Frances Nixon - Mysteries of Memory Unfold
Frances Nixon - Mysteries of Memory Unfold
Frances Nixon - Mysteries of Memory Unfold
by Frances Nixon
The author's purpose for the past eighteen years has been to establish a
skeletal framework for the design of energies that account for our existence.
This includes the design responsible for the ability to record and remember
events in our lives.
The acceptance of any scientific investigation requires that other workers
must confirm the results; workers who have the knowledge and ability to
adequately explore. My basic findings have been consistently confirmed and
constructively utilized by members of the Vivaxis Energies Research Society.
We owe a great debt of gratitude to all those members of the Research
Society who for years diligently explored and confirmed each new aspect of
Vivaxis energies as it was found.
Life is beautiful and need never be dull for those who have the wisdom to
explore their role in the Universal energy scheme. The research of the Vivaxis
Energies International Research Society is focused on basic environmental
energies; forces that stimulate vital life-giving wave motions which are
recorded emana ting from every normal and healthy person. The Society's
motto summarizes our objectives, "Remove energy obstructions that hinder
healing. Reinstate a strong wave field in our bone structure and we will find
health is there all the time. The knowledge of the wavelengths of our Vivaxis
forces is one important key that makes this objective possible."
Vivaxis is a coined word; Viva - life, axis - centre, "Centre of Life." The
energies of Vivaxis are of prenatal origin and the atomic arrangements in the
baby's bone structure reflect the geophysical magnetism of the place and time
his Vivaxis was creat ed, shortly prior to birth. My findings indicate that the
basic elements and compounds in the compact bone structure of the fetus
align in a fixed arrangement. Probably under the influence of the specific force
flows that created the Vivaxis. More significantly, the fixed arrangement of the
elements is found to be repeated in the same identical permanent sequence
throughout all normal functioningmemory tracks in the cranium. The pattern,
like one's fingerprints, is individual.
Health comes on many levels, with various disciplines contributing their
specialized parts in effecting cures. Our organization does not treat disease,
we teach basic fundamentals of life's energies that our research has proved to
be essential for optimum health.
Chemists within the framework of our Society have used blood samples to
monitor the beneficial effects of saturating the system temporarily with Vivaxis
energies to counteract toxic conditions. A typical chemists report is detailed in
Vivaxis Manual, Part 5.
To date, we have succeeded in identifying five life forces that work in
resonance with each other. The Vivaxis force is the most important of all, for
our tests indicate the brain operates on the same wavelengths as those of the
individual's Vivaxis. However, the brain requires a proper balance of all its
supporting energies to work at top efficiency.
Regardless of the method of treating disease, all disciplines can benefit by
humbly exploring the underlying energy patterns that have existed since life
first appeared on earth. To treat without the knowledge of these basic
fundamentals, can be compared to the continual patching of the cracks in the
plaster walls while the foundations of the house are crumbling.
The techniques of recording and evaluating may be mastered by the average
person, but only after he has taken the appropriate steps to clear his circuit
from distorting influences.
It has taken many years of experimentation to devise methods so the average
person can reliably receive information of the five different energy forces in his
environment; forces vitally affecting the normal flow of energies in his bone
We refer to the force flow emanating from the energy waves in our bone
structure as our "energy skirt" and we use our hands held in our energy skirt
to receive wave stimulus. For example, we often use our eyes to absorb
specific wave stimulus. The stimulus absorbed through the eyes is then
transferred to eye receptors located in the tips of the fingers and in turn is
recorded by the stimulated motion of the hands kept within the confines of the
energy skirt. Recording by the foregoing method is only possible because of
the energy skirt phenomenon.
There is a great deal to learn about recording with the hands and eyes in
order to receive reliable information that can be utilized constructively. Fish,
animals and birds in their natural habitat, have sensitized their systems to
utilize these forces. Unfortunately, civilization has desensitized man to a point
where he is often unaware of weakening and destroying the very forces within
himself that nature implanted to work so harmoniously for him.
Our students are taught to evaluate and record various aspects which
enhance their flow and likewise the effects of those that disrupt the integrity of
their flow. A good percent of our students are able to accurately determine
which elements are present in an area of bone and more important if the
elements are in atomic resonance. The student is also taught how to reinstate
the proper balance when indicated. This feat is largely possible through the
knowledge of the wavelengths and frequencies associated with each element.
We have consistently observed the correlation between a malfunction in the
body and a lack of a normal wave field in the bone structure.
Making corrections to our wave field is a "Do it yourself" project. Nobody
touches you, no one channels energy into your circuit, and no instruments are
used. Sea salt and ice are natural elements that are sometimes used as aids
to reinstate a field into areas of bone. The main requirement is adequate
We feel it is a reasonable assumption to say that much of the misery and
tragedy in the world today is the result of the ignorance of natural life forces.
Civilization tends to introduce factors that distort the natural flow of life's
energies upon which our physical and mental well-being vitally depends.
Only those who have explored are capable of judging and becoming fully
aware of the tremendous potentials available to them.
Chapter 2. The Human As A Sensitive
There are ever increasing numbers of researching people from all walks of
life, who recognize the human being as a valuable instrument for receiving
information about himself and his environment. The following are comments
by Dr. James Swan:
Today we find ourselves facing energy and resource shortages and a number
of other environmental and social -problems which cloud the future. Most
certainly many of these problems can be attributed to the inability of people to
get along with each other, create social systems which foster diversified
actualization of human potentiality, and live in harmony with nature. It may
well be that in owning and exploring the sea of energy in which we live will lie
important clues to unlocking existing problems and allowing for the continued
evolution and enhancement of human life. "Everything must be balanced" is
one of the general principles which seems to guide our universe. It seems
right, then, that now may be the time to reown and use our natural sensitivities
and rediscover the world in which we live. (1)
Dr. Swan puts his finger on the pulse of life when he comments, "Everything
must be balanced." The atomic balance of our atoms depends upon the same
number of electrons as protons in their atomic structures. Only when the
atoms in our basic elements are atomically balanced are we in resonance with
our environment and capable of being a sensitive instrument.
Human sensitivity is of course a relatively little studied aspect of human
potentiality. As with many aspects of human behavior we often know more
about the negative or pathological aspects of sensitivity than the positive
ones, and yet in our sensitivity may lie the key to greater understanding of
human life as well as increased human happiness. For example, some
preliminary research by Dr. William Tiller at Stanford University has
discovered some extremely sensitive individuals who are able to use their
sensitivity to achieve greater understanding of themselves and their
According to Dr. Tiller, "One individual has shown himself to be sufficiently
sensitive to respond to a I microamp current flowing in a wire imbedded
several feet underground. "
Dr. Tiller suggests that the process by which sensitivity occurs in humans may
well be very similar to the nature of antennae which are used in electronics.
"In the human body the antennae elements are most probably the
acupuncture points whose loci lie along the meridian system. Each nerve
axon is surrounded by a myelin sheath forming a spiral structure acting as a
wave guide to conduct a traveling spiral wave to its end-point just under the
surface of the skin. Since recent studies indicate that about 600,000 linear
miles of autonomic nerve fibers exist in the mature human, this system can
constitute an antennae system of exquisite richness with respect to
information and transmission." (2)
Most people are capable of being highly sensitive instruments, once they
have taken the appropriate steps to clear their circuits of distortions. Common
distortions are caused by X-rays, wave and electric treatments, pesticides,
and in addition all practices that introduce foreign Vivaxes into a person's
Ninety percent of ray students who attend classes, learn to record with validity
but only after they have taken steps to make all factors right. As a rule, young
children and the isolated adults who have NOT been subjected to X-rays or
other mutilative treatments can automatically record during their initial
attempts. One such example was a lovely nineteen-year-old girl who attended
the course as a guest for the evening. She had never had an X-ray, so we
persuaded her to come before the class. The young novice was able to record
with ease the various influences of the different force flows. Her utter
amazement was enjoyed by all the students. We say with a strong conviction,
"IT IS NORMAL TO BE ABLE TO RECORD." What is not normal is to have
the atomic structures of your basic elements disoriented to a point where you
are no longer in proper resonance with the energies of your environment.
The reader will realize as we move further into the subject, that a person's
recording ability is directly related to the energy flow emanating from the basic
element arrangement in the bone structure. Most of our information is
received through using our hands held in our energy skirt. Wires are seldom
used anymore, except occasionally in research to determine fixed wave
vectors of various elements. Even then the elements that are included in the
material of the recording wires have to be taken into consideration.
Experience and an adequate working knowledge of all the forces involved are
required in order to evaluate and interpret the meaning of one's recording
This is a vast field that extends into every facet of life and requires
tremendous study time. Once the student is able to record and familiarize
himself with the characteristic vibrations of an element, he can then, with the
tip of his receiving finger, pinpoint the same element in areas of his bone
structure. When a student is first informed of this technique of obtaining
information, his initial reaction is one of utter disbelief. Ironically, the telltale
frequency responses of elements are strong and readily detected by the
average recorder. He soon realizes it does not take special talent, it is just
being normal.
Chapter 3. Clues To The Mystery Of Memory
I have no recollection who originated the saying, "Mystery only exists until
replaced with understanding." In any event it is an appropriate saying,
containing truth and substance.
The important factor in this observation is that when the atoms of the
elements within the bone are properly oriented to the force flow of the same
frequency, they absorb energy from the waves emanating from that source.
These energies are in turn reflected in the brain, muscles, glands, and soft
tissues underlying the bone structure. In contrast, when the elements' atoms
have some of their constituent atomic particles disrupted, the former are no
longer able to absorb the energy waves from their normal source.
The absence of the normal energy wave flow adversely affects the cells of the
bone and the adjacent tissues; often resulting in local areas of bone being
quite sore when pressed. Prolonged periods of element disruptions are
usually associated with body malfunctions. These facts are repeatedly
confirmed through research projects. Tests are conducted, so that we
deliberately take steps to reorient atoms of a specific element within a bone
area, that failed to respond to the stimulus of the force flow of the frequency
corresponding to its own.
The before and after results tell a very factual story and give substantial proof
of my hypothesis. Many of the stories that give proof are told in this book.
In the diagram, the energy wave beams (light area) represent; two related
force flows of carbon and calcium atoms in an energy exchange with the
centrifugal force flow from true North and South. The centre dot represents
the centre point of a person as he faces directly towards true North. He would
be required to face sideways to the North or South flow in order to absorb the
energy waves into side areas of bone. - This model applies to other life force
flows but they have different elements that respond to their specific
One's own Vivaxis channel is the only channel that stimulates a wave
response in all known elements of the human body. In a Vivaxis all the life
forces are combined in a permanent energy sphere, and they come into the
system at a wide variation of angles of tilt, a fact that has to be taken into
consideration when channelling.
While scanning and recording the reaction to his wave field, I was surprised to
record a stimulated moving wave emanating from his main bone structure.
Testing the orientation of the powdered carbon revealed an energy wave flow
with a fixed wave vector to true North. This phenomenon made me realize
that it was the carbon absorbing an energy wave from the centrifugal force
flow emanating from true North. This was my first intimation that an element
oriented to a specific force flow and absorbed energy from the flow.
Similar tests conducted with students attending the adult education night
classes revealed another important aspect of these energies, "Areas of bone
that had been X-rayed lacked the energy wave flow." Unless of course, some
means had been taken to correct the side effects of the radiation through
reorienting the carbon atoms.
There are niney-two chemical elements that occur in nature, but the same
small selection of sixteen shapes the basis of all living matter. One of the
sixteen, carbon plays a central role because of its ability to form complex
chains and rings that can be built into an immense number of compounds ---
Living systems consist of highly organized matter; they create order out of
disorder, but it is a constant battle against the process of disruption. Order is
maintained by bringing in energy from outside to keep the system going. So
biochemical systems exchange matter with their surroundings all the time,
they are open, thermodynamic processes, as opposed to the closed
thermostatic structure of ordinary chemical reactions. (3)
Dr. Lyall Watson's comments are timely and can be appropriately applied "to
our findings relative to element orientation, and Vivaxis.
Prior to this I had only associated a moving wave with a wave restricted to
one plane, which was created when a person aligned to a force flow of a
specific frequency; for example, aligning towards the directions of True North
or South, Magnetic North or South, or the channel direction towards his
Vivaxis; refer to Diagram 1. Previously we had observed the influences of the
force flow without full realization of the "ELEMENTS' that caused the
Calcium in the form of chalk was tested and found to create a plane oriented
wave towards true South. It was therefore established that the elements
carbon and calcium in combination work as a team, with dual plane oriented
waves towards North and South respectively. In tests, when an individual
concentrates on the wavelengths and frequencies of both carbon and calcium
combined, the same dual plane oriented wave response is recorded in his
wave field. If two elements or compounds with unrelated frequencies are
combined they do not stimulate either a plane-oriented wave or a dual plane
oriented wave.
At this stage of reading, please do not make the mistake of oversimplifying the
attraction of elements as merely negative and positive.
It should now help the reader and the author to have two terms of reference to
describe the wave behaviour of elements:
Scientists and doctors are continually searching for the energy that motivates
our body cells. They have discovered amazing things about chemical
workings of the cells in providing electrical currents, but as yet have not found
what initially produces this charge. Dr. Wilder Penfield tells us that the human
brain contains ten billion nerve cells, while each nerve cell may be able to
generate within itself and there is a brain-mind boundary that
neurophysiologists recognize and are trying to reach.
Energy waves of specific force flows seek to keep their own identity by
selecting defined channels of travel. They also select defined pathways of
travel within our systems; as determined by the arrangements of elements in
our bone structure.
Chart A. Identity Of Life Force Flows And Channel Directions Of Force Flows
First - L.F. = Magnetic North and South
Second - L.F. = Vivaxis
All the wavelengths of forces that are normally detected in separate channels
of our environment are combined in an energy package within a Vivaxis
sphere. This phenomenon is well illustrated when a tester is aligned in any
one of his four channelling positions*; all his elements' atoms respond to the
stimuli of the wavelengths of his own Vivaxis channel.
When not within the influences of Vivaxes or other fields, a person's elements
normally respond to one of the other four channels in his environment; the
specific wave frequency of the force flow that matches the element.
Third - L.F. = True North and South (centrifugal)
Fourth - L.F. = Force flows of the sun and moon.
The lines of force of the sun and moon are recorded at right angles to each
other, and at the minor period the sun's line of force is recorded towards the
West and the moon's towards the South. At our locale, which is 49 degrees N.
latitude and 123 degrees W. longitude, the line of force of the sun gradually
moves through an arc of about 22 degrees towards the north, from the minor
period to the major period. Hence, at the time of the major period,the direction
of the line of force is approximately N. 68 degrees W.. After the major period
,the direction of the force flow gradually returns to the West>which it attains at
the following minor period. Throughout the foregoing sequence of events,the
recording direction to the moon's flow maintains a right angle to that of the
sun's and therefore moves from South to S. 22 degrees West and back again.
* Refer to chapter "Channelling".
A minor period lasts between twenty to thirty minutes and a major period lasts
between one and a half to two hours. There are two minor periods and two
major periods within about a twenty-five hour period. We refer to the interval
between major and minor periods as "solunar flow period". Our ability to trace
the movement of these two flows during solunar flow periods is due to the fact
that a few of our specific elements are oriented to, and absorbing energies
from, either one of these two force flows; refer to Chart B.
We associate these force flows with gravitational tide raising forces.
Fifth - L.F. = A band of forces midway between Magnetic and True North.
In our locale it is a band of forces occupying an approximate eight degree arc,
located midway between magnetic North and true North, and magnetic South
and true South.
Chart B. Orientation Of Elements To Their Specific Force Flows
"N" or "S" opposite the element indicates a North or South wave vector. ( )
indicates duality of elements. The mates for some of the elements shown in
the chart have not been determined. The list of elements that absorb energies
from the Fourth and Fifth Life Forces are incomplete at this time. In all
instances only elements or compounds were selected that responded to the
frequencies within our energy circuits., e.g. silica for silicon.
Second L.F.
The frequencies that comprise First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Life Forces. All
these forces form an energy package in one's Vivaxis. Consequently, all our
elements respond to the frequencies of our Vivaxis.
The atoms of an element only respond to the force exerted by energy waves
of the specific wave frequency characteristic of the element. At the Banff
seminar in October 1977, we demonstrated this principle with two tuning
forks. Both tuning forks were tuned to middle "C". When one of the tuning
forks was struck, the tuning fork located nearby started to vibrate in sympathy,
even though it had not been touched - Energy had been exchanged through
the medium of waves of the same frequency. In contrast, when we tuned one
fork to a different note, say "F", and struck the first tuning fork stilled tuned to
"C", there was no responsive vibration felt in the "F" fork.
Students soon find that the same general laws of basic wave behaviour in
atoms throughout the Universe, are also enacted within their own systems
and thus they are able to relate basic laws in a manner that fascinates them.
The difference between life and nonlife is the organized arrangement of
elements found throughout living matter; especially surrounding our higher
hrain receptors and memory tracks.
It is logical that our brain recognizes and responds to the same wavelengths
of the elements that surround the brain receptors. If it comes as a surprise to
some of us that the elements in our bone structure absorb energies from
specific force flows in our environment, maybe the principle described in the
following will help our understanding.
The compressed incandescent gas near the surface of the Sun sends out all
colors and therefore all wavelengths of light. When such continuous liqht
traverses a layer of cool gas, such as our atmosphere or the atmosphere of
Jupiter, the vibrating atoms and molecules are activated and steal from the
beam precisely those wavelengths characteristic of their rates of vibration.
When we analyse the light with a spectrograph we measure the wavelengths
that are missing, and so identify the atomic or molecular thieves who are
responsible for the loss. The missing wavelengths appear as dark lines in a
spectrum. (5)
Channelling to one's Vivaxis, as described in Chapter 12, has by far the most
depleting effect on spectators in the vicinity. The reason is apparent, for a
wider spectrum of wavelengths are involved and consequently a larger range
of the spectator's elements are affected. A spectator capable of recording
would find a lack of normal energy wave response in many of his elements.
A person's atoms are normally absorbing wavelengths characteristic of their
rate of vibration or frequency, but in far lesser concentration than when he
faces directly into a force flow.
Any circumstance that affects the normal energy absorption of our elements
also affects our memory mechanism. The effect may be temporary or of long
duration. For example, strong and direct exposure to most types of electric
and fluorescent lighting inhibits the normal energy wave supply of solunar
forces absorbed by such elements as nickel, manganese, copper, lead, and
The foregoing remarks are not directed towards lights that are now available
and designed to radiate all the spectrum of natural light.
The following diagram is a sample of the variations in the angle of head tilt
required to stimulate the different atoms of the elements when a person is
facing directly into the Fifth Life Force flow. The gaps illustrate elements that
are not yet identified, but their stimuli are recorded.
The arrangement, sequence of the elements, and the angle of head tilt
required to receive responses from specific elements is characteristic of the
individual and normally remains consistent for that individual. Thus, the
element arrangement for each person differs.
Consequently, one individual's iodine atoms might always respond to the
frequency of iodine when his head is level and faced into the Fifth Life Force,
but another person 's iodine 's atoms would respond only when his head was
tilted at a specific angle into the force flow.
Chapter 4. Magnetic And Gravitational Groups
A physicist friend on July 1st., 1977, made an interesting observation relative
to the magnetic properties of some of the specific elements that I had found
attracted each other. Using the periodic tables he calculated that several of
the dual elements' atomic numbers, when combined, added up to the atomic
number of a magnetic element.
Taking a tip from my physicist friend, I later used the periodic table to
calculate the atomic total of other dual elements. It was through this mode of
research that I was guided to the discovery of the all-important iron-magnetic
groups and the solunar-gravitational groups, as shown in diagrams 3, 4, and
Subsequently, we will refer to one group as the magnetic group and the other
as the gravitational group.
Fe = iron
P = phosphorus
C = carbon
Ca = calcium
Na = sodium
Note how the iron atoms are tho fooal point of the magnetic group. Note
especially the dual elements surrounding them have electrons and protons in
their atomic structure that add up to the same as those in the iron atom - 26.
During major and minor periods the wave exchange between elements is not
recorded^ but it is recorded during solunar flow periods; refer to Diagram 4.
The two arrows pointing into the iron represent the wave attraction of a
gravitational group towards the iron group.
The two arrows leading away from the iron represent the wave attraction from
the magnetic group to a gravitational group.
The discovery of the energy wave interplay between a magnetic group and a
gravitational group has opened many new doors towards a deeper
understanding of life's energy design, and the design of energies responsible
for memory.
Note the horizontal wave attraction between dual elements. This phenomenon
is observed in the magnetic group, only during solunar flow periods.
The telltale stimulating responses of the lead's atoms give us a picture of lead
in the group as the atomic focal point. Lead is the only element in the group
that responds to the horizontal wave frequencies of all the other four elements
in the unit. Lead atoms also have a stimulating response when the tester
mentally concentrates on the moon. We are all well aware that lead is
regarded as a toxic element, but is it a toxicant in very small amounts? My
colleagues and I have observed its role of absorbing solunar flow energies in
conjunction with copper as part of our apparently normal energy package.
The recent identification of nickel, silicon, tin, and vanadium as essential trace
elements for mammals, including humans, added them to a list already
containing copper, chromium, fluorine, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese,
selenium, and zinc. Cadmium and lead were being explored as possible
additions to the list. (6)
The foregoing phenomena are now used to determine the times to expect
major or minor periods and replace all previous techniques.
The author speculates that both the Fourth and Fifth Life Force flows are of
gravitational origin. The elements that orient to them have vertical clockwise
spins, while the elements oriented to the First and Third Life Forces, have
vertical counterclockwise spins. The author further speculates that the Fifth
Life Force flows are gravitational, but from influences other than the sun and
The magnetic and gravitational groups play specialized parts in the memory
mechanism, as illustrated in Diagram 6 in the next chapter.
Chapter 5. Memory Tracks
The centre memory tracks consist of elements of the Fifth Life Force. The
arrangement and sequence of elements is characteristic of the individual and
is repeated from left to right in the same sequence in each of his memory
tracks. The elements oriented to the solunar flow also have variations
characteristic of the person. The memory tracks have a stimulated wave
motion during memory input and during the period of memory recall. Each
track has two bars of dual solunar elements. In one individual the solunar
elements in the memory bars might be nickel and manganese. In this event,
the nickel bar becomes stimulated only while information is ibeing fed into the
memory track. Its mate, manganese, on the reverse side of the memory track,
only becomes stimulated during memory recall. A similar phenomenon is
observed in the magnetic and gravitational groups. The magnetic groups
located between the memory tracks, become stimulated when information is
being fed into the tracks. The gravitational groups situated above and below
the memory tracks, become stimulated during memory recall. Both groups
play opposite roles that are vital to the memory mechanism.
/// = All known elements oriented to the Fifth - Life Force (memory track)
+++ = Dual elements oriented to the Fourth - Life Force (memory bar)
* = Magnetic group
@ = Gravitational group
In the days before we were aware of the elements in the Fifth Life Force band,
we were limited in our potentials for repairs, but nevertheless our former
approaches were capable of reinstating the very important magnetic groups
connecting the memory tracks.
When the item being recalled in one's memory is small in its wave message
content, only the first portion of the memory track records the message.
Furthermore, even though the memory thought is repeated continuously for a
time interval of several seconds, the stimulation is confined to the first section
of the track during memory recall. The author recalling a configuration of three
dots spaced closely together conducted in one such test.
Further evidence that the cranium bone stores the information is given in
chapter 11.
We have to first establish what is normal before we are fully aware of the
areas to concentrate on when our memories are weak. For those who acquire
understanding of the individuality of their energy circuit, it becomes infinitely
more interesting as additional facts accumulate.
It was only due to the fact the author had managed to avoid the disruptive
effects of routine X-rays, that she was originally able to record effectively
enough to discover some of nature's fundamental energy designs of life;
including a Vivaxis. While exploring deeply into the memory brain area she
discovered the Fifth Life Force flow, but at that time her own energy system
was out of resonance with the many wave frequencies of the Fifth Life Force.
It was puzzling to her that as she aligned to its force flow an energy wave
rejection was encountered; a rejection that continued as she tilted her head
back into the flow. The rejection made itself manifest in several ways - a
telltale conflicting motion of her recording hands and later, several hours after
exposure, a most unaccustomed tingling burning sensation in areas of the
right ankle and heel.
It was the latter discomfort that eventually made me smarten up. The painful
discomfort would continue for days. In order to be thoroughly convinced it was
the Fifth Life Force energy flow that was the cause of my misery, I repeatedly
subjected myself to its energies, only to be confronted each time with the
same miserable results. It was rather like hitting your head with a hammer to
find out how nice it felt when you stopped. When some of my students were
alerted to this phenomenon, they experimented and experienced the same
rejection. Misery likes company, especially in this case,where it gave us
substantial proof of a factor that affected us all adversely.
Subsequently, I found these forces come into our Vivaxis channel at various
angles. This fact is now taken into consideration in a new revised technique of
channelling; refer to Chapter 12.
My immediate objective at this stage was to reorient all the elements and
compounds in the bones of the mouth, teeth and face that are normally
oriented to the various frequencies of the Fifth Life Force. My recording had
given me enough information to realize that each element, or pairs of
elements triggered responses while at various angles faced into the Fifth Life
Force. Using appropriately applied pressure in conjunction with channelling,
while my head was gradually tilted into each angle of force flow, I was
eventually rewarded by reorienting my central control into resonance with the
flow of the Fifth Life Force. Later,I learned that the mid point on top of the
head is an important Magnetic Group centre, and in the roof of the mouth is
a Gravitational Group centre. Between these two energy exchange centres
lies the hypothalamus, our centre control.
Now, as I tilt my head gradually into each new angle of flow, the atoms of the
elements oriented to that force flow respond with a lively stimulated wave
motion. More importantly, I now use the force flow to reinstate areas
of memory track that were no longer recording.
The areas most responsible for obtaining information for filing in the memory
tracks are the ears and eyes. If the normal energy wave supply is deficient in
either of these organs, naturally the memory messages will be incomplete and
weaker than normal, and consequently will not be retained too well.
Fortunately for us, our eyeballs have many bone areas in the cranium whose
elements' energy waves are reflected in the eyes. The part played by the eyes
in the memory mechanism was well illustrated to the author through a test she
conducted on her own eyes. The left hand side of her left eyeball lacked the
normal responses to magnesium and sulphur. While her eyes remained
straight forward, she could see from the corner of her left eye two drafting
instruments hanging on her studio wall. When she sbut her eyes and tried to
recall the two instruments, her recording showed a lack of normal stimulative
response in her memory tracks.
Similar tests, viewing other scenes confirmed the fact that although she could
see out of the corner of her left eye.the required carrier wave of magnesium
and sulphur was missing. As a result information was not being transferred
into her memory tracks. In contrast, information received from other areas of
the left eye was faithfully transferred and recorded in the memory. In essence,
only three quarters of the picture she actually saw was being recorded for
future memory recall. This discrepancy was traced and corrected, through
reorienting the elements magnesium and sulphur in a small area of bone
located on the left corner of her eye socket.
Other parts of the eye are dependent on other areas of bone for their sulphur
and magnesium wave field, It becomes apparent that one requires the
knowledge of all the numerous factors in order to make 100% repairs to the
memory mechanism.
Uncle Bob was a typical example of a person who lacked the ability to transfer
information into his memory tracks. Bob's inability to remember the present
occurred after an accident, which involved severe blows to the head and other
areas of the body. His memory mechanism had faithfully recorded details of
his earlier days and he was still able to relate back to them with remarkable
accuracy. In contrast, he was largely incapable of remembering events in the
present. I recall particularly, how day after day, he would gaze out of our
picture window and see the same lone boat anchored in the lagoon. "Whose
boat is that?" he would question. "It i*s our boat", we would reply. Five
minutes later he would be asking the same question. The routine of asking,
"Whose boat is that?" continued throughout his month long visit. Uncle Bob
died many years ago, but the phenomenon of remembering his past yet not
recording events of the present made a great impression on me.
There are many factors capable of contributing to the common complaint of
poor memory but perhaps the one most commonly overlooked is dental work
that affects the bones in the roof of the mouth. For, as previously mentioned,
a section in the roof of the mouth is in direct alignment with the top area of the
cranium. In between is important brain matter plus the central control system,
the hypothalamus. Teeth X-rays like all X-rays strip electrons from atoms
thereby reducing the normal energy flow. The vibrating drill does further
damage to the normal atomic structure of our teeth and bones in the mouth
and jaws. In January 1977 issue of McLeans Magazine, Dr. Tony Brammer of
the National Research Council is quoted as saying, "There is a potential
problem among workers who operate vibrating tools and equipment." Long
before this article appeared, members of our research society were acutely
aware of the ill effects of vibrating power tools. Now we are also aware of the
problem of the effects of the dentist drill in relation to memory.
Most of us, at sometime or another require our teeth filled. The obvious
answer is education and taking steps to counteract the adverse effects after
each visit to the dentist. Not only would our memory remain unaffected but it
would be safe to assume that our teeth would stay much healthier if the
normal flow of forces were reinstated in the teeth and bones of our mouth,
jaws, and vertebrae of our neck.
Chapter 6. Education
My training at Art School hardly sounds in keeping with what one would
expect for a person who has delved so vehemently into the sciences, yet
strangely, that was where my awareness of energies radiating from the
human bone structure originally was stimulated. My particular interests were
modelling and figure drawing from real life. Our instructor was an inspiration to
me. 'Study the underlying bone structure and model it in first," her words
became well imprinted on my mind. It became second nature to absorb with
my eyes and mold with clay the energy emanating from the bone structure of
a model.
In 1975, I appeared on a radio station CJOR talk show. The radio
commentator greeted me rather cooly prior to being on the air, "And what
makes you think that without a science degree you could discover anything as
important as this?" In answer I reached in my brief case and handed him an
article. He took a few minutes to read it and his attitude switched to one of
warmth and encouragement as we proceeded with the program. The article
was by Sydney Harris, "Daily Colonist", Victoria, B.C., November 24, 1974.
The proper attitude to take toward an "expert" in any field is one of reserved
respect. "Respect," because he has applied himself diligently, and knows far
more than a layman can comprehend about his subject. "Reserved," because
it is rarely the expert with formal training who makes the most notable
advances in his field. Men trained in one field who delved into another with the
innocence of a child and the fervor of an amateur have made a startling
number of inventions and discoveries.
They were thus able to see what the expert could not - for, in a sense,
knowing too much about a subject arbitrarily delimits one's sense of what is
"possible" or "feasible". ... To make basic discoveries, one must remain
childlike in some respects, asking foolish questions, and refusing to accept
pat answers that really answer nothing. Experts are good to check and test
one 's ideas against; they usually know what cannot be done, but are not as
perceptive in knowing what can be done outside conventional formulations. ...
By rigorously departmentalizing science and technology, as we do, our
society tends to generate more and more experts, and fewer and fewer
inspired amateurs who feel free to dabble in related fields. Experts have
contempt for far-ranging minds, which refuse to confine themselves; and our
educational system rewards only those who continue to learn more and more
about less and less. This is not the way to discover anything, except how
quickly the imagination congeals and the spirit shrinks in such an atmosphere.
We certainly respect the opinions of professional scientists, but we would only
retard the development and utilization of our findings by confining ourselves
solely to satisfy the limitations of their instruments.
In order to obtain consistent and reliable results, we are required to humbly
observe the wave behaviour within the bounds of our own auras and bone
structures. Further, we have to know how to relate energy changes in our
environment to changes in our circuits and interpret their meaning.
Following are excerpts from a tape of a lecture given by a recent graduate of
physics who received his doctorate of physics at Cornell University. The
informal talk was given at the Nixon residence on Thetis Island. Among those
attending were students from Vancouver Island and several members of
the Vivaxis Research Society executive - Date, July 1977.
"I received the five parts of the Vivaxis Manual and was very impressed and
became very interested. I felt it was a fantastic new discovery. I am more like
a scientist and my interest in it was that of a scientist. I felt it was a major new
discovery, the major one of the second half of this century - the first one I
consider Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
When we talk about a scientific phenomenon we have certain conditions for it.
It must provide consistent observations, re-peatable time after time. There
are, of course, times when we see something only once, we see it erratically;
but a scientific observation must be consistent. The other conditions for this
scientific experiment are that anybody is able to do it given the proper set of
conditions. In our case, the conditions are being free from the mutilating
effects of X-rays and other radiations. So, in Vivaxisi I think conditions are met
and in my estimation it is a very profound scientific discovery.
Now, I understand its therapeutic value is very, very attractive and most
people are attracted to Vivaxis, I do believe, due to its amazing effects on the
human body. It restores the body more like to what nature meant it to be in
the first place.
I am more related to the evolution of man on earth, I stress this word "earth"
because our earth has a set of magnetic properties and it would be stupid to
think that we, living species on earth, are not linked to it through this property.
It is a magnetic property. So that is how I became fascinated with this new
discovery of Vivaxis; how it very nicely links man to the earth.
I believe we need a theory to explain all the observations that I have been
accumulating so far by Frances Nixon and it should be the job of the scientists
so that they can present it in a coherent way to the scientific community and
later on hoping it becomes a text material. Now, every time we are at the
threshold of a new discovery, we may or may not be able to present it in terms
of existing knowledge. We may have to postulate new things. They many
appear new and far out at that time but later on they become every day
I quote this young physicist, who was well qualified to judge after I had spent
five full days, plus several evenings, devoted exclusively to briefing him on the
basics of element orientation. He was taught how to record and evaluate for
himself and I might add he was an exceptionally apt and responsive student.
On first arriving, he was unable to record either with his hands or with a
recording wire; these discrepancies were due to a chest X-ray. The bones of
his upper torso, arms and hands, recorded the telltale radiation damage to the
atomic structure of many of his elements through the lack of normal stimuli
Carbon atoms, being the most prevalent atoms in the human system, play a
vital role in the ability to record. He first reoriented his carbon atoms in his
bone structure so they once again responded to the stimuli of true North and
absorbed energy from the wave frequency of that specific force flow. He did
this in two ways:
1) Exposed each area in turn to true North, while he held a bag of carbon on
the X-rayed area for a period of six seconds.
2) Exercised and stressed the bone areas while facing into true North and
South and also magnetic North and South. Through the foregoing procedures
he reoriented the carbon, calcium, sodium, and iron atoms sufficiently well for
the eager researcher to record, locate, and use his own Vivaxis channel. This
last achievement enabled him to make further corrections.
From a physicist's point of view he refers to "Vivaxis, as a most profound new
discovery." On this point I would like to comment, "We should regard all those,
who have correctly located the channel to their own Vivaxis, as valuable
discoverers of major import." If I were the only one who could locate my
Vivaxis channel, then it would have little meaning. But when all those who
have taken the appropriate steps to make factors right, can then locate their
Vivaxis channel and utilize its force flow to direct energy to non-energy areas,
then "it has meaning!"
The following stories are the experiences of some of the students who
attended the night school classes and specialized in researching, "MEMORY".
Mary has marked an area of memory track that lost its ability to record for
twenty two-years. The accident occurred when she was a young girl. While
diving with carefree abandon she hit an unseen obstacle. The marked
memory bar shown in the photo, did not record the swollen, black and blue
nose that resulted, but her other memory tracks did. The force of the blow was
severe enough to cause a painful eggshell crack, not easily forgotten.
(a) - All her normal functioning memory tracks recorded strong wave stimuli as
she recalled past incidents.
(b) The memory track bone area located on her nose, failed to record events
that occurred since the time of injury. This was consistently confirmed by
Mary's own recording of the injured memory track.
(c) - The injured track responded quite normally to all events that had been
recorded in its structure prior to the time of the injury.
(d) - After the injured track had the atomic structure of its elements reoriented,
it once again recorded and responded with strong; wave stimuli to events
which occurred since the reinstatement. Yet, there is still the gap of twenty-
two years between the accident and restoration. The gap remains as a
permanent blank in its.memory.
The memory tracks on either side of the nose appear to be the only tracks
that memorize a scent and in this role they can be regarded as partially
specialized. The qualifying word "partially" is used because the nose tracks
also record general information in the same manner as do the mass of our
memory tracks.
One man drove a return trip of two hundred miles to attend each weekly night
class. His problem was lack of normal memory due to cerebral malaria. The
severe side effects of the disease had played havoc with his memory
mechanism. The desperate man complained that he spent a good part of
nearly every day just trying to locate his car, "But where did I park it?" Most of
us find we have occasional lapses of memory due to a temporary deficiency
of normal energy flow but in this man's case it was a chronic condition that
required reorientation of elements in his cranium. Vivaxis knowledge helped
his memory retention considerably, plus relieving the continual pressure he
had previously experienced in his head. The latter is a common complaint of
those who suffer from element disorientation in the cranium.
The weakness of one's memory is generally in a direct relationship to the
number of injured and malfunctioning memory tracks and component parts.
The happy side of the picture is that it is now possible to remagnetize and
restore the recording ability of the injured tracks.
Having attended adult night classes, the mother, Pat Johnson, was well aware
of the reality and importance of her own Vivaxis. She could readily locate the
channel to her Vivaxis and on many occasions had effectively used Vivaxis
methods to direct energy to non energy areas, including several of her
memory tracks. During her pregnancy Pat was a pioneer in research and to
my knowledge, has the distinction of becoming the first woman to determine
when her baby's Vivaxis was actually created.
Pat had been alerted to detect a possible chemical change around the
seventh or eight month of pregnancy. On the night of the new moon,
November 12th, she felt a peculiar hot, tingly sensation in her hands and feet.
At this point of time, she got out of bed and in the living room started to record
her elements' responses to the various force flows in her environment. When
she came to record magnetic North and South, her responses ceased
abruptly. For a brief interval Pat felt an unusual sensation; her arms had a
numb heavy feeling as though they did not belong to her. When the sensation
passed and her arms regained their normalcy, so did her ability return to
record the force flows.
Pat had pinpointed the position in the room where this event had occurred
and was overjoyed when I offered to confirm what she felt might be the baby's
newly created Vivaxis.
Detecting the wave link between an unborn baby and his Vivaxis was a new
experience for me and I might add a very beautiful experience. I held the
centre of my receiving (left) hand over the place that Pat had pinpointed. The
recording wire, held in my right hand, swung with unusual vigor with a fixed
wave vector homing directly towards the pregnant mother's navel, indicating
that my left hand had located the position of the unborn's Vivaxis. I was
careful to make each recording very brief. Tests conducted when Pat was out
of my sight were definite in their confirmation of the position of the Vivaxis.
The mother and baby would turn twice and the recording wire with the usual
four-second delay would turn twice also. If I moved my receiving hand a few
inches from the centre of the Vivaxis, the recording wire lost all wave motion
and direction.
Soren Bruce Johnson was born November 28th. 1977, fifteen days after his
Vivaxis was created.
Many times I have tested the wave link to a baby and his Vivaxis, but not
before birth; several of my previous publications described these experiences.
One noteworthy fact is that the baby's wave link flows vertically up or down
from the centre of his Vivaxis and then in a horizontal wave train to him.
Consequently, in the event that Pat and the baby were located on an
elevation below that of his Vivaxis, I would not have detected the wave train
with my receiving hand held above his Vivaxis.
The experience of detecting the wave link between the unborn child and his
Vivaxis made a profound impression on me. It was sheer beauty of creation
the new pulsating life energy that I recorded through the wave link; a wave
link connecting the unborn baby to his Vivaxis. My first reaction was one of
elation, but was then replaced by a genuine sense of sadness, "How could
man in the face of all this evidence be so insensitive and unaware of the laws
of creation that link him so beautifully with the magnetism of the earth and
Pat also participated in the memory class research project. During the course
she located four memory tracks on her face that had ceased recording when
she was a young girl of thirteen. Pat was able to trace back the tracks'
malfunctions to an occasion when she fell out of a top bunk, hitting her face
on a suitcase as she crashed to the floor.
Her tracks have since been reinstated and are recording wel enough to give
her one hundred percent in a recent government memory test. "I went through
high school as one of the dummies and look what I am really capable of. I
wish I had known these simple laws years ago." This was a comment made
by Pat, and shared by many.
The trend today is to take substitute trace minerals and in many cases with
beneficial results. Yet, in our observations, the oral doses fail to replace or
correct the essential atomic balance in the organized arrangement of
elements embedded permanently in the bone structure. The question arises, "
Is there a relationship between the need for substitute trace elements and the
disruption to the atomic balance of elements in the bone structure?"
Kay Fort in attended several Vivaxis night courses. Kay is a prime example of
a person who endured incredible suffering, largely due to ignorance of basic
laws of energies. When Kay first attended night school her eyes literally
bulged from the pressure behind them. We give her full marks for using her
own initiative in utilizing her Vivaxis energies to restore the energy flow to
normal. We make it clear to all students that we do not treat but it is their
prerogative to learn to apply the laws of natural energies to themselves.
They should have a choice and only education can give them that choice.
Ignorance could have condemned Kay to a continued life of misery and
suffering. Instead, she is now leading a full and useful life as a wife and
mother of three. Kay writes her own story as follows:
I eventually worked my way to a sitting position after two weeks and through
sheer determination. After three weeks I was able to get out in my car to go
shopping, only to race back home and throw myself on the floor until the pain
went away. After the pain of those X-rays ceased, I was now back to the
original headaches I had previously, so nothing was really accomplished.
Then I read "Vivaxis, Spiral of Life" and Magnetically Yours", by Frances
Nixon. I attended her ten-week course in Duncan to learn more about life's
energies and how they affected your phy-scial and mental well being.
I found out that the cause of the headaches was due to three motorcycle
escapades, one of which I was riding over a washed out road filled with large
boulders and decided it was a cinch to conquer, only to have my bike go out
of control. I shot over the rocks, landed on the back of my head and saw
stars. This was approximately five years ago and my headaches had started
after that.
For man to mutilate life's intricate design of atomic structure with highly
ionizing radiations is a sacrilege that casts an ugly reflected shadow on our
earth and on mankind.
George Giricz learnt that he had a choice of either suffering from chronic
allergies and sinuses or through the knowledge of Vivaxis correcting the
condition. He chose the latter course.
Today, it is difficult to associate George with a person who originally could not
record and suffered with a severe sinus condition. He was a conscientious
student and contributed tremendously during the classes including the
memory courses. He is now an excellent example of man's ability to sensitize
himself to the responses of his own elements, relative to his environmental
forces. More importantly,he has the ability to interpret their meaning, a feat
that requires experience plus a high IQ. Further, George now has the
knowledge required to reinstate his memory tracks, if and when the need
arises, thereby increasing his potentials in his future life.
Marion Powling.
Marion Powling discovered, at an age when more than half of her life was still
ahead of her, that, "she too had a choice." Marion's choice was literally, "To
see or not to see." The desperate young woman related her predicament to a
class that listened in shocked silence. She described how she had undergone
two operations a few years ago. Both operations were designed to alleviate
migraine headaches. The surgery involved a technique of freezing the nose
and bones around the right eye socket. Marion claimed the operations did
little to deter painful headaches but they did cause alarming side effects;
including gradual loss of sight. Blind spots were developing in her right eye
and her eyesight had deteriorated to a point that caused both she and her
doctor to become very alarmed. The right eye socket bone instead of being
firm and hard, had a mushy soft texture.
Fortunately, the elements in the eye socket bone are not the sole source of
energy supply to the eyeball. Nevertheless, their lack of supply was capable
of seriously impairing Marion's sight, causing frequent pain and swelling in
and around her right eye. After the elements in the injured bones were
reoriented, the former pain and swelling condition completely disappeared. It
is now two years since Marion reinstated the atomic balance of the elements
in her bones and recent eye tests have shown there has been no further
deterioration in her sight since that time.
Her own recording ability enabled her to determine that the memory track
above the right eye lost its ability to record information. The memory blank
dated from the time of the first operation and up to the time she reoriented the
elements in the track.
Marion reports that with Vivaxis knowledge she has reoriented several other
areas of the cranium that lacked normal energy flow. The results have shown
her that she does have a choice. She can now live a normal life without the
agony of torturous migraine headaches and equally important without the
terrifying threat of total blindness. "So little can do so much," yet "so much can
be destroyed, through ignorance of fundamental element arrangement."
Another student in the night class found Vivaxis education gave her the
choice of clarity of thought as opposed to confused thinking. While a bright
six-year-old child, she suffered a severe illness, with a side effect of
inflammation of the brain, encephalitis.
After reinstating the normal atomic order in the elements of the cranium, she
wrote a heartfelt letter describing how much clearer her head felt and she
commented, "When you have lived with a mud-dleheaded feeling you don't
know you can feel different. I now feel so sorry for people who don't know that
they can feel different."
Chapter 11. A New Life Line
There are times when injury and trauma are so severe that the creation of a
new Vivaxis is literally required to provide a new lifeline. One such case
involves a couple,Ron Collison and his wife Pat. They both faithfully signed up
for each new session of Vivaxis classes. Ron's progress to sensitize himself
in recording his elements' responses will never cease to amaze me. After I
relate the hurdles he has had to overcome, the reader will understand the
During December, 1965, Ron was working as a faller at Port Renfrew, B.C. In
an effort to save a fellow worker from a large falling tree, Ron was hit by the
tree as it crashed to the ground. Most of the force of the impact was on his
helmet protected head, although he also suffered shoulder and back injuries
as a result of the impact. He was rushed to the hospital in Victoria where
holes were drilled in his head to remove blood clots. He was unconscious for
several days. During that time Pat stayed constantly beside him. Holding his
hand, words of love and encouragement flowed continuously from her lips.
Love is a very powerful energy force and in my estimation Pat supplied the
force required to give her unconscious mate a new Vivaxis and a new, "life
There is one dramatic record of a house painter that fell from a great height
and suffered such concussion that he remained unconscious for two weeks
and had to be intravenously fed. After a week in this condition, all the creases
in his hands vanished as though they had been wiped off with a sponge - and
then, as he regained consciousness, the lines gradually reappeared. (9)
We have no record of such a phenomenon in Ron's case, but we do record
the evidence that both Pat and Ron are now linked into a common Vivaxis
and the energy changes probably have been reflected in the lines of Ron's
In January, the doctor operated on Ron's head, cutting the top of his skull
open in a horseshoe shape to remove bone slivers. The depression is still
very much in evidence. As though this was not enough to endure, he also
suffered two fractures of the spine. His injured shoulder is still two inches
lower than his other one. Amazed yes! Who would not be amazed that any
man could undergo so much punishment and today be living a very full and
active life? "Active life", this aspect most likely is one of the contributing
factors of his amazing recovery. Ron digs by hand his half-acre, compost fed
vegetable garden. He powers his own fishing dinghy with a pair of oars. In
essence, his sum total of daily exercise far exceeds that of the average man.
Logically, this type of down-to-earth exercise would beneficially stimulate the
wave fields in his bone structure.
Great credit is due to the doctor whose skills saved Ron's life but credit also
has to go to his wife Pat for her part in his recovery.
The memory track located on the injured area of Ron's cranium lost its ability
to record information after his accident. The question comes to one's mind,
"Did the injured and splintered bone retain the information filed into its
structure prior to its injury?" The answer to this query gives further proof that
the memory messages are filed in the magnetic tapes within the bone
structure of the memory tracks. The badly crushed and splintered bone
memory track did not retain any information filed before the injury. This is in
contrast to other cases where the memory tracks lost their abilities to record,
but retained the taped information filed in the track prior to their injury.
In Ron's unusual case the bone was crushed and splintered, and if the
previous recordings were filed in the bone of the memory track, then the
recordings would logically be destroyed, and "THEY WERE DESTROYED." It
would be comparable to a damaged magnetic tape with pieces torn off.
Chapter 12. Vivaxis Channelling. 4 Up And 4
Down Method
This method is designed to include a wider range of force flows that have only
recently been discovered.
The following method of channelling in one's channel includes a method of
absorbing all the known force flows to which man's elements are orientated.
Reference is made to the atoms of elements in one's bone structure that
respond to stimuli of the same frequencies and have one restricted plane of
orientation. As an example, carbon and calcium have wavelengths that
orientate to true North and South respectively. A VIVAXIS is comprised of an
energy package that contains all the following environmental forces which
flow in the following directions -
1 - True North and South.
2 - Magnetic North and South.
3 - Fifth Life Force, which is a band of force flows occupying an arc of
approximately eight degrees between the directions of true North and
magnetic North, and true and magnetic South.
4 - The sun and moon's solunar force flow.
a) - Atoms of carbon and calcium absorb energy waves when the head is
b) - All the elements and compounds that orientate to the 5th. L.F. have
characteristically different wavelengths and frequencies that are absorbed into
the individual's system at varying angles of head tilt, above the level position.
c) - As the head is tilted down below the horizontal in positions 5, 6, 7 and 8,
the Universal energies are absorbed first; as the head is lowered further the
various elements oriented to the solunar force flow absorb energy.
The energy stimulus received at each new angle is recorded by the free-
swinging hands.
It is to be expected that all who have had dental work involving freezing
injections, drilling and X-rays of the teeth, will record numerous rejections as
their heads are tilted at the varying angles. The rejections are due to the
disorientation of elements in the bones of the mouth, teeth and jaws, including
the hard palate in the roof of the mouth. The central control system has been
adversely affected. The first step, therefore,is to reorient all the elements in
the bones of the mouth. One's Vivaxis channel can be used effectively for this
purpose, providing the person can determine his own channel and is not
linked to foreign Vivaxes.
When stimulating bone areas by using a press and release technique, press
with one hand, and at the same time-release pressure with the other hand.
Six cycles on each area of bone is generally sufficient stimulation. If you fail to
get results it is probably due to one or both of two reasons:
1 - The stimulation to the bone area was too brief.
2 - You failed to introduce the required wavelengths into the bone while it was
still stimulated.
We find the most effective technique is to stimulate the bone while it is
subjected to the required force flows. Then, while your hands are held freely
by your side, let the bone absorb the force flow for about eight seconds
without further stimulation.
Method To Counteract The Adverse Effects Of Dental Work
1 - Use the thumb to press on the bones of the hard palate. At the same time
use your three middle fingers of the other hand to press on the centre top of
the cranium. Press alternately, first on the palate then on the cranium.
Stimulate both areas as you channel as directed in each of the eight positions,
tilting the head at the various designated angles - 4 up and 4 down.
2 - Again channel 4 up and 4 down, this time while chomping your teeth and
3 - Your objective this time around is to reorient the atoms of the elements in
the vertebrae of your neck, including the transverse processes, the side
portions of the neck vertebrae. The 5th L.F. energies travel down the side
transverse processes. Repeat the 4 up and 4 down channelling while
stimulating the vertebrae of the neck.
Step out of your channel, stamp and exercise your feet, using a Charleston
motion for the balls of the feet.
4 Up
Start channelling facing into your Vivaxis towards position No. 1.
Start with your head level and very slowly tilt it back as far as it will go. Next,
gradually return it to the level position. During this entire exercise it is
essential to use the full power of your brain and concentrate on bringing
energy into your system.
Next, turn right (clockwise) into positions 2, 3, and 4 and repeat the same
exercise in each position.
4 Down
Return to your original position facing into your Vivaxis channel, which is now
position 5.
Start with your head level and very gradually tilt it down until your face is
parallel with the ground. Next slowly return your head to the level position.
During this entire exercise, it is essential to use the full power of your brain
and concentrate on bringing energy into your system.
Next, turn left (counterclockwise) into positions 6, 7, and 8, and repeat the
same exercise in each position.
Follow the channelling by exercising briefly and then neutralize. Press both
hands against a surface that is in direct contact with the ground.
The reader is naturally eager to start looking for his own Vivaxis channel. If he
is as fortunate as the birds, who have not been subjected to the mutilative
effects of X-rays, then the chances are good that he will be able to readily
locate it.
You are only ready to channel when you can readily determine your own
prenatal channel and can differentiate between it and possible foreign Vivaxes
to which you might have become wave linked. These wave links to foreign
Vivaxes are created by many of today's therapeutic practices, a topic covered
in the Manual.