C&D Material
C&D Material
C&D Material
S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Topic Introduction Electricity Distribution Company - Functions Duties and Responsibilities of Linemen Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Programme Line Construction Commissioning of new line Earthing Earth Tester & Earth Resistance Transformer Service Connection Theft of Energy Necessity of Power Capacitor and its connection Types of Cables Maintenance Necessity of Fuse Grading Vigilance and Safety Fire Fighting Equipments Annexure Capacitor Page No. 2 4 8 13 19 22 38 38 41 43 56 63 65 68 68 69 76 99 105 114
C&D Employees Large number of non-executives in secretarial staff, accounts wing, technical staff in nonexecutives and Class-IV In Power Distribution Companies are categorized as C&D employees. The UDC, LDC, Stock Verifier, Store Clerks, Typist etc. are the ministerial staff. Helper, Linemen, Line Inspectors, Electrician, Sub-station Operators, Consumer Complaint Attendants, Meter Readers fall under the technical staff whereas Peon, Chowkidar, Jamadar etc. belong to Class-IV employees. National Training program for C&D employees A comprehensive plan titled as, National Training program for C & D employees aiming at skill upgrades of the C&D employees working in Power distribution companies in the Country is approved by the Ministry of Power, Government of India, with Rural Electrification Corporation Limited as the nodal agency for implementation. The program will run through the remaining period of 11th five year plan. The program envisages imparting training to around 75,000 Group C&D employees in association with various power distribution companies. Among many other things, it provides for the development of course ware, training of the faculty, partial financial support to the power companies /empanelled training institutes as the case may be. The component of training program delivery consists of the following objectives.
Identify three or four major categories under the C & D category of employees in power distribution companies, and design custom made training programs for these employees Develop reference material and other instruments necessary to conduct these training programs. Identify and empanel the power utilities and the qualifying training institutions under the power utilities or otherwise to deliver the training programs. Develop an MIS as an online portal to capture and report updates and also serve as a platform to provide an information to all concerned. This Compendium is for Line staff This compendium is first in the series of training variants proposed to be developed under, National Training program for C & D employees and is part of the course kit of the Training
program to Line men. It contains useful information on various topics such as functions of Linemen, Safety, Earthing; Repairing of Lines, prevention of theft etc. The material developed under Distribution reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training program is taken for adaptation at this stage, to kick start the program early. .Some additions have been made on Functions of a Distribution Company, Role & responsibilities of Linemen, RGGVY, and APDRP etc. Add On to these will be a continuous exercise, with state and region specific issues related to Linemen in the electricity distribution sector.
CUSTOMER: One who receives Power supplied by Licensee (Power Co) at appropriate tariff. At what voltages customer gets Power in a Distribution: 33 KV 22 KV 11 KV 440 volts
General Terms Used in Distribution: 1. CURRENT: Current is measured in Amps. The Ampere is the basic unit of electric current. It is that current which produces a specified forces between two parallel wires. 2 VOLTAGE: It is measure of electric potential. A potential of one volt appears across a resistance of one ohm when current of one Amp flows through that resistance. Voltage Current The unit of resistance is ohm ( )
4. KILOVOLT AMPERE: (KVA): It is the product of Kilovolts and Amps. This measures the electrical Load on a Circuit or a System. For Single Phase Circuit KVA : Voltage x Amps 1000 For three Phase Circuit KVA 3 x Voltage x Amps 1000
5. KILOWATT (KW) ACTIVE POWER: It is the active power of work producing Part For Single Phase Power (KW) : Volts x Amps x Power Factor 1000 For 3 Phase: Power Kw = 3 x Volts x Amps x Power Factor 1000 POWER FACTOR: It is the ratio between KW and KVA. Power Factor Kw KVA 6. KILOWATT HOUR: (Kwh): It is the energy consumed by 1000 watts in one hour. If 1 kw of electrical equipment is operated for one hour, it would consume 1 kwh of energy (one unit) 7. MAXIMUM DEMAND: It is highest average KVA recorded with in a month. The demand is measured using trivector meter/ Digital Meter. 4. POWER TRANSFORMER: AT 33 KV It receives Power at 33 KV and derate to 11 KV Capacities of Power Transformers: 10 MVA, 8 MVA, 5 MVA, 3.15 MVA, 1.6 MVA 5. Distribution Transformer: It receives Power at 11 KV and derates to 4 33 Volts
ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY 1. What is Electricity Distribution Company: It is a company having license and distribute power to various categories of customers in the area at tariff fixed by Electricity Regulatory Commission and responsible for energy purchased, and sold.
Who will be the Head of Distribution Company Distribution Company will be headed by Chairman Managing Director with 34 Directors What is the role of Distribution Company Distribution Company purchases power from Transco/ National Grid and Sell to Customer, maintain quality and reliable supply to Customers
Administration of Distribution Co a. Distribution Company is divided in to Zones headed by Chief Engineer Zone b. Each Zone is divided into Circles, headed by Superintending Engineers c. Each Circle is divided in to Divisions, headed by Divisional Engineer/Executive Engineers d. Each Division is divided into Sub-Divisions, headed by Asst. Divisional Engineer/Sub-Divisional Engineer e. Each sub-division is divided into sections headed by Assistant Engineer/Junior Engineer. Each section comprising of average 60007000 connections.
FUNCTIONS OF ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Purchase of Power from Transco/ National Grid Distribution of Power to Customers Accounting of Energy (input Units) purchased Accounting of Energy (Sales) sold to customers Maintaining company assets i.e. No. of 33/11 KV Sub-Stations, 33 KV network length, Power Transformer Capacity, 11 KV network, Distribution Transformers, LT network, Customer metering. Planning for Expansion of substation Capacity New sub-stations, lines, additional transformers etc. Good Customer Service Periodical review of Distribution System
1. Line Losses 2. Overloaded Distribution Transformers 3. Overloaded HT Lines 4. Overloaded Sub-Stations 5. Revenue Collections 6. System Defects 7. Low Voltage Pockets 8. Purchase of Line material, and Equipment 9. Execution of new Sub-Stations, Lines 10. Providing Quality Metering to Customer 11. Maintaining Quality and reliable Power to Customer 12. Providing training to employees for upgrading their skills.
FUNCTIONS OF DISTRIBUTION SECTION A Distribution Section is having workload of average 6000-7000 customers 1. Who will head the Section: Assistant Engineer/Junior Engineer will head the Section 2. What are the functions carried out in section a) Maintaining Assets of Section i.e. length of 33 kv line, No. of Poles, Power Transformers, 11 KV lines, Distribution Transformers and LT Lines, Meters etc. b) Maintaining and up dating route maps of 33 KV, 11kv and LT Lines with Distribution Transformers c) Customer Index d) Maintaining Equipment registers, Power Transformers, Distribution Transformers e) O&M of 33/11Kv Sub-station f) Maintenance of Lines, and Equipment g) Monthly meter reading, billing and Collections h) Peak Load Average readings of DTRS i) j) Maintaining fuse call centre Customer Care
k) Releasing New Connections l) Execution of Extension Works m) Study on losses and Planning for revamping M.I.S. reporting to higher-ups Arresting Pilferage Proper allocation of work to O&M Staff Guiding employees, workers on safety precautions Educate Employees, workers on System Losses Educate Customer on Energy Conservation Educate Workers, employees about Best Practices in Operation and Maintenance of System.
When a Linemen is posted in-charge of distribution, the following are his duties and responsibilities. 8. He is responsible for maintenance of LT, HT, EHT and equipment under his charge as per the schedule fixed up. He is responsible for maintenance of continuity of supply. Any interruption beyond one hour on LT lines shall have to be reported to the concerned Section and restore supply. He is also responsible for rectification of HT and EHT Lines and he should take instructions from his superiors for such rectification. He is responsible for proper meter readings, effecting disconnections and reconnection of services. He shall verify all the disconnected services in his area to prevent any unauthorised usage of energy. He shall check up the area to prevent any theft of energy. 9. He shall maintain all registers connected with the distributions maintained in the Section Office. He should review the meter reading of services under his control and give certificate to the Section Officer. He shall inspect 20% services under his jurisdiction every month and report the condition of seals and cut outs to the Section Officer. He should cover up all the services in his jurisdiction once in six months. If he is direct in-charge, he shall check all services under his charge every month. 10. He is responsible to report the condition of seals by visual observation of all services in his jurisdiction. 11. A certificate has to be given regarding inspection of services under his charge stating that the connected load, tariff meters and properties of the Board are safe. 12. He is responsible for maintaining the proper gradation of fuse in services and all other places where fuses are used and certificate to be given for the above. 13. A certificate to be given that the loads in the distribution are properly balanced to avoid unbalanced loads on distribution transformers. 14. For all the minor extension works, he shall prepare all the required data for estimates as directed by Section Officer. If he is put in-charge of execution, it is his responsibility for proper execution of such works. He should see that no deviation comes up. He shall be responsible for materials handed over to him and account for them. When Linemen is posted for execution of construction works, he shall perform the following duties: 15. He shall be responsible for surveying HT lines and LT lines and report to his superiors any variation from the original estimates. 16. He shall be responsible for executing the lines and erecting transformers as per technical standards.
17. He shall be responsible for all T&P issued for execution of works. 18. He shall maintain the Time Rolls and mark the attendance regularly. 19. He shall maintain a register showing the allocation of works every day and also write in the same register the progress of works against the allocation. 20. He shall prepare Pole Schedules, after completing the work and hand over the same to his superiors. 21. In case he is put in-charge of contract works, he shall be responsible for proper supervision of work and see that the works are executed as per standards. Materials issued to the contractor shall properly be accounted for. 22. He shall maintain a dairy showing the day to day work done in detail and take the signatures of his next superiors once in a fortnight. Unless such diaries are produced to the Section Officers, no TA will be admitted. 23. All the above duties defined for a Linemen apply to an Electrician, who is put in-charge of sub-station. 24. He shall be responsible to ensure that the code of safety rules are followed by him and his staff working under him. A copy of said code is already supplied to him. Any instances where the staff fail to use safety appliances as per the code shall be brought to the notice of his superiors immediately for taking disciplinary action. 25. He shall be responsible for upkeep of T&P and safety appliances supplied to him and keep them in working order The above functions are broad, general indication of his functions. In addition to the above, Line staff have to perform the role expected of them in the respective Distribution Companies with which they are associated.
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ASSISTANT LINEMEN 1. The jurisdiction of Asst. Linemen will be fixed by the Asst. Engineer/Operation in writing. The Helpers coming in the area shall be subordinate to the ALM, if so specified. The ALM will be responsible for all the works done by Helpers under his jurisdiction. Any negligence and consequent losses will be treated as negligence of his duties. 2. He shall know all the details within his jurisdiction such as length of EHT, HT and LT lines and Telephone lines, type of conductors, spans, number of distribution
transformers and number of service and their connected load etc. He shall ground patrol all the HT and LT lines 3. He shall be responsible for proper tree clearance and ground clearance in his area. It is his responsibility to intimate his next superior in writing about the defects noticed by him in the distribution. 4. The transformers should be maintained properly and schedule of maintenance should be carried out as per the statement enclosed and the transformer maintenance register should be got written up to date and initialled . Lines and other equipment shall be maintained as per schedule. 5. The ALM shall be responsible for maintaining continuity of supply to the area in his jurisdiction and maintenance of LT lines, Telephone lines and power line crossing up to 11 KV and for failures and of the distribution transformers due to the faults in equipment and feeders, ALM shall be help responsible. 6. He shall be responsible for meter readings, disconnections and other connected revenue meters viz. variation in connected load, classification in tariff. He is also responsible for the functions of Helpers for such works. 7. He is responsible to report the condition of seals by visuals observation of all services in his jurisdiction. 8. He is responsible for maintaining the proper gradation of fuses in all services and Section fuses. 9. A certificate has to be given regarding inspection of services under his charge, stating that the connected load, tariff, meters and other properties of Board are safe. 10. He shall be fully acquainted with the area, consumer lines and connected load of such consumers so that he will be able to detect any unauthorised extension of loads. 11. He shall maintain diaries showing the day to day work done and get the signatures of his superiors once in a fortnight. Unless such diaries are produced to the Section Officer, the T.A. Bill shall not admitted. 12. Any field complaints or defects shall be recorded in the register kept at Section office and no other plea of the staff that the matter was brought to the notice of Section Officer orally will be entertained. 13. They should also maintain a register showing all the statistics and details of services, lines, transformers, equipment. They shall also possess maps of these lines, with location numbers, cut points and geographical features etc., supplied by the Section Officer.
14. He shall be responsible for meter reading, disconnections and reconnections whenever he is called on to undertake them. He shall report to superiors, cases of NIL consumption and reasons therefor. All cases where meters are stuckup and continued shall be recorded till the meter is changed. 15. He shall be responsible for all T&P issued for execution of works. The above functions are in addition to the present duties that they are performing and they cannot absolve themselves of any responsibility simply on the ground that such an item is not mentioned in the above. -0o0-
Electrifying all villages and habitations as per new definition Providing access to electricity to all rural households Providing electricity Connection to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families free of charge
Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB) with 33/11 KV (or 66/11 KV) sub-station of adequate capacity in blocks where these do not exist. Village Electrification Infrastructure (VEI) with provision of distribution transformer of appropriate capacity in villages/habitations. Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) Systems based on conventional & non conventional energy sources where grid supply is not feasible or costeffective.
Preparation of District based detailed project reports for execution on turnkey basis. Involvement of central public sector undertakings of power ministry in implementation of some projects. Certification of electrified village by the concerned Gram Panchayat. Deployment of franchisee for the management of rural distribution for better consumer service and reduction in losses. Undertaking by States for supply of electricity with minimum daily supply of 6- 8 hours of electricity in the RGGVY network. Making provision of requisite revenue subsidy by the state. Determination of Bulk Supply Tariff (BST) for franchisee in a manner that ensures commercial viability. Three tier quality monitoring Mechanism for XI Plan Schemes made mandatory. Web based monitoring of progress Release of funds linked to achievement of pre-determined milestones
Electronic transfer of funds right up to the contractor level Notification of Rural Electrification Plans by the state governments.
RGGVY IN THE XI PLAN Continuation of "Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana Scheme of Rural Electricity Infrastructure and Rural Household Electrification", has been sanctioned in the XI-Plan for attaining the goal of providing access to electricity to all households, electrification of about 1.15 lakh un-electrified villages and electricity connections to 2.34 crore BPL households by 2009. The approval has been accorded for capital subsidy of Rs.28000 crore during the Eleventh Plan period. Ninety per cent capital subsidy is provided towards overall cost of the projects under the scheme, excluding the amount of state or local taxes, which will be borne by the concerned State/State Utility. 10% of the project cost to be contributed by states through own resources/loan from financial institutions. The states will finalize their Rural Electrification Plans in consultation with Ministry of Power and notify the same within six months. Rural Electrification Plan will be a roadmap for generation, transmission, sub-transmission and distribution of electricity in the state which will ensure the achievement of objectives of the scheme. For projects to be eligible for capital subsidy under the scheme, prior commitment of the States be obtained before sanction of projects under the scheme for: i) Guarantee by State Government for a minimum daily supply of 6-8 hours of electricity in the RGGVY network with the assurance of meeting any deficit in this context by supplying electricity at subsidized tariff as required under the Electricity Act, 2003. Deployment of franchisees for the management of rural distribution in projects financed under the scheme and to undertake steps necessary to operationalize the scheme.
SCOPE OF THE SCHEME Under the scheme, projects could be financed with capital subsidy for provision of: 1. Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB) Provision of 33/11 KV (or 66/11 KV) sub-stations of adequate capacity and lines in blocks where these do not exist. 2. Creation of Village Electrification Infrastructure (VEI) i) ii) Electrification of un-electrified villages. Electrification of un-electrified habitations with a population of above 100.
Decentralized distribution-cum-generation from conventional or renewable or nonconventional sources such as biomass, bio fuel, bio gas, mini hydro, geo thermal and solar etc. for villages where grid connectivity is either not feasible or not cost effective. The funding will be on the pattern of 90% subsidy from Government of India and 10% loan from REC or from own funds of the state/loan from financial institutions. The Monitoring Committee on RGGVY, while sanctioning DDG projects under RGGVY, shall coordinate with MNRE to avoid any overlap. The provision for subsidy requirement for DDG is Rs.540 crore. 4. REDB, VEI and DDG would indirectly facilitate power requirement of agriculture and other activities including irrigation pump sets, small and medium industries, khadi and village industries, cold chains, healthcare, education and IT etc. This would facilitate overall rural development, employment generation and poverty alleviation. 5. i) Rural Household Electrification of Below Poverty Line Households: BPL households will be provided free electricity connections. The rate of reimbursement for providing free connections to BPL households would be Rs.2200 per household. Households above poverty line are to pay for their connections at prescribed connection charges and no subsidy would be available for this purpose. Wherever SC/ST population exists amongst BPL households and subject to being eligible otherwise, they will be provided connection free of cost and a separate record will be kept for such connection. The over-all subsidy of components from Paras 1, 2, 3 and 5 (above) taken together should be kept within 90% of the over-all project cost.
ii) iii)
THREE-TIER QUALITY MONITORING MECHANISM The projects under the scheme will be subject to Quality Monitoring Mechanism. The details of the Three Tier Quality Control Mechanism are as under :(a) First Tier Project implementing agency (PIA) would be responsible for the first tier of the Quality Control Structure. Further PIA will engage third party inspection agency, whose responsibility will be to ensure that all the materials to be utilized and the workmanship confirm to the prescribed specifications. It will be synchronized with phased release of funds under RGGVY and inspection and proof of corrective action will be mandatory requirement for release of funds. This inspection will cover approx. 50% villages on random sample basis for each project and 10% pre-despatch inspections of major materials.
(b) Second Tier Rural Electrification Corporation, will get the inspection done of the works/materials from its non-field staff and by outsourcing it. REC may outsource it to retired employees of State Electricity Boards/State Utilities/ CPSUs. All such reports should be organized and analyzed by REC through the project implementation. These individuals would be designated as REC Quality Monitors (RQM). The inspection will cover quality checks at pre-shipment stage at the vendors' outlet of major materials and 10% villages on random sample basis. (c) Third Tier 1. Independent Evaluators (Individuals /Agency) will be engaged by the Ministry of Power for evaluation, at random, of supply and erection under the programme. These persons would be designated as National Quality Monitors (NQM). It will be the responsibility of the state to facilitate the inspection of works by the NQM, who shall be given free access to all administrative, technical and financial records. Evaluation will cover 1% villages. They shall also report on the general functioning of the Quality Control mechanism in the District. 2. The Monitors shall submit their report to the Ministry. The reports of the NQMs will be sent by REC to the RQM for appropriate action within a period to be specified. In case quality check by RQM or NQM reveals 'unsatisfactory' work, the implementing agency shall ensure that the contractor replace the material or rectifies the workmanship (as the case may be) within the time period stipulated. In respect of NQM Reports, the REC Quality Coordinator shall, each month, report on the action taken on each of the pending Reports. All works rated 'unsatisfactory' shall be re-inspected by RQM or NQM after a rectification report has been received from the REC Quality Coordinator. REC will designate an Executive Director as incharge of the Monitoring system. 3. Recurrent adverse reports about quality of works in a given District / State might entail suspension of the Programme in that area till the underlying causes of defective work have been addressed. 4. The REC Quality Coordinator / Third party inspection unit shall be the authority to receive and inquire into complaints / representations in respect of quality of works and they would be responsible for sending a reply after proper investigation to the complainant within 30 days. The REC for this purpose, shall ensure the following:(i) The name, address and other details of the REC Quality Coordinator / third party inspection unit will be given adequate publicity in the State (including tender notices, websites, etc.) as the authority empowered to receive complaints. All complaints shall be acknowledged on receipt (giving registration no.) and likely date of reply shall be indicated. On receipt of the report, the complainant shall be informed of the outcome and the action taken / proposed. Complaints received through the Ministry of Power, REC will normally be sent to the REC Quality Coordinator for enquiry and necessary action. In case report from an RQM is desired, this shall be furnished within the time specified. In case an adequate response is not received within the stated time schedule, the REC may
depute an NQM and further processing will be done only on the basis of NQM report. (iv) (v) The RQC shall make a monthly report to the REC (in a prescribed format) and the status of action on complaints shall be discussed in the District Committees. REC could develop a web site for complaints, inspection and rectification.
5. The Quality Control Mechanism would be governed by the Quality Control Manual prepared by REC for the scheme. OTHER FEATURES Monitoring Committee The Monitoring Committee constituted by the Ministry of Power under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Power), Government of India will sanction the projects, including revised cost estimates, monitor and review the implementation of the scheme in addition to issuing necessary guidelines from time to time for effective implementation of the scheme. Cost Norms The cost norms for village electrification are as below. 90% grant will not be applicable to the amount of state or local taxes, which will have to be borne by the concerned State / State Utility. They would be released by the Monitoring Committee in exceptional cases to be analyzed for border area, remote districts etc. COST NORMS FOR VILLAGE ELECTRIFICATION 1. Electrification of un-electrified village a In normal terrain b In hilly, tribal, desert areas 2. Intensive electrification of already electrified village a In normal terrain In hilly, tribal, desert areas 3. Cost of electricity connection to BPL household FRANCHISEES The management of rural distribution would be through franchisees who could be NonGovernmental Organisations (NGOs), Users Association, Panchayat Institutions, Cooperatives or individual entrepreneurs. The franchisee arrangement could be for system beyond and including feeders from sub-station or from and including Distribution Transformer(s). The franchisee should be preferably input based to reduce AT&C losses so as to make the system revenue sustainable. Revenue Sustainability Based on the consumer mix and the prevailing consumer tariff and likely load, the Bulk Supply Tariff (BST) for the franchisee would be determined after ensuring commercial viability of the franchisee. Wherever feasible, bidding may be attempted for determining the BST. This Bulk Supply Tariff would be fully factored into the submissions of the State Utilities to the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) for their revenue requirements and tariff
determination. The State Government under the Electricity Act is required to provide the requisite revenue subsidies to the State Utilities if it would like tariff for any category of consumers to be lower than the tariff determined by the SERC. While administering the scheme, prior commitments may be taken from the State Government regarding a) Determination to bulk supply tariff for franchisees in a manner that ensures their commercial viability. b) Provision of requisite revenue subsidy by the State Government to the State Utilities as required under the Electricity Act.
The capital subsidy for eligible projects under the scheme would be given through REC. These eligible projects shall be implemented fulfilling the above conditionalities. In the event the projects are not implemented satisfactorily in accordance with the conditionalities indicated above, the capital subsidy would be converted into interest bearing loans. The services of Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) have been offered to the states for assisting them in the execution of Rural Electrification Projects as per their willingness and requirement. With a view to augment the implementation capacities for the programme, REC has entered into Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with NTPC, POWERGRID, NHPC and DVC to make available CPSUs' project management expertise and capabilities to states wishing to use their services. This is being operationalised through a suitable Tripartite / Quadripartite Agreement.
Re-structured APDRP ( R APDRP) The Govt. of India has proposed to continue R-APDRP during the XI Plan with revised terms and conditions as a Central Sector Scheme. The focus of the programme shall be on actual, demonstrable performance in terms of sustained loss reduction. Establishment of reliable and automated systems for sustained collection of accurate base line data, and the adoption of Information Technology in the areas of energy accounting will be essential before taking up the regular distribution strengthening projects. Programme Coverage It is proposed to cover urban areas - towns and cities with population of more than 30,000 (10,000 in case of special category states). In addition, in certain high-load density rural areas with significant loads, works of separation of agricultural feeders from domestic and industrial ones, and of High Voltage Distribution System (11kV) will also be taken up. Further, towns / areas for which projects have been sanctioned in X Plan R-APDRP shall be considered for the XI Plan only after either completion or short closure of the earlier sanctioned projects. Scheme Projects under the scheme shall be taken up in Two Parts. Part-A shall include the projects for establishment of baseline data and IT applications for energy accounting/auditing & IT based
consumer service centres. Part-B shall include regular distribution strengthening projects. The activities to be covered under each part are as follows: Part - A: Preparation of Base-line data for the project area covering Consumer Indexing, GIS Mapping, Metering of Distribution Transformers and Feeders, and Automatic Data Logging for all Distribution Transformers and Feeders and SCADA / DMS system (only in the project area having more than 4 lacs population and annual input energy of the order of 350 MU). It would include Asset mapping of the entire distribution network at and below the 11kV transformers and include the Distribution Transformers and Feeders, Low Tension lines, poles and other distribution network equipment. It will also include adoption of IT applications for meter reading, billing & collection; energy accounting & auditing; MIS; redressal of consumer grievances; establishment of IT enabled consumer service centres etc. The base line data and required system shall be verified by an independent agency appointed by the Ministry of Power. The list of works is only indicative. Part - B: Renovation, modernization and strengthening of 11 kV level Substations, Transformers/Transformer Centers, Re-conductoring of lines at 11kV level and below, Load Bifurcation, feeder separation, Load Balancing, HVDS (11kV), Aerial Bunched Conductoring in dense areas, replacement of electromagnetic energy meters with tamper proof electronics meters, installation of capacitor banks and mobile service centres etc. In exceptional cases, where sub-transmission system is weak, strengthening at 33 kV or 66 kV levels may also be considered. Eligibility Criteria for R-APDRP assistance The States / Utilities will be required to: 1) Constitute the State Electricity Regulatory Commission 2) Achieve the following target of AT&C loss reduction at utility level: a) Utilities having AT&C loss above 30%: Reduction by 3% per year b) Utilities having AT&C loss below 30%: Reduction by 1.5% per year 3). commit a time frame for introduction of measures for better accountability at all levels in the project area 4). submit previous years AT&C loss figures of identified project area as verified by an independent agency appointed by Ministry of Power (MoP) by 30th June; the independent agency would verify that: a). All input points are identified and metered with downloadable meters for energy inflow accounting in scheme area b). All outgoing feeders are to be metered in substation with downloadable meters c). Scheme area should be ring fenced i.e. export and import meters for energy accounting shall be ensured besides segregating the rural load of the scheme area by ring fencing if not on separate feeder
d). The above shall provide the input energy and corresponding cash collected for calculating AT&C losses. The same shall be carried out for at least for three billing cycles and got verified by the independent agency. This loss level will be the baseline for considering conversion of loan into grant for Part B projects 5). Devise a suitable incentive scheme for staff linking to achievements of 15% AT&C loss in the project area. Funding Mechanism 1). GoI will provide 100% Loan for part A of the R-APDRP schemes which shall include projects for establishing Base Line data and IT applications for energy accounting/ auditing and IT based consumer services etc. 2). GoI will provide up to 25% (90% for special category States) Loan for Part B of the RAPDRP schemes which shall include regular distribution strengthening projects. 3). The entire loan from GoI will be routed through PFC/REC (FIs) for the respective schemes funded by them. 4). The counterpart funding will be done by PFC/REC (FIs) as per its prevailing policy. 5). PFC / REC will be the prime lender for funding these schemes. In case of default by the utility the commercial loan of PFC / REC will be recovered first (being the primary Lender) before that of any other lender for funding such schemes. Conversion of GoI Loan to Grant: 1). The entire amount of GoI loan (100%) for part A of the project shall be converted into grant after establishment of the required Base-Line data system within a stipulated time frame and duly verified by TPIEA. 2). Up to 50% (90% for special category States) loan for Part-B projects shall be converted into grant in five equal tranches on achieving 15% AT&C loss in the project area duly verified by TPIEA on a sustainable basis for a period of five years. 3). If the utility fails to achieve or sustain the 15% AT&C loss target in a particular year, that years tranche of conversion of loan to grant will be reduced in proportion to the shortfall in achieving 15% AT&C loss target from the starting AT&C loss figure.
SURVEY The Director of Research and R.E.C. have circulated the method of construction of lines and equipments. It should be followed. For construction of new lines, initial survey should be carried out. The transformer should be proposed at load center. Avoid the location where transportation of Transformer is inconvenient. Avoid installation of transformer at roadside, if it is possible to install at load center because it will be uneconomical, illegal and non-technical. Voltage Regulation : As per the I.E. Rule 1956, the L.T. voltage at consumers premises should be maintained 6 % of the declared voltage. There is agreement between consumer and utility about providing 440 volt supply. If L.T. line extension carried out exorbitantly and increasing load without any technical consideration; then the consumers will get the voltage lower than the permissible limit. Benefit of keeping the length of L.T. lines short is that patrolling length while breakdown is reduced, resulting consumer complaints attended in least time. This will reduce the interruption period thereby revenue loss of company. Also this will reduce the occurrences of conductor snapping, fatal accidents, etc. Short length H.T. line reduces interruption period and also line loss reduction. Emanating more than one feeder from Substation does this. During line survey various type of crossings i.e. Highway crossing, Railway, River, Telephone lines, E.H.V. lines etc to be taken in account. It should be seen that Telephone line should not be parallel to power line for excessive length. The Induction effect on telephone line will cause disturbance to Telephone communication and even damage equipments. It is necessary to obtain the approval of P & T Department (B.S.N.L.) for route of lines 33 KV and above voltages. Any crossing should be at right angle i.e. 90 degree, which enables to keep short span and safe clearance. If possible, Highway and Railway crossings should be avoided. Railway authority gives permission for overhead crossing only for E.H.V. Lines. Low and medium voltage lines to be crossed with underground cables. Double pole structure should be used for river crossings and large span. In case of large span, to maintain safe clearance, long supports are used and additional stays required. While carrying out survey of overhead lines, provision of proper number of supports with sufficient height and stays should be done, as estimates are prepared as per the survey. Line should not be constructed without the approval and permission of competent authority. Also alteration in line, shifting of line, removing one circuit from double circuit line, shifting of load from one transformer to another, removing neutral conductor etc. should not be done without approval. This may cause low voltage to consumer, reduce the company's revenue and reduce the life of equipment due to overloading, safety of lines and also illegal.
Before transferring the load from one H.T. feeder to another, capacity of another feeder breaker, C.T. capacity, etc. should be considered. Otherwise interruptions may increase and cause fast decay of equipments. Construction should be carried out as per the sanctioned estimate and approved line layout. The length of lines should not be more than sanctioned one. Unless all the sanctioned H.T. Lines, transformers and L.T. load diversions are totally commissioned under system improvement, no additional load should be connected, or if the double circuit is sanctioned no load shall be connected unless the additional circuit is erected. Generally short length lines up to 33 KV on single pole are surveyed with ranger rod. The distance between poles being less, sag is also less. Following points are to be considered while survey. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Line voltage. Maximum current Type of cross arm to be used. Whether single circuit or double circuit. Line Formation. Maximum wind pressure of the area. Sag of the line. Span Ground clearance . Snow fall. Position of support (pole) in the line (i.e. Straight, angle or end pole.)
Pole Errection :- Poles are transported before erection. While transporting P.S.C.poles, care should be taken to avoid breakage. They should be unloaded carefully from the truck. Two or three channels to be placed slanting the truck edge. Each pole is to be tied by ropes and slowly slide on the channels. Care should be taken that the pole will not strike the ground. When the pole is lying on the ground it should be transported to the proposed site by lifting or by pushing by crowbars. Mark pole pit before digging. The pit shall be normally 2'2 size. While digging the pit the excavated soil should not be kept along the pit edge to avoid the soil falling in the pit. The depth of the pole pit shall be 1/6th of the pole height. While digging the pit it should be dug straight. After pit digging, base of the pole shall be brought near the pit. Once the pole is brought near the pit it should be uplifted by bipod/ gadam .The pole should be tied up from all four sides by rope and when the pole is lifted to sufficient height, it's base should be put into the pit and erected. Once the pole is erected, it should be supported from all sides, and it should be aligned properly. Cant hook tool is used for alignment of pole. Concreting should be done after pole erection. General proportion of Concrete Mixer are as below:Material. 1) 1x 1/4" Stone metal. 2) Sand. 3) Cement. 4) Water. Proportion. 1:3:6 100 Cft. 50 cft 13 bag. 484 Ltr. Proportion. 1:2:4 100 Cft. 50 cft 20 bag. 484 Ltr. Proportion. 1:4:8 100 Cft. 50 cft 10 bag. 484 Ltr.
Due to the weight of fittings, pole, and conductor, pole may sink in soft soil. Hence base padding is necessary. The base padding distributes the total weight and reduces the weight per Sq. feet. Poles and its use. The pole or supports are classified as per the material used for it. 1) Steel (2) Cement (3) Wooden. 1) Types of steel poles used areA) I type beam (B) Rail Pole (C) Tubular pole (D) Fabricated. 2) Cement Pole: P.S.C. i.e. Pre Stressed Cement concrete pole. These poles are solid or ladder type i.e. English "A" type. Care to be taken while transportation of P.S.C. poles. 1. While loading/unloading, avoid concentrated pressure. 2. Do not thrust pole from truck. 3. Unload on soft soil. 4. During transportation, avoid cantilever loading. Selection of poles. 1) The strength of pole. 2) Conductor type. 3) Maximum wind pressure. 4) Maximum line tension. 5) Size of conductor. 6) Snow fall. 7) Different crossings like river, road, railway, telephone lines etc. 8) Guarding. 9) Fruit farm. All the above points decide span of the line. All the crossings should be at right angle. If it is not possible the angle should not be less than 60 . Precautions while pole erection. 1) After tightening of nut bolts, threads should be punched at least at three places. 2) The length of bolts should be such that only two threads will be left out after tightening of the nut. If the length of bolt is more, unnecessary washers are required. This will increase the expenditure. 3) Always use one spring washer and one plain washer. 4) The rail pole should be erected in such a way that its flat portion will be towards roadside. 5) Girder, P.S.C. pole or rail pole should be erected as shown below. (The weaker section towards line and stronger section towards a wind direction.). For angle location the stronger axis will be in line with axis of angle and end pole shall be
6) 7)
erected as the line poles. For tubular or square poles this question does not arise, as it is stronger from all sides. Cracked P.S.C. pole should not be used. It is the habit of the line staff to strike the pole on the edge of the pit to align pole in line. This should not be done as P.S.C. poles may crack. The pole should be lifted and pushed or by fixing a clamp at lower portion of the clamp for alignment.
Tapping of the line should always be from pole and not from mid span. 8) When split pin is used, it should be spited. 9) Many times quarter pin and split pins are given instead of nut bolts. These split pins should be invariably spited. 10) The steel pole for which complete concreting is not done, anti corrosive paint should be applied. The portion in concrete should never be painted. 11) Worn out conductor should not be used. 12) If the jointed pole is used, the small jointed portion of the should be kept on upper side and larger portion towards the ground. 13) Rust on the steel pole should be removed by steel wire brush before painting. 14) While concreting or lifting the pole, it should be tied up by crowbars, which are firmly pierced in the ground to avoid accident.
STAYS (1)Ordinary Stay, (2) A Type, (3) Self Stay,(B type) (4) Y stay (5) Flying stay, (6) Strut, (7) Storm guys . Ordinary Stay: - This type stay is generally used. The size of stay rod, turn buckle and stay wires are to be used as per the line tension. Generally, for H.T. lines 19 mm (3/4) dia. stay rod, 20 mm (5/6) size eye bolt, 7/8 size stay wire used and for L.T. line 15 mm (5/6) stay rod, 12.5 mm (1/2) eye bolt and 7/10 size stay wire is used. Stay insulator shall be used at a vertical height of 3 meter (10) from the ground. A Type Stay: - When the line tension is less and there is no sufficient space for stay, this type stay is used. In city area, many times, there is no sufficient space for stay. At such places, the stay pit is dug at short distance from the pole and hence cannot take adequate tension. A support angle is fixed to the pole. Arrangement is available to affix the stay wire to the angle. This is called Stay out trigger. This type looks like English A. Self stay or B type stay: When there is no space for stay, the lower portion of the stay wire is clamped by stay clamp to the lower portion of the pole. Such type is called Self or B type stay. Flying stay: - When the line is on roadside and there is no space for stay, pole piece of sufficient height is erected at the other side of the road and a stay wire is tied up between pole and pole piece. For giving tension to the pole piece, stay wire and stay rod is used. Strut (Stud): - When the pole is on the roadside and there is no space for stay, one pole is used as a support to the line pole from opposite side of stay. The support pole is called Strut. Strut is fixed to line pole by a suitable clamp. Y type Stay: - It is used for supporting guarding cross arm. It is also used for side brackets. Storm Guys: - When the line is straight and cut-points to cut-points distance is more, this type of stay is used. At mid pole of the line, two stays at an angle of 60 on both sides are tied up. Such type of stay is called Storm Guys. For angle location, stays are to be given so as to avoid the tilting of pole due to conductor tension. Stay insulators are used to obstruct the leakage current. Stay Binding: - The stay should be linked with pole earthing and /or neutral wire using G.I.wire so that leakage current will pass through earthing or neutral to the ground. Such binding is called Stay Binding. Remember :1. If stay insulator is not provided, 8 s.w.g. G.I. wire shall be used near the stay clamp and link it to neutral conductor. The length of G.I. wire should be sufficient to join the stay wire to neutral of L.T. line or in case of H.T. line, to the H.T. earthing. This G.I. wire should be well bound to the earthing or neutral. 2. Stay insulator should not be less than 10 ft from ground. 3. While binding the stay, pole should not be tilted 4. Thimble is necessary for stay binding. If the thimble is not available, the portion on stay wire on eye bolt should be bounded properly.
Guarding means safe guard . This is below the line. In case of conductor snapping, it will touch the guarding wire before laying on ground or will lay on guarding. The guarding is always earthed. The line protection will operate and will switch off the line. Snapped conductor will not remain charged. In absence of guarding, conductor will fall on ground and as no protection is operated, conductor will remain charged. This will cause accidents. Hence the guarding is very essential. Types of Guarding :(1)P. V. C. Guarding. (2) Lecing guarding. 1) P.V.C. Guarding: This is mainly used for L. T. Lines passing through agriculture field. This is used where formation of line is vertical. The upper end is tied in shackle bolt and lower end is tied to the neutral. A G.I. wire frame is prepared so that there will be horizontal G.I. wire piece at equal distance below every conductor. The vertical wires of the frame are insulated with P.V.C. pipe. Even conductor swings, it will not be earthed due to P.V.C. pipe. In case of snapping of conductor, it will make contact with the G.I. wire and get earthed, resulting blowing of the fuse. There are two type of guarding according to the formation.
2. Lecing guarding. This has following types. a) Carpet guarding, b) Cradle type c) Box type. There is two, three or four guard wire for lacing guarding. These are bound with cross arm. The horizontal laces at a specific distance are tied up to the above wires. This guarding is used up to 33 KV lines. Carpet Guarding: - The specific length cross arms are fixed on the poles. Four G.I. wires are used for guard wire. Lacings are tied up at specific distance. This type is used for power line crossing or power and telephone line crossing. Cradle Guarding: - It consists of 6 guard wire. Four are on lower side and two on the upper side. Cross lacing is done from three sides. It is also called Tray guarding. Even though the conductor while snapping jumps up drastically, it will not go out of the cradle guarding. This is used for railway or L.T. to 33 KV guarding in residential area, for road crossing or along the road lines.
Box type guarding: - This is used for composite lines. By fixing cross arms to the lower line, carpet guarding is done and also for the upper line, the upper guard wire is fixed to the lower by vertical lecing. Road crossing and guarding. a. As far as possible road crossing should be at right angle, but not less than an angle of 60. b. Cradle guarding is used for road crossing of power line or along the line. c. G.I. wire of 10 W.S.G. for L.T. line and 8 W.S.G for 11 KV to 33 KV lines is used for guarding. d. The first lacing should be at a distance of 750 mm from the pole. Other lecing are tied at a distance of 3 meter from each other. e. The vertical distance between conductor and guarding in mid span should be minimum 610 mm for L.T. and 1220 mm for H.T line. f. The vertical distance between L.T. line guarding cross arm and neutral should be 610 mm (2 ft.) and the length of cross arms should be 750 mm (2 ) . g. The clearance between line and guarding cross arm for 11 KV, 22 KV and 33 KV line should be 650 mm (2 ), 750 mm (2 ) and 840 mm (2 ) respectively. h. There is no need of guarding for lines above 66 KV, as their circuit breakers are sensitive. The breaker trips when conductor snaps thereby isolating the line. Special Instructions :i. Power lines should always be guarded as above. j. The distance between guard-wire and telephone line should be minimum 920 mm. k. The telephone crossings for 66 KV and above are done by Telephone Deptt. The clearance between the power line and telephone line shall be as below: 66 KV and 132 KV - - 2750 mm (9). 220 KV and 400 KV -- 4575 mm (15) Fitting Accessories on H.T./L.T. line :It is essential to fix accessories after pole erection. Line accessories are of two types. a. Conductor accessories. b. Pole accessories. a.) Conductor Accessories: l. Binding Tape: - Binding tape is used for binding pin insulator, shackle or Line insulator to the conductor. The tape is wound on the conductor. The metal of binding tape should be same as that of conductor. The first layer is wound along the wire in direction of twist of wire and second layer is in opposite the twist. The portion on which the binding wire is to be wound should be taped 25 mm more from either side. This tape is used for avoiding conductor snapping due to friction. 2. Binding wire: - It is used for binding insulator to the conductor. 3. P.G.Clamp: - Means parallel groove clamp. This is used for joining jump wire. Line tension cannot be given on P.G. Clamps. Bi-metallic P.G. Clamp is made out of two
different metals and the conductor of the same metal is used in the same type of metal groove of P.G.Clamp. 4. T clamp: T clamps are used in substation to connect the jumps and cannot sustain tension.
B) Pole Accessories: 1. Cross Arm, (2) Channel, (3) Guarding, (4) Anti-climbing device (Barbed wire), (5) Number plate, (6) Phase plate, (7) Circuit plate, (8) Danger Board, (9) Insulator etc. 1) Cross Arms:- Cross arm designed as per the formation of line i.e. vertical, horizontal, or delta. The length, width and design is based on following conditions. 1. The min. distance required between line and pole. This depends on line voltage. 2. Weight of conductor. 3. Tension on the conductor. 4. Max. sag. 5. Minimum clearance between two phases (it depends on line voltage.) 2. Channels: - Channels are used for mounting of Transformer, D.O. set, A.B. switch, L.A., guarding etc. on pole. 3. Stays: To avoid pole bending. 4. Guarding: - To avoid snapping of conductor on ground/ another line. 5. Barbed wire: - To obstruct the persons from climbing on the pole. Fixing of anti climbing device is mandatory.. Barbed wire used as below. Line. H.T.Line. L.T.line Ground Clearance 2134 m (7 ft.) -doBarbed wire span. 1220 m (4 ft.) 610 m (2 ft.) Number of turns for every 305 m 12 12
6. Number plate: - Number plate should be fixed on every pole or number should be painted. It facilitates attending breakdown by giving proper address. 7. Phase plate: - On cut point of H.T. line or specific distance poles or tapping poles, Red, Yellow and Blue phase plates are fixed. 8. Circuit Number: - When there is double circuit on a tower or pole, a circuit number are written on number plate. Hence fixing of number plate should be done carefully. If wrong circuit number plate is fixed, permit will be issued wrongly which may cause accident. Confirm the circuit at orientation, and start fixing of the number plates at a right side. 9. Danger Board :- Danger Board should be fixed on every H.T. pole at following points. 1. Danger Board of every road side pole should face the road . 2.Danger Board should be on both side poles at Road crossing, Telephone crossing, Power line, Railway, River crossing . 3.Up to K.M. on both sides of village or city.
CONDUCTOR TYPE AND ITS USE. Generating stations are far away from load centers and for transmission of energy high voltage lines are to be erected. Different size conductors used in distribution of Electricity. If proper size conductor is not selected for transmission or distribution network, losses are increased considerably. While selecting the conductor following points are observed. 1) Conductor capacity: - The current carrying capacity of conductor depends on the type of metal used and its size. 2) Mechanical strength of Conductor: - When the conductor is strung, it has to bear tension. If the conductor cannot bear tension, it will break and snap. Hence proper capacity conductor should be used. Types of conductor are as below.
a. b. c. d. e. f.
Copper. All Aluminum Conductors. All Aluminum Alloy conductors. Aluminum Conductor steel reinforced one. Steel conductor (Galvanized Iron or G.I.) Cables (1) Control Cable, (2) Service Wire (3) Power Cable.
The Copper conductor is best one; but due to its high cost it is not used widely. The Copper Conductor has low resistance and high mechanical strength. All Aluminum conductor is generally made of strands and is used when the line tension is low. It is generally used for L. T. lines. General sizes are No.8,No. 6, Rose, Ant, etc. A.C.S.R. Conductor is used for E.H.V. and H.T. lines. Aluminum strands carry the current and steel strands bear the mechanical tension. The sizes used are: 0.02 Squirrel, 0.03 weasel, 0.06 Mint, 0.1 Dog, 0.15 Wolf, 0.2 Panther, 0.3 Goat, 0.35 Sheep, 0.4 Deer, 0.5 Moose etc. Based on conductor covering there are two types.1.Bare Conductor: - It is not covered with insulation. 2.Insulated Conductor is covered by insulation and called as cable. They are again classified as (1) Solid, (2) Stranded i.e. made of bunch of strands twisted. The conductor size is measured in Standard Wire gauge. Measurement of Standard Conductor: - Two numbers are used for this. The first number shows the number of strands and second one the gauge of each strand or dia. For ex. A) 7/8 S.W.G. stay wire means it has 7 strands with 8 S.W.G. size strands. (B) 3/0.36 inch weather proof wire means 3 strands each having 0.36 inch dia. Or 1/1.4 weather proof wire means one strand with 1.4 mm dia. CONDUCTOR JOINTING. It means joining two conductors each other. Necessity. 1) While construction of new line, one conductor coil is insufficient; the other has to be laid in continuation.
2.The conductor breaks by some reason. Types of Joints: (1) Britannia, (2) Telephone, (3) Merid Joint, (4) T joint, (5) Steel joints, (6) Compression joint. 1) Britannia Joint: - This type of joint is made only on solid conductors and cannot be made on stranded conductor. Two conductors to be joined are brought in front of each other. 6 inch (150 mm) length of each conductor is cleaned by wire brush or sand paper. This will clear the rust and will be clean. Then it is washed with soft soda water. If the conductor is of copper; it should so as to make good electrical connection. Then ends of both conductors are bend through half centimeter and placed on each other. The length of contact portion should be min. 100 mm. This joint should be bound by 14 mm copper wire as shown in figure.
2) Telephone Joint (Western Union): - This is used only for solid conductors. It is used for conductors of size 8 No. or higher. First bend is given at 100 to 125 mm from the edge and are placed over each other. Then each one is twisted with the another conductor. The conductor is to be cleaned for 200 to 250 mm length. 3) Meried Joints: - This joint is made between copper conductors having central strand of G.I. wire. It should not be made between Al. conductors. Approximately 175 to 200 mm length conductor strands are unwound and every strand is well washed and brushed. The G.I. strand of both conductors should be broken up to 175 mm in length. Both conductors should be brought in front of each other and their strands should be woven in each other. The strand of one conductor is twisted on other conductor, and strand of other conductor is twisted on the first. Likewise all the strands twisted and then soldered. This is used only for small span length.
4)T Joint: - This joint is made with stranded conductor. This joint cannot take tension. It is used for Jumper or tapping in S/s. The conductor strands to be separated up to 100 mm. Then middle steel strands are cut. Then it shall be placed to horizontal conductor with 3 strands each on either side and shall be twisted over the horizontal conductor.
Sleeve Joint: - It can be made with any type of Aluminum conductor. First the conductor should be washed with caustic soda solution and wiped off cleanly. Graphite Greece is applied over the conductor and as shown in figure two Al. sleeves should be taken. These sleeves should be placed on the conductor as shown. Sleeves should be twisted by twisting wrench. This joint is made for L.T., H.T., ACSR, AAC conductor up to 0.06 size. 3) Compression Joint: - This is used for conductors of more than 0.06 cm2 sizes. For jointing, two different sleeves are used. Steel sleeve is used for steel conductor strands and Al. sleeve is used for Al. conductor strands. There are two holes in Al. sleeve. Rebating is done through these holes. First both sleeves should be cleaned and dried. Then Al. sleeve to be mounted on one side. The length of steel sleeve is then measured. Its half distance is taken. Suppose it is X cm. Then the ends which are to be joined and more to X cm. distance is taken on the conductor is banded there. The Al. strands are opened up to that point and cut. Steel strand should not be touched while this. Then the steel sleeves are cleaned without opening. They are placed in the steel sleeve. They should be kept in front of each other. Then the center of steel sleeve is compressed in Compression machine. Then on the half portion of the right side sleeve be compressed and then on the left half portion. Due to compression the length of sleeve will be increased by 6 mm on both sides and it will reach Al. strands. Then Al. sleeve should be measured. It should be halved. Suppose it is Y cm.+ 25 mm then Y cm. should be measured and marked on both sides of conductor measured from center of steel sleeve. Both parts of conductor are brought in sleeve in front of each other. The filler parts should be filled in the sleeve by Grease until it comes out the holes. Both the holes are then closed by rivets and hammered by hammer. There is one stencil mark on Al. sleeve. Then first compression will be there; afterwards it should be compressed up to one end. Similarly other part is compressed up to other end.
1. Jumper should not be connected to main conductor. The jumper should always be connected by P.G. clamps as shown.
2. When the jumpers are near metallic portion, all such jumpers are covered with alkathine pipe. 3. Conductor joint are marked on A.C.S.R. conductor when dispatched. Mid span joint should be made before stringing because the steel strand is not kept continuous. Hence it is necessary to replace the company joint. 4. Care should be taken that mid span joint will not be less than 40 ft. from pole. 5. Every joint should be done carefully. 6. Where conductor strands are cut, repair sleeve is used. 7. Conductor joint strength should be 95 % that of conductor, and resistance should be that of main conductor. Conductor paving and stringing. Conductor paying is the first step for conductor stringing. Paying out is carried out after pole erection is completed. Following T & P is used for the same. 1) Revolving Platform or Shaft. 2) Roller. 3) Twisting wrench or hydraulic press machine. 4) Hack saw. 5) Pliers. 6) Screw driver. 7) Wire wrench. 8) Crowbars. 9) Ropes. 10) Chain pulley. 11) Hammer. 12) Sag Board. 13) Zola. While conductor paying out, care should be taken that the conductor should not rub the ground. A revolving platform and rollers are used to avoid damage. If the conductor is rubbing the ground, it should be lifted and stretched. Conductor paying out can be done easily by use of revolving platform. Care should be taken to avoid sharp bend while unwinding. Sharp bend may lead to breaking of conductor. Sag Board should be used while stringing. should be considered and proper sag should be given. Wind pressure, snow fall, etc
Binding tape should be used for conductor binding. While binding the conductor, conductor should be inspected to ascertain the damages. Kerolite compound is also used. There should not be gap between tape and conductor as there is a possibility of sparking. 1) For L.T. neutral conductor binding on pole, if the conductor is of copper C.I. bobbin to be used and in case of Aluminum conductor Al. bobbin should be used. 2) Tension clamp should be fixed as shown in the figure.
3) Before use of disc insulator, please confirm that the ball of hardware fits properly by fixing of security clip. Only then the disc should be used. Accidents have occurred due to failure of ball socket joint at disc insulator. 4) The conductor stringing should be done by use of rollers. It should not rub the insulator or ground. 5) While conductor paying out the drum should be unwound with revolving platform or if it is in coil, it should be unwound over the wheel to avoid damage. 6) The minimum clearance between the pole and live wire should always be as per I.E. Rules. 7) Conductor loop to be provided near the pole after the line is completely strung. It facilitates the service connection. 8) Double layer of binding tape should be fixed to the conductor near L.T. insulator. It will avoid damage to the conductor in case of flash over. 9) Proper tools should be used while working with the conductor to avoid damage. 10) Before joining, the conductor ends should be properly cleaned. In case of copper, clean by sand paper and for aluminum conductor, first apply jointing compound and then brush so as to remove the al. oxide. In absence of jointing compound caustic soda can be used. After cleaning, use graphite grease and then complete the joint. 11) P.G. clamps and the conductor should have the same current capacity. 12) To avoid bi-metallic action in bi-metallic P.G. clamps, lead foil is used. In order to avoid by material action a strip is used as a media in bi-metallic P.G. clamps. As there is bimetal action between copper and aluminum; but no action occurs between copper, zinc and aluminum.
Earthing and its types. It is very important to earth the line and electrical equipment. It will be electrically unsafe without earthing. The pole/ body of equipment connected solidly to earth is called earthing. 1) For Electrical supports and equipments. It case of short circuit or leakage, current will pass with minimum resistance to earth so that maximum current will flow through effected circuit so that fuse will blow or circuit breaker to trip. This will isolate the faulty line or equipment from live circuit. 2) Transformer neutral earthing. a. The leakage or unbalanced current will have path with minimum resistance. b. Sensitive protecting equipment works properly. (Earth Fault Relay.) c. It prevents the lines being charged to excessive high voltage due to lightening or switching surges. d. By connecting resistance in the neutral earthing, fault current is controlled. e. It helps for keeping neutral voltage always zero. 3) For Lightening Arrestor: The lightening arrestor earthing discharges the lightening charge with very low resistance, which prevents possible damages. For this, very low earth resistance is
necessary. This quality can be achieved by piercing earth electrode deep in the ground up to wet soil. Earth resistance depends on1) Types of soil, (2) Temperature of soil, (3) Wetness of soil, (4) Minerals in soil, (5) Size of Electrode, (6) Cross section of electrode, (7) Deepness of electrode in ground, (8) Distance between two electrodes. Earth tester measures Earth resistance and its unit is ohm. LINE AND POLE EARTHING. 1) Every fifth metallic pole of L.T. line should be earthed. 2) Cross arms, top clip, insulator pins of P.S.C. pole should be earthed along with the pole. 3) Guarding at Railway crossing, Telephone crossing, Road crossings should be earthed along with pole on both side. If earth electrode is not available 8 S.W.G. G.I. wire coil of 25 mm dia and 120 to 150 mm long should be used and placed in a pit at a distance of 90 cms. from pole at a depth of 150 cms. It is very necessary to earth the guarding. All the metal fittings of L.T. pole and stay should be earthed and connected firmly to neutral because neutral is multiple earthed neutral. 4) A separate earth electrode to be used for L.A. earthing and the earth wire should be through an Alkathine pipe without touching the pole.
Methods of Earthing. 1) Plate Earthing : A) In major power stations and major sub-stations 12 mm thick, 1200 m long, 1200 mm wide Cast Iron plates are used. B) For minor sub-stations 18 mm broad, 50 x 50 cm. G.I. plates are used. These plates are dug vertically in the pit. Coal, sand and salt are filled in the pit each of 150 mm layer. The plate should be dug deep so that soil will be wet from all sides. The plate should be placed at a distance of 1200 cm. from each other. 2) Pipe Earthing A) For Power Stations, and major sub-stations 12 mm thick, 150 mm dia, 300 cms. Long G.I. pipes are used. A minimum distance of 1200 cm. should be kept between earth electrodes in major sub-stations and 180 cms in case of minor sub-stations. At least one electrodes to be used at every corner in sub-stations. Each electrical equipment structure and the entire metal fitting should be earthed. Three earth electrodes are used for polemounted transformer. The transformer neutral and body should be double earthed. A minimum 8 S.W.G. G.I. wire should be used for earthing. Separate earthing should be done for distribution box. 7/10 SWG G.I. wire should be used for tower earthing, and for S/s. gantries 3mm thick, 50 mm x 50 mm M.S. plate is used. G.I. pipe of 25 mm thick, 1910 mm long is used for H.T. line, and 20 mm thick, 1720 mm long for L.T. lines. The purpose of coal and salt is to keep wet the soil permanently. The salt percolates and coal absorbs water keeping the soil wet. Care should always be taken by watering the earth pits in summer so that the pit soil will be wet. Coal is made of carbon which is good conductor minimizing the earth resistant. For sub-station earthing the provisions in I.S.I. 3043 (1966) Section 1,2 & 3 should be utilized. Joints: - Rivets are used for joining the earth system, nut bolts or welding also used depending on the temperature rise of the system. The joint to earth conductor in switchgear unit or cable sheaths required to be separated frequently, hence nut bolts are used at joint. In case of steel system they should inconsistently be by welding. Only the places where earth testing is carried, should be nut bolted. All joints should be properly painted. Channel, supporting control boards and panels are used as earth electrodes (This is possible only when they are connected to earth system at both ends.)
In this method earth tester terminals C1 & P1 are shorted to each other and connected to the earth electrode (pipe) under test. Terminals P2 & C2 are connected to the two separate spikes driven in earth. These two spikes are kept in same line at the distance of 25 meters and 50 meters due to which there will not be mutual interference in the field of individual spikes. If we rotate generator handle with specific speed we get directly earth resistance on scale. Note :- Spike length in the earth should not be more than 1/20th distance between two spikes. Four Point Method :- In this method 4 spikes are driven in earth in same line at the equal distance. Outer two spikes are connected to C1 & C2 terminals of earth tester. Similarly inner two spikes are connected to P1 & P2 terminals. Now if we rotate generator handle with specific speed, we get earth resistance value of that place. In this method error due to polarisation effect is eliminated and earth tester can be operated directly on A.C.
Earth Resistance :- (A) -Earth resistance is depended on following factors. 1) Type of earth soil. 2) Temperature of earth. 3) Humidity in earth. 4) Minerals in earth. 5) Length of electrode in the earth. 6) Electrode shape and size. 7) Distance between two electrodes. 8) Number of electrodes. (B) Maximum earth resistance allowed is as below :Major power station 0.5 . Major Sub-stations 1.0 Minor Sub-station 2 Neutral Bushing. 2 Service connection 4 L.T.Lightening Arrestor 4 L.T.Pole 5 H.T.Pole 10 Tower 20-30 If earth resistance is more than above values, following Treatments can be made for minimizing resistance. 1) Oxidation on joints should be removed and joints be tightened. 2) Sufficient water should be poured in earth electrode. 3) Earth Electrode of bigger size as far as possible be used. 4) Electrodes should be connected in parallel. 5) Earth pit of more depth & width- breadth be made.
Transformers: Need, Types & Applications. Need: - In our Power Generating Stations, electricity is generated at 15 kV or less voltage. It would be un-economical to transmit the electricity at such a low voltage because of its high current. As well as there will be voltage drop & conductor size will also be required to be increased very much. Hence, the power generated in generating stations is stepped up in voltage by means of Power Transformer. The Power transmitted at high voltage is again stepped down for Distribution purpose at low voltage because three phase equipments and single phase equipments/ appliances are designed to work at 440 v. & 230 v. respectively as per I.E. rules. Hence for proper distribution, also transformers are used. Advantages: - 1. Transformer being a stationary machine, there is no wear and tear. 2. High voltage insulation can be provided due to stationery windings. 3. Low cost of maintenance because less maintenance is required. Capacity: - The capacity of Power Transformer is denoted in MVA & that of Distribution transformer is denoted in KVA. Types: - Transformers are classified in two basic types. 1) Power Transformers. 2) Instrument Transformer. Power Transformers can further be classified as : a) As per cores - 1) Core type (2) Shell type. b) As per phases - 1) Single phase (2) Three phase. c) As per windings- 1) Single winding. (2) Two windings. d) As per voltage - 1) Step up (2) Step Down. e) As per application 1) Power Transformer (2) Dist. Transformer. Note: - In a Power Transformer (1 MVA & above) voltage is changed and then it is sub transmitted by transmission lines. Power (0.5 MVA or less) But in a Dist. Transformer, line voltage is reduced and is used to cater load on secondary side. There are two main types of Instrument Transformers. 1) Current Transformer ( C.T.) 2) Potential Transformer (P.T.)
Applications of Instrument Transformer are: 1) To isolate metering instruments, relays & wiring from main supply. 2) To convert high voltage & current as per instrument capacity ratings. 3) To maintain & standardize voltage & current ratings of instruments and relays. Note:- Current Transformers are always connected in series & Potential transformers in Paralleled with the line. Auto Transformers: - Autotransformer is a Power transformer with a single winding having a central tap. Auto transformers are economical only when transformation ratio is 1: 3 or near to it. Transformer Parts and Accessories. Definition: - The stationary equipment, which converts high voltage to low or vice versa by virtue of magnetizing effects and keeping magnitude and frequency of the electrical energy the same, is called transformer. Principle of working :- It works on the principle of Mutual Induction. Mutual Induction :- When the transformer winding is connected to induce voltage in it. It is also known as back emf. and the process to form the induced voltage is known as Selfinduction. The same magnetic field also cuts the secondary winding to form induced voltage in it. This is known as Mutual Induction. Transformers are mainly classified in (1) Power Transformer and (2) Instrument transformer and Step Up or Step down as per the application. Parts of Transformer (1) Main Tank: - It is made of steel sheets by welding them. In the main tank, core, winding and transformer oil is placed. (2) Core: - It is a set of 0.35 mm thick high-grade electrical steel sheets. Both sides of these lamination sheets are coated laminations with insulating varnish to insulate them electrically from each other. The shape of the core can be square shape or stepped shape windings are assembled on the limbs of the core. Magnetic flux is transformed from one side to other through the yoke. (3) Winding :- Windings of the transformers are assembled on limbs of the core while assembling the windings on core, first L.V. winding is assembled and H.V. or Secondary winding is assembled over it. Conductors of both the windings are coated with insulation varnish. In addition to that, they are covered with paper and cotton tapes, which are properly impregnated with insulation, vanish. Both windings are insulated from core and main tank by providing sufficient electrical insulation. Primary is generally connected in delta whereas secondary is connected in star. As the resistance of the winding conductor is very low, it cannot be supplied with D.C. Back emf is not created in D.C. and hence the current will flow excessively thereby damaging the coil. Whereas in the case of A.C., due to impedance and back e.m.f., current does not exceed the limit.
Accessories of Transformer :1) Bushings: - Winding leads are to be taken out of the transformer tank for connections. To maintain sufficient safe clearance of these leads from body, Porcelain bushings are provided on Primary and Secondary sides of the transformer. Rain sheds are provided to the bushings to protect them from rainwater. Oil filled or condenser bushings are used in case of EHV Transformers. 2) Explosion Vent :- On the top plate of the transformer tank, a narrow pipe of sufficient diameter with diaphragms on its both ends is fitted. One diaphragm is in between the oil in the tank and the pipe whereas the upper diaphragm is at the top end of the pipe. Whenever there is severe fault inside the transformer, large quantities of gases are formed inside transformer tank. Due to the pressure of these gases, the lower diaphragm ruptures first and due to the upcoming gases and oil the upper diaphragm ruptures indicating the fault conditions inside transformer. Due to this protection, oil from transformer tank is thrown out and chances of bursting of transformer are avoided. Sometimes, the lower diaphragm ruptures without any inside faults just due to oil pressure and in such cases, oil is visible in the glass window provided on the explosion vent. In such cases, the measures to replace the ruptured diaphragm are to be taken immediately. 3) Conservator Tank: - Conservator tank is provided for the provision of expansion and contraction of the oil in the transformer. Conservator tank is also called as expansion tank. This tank is connected to the main tank through a pipe with valves. Oil level in conservator tank is maintained at half of its volume. An oil level indicator is provided on the visible side of the conservator tank. Whenever the loan on transformer increases, oil inside the transformer tank expands due to heat and the oil level increases. In such cases if sufficient space is not available for the expanding oil, the top cover of the transformer tank may burst due to excessive pressure. But due to the provision of conservator tank, this expanded oil goes into conservator tank and the level in the main tank is maintained constant. Due to this; the chances of exposure to windings and damage to radiators due to partial vacuum are avoided.
4) Equalizer Pipe :- The pipe connecting the conservator tank and the explosion vent is known as equalizer pipe. If small quantities of gases are formed inside transformer tank, these gases will be collected in conservator tank. These gases will maintain equal pressure in between explosion vent and conservator tank by the help of equalizer pipe. 5) Breather :- Due to the variations in loads on the transformer the oil in the transformer expands or contracts. Whenever the oil expands, the air in the conservator tank is to be expelled out and when the oil contract, the air is inhaled inside the conservator tank. This action is known as breathing action. For this, a breather is connected at the bottom of the conservator tank by way of a pipe projecting inside the conservator tank up to the air borne space. Breather is filled with Silica Gel crystals and a small cup with holes is provided at its bottom with small quantity of oil filled in it. Silica gel crystals absorb moisture from the air getting in the conservator tank while the oil in the bottom cup of the breather; arrests dust particles getting in the breather. Silica gel crystals allow the dry air to let in conservator tank.
Due to the absorption of moisture, the blue colour of silica gel crystals turns to pink. Such pink coloured crystals of Silica gel are to be re-activated by heating either by spreading it on a paper in sun or by heating it slowly in a metallic vessel. Whenever the crystals turn white, it renders useless and are to be replaced by new. Oil in the bottom cup of the breather also needs replacement if it becomes dirty. 6) Tap Changer :- It is essential to control the voltage in the system for two reasons. i) To control the flow of KW & KVAr in the lines connecting generating stations. ii) To maintain voltage at consumer end as per I.E. rules (+ 6%)
Voltage regulation is done by means of change of number of turns in H.V. winding with the help of tapings and the tap changer switch provided outside the tank. In a three-phase transformer, the arrangement of the switch is made in such a manner that the contacts of all the three windings are changed simultaneously. This tap changing assembly is known as Tap changer. There are two types of tap changers. (a) Off Load Tap Changer :- Off Load Tap Changer is provided to transformer on H.V. windings by making taps on them. Connection of off load tap changer is brought on the top plate of the tank. It is oil immersed and is located in main tank. It is designed to carry full load current of the transformer and is dissimilar to Circuit Breaker design i.e. it is not designed to work under loading conditions. Hence if Off load tap changer is operated while the transformer is "ON"; there can be severe damage to the transformer and so the taps in such type of tap changer are changed by switching the transformer "OFF". (b) On Load Tap Changer (O.L.T.C.) :- In this type of the tap changers, transformer tap can be changed while the transformer is "ON" and is under loaded conditions. It is not essential to switch off the supply in this type of changer. The operations can be local manually; local electrically and remote electrically as per requirements. There are various types of OLTC as per constructional difference. 1) Winding is done in circuit and in this arrangement; taps can be operated serially without making the transformer OFF. In such arrangement, twice the number of tappings is required as compared to normal tapings of the winding. 2) Preventive Reactor Type Changer: - In this type, reactor from the central tap is used whenever the contacts are connected to any tapping, the current is divided and it flows in opposite direction in the reactor and gets neutralized. During the transaction, two tapings are connected to reactor thereby causing more losses and resulting into more noise. Maintenance :- Damaged fixed contacts to be replaced by removing them from the insulated phase board after disconnecting the leads. Moving contacts and springs if required can be refitted. Retaining pins clips should be replaced by new. Oil in the tap changer is to be filtered generally after 30,000 operations through the drain valve and top cover valve of O.L.T.C. During filtration, switching unit should be cleaned thoroughly with fresh oil and carbon deposits in the switch unit to be removed. During the normal maintenance, driving mechanism should be inspected. Gear teeth, rollers etc. should be lubricated using grease and polydrum disulphide. Filters pads may be cleaned by using petrol or by vacuum cleaner. 7) Buchholtz Relay :- Buchhoultz Relays are used for transformer above 500 KVA. It is a gas operated relay and is used in Power transformers. Whenever there is fault inside the transformer; due to decomposition of oil, gases are formed in bubbles. These bubbles pass through the pipe connecting transformer tank and conservator. In this route, the Buchholtz Relay is situated. Gas bubbles are trapped in the Buchholtz Relay thereby creating pressure. It is made of cast iron. It consists of two floats. In the upper hollow float, mercury switch is located which is connected to Buchholtz Alarm circuit and the mercury switch that is located in
the lower baffle is connected to the trip circuit. On the top of the relay chamber, a pet cock is provided for gas sampling. The gases trapped in Buchholtz can be released from this pet cock. Relay chamber is also provided with a glass window through which the quantity and colour of gas can be seen. There is a provision for operating the trip and alarm mechanism manually. To pump air through the pet cock and operate the relay is also one of the simple methods for testing the working of the relay. 8) Radiators :- Radiators are used to limit the temperature of the transformers to a safe limit. Fins are provided to the radiators to radiate the heat of the oil to atmosphere more effectively. Hot oil circulates through the radiator tubes/fins and the heat is radiated to atmosphere by the principle of conduction and radiation. In the radiator oil circulates downwards because the hot oil in the main tank goes to the top portion of main tank and to the radiator. After its heat is lost in atmosphere through the radiator, it becomes cool and goes downwards again entering the main tank through bottom valves of radiators. Note :- While carrying out oil filtration, all the radiator valves are kept close and after some time, all the radiator valves are opened to filter the oil entirely. Some of the accessories are finding their use in Power Transformers recently. 1) Dry Cool Breather :- This instrument works on electronic circuits. In this, the air above the conservator oil level is dehydrated/ dried in the breather. It is generally used for transformers above 50 MVA. 2) Thermosyphon Filter :- It is a typical accessory which is fitted to larger transformers. In this a metallic cylinder in which filter media and activated Alumina balls are provided. It is connected to the transformer main tank in series. Due to the convection principle, hot oil passes through this, thereby getting in contact with alumina balls which reduces the acidity in it and when it passes through the filter media, the suspended impurities are also removed. Thus the total quantity of oil in main tank slowly passes through it thereby monitoring acidity on line. It's filter media should be maintained cleaned once a year and the Alumina balls also need to be activated simultaneously. 3) Pressure Relief Valve :- It is a latest protection instrument used in place of explosion vent. Whenever any fault occurs inside the transformer tank, oil pressure increases due to liberated gases. In such events, tank may explode and oil may catch fire. To avoid this, pressure relief valve is provided on transformer tank. When this valve operates, it rings alarm in control room alerting the operator. 3) Filter Machine :- Using the filter machine, oil in the transformer tank is heated up to 75C. When this oil circulates through transformer tank, it removes moisture from winding and core. This moisture is removed in the filter machine dehydration chamber thereby increases the dielectric strength of oil.
In this way, transformer is dehydrated and dielectric strength of oil also improves.
Transformer Maintenance. Transformers give prolonged efficient service if regular inspections and maintenance is carried out. Maintenance will also require less expenditure if carried out regularly. Following factors need be considered while carrying out transformer maintenance. 1) Oil :- (a) Transformer oil is a hydrocarbon base mineral oil. It is free from impurities and moisture. Physical/ Chemical & Electrical properties and their values are laid down as per IS 335:1989. Especially Dielectric strength of new transformer oil should be minimum 50 Kv for 1 minute. 2) Visual Inspection observations of Transformer oil may be compared with following. Colour. Oil Quality. Yellowish/Transparent/Sparkling. 1) Very Good Yellow/Dull. 2) Good 3)Bad. Brownish Black/ Brownish 4) Contaminated Black. 5) Discardable (b) Oil Temperature :- Transformer temperature rises due to various reasons. Overloading is one of the reasons for rise in transformer oil and winding temperature. If there is an abnormal rise in winding and oil temperature of the transformer; it should immediately be isolated and inspected for reasons. Cooling systems of adequate efficiency should be provided to Transformer. If fans are provided for forced air-cooling, they should be kept running till the temperature of transformer returns to normal. (c) Oil Level: - Transformer oil level should be checked regularly. If oil level found reduced due to leakages or evaporation, transformer should be topped up with good quality fresh oil.
(d) Oil Leakages :-Oil leaks at oil level gauge, gasket sheet, packing gaskets, Bolts, Welded joints, radiators, valve flanges etc. Any type of oil leakage should be attended on priority. Nuts & Bolts should be tightened to attend gasket oil leakages. If the oil leakage does not stop after tightening of Nut & Bolts, the gasket should be replaced by new. If the leakage is from joints then it should be attended by welding. Reasons of contamination of Transformer Oil. 1) Overloading of transformer. When transformer is overloaded, more heat is generated in transformer winding causing overheating and oxidation of transformer oil, thereby reducing its dielectric strength. 2) Absorption of Moisture - Due to load variation, transformer oil expands and contracts, each time the breathing action takes place. If oil is inhaling moist air while breathing, Moisture will be absorbed in oil thereby increasing its water content and reducing BDV/resistivity. 3) Gases :- When there is inside fault, of incipient nature, such as intermittent sparking, partial discharge, arcing etc., various gases are generated inside transformer due to decomposition of oil. These gases dissolve in oil thereby reducing its flash point. 4) Sludge :- Due to continuous heating of transformer insulation material such as varnishes, cellulose, paper insulation etc. get decomposed and dissolves in oil and form a sticky compound called sludge. Sludge formation results into reduction in heat dissipation capacity of oil thereby increasing O.T. & W.T. 5) Acids :- Due to the combined effect of heat, dissolution of varnishes and cellulose, inorganic & organic acids are formed in transformer oil thereby increasing its acidity. Acidity when increased, it ultimately results into reduction of resistivity, dielectric strength and tan delta of oil and also it corrodes the winding material. Acidic oil is very harmful to transformer health. Oil Testing :- Transformer oil samples should be tested for various tests regularly. If the dielectric strength of oil goes down below 40 KV; it should be filtered till B.D.V. reaches to 50 K.V. Oil filtration by regular type of filter machine cannot reduce acidity of the oil unless the filter is provided with special attachment of acidity removal Alumina Column. If the acidity of the oil increases above 0.1 Mg.KOH/gm. Core and windings of transformer should be checked through inspection manhole. Oil from OCB and Transformer needs to be tested periodically. Following precautions should be taken while sampling the oil. 1) Sampling bottle, preferably of glass or polythene should be thoroughly cleaned and dried. It should be rinsed twice with the oil sample itself. 2) Clean the valve externally from which the sample is to be drawn. This would reduce the chances of contamination of the sample due to dust. 3) Draw the sample by PVC tube as rubber may chemically react with oil. 4) Sample should not come in contact with fibrous cloth or body touch.
5) Cock/Stopper of the bottle should be cleaned with the same oil and be replaced immediately after filling the sample bottle. This will avoid insertion of any moisture in the oil sample. 6) Always draw the oil sample from the bottom valves of transformer or O.C.B. because the impure oil with heavy impurities such as sludge, moisture always settles at bottom. 7) Do not dip fingers in oil samples because it reduces BDV of the oil for example; if the BDV of the oil is 45 KV & if fingers are dipped in it for few moments, its BDV reduces to 20 K.V. which has been experimentally proved. 8) Always test BDV of oil at ambient temperature because, temperature has its effect on B.D.V. as per following table. Temp. : 30C 40 50 60 70 80 B.D.V.KV : 33 35 36 37 38 39 9) Never draw oil samples in rainy or cloudy weather because it will increase moisture in the oil. Oil Testing Kit :- In this instrument, a glass or PVC transparent oil cell with dimensions of 8055100 mm is provided with two numbers of polished and chrome plated electrodes of standard size specified as per I.S. are fitted at a distance of 40 mm from bottom. There is a provision of adjustment of electrodes by horizontal movements. It helps to adjust the specified spark gap of 2.5 mm. between the faces of the electrodes. The test cell is designed to sustain voltage up to 60 K.V. Oil is kept in such test cell for testing with the level adjusted 1mm below the top level of the cell. A single-phase autotransformer is provided in this instrument with 230 V A.C. primary and 0 to 60 K.V. as secondary output voltage. Voltmeter, which is connected on primary side shows the voltage of the secondary in K.V. A switch, an Ammeter and a circuit breaker is provided on primary side. When spark takes places between the electrodes, the C.B. trips on overload thereby isolating the kit from H.T. supply. 1) Method of Oil Testing: - Fill the test cell with the oil sample up to the mark i.e. 10 mm below top cover of the cell. If the machine is manually operated, raise the voltage (after making the H.T.Switch "ON") @ 2K.V./Sec. with the help of the variac. If it is motor operated, the stepper motor is set to raise voltage accordingly. Raise the voltage till spark or break down of the oil in between the electrodes takes place. Take 6 readings of the same sample and the average value of these six readings denotes the B.D.V.
Oil Testing Kit
2) Transformer Body: - Check transformer body and other parts for rusting. If any part found rusted, painting should be carried out. Transformer should be painted periodically. 3) Core & Winding: - Core and winding should be inspected once in 5 years and be ensured that no nuts bolts inside are tight and no sludge deposit is found. 4) Insulator Bushings: - Clean insulator bushings free of dust, using clean and dry cloth. Check bushings for cracks or chippings. If found, make up with M-Seal adhesive compound. 5) Cable sealing ends: - Check cable boxes periodically for sealing. There should not be leakage of compound. Gasket joints should be tightened. 6) External connections: - All external connections should be checked. Burnt or rusted connectors should be replaced. 7) Conservator Tank: - Check oil level in conservator tank regularly. 8) Breather :- Silica gel and oil in the bottom cup of the breather should be checked regularly. Silica gel if turns pink, should either activated or replaced. Hole at the bottom of breather should be maintained free. 9) Bucholz Relay :- Inspection of the relay should be regularly carried out and test trials of relay should be conducted every six month. 10) Explosion Vent: - Inspect explosion vent. If the diaphragm is found damaged, it should be replaced and cause should be investigated. 11) Gaskets: - Nuts and Bolts of gasket joints should be tightened periodically and leaking gaskets should be replaced. 12) Coolers and Cooling Fans: - Radiators should be maintained free of dirt and painted if necessary. Cooling fan bearings lubricated and maintained in good working condition. 13) Earthing: - Neutral earthing should be checked regularly and soil resistivity should be checked periodically. 14) Tap Changers: - (a) Diverter switch contacts should be serviced. Oil level in the diverter switch tank should be maintained (b) Driving Mechanism: - Notch controller and contact rings should be maintained free of dust and do not lubricate them. Heaters should be maintained in working condition. Copper contacts should be finely surfaced. If copper contacts are silver amalgamated and if amalgamation is worn, contacts should be replaced.. (c) Selector switch contacts should be checked annually. Note: - 1) Oil testing kits, Megger and gas testing kits should be available in every substation.
2) (a) Silica gel needs to be heated between 150C to 200C for proper activation. (b) While replacing Silica gel; oil in the bottom cup of the breather should also be replaced. 3) While working on transformer, it should be isolated from both the ends and should be solidly grounded at bushings. 4) (a) While maintaining tap changers, recommendations from manufacturers should be followed. (b) While carrying out servicing of transformer; if any abnormalities are observed; manufacturers should be referred along with order reference. Care to be taken while charging a transformer :After complete fitting of accessories of transformer and after proper drying out of transformer and filtration, following precautions, care is required to be taken. 1) Radiator valves should be open. 2) Conservator tank oil level should be as per marking. 3) Breather should have blue Silica Gel and oil at the bottom cup. 4) Jumper connections on both H.T. & L.T. sides should be properly connected. 5) L.T. cable if provided should be tested. 6) Neutral connection should be proper and as per rules. 7) For Distribution Transformer: (a) There should be separate earthing for Dist. box body and Main switch body and it should be firm. (b) Neutral of incoming and outgoing cables should be connected to each other. (A) After confirming the above things. 1) Provide proper capacity D. O. fuses, Keep L.T. Main switch off and charge the transformer. Check humming of the transformer to be normal. 2) In the Main Switch; voltage between phase to phase and phase to neutral should be tested by Voltmeter or Avometer and it should be proper as per rating. (B) Following tests should be conducted prior to charging of new transformer. (1) I.R.values (2) Continuity Test (3) Insulation Test (4) Ratio Test (5) Short circuit Test (6) Polarity Test (7) Phase sequence & (8) Phasing out. 1) Megger Test: - While carrying out megger tests, leads of Megger should be properly insulated. For this purpose, 7/20 swg copper PVC coated wire is adequate. Do not use aluminium wire for lead connections. Do not touch leads to transformer body. Note: - In cloudy or rainy weather, Megger results may not be correct. 2) Continuity Test: - Megger results for a healthy transformer should be as follows. H.T. Phase to Phase i.e. R-Y; Y-B; B-R = 0 L.T. -doi.e. r-y; y-b; b-r =0 L.T. Phase to neutral i.e. r-n; y-n; b-n =0 Neutral to body (if earthed) =0
3) Insulation Tests :- I.R. values should be as follows : H.T. Phase to Earth. L.T. Phase to Earth. H.T. Phase to L.T. Phase. Normally above 500 Mega ohms. Neutral to Body (if not earthed) Note: - With every 10C to 15C rise in temperature; I.R. values halve. Causes of failure of transformer :(a) Transformer requires minimum maintenance. But the minimum required maintenance and inspection is also not carried out and transformer fails due to negligence in maintenance. (1) Damage of Insulation :- Loosening of core laminations or improper insulation in core, improper or unhealthy insulation in winding or short circuit. (2) Bushings: - Cracking of bushings or tracking of insulation due to dust. (3) Switching Surge or Lightening Surge: - Due to improper earthing to L.A.; failure of L.A. or non availability of L.A. (4) Unbalancing or Overloading: - Unbalancing due to uneven load/ phase. Overloading due to improper size of L.T./ H.T. fuses. (5) Overheating: - Due to lack of proper Protection, fuses, loss of oil level or loose connections. Following points/factors should be carefully observed while carrying out maintenance. 1) Oil Temperature: - Transformer temperature rises abnormally due to overloading. In such case, transformer should be switched off and cooling fans should be made on for cooling. 2) Oil leakage: - There can be number of oil leakage sources. After tightening of Nuts & Bolts of the flanges or plates, if the leakage does not stop, gaskets should be replaced. If there is leakage through welding joints; it should be attended by welding. 3) Bushings should be maintained clean and polished. Cracks/ Chipping if any found should be made up with M-seal putty. Joints, connections should be maintained tight. 4) Breather: - Silica gel in the breather should be maintained blue as well as hole at the bottom of the breather should be maintained through. To identify neutral bushing of an unmarked old Distribution Transformer. Make primary connections and charge the transformer without secondary connections. With the help of series test land (i.e. having two bulbs of same wattage in series connection ); test two of the four bushings on L.T. side with test lamp. If the bulbs glow with full brightness,
both the bushings are phases and if it glows dim, then one of the bushing is neutral. In this way; neutral can be identified by testing all the bushings. 1) Unbalanced current in neutral is dangerous to transformer and this can be avoided by properly grounding the neutral. 2) Transformer body earthing as well as neutral earthing should be provided with double conductor each with separate earth pits and earth electrodes. 3) Some distribution transformers are also provided with explosion vent. In a very loaded areas like Bhivandi; many times, hot oil is expelled out of transformer bushings or explosion vent causing accidents and burning injuries to public. For this, L.V. side MCB is a must and it should never be by-passed. 4) Many times, due to some reasons, a phase in an A.B. switch, a fuse in Dist. Box/ or Main switch is made direct. Such practices should never be adopted and if adopted due to utter emergency, clear cut danger board stating the changed status should be displayed. This board or safety warnings will be helpful to avoid accidents. 5) Many times, just due to haste, proper discharging of equipment is not done before starting the works. This practice invites accidents. Discharge rods should have sufficient length such as D.O.rods. Not using discharge rods just due to idleness habits will invite accidents. Note :- Discharge rods and handgloves are the protective shields which will save the life of an employee from all types of accidents occurring due to wrong operations done by others or from unknown faults.
Tap Changers: - Many times low voltage complaints are received from the consumers which are away from transformer centers. This happens due to drop of voltage and lengthy of distribution lines. In such cases, tap changers of the transformer should be operated. To operate the tap changer is not the job of an unskilled helper. Only linemen or Senior staff are authorized for it. Before operating the tap changer, D.O.fuses should be dropped; transformer should be made dead and then only tap changer be operated. Oil leakages should be attended on priority. New transformer when charged, humming should be checked and if found unsatisfactory; then only load should be taken on it. -0o0-
General Knowledge : Electricity is generated at 11kV/15kV voltage. To reduce line losses the voltage is stepped up 132/220/400 KV to transmit at the load center. It is stepped down suitably up to service voltage and supplied to the consumer. H.T. Consumer : There are some consumers to whom power is supplied at 132 KV e.g. Ozar Airplane factory, Mula Prawara Licensee, etc. There are some consumers to whom the power is supplied at 33KV. Some consumers are supplied at 11KV e.g. lift irrigation, Ginning pressing factory, etc. L.T. Consumer : There are general consumers to whom power is supplied at 440V or 230V. The Billing rates of the power are different as per the category of consumer. This is called as tariff e.g. H.T. Tariff, LT Tariffs, etc. Importance of Work of the Tech. Worker in this Field :[1] Erection of equipments as per standards fixed by REC (Rural Electrification Corporation) and I.E.Rules 1956. [2] Maintenance and repair of the equipments and lines is to be done within time and as per the instructions given by research and training department from time to time. [3] Procedure of Safety is to be followed. The type of service connection shall be given as per the load decided by company and it is to be followed. [i] Up to 7.5 KW single phase connection is to be given. [ii] If the load is more than 7.5 KW but within 200 HP three phase connection at 440 phase to phase voltage is to be given. [iii] If the load is more than 200 HP (150 KW), the connection is to be given on 11KV with fixing T.O.D. Meter and the cons. is to be treated as H.T. consumer. SURVEY After receipt of the application, Companys representative will inspect the consumers premises as per chronology. At the time of inspection following points shall be noted. [1]Whether 1 phase or 3 phase LT line exists nearby and if so the distance between pole and point of supply. [2] Whether overhead wire of proposed service connection passes over any building/non agricultural open land. [3] Location of installation of meter should be fixed. At the time of fixing the location of meter following points should be noted.
[A] Meter should be installed at see level. [B] The consumers main switch should not be at a distance more than one meter (Three feet) from the energy meter. [C] Meter should be easily accessible for meter reading, inspection and fuse replacement for company's representative. [4] After receipt of test report consumers installation should be tested with 500 volt Megger. [5] If the distance of the consumer's premises (point of supply) is more than 35 meter, end pole charges should be recovered from consumer and service wire should be laid though this end pole. [6] Road cross clearance should be at least 17' in case of cross-country road and for highway 20' minimum. [7] Tapping connection should not be more than 25' from existing connection. [8] The service wire should not pass over any N.A. plot owned by other person. [9] Support of the meter box should be firm. [10] The meter should be easily accessible to company's representative and safe. Procedure for giving the L.T. Service Connection : [1] Connection should be given from pole and not from mid span. [2] Reel insulator should be used. Clips should not be used. [3] The service connection span should not be more than 35 meters. [4] Sag of the service connection should be at least 1% of span. [5] If there is a stay to the pole, the stay wire should be connected to neutral conductor. [6] Bearer wire should be 10 SWG G.I. wire and it is to be fixed to pole by clamps. [7] This bearer wire should be connected to neutral conductor. [8] Service wire should be of proper size, insulated and weather proof and continuous (without joint). [9] The distance between service wire and bearer wire should be 75mm. [10] Distance between Reel insulators shall be 620mm. [11] To keep the ground clearance, G.I. pipe with bend at top to be used at consumers premises. If necessary it may be supported by an angle. [12] Bearer G.I. wire shall be connected to pipe or Angle. [13] 8 or 10 SWG G.I. wire may be used for providing stay to this Angle/pipe. [14] The bends of G.I. Pipe should be tight at both ends and PVC Bushes should be used at ends. [15] 10/12 SWG G.I.wire earth should be wound to pipe/angle and connected to Bearer G.I. wire. [16] Meter Board should be fixed in front room and at easily accessible place. It should be at such height so that meter reading can be taken easily without
any support. The meter board should be fixed at 6-7 feet from ground so that the cutout fuse can be easily replaced. [17] For single-phase service connection, Meter Board of 250 x 310mm and for 3 phase connection 450 x 450 mm size to be used. [18] There should not be any extra hole to meter box so as to prevent the rat entrance, water, etc. to avoid accident. [19] Earthing bolt of 7 to 10 mm x 75mm length with three nuts and six washers shall be provided. It may be of brass or G.I. It is called as earthing terminal. Earthing of (i) Meter Body, (ii) Cutout, (iii) Consumers earthing, (iv) Companys earth to be connected to this earthing bolt.
[20] The earth wires of pipe, cutout body, meter body, and consumer's earthing, all these earthing should be connected to earth terminal. [21] 50 x 30 mm size number plate is to be fixed on meter board. Consumer No., Pole No. and Fuse size should be written by white paint on black background. [22] To avoid the misuse of electric power the service wire should be connected to in conning terminal of meter first and this wire should not be kept open or bare. [23] A inch (12mm) thick wooden board should be fixed to pole with clamp 610 mm below neutral conductor for aerial fuse. The pole fuse wires should be taped and fixed with clips to avoid movement in air and thereby loose connection. [24] The service wire coming to fuse board should be given a loop of 300mm length. [25] 300 mm loop to be provided to insulator wire provided between conductor and aerial fuse. [26] Connection leads should be straight and good. It should not come in contact with other conducting parts. [27] The winding direction of the jumper should be toward insulator. 3 to 4 rounds should be provided to insulated wire so as to avoid the disconnection due to vibration. Joining compound is to be applied on joint covering insulated portion and over it kerolite tape is to be wound to avoid corrosion. [28] If the service wire is of copper and conductor is of Aluminum, Bimetallic P.G. Clamp is to be used for connection. [29] Cutout, meter cover, meter terminals should be sealed. [30] A meter card is to be kept near the meter.
Fuse Grading: Main switch fuse of consumer should be of minimum size but of sufficient capacity. The pole fuse should be of some more capacity than main switch fuse. If we adopt this grading procedure, the fuse next to the section will blow off. It will help to find out the fault easily. So the fuse size should be as per the fuse grading. Before giving the service connection the wiring of the consumers should be tested in presence of consumer or contractor. This testing is to be carried out as below: Insulation Test : [A] In between phase and neutral wire. [1] All switches should be made on and the bulbs, fans etc. all connected load should be disconnected (Taken out) [2] Neutral Link is to be disconnected. [3] Connect megger between phase and neutral, drive handle slowly. Use 500 V Megger. [B] Phase to Earth Test : Connect all load which was disconnected previously. Make all switches ON. Connect (Short) neutral link and phase link of main switch. Connect megger between this phase and earth wire and dirve Megger. 50 Megger Reading = ohm No. of points The result should be more than this reading: After releasing the connection, confirm whether meter is working properly. Meter revolutions shall be observed. Thereafter fill up following details on the backside of the test report. 1] Meter Number 2] Meter make 3] Meter Capacity 4] Initial Meter Reading 5] Purpose for which the power will be utilised (for Tariff purpose), 6] Date of connection with signature. 7] Consumers connection number. These details should be written on meter card. Keep the card near meter. Seal the meter terminal box and cut out. Take the signature of the consumer for date of connection and sealing.
List of Material For Service Connection : [1] Aerial fuse (Kit Kat) 15 A / 30 A. [2] Wooden Board for fixing kit kat (L-Board) [3] Clamp and Nut Bolt (for Fixing L-Board on pole) [4] G.I. Wire 10 SWG/ 8 SWG (for service and earthing) [5] G.I. Pipe or PVC Pipe 12mm, 20mm or 25mm . [6] G.I. Bend (if pipe end is not bend). [7] G.I. Coupling (if pipe end is not bend). [8] Piece of Angle (For support of pipe). [9] Reel insulators (Bobbins) [10] Binding wire (To fix reel insulator to G.I. Wire). [11] PVC Bushes (Both sides of pipe). [12] Proper size of service wire. [13] G.I. Saddles (for pipe fitting). [14] Nails 50mm length (for pipe fitting). [15] Meter Board (250mm x 310mm or 450mm x 450mm) for single phase and three phases. [16] G.I. Earthing nut bolt (70mm length 8/10 mm with three nuts and six washers). [17] I.C. Cut out 15 A / 30A. [18] Earthing wire 16 or 14 swg (copper). [19] Screws for fixing Meter Board, Meter, cut out etc. [20] Energy meter single phase/ three phase [21] Flexible pipe G.I. or/ p.v.c [22] Insulation tape [23] Kerolite compound [24] Seal wire [25] Seal Bits For releasing connection, material as above along with proper tools & safety equipments should be taken. Before connecting service wire to line, it should be made off, discharged & both ends should be earthed. Section fuse of streetlight should be removed and kept with & then only climb on pole for work. Periodical Inspection & Maintenance of Service Connection After release of service connection periodical inspection & maintenance is essential. Generally the inspection of the service connection is to carried out before monsoon i.e. in April/May and after monsoon i.e. in Oct/Nov. At least two times in a year inspection is to be carried out. Pre-monsoon maintenance is required as during rainy season due to rains and storms, faults may occur. Due to rains service connection damages. Hence post monsoon maintenance is required The inspection and maintenance of service connection is to be carried out as follows: -
[1] Inspection of service wire: - The PVC coating of the service wire seems good but the wire might be broken. It should be replaced, if found broken. [2] If the service wire found damaged with in three years from the date of connection, cost of the service wire should be recovered from consumer provided consumer is responsible for the same. If the wire found damaged after the three years, company should replace wire free of cost. [3] Sag of the Service wire should be 1% of service span; if it is more than that the s/wire is to be tightened. [4] Tree cutting: - Tree branches touching service wire or the tree grown under service wire should be cut so that at least 1 meter clearance is maintained. The service wire should not touch or rub the tin roof or ceiling of house. [5] PVC Bushes: - The pvc bushes provided at both end of service pipe should be inspected. If loose, it should be fitted properly. [6] Earthing: - G.I. Wire(Bearer wire) should be rigidly connected to neutral on pole. Also it should be tightened at earthing nut bolt. [7] The meter body earth, cut out, should be tightened at earthing nut bolts. Precaution should be taken that the earthing connection should not be loose any where. [8] Wire Connection: - The connection wire should be connected to loop formed on the overhead line after properly cleaning the contact area. Kerolite compound should be applied to this joint and pole kit kat terminals. Kit kat contact screws should be tightened. Meter terminal connection should also be properly tightened to avoid loose connection. Four turns of insulated portion should be taken on loop before making connection on pole. [9] Kit Kat and Cut Out: - The contacts of the pole fuse and I.C. cutout fuse should be inspected and tightened. Deteriorated contact should be replaced. The pole kit kat should not be in hanging position. [10] Fuse Grading: - Main switch fuse, I.C. cut out fuse and pole fuse should be properly graded. If the main switch fuse size is of 5A. Then I.C. cut out fuse size should be 7.5 A and pole kit kat fuse size should be 10A. [11] Meter and Sealing: - Confirm proper functioning of energy meter. Confirm that the meter capacity is proportionate to load. If noticed improper, report to the authority. Meter terminal cover and I.C. cutout should be sealed and the signature of the consumer should be obtained in register. Meter Glass should be
cleaned and confirm that the reading is visible. Check whether consumer No. is correctly written on meter board. If it is not clear it is to be painted. There should be meter card near meter, if not new meter card is to be placed there. Consumer's earthing should be tightly connected to earthing nut bolt. The earth resistance of service connection should not be higher than 4 ohms. If noticed higher, consumer should be asked to strengthen it. The service connection surveillance for preventing theft of energy and misuse of electric power to increase Companys revenue. Every lineman should be vigilant regarding theft of energy and its illegal use within his jurisdiction The illegal use of electricity can be as follows : [1] Load extension without permission. Many factories, floor mills etc. connects load more than the sanction e.g. 15 HP load is connected against 10 HP sanction. [2] Power used for commercial purpose against residential sanction. [3] Use for lighting purpose from Industrial connection. [4] Use for religious or social functions from residential connection. [5] Reconnecting the supply at his own even though it is disconnected temporarily.
Many a times, it is found that the consumers found stealing electrical energy. It is prime duty of Janmitra to avoid theft. Following modes of theft noticed. [1] Direct Connection : Taps, makes connection with Companys service mains dishonestly. [2] Tampers a meter. [3] Stops the meter or reverse the meter reading by breaking meter glass. [4] Stops the meter by inserting a pin or stick through a small hole made for it to the meter. [5] Stops the meter by disturbing the internal equipments of the meter by giving a sudden blow to it. [6] Reduces the speed of meter disc by breaking the meter seal, and opening the meter. [7] Breaks the terminal cover seal and reverse the meter connections (Load phase wire to incoming supply phase wire and line to load wire) thereby reversing the rotation of meter disc, and reading. The theft of energy is a 'criminal offence. If the theft of energy or illegal use of power comes to the notice of Janmitra, he should not disconnect the supply without prior permission of the authority. He should not take law in hands even though the consumer illegally abstracts energy. He should not disclose the matter and keep it secretly. Confidential report should be given to the authority and obey his instructions. Always keep it secret that local Janmitra detected the theft. The officer empowered by Company will take the legal action Reasons For Disconnection Of Supply And Reconnection Company is empowered to disconnect the supply on following grounds: [1] Non-payment of bill in specified time period. [2] Illegal extension of supply from one premises to another. [3] Theft of energy. [4] Connection of additional load without permission of Company. The competent authority gives instructions form time to time about disconnection or reconnection and issues notices accordingly. Janamitra has to serve these notices to consumers with dated acknowledgement. Disconnection or reconnection of the supply is to be carried out as per instructions. Procedure for attending a consumers fuse-off call and safety equipments required for the work. Consumer shall register his complaint in a fuse-off call register kept at Company's office or Grampanchayat. Register shall have following columns in local language.
Sr.No. Date and Time. Name and Address of the Consumer. Pole No. and consumer number. Details of Complaint. Signature of consumer or his representative. Date and time of sending the staff for attending the complaint. Name and designation of the person attending the complaint. Details of inspection and repair work done. a] Pole fuse. b] Cutout fuse . c] Loose contact. d] Carbon (Oxidation) e] Whether the seals opened for repair. [10] Signature of consumer's representative present at the site. [11] Signature of the consumer after sealing I.C. Cutout. After receipt of the complaint, Janmitra will attend the complaint with safety equipments, tools and fuse. Janmitra shall have following equipments & tools. 1. Bamboo ladder 2. Insulated plier 3. Insulated screw driver 4. Zoola 5.Safety rope 6. Hand gloves 7. Fuse wires of different ratings 8. Test lamp and line tester 9. Knife, etc. 1. While attending the complain, check consumers main switch fuse. If found blown replace it and take consumers signature in register. 2. If consumers fuse not blown, check I.C. cutout fuse. Replace it, if found blown. If consumer as well as company's I.C. cutout fuse are intact, check the aerial fuse & replace if found blown. Check the I.C. Cutout fuse and consumers fuse grading. Other than above, there are following reasons for fuse-off call compliant. [1] Loose connection with neutral at pole, near pipe end or behind the meter board. [2] Corrosion (Carbon) at joint on pole. [3] Breakage in PVC service wire. In above conditions, supply shall be disconnected from aerial fuse before starting the work. If the work is to be carried out on pole, self permit on L.T. line before starting the work shall be taken.
Following table shows the required capacitor against H.P. H.P. Capacitor Capacity KVAR 1500 RPM 1000 RPM 2 1 1 5 2 2 7 3 3 10 4 4 12 4 5 15 5 6 20 6 7 25 7 9 30 8 10 35 9 11 40 10 13 44 11 14 50 12 16 75 17 21 100 23 26
Following type of connections made when L.T. capacitors are connected with electrical motor.
Underground cable & service connection: - Now a days, distribution network in urban area is underground. Due to non-availability of proper clearance, it is difficult to lay overhead lines in urban area. Multi-story building, heavy vehicle traffic on road. etc. cause less clearance. Hence in urban area and especially in corporation cities, for distribution, service connection, etc. underground network is laid. Benefits of underground lines and service connections [1] Cables etc. are invisible as laid under ground; it does not affect architecture of buildings and Cities. [2] There are minimum interruptions due to storms, rain etc. & also less maintenance. [3] Accidental damages and interruption due to falling of tree branches/tree on overhead line and dash of vehicle is avoided [4] Accidents due bare overhead lines are avoided. [5] The reactive inductance of cable is less than overload line. [6] Disturbance to transportation is avoided. [7] Cables are covered by metallic sheath, which nearly diminish disturbance to telecommunication system. Following deficits are there. [1] System is very costly. It costs about 3 to 5 times more. [2] It is very difficult to detect defects or faults By considering the total relative benefits and deficits, the underground system is suitable (Specially in urban area).
Underground Distribution Network Survey should be carried out for lying underground cable. While deciding the route, see that minimum obstacles are there. Cable should be laid along the road. Avoid private property while laying cable and in unavoidable circumstances prior permission of the owner should be sought. Safe distance from underground drainage, water pipe lines, and telephone cables should be maintained. After deciding the route, dig a cable trench half meter wide & one meter deep. The trench should be as minimum wide as possible but meter width is required to dig up to one meter depth. Then a layer of 150mm sand made. Sand shall not be coarse. Lay a suitable cable in trench. Keep bricks along the cable at a distance 1 to 2 inch on both sides. Fill up the portion in between cable and bricks. Cover the cable by bricks lying in horizontal. The trench should be backfilled by soil neatly. In order to know the exact route of the cable, cable marker shall be placed at various places in route. While crossing the road, cable should be laid through G.I. / C.I./ Cement pipe. Cable ends are drawn out of ground near feeder piller or mini-piller. Suitable lugs shall be crimped at ends. The cable laid from distribution transformer is called as "Feeder Cable". Then its terminal end is connected to feeder pillar. Feeder pillar is a mini distribution box. Incoming cable is connected to fuse unit. Kitkat fuse should be of proper size. Out going contacts of fuse unit are connected to feeder piller bus bar. Two or three cables are drawn from feeder piller bus bar and routed to wherever necessary. Minipiller are placed at their end. The arrangement of minipiller is similar to feeder pilar. Service connection is given from minipiller. Junction box can be connected in between or at end of the cable for tapping. Lugs should be crimped at cable ends. Suitable size nut bolts shall be used for tightening the lugs at bus bar. Earthing should be done properly. Please do vermin proofing to all pillers to prevent the entry of animals like lizards, etc. through the piller holes. Heat generated in cable is dissipated due to the sand surrounding it Also water oozes out speedily through it. Cable is easily identified while digging as covered by bricks along the side and at top. When bricks are found, due care should be taken while digging to avoid damage.
Cables: Cables are used for underground network. Indian Standard Institute has laid down the standards for cables vide No. IS-692(1965), IS 1554 Part II. The cable carries the current. It consists of conductor as well as insulator. Considering, aluminum or copper conductors are insulated considering applied voltage and current to be drawn. Providing armoring, metallic sheath further strengthens it. The conductor cross section is decided, according the current to be drawn and the voltage decides the insulation.
Cables are named according to the formation, voltage, material used. The cables are also named according to the use i.e. low tension, high tension cables etc. as per voltage and single core, two core, three core, 3 1/2 core, etc. As per the form of the internal conductor, circular sector armoured, unarmoured as per composition and in addition gas filled, oil filled, PLCC, XLPE, PILC etc. Generally, PLCC and XLPE cables are used in H.T. network, and oil filled, gas filled for EHV Network. Proper cable end boxes shall be used for these cables. When the cable is not used, its both ends should be properly sealed. PVC armoured cables are used for L.T. distribution. Gland should be used at cable end to have earth continuity with armouring. Gland provides rigidity so that cable will not swing and damage of insulation, loose connection is avoided. Apply m-seal to avoid water entry in the cable. Lugs shall be properly crimped at cable ends. Connect the lugs by using nut bolts and washer to avoid loose connection. Heat is generated due to loose connection and insulation is damaged reducing the life of the cable. While selecting cable capacity, factor of safety is taken as 1.5. Generally, there are two types of faults is any electric circuit [1] Open circuit, [2] Short circuit. The open circuit fault occurs due to break in conductor. The supply is discontinued due to open circuit. Short circuit means phase to neutral or phase to earth fault due to which fuse blows, C.B. Trips. It is very difficult to detect the fault point precisely. Meggering can detect the fault. The fault location is searched with fault detector. Straight Joint is used for connecting one cable to another cable or after removing small damaged portion of the cable.
Necessity of Maintenance :- To reduce the faults in installation in normal & abnormal conditions. Types of Maintenance :- There are two types1) Preventive Maintenance. 2) Breakdown Maintenance. Preventive Maintenance - Maintenance done prior to onset of Monsoon and after end of Monsoon. Breakdown Maintenance- Maintenance done on breakdown in the installation. Fuse Grading of L.T.Line & Clearances :Fuse grading - Fixing of fuses of different capacities at different locations of line in the proportionate of load.
If fault occurs in last section i.e. in Breaker Section then the first fuse that is of lowest capacity will be blown off and supply of the consumers up to point B will remain present from the transformer so that minimum consumers would be affected. Merits of Fuse Grading :1) Supply will be present up to the nearest tapping point from the fault location of line. 2) Less number of consumers will be affected. 3) Time required for fault finding will be less. Note :- Similarly as per above if D.O.sets are fixed at different tapping points on 11 KV line then D.O. fuse nearer to fault point will blown off and only supply of that tapping line will be cut and supply of other section of that feeder will remain present. Tree Cutting :- All trees having height more than clearance as shown below are likely to fall on line and hence should be cut. The trees and fruit bearing trees of which height does not grows more than 10 feet should not cut. The trees of which height grows more than 10 feet should be trimmed suitably and safe clearance should be maintained.
Minimum Clearance of line from trees to be maintained as below : Horizontal Distance Either side Fruit farm Feet Meter Feet 3 1 3 15 5 10 20 6.4 10 20 6.4 10 25 8.5 15 25 8.5 17 Vertical Distance Cross contry Feet Meter 3 1 15 5 20 6.4 20 6.4 25 8.5 40 13
Line L.T. Line 11 Kv rural 11 & 22 Kv Trunk(Exp.) 33 Kv rural 33Kv Trunk(Exp.) 66Kv & above
Meter 1 3 3 3 5 4.5
`Clearances in Line & Guarding :Following clearances are to be maintained as per rule while constructing the line. 1) Distance between two poles of 11/0.4 KV Distribution Transformer- 2440 mm, Phase to Pole-460 mm and Phase to Phase - 760 mm. 2) Ground clearance of H.T. bushing for plinth mounted transformer- 4572 mm. 3) Distance from ground to Distribution box on pole - 915 mm. 4) Distance between two phases of 11 KV line - 1220 mm. 5) 11 KV Cross arm to be fixed on pole at 1220 mm. distance from Top (of the pole). 6) First lecing should be at 750 mm from pole in carpet or cradle type guarding. Similarly, distance between two lecing should be 3 meter except road crossing. 7) Distance of 11 KV line phase from Guard wire at the center of span should be - 1220 mm. 8) When power line and Telephone line cross to each other, the minimum distance between top wire of telephone line and guard wire should be 915 mm and lines crossing should be at 90 degree. 9) Guarding channel should be fixed on pole at the distance shown below:11 KV Phase to Guarding Channel - 685 mm. 22 KV 33 KV L.T. -do-do-do- 750 mm. - 840 mm. - 610 mm.
10) Distance between two phases of L.T. line should be kept as below :Horizontal formation - 300 mm. Vertical formation - 260 mm. Vertical Guarding should be fixed at 450 mm distance from pole. Distance between phase wire and Lecing wire of vertical guarding should be maintained-50 mm. Maintenance of AB Switch, D.O.Fuse & Distribution Box.- Generally it is assumed that maintenance means, work to be done after failure of equipments/installation which is wrong. Maintenance means work to be done prior to failure of the equipments/installation by checking the same time to time.
While carrying out the maintenance of A.B.Switch (Air Break Switch) proper repairs to be done after checking the following things. 1) Lock should be provided to AB Switch if not available. If lock is available see that it should operate properly. 2) Pipe of AB switch should be in proper position so that blades of all 3 poles made on or off at the same time. 3) Check whether it rotates properly at different positions while operating A.B.Switch. 4) Clean the carbon deposited on the A.B.Switch contacts by polish paper. 5) Change the contacts of A.B.Switch if they are deteriorated. 6) Observe distance between A.B.Switch blades in open position. 7) Check nut-bolts of A.B.switch for properness. 8) Ensure earthing is proper. 9) Ensure that there is no sparking when A.B. switch is in ON position. Maintenance of D.O.Fuse :During maintenance of Drop out (D.O.) fuse following things are to be checked and accordingly maintenance should be done. 1) Ensure proper tension in female contacts. 2) Change D.O. Fibre if it is damaged. 3) Change D.O.fuse fibre rod if burnt. 4) Ensure D.O.fuse capacity. 5) Ensure proper earthing of D.O.fuse. 6) Ensure proper operation of D.O. fuse. Maintenance of Distribution Box 1) Ensure self lock of Dist.Box for proper operation. 2) Ensure properness of doors and other sides of Dist.Box. E) Note down whether kitkats are fixed properly. If kitkats are damaged, same should be replaced. 4) Ensure proper fuse capacity fixed in Dist.box. 5) Ensure proper size of cable lugs and proper contact of lugs with contact strip. 6) Wrapping of insulation tape if minor damages to cable insulation. 7) Change cable wire if burnt. 8) Change insulation tape of contact plates if burnt. 9) Apply petroleum jelly on contact plates. 10) Ensure blocking of box holes. 11) Ensure proper earthing of box. 12) Ensure that main switch is operating properly. 13) Always keep box clean. 14) Always keep connections tight as box become hot due to loose connections.
LINE PATROLLING AND PREMANSOON MAINTENANCE. 1) Before starting patrolling divide the staff in groups. 2) Divide line in to sections and decide patrolling work to be completed by each group. 3) After completion of patrolling, patrolling report should be submitted by the Incharge of group in prescribed format. Format for Line Patrolling Report. Section/Sub-DivisionMonthName of linePole/Tower Circuit Sr.No. Date Observations No. No.
While patrolling the line following things are to be kept in mind. A) Service line. 1) Check the service wire insulation and capacity. 2) Arial fuses should not be hanging. 3) There should be no carbon deposition in Area and Cutout. 4) Ensure that fuse capacity should be in proportionate of load. 5) Ensure availability of wooden bushes on service pipe openings & Alklathine pipe upto meter box. 6) Ensure that earthing connections are correct. 7) Sag of service wire should be proper. 8) Ensure that no tree branches are rubbing to service wire.
B) Street Lights :1) No sparking marks should be observed on street light conductor and no cut strands should be there in conductor. 2) There should be Arial fuse to every street light. 3) There should be wooden bush to the opening of street light bracket. 4) Street light bracket should be well fitted. 5) Check the street light holder, Nipples & reflector etc.
6) There should be no sparrow nest in reflectors. 7) Earthing of street light box and bracket should be proper. L.T. Lines: Poles should not be in tilted position so that they will not fall down. Nut bolts of bracket arms should be tight. Insulators should not be cracked & chipped, binding should be proper. There should not be loose or removed binding and jumpers. Circuit fuse capacity should be in the proportionate of load. Stay & Strut - a) Clamps should not be loose or slipping. b) Stay wire should not be loose or cut. c) Stay wire should not be connected to neutral. 7) Guarding should not be loose, there should be proper clearance of guarding from phase wire and 8) Guard wire should be earthed. 9) Conductor- a) There should not be cut strands of conductor and loose joints. b) Ensure proper sag of conductor. 10) Ensure that earth wire is not cut or not removed and earth resistance is within limit. 11) Nut bolts- There should not be loose nut-bolts. 12) Ensure proper tree clearance and no possibility of falling the trees on line. H.T.Lines :Ensure all above points as per L.T.Line and in addition following things are to be observed. 1) A.B.Switch - Contacts of A.B.Switch & Isolator Switch should be cleaned and lubricated with grease. 2) Jumpers - Jumpers should be run through Alkhathine pipe at cut point. 3) D.O.Set- No cut & burnt fiber links should be there. 4) Horn Gap Fuse Unit - Ensure that fuse capacity is proper. Fuse wire should be properly tightened. Tong Tester & Megger :1) Tong Tester - Tong tester is used for measurement of current and voltage. When we can not connect ammeter to measure the current, we use the tong tester. In short we can measure current of cable or insulated conductor by Tong Tester. On Tong Tester knob for current scale setting is given. Suitable scale of current can be set by this knob as per the range of current to be measured. Similarly the same knob (or 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
another knob) for voltage setting and measurement can be used by setting it on voltage/ voltage range etc. 2) Megger :- Megger is used for measurement of insulation value of lines, transformers, breakers etc. After completion of measurement both terminals should be shorted to discharge the voltage remained, otherwise there is possibility for getting shock due to this voltage. Similarly while taking reading or while operating megger do not touch the terminals. There are two types of Megger - (1) Motor driven & (2) Hand driven. As per as possible Motor driven megger can be used for EHV lines. Before operating megger, zero adjustment can be made by shorting both terminals. Then both terminals are connected to the object of which earth resistance is to be measured. Then rotate the handle speedily with constant speed so that generator will generate voltage. This voltage is given to the coil and from coil current circulated through the insulation resistance connected in circuit. Due to which Torque produced on pointer proportionately to the current circulating and the value of insulation resistance will be same as shown by pointer. Insulation resistance is measured in Mega-Ohms. Megger Capacity and good I.R. values as below :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Equipment. Megger capacity in KV Minimum Insulation Resistance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S/s.equipments. 5 5000 Mega ohms. EHV Lines. 5 10 -do-
H.T.Lines. 1 5 -doLT & Service Lines. 0.5 5 -do-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Generally meggering is taken as below :A) Lines - Phase to Phase and Phase to earth. B) Sub-station Bus (1) Phase to earth - C.T., L.A., Open Isolator. (2) Phase to earth - C.T., L.A., Closed Isolator. (3) Phase to earth - C.T., L.A., Breaker in ON position. C) Transformer- Phase to phase, phase to neutral, phase to earth and H.T.Bushing to L.T.Bushing. Remember :1) Do not megger when humidity is more than 70 %. 2) Good Insulation- Megger reading increases first then remain constant. 3) Bad Insulation- Megger reading increases first and then decreases. 4) Expected IR value get on Temp. 20 to 30 decree centigrade. D) If above temperature reduce by 10 degree centigrade, IR values will increased by two times.
E) If above temperature increased by 70 degree centigrade IR values decreases by 700 times. Figure of Megger.
Basic Elements / about Safety Fundamentals: 1] Co-operation of all co-workers is essential to avoid accident. 2] Unsafe worker is burden on the Company, as he may become the cause of accident to self as well as to others. 3] Use of incomplete or little knowledge is dangerous and may invite accident. 4] Accident is the result of unsafe working condition and unsafe work. General Causes of Accidents : a] Working without authority. b] Doing work in an unsafe way, such as throwing T & P/ line material or doing hasty work. c] Using higher capacity fuse or by passing the fuse. d] Use of improper T & P Example - using pliers instead of Screw-Driver, using pliers in place of spanner, not using insulated pliers or screw - driver etc. e] To work on unsafe or dangerous equipment such as - cleaning / greasing or adjusting any of running m/c.
f] Diverting the attention of worker from his work or cracking jocks etc. at work place. g] Non-use of safety equipments and T & P like - ladder, Zola, waist belt / rope, hand gloves, D.O. operating rod, Earthing rod, etc. h] Working in insufficient light Precautions to be taken while working on live line / equipment : 1]All the elect. circuits or equipments are hazardous. Hence do not start work unless following steps are taken a] Circuit is in off condition b] Line clear permit is taken on equipment. c] Equipment / Line is properly earthed. 2] Every Elect. line / equipment should be first made off and take line clear permit before taking the work in hand. 3] It is essential to get authorized permit on 11 KV and above voltage line. If the line is under own authority, then take self-permit. 4] Make sure that feeder / equipment is made off and properly earthed as noted in line clear permit. 5] A.B. Switch should be kept off and locked. If possible, keep somebody there for watch / ward. 6] Line should be got discharged and earthed by earth - rod at one pole before and after the work place before starting the work. 7] Make sure that all men and material has safely reached / climbed down to ground after completion of work. Further, make sure that no T&P left on the line and earth rods are removed properly. 8] While operating A.B.Switch or other line equipments Hand gloves should invariably be used. 9] Use the safety belt or Zola and waist belt / rope while working on line. Most of the accidents / eventualities can be avoided, if above instructions followed while working or before working on Elect. Lines/Equipments. If proper attention is given, accident to the worker himself and also the co-worker can be avoided. Safety Equipments & Safety of Equipments: We have taken the information of general safety precautions. Now we will see which are the safety equipments and how to use and where to use the same. What care should be taken for the safe use and safety of these safety equipments. Following equipments / T&Ps are known as safety equipment and the technical staff must use them properly.
Rubber handgloves are mainly of two types and used for HT & LT Line respectively. The handgloves meant for L.T. lines should not be used for H.T. Line work. Handgloves should invariably be used for following works 1] For closing and opening of A.B.Switch and isolators. 2] For discharging the HT & LT lines and equipments, using discharge rod and for Earthing work. 3] For inserting and taking out of Distribution box fuse and pole fuse. 4] For operating transformer D.O. and Horn -gap fuse 5] For on or off O.C.B. operations. Safety Precaution for Keeping & Handling Handgloves : 1] Use handgloves, where it is essential. 2] Do not fold handgloves and don't store them with other material. 3] Don't keep any T & P etc inside handgloves. 4] Always keep gloves clean and dry. Boric Acid Powder be used inside and outside. 5] Use gamaxin powder for vermin proofing of gloves. 6] Inspect the gloves carefully for any cut or leakage, etc. before use. II] Bamboo-ladder:
1] Always use bamboo - ladder for climbing on pole. 2] Ladder shall be of 6 meters length. 3] The ladder shall be varnished or oiled so as to keep safe from rain / water. Never use metallic colours to ladder. 4] Metal - ladder should not be used unless permitted. 5] Only one person shall climb and work at a time on ladder. 6] Discard the damaged ladder. III] Discharge - Rod: The discharge rod shall be used to discharge the static and induction charge of the power line after opening it. The discharge rod is a prime importance safety tool, which can safeguard from unforeseen dangers and even fatal accident. 1] Discharge rod shall safeguard in the event of opening line other than earmarked. The question will not arise to say " I was not aware of it ' or ' I don't know how it happened. ", because the discharge rod will safeguard from above eventuality. 2] The use of discharge rod safeguards us from all types of back feeding cases / eventualities such as a] Consumer may start his generator set.
b] The line is charged by some mischievous or unknown person not having adequate knowledge. c] The area of T/F under shutdown due to fault, the line is charged from other source. d] Power swing may cause charging line if the guarding is not provided at line crossing. e] Line clear permit is given, but forget to open the line. f] Operator may forget that the line is under permit and he may charge the line for testing etc. g] The change in status of line feeding is not known to the operator after returning from long leave, etc. h] The use of discharge rod safe guards from above type of eventualities. The line should be treated charged until the neutral or earth wire is discharged. There is possibility of charging of line due to static charge, induction or fault current. Hence first discharge the line by using discharge rod. Maintenance of Discharge - Rod 1] 2] 3] 4] The rod should not be kept in wet condition. Ensure that the continuity of all wires of discharge rod is intact. Carbon deposited on Hook of the rod be cleaned regularly. The continuity of wires be tested regularly.
Method of using Discharge - Rod a] Confirm the cleanliness of the wire ends/lugs provided before use. Make firm connection of wires with earth point by nut-bolt. Where use of Nut-bolt is
not possible then after rubbing the earth wire wrap it firmly to earthing. Confirmation of the continuity and good condition of earthing is a must. b] Handgloves shall be used while discharging the line by discharge/earth rod. c] While working on L.T.Line, first discharge the neutral and then phases. Thus the wire of discharge/ earth rod shall be connected to earthing first and then discharge the phases one by one. d] The line should be discharged at one pole before and one pole after the pole where to attend work. e] The rods shall be kept on line till the work is completed. f] After completion of work and climbing down the pole, discharge rods should be removed one by one using handgloves invariably. After removing all rods, Earthing shall be removed. g] After this, if we notice that some work is still balance or some T&P, etc. is still left on the line, then Do not climb on line unless the line is discharged again. The eventuality often occurs within seconds, Hence don't take risk or don't be hasty and work calmly and with concentration, without any disturbances. There is no any alternative to discharge rod. IV] Insulated T&P: All insulated T&P should be used as per correct procedure. Ensure that the insulation of T&P is intact before use. Insulated T&P means screwdriver, pliers, tester, etc. V] Zoola: Always use zola while working on pole or D.P. etc. Ensure that the rope of zola, thimble, hook, etc. are in good condition and then only start the work. VI] Safety - Rope: Sometime the zoola may broke and worker fell on the ground. Hence while working on zoola, the worker must use a safety rope on waist. Confirm the knot is tight and other end of this rope should be wrapped tightly with the pole to avoid any mishap. The rope must be in good condition, quality and size. VII] Crash - Helmet: While working on pole or on D.P., the nut bolt, clamp, spanner, pliers and other T&P may fall accidentally on ground and on head /body of the worker working on ground. Hence the worker should use the crash helmet as a safety precaution. VIII] Welding - Goggle: During welding work, one must wear the welding goggles to avoid injuries to eyes due to spark and intense light of welding.
Fire - Fighting Equipments: The bucket full with sand, carbon di-oxide cylinders, etc., should be kept in the substation, offices, generating station, etc. so as to use the same in case of fire. X] Gumboots: The gumboots must be used while patrolling, particularly in the night or rainy season to safeguard from snakebite /reptile etc. Also, it shall be used while operating D.O. Switch / A.B.Switch, etc. along with handgloves. Safety of Equipments The safe and timely maintenance of the equipments used in the substation as well as on line such as transformers, circuit breakers, battery, earthing, etc. is a prime important duty of technical staff. Transformers In case of Power and Distribution T/Fs, always take care that the T/F should not be over loaded because it can not sustain the higher load / current than rated capacity written on Name-plates. The oil level of the T/Fs should be watched for adequate level and leakages etc. should be avoided and attended if any. Lugs of Bushings and jumpers etc. should be properly checked and tightened at the time of shutdown. Circuit - Breakers: For the safety of the lines and T/Fs, various types of circuit breakers are used. The circuit breaker oil shall be tested and replaced as per manufacturers instructions. The air/gas pressure of breaker should be checked from time to time and be filled if necessary. The proper working of male/female contacts should also be got checked at the time of pre-arranged shutdown. Sub-Station Panels The regular maintenance of relay and control panels should be carried out. Care should be taken to avoid loose connection, unnecessary openings to panel. The vermin proofing should be done. The Earthing nut-bolts should be tightened. The Earth resistance should be measured quarterly. It should be within limits as per IE rules. Safety of T&Ps T&P used for erection and maintenance of lines and s/stn equipment, etc. should be kept in good working condition so as avoid accidents and for longer life. For example -
1] The rope must be wrapped and kept in proper condition. The rope should not be in wet condition. It should be knot properly. Damaged rope should not be used. 2] Avoid overloading on steel rope, turfer m/c. 3] Don't use spanner as a hammer. 4] Check zola rope before use. 5] Ladder should be varnished regularly. 6] Handgloves shall be cleaned. Use boric powder before keeping it in store. Do not wrap or keep any T&P inside it. Proper care of T&P should be taken
Rules regarding permit and important notices / information : 1] General : These instructions are given for safe working on electrical installations. These instructions are given for the safeguard of the worker himself and hence should be followed strictly. 2] Permit : Unless line clear permit is issued by the authorized person, worker should not climb on pole or apparatus. No one should go in the vicinity of bare conductor and work. 3] Competent and Authorized Person :
[a] Only Shift Engineer or Operation In charge is Authorised to issue permit. [b] The line clear permit should only be issued to person duly authorised for said work. [c] The Competent Authority to authorise the person as (a) & (b) is Executive Engineer of that division or Superintending Engineer only. It is essential to issue written authorisation order. [d] The permit can only be issued or obtained by such authorised person as (a) & (b) above for the work and jurisdiction as prescribed in the written authorisation order of Competent Authority mentioned at (c). [e] The Written Order of Competent Authority mentioned at (c) should invariably be displayed on notice Board at concerned Sub-station, Power House and Distribution Centers in specific format. [f] The consolidated Authorisation should be kept at office of the concerned Superintending Engineer. [g] The Superintending Engineer or Chief Engineer of Circle / Zone can authorise person other than stated above such as E.E. (Testing) or Testing Staff (Or any other person who is competent to work in the views of concerned SE/CE)
The Area Authority should include the names of such authorised persons in their list. [h] The Area Officer should obtain the list of authorised persons of bulk consumers and area in the vicinity and also handover his list to them. [i] Generally, Line Inspector or Equivalent post persons are authorised for the working on H.T. Line / Installations. However Division Engineer may authorise the person/persons of below rank if confident about his skills. [4] Method of Issuing / Obtaining and returning the Permit :
[A] For obtaining line clear permit, the authorised person should apply to the person authorised to issue line clear permit and such authority will issue the permit accordingly. [B] Where it is not possible to obtain permit in writing then permit can be obtained on Telephone. In such case, the permit obtaining authority should confirm by repeating the matter with permit issuing authority on phone. The same should be noted in the permit book by both the persons. The duplicate copy of line clear permit after cancellation be sent to each other by post / in person as early as possible for record. This register should be inspected by Area / Divisional Officer from time to time. [C] The permit book is an important record and should be preserved properly. The pages of permit book should be numbered serially. Pages from this book should not be taken out or torn out or used for any other work. In case if any page is torn-out or taken-out by some person due to any reason, then the concerned person should sign on the same and make dated entry in the logbook of S/stn./ Power House with signature. [D] The person, who has taken the permit, should return it. In case where the permit issuing and obtaining authority is same, the self-permit should be taken in his name and cancel after completion of work. This procedure should be followed strictly. [E] In case the permit is taken in personally, same can be returned on phone. However, the procedure as stated in (a) above shall be followed as far as possible (Only in event of Breakdown) [F] While issuing or returning permit on phone, the code words should be used. [5] Precautions to be taken while issuing permit :
It is the duty of the Shift Engineer or person issuing the line clear permit to ensure that the S/Stn./Feeder/Equipment for which the permit is being issued, should be made dead equipment / feeder should be discharged and properly earthed. First, he should switch off the equipment / feeder as per the instructions laid down. Thereafter, he should follow the following instructions regarding grounding and locking of equipment.
[a] The H.T. and L.T. side Controlling Isolators of the step down or step-up power T/F should be opened (off position) and locked, at S/stn. respectively and the warning Board with following instructions should be tagged on handles of isolators / breakers. " Do not charge. Workers are working." " The line / equipment under permit - Don't charge." " Attention - work in progress - Do not change the line / equipment." Further, the same type of warning Board's should be tagged on handles of control switchgear. Panel of ckt. breaker / T/f etc. The control ckt. fuse of control panel should also be taken out and kept in the custody of permit issuing authority. Also, the L.V. side breaker of the T/f should be pulled out from the breaker - panel. The HT and LT Terminals of the T/F should be permanently discharged using discharge rods and earth rods should be kept as it is until cancellation of permit. [b] The High voltage potential T/Fs and LA's, if erected on ground level, the same be discharged from outside the fencing and then earthed perfectly. [c] Out-door type ckt. breakers should be first discharged from all six terminals and then perfectly earthed. The both sides isolators of ckt. breakers should be locked in off condition and warning board be tagged to its handle. [d] In case of indoor type H.T. Panels, P.Ts should be made off, discharged and perfectly earthed before permit is given. [e] Outdoor Bus Bar, isolators etc. and switchgear or complete section of Bus Bar where line clear permit is to be issued, should be first isolated from all equipments and perfectly earthed. The isolated portions or parts should be brought to the notice of person to whom permit is being issued and accordingly noted in the permit. It is possible that some part of isolated switch may remain live; the same shall be brought to the notice of person whom permit is being issued and noted in the permit. While doing maintenance work above the ground level, the live parts or conductors may come in the vicinity of the worker, such possibilities should be
brought to the notice of person whom permit is being issued and in such cases, temp. screening arrangements should be made. [f] At some places, the transformers, isolators are associated with the structure. In such cases, the climbing on the fuse structure is not advisable. The ladder should be used for replacement of fuses. [g] Outdoor H.T. (Kiosk) :- The O.C.B. must be switched off in case of outdoor H.T. (Kiosk). The incoming and outgoing links of OCB, PT and CT should be removed using operating rod and discharged. The bus isolators of are in live condition and this point should be kept in mind. [h] Indoor Cubical Gears :- The OCB should be switched off. Use operating rod to open links and earth. The isolating chamber or incoming cable may be live and such cases should be brought to the notice of person whom permit is being issued.
The Circuit/ conductor on which work to be carried out, should be isolated by opening the CB and line links. In case of double feeding circuit, switches of both the ends should be opened and the earth switches of either end closed if provided or line should be earthed locally before issue of line clear permit. If the feeders are controlled through trunk type metal clad gears, then gear must be separated from each other. Where earthing switch is not provided, conductors should be discharged and earthed perfectly. 2] H.T. UNDERGROUND FEEDERS: -
The procedure like overhead lines is also applicable here. Further before taking work in hand it should be discharged and earthed at specific points. 3] The low/medium pressure circuits, apparatus, equipments, control switches should be opened and made electrically dead. If circuit fuses are provided, they should be separated or breaker units should be racked down. The switches should be locked in off position and warning Boards should be tagged on it.
Before starting work, the overhead line conductors should be perfectly earthed till the work is completed in all respect. 4] Where Apparatus/or switches are remotely controlled, the control circuit fuses should be removed and kept in the custody of permit issuing authority and handed over to the person of next shift. 5] PERMIT LOG IN, ISSUE AND RETURN PERMIT :
All the operations carried out should be logged in the substation log book as per the sequence of operations. All operations carried out at Down Substation/ up substation/other end person should be logged in. The last operation regarding issue of/ return of permits should be entered in the log-book with red-ink. During shift change, the outgoing operator/ Engineer should give the oral information about pending line permits and logged in the logbook by red ink along with other important information about pending permit. The incoming operator/ Engineer should also note about the balance work and note in the log-book about permit All the sub-station operators concerned should follow the above practice. Equipment / line should not be charged unless permit is returned and cancelled. The person who has taken the permit should himself return the permit to the person from whom the permit is taken or to the next duty operator if shift changes. 6] PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN DURING THE WORK BY PERMIT HOLDER : [a] The permit holder should ensure before taking the work in hand that equipments / lines, switchgear, etc. on which permit is taken, are duly earthed. If it is not earthed properly, then the permit holder should not permit his staff to touch the equipment/switchgear. The information such as the specific places where one should not climb, the dead equipments, limit switches and structures etc. are brought to the notice of the co-workers/staff. The no entry warning Board's should be tagged on line portion or on places where climbing is not permitted. The rope or red-flag can also be used at such places.
When one has to climb on any structure or equipment, which are in the vicinity of live portion, then permit holder himself should be present there and proper guidance be given to the workers. 7] PRECEAUTION TO BE TAKEN WHEN WORK IS TO BE CARRIED OUT ON LIVE EQUIPMENT OR LINE : [1] All the circuits or equipments are to be treated as dangerous one. The work should not be started unless the following things are done : (a) Equipment / Line is made off. (b) Permit is taken. (c) Earthing is done [2] No work should be carried out on live line or equipment unless permit is taken. If one or more phase at Distribution Box is made direct, then working on it is dangerous. Hence in such case, by opening the D.O. Link should make the same off. [3] It is necessary to obtain authorised permit if work is to be carried out on 11 KV or above voltage line / equipment. In case of L.T. Line under your own authority, self-permit should be taken so that the chances of making mistake are eliminated. [4] Please ensure that the feeders / equipment mentioned in the permit are made off and duly earthed. The AB Switch should not be opened on load and taking permit on it is a must. [5] After opening the AB Switch, it should be locked and one person should be kept there. Please ensure that the three phases of AB switch are opened. [6] Before starting the work please discharge and earth one pole before and one pole after the work place. Further, please ensure that no T&P remains on line and then only earthing rod should be removed. [7] Hand Gloves should be used while operating the AB Switch or any other equipment. [8] After completion of work, please ensure that all the workers on line have climbed down and no T&P is remained on line. Then only the earthing rod should be removed. [9] Always use the waist belt / rope and zoola when working on overhead line. [10] If the different groups are working at different places on line at same time, then clear communication and understanding should be established between them and they should be fully aware of work and informed clearly then only operations can be started. Work should not be carried out and line should not be charged by fixing some approximate time or by fixing fictitious codes. All the relevant information regarding the network of line, its changeover arrangements, back feeding points, unguarded line crossing points or places where clearance is very less, possibilities of charging of line from another transformer/line should be known to workers. In case of parallel lengthy H.T. Lines, the high pressure may be developed due to induction effect. The spots of multiple feeding points or common street light phase from 2 or 3 T/fs, should be fully known to workers. The possibility of testing of street light by workers and
from Panchayat / Muncipality organisation from other source may be taken into consideration while attending fuse call complaints. The person who knows all above possibilities / points is the correct authorised person to attend the work on such lines. Also the person who has clear knowledge of points from where or up to which point supply could be made off and what are the dangerous spots, and one who has sufficient knowledge of above points and can inform the same to person taking permit, is the correct authorised person to issue permit. [11] H.T. Handgloves should be used while operating H.T. Switchgear. L.T. handgloves should be used for operating L.T. Switchgear. The L.T. handgloves should not be used in any case for operations on H.T. line because it may endanger one's life. [12] Before removing the Earth connection, the discharge rod should be removed first. Also earth connection should be done before putting discharge rod on the line. [13] All the three phases of line should be made off even if one has to work on single phase only and self permit be taken accordingly. [14] There is danger at place where two different lines are in vicinity of each other, because there is possibility of touching the hand or conductor to live line. Hence in such cases permit be taken on both the lines. [15] Do not climb on line even for putting D.O. links or don't try to put D.O. by climbing on Distribution Box or using only half operating rod. [16] While working, one should not wear wristwatch or chain (Metallic) on the neck. The Methods of Taking Self - Permit When work is to be carried out by the authorised and competent authority within his own jurisdiction for issuing the permit, no higher rank authority / person is available, then in such cases, the concerned competent /authorised person should take permit in his own name and cancel by himself after completion of work. Such type of permit system called 'Self-Permit system. However, all the rules and precaution of issuance and cancellation of permit should be strictly observed by person getting self permit. Accident and Prevention Thereof Accidents are never occurred accidentally but occurred due lack of safe condition or due to unsafe working practices. In case of working of Electrical Company/Board, the meaning of occurrence of accident means either due to Electric current or on the line. There are classified in two categories. (1) Non-fatal and (2) Fatal accident. [A] We Can Classify the Accidents as given below so far as work on lines is concerned. For Ex. : (1) The accident occurred due to falling of poles while stringing of conductor during erection of poles, erected in non-aligned condition.
(2) Due to non use of proper stay or due to lack of proper earthing, the line may be charged and accident may occur to persons or animals. (3) Due to lack of provision of guarding at Road-crossing points and crossing of H.T./ L.T. lines may result in accident. (4) The line coming to AB Switch or D.O. fuse is not connected at proper place and proper way. (5) Accident may occurs when service connection is not provided properly as per standard practice. [B] (1) (2) (3) Accidents occurred due to work carried out by unauthorised person:Using the services of N.M.Rs for overhead work or for placing a fuse link. Instructions issued to work on live line to the line helper. When fuse links or meter cutout fuses are replaced by consumer.
[C] Accidents occurred due to ignorance of proper working methods :(1) Proper precaution is not taken, while working on such pole which is fed through both sides i.e. at multi feeding points. (2) The circuit on which work is to be carried out is not fully and properly made dead, or street light line is not made off. (3) Proper precaution / attention is not given when some phase is made direct. (4) Proper attention is not given to probable danger while doing crossing work of H.T., L.T. lines or carrying out work at crossing points. (5) When permit is taken but line is not made off and person sent for patrolling or climbing on pole. [D] (1) (2) (3) (4) Accidents occurred due to non-use of safety equipment : Not using the safety rope and zoola. Not using of handgloves or insulated plier, screw driver, etc. Non - use of ladder while doing work of street - light maintenance. Non-use of discharge rod, earthing rods at proper place.
[E] Non-obeying of Standing Orders or not obtaining authorized permit :(1) To work on H.T. Line without obtaining proper permit. (2) Carry out work on T/f without opening of D.O. Links. (3) Where there is H.T. and L.T. lines on same pole and starting of work on L.T. Line without taking permit on H.T. Line or not making L.T. Line off. (4) Due to non-use of and lock at AB Switch points. [F]Accident due to carelessness: (1) No proper attention in given while erecting the pole or during stringing line. (2) Non-use of safety equipment. (3) While doing work, the wrist watch or metals/ metallic chain of neck are not removed.
Work on live line in over-confidence. Doing work in unsafe condition or proper safety precaution not taken. Accidents due to lack of regular or necessary maintenance:Not giving proper attention to tree-clearances. Non-maintenance of broken guarding or earthing. Non-replacement of broken / kitkats. Non-replacement of worn out / cracked service wire. Proper and regular maintenance of T/Fs is not done.
Way of Avoiding Accidents [A] Responsibility of Super Visors :- Precautions to be taken by supervisor / inspector. (1) Making safe-conditions and methods and use thereof. (2) Confirming availability of safety equipments and use thereof. (3) Proper maintenance of T&P should be got done. (4) Confirming that workers are doing work in proper way and as per general instructions. (5) Allotment of work to workers as per their capacity of doing work. (6) If it is learnt or observed that safety precautions and rules are not followed up by workers, then immediate remedial measures be taken and implemented accordingly. (7) Confirming that worker knows the following points : (a) About the work which is to be carried out. (b) probability of dangers be informed. (c) Safe-procedure of work adopted by worker. (8) Repeating the oral instructions and get it confirmed from worker. Personal Responsibility : Observance of the following precaution is responsibility of supervisor / concerned staff. (a) Self-safety, (b) Safety of Co-workers, (c) Safety of outside persons, (d) Safety of Board's / Company's assets. Confirming that worker / supervisor knows about safety precautions. The doubts about rules / procedures if any should be got cleared from higher authorities. Informing the doubts or dangers in the work involved if any by the worker to in charge of work and taking his suggestions. The improper condition of Board's equipments or some dangerous position if observed, should be informed to in charge or supervisor.
[B] Personal Behavior :(1) Smoking and liquor consumption while on duty is prohibited. (2) Unnecessary talking other than work or cracking jokes etc. at work place is also prohibited.
[C] Personal Precautionary Measures to be taken before starting the work :(1) Always make practice to keep yourself alert mentally and physically. Also take notice of danger - boards / Markings if any at work place. (2) Work Safety : Overlook if somebody from worker alleges about you that you are of fearful nature. (3) The work allotted to you should be got clearly understood. (4) If some work is done in improper way and nothing has happened that time, hence again doing the work in same way is not correct way of working and should be avoided. (5) All the T&Ps and safety equipments be got checked before starting work. (6) Due to illness or physical weakness if you are unable to work, then the same should be brought to the notice of supervisor. [D] Reporting of Accidents :(1) The report of accidents if any should be immediately reported to all authorities concerned and within stipulated time. (2) All the accidents should be analyzed for reason of accident. (3) Keep the record of accidents along with reasons, so that the accident in future can be avoided. ELECTRIC SHOCK AND SAFETY MEASURES FOR ACCIDENTS If any Electric Current passes through the body of the worker, then he feels shock and causes severe pain. Because, in event of passing of current through our body the body tissues / muscles get vibrations. The same is called 'Electric-shock'. The resistance of a general person's body between two hands is about 1000 ohms, but if both the hands are in wet condition, than the resistance becomes 150 ohm only. In case if your hands are wet with salt or salty water, then the resistance becomes 50 ohms only. Therefore, in Bathroom or at wet places or during rainy season, the electric shock will be severe and can cause fatality. The reasons of Electric Shock : (1) Flowing of Electric Charge through our body. (2) Electric Voltage. (3) The portion of body comes into contact of live wire. (Area thereof) (4) Resistance of human / animal body. (5) Period of Contact. (6) Higher the portion or area comes into contact of Electric Wire, the Electric shock will also be of that magnitude. When a current of 1 mili amp. to 10 mili. amp. with 50 cycles frequency flows through the body then the tissues of muscles start vibrating and person feels electric shock. But the human body may sustain flow of current up to this limit only. If electric current of 29 mili.amp. (29/1000 Amp.) started flowing in the body then
the person body looses the muscle control and he became injured. In case 40 to 50 mili.amp. current flows through the body, then the respiratory system of person fails. In such cases, the person can be kept survived by using method of artificial respiration. In event of such incidences, the following measure should be taken:(1) First dis-connect the power supply and if possible send somebody else for disconnecting the supply. (2) The person if under contact of live wires / equipments, than do not isolate him by hands or don't try to isolate him away by standing on wooden planks. Because even if we are on wooden - plank, the ckt. is completed through body of person getting electric shock and there is possibility that you may get electrocuted. (3) If a person came into contact with now or medium voltage line / equipment than using rubber gum-boots and handgloves, the electrocuted person can be isolated from line contacts. However, confirm that the things used for such operations are dry and insulated one. If the shock is through H.T. Line then the safety equipments/items used for separation should be of that much voltage capacity i.e. H.T. Voltage capacity, otherwise don't try to isolate the person under shock. (4) After removing / isolating the electrocuted person from live line / equipment, first loose his clothes. Then take out the pan, Tobacco, Betel nuts or artificial teeth from his mouth. If the respiration system has failed, than try to give him artificial respiration immediately. (5) Following important points be noted.
(i) Take remedial measures immediately without delay. (ii) Passing of time may cause into death of the shocked person. (iii) Though all electric shocks are of fatal tendency, but timely aid and remedial measures may save the life of the shocked person. Otherwise delay may cause into certain death. (iv) The Heart muscles remains live up to 1/2 hour time after shock. Hence, the artificial respiration may save the life of the shocked person. (v) Call the doctor/medical help immediately. (vi) The artificial respiration should continue till doctor or medical help arrives. (vii) The electric shock with passing of 50 miliampere current for more than 3 seconds, the Heart function gets failed and resulted into death. (viii) For flowing of 10 milliampere current at 50 Hz frequency and sufficient enough to cause the flow of 50 volts through the body. Do not get panic in the event of electric shock and continuous try may save the life of electrocuted person.
First Aid to Electrocuted Person (1) Apply the burnol or furasin type creams to burnt part of body of electrocuted person and do the bandage. The wound should not come into contact of air. Hence the same should be bandaged properly. (2) Keep the person warm by wrapping blanket or coat. Do such things that his body should remain worm enough. (3) If possible, both the feet of him should be kept in worm water. (4) If the electrocuted person become unconscious then do not give him any drink / water etc. (5) Do not give him any toxic drink unless doctor permits. (6) Arrange immediately for giving articificial respiratory system. (7) After the person become conscious please do the following things : (a) Enough quantity of water mixed with Soda-bi-carbonate be given to the electrocuted person. (b) Given him table-salt inhaling. (c) If his throat is injured or he has pains in throat, no any drink / water be given unless otherwise advised by doctor. (d) If the person passes the urine, than keep the urine - sample for pathological tests. (e) Arrange immediately to call doctor and artificial respiratory system should be kept continued. (f) Don't try to do anything which can cause mental / physical stress till the doctor is available. (g) If the person becomes normal then allow him to take rest, the tea should be given. Treatment on Electrocution (Artificial Respiratory System) (1) First shut-off the electric supply if somebody is electrocuted. This should be done immediately. If not possible, don't waste time in searching of switches etc. (2) Isolate the person from electric supply. While doing so, you should keep yourself safe. Rest on insulated item/ place like rubber matting, dry wooden plank or linolium. Always use Rubber Handgloves, dry wooden baton or dry rope or dry cotton. If the person's respiration is stopped then arrange to give him artificial respiration. The same should be given till the person's respiration starts. There are following types of methods used for Artificial respiration : 1] Mouth to Mouth Procedure : In this system first standup near the head of electrocuted person or sit on his knee. His head should be kept in down position by one hand and by other hand lift his lower jaw and you inhale the deep breath and keep your opened mouth on the mouth of electrocuted person. Close his both nostrails of his nose by one hand and exhale your breath into the
lungs of subject person slowly. By doing so, see whether his chest get expanded or not. Then keep your mouth away and again inhale deep breath in your lungs and repeat the procedure as mentioned above. Try to repeat such artificial respiration about 10 to 12 times in a minute. If there is some difficulty in doing so, try to push more the persons head and again pull the lower jaw. If again you find it difficult to give him this treatment, than see whether the lips of the person are open and try to see if the teeth are jammed, if so, then use the nose to mouth method. 2] Nose to Mouth System : If the above procedure is not possible than try to use nose to mouth system. In this system stand up near head of person or sit on his knees. Push his head fully to down side and pull up the lower jaw of person. Then inhale deep breath and after opening the lips cover the nose of person fully. By other hand close the mouth of the person tightly and exhale the breath from your mouth in to the nose of person slowly so that air enter his lungs. See if his chest gets expanded. The same procedure be repeated 10 to 12 times in a minute. When the person starts breathing his own, then give him such breathing in a synchronous way and see if his chest gets expanded. When person comes to comfortable position, allow him full rest. Put him on a stretcher and see that no any difficulty comes in his respiratory system. His body should be wrapped in a cumble or blanket and keep him worm. The unconsciousness position due to electric shock may cause damage to his heart. Thus every worker / engineer should know this method and try to get training of such procedures. Note : (1) If the practice of nose to mouth is required to be done, then the air will go slowly, to the electrocuted person. Hence this system is more safe and in case when the nose of the person electrocuted is very narrow then the system of mouth to mouth should be adopted. (2) If it is observed that the throat of person is very narrow or closed due to some object, then the same should be cleaned by fingers. (3) In case, the teeth of the person are tightly closed, then use the nose to mouth system. (4) If possible keep a thin handkerchief on the mouth of the person for using mouth to mouth procedure. (5) For infant or young children if affected, then use the blow of air from our mouth. Send at least 20 times per minute respiration of which respiration should be done. (6) In case, when we have to use this artificial respiration on pole, then first safeguard yourself from the live parts and also safeguard yourself from coming into the contact of electrocuted person if he is still under shock. Stand carefully in such a way on pole by using safety belt so that we place our mouth on the mouth / nose of electrocuted person.
Always remember that :(1) Stop the blowing of air into the mouth of person, if his chest is expanded. (2) There is a possibility that due to blowing of air into the stomach of person, the blood supply to heart may reduce or vomiting sensation may occur. (3) Take out the air from stomach slowly. So we have now learnt the procedure of artificial respiration mouth to mouth or mouth to nose. Now we will see that how the artificial respiration can be done by way of muscular movement or with help of some equipment. Three Systems of artificial respiration :(1) Holger Nelson System : In this procedure, first lay down the person in downward position and keep his hands on back in crossed position, and on that hand, keep his neck in one sided position and give pressure lightly. Both the shoulder of person. Keep our right side knee near the head of the person and the feet near the elbow of affected person. Put our palms on the back of affected person in such a way that our thumbs of both hands rest on back-bone of person and the other portion of palms rests on balance portion of back side of person. Then start giving light pressure by both the palms on back of affected person and keeping this position for 2.5 seconds duration and then start releasing pressure slowly from back. Now hold the arms of crossed - hands of person and put his hands in upward position and pull them forward. In this way, the procedure should be repeated 10 to 12 times perminute till the person starts breathing on his own. Sheffer system (exhale air outside) : In this system also lay down the person in downward position and keep some pillow / or clothes below his head and put his neck on one side. Now lay the knees and on the back side of waist, bring the thumb of hands in such a way that both the thumbs are near to each other. Place your fingers of hands on back side of persons fore-arm from both sides. Bowdown on person slowly. While doing so, give the constant pressure on back of person. Inhaling the Breath : Give a tilt to back side of person in such a way that your hands remain on his back. For exhaling the breath keep your hands on back of person in the same position. Keep continue both the works simultaneously. This simultaneous procedure is to be done with rate of 15 times per minute. The reason behind this is to keep the respiration continuous of electrocuted person through the expansion and contraction of lung muscles. The person doing this function should breath slowly for exhaling and inhaling action by pushing / pulling the electrocuted person and he can see the effects of this action and amount of pressure will maintain and will result into synchronizations of breathing of affected person. This procedure should keep continued till the person electrocuted starts breathing of his own. (2)
This exercise may take 1/2 hour or more to get proper effect of respiration. The subject system described above is considered as best system. The pressure should be 20 to 25 pound magnitude. (3) Silverester's System :
Lay down the electrocuted person in upward position. Loosen the clothes on his chest and stomach. A pillow should be placed below his shoulders in such a way that the neck and head of the affected person will be in some what downward position. Then pull his tongue outside. The person giving treatment should sit on his knees near the affected person. Keep the hands of the person below the elbow and pull his hands till it becomes parallel to earth. This treatment should be given for 3 seconds. After that, bring both the hands of person below his chest and press the chest to inside position. This action should be given for 2 seconds. Thus the procedure be repeated 10 to 12 times per minute. In this system since the head of the affected person remain in upward position, the effect or action of artificial respiration can be seen immediately. If the persons treating the affected person, are more one, that during every action, the tongue of the person be pulled upward when lungs get expanded and push it inside, when the lungs get contraction. Note :For man, give 20 to 25 pound pressure for 10 to 12 times. In case of women and child, the pressure should be 10 to 15 pounds for 10 to 12 times per minute. For very young child or infant, the pressure should be 15 times per minute. This procedure be kept continued till the affected person starts taking breath of his own. FIRST AID The first-aid is a prime - importance in event of any accident. Hence, everybody should know the methods of first aid. (1) Bring the affected person at peaceful and airy place and care should be taken that he should not get suffocated. (2) All the parts of body of affected person be kept in straight position and should be laid down on even spot. (3) If he got head injury than lay down the affected person in such a way that his head rest in upward position. (4) If he is having trouble in proper respiration, then he should be kept in sitting position. (5) If he is in the epilaptic condition, then lay down him ensuring that his head is below the level of his body. (6) If he is having wounds, then take water in one small bucket and add 4 drops of Iodine in it to make it anti-bacterial and wash the wounds neatly and carefully and dry it. Then apply the iodine on wounds and wrap it by medicated /antibacterial cotton.
are four types of bleeding through injuries : Minor bleeding. Bleeding through artery or main blood circulatory system. Bluenen or bleeding from vain. Internal bleeding. (A) If the bleeding is of (1) or (3) type, then first tightly wrap the part of body before and after of wound so as to stop the bleeding. In case the bleeding is of internal type such as in stomach, from brain or trough lungs etc. then we can not see such type of bleeding. However, it can be seen in the vomiting or spiting of injured person. The internal bleeding is very dangerous rather than external bleeding. In such situation give him the cold water or ice and arrange for immediate medical help. The excessive bleeding after injury may cause death rather than bleeding from wounded spot. Hence arranging immediately for medical help is MUST. (B) Injuries to Bones : In event of some accidents, the bones of the body may brea, and the tip of the broken part may come out along with wound. In such cases, first try to stop bleeding without touching the wounded part. Then try to join the broken bones by pushing from both the side of wound or broken point. Whether it is effective or not always wrap the broken body part resting on wooden plank and take the injured to hospital as early as possible and if the bones of legs are broken then the injured person should be taken on structure. (C) Injuries due to Burning : In some types of accidents, there may be injuries due to burning. Then never use the iodine on such wounds, instead we should use soft cloth which should be dipped in the solutions backing soda with water. Strips of such type of cloth be used for such burning injuries. If the burn injuries are more, then apply the olive oil on the same. If the burn injuries are due to acid action then we should first wash and clean the wound using backing soda water. The burn injury is due to carbolinacid the such injuries be cleaned and washed by spirit.
The following medicines / items should be kept in first-aid-box : (1) Small size dressing cotton / patty. (2) Medium size dressing patti. (3) Large size dressing patti. (4) Yellow patti or dressing pad for burn injuries. (5) Clean and sterlised cotton pads. (6) Tincture - iodine. (7) Pottessium permagnate. (8) Sol-violate spirit (for smelling of unconcious person) (9) Adhesive plaster. (10) Eye drops. (11) Boric powder. (12) Tourniquet.
Three angle bandage (in case of Broken bone) Safety pins Soda-Bi-Carbon. 2 or 3 wooden plaques. Tablets of Aspirin Bottle of Dettol Bottle of spirit Scissor / knife etc.
b) One for the first 3 E.H.V,. air blast circuit breaker (ABCBs) or Min. oil circuit breakers - one for every additional 3 E.H.V. ABCBs or less, Note.:- Where O.C.B.s and ABCB's are both in service in a substation ,they may be either treated as OCBs or ABCBs depending upon which ever are more. (3) 33 KV line bus-one if OCBs or ABCB's are in service. (4) 11 Kv line bus -one If OCBs or ABCB's are service. (5) Control panel -one for the panel. In addition to above, one/two 50 lbs, trolley mounted CO2 fire extinguisher may provided for all the above category of substations having 3 EHV transformers or more in service. Sand and water buckets: At every E.H.V. substation 6 Nos. each round bottomed sand buckets water buckets hung on stand may be prescribed just outside: One for the first 2,transformers. the control houses door One for every additional 2 Transformers or less. leading to the yard. The buckets may painted: Where O.C.Bs are Installed, one In coming side (II) O.C.Bs he from out sidebus and raid paint and fire work written the other one out going side bus. : Where Indoor Breakers are installed, alleast 2 Nos. (III) Control . to be provided. room on them. : As at I ii 33 and 11 KV substation (Iv) Sand and water buckets B) First Aid Boxes. ,This shall be conspicuously marked and equipped with all contents. This should be readily accessible during all working hours. This shall be kept In charge of responsible persons who are trained In first aid treatment and one of such persons shall be available during working hours. The Instructions contained regarding (I) Different type of extinguishers (II) Use of extinguisher (III) Inspection & testing equipment & (Iv) Maintenance of fire fighting equipment shall be got noted by all the staff attached to sub-station. DIFFERENT TYPE OF EXTINGUISHERS AND ITS USES: I. Transformers : Should be used on fires involving Inflammable liquids. petrol, varnish etc. II. Soda Acid extinguisher : Should not be used on fires involving electricity or inflammable liquids. III. CTC and carbon dioxide : CTC and carbon dioxide extinguisher should be only used for electrical fires, These shall be kept In cable bays, switch yard and control rooms and also in other places where there Is I. Foam extinguisher e.g.
Likelihood of fire. When the current is switched off, fire should be treated as an ordinary fire. IV. Fire Hydrants : The fire hydrants should be operated only after the power supply is cut off to the transformer and other equipments. It is also necessary to keep some foam powder and foam branch pipe for use in case of oil fire in the substation. V. All the extinguisher should have the following information a) Serial Number b) Date of charge c) Date of test A history sheet for each extinguisher in service should be maintained giving a) Source of Receipt b) Date of Receipt c) Date initial charge d) Date of subsequent charges. e) Date of hydraulic test carried out. f) Date of subsequent painting tile g) Date when repairs, overhauling work carried out so as to ensure that the extinguishers installed all over the premises are kept in serviceable condition. . INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING USE OF EXTINGUISHERS: Water and sand buckets: (i) About 2/3rd of the bucket should be filled with water. (ii) Only loose sand will be filled for about 2/3 capacity of the bucket. No water will be poured on the bucket Sand if becomes heap will be made loose or replaced. (iiI) Buckets will not be removed from the fire points except for fire fighting and water/sand filling therein and shall not be used for any other purposes. This shall be replaced Immediately after the practices. II. Foam extinguishers: (I) To operate: (Operated by one man) Release locking device on top of extinguisher. Grasp extinguisher by handle and base, invert, keep Inverted and direct jets of foam so that a blanket is formed on the surface or burning liquid (II) Recharging: Refill consists of two separate powders. Thoroughly clean the extinguisher (inside & outside) with water. See that the nozzle and vent holes are free from obstructions. Mix the powders with , water according to Instructions Issued with refill. Pour Into the respective containers. Insert inner container. Replace filler cap, close locking device. III. Soda Acid Extinguisher: (I) To operate : (operated by one man) Remove protecting cap If In use. Grasp extinguisher by handle. Invert, Strike, on ground so that plunger is driven Into the extinguisher. Keep Inverted and direct
jet on fire. (iI) . Recharging: containing an outside) with water. See that nozzle and vent holes are free from obstructions. Mix powder Into ten Liters of water and pour into extinguisher. Place acid bottle in position. Replace filler cap and screw tight. IV. Portable Foam Extinguisher (Wheeled) : This is exactly similar in working principle to the 10 litter type described above but is filled with a wheeled carriage so that it can be easily moved. Operation: Take extinguisher to the scene of fire, run out holes. Open sealing valve at head of extinguisher. Pull down handles so that extinguisher is in horizontal position. Type of Extinguisher: Agitate at intervals to ensure proper mixing ofa) The sealed acid bottle type generally retain the efficiency for several year but they should be Inspected at least once contents. during each year and 20% should be tested by discharge each year, In rotation so that every extinguisher is 1) Water type Examinationdischarged at least once in every five years. If any defect is of (Soda acid) container, discovered during the test, the cause to be investigated and discharge If it is one which is not likely to be revealed in the annual orifices, acid inspection, the discharge of all the remaining extinguishers bottle plungermay be necessary. and breathing (ii) Refilling: The refill consist of - NO.1 device if fitted Foam salt or outer container refill. NO.2 Acid salt or inner container refill. Instructions for refilling are provided on Label affixed. ," INSPECTION AND TESTING OF EXTINGUISHERS Regular Inspection and testing by makers is recommended, since periodical reconditioning and pressure testing of the outer container can then be carried out if necessary. For satisfactory performance, inspection and testing should be carried out by acredited representative of the makers. The date of Inspection should be recorded and attached to each extinguisher. If signs of corrosion are found, the containers should be replaced. In all extinguisher's Inspection, the liquid levels should be checked and the hose if any and its attachments examined to ensure, that they are in good condition. Type of What to Remarks Exllngulsher Inspect Refill consists of a quantity of powder and a bottle acid. Thoroughly clean extinguisher (inside and
b) Foam (gas pressure) type should be inspected In the same way as water type (gas pressure) except that the foam portion should be renewed and the container checked for gas contents every 2 years. These should be inspected at frequent intervals and steps taken to ensure that the required level of water or sand is maintained. Any defective buckets should be replaced. A) Hand Pump & Stirr up hand pump These should be tested in intervals of approx. one month by being put into use. , b) Bucket hand pump: Same as above but with the addition that the water container should be examined for rusting or corrosion.
MAINTENANCE OF FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: It is important that portable fire appliances should always be kept in their proper position but if temporarily removed they should be replaced. Portable extinguishers : All extinguishers should be recharged immediately after discharge and spare refills always kept in stock. Care should be taken to see that all movable parts are working properly and that the nozzle is not obstructed in any way.
b) Of the open bottle type: Inspected al least once a year and 50% tested by discharge each year in rotation so that every extinguisher is discharged at least once every two year. 2) Water Examination of (gas Pressure container, discharge orifice ) gas pressure container, plunger & breathing device. ) Inspected at least once during each Year and in particular, the gas pressure containers should have their contents checked by weight annually, unless an Indicating device, to enable it be seen or ascertain that the container holds; the pressure of gas it is intended to hold is provided in which case annual Inspection will suffice.
3) Foam type Examination of , container; discharge orifice, and any movable parts.
, Once each month, agitate contents by moving ,the cylinder from the vertical to the horizontal and back, two or three times, having made sure that control valve is firmly closed. A) Chemical type should be inspected every six months and 50% . should be tested by discharge each year In rotation so that every extinguisher is discharged at least once every two years.
Fire buckets should be kept in position, properly filled, in good condition and clear and be repainted at regular Intervals. The strainer should be kept clean. A little grease should be kept on pump rod, the nozzle kept clean and screwed hose and the connection of the hose to the pump kept sound. Care should also be taken to see that the ball valves, particularly the one immediately behind the strainer, do not become fixed, through lack of use. . The rubber hoses used in the portable pumps and extinguishers require little attention If the appliances are kept away from extremes of temperature and in places where factors contributing to perishing e.g. petrol, oil grease and the like are reduced to minimum.
Recommended maintenance 1) Water type - (Soda Acid) They should be kept properly filled up to but not above the liquid line. After use they should be taken to see that all movable parts are free from corrosion and see that they are not too tight to restrict operation or so loose that they allow gas to escape. Keep nozzle and vent holes clear. Grease plunger spindle. Every month remove filter cap and acid bottle, stir content , replace acid bottle and stir cap. ' (Gas These require the same maintenance as the soda acid type and particular care should be taken to avoid over filling. The contents of both the Inner and outer containers should be maintained at the correct level. After use they should be thoroughly washed out, including the cap and loose before recharging. The nozzle and vent holes shall be clear. Grease locking device. Periodically the contents of Inner and outer containers should be stirred using different sticks for each. Take out a little from each container and mix outside to ensure formation of foam. The nozzle holes and vent holes should be clear and free from obstruction.
2) Water pressure)
3) Foam type
RATING OF PVC COPPER WIRE STRANDS 1 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 19 19 19 19 S.W.G. NO. 18 22 20 22 20 18 17 16 18 17 16 14 DIAMETER 0.044 0.029 0.36 0.29 0.36 0.44 0.052 0.064 0.044 0.052 0.064 0.082 1.291 0.736 0.914 0.736 0.914 1.219 1.422 1.626 1.219 1.422 1.626 2.032 CURRENT RATING 5 5 10 15 29 29 45 56 67 78 102 147 VOLTAGE DROP FOR 50 FT. 2.78 2.13 2.86 2.94 3.70 3.70 2.70 2.20 2.08 1.75 1.45 --
WIRES SIZE OF WHETHER PROOF (W.P.) Type of Service Connection Single Phase Single Phase Single Phase Three Phase Three Phase Three Phase Three Phase Service Connection Amp. 5 Amp. 10 Amp. 20 Amp. 3 H.P. 5 H.P. 15 H.P. 35 H.P. Capacity of Aluminium Wire Size (m.m.) Meter (Amp.) Phase Nutal 5 V. 10 V. 20 V. 10 V. 10 V. 25 V. 50 V. Amp., 250 1/1.42 Amp., 250 1/1.83 Amp., 250 1/3.25 Amp., 440 1/1.83 Amp., 440 1/2.34 Amp., 440 1/3.25 Amp., 440 19/2.03 1/1.42 1/1.83 1/3.25 1/1.83 1/2.34 1/3.25 7/3.25 Reced Voltage (Volt) 250 250 250 440 440 440 440
Single Phase Single Phase Single Phase Three Phase Three Phase Three Phase Three Phase
5 Amp.
15 Amp.
30 Amp.
20 mm.
60 Amp.
25 mm.
4 5
15 Amp. 30 Amp.
29 25
10 15
16 30
33 28
6 12
10 18
30 mm. 30 mm.
10 H.P.
60 Amp.
50 mm.
15 H.P.
75 Amp.
50 mm.
Note : 1] 2] 3] 4]
For Single Connection For Three Phase Connection Distance in Two Insulator Ril From Phase wire Distance of Pol Fuse
100 V = 0.5 Amp. 1 H.P. = 1.5 Amp. 620 mm (2 fit.) 620 mm. (2 fit.)
TIND COPPER OF FUSE WIRE RATING (FOR KITKAT) Standard Wire Gage No. Diameter M.M. 0.122 0.132 0.152 0.173 0.193 0.213 0.234 0.254 0.274 0.95 0.315 0.345 0.376 0.416 0.457 0.508 0.559 0.610 0.711 0.813 0.914 1.02 1.22 1.42 1.63 1.86 2.03 2.34 in Inch 0.0048 0.0052 0.0060 0.0681 0.0076 0.0084 0.00921 0.0100 0.0108 0.0116 0.0124 0.0136 0.0148 0.0164 0.0180 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.028 0.032 0.036 0.040 0.048 0.056 0.064 0.072 0.080 0.092 Current in Amp. 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.5 5 5.5 6 7 8 8.5 10 12 13 14 15 17 20 24 29 34 38 45 65 73 78 102 130 Rating Fusing in Amp. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 18 23 27 30 33 38 48 58 70 81 106 125 166 197 230 195
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
PRIMARY & SECONDARY OF SIDE CURRENT OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER Transformer Capacity (KVA) 25 50 63 100 200 Primary 22 K.V. 0.65 Amp. 1.31 Amp. 1.65 Amp. 2.62 Amp. 5.24 Amp. 11 K.V. 1.31 Amp 2.62 Amp. 3.30 Amp. 5.25 Amp. 10.60 Amp. Secondary 433 V. 33.33 Amp. 66.67 Amp. 84.00 Amp. 133.34 Amp.
STANDARD WIRE GUAGE Standard Wire Guage No. Seven Zero Six Zero Five Zero Three Zero Two Zero Zero 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Diameter Standard Wire Guage No. Diameter
In Inch 0.500 0.464 0.432 0.372 0.342 0.324 0.300 0.276 0.252 0.232 0.212 0.192 0.176 0.160 0.144 0.128 0.116 0.104 0.092 0.082 0.072 0.064 0.56
in mm. 12.70 11.79 10.97 9.45 8.84 8.26 7.32 7.01 6.40 5.89 5.38 4.88 4.47 4.06 3.66 3.25 2.15 2.64 2.24 2.03 1.81 1.61 1.42
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
In Inch. 0.048 0.040 0.036 0.032 0.028 0.024 0.022 0.020 0.0180 0.0164 0.0148 0.0136 0.0124 0.0116 0.0108 0.0100 0.0092 0.0084 0.0076 0.0068 0.0060 0.0052 0.0040
In mm. 1.22 1.02 0.9813 0.813 0.711 0.610 0.559 0.508 0.457 0.416 0.376 0.345 0.315 0.295 0.274 0.254 0.234 0.213 0.193 0.173 0.152 0.132 0.122
D.O. FUSE ELIMENT (SIDE OF TRA. PRA.) FUSE CAPACITY K.V.A. 25 50 100 150 200 Transformer Pra. Volt. 11 K.V. 3 Amp. 5 Amp. 10 Amp. 15 Amp. 20 Amp. 22 K.V. 2 Amp. 3 Amp. 5 Amp. 7.5 Amp. 10 Amp. 33 K.V. 2 Amp. 3 Amp. 5 Amp. 5 Amp. 7.5 Amp. K.V.A. 300 400 500 750 1000 Transformer Pra. Volt. 11 K.V. 30 Amp. 40 Amp. 50 Amp 60 Amp. 75 Amp. 22 K.V. 15 Amp. 20 Amp. 25 Amp. 40 Amp. 50 Amp. 33 K.V. 10 Amp. 20 Amp. 20 Amp. 25 Amp. 30 Amp.
D. Transformer Capacity & Fuses Size Transformer Capacity (K.V.A.) Tind Copper Fuse Wire S.W. G.No.
440 V. Side (D. Box Incoming) 21 16 17 (1/2) 14 (1/2) 14 (1/2) for per circuit
Main of Transformer (Incoming) & Fider (Outgoing) PVC Insulated Shithed & Armered Aluminium Cable Transform er Capacity (KVA) 25 50 63 100 200 Incoming Cable Strand Size s Diameter mm. 7 19 19 37 61 3 2.24 2.3 2.06 3.0 Outgoing Cable Strands Size Diameter mm. 7 7 19 19 37 1.6 3 2.24 2.3 2.06
Ins. Resistance of a Health T/F @ Temp Variation (in Mega Ohm) Voltage K.V. Temp. 30 (Degree) C. 100 160 430 700 1500 3000 5200 9000 Temp. 40 (Degree) C. 50 80 210 370 700 1500 2600 4500 Temp. 50 (Degree) C. 26 40 110 165 370 700 1300 2400 Temp. 60 (Degree) C. 14 20 55 95 190 390 650 1200 Temp. 70 (Degree) C. 7 13 37 56 110 230 320 600 Temp. 80 (Degree) C.
Transformer Arking Horn & Lightning Arestor Reded Volt. K.V. 400 220 132 110 66 33 22 11 On Transformer Bushing Horn Air Gap Inch mm. 80 2050 45 1150 27 700 25 650 1.55 400 Arking Horn is not Arking Using Using Arking Horn is not Arking Using Using Arking Horn is not Arking Using Using of Aarking Maximum Distance in Transformer Bushing Inch mm. 120 3050 120 3050 120 3050 120 3050 80 1930 Horn is not 60 1525 Horn is not 50 Horn is not 40 1270 11120 L.A. &
HORN GAP FUSE SIZE Capacity of Transformer (In KVA) 1500 3000 2500 2000 1750 1250 1000 750 500 200 5000 3000 2000 1500 1000 750 500 300 250 200 500 250 500 250 Transformer Volt. (In KVA) 110 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 33 33 33 33 35 33 33 33 33 33 22 22 11 11 Size of S.W.G. No. of Tind Coper Fuse 26 21 21 21 22 23 23 26 28 32 2 x 20 20 21 21 22 23 26 28 28 30 22 26 20 23 Horn Gap Fuse Distance
33 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 08 08
850 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 150 250 200 200
CONDUCTOR CHARACTERISTICS (I.S. 398/1961) Electrical Properties Mechanical Properties Code Equivalance Appr. Curr. Resis. No. of Dia. Weight Tensile Name Carrying per Strand mm. of Strenn Capacity k.m. at s / dia. Cond. gth of per km. (Kilo) Coper Area of 20 Deg. At. 40 At. 45 C. Wire Coper / Deg. C. Deg. C. Strand (Ohm) in mm. S.W.G. Alu. No. Sq.inch / Sq.mm All Aluminium Conductor Roz 8 0.02/20. 1.361 116 108 7/1.96 5.88 58 362 0 NAT 7 0.025/2 1.071 133 123 7/2.21 6.63 73 485 5.56 Airish 6 0.30 / 0.850 150 138 7/2.48 7.44 92 582 33.0 Pansi 4 0.040 / 0.677 178 165 7/2.78 8.34 116 730 42.0 Ant 3 0.05 / 0.544 204 189 7/3.10 9.30 144 892 52.00 Aster 2 0.065 / 0.423 239 198 7/3.51 10.53 184 1157 66.96 ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR STIL INFORCED (A.C.S.R. CONDUCTOR) Squiral (0.02) Visal (0.03) Faret (0.04) Mink (0.06) Rakun (0.075) Dog (0.1) Panther (0.2) 8 6 4.5 2 1 2/0 --13/20.7 20/31.2 24/41.8 40/62.3 48/77.8 0 65/103. 6 130/207 .0 1.374 0.911 0.679 0.456 0.365 0.275 0.137 115 150 181 234 270 325 520 107 139 168 217 250 300 482 6+1/2.1 1 6+1/2.5 9 6+1/3.0 6+1/3.6 6 6+1/4.0 9 6+7/4.7 2 30+7/3. 0 6.33 7.77 9.00 10.98 12.27 14.15 21.00 85 128 171 255 318 394 976 771 1136 1503 2107 2746 3299 9127
Necessity & Importance Of Power Capacitors : Electric Power used by A.C. Motors is indicated in KVA . This power is numerically higher than KW power. The ratio KW /KVA is called Power Factor and is denoted by COS . COS is less than 1. KW (Active power) 1. In the rural areas, more power is used for running electric pump sets. The pump sets are driven by A.C. Motors. The Power Factor of the A.C. Motors is low (0.7 to 0.8) and is affecting the distribution transformer loading. Low Power Factor Motors draw more Reactive power & the use higher electric currents. Hence their total KVA power rating is higher. The effect of higher reactive power used by electric motor is neutralised by using capacitors, thereby improving the power factor of transformer. Advantages of improving power factor by using capacitors : i. Reduction in KVA demand on transformer.
ii. Transformer load current is reduced. iii. Reduction in Power Loss. iv. Generator efficiency increases, no abnormal rise in temperature. v. Improvement in voltage to consumers and motors do not get overheated.
For improvement of power factor in the system, following plans have been implemented by the company. 1. 2. 3. 4. Connecting Capacitors of proper rating to A.C. Motors. Connection switched capacitors Banks on low voltage side of distribution transformers. Providing 0.6 MVAR switched capacitor bank on 11KV line. In the sub-station, connecting capacitors on 11KV as well as 132 KV Bus bar.
L.T.LOAD MANAGEMENT EQUIPMENT (LMS ) : LMS is an automatic capacitor panel to be installed on low voltage side of distribution transformer in rural areas.
LMS TECHNIQUE : 1. The capacitor banks in this automatic panel are switched on /off as per load requirement , by measuring reactive power in electrical load. Due to this nearly correct capacitive reactance as per load requirement is used. For measuring reactive load , current and voltage is measured. Three CTs are connected for measurement of current. Information about load current and voltage is fed to the computing unit. From this the computing unit determines reactive power of the load and brings in use required capacitors. When reactive power is less lesser capacitors are used.
Transformer Capacity
LMS Capacity
(27+1) KVAR
100 KVA
1. Main MCB . Isolator. 2. 3 CTs for measuring current. 3. Capacitor banks . 4. Thyristors for switching capacitors. 5. 1 MCB for each bank. 6. Computing unit. 7. LED Display and monitoring terminal board .
1. To switch off capacitor Bank on over voltage. 2. To switch off capacitor Bank below 200 Volts. 3. If the capacitor Bank fails to switch off on signal, to trip the MCB.
LED AND MONITOR TERMINAL : LMS status is indicated by following LED display lamps:
1. Power ON . 2. Capacitor Bank on Four 1 for each bank. 3. Trip indicators Four 1 for each bank. 4. HV Condition. 5. LV Condition.
Also one monitor terminal is provided . From this terminal following information is available via the printer : 1. Serial Nos. of LMS. 2. Date of obtaining information. 3. Load current, voltage & power factor records. 4. If Bank is on, transformer current and power factor (Improved- by Computing Unit) 5. Total current in capacitor. 6. Voltage at Capacitor off condition. 7. Capacitance of each Bank. 8. Capacitive KVARH supplied.
One button is provided on this panel board. After connecting the printer, when this button is pressed, the computing unit supplies all the above information to the printer and print is obtained. Real time status is available. Record of capacitive reactive power supplied is total of such power supplied. Erection of LMS and commissioning : 1. Erection and use this work is done by staff working on site. 2. Precaution at the time 1. Correct phase sequence of erection . 2. Connecting measuring CTs on load side. 3. Polarity and proper connection of CTs .
USE OF LMS : After errection and commissioning of LMS , Capacitor Banks switching on and off is automatically done . Work to be done by employees of company . 1. If at our routine work site, if any help is required about LMS, they should inform the location of LMS to Circle Office. They should also inform about the nature of help required. 2. If transformer or cables are replaced , do as follows : i) ii) Reconnect the LMS on system. For any doubts inform and obtain help from nearest office or Circle Office. : 600 KVAR capacitors on 11KV Feeder : These capacitors are installed normally on 11 KV feeders having load of 1200 KVA or above. They are installed at a distance about 2/3 of the length of the feeder from 33/11KV Sub-Station. Automatic equipment is switched on depending upon the load of the feeder . When the reactive power load the feeder is more the capacitor bank neutralizes it . This helps to reduce the load current on the feeder. Due to this transmission line loss is reduced and voltage is improved. 11KV capacitor bank with circuit breakers installed in the sub-station is an expensive matter and it is beneficial only for the transformer . It cannot help voltage regulation and power loss on the feeder. The Andrew- Yule Company in collaboration with Togami Electric have manufactured 11 KV SF6 Gas filled capacitors switch. In this scheme Meter Relay acts as
automatic electronic control equipment . According to line current, the internal CT of meter relay make the capacitor switch ON / OFF . The important components equipments of this scheme are as follows :-1. Capacitor switch :- This consist of two parts .
i. Gas Field switching part . ii. Operating mechanism part.
The SF6 gas in the gas field unit acts as interrupting medium and also as insulation . The operating mechanism consists of coils for closing and opening operation . Apart from this , control circuit, mechanical indicator, auxiliary switches , manual operating handle etc are also provided. For protection from bursting pressure relief equipment is provided. The earth terminal duly marked is also provided . Along with the switch 7 mtrs. Length of 2.5 Sq.mm 6 core cable and 2.5 Sq.mm 2 Core cable is connected. Ferrules bearing the letters A,B, C, D, E, F are provided on 6 core cable. Also the 2 core cable is having ferrules G, H. Both the cables are connected to operating / control box of the scheme . Thereby electrical operations of the switcth are performed . 2. HT Capacitor Cell : - For this scheme 3 cells of 200 KVAR 11KV rating are necessary. 3. Operating / Control Box : - With the help of this control box electrical operations of the capacitor switch (manual/automatic) are performed. 4. Voltage transformer :- This is an important component of the scheme. The primary of this voltage transformer is connected on 11KV line phase to phase and the secondary winding is connected to P1 , P2 terminals in the operating box. The voltage ratio of this transformer is 11 KV/220 Volts .
The equipments of the scheme are erected and connected as shown in the diagram. Before that following checks should be carried out . 1. A) Test the capacitor cell with the help of Meggar and ensure that insulation resistance is healthy. B) Connect Supply of 230 volts to the 2 bushings of the capacitor Cell and measure the current which should be as per the name plate. C) Ensure that the bushing of the cells and their shapes are in good condition.
Voltage transformer :A) B) Measure the insulation resistance of this voltage transformer. Connect 230 volts AC supply to the primary winding and verify the secondary winding voltage which should be as per ratio.
Capacitor Switch :A) With the help of two manual operating handles, carryout closing and opening operations of the capacitor switch many times and verify that it is in good condition . Also ensure that the closing and opening operations are correctly indicated by the mechanical indicator. B) With the help of the Meggar, ensure the continuity on closing and opening. C) Ensure that the insulators of the switch are in clean condition .
Push button electrical operation :After carrying out the connections of capacitor switch and operating box with the help of 6 core and 2 core cables , do as follows :Connect 220 volts supply to P1 and P2 terminals . Ensure that the capacitor switch is in OFF position. If not, make it OFF by pushing down the green handle. Set the Auto / Manual Switch in the operating box on manual position and for closing operation use the ON push button for switching on . After about 5 minutes time it will be seen that the switch is ON. Verify this with the help of mechanical indicator. Afterwards with the help of the OFF button, do the switch off operation and verify . With the help of mechanical indictor check and ensure that the switch is OFF. After about 5 minutes duration ( after off operation ) carryout the closing operation ). In this way the closing and opening operation should be verified . Electrical Automatic Operation : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. From the mechanical indicator verify and ensure at the switch is in OFF Position. If not push the operating handle (Green ) slowly down. Connect A.C. Supply to CT bushing and line side bushing. Adjust the selector switch to auto position. With the help of red button adjust the meter relay settings as required. The red needle of meter relay shows high (ON) current setting. 6. With the help of green button, adjust the low current setting of the meter relay. The green needle meter relay shows low current settings. 7. Connect 220 Volts A.C. supply to P1 & P2 terminals of operating box. Thereafter wait for 5 minutes. (minimum).
8. When the line current will rise higher than high current settings, capacitor will close . Verify this from the mechanical indicator. 9. When the line current will decrease to less than low current setting, capacitor switch will open. Verify this from mechanical indicator. Erection of Capacitor Switch :While lifting capacitor switch for transportation keep the switch in close position . For lifting and transportation use only the carrying handle. Using proper lifting rope put the capacitor switch on cross arm of single or double pole structure in horrible position. Keep the manual operation switch nearer to the pole so as to operate from ground level with the help of hook. Connection :1. Main Circuit :- With the help of aluminum P.G. clamps, connect seven HV terminals of the capacitor switch to line, capacitor side lead wire and CT main lead wire firmly. 2. Control circuit :- While connecting capacitor switch and operating box with 6 core control cable, make sure that water does not enter into the switch. Keep the control circuit at a safe distance high voltage circuit. 220 volts A.C. Supply can be obtained from the nearest distribution transformer bushing (LT) or from the transformer provided by the company. Grounding Connection :- On both sides of the operating mechanism box (Line and Capacitor side) grounding terminals are provided . Use 8 SWG G.I.Wire for grounding and there should be two separate earthing pits for earthing . Grounding wire should not be connected to earthing pit for L.A. Maintenance :-Maintenance is to be decided on changing local conditions. Generally maintenance may be done every one to two years. After maintenance, it is necessary to take mechanism trials. Specially after storms or lightening strokes , maintenance is essential. The inspection and maintenance of the capacitor switch should be frequency done by making supply off (i.e. discharging). Meter Relay Setting Adjustment :Meter relay setting is entirely depending on system condition and consumer demand. Therefore it will not be the same for every location. Example : Suppose the average peak load of a system feeder is 100 AMPs during 6 in the morning to 6 in the evening. Off the peak hours, this load current is less than 40 AMPs. During the peak load hours the power factor reads 0.7 (Lagging). This power factor needs to be improved. When the load on this feeder during off peak hours is less than 40 AMPs , power factor may become leading if the capacitors remain connected.
VNR-A on the meter relay setting panel should be adjusted as required. The red needle (High) may be set to 90 AMPs and green needle (Low) set to 40 AMPs. Due to this settings as soon as the load is 90 AMPs , capacitor switch will be on and when the load goes below 40 AMPs , capacitor switch will be off. So that during peak hours power factor will be improved and during low loads power factor shall not become leading.
S.No. 1. 2.
Check the oil level and top up to correct level. Rectify Oil leakages if any. Tighten all the connection of Phase, Neutral, Earthing etc. Cleaning the transformer tank from outside. Silica Gel in the breather to be replaced if necessary. Similarly check for oil in the breather and ensure air passage.
Connect and tighten correct size fuse wire. Replace broken fuse, base etc. Measure and note down a load current in all three phases (at peak hrs). If load current is unbalanced take action for balancing . Measure & note down all phase to neutral voltages. Measure & note down the voltage at the fag end of all feeders. Measure and note down earth resistance. Measure and note down meggar test result of transformer and lightening arrestors. If meggar value of LA is less replace it . Obtain oil samples, take dielectric test and note down. AB Switch alignment check & greasing and oiling to be done. Correct direction of arcing horns. Maintenance of earthing rod and earthing pits.
Three months
1. 2. 3. 4.
Six months
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3. 4.
6. 7. 8.
Acidity test of oil Filteration of oil . Overhauling of transformer in transformer work shop.
Mode Reset
Pulse/ KVARH
Authority and Responsibility of Service The Company has given authority to Lineman, Asstt.Lineman & Line Helpers as area incharge for their respective working areas. Area incharge shall be responsible for both technical and commercial side of working in his area. The details of area incharge and his responsibilities are as follows : 1. Basic Information about working area . a) Knowledge of Distribution transformers & recording their code numbers. b) To prepare map of transformer Centre wise consumers and recording register. c) Obtaining list of consumers from the section office in his areas for giving service to them. d) Details of Consumer Category /connected load / current meter reading/ arrears/meter status from billing record etc. to be obtained consumerwise. e) Transformer Centrewise consumers to be identified and then compare with transformer centrewise maps on record. f) Faulty / Non-Use metered consumers having to be visited for repairs and inspection.
2. a. b. c. d. e.
ROUTINE WORKS Connecting energy meter to unmetered agricultural consumers as per M.S.E.D.C.L. Scheme . To connect meter on distribution transformer centres. Visiting daily 10 consumers to check meter status and reading. Visit each consumer at least once in 3 months. While visiting consumers carry details of meter reading and tools for checking like Meggar, Meter seals, etc. Due to such visit, area incharge can determine the requirement of meters, Meter seals etc. To update the DTC Map by recording the new service connections given.
3. a. b.
REDUCTION IN DISTRIBUTION LOSSES : As per identified list of DTCs , to take reading of Meters on DTCs & send it to section incharge immediately. To obtain details of DTC wise billed units from the section and to determine the distribution loss for each DTCs. To take necessary action for limiting the loss to single digit level. To obtain consumer category wise consumption parameters from the billing section and comparing the consumption of different categorywise consumers to identify low consumption area.
To find out theft of electricity and supplier of hooks , inform the officers and take immediate action for rectification. Such occurances should be recorded in the registers.
4. a) b) c) 5. a) b) c) d) 6.
RELATIONS WITH CONSUMERS : To establish cordial relations with consumers and to help in solving their difficulties. To contact consumers and to motivate them for payment of current bills and arrears etc. To educate the consumers in electrical safety and energy conservation measures MAINTENANCE : To maintain cleanliness at the location of DTC, HT/LT Consumer Poles by removing heaps of clay ,growth of grass , bushes, trees etc. To maintain the DTCs from point of view reducing period of interruption of electric supply. To ensure that timely preventive maintenance of DTCs is carriedout . To identify low voltage problem areas and inform the same to superiors. AUTHORITY OF AREA INCHARGE :
1) For sanctioning new service connections, area incharge (LM/ ALM,/ LH) shall be consulted. 2) The work of meter replacement, shifting, shall be done in their consultation. 3) The development works like errection of new lines, new transformers etc. shall be done in consultation with are incharge. 4) The meter reading sent by area incharge should l be compared with readings recorded by the meter readers on route reading sheet. Any deviation observed shall be brought to the notice of section incharge for taking necessary action. 5) Area incharge should conduct group discussions with consumers, once in three months& for such group discussions , the section office should extend all possible help.