Hughes 2021
Hughes 2021
Hughes 2021
3, 298–309, 2021
Copyright 2021 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
ABSTRACT.—For this study, we examined a large sample of museum specimens to ascertain the reproductive ecology of Rhinophrynus
dorsalis (Mexican Burrowing Toad) in México. Seasonal aboveground activity was highest during May to August, which tracks monthly
General patterns of amphibian ecology and evolution can be conical head, stout body, small eyes, loose skin, and the absence
inferred from studies into the life history of individual species. of a tympanum, some features of which it superficially shares
For example, descriptive studies of courtship have led to with distantly related burrowing frogs in the families Brevici-
theoretical advances in sexual selection (Ryan et al., 1990) and pitidae, Hemisotidae, and Myobatrachidae (Ford and Canna-
social behavior (Wells, 1977). Furthermore, empirical experi- tella, 1993). Unique among anurans, however, is that R. dorsalis
ments with a single species (Resetarits and Wilbur, 1989) have exhibits a distinctive method of tongue protrusion that has been
extended our understanding of the role that variable behaviors posited to be an adaptation for subterranean feeding (Trueb and
play in the evolution of life history, such as oviposition site Gans, 1983). This species is distributed from extreme southern
choice (Resetarits, 1996). Data on life history strategies can be Texas (USA) along the coastal plain of the Caribbean versant
analyzed in a phylogenetic context to elucidate evolutionary through Belize south to Nicaragua, and along the Pacific versant
patterns of reproductive diversity within a clade (Portik and from Guerrero (México) to Guatemala and Costa Rica (Camp-
Blackburn, 2016) or to estimate the ecophysiological conditions bell, 1998; Savage, 2002; Santos-Barrera et al., 2010). Rhino-
under which reproductive modes evolved globally (Lion et al., phrynus dorsalis inhabits mesic to arid forests of coastal lowlands
2019). Data derived from multiple populations on how from sea level up to 1,400 m elevation in areas that contain loose
reproductive traits vary across geography have important soil (Eisermann, 2017). This burrowing species spends most of
implications for predicting how species will respond to its life underground (Fouquette, 2005) and is irregularly
environmental change (Blaustein et al., 2001) and for docu- encountered by collectors, usually after bouts of rainfall when
menting differential selection pressures within species popula- breeding aggregations form that sometimes last for just a few
tions (Miaud et al., 1999). Also, patterns gleaned from life days (Stuart, 1961). Sexual maturity is assumed to be reached at
history investigations are increasingly recognized as indispens- body sizes ranging from 50 to 90 mm snout–vent length (SVL;
able to the development of ecologically relevant conservation Dodd, 2013) with characteristic anuran sexual-size dimorphism
strategies (Crump, 2015). Life history has implications ranging (SSD) where females are much larger than males (Savage, 2002).
from evolutionary theory to conservation biology, yet we still Breeding occurs after heavy rains in roadside ditches, small
lack information on the reproductive ecology of several pools, and other ephemeral waterbodies, with one clutch size
widespread North American anurans. The need to fill this gap estimate based on Costa Rican populations that ranges from
in knowledge has been intensified by the rapid rate and severity 2,000 to 8,000 eggs (Foster and McDiarmid, 1983).
of recent amphibian declines (Cohen et al., 2019). Rhinophrynus dorsalis possesses one of the most unique
Rhinophrynus dorsalis Duméril and Bibron, 1841 (Mexican combinations of traits among extant anurans, including a
Burrowing Toad or Sapo Borracho) is the sole extant member of specialized feeding apparatus (Trueb and Gans, 1983), indepen-
Rhinophrynidae, an ancient, monotypic anuran family origi- dently derived lack of tympanic middle ear (Pereyra et al.,
nating in the late Jurassic period (Blackburn et al., 2019), that is 2016), prolonged aestivation (up to 2 yr: Fouquette and
sister to the aquatic clawed frogs (Pipidae) from South America Rossman, 1963), distinctive superficial mandibular musculature
and Africa (Frost, 2020). Rhinophrynus dorsalis is a distinctive (Tyler, 1974), and idiosyncratic cranial anatomy (Trueb and
fossorial frog with a red orange middorsal stripe and irregular Cannatella, 1982). Rhinophrynidae is allied to Pipidae (Canna-
yellow dorsolateral marks on a purple-to-black background tella, 2015); thus, any characteristics that it shares with fossorial
skin coloration (Fouquette, 1969, 2005). This species possesses a frog families, such as Nasikabatrachidae (Zachariah et al., 2012),
particular suite of anatomical traits, including short legs, a represent convergence. Rhinophrynus dorsalis has not received
much attention despite representing an early branching lineage
Corresponding Author. E-mail: of Anura, and its potential contribution to the study of
DOI: 10.1670/20-035 convergent evolution. Available life history information for R.
dorsalis is limited to a few historical reports based on largely geographic variation because this index is statistically optimal
isolated breeding events across its extensive distribution (e.g., among available dimorphism indices (Smith, 1999).
Orton, 1943; Starrett, 1960; Stuart, 1961; James, 1966). Because We examined metabolic tradeoffs temporally between repro-
the reproductive ecology of R. dorsalis has not been examined in duction, feeding, and energy storage by calculating the monthly
detail, we set out to use museum specimens to investigate life incidence of developed fat bodies, large liver sizes, and
history variation in this species across México. Our densely reproductive status (Lu et al., 2008). We assessed the extent of
sampled data set provides insight into reproduction of the only lipid deposits associated with gonads (i.e., fat bodies) in the
living member of an ancient anuran lineage and would not have body cavity of specimens based on 3 scores: 1) trace amounts or
been possible without preserved specimens in natural history no fat bodies; 2) an intermediate volume of fat bodies; and 3) a
museums. high volume of fat bodies that extend anteriorly within the body
cavity (Meshaka, 2001). We used the highest score as an estimate
of the monthly incidence of extensive fat bodies relative to all
study, so not all measurements were extracted from all during every month except February and December; only one
specimens. Likewise, some records were incomplete as a result was collected in October (FMNH 105709), and just two in March
of nonsystematic data collection: 4.1% of specimens in our (UIMNH 37223 and UIMNH 47873). The interval with the
sample did not have any data on the month of their collection. greatest incidence of captured individuals in our sample occurred
Furthermore, a handful of specimens were cataloged under a during May–September, with an apparent peak in late summer
single museum tag, such as large lots of tadpoles (e.g., 68 (July–August). Monthly frequency of captures suggests activity
tadpoles cataloged as FMNH 191918). We chose to include data peaks for different classes: males were captured most frequently
in relevant analyses and summary statistics from all specimens, in May, females from May to July, tadpoles in July, and juveniles
including damaged specimens that still possessed interpretable in August (Fig. 2B). From community science observations on
characters or those that lacked specific collecting data, such as iNaturalist that span 16 yr (2004–2020) representing 158 Research
fat development when body size was unmeasurable or body Grade observations, we found that observations occurred in
size when collecting month was not recorded or seasonal every month, with distinct peaks in June (n = 30) and July (n =
activity when the specific locality was unavailable. Consequent- 35), and fewer than 5 records in 2 separate months: February (n =
ly, these inclusions influenced sample sizes across various 3) and December (n = 2 Fig. 2C). Taken together, the records from
categories of our analysis. The data underpinning these analyses VertNet and iNaturalist corroborate the paucity of individuals in
are available from the authors upon request. our sample that were collected in months outside of late-spring
and summer, especially during September–April (Fig. 2).
RESULTS Body Sizes.—The variance in body sizes (SVL) between males
(variance = 78.61) and females (variance = 143.69) was not equal
Monthly Frequency of Records.—From VertNet collection records (Levene’s test, F156 = 8.15, P = 0.005). The mean SVL of adult
that span 148 yr (1857–2005) representing 724 specimens of R. males (48.94 6 8.87 mm, range = 30.6–71.47 mm, n = 118) was
dorsalis from México, we found that specimens were collected in not significantly different from that of adult females (48.57 6
every month of the year, with distinct peaks in June (n = 197) and 11.99 mm, range = 34.57–77.11 mm, n = 40; 2-sample t-test with
July (n = 201), and fewer than 10 individuals in 4 separate unequal variances, t54 = -0.19, P = 0.85; Fig. 3). The mean SVL of
months: February (n = 3), October (n = 4), November (n = 3), 266 juveniles was 17.65 6 2.79 mm (range = 13–23.25 mm). The
and December (n = 4; Fig. 2A). The sample of 437 cataloged mean total length of 62 tadpoles was 33.23 6 4.88 mm (range =
specimens we examined generally reflected these same seasonal 17.12–41.84 mm; body size 14.46 6 4.97 mm [range = 7.41–18.66
patterns (Fig. 2B). In our sample, specimens were collected mm]; tail length: 18.77 6 2.97 mm [range = 9.71–23.55 mm]). The
0.92 95% CI], P = 0.009). The mean diameter of 120 measured ova
from the same 12 gravid females was 1.7 6 0.19 mm (range =
1.07–2.44 mm). Mean and maximum ovum sizes were not
correlated with body size (R = 0.31–0.38, P = 0.22–0.33), clutch
size (R = 0.06–0.15, P = 0.64–0.86), or specimen weight (R = 0.11–
0.2, P = 0.53–0.74).
Growth and Sexual Maturity.—Seasonally, the first tadpoles were
collected on 26 June 1957 from Oaxaca (FMNH 121012) and the
last on 14 August 1955 from Veracruz (UIMNH 73482), with the
most collected in July (n = 489; Fig. 2). The earliest seasonal
juvenile record was a single individual (SVL = 25.27 mm)
collected on 17 January 1978 in Guerrero (CAS 150150), and the
last was a series of 48 juveniles (SVL range = 14.24–19.01 mm)
collected on 2 November 1963 in Tabasco (CM 38925). During the
most densely sampled monthly period (April–September), the
first record of juveniles (SVL range = 14.57–18.21 mm) was a
series (n = 33) collected on 24 July 1974 (MVZ 112268–11230), and
the last (SVL range = 13–17.59 mm) was a large series (n = 92)
collected on 14 August 1955 in Veracruz (UIMNH 73390–73481;
Fig. 8).
The smallest adult male (SVL = 30.6 mm) collected on 20 July
1963 in Tabasco (UIMNH 62718) appeared to be sexually mature
based on enlarged testes that were 8.82% the length of its body
size. The smallest gravid female (stage 4) was 34.57 mm in SVL
FIG. 7. The relationship between clutch size and body size in 12 and collected on 1 July 1963 in Tamaulipas (UIMNH 64652), the
female Mexican Burrowing Toads (Rhinophrynus dorsalis) from México.
Grey shading indicates the 95% confidence interval. The equation for the
smallest ovarian stage 3 female was 36.94 mm in SVL and
line: y = -6,100 + 170x. Silhouettes modified from Eisermann (2017) collected on 20 July 1963 in Tabasco (UIMNH 62720), the
and drawn to scale relative to each other. smallest ovarian stage 2 female was 34.44 mm in SVL and
dorsalis that complement and, in some cases, extend previous From the Mexican states of San Luis Potosı́ and Nuevo León,
findings. First, we wish to highlight general biases unique to Lemos-Espinal et al. (2018; Lemos-Espinal and Dixon, 2013)
studies based on museum collections that should be considered reported that the maximum SVL of females is 88 mm and that
when interpreting their results (Robertson, 2008; Boakes et al., adult males averaged 60–65 mm, values that were likely derived
2010; Wehi et al., 2012). Nondeliberate sex biases in vertebrate from Fouquette (1969). From the Yucatán Peninsula, Lee (1996)
collections tend to be skewed toward males because they are reported an adult SVL range of 60–65 mm SVL, and that females
often the more easily captured sex. In some animal groups, such are substantially larger than males. Campbell (1998) reported
as frogs, males exhibit a greater frequency of movements, more from northern Guatemala, the Yucatán, and Belize, that males
conspicuous visual displays, and audible calling to attract mates reach 65–75 mm in SVL and females 70–80 mm in SVL, but no
(Cooper et al., 2019). Breeding aggregations of R. dorsalis consist reference material was mentioned for these size ranges. Despite
of mostly males, which conspicuously vocalize to attract seemingly widely repeated values for body sizes at maturity,
females (Savage, 2002; Dodd, 2013), and we note that our few accounts referred to measurements from specimens or
that activity is most pronounced from May to August and (SVL range = 19–27 mm), and RCM was positively related to
lowest from September to April. We detected most gravid SVL (Lemckert and Shine, 1993). We found that reproductive
females from May to August, most tadpoles from June to effort increased with body size in R. dorsalis, such that the
August, and most juveniles during July and August, indicating largest female (SVL = 77.1 mm) exhibited the highest RCM
that breeding generally begins in May after the first major (42%), while the smallest female (SVL = 34.6 mm) had the
rainfall and likely ceases by September. Males were also most second lowest RCM (22%). Interestingly, Lemckert and Shine
common in May and their testis size was likewise largest in May (1993) found that female C. signifera with RCMs >35% were
and was much smaller in specimens collected during all other much less likely to be recaptured again, suggesting that frogs
months. Nevertheless, we also found small juveniles in with greater clutch masses relative to their body masses were
November and January, and gravid females in January and subjected to greater mortality.
October, indicating that the timing of reproduction can be The paucity of specimens with recent food items in their
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FMNH 105416–105422, FMNH 121012, FMNH 171576, FMNH INHS 28075–28076, INHS 28176, INHS 30749, UIMNH 26533–
191917–191918, MVZ 51750, UIMNH 32504–32506, UIMNH 37223, 26537, UIMNH 32501–32503, UIMNH 42653–42654, UIMNH
UIMNH 42672–42673. TABASCO: CM 40078, CM 38925a–38925z, CM
42656–42661, UIMNH 42663–42664, UIMNH 42666, UIMNH
38925aa–38925vv, UIMNH 47873–47879, UIMNH 62714–62727.
TAMAULIPAS: CM 90105, UIMNH 32500, UIMNH 64640–64654. 42668–42671, UIMNH 49279–49280, UIMNH 64655, UIMNH
VERACRUZ: CAS 71765–71767, FMNH 1907, FMNH 208013–208014, 73389–73482. YUCATÁN: FMNH 551, FMNH 153417.