Ecology of Syllidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) From Shallow Rocky Environments in The Cantabrian Sea (South Bay of Biscay)

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SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES IN POLYCHAETE S c i e n t i a M a r i n a 70S3

RESEARCH December 2006, 225-235, Barcelona (Spain)

R. Sarda, G. San Martin, E. López, D. Martin ISSN: 0214-8358
and D. George (eds.)

E c o lo g y o f S y llid a e (A n n elid a: P o ly c h a e ta ) fr o m
sh a llo w r o c k y e n v ir o n m e n ts in th e C an tab rian S ea
(S o u th B a y o f B isca y )


1Instituto Español de Oceanografía de Santander, P.O. Box 240, 39080 Santander, Spain. E-mail: aserrano@
2Universidad Autónom a de M adrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología (Zoología),
Canto Blanco 28049 M adrid

SUMMARY: The syllids inhabiting 12 hard bottom m acrobenthic habitats were studied. A total o f 38 species belonging to
19 genera were identified. Differences in density, species richness, and diversity among habitats were analysed, as well as
the relationships between these ecological param eters and depth range, slope and in-bay/out-bay gradient. The effect o f envi­
ronm ental variables on syllid distribution was studied using canonical ordination. A high faunistic hom ogeneity has been
found, since all biotopes were dom inated by a low num ber o f eurytopic species (Syllis armillaris, S. gracilis and S. varie­
gata). Habitat complexity, determined by physical disturbance, is the m ain structuring factor in syllid populations. Biotopes
with the highest structural complexity displayed a high num ber o f companion species increasing ecological indices and
denoting a well-structured habitat. On the other hand, communities such as in upper intertidal habitats, mainly controlled by
physical environm ental variables, showed a poorer syllid fauna, dom inated by ubiquitious species and a few stenotopic
species well-adapted to those environm ents. How ever, this is not the case in some other intertidal biotopes, such as in
Corallina, whose tangled structure prevents drying and provides shelter from predation, allowing a richer and more diverse
syllid fauna.

Keywords'. Polychaeta, Syllidae, physical disturbance, habitat complexity, redundancy analysis.

RESUM EN: E c o l o g ía d e S y l l id a e ( A n n e l id a : P o l y c h a e t a ) d e a m b ie n t e s r o c o s o s s o m e r o s e n e l m a r C a n t á b r ic o
(su r del G olfo d e V i z c a y a ). - Se han estudiado Ios sílidos que pueblan 12 hábitats m acrobentónicos de fondo rocoso. Un
total de 38 especies pertenecientes a 19 géneros han sido identificadas. Se han analizado las diferencias en densidad, rique­
za específica y diversidad entre hábitats, rangos batim étricos, de inclinación de sustrato y en un gradiente estuárico. El efec­
to de las variables ambientales sobre la distribución de Ios sílidos se ha analizado mediante ordenación canónica. Se ha detec­
tado una gran hom ogeneidad, ya que todos Ios biotopos están dominados por un escaso núm ero de especies euritópicas (Syllis
arm illaris, S. gracilis y S. variegata). L a complejidad del hábitat, determinada por la perturbación física, es el principal fac­
tor de estructuración de las poblaciones de sílidos. Los biotopos con m ayor complejidad estructural presentan un número alto
de especies acom pañantes, incrementando Ios índices ecológicos y denotando un hábitat bien estructurado. Por otro Iado, las
comunidades controladas por variables físicas, como el interm areal superior, m uestran una fauna de sílidos pobre, dom ina­
da por especies ubiquistas y especies estenotópicas bien adaptadas a esos ambientes. N o ocurre así en otros biotopos inter-
mareales, como Corallina, cuya estructura intrincada evita la desecación y proporciona cobijo frente a predadores, perm i­
tiendo una fauna de sílidos más rica y diversa.

Palabras clave: Polychaeta, Syllidae, perturbaciones físicas, complejidad de hábitat, análisis de redundancia.

INTRODUCTION assemblages (San Martín, 1984, 2003; Serrano,

2002; Çinar and Ergen, 2002; Çinar, 2003a, b).
The family Syllidae is one of the dominant taxa Most of the syllids are free-living, mainly epibenth-
in terms of species number and abundance in coastal ic, and they are particularly diverse and abundant in
226 • A. SERRANO et al.

rocky environments, inhabiting algae and kelp rhi- Patchy distribution of macrohabitats may deter­
zoids, and being part of the cryptofauna. This wide mine parallel distributions for some populations,
environmental range is a consequence of the wide while other taxa may perceive environmental vari­
range of body dimensions (from less than 1 mm to ability at different scales and thus exhibit different
more than 90 mm), of feeding habits (from detriti- patterns, not matching those of macroscale habitats.
vores to carnivores) (Fauchald and Jumars, 1979; The aim of this study was to elucidate which are the
Giangrande et al., 2000), and of reproductive strate­ main factors structuring syllid populations in shal­
gies (featuring epigamy or schizogamy by scissipar- low rocky environments. To assess it, we examined
ity or gemmiparity) (Franke, 1999). Furthermore, quantitatively patterns of spatial distribution with
syllids are the only non-sessile polychaetes known depth, slope, and in-bay/out-bay gradients, and in a
to have asexual reproduction (Giangrande, 1990; variety of Atlantic littoral rocky habitats.
López et al., 2001). Not all syllid species show the Differences in syllid distribution across habitats
same colonization success, since the family contains could contribute to determining whether environ­
both eurytopic and stenotopic species. mental forces structuring macrobenthic habitats are
In the study area, hydrodynamic and topograph­ responsible for spatial distribution of syllids.
ic variables acting together lead to a patchy distri­
bution of macrobenthic communities. Barnacles
and turf or encrusting algae dominate the intertidal. MATERIALS AND METHODS
In the subtidal, turf-forming algae monopolize
photophilous environments with high sedim enta­ The study was carried out in three zones,
tion. Sedimentation is a key factor in habitat con­ M ouro Island (M I, num ber o f quadrats=294),
ditioning, sim plifying m acrophytic coverage, Peninsula of M agdalena (MP, n=29) and Horadada
decreasing vertical stratification and replacing island (HI, n=34), respectively located outside, at
arborescent algae with crustose and turf algae the entrance to, and inside the Bay of Santander
(Gorostiaga and Diez, 1996). Calcareous encrust­ (North Atlantic Coast of Spain, Fig. 1). Rocky bot­
ing algae are relatively abundant in localities of toms reach 20 m depth in M I, 10 m depth in MP,
low light and low sedimentation, mainly as an and 5 m depth in HI; below these depths sand
understorey amongst macroalgae (Connell, 2003), deposits completely cover the bottom . The topog­
while invertebrates dominate shaded environments raphy at MI consists m ostly of blocks of rock with
with steeper slopes. Inclination of substratum is the large vertical walls forming an intricate system of
main factor preventing siltation (Moore, 1977), narrow channels. At MP, the seascape is a large
and also determines the algal coverage by m odify­ rocky platform with a moderate slope facing off­
ing the amount of incident light. shore. In HI horizontal surfaces predom inate, with
vertical walls at the sides of the small island. MI
and MP are directly exposed to wave action, while
HI is sheltered from direct wave action but affect­
0.5 km ed by strong tidal currents (Castillejo et al., 1984).
Mouro Island In M I silt is lim ited to the bottom of channels,
whereas in MP and HI sedim entation occurs over
the whole area.
All the communities found in the study area have
P en in su la of M agdalena been defined in previous studies (Garcia-Castrillo et
al., 2000; Puente, 2000) and referred to tidal level,
algal coverage and especially to a basal encrusting
stratum of M esophyllum lichenoides (Ellis)
Horadada Lemoine. These communities were grouped into 12
“habitats” following previous general studies on the
Bay of S a n ta n d e r
whole polychaete fauna of the area (Serrano, 2002).
There were three intertidal habitats, Barnacles
F ig . 1. - M ap o f Santander Bay (Cantabrian Sea, North Atlantic
coast o f Spain) showing the three sampling zones: M ouro Island (BAR, n=5) dominated by Chthamalus stellatus
(M I), Peninsula o f M agdalena (MP) and Horadada Island (HI). (Poli), Corallina elongata Ellis and Solander (COR,

SCI. M A R., 70S3, D ecem ber 2006, 225-235. ISSN: 0214-8358


n=37), and Lower Intertidal (LIA, n=16) grouping all fauna and flora. Sample quadrats measured 625
Bifurcaria bifurcata Ross and Codium tomentosum cm2, except for those falling within the Laminaria
Stackhouse communities. Four other habitats were ochroleuca community, which were sized 2500 cm2
characterized as subtidal without a basal stratum of because of the large algal size. Abundance values
M esophyllum: two animal-based habitats without were extrapolated to abundance per square metre for
algal cover, Anemonia viridis (Forsskâl) (ANE, n=3) further analysis.
and Sabellaria spinulosa Leuckhart “re e f’ (SAB, We exam ined differences in syllid density
n=2), a seasonal Small-Sized Algae habitat (SSA, (average number of individuals m-2), species rich­
n=22) grouping communities dominated by several ness (average species number per quadrat) and
genera (Aglaotham nion, Asparagopsis, D ictyo­ Shannon diversity (species densities per quadrat)
pteris, Dictyota), and a Macroalgae habitat dominat­ referred to depth strata, substratum inclination,
ed by Cystoseira baccata (Gmelin) Silva (CYS, zone and habitats, using a Kruskal-W allis 1-way
n=20). These four habitats showed a high siltation- ANO VA on ranks. W hen significant differences
resilience, and were located at rock-sand bound­ were detected, pairwise “a posteriori” D unn’s tests
aries. There were four subtidal habitats with a were run to identify the groups responsible for
Mesophyllum stratum: Laminaria ochroleuca De La such differences. Depth ranges (in metres) used
Pylaie (LAM , n=48), Gelidium sesquipedale were: -5-0, 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20; substratum
(Clemente) Thuret (GEL, n=39), a Small Red Algae inclination semiquantitative ranges were: horizon­
habitat (SRA, n=17) co-dom inated by tal to subhorizontal surfaces (HOR, substratum
Calliblepharis ciliata (Hudson) Kiitzing and angle 0°-45°), vertical to subvertical walls (WVS,
Pterosiphonia complanata (Clemente) Falkenberg, 46°-90°), overhangs (OVH, 91°-135°), and ‘ceil­
and a Mesophyllum lichenoides community without ings’ (CEI, 136°-180°).
algal cover (MES, n=7). Finally, shaded walls, over­ To assess the amount o f variation in syllid den­
hangs and caves were grouped in a Sciophilous sities per quadrat related to a set of environm ental
habitat category (SCI, n=141), dominated by ani­ factors, a redundancy analysis (RDA) was used.
mals, mostly sponges and cnidarians. The set of variables comprised depth, substratum
In the Discussion section the terms “habitat inclination, zone and habitat. Sponge and algal
complexity” and “physical disturbance” are used. abundance (as wet w eight per quadrat) were
McCoy and Bell (1991) stated that “habitat com­ included, aiming to reflect a sciophilous-pho-
plexity” encompasses the absolute abundance of tophilous gradient and a habitat complexity m eas­
habitat structural components and the relative abun­ ure (see above). Density data were log-trans­
dances of different habitat structural components. formed to diminish the effect of uneven densities,
Thereby, the total abundance of structural species distribution, and rare taxa. The M onte Carlo
(algae and sponges in photophilous and sciophilous method was used to test the statistical significance
environments, respectively) was used in the analy­ of the first and all canonical axes together using
sis. In addition, Laminaria rhizoids, Mesophyllum 999 perm utations under the reduced model. RDA
basal stratum and three-dimensional sponges are results were represented graphically in bidimen-
considered as habitat structural com ponents. sional ordination generated by biplot scaling
Regarding physical disturbance, intertidal condi­ focused on inter-species distances, representing
tions and burial and abrasion by sand have been species and samples by points and environm ental
considered as the main sources of stress (Sousa, variables by vectors.
2001). Following these criteria, habitats have been
classified as follows: high habitat complexity and
low physical disturbance (LAM, GEL, SCI), m edi­ RESULTS
um habitat complexity and physical disturbance
(SRA, COR, CYS, MES, SAB) and low habitat A total of 38 syllid species from 19 genera were
complexity and high physical disturbance (BAR, identified, being present in 92.4% of the samples
ANE, LIA, SSA). (330). The subfamily Syllinae was the best repre­
Sampling was conducted by SCUBA diving sented in species number (17 species, Table 1), in
between intertidal and 20 m depth. We examined terms of density (155.2 ind. n r 2) and in frequency of
357 random quadrats and scraped off and collecting occurrence (91.0%). The most common and abun­

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228 • A. SERRANO et al.

TABLE 1. - Syllids collected in the study area listed in decreasing order o f total density (ind. n r2, standard deviation in brackets) within
each subfamily (Syllinae, Eusyllinae, Autolytinae, Exogoninae), and per habitat (see acronyms in M aterials and m ethods). Species acronym
used in RDA is listed (RDA Ac)


Syllis armillaris (Müller) Sarm 3.9 (11.6) 12.0 (22.2) 8.0 (11.3) 37.3 (18.5)
Syllis gracilis Grube Sgra 40.0 (54.8) 112.9 (134.7) 21.2 (33.6) 21.3 (18.5)
Syllis variegata Gm be Svar 9.1 (24.6) 30.3 (44.5) 16.0 (0.0) 32.0 (27.7)
Syllis prolifera Krohn Spro 77.0 (232.5) 2.0 (8.0)
Trypanosyllis zebra (Grube) Tzeb 3.5 (14.7) 6.0 (24.0) 5.3 (9.2)
Haplosyllis spongicola (Gmbe) Hspo 16.0 (16.0)
Syllis amica Quatrefages Sami 20.0 (44.7) 21.9 (32.3) 6.0 (24.0)
Syllis corallicola Verrili Scor 2.0 (12.3) 3.1 (12.5)
Syllis colum bretensis (Campoy) Scol 1.0 (4.0)
Syllis gerlachi (Hartmann-Schröder) Sger 6.0 (24.0)
Eurysyllis tuberculata Ehlers Etur 2.0 (8.0) 5.3 (9.2)
Syllis krohnii Ehlers Skro 2.6 (11.6)
Trypanosyllis coeliaca Claparède Tcoe 3.0 (12.0)
Syllis hyalina Gmbe Shya
Syllis vivipara Krohn Sviv 3.2 (7.2) 4.8 (15.9)
Syllis garciai (Campoy) Sgar 10.7 (18.5)
Syllis beneliahuae (Campoyand Alquézar) Sben
Pionosyllis lamelligera Saint-Joseph Plam 1.0 (4.0) 8.0 (11.3) 10.7 (18.5)
Paraehlersia ferrugina Langerhans Pfer 0.9 (5.3)
Odontosyllis ctenostoma Claparède Octe 20.0 (44.7) 5.6 (14.7)
Syllides fu lvu s (M arion and Bobretzky) Sful
Amblyosyllis madeirensis Langerhans Amad
Eusyllis assimilis M arenzeller Eass
Autolytus brachycephalus (Marenzeller) Abra 1.7 (6.3) 2.0 (5.5)
Autolytus edwarsi Saint-Joseph Aedw 0.9 (5.3)
Procerastea nematodes Langerhans Pnem
Proceraea aurantiaca Claparède Paur 0.4 (2.6) 5.0 (20.0)
Autolytus prolifer (Müller) Apro
Autolytus quindecimdentatus Langerh. Aqui
Proceraea picta Ehlers Ppic 5.3 (9.2)
Myrianida pinnigera (Montagu) M pin
Sphaerosyllis pirifera Claparède Spir 41.5 (102.2) 5.0 (12.7) 8.0 (11.3) 32.0 (55.4)
Exogone naidina Oersted Enai
Brania pusilla (Dujardin) Bpus 6.9 (20.5) 4.3 (9.2) 5.3 (9.2)
Sphaerosyllis hystrix Claparède Shys 2.6 (15.8) 1.0 (4.0) 10.7 (18.5)
Salvatoria clavata (Claparède) Scla 0.9 (5.3)
Parapionosyllis brevicirra (Day) Pbre
Salvatoria limbata (Claparède) Slim

dant species was Syllis armillaris (64.4%), followed depth, whereas S. armillaris dominated in the
by Syllis gracilis (58.0%) and Syllis variegata remaining strata, increasing its density with depth.
(49.6%) (see abundance values in Table 1). With lower values, Syllis prolifera and Sphaerosyllis
pirifera were also abundant in intertidal and S. var­
Depth iegata in subtidal samples.

No significant associations were found between Substratum inclination

depth and the ecological indices. However, signifi­
cant differences in densities (H = l8.2, p<0.01), Syllid density (H=9.94, p=0.02), species richness
species richness (H=20.6, p<0.01) and diversity (H=9.16, p=0.03) and diversity (H=9.62, p=0.02)
(H=26.3, p<0.01) between depth-strata were detect­ were significantly higher on ceilings than on hori­
ed. According to the “a posteriori” test, intertidal zontal, vertical and subvertical surfaces (Fig. 2d, e,
and the 0-5 m stratum densities were significantly f). Overhangs did not show significant differences
higher than those of the 15-20 m stratum (Fig. 2a). from the rest of the slope ranges, thus representing a
Richness and diversity values in the 0-5 m and 5-10 transition habitat.
m strata were significantly higher than intertidal val­ Syllis armillaris and S. gracilis were again the
ues (Fig. 2b, c). most abundant species in all inclination ranges, but
Syllis gracilis was the most abundant species in with remarkably high values on ceilings, followed
the intertidal and the 0-5 m stratum, decreasing with by S. variegata on horizontal and vertical surfaces.

SCI. M A R., 70S3, D ecem ber 2006, 225-235. ISSN: 0214-8358



11.4(15.4) 67.8 (139.7) 24.0(27.2) 107.4 (117.1) 53.3 (45.3) 103.2 (74.7) 71.8 (120.9) 56.7 (94.7)
12.8 (35.2) 1.9 (7.8) 2.8 (6.4) 29.7 (26.8) 34.5 (49.9) 35.4(39.9) 49.4 (104.5) 43.1 (87.1)
7.5 (16.8) 9.4 (15) 4.8 (9.4) 22.9 (29.0) 16.0 (24.3) 36.0 (42.6) 23.1 (34.8) 20.0 (32.6)
0.7 (3.4) 3.8 (15.5) 0.9 (7.4) 8.6 (77.8)
3.5 (11.6) 0.9 (3.9) 0.2 (0.9) 8.6 (20.1) 4.3 (7.3) 7.8 (18.5) 5.6(15.7)
2.2 (5.6) 0.9 (3.9) 0.8 (3.6) 5.1 (10.5) 5.4(11.4) 9.6 (22.8) 5.4(16.0)
0.9 (3.9) 0.8 (3.6) 0.1 (0.6) 0.1 (0.6) 0.1 (1.3) 3.0 (14.2)
2.3 (6.0) 1.6(8.0) 2.1 (7.1) 3.0 (15.5) 2.0 (11.5)
1.5 (6.8) 1.4 (4.4) 2.7 (8.6) 3.2 (7.6) 2.5 (10.0) 1.9 (7.8)
1.2 (7.7) 1.5 (5.3) 1.8 (8.8) 1.3 (8.1)
4.5 (13.2) 2.4 (9.3) 0.6 (3.5) 1.2 (6.3)
0.7 (3.4) 4 .6(12.1) 0.4 (2.4) 1.1 (6.8) 0.9 (6.1)
1.6 (6.1) 1.4 (5.7) 0.8 (3.5) 0.8 (4.4)
0.2 (0.9) 1.2 (5.7) 0.4 (2.4) 1.1 (7.3) 0.6 (5.1)
0.5 (5.3)
0.7 (3.4) 0.2 (0.9) 0.8 (5.1) 0.8 (4.6) 0.3 (2.2) 0.4 (3.3)
0.4 (2.6) 0.0 (0.8)
4.4 (12.3) 0.9 (3.9) 1.6 (4.9) 4 .6(12.1) 20.1 (63.9) 5.5 (17.5) 12.7 (43) 8.6 (35.5)
9.4 (38.8) 0.8 (3.6) 2.1 (7.5) 1.3 (4.0) 1.1 (4.5) 1.4 (9.5)
2.3 (6.0) 0.5 (3.3) 1.1 (7.6)
1.5 (4.7) 0.9 (3.9) 0.1 (0.6) 0.3 (2.3) 0.2 (1.7)
0.1 (1.3) 0.0 (0.8)
0.1 (1.3) 0.0 (0.8)
6.5 (18.7) 7.5 (21.3) 2.4 (7.8) 2.3 (6) 4.6(10.3) 4.7 (9.9) 23.6 (52.8) 11.7 (35.6)
0.7 (3.4) 0.2 (0.9) 3.3 (15.7) 1.8 (4.6) 8.7 (43.9) 4.2 (28.4)
10.3 (54.6) 4.1 (34.6)
1.2 (5.5) 0.9 (3.9) 1.0 (4.5) 5 (23.2) 3.7 (8.4) 3.8 (14.9) 3.0 (13.4)
1.2 (5.7) 0.6 (3.1) 2.5 (13.4) 1.2 (8.8)
0.2 (0.9) 0.4 (2.6) 1.5 (10.1) 0.6 (6.4)
0.8 (5.1) 1.8 (4.8) 0.6 (3.0) 0.6 (3.2)
1.2 (5.5) 0.2 (2.7) 0.2 (2.2)
14.5 (25.1) 2.8 (11.6) 2.0 (4.9) 16.0 (35.8) 10.9 (22.3) 7.9 (13.1) 9.6 (37.3) 12.4 (43.4)
2.2 (7.5) 0.2 (0.9) 4.5 (28.2) 15.7 (74.3) 6.8 (48.1)
10.2 (23.4) 3.8 (15.5) 2.0 (5.6) 11.4 (15.2) 15.3 (42.1) 5.8 (15.8) 4.7 (13.6) 6.4 (20.1)
4.4 (8.8) 4.9 (16.5) 0.5 (3.5) 7.0 (32.7) 4.1 (22.2)
2.9 (9.4) 0.2 (0.9) 3.4(13.8) 0.3 (2.3) 2.6 (10.8) 1.7 (8.7)
0.7 (3.4) 4.7 (12.3) 0.2 (0.9) 0.9 (3.8) 0.5 (4.3) 0.6 (4.2)
0.3 (4.0) 0.1 (2.5)

The Autolytinae preferred shaded overhangs and syllid density in MP was due to Syllis prolifera, fol­
ceilings (Table 1), with Autolytus brachycephalus, lowed by S. pirifera, S. gracilis or S. armillaris that
Procerastea nematodes and Autolytus edwardsi also dominated in one of the other two zones.
quite abundant in these habitats.
Macrobenthic habitats
Out-bay / in-bay
Significant differences in the three ecological
Significant ‘betw een-zone’ differences were indices were found (H: 58.8, H=60.9, H=48.6 in
found in density (H: 10.6, p<0.01)(Fig. 2g), richness density, richness, and diversity respectively, p<0.01
(H: 13.9, p<0.01) (Fig. 2h) and diversity (H: 12.2, in all indices), but a high between-habitat homo­
p<0.01) (Fig. 2i). The in-bay zone (HI) showed geneity is apparent, according to an “a posteriori”
higher indices than the out-bay zone (M I), a transi­ test. COR showed average densities higher than
tional zone being at the entrance to the bay (MP). those of SRA, SSA and CYS, without other differ­
In MI S. armillaris dominated (62.6 ind. m-2), ences between habitats (Fig. 2j). Regarding species
followed by S. gracilis (33.1) and S. variegata richness and diversity (Fig. 2k, 1), values were sig­
(19.3), whereas in HI S. gracilis showed the highest nificantly higher in LAM than in the rest of the envi­
average density (135.3 ind. m-2), followed by the ronments except for SCI, GEL and MES.
Exogoninae S. pirifera (46.1) and Exogone naidina In analysing faunal dominances two patterns
(45.2), and A. brachycephalus (38.1). The higher were found. In the intertidal (Table 1, Fig. 3), the

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230 • A. SERRANO et al.

a) b) c)
10 AB C D E


w 400

S 4

-5-0 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 -5-0 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 -5-0 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20

1000 “ 10


0 0

g) h)
1200 12

1000 10

ai 8

S 600

200 2

0 0
A B C D E F G H I J 12 A B C D E F G H I J A B C D E F G H I J
600 ,10 C -r
) * B
i 400 HE
i * E ° u

b fi

0 D
O 9 O cu < o
mu O Zi co %o
á §
C/3 <
c/5 O S c/5 CD
o □ CO < (/) ü 2 Í0 O

FIg . 2. - Syllid density (ind m -2), species richness, and diversity at depth ranges (a, b, c), at semiquantitative levels o f substratum inclination
(d, e, f), at zone (g, h , i), and habitat (j, k , 1). See acronym s in M aterial and m ethods section. Uppercase letters indicate m ean values arranged
in descending order. Groups o f underlined letters indicate non-significant differences betw een pair treatm ents.

eurytopic S. gracilis was the most abundant species, careous-stratum habitats (Table 1). However, this
accompanied by such intertidal-adapted species as homogeneity in indices and faunal dominances did
Syllis amica. Odontosyllis ctenostoma and Syllis not exist with respect to total species richness (Fig.
prolifera (in COR), or subtidal species in lower 3): of 38 species sampled in the area, 35 were found
intertidal levels such as S. variegata (in LIA). In the in shaded habitats, 28 in GEL and 27 in LAM (Table
subtidal S. armillaris dominated all environments, 1). CYS (19 species), COR (18), LIA (17), SRA
with higher densities in shaded and algae-with cal­ (15), ANE (12) and MES (10) presented medium

SCI. M A R., 70S3, Decem ber 2006, 225-235. ISSN: 0214-8358


□ Non-dominant (<1 %N) □Dominant(>1 % N)



0C)l In clin a tio n
S C L fc

F ig . 3. - Total species richness by habitat, representing the per­ ;r a
centage o f non-dom inant species vs dom inant species, in decreas­ D e p th
ing order o f non-dom inant percentage. Only those species with
abundances higher than 1% o f the total habitat abundance were
considered dominant.

values, while BAR and SAB were the poorest habi­

tats (4 species each). The low total species richness
found in some habitats (e.g. BAR and SAB) has to ■1.0 1.0

be considered cautiously due to the different sam­ 4. - Redundancy analysis (RDA) showing the bidim ensional
F ig .
pling effort. Richness was higher in SCI, GEL and ordination o f species with superimposed vectors representing the
environm ental variables (represented only those variables making a
LAM as a consequence of the number of non-domi­ m ajor contribution to the axes). Acronyms of species in Table 1,
nant species (Figure 3), with slight differences con­ and habitat acronyms in M aterials and methods section.
cerning dominant species. It is remarkable that the
four dominant species (S. armillaris, S. gracilis S. groups (Fig. 5). Groups I, II and III gathered all
variegata and S. pirifera) were found in 11 out of 12 intertidal samples of MI, MP and HI respectively,
habitats (Table 1). showing a higher aggregation of the in-bay samples
(HI). Subtidal sample points formed a less clustered
Spatial patterns of syllids in relation to

The first three axes of RDA accounted for 15.1%

of syllid variation in the species per sample matrix, VIII IV
and 77.5% of variation in the “species-environment” III
matrix. The option of deleting rare species in the
analysis was rejected (due to their main role in the if
species-environment relationship), this explaining
the low percentage of variance obtained. The Monte -----
Carlo tests indicated that both the first axis V III ^
(P=0.0()2) and all canonical axes together ( P=0.002)
were significant. Axis 1 showed moderate correla­
tion with depth (1--0.65) and COR habitat (r=0.59),
denoting the intertidal-subtidal gradient as the major
pattern in syllid distribution (Fig. 4). Axis 2 was cor­ VI
related with the in-bay zone (r=0.31) and out-bay
zone (1--0.24) showing the estuarine gradient as the
second factor in structuring syllid populations. ■1.0 1.0

However, both axes together depicted a habitat com­ 5. - Redundancy analysis (RDA) showing the bidim ensional
F ig .

plexity gradient diagonally opposing intertidal and ordination o f sam ples. Dotted lines and rom an numbers indicate
groups o f samples discussed in the text. Infill colours represent zone
subtidal without Mesophyllum habitats to the more (no colour-M I, grey-M P, black-HI) and numbers represent habitats
complex SCI, LAM and GEL habitats. These axes (1-ANE, 2-BAR, 3-COR, 4-CY S, 5-GEL, 6-LAM , 7-LIA, 8-MES,
9-SA B, 10-SCI, 11-SRA, 12-SSA). Habitat acronyms in M aterials
determined the aggregation of samples into several and methods section.

SCI. M A R., 70S3, D ecem ber 2006, 225-235. ISSN: 0214-8358

232 • A. SERRANO et al.

group, showing slight differences in syllid composi­ the interrelationship between physical disturbance
tion. However, a spatial pattern was recognizable and habitat complexity. In the past few decades it
allowing several groups to be defined. The subtidal has become increasingly clear that environmental
samples of the in-bay zone showed a higher cluster­ disturbance plays a critical role in determining bio­
ing compared with other subtidal samples, especial­ logical provision of habitat heterogeneity and, as a
ly the shallow shaded habitats (group V). Algae result, in determining the abundance of diversity of
without Mesophyllum of HI (group IV) were located species in hard-bottomed littoral communities (e.g.
close to the rest of the subtidal samples. In the neg­ Sanders, 1968; Dayton, 1971; Thompson et al.,
ative segment of axis 2, group VI encompassed sam­ 1996; Sousa, 2001). Environmental stresses affect
ples of algae without a basal calcareous stratum of populations in two ways, through direct effects on
MI and MP together with some samples with a individuals, and indirectly, through changes in the
Mesophyllum stratum, but with low vertical devel­ physical and biogenic structure o f the habitat
opment, the SRA habitat. Finally, quadrats sampled (Sousa, 2001). Habitat com plexity diminishes
in the shaded habitats of MP and MI and all the sam­ because disturbance affects primarily the large ses­
ples of macroalgae with a calcareous basal stratum sile species that determine the three-dimensional
(there were no macroalgae with calcareous stratum structure of the assemblages and provide food, shel­
habitats in HI) were grouped near the centroid of the ter and habitat for the rest of the species (Dean and
plot with a low affinity to each other. These samples Connell, 1987). Mobile animals can behaviourally
showed a slight splitting between zones, with group avoid environmental stresses, depending on the
VII corresponding to MI and group VIII to MP. intensity and rapidity of the development of the
W hen projecting syllid species on the plot (Fig. harsh conditions, as well as on the motility of the
4), it was noteworthy that most of the species were species. Syllids arc medium or small-sized free-liv­
located on the patches of shaded and calcareous ing organisms, mostly a few millimetres long, with
basal stratum habitats, especially in the Mouro a low motility at the macrohabitat scale, and there­
Island group (group VII, Fig. 5). Except for a few fore need the existence of microhabitats or “refuges”
species located in the intertidal, there w eren’t in harsh arcas or during periods of environmental
species occurring on the rest of the patches. This fact harshness (Bailey-Brock et al., 1980).
means that more complex habitats have higher den­ Rocky intertidal habitats experience a wide range
sities for most species, whereas habitats without a of physical conditions, determining a high distur­
calcareous stratum do not have an unique syllid bance level. Wave exposure, degree of immersion,
fauna. Intertidal communities had an exclusive thermal conditions, nutrient concentrations, and cli­
fauna of a few well-adapted species such as Syllis mate present a harsh environment to polychaetes,
amica, Odontosyllis ctenostoma, Syllis prolifera and that show a low endurance to desiccation.
Syllis vivipara, to which S. gracilis, an eurytopic Intolerance of these severe conditions leads to the
species, was added. Syllis gracilis typified shallow absence of most of syllid species, and therefore low
water samples in clear bathymetric opposition to S. values for ecological indices, especially in upper
armillaris (Fig. 4). Other species occupied positions intertidal habitats. Species richness and diversity are
out of the main group with higher abundance in cer­ also related to the predator efficiency in controlling
tain habitats. In this way, Autolytus edwarsi, the monopolization of environmental resources by a
Exogone naidina and Autolytus brachycephalus few dominant species (Paine, 1966; Russ, 1980).
showed affinity with shallow shaded habitats, S. p ir­ M enge (1978) concluded that this efficiency
ifera with shallow habitats, especially inside the bay, decreases in exposed intertidal habitats with low
and Parapionosyllis brevicirra with Small Red algae coverage. These processes are evident in the
Algae (Fig. 4, Tablel). intertidal of the study arca, where physical condi­
tions promote an increase of the density of resilient
species, not biologically controlled by predation or
DISCUSSION competition as a consequence of the absence of most
of the fauna. Thus intertidal habitats are dominated
The results of this study strongly support the by a few stenotopic (e.g. Syllis amica, Odontosyllis
view that the spatial distribution patterns of syllids ctenostoma, Syllis prolifera, Syllis vivipara) and
on shallow rocky environments are determined by eurytopic (S. gracilis) species. In the upper intertidal

SCI. M A R., 70S3, D ecem ber 2006, 225-235. ISSN: 0214-8358


arcas these large-sized syllid species arc the only diversity, denoting well-structured communities
ones found. The lack of small-sized species in the where eurytopic syllids are in equilibrium with other
harshest environments could be due to the ability of species of polychaetes and/or with other taxa. For
individuals to reach a refuge in order to avoid stress­ this reason, densities in these “climax” habitats were
es. In the midtidal areas physical forces are still pre­ lower than in the Corallina turf.
dominant, but the tangled morphology of Corallina The in-bay/out-bay gradient was the second fac­
turf alleviates the environmental stress during low tor in canonical ordination below intertidal condi­
tide, retaining water and providing shelter (Bailey tions, but the absence of an unique syllid fauna in
Brock et al., 1980). Corallina turfs also trap consid­ the in-bay zone rejects the hypothesis of the prepon­
erable quantities o f sedim ent (Stew art, 1983), derance of the estuarine factor over other variables.
favouring the presence of interstitial Exogoninae (S. The weight of that gradient depicts the presence of
pirifera. Brania pusilla, see Table 1). intertidal and shallow subtidal shaded ceilings at the
Environmental disturbance in the arca is also sides of the in-bay island, which represent one of the
caused by burial and scour by sand (Hartnoll, 1983), most favourable habitats for syllids, both generalists
particularly in the habitats located close to sand-rock (S. gracilis) and specialists (e.g. Autolytinae).
boundaries. Algae living under these conditions However, S. gracilis may be a complex of two
have small thalli and most of them arc seasonal genetically divergent species (Maltagliati et al.,
(Gorostiaga and Diez, 1996). The seasonal disap­ 2000), with affinity to brackish environm ents
pearance of this algal cover is another agent of dis­ (Cognetti and Maltagliati, 2000), this likely explain­
turbance. As in the intertidal, there is a simplifica­ ing its high abundance in the in-bay zone.
tion of the habitat structure, and a paucity of poly­ Syllids require spatial structures at microhabitat
chaete assemblages occurs (Tena et al., 2000; Çinar-, level not at macrohabitat level (Abbiati et al, 1987;
2003a, b), resulting in low indices values (Warwick Giangrande, 1988), this producing a high faunal
and Davies, 1977). Unlike the intertidal habitats homogeneity between habitats according to several
these less complex subtidal habitats do not have an workers (e.g. Cognetti, 1957; Giangrande, 1988;
unique syllid fauna, but are dominated by the same López and Viéitez, 1999; Tena et al., 2000). All
species as the more complex ones but with lower biotopes were dominated by a low number of
densities and without the presence of rare and scarce species such as S. armillaris, S. gracilis and S. var­
species. iegata. Differences occur between disturbance lev­
In contrast, environments with stable and uni­ els in terms of the number of occasional and rare
form physical conditions not critical in controlling species and in the relative dominance of ubiquitous
the presence of species are inhabited by stable, com­ species, S. gracilis being dominant in intertidal and
plex and buffered communities. This results in bio­ shallow subtidal areas and S. armillaris and S. var­
logically accommodated ecosystems (controlled by iegata in subtidal areas. Syllis gracilis has been
predation, competition, food availability) character­ quoted as a species with high densities in physically
ized by a large number of occasional and rare steno- controlled and less structured environments (Bellan,
topic species (Sanders, 1968; M enge and 1980; Çinar, 2003a). On the other hand, other steno-
Sutherland, 1976; Russ, 1980; Somaschini et al., topic species limit their presence to more complex
1997). In the study area, shaded habitats and habitats. The subfamily Autolytinae showed higher
macroalgae with a calcareous stratum (Laminaria, densities in anim al-dominated habitats as a conse­
Gelidium) have the lowest physical disturbance and quence of their trophic (Hamond, 1969) and repro­
the highest habitat complexity. In this environments ductive links with hydrozoa (Britayev and San
a great variety of cryptic habitats are available (e.g. Martin, 2001).
crevices, sponges, Lam inaria rhizoids or Reproductive types probably play a key role in
Mesophyllum calcareous layers). Several associa­ syllid zonation along disturbance gradients.
tions involve syllids with structural species like ses­ Giangrande (1990) found that syllid species with
sile invertebrates, especially sponges (López et al., continuous reproduction were linked to shallower
2001; San Martin, 2003), in animal-dominated shad­ depths (higher physical fluctuation), and the species
ed habitats, or with calcareous concretions (Martin, which reproduced seasonally were linked to greater
1987; San Martin and Aguirre, 1991). These envi­ depths (major interspecific competition). Syllis pro­
ronmental conditions increase species richness and lifera, mainly intertidal in the study area, is a coli­

s a . M A R., 70S3, D ecem ber 2006, 225-235. ISSN: 0214-8358

234 • A. SERRANO et al.

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