DFLII Brochure

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Philosophy of Education:


A true education aims at the development of the holistic formation of every
human being thus discovering God’s mission to each individual and be able to INSTITUTE INC.
accomplish it at our best with Mary as our guide and Jesus as our model. Recg. No. ER-024, ER-025, SR-008
Educating the whole child – Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically for Cogon, Panitan, Capiz, 5815
the Glory of God..
E-mail: dailie_13@yahoo.com.ph
VISION: WE envisioned that our children to be well-balanced spiritually, Cell. No. 09173282052
physically, emotionally and mentally with a sound judgment who are God
fearing, values laden, country loving concerned for environment, globally
competitive and sensitive to the needs of others, worthy to be emulated as
good Filipino Catholic.

MISSION: To provide wholesome Catholic education through the

1. Equip every Catholic child to be literate through quality teaching.
2. Provide adequate school facilities for their safety and welfare.
3. Offer wholesome curriculum and co-correlate activities that will develop them
to be a holistic individual.
4. Equip them with the latest technology and equipment in order to compete
With the global market
5. Provide programs and activities in helping students discover and develop their
Full potentials in a warm and loving community atmosphere;
6. Provide opportunities in promoting the dignity in service, unselfish love, and
Moral responsibility to God, country, and fellowmen;
7. Inculcate good Catholic values to develop a strong sense of moral leadership
among Individuals;
8. Establish and nurture partnership with the parents, guardians, and COMPENSATION PROGRAM
stakeholders for the holistic growth of each individual. FOR THE Faculty and Staff of the DAILE’S FRANCISCAN LEARNING
Every student of DFLII has this phrase as a guiding principle: “Praise God by Ref. Chapter 3 of the Administrators Manual also found in the
making use of all that He has given you, make a good story out of your life.” TEACHER’S MANUAL chapter 3
“I am third, second my neighbor and God is the first.”
Article 3 schools. Where, however, a teacher who is engaged to undertake
COMPENSATION PROGRAM actual addition teaching work after completing his/her regular
teaching load, such additional work is generally referred to as
As a general rule, every private school shall provide a Overload.
policy where compensation ranges should be so graded taking Overload partakes of the nature of temporary extra
into account performance, merit and differences in the assignment and compensation therefore shall be considered as
qualifications and responsibilities of various positions. an overload honorarium if performed within eight-hour work
period and does not form part of the regular basic pay
SECTION 1 Salary of School Personnel The compensation for extra teaching work/load is based on the
The school adopts a compensation policy based on the basic monthly with the Faculty Category.For overload pay of
Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board. The salary teacher, the school follows the computation of Article 87 of the
should never be below the minimum wage as prescribed by the Labor Code on Overtime pay in an Ordinary day which is as
same board. follows: Monthly Salary divided by thirty (30) days divided by
eight (8) hours times one hundred twenty five percent (125%).
SECTION 2 Salary Deductions
Salary for Summer Assignments
No salary deduction shall be made from the school personnel except:
1. In cases, where the employer is authorized by the law or The salary for teaching per hour in Summer Remedial
regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor (income tax, SSS Classes shall be computed as follows: Sixty percent (60%) of the
premiums, Medicare premiums, Pag-ibig contributions, total tuition fees of all enrollees divided by total number of
employees’ compensation premiums, and retirement plan teaching hours.
contributions – if any). For non-teaching personnel involved will be as follows:
2. When deductions are with the written authorization of the Twenty percent (20%) of the total tuition fees of all enrollees
employees for the payment to other parties and the personnel divided by total salaries of all personnel involved times monthly
agrees to do so. salary of every personnel.
3. When deductions are made for the personnel’s emergency
loans, absences, tardiness and under time. Substitute Pay

Section 3 Other Standard Compensations “Substitute” means, doing an actual teaching in behalf of
Overload Pay an absent teacher during a period. It has to be authorized and
“Overload” means the load in excess of the normal load approved by the School Head.The compensation for substituting
of private school teachers as prescribed by the Department of an absent teacher will be computed as follows: hourly rate time’s
Education or the policies and standards of particular private number of hours.
loss of sight, etc.) or partially (loss of use of one thumb, hand,
foot, etc.).

Summer Allowance for Probationary Teachers

Probationary teachers upon signing an intention to continue d. Retirement Benefit
his/her service to the school for the next school year receive a summer Cash benefit paid to a member who, due to old age, is no
allowance for two months as fixed by the school administrator. longer able to earn a living of her/his ability to earn is diminished.
Employer’s share for the SSS, Medicare and Pag-ibig premiums e. Loans
will also be continued. 1. Salary Loan – for short – term credit needs
2. Educational plan – to help defray school expenses of
Section 4 the member her/himself, he/his children, including
Fringe– Benefits and Services stepchildren and legally adopted children,
Benefits Mandated by Philippines Law brothers/sisters.
f. Burial expense benefits
Social Security System (SSS) Medicare

All employees in the private sector who are not yet 61 years old, All persons subject to compulsory SSS coverage are
regardless of citizenship, nature and duration of employment and automatically covered under the Medicare Law. Medicare is a
manner of payment of source of compensation are covered by health insurance program for SSS member and their dependents
the SSS. An employee once reported to the SSS for coverage that get sick or are referred and require hospitalization.
becomes a covered member and remains so for as long as she/he
lives SSS benefits are: a. To qualify for Medicare a member or his/her legal
a. Sickness Benefits Daily Cash allowance is paid to a dependents must be confined in a hospital due to illness
member of days she/he is unable to work due to sickness or or injury requiring hospitalization.
injury. b. The member must have paid at least three (3) monthly
b. Maternity Benefit Medicare contributions within twelve (12) months
Daily Cash allowance is granted to a female employee for immediate prior to the month of hospitalization.
childbirth, miscarriage or abortion in lump sum or monthly c. The periods of entitlement are:
pension. 1. Forty-five (45) days in one calendar year for a member.
c. Disability Benefits 2. Another forty-five (45) days to be shared by his/her
Cash Benefits paid to a member who becomes legal dependents. Any Unused room board allowance for
permanently disabled, either totally (loss of two limbs, complete any year is not carried over the following year.
d. The benefits and services are:
1. Hospitalization expense • Employers share is fixed at 2% monthly
2. Surgical expense in case of operation • Government and Private employers are mandated to
3. Medical expense for professional service match their employees’ monthly contribution.

Employees’ Compensation Contribution (ECC)

13th Month Pay
The ECC program is the tax-exempt compensation
program for the personnel and their dependents created under “13th Month Pay” shall mean one twelfth (1/12) of the
Presidential Decree No. 626. The benefits are as follows: basic salary of an employee within a calendar year. This is to be
a. Cash income benefits for Temporary Total Disability (TTD), paid to employees not later than December 24 of every year.
Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) and Permanent Total Disability Personnel who have resigned or whose services are
(PTD). terminated any time before the time of payment of the 13 th
b. Career’s allowance or P575.00 monthly for permanent month pay are entitled to this monetary benefit in proportion to
disabilities. the length of time they have worked during the year reckoned
c. Lifetime pension to primary beneficiaries in case of from the time they started during the calendar year up to the
death and five-year pension to the secondary time of their resignation or termination from the service.
d. Funeral benefit Maternity / Paternity Leave
e. Medical services Maternity Leave
f. Rehabilitation services are given to employees who a. The school shall extend to all employees the
incurred a disability as a result of a work-related injury or privileges of maternity leave in accordance to
sickness. existing law.
Pag-ibig b. The application for maternity leave is
Membership in the Fund shall be mandatory upon all presented to the School Head who shall direct
employees covered by the SSS and GSIS, and their respective the employee to the Finance Office for
employers; Provided however, that, coverage of the employees notification of the start and end of the maternity
whose monthly compensation is less than four thousand pesos leave.
(P4,000.00) shall be voluntary; Provided further that upon c. Payment of the two (2) month maternity leave
membership with the Fund, their employer shall also contribute. with pay is granted based on the SSS benefit
• If your Fund Salary ( BASIC + COLA) is P1,500.00 or computations two weeks before and four weeks
less you contribute 1% monthly after delivery.
• If you Fund Salary ( BASIC + COLA) is more than
P1,500.00 you save 2% monthly
d. The maternity leave shall be paid only for the Benefits According to the School Provisions
first four deliveries as provided in the Labor Code,
and Leave of Absence with Pay
e. If a member was given payment for maternity
benefit, she cannot claim sickness benefit within Sick Leave
45-day compensatory period.
All tenured personnel are granted
Paternity Leave a sick leave privilege of ten (10) working
days with pay and five (5) working days
Married male personnel may be granted leave of seven with pay for probationary personnel. The
(7) work days with full pay for the first four (4) deliveries of the absence may be applied to actual illness
legitimate spouse with whom he is living. Such paternity leave of the personnel. Sick leave privileges do
shall be non-accumulative and strictly non-convertible to cash. not apply during vacation days. It is also
Married male personnel shall file the application for the said non-cumulative and non commutable.
leave at least one (1) week prior to the expected delivery except
in cases of miscarriage and abnormal deliveries which are Emergency Leave
A privilege leave of absence with
Retirement Benefits pay of five (5) working days for tenured
personnel and three (3) working days for
In the absence of a retirement plan or agreement probationary personnel may be granted in
providing for retirement benefits of employee upon reaching the cases of sickness or death in the
age of sixty (6) years or more, but not beyond sixty five (65) years immediate family – father, mother,
which is hereby declared the compulsory retirement age, who brother, sister , wife, husband and
has served at least five (5) years in said establishment, may retire children. Other relatives not mentioned in
and shall be entitled to retirement pay equivalent to at least one- the list are not covered by this benefit.
half (1/2) month salary for every year of service plus one-twelfth The absence may be applied to other
(1/12) of the 13th month pay and the cash equivalent of not more valid reasons which are acceptable to the
than five (5) days of service incentive leaves. (Article 287 of the Administration. Suitable arrangements
Labor Code, as amended by RA 7641) must be made with the Director and
Principal so that work may not be
Vacation Leave Leave of absence Without Pay

Tenured and Probationary I Study Leave

teachers are given the privilege to a one Tenured members of the Faculty who
served continuously for five (5) years may be
month vacation leave with pay during
granted a leave of absence without pay and
summer determined by the school without loss of status whether for a Master’s
administration. or Doctoral Degree program.
Permanent Administrative Staff and
Office Clerks are likewise given the a. Faculty members are allowed a
privilege to a fifteen (15) day vacation study leave for a period of no longer
leave (inclusive weekends) with the pay two years having rendered efficient,
during summer as scheduled by the satisfactory and full-time service.
school administration. b. If study leave is on a scholarship
Maintenance Personnel are also given status/shared expenses not longer
the privilege of a week’s vacation leave or than two years, a year is equivalent to
two years of service to the institution
seven (7) days inclusive of weekend with
is required of the teacher/s.
pay during summer as scheduled by the c. Faculty members may apply to the
school administration. School Director with the
recommendation of the Principal.

Invitational Leave Leave for Medical Treatment

Leave with pay is granted to Regular tenured teachers may

members of the teaching force who are be given this privilege for health purposes
invited as guest speaker, consultant or only for one (1) calendar year without pay.
accreditor of distinguished organizations Application for this benefit has to be
according to one’s area of specialization. supported with a doctor’s certificate and a
formal letter from the teacher concerned. It is
The school personnel may be granted
of necessity for continuous medical
this privilege with a maximum of three (3) treatment. This benefit may be renewed for
working days. one more year.
Personal Leave are required to pay back the full amount incurred by
the school.
Personal leave for the purpose of Scholarship grants are approved by the School
renewing family bonds and relationships administrator
among its members may be offered to a
faculty member under the following Seminar Assistance
Teaching and non-teaching personnel sent to
a. with five (5) year of continuous seminars, conference and workshops by the school
service are granted full financial assistance.
b. consistent above-average
performance record Loan Assistance
c. recommendation by the Principal
d. the length of leave is limited to two Emergency Loan
(2) months and will only be enjoyed
once during their period of Loan Assistance extended to all teaching
employment and non-teaching personnel to assist them in
cases of emergency in their immediate families
(father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife
Educational Benefits
and children) such as hospitalization, physical
Scholarship Grants injuries, and death. A maximum loan of Php.
5,000.00 is granted without interest. It is payable
Scholarship grants for graduate and post – by salary deduction of Php. 250 every 15th and
graduate studies may be extended to faculty 30th of the month. This kind of assistance can be
member/s that has rendered at least three (3) year of availed once a year.
efficient, dedicated and very satisfactory service to
the school. Spiritual Development

Teacher-scholars shall sign a contract As part of the Christian Mission of all Catholic
signifying their consent to the condition that: for School the faculty and staff are encourage to
every year of graduate or post-graduate studies is participate in all organized spiritual activities of the
equivalent to two (2) years of loyalty service to the school namely:
school. However, those who choose to discontinue
a. Annual retreats at least two days once a
year. The school pays 100% of the
expenses whether the retreat is done
inside or outside the school premises.

b. Scheduled Masses, Confessions, and

consultation if available during school

c. Scheduled Spiritual Growth Series during

school days.

Medical and Dental Services

The faculty and staff may avail of free medical

and dental services offered by the school. They may
schedule their medical and dental check up with the
school Doctor and Dentist on their scheduled visit at
the school clinic.

Free Use of School Facilities

The Faculty and Staff are entitled to avail of the

services of the Library, Guidance Center, Faculty
Room, Canteen, Computer Room, Audio-Visual Room,
Chapel and others.

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