Viscar Industrial Capacity LTD Company Profile

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CLUB 2018

in Engineering Technology
ICT Technology
ICT Regulation 9
ICT Business Development 10


Consultancy 30
Resourcing Services 32
Our Clients 35
Over 500 Resources
Since 2008, Viscar Industrial Capacity Ltd has aided organiza-
tions of all shapes and sizes, from startups to well established
companies, in all types of industries, from high-tech to bio tech,
retail to financial services, telecom operators to telecom regula-
tors and healthcare to education. We’ve been contracted to help
companies like Safaricom, Kenya Ports Authority, Rift Valley
Railways, Telkom Kenya, Ericsson, Bharti Airtel, Sarova Hotels-,
KEN-GEN, Weetabix, Marie Stopes, Cytonn Investments, MRM,
Kenya Power, and many others.
Viscar Industrial Capacity Ltd is a knowledge based firm that
provides training, consulting and resourcing solutions for
technology driven organizations and people. Viscar has a rich
history of driving innovation and excellence in capacity build-
ing and partners with organizations to enhance productivity
and optimize strategic output. Its Strategic Plan for
2016-2020 identifies three strategic goal areas on Training,
Consulting and Resourcing that are guiding contribution to
development across the East and Central African Region.
We are in an ever changing environment. It is through being open
minded and dynamic in our thinking that we empower people for
today and tomorrow. We believe that people have a vast potential
if only they believe in themselves. “Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant
wa-ter loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so
does inaction sap the vigour of the mind.’’ Leornardo da Vinci

At VISCAR we are truthful to ourselves and to our customers.‘’ It’s
more important to do the right thing than do things right’’ Peter

At Viscar, we believe in the ability of new developments so as to
re-main competitive in the ever changing dynamics in the market
primar-ily for the benefit of our customers. ‘’The world leaders in
innovation and creativity will also be world leaders in everything
else.” Harold R. McAllindon

We pride ourselves in delivering valuable solutions through value
based solutions & internationally recognised partners.‘’Excellence
is not a skill, its an attitude‘’ Ralph Marlston.

Customer centricity
Our solutions development model involves comprehensive analy-
sis of the customer’s industry, business needs and challenges and
aligning these with the right resources to guarantee optimal return
on invest-ment.‘’Strive not to be a success but to be of value’’
Albert Einstein.
Viscar Kenya offers Ministries, regulatory agencies and op-
erators in Kenya a dependable resource for acquiring
knowledge on specific issues, through unique training and
expert assistance programs. Participants learn through
sharing their experience with peers from other countries
supported by a network of well qualified technology and
industry experts.

We have developed ICT our courses after thorough

research where we work with industry experts from vari-
ous industries to understand the market demands. We also
continuously work with IT managers and Human Resource
Managers across the industry who give us feedback on
their training needs so that we develop courses that are
relevant to the Market. We have created incredible solu-
tions for our clients based on the use of new technology
and continue to strive to view new technologies as outlets
for creating better training. For the vast majority of our
clients, these technologies already exist in the workplace.

Viscar ICT courses are expertly instructed via workshops

and hands-on practical labs which are designed towards
ensuring that you earn credentials which can help you
stand out in a competitive market. Whether you are a
senior manager, middle level executive or any other pro-
fessional trying to grow your ICT skills, our courses can
help you improve your efficiency, improve your under-
standing of business and boost your earnings.

• ICT Business Development courses

• ICT Technological courses
• ICT Regulatory courses
Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology

VCT - 021 Internet of things Training

VCT - 022 Digital Transformation
ICT Regulation
ICT Business Development
All modern economies need industries that are innovative
in product design and efficient in manufacturing. In turn,
these industries need people who are knowledgeable
about the process.

Viscar manufacturing course will give you a detailed un-

derstanding of manufacturing and product design by cov-
ering topics such as what design is, how to use models in
product design, bringing ideas from concept to prototype
to production, using the product design specification,
manufacturing processes such as casting, forming, cut-
ting and joining, surface engineering and optical materials
engineering. There are also a number of case studies to

With our through understanding of the manufacturing

industry and continuous research on key pillars, we have
delivered solutions that improve our client’s performance
and productivity.

Our teams of experts in the industry deliver indus-

try-based programs, structured to be pragmatic enough
to stimulate adult learning resulting in excellent skills
transfer. The team of manufacturing experts consists of
engineers and quality experts who have vast industry
experience in consultancy and training.

• Manufacturing Technology courses

• Manufacturing Business Development courses.
Seeking to understand and transform the world’s energy
systems, Viscar researchers investigate all aspects of
energy. They discover new ways of generating and storing
energy, as in creating biofuels from plant waste and in
holding electricity from renewable sources in cost-effec-
tive, high-capacity batteries. They create models and
design experiments to determine how we can improve
energy efficiency at all scales, from nanostructures and
photovoltaic cells to large power plants and smart electri-
cal grids. They analyze how people make decisions about
energy, whether as individual consumers or whole nations,
and they forecast what the social and environmental con-
sequences of these decisions might be.

Viscar partners with energy companies of all sizes to pro-

vide energy education and engage employees whose
everyday success relies on a solid understanding of the
natural gas and electric industries. Our energy programs
target Electricians, technicians, engineers, supervisors and
safety managers that install, maintain, repair, troubleshoot
or work around electrical systems.

• Programmable Logic Controllers

• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
• Modern electrical power systems
• Industrial automation, electrical and electronics basis
• Introduction to Electric Machines and DriveINDUSTRIAL
Every day in Kenya, thousands of homes and offices are built;
countless schools, hospitals and apartments are constructed,
and infrastructure projects of every description are brought to
life all over the country. None of this would be possible without
the hard work and expertise of the building and construction
industry. Viscar offers nationally recognized qualifications
which are valued across the building and construction industry.
In Kenya, construction is part competitive industry, and is
based on state-of-the-art technology and innovative design
techniques. It is one of the Kenyan economy’s fast and upcom-
ing industries.
This course teaches what GIS technology is and what can be
done with it. Working with various components of the GIS
plat-form, participants create GIS maps, explore and analyse the
data behind the maps, and learn easy methods to share maps and
analysis results. Participants’ will have a solid understanding of
how GIS, maps and GIS tools are used to visualize real-world fea-
tures, discover patterns, obtain information and communicate
information to others.
With more several years of experience helping clients devel-op
their oil and gas asset teams’ skills, Viscar understands the
unique challenge in aligning an asset team’s abilities with
stra-tegic objectives. Viscar training programs are designed to
align and accelerate the skills development of corporate’s engi-
neering and geoscience teams. Tailored to specific business
objectives, Viscar combines an essential mix of learning experi-
ences to maximize return on your training investment.

As the regional leader in oil and gas training, we offer you un-ri-
valed experience, resources, and professional instructors to
help you get the most from your training budget. Our blended
learning experiences and accelerated learning techniques help
you to achieve training objectives for individuals or your entire
workforce. Viscar Kenya conducts training programs related to
upstream oil, gas and geothermal energy.

These programs are short-term and provide participants with

valuable knowledge and information on Oil, Gas and Geother-
mal energy.

• Introduction to Oil and Gas Course- Upstream and Midstream

• Defense Driving(Smith System),
• Oil & Gas Project Management
• Incident and Accident Investigation,
• Hoisting & Lifting, Welding Course
• Pipeline Instrumentaion and Control,
• Pipeline Corrosion Management.
Viscar mining and petroleum courses cover the exploration,
ex-traction and processing of minerals, oil and gas. You can
study soil science, geology, hydrogeology, mineralogy, petrolo-
gy, and risk control. Other topics include spatial data, environ-
mental management, and site rehabilitation.

Mining qualifications prepare participants for a range of skilled

positions in an open cut mine or quarry. Courses in geoscience
and exploration qualify participants for a career in mineral and
petroleum exploration. Or you can train for work in an oil or gas

To be up-to-date with industry standards and technologies, your

people must continually access minerals industry training from
expert sources. As the industry leader in comprehensive services
across the minerals value chain, we have years of expertise to
share. The courses we offer give an introduction to the concepts,
methods and technologies used every day in our laboratories
and facilities around the world.

• Surface Mapping Management

• Exploration Management
• Wire Logging and Interpretation
• Stream sediment Sampling
• Applied Ethics in Exploration and Mining
• Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Concepts
• Mining Sustainable Development
Cross Industry training programs are an important aspect in
every business. In this course, participants will learn the
dimen-sions of business development and how development
practices are becoming essential for every business. Partici-
pants will also learn how to draft a workplace policy for busi-
ness development, Project Management as part of continuous
improvement pro-gram in your business. This course is widely
considered as one of the effective programs internationally for
individuals who are seeking to enhance their ability to lead and
influence construc-tive changes for business development.

Through cross-industry training, the transfer of technologies

across industry boundaries can revolutionize technology
land-scapes within your company. At Viscar, we will work with
you to choose the correct focus and then use a combination of
exam-ples and practical exercises to jump-start you into
cross-industry innovation. You will learn tools and models that
can be applied to your work life while also directly framing and
tackling the problems as a team during the workshop.

• Project Management Institute (PMI) certifications

• Prince 2 certifications
• ISO 9001: 2015 Transition Course Internal Auditors
• ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor
• Business Communication Training
• Customer Service Training
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is described as
integration of techniques, ideas and approaches that help an
individual, manage their own career growth and learning. It
involves ensuring that your skills, knowledge and experience are
relevant and up to date. It can be termed as ‘a professional obli-
gation to learn.’’

Continuous Professional Development is an integral element of a

successful career. A CPD Program provides a framework to iden-
tify a plan for acquiring further skills and knowledge needed.
Viscar is accredited by the following bodies to offer CPD pro-
I. Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK)
II. National Construction Authority (NCA)


Viscar industrial Capacity has been accredited to offer CPD
Training Programs for Engineers by the Engineers Board of Ken-

The Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK) in pursuant of Section

7(1)(q) of the Engineers Act 2011 is implementing the Continous
Professional Development (CPD) Policy for Engineers. This policy
seeks to develop and contiously improve the competency of
engineers in Kenya. The CPD Programs began in January 2018.
According to Section 32(2) of the Act, Consulting and Profes-
sional Engineers seeking to be issued with a practicing license
must present a certificate of CPD issued by the Board.

Graduate Engineers with over 3 years of experience are also

expected to complete the allocated Professional Development
Units for their names to be maintained in the register, such evi-
dence will be required for successful registration as a profession-
al engineer. The Board has therefore instituted a CPD system that
began January 2018 which will be linked to renewal and registra-
tion of licenses for all the categories of registration as per the
CPD Policy starting 1st of January 2019.
Viscar Industrial Capacity Limited has been given an approval to
offer CPD Training Programs which are categorized as formal


Enhancing Professionalism
Engineers Board of Kenya CPD Programs
Energy Management Training for Engineers 5- Days 18
Project Management Incorporating Ms- 5- Days 18
Fibre Optic Network Design 5- Days 18
Telecommunications Policy Making, 5- Days 18
Regulation and Management
Principles of Substation Design and 5- Days 18
Practical Distributed Control Systems (DCS) 5- Days 18
for Engineers and Technicians
Electro -Hydraulic Systems: Level I 5- Days 18
Advanced Electro-Hydraulic Systems: Level II 5- Days 18
Feasibility Studies 4- Days 16
Contact Management 4- Days 16
Project Risk Management 3- Days 14
Advanced SCADA Systems 5- Days 18


Viscar industrial Capacity has been accredited to offer CPD Train-
ing Programs for Contractors, Site supervisors and Construction
Workers.The Authority is implementing Part II (Section 14) of the
NCA Regulations 2014 which states that “In each year during
which a contractor holds a license, the contractor, or, in the case
of a firm or company, the partner or director who possesses tech-
nical qualifications, skills or experience shall attend at least one
Continuous Professional Development event recognized by the
Authority and the Authority shall consider the attendances while
determining an application to renew or upgrade the Contractor.”

Viscar Industrial Capacity Limited has been given an approval to

offer the following CPD Training Programs;
Construction Works Tendering & Procurement 2- Days 10
Project Management Incorporating Ms- Project 5- Days 10
Scaffolding Training 3- Days 10
Temporary Works Training 5- Days 10
Cost Estimates & Construction Basics 5- Days 10
GIS & Location Based Training 14- Days 10
OSH Awareness Training 1- Days 30
For more information on the courses as well as the training
schedule, visit our website. or
A skill is a behavior or ability a person develops through training
or experience, and while all personal skills are behaviors, not all
behaviors are skills. Behavioral skills deal with how people inter-
act within their own organization/corporation and with other
members of the human resource to include external individuals
that involves organizational/corporation work.

Others suggest that behavioral skills are a set of training to

develop certain behavioral skill in people, such as how to attend
to calls/complaints, front office/reception etc. The process is
mechanical and is not designed to influence profound changes
in people. It is delivered through demonstration/modeling,
instructions, role-play/rehearsal, and feedback.

To help organizations stay competitive as well as excel, here are

few popular programs from Viscar that has delivered high
impact transformational excellence.
• Business Etiquette & Grooming
• Communication Skills
• Presentation Skills
• Art of Effective Delegation
• Interpersonal Skills
• Conflict Resolution
• Sales Effectiveness
• Negotiation Skills
• Coaching and Mentoring
• Problem Solving and Decision Making
• Customer Service (Internal / External)
• Interviewing Skills
• Leadership Skills
• Managerial Skills
• Stress Management & Work life Balance
Experiential Learning is the best way to learn. One of the most
unique aspects of Viscar training is that one is immediately
able to see the consequences of wrong actions and can see the
tangible difference that can be made by a change in thinking
and behavior.

Viscar Kenya focuses on removing professionals from their

comfort zone and placing them in psychologically and physi-
cally challenging environments. The primary focus here is
developing presence of mind, collaborative learning, creative
problem solving through the use of limited resources.

Business owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs alike, all highlight

the invaluable lesson of learning through experience. Just as
Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote states, ‘’experiential learning
is learning through first-hand experience”. The objective is to
produce competencies for real-world success. Instead of being
the recipient of ready-made content, the experiential learner is
directly involved in the learning process.

A list of programs that organizations usually prefer using the

Viscar methodology is given below:
• Sales Training
• Leadership Development
• Building the Team
• Motivation
• Problem Solving
• Various Activities for Overcoming Fear
We also help business owners increase their strategic thinking,
formulation, vision communication, project planning and exe-
cution leading to improved results in their organizations. The
interventions are scientifically designed, structured and em-
ployed to ensure people and processes optimization to meet
the current and future needs, and to achieve seamless integra-
tion of business services across the organization.

The scientific approach is industrial via facilitation, discussions,

organization wide surveys and objective tools to manage and
motivate employees to improve performance.

In an effort to increase its viability and effectiveness, a compa-

ny will employ interventions as it implements various change
agents. Organizational interventions also help improve work
processes and play a prominent role in quality improvement
within the service delivery process.

Some of the most popular Viscar interventions include:

• Strategic empowering Workshops
• 360 Degree Exercise
• Organizational Climate Survey
• Employee Satisfaction Survey
• Job Satisfaction Survey
• Team Profiling: Building Strength based Organization
At Viscar, we have been collaborating with various Educational
Institutes to help bridge the gap between employment and em-
ployability. We have created internship programs with various
companies’ post our Engineering Graduate Development Pro-
grams, Our Learning & Development team in Kenya developed a
campus-to-corporate initiative which has been extremely well
accepted by educational institutes.
Referred to as EGDP_ Engineering Graduate Development Pro-
grams, the program trains students on the skills that real-world
businesses seek in a prospective candidate. Through such initia-
tives, Viscar _Kenya and the corporate world can collaboratively
enhance employability among Kenyan university graduates.

These aim at improving creative abilities, boosting confidence

and minimizing conflicts at work place and covers.

• Confidence in their ability to perform the job,

• Demonstrate the fact that they understand.
• Blend into the new environment
• Peer Pressure
• Work effectively individually and as well be a team player

1. Introduction to Telecommunications Systems Engineering

2. Introduction to Engineering Plant Management
3. Information Technology and Business
4. Broadcasting Sector
5. Energy Sector
6. Building & Construction Sector


Viscar Industrial Capacity Ltd consultancy division undertakes

technical support and consultancy projects. Over the last few
years the Division has become an invaluable resource for a wide
range of stakeholders, including multilateral and bilateral develop-
ment partners, ICT operating companies ICT Ministries and Regu-
lators, civil society organizations and various industry associations.
Through these projects, Viscar Industrial Capacity Ltd technical
support and Consultancy Division aims to help clients answer criti-
cal questions about the development of ICT in East and Central
African region and beyond, their impact on socio-economic devel-
opment, and future trends in usage of ICT.
These consultancies are within specific themes areas of work, par-
ticularly our 10 function and niche areas. Through these consultan-
cies, governments, regulators, fixed and mobile network operators
and any organization or company with a specific focus on telecom-
munications can gain a greater insight of a particular area of inter-
est or policy for further socio-economic development.
Our areas of expertise for research, studies, consultancies and
advisory services, include:

1. Information Communication Technology

o ICT and Telecommunications Policy and Regulatory Issues
o ICT and Telecommunications Rural Connectivity
o Innovative Drivers and Trends in the ICT
o ICT and Telecommunications Project Management
o ICT Technology Evolution Management and Audits
o ICT Audits
o Digital Transformation
o Cyber Security
2. Manufacturing
o World Class Manufacturing/Lean Processes
o Industrial Automation/Process Automation
o Maintenance Management
o Process Integration for Optimum Energy Efficiency
o Safety Culture Assessment
o Supply Chain Optimization
o Product Development and Innovation
3. Building and Construction
o OSHA Safety Audits and Policy Establishments
o Site Compliance Audits and Readiness
o Construction Workers Assessments – NCA
o Road Asset Assessments – Road and Highways Agencies
o Traffic Counts and Analysis

o Green Building Assessment and Improvements

o Root Cause Analysis and Failure Assessments
o Baseline Surveys
o Feasibility Studies
4. Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
o GIS Survey and Database Management
o GIS Research
5. Electrical Systems
o Industrial and Field Automation
o Electrical and Power Systems
o Operations and Maintenance
o HVAC Systems
o Lighting Systems
6. Energy
o ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems
o Energy Auditing: Implementation of Audit findings
o Feasibility Studies
o Clean Development Mechanism
o Renewable Energy Development
7. Oil and Gas, Mining
o Health, Safety and Environment: A case of Height Safety,
Confined Space Entry
o Geological and Geophysical Surveys
8. Governance, Risk and Compliance Consultancy
9. Cross Industry Business Process Management
o Strategic Planning
o Business Continuity Management/Planning
o Project Management
o Customer Experience Management
10. Consultancy services for Human Resource and Organizational
o Organizational Structure Review and Strengthening
o Training Management
oTraining Needs Assessment
o HR Audits
o Job Evaluation
o Skills Assessment


We recognize labor as the most indispensable factor of produc-

tion, given that it has an input in all the rest. Our Resourcing Ser-
vice provides not only the most competent and experienced
Human Resources with urgency but also addresses the inputs into
having the right resources for the market. Our objective is to alle-
viate the burden and complexities of recruitment, resource man-
agement and development from the employer, while at the same
time ensuring high staff productivity.Our engineering managed
service guarantees you a lean workforce hence savings on the

We will be an extension of your team by providing the following

1. Recruitment
I. One off Recruitment
Viscar offers recruitment on a one off basis to the client which
includes advertising the job, shortlisting, selecting the best candi-
dates, interviewing and submitting the qualified candidates to the
client for the final decision.

II. Out-Staffing
Viscar offers out-staffing to organizations who requires staff to
work internally or on specific projects.
*Why spend too much time on the recruitment process yet you
can get ready skillful personnel?*

2. Engineering Managed Services

Through our expertly assembled and equipped human resources,
processes and engagement model we ensure that you get a full
managed service in engineering tasks, projects and services.
Our specialization is in the following areas:-
• Industrial/Process Automation
• HVAC Systems
• Machine operation and equipment maintenance
• Network Operation Centre
• Data Analysis
• Rigging
• Occupation Safety and Health
• Quality Assurance
• Software development
• Energy management
• Project Management

*Stop paying people and pay for an output*

Evolution Height Safety (Pty) Ltd

Evolution Height Safety based in South Africa offers a vast

range of height safety services. For over 5 years Viscar has been
partnering with Evolution Height Safety to provide Certification
training programs.

The National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)

This is a state corporation established under the Industrial Train-

ing (Amendment) Act of 2011. NITA’s mission is to provide quali-
ty industri-al training for enhanced productivity. One of the
mandates of the Au-thority under Section 3A of the Industrial
Training Act No. 12 of 2012 is to regulate trainers registered
under section 7C of the Act in Kenya.Viscar Industrial Capacity
Limited is an accredited training provider under NITA. Our NITA
reference number is DIT/TRN/735.

Engineers Board Of Kenya (EBK)

Enhancing Professionalism

The Engineers Board of Kenya is a statutory body established

under Section 3(1) of the Engineers Act 2011. The Board is
responsible for the registration of engineers and Engineering
firms, regulation of engi-neering professional service, setting of
standards, development and general practice of engineering.

African Advanced Level Telecommunications

Institute (AFRALTI)

African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute

(AFRALTI) is an Inter- Governmental Institute established in
1993 to sup-plement and spearhead ICT development efforts
mainly in En-glish-speaking Africa. Currently the member
States that have ratified the Intergovernmental Agreement
(IGA) include Angola, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland,


Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe, out of the 23 eligible mem-

bers.We have partnered with AFRALTI to jointly initiate and
imple-ment training programmes that will enhance capacity
building in ICTs for the region and Africa.

National Construction Authority (NCA)

The National Construction Authority (NCA) is a government

organisation which regulates, streamlines and builds capacity in
the construction industry.
The Authority is implementing Part II (Section 14) of the NCA
Regulations 2014 which states that "In each year during which a
contractor holds a license, the contractor, or, in the case of a
firm or company, the partner or director who possesses techni-
cal qualifications, skills or experience shall attend at least one
Continuous Professional Development event recognized by the
Authority and the Authority shall consider the attendances
while determining an application to renew or upgrade the Con-
Viscar Industrial Capacity Limited has been accredited to offer
the CPD Training for construction workers, site supervisors and
Construction workers

The Enterprises University Of Pretoria

Being one of the University of Pretoria campus's, EUP has been

our partner the past 2 years. Drawing on the knowledge of aca-
demic and industry experts from the University of Pretoria, their
track record includes high-quality, customised and practical
solutions. Our Partnership with Enterprises UP provides or
trainees easy access to a multidisciplinary range of contract
research, consulting and training solutions.

Viscar Industrial Capacity Ltd

Mbezi Africana, Salama Street
P.O. Box 5683, Dar es Salaam,
Tel: +255 755 469 769 +255 222 647 376,

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