Sip - Gec12
Sip - Gec12
Sip - Gec12
We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the people who went off their way to help
with completion of this study. To our Science 8 teacher, Ms. Marcelo, who guided us with the
right methods and techniques in completing this research with excellence. Our group would like
to thank Mrs. Mary Welinea Tion, Villanueava, our dearest adviser who was always there to
guide and remind us. We would like to thank Marist School Marikina and the Science
Department for giving us the opportunity to recreate this experiment with accuracy and
A study of the Salt on the Conductivity of Water
We are never old to learn something new. All our lives we’ve heard that water and
electricity makes a dangerous pair together. And pretty much all of the time that is true. As
read on the title of this study, “A study….Effectiveness of salt….on the Conductiv
ity of
water. Now let us emphasize “salt” and “water”, salt is actually one of the most abundant
mineral in the world. It mainly comes from salt fields where farmers concentrate and vaporize
the water to leave us with just salt. Water in the other hand, is the also the most abundant
element and takes up at least 60% of the entire surface of the earth. Now, when both of these
elements are combined, what do we expect? These two elements are most-of-the-time combined.
Salt water, takes up at least 60% of the e
arth’s surface. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss it’s properties, capabilities and structure.
Specifically, we
tackle how the amount of minerals affect the conductivity of water. Why then? Why should we
be caring about how conductive a sample of
water is? It’s because this is
somehow a crucial step in testing the pureness of the water. This is most significant in filtering
stations, where freshwater is filtered and produced into pure water. Pure water have very low
conductivity. It is actually a very good insulator at this point. We will present other studies done
by various scientific organizations to further deepen our understanding of this topic.
Furthermore, we will initiate an experiment to prove our hypothesis. We will show graphs, data
and statistics as we go into the deepest understanding of how one, simple and abundant element
we consume and use in our everyday lives, behaves when affected by various other elements.
Chapter 1
This chapter includes the background of the study, the hypotheses, the statement of the problem,
the scope and limitation, and the significance of the study. Background of the Study You're never
too old to learn something new. All our lives we've heard that water and electricity make a
dangerous pair together. And pretty much all of the time that is true
— “mixing water and electricity, be it from a lightning bolt or electrical
socket in the house, is a very dangerous thing to do. But what we learned from researching this
topic was that pure water is actually an excellent insulator and does not conduct electricity.
Water that would be considered "pure" would be distilled water (water condensed from steam)
and deionized water (used in laboratories), although even water of this purity can contain ions.
( But in our real lives, we normally do
not come across any pure water. If you read our article about water being the "universal
solvent" you know that water can dissolve more things than
just about any other liquid. “Water is a most excellent solvent. It
doesn't matter if the water comes out of your kitchen faucet, is in a swimming pool or dog dish,
comes out of the ground or falls from the sky, the water will contain significant amounts of
dissolved substances, minerals, and chemicals. These things are the solutes dissolved in water.
Don't worry, though
if you swallow a snowflake, it won't hurt you; it may even contain some nice minerals your body
needs to stay healthy.”
Water quits being an excellent insulator once it starts dissolving substances around it. Salts, such
as common table salt (NaCl) is the one we know best. In chemical terms, salts are ionic
compounds composed of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions).
In solution, these ions essentially cancel each other out so that the solution is electrically neutral
(without a net charge). Even a small amount of ions in a water solution makes it able to conduct
electricity (so definitely don't add salt to your "lightning-storm" bath water.). Once water
contains these ions it will conduct electricity, such as from a lightning bolt or a wire from the
wall socket, as the electricity from the source will seek out oppositely-charged ions in the water.
Too bad if there is a human body in the way.
Interestingly, “ If the water contains very large amounts of solutes and ions, then
the water becomes such an efficient conductor of electricity that an electrical current may
essentially ignore a human body in the water and stick to the better pathway to conduct itself
the masses of ions in the water. That is why the danger of electrocution in sea water is less than
it would be in bath water.”
(Source:Discovery Channel. 2016)
Chapter 2
This chapter includes the review of related literature and review of related studies.
These include:
1.the concentration or number of ions;
2.mobility of the ion;
3.oxidation state (valence) and;
4.temperature of the water.
Elevated dissolved solids can cause "mineral tastes" in drinking water. Corrosion or encrustation
of metallic surfaces by waters high in dissolved solids causes problems with industrial equipment
and boilers as well as domestic plumbing, hot water heaters, toilet flushing mechanisms, faucets,
and washing machines and dishwashers. Indirect effects of excess dissolved solids are primarily
the elimination of desirable food plants and habitat-forming plant species. Agricultural uses of
water for livestock watering are limited by excessive dissolved solids and high dissolved solids
can be a problem in water used for irrigation.
A study done by SmartFertilizer (2016) entitled: “Factors Affecting the Electrical
ivity of Water” stated that:
The electrical conductivity of the water depends on the water temperature: the higher the
temperature, the higher the electrical conductivity would be. The electrical conductivity of water
increases by 2-3% for an increase of 1 degree Celsius of water temperature. Many EC meters
nowadays automatically standardize the readings to 25oC. While the electrical conductivity is a
good indicator of the total salinity, it still does not provide any information about the ion
composition in the water. The same electrical conductivity values can be measured in low quality
water (e.g. water rich with Sodium,
Boron and Fluorides) as well as in high quality irrigation water (e.g. adequately fertilized water
with appropriate nutrient concentrations and ratios). According to a study done by Laqua (2016)
entitled: Ions in Water and Conductivity that, Common table salt (NaCl) is an electrolyte, and
when this is dissolved in water to form salt water, it becomes sodium ions (Na+) and chloride
ions (Cl-), each of which is a corpuscle that conducts electricity. This is what happes in the
salinity conversion to arrive at the value displayed by the twin conductivity meter.
Chapter 3
This chapter includes the method of research, the method of collecting data, materials and the
procedure of the study.
Method of Research
The growing numbers of entrepreneurs and the rapidly developing technology in the Philippines
is evident. The safety and health of our people is the most important thing Before anything else.
As of now there is still no evident clue on the use of conductive water for industrialization. As a
result, this study aims to develop new paths so that entreprenuers and scientist are able to
develop the good use of conductive water for industrial purposes. It aims to extend to the whole
Philippine community in informing citizens of the dangers and benefits of water and very
conductive water.