of the fan power from heat exchanger pressure loss,
heat recovery heat exchanger. At the same time, off-gas cooling respectively. The optimal solution will lie somewhere between
contributes to a reduction in fan power, due to reduced volume flow these two extremities, depending on conditions in the downstream
in the downstream gas collection and treatment system [7,32]. The off-gas handling system. In addition to the two extreme cases, we
magnitude of the fan power reduction is not only dependent on the analyze a case that includes half of the fan power from heat
reduction in off-gas temperature and volume flow, but also on the exchanger pressure loss, representing a more practical solution.
total pressure loss in the downstream gas collection and treatment The analysis may contribute to improving the energy recovery
system, since fan power is proportional to both volume flow and potential in the smelting industry by enabling a better under-
pressure loss. Another important effect is that power production standing of how Rankine cycles and heat exchangers should be
can increase with higher off-gas pressure loss through the heat designed for optimum performance.
recovery heat exchanger, due to the positive correlation between
heat exchanger pressure loss and heat transfer coefficient [36]. 2. Methods
Some research articles have calculated the change in fan power
when implementing a Rankine cycle for heat-to-power conversion 2.1. Case description
from aluminum smelter off-gas. For example, Børgund [32] found
that Rankine cycle implementation resulted in a net decrease in fan Fig. 2 shows a sketch of a generic aluminum production facility
power compared to the baseline scenario. However, the cycle she in a scenario with heat-to-power conversion from the electrolysis
evaluated was not optimized, but rather simulated based on a off-gas. Several Rankine cycles are placed throughout the plant to
number of fixed parameters, such as an off-gas heat exchanger recover surplus heat close to the cells at a high off-gas temperature.
pressure loss of 1000 Pa and a pinch point temperature difference For simplicity, the system boundary of the analysis only encom-
of 15 C in the heat recovery heat exchanger. Børgund stressed that passes one Rankine cycle, recovering surplus heat from a cluster of
the calculated effect on fan power should only be seen as a pre- eight electrolysis cells. Due to the methodology used, considering
liminary indication due to the simplifications made. Furthermore, more or all the Rankine cycles would have no effect on optimization
the analysis is only valid for the specific evaluated aluminum plant, results.
with a nominal pressure difference of about 5000 Pa across the off- The off-gas exits the cells at a temperature of 150 C and is
M. Nikolaisen and T. Andresen Energy 215 (2021) 118956
Wet scrubber
and stack
Fan Gas
treatment System boundary
Off-gas duct system
center 80 °C
150 °C
Fig. 2. Sketch of a generic primary aluminum production facility with heat-to-power conversion from off-gas.
collected in a duct system that transports the off-gas to the gas Table 2
treatment center, fan, wet scrubber and stack. The fan recovers the Heat sink specifications.
total off-gas pressure loss through the system. When there is no Heat sink Unit Value
surplus heat recovery, we refer to this pressure loss as the nominal Fluid e Water
pressure loss. Implementing a Rankine cycle will affect the nominal Inlet temperature ( C) 10
pressure loss and thereby the fan power in two ways: 1) additional Mass flow (kg/s) 23
pressure loss through the heat recovery heat exchanger, increasing Pressure (bar) 5.0
fan power, and 2) reduction in pressure loss due to off-gas cooling,
reducing fan power. Both effects are accounted for in our study.
Table 1 and Table 2 show the heat source and heat sink speci- adapted from a direct cycle to an indirect cycle, and a heat source
fications, respectively. The off-gas heat source is modelled as air, fan has been added. The heat exchangers modelled by Hagen et al.
which is assumed to provide sufficient thermodynamic accuracy. [36] were only geometrically described on the working fluid sides,
We have imposed a lower cooling limit of 80 C on the off gas to with the exception of the recuperator, which was described on both
avoid condensation of acidic components. The acid dew point de- sides. In our model, all heat exchangers are geometrically described
pends on many factors and is difficult to determine, and 80 C on both sides. The modifications to the model and assumptions
represents a typical conservative limit [37,38]. The heat sink is made by Hagen et al. [36] are summarized in Table 3. REPROP 9 was
cooling water at 10 C, which is a representative annual mean used for calculating thermodynamic properties [39] in both
temperature in the Nordic countries. The heat sink mass flow was models.
set to 23 kg/s, which was the optimal value resulting from pre- The cycle model contains several heat exchangers, as well as
liminary system optimizations, as described in Section 3 Results pumps, an expander, and a heat source fan. The heat exchanger
and discussion. model is described in Section 2.2 Heat exchanger model. The
models for the expander, pumps, and fan require the inlet state and
The modelled Rankine cycle is sketched in Fig. 3. Heat is Heat source fan Off-gas heat
recovered indirectly from the heat source through a heat recovery source
heat exchanger (HRHE). A heat source fan is located downstream of Heat recovery
the HRHE to calculate the additional fan power caused by off-gas heat exchanger
heat exchanger pressure loss. The indirect heat transfer loop uses Indirect
pressurized water as heat transfer fluid, which is commonly used in fluid pump Indirect loop
industrial applications of aluminum off-gas energy recovery
[23,26]. An indirect system solution was chosen since the working
fluid is a flammable hydrocarbon, which receives heat from the
indirect fluid through the evaporator and produces power in a Working fluid
Rankine cycle. Excess heat is transferred to the heat sink in the Expander
condenser. The model is generic with respect to subcritical and
transcritical operation, which for all simulations in this work is
M. Nikolaisen and T. Andresen Energy 215 (2021) 118956
Table 3
Modifications to the method used by Hagen et al. [36].
Table 6
Objective function, optimization variables and constraints.
Symbol Description
M. Nikolaisen and T. Andresen Energy 215 (2021) 118956
Table 7 the cases only involve different formulations of fan power from
Fixed parameters. heat exchanger pressure loss. The change in expander and pumping
Parameter Unit Value power indicates a coupling between cycle and heat exchanger
Pumps Isentropic efficiency e 0.70
performance. Table 9 shows the optimized process and heat re-
Motor efficiency e 0.95 covery heat exchanger parameters, which demonstrate the
Expander Isentropic efficiency e 0.85 connection between heat exchanger and process parameters. For
Generator efficiency e 0.95 example, off-gas pressure loss, overall heat transfer coefficient and
Fan Isentropic efficiency e 0.90
heat duty in the HRHE decrease from Case 1 to 3, while the surface
Motor efficiency e 0.95
Heat exchangers Total heat transfer surface area (m2) 750 area and minimum temperature difference increase. At the same
HRHE Hydraulic diameter, cold side (mm) 10 time, expander inlet enthalpy and pressure decrease, explaining
Hydraulic diameter, hot side (mm) 60 the reduction in expander power. Since working fluid outlet pres-
Max HRHE off-gas pressure loss (Pa) 5000
sure from the condenser is fixed, a lower expander inlet pressure is
Evaporator Hydraulic diameter, cold side (mm) 10
Hydraulic diameter, hot side (mm) 20
coupled to a smaller pressure lift in the working fluid pump and
Condenser Hydraulic diameter, hot side (mm) 20 therefore lowers the pumping power. Since these parameters are all
Hydraulic diameter, cold side (mm) 20 the result of a complex overall system optimization, it is difficult to
Cold side cross-sectional flow area (cm2) 100 identify a direct link between the different parameters. However, it
Working fluid outlet pressure (bar) 10
is obvious that there is a connection between heat exchanger and
Recuperator Hydraulic diameter, hot side (mm) 20
Hydraulic diameter, cold side (mm) 10 cycle performance, and that optimum heat exchanger and cycle
design both depend on plant-specific factors outside the system
As mentioned, the surface area of the heat recovery heat
optimal design of the heat recovery heat exchanger. Instead, we
exchanger increases from Case 1 to Case 3. This is likely caused by
should allow the optimizer to choose the most optimal off-gas
the reduction in off-gas pressure loss and overall heat transfer co-
pressure loss based on the effect on fan power, as done in Case 2.
efficient, which can be observed in Table 9. Observe also that the
In Case 2, half of the fan power from off-gas heat exchanger
_ HRHE length decreases from Case 1 to Case 3, even though the
pressure loss was included during optimization, i.e. DW ¼ fan;net surface area increases. This is because the optimizer instead
0:5,DW _
fan;HRHE . With this formulation of fan power, the optimizer chooses to increase cross-sectional flow areas, which more than
has an incentive to reduce off-gas pressure loss, yielding a signifi- doubles on the off-gas side from Case 1 to Case 3. This indicates that
cantly lower pressure loss and fan power than in Case 1. Net power optimizing only heat exchanger length would not provide a suffi-
is lower than in Case 1, not only because we have included fan cient degree of heat exchanger design freedom.
power in the calculation of net power, but also because expander The cross-sectional flow area on the hot side of the heat re-
power is lower. covery heat exchanger is between 100 and 200 times larger than
Case 3 accounts for the entire fan power from heat exchanger the flow area on the cold side. This is a relatively high ratio, but
pressure loss during optimization. This represents the strictest could be possible in novel heat exchanger concepts for smelter off-
boundary conditions, where a potential reduction in fan power is gas heat recovery [45].
disregarded. As a result, the optimizer chooses an even lower off- Table 10 shows the optimized evaporator, condenser and recu-
gas pressure loss and equivalent fan power than in Case 2. This perator parameters. Observe that the heat transfer surface areas of
case results in the lowest net power, both because of a high net fan these heat exchangers decrease from Case 1 to Case 3, which is
power and a low expander power. coupled to the increasing area requirement of the heat recovery
Case 1 and Case 3 account for no and all of the fan power from heat exchanger and a fixed total area. Note also that the optimized
off-gas pressure loss, respectively. In practice, the optimal system recuperator length is above zero, implying that recuperation
solution will lie somewhere between Case 1 and Case 3, depending resulted in higher net power.
on the potential for reduction in fan power. We need more Since several process and geometry parameters were optimized
knowledge of processes downstream of the system boundary to simultaneously, there is a possibility that the global optimum so-
calculate the exact fan power reduction. However, we can identify lution has not been found. To simplify the optimization problem,
two important factors that will impact the fan power reduction. The
first is the value of pressure loss through the main processes such as
the gas treatment center, wet scrubber and stack. If this pressure
Table 9
loss is high, off-gas cooling has the potential to yield a higher fan Optimized process and heat recovery heat exchanger parameters.
power reduction. The other factor is the design of the duct system
and the position of the heat recovery heat exchanger in the system; Unit Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
placing this unit close to the electrolysis cells will give a higher Process
potential for pressure loss reduction in the ducts and vice versa. m_ wf (kg/s) 2.0 2.0 2.0
Investigating these factors is an interesting path for future work. m_ ind (kg/s) 2.8 3.2 3.3
hin;exp (kJ/kg) 740 720 720
Expander and pumping power differ in Cases 1e3, even though
pin;exp (bar) 51 47 45
Tin;HRHE;cold ( C) 65 64 65
L (m) 35 22 18
Table 8
Ac;hot (cm2) 4200 7100 9000
Main results from system optimization.
Ac;cold (cm2) 39 50 53
Cases W_ net W_ exp W_ pumps DW_ f an;net DW_ f an;HRHE DpHRHE AHRHE (m2) 510 560 570
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (Pa) Q_ (kW) 850 850 820
U (W/m2K) 120 80 68
Case 1 118 147 29.2 0.00 71.1 5000
Dphot (Pa) 5000 1200 680
Case 2 99.3 135 26.8 8.75 17.5 1230
Dpcold (kPa) 23 12 9
Case 3 93.1 129 25.7 9.72 9.72 680
DTmin ( C) 13 16 18
M. Nikolaisen and T. Andresen Energy 215 (2021) 118956
hydraulic diameter from Case 1 to Case 3, but Table 13 shows a Case 1 55.9
small impact on net power (only 0.2%) and other optimization re- Case 2 60.7
Case 3 66.7
sults. In fact, net power is reduced in two out of three cases, indi-
Fixed value 60
cating reduced probability of finding the global optimum with an
excessive number of optimization variables. These observations
also indicate that optimizing hydraulic diameters is not critical to
heat exchanger performance, and supports the assumption that Table 13
sufficient heat exchanger optimization flexibility can be achieved Change in system optimization result when adding condenser working fluid outlet
pressure, heat sink mass flow and off-gas side hydraulic diameter as optimization
by optimizing only the cross-sectional flow-area and heat
exchanger length.
Cases W_ net W_ exp W_ pumps DW_ f an;net DW_ f an;HRHE DpHRHE
M. Nikolaisen and T. Andresen Energy 215 (2021) 118956
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