Guidelines Current List Updated March 2019

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ENA Guidelines – Current (March 2019)

ENA Doc 001-2008 National Electricity Network Safety Code This Code is intended to promote safety as a priority for customers, the public and industry
workers; nationally consistent practices to improve safety; and economic efficiency through
standardisation. It aims to assist with the interpretation of regulatory requirements placed
upon Network Operators, Service Providers, their employees and their contractors.
ENA Doc 002-2006 Joint use of Power Poles – Model Agreement This document is a Model Agreement for the Joint Use of Power Poles between an electricity
distributor and communication cable owner. The document provide model technical
requirements, including: general requirements, conductive narrowband communications
systems, non-conductive broadband communication systems, conductive broadband
communications systems and power supplies
ENA Doc 007-2006 Specification for Pole-mounting distribution Transformers This specification sets out the technical requirements for the design, manufacture, testing at
works and delivery of pole mounted distribution transformers. The specification includes the
requirements for distribution transformers for use in three phase, single phase and single wire
earth return (SWER) systems.
ENA Doc 008-2006 National Guidelines on Electrical Safety for Emergency Service The objectives of these Guidelines are to provide guidance to emergency service personnel on
Personnel the electrical hazards that may be encountered during emergency situations. These Guidelines
are intended to: (a) protect the safety of emergency services workers and the general public;
(b) specify minimum control measures for the protection of emergency services workers and
the general public where electrical hazards are present; and (c) assist Emergency Services
Organisations to develop work procedures and related training and awareness programs.
ENA Doc 011-2006 Pole Supply and Performance Specification The aim of this document is to specify performance criteria that will allow for maximum
innovation in material and construction variants in poles that will be incorporated into existing
and future networks in Australia and New Zealand.
ENA Doc 012-2006 Cross-arm Supply and Performance Specification The aim of the document is to specify performance criteria that will allow for maximum
innovation in material and construction variants in cross-arms that will be incorporated into
existing and future networks in Australia and New Zealand.
ENA Doc 013-2006 Network Passport Guideline The purpose of this Guideline is to support the ESI in the development of a common format for
an ESI Passport. This Guideline specifies the requirements recording the— (a) functional role of
the Passport holder (e.g. line worker, operator, electrical fitter); (b) currency of refresher training;
(c) authorisations issued; and (d) inductions undertaken by the Passport holder.

ENA Doc 014-2006 National Low Voltage Electricity Network Electrical Protection This Guideline is intended to: (a) promote safety for customers, the public and industry workers;
Guideline (b) promote nationally consistent practices; (c) promote economic efficiency through
standardisation; and (d) simplify the interpretation of regulatory requirements placed upon
Network Operators, Service providers, their employees and their contractors. This Guideline
also identifies situations where practices or technology may not represent a safe situation, and
identifies measures to address these situations. It is incumbent on Network Operators to
periodically review their practices and available technologies for further mitigation in these
ENA Doc 015-2006 National Guidelines for Prevention of Unauthorised Access to These Guidelines have been produced to assist in the development and application of uniform
Electricity Infrastructure requirements for prevention of unauthorised access to electricity Infrastructure. The principles
and responsibilities within this document, where appropriate, should be supplemented by
approved procedures.
ENA Doc 017-2008 ENA Industry Guideline for the Inspection, Assessment and These guidelines cover the general principles associated with the inspection, assessment and
Maintenance of Overhead Power Lines maintenance of overhead power lines (as defined), including distribution, sub-transmission and
transmission lines.
ENA DOC 018-2015 Guideline for the Fire Protection of Electricity This Guideline provides guidance on the design, equipment selection, installation, operation
and maintenance of electricity network substations and similar facilities with respect to fire
and explosion.
A general risk management approach is outlined for fire and explosion events in electricity
network substations. This includes the identification of fire related hazards, the likely
consequences of a fire and the potential risk mitigation strategies available.
Supersedes: ENA DOC 018-2008 Interim Guideline for the Fire Protection of Electricity
ENA Doc 019-2014 ENA Land Management Guidelines The scope of these guidelines cover the most significant land management issues associated
with the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of electricity and gas transmission
and distribution systems. The Guideline identifies nationally significant environmental and
cultural heritage (both Indigenous and Historical/European, also known as Aboriginal and Non-
Aboriginal) issues associated with whole of life asset management and provides environmental
and cultural heritage controls, references and performance indicators for ENA members to
Supersedes: - ENA Doc 019-2008 Land Management Guidelines

ENA Doc 020-2007 National Gas Supply Industry Passport 'Guidelines and The objective of these National Gas Passport guidelines and administrative principles are to: a)
Administrative Principles' support the management of safety in the Gas Supply Industry b) promote the safety of workers
engaged to work on a gas network c) encourage and recognise nationally consistent practices:
i. to promote ongoing development of the GSI training and skills structure, in line with industry
needs; and ii. encourage a drive towards commonalities in training standards for qualifications,
competencies, refresher training and authorisations including that which may not be covered
by national training packages; iii. provide a consistent method for maintenance of a worker’s
records; d) provide a mechanism to readily identify the skills of workers; e) provide a
mechanism for determining currency of refresher training during field audits; f) provide a
mechanism to record the currency of competence for a person to work on gas networks; g)
encourage individuals to be responsible for ensuring the currency and validity of their
qualifications, competencies, refresher training and authorisations; h) provide transportability
of individuals' qualifications, competencies, refresher training and authorisations between
Network Operators and their Contractors across jurisdictions
ENA Doc 021-2008 ENA Industry Guideline on Measuring OHS Performance This guideline provides a framework for organisations within the Energy Supply Industry to
develop measures for monitoring effective OHS performance.
ENA Doc 022-2008 ENA Industry Guideline for SF6 Management This Guideline provides a range of non-prescriptive measures for organisations within the
Energy Supply Industry to develop processes for the effective management of SF6 gas across
the design, planning, commissioning, maintenance, decommissioning, recycling and disposal
of SF6 filled equipment.
ENA Doc 023-2009 ENA Guidelines for Safe Vegetation Management Works Near The purpose of these Guidelines is to establish the principles applicable to safe vegetation
Overhead Lines management work near live overhead lines for various classes of persons. These Guidelines are
intended to: (a) ensure the safety of vegetation management workers and the general public;
(b) specify the minimum standards required for mobile plant, tools and equipment used in
vegetation management work; and (c) provide the basic technical material necessary for
Network Operators and Service Providers to develop work procedures, related training and
awareness programs.

ENA Doc 024-2009 National Guideline for Management of Tools and Equipment Used in This Guideline provides guidance for electricity Network Operators and Service Providers to
the Electricity Supply Industry develop outcome based management procedures for the selection, inspection, testing and
maintenance of tools and equipment utilised by workers within the Electricity Supply Industry.
This Guideline applies to tools and equipment used when carrying out work on or near
electrical networks, but excludes HV live work as defined by the relevant standards. This
Guideline should be read in conjunction with other appropriate documentation for safe
working practices related to the specific type of tools and equipment used in electrical work
concerned. This Guideline intends to provide clarification on the inspection and testing
requirements of insulating gloves as referenced in ENA NENS 09 National Guidelines For The
Selection, Use and Maintenance Of Personal Protective Equipment For Electrical Hazards.
ENA DOC 025-2010 EG-0 Power System Earthing Guide - Part 1: Management Principles, This Guide addresses the high level aspects of policy associated with power system earthing. It
Version 1 provides a framework for managing earthing related risk associated with electrical power
systems to meet societally acceptable levels. This framework provides principles for the design,
installation, testing and maintenance of the earthing systems associated with power system
assets on a.c. systems with nominal voltages up to EHV. A central part of this framework is a
probabilistic derivation of allowable voltage criteria and exposure under fault conditions. It is
intended for use by electrical utilities and HV asset owners, operators and customers,
specifically regarding:
» major substations
» distribution networks
» transmission lines
» power stations, and
» large industrial systems.
It does not apply to the design or installation of any of the following which may be covered by
other standards or codes:
» customer premises LV earthing (refer AS3000)
» earthing systems associated with d.c. systems
» earthing systems associated with electric railway traction systems
» earthing systems on ships and off-shore installations
» test sites
» mining equipment and installations
» electrostatic equipment (for example, electrostatic precipitators).

ENA Doc 026-2010 ENA Guideline for the Management of Burning and Fire-damaged This document is applicable to:
CCA Impregnated Poles and Cross arms » Copper Chrome Arsenate (CCA) impregnated poles and cross arms—hereafter collectively
referred to as CCA impregnated poles
» CCA impregnated poles that are burning, or have suffered damage, as a result of exposure
to bushfires or pole top fires, and
» CCA impregnated poles in service.
Handling fire-damaged CCA impregnated poles, or attempting to extinguish CCA impregnated
poles that are burning, presents hazards to the worker not found when working with other
timber products. Chemicals normally locked in the timber cells during treatment are released,
creating a hazard in the working environment. The following documentation provides advice
to those workers who, in the course of their duties, may be exposed to either burning or fire-
damaged CCA impregnated poles.
ENA Doc 027-2010 ENA Technical Report - Guide for the Selection and Management of Recent research (Gardner and White, 2009) and observations (Gardner and Price, 2009)
Poles to Reduce Damage and Loss when They are Exposed to Bushfires following the February 2009 bushfires in Victoria, demonstrate that the performance of poles
exposed to severe bushfire attack will vary. The purpose of this document is to provide
guidance on the selection and management of poles for use in bushfire-prone areas.
ENA Doc 028-2010 ENA Technical Report for the Mitigation of Pole Top Fires The intent of this document is to provide network service providers with a range of options for
mitigating pole top fires that may assist in formulating individual business proactive and
reactive strategies. It should be noted that network service providers may not necessarily
undertake any or all of the mitigation options outlined in this document due to the diversity in
network design across Australia. This document is based on current practices employed across
all elements of the Australian electricity supply industry at the time of publication. It is not
meant to exclude new technologies or practices that may evolve in the future.
ENA Doc 029-2011 Technical Report for Electricity Network Development (Sub- This Technical Report is intended to provide an introduction and to highlight key issues that
transmission and Distribution) need to be assessed by Network Service Providers (NSPs) in the network development planning
process. Its focus is on distribution and sub-transmission networks. It does not specifically
cover transmission networks although some of the topics are applicable to those networks. To
assist the reader, greater insights are provided through references to other documents
including codes, Australian Standards and International Standards.

ENA Doc 030-2011 ENA Guideline for the Preparation of Documentation for Connection The intention of this document is to provide a national reference framework for the
of Embedded Generation within Distribution Networks preparation of documentation for connection of embedded generation within distribution
networks. With the increasing connections to the DNSP’s involving embedded generation and
customers operating across multiple jurisdictions there is a need for more consistency across
the individual DNSP’s processes, policies and documentation. The purpose of this document is
to provide general information to assist the DNSP in developing and or reviewing
documentation for customers in relation to embedded generation. Each DNSP operates under
its respective jurisdiction having requirements at Local, State and other levels which will
determine specific documentation content. This document discusses general connection
issues including, process, fees and conditions, asset ownership, payments, technical standards,
metering, protection, SCADA, communications, quality of supply, installation and maintenance.
ENA Doc 031-2011 ENA National Guideline for Mobile Plant Earthing This document is intended to provide: • Guidance on earthing for mobile plant to help mitigate
the electrical risks that can arise when mobile plant is being used on or near live overhead
electrical apparatus including transmission, sub transmission and distribution lines and
substations. • Assistance in the decision making process to earth or not earth. • Guidance on
the limitation of various earthing systems. • Guidance to applying earths and precautions.
ENA Doc 032-2012 Guideline for the Selection, Installation, Identification, Performance, The scope of this guideline covers the selection, installation, identification, performance,
Inspection and Maintenance of Pole Reinforcement Methods inspection and maintenance of groundline pole reinforcement systems. These
guidelines are not intended to cover:
» Temporary application of pole reinforcement
» Composite poles including rebutted poles
These guidelines are intended for use by:
» Asset owners, having applied criteria for the suitability for reinforcement
» Manufacturers and Suppliers of pole reinforcement systems
» Installers & Maintainers of pole reinforcement systems.
ENA EG1-2006 Substation Earthing Guide The purpose of this guide is to provide guidelines for the design, installation, testing and
maintenance of earthing systems associated with electrical substations. Earthing systems that
are covered in this guide include those associated with: generating plants, industrial
installations, transmission and distribution stations. Internal wiring and equipment/appliance
earthing details are not addressed in this document.

ENA NENS 03-2006 National Guidelines for Safe Access to Electrical and Mechanical These Guidelines provide principles and responsibilities for control authorities and service
Apparatus providers for access to apparatus associated with the generation, transmission and distribution
of electricity. These Guidelines also detail the minimum general requirements for work to be
carried out under access authorities. These Guidelines are not intended to cover specific
requirements for other work such as welding and cutting, working at heights, mobile plant,
confined spaces, excavation work or work on extra low voltage exposed conductors. The
application of approved live high voltage working techniques is not covered by these
ENA NENS 04-2006 National Guidelines for Safe Approach Distances to Electrical and These Guidelines are intended to— (a) Support the Electricity Supply Industry in ensuring the
Mechanical Apparatus safety of electrical and other workers and the general public by the development of
appropriate Safe Approach Distances to electrical apparatus for various classes of persons, and
mobile plant and equipment. (b) Provide the basic technical material necessary for Network
Operators to develop work practice, and related training and awareness programs. (c) Provide
recommendations for appropriate Safe Approach Distances for members of the general public.
(d) Provide the Electricity Supply Industry with a sound basis for controlling activities, where
possible, of the general public near network assets.
ENA NENS 07-2006 National guidelines for Manual Reclosing of High Voltage Electrical The objective of this document is to provide guidelines applicable to manually reenergising
Apparatus Following a Fault Operation (Manual Reclose Guidelines) high voltage electrical apparatus following a fault operation by bringing together best practice
ideas sourced through the Electricity Supply Industry. These guidelines will encourage a
national convergence in approach towards best practice in regard to the management of risk
associated with the re-energising of electrical apparatus following a fault operation. This
convergence in approach will also facilitate community and emergency services awareness
regarding the potential dangers associated with electrical apparatus during fault situations.
ENA NENS 08-2006 National Guidelines for Aerial Surveillance of Overhead Electricity The objective of these Guidelines is to support the Electricity Supply Industry in the
Networks development of appropriate safe working processes for aerial surveillance of Overhead
Electricity Networks. The principles within these Guidelines may be enhanced or
supplemented provided this does not result in reduced safety standards. These Guidelines are
intended to: (a) ensure the safety of pilot, monitor(s) and the general public; (b) specify the
minimum standards required for aerial surveillance of Overhead Electricity Networks; and (c)
assist Network Operators to develop work procedures and related training and awareness

ENA NENS 09-2014 National Guideline for the Selection, Use and Maintenance of This Guideline covers the clothing and apparel designs, the minimum performance levels of
Personal Protective Equipment for Electrical Arc Hazards the materials used and the methods of test to determine the performance levels.
Supersedes: NENS 09 - 2006 National guidelines for the selection, use and maintenance of This Guideline does not consider protection from electric shock or test for the electrical
personal protective equipment for electrical hazards conductivity of the associated PPE. This Guideline does not consider protection against other
hazards, e.g. chemical, biological, noise and radiation hazards.
ENA NENS 10-2005 National Guidelines for Contractor Occupational Health and Safety The objectives of these Guidelines are to provide a systematic approach to managing
Management contractor occupational health and safety (OHS) in the Electricity Supply Industry. These
Guidelines are intended to: (a) promote safety as a priority in managing contracts; (b) promote
nationally consistent practices for the OHS management of contract works; and (c) promote
economic efficiency through standardisation of contractor OHS management.
ENA Doc 033-2014 Guideline for Power Quality: Harmonics. Recommendations for the The purpose of this guideline is to provide a coherent and practical guide to the application of
application of the Joint Australian/New Zealand Technical Report TR IEC 61000.3.6:2012 the Joint Australian/New Zealand Technical Report, TR IEC 61000.3.6:2012, for limiting
harmonic voltages in medium voltage (MV) and high voltage (HV) distribution networks, and to
present a simplified approach that a particular DNSP may elect to adopt under certain
circumstances. It should be understood that this guideline is not binding and the DNSP’s own
harmonic management policies shall prevail. The Joint Australian/New Zealand Technical
Report is an identical adoption of the IEC publication IEC/TR 61000-3-6, Ed 2.0 (2008). The
guideline is also intended to serve as a supporting document to the National Electricity Rules
and other jurisdictional technical electricity rules.
ENA Doc 034-2014 Guideline for Power Quality: Flicker - Recommendations for the The purpose of this guideline is to provide a coherent and practical guide to the application of
application of the Joint Australian/New Zealand Technical Report TR IEC 61000.3.7:2012 the joint Australian/New Zealand Technical Report, TR IEC 61000.3.7:2012 for limiting voltage
fluctuations in medium voltage (MV) and high voltage (HV) distribution networks, and to
present a simplified approach that a particular DNSP may elect to adopt under certain
circumstances. It should be understood that this guideline is not binding and the DNSPs own
voltage fluctuations management policies shall prevail. The Joint Australian/New Zealand
Technical Report is an identical adoption of the IEC publication IEC/TR 61000-3-7, Ed 2.0 (2008).
The guideline is intended to serve as a supporting document to the National Electricity Rules
and to Rules of other DSNPs that do not come under the jurisdiction of the Australian Energy
Regulator (AER).

ENA DOC 035-2014 Power Quality Guideline For Inverter Energy Systems For The intention of this document is to provide a national reference framework for the provision
Connection To Low Voltage Distribution Networks of power quality requirements for the connection of small scale energy systems via inverters
within customer installations to low voltage distribution networks in Australia.
The material contained in this document is intended to assist DNSPs to develop a common high
level understanding of the requirements for these types of connections across each of the
DNSPs with the intent of accommodating the differences between individual jurisdictions
whilst optimising consistency between jurisdictions.
ENA DOC 036-2015 Climate Risk And Resilience - Industry Guidance Manual V1 The fundamentals of the approach in this Manual are that climate adaptation should be based
on risk management – five steps in a risk assessment process are presented in the ENA climate
risk assessment – five step framework.
This Guide covers Steps 1–4 – identifying, analysing and evaluating risks, in detail, but Step 5 –
treating risk’s is out of the scope of the project and therefore is covered in less detail.
ENA DOC 037-2015 Power Quality: Voltage Unbalance The purpose of this guideline is to provide a coherent and practical guide to the application of
Recommendations for the application of the Joint Australian/New Zealand Technical the joint Australian/New Zealand Technical Report, TR IEC 61000.3.13:2012, for limiting voltage
Report TR IEC 61000.3.13:2012 unbalance in medium voltage (MV) and high voltage (HV) distribution networks and to present
a simplified approach that a particular DNSP may elect to adopt under certain circumstances.
The joint TR is an identical adoption of IEC publication IER/TR 61000-3-13, Ed 1.0 (2008) Cor. 1

ENA DOC 038-2018 - Vegetation Risk Management for Overhead Electricity Networks The document provides a basic overview of vegetation risk management associated with
overhead electrical networks. This document covers vegetation risk management at a
management system level; it does not consider specific risk management scenarios associated
with vegetation management.

ENA DOC DOC 039-2019 National Distributed Energy Resources Grid Connection The National DER Connection Guidelines set out the framework, principles, approach and
Guidelines - Technical Guidelines for Basic Micro EG Connections technical settings for Australian DNSPs to adopt in the development and application of their
technical requirements for grid connection of DER. The ultimate aim of the guidelines is to
facilitate the efficient integration of DER into the grid from the perspective of networks,
renewable energy proponents and Australia’s electricity system more generally.

ENA DOC 040-2019 National Distributed Energy Resources Grid Connection Guidelines - The National DER Connection Guidelines set out the framework, principles, approach and
Technical Guidelines for Low Voltage EG Connections technical settings for Australian DNSPs to adopt in the development and application of their
technical requirements for grid connection of DER. The ultimate aim of the guidelines is to
facilitate the efficient integration of DER into the grid from the perspective of networks,
renewable energy proponents and Australia’s electricity system more generally.

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