Japanese Class Verb
Japanese Class Verb
Japanese Class Verb
masu form
This is the "formal form" and it is suitable in a wide range of circumstances.
The part of the verb without masu, is the stem.
In Japanese, verbs are not affected by their subject. In other words, whether the
subject is singular or plural, first person or second person, the verbs do not
change their form. Concerning verb tenses, there are only two divisions of time;
non-past (present tense and future tense) and past. Present and future tenses
are the same.
Affirmative Negative
Plain form
The basic forms of Japanese verb are root form, nai form, ta form
and nakatta form. We call these four forms "Plain Form".
The plain form can be used instead of masu form in casual situations.
Sentences that end with the plain form are less formal and each form refers to
affirmative, negative and tense. In this usage, the plain form is also called the
casual form.
However, the plain form is not limited to the casual form. In Japanese, language
functions such as conditional (if), ability (can do) or obligation (must do) are
expressed by using a "Functional Pattern". Most Functional Patterns follow not
the masu form but the plain form even in formal sentences.
Affirmative Negative +
Non-past root form nai form
Past ta form nakatta form
Plain - nai form
This form is used as the non-past negative form in casual speech, and is used
with various functional patterns as well as the root form.
In casual speech, the nai form is often used to invite someone like -masen
ka? or -mashoo ka? with a raised tone.
Hiru-gohan ni ikimashoo
Hiru-gohan ni ikanai?
Plain - ta form
The verb ta form is used as the past affirmative form in casual speech but this
form, grammatically, indicates a completion of an action.
So it is used with the several patterns to express something in the future.
Plain - nakatta form
This form is used as the past negative form in casual speech.
To make the nakatta form, change the -nai ending of the nai form to -nakatta.
Te form
The te form by itself is used to combine two or more sentences or is used to
indicate a cause or a means.
This form is also used with various functional patterns.
The te form is made in the same way the ta form is made. Just change the
ending -ta to -te.
Potential form
This form means "be able to do" or "can do".
The potential form of a Group 2 verb is the same as its passive form.
All of the potential forms end in える eru or いる iru so they follow the
vowel-stem (一段動詞 ichidandōshi) rules. 話せる hanaseru becomes 話
せます hanasemasu.
Imperative form
This form expresses a command or order meaning "Do!" or "Don't do!".
Although this form is not used in ordinary conversation, it is used to quote an
order or request, or is used in road signs, slogans or notices.
ex. Tomare!
Gomi o suteruna.
Do not litter.
1. With all verbs, the prohibitive form is simply obtained by adding -な to the
dictionary form. It is used to command someone not to do something. An
example is 入るな hairu na "Do not enter."
2. ^ The imperative form can be used as a command, e.g. 黙れ damare"shut
up!", やめ yame "stop!" or 止まれ tomare "Stop (sign)". Non-volitional verbs
(e.g. ある aru, わかる wakaru, できる dekiru) have no imperative form and
くれる kureru "to give" is an exception that conjugates to くれ kure (the
plain form of ~てください -te kudasai"Please (do)...").
A politer way of telling someone to do something is to use (masu stem)~な
さい -nasai instead (e.g. 飲みなさい nominasai "Drink up.", しなさ
い shinasai "Do (what was said)."), or more informally, (masu stem)~な -
na. Imperative form: たくさん食べな takusan tabena "Eat a lot." Prohibitive
form: たくさん食べるな takusan taberu na "Don't pig out!"
Volitional form
The verb volitional form expresses the speaker's intention like the verb stem
+ mashoo.
The stem + mashoo is formal and the volitional form is casual.
The volitional form is frequently used among friends and colleagues.
B : Pasuta o tabeyoo.
A : What shall we eat?
B : Let's eat some pasta.
The verb volitional form + to omoimasu or to omotte imasu are used to express
the speaker's intention meaning "I'm planning to do".
Passive form
The passive form is used for a passive sentence. It is especially common to
express passivity in situations like the following.
Causative form
This form means "to make someone do something" or "let someone do