Generalao Preliminary Investigation

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Preliminary Investigation

New Century Health Clinic

In Fulfilment for Midterm Requirements

System Analysis and Design

Dominic Erlind D. Generalao

Professor Lorenz Camacho


July, 2021
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao


NCHC currently is not computerized in any way. Do you think the clinic should computerize all

or part of their office procedures? Explain the reasons for your answer.

Because the solution is largely contingent on the problem that the company or client is facing,

the answer could be somewhere in between the two options. The maintenance of patient records,

inventory of clinical supplies, insurance reporting, and accounting, as I've observed in the client's

business operation, are the most difficult to do manually. As we can see from the company

description, they have a significant number of patients that come to their clinic, and those individuals

are employed by 275 different firms, many of which provide insurance coverage for employee health

and well-being. New Century now has 34 different insurance companies to deal with, making

insurance reporting and accounting difficult for a single person to handle. Another factor to consider is

the number of patients the clinic serves, which makes maintaining the records manually quite difficult.

According to a study conducted by the Department of Nursing Science at the University of Limpopo in

South Africa, nurses working in public hospitals find record-keeping to be a difficult task due to a

variety of issues such as a lack of time to complete records, increased patient admissions, and a lack

of recording materials.

On the other hand, if the NCHC wants to have an effective and efficient clinic not just for their

employees but also for their patients, they should computerize all of their office procedures, assuming

they have the resources to do so.

University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

What types of information systems might help NCHC be more efficient and effective? For each

type of information system listed, provide a specific example on how the system might be of


One of the information systems that could help improve the clinic's effectiveness and efficiency

is the Records Management System. Because they have a patient base of 3500 patients, as

mentioned on their company profile, implementing a records management system is critical to lighten

their workload. For example, if a patient is rushed to their clinic for an emergency and there is no

such system in place, the process of evaluating the patient's background, such as whether they have

allergies or illnesses in their medical history, will be much slower and could put the patient's life in

jeopardy, whereas if there is a records management system in place, the patient's health background

reading will be quick and accurate.

NCHC can also keep accurate and up-to-date stock records with the use of Inventory

Management software. Pharmaceuticals and clinical equipment, in particular. It is one of the most

crucial responsibilities for any medical organization. Because medications and clinical equipment are

the most often used items/things in a medical facility, NCHC should always have a sufficient supply of

medicine on hand. Not only that, but it should also carry immunizations and biodegradable materials

like as masks, syringes, gloves, and other items that are needed during visits or emergencies. We all

know how pricey drugs and tiny surgery equipment can be. As a result, keeping track of these goods

is critical for the healthcare department. The substantial investment is a compelling motivation to

maintain track.
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

The Financial Management System is also necessary for increasing the effectiveness and

efficiency of NCHC's services. The system is a huge help when processing tax and profit distribution

and could monitor the clinic's current expenses, making the clinic adaptable to changes like taxation

or expense increases whenever possible.

Finally, an Insurance Report Management System could keep the clinic efficient and

effective because, according to the company profile, their patients are hired by a large number of

companies, and the clinic is currently dealing with 35 insurance companies, which is a lot for a few

people to handle, so the system is necessary to make the work easier. The clinic's location is near a

shopping centre, which means it's a good place for it to grow because it's convenient for people,

resulting in more families visiting the clinic while also increasing the number of insurance companies

NCHC deals with, necessitating an investment in an insurance report management system.

Based on your recommendations, NCHC has decided to computerize some office procedures.

As a new systems analyst, which operations would you computerize first? Why?

The relevance of having an inventory management system in NCHC or any other healthcare

facility is critical. Inventory control, whether successfully managed and performed or not, has an

impact on facility running costs, staff productivity and responsibility, and overall patient and

healthcare worker peace of mind. As a result, it's an important part of providing a positive and smooth

patient experience. When it comes to inventory management, healthcare facilities frequently confront

a tough battle. From the smallest clinic to the largest hospital, inventory records must be kept as

accurate as possible, especially when it comes to maintaining correct quantities of PPE and

medications. For seamless patient care and a comfortable environment, efficient healthcare inventory

management practices are critical. It's critical to have well-organized and tried-and-true operating
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

procedures. Take bed linens, for example, which are essential for keeping clinic beds clean and

comfortable for patients undergoing treatment. Regardless of which inventory management system

NCHC employs, it must be capable, efficient, and dependable, especially during peak demand



We strive to develop long-term, collaborative relationships based on trust and mutual respect; we

believe in disease prevention and the promotion of healthy lifestyles for all people; We strive a cost-

effective and efficient practice when it comes to fulfilling the requirements of people in both good and

bad health. We believe in the ethical practice of medicine, provide leadership throughout the

community, and provide assistance to people in our community who are in need. We practice

medicine as a team and value the contributions of all of our personnel in providing quality medical

treatment and service.


New Century Health Clinic lead on quality healthcare and service that values diversity, empower

employees via open and honest communication, and works hard to earn the trust of everyone it


Organizational Chart
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

System Request Form

University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

Person Stethoscope Band Aid Color blue

NCHC's clients are represented by the person. The stethoscope signifies the doctors, nurses,

physical therapists, and other NCHC employees who care for the people. The bandage signifies

NCHC's health-care service to the community. Credibility, trust, expertise, power, professionalism,

cleanliness, tranquillity, and attention are all connected with the color blue. Blue is the ideal color for

the NCHC logo since all of these values are appreciated at NCHC.


A. Strengths
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

 They are near a new shopping mall in a busy part of town, which means they have a lot

of potential customers nearby, making them easy to find.

 The clinic is in an ideal location, and many pharmaceutical stores that could be potential

partners can be found nearby.

 The clinic was founded by two cardiologists, implying that the clinic has a solid

foundation because the founders are professionals.

 The clinic has a large patient base, which leads to an increase in finances, which

benefits not only the quality of the employees' work but also the services they provide.

B. Weaknesses
 Because office procedures are not computerized, there is a greater possibility of human

error and a decrease in the speed with which they work.

 The number of employees is not proportional to the number of patients.

 Because the office procedure is not computerized, there is a greater risk of errors.
 Working under pressure may be a difficulty owing to a lack of personnel. When there is

a lot of work to accomplish, the processing time will increase dramatically, which may

lead to errors.

C. Opportunities
 The location is ideal for expanding the clinic.
 Partnership with insurance companies
 They could sell pharmaceutical medications in addition to healthcare services because

their location is good for marketing.

D. Threats
 Cities frequently have many clinics, which could lead to competition.
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

 Because the Clinic is located near a populated location, waste management is a serious


A. Top Managers – Top-level management directives are a primary source of large-scale system

projects. These directives are frequently the result of strategic business decisions that

necessitate the implementation of new IT systems, more information for decision making, or

improved support for mission-critical information systems. In the case of NCHC, the clinic's

founders, Dr. Timothy Jones and Dr. Dolores Garcia, could be the primary sources for such

large-scale system projects, depending on the clinic's situation in terms of the difficulty of using

non-computerized office procedures.

B. User Request – Users are more likely to require additional IT services and assistance as they

rely increasingly heavily on information technology to do their jobs. NCHC, for example, will

require IT services in order to implement such information systems. The lack of computerized

office procedures is the most obvious cause why user requests for information systems are

more likely to be possible, as stated in their company background.

C. Government – the implementation of NCHC's information systems is influenced by federal,

state, and local government rules. Income tax reporting obligations, for example, must be

included into a payroll package.

University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

D. Competitors – Many information system decisions in NCHC may be influenced by

competition. For example, if one clinic has a unique system or service, NCHC must respond

accordingly in order to remain competitive.

E. Customers – Customers are critical to NCHC's success. Customers-facing information

systems are usually given top priority.

F. Economy – The impact of economic activity on system projects is significant. NCHC must be

prepared with a scalable system that can handle increased volume and growth during a period

of economic expansion. Predicting the business cycle isn't an exact science, therefore

thorough research and preparation are essential.


There are a variety of reasons for implementing system projects that could significantly

improve NCHC's personnel performance and patient care. The first rationale is that the information

system will reduce employee workload, potentially improving their service and that of the clinic. The

patient's records, for example, will be secured and conveniently accessible after that. Finally, when

the clinic grows and the patient base expands, it will minimize the cost of future expenses.


University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

The scope of this project is limited to the information provided in the company profile

about the employees’ responsibilities. This project solely covers the hiring of the system

manager; any additional staff must be provided by the clinic. The cost of required hardware

such as computers, printers, and other peripherals is only assessed based on the most cost-

effective and appropriate for the system. The project will solely focus on the system's

deployment and development, not on resolving other clinic issues that cannot be resolved by

software as a service provider.


The limitations in this case are personnel and resources. Although the NCHC's low

employee count isn't an issue, it could nevertheless have an impact on the system's efficiency.

NCHC should provide training to these employees so that they can adjust to the new

computerized office procedure and make the most of the system. Budget, on the other hand,

may have an impact on the project's timeliness. If NCHC wants a specific office procedure to

be computerized right away, they must set aside budgetary resources.


In terms of operational feasibility, given the clinic's existing state, a computerized office

procedure will vastly improve the clinic's efficacy and efficiency once it is designed and

implemented. In terms of technical feasibility, the shift from non-computerized to computerized

office procedures and system operation is achievable; nevertheless, the clinic should teach its

employees to make better use of the system. However, the clinic's budget is not indicated in

the available company profile, but based on the clinic's patient base and location, we can

estimate that the clinic can afford to implement the system. Let us assume, for the sake of
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

argument, that the projects will be implemented one at a time, according to the system's



As part of my investigation, I discovered that one of NCHC's key issues is the lack of a

computerized office procedure. The information system's implementation will have a significant

impact on data security, the effectiveness and efficiency of NCHC services, and employee workload.

NCHC's unproportioned quantity of employees is another concern. Given that NCHC is located in a

city, there is a possibility of increasing the number of customers, they should hire additional

employees to make the number of employees proportional to the number of patients. Competition is

unavoidable for any organization or business, but the impact can be minimized and turned into an

advantage. NCHC must be able to give its patients a unique value proposition. NCHC, on the other

hand, has a strong foundation attributable to its founders and should use it to promote the clinic or

build additional ties with medical institutions, as its founders are professionals. Because of its ideal

location, the clinic can also have a strong marketing plan, which could include working with

pharmaceutical companies or financial institutions to benefit its clients even more.

Outsourcing is beneficial to NCHC since it saves time and money. For example, hiring a third-

party supplier gives you immediate access to a team of highly qualified customer care representatives

that connect with NCHC patients utilizing cutting-edge technology and tactics. Customers receive

better service, agents address issues more quickly, and NCHC don't have to worry about high

turnover or infrastructure costs.

University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

Estimated Time

After two (2) years, the entire project should be fully operational. In the best-case

scenario, depending on the skill level of my team, the number of people on my team, and the clinic's

budget, we can complete it in less time than the projected years.

Estimated Cost

Quantity Cost/Salary Total

5 ₱21,000 ₱105,000

IT System Manager 1 ₱60, 000 ₱60,000

Systems 5 ₱80,000 ₱400,000

Training ₱30,000 ₱30,000

TOTAL ₱595,000

Operational Cost
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

Time (Year) Cost

Labor for IT System 1 ₱595,000


Other expenses 1 ₱160,000

Total ₱755,000



The information system's implementation at NCHC will save money over the long term.

It will also help them do specific tasks faster. The information system will have an impact on

data security, staff satisfaction, and data processing.


NCHC must make strategic decisions based on available facts about the organization's

success in order to thrive. It's critical to use current data to make decisions that will help the

company grow forward. The clinic's information system enables easy access to both historical

and current data, which may be used in decision-making. The value of decision-making

cannot be measured, yet it has a positive impact on the organization.


University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

B. Logo
University of Luzon
New Century Health Clinic
Erlind Generalao

Person Stethoscope Band Aid Color blue

NCHC's clients are represented by the person. The stethoscope signifies the doctors, nurses,

physical therapists, and other NCHC employees who care for the people. The bandage signifies

NCHC's health-care service to the community. Credibility, trust, expertise, power, professionalism,

cleanliness, tranquillity, and attention are all connected with the color blue. Blue is the ideal color for

the NCHC logo since all of these values are appreciated at NCHC.

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