Finding The Bond Angle in Tetrahedral-Shaped Molecule: Christopher J. Kawa
Finding The Bond Angle in Tetrahedral-Shaped Molecule: Christopher J. Kawa
Finding The Bond Angle in Tetrahedral-Shaped Molecule: Christopher J. Kawa
Christopher J. Kawa
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, 1500 West Sullivan Road, Aurora, IL 60506
For years I have been teaching students that the bond bond length of the molecule is half the body diagonal of the
angle in a tetrahedral-shaped molecule was approximately cube, or $1'2 (see Fig. 4).
109.5O. This year, when a student asked for proof, I found The value of the angle 8 can now be found directly by using
the explanation to be more complex than it first appeared. the law of cosines.
The key to understanding the geometry of the problem is
to inscribe the tetrahedron in a cube so that the edges of the c2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab (eos 8)
tetrahedron form diagonals on the faces of the cube. T o help where 8 is the angle opposit_e side c.
visualize this, I made a model using yam inside a box that Substituting ,Z for c, and ,312 for both a and b gives
measured 11in. on each edge. I used black yarn to form the
tetrahedron, while red yarn was used to show the geometry 2 = 314 + 314 - 2(\1~12)($12)(cos 8)
of the molecule inscribed 'n the tetrahedron (see Fig. 1). Rearranging, cos 0 = -0.33333. Thus, 8 = arccos (-0.33333)
For a cube that has an edge length of 1, the face diagonal = 109.41°.
would measure $2 and body diagonal $ (see Fig. 2). The
edges of the inscribed tetrahedron are the same as the face
diagonal, or \E (seeFig. 3). Since the center of the molecule is
equidistant to all corners of the cube, it must follow that the
I. - - - - -- - - - - -
Figure 3. A tebahedmn Inscribed In a cube showing the relative lengths of
each edge lo the slde of lhe cube.
Figure 2. Relative lengths of face and bcdy diagonals to lhe side of a cube. Flgure 5. A rigM biangie showing how the value of X.9 can be determined.