SAS - Session-27-Research 1
SAS - Session-27-Research 1
SAS - Session-27-Research 1
Book, pen and notebook
Polit, Denise F. & Beck, Cheryl T. (2012). Nursing
research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing
research (9th ed.), Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The instructor will open a box of rolled papers with your assigned numbers. The students whose numbers were
picked by the instructor will answer one of the following questions:
1. What is ethics in research?
2. What are the basis for ethical standards in Nursing Research?
Ethical Theories
Ethical principles have their basis on ethical theories. These standards by which man lives and acts are anchored on
certain principles such as goodness or rightness of an act or decision. In research and decision-making, one arrives at
either deductively or inductively.
1. Deductive approach
Under this approach, ‘a general theory or principle’ is applied to a particular case and the ‘right’ decision or
course of action is determined by a process of deducting from a general theory to a particular case (Houser,
2008). It is the inverted pyramid. Three (3) thoughts run under this approach:
For example is “to tell the truth no matter who gets hurt.” Under this theory, the freedom of the individual is
recognized but the common good is also considered. This theory is associated with Immanuel Kant, a
German philosopher (1724-1804) who posited that morality is founded on ‘reason’ and the ultimate end of
reason is autonomous of an individual’s desires or preferences. .
Codes of professional conduct are deontological codes that state the duties of the profession. Research
codes demand informed consent from participants and demonstrate the reciprocity principle of treating
others as ends, never as means to an end such that nursing care intervention will promote client’s
wellness. Sometimes conflict with the duty to respect the same client’s autonomous wishes concerning
c. Intuitionism (insights)
Intuitionism is knowing what is right or wrong which is not a matter of rational thought of learning. It is the
power of the mind of knowing things without conscious reasoning and has quick and ready insights of what
is good for the client. For example, striking a demanding client need not be taught, however, it is the moral
insight of a nurse that dictates her own actions or responses to any situation. Intuitionism teaches three
main things:
∙ There are real objective moral truths that are independent of human beings.
∙ These are fundamental truths that can't be broken down into parts or defined by reference to
anything except other moral truths.
∙ Human beings can discover these truths by using their minds in a particular, intuitive way.
2. Inductive approach
In this approach, justifications or judgments are rendered on particular cases. These specific case or particular
judgments can eventually serve as patterns for general cases. The inductive approaches to ethical decision
making tends to emphasize the particulars of the case at hand. There are two (2) ways involved in this
a. Virtue ethics
The etymological origin of the term “vir-tue” can be traced back to both the Greek “arête” and the Latin
“virtus”. Arete means “virtue” and “ex-cellence.” This refers to someone‟s or something‟s ability to
achieve a specific goal. However, the Latin virtus means “manliness” or “bravery.”
This focuses on the moral character of an individual rather than on abstract principles. It does so by
claiming certain traits of character, the virtues are being in themselves morally valuable. Roach’s 5 C’s of
caring are examples of these virtues such as compassion, competence, conscience, concern and
Virtue ethics, in the case of nursing, emphasizes competency or excellence in performance as nursing
moved towards competency based practice. This is concerned with the development of expertise and
excellence in nursing practice.
b. Ethics of care
This is linked to virtue ethics and is concerned most on activities of caring which focuses the client-nurse
relationship. The moral emphasis in caring ethics is on the motives of any action or decision, how the
person performs those actions and or whether the actions promote or thwart positive relationship between
the nurse and her clients (Melia, 2004).
3. Reflective approach
Under this approach, one’s moral beliefs are a reflection of one’s perceptions in particular cases. It is more a
process than an outcome.
Beauchamp and Childress’ Principlism / coherence theory is an example of this approach. This theory
suggests that general principles can be applied with sensitivity to the particulars of the case. It emphasizes
that principles need to be made specific for cases, while analysis of particular cases can gain much
illumination from general principles. There are four principles that are intended to act as guides to action and
decision making. These are non-maleficence, beneficence, justice and respect for autonomy (Beauchamp and
Childress, 2001).
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Short Quiz. Basic Analogy. This is a test of logical relations. You are to read and analyze the inferences given then
supply the word/group of missing word/s. Erasures and superimpositions will be marked wrong. (10 points)
The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students and will encourage them to ask questions and to discuss
among their classmates.
1. ANSWER: ________________________________
___ _________________________________________________________________________
2. ANSWER: ________________________________________
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3. ANSWER: ________________________________________
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4. ANSWER: ________
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5. ANSWER: ________________________________________
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6. ANSWER: ________________________________________
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7. ANSWER: ________________________________________
8. ANSWER: ________________________________________
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9. ANSWER: ________________________________________
___ _________________________________________________________________________
You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.
The instructor will you to recite on the things learned during the discussion and will pose the question, “Who is
willing to risk an answer?”.This strategy will help less confident students move beyond their apprehensions and
participate fully and to remind students all students how risk taking serves learning in research.
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