GP 04 02 01
GP 04 02 01
GP 04 02 01
[I] This Global Practice (GP) covers the use, design, and layout of auxiliary structures and facilities
provided for access and maintenance of plant equipment. The requirements for stacks, chimneys, and
flares are not covered by this Practice.
Copyright Waiver
ExxonMobil Development Company and ExxonMobil Pipeline Company hereby license the use of ExxonMobil Engineering Practices System (EMEPS) Global Practices (GPs) for
use by any ExxonMobil division, subsidiary, or more-than-50%-owned affiliate. The GPs may be downloaded and modified as necessary for project and affiliate use. Written
permission from ExxonMobil Development Company or ExxonMobil Pipeline Company is not required. However, any modified GPs must be renumbered to a project-specific or
affiliate-specific number to distinguish them from the GPs on the EMEPS web site. ExxonMobil operated joint ventures may utilize GPs to create project-specific or location-specific
specifications. It is the responsibility of individual affiliate or joint venture to ensure that the use of GPs and their derivatives is limited to joint venture related business and not
disclosed or used outside the JV without appropriate EM management approval.
GP 04-02-01 Auxiliary Structures for Operation and Maintenance February 2010
Table of Contents
Table of Figures...............................................................................................................3
1. Required References...............................................................................................4
1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices.....................................4
1.2. ALI–American Ladder Institute.......................................................................4
1.3. ASSE–American Society of Safety Engineers...............................................4
1.4. NAAMM–National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers............4
2. General......................................................................................................................4
3. Platforms..................................................................................................................5
Record of Change..........................................................................................................15
Table of Figures
1. Required References
This Section lists the Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall be used with
this document. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition.
[I] Local codes and standards may be substituted for the ones referenced herein, provided the following
provisions are met:
1) The resultant design meets the safety and serviceability criteria attained through this GP.
2) [A] Substitution is accepted by the authorities where the facility is to be located and by the Owner's
2. General
1) [I] The design and layout of platforms, and stairway or ladder access, serving equipment or facilities,
not specifically covered by other practices shall meet the requirements given herein.
2) [M] [R] All structural steel members referenced in this Practice shall be coated or hot dipped
galvanized per GP 19-01-01. Hot dip galvanizing is preferred.
RFCH For Company Use Only Version 4.3.0
3. Platforms
1) [*] [M] [O] Platforms shall be provided to the extent indicated in Table 1, unless the equipment or
facilities described are accessible from grade or from other permanent platforms. Access to these
platforms shall be by permanently installed ladders or stairs, unless otherwise specified.
Service and inspection openings All which are located with the bottom of the opening
more than 10 ft (3 m) above grade.
Instrumentation and controls, 1. All which require operator attention, or which are
including associated manifolds and otherwise observed, adjusted, or serviced, during plant
take-off connections operation.
3) [O] Platforms servicing equipment manholes shall be not more than 3 ft, 6 in. (1050 mm) below the
manhole centerline.
4) [S] [O] The minimum headroom over platforms and walkways shall be 6 ft, 9 in. (2050 mm).
Headroom shall be measured to the lowest point of overhead structural framing (including
fireproofing), piping (including insulation), or equivalent.
5) [S] [A] Unless otherwise approved by the Owner's Engineer, platforms for structures located within a
40 ft (12 m) horizontal radius of high fire potential equipment, as defined in GP 14-03-01, or located
above equipment handling flammable gases above their autoignition temperature or above 600F
(316C), whichever is lower, shall be as follows:
a) Steel structures and equipment platforms: floorplate
b) Concrete structures: concrete or floorplate
c) All compressor platforms: grating
6) [R] Drainage shall be provided by one hole 1/2 in. (13 mm) diameter, for approximately every 15 ft 2
(1.5 m2) of steel floor plate. Holes shall be located at low spots, and shall be drilled after erection.
Where practicable, drainage holes shall not be located directly above ladders and plate stair treads,
nor shall they be located over water-sensitive equipment.
7) [R] Platform floor plate shall have a raised pattern and a 1/4 in. (6 mm) nominal thickness.
8) [A] The use of a rolling stair/platform (in lieu of permanent structures) for access to equipment near
grade shall be approved by the Owner's Engineer.
9) [A] [R] The use of operating and service platforms interconnecting two or more equipment items
(such as elevated towers) or facilities shall be approved by the Owner's Engineer. Such platforms
shall be designed for differential movement of the two or more equipment items.
10) [A] The final number and arrangement of platforms, including access and exit locations, shall be
reviewed by the Owner's Engineer.
11) [R] Platforms attached to vessels or similar equipment shall be designed to accommodate thermal
12) [S] Grating and floorplate shall be mechanically fastened to supports with a minimum of two
fasteners per support and four fasteners per panel. Clamp type fasteners relying on friction are not
permitted. Grating installation shall comply with the guidelines presented in NAAMM MBG 531.
Note that anchoring details 1 and 3 of MBG 531 are not applicable as GP 04-01-02 requires bolted
connections for coated steel.
Record of Change
Version 1.0.0 Date: 07/01
Location Action Description
Initial Publish.
Item (12)
All Global Modifications To standardize the format of the Global Practices and to meet other
Practices requirements, the following changes have been implemented:
"For ExxonMobil Use Only" has been replaced with "For Company Use
A copyright waiver has been added in the first page Footer.
The definition of asterisks in the Scope has been deleted. The asterisk is
now defined in the Purpose Code attachment and is used within brackets
as other Purpose Codes.
Multiple paragraphs within a Section have been numbered.
The standard text for Required References has been modified.
The standard text for Additional Requirements has been modified.
The [S] Purpose Code has been modified.
The following Purpose Codes have been added:
[*] for additional information or decision required of Owner's
[A] for approval requirements before beginning work or finalizing
* Assigned to paragraphs that require the Owner's Engineer to provide additional information or
make a decision.
A Assigned to paragraphs that require approval from the Owner's Engineer before the work may
proceed or the design is finalized.
C Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is reduced costs. Reduced cost in this context
refers to initial investment cost and does not include life cycle cost considerations. Life cycle
cost considerations are captured under reliability, maintainability, or operability purpose codes.
E Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is driven by environmental considerations.
Environmental considerations typically include specifications intended to protect against
emissions/leakage to the air, water, and/or soil. Deviations from the specifications contained
in such paragraphs require formal review and approval according to local environmental
I Assigned to paragraphs that provide only clarifying information, such as Scope statements,
definitions of terms, etc.
M Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to provide for maintainability of equipment
or systems. Maintainability provisions are those that facilitate the performance of maintenance
on equipment/systems either during downtimes or during onstream operations.
O Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to assure operability of equipment or
systems. Operability is the ability of the equipment/system to perform satisfactorily even
though conditions are off-design, such as during start-ups, process swings, subcomponent
malfunction, etc.
R Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to improve or assure the reliability of
equipment or systems. Reliability is a measure of the ability of equipment/systems to operate
without malfunction or failure between planned maintenance interventions.
S Assigned to paragraphs containing specifications/guidance where the primary purpose is the
avoidance of incidents impacting personnel safety, operational safety, and the public in general
and/or involving responses to emergency situations. Any deviation from the specifications
contained in such designated paragraphs requires formal review and approval according to
local safety policy.
Personnel Safety: Refers to incident-related personnel injuries or illness, e.g., burns, cuts,
abrasions, inhalation of or exposure to dangerous substances, etc., that
could result in medical treatment, restricted work, lost-time incidents, or
Operational Refers to the prevention and control of process releases, fires, and/or
Safety: explosions that could result in damage to equipment, process disruption,
or personnel injury or illness.