BI Starter Teacher Notes

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Evaluation Contents

Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
End of Year
Editable Tests
Worksheets and evaluation overview 1
Worksheets teacher’s notes and answer keys 2
Tests teacher’s notes and answer keys 22
Marking grids 33
Worksheets overview
Bright Ideas Starter provides a great variety of fun
and engaging worksheets that are ideally suited to
supplementing the Class Book lessons.
For Lessons 1, 5 and 9, the teacher’s notes in the Teacher’s
Guide will provide suggestions on how to supplement
the Class Book page with further activities, for example:
flashcards and storycards.
For Lessons 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, there are worksheets
provided for Units 1–6.
This is a brief overview of the function of each worksheet:
• Lesson 2: Vocabulary 1 practice
• Lesson 3: Song worksheet
• Lesson 4: Grammar 1 practice
• Lesson 6: Vocabulary 2 practice
• Lesson 7: Grammar 2 practice
• Lesson 8: Cross-curricular worksheet
There are also four festival worksheets.

Tests overview
The evaluation section of Bright Ideas Starter contains
materials that will help you to evaluate what your
students have learned.
From the beginning of Primary education, evaluation
should be integrated into the teaching–learning process.
In Bright Ideas Starter, there are two types of evaluation:

Summative tests
There are six unit tests, three review tests (for use after
Units 2, 4 and 6) and one end of year test (for use after
Unit 6).
The tests reflect the target language of the course and
the types of activities that the students do in class. You
will find the transcripts, marking scheme and answers to
all activities in the pages that follow.
In addition, marking grids are provided so that you
may easily record test results and keep a record of
each student’s strengths and/or areas for improvement
throughout the year.

Self-evaluation activities
Students are invited to reflect on their efforts at the end
of the unit or specific tasks by colouring Sock according
to their own evaluation: fantastic, good, or OK. It is a
gentle introduction to the concept of self-evaluation –
a key part of the learning process. It is important that
the students realize that when they are evaluating
themselves, they are not being tested.

1 Bright Ideas Starter

What colours can you see?
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Vocabulary 1 (Lesson 2) Song (Lesson 3)
1 Colour and cut. Play a game. 1 Colour. Ask and answer. Tick ✔.
• Hold up colour flashcards from Unit 1, or hold up • Ask the students to take out their coloured pens. Play
coloured pens or crayons. Ask students to name the song from Unit 1, Lesson 3. Tell students to hold up
the colours. Say the words for students to repeat if the correct pens for each colour they hear in the song.
necessary. • Show the students the hand prints on the worksheet.
• Tell the students to take out their coloured pens. Explain that they need to colour each hand print with
Say the names of the colours from Unit 1, Lesson 2. one of the colours from the song. Move around the
Students hold up the correct pens. class as students colour the hand prints. Point to hand
• Show the students the cards on the worksheet. prints and ask What colour is it?
Explain that they need to colour each card with one • Demonstrate how to complete the activity. Move
of the colours from Lesson 2. Move around the class around the class and ask individual students, What’s
as students colour their cards. Point to cards and ask, your favourite colour? When students answer, find the
What colour is it? colour they mention on your worksheet and put a tick
• Students then cut out their cards. in the box next to that colour. Explain that students
should try to tick as many boxes as possible by finding
• Demonstrate how to play Snap! Play the game with a
out as many students’ favourite colours as possible.
student for the rest of the class to observe. Shuffle two
sets of cards and deal them out between yourself and • Students move around the class, asking and answering
the student. Take turns to place a card face up on the about favourite colours. Monitor and help if necessary.
desk. Say the names of the colours as you put each • Ask students to tell you which colours they have ticked
card down. Encourage the student, and the rest of the on their worksheets.
class, to do the same. If two cards of the same colour ANSWERS
are placed on the desk in succession, the first person Students’ own answers.
to shout Snap! can take all of the cards on the desk.
The winner is the player with the most cards. Optional activity
• When students are confident about how to play the • Students can do a class survey to find out the most
game, they can play in pairs. Move around the class popular colours in the class. Stick the colour flashcards
and help if necessary. from Unit 1 on the board. Point to each flashcard and say
ANSWERS the word. Students put their hand up when their favourite
Students’ own answers. colour is mentioned. Count the number of students
pointing to (red / blue / yellow etc.). Write the numbers
Optional activity next to the flashcards on the board. Ask students to say
• Students can also use their colour cards to play a memory what the class’s favourite colour(s) is / are.
game in pairs. They shuffle their two sets of cards
together, then place them all face down on the desk, in
• Students take turns to turn over two cards. If they turn
over two cards of different colours, they must turn the
cards face down again. If they turn over two cards of the
same colour, they can keep the pair. The winner is the
player with the most cards.

2 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4
Grammar 1 (Lesson 4) Vocabulary 2 (Lesson 6)
1 Draw. Match and colour. 1 What’s missing? Draw and say.
• Ask students around the class, What’s your favourite • Hold up the flashcards of school things from Unit 1,
colour? Lesson 6 (or hold up actual school things) and
• Show the students the outlines of heads and ask students to name the items. Say the words for
students to repeat if necessary.
shoulders on the worksheet. Explain that they need to
complete the pictures to show four of their friends in • Show the students the outlines of school things at
the class. Move around the class as students complete the top of the worksheet. Ask students to point to the
the pictures. Point to pictures and ask, Who’s this? pictures and say the words.
• Demonstrate how to complete the activity. Follow the • Ask students to point to the items in each of the main
line from the first picture on your worksheet to the pictures on the worksheet and name the items. Ask
matching paint splodge. Ask a student, What’s your students to say which of the six items at the top of
favourite colour? Colour the paint splodge according the worksheet is missing in the first picture (ruler). Tell
to the student’s answer. Repeat for the other three the students to complete the picture by drawing the
pictures. missing item.
• Students then ask the people in their pictures what • Students complete the remaining pictures, then point
their favourite colours are and colour the paint to the items they have drawn and name them. Move
splodges on their worksheets. Invite students to around the class as students complete the pictures.
ask and answer questions in pairs and point to the Point to pictures and ask, What’s this?
matching colours on their worksheets for the rest of
the class to observe.
• Invite students to show their worksheets to the class,
point to the items they have drawn (or all of the items
ANSWERS in one of the pictures) and say the words.
Students’ own answers. ANSWERS
1 a ruler
Optional activity
2 a crayon
• Arrange students in a circle. Start the activity by asking 3 a rubber
the student to your right, What’s your favourite colour? The 4 a pencil case
student answers the question, then asks the question to
the student on his / her right. Continue around the circle Optional activity
until all students have asked and answered the question. • Place six school things (a rubber, a ruler, a pen, a pencil,
a crayon and a pencil case) on a desk in the centre of the
class. Ask students to point to the items and name them.
• Tell the students to close their eyes. Remove two of the
items. Tell the students to open their eyes, and ask the
students to say which two items are missing.
• Repeat the game as many times as you like, removing
different items each time.
• Alternatively, you can play the game using flashcards on
the board or on a desk.

3 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 5 Worksheet 6
Grammar 2 (Lesson 7) Cross-curricular (Lesson 8)
1 Colour picture 1. Tell your friend. 1 Colour the pictures. Tell your friend.
• Point to the items in picture 1 and ask students to • Point to the chameleon in the first picture and ask,
name the items. Say the words for students to repeat if What’s this? Say the word chameleon for students to
necessary. repeat if necessary. Point to the tree in the first picture
• Tell the students to colour the items in picture 1. They and ask, What’s this? Encourage students to answer, It’s
a tree. Repeat for the ground, branch and plant in the
can use any colours they like. Move around the class
as students colour the pictures. Point to items and ask, remaining pictures.
What’s this? What colour is it? Encourage students to • Tell the students to colour the pictures. They can
answer, This is my (pen). It’s (blue). use any colours they like. Move around the class as
students colour the pictures. Point to items and ask,
Students’ own answers. What’s this? What colour is it? Encourage students to
answer, It’s a (rock). It’s (yellow).
2 Listen to your friend. Colour picture 2. • When students have completed their pictures,
• Demonstrate how to complete the activity. Describe demonstrate how to talk about the pictures by
items in your picture 1 to a student, e.g. This is my pointing to your own worksheet and say, Can you see
(crayon). It’s (orange). Ask the student to colour the the chameleon? The chameleon is (green). The (tree) is
items in your picture 2. (green), too. Alternatively, you can simply point to the
• Students then complete the activity in pairs. They take items and say, This is (green). This is (green), too.
turns to describe their picture 1s to their partners, • Students then take turns to tell their partner about
and colour their picture 2s to match their partner’s their pictures.
picture 1s. Have students compare their finished ANSWERS
pictures. Students’ own answers.
• Point to items in students’ picture 1s and say This is
2 Talk about your friend’s pictures.
your (pencil). It’s (blue). Encourage students to tell their
partners about their partners’ school things using their • Students swap worksheets with their partner and talk
picture 2s and This is your … about their partner’s pictures.
• Invite students to tell the class about their picture 1s • Invite students to tell the class about their partner’s
using This is my … . pictures.
Students’ own answers. Students’ own answers.

Optional activity Optional activity

• Ask students to choose their favourite school things. Invite • Ask students to find two things in the classroom which
each student in turn to tell the class about their favourite are the same colour, and tell the class, e.g. Can you see the
school thing (e.g. This is my (pencil case). It’s (red).) and hold (pen)? The (pen) is (red). The (pencil case) is (red), too.
the item up to show the class.

4 Bright Ideas Starter

What’s your favourite toy?
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Vocabulary 1 (Lesson 2) Song (Lesson 3)
1 Cut. Make the picture. 1 Join the dots. Point and say.
• Hold up toy flashcards from Unit 2. Ask students to • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
name the toys. Say the words for students to repeat if the first picture. Explain that they need to start at
necessary. the start arrow and draw a line joining all the dots to
• Hand out copies of the worksheet and make sure the complete the picture.
students have scissors. Explain that the squares make •
Move around the class as students complete the
up a picture. Show the students how to cut along the pictures. Point to the pictures which students have
lines. completed and ask, What’s this?
• Students arrange the squares to make a picture. Move •
Invite students to hold up their worksheets, point to
around the class and help if necessary. Point to items the toys and say the words.
on squares which should be adjacent and ask, What’s
this? to help the students form the picture.

Play the song from Unit 2, Lesson 3. Tell students to
point to the pictures of the toys as they hear the words
ANSWERS in the song.
Students’ own answers. ANSWERS
1  a scooter   ​2  a doll   ​3  a robot   ​4  a plane   ​5  a teddy  ​
2 Stick and colour. Point and say.
6  a football   ​7  rollerblades  ​8  a puppet
• Hand out sheets of paper and glue sticks. Tell the
students to stick the squares on the paper to make the 2 What have you got? Tick ✔. Point and say.
picture. • Students put ticks in the boxes next to the toys which
• Students can then colour the picture. Move around they have got. Ask students to point to the toys they
the class as the students work. Point to toys in the have got and say sentences, e.g. I’ve got a (scooter).
picture and ask, What’s this? What colour is it? ANSWERS
• Invite students to hold up their pictures, point to the Students’ own answers.
toys and say the words. Encourage them to say what
colour each toy is. Optional activity
ANSWERS • Students move around the class with their completed
Students’ own answers. worksheets. They compare worksheets with other
students, saying which toys they have got. They try to find
Optional activity someone with the same toys.
• Students can work in pairs to find the differences between • Invite students to report back to the class together, taking
their completed picture and their partner’s completed turns to say which toys they have got.
picture. They take turns to say sentences about the two
pictures, e.g. The plane is green. The plane is blue.

5 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4
Grammar 1 (Lesson 4) Vocabulary 2 (Lesson 6)
1 Colour and cut. Play a game. 1 What’s missing? Draw and say.
• Tell the students to take out their coloured pens. Show • Hold up the flashcards for parts of the body from Unit
the students the cards on the worksheet. Explain that 2, Lesson 6 and ask students to say the words. Say the
they need to colour the cards, then cut them out. words for students to repeat if necessary.
• Move around the class as students colour and cut out • Hand out copies of the worksheet and show the
their cards. Point to cards and ask, What’s this? What students the pictures. Tell the students that each toy is
colour is it? missing one body part.
• Demonstrate how to play a game with the cards. Play • Point to the first picture and ask students to say what
the following game with a student for the rest of the is missing (an ear). Tell the students to draw an ear to
class to observe. Shuffle two sets of cards and lay them complete the picture.
out face down on the desk between yourself and the
student. Take turns to take a card and place it face up
• Move around the class as the students complete the
remaining pictures. Point to parts of the bodies on the
in front of you. Say a sentence about each card, e.g. I’ve worksheets and ask, What’s this?
got a (doll). If you turn over a card showing a toy which
you have already got, you must replace it face down
• Invite students to show their worksheets to the class,
point to the items they have drawn and say the words.
on the desk. The winner is the first player to collect all
eight different toys. ANSWERS
• When students are confident about how to play the 1  ear  ​2  eye  ​3  leg  ​4  body  ​5  tail  ​6  head
game, they can play in pairs. Move around the class Optional activity
and help if necessary.
• Play a guessing game. Describe one of the pictures on the
worksheet, e.g. It’s got a head. It’s got four legs. It’s got two
Students’ own answers. ears. It’s got a tail.
Optional activity • The winning student can choose another picture for you
to describe to the rest of the class.
• Students can also use their cards to play Snap! They
shuffle two sets of cards and deal them out between
them. They take turns to place a card face up on the desk,
saying the names of the toys as they put each card down.
If two cards showing the same toy are placed on the desk
in succession, the first person to shout Snap! can take all
the cards on the desk. The winner is the player with the
most cards.

6 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 5 Worksheet 6
Grammar 2 (Lesson 7) Cross-curricular (Lesson 8)
1 Talk about the monsters. 1 Look and tick ✔ or cross ✘. Point and say.
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Point to the first • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show students the
monster in activity 1. Invite students around the class table. Point to the picture of the car, then point to the
to make sentences about the monster, e.g. It’s got one picture of the wheels. Say, It’s got wheels. Show the
eye. It’s got six legs. It hasn’t got a tail. students the example tick.
• Students can then work in pairs to talk about the • Point to the picture of the car again, then point to the
monsters. Move around the class and help if necessary picture of the window. Encourage students to say, It’s
by pointing to parts of the monsters to encourage got windows. Tell students to put a tick in the correct
students to make sentences. square in the table. Repeat for door.
• Invite students to describe the monsters to the class. • Point to the car, then point to the picture of the wings.
Encourage students to say, It hasn’t got wings. Tell
1 It’s got one eye. It’s got a head / body. It’s got two ears. students to put a cross in the correct square in the
It’s got six legs. It hasn’t got a tail. table.
2 It’s got three eyes. It’s got two legs / arms. It’s got a • Students work in pairs to complete the table for the
body / head / tail. It’s got four ears. remaining toys.
3 It’s got a head / body / tail. It’s got two eyes / arms. • Invite students to tell the class about each toy in the
It hasn’t got ears / legs. table.

2 Draw a monster. Tell your friend. ANSWERS

Car – It’s got wheels / windows / doors. It hasn’t got wings.
• Tell students to draw their own monsters. They can Scooter – It’s got wheels. It hasn’t got windows / doors /
make their monsters as strange as they like. Students
can colour their pictures. They then take turns to tell
Plane – It’s got wheels / windows / doors / wings.
their partner about their monster, e.g. It’s got two (blue)
Doll’s house – It hasn’t got wheels. It’s got windows /
eyes. It hasn’t got a tail. It’s got one (yellow) ear., etc.
doors. It hasn’t got wings.
Students’ own answers. Optional activity

3 Talk about your friend’s monster.

• Play a guessing game. Describe one of the toys in
activity 1, e.g. It’s got wheels. It hasn’t got windows. It hasn’t
• Students swap monster pictures with their partner. got doors. It hasn’t got wings.
Invite students to show their friend’s picture to the
class and say sentences about it.
• The first student to hold up their worksheet and point to
the correct picture can take a turn to describe another toy
ANSWERS for the rest of the class to guess.
Students’ own answers.
2 Draw and say.
Optional activity • Show the students the pictures of the plane and the
• Students can cut out their monster pictures and display car. Show them how they can copy the pictures of
them on the classroom wall. Ask students to choose their wheels, wings, door and window from activity 1 to
favourite monsters and describe them to the class. complete the Venn diagram.
• Move around the class as students complete the Venn
diagram. Point to parts of the plane and the car and
ask, What’s this?
• Invite students to show their finished diagrams to
the class, and point to and name the parts of the
plane and the car. Encourage students to point to
their diagrams and say, e.g. It’s got (doors). It hasn’t got
left circle – wings
middle circle – wheels, doors, windows

7 Bright Ideas Starter

What’s your favourite animal?
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Vocabulary 1 (Lesson 2) Song (Lesson 3)
1 Point and say. Draw. 1 Ask and answer.
• Hold up animal flashcards from Unit 3. Ask students • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
to name the animals. Say the words for students to the first picture. Ask, What’s this? Encourage students
repeat if necessary. around the class to answer It’s a (bee).
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Ask students to • Students ask and answer about the remaining pictures
point to the animals and name them. in pairs. Move around the class and help if necessary.
• Students then copy the pictures of the animals into ANSWERS
eight of the squares on the grid. They can choose Students’ own answers.
which squares to draw animals in, but they shouldn’t
let their partners see where they are drawing the 2 Draw. Point and say.
animals. • Show students how to complete the pictures by filling
• Move around the class and help if necessary. Point to in the missing sections. Students then complete the
animals as students draw them and ask What’s this? animals on their worksheets. They can colour the
• Alternatively, students can cut out the pictures at the finished pictures if they like. Invite students to show
the class their finished pictures and ask, What’s this? for
top of the page and stick them onto their worksheets,
so that they can reuse their grids to play the game the rest of the class to answer.
again. • Play the song from Unit 3, Lesson 3. Tell students to
point to the pictures of the animals as they hear the
words in the song.
Students’ own answers.
2 Play a game. 1  a bee   ​2  a butterfly   ​3  a bird   ​4  a cat   ​5  a fish   ​
• Hand out another copy of the worksheet to each 6  a mouse   ​7  a rabbit   ​8  a frog
student. Students play a game in pairs. They hold their
completed worksheet so that their partner can’t see it. Optional activity
• Students take turns to say the coordinates of one • Play a game of Slow reveal using the Unit 3 animal
of the squares on the grid (e.g. 1–5). If their partner flashcards. Hold up a flashcard covered with a piece
has drawn an animal in that square, they should say of paper. Slowly move the paper down, revealing the
the name of the animal. If their partner hasn’t drawn flashcard gradually. Ask, What’s this? The first student to
anything in that square, they respond with No. answer correctly can take a turn to slowly reveal another
flashcard to the rest of the class.
• Students try to complete the second worksheet to
show their partner’s grid. The first student to draw
all eight of their partner’s animals on the second
worksheet wins the game.
Students’ own answers.

Optional activity
• Start drawing one of the animals on the board. The first
student to guess which animal you are drawing and call
out the correct word can either take a turn to draw an
animal for the rest of the class to guess, or whisper the
name of another animal for you to draw.

8 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4
Grammar 1 (Lesson 4) Vocabulary 2 (Lesson 6)
1 Colour. Ask and answer. 1 Complete the puzzle. Point and say.
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students • Hold up the flashcards for garden objects from Unit 3,
the hidden picture puzzles. Point to each of the Lesson 6 and ask students to say the words. Say the
puzzles and ask, What’s this? Students guess what words for students to repeat if necessary.
animal is in each picture. • Hand out copies of the worksheet and show the
• Students then take out their coloured pens / crayons students the puzzle grid. Tell the students that they
and colour the sections of the pictures which have need to complete the puzzle so that there is one of
dots. They should leave the other sections blank, or each item in each row, each column and each box in
colour them a different colour to the dotted sections. the grid.
• Move around the class as students colour. Point to • Point to the items in the grid and ask students to
completed pictures and ask, What’s this? What colour is say the words. Point to the items at the top of the
it? worksheet and ask students to say the words and
count the items. Explain that students should copy
1  rabbit  ​2  cat  ​3  frog  ​4  fish  ​5  bird  ​6  butterfly these items into the correct squares in the grid. They
can cross off the items as they draw them.
Optional activity • Alternatively, students can cut out the pictures at the
• Choose a flashcard from the Unit 3 animal flashcards. top of the worksheet and place them on the correct
Don’t show it to the class. Ask, What’s this? Students call squares of the puzzle grid. This will make it easier to
out guesses. The first student to call out the correct word correct mistakes, and to do the puzzle again.
can take a turn to choose a flashcard for the rest of the • Move around the class as the students complete the
class to guess. puzzle. Help if necessary by asking students to say
what items are in / missing from each row, column
and box.
Row 2: rock, fence, pond
Row 3: flower, tree, grass, fence
Row 4: pond
Row 5: flower, rock
Row 6: grass, tree

Optional activity
• Play a game of What’s missing? Place the garden object
flashcards on the board, or on a desk. Ask students to
point to the cards and say the words. Tell the students to
close their eyes. Remove one or two of the flashcards. Tell
the students to open their eyes and say which flashcards
are missing.

9 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 5 Worksheet 6
Grammar 2 (Lesson 7) Cross-curricular (Lesson 8)
1 Find the differences. 1 Draw. Point and say.
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
the pictures. Point to the animals and garden objects the board game. Tell the students that they need to
in the picture and ask students to say the words. copy the pictures at the top of the worksheet into the
• Point to the animals in the pictures and ask, Where’s the blank squares in the board game.
(rabbit)? Encourage students to answer using in / on / • Ask students to say what each of the pictures shows.
under. Ask them to say which order the pictures should be in
• Students then work in pairs to find the seven (frog’s eggs, tadpole, tadpole with legs, froglet, frog). Make
sure students copy the pictures onto the board game
differences between the two pictures. Move around
the class and ask questions about the pictures (e.g. in the correct order, i.e. from the start of the board
Where’s the (frog)?) to help students if necessary. game to the end, the pictures should be drawn in
sequence. Students draw the first picture on the start
ANSWERS square, and the last on the finish square.
In picture 1, the bird is on the fence. In picture 2, it’s in
the tree. ANSWERS
In picture 1, the cat is in the tree. In Picture 2, it’s under Students’ own answers.
the tree.
2 Play the game.
In picture 1, the rabbit is under the tree. In Picture 2, it’s
under the fence. • Students can play the game in pairs or small groups
In picture 1, the frog is on the rock. In Picture 2, it’s in (of about four). You can hand out dice and counters
the pond. for students to use. Alternatively, students can write
In picture 1, the fish is in the pond. In Picture 2, it isn’t in the numbers 1–6 on squares of paper and place them
the pond. face down on the desk. They pick up a square when
In picture 1, the mouse is in the grass. In Picture 2, it’s on it is their turn to move, and they move the number of
the rock. squares shown on the paper. They can then shuffle
In picture 1, the bee is on the flower. In Picture 2, it’s in the squares before the next student’s turn. Students
the flower. can use small objects such as coins, pencil sharpeners,
rubbers, etc., as counters.
2 Talk about the pictures. • Students take turns to throw a dice / pick a number
• Invite students to describe the pictures to the class, and move along the board. If they land on a square
saying what animals and garden objects they can see, with an arrow on it, they should move back the
and where each animal is. number of spaces shown on the arrow. If they land on
a square with a stop sign on it, they should miss their
Students’ own answers. next turn. If they land on a square with a picture on it,
they should say the correct word. The first student to
Optional activity reach the picture of the frog wins the game.
• Students can colour the pictures, then compare pictures ANSWERS
with a friend and talk about the differences, e.g. This is my Students’ own answers.
picture. The (rabbit) is (brown). This is your picture. The (rabbit)
is (grey). Optional activity
• Play a guessing game. Describe one of the stages in the
frog life cycle, e.g. It’s got a tail. It hasn’t got legs. The first
student to call out the correct word (e.g. Tadpole!) can take
a turn to describe another stage in the frog life cycle for
the rest of the class to guess.

10 Bright Ideas Starter

What can you do?
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Vocabulary 1 (Lesson 2) Song (Lesson 3)
1 Point and say. Colour and cut. 1 Point and say. Colour.
• Hold up activity flashcards from Unit 4. Ask students • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
to name the activities. Say the words for students to the activities in the spinner. Ask students to point to
repeat if necessary. the activities and say the correct words or phrases.
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Ask students to Students then colour the pictures.
point to the activities and name them. ANSWERS
• Students then colour the pictures and cut out the Students’ own answers.
2 Make the spinner. Play a game.
Students’ own answers. • Show students how to make the spinner by cutting
out the arrow and fastening it through the centre of
2 Play a game. the circle with a paper fastener. If you don’t have paper
fasteners, students can use a short pencil or crayon
• Students play a game of dominoes in pairs. They instead of the arrow.
shuffle their two sets of dominoes together and deal
them out. They toss a coin to decide who will go first. • Students then play a game in pairs. They take turns to
spin the arrow (or pencil) and make a true sentence
• Students then take turns to place dominoes end to
about the picture it lands on (e.g. I can / can’t (swim).).
end, matching the pictures of the activities. Encourage
students to name the activities on each domino they • Students mark the pictures they have made sentences
place down. about by putting a small pencil mark next to them.
The first student to mark off all eight pictures wins the
• If a student does not have a domino which they can
put down, their partner can take another turn. The
winner is the first student to place down all their ANSWERS
dominoes. Students’ own answers.
• The winner is the first student to place down all their Optional activity
dominoes. If no player can proceed, the student with
the fewest number of dominoes left in their pile wins. • Hold up the Unit 4 activity flashcards, one at a time. Ask
students to raise their hands if they can do the activity
ANSWERS shown on the flashcard. Ask individual students to say true
Students’ own answers. sentences about each flashcard (e.g. I can / can’t (make
Optional activity
• Mime one of the activities shown on the dominoes. The
first student to guess which activity you are miming and
call out the correct word or phrase can take a turn to
mime an activity for the rest of the class to guess.

11 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4
Grammar 1 (Lesson 4) Vocabulary 2 (Lesson 6)
1 Colour. Tick ✔ or cross ✘. 1 Look and draw. Point and say.
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Point to each of • Hold up the flashcards for food from Unit 4, Lesson 6
the pictures and ask students to name the activities. and ask students to say the words. Say the words for
Ask students, What can you do? Encourage individual students to repeat if necessary.
students to say sentences about each picture. • Hand out copies of the worksheet and show the
• Students take out their coloured pens or crayons, and students the puzzles. Tell the students that they need
colour the pictures. They then tick the pictures which to complete the puzzle by drawing the next picture in
show activities they can do and cross the pictures the sequence.
which show activities they can’t do. • Point to the items in the first sequence and ask
• Move around the class as students complete the students to say the words. Ask students what they
activity. Point to the pictures and say, I can / can’t (do think comes next (eggs). Tell the students to draw the
gymnastics). What about you? eggs in the box.
ANSWERS • Move around the class as students complete the
Students’ own answers. remaining puzzles in pairs. Point to items and ask
students to say the words.
2 Talk with your friends. Tell the class. • Invite students to hold up their worksheets and show
• Students move around the class and compare their the class their completed puzzles. Encourage them to
worksheets with other students. They point to pictures say the words for each sequence.
and say I can / can’t (speak Chinese). Students try to find
(an)other student(s) who can do the same activities as
Puzzle 1: eggs
Puzzle 2: bananas
• Invite pairs or groups of students to report back to the Puzzle 3: vegetables
class by pointing to the pictures on their worksheets Puzzle 4: pizza
and saying which activities they can / can’t do.
2 Draw a puzzle for your friend.
Students’ own answers. • Students draw a picture sequence for their partners to
complete. They can copy the pictures from the picture
Optional activity sequences on the worksheet.
• Stick the Unit 4 activity flashcards on the board. • Students then swap worksheets and complete each
• Point to each flashcard in turn and ask students to raise other’s puzzles.
their hands if they can do the activity. • Invite students to hold up their completed puzzles
• Count how many students can do each activity. Write the and show the class. Encourage them to say the words
numbers on the board. Find out which activity the most / for the foods in the sequence.
fewest students can do. ANSWERS
Students’ own answers.

Optional activity
• Invite a student to come to the board. Hand the student
four to six of the food flashcards. Say the words for
the flashcards in random order. The student sticks the
flashcards on the board in the order you say the words.
• You can play this as a game in two teams if you like,
inviting students from each team in turn to come to the
board and awarding one point for each correct sequence
of flashcards.

12 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 5 Worksheet 6
Grammar 2 (Lesson 7) Cross-curricular (Lesson 8)
1 Talk to your friends. Tick ✔. 1 Point and say. Look at activity 2 and circle what
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Point to the food you need to make the card.
items in the table and ask students to say the words. • Students point to the pictures and name the items.
• Point to the faces at the top of the table. Ask students • Students look at the instructions in activity 2 and circle
to say which face is happy and which face is sad. Ask the items which they need to make the card.
students which face means they like something and
which face means they don’t like something.
• Ask students to point to the circled items and say the
• Divide the class into groups of four or five. Explain to
students that they need to find out which foods the
paints, paper, scissors
students in their group like / don’t like.
• Demonstrate by moving to the first group of students 2 Make this pop-up beak card.
and pointing to the picture of the pizza in your • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
table. Say, I like pizza, and put a tick in the happy face the pictures. Tell the students that the pictures show
column. Encourage the rest of the students to say how to make a card with a pop-up beak (or mouth).
sentences, e.g. I like / don’t like pizza. Complete the first
row of your table and show the class.
• Show them a card you made earlier as an example and
then help them to make the card themselves.
• Move around the class as the students complete their
• How to make the card:
tables. Help if necessary, and make sure all students
1 Fold the card in half.
are contributing sentences.
2 Fold the card in half again.
ANSWERS 3 Open the card out and refold it vertically. Then fold
Students’ own answers. it in half horizontally.
4 Open the card out again, so that it is folded in
2 Count. Find the favourite food. half once, vertically. Cut a small line close to the
• Students count the number of ticks in the happy centre of the bottom half of the card (about three
face column for each of the foods in their table. They quarters of the way from the top of the card).
can compare with other groups to find out the class’ 5 Fold back a triangle of card from above and below
favourite food. the cut.
ANSWERS 6 Fold the card as in step 1, with the triangle part
Students’ own answers. on the inside. Pull out the triangles to form the
mouth / beak. Paint the card to look like a bird or
Optional activity animal.
• Students can draw a picture showing the foods they like. • TIP Glue the two halves of the A4 sheet together at
Invite students to show their pictures to the class and talk the end to make it appear more like a card. Take care
about them (e.g. I like (pizza). I like (eggs). I like (bananas).) not to glue down the beak / mouth.
• You may wish to enter ‘pop-up beak (or mouth)
card’ into an internet search engine for either video
support on making these types of card or for ideas on
decorating the card.
• Encourage the students to give the card to a friend or
family member.

Optional activity
• If you have time, students can follow the instructions and
make the card. They can give it to a friend, or take it home
and give it to a family member.

13 Bright Ideas Starter

Who’s in your family?
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Vocabulary 1 (Lesson 2) Song (Lesson 3)
1 Draw. Colour and cut. 1 Draw. Point and say.
• Hold up family flashcards from Unit 5. Ask students to • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
name the family members. Say the words for students the picture frame. Students draw pictures of their
to repeat if necessary. families in the frames.
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Tell students to • Invite students to show their pictures to the class.
complete the face cards to show members of their Encourage them to point to the people in the picture
family. and say He’s / She’s my (daddy / mummy).
• Students draw and colour to complete the pictures. ANSWERS
Move around the class as students work. Point to their Students’ own answers.
face cards and ask Who’s this? Encourage students to
respond She’s / He’s my (mummy / uncle). 2 Make a family display.
• If any students have small families, they can complete • Students can cut out their picture frames and use
the remaining face cards with pictures of (family) them to make a family display on the classroom wall.
friends. Invite students to look at each other’s pictures. Ask
• Students choose six of the family members from their students if they can guess whose family each picture
completed face cards and copy the pictures onto their
Bingo cards. ANSWERS
• Students then cut out the face cards and the Bingo Students’ own answers.
Optional activity
Students’ own answers.
• Hold up the Unit 5 family flashcards, one at a time. Ask
students to call out the family words. Continue to show
2 Play a game. the cards, but show them increasingly faster.
• Students play a game in pairs. They each shuffle their
face cards and place them face down in two separate
piles (one per student). They place their Bingo cards
on the desk in front of them. They toss a coin to decide
who will go first.
• Students then take turns to pick up a card from their
pile, show it to their partner and say (daddy / sister). If
the card matches one of the pictures on their Bingo
card, they can cover the picture on the Bingo card
with the face card. If the card doesn’t match any of
the pictures on their Bingo card, they should place the
card back at the bottom of their pile.
• The first student to cover all the pictures on their
Bingo card wins the game. Students can swap partners
and play again.
Students’ own answers.

Optional activity
• Invite students to show their Bingo cards to the class.
Encourage students to point to the pictures on the card
and say (grandma / brother).

14 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4
Grammar 1 (Lesson 4) Vocabulary 2 (Lesson 6)
1 Colour and cut. Make a book. 1 Point and say. Colour and cut.
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Tell the students • Hold up the flashcards for activities from Unit 5, Lesson
that they are going to make a book about their family. 6 and ask students to say the words. Say the words for
Tell the students to complete the faces to make students to repeat if necessary.
pictures of their family members. • Show the students the cards on the worksheet. Ask
• Move around the class as the students complete the students to point to the pictures and say the words /
pictures. Point to pictures and ask students, Who’s this? phrases for the activities.
• Show the students how to cut out the pages and fold • Students then colour and cut out their cards.
and stick them together to make a book. (Two of the ANSWERS
three strips should be stuck back to back and folded Students’ own answers.
to form the central four pages, with the third strip
forming the cover and the first and last pages of the 2 Play a game.
• Demonstrate how to play a memory game. Play
• Students can decorate the covers of their books when the game with a student for the rest of the class to
they are ready. observe. Shuffle two sets of cards together, then place
ANSWERS them all face down on the desk, in rows.
Students’ own answers. • Take turns to turn over two cards. Say the words /
phrases for the activities on the cards you turn over.
2 Tell the class. Encourage students to do the same.
• Invite students to show their family books to the class. • If you turn over two cards showing different activities,
Encourage them to point to the pictures in their books you must turn the cards face down again. If you turn
and say, She’s / He’s my (sister / brother). over two cards showing the same activity, you can
• Students can take their books home to show their keep the pair. The winner is the player with the most
families. cards.
ANSWERS • When students are confident about how to play the
Students’ own answers. game, they can play in pairs. Move around the class
and help if necessary.
Optional activity
• Ask students to swap books with a partner. They should Students’ own answers.
show their partner’s book to their partner, point to the
pictures and say, He’s / She’s your (daddy / mummy). Optional activity
• Students can also use their picture cards to play Snap! in
pairs. They shuffle their two sets of cards and deal them
out between them. They take turns to place a card face
up on the desk. Encourage students to say the words /
phrases for the activities as they put each card down. If
two cards showing the same activity are placed on the
desk in succession, the first person to shout Snap! can take
all of the cards on the desk. The winner is the player with
the most cards.

15 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 5 Worksheet 6
Grammar 2 (Lesson 7) Cross-curricular (Lesson 8)
1 Colour. Tick ✔. 1 Colour. Point and say.
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Point to each of • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
the pictures and ask students to name the activities. the board game. Tell the students that they need to
Ask students, What can you do? Encourage individual colour the pictures in the board game.
students to say sentences about each picture. • When students have coloured the pictures, ask
• Students take out their coloured pens / crayons and students to hold up their board game, point to the
colour the pictures. They then tick the boxes to show pictures and name the actions (march, jump, step, clap,
which activities they can / can’t do. If they can do an stop).
activity, they tick the box under the happy face. If they ANSWERS
can’t do an activity, they tick the box under the sad Students’ own answers.
• Move around the class as students complete the 2 Play the game.
activity. Point to the pictures and say, I can / can’t • Students can play the game in pairs or small groups
(skateboard). What about you? (of about four). You can hand out dice and counters
ANSWERS for students to use. Alternatively, students can write
Students’ own answers. the numbers 1–6 on squares of paper and place them
face down on the desk. They pick up a square when
2 Talk about your friend. it is their turn to move, and they move the number of
• Students swap completed worksheets with a partner. squares shown on the paper. They can then shuffle
the squares before the next student’s turn. Students
They then show their partner’s worksheet to the class
and tell the class about their partner, e.g. He / She can / can use small objects such as coins, pencil sharpeners,
can’t (sing). rubbers, etc, as counters.
• Students swap worksheets again. If they swapped • Students take turns to throw a dice / pick a number
worksheets with a boy last time, they should swap and move along the board. They should say the word
worksheets with a girl this time, and vice versa. for the action they land on, then do the action. If they
land on a square with a stop sign on it, they should
• Students tell the class about their new partner.
miss their next turn. The first student to reach the
ANSWERS FINISH square wins the game.
Students’ own answers.
Optional activity Students’ own answers.
• Invite a student to come to the board. Stick one of the Optional activity
Unit 5 activity flashcards on the board.
• Play a game of Simon says. You can use the actions and
• Tell the student to draw a tick on the board if he / she can activities from Units 4 and 5. Tell the students that they
do the activity, and to draw a cross on the board if he / should all obey you if you first say the words, Simon says.
she can’t do the activity shown on the flashcard. Tell them that they are out of the game if they follow an
• Encourage other students to make a sentence using the order that doesn’t begin with Simon says, or if they fail to
information on the board, e.g. He / She can / can’t (dance). do what Simon says to do. Begin by saying something
• Repeat with other students and other activities. You can like, Simon says, march. Look to make sure everybody is
also review the activities from Unit 4 by using the Unit 4 doing the action. Give another order such as, Simon says,
activity flashcards. run. Check again. Continue giving orders. Mix it up and say
something like, Stop! without the preface Simon says. Call
out the students who do the action. Play until one student
is left. This student is the winner.

16 Bright Ideas Starter

What do you look like?
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Vocabulary 1 (Lesson 2) Song (Lesson 3)
1 Tick ✔. 1 Colour, cut and stick.
• Hold up appearance flashcards from Unit 6. Ask • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
students to say the words or phrases. Say the words or the finger puppets. Ask students to point to the
phrases for students to repeat if necessary. puppets and say which have got straight / curly /
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Ask students to long / short hair. Students then colour the finger
puppets’ hair and eyes, using their own choices of
point to the pictures and say the correct words or
phrases (long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, colours. They cut out their finger puppets and glue
glasses). Students tick the pictures that relate to their the flaps.
appearance. ANSWERS
ANSWERS Students’ own answers.
Students’ own answers.
2 Sing the song.  e 139
2 Draw and colour. • Play the song from Unit 6 Lesson 3. Students use their
• Students complete the picture to look like themselves. puppets to sing along. Encourage students to hold up
puppets which match lines in the song, e.g. when they
They colour the eyes, draw their hairstyle and colour
their hair. hear the line My hair’s curly, they hold up a puppet
with curly hair.
• Move around the class as students draw and colour.
Ask, What colour are your eyes / is your hair? ANSWERS
Students’ own answers.
Students’ own answers. 3 Ask and answer.
3 Show and tell. • Students then use their finger puppets to act out
conversations with their partners. They use their
• Students show their finished pictures to a partner and puppets to ask and answer questions, e.g. Have you got
talk about their pictures, e.g. I’ve got (blue) eyes. I’ve got
(long / short / straight / curly / dark / blond) hair? Have
(short / straight / dark) hair.
you got (blue / green / brown) eyes? Have you got glasses?
Students’ own answers.
• Move around the class as the students ask and
answer. Make sure the students are using the correct
Optional activity structures and help if necessary.

• Choose a student in the class. Say, I’m one of you and point ANSWERS
Students’ own answers.
to all the students. Ask, Who am I? Say, I’ve got (brown) eyes.
I’ve got (straight / long / blond) hair.
Optional activity
• The first student to guess who you are describing can
• Invite a student to come to the front of the class and close
either choose another student and describe him / her
their eyes.
to the class, or whisper a name to you so that you can
describe another student for the class to guess. • Ask another student to come to the front of the class and
stand behind the first student.
• Say, Who’s this? and encourage the first student to ask
questions to find out who the other student is, e.g. Have
you got (long / short / straight / curly / dark / blond) hair?
Have you got (blue / green / brown) eyes? Have you got
• Repeat with other students.

17 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4
Grammar 1 (Lesson 4) Vocabulary 2 (Lesson 6)
1 Listen and colour. 1 Look and draw. Point and say.
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Point to each of the • Hold up the flashcards for clothes from Unit 6, Lesson 6
pictures and ask students to say whether each person and ask students to say the words. Say the words for
has got short / long / curly / straight hair. students to repeat if necessary.
• Tell students to take out their coloured pens, pencils • Hand out copies of the worksheet and show the
or crayons. Say, Show me (green), etc. The students hold students the puzzles. Tell the students that they need
up the correct colours. to complete the puzzle by drawing the next picture in
• Tell the students to listen to you and colour the the sequence.
pictures on their worksheets. Say: • Point to the items in the first sequence and ask
Number 1 has got blond hair and green eyes. students to say the words. Ask students what they
Number 2 has got dark hair and brown eyes. think comes next (trousers). Tell the students to draw
Number 3 has got dark hair and blue eyes. the trousers in the box.
Number 4 has got blond hair and blue eyes.
Number 5 has got blond hair and green eyes.
• Move around the class as students complete the
remaining puzzles in pairs. Point to items and ask
Number 6 has got dark hair and brown eyes. students to say the words.
Number 7 has got dark hair and blue eyes.
Number 8 has got blond hair and brown eyes.
• Invite students to hold up their worksheets and show
the class their completed puzzles. Encourage them to
Number 9 has got dark hair and green eyes.
say the words for each sequence.
Number 10 has got blond hair and blue eyes.
• You can use any colours you like for this, as long as ANSWERS
Puzzle 1: trousers
students all colour their worksheets with the same
colours. Puzzle 2: trousers
Puzzle 3: T-shirt
ANSWERS Puzzle 4: dress
Students’ own answers.
2 Draw a puzzle for your friend.
2 Play a game.
• Students draw another picture sequence for their
• Students play a game in pairs. They take turns to partners to complete. They can copy the pictures from
choose one of the people on the worksheet and the picture sequences on the worksheet.
pretend to be that person. Their partner asks questions
to guess who they are, e.g. Have you got (long / short /
• Students then swap worksheets and complete each
other’s puzzles.
straight / curly / dark / blond) hair? Have you got (blue /
green / brown) eyes? Have you got glasses? • Invite students to hold up their completed puzzles
and show the class. Encourage them to say the words
• Students can use small items (rubbers, pencil
for the clothes in the sequence.
sharpeners, coins, etc.), or small squares of paper, to
cover the people on their worksheet as they eliminate ANSWERS
them. Students’ own answers.
• Demonstrate the game with a volunteer first, to Optional activity
make sure the students understand how to eliminate
options and find the correct person. Then move • Invite a student to come to the board. Hand the student
around the class as the students play in pairs and help four to six of the clothes flashcards. Say the words for
if necessary. the flashcards in random order. The student sticks the
flashcards on the board in the order you say the words.
• To make sure there is no cheating, you can ask
• You can play this as a game in two teams if you like,
students to note down the number of the person they
have chosen, so that they can’t change their mind inviting students from each team in turn to come to the
halfway through the game! board and award one point for each correct sequence of
Students’ own answers.

Optional activity
• Divide the class into two teams to play the game.
Students from each team in turn choose a person from
the worksheet and note down the number. Students
from the other team ask questions to find out who the
person is.
• The teams then swap roles and play again.
• If you like, you can set a limit on the number of questions
each team can ask to make the game more challenging.

18 Bright Ideas Starter

Worksheet 5 parts 1 and 2 Worksheet 6
Grammar 2 (Lesson 7) Cross-curricular (Lesson 8)
1 Colour and cut. 1 Draw.
• Hand out copies of the worksheets. Point to the items • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
of clothing and ask students to say the words. the pictures at the top of the worksheet. Ask students
• The students colour and cut out the items of clothing to name the items.
and the paper doll. They can make the doll look like • Point to the weather symbols in the boxes. Elicit the
themselves by drawing and colouring their hairstyle phrases It’s sunny. / It’s raining.
on the doll and colouring the eyes to match their own. • Tell the students to draw the clothes for the different
• Ask students questions about the items of clothing types of weather in the correct boxes. Students copy
as they work, e.g. What colour is the (hat) / are the the pictures from the top of the worksheet into the
(trousers)? boxes.
Students’ own answers. It’s sunny: T-shirt, sunglasses, sandals, (sun) hat
It’s raining: coat, boots, (wool) hat, gloves
2 Put on the clothes.
• Students choose items of clothing to make an outfit, 2 Point and say.
then put the clothes on the paper doll. • Students point to the pictures in the boxes and name
• Show the students how to fold the tabs to make the items. Ask students to imagine they are wearing
these clothes. Encourage students to say It’s (sunny /
the clothes fit on the paper doll. Show them how
to fold the tab at the feet of the doll to help it stand raining). I’m wearing … .
up. They will need to prop it up against an object for ANSWERS
support. (For a more robust paper doll, hand out card Students’ own answers.
for students to glue the paper doll onto card before
cutting it out.) Encourage students to show their dolls 3 Tell the class.
to their partners and talk about the clothes, e.g. Look! • Ask students to look out of the window and say
I’m wearing (trousers). They’re (blue). what the weather is like today, then tell the class
ANSWERS what they are wearing today, e.g. It’s (sunny / raining).
Students’ own answers. I’m wearing … .
3 Tell the class. Student’s own answers.
• Invite students to show their dolls to the class and
tell the class what they are wearing, e.g. This is me! I’m Optional activity
wearing (trousers), (a T-shirt) and (a hat). The (trousers) • If you have time, students can draw pictures of themselves
are (blue), etc. on a sunny day and a rainy day, then present their pictures
• Students can display their dolls in the classroom. They to the class.
can glue their clothes onto the dolls if they like, to
make sure the clothes don’t fall off.
Students’ own answers.

Optional activity
• Students can draw a picture of themselves wearing their
favourite outfits. Invite students to show their pictures to
the class and talk about them (e.g. I’m wearing a (T-shirt).
It’s (red).)

19 Bright Ideas Starter

World Water Day
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
What do we use water for? What things need water?
Background 1 Tick ✔ the things that need water to live.
• World Water Day is on 22nd March every year. It’s a special • Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
day to think about how important water is. The first World the pictures. Explain to the class that some of these
Water Day was in 1993. Now, people all over the world things need water to live, and some of them don’t.
take action on World Water Day to let people know about
different water issues, such as saving water, keeping water
• Point to the picture of the fish. Ask, Does a fish need
water to live? (Yes). Tell the students to put a tick in the
clean, and protecting the world’s freshwater resources. box next to the fish.
1 Think and draw. • Students complete the rest of the activity, then
compare their answers in pairs.
• Introduce the topic by asking students to think about
water. Using students’ L1, ask, Where does water come • Ask students around the class whether each thing
from? Why do we need water? Encourage students from needs water to live.
around the class to answer. • Ask the class why the teddy and the car don’t need
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Tell students to water to live. (Because they are not living things.) Tell
the class that all living things need water to live.
think about what we use water for. Prompt ideas by
asking students to think about their daily routine. Ask, ANSWERS
What do you do when you get up / when you get home fish, flower, bird, grass
from school / before you go to bed?
• Teach the words water, go to the toilet, have a shower / 2 Draw three more things that need water to live.
bath, brush my teeth, wash the dishes, and draw your • Students draw pictures of three more things that
own pictures on the board. need water to live. If you like, you can brainstorm
• Mime the vocabulary and ask students to say Yes or No ideas with the class first (e.g. a tree, a cat, a boy / girl,
a rabbit, etc.).
when you say the correct or incorrect vocabulary item.
Invite individual students to mime the vocabulary for • Invite students to show their pictures to the class and
the class and continue the game. say the words for the things they have drawn.
• Encourage students to think of other things we use ANSWERS
water for, e.g. drinking, watering plants, washing food / Students’ own answers.
our hands.
Optional activity
• Tell students to complete the worksheet by drawing
pictures in the circles to show what they use water for. • Ask students to imagine a world with no water. Ask
students to imagine living in a country where there is not
• Students can use their completed worksheets to make
enough clean water, or where people have to walk for
a display on the classroom wall. Invite students to look
miles to find water.
at the display and count the different ways we use
water. Teach the number in English if it is higher than • Encourage students to think about how we can save
ten and students don’t know it. water. Some possible answers are: turn off taps when
you’re not using them, take shorter showers, don’t waste
food. Explain that growing, washing and preparing food
Possible answers: drinking, cooking, washing hands / uses a lot of water. If you leave your food, you are wasting
food / cars / clothes, having a bath / shower, cleaning the water. So you can save water by eating all your food, or
house, watering plants, brushing teeth saving it for another meal.
• If you have time, you can ask students to make posters for
World Water Day, showing why water is important, or how
we can save water. Display the posters in a common area
of the school.

20 Bright Ideas Starter

International Day of Peace
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Symbols of peace Peace and friendship
Background 1 Draw your friends and colour.
• International Day of Peace, or Peace Day, is on 21st • Introduce the topic of friendship. Using students’
September every year. The first International Day of L1, ask How can we make a friend? Elicit the answers:
Peace was in 1981. It’s a day of global ceasefire and by talking to someone new, by helping people, by
non-violence, and a day for everyone in the world to work joining in with new groups. Ask, What makes a good
together to try to achieve worldwide peace. friend? Elicit the answers: someone who listens to us,
is kind to us, makes us laugh, etc. Ask, Why are friends
1 Colour and cut. important? Elicit the answers: because we need people
• Introduce the topic by asking students to think about to talk to / play with.
peace. Using students’ L1, ask, What is peace? Why is it
important to have peace? What pictures make us think of

Hand out copies of the worksheet. Show the students
the outlines of the paper figures. Tell the students to
peace? Encourage students from around the class to draw pictures of three of their friends in the outlines.
answer. Possible pictures illustrating peace include the
dove, a heart shape, hands joined, rainbows.

Invite students to show their finished pictures to the
class and say the names of their three friends. Teach
• Hand out copies of the worksheet. Tell students to them to say these phrases in English: This is Ellie. She’s
colour and cut out the hand shapes. Alternatively, my friend. I like Ellie. Ask students to say why each of
students can draw around their own hands on a sheet their friends is a good friend.
of paper, colour their hand pictures and cut them out.
• Ask students to hold up their completed hands and Students’ own answers.
say what colours they are.
ANSWERS 2 Cut and fold. Then cut again to make a friend
Students’ own answers. chain.

2 Make a peace decoration.

• Show students how to cut out and fold the paper
figures to make a chain of friends.
• Show the students how they can use their hand •
Students can stick or fasten their chains together to
shapes to make a peace decoration. They can arrange make a long chain of friends for the classroom wall.
the hands in a circle on a piece of paper or card to
make a wreath, or they can staple the hands together •
Tell the students that friendship is an important part
of peace. Using L1, ask students what else they can
in a long strip to make a chain of hands.
do to help create peace. Elicit the answers: be kind
• Students can work as a class or in groups. If they work to people, forgive people who are unkind, don’t fight
in groups, they may need to make more hand shapes with other people, share things with others, help
to complete their decoration. They can do this by people, understand that everyone is different, but we
using more worksheets, or by drawing around their are all sharing the same world.
own hands on sheets of paper.
• Help students to decorate the classroom with their Students’ own answers.
peace decorations.
• Ask students why they think the hand is a symbol of Optional activity
peace (because holding hands and shaking hands are • Students can make posters for the International Day of
signs of friendship). Peace, showing symbols of peace, or pictures showing
ANSWERS how we can help to create peace.
Students’ own answers. • Discuss ideas with the class first, then hand out sheets of
paper for the students to make their posters.
• Display the posters in a common area of the school.

21 Bright Ideas Starter

Unit 1 Test
1 Listen and colour.  e 163 3 Ask five friends. Colour.
Students listen to the recording and colour the paint pots. Students ask five of their friends What’s your favourite colour?
1 and colour the paint brushes according to their friends’
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? answers.
Girl  It’s grey! ANSWERS
2 Students’ own answers.
Woman  What’s your favourite colour?
Boy  It’s green! Marks (Speaking)
3 5 marks. One for each grammatically correct question and
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? correctly coloured paintbrush.
Girl  It’s red!
4 4 Colour. Point and say.
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? Students colour the pictures, using their own choices of
Boy  It’s purple! colours. They then point to each picture and say, This is my
5 (pencil). It’s (green).
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? Alternatively, or as an extension, students can place five of
Girl  It’s pink! their school things on the desk in front of them. Working
6 with a partner, they take turns to point to one of their items,
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? or one of their partner’s items, and say, This is my / your (ruler).
Boy  It’s blue! ANSWERS
ANSWERS Students’ own answers.
1  (example) grey   ​2  green  ​3  red  ​4  purple  ​5  pink  ​ Marks (Speaking)
6  blue
5 marks. One for each correct description of a picture.
Marks (Listening)
5 marks. One for each correct answer.

2 Listen and tick ✔.  e 164

Students listen to the recording and tick the correct picture
in each pair.
Girl  What’s this?
Boy  This is my pen.
Boy  This is my ruler.
Girl  It’s nice!
Girl  This is your pencil case.
Boy  Yes, it is.
Girl  What’s this?
Boy  This is my crayon.
Girl  This is your rubber.
Boy  Oh yes! Thank you.
Girl  And this is your pencil.
Boy  Great! I’m ready for school!
1  (example) pen   ​2  ruler  ​3  pencil case   ​4  crayon  ​
5  rubber  ​6  pencil
Marks (Listening)
5 marks. One for each correct answer.

22 Bright Ideas Starter

Unit 2 Test
1 Listen and circle.  e 165 3 Tick ✔ five toys you’ve got. Point and say.
Students listen to the recording and circle the correct picture Students tick five of the toys which they have got. They then
in each pair. point to the pictures they’ve ticked and say, I’ve got (a plane).
1 Alternatively, students can draw five toys they’ve got, if they
Girl  I’ve got a robot! It’s my favourite toy! know the words for them. They can then make sentences
2 about their drawings.
Boy  Look! I’ve got a scooter!
Students’ own answers.
Girl  I’m happy! I’ve got a doll.
4 Marks (Speaking)
Boy  Hello! I’ve got a football! 5 marks. One for each grammatically correct sentence.
Girl  I’ve got a puppet! 4 Point and say.
6 Students point to the pictures and make sentences using
Boy  I’ve got rollerblades! Wheeeee! the picture prompts.
1  (example) robot   ​2  scooter  ​3  doll  ​4  football  ​ Snake – It hasn’t got legs.
5  puppet  ​6  rollerblades Cat – It’s got eyes.
Marks (Listening) Robot – It hasn’t got ears.
Spider – It’s got a head.
5 marks. One for each correct answer.
Fish – It’s got a tail.
2 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘.  e 166 Marks (Speaking)
Students listen to the recording and tick or cross the 5 marks. One for each correct sentence.
pictures, depending on whether they match the description
on the recording.
Girl  This is my toy. It’s got legs.
Boy  This is my favourite toy. It’s got two eyes. It hasn’t got
Boy  This is my toy. It’s got a head.
Girl  Here’s my toy! It’s got a tail.
Girl  Here’s my favourite toy. It’s got a body.
Boy  Look at my toy! It hasn’t got a tail. It’s got one ear.
1  (example) ✔  ​2  ✔  ​3  ✔  ​4  ✘  ​5  ✔  ​6  ✔
Marks (Listening)
5 marks. One for each correct answer.

23 Bright Ideas Starter

Unit 3 Test
1 Listen and circle.  e 167 ANSWERS
Students listen to the recording and circle the correct picture 1 (example) The frog is in the pond.
in each pair. 2 The cat is under the tree.
1 3 The butterfly is on the rock.
Woman  What’s this? 4 The mouse is in the grass.
Girl  It’s a butterfly! 5 The bird is on the fence.
2 6 The bee is on the flower.
Woman  What’s this? Marks (Listening)
Boy  It’s a rabbit! 5 marks. One for each correct answer.
Woman  What’s this? 3 Ask and answer.
Girl  It’s a cat! Students take turns to point to the silhouettes and ask their
4 partner, What’s this? They should answer, It’s a (bird).
Woman  What’s this?
Boy  It’s a frog!
What’s this? It’s a bird / rabbit / mouse / frog / fish.
Woman  What’s this? Marks (Speaking)
Girl  It’s a bee! 5 marks. One for each correct answer.
Woman  What’s this? 4 Point and say.
Boy  It’s a mouse! Students point to the pictures and make sentences using in /
on / under.
1  (example) butterfly   ​2  rabbit  ​3  cat  ​4  frog  ​5  bee  ​ ANSWERS
6  mouse The butterfly is on the fence.
Marks (Listening) The bee is on the flower.
The cat is in the grass.
5 marks. One for each correct answer.
The fish is in the pond.
2 Listen and draw lines.  e 168 The frog is on the rock.
Students listen to the recording and draw lines to match the Marks (Speaking)
animals to the correct positions in the main picture. 5 marks. One for each correct sentence.
Girl  This is my garden. Look! The frog is in the pond.
Boy  In the pond? Oh yes! I can see it!
Girl  There’s a cat in my garden too.
Boy  A cat?
Girl  Yes! The cat is under the tree.
Boy  Look! A butterfly!
Girl  A butterfly?
Boy  Yes! The butterfly is on the rock.
Girl  Oh! A mouse!
Boy  Oh yes! Look! The mouse is in the grass!
Girl  There’s a bird in my garden too.
Boy  A bird?
Girl  Yes! Look! The bird is on the fence!
Boy  Look at the bee!
Girl  A bee?
Boy  Yes! The bee is on the flower.
Girl  Oh yes!

24 Bright Ideas Starter

Unit 4 Test
1 Listen and match.  e 169 3 Point and say.
Students listen to the recording and draw lines to match the Students take turns to point to the activities and make
children to the activities they can do. sentences, e.g. I can / can’t (cook).
Girl  I can’t swim, but I can run! Students’ own answers.
Boy  I can’t make cakes, but I can climb! Marks (Speaking)
3 5 marks. One for each grammatically correct sentence.
Girl  I can’t speak Chinese, but I can do gymnastics!
4 4 Point and say.
Boy  I can’t do gymnastics, but I can swim! Students take turns to point to the foods and make
5 sentences, e.g. I like / don’t like (bananas).
Girl  I can’t climb, but I can speak Chinese! ANSWERS
6 Students’ own answers.
Boy  I can’t run, but I can make cakes!
Marks (Speaking)
ANSWERS 5 marks. One for each grammatically correct sentence.
1  (example) run   ​2  climb  ​3  do gymnastics   ​4  swim  ​
5  speak Chinese   ​6  make cakes
Marks (Listening)
5 marks. One for each correct answer.

2 Listen and tick ✔.  e 170

Students listen to the recording and tick the correct faces to
show which foods the girl likes / doesn’t like.
Girl  Mmm! Bananas! I like bananas!
Girl  Oh. Soup. I don’t like soup.
Girl  Look! Pizza! I like pizza!
Girl  Eggs? Oh no. I don’t like eggs.
Girl  Vegetables! Great! I like vegetables!
Girl  Yes! Spaghetti! I like spaghetti!
1  (example)   ​2    ​3    ​4    ​5    ​6 
Marks (Listening)
5 marks. One for each correct answer.

25 Bright Ideas Starter

Unit 5 Test
1 Listen and number.  e 171 3 Draw and say.
Students listen to the recording and number the people in Students complete the pictures to show members of their
the picture in the correct order. families, then point to the completed pictures and make
Boy  Hello! I’m Billy! I’m six! Here’s a picture of my family. sentences, e.g. He’s / She’s my (brother / sister).
Boy  Look! She’s my mummy. She’s happy! Students’ own answers.
Boy  He’s my grandpa! He’s happy too! Marks (Speaking)
3 5 marks. One for each grammatically correct sentence.
Boy  She’s my sister. She’s three!
4 4 Point and say.
Boy  He’s my brother. He’s ten! Students point to the pictures and make sentences, e.g. He /
5 She can / can’t (sing).
Boy  She’s my grandma! She’s thirsty! ANSWERS
6 He can skateboard.
Boy  He’s my daddy. He’s hungry! She can speak English.
ANSWERS He can’t do maths.
From left to right: She can dance.
2, 1 (example), 5, 6, 3, 4 She can’t sing.
Marks (Listening) Marks (Speaking)
5 marks. One for each correct answer. 5 marks. One for each correct sentence.

2 Listen and circle.  e 172

Students listen to the recording and circle the correct picture
in each pair to show what the children can do.
1 This is Jack. He’s my brother. He can’t skip. He can hop!
2 This is Nina. She’s my sister. She can sing. She can’t dance.
3 This is Ben. He’s my friend. He can skateboard. He can’t do
4 This is Lucy. She’s my friend. She can’t cook. She can swim.
5 This is Sam. He’s six. He can’t speak English. He can do
6 This is Tara. She’s seven! She can speak Chinese! She can’t
Pictures to be circled:
1  (example) picture of boy hopping   ​
2  picture of girl singing
3  picture of boy skateboarding  
​4  picture of girl swimming
5  picture of boy doing maths  
​6  picture of girl speaking Chinese
Marks (Listening)
5 marks. One for each correct answer.

26 Bright Ideas Starter

Unit 6 Test
1 Listen and circle.  e 173 2 Listen and colour.  e 174
Students listen to the recording and circle the correct picture Students listen to the recording and colour the correct items
in each pair. of clothing in the picture.
Girl  Look at me! I’m wearing a dress! It’s grey!
The audio recording tests the vocab item ‘blond’. Either 2
ask the students to colour all white hair yellow prior Boy  It’s sunny today. I’m wearing a T-shirt. It’s blue.
to listening, or tell them all white / unfilled hair stands 3
for ‘blond’. The tests have been designed to be cost- Girl  Hello. I’m wearing trousers. They’re green.
effectively printed or photocopied and therefore don’t 4
include colour. Boy  Look! I’m wearing a hat. It’s yellow.
1 5
Woman  Have you got straight hair? Girl  Hi! I’m wearing gloves! They’re pink!
Boy  Yes, I have. 6
Woman  Have you got dark hair? Boy  Look at me! I’m wearing trainers. They’re red!
Boy  No, I haven’t. ANSWERS
2 Items to be coloured:
Woman  Have you got long hair? 1  the girl’s dress – grey (example)  
Girl  Yes, I have. ​2  the boy’s T-shirt – blue   ​
Woman  Have you got blond hair? 3  the girl’s trousers – green   ​
Girl  No, I haven’t. 4  the boy’s hat – yellow   ​
3 5  the girl’s gloves – pink   ​
Woman  Have you got short hair? 6  the boy’s trainers – red
Boy  Yes, I have.
Woman  Have you got curly hair? Marks (Listening)
Boy  No, I haven’t. 5 marks. One for each correct answer.
3 Ask and answer.
Woman  Have you got dark hair?
Girl  Yes, I have. Students ask and answer in pairs about their appearances
Woman  Have you got straight hair? using the picture prompts.
Girl  Yes, I have! ANSWERS
5 Have you got …
Woman  Have you got blond hair? … long hair?
Boy  Yes, I have. … short hair?
Woman  Have you got straight hair? … curly hair?
Boy  No, I haven’t. … straight hair?
6 … glasses?
Woman  Have you got long hair? Students’ own answers.
Girl  No, I haven’t.
Marks (Speaking)
Woman  Have you got curly hair?
Girl  Yes, I have. 5 marks. One for each correct question and answer.

ANSWERS 4 Tick ✔ and colour. Point and say.

Pictures to be circled: Students tick the items of clothing they are wearing and
1 the boy with straight, fair hair (example) colour them. They then point to the pictures and make
2 the girl with long, dark hair sentences, e.g. I’m wearing (trainers). They’re (blue).
3 the boy with short, straight hair
4 the girl with dark, straight hair
Students’ own answers.
5 the boy with curly, fair hair
6 the girl with short, curly hair Marks (Speaking)
Marks (Listening) 5 marks. One for each grammatically correct sentence.
5 marks. One for each correct answer.

27 Bright Ideas Starter

Review Test 1
1 Listen and colour. Then listen and ANSWERS
number.  e 175 1  (example) 2   ​2  2  ​3  1  ​4  2  ​5  1  ​6  1
Students listen to the recording and colour the paint blobs Marks (Listening)
in any order. Alternatively, instead of playing the recording, 5 marks. One for each correct answer.
tell them which colouring pencils / pens they need (pink,
yellow, red, blue and green). Ask them to colour the blobs in 3 Listen and match.  e 177
any order and then play the recording (Listen and number). Students listen to the recording and draw lines to match the
This will ensure a higher degree of randomness for testing children to the toys.
their understanding of colours in the numbering task. They 1
then listen again and number the colours. Boy  Look! I’ve got a teddy.
Narrator  Grey, red, green, blue, pink, yellow. 2
1 Girl  I’ve got a plane. It’s my favourite toy!
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? 3
Boy  It’s grey! Boy  I’ve got a robot. Can you see it?
2 4
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? Girl  I’m happy! I’ve got rollerblades.
Girl  It’s yellow! 5
3 Boy  Look! I’ve got a puppet.
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? 6
Boy  It’s blue! Girl  I’ve got a football! Let’s play a game!
Woman  What’s your favourite colour?
1  (example) teddy   ​2  plane  ​3  robot  ​4  rollerblades  ​
Girl  It’s green!
5  puppet  ​6  football
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? Marks (Listening)
Boy  It’s red! 5 marks. One for each correct answer.
Woman  What’s your favourite colour? 4 Which body parts do the toys have? Point and
Girl  It’s pink! say.
Students point to each picture of a toy and make a sentence,
1  (example) grey   ​2  yellow  ​3  blue  ​4  green  ​5  red  ​ e.g. It’s got (legs) or It hasn’t got (a tail). They need to produce
6  pink at least one correct sentence per picture to achieve full
marks. The six small images of body parts above the toys
Marks (Listening) (ears, body, etc.) are there to remind them which body parts
5 marks. One for each matching number and colour. they can talk about.

2 Listen and circle.  e 176 Note

Students listen to the recording, look at the pictures and Tell students in L1 that the robot has got wheels (not
circle 1 or 2. legs) should they struggle to identify this body part
1 correctly. Also remind students in L1 that the animals are
Girl  Look! This is my pencil. toy animals. For example, the toy duck hasn’t got legs (as
Man  Oh yes! opposed to a real duck which has got legs).
Man  What’s this? ANSWERS
Girl  This is my ruler. Dog – It’s got eyes / ears / legs / a body / a head / a tail.
3 Robot – It’s got a head / a body / eyes. It hasn’t got legs /
Man  This is your pencil case. ears / a tail.
Girl  Yes, it is! Duck – It’s got a head / a body / a tail / eyes. It hasn’t got
4 legs / ears.
Girl  This is my pen. Octopus – It’s got a head / legs / eyes. It hasn’t got ears / a
Man  It’s great! body / a tail.
5 Rabbit – It’s got eyes / ears / legs / a body / a head / a tail.
Man  This is your crayon. Marks (Speaking)
Girl  That’s right. 5 marks. One for each correct description.
Man  And this is your rubber.
Girl  Yes! Thank you!

28 Bright Ideas Starter

Review Test 2
1 Listen and tick ✔.  e 178 3 Listen and number.  e 180
Students listen to the recording and tick the correct picture Students listen to the recording and number the people in
in each pair. the picture.
1 1
Woman  Look! What’s this? Boy  Look at me! I can climb! I’m in the tree!
Boy  Oh! It’s a cat! 2
2 Girl  I can’t climb. I can paint pictures. Look at this!
Woman  What’s this? 3
Girl  It’s a bee! Boy  I can’t speak Chinese. I can run!
3 4
Woman  What’s this? Girl  I can’t paint pictures. I can make cakes!
Boy  It’s a fish! 5
4 Boy  I can’t do gymnastics. I can speak Chinese!
Woman  What’s this? 6
Girl  It’s a rabbit! Girl  I can’t climb trees. I can do gymnastics!
Woman  What’s this? 1  (example) the boy climbing the tree   ​
Boy  It’s a bird! 2  the girl painting a picture   ​
6 3  the boy running   ​
Woman  What’s this? 4  the girl making cakes   ​
Girl  It’s a mouse! 5  the boy speaking Chinese   ​
ANSWERS 6  the girl doing gymnastics
1  (example) cat   ​2  bee  ​3  fish  ​4  rabbit  ​5  bird  ​ Marks (Listening)
6  mouse
5 marks. One for each correct answer.
Marks (Listening)
5 marks. One for each correct answer. 4 Look and say.
Students look at the pictures and make sentences using like /
2 Listen and circle.  e 179 don’t like.
Students listen to the recording, look at the pictures and ANSWERS
circle 1 or 2. I like pizza / vegetables.
1 I don’t like bananas / eggs / spaghetti.
Boy  Look! The fish is in the pond.
Woman  Oh yes! Marks (Speaking)
2 5 marks. One for each correct sentence.
Woman  Can you see the cat?
Boy  Yes! It’s in the tree!
Woman  Look! A bird!
Boy  Oh yes! It’s under the fence!
Woman  Can you see the frog?
Boy  Yes! It’s on the rock!
Woman  Oh look! A rabbit!
Boy  Oh yes! It’s in the grass!
Woman  Where’s the mouse?
Boy  Look! It’s under the tree!
1  (example) 1   ​2  2  ​3  2  ​4  1  ​5  1  ​6  2
Marks (Listening)
5 marks. One for each correct answer.

29 Bright Ideas Starter

Review Test 3
1 Listen and circle.  e 181 3 Listen and number.  e 183
Students listen to the recording and circle the correct picture Students listen to the recording and number the pictures in
in each pair. the correct order.
1 1
Man  This is a nice photo. Who’s this? Woman  Have you got long hair, Sam?
Girl  This is me. And she’s my little sister! She’s two! Boy  No, I haven’t.
2 Woman  Have you got dark hair?
Man  Oh look! Who’s this? Your grandpa? Boy  Yes, I have.
Girl  No! He’s my daddy! 2
3 Woman  Have you got long hair, Tara?
Man  I like this photo. Who’s this? Girl  Yes, I have.
Girl  She’s my auntie! Woman  Have you got curly hair?
4 Girl  No, I haven’t.
Man  Who’s this? Your mum? 3
Girl  No! She’s my grandma! Woman  Have you got dark hair, Zoe?
5 Girl  Yes, I have.
Man  Look! Who’s this? Woman  Have you got straight hair?
Girl  He’s my brother. He’s eight! Girl  No, I haven’t.
6 4
Man  This is a nice photo. Who’s this? Woman  Have you got dark hair, Jack?
Girl  She’s my mummy! Boy  No, I haven’t.
Woman  Have you got curly hair?
Pictures to be circled: Boy  No, I haven’t.
1  (example) the girl and her sister   ​2  the girl and her dad  ​ 5
3  the girl and her auntie   ​4  the girl and her grandma   ​ Woman  Have you got dark hair, Anna?
5  the girl and her brother   ​6  the girl and her mum Girl  Yes, I have.
Woman  Have you got long hair?
Marks (Listening) Girl  No, I haven’t.
5 marks. One for each correct answer. 6
Woman  Have you got short hair, Tom?
2 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘.  e 182 Boy  Yes, I have.
Students listen to the recording, tick the things the children Woman  Have you got straight hair?
can do and cross the things the children can’t do. Boy  No, I haven’t.
Girl  This is my friend Katie. She’s six.
1 (example) the boy with short, curly, dark hair
Girl  She can’t skateboard.
2 the girl with long, straight, fair hair
3 the girl with long, curly, dark hair
Girl  Katie can hop! Look!
4 the boy with short, straight, fair hair
5 the girl with short, dark, straight hair
Girl  She can do maths too! I like maths!
6 the boy with short, curly, fair hair
Girl  This is my friend Josh. He’s six too.
4 Marks (Listening)
Girl  He can’t sing. 5 marks. One for each correct answer.
Girl  Josh can speak English! I can speak English too! Hello! 4 Draw and say.
6 Students draw clothes on the figure. They can also draw a
Girl  Josh can dance. I can dance too! It’s fun! face and hair to illustrate themselves. They then point to
their finished pictures and say sentences, e.g. I’ve got (curly
1  (example) ✘  ​2  ✔  ​3  ✔  ​4  ✘  ​5  ✔  ​6  ✔ hair / brown eyes). I’m wearing (a T-shirt / trousers).

Marks (Listening) ANSWERS

5 marks. One for each correct answer. Students’ own answers.

Marks (Speaking)
5 marks. One for each grammatically correct sentence.

30 Bright Ideas Starter

End of Year Test
1 Listen and colour.  e 184 3 Listen and number.  e 186
Students listen to the recording and colour the correct items Students listen to the recording and number the correct
in the picture. people in the picture.
1 1
Girl  Look! This is my room! This is my robot. It’s grey. Man  Are you in this picture, Toby?
2 Boy  Yes, I am. Look! I’m wearing a T-shirt and trousers.
Girl  I’ve got a pencil too. This is my pencil. It’s red. Man  Have you got straight hair?
3 Boy  Yes, I have.
Girl  This is my plane. It’s a toy. It’s blue. 2
4 Man  Are you in this picture, Jess?
Girl  Look! This is my rubber. It’s yellow. Girl  Yes, I am. I’m wearing a dress.
5 Man  Have you got dark hair?
Girl  This is my pencil case. It’s pink. Girl  No, I haven’t.
6 3
Girl  I’ve got a ball too. This is my ball. It’s green. Man  I can’t see you in the picture, Billy.
Boy  Look! Here I am! I’m wearing a coat.
1  (example) the robot – grey   ​2  the pencil – red   ​3  the Man  Have you got curly hair?
plane – blue   ​4  the rubber – yellow   ​5  the pencil case – Boy  Yes, I have. I’ve got dark, curly hair.
pink  ​6  the ball – green 4
Man  Are you in this picture, Nina?
Marks (Listening) Girl  Yes, I am. I’m wearing trousers.
5 marks. One for each correctly coloured item. Man  Have you got dark hair?
Girl  Yes, I have. I’ve got straight, dark hair.
2 Listen and circle.  e 185 5
Students listen to the recording, look at the pictures and Man  I can’t see you, David. Are you in the picture?
circle the correct picture in each set to show what each Boy  Yes, I am. I’m wearing a hat!
person can do. Man  Oh yes. I can see you! Have you got curly hair?
1 Boy  Yes, I have.
Boy  Hello! I’m Sam. I can’t sing and I can’t dance. I can 6
skateboard! Man  Hello, Lucy. Are you in the picture too?
2 Girl  Yes! Look! I’m wearing a dress. I’m wearing sandals too.
Boy  My sister is four. She can’t speak English, and she can’t Man  Have you got blond hair?
do maths. She can dance! Girl  No, I haven’t!
Boy  My brother is eight. He can’t skateboard and he can’t
1 the boy with straight, fair hair, wearing a T-shirt and
climb trees. He can speak Chinese!
2 the girl with fair, curly hair, wearing a dress and boots
Boy  My daddy is very clever. He can’t sing and he can’t
3 the boy with curly, dark hair, wearing a coat and
skateboard. He can do maths!
4 the girl with straight, dark hair, wearing a coat and
Boy  My friend Susie is six. She can’t cook and she can’t do
gymnastics. She can paint!
5 the boy with curly, fair hair, wearing a hat, shirt and
Boy  My friend Dan is six too. He can’t hop and he can’t paint.
6 the girl with dark hair wearing a dress and sandals
He can swim!
Marks (Listening)
Pictures to be circled: 5 marks. One for each correct answer.
1  (example) boy skateboarding   ​2  girl dancing   ​
3  speech bubble with Chinese symbols in it   ​
4  blackboard with difficult sum on it   ​5  paint palette and
brush  ​6  swimming trunks and goggles
Marks (Listening)
5 marks. One for each correct answer.

31 Bright Ideas Starter

4 Point and say.
Students talk in pairs, taking turns to find differences
between the two pictures. Students should make five
sentences each.
Note: Cat in picture B – Manx cats are tailless cats originating
from the Isle of Man. The Manx is the result of a naturally
occurring genetic mutation.
In picture A, the cat has got a tail.
In picture B, it hasn’t got a tail.
In picture A, the cat is on the fence.
In picture B, the cat is on the rock.
In picture A, the frog has got legs.
In picture B, it hasn’t got legs.
In picture A, the doll has got curly hair.
In picture B, it’s got straight hair.
In picture A, the robot is in the grass.
In picture B, it’s on the fence.
Marks (Speaking)
5 marks. One for each correct sentence.

32 Bright Ideas Starter

Marking grids

Unit 1 test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and colour. 5
2 Listen and tick ✔. 5
Speaking 3 Ask five friends. Colour 5
4 Colour. Point and say. 5
Total for test 20

Unit 2 test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle. 5
2 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘. 5
Speaking 3 Tick ✔ five toys you’ve got. Point and say. 5
4 Point and say. 5
Total for test 20

Unit 3 test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle. 5
2 Listen and draw lines. 5
Speaking 3 Ask and answer. 5
4 Point and say. 5
Total for test 20

Unit 4 test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and match. 5
2 Listen and tick ✔. 5
Speaking 3 Point and say. 5
4 Point and say. 5
Total for test 20

Unit 5 test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 5
2 Listen and circle. 5
Speaking 3 Draw and say. 5
4 Point and say. 5
Total for test 20

Unit 6 test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle. 5
2 Listen and colour. 5
Speaking 3 Ask and answer. 5
4 Tick ✔ and colour. Point and say. 5
Total for test 20

33 Bright Ideas Starter

© Oxford University Press   PHOTOCOPIABLE
Marking grids

Review Test 1 Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and colour. Then listen and number. 5
2 Listen and circle. 5
Speaking 3 Listen and match. 5
4 Circle the numbers. Point and say. 5
Total for test 20

Review Test 2 Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✔. 5
2 Listen and circle. 5
Speaking 3 Listen and number. 5
4 Look and say. 5
Total for test 20

Review Test 3 Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle. 5
2 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘. 5
Speaking 3 Listen and number. 5
4 Draw and say. 5
Total for test 20

End of Year Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and colour. 5
2 Listen and circle. 5
3 Listen and number. 5
Speaking 4 Point and say. 5
Total for test 20

34 Bright Ideas Starter

© Oxford University Press   PHOTOCOPIABLE

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