CFD Modeling and Simulation of the Hydrodynamics
Characteristics of Coarse Coal Particles in a 3D Liquid-Solid
Fluidized Bed
Jian Peng 1,2 , Wei Sun 1,2 , Haisheng Han 1,2, * and Le Xie 3, *
1 School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;
peng.jian@csu.edu.cn (J.P.); sunmenghu@csu.edu.cn (W.S.)
2 Key Laboratory of Hunan Province for Clean and Efficient Utilization of Strategic Calcium-Containing
Mineral Resources, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
3 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
* Correspondence: hanhai5086@csu.edu.cn (H.H.); xiele2018@csu.edu.cn (L.X.); Tel.: +86-731-8883-6873 (L.X.)
Abstract: In this study, a Eulerian-Eulerian liquid-solid two-phase flow model combined with kinetic
theory of granular flow was established to study the hydrodynamic characteristics and fluidization
behaviors of coarse coal particles in a 3D liquid-solid fluidized bed. First, grid independence
analysis was conducted to select the appropriate grid model parameters. Then, the developed
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was validated by comparing the experimental data and
simulation results in terms of the expansion degree of low-density fine particles and high-density
coarse particles at different superficial liquid velocities. The simulation results agreed well with the
experimental data, thus validating the proposed CFD mathematical model. The effects of particle size
and particle density on the homogeneous or heterogeneous fluidization behaviors were investigated.
Citation: Peng, J.; Sun, W.; Han, H.;
The simulation results indicate that low-density fine particles are easily fluidized, exhibiting a certain
Xie, L. CFD Modeling and Simulation
range of homogeneous expansion behaviors. For the large and heavy particles, inhomogeneity may
of the Hydrodynamics Characteristics
of Coarse Coal Particles in a 3D
occur throughout the bed, including water voids and velocity fluctuations.
Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed. Minerals
2021, 11, 569. https://doi.org/ Keywords: liquid-solid; fluidized bed; coarse coal; computational fluid dynamics
intend to improve the efficiency of mineral particle separation in an LSFB by enhancing the
cognition of particle fluidization behavior [14–17].
LSFB modeling is challenging owing to its complex flow behavior and liquid-solid
interactions. In recent decades, with the rapid development of computer technology and
the progress of multi-phase flow model research [18–21], computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) simulation has become a powerful tool for studying the particle flow characteristics
in fluidized beds [22–27]. In general, two types of CFD models are often employed in the
multiphase flow simulations: Eulerian-Lagrangian models and Eulerian-Eulerian models.
In the Eulerian-Lagrangian model, the fluid phase is treated as a continuum by solving the
Navier-Stokes equations, while the dispersed phase is solved by tracking a large number
of particles, bubbles, or droplets through the flow field. The dispersed phase can exchange
momentum, mass, and energy with the fluid phase. The advantage of using this approach
is that each particle trajectory, as well as the system parameters, is known exactly. The
results often provide physical insight into the nature of the flow. However, because a large
number of particle trajectories are needed to determine the average behavior of a system,
the computational requirements are extremely high. The Eulerian–Eulerian approach,
or a two-fluid model, is generally adopted in engineering simulations. In this method,
different phases are treated mathematically as interpenetrating continua. Conservation
equations for each phase are derived, having similar structure for all phases. In the case
of particulate flows, the kinetic theory of the granular phase is used to estimate the solid
viscosity and solid stresses, and incorporates it into the two-fluid model. In the case of
two-phase flow in fluidized beds where the number of solid particles is large, the E-E
approach is the more attractive and practical method. In this study, due to the high-volume
fraction of solids in LSFB, the Eulerian method was employed owing to its low demand
for computing resources. The complete interpenetration of liquid phase and solid phase is
considered in the momentum equation [28–30]. The kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF)
is used to calculate solid phase properties and achieve closure. The mass and momentum
conservation equations of the two phases are obtained from the statistical average of the
instantaneous local transport equations [31].
In addition, numerous experimental investigations were conducted to understand the
hydrodynamic characteristics of the LSFB flotation cell [10,32–35]. Di Felice [36] investi-
gated the heterogeneous characteristics of liquid-solid fluidized beds where the degree
of heterogeneous behavior is highly dependent on particle morphology, particle size dis-
tribution, and the fluid-to-solid density ratio. Generally, small particles with low density
are more easily fluidized compared with large and heavy particles. The explanations
can be found by analyzing the gravitational pull and interparticle forces acting on the
particles [37]. For large particles, inhomogeneity phenomena may occur in the whole
bed, including particle aggregation, water voids and velocity fluctuations, due to bubble
and jet effects. However, there are still many difficulties in the modeling of liquid-solid
fluidized beds, owing to the complex flow behavior and liquid-solid interactions, especially
the inhomogeneity fluidization phenomena. Therefore, a detailed insight into the homo-
geneities or heterogeneous behavior hydrodynamics in liquid-solid fluidization systems is
significant to obtain a better understanding of fluidization flotation and a better design of
an efficient operation.
The research object of this study is the hydrodynamic characteristics of coarse coal
particles in a 3D LSFB. The Eulerian–Eulerian two-fluid model combined with KTGF was
employed to study the fluidization behavior of coarse coal particles. In this study, much
attention was paid to the inhomogeneity fluidization in liquid-solid fluidized beds. The ef-
fects of particle size and particle density on the homogeneous or heterogeneous fluidization
behaviors were investigated by means of CFD modeling and simulation. The simulation
results indicate that low-density fine particles are easily fluidized, exhibiting a certain range
of homogeneous expansion behaviors. For the large and heavy particles, inhomogeneity
may occur throughout the bed, including water voids and velocity fluctuations.
Minerals 2021, 11, 569 3 of 15
∂ →
(αq ρq ) + ∇ · (αq ρq v q ) = 0, q = l, s, αl + αs = 1 (1)
The momentum equations are expressed as
→ → → → →
∂t ( αl ρl v l ) + ∇ · ( αl ρl v l v l ) = −αl ∇ p + ∇ · τ l + Ksl ( v s − v l )
→ → → (2)
+αl ρl g + ( F l + F li f t,l )
→ → → → →
∂t ( αs ρs v s ) + ∇ · ( αs ρs v s v s ) = −αs ∇ p − ∇ ps + ∇ · τ s + Ksl ( v l − v s )
→ → → (3)
+αs ρs g + ( F s + F li f t,s )
→ →T 2 →
τ q = αq µq (∇vq + ∇vq ) + αq (λq − µq )∇·vq I (4)
Equation (4) is used to calculate the stress tensor. Notably, solid pressure and viscosity
are introduced in the momentum equation when the particle phase is regarded as the
continuous phase according to the Eulerian method. To achieve closure, Lun et al. [38]
derived the KTGF model based on the kinetic theory of gases. In the KTGF model, the
granular temperature is defined to consider the conservation of solid energy fluctuations.
The equation for the granular temperature is expressed as
3 ∂ →
(αs ρs Θs ) + ∇ · αs ρs v s Θs = ∇ · (κΘs ∇Θs ) + − ps I + τs : ∇ v s − γΘs − 3Kls Θs (5)
2 ∂t
In Equation (5), κΘs and γΘs denote the diffusion coefficient and collisional dissipation
of energy, respectively.
15ds ρs αs Θs π
12 16
1 + η 2 4η − 3αs g0 +
κ Θs = (41 − 33η )ηαs g0 (6)
4(41 − 33η ) 5 15π
The solid-phase properties can be calculated by using the granular temperature equation.
Solid pressure:
ps = αs ρs Θs +2ρs (1+ess )αs 2 g0 Θs (10)
Solid shear viscosity:
µs = µs,col + µs,kin + µs, f r (11)
4 Θs 0.5
µs,col = αs ρs ds go (1 + ess )( ) (12)
5 π
5ds ρs Θs π 4 2
µs,kin = [1 + (1 + ess )αs g0 ] (13)
48αs (1 + ess )g0 5
Minerals 2021, 11, 569 4 of 15
ps sin θ
µs, f r = √ (14)
2 I2D
Solid bulk viscosity:
4 Θs
λs = ds ρs αs g0 (1 + ess ) (15)
3 π
∂ ∂ → ∂ ∂k
(α ρ k) + (α ρ k v ) = (Γ ) + αl ( Gk − Yk + Sk ) (16)
∂t l l ∂xi l l l ∂x j k ∂x j
∂ ∂ → ∂ ∂ω
(α ρ ω ) + (α ρ ω v l ) = (Γω ) + αl ( Gω − Yω + Dω + Sω ) (17)
∂t l l ∂xi l l ∂x j ∂x j
Equations (16) and (17) are used to calculate the turbulence kinetic energy (k) and
specific dissipation rate (ω), which are then employed to calculate the turbulent viscosity:
µt = α∗ (18)
where α∗ denotes the low Reynolds number correction factor.
0.024 + Ret /6
α∗ = α∗∞ ( ) (19)
1 + Ret /6
Ret = (20)
24 h i
CD = 1 + 0.15(αl Res )0.687 (23)
αl Res
→ →
αs ds ρl v s − v l
Res = (24)
0.0767ϕ ≤ 6000 ϕ
−5 ϕ −7
Cl = −(0.12 − 0.2e− 3.6 ×10 )e− 3 ×10 6000 < ϕ < 5 × 107 (26)
−0.6353 ϕ ≥ 5 × 107
where ϕ = Res Rew . Res and Rew denote the particle Reynolds number and vorticity
Reynolds number, respectively.
→ →
ρ ( v − v s )ds
Res = l l (27)
ρl (∇ × v l )d2s
Rew = (28)
3. Simulation Details
Figure 1 shows the 3D LSFB mesh. ANSYS ICEM software 19.0 was used to develop
and mesh a 3D LSFB. The 3D fluidized bed is divided into two parts. The lower part
(Part II) was divided by an unstructured grid. The unstructured unit had a maximum
size of 1 mm. The bottom of the fluidized bed was considered as the distribution plate on
which some small holes were evenly arranged. The small holes had a diameter of 2 mm
and the opening rate of the bottom distribution plate was 40%. To ensure that there was
sufficient mesh number on the small holes, the mesh was densified at the small holes and
the maximum size of the mesh on the small holes was set to 0.5 mm. Conversely, the upper
part (Part I) was meshed by structural elements with a mesh size of 2 mm. The purpose
was to reduce the calculation cost and stabilize the numerical calculation. In the CFD
simulation, the water and coal particles were defined as the primary phase and secondary
phase, respectively. At the bottom of the fluidized bed, which had an initial height of
H0 (100 mm), the coal particles were initially patched. The boundary conditions can be
classified into velocity inlet (small holes at the bottom of the bed), pressure outlet, and wall
in the fluidized bed reactor; the rest of the bottom plate which is not velocity inlet uses a
wall BC.
For the numerical simulation, both the cell size and time step should be prudently
selected. In this study, the water velocity was 0.25–2.5 cm/s and the time step was 0.005 s.
As can be seen from Equation (29), with this time step, the Courant number was 0.0125–
0.125, which is a reasonable value accepted by numerous researchers [41]. The foregoing
conditions were applied in all the CFD simulations in this study.
Nc = vl (29)
(Part I) was meshed by structural elements with a mesh size of 2 mm. The purpose was to
reduce the calculation cost and stabilize the numerical calculation. In the CFD simulation,
the water and coal particles were defined as the primary phase and secondary phase, re-
spectively. At the bottom of the fluidized bed, which had an initial height of H0 (100 mm),
the coal particles were initially patched. The boundary conditions can be classified into
Minerals 2021, 11, 569 6 of 15
velocity inlet (small holes at the bottom of the bed), pressure outlet, and wall in the fluid-
ized bed reactor; the rest of the bottom plate which is not velocity inlet uses a wall BC.
Figure computationalgeometry
In this
For the study, the root-mean-square
numerical error
simulation, both the cell(RMSE),
size andexpressed
time stepby Equation
should (30), was
be prudently
used to evaluate the deviation between the CFD simulation results and experimental
selected. In this study, the water velocity was 0.25–2.5 cm/s and the time step was 0.005 data.
As can be seen from Equation (29), with this v time step, the Courant number was 0.0125–
0.125, which is a reasonable value acceptedu uby
yi − yi 0 )2 researchers [41]. The foregoing
conditions were applied in all theRMSE
CFD simulations
t 1 in this study. (30)
where y0 i denotes the CFD simulation results, yi is the experimental data, and n is the
number of experiments. The RMSE values were 3.65 for low-density fine particles, and
2.01 for high-density coarse particles. The calculated RMSE values were acceptable, thus
ensuring the accuracy of the CFD results.
The developed CFD mathematical model was solved using ANSYS Fluent software
where the equations were discretized using the second-order upwind method. The SIMPLE
algorithm was employed to couple velocity and pressure. The low-relaxation-factor method
was employed to facilitate the convergence. The under-relaxation factors were 0.3 for
pressure, 0.7 for momentum, 0.3 for volume fraction, 0.2 for granular temperature, and
default values for the other parameters. All the CFD simulations were performed on a
2.2 GHz Intel 2 16-core central processing unit with 128 GB of RAM located in Beijing, China.
Figure 3.3. Grid sensitivity analysis: (A) comparison of time-averaged solid volume fractions along bed-height at four grid
sizes, (B)
sizes, (B) comparison
comparison ofof overall
overall bed
bed height
height as
as aa function
function of
of time
time at
at four
four grid
grid sizes.
The effects of the grid on the contours of the solid volume fraction at the time of 50 s
are presented in Figure 2. 2. The simulation results under the four grids grids almost
almost exhibited
similar trends in terms of the volume fraction of the solid phase, especially especially in a bed height
above 0.05. InIn addition,
addition, bothboth the
the final
final bed
bed expansion
expansion height
height and
and flow
flow state
state were
were similar,
although slight differences in the particle concentration distribution were observed at the
bottom of the bed. For For the
the medium
medium and and fine
fine meshes,
meshes, the local
local solid-phase
solid-phase volume fractions
throughout the bed remained almost
throughout the bed remained almost the same. the same.
The effect
The effect of the grid
of the grid on
on the
the volume
volume fraction
fraction of the solid
of the solid particles
particles along
along the
the bed
bed height
is presented
is presentedin inFigure
Figure3A. 3A.InIn
case of aofcoarse
case grid,grid,
a coarse the particle volume
the particle fraction
volume presented
fraction pre-
a smaller
sented distribution
a smaller fluctuation
distribution profile due
fluctuation to numerical
profile diffusion. diffusion.
due to numerical No obvious Nodifference
was observed
difference wasbetween
observed the medium
between and
the fine grids.
medium and fine grids.
In Figure 3B, the bed height sharply increases
In Figure 3B, the bed height sharply increases atat the
the start
start of
of fluidization
fluidization (<25
(<25 s). With
s). With
the increase in flow time, the bed height is approximately constant and stable. The bed
the increase in flow time, the bed height is approximately constant and stable. The bed
height profiles
height profiles are
are similar
similar for
for the
the medium
medium and and fine
fine meshes, whereas for
meshes, whereas for the
the coarse
coarse mesh,
significant differences
significant differences are are observed.
observed. As As can
can bebe seen
seen from
from thethe figure,
figure, the
the coarse
coarse mesh
mesh may
have a higher predictive value of the bed height. When compared
have a higher predictive value of the bed height. When compared with the experimental with the experimental
data, the relative error of the bed height predicted by the medium and fine meshes is about
3.85%, and that predicted by the coarse mesh is 5.77%.
Based on these evaluations, to balance accuracy and computational efficiency, the
results in Figures 2 and 3 indicate that the selected 639,560 grids for the simulation are
sufficient for the fluid dynamic prediction of LSFBs.
Minerals 2021, 11, 569 8 of 15
data, the relative error of the bed height predicted by the medium and fine meshes is about
3.85%, and that predicted by the coarse mesh is 5.77%.
Based on these evaluations, to balance accuracy and computational efficiency, the
results in Figures 2 and 3 indicate that the selected 639,560 grids for the simulation are
sufficient for the fluid dynamic prediction of LSFBs.
Minerals 2021, 11, 569 noting that simulations and experimental comparisons of low-density fine particles9 of
high-density coarse particles were performed. Figure 4 presents variation of the bed ex-
pansion with superficial liquid velocity.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Comparisons
Comparisons between
between the computational fluid
the computational dynamics (CFD)
fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation
simulation results
results and
and experimental
experimental datadata in
terms of the degree of expansion under the condition of different superficial liquid velocities: (A) superficial liquid velocity
terms of the degree of expansion under the condition of different superficial liquid velocities: (A) superficial liquid velocity
increased from 0.0056 to 0.0111 m/s; (B) superficial liquid velocity increased from 0.0167 to 0.0236 m/s.
increased from 0.0056 to 0.0111 m/s; (B) superficial liquid velocity increased from 0.0167 to 0.0236 m/s.
Minerals 2021, 5.
Figure 11, x
5. Time evolutions
evolutions of
thesolid phase
solid under
phase thethe
under conditions of different
conditions coalcoal
of different particle sizes:
particle 11 of 15
0.6 0.6
(A) ± 0.1
±mm; (B) 0.85
0.1 mm; ± 0.15
(B) 0.85 ± mm; (C) 1.25
0.15 mm; (C) ±1.25
0.25 (D)
0.25 mm.
Figure 6 presents the time evolution of the bed expansion height. As can be seen from
the figure, the whole fluidization process can be divided into two stages. In the first stage,
the bed expansion height almost increases linearly with the flow time. Then, it remains
stable at a constant value after 35 s for four different particle sizes. When the particle size
increases from 0.6 ± 0.1 to 1.75 ± 0.25 mm, the bed expansion height decreases correspond-
ingly from 0.18 to 0.105 m.
Figure 6.
Figure Time evolutions
6. Time evolutionsofofthe
expansionheight under
height thethe
under condition of different
condition coal particle
of different sizes.
coal parti-
cle sizes.
4.3.2. Effect of Coal Particle Densities
4.3.2.This section
Effect discusses
of Coal Particlethe effects of particle density (1400–1500, 1600–1700, 1700–1800
and 1800–1900 kg/m 3 ) on the fluidization characteristics of coal particles. Figure 7 presents
This section discusses the effects of particle density (1400–1500, 1600–1700, 1700–1800
the time
and evolution
1800–1900 kg/mof3) solid-phase holdup.characteristics
on the fluidization As can be seen fromparticles.
of coal the figure, the bed
Figure expan-
7 presents
sion height decreased from
the time evolution of solid-phase 0.13 to 0.115 m when the coal particle density increased
holdup. As can be seen from the figure, the bed expan- from
1400–1500 3
sion heighttodecreased
1800–1900 kg/m
from 0.13. toFrom
m when 7A,B,
be seendensity
that theincreased
reached a stable fluidized state after 40 s. In the radial direction of the bed, the volume
1400–1500 to 1800–1900 kg/m . From Figure 7A,B, it can be seen that the fluidized bed
fraction of the central solid phase was low, whereas the volume fraction of the near-wall
reached a stable fluidized state after 40 s. In the radial direction of the bed, the volume
solid phase was high. This is because the particles rise in the central region and fall near the
fraction of the central solid phase was low, whereas the volume fraction of the near-wall
wall at a lower speed, which results in the tendency of the particles to stay near the wall for a
solid phase was high. This is because the particles rise in the central region and fall near
longer time. When the coal particle density increases to 1700−1800 and 1800−1900 kg/m3 ,
the wall at a lower speed, which results in the tendency of the particles to stay near the
heterogeneous fluidization can be observed (see Figure 7C,D).
wall for a longer time. When the coal particle density increases to 1700−1800 and
1800−1900 kg/m3, heterogeneous fluidization can be observed (see Figure 7C,7D).
1400–1500 to 1800–1900 kg/m3. From Figure 7A,B, it can be seen that the fluidized bed
reached a stable fluidized state after 40 s. In the radial direction of the bed, the volume
fraction of the central solid phase was low, whereas the volume fraction of the near-wall
solid phase was high. This is because the particles rise in the central region and fall near
Minerals 2021, 11, 569 the wall at a lower speed, which results in the tendency of the particles to stay near11 ofthe
wall for a longer time. When the coal particle density increases to 1700−1800 and
1800−1900 kg/m3, heterogeneous fluidization can be observed (see Figure 7C,7D).
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Time
Time evolutions of the volume fraction of the solid phase under the condition of different coal particle densities:
(A) 1400–1500
(A) kg/m33;;(B)
1400–1500 kg/m (B)1600–1700
kg/m3;3(C) 1700–1800 kg/m3; (D)
; (C) 1700–1800 kg/m3 ; (D)
1800–1900 kg/m
1800–1900 3. 3
kg/m .
Figure 7 shows the time evolutions of the volume fraction of the solid phase under
the condition of different coal particle densities. The observed horizontal stripes in particle
volume fraction contours are liquid voids, which are similar to the bubbles in gas-solid
fluidization systems. With the increase in particle density, the particle phase tends to
concentrate at the bottom of the fluidized bed, and the characteristic flow feature is the
void motion of the liquid phase. Generally, there are two regions along the bed height:
a dense bed at the bottom and a dilute bed at the top. In this regard, Renganathan and
Krishnaiah [47] found void motions in liquid-solid fluidized beds at high superficial liquid
velocities. It is easy to understand that the increased liquid phase volume fraction improves
the homogeneity of the particle phase due to the increased voidage distance among the
particles. Similar results were also reported by Wang et al. [48]. In this study, however, the
generated void may have been caused by the increased effect of gravity on the particles.
As shown in Figure 7, when the particle density was increased to 1800–1900 kg/m3 , the
particles were practically unfluidized, despite the presence of many voids in the bed.
Figure 8 presents the time evolution of the bed expansion height. In the first 10 s,
the bed expansion height significantly increased for all the coal particles with different
densities. However, from 10 to 25 s, a decrease in the bed expansion height was then
observed. After 25 s, the bed height finally stabilized at a constant value as the flow time
increased. This phenomenon can be explained by the formation and movement of vacuoles,
which lead to the fluctuation of the bed expansion height.
cles were practically unfluidized, despite the presence of many voids in the bed.
Figure 8 presents the time evolution of the bed expansion height. In the first 10 s, the
bed expansion height significantly increased for all the coal particles with different densi-
ties. However, from 10 to 25 s, a decrease in the bed expansion height was then observed.
After 25 s, the bed height finally stabilized at a constant value as the flow time increased.
Minerals 2021, 11, 569 12 of 15
This phenomenon can be explained by the formation and movement of vacuoles, which
lead to the fluctuation of the bed expansion height.
5. Conclusions
5. Conclusions
The fluidization
fluidization behavior
behavior ofof coal
coal particles
particles inin aa 3D
3D liquid-solid
liquid-solid fluidized
fluidized bedbed (LSFB)
was investigated by using a Eulerian–Eulerian model combined with the KTGF. First,
investigated by using a Eulerian–Eulerian model combined with the KTGF. First, grid
dependence analysis
analysis was
was conducted
conducted toto select
select the
the appropriate
appropriate grid
grid model
model parameters.
parameters. The The
CFD simulation
experimental data
dataof the bedbed
of the expansion degree
expansion werewere
degree compared
at different
pared superficial
at different liquid liquid
superficial velocities to validate
velocities the performance
to validate of theof
the performance proposed CFD
the proposed
mathematical model. The simulation results of low-density fine particles
CFD mathematical model. The simulation results of low-density fine particles and high-and high-density
densityparticles indicated
coarse particles that the that
indicated RMSE thevalues
RMSEwere 3.65
values and3.65
were 2.01,and
2.01, respectively.
The validated CFD model was then used to investigate the effects of
validated CFD model was then used to investigate the effects of particle
particle size
size and
particle density on the hydrodynamic characteristics and homogeneities or
particle density on the hydrodynamic characteristics and homogeneities or heterogeneous heterogeneous
fluidization behaviors in a 3D LSFB. When the particle size increased from 0.6 ± 0.1 to
fluidization behaviors in a 3D LSFB. When the particle size increased from 0.6 ± 0.1 to 1.75
1.75 ± 0.25 mm, the bed expansion height decreased from 0.18 to 0.105 m. A homogeneous
± 0.25 mm, the bed expansion height decreased from 0.18 to 0.105 m. A homogeneous
fluidization phenomenon was observed for the coal particle with a size of 0.6 ± 0.1 mm,
fluidization phenomenon was observed for the coal particle with a size of 0.6 ± 0.1 mm,
and heterogeneous fluidization occurred as the particle size increased. The particle density
also plays an important role in determining the fluidization behaviors. When the coal
particle density increased from 1400−1500 to 1800−1900 kg/m3 , the bed expansion height
decreased from 0.13 to 0.115 m. It was observed that the bed expansion height fluctuated
with flow time due to the formation and movement of vacuoles. The simulation results
indicated that the small and light particles are easily fluidized, thus exhibiting a certain
range of homogeneous expansion behaviors. For the large and heavy particles, inhomo-
geneity may occur throughout the bed, including water voids and velocity fluctuations
caused by vacuoles.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.P.; Formal analysis, J.P.; Investigation, J.P.; Methodology,
J.P.; Project administration, W.S.; Software, J.P.; Supervision, H.H. and L.X.; Validation, J.P.; Visualiza-
tion, J.P.; Writing—Original draft preparation, J.P.; Writing—Review and Editing, H.H. and L.X. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful for the financial support from the Key Laboratory of
Hunan Province for Clean and Efficient Utilization of Strategic Calcium-containing Mineral Resources
(No. 2018TP1002), National 111 Project (No. B14034), Collaborative Innovation Centre for Clean and
Efficient Utilization of Strategic Metal Mineral Resources, National Key Scientific Research Project
(2018YFC1901601, 2018YFC1901602, and 2018YFC1901605), Innovation Driven Plan of Central South
Minerals 2021, 11, 569 13 of 15
University (No. 2015CX005), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of
Central South University(No. 2020zzts204).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
CD Drag coefficient
Cl Lift force coefficient
ds Diameter of particles, m
e Particle–particle restitution coefficient
D Diffusion coefficient, m2 ·s−
F The liquid-solid interphase force, N·m−3
g Gravitational acceleration, m·s−2
g0 Radial distribution function
Gi The product term in turbulence model
H Bed expansion height, m
I Unit tensor
k Turbulence kinetic energy, m2 ·s−2
kΘ Diffusion coefficient, m2 ·s−1
Ksl Interphase exchange coefficient, kg·m2 ·s−1
Nc Courant number
p Pressure, Pa
Re Reynolds number
Si Source term in the turbulence model
t Time, s
v Velocity, m·s−1
Yi Dissipation terms in the turbulence model
α Volume fraction
ρ Density, kg·m−3
τ Stress tensor, Pa
µ Viscosity, Pa·s
ε Voidage
Θ Granular temperature, m2 ·s−2
λs Solid bulk viscosity, Pa·s
ω Specific dissipation rate, s−1
κ Thermal conductivity, W·m−1 K−1
η Efficiency of energy transfer from the liquid phase to the solid phase, %
γ The collisional dissipation energy, kg·m−1 s−3
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