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Post Graduate Program in Management (PGDM 23-25)

Faculty Name Dr. R. Kasthuri Rangan Year/Term 23-25/T4

Course Name/Course code Sales & Distribution No. of Credits 2
No of Contact Hours 20 Session Duration 90 Mts.

About the Instructor: Dr. R. Kasthuri Rangan is a Strategic Management Consultant &
Visiting Professor for Management courses at some of the top b-schools in India. He has 38
years of experience in the industry in industrial automation, electronics, wireless, technical and
management consulting and has been associated with leading U.S., European and Japanese
businesses. He is a Certified Management Consultant under global standards. He holds a Black
belt in Six Sigma and has published research papers in International and Indian journals


Course Objectives and Key Take Away

1) Understand the concepts of Sales and distribution management

2) Plan application of sales models in real-time
3) Plan and manage a sales team
4) Strategise and work in the areas of Sales and Distribution

Program Outcomes: In addition to the course objectives mentioned above, students should
expect to develop the following by end of the course:

1. Possess adequate functional (domain) knowledge & develop skills to assess business
2. Understand importance of ethical behavior in academic & professional lives. Develop
emotional quotient through working with local community and improve well-being
through social engagement.
3. Demonstrate decision making skills through critical thinking and problem solving skills
using appropriate analytical framework, processes & quantitative techniques.
4. Develop effective communication skills, interpersonal skills, organizing skills and ability
to work in group.
5. GL graduates will be effective leaders / develop leadership traits to lead people / teams
in organizations and institutions.
Suggested Readings / Course Materials

Product Code Title Author

H02WPS-PDF-ENG Great Salespeople are born, but Great Sales Android A.Zoltners, PK Sinha &
forces are made Sally E. Lorimer
H028MU-PDF-ENG What Sales people need to know about the Frank V. Cespedes & Tiffani
New B2b landscape Bova
9-590-046 Managing Major Accounts Frank V. Cespedes
R1504D-PDF-ENG Who’s your most valuable Salesperson V.Kumar, Sarang Sunder &
Robert P. Leone
8213-PDF-ENG Sales Force Design and Management Doug J Chung & Das
9-590-045 Channel Management Frank V. Cespedes
W16643-PDF-ENG Castrol India Ltd: An Innovative Distribution Renuka Kamath
W18336-PDF-ENG Fairdeal Appliances: Managing the Dealer Jaydeep Mukherjee
Network for Optimal Sales

Additional Readings: Sales and Distribution Management, Krishna K. Havaldar and Vasant M.
Cavale, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill


Evaluation Component Criterion.

PGDM program curriculum emphasizes the following two principles: (i) Faculty must
prepare their course outlines with components of evaluation based on the criteria
described in the table below and, (ii) individual components of evaluation should form
minimum 60% weightage in a course and group components could form a maximum of
40% weightage in a course.

Table 1. Evaluation Matrix

TYPE Range
Mid Term Examination 15%
INDIVIDUAL End Term Examination 35%
Experiential Learning 30%
GROUP Assignment/Presentation 20%
Total 100%
Quizzes, mid-term and end-term exams are typically individual components of examination
and tests knowledge, application of concepts learnt and problem solving. In addition to
quizzes, mid-term and end-term exams, additional assessment tools used include case
analysis, assignments, course projects, simulation and role plays.

Course Outcomes.

Table 2. CO ASSESSMENT – Marketing Management Course

Assessment Assessme Assessment CO4. CO4.

Marks CO1.1 CO1.2 CO3.3
methods nt type tool 1 3

Mid-Term -
Individual 15 Quiz (MCQ) 5 10 - -

End-Term Questions/ -
Individual 35 15 20 -
exam Case

Experential Development 15
Learning Individual 30 Paper/Industr - 15
y Report

Project 10
Group 20 Presentation - - - 10

Total 100 5 25 20 25 25


Soft copies of course material including case studies will be uploaded on the LMS
Platform CAMU under the Teaching Content tab. Hard copies, (when recommended
mandatory by the Faculty in exceptional cases) will be distributed prior to the class (for
offline sessions, in campus, only) and will be available at resource center for collection
by students.


Session No-1
Session Title Introduction to Sales & Distribution
Management; Personal Selling function
Reading Material
Additional Reading HBS: Great Salespeople are born, but
Great Sales forces are made
Case Title
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-2
Session Title GTM Approaches; Exchange Process
Reading Material
Additional Reading
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-3
Session Title Theories of selling
Reading Material
Additional Reading What Sales people need to know about
the New B2b landscape
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-4
Session Title DMU; Buying Process; Linkages Model
Reading Material
Additional Reading
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-5
Session Title Personal Selling Situation; Process
Reading Material HBS: Managing Major Accounts;
Additional Reading Textbook
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-6
Session Title Customer Acquisition-OH-Closing-Sales
Reading Material
Additional Reading Who’s your most valuable Salesperson
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-7
Session Title Sales Management strategies-
Relationship strategies-Selling Methods
Reading Material
Additional Reading Sales Force Design and Management
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-8
Session Title PCU-Allocation of Sales Approaches-
Sales Force size-Structure- Profile
Reading Material
Additional Reading Textbook
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-9
Session Title In-class Group Assessment 1
Reading Material
Additional Reading

Session No-10
Session Title Sales Promotion
Reading Material
Additional Reading Textbook
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-11
Session Title Distribution Management; Typologies of
Reading Material HBS: Channel Management
Additional Reading
CaseTitle Castrol India Ltd: An Innovative
Distribution Channel
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-12
Session Title Channel functions; Channel dynamics;
Reseller relationship
Reading Material
Additional Reading
CaseTitle Fairdeal Appliances: Managing the
Dealer Network for Optimal Sales
Pedagogy Lecture + Discussion

Session No-13
Session Title In-Class Group Case Assessment 2
Reading Material
Additional Reading
CaseTitle TBA

IMPORTANT : Please note that the instructor will not teach from the text-book
verbatim and shall interlace theoretical concepts with industry experience, case
discussions and expertise. Students, in their own interest, are expected to make their notes in
class. Presentation slides/deck if used, by the faculty shall not be shared. There may be some
fine-tuning to the above schedule as we progress into the course.

Students are expected to read the articles before they come to class.

The internal assessments shall be mostly in-class and every student is required to
participate in Group activities.

PROJECT SCHEDULE: Time frame for each submission/presentation shall be

announced in advance.


Student Attendance for Sessions

 Student attendance for every session will be recorded through QR Code based scanning
method in the LMS CAMU portal.
 QR Code scanning and record attendance option is enabled only on mobile devices
through MyCamu app for students.
 QR code will be displayed by the Faculty or the Junior Faculty at any random time
during the session to enable students record their attendance. Once QR code is
displayed, students are expected to record / submit attendance using their mobile
devices within the QR code display window.
 Display of QR code might be done more than once during the session as preferred by the
faculty. In case of QR code being shown more than once within the same session, the last
attempt will only be considered as final. Hence, students who have already given in the
first attempt also need to repeat the QR capture when it is shown second or third time
within the same session.
 Students who faced issues in QR code scan for attendance capture in any session need to
take up their request for changes / considerations with the respective Faculty / Junior
Faculty within the same day. Attendance, once published will not be changed /
amended under normal circumstances.
 Condonation of absence during online session is purely at the discretion of the faculty

Regularity in Attendance

Regular attendance is considered extremely important for effective and wholesome

learning in the PGDM. All students therefore, must comply on regular attendance in
class. The relative deduction of grade points due to shortage of attendance is explained
in the table below. Students having attendance of less than 60% (irrespective of medical
certificates) shall not be permitted to appear for the examination in that term/academic
year and will carry “F” grade in the course.

Student attendance will be a component while grading them for the course. Faculty / JF
have been advised to report about habitual absentees (habitual absentee is defined as students
absent in the class for more than three classes consecutively).

Unauthorized absence from class will be considered a breach of discipline and the Institute will
be free to take appropriate action in such cases. The same student will be asked to face
disciplinary committee. Students will not be given any attendance for any committee related
activities which warrants them to drop from the class. They are required to undertake all
committee related work beyond class hours. However, in exceptional cases, their absence could
be condoned by the Program Office on a case to case basis.

Under extra-ordinary circumstances, students may obtain leave of absence under the following
rules and procedures:

 In case of sickness, medical certificate issued and/or countersigned by the doctor

along with the prescribed application form must be submitted to the PGDMOffice
within 3 days of joining classes after illness. No student shall be allowed to join the
program unless he/she presents a medical fitness certificate duly endorsed by a
Medical Officer.

 For grounds other than sickness, leave will be allowed to students in exceptional
cases depending on the genuineness of the case by the PGDM Director. However no
compensatory attendance and examination will be held for the period of leave.
Students will be awarded grades on the basis of their attendance level and
performance only in the classes from which they were present. Before applying for
leave to the Director PGDM a student should contact his/her course instructors to
ensure that he/she is not missing any quizzes or examinations during the leave

 The PGDM Office or the faculty concerned will not be responsible for the student
losing any segment of evaluation on account of his/her leave. No compensatory
opportunity will be given for quizzes and other class room based components on
account of leave of any kind.
Attendance and Performance Grade Penalty

Each student is expected to attend a minimum of 80% of classes in each course. The grade
penalty will be imposed on all the students who do not meet the minimum 80% attendance
requirements in each course in the following manner:

Table 4. Grade Penalty – Attendance

Attendance of Student Performance Grade Penalty
More than or equal to 70% but less than
One grade drop (e.g. from A to A-)
More than or equal to 60% but less than
Two grade drop (e.g. from A to B+)
Less than 60% F grade will be awarded

If a student gets D grade in a particular course and also gets a grade drop due to attendance
shortage, 'D' will become an 'F' grade.

If a student fails to meet the specified attendance requirement, his/her grade in the respective
course(s) would be lowered by the Director PGDM in accordance with the grade penalty rules
laid down above.

Exiting and Entering

Students are expected to remain in the classroom (online sessions), be mentally alert,
and participate in the class proceedings for the duration. If a student must leave early
for unavoidable reasons, that student should obtain permission from the professor
before the class begins. Leaving and re-entering the class (online session) in the middle
is not permitted, except under extraordinary circumstances. Faculty members may cross
check the attendance record and if a student is found absent (merely logged in over
zoom but not present in the session) in the class, the student will be marked absent
besides the case will be sent to discipline committee and actions will be taken by the

Norms of Behavior

Students should demonstrate respect for Faculty and fellow students. Respectful
behavior contributes to the enhanced learning experience. Students should refrain from
disruptive behavior such as eating, and holding side-conversations. Using laptops
during is allowed only on the instruction of the professor. If necessary, the students are
expected to seek redress for grievances at a proper forum instead of seeking an
immediate solution.

All grievances may be addressed to the PGDM-Director or respective functional heads

and in his absence, to the Executive Director. In such cases, a copy should be marked to
the above.
Respect the Facilities-

Students are expected to help maintain chairs, display screen, desktop computers,
LCDs, tables, window curtains and electrical fittings in good usable condition and not
damage them or render them useless. Students are expected not to destroy the
classroom ambience. The cost of damage, loss or theft on account of students will be
recovered from them. When this cannot be attributed to one student, the cost will be
recovered from an identifiable group of which the individual is a part or from the entire
batch. Students are expected to use cans to dispose of trash. They are also encouraged to
remove defacing or unclean material voluntarily.

Essentially, students should always use proper reporting and escalating mechanisms
for concerns and issues. Under no circumstances should students take matters into their
own hands. Students are expected to use only the students’ dining hall for dining.
Classrooms or any of the other administrative or academic areas shall not be used for

Great Lakes has adopted the principle of preserving the environment. Therefore, it tries
to inculcate in the minds of its students and staff, a sense of being one with nature
causing no harm anytime, anywhere, and under any circumstances which will result in
damage to the environment.

Smoking, chewing tobacco and drinking alcohol in and around the premises is strictly
prohibited. Severe penalties will accrue to those students caught violating this.

Use of Laptops during class-

Use of laptops in the class is strictly prohibited during class hours, unless specifically
authorized by the Faculty or the Academic Administration.

Use of Mobile / other electronic devices

Use of Mobile devices during online or offline sessions are permitted purely for the
purpose of QR Code attendance capture and not for other purposes. Students are not to
use mobile devices for login to zoom sessions and it is preferable to attend online
session only through Web portal of CAMU. Use of any other electronic devices inside
the classroom / online session is not allowed under normal settings.



Please check the expected Program Outcomes for this course, choose the relevant CO-
PO matrix and then proceed to choose the right Course Outcome for assessment.
CO Description
Understand business concepts and develop critical thinking in functional areas (e.g.,
1.1 Economics, Finance, Org. Behavior, HR, Operations, Analytics, Marketing, Strategy)
Apply concepts learnt to evaluate business issues or complete business environment
1.2 analysis by adopting various conceptual frameworks [1.2]
Demonstrate problem solving skills in functional areas by applying concepts, tools
1.3 and techniques covered in the course [1.3]
1.4 Develop business plans for products and services [1.4]
Know professional code of conduct in different disciplines / courses forming part of
2.1 curriculum [2.1]
Identify ethical dilemmas in a business case or assignment setting and apply ethics
2.2 framework to arrive at resolution of such dilemmas. [2.2]
Exhibit individual and group ethics in academic and non-academic activities during
2.3 the program [2.3]
Demonstrate understanding of ethical and societal impact of managerial decisions
2.4 made. [2.4]
Work individually and/or in groups and demonstrate social engagement through
2.5 specific projects, initiatives implemented to serve local community (ies). [2.5]
Develop effective decision making skills by analyzing complex business issues and
3.1 learn to take strategic decisions. [3.1]
Demonstrate problem identification and solving skills through courses and course
3.2 components [3.2]
3.3 Integrate functional skills and apply them in business contexts. [3.3]
Understand business problems, apply analytical skills and demonstrate critical
3.4 thinking, analytical problem-solving skills. [3.4]
Demonstrate understanding and application of analytics tools and techniques to
3.5 solve business problems. [3.5]
GL students will demonstrate effective oral and/or written communication skills
4.1 [4.1]
GL students will demonstrate written communication skills through exams, term
4.2 project reports, case analysis reports, progress reports or assignments. [4.2]
GL students will demonstrate interpersonal interaction and communication skills
4.3 through presentation of group assignments, project reports and case analysis
associated with courses. [4.3]
Develop and demonstrate skills related to strategic thinking, planning and execution.
5.1 [5.1]

Develop and demonstrate people leading skills, associated with selection,

communication, direction and mentoring subordinates and peers in organizations.

Demonstrate new business development skills through business environment

5.3 analysis, consumer need analysis, creating value proposition and creating a business
plan. [5.3]
5.4 Demonstrate ability to lead teams and complete assignments and projects
in an organizational setting. [5.4]


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