Throne of The Dead v1.0
Throne of The Dead v1.0
Throne of The Dead v1.0
hrone of the Dead is intended for four Empty Rooms. There are a handful of small rooms on
characters with an average party level (APL) the map that lack a number. They can be bathrooms,
of 3. Characters who complete this storage closets, or whatever you wish.
adventure should earn enough experience Lighting. Aside from the light coming in from the door
to reach halfway to 4th-level. A secret ruin to the outside, the ruins are pitch black.
has been discovered beneath the king's Unusual Features. An underground river flows
palace and the adventurers must seek out a through the center of the complex. It's 5 ft. deep and
missing wizard who went exploring. This campaign takes frigid.
place in Arden, although it can be set in your own world.
This adventure favors clerics and paladins though any 1. Entryway
party composition should be able to finish the adventure
with intelligent play.
This stone passage leads south to a door and
Background east to a portcullis. A mural is set into the
stone wall to the west just south of the
The royal palace was built on the remains of a keep that northern door.
was abandoned many years ago. Recent renovations have
uncovered a secret passage that leads deep beneath the
castle, and the court wizard Dorja went down to The portcullis is jammed shut. It can be opened with a DC
investigate... he hasn't been seen since. What no one 18 Strength check. Alternatively, someone can unjam the
knows is that the ruins beneath the castle are actually a mechanism holding it closed with a DC 16 Dexterity
temple to a dark god. Inside, undead husks roam that (Sleight of Hand) check.
once worshipped there before they were sealed in long Trap: Wall Darts. The mural on the wall hides a sinister
ago. The high priest of the temple, wishing to elongate his trap. If someone steps on the square of stone in front of it,
life, made a pact with a dark god and became a vampire. tiny needles shoot out at whoever is standing there. They
Now he waits on his throne for the day when he'll be freed must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw taking 1d10
from his self-imposed prison. piercing damage on a failure and half as much on a
Adventure Hooks
The King's Messenger. The characters received a letter 2. Foyer
from the king requesting they come at once to his castle.
His court wizard has gone missing in the catacombs
beneath the palace. This small room contains two open armoires,
Adventurers for Hire. The characters answered a each containing what appear to be
ceremonial cloaks.
posting on the bounty board regarding a missing wizard
and were instructed to inquire at the king's castle.
Into the Unknown The characters heard that ruins
were recently discovered beneath the royal palace. Eager Obstacle: Only the Worthy May Pass. The southern
to explore, they answered the king's call for adventurers. door is locked by magic and will only open for someone
wearing one of the ceremonial cloaks. It cannot be opened
The ruins beneath the palace are fairly ancient. They were 3. Temple
built centuries ago when this place was the center of
worship for a dark god. When that civilization fell, the
temple was partially destroyed and built over. Only Broken benches sit rotted on the floor. At the
recently has its existence come to light. far end of the room, two inhuman statues can
be seen. In the center of the room, figures
General Features wearing tattered robes shuffle about.
Encounter: The Fallen. There are six zombies in this Cantrips: fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation
chamber. They attack as soon as someone enters the 1st-Level: detect magic, mage armor, magic missile,
room. They try to grapple and overwhelm anyone who shield
gets too close.
Treasure: Holy Relics. A container can be found under Aftermath
one of the damaged beds. It contains an ancient holy
With the vampire spawn dead, the threat beneath the
symbol worth 50 gp and clerical vestments worth 75 gp
palace has been neutralized. The king awards each party
member 50 gp and allows them to keep whatever they
found down below. Although the undead have been dealt
with, there's always the possibility that something else
moves into the space in the future from deeper