Final Report: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Final Report: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Final Report: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
N x + (L+R)y
C .G. = L+R+N
𝑥: Distance of nose wheel from reference point
𝑦: Distance of rear wheel from reference point
𝐿: Reaction on left rear wheel
𝑅: Reaction on right rear wheel
𝑁: Reaction on nose wheel
𝑃𝑥: Represent number of persons
Data given:
Distance of nose wheel from reference point (𝑥) : 0.3607 m
Distance of rear wheel from reference point (𝑦) : 2.7831 m
Le main Right main Total
Nose wheel wheel wheel C.G. weight
x(m) y(m) Reac on (kg) reac on (kg) reac on (kg) Posi on (kg)
P6 0.3607 2.7831 279 650 656 2.356696 1585
P5 0.3607 2.7831 313 595 611 2.283948 1519
P4 0.3607 2.7831 346 550 558 2.206655 1454
P3 0.3607 2.7831 354 513 530 2.169263 1397
P2 0.3607 2.7831 362 484 485 2.124265 1331
279(0.03607) + (650+656)(2.7831)
C .G.P 6 = 1585
= 2.356696
313(0.03607) + (595+611)(2.7831)
C .G.P 5 = 1519
= 2.283948
346(0.03607) + (550+558)(2.7831)
C .G.P 4 = 1454
= 2.206655
354(0.03607) + (513+530)(2.7831)
C .G.P 3 = 1397
= 2.169263
362(0.03607) + (484+485)(2.7831)
C .G.P 2 = 1331
= 2.124265
Experiment 2
Drag polar estimation using Cessna 206H at cruise mode
Table: Observed data from the cockpit during flight
Table: Airspeed conversion
S.No EAS in knots TAS in knots CAS in knots CAS in ms-1
1 102 102.9665 102.9665 52.96597
2 105 105.9949 105.9949 54.52378
3 108 109.0234 109.0234 56.08164
4 114 115.0802 115.0802 59.19725
Table: TOAS( °𝑪), MP in inch of Hg & RPM
S.No V in knots TOAS (°C) MP in inch of Hg RPM
1 102 20 21.1 2260
2 105 20 21.4 2270
3 110 19 21.7 2350
4 115 19 22.5 2380
Table: B.H.P*V & V4 Calculations
S.No VCAS in ms-1 BHP in Wa s BHP*V in W ms-1 VCAS4 in (ms-1)4 RPM
1 52.96597 129867.914 6878580.038 7870235.372 2260
2 54.52378 132297.1842 7213342.568 8837793.038 2270
3 56.08164 139355.2502 7815270.974 9891970.693 2350
4 59.19725 146337.3595 8662769.256 12280219.47 2380
SLOPE = 0.411
INTERCEPT = 3.65 x 106
𝐶D0 = 2 * 0.4538/1.3219 * 16.3 = 0.04212193176
𝐾= 3.65 * 106 * 1.3219 * 16.3/2 * 16000.112 = 0.153604217
Experiment 3
Determination of maximum rate of climb and the
corresponding speed
Data given:
Total Weight of Aircraft = 16000.11 N
Density of air = 1.3219 𝑘𝑔 ⁄ 𝑚3
1 knot = 0.5144 𝑚𝑠-1
Height: (𝐻1 = 500 𝑓𝑡) (𝐻2 = 1000 𝑓𝑡)
Table: Observed Readings
Table: Airspeed conversion
S. No. EAS in knots TAS in knots CAS in knots CAS in 𝒎𝒔−𝟏
1 95 95.90018315 95.90018315 49.33105421
2 100 100.9475612 100.9475612 51.92742549
3 105 105.9949393 105.9949393 54.52379676
4 110 111.0423173 111.0423173 57.12016803
P av = B .H.P
rpm MP TS
B .H.P = rrpm * rM P * T OAS * rHP
Table: Power available Calculation
S. No. Velocity (Vcas) Power (W)
1 49.33105421 203148.01
2 51.92742549 205316.85
3 54.52379676 206087.2697
4 57.12016803 207199.4953
Table: Power Required Calculations
Sl. No. V in 𝒎𝒔−𝟏 Cl Cd Power Required
1 26 2.196949434 0.7835060205 148360.6042
2 32 1.4503299 0.3652217694 128932.6184
3 38 1.028488793 0.2046028133 120953.5452
4 50 0.594055127 0.09632908941 129725
5 62 0.3863521898 0.06505012826 167024.2141
6 74 0.2712085131 0.05342014518 233214.9755
7 80 0.232052784 0.0503932876 277970.6
8 92 0.1754652431 0.04685110631 393042.5274
9 104 0.1373093396 0.04501796336 545559.437
Table: Rate of climb
S. No. Dt Rate of climb
1 32.54 4.683466503
2 35.68 4.271300448
3 38.72 3.935950413
4 40.91 3.72525055
P A −P R
Table: Rate of climb (excess power)
Sl. Velocity Power Power ROC
No. (m/s) Required Available (excess power)
1 26 148360.6042 191890 2.720568537
2 32 128932.6184 194878 4.121558016
3 38 120953.5452 197866 4.80699538
4 50 129725 203842 4.632280654
5 62 167024.2141 209818 2.674593229
Experiment 4
Determination of stick fixed neutral point
(5th February 2021)
N x + (L+R)y
C .G. = L+R+N
𝑥: Distance of nose wheel from reference point
𝑦: Distance of rear wheel from reference point
𝐿: Reaction on left rear wheel
𝑅: Reaction on right rear wheel
𝑁: Reaction on nose wheel
Total Weight of Aircraft = 754 kg
Density of air = 1.3219 kg/m3
Area (S) = 12.7 m2
1 knot = 0.5144 ms-1
Distance of nose wheel from reference point (𝑥) : 0.6 m
Distance of rear wheel from reference point (𝑦) : 1.342 m
Table 1: Center of Gravity
Table 2: Elevator Deflection with CL
From the graph neutral point can be defined as the point at which this straight-line
cross zero
N .P . = 395 = 1.253164
Experiment 5
Determination of maneuvering point
Total Weight of Aircraft = 754 kg
Density of air = 1.3219 kg/m3
Area (S) = 12.7 m2
1 knot = 0.5144 ms-1
Load Factor (n) :
L 1
n= W = cos ϕ
Table 1: Calculation of d𝛿e/dn
CG Bank Angle (Φ) Elevator Deflection (𝛿e) Load Factor (N) d𝛿e/dn
10 1.215 1.015410774
15 1.468 1.035239374
1.235 14.5
25 2.451 1.103264146
30 3.225 1.154523645
10 0.523 1.015410774
15 1.103 1.035239374
1.239 9.44
25 1.502 1.103264146
30 1.998 1.154523645
10 0.412 1.015410774
15 0.498 1.035239374
1.243 2.62
25 0.658 1.103264146
30 0.789 1.154523645
Determining the Maneuvering Point:
Using the graph we can calculate the MP
𝑀𝑃 = 1148.7
= 1.2451
Experiment 6
Determination of Sideslip Coefficient
(12th February 2021)
CL = ρSV CAS 2
C yβ = − C L ( Φβ )
VCAS is the CAS in m/s, CL is the lift coefficient, and Cybeta is the sideslip coefficient
Total Weight of Aircraft (W) = 754 kg
Density of air (rho) = 1.3219 kg/m3
Area (S) = 12.7 m2
g = 9.81 ms-2
1 knot = 0.5144 ms-1
Sl No. EAS (knots) Bank angle (𝝓, deg) Sideslip angle (𝜷, deg) Density (kg/m3)
1 55 5.03 15 1.2972
2 62 5.75 15 1.2972
3 71 6.15 10 1.2972
4 85 6.51 10 1.2972
Table 1: CAS (m/s)
Table 2: CL and CyBeta (sideslip coefficient)
Sl No. CAS (m/s) Bank angle (𝝓) Sideslip (𝜷) CL Sideslip coefficient
1 28.56008402 5.03 15 1.100881888 -0.369162393
2 32.1950038 5.75 15 0.8663287488 -0.332092687
3 36.8684721 6.15 10 0.6606164869 -0.4062791394
4 44.13831166 6.51 10 0.4609228665 -0.3000607861
C L1 = 1.2972×12.70×28.56
2 = 1.1 C yβ1 = − 1.1( 5.03
15 ) = − 0.369
C L2 = 1.2972×12.70×32.192
= 0.86 C yβ2 = − 0.86( 5.75
) = − 0.33
C L3 = 1.2972×12.70×36.862
= 0.66 C yβ3 = − 0.66( 6.15
) = − 0.4
C L4 = 1.2972×12.70×44.13
2 = 0.46 C yβ1 = − 0.46( 6.51
10 ) = − 0.3
Angle of Attack Measurement
The angle of Attack (AoA) is a critical parameter of a fixed-wing aircraft as the lift
and drag are closely related to the AoA. This implies that the aircraft trim and speed
and power consumption are also closely related to the AoA. This makes the
measurement of AoA a critical component of fixed-wing flights.
We will discuss a few ways of measurement for the Angle of Attack:
Pivoted Vane
A pivoted vane is designed
such that it aligns itself with the
direction of the airflow. The two
types of vane installed are (a)
axially mounted vane and (b)
Transversely mounted vane.
The Axially mounted vane is
the one used to measure the
angle of attack. The
Transversely mounted vane is
generally attached to the shaft
to the side of the boom support
in an aircraft. Another vane
(Beta Vane) that is attached at
an angle of 90 degrees to the
alpha vane helps in detecting
the sideslip angle of the
The device also consists of a pitot tube. The differential pressure measured between
the two orifices helps in measuring the angle of attack.
Installing this on the fuselage nose boom is the best location for measurement of