Model Questions (Pre-board) 2079 (2023) Healthy food doesn’t have to be expensive in the least bit, and you can
Compulsory English get an abundance of low priced fruit and veggies, like apples, bananas,
potatoes and peas. Take a look at your current lifestyle and make a
Set A
small list of everything you do that is not good for your health. This
could be anything, from eating too much junk food or drinking too
much caffeine, to smoking or drinking. Start the process of breaking
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far these habits one by one. Some will be easy, while others may take
as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. months or maybe years to get rid of and eradicate completely from your
life, but the sooner you start fighting, the better.
Time: 3:00 hrs. Full Marks : 75 Some addictions (like smoking, drugs or alcohol) are incredibly bad not
only to your health, but also to your pocketbook. If you smoke and/or
Attempt all the questions.
drink, start by cutting back on how many drinks you have, or cigarettes
you smoke, in a day, and if necessary, seek medical advice and
1. Read the text and complete the tasks that follow. 15 assistance to make further steps towards stopping completely.
We all should be doing at least 30 minutes of exercise, 3 to 4 or more
How to stay fit, happy and healthy times a week, to maintain good health and keep fit. This can be pretty
If you’ve been listening to the news you already know about our much anything that is physical, like walking, cycling, running,
national obesity levels rising by the day. It has never been more swimming to weightlifting, etc. This too does not have to be expensive,
important to watch what you are eating and to get an adequate amount and you can get a great work out without joining any costly gyms. Most
of exercise and sleep to keep yourself fit and healthy. Though it may of these exercises are inexpensive, and just doing a cardiovascular
feel like really hard work at first, once you adopt an exercise routine and exercise, like walking, jogging, or walking on a treadmill a few times a
start to adapt to a new situation, you’ll forget you ever did things week will do your body (and heart) good.
differently. Here are the top four top adjustments you could make make: A. Look at the highlighted words in the text. Complete these
sentences using them. Two of them are not necessary. (5X1=5)
Sleep is huge and almost a third of the US population doesn’t get near a. Disadvantaged people are …………… of social justice.
enough to help them stay physically and mentally healthy. If you are b. Nepal is a naturally rich country. In fact, it has an …………….. of
sleep deprived, try changing your habits in order to get a full eight hours natural resources.
every night. c. Older people with medical complications are …………… to Covid-
Look at what you’re eating now and make changes where you see fit. If 19.
you are susceptible to snacking, keep a piece of fruit or a few nuts at d. I have made a few …………… to the design to give the shirt a new
hand. The key is to eat small meals throughout the day. Reduce portion look.
sizes, remove white bread and replace with whole grains and make sure
e. It took me seven hours to complete the task. It was …………… e. How can you say that history has been a major contested issue in this
difficult. present world? (Humility)
B. Choose the appropriate headings for paragraphs 2-6 from the list 3. Write long answers to the following questions. (2X5=10)
below and write the paragraph numbers next to them. (5X1=5) a. Sketch the character of Famous Actress. How is she different from
a. Strive for a better diet ……………. Earnest Young Woman? (A Matter of Husbands)
b. Exercise, exercise, exercise ……………. b. Write a short summary of the poem A Day by Emily Dickinson.
c. Overcoming addictions …………….
d. Get more sleep ……………. 4. What is the most useful thing that you have ever learnt? Write
e. Stop all those bad habits ……………. two or three paragraphs about it. 7
C. Answer the following questions. (5X1=5) 5. You have received this email from your friend Nitesh.
a. What percentage of the US population get enough sleep to stay From: Nitesh
healthy? Subject: Holiday
b. Why is healthy food not always expensive? Some school friends of mine are visiting your village soon for a week's
c. What is the best way to get rid of bad habits? touring holiday. They would like to travel around about your local area
d. Why do you think an addiction like smoking is worse than snacking and understand its history. Can you tell me about some of the places
on junk food? they could visit please? What's the best way to travel around – bus, car,
e. What type of exercise is good for your heart? bike or on foot?
2. Write short answers to the following questions. (5X2=10) Nitesh
a. Why were the people in the neighbourhood surprised at the role of the Write a reply email to Nitesh. 8
young man and his wife within their family? (Neighbours)
b. How does the author make fun using the words 'America' and 'the 6. Many students in Nepal tend to choose to study abroad. To what
USA? (A Devoted Son) extent does this trend benefit the students and the country? What
c. Explain the following lines with reference to the context: (The are the drawbacks? Write an essay to explain your thoughts in
Awakening Age) about 300 words. 10
Along the line may our lives rhyme
To make a loving harvest of space and time. 7. Do as indicated in the brackets and rewrite the sentences.
d. What is the central idea of the essay Knowledge and Wisdom by (10X1=10)
Bertrand Russell? a. I’m going to tell you something very important, so please listen
…………... . (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb.)
b. The old man died …………. a heart attack. (Put the correct i. looked after ii. looked at iii. looked over iv. looked up
preposition in the blank.)
c. More than one person …………. going to have to find a new job.
(Put the correct verb in the blank.)
d. You'll …………. (has to/have to/must/had to) tell the police that your
house was broken into. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to
complete the sentence.)
e. He only realised he …………. his keys when he reached his front
door. (Complete the sentence using correct forms of verbs: lose)
f. A lot of people are worried about …………. (to lose/losing) their
jobs. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the
g. …………. the AC was on, the room was not cool. (Put a correct
conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence.)
h. Between 2000 and 2005 she wrote three novels, …………. (neither
of which/none which/none of which) were published. (Choose the
correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)
i. I like people laughing at me. (Change into passive.)
j. Could you please open the window? (Report this with the reporting
clause: She requested ………..)
i. All educators condemn rote learning as………………….. B. State whether the following statements are true or false.
i. Educators believe rote system learning, though it is
(a) it is a feat of memory
mechanical, fosters critical thinking and creativity.
(b) it is a parrot like learning ii. Rote memorization expands the areas of mind to infinite
(c) it is mindless and mechanical possibilities.
(d) it is against critical thinking and creativity iii. Cryptic texts were formed to facilitate memorisation.
iv. Bhaskar’s Lilavati illustrates that creativity and rote
ii. The dichotomy between creativity and rote learning learning can go together.
is………………….. v. This year, only the 30 students got through IITs.
(a) increased by computer literates
(b) initiated by western thinkers C. Answer the following questions in brief:
(c) the clash of the cultures of west and east i. Why is oral tradition in India called remarkable?
(d) opposed by Indian scholars ii. How is rote learning advantageous?
iii. The oral tradition in India is called remarkable iii. What does Bhaskara’s Lilavati illustrate?
because………………….. iv. Why were cryptic texts created for mathematics,
(a) it has helped to preserve Vedic learning philosophy etc.?
(b) some of the old texts are still available v. Write the word from passage similar in meaning to these
(c) it has led to scientific discoveries of enduring interest words.
(d) it provides capacity to absorb volumes of data (a) Separation (para 1)
iv. Rote learning has its own advantages as………………….. (b) Ascribed (para 6)
(a) it promotes learning without understanding
(b) it does not add pressure to the mental faculties
(c) mugging up can be aural as well as visual 2. Write short answers to the following questions. 5 x2=10
(d) it expands areas of the mind to greater possibilities i. What do you understand by Soft Storm? (Soft Storm)
v. Cryptic texts were created for mathematics, philosophy, etc. ii. Describe Evans’s dream. (Treasure in the Forest)
because………………….. iii. Discuss the gist of the essay ‘On Libraries’.
(a) these are very simple
iv. What, according to the Earnest Young Woman, are the iv. She sometimes goes to the cinema. (Make wh-question so that the
indications that her husband has fallen in love with Famous word in bold becomes the answer)
Actress? (A Matter of Husbands) v. She could be a doctor; however, …………….(Complete the
v. What are the elements in the story that make ‘An Old Man with sentence with an appropriate ending)
Enormous Wings’ a children’s story? vi. I am longing to know how much this motorbike costs these days.
(Change the indirect question into direct question)
vii. I am busy today but I was busier yesterday. I’m not as …………
3. Write long answer to the following questions. 2 x5=10 (Complete the sentence in an appropriate way)
i. How does Lu Xun create a feeling of nostalgia in the story? How viii. She has a very good accent in English. She failed the interview of
is this connected to the idea of hope for the future; i.e., what is a newsreader. (Join the sentences with In spite of)
the relationship among past, present, and future in the story and ix. The restaurant hours vary as it is booked for special events. (Put the
in the narrator’s thinking? (My Old Home) adverb ‘frequently’ in the appropriate place)
ii. Is marriage a social institution? Discuss (Marriage as a Social x. There is a large quantity of fish in this river. (Underline the
Institution) quantifier)
(a) The quality of our lives depends on …………………………. . B. Answer the following.
(i) the personalities we have cultivated for ourselves
(ii) the number of New Year resolutions we make (a) To improve our personalities, an easy starting point is to look for
(iii) the challenges that people give us …………………………. in our surroundings.
(iv) None of the above (b) Our …………………………. might play a part in shaping our
dispositions, but our behaviour and attitudes are influenced by our
(b) Our New Year resolutions remain unfulfilled, according to Mary choices.
Thomas, because we …………………………. . (c) A workplace adds values to it employees when …………differences
(i) make too many resolutions are nurtured.
(ii) add more goals than what we can accomplish (d) By extending basic courtesies to people around us we add value to
(iii) get caught up with our studies our lives. (True/False)
(iv) feel happy about them (e) A company where information is not suppressed, becomes a value-
added workplace. (True/False)
C. Answer the questions. 5. Write a news story based on the given information.
Argentina beat Brazil to win Copa America
(a) What contributes to quality of life? by Reuters
(b) How can we add value to our life? -first major title in 28 years
-first medal for Lionel Messi in a blue-and-white shirt
(c) How are our dispositions different from our attitudes and -Di Maria goal gave them a 1-0 win over Brazil
behaviours? -15th Copa America equal to Brazil
-Brazil piled on the pressure but they could not get an equaliser
(d) According to the writer, why is becoming a better person important? -Brazil - more aggressive in the second half
-Argentine defence - outstanding8
(e) What makes a meaningful life? Are you living a meaningful life? 6. Human life does not pass as one expects. You might have also gone
through different but memorable incidents. Write an essay on 'An
2. Write short answers to the following questions. 5 x2=10 Unforgettable Event in my Life' in about 300 words. 10
i. What are two big stages that involve writing the history of
human rights in relation to that of political economy? (Human 7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. 10
Rights and the Age of Inequlity) i. This company is up ……….the bankruptcy. (Put appropriate
ii. Describe the setting of the story A Devoted Son. preposition in the blank space)
iii. Describe the factors that contribute to wisdom? (Knowledge and ii Radhika always talks in the class. (Write whether the verb is
Wisdom) transitive, intransitive or linking)
iv. Why does the speaker prefer the present to the past in I was My iii. You …… learn English to enroll a university course. (Put in had
Own Route? better or should)
v. How does the play make a satire on feudal system? (The Bull) iv. Look! The river …… (flow) very fast. (Put the verb from the
bracket in correct tense to make a meaningful sentence)
3. Write long answer to the following questions. 2 x5=10 v. Kathmandu is my favourite city. It is the capital of Nepal. (Join the
i. The author claims, “Since it is more polite to criticize one’s own sentences with a relative clause)
people than to criticize foreigners.” Do you agree to his claim? vi. …… the fact that he is an octogenarian; he still leads an active life.
Give your reasons. (Put the correct connective in the blank to complete the sentence)
ii. Discuss Facing Death as a modern tragedy. vii. This is the form. Please can you …(fill in/ fill up)……it. ? (Choose
the correct phrasal verb and rewrite the sentence in a meaningful
4. Write a description of an event that you have recently witnessed.7 way)
viii. Yor are far away from home. (Express your wish)
ix. The cat is ……(in/on/over/at)…….the hat. (Put the correct
x. The players, as well as the captain, …….(want, wants)…. to win.
(Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence)
8. Do as instructed. (5x1=5)
a. I bought a round table in the supermarket. What word class does
the underlined word in the sentence belong to?
b. Arrange the following words as per the order in a dictionary:
chanting, chopper, chirruping, chivalry, chancellor, character
c. Which of the following words has the pronunciation of /id/?
i. accepted
ii. dropped
iii. answered
d. How many syllables does the word ‘diary’ have?
i. 1 syllable
ii. 2 syllables
iii. 3 syllables