DFLII Brochure
DFLII Brochure
DFLII Brochure
Section 3 Other Standard Compensations “Substitute” means, doing an actual teaching in behalf of
Overload Pay an absent teacher during a period. It has to be authorized and
“Overload” means the load in excess of the normal load approved by the School Head.The compensation for substituting
of private school teachers as prescribed by the Department of an absent teacher will be computed as follows: hourly rate time’s
Education or the policies and standards of particular private number of hours.
loss of sight, etc.) or partially (loss of use of one thumb, hand,
foot, etc.).
All employees in the private sector who are not yet 61 years old, All persons subject to compulsory SSS coverage are
regardless of citizenship, nature and duration of employment and automatically covered under the Medicare Law. Medicare is a
manner of payment of source of compensation are covered by health insurance program for SSS member and their dependents
the SSS. An employee once reported to the SSS for coverage that get sick or are referred and require hospitalization.
becomes a covered member and remains so for as long as she/he
lives SSS benefits are: a. To qualify for Medicare a member or his/her legal
a. Sickness Benefits Daily Cash allowance is paid to a dependents must be confined in a hospital due to illness
member of days she/he is unable to work due to sickness or or injury requiring hospitalization.
injury. b. The member must have paid at least three (3) monthly
b. Maternity Benefit Medicare contributions within twelve (12) months
Daily Cash allowance is granted to a female employee for immediate prior to the month of hospitalization.
childbirth, miscarriage or abortion in lump sum or monthly c. The periods of entitlement are:
pension. 1. Forty-five (45) days in one calendar year for a member.
c. Disability Benefits 2. Another forty-five (45) days to be shared by his/her
Cash Benefits paid to a member who becomes legal dependents. Any Unused room board allowance for
permanently disabled, either totally (loss of two limbs, complete any year is not carried over the following year.
d. The benefits and services are:
1. Hospitalization expense • Employers share is fixed at 2% monthly
2. Surgical expense in case of operation • Government and Private employers are mandated to
3. Medical expense for professional service match their employees’ monthly contribution.
Teacher-scholars shall sign a contract As part of the Christian Mission of all Catholic
signifying their consent to the condition that: for School the faculty and staff are encourage to
every year of graduate or post-graduate studies is participate in all organized spiritual activities of the
equivalent to two (2) years of loyalty service to the school namely:
school. However, those who choose to discontinue
a. Annual retreats at least two days once a
year. The school pays 100% of the
expenses whether the retreat is done
inside or outside the school premises.