2334-File Utama Naskah-8466-1-10-20140311
2334-File Utama Naskah-8466-1-10-20140311
2334-File Utama Naskah-8466-1-10-20140311
This paper aims to give explanation about vocabulary and crossword puzzles, and how to
teach vocabulary by using crossword puzzle especially for junior high school students.
Vocabulary is the total number of word. Crossword puzzle is a game that makes the teaching-
learning process attractive and fun. Teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle can make
learning process interest, make students understand the meaning and spelling of words in
English, make students have ability to communicate with other, and make students express
their ideas in English. There are two activities in teaching vocabulary. First is learner training,
the activities consist of the students pay attention to form, pay attention to the meaning, take
risks and not afraid of making mistakes, and the students know how to organize their own
learning. Second is word games that can be done in teaching vocabulary by using labeling the
words, using categories of word, and using a process of network building. To teaching
vocabulary by using crossword puzzle use three procedure consist of pre-teaching activities
the activity done before teaching process, in whilst-teaching activities the teacher instructs
and asks the students to do some activities, and post teaching activities is necessary as the
follow up phase on what the students have studied.
it is found that students have lack of (1994) indicates that vocabulary is sets of
vocabulary. When the teacher asked the words which add greatly to our
students to tell something or express it opportunities to express subtle shades of
orally, they cannot use appropriate meaning at various levels of style.
vocabulary. They look confused to choose Hatch and Brown (1995) state that
appropriate words. The material given is vocabulary refers to a list or a set of words
difficult for them. The writer thinks that that individual speakers of laguage might
these are caused by various factors, one of be used. While Marksheffel (1966)
them is difficult for the students to vocabulary is usually defined as the total
memorize the words. To make it easy for number of words every body knows. So,
them to remember the words is using the Vocabulary is a basic elements of learning
word in daily communication. So the English. Nation (1981) mentions that
teacher use the appropriate ways or vocabulary is a group of words.
technique in teaching vocabulary. In other Based on the explanation above, that
word, the sudents use vocabulary games. vocabulary is the total number of words as
Game is one way to master vocabulary, individuals know and use it in their
among various kinds of game, crossword language activities, a group of words, and
puzzle game is appropriate game to master also vocabulary is set of words that have
vocabulary. meaning which is used by people to
Based on the description above, the communicate with others and it is also as a
writer is interested in writing paper entitled main part of language. Besides, vocabulary
teaching vocabulary through crossword refers to a list or a set of words that
puzzle game. The problem of this paper is individual speakers of language might be
how to teach vocabulary by using used.
crossword puzzle.
Purpose of Teaching Vocabulary
B. Review of Related Literature According to Fitri (2005) there are several
Vocabulary purposes of teaching vocabulary that
Vocabulary is the total number of students have in the school, they are:
words. According to Napa (1991) 1. The students have ability to use
vocabulary is one of the language language to communicate with other.
components. Jespersen (2007) defines that 2. To make students understand
vocabulary is words formation by means of structure, and the meaning of words in
suffixes and prefixes. Charthy and O’Dell English.
asks the students to write their name to complete the crossword puzzle in
and their class. teaching vocabulary.
2. The teacher asks the students to fill the 1. The students making inferences.
blank crossword puzzle by using the 2. Evaluating choices.
questions that are given by teacher. 3. Drawing conclusions about the answer
3. Then, to finish that task the teacher of crossword puzzle.
gives time limit. For example:
Based on all of methods for She is .................... girl.
reaching our purpose in English class, the May be the answer is arrogant, beautiful,
students have a fully understanding about loyal, ect. After the students making
English. Although teaching crossword inferences, evaluating choices and drawing
puzzles was very interesting and enjoyable conclusion the students gets the answer.
for the students to improve their The answer is she is beautiful girl, because
vocabulary, but the teacher should be able they know that some of the girls is
to teach with the interesting manner so that beautiful
the students are not boring to learn While Davis, Shepherd, and
vocabulary by using crossword puzzle. Zwiefelhofer (2009) crossword puzzles can
be effective to use this ways.
Crossword Puzzle 1. Understand the definition.
Njoroge, Ndung’u and Ganthigia 2. Understand the spelling.
(2013) defines that the crossword puzzle is 3. Memorization of words that we found
a game that makes the teaching-learning in the answer of crossword puzzle.
process attractive and fun. And also gives
Advantages of Crossword Puzzle
much opportunity for students to practice
According to Franklin, Peat, and
and repeat the sentence pattern and
Lewis (2003) there are three advantages of
using crossword puzzle in learning
1. To make students enjoyable to study
How to Use Crossword Puzzle
2. To increase students ability in learning
To use crossword puzzle in
learning vocabulary Njoroge, Ndung’u and
3. To make students understand the
Ganthigia (2013) suggests three activities
meaning of words.
crossword puzzle.
1 3
Whilst-Teaching Activities
In whilst-teaching activities the
teacher instructs and asks the students to 3
puzzle game. 5
understand. 9 10
Adjective-Opposites Example :
“ Make a sentence based on your own The teacher gives the procedure to
word, using adjective”, such as: teaching vocabulary by using crossword
1. Beautiful puzzle using pre-teaching activity, whilst-
2. Tall teaching activity and post-teaching
3. Strong activity. In pre-teaching activity the
4. Fast
teacher enhance students concentration
5. Happy
before teaching process, in whilst-teaching
6. Weak
activity the teacher instructs and asks the
7. Big
students to do some activities, and post
8. Small
teaching activity is necessary as the follow
9. Young
10. Slow up phase on what the students have
11. Thin studied.
12. Fat
13. Short Suggestion
14. Light Based on the conclusion above, the
15. Heavy. writer would like to give three suggestion
to the teacher and to the students as
D. Conclusion And Suggestion
1. The teacher is suggested to use
Conclusions crossword puzzle in teaching
English is one of the most vocabulary because crossword puzzle
important languages in the world. By using can make students interest to study
English, people can express their ideas, vocabulary.
and can easily communicate with other. In 2. The teacher should motivate the
learning English, there are many language students that vocabulary learning is
skills and language components that should not difficult but interesting, easy, and
be mastered. One of them is vocabulary. fun.
The teacher interest to teach vocabulary by 3. The students should use the crossword
using crossword puzzle in learning puzzle game anywhere, and whenever
process. Teaching vocabulary by using but not just in the learning class.
crossword puzzle game can help the
students to increase their vocabulary and
E. Acknowledgements
tell them that vocabulary learning is not
boring but fun and interesting.
First of all, the writer would like to and learning English, especially teaching
express her great thanks and praise to vocabulary. The writer realizes that this
Allah SWT, Who had let her finish this paper is far from perfect. So, she welcomes
paper, entitled “Teaching Vocabulary by the suggestion from the readers to improve
Using Crossword Puzzle”. Moreover, she the paper.
would like to extend shalawat and salam to
the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has F. References
brought human from the dark world to the Carthy, M.M, & O’Dell, F. (2000). English
Vocabulary in Use, Upper-Intermediate
bright one like the present day, and who
and Advanced. England: Cambrige
has guided human being to the straightway University Press.
Davis, M.T., Shepherd, B., &
and correctness.
Zwiefelhofer, T. (2009). Reviewing for
The writer would like to express exams: Do Crossword Puzzles Help in
the Success of Student Learning?. The
her deepest gratitude and appreciation to
Journal of Effective Teaching, 9(3), 4-
her advisor, Fitrina Harmaini, S.S, M.A. 10.Retrieved from
and Dra. Ernati M.Pd (also as the Chief of
English Department of The Faculty of Fitri , R. (2005). Teaching Vocabulary By
Using Circle Games. Unpublished
Teacher Training and Education) that have
Paper. Padang : Bung Hatta University.
given suggestions and correction to Franklin, S., Peat, M., & Lewis, A. (2013).
Non-traditional interventions to
improve her paper. Moreover, she would
stimulate discussion: the use of games
like to say thank you very much to the and Puzzles. Journal of biological
Education, 37(2), 79-85.Retrieved from
Dean of The Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, Dr. Marsis, M.Pd, Drs. documents/2012/Franklin_Using%20ga
Yusrizal, M.Si as Vice Dean and all of the
Hartch, A. & Brown, C. (1995).
lecturers of English Department who have Vocabulary, Semantic, and Language
Education. New York : Cambridge
guided her during her study.
The writer also wants to express Jespersen, O. (2007). An International
Language. New York: Routledge.
her thanks to her beloved family,
Marksheffel, N.D. (1996). Better reading
especially to her parents Pirmanto and to The Secondary School. New York:
The Ronald Press Company.
Nurhayati, her brothers and sister for her
Napa, P. A. (1991). Vocabulary
helps, prays, and supports during her study Developing of Contemporary English.
London: Longman Group, Ltd.
at this university.
Nation, Isp. (1981). Teaching and
Finally, the writer hopes that this Learning Vocabulary. New York:
Newbury House.
paper is going to be useful for everyone
Njoroge, M.C., Ndung’u, R.W., &
who is involved in the process of teaching Gathigia, M.G. (2013). The Use of