CG Week 13
CG Week 13
CG Week 13
CONTENT FOCUS: My family members help one another by doing different roles. August 26-30, 2019
QUESTION/S What are the roles of each Who manages your home? Who earns a living for the Who are the members of your In what ways does your family
family member? family? extended family? (grandparents, help your extended family?
aunts,uncles,cousins) (grandparents, aunts,
What kind of work do they do? uncles,cousins)
How do they help your family?
ASSESSMENT The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the
INSTRUCTION learners are able to say the learners can say who learners are able to say what learners are able to say who the learners are able to say how
roles of each family member. manages their home. their family members do to members of their extended their family helps their extended
earn a living for a family. family are, and takes note of family members.
ways they help the family.
Work Period 1
(40 min)
TEACHER- Writers Workshop: Roleof Job chart checklist My Family Members who Dramatic play My Family Portrait:
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SUPERVISED each familymember Earn a Living
Assessment The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teachers checks if the
Instruction learners can describe the role learners can identify who learners can draw how their learners can act out how their learners can draw their family
of each family member. manages their home. family members earn a living. extended family members help members.
their family.
INDEPENDENT Finger Painting Family puzzle Family puzzle Family puzzle Family puzzle
ACTIVITIES Letter Collage : Nn Family Puppets Family Puppets Family Puppets Family Puppets
Letter Mosaic: Nn Picking Up Game: Picking Up Game: Family Fingers Family Fingers
Role Playing Letters Letters Play Play
What do I need? Picking Up Game: Picking Up Game:
(matching cards) Letters Letters
Letter Collage: Ee Letter Collage: Ee
Assessment The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the
Instruction learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to:
identify the sounds of identify the sounds of identify the sounds of identify the sounds of identify the sounds of
letterNn lettersNn lettersNn letters Nn and Ee lettersNn and Ee
express thoughts, express thoughts, express thoughts, identify pictures that Identify pictures that
ideas of familiar ideas of familiar ideas of familiar begin with letter Nn and begin with letter Nn and
topics by drawing. topics by drawing. topics by drawing. Ee. Ee.
Express/talk about express/talk about express/talk about
the work that their the work that their the work that their
parents and older parents and older parents and older
siblings do. siblings do at home siblings do.
identify pictures that
begin with letter Ee.
Meeting Time 2 The learners describe the The learners show and talk The learners show their The learners listen to the story, The learners listen to the story,
(10 min) book that they made about about their job chart checklist drawings and talk about their “AngMahiwagangKahonni Edna” “AngMahiwagangKahonni Edna”
the role of their family family members who earn a
members. living.
QUESTIONS/ How many family members do What does your family What words in the story begin What other words begin with
ACTIVITY each job at home? member do to earn a living? with the letters Nn/Ee? letters Nn and Ee?
(15 min)
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Quiet Time
(10 min)
Story Time The teacher reads any age The teacher reads any age The teacher reads any age The teacher reads any age and The teacher reads any age and
(20 min) and culturally appropriate and culturally appropriate and culturally appropriate culturally appropriate story about culturally appropriate story about
story about roles of family story about roles of family story about the ways family family members helping one taking care of older family
members. members at home. members earn a living? another. members.
TEACHER- Peek thru the wall Peek thru the wall Hand Game (0-4) Subtracting using pictures Subtracting using
SUPERVISED (0-4) (0-4) and real objects (writing pictures and real
number sentences) objects (writing number
Assessment The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the
Instruction learners can solve simple learners can solve simple learners can solve simple learners can solve simple learners can solve simple
addition/subtraction using addition/subtraction using addition/subtraction using addition/subtraction using addition/subtraction using
concrete objects up to concrete objects up to concrete objects up to concrete objects up to quantities concrete objects up to quantities
quantities of 4. quantities of 4. quantities of 4. of 4. of 4.
INDEPENDENT Block Play Block Play Subtraction Cards (writing Block Play Number Stations
ACTIVITIES Call out (0-4) Call out (0-4) number sentences) 0-6 Call out (0-4) Number Books (0-6)
4 Concentration/ 4 Concentration/ Bingo: Addition/ Bingo: 4 Concentration/ Find 4 Call Out (0-6)
Find 4 Find 4 Subtraction (0-6); 6 Roll and Count (up to Number Concentration (0-
Roll and Count (up to Roll and Count (up to Concentration quantities of 4) 6)
quantities of 4) quantities of 4) Writing Numerals (0, 1, 2,
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3, 4, 5, 6)
ASSESSMENT Teacher checks if the learners Teacher checks if the learners Teacher checks if the learners Teacher checks if the learners Teacher checks if the learners
INSTRUCTION are able to: are able to: are able to: are able to: are able to:
count, recognize the count, recognize the count, recognize the count, recognize the count, recognize the
words put together words put together words put together words put together words put together
take away that take away that take away that take away that indicate take away that indicate
indicates the act of indicate the act of indicate the act of the act of adding and the act of adding and
adding and adding and adding and subtracting subtracting
subtracting subtracting subtracting
using concrete
objects up to
quantities of 4.
Indoor/ Outdoor Charade of roles Cat and Mouse Game PinoyHenyo Step on Letters Nn/Ee GrandFather/Grandmother, may
Games I?
(20 min)
Assessment The teacher observes if the The teacher observes if the The teacher observes if the The teacher observes if the The teacher observes if the
Instruction learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to:
describe roles of describe the roles describe roles of describe roles of each follow simple
each family member of each family each family member family member directions
follow simple member follow simple follow simple actively participate in
directions follow simple directions directions the activity.
actively participate directions actively participate actively participate in
in the activity. actively participate in the activity. the activity.
in the activity.
Meeting Time 3 The learners talk about their The learners talk about who The learners say what their The learners talk about how their The learners talk about how they
(5 min) role in the family. does the household chores. family members to earn a extended family members help take care of the older persons in
living. their family. their family.
ASSESSMENT The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the The teacher checks if the
learners can describe their learners are able to say who learners can say what their learners can say how their learners are able to say how
roles in the family. does the household chores. family members do to earn a extended family members help they take care of the older
living. their family. members of their family.
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