Network Study Guide
Network Study Guide
Network Study Guide
Study Guide
Computer Network
Prepared by
Kalechristos Abebe
January 2012
Module summary
The study guide of computer network is organized into seven units, with each unit having its
own set of self test problems. The units are selected as, Introduction to data communication
and networking, network models, transmission media, LAN technologies and Multiple
access, WAN technologies and networks security.
For each of the chapters, self test problems are available as those having answer key and
those without answer. All the questions are set to address main areas of the unit mentioned in
the specifics objectives list. Students are advised to try to answer all the questions and check
out answer for those questions with answer key
Questions listed as those without answer key are all subjective types which help the students
to have better understanding of the subject
Unit I
Data communications are the transfer of data from one device to another via some form of
transmission medium. A data communications system must transmit data to the correct
destination in an accurate and timely manner. The five components that make up a data
communications system are the message, sender, receiver, medium, and protocol. Text,
numbers, images, audio, and video are different forms of information. Data flow between two
devices can occur in one of three ways: simplex, half-duplex, or full-duplex.
General objective
Answer Key
1. B 2. A 3. B
4. C 5. A 6. A
7. D 8. A 9. B
11. The five components of a data communication system are:
I. Message: information (data) to be communicated
II. Sender: sender is a device that sends a data message
12. The advantage of multi point connection over point to point connection is that
multi point connection provides greater efficiency since more than two devices could
share the link
13. The four basic topologies with their advantages and disadvantages
Mesh Toplogy: Each device has a dedicated point to point link to every other device
in the network
- Robust
- Privacy or security
Star Toplogy: Each device has a point to point link to a central controller device or
hub Advantage
- Less expensive
- Robust
- Ease of installation
Ring Topology: Each device has a dedicated point to point connection with only two devices
on either side of it
- Unidirectional traffic
I. Performance :Performance can be measured with transit time and response time of the
II. Reliability: is a measure network frequency of failure, time it takes to recover from
failure, and network’s robustness in catastrophe
III. Security: Security issues include protecting data for un authorized access
Unit Two
Network Models
The International Standards Organization created a model called the Open Systems
Interconnection, which allows diverse systems to communicate. The seven-layer OSI model
provides guidelines for the development of universally compatible networking protocols. The
physical, data link, and network layers are the network support layers. The session,
presentation, and application layers are the user support layers
TCP/IP is a five-layer hierarchical protocol suite developed before the OSI model. The
TCP/IP application layer is equivalent to the combined session, presentation, and application
layers of the OSI model. Four levels of addresses are used in an internet following the
TCP/IP protocols: physical (link) addresses, logical (IP) addresses, port addresses, and
specific addresses. The physical address, also known as the link address, is the address of a
node as defined by its LAN or WAN. The IP address uniquely defines a host on the Internet,
The port address identifies a process on a host A specific address is a user-friendly address
General Objective
The general objective of the unit is to understand the network reference model
Specific Objectives
Explain subnetting
Explain subnet masking
Self test problems without answer key
1. What are the advantages of using UDP over TCP?
2. Why is domain name reversed when searching for the IP address?
3. Write the functions of the following application layer protocols
ii. DNS
iii. FTP
iv. RPC
4. Draw two Ethernet LANs connected by a gateway. Each LAN has three hosts.
One LAN is class B and one is class C. Choose appropriate internet addresses.
How many connections must the gateway have?
5. What is the difference between physical address and logical address?
6. Find the classes of the following IP addresses
7. Find the network addresses for IP addresses given in problem 6
8. Give some advantages and disadvantages of combining the session, presentation,
and application layer in the OSI model into one single application layer as in the
Internet model
9. For the given class B IP address give below, find
i. Network address
ii. Subnet Mask
iii. Broad cast address
Answer Key
1. B 2. B 3. B
4. B 5. C 6. D
7. C 8. B 9. C 10. D
12. The
address is
associated with the
data link layer. The logical address is associated with the network layer. A port address is
associated with application layer
Notice we just added the fourth octet’s lowest and highest values and came up with the
answers. Again, it is the same answer as for a Class C subnet, but we just added the fourth
Unit 3
Transmission Media
Wireless data are transmitted through ground propagation, sky propagation, and line of-sight
propagation. Wireless waves can be classified as radio waves, microwaves, or infrared waves.
Radio waves are Omni-directional; microwaves are unidirectional. Microwaves are used for
cellular phone, satellite wireless LAN communications. Infrared waves are used for short-
range communications such as those between a PC and a peripheral device. It can also be
used for indoor LANs.
General Objective
The general objective of the unit is to understand use of transmission media at the physical
Specific Objectives
At the end of the unit, students are expected to:
Understand use of guide media
Unit 4
Local Area Networks and multiple Access
General objective
The general objective of the unit is to understand different LAN technologies and multiple
access schemes
Specific objectives
At the end of the unit students are expected to:
Define multiple access
o Explain random access techniques
Explain how carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) works
Explain how carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
Explain how carrier sense multiple access with collision
avoidance(CSMA/CA) works
o Explain controlled access techniques
Explain how reservation technique works
Explain how polling technique works
Explain how token passing technique works
Answer Key
11. The basic idea behind CSMA/CD is that a station needs to be able to receive while
transmitting to detect a collision. When there is no collision, the station receives one
signal: its own signal. When there is a collision, the station receives two signals: its
own signal and the signal transmitted by a second station. To distinguish between
these two cases, the received signals in these two cases must be significantly different.
In other words, the signal from the second station needs to add a significant amount of
energy to the one created by the first station.
12. In the token-passing method, the stations in a network are organized in a logical ring.
In other words, for each station, there is a predecessor and a successor. The
predecessor is the station which is logically before the station in the ring; the
successor is the station which is after the station in the ring. The current station is the
one that is accessing the channel now. The right to this access has been passed from
the predecessor to the current station. The right will be passed to the successor when
the current station has no more data to send
Unit 5
Connecting LAN’s, Backbone networks, virtual LAN’s
LANs do not normally operate in isolation. They are connected to one another or to the
Internet. To connect LANs, or segments of LANs, we use connecting devices. Connecting
devices can operate in different layers of the Internet model.
A repeater is a connecting device that operates in the physical layer of the Internet model. A
repeater regenerates a signal, connects segments of a LAN, and has no filtering capability. A
bridge is a connecting device that operates in the physical and data link layers of the Internet
model. A transparent bridge can forward and filter frames and automatically build its
forwarding table. A bridge can use the spanning tree algorithm to create a loop less topology.
A backbone LAN allows several LANs to be connected. A backbone is usually a bus or a
star. A virtual local area network (VLAN) is configured by software, not by physical wiring.
Membership in a VLAN can be based on port numbers, MAC addresses, IP addresses, IP
multicast addresses, or a combination of these features. VLANs are cost- and time-efficient,
can reduce network traffic, and provide an extra measure of security.
General Objective
To understand the different ways of connecting LAN’s, backbone network and VLAN’s
Specific Objectives
At end of the unit students are expected to:
Understand LAN connecting devices
o Explain the operations of Hubs
12. Static VLANs are the typical way of creating VLANs and the most secure. The switch
port that you assign a VLAN association always maintains that association until an
administrator changes the port assignment. This type of VLAN configuration is easy
to set up and monitor, working well in a network where the movement of users within
the network is controlled. Using network management software to configure the ports
can be helpful but is not mandatory.
Unit 6
Wide Area Networks
To understand WAN technologies, you need to understand the different WAN terms
and connection types that can be used to connect your networks together. This unit
focuses the different WAN terms and connection types typically used by service
providers. Leased line, circuit switching and packet switching are types of
connections to be used. The unit also focuses on different WAN technologies like ,
Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) ,Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
(SDH),Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
General Objective:
To understand different WAN connections and technologies
Answer Key 4. D
1. D 5. C
2. C 6. A
3. B 7. B
Unit 7
Network Security
The increase in attacks of message during transmission coincides with an increased
use of the Internet and with increases in the complexity of protocols, applications,
and the Internet itself. Critical infrastructures increasingly rely on the Internet for
operations. Individual users rely on the security of the Internet, email, the Web, and
Web-based applications to a greater extent than ever. Thus, a wide range of
technologies and tools are needed to counter the growing threat. At a basic level,
cryptographic algorithms for confidentiality and authentication assume greater
importance. As well, designers need to focus on Internet-based protocols and the
vulnerabilities of attached operating systems and applications.
Thus network security typically deals applying different cryptographic techniques in
order secure a message selecting different protocols and algorithms to counter
measure attacks
General objective
To understand the different network security techniques
Specific Objectives
At the end of this unit students are expected to :
o Authentication
o Access Control
o Data Confidentiality
o Data Integrity
o Nonrepudiation
o Availability Service
o Security Mechanisms
a. Cryptography
b. Cryptanalysis
a. Access control
b. Non repudiation
c. Authentication
a. Plain text
b. Cipher text
c. Cipher
d. Key
e. Encryption
f. Decryption
Answer key
1. Passive attacks are in the nature of eavesdropping on, or monitoring of, transmissions.
The goal of the opponent is to obtain information that is being transmitted
Active attacks involve some modification of the data stream or the creation of a false
stream and can be subdivided into four categories: masquerade, replay, modification
of messages, and denial of service
i. block / stream
M= input message
C = MAC function
Conventional encryption Public key encryption
• One algorithm is used for • One of the two keys must be kept
encryption and secret.
decryption with a pair of
keys, one for encryption
and one for decryption.
8. The