Add-Shop E-Retail Limited
Add-Shop E-Retail Limited
Add-Shop E-Retail Limited
Neither our Company nor our Promoters or any of our Directors have been or are identified as Willful Defaulter and/or Fraudulent Borrower by any
bank or financial institution (as defined under the Companies Act, 2013) or consortium thereof, in accordance with the guidelines on Wilful Defaulter(s)
or Fraudulent Borrower(s) issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
Investment in equity and equity related securities involve a degree of risk and investors should not invest any funds in this offer unless they can afford to take the
risk with such investment. Investors are advised to read the Risk Factors carefully before taking an investment decision in this offering. For taking an investment
decision, investors shall rely on their own examination of the issuer and the offer including the risks involved. The Right Equity Shares being offered in this issue
have not been recommended or approved by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) nor does SEBI guarantee the accuracy or adequacy of this
document. Specific attention of investors is invited to the statement of “Risk factors” beginning on page no. 20 of this Letter of Offer.
The issuer, having made all reasonable inquiries, accepts responsibility for and confirms that this Letter of Offer contains all information with regard to the issuer
and the issue, which is material in the context of the issue, and that the information contained in the Letter of Offer is true and correct in all material aspects and
is not misleading in any material respect, that the opinions and intentions expressed herein are honestly held and that there are no other facts, the omission of
which make this document as a whole or any of such information or the expression of any such opinions or intentions misleading in any material respect.
The existing Equity Shares of our Company are listed on BSE Limited (“BSE”). Our Company has received “in-principle” approval from BSE for listing of the
Rights Equity Shares to be allotted in this Issue pursuant to letter dated July 01,2022. For the purpose of this issue, BSE shall be the Designated Stock Exchange.
AUGUST 17, 2022 AUGUST 24, 2022 AUGUST 30, 2022
*Pursuant to the January 22 – Rights Issue Circular, SEBI has introduced the concept of credit of Rights Entitlements into the demat accounts of the Eligible Equity
Shareholders, which can be renounced by them by way of On Market Renunciation or Off Market renunciation. Further, the credit of Rights Entitlements and
Allotment of Rights Equity Shares shall be made only in dematerialised form.
**Eligible Equity Shareholders are requested to ensure that renunciation through off-market transfer is completed in such a manner that the Rights Entitlements
are credited to the demat accounts of the Renouncees on or prior to the Issue Closing Date.
***Our Board or a duly authorised committee thereof will have the right to extend the Issue Period as it may determine from time to time, provided that this Issue
will not remain open in excess of 30 days from the Issue Opening Date. Further, no withdrawal of Application shall be permitted by any Applicant after the Issue
Closing Date.
Definitions and Abbreviations 1-10
Notice to Investors 11-14
Certain Conventions, Use of Financial Industry & Market Data, And Currency Presentation 15-16
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Conditions and Result of Operations 110-113
Declaration 161
This Letter of Offer uses certain definitions and abbreviations which, unless the context otherwise indicates or
implies, shall have the respective meanings given below. References to statutes, regulations, rules, guidelines and
policies will be deemed to include all amendments and modifications thereto as amended from time to time.
Unless the context otherwise indicates or implies, the following terms shall have the meanings provided below in
this Letter of Offer, and references to any statute or regulations or policies will include any amendments or re-
enactments thereto, from time to time.
General Terms
“Add-Shop E-Retail Unless the context otherwise indicates or implies, “Add-Shop E-Retail Limited”, a
Limited”, “Add-Shop”, public limited company incorporated under the provision of Companies Act, 1956
“ASRL” “The Company”, and having its Registered Office at B-304, Imperial Height, 150 ft Ring Road,
“Our Company”, or Rajkot, Gujarat-360005, India.
Unless the context otherwise indicates or implies, refers to our Company together
“We”, “Our”, or “us”
with our Subsidiaries and Associates
Our Promoters or The promoters of our company being (I) Mr. Dineshbhai Bhanushankar Pandya
Promoters of the (II)Mrs. Jayshree Dineshbhai Pandya (III) Mr. Jigar Dineshkumar Pandya
Company (IV) Mr. Dev Dineshbhai Pandya (V) Ms. Deviben Dineshbhai Pandya
Includes such persons and entities constituting the promoter group of our Company
Promoter Group in terms of Regulation 2(1) (pp) of the SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018 and as
disclosed by our Company to the Stock Exchange from time to time
Conventional Terms
ACIT Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax.
The alternative investment funds, as defined in, and registered with SEBI under the
AIF(s) Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds)
Regulations, 2012.
Air Act, 1981 Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
Category I Foreign FPIs who are registered as “Category I foreign portfolio investor” under the SEBI
Portfolio Investor(s) FPI Regulations.
Category II Foreign FPIs who are registered as “Category II foreign portfolio investor” under the SEBI
Portfolio Investor(s) FPI Regulations.
Category III Foreign FPIs who are registered as “Category III foreign portfolio investor” under the SEBI
Portfolio Investor(s) FPI Regulations.
Companies Act, 1956 (without reference to the provisions thereof that have ceased
Companies Act, 1956 to have effect upon notification of the sections of the Companies Act, 2013) along
with the relevant rules made there under.
Companies Companies Act, 2013, to the extent in force pursuant to the notification of sections
Act/Companies Act, 2013 of the Companies Act, 2013, along with the relevant rules made there under.
Competition Act The Competition Act, 2002.
Consolidation FDI Policy dated October 15, 2020, issued by the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government
Consolidated FDI Policy
of India, and any modifications thereto or substitutions thereof, issued from time to
CST Act Central Sales Tax Act, 1956.
FCNR Account Foreign currency non-resident account.
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, read with rules and regulations there
Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident
FEMA Regulations
Outside India) Regulations 2000.
FII(s) Foreign Institutional Investors as defined under the SEBI FPI Regulations.
Financial Year/ Fiscal/ Period of twelve (12) months ended March 31 of that particular year, unless
Fiscal Year/F.Y. otherwise stated.
Page 1 of 161
Foreign Portfolio Investor Foreign Portfolio Investors, as defined under the SEBI FPI Regulations and
or FPI registered with SEBI under applicable laws in India.
“Fugitive economic offender” shall mean an individual who is declared a fugitive
Fugitive economic
economic offender under section 12 of the Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018
(17 of 2018)
FVCI Foreign Venture Capital Investor, registered under the FVCI Regulations.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Venture Capital Investors)
FVCI Regulations
Regulations, 2000.
Hazardous Waste Rules, Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Trans boundary Movement) Rules,
2008 2008.
Income Tax Act or the
The Income Tax Act, 1961.
I.T. Act
New Indian Accounting Standards notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs on
Ind AS February 16, 2015, applicable from Financial Year commencing April 1, 2016, as
LLP Act The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
The sections of the Companies Act, 2013, that have been notified by the
Notified Sections
Government as having come into effect prior to the date of this Letter of Offer.
NRE Account Non-resident external account.
NRO Account Non-resident ordinary account.
RBI Act Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
SCRA Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956.
SCRR Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957.
SEBI The Securities and Exchange Board of India, constituted under the SEBI Act.
SEBI Act Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992.
SEBI Takeover Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Regulations Takeovers) Regulations, 2011.
The erstwhile Securities and Exchange Board of India (Venture Capital Funds)
SEBI VCF Regulations
Regulations, 1996.
Securities Act U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
State Government The government of a state of the Union of India.
STT Securities Transaction Tax.
Sub-accounts registered with SEBI under the SEBI FII Regulations other than sub-
accounts which are foreign corporate or foreign individuals.
Venture Capital Funds as defined and registered with SEBI under the SEBI VCF
Water Act, 1974 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.
Page 2 of 161
The form used by an Investor to make an application for the Allotment of Rights Equity Shares
“Application Form” in the Issue.
Eligible Equity Shareholder(s) and/or Renouncee(s) who are entitled to apply or make
“Applicant(s)” or
an application for the Rights Equity Shares pursuant to this Issue in terms of this Letter
of Offer.
The number of Equity Shares applied for and as indicated in the Application Form
Application Amount multiplied by the price per Equity Share payable by the Applicants on submission of
the Application Form.
The slip or document issued by the Designated Intermediary to an Applicant as proof
Acknowledgement Slip
of having accepted the Application Form.
Allot/Allotment/Allott Unless the context otherwise requires, allotment of the Equity Shares pursuant to the
ed of Equity Shares Issue of Equity Shares to the successful Applicants.
Note or advice or intimation of Allotment sent to the Applicants who have been allotted
Allotment Advice Equity Shares after the Basis of Allotment has been approved by the Designated Stock
The form in terms of which an Applicant shall make an Application and which shall be
Application Form considered as the application for the Allotment pursuant to the terms of this Letter of
Application Supported
An application, whether physical or electronic, used by ASBA Bidders, to make a Bid
by Blocked
authorizing a SCSB to block the Bid Amount in the ASBA Account.
A bank account maintained with an SCSB and specified in the ASBA Form submitted
ASBA Account
by Applicants for blocking the Bid Amount mentioned in the ASBA Form
Any prospective investors in this Issue who apply for Equity Shares of our Company
ASBA Applicant(s)
through the ASBA process in terms of this Letter of Offer.
An application form, whether physical or electronic, used by ASBA Applicants, which
ASBA Forms
will be considered as the application for Allotment in terms of the Letter of Offer.
ASBA Application Such Branches of the SCSBs which shall collect the Application Forms used by the
Location(s)/Specified Applicants applying through the ASBA process and a list of which is available on
Bank which are clearing members and registered with SEBI as banker to an issue and
Banker to the Issue with whom the Rights Issue Account will be opened, in this case being “ICICI Bank
Banker to the Issue Agreement dated July 05, 2022 entered into amongst the Company, Lead Manager, the
Agreement Registrar and the Banker of the Issue.
The basis on which the Equity Shares will be Allotted to successful Applicants in
Basis of Allotment consultation with the Designated Stock Exchange under the Issue, as described in the
Section “Terms of the Issue” beginning on page no. 124 of this Letter of Offer.
Business Day Monday to Saturday (except 2nd & 4th Saturday of a month and public holidays).
BSE BSE Limited
The note or advice or intimation sent to each successful Applicant indicating the Equity
CAN or Confirmation
Shares which will be Allotted, after approval of Basis of Allotment by the Designated
of Allocation Note
Stock Exchange.
Client Identification Number maintained with one of the Depositories in relation to
Client ID
demat account.
Collection Centers Centers at which the Designated Intermediaries shall accept the ASBA Forms.
A depository participant as defined under the Depositories Act, 1996, registered with
Collecting Depository SEBI and who is eligible to procure Applications at the Designated CDP Locations in
Participant or CDP terms of circular no. CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/11/2015 dated November 10, 2015,
issued by SEBI.
Such branches of the SCSBs which coordinate Applications under this Issue made by
Controlling Branches the Applicants with the Lead Manager, the Registrar to the Issue and the Stock
of SCSBs Exchanges, a list of which is provided on or at such other
website as may be prescribed by SEBI from time to time.
The demographic details of the Applicants such as their Address, PAN, Occupation and
Demographic Details
Bank Account details.
Page 3 of 161
Depository/Depositorie A depository registered with SEBI under the SEBI (Depositories and Participant)
s Regulations, 1996, as amended from time to time, being NSDL and CDSL.
A depository participant as defined under the Depositories Act, 1966.
Such locations of the CDPs where Applicant can submit the Application Forms to
Collecting Depository Participants.
Designated CDP
Locations The details of such Designated CDP Locations, along with names and contact details
of the Collecting Depository Participants eligible to accept Application Forms are
available on the websites of the Stock Exchange i.e.,
The date on which the funds are transferred by the Escrow Collection Bank from the
Escrow Account(s) or the instructions are given to the SCSBs to unblock the ASBA
Accounts including the accounts linked with UPI ID and transfer the amounts blocked
Designated Date by SCSBs as the case may be, to the Rights Issue Account, as appropriate in terms of
the Letter of Offer and the aforesaid transfer and instructions shall be issued only after
finalization of the Basis of Allotment in consultation with the Designated Stock
An SCSB with whom the bank account to be blocked, is maintained, a syndicate
member (or sub-syndicate member), a Registered Broker, Designated CDP Locations
for CDP, a registrar to an issue and share transfer agent (RTA) (whose names is
Collecting Agent
mentioned on website of the stock exchange as eligible for this activity).
Such locations of the RTAs where Applicant can submit the Application Forms to
Designated RTA
The details of such Designated CDP Locations, along with names and contact details
of the Collecting Depository Participants eligible to accept Application Forms are
available on the websites of the Stock Exchange i.e.,
Designated Stock
BSE Limited
DP Depository Participant.
DP ID Depository Participant’s Identity number.
NRI(s) from such jurisdiction outside India where it is not unlawful to make an Issue
or invitation under the Issue and in relation to whom this Letter of Offer constitutes an
Eligible NRI(s)
invitation to subscribe for the Equity Shares Issued herein on the basis of the terms
Qualified Foreign Investors from such jurisdictions outside India where it is not
unlawful to make an offer or invitation under the Issue and in relation to whom the
Eligible QFIs Letter of Offer constitutes an invitation to purchase the Equity Shares Issued thereby
and who have opened demat accounts with SEBI registered qualified depositary
Electronic Transfer of
Refunds through ECS, NEFT, Direct Credit or RTGS as applicable.
Equity Shares Equity Shares of our Company of face value ₹10/- each.
FII/Foreign Foreign Institutional Investor (as defined under SEBI (Foreign Institutional Investors)
Institutional Investors Regulations, 1995, as amended) registered with SEBI under applicable laws in India.
First/Sole Applicant The Applicant whose name appears first in the Application Form or Revision Form.
Foreign Venture Foreign Venture Capital Investors registered with SEBI under the SEBI (Foreign
Capital Investors Venture Capital Investor) Regulations, 2000.
A Foreign Portfolio Investor who has been registered pursuant to the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2014, provided that
FPI / Foreign Portfolio
any FII who holds a valid certificate of registration shall be deemed to be a foreign
portfolio investor till the expiry of the block of three years for which fees have been
paid as per the SEBI (Foreign Institutional Investors) Regulations, 1995, as amended
Rights Issue of 90,56,255 Equity Shares of face value of ₹10/- each of our Company
for cash at a price of ₹54/- per Equity Share (including a share premium of ₹44/- per
Issue/Issue Size Rights
Equity Share) aggregating to 48,90,37,770/- by our Company, in terms of this Letter of
Issue Agreement The Issue Agreement dated June 9, 2022 between our Company and Lead Manager.
Page 4 of 161
Issue Closing Date The date on which Issue Closes for Subscription.
Issue Opening Date The date on which Issue Opens for Subscription.
The period between the Issue Opening Date and the Issue Closing Date, inclusive of
Issue Period
both days, during which prospective Investors may submit their application.
The price at which the Equity Shares are being issued by our Company being ₹54/- per
Issue Price Equity Share. Investors will have to pay the entire offer price i.e. ₹54/- per Rights
Equity Share at the time of Application.
Issue Proceeds The proceeds of the Issue that are available to our company.
Lead Manager/LM Finshore Management Services Limited
Unless the context specifies otherwise, this means the Equity Listing Agreement to be
Listing Agreement
signed between our Company and the BSE Limited.
Mutual fund (s) registered with SEBI pursuant to the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations,
Mutual Fund(s)
1996, as amended from time to time.
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), a Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
initiative, is an umbrella organization for all retail payments in India. It has been set up
with the guidance and support of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Indian Banks
Association (IBA)
Overseas Corporate Body means and includes an entity defined in clause (xi) of
Regulation 2 of the Foreign Exchange Management (Withdrawal of General Permission
Overseas Corporate to Overseas Corporate Bodies (OCB’s) Regulations 2003 and which was in existence
Body/OCB on the date of the commencement of these Regulations and immediately prior to such
commencement was eligible to undertake transactions pursuant to the general
permission granted under the Regulations. OCBs are not allowed to invest in this Issue.
Investors other than Retail Individual Investors. These include individual Applicants
Other Investors other than retail individual investors and other investors including corporate bodies or
institutions irrespective of the number of specified securities applied for.
Any individual, sole proprietorship, unincorporated association, unincorporated
organization, body corporate, corporation, company, partnership, limited liability
Person/ Persons company, joint venture, or trust, or any other entity or organization validly constituted
and/or incorporated in the jurisdiction in which it exists and operates, as the context
The Bank Account opened with the Banker(s) to this Issue under Section 40 of the
Rights Issue Account Companies Act, 2013 to receive monies from the SCSBs from the bank accounts of the
ASBA Accounts on the Designated Date.
Qualified Institutional A qualified institutional buyer as defined under Regulation 2(1)(ss) of the SEBI ICDR
Buyers or QIBs Regulations.
Stockbrokers registered with the stock exchanges having nationwide terminals, other
Registered Brokers
than the Members of the Syndicate.
Registrar and Share Registrar and share transfer agents registered with SEBI and eligible to procure
Transfer Agents or Applications at the Designated RTA Locations in terms of circular no.
RTAs CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/11/2015 dated November 10, 2015, issued by SEBI.
Registrar of Company/
Registrar of the company is “Cameo Corporate Services Limited”.
Registrar to this Issue
The agreement dated June 10, 2022 entered into between our Company and the
Registrar Agreement Registrar to the Issue in relation to the responsibilities and obligations of the Registrar
pertaining to the Issue.
SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2018 as amended
from time to time.
Reserved Category(ies) Categories of persons eligible for making application under reservation portion.
Applicants or minors applying through their natural guardians, (including HUFs in the
Retail Individual
name of Karta and Eligible NRIs) who have applied for an amount less than or equal to
Investors/ RIIs
₹ 2 Lakh in this Issue.
The form used by the Applicants to modify the quantity of Equity Shares or the
Revision Form Application Amount in any of their Application Forms or any previous Revision
Form(s), as applicable.
Self-Certified Banks registered with SEBI, Issuing Services in relation to ASBA, a list of which is
Syndicate available on the website of SEBI at
Page 5 of 161
Bank(s) or SCSB(s)
d=35, as applicable, or such other website as updated from time to time, and (ii) in
relation to ASBA (through UPI mechanism), a list of which is available on the
website of SEBI at
or such other website as updated from time to time.
Collection Centers where the SCSBs shall accept application forms, a list of which is
Specified Locations
available on the website of the SEBI ( and updated from time to time.
SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 issued by
Regulations / ICDR
SEBI on September 11, 2018, as amended from time to time, including instructions and
Regulation /
clarifications issued by SEBI from time to time.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
SEBI Insider Trading
Regulations, 2015 as amended, including instructions and clarifications issued by SEBI
from time to time.
SEBI Takeover
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Regulations or SEBI
Takeover) Regulations, 2011, as amended from time to time.
(SAST) Regulations
SEBI Listing
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Regulations, 2015/
Requirements) Regulations, 2015/ Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
SEBI Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 and as
Regulations/ Listing
amended thereto, including instructions and clarifications issued by SEBI from time to
Regulations/ SEBI
SEBI (Venture Capital) Securities Exchange Board of India (Venture Capital) Regulations, 1996 as amended
Regulations from time to time.
The slip or document issued by a member of the Syndicate or an SCSB (only on
demand), as the case may be, to the applicants, as proof of registration of the
Registration Slip /TRS
Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is an instant payment system developed by the NPCI.
It enables merging several banking features, seamless fund routing & merchant
UPI payments into one hood. UPI allows instant transfer of money between any two
persons’ bank accounts using a payment address which uniquely identifies a person’s
bank a/c.
U.S. Securities Act U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended
“working day” means all days on which commercial banks in the city as specified in
the offer document are open for business. However, till issue period, working day shall
mean all days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, on which commercial
banks in the city as notified in the offer document are open for business.
Working Days The time period between the bid/issue closing date and the listing of the specified
securities on the stock exchanges, working day shall mean all trading days of the stock
exchanges, excluding Sundays and bank holidays, as per circulars issued by the Board,
as per the SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL/CIR/P/2016/26 dated January 21,
2016 and in terms of regulation 2(1)(mmm) of SEBI ICDR Regulations 2018.
Page 6 of 161
“Board of Director(s)” orUnless otherwise specified, The Board of Directors of our Company, as duly
“the/our Board” constituted from time to time, including any committee(s) thereof.
“CFO” or Chief Financial The Chief Financial Officer of our company being “Mr. Dev Dineshbhai
Officer Pandya”.
CIN Corporate Identification Number being L51109GJ2013PLC076482
The Companies Act, 2013 and amendments thereto. The Companies Act, 1956,
Companies Act
to the extent of such of the provisions that are in force.
Company Secretary & The Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of our company being “Mr.
Compliance Officer Nirajkumar Kishorbhai Malaviya”.
Corporate Social Responsibility committee of our Company constituted in
Corporate Social
accordance with the Companies Act, 2013 as disclosed by our Company to the
Responsibility committee
Stock Exchange from time to time.
DIN Directors Identification Number.
Director/Director(s) The directors of our Company, unless otherwise specified
E-Commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the
internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions
ED Executive Director
The Equity Shares of our Company of face value of ₹10/- each, fully paid-up,
Equity Shares
unless otherwise specified in the context thereof.
Equity Shareholders Persons/Entities holding Equity Shares of our Company.
Export Export means taking goods out of India to a place outside India
Such companies with which there were related party transactions, during the
period for which financial information is disclosed in this Letter of Offer, which
Group Companies/Entities
are covered under the applicable accounting standards and other companies as
considered material by our Board, as identified in “Our Group Companies”
HUF Hindu Undivided Family.
IBC The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
Ind AS Indian Accounting Standard
Ind GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India.
Import Import means bringing goods into India from a place outside India
Independent Director Non-executive & Independent Director as per the Companies Act, 2013
IT Act The Income Tax Act,1961 as amended till date
A commercial enterprise undertaken jointly by two or more parties which
JV / Joint Venture
otherwise retain their distinct identities.
International Securities Identification Number In this case being
Key managerial personnel of our Company in terms of Regulation 2(1)(bb) of
KMP / Key Managerial the SEBI ICDR Regulations 2018, Section 2(51) of the Companies Act, 2013
Personnel and as disclosed in the chapter titled “Our Management” beginning on page no.
63 of this Letter of Offer.
MD Managing Director
A policy adopted by our Company for identification of material litigation(s) for
Materiality Policy
the purpose of disclosure of the same in this Letter of Offer.
Memorandum/Memorandum The Memorandum of Association of our Company, as amended from time to
of Association/MoA time.
Nomination and Remuneration committee of our Company constituted in
Nomination and
accordance with the Companies Act, 2013 as disclosed by our Company to the
Remuneration Committee
Stock Exchange from time to time.
Non-Residents A person resident outside India, as defined under FEMA Regulations, 2000
The renunciation of Rights Entitlements undertaken by the Investor by trading
them over the secondary market platform of the Stock Exchanges through a
“On Market Renunciation” registered stock broker in accordance with the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars and
the circulars issued by the Stock Exchanges, from time to time, and other
applicable laws, on or before August 24, 2022.
Page 7 of 161
The renunciation of Rights Entitlements undertaken by the Investor by
transferring them through off market transfer through a depository participant in
“Off Market Renunciation”
accordance with the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars and the circulars issued by the
Depositories, from time to time, and other applicable laws.
Promoters Shall mean promoters of our Company as mentioned in this Letter of Offer.
Designated date for the purpose of determining the Equity Shareholders eligible
“Record Date”
to apply for Rights Equity Shares, being August 08,2022.
Registered & Corporate Registered & Corporate Office of the Company is presently situated at B-304,
Office Imperial Height, 150ft Ring Road, Rajkot- 360005, Gujarat
Any person(s) who, not being the original recipient has/have acquired the Rights
“Renouncee(s)” Entitlement, in accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations read with the SEBI
Rights Issue Circulars.
The period during which the Investors can renounce or transfer their Rights
Entitlements which shall commence from the Issue Opening Date. Such period
shall close on August 24, 2022 in case of On Market Renunciation. Eligible
“Renunciation Period”
Equity Shareholders are requested to ensure that renunciation through off-market
transfer is completed in such a manner that the Rights Entitlements are credited
to the demat account of the Renouncee on or prior to the Issue Closing Date.
The right to apply for the Rights Equity Shares, being offered by way of this
Issue, by an Investor, in accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations read with
“Rights Entitlements” /
the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars, in this case being 1(One) Rights Equity Share
for every 1(One) Equity Shares held by an Eligible Equity Shareholder (Public),
on the Record Date.
Letter including details of Rights Entitlements of the Eligible Equity
“Rights Entitlement Letter”
“Rights Equity
A holder of the Rights Equity Shareholders (Public), from time to time.
Equity shares of our Company to be Allotted pursuant to this Issue, on fully paid-
“Rights Equity Shares”
up basis on Allotment to Public shareholders.
RoC/Registrar of
The Registrar of Companies, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India constituted under the SEBI Act, 1992.
Shareholders Shareholders of our Company
Subscriber to MOA / Initial
Initial Subscriber to MOA
WTD Whole Time Director
A person or an issuer who or which is categorized as a willful defaulter or a
fraudulent borrower by any bank or financial institution (as defined under the
Willful Defaulter(s) or a
Companies Act, 2013) or consortium thereof, in accordance with the guidelines
Fraudulent Borrower (s)
on willful defaulters or a fraudulent borrower issued by the Reserve Bank of
India, as defined under Regulation 2(1)(lll) of SEBI ICDR Regulations 2018.
Page 8 of 161
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GST Goods and Service Tax
GVA Gross Value Added
G-sec Government Securities
IBEF Indian Brand Equity Foundation
IMF International Monetary Fund
INR Indian Rupee Rates
JCI Joint Commission International
MNC Multinational Corporation
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MVC Model View Controller
MYEA Mid-Year Economic Analysis
NABH National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers
NIA National Institute of Ayurveda
NITI Aayog National Institution for transforming India
NMP National Manufacturing Policy
OMR Optical Marking Recognition
OSA Out Sourcing Agent
PMA Preferential Market Access
PSUs Private Sector Units
RIMS Records and Information Management Services
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RTD Ready to Drink Beverages
SEZ Special Economic Zone
TFA Trade Facilitation Agreement
US United States
WPI Wholesale Price Index
₹ or ₹ or Rupees or INR Indian Rupees.
AGM Annual General Meeting.
Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
A.Y. Assessment year.
BC Before Christ.
BPLR Bank Prime Lending Rate.
BSE BSE Limited.
CARO Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003.
CDSL Central Depository Services (India) Limited.
CEO Chief Executive Officer.
CIN Corporate Identity Number.
CLB Company Law Board.
CrPC Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, as amended.
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility.
DIN Director Identification Number.
DP ID Depository participant’s identification.
ECS Electronic Clearing System.
EBITDA Earnings before Interest, Tax Depreciation and Amortisation.
EGM Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company.
EPS Earnings Per Share.
ESOS Employee Stock Option Scheme.
FDI Foreign direct investment.
FIPB Foreign Investment Promotion Board.
GAAR General anti avoidance rules.
GBP Great Britain Pound.
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GIR General index register.
GoI/Government Government of India.
GST Goods & Service Tax
HNI High Net Worth Individual.
HUF Hindu Undivided Family.
ICAI Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards.
Indian GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India.
ISO International Organization for Standardization.
IT Act The Income Tax Act, 1961, as amended.
IT Rules The Income Tax Rules, 1962, as amended.
JV Joint Venture.
MCA Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.
MoU Memorandum of Understanding.
N.A. Not Applicable.
Net asset value being paid up equity share capital plus free reserves (excluding
reserves created out of revaluation) less deferred expenditure not written off (including
NAV/Net Asset Value
miscellaneous expenses not written off) and debit balance of profit and loss account,
divided by number of issued Equity Shares.
NECS National Electronic Clearing Services.
NEFT National Electronic Fund Transfer.
NoC No Objection Certificate.
No. Number.
NR Non-Resident.
NSDL National Securities Depository Limited.
NTA Net Tangible Assets.
p.a. Per annum.
PAN Permanent Account Number.
PAT Profit After Tax.
PBT Profit Before Tax.
PCB Pollution Control Board.
P/E Ratio Price per Earnings Ratio.
Pvt. Private.
RBI Reserve Bank of India.
RoC Registrar of Companies.
RONW Return on Net Worth.
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement.
SCN Show Cause Notice.
SCSB Self-Certified Syndicate Bank.
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
STT Securities Transaction Tax
TAN Tax Deduction Account Number
TIN Taxpayers Identification Number
UIN Unique Identification Number.
US United States.
VAT Value Added Tax.
w.e.f. With effect from
YoY Year on Year.
The words and expressions used but not defined in this Letter of Offer will have the same meaning as assigned to
such terms under the Companies Act, the SEBI ICDR Regulations, the SCRA, the Depositories Act and the rules
and regulations made thereunder.
Page 10 of 161
The distribution of this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Application Form, the Rights Entitlements
Letter and any other Issue material and the issue of Rights Entitlements and the Rights Equity Shares on a rights
basis to persons in certain jurisdictions outside India are restricted by legal requirements prevailing in those
jurisdictions. Persons into whose possession this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Application
Form or the Rights Entitlements Letter may come, are required to inform themselves about and observe such
Our Company is making this Issue on a rights basis to the Eligible Equity Shareholders and will dispatch the
Abridged Letter of Offer, Application Form, Rights Entitlements Letter and other Issue material (i) only to e-mail
addresses of the resident Eligible Equity Shareholders who have provided their e-mail addresses; (ii) physical
delivery only to the Indian address of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, whose e-
mail addresses are not available with our Company or the Eligible Equity Shareholders have not provided the valid
email address to our Company; (iii) physical delivery only to the Indian addresses of the non-resident Eligible
Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, who have provided an Indian address to our Company; and (iv)
to the e-mail addresses of the foreign corporate or institutional shareholders.
The Letter of Offer will also be provided by our Company to any existing Shareholder who makes a request in this
Investors can also access the Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer and the Application Form from the
websites of the Registrar, our Company, the Lead Manager, the Stock Exchange.
No action has been or will be taken to permit the Issue in any jurisdiction where action would be required for that
purpose, except that this Letter of Offer has been filed with the BSE for observation. Accordingly, this Letter of
Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlements Letter or the Application Form or any Issue materials or
advertisements in connection with the Issue may not be distributed, in whole or in part, in or into any jurisdiction,
except in accordance with the legal requirements applicable in such jurisdiction and the Rights Entitlements and
the Rights Equity Shares may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, in any jurisdiction, except in accordance
with legal requirements applicable in such jurisdiction. Receipt of this Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer,
the Rights Entitlements Letter or the Application Form (including by way of electronic means) will not constitute
an offer, invitation to or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdictions or in any circumstances in which such an offer,
invitation or solicitation is unlawful or not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an
offer, invitation or solicitation. In those circumstances, this Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights
Entitlements Letter or the Application Form must be treated as sent for information only and should not be acted
upon for subscription to Rights Equity Shares and should not be copied or re-distributed or passed on, directly or
indirectly, to any other person or published, in whole or in part, for any purpose. Accordingly, persons receiving a
copy of this Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlements Letter or the Application Form
should not, in connection with the issue of the Rights Equity Shares or the Rights Entitlements, distribute or send
this Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlements Letter or the Application Form in or into any
jurisdiction where to do so, would or might contravene local securities laws or regulations or would subject our
Company or its affiliates or the Lead Managers or their respective affiliates to any filing or registration requirement
(other than in India). If this Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlements Letter or the
Application Form is received by any person in any such jurisdiction, or by their agent or nominee, they must not
seek to subscribe to the Rights Equity Shares or the Rights Entitlements referred to in this Letter of Offer, Abridged
Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlements Letter or the Application Form.
Any person who makes an application to acquire Rights Entitlements and the Rights Equity Shares offered in the
Issue will be deemed to have declared, represented, warranted and agreed that such person is authorised to acquire
the Rights Entitlements and the Rights Equity shares in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
prevailing in such person’s jurisdiction and India, without requirement for our Company or our affiliates or the
Lead Managers or its affiliates to make any filing or registration (other than in India).
Our Company, the Registrar, the Lead Manager or any other person acting on behalf of our Company reserves the
right to treat any Application Form as invalid where they believe that Application Form is incomplete or acceptance
of such Application Form may infringe applicable legal or regulatory requirements and we shall not be bound to
allot or issue any Rights Equity Shares or Rights Entitlement in respect of any such Application Form. Neither the
delivery of this Letter of Offer nor any sale hereunder, shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that
Page 11 of 161
there has been no change in our Company’s affairs from the date hereof or the date of such information or that the
information contained herein is correct as at any time subsequent to the date of this Letter of Offer or the date of
such information.
Page 12 of 161
The Rights Equity Shares or Rights Entitlements have not been recommended by any U.S. federal or state securities
commission or regulatory authority. Furthermore, the foregoing authorities have not confirmed the accuracy or
determined the adequacy of the Letter of Offer, Letter of Offer and the CAF. Any representation to the contrary is
a criminal offence in the United States. The rights and securities of the Company, including the Rights Equity
Shares and Right Entitlements have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act,
1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or any U.S. state securities laws and may not be offered, sold, resold or
otherwise transferred within the United States or the territories or possessions thereof (the “United States” or
“U.S.”) or to, or for the account or benefit of, “U.S. persons” (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act
(“Regulation S”), except in a transaction exempt from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act.
The Rights Equity Share referred to in this Letter of Offer are being offered in India, but not in the United States.
The offering to which this Letter of Offer relates is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offering
of any Rights Equity Shares or Rights Entitlements for sale in the United States or as a solicitation therein of an
offer to buy any of the said securities or rights. Accordingly, this Letter of Offer/ Abridged Letter of Offer and the
enclosed CAF should not be forwarded to or transmitted in or into the United States at any time.
Neither our Company nor any person acting on behalf of our Company, will accept a subscription or renunciation
from any person, or the agent of any person, who appears to be, or who our Company or any person acting on
behalf of our Company, has reason to believe is, either a U.S. person (as defined in Regulation S) or otherwise in
the United States when the buy order is made. No application form should be postmarked in the United States,
electronically transmitted from the United States or otherwise dispatched from the United States or from any other
jurisdiction where it would be illegal to make an offer under this Letter of Offer, and all persons subscribing for
the Rights Shares and wishing to hold such Rights Shares in registered form must provide an address for registration
of the Rights Shares in India. Our Company is making this issue of Rights Equity Shares on a rights basis to the
eligible equity shareholders and the Letter of Offer/Abridged Letter of Offer and CAF will be dispatched (i) only
to e-mail addresses of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders who have provided their e-mail addresses; (ii) through
physical delivery only to the Indian addresses of the resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort
basis, whose e-mail addresses are not available with our Company or the Eligible Equity Shareholders have not
provided the valid e-mail address to our Company; (iii) through physical delivery only to the Indian addresses of
the non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, who have provided an Indian address
to our Company; and (iv) to the e-mail addresses of foreign corporate or institutional shareholders.
Any person who acquires Rights Entitlements and the Rights Equity Shares will be deemed to have declared,
represented, warranted and agreed, (i) that it is not and that at the time of subscribing for the Rights Equity Shares
or the Rights Entitlements, it will not be, in the United States when the buy order is made, (ii) it is not a U.S. person
(as defined in Regulation S), and does not have a registered address (and is not otherwise located) in the United
States, and (iii) is authorized to acquire the Rights Entitlements and the Rights Equity Shares in compliance with
all applicable laws and regulations.
Our Company and the Lead Manager are not making, and will not make, and will not participate or otherwise be
involved in any offers or sales of the Rights Entitlements, the Rights Equity Shares or any other security with
respect to this Issue in the United States.
Our Company, in consultation with the Lead Manager, reserves the right to treat as invalid any Application Form
which: (i) appears to our Company or its agents to have been executed in or dispatched from the United States of
America; (ii) does not include the relevant certification set out in the Application Form headed “Overseas
Shareholders” to the effect that the person accepting and/or renouncing the Application Form does not have a
registered address (and is not otherwise located) in the United States of America, and such person is complying
with laws of the jurisdictions applicable to such person in connection with the Issue, among others; or (iii) where
our Company believes that the Application Form is incomplete or the acceptance of such Application Form may
infringe applicable legal or regulatory requirements; or (iv) where a registered Indian address is not provided, and
our Company shall not be bound to issue or allot any Rights Equity Shares in respect of any such Application Form.
Rights Entitlement may not be transferred or sold to any person in the United States of America.
The above information is given for the benefit of the Applicants / Investors. Our Company and the Lead Manager
are not liable for any amendments or modification or changes in applicable laws or regulations, which may occur
Page 13 of 161
after the date of this Letter of Offer. Investors are advised to make their independent investigations and ensure that
the number of Rights Equity Shares applied for do not exceed the applicable limits under laws or regulations.
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Certain Conventions
Unless otherwise specified or the context otherwise requires, all references to “India” in this Letter of Offer are to
the Republic of India.
Unless stated otherwise, all references to page numbers in this Letter of Offer are to the page numbers of this Letter
of Offer.
In this Letter of Offer, the terms “we”, “us”, “our”, “the Company”, “our Company”, “Issuer”, “Issuer Company”,
“ASRL” and “Add-Shop” unless the context otherwise indicates or implies, refers to “ Add-Shop E-Retail
In this Letter of Offer, unless the context otherwise requires, all references to one gender also refers to another
gender and the word “Lac / Lakh” means “one hundred thousand”, the word “million (mn)” means “Ten Lacs /
Lakhs”, the word “Crore” means “ten millions” and the word “billion (bn)” means “one hundred crores”. In this
Letter of Offer, any discrepancies in any table between total and the sum of the amounts listed are due to rounding-
Financial Data
Unless stated otherwise, the financial information in this Letter of Offer is extracted from the Audited Financial
Statements of our Company for the financial Years ended March 31, 2022 and March 31,2021 and Limited
Reviewed Un-audited financial results for the period ended June 30,2022 and the corresponding previous period
ended June 30, 2021. These financial statements are prepared in accordance with Indian Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) under the historical cost convention on the accrual basis. GAAP comprises
mandatory Accounting Standards (AS) as prescribed under section 133 of the Companies Act 2013 read with Rule
7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014. Accounting policies have been consistently applied except where a
newly issued accounting standard is initially adopted or a revision to an existing accounting standard requires a
change in the accounting policy hitherto in use.
Our fiscal year commences on 1st April of each year and ends on 31st March of the next year. All references to a
particular fiscal year are to the 12 months period ended 31st March of that year. In this Letter of Offer, any
discrepancies in any table between the total and the sums of the amounts listed are due to rounding-off. All decimals
have been rounded off to two decimal points.
Unless otherwise indicated, any percentage amounts, as set forth in this Letter of Offer, including in the Sections
titled “Risk Factors”; “Our Business”; “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations” beginning on page no. 20, 53, and 110 respectively, have been calculated on the basis of
the Audited Financial Statements of our Company included in this Letter of Offer.
Our Company has presented certain numerical information in this Letter of Offer in “Lakh” units. One lakh
represents 1,00,000. In this Letter of Offer, any discrepancies in any table between the total and the sums of the
amounts listed therein are due to rounding-off.
Page 15 of 161
extent to which the market and industry data used in this Letter of Offer is meaningful depends on the reader’s
familiarity with and understanding of the methodologies used in compiling such data.
Such data involves risks, uncertainties and numerous assumptions and is subject to change based on various factors,
including those discussed in the Section titled “Risk Factors” beginning on page no. 20 of this Letter of Offer.
Accordingly, investment decisions should not be based on such information.
Exchange Rates
This Letter of Offer may contain conversions of certain other currency amounts into Indian Rupees that have been
presented solely to comply with the SEBI ICDR Regulations. These conversions should not be construed as a
representation that these currency amounts could have been, or can be converted into Indian Rupees, at any
particular rate or at all.
Page 16 of 161
The Company has included statements in this Letter of Offer which contain words or phrases such as “may”, “will”,
“aim”, “believe”, “expect”, “will continue”, “anticipate”, “estimate”, “intend”, “plan”, “seek to”, “future”,
“objective”, “goal”, “project”, “should”, “potential” and similar expressions or variations of such expressions, that
are or may be deemed to be forward looking statements.
All statements regarding the expected financial condition and results of operations, business, plans and prospects
are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include statements as to the business strategy,
the revenue, profitability, planned initiatives. These forward-looking statements and any other projections
contained in this Letter of Offer (whether made by us or any third party) are predictions and involve known and
unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to
be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-
looking statements or other projections. Important factors that could cause actual results, performance or
achievements to differ materially include, but are not limited to, those discussed under the Section titled “Risk
Factors”; “Industry Overview”; “Our Business”; and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations”; beginning on page no. 20, 43, 53 and 110, respectively, of this Letter of
The forward-looking statements contained in this Letter of Offer are based on the beliefs of our management, as
well as the assumptions made by and information currently available to our management. Although we believe that
the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable at this time, we cannot assure investors
that such expectations will prove to be correct. Given these uncertainties, investors are cautioned not to place undue
reliance on such forward-looking statements. If any of these risks and uncertainties materializes, or if any of the
underlying assumptions prove to be incorrect, the actual results of operations or financial condition could differ
materially from that described herein as anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. All subsequent written and
oral forward-looking statements attributable to us are expressly qualified in their entirety by reference to these
cautionary statements.
Certain important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from our Company’s expectations
include, but are not limited to, the following:
Uncertainty of the continuing impact of Covid-2019 on our financial conditions and operations
General economic and business conditions in India and other countries;
Increase in price and material components
Fluctuation in other operating cost
Ability to retain the customers is heavily dependent upon various factors including our reputation and our
ability to maintain a high level of product/Service quality including our satisfactory performance for the
We operate in a significantly fragmented and competitive market in each of our business segments;
Regulatory changes relating to the finance and capital market sectors in India and our ability to respond to
Our ability to successfully implement our strategy, our growth and expansion, technological changes, our
exposure to market risks that have an impact on our business activities or investments;
The monetary and fiscal policies of India, inflation, deflation, unanticipated turbulence in interest rates,
foreign exchange rates, equity prices or other rates or prices, the performance of the financial markets in
India and globally, changes in domestic and foreign laws, regulations and taxes and changes in competition
in our industry;
Changes in the value of the Rupee and other currencies;
The occurrence of natural disasters or calamities; and
By their nature, certain market risk disclosures are only estimates and could be materially different from what
actually occurs in the future. As a result, actual future gains or losses could materially differ from those that have
been estimated. Our Company, the Lead Manager, or their respective affiliates do not have any obligation to, and
do not intend to, update or otherwise revise any statements reflecting circumstances arising after the date hereof or
to reflect the occurrence of underlying events, even if the underlying assumptions do not come to fruition. In
accordance with SEBI requirements, our Company and the Lead Manager will ensure that investors are informed
of material developments until the time of the grant of final listing and trading permissions with respect to Equity
Shares being issued in this Issue, by the Stock Exchanges. Our Company will ensure that investors are informed of
material developments in relation to statements about our Company in this Letter of Offer until the Equity Shares
are allotted to the investors.
Page 17 of 161
The following is a general summary of certain disclosures included in this Letter of Offer and is not exhaustive,
nor does it purport to contain a summary of all the disclosures in this Letter of Offer or all details relevant to
prospective Investors.
The Company is also proposing to sell through online E-Commerce platform like Amazon and Filpkart
and through its own website at It also sells through B2B Application for retailers.
For further detailed information, please refer to chapter titled “Our Business” beginning from page no.
53 of this Letter of Offer.
Our Promoter(s) and entities forming part of our Promoter Group have, vide their letters dated June 10,
2022 (the “Subscription Letters”) undertaken that the Rights Issue is only for the Public Shareholders and
there will be no Rights Entitlement to the Promoters and entities forming part of the Promoter Group.
However, in the eventuality of an under-subscription in the Issue the Promoters and entities forming part
of the Promoter Group will subscribe to the unsubscribed portion.
The subscription on account of un-subscribed portion, made by Promoter(s) and entities forming part of
our Promoter Group shall be made subject to such subscription not resulting in the minimum public
shareholding of our Company falling below the level prescribed in Regulation 38 of the LODR/ SCRR.
Our Company is in compliance with Regulation 38 of the SEBI Listing Regulations and will continue to
comply with the minimum public shareholding requirements pursuant to the Rights Issue.
Page 18 of 161
Note: The amount mentioned above may be subject to additional interest, rates or Penalties being levied
by the concerned authorities for delay in making payment or otherwise.
For further details, please refer chapter “Outstanding Litigation, Default and Material Development”
beginning from page no. 114 of this Letter of Offer.
For details pertaining to Related Party Transactions, kindly refer to the chapter titled “Financial
Information” beginning on page no. 69 of this Letter of Offer
Our Equity Shareholders pursuant to an ordinary resolution passed at the extraordinary general meeting
held on December 26, 2021 had approved the issuance of 79,30,801 bonus shares in the ratio of 7:10 (i.e.,
7 fully paid up equity shares for every 10 fully paid up equity shares). The same were allotted to the
shareholders of the company vide board resolution dated January 19, 2022.
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Any investment in equity securities involves a high degree of risk. Investor should carefully consider all the information in this
Letter of Offer, including the risks and uncertainties described below, before making an investment in our Equity Shares. To
obtain a more complete understanding, you should read this section together with Sections titled, “Our Business”,
“Particulars of the Issue”, “Industry Overview”, “Financial Information”, “Outstanding Litigation and Other Material
Developments”, and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” beginning
on page no. 53, 38, 43, 69, 114, and 110 respectively, as well as the other financial and statistical information contained in
this Letter of Offer.
Any of the following risks, as well as the other risks and uncertainties discussed in this Letter of Offer, could have an adverse
effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects and could cause the trading price of our Equity
Shares to decline, which could result in the loss of all or a part of your investment. The risks and uncertainties described in
this section are not the only risks that we may face. Additional risks and uncertainties not known to us or that we currently
believe to be immaterial may also have an adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial condition and
This Letter of Offer contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results could differ
materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements because of certain factors, including the considerations
described below and elsewhere in this Letter of Offer.
The financial and other related implications of risks concerned, wherever quantifiable, have been disclosed in the risk factors
mentioned below. However, there are certain risk factors where the effect is not quantifiable and hence has not been disclosed
in such risk factors. You should not invest in this Issuing unless you are prepared to accept the risk of losing all or part of your
investment, and you should consult your tax, financial and legal advisors about the consequences to you of an investment in
the Equity Shares.
The financial information in this section is, unless otherwise stated, derived from our Restated Financial Statements prepared
in accordance with Indian GAAP, as per the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013, and SEBI (ICDR) Regulations.
The Risk factors have been determined on the basis of their materiality. The following factors have been considered for
determining the materiality.
1. Some risks may not be material individually but may be material when considered collectively.
2. Some risks may have material impact qualitatively instead of quantitatively.
3. Some risks may not be material at present but may have a material impact in the future.
1. Our inability to obtain, maintain or renew requisite statutory and regulatory permits and approvals for our business
operations could materially and adversely affect our business, prospects, cash flows, results of operations and financial
Our operations are subject to extensive government regulation and in respect of our existing operations we are required
to obtain and maintain various statutory and regulatory permits, certificates and approvals including approvals under the
Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (the “FSSAI”) and the rules and regulations thereunder, product specific licenses
and approvals, Legal Metrology Act, 2006, environmental approvals, factory licenses and labour and tax related approvals,
among other things.
Further, certain material consents, licenses, registrations, permissions and approvals that are required to be obtained by
our Company for undertaking its business there are valid for prescribed period of time and have to be renewed in the
normal course and our Company has either made an application to the relevant Central or State government authorities
for renewal of such licenses, consents, registrations, permissions and approvals or is in the process of making such
applications. There can be no assurance that the relevant authorities will issue such permits or approvals in time or at all.
Failure or delay in obtaining or maintaining or renew the required permits or approvals within applicable time or at all
may result in interruption of our operations. Further, the relevant authorities may initiate penal action against us, restrain
our operations, impose fines/penalties or initiate legal proceedings for our inability to renew/obtain approvals in a timely
manner or at all. Consequently, failure or delay to obtain such approvals could have a material adverse effect on our
business, financial condition and profitability.
If there is any failure by us to comply with the applicable regulations or if the regulations governing our business are
amended, we may incur increased costs, be subject to penalties, be required to alter our manufacturing and/or procurement
operations or otherwise suffer disruption in our activities, any of which could adversely affect our business. The approvals
required by us are subject to numerous conditions and we cannot assure you that these would not be suspended or revoked
in the event of non-compliance or alleged non-compliance with any terms or conditions thereof, or pursuant to any
Page 20 of 161
regulatory action, these registrations, approvals or licenses are liable to be cancelled or the manufacture or sale of products
may be restricted. In case any of these registrations, approvals or licenses are cancelled, or its use is restricted, then it
could adversely affect our results of operations, future cash flows or growth prospects. Additionally, failure to obtain or
renew relevant approvals, licenses etc., could also subject to our senior management or board of director to legal or
regulatory action.
2. Our efforts to introduce new products are dependent on the success of our research and development initiatives. Our
inability to successfully develop and commercialize new products in a timely manner could adversely impact our
business, growth and financial condition.
In order to remain competitive, we must develop, test and manufacture new/ distinctive products, which must meet our
customers’ standards and applicable regulatory standards. However, our investments in research and development for new
products and processes may result in higher costs without proportionate increase in revenues. Any failure on our part to
successfully identify and commercialize new products may have an adverse on our business, financial condition and
results of operations.
Our ability to successfully introduce new and distinctive products also depends on our ability to adapt and invest in new
technologies. There can be no assurance that we will be able to make timely investments in technological improvements
in order to commercialize new products in a timely manner. Further, our competitors may launch competing or improved
products. Delays or failure in developing new or commercially viable products could adversely affect our business,
financial condition and results of operations.
3. The availability of look-alikes, counterfeit products, primarily in our domestic market, manufactured by other
companies and passed off as our products, could adversely affect our goodwill and results of operations.
We are exposed to the risk that certain entities in India where our products are marketed, could pass off their products as
ours to create look alike and counterfeit products. For example, certain entities could create spurious and pirated products.
The measures we take to protect our brands and other intellectual property include relying on Indian laws and initiating
legal proceedings, may not be adequate to prevent unauthorised use of them by third parties. Furthermore, the application
of laws governing intellectual property rights in India is uncertain and evolving and could involve substantial risks to us.
Detecting and protecting against the unauthorised use of our products, technology and proprietary rights is expensive,
difficult and, in some cases, impossible. The proliferation of unauthorised copies of our products, and the time lost in
defending claims and complaints about spurious products could decrease the revenue we receive from our products and
have a material adverse effect on our reputation, business, financial condition and results of operations.
4. If we are unable to maintain and enhance the brand, the sales of our products may suffer which would have a material
adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations
We believe that the brands and we have developed has significantly contributed to the success of our
business. We also believe that maintaining and enhancing the brand is critical to maintaining and expanding our customer
base. Our brand and reputation are among our most important assets and we believe that our brand serve in attracting
consumers to our products in preference over those of our competitors. Maintaining and enhancing our brand may require
us to make substantial investments in areas such as research and development, marketing and brand building activities,
and these investments may not be successful. There can be no assurance that consumers will continue to be receptive to
our brand. We anticipate that, as our business expands into new markets and as the market becomes increasingly
competitive, maintaining and enhancing our brand may become increasingly difficult and expensive. Additionally, in the
event that our future advertising campaigns are unsuccessful, we may only incur expenses without the benefit of higher
revenues or our competitors may increase their advertising spend, launch promotional activities, concepts, branding and
advertising activities which we may not be able to match. Our brand may also be adversely affected if our public image
or reputation is tarnished by any negative publicity. Any adverse publicity involving us or any of our products may impair
our reputation, dilute the impact of our branding and marketing initiatives and adversely affect our business and our
prospects. Our brand could be damaged by negative publicity on various media platforms or by claims or perceptions
about the quality of our products, regardless of whether such claims or perceptions are true. Any untoward incidents such
as litigation or negative publicity, whether isolated or recurring and whether originating from us or otherwise, affecting
our business, distributors, dealers and suppliers may adversely impact our brand image and consumer trust. If we are
unable to maintain or enhance our brand image, our results of operations may suffer and our business may be harmed.
Further, as we expand into new geographic markets within India, and as the market becomes increasingly competitive,
maintaining and enhancing our brand image may become costly and difficult.
5. We depend heavily on our channel partners such as distributors and franchisees for our branded products and failure
to manage the distribution network efficiently will adversely affect our performance.
We are dependent on the distributors and franchisees located at various major states in the Country for the distribution of
our products and our ability to expand and grow our product reach significantly depends on the reach and effective
management of our distribution network. We presently have over 1200 franchisees located at various states. We also
utilize online marketplaces and e-commerce systems to increase our products market penetration and reach. We
continuously seek to increase our reach by appointing new distributors targeted at different customer groups in various
Page 21 of 161
geographical segments. We cannot assure you that we will be able to successfully identify or appoint new distributors and
franchisees or effectively manage our existing distribution network. If the terms offered to such distributors and
franchisees by our competitors are more favorable than those offered by us, distributors may decline to distribute our
products and terminate their arrangements with us. There can be no assurance that we will be successful in continuing to
receive uninterrupted, high quality of service from these channel partners for all our current and future products.
We have not entered into any written agreement with our distributors and franchisees for distribution of our products. The
franchisees and distributors may anytime relinquish to sell our products and begin selling our competitors’ products. Also,
there is no definite obligation or accountability of our distributors or franchisees in case of any untoward incidents which
in turn may adversely impact our brand image and consumer trust.
Furthermore, our competitors may have exclusive arrangements with distributors and franchisees and therefore such
distributors and franchisees may be unable to stock and distribute our products, which may limit our ability to expand our
distribution network. A deterioration of our relationship with the distributors may have an adverse effect on our business,
financial condition, cash flows and results of operations. We may also face disruptions in the delivery of our products for
various reasons beyond our control, including poor handling by distributors of our products, transportation bottlenecks,
natural disasters and labour issues, which could lead to delayed or lost deliveries. If our distributors fail to distribute our
products in a timely manner, or adhere to the terms of the distribution arrangement, our business and results of operations
may be adversely affected.
6. We may be subject to product liability claims from our customers our premix formulations. Any claims arising from
such liabilities may harm our reputation, require us to incur substantial costs and/or have an adverse impact on our
business, financial conditions and results of operations.
We are subject to product liability claims with respect to quality and defects in our products. We will be required to
comply with certain quality standards for the products we supply to the customers. In case we are unable to provide the
prescribed quality standard products, we may lose our customers which could result in substantial business losses. Defects,
if any, in our products could lead to rejection of supplied products and consequential replacement liability. However, we
have not experienced any product liability claims with respect to quality and defects in our products in the past, which
had material impact on the financial and result of operations of our Company. In the event, our Company fails to maintain
the quality of its products or if there is any major defect in our products in future, we could be made liable to the customers
and the same could consequently lead to a negative publicity against our Company thereby affecting our brand value,
reputation, business, results of operations and financial condition. Management resources could also be diverted away
from our business towards defending such claims. In the event, there are any liabilities arising from such claims, our
business, financial performance and results of operations may be adversely affected. We cannot assure you that no such
claims will be brought against us in the future or that such claims will be settled in our favour. Any such successful claims
against us could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
7. Our failure to protect confidential information like our product mixes, formulations, pricing or launch information
could adversely affect our competitive position.
We intend to keep the product mixes and formulations of our products confidential. We also keep information in relation
to our proposed pricing of any new product, any proposed variation in price or launch of any new product
confidential. Any failure to protect such confidential information due to leakage of information may impact our
competitive position in our product segment. The appointment letters issued to our employees who use our product mixes
to manufacture our products require that all information made known to them be kept strictly confidential. Although we
attempt to protect our trade secrets, the appointment letters may not effectively prevent disclosure of our proprietary
information and may not provide any adequate remedy in the event of unauthorised disclosure of such information to our
competitors. Consequently, such events may adversely affect our competitive position.
8. Our inability to manage our inventory and foresee accurate demand for our products for a future period may adversely
affect our reputation, business, results of operation and our financial performance.
The estimations on demands of our products are typically based on our projections, inventory levels at our distribution
networks, our understanding of the anticipation of consumption and spending by our consumers. If we overestimate
demand for our products, we may face difficulty on storage of such products due to lower shelf life and complications
with respect to storage of perishable products. Further, if we are unable to provide our products to our consumers due to
any disruptions of our manufacturing facilities or shortage of raw materials, we may incur the risk of customers choosing
other products over our products. While we closely monitor our inventory requirements for our product, we may be
exposed to various risks including the aforementioned risks. All of these factors could adversely affect our reputation,
business, results of operation and our financial performance.
9. We operate in a competitive industry and our market share may be adversely impacted in case we do not keep ourselves
appraised of the latest consumer trends and technology and if we fail to compete effectively in the markets in which we
We operate in a competitive industry which is characterized by rapid shifts in consumer trends and demands and our
market share may be adversely impacted at any time by the significant number of competitors in our industry that may
compete more effectively than us. These frequent changes and their impact on consumer demand may result into both
price and demand volatility, leading to change in the competitive scenario. Due to the expansive nature of our business,
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we face competition from various kinds of players including, players operating in retail, wholesale and e-commerce space.
Many of our competitors are, and many of our potential competitors may be, larger, and may have substantially greater
financial, marketing and other resources and, therefore, may be able to adapt to changes in customer requirements more
quickly and devote greater resources in marketing and sale of their products or adopt more aggressive pricing policies
than we can. We face a variety of competitive challenges, including:
pricing our products to remain competitive while achieving a customer perception of comparatively higher value;
anticipating and quickly responding to changing consumer demands;
maintaining favorable brand recognition and effectively marketing our products to consumers in diverse markets; and
providing strong and effective marketing support;
Similarly, some of our organized competitors may also have advantages over us on account of, more efficient distribution
networks, better production facility, greater geographic reach, broader product ranges or access to a large pool of financial
resources. Further, certain regional and national competitors have already expanded in untapped new markets. As a result,
we will need to put in efforts to create brands and propositions that will provide access to high value products and also
create a customer connect to our brand identity.
10. Sale of expired products or supply of defective products or products that are non-compliant with applicable standards,
could damage our reputation and have a significant adverse effect on our business, operating results, cash flows and/or
financial condition
We manufacture & distribute more than 120 products through traditional, C&F (Collection & Forwarding Agents) network
& online channels in many states in India. Also, we supply our products through our franchisee model. The product
manufactured and supplied by us must be following prescribed and applicable standards. If any products are sold past
their expiration date (or sell by date), or we supply products that are defective or non-compliant with prescribed standards,
as applicable, we could be subject to inter alia punitive action. Any of the above could also arise out of factors beyond our
control such as counterfeit products being introduced into the supply chain, product tampering, or mishandling of our
products and we may not be able to avoid significant liability exposure even if we take appropriate precautions. Any
liability that we may have as a result could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results
of operations, to the extent insurance coverage for such liability is not available. However, there has been no incident in
the past of any such nature, but in case of any such eventuality in the future there may be liability claims, regardless of
their ultimate outcome, which could have a material adverse effect on our reputation, our ability to attract and retain
customers and may detrimentally divert management’s attention away from the business.
11. The improper handling, processing or storage of our products or raw materials, or spoilage of and damage to such
products or raw materials, or any real or perceived contamination in our products or raw materials, could subject us
to regulatory action, damage our reputation and have an adverse effect on our business, results of operations and
financial condition.
Our products and raw materials are subject to risks such as contamination, adulteration, product labelling error and product
tampering during their manufacture, transport or storage. Although our products are teste extensively
at our facilities, we cannot assure you that the quality tests conducted by us will be accurate at all times. Any shortcoming
in the production or storage of our products due to negligence, human error or otherwise, may damage our products and
result in non-compliance with applicable regulatory standards. Any actual or alleged contamination of our products or
raw materials could damage our reputation, adversely affect our sales and result in legal proceedings being initiated against
us, irrespective of whether such allegations have any factual basis. However, our Company has not faced any instance of
spoilage of and damage to such products or raw materials, or any real or perceived contamination in our products or raw
materials which had material impact on the financial and result of operations of our Company. Any allegation relating to,
or the discovery of, unauthorised contaminants in our products or raw materials processed by us, which causes or is alleged
to cause injury or illness, allegations that our products were mislabeled, were not produced in accordance with our
customer’s specifications and/or have not performed adequately, even where food safety or other product safety is not a
concern could damage our reputation, adversely affect our sales and may cause product liability or other legal proceedings
being initiated against us by our customers, irrespective of whether such allegations have any factual basis. We may also
be subject to regulatory action and mandatory product recalls. We cannot assure you that we will not be subject to such
product liability claims in the future, whether or not legitimate, or product recalls, whether voluntary or mandatory.
Defending such claims or regulatory action could be time-consuming and may also result in unexpected expenditures, and
our reputation, business, financial condition, cash flows and results of operations may be adversely affected.
12. We face competition in our business from organized and unorganized players, which may adversely affect our business
operation and financial condition.
The market for our industry is competitive on account of both the organized and unorganized players. Players in this
industry generally compete with each other on key attributes such as timely delivery, pricing, the quality etc. Some of
our competitors may have longer industry experience and greater financial, technical and other resources, which may
enable them to react faster in changing market scenario and remain competitive. Moreover, the unorganized sector offers
their products at highly competitive prices which may not be matched by us and consequently affect our volume of sales
and growth prospects. Growing competition may result in a decline in our market share and may affect our margins which
may adversely affect our business operations and our financial condition.
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13. We do not maintain long-term contracts with our third-party suppliers, and our business may be adversely affected
by a shortfall in supply, or increase in price of raw materials.
We require various raw materials for manufacturing of our products i.e., Organic Fertilizers, Animal feed supplements,
Herbal Cosmetics and personal care products and we also purchase these products from our related entities and also third
party suppliers. We do not have any long-term supply contracts with any of our specific suppliers with respect to our raw
material requirements and typically place orders with them in advance of our anticipated requirements. We utilize a variety
of raw materials in our products and the availability of these products is subject to many risks, including insect or animal
infestation, adverse weather conditions, adverse ground conditions and natural and other disasters. Certain agricultural
raw materials are available only at specific times during a year due to the seasonality of growing periods and harvest times
in India. Furthermore, raw materials are subject to price volatility caused by factors, including commodity market
fluctuations, the quality and availability of supply, currency fluctuations, consumer demand and changes in governmental
agricultural programs. Raw material price increases result in corresponding increases in our raw material costs. We also
face a risk that one or more of our existing suppliers may discontinue their supplies to us, and any inability on our part to
procure raw materials from alternate suppliers in a timely fashion, or on terms acceptable us, may adversely affect our
We rely on the adequate and timely availability of key input materials. Any supply chain disruptions may impact our raw
material sourcing, which in turn may impact our ability to fulfill the demand of the customers. Any significant change in
the cost structure or disruption in supply may affect the pricing and supply of products. If we are not able to increase our
product prices to offset increased raw material costs, or if unit volume sales are significantly reduced, it could have an
adverse impact on our profitability. This may adversely affect our business and financial performance.
14. There have been few instances wherein compliances/filings as prescribed under the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations 2015 with the stock exchange have been delayed by our Company.
Our Company has been listed on BSE Limited (w.e.f. 10th September, 2018). In terms of Regulation 7(2)(b) of the SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 the Company shall disclose within two working days of receiving of
information w.r.t. Regulation 7(2)(a) relating to certain transactions. Further, any delay in compliance with respect to
SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 may attract penalty or any other action. There have been instances
in the past when there have been certain delayed compliances by the Company. Although, our endeavor is to comply with
listing regulations and all regulations related to a listed Company in timely manner, however, there can be no assurance
that there may not be any such delayed/non-compliance in future which could result in payment of heavy penalties by the
Company in which our business, results of operations and financial condition may be adversely affected.
15. The Qualification and Experience Proof of some of our Promoters & Directors are not available.
Our Promoters and Directors are qualified and are highly experienced to run the day-to-day affairs of the Company.
However, the Qualification and Experience Proof (as mentioned in this Letter of Offer) of some of our Promoters &
Directors are not available.
16. We are dependent on third party transportation and logistics providers. Any disruptions in logistics and transportation
or significant increase in freight charges could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of
We depend on the smooth logistics, supply and transportation of the various raw materials required for our manufacturing
and processing facilities and of our products from our manufacturing and processing facilities to our customers and
distribution partners. We rely on third party logistic services to procure raw materials from our suppliers and for delivery
of our products. We procure raw materials from local suppliers and other parts of the country, and our finished products
are transported from our facilities to distribution points by transportation vehicles which are not owned or controlled by
us. These transportation vehicles are integral to our business operations. We have over the years engaged the services of
various transportation service providers to provide us the necessary transportation vehicles. We do not, however, have any
contractual arrangements with such third-party transportation service providers. Moreover, most such providers are in the
unorganized space and, provide us with a small number of vehicles each.
Transportation strikes may have an adverse effect on supplies and deliveries to our customers and suppliers. In addition,
raw materials and products maybe lost or damaged in transit for various reasons including occurrence of accidents or
natural disasters. Failures to maintain a continuous supply of raw materials or to deliver our products to our customers in
an efficient and reliable manner could have a material and adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results
of operations. In case our transportation and logistics service providers are unable to perform their services, we cannot
assure you that we will be able to deploy suitable alternative transportation services at favourable rates in a timely manner.
Further, any increase in fuel costs could have a corresponding impact on transportation charges which we may not be able
to pass on to our customers. Any significant increase in our transportation costs which we are unable to pass on to our
customers may adversely affect our business and results of operations.
17. Our success depends heavily upon our Promoters and Directors for their continuing services, strategic guidance and
financial support.
Our success depends heavily upon the continuing services of Promoters & Directors who are the natural person in control
of our Company. Our Promoters have a vast experience in the field of Ayurvedic and Pharma business. They have
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established cordial relations with various distribution channels and suppliers over the past several years, which have
immensely benefitted our Company’s current customer and supplier relations. We believe that our Promoters, who have
rich experience in this industry, managing customers and handling overall businesses, has enabled us to experience growth
and profitability. We benefit from our relationship with our Promoters and our success depends upon the continuing
services of our Promoters who have been responsible for the growth of our business and are closely involved in the overall
strategy, direction and management of our business. Further, our Promoters are also part of certain other firms / ventures
and may continue to do so. If they divert their attention to such other concerns, we may not be able to function as efficiently
and profitably as before. We may have to incur additional costs to replace the services of our Promoters or we may not be
able to do so at all, which could adversely affect our business operations and affect our ability to continue to manage and
expand our business.
Further, we also depend significantly on our directors for executing their day-to-day activities. If our Promoters / Directors
or any member of the senior management team is unable or unwilling to continue in his present position, we may not be
able to replace him easily or at all, and our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects may be
materially and adversely affected.
18. We have group companies and entities where our Promoters / Directors are actively involved Our Promoters and
Directors are also actively involved in other group companies / entities.
Our Promoters may devote substantial time and resources to develop and grow the business of other group companies /
entities, though Directors and Promoters are involved in other group companies/ entities but the maximum time of
Promoter and Directors is devoted in this Company hence there is no probability for lack of leadership. Though we cannot
guarantee that our promoters will divide their time and energy between our group companies / entities and us. Though our
key managerial personnel are well experienced to carry out the business activities, lack of involvement of our Promoters
could have an adverse effect on our goodwill and financial performance.
19. We have working capital requirements. If we experience insufficient cash flows to enable us to make required payments
on our debt or fund working capital requirements, there may be an adverse effect on our results of operations.
Our business requires working capital, part of which would be met through additional borrowings in the future. In many
cases, significant amounts of working capital are required to finance the procurement of raw materials before payments
are received from customers. Our working capital requirements may increase, under various conditions. Additionally, our
working capital requirements have increased in recent years due to the general growth of our business. All of these factors
may result, or have resulted, in increases in our working capital needs.
Due to various factors, including certain extraneous factors such as changes in tariff regulations, interest rates, insurance
and other costs or borrowing and lending restrictions, if any, we may not be able to finance our working capital needs, or
secure other financing when needed, on acceptable commercial terms, or at all, which may have a material adverse effect
on our business, financial condition, growth prospects and results of operation.
20. Our Company has entered into certain related party transactions and may continue to do so in the future.
Our Company has entered into related party transactions with M/s. Dada Organics which is a Proprietorship concern of
our Promoter, Mr. Dineshbhai Pandya. While our Company believes that all such transactions have been conducted on
the arm’s length basis, there can be no assurance that it could not have been achieved on more favourable terms had such
transactions not been entered into with related party. Furthermore, it is likely that our Company will enter into related
party transactions in the future. There can be no assurance that such transactions, individually or in the aggregate, will not
have an adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operation. For details, please refer to “Related Party
Transactions” under section titled “Financial Information” on page no. 69 of this Letter of Offer.
21. The object of the Rights Issue for which funds are being raised have not been appraised by any bank or financial
institution and are based on management estimates.
Our funding requirement set out in the chapter ‘Objects of the Offer’ on page no.38 are based on management estimates
and has not been appraised by any bank or financial institution. Our funding requirements are based on our current business
plan and may vary based on various factors including macroeconomic changes. In view of the dynamic nature of the
industry in which we operate, we may have to revise our business plan from time to time and, consequently, the funding
requirement and the utilization of proceeds from the Offer may also change. This may also include re-scheduling the
proposed utilization of Offer Proceeds at the discretion of our management. We may make necessary changes to the
utilisation of Offer Proceeds in compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act. In the event of any variation in
actual utilization of the Offer Proceeds, any increased fund deployment for a particular activity may be met from funds
earmarked from any other activity and/or from our internal accruals. Further, any such revision in the estimates may
require us to revise our projected expenditure which may have a bearing on our profitability.
22. We are dependent on a number of key managerial personnel, including our senior management, and the loss of or our
inability to attract or retain such persons with specialized knowledge could adversely affect our business, results of
operations, cash flows and financial condition.
Our performance depends largely on the efforts and abilities of our senior management and other key managerial
personnel, including our present officers who have specialized knowledge. The inputs and experience of our senior
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management and key managerial personnel are valuable for the development of our business and operations strategy. We
cannot assure you that we will be able to retain these employees or find adequate replacements in a timely manner, or at
all. Our Company does not maintain any director’s and officer’s insurance policy or any keyman insurance policy. The
loss of the services of such persons could have an adverse effect on our business, results of operations, cash flows and
financial condition.
23. Employee misconduct, errors or fraud could expose us to business risks or losses that could adversely affect our
business prospects, results of operations and financial condition.
Employee misconduct, errors or frauds could expose us to business risks or losses, including regulatory sanctions,
penalties and serious harm to our reputation. Such employee misconduct includes breach in security requirements,
misappropriation of funds, hiding unauthorized activities, failure to observe our operational standards and processes, and
improper use of confidential information. It is not always possible to detect or deter such misconduct, and the precautions
we take to prevent and detect such misconduct may not be effective. In addition, losses caused on account of employee
misconduct or misappropriation of petty cash expenses and advances may not be recoverable, which we may result in
write-off of such amounts and thereby adversely affecting our results of operations. Our employees may also commit
errors that could subject us to claims and proceedings for alleged negligence, as well as regulatory actions in which case,
our reputation, business prospects, results of operations and financial condition could be adversely affected.
24. Our Registered Office from where we operate is not owned by us.
Our Registered Office premise is situated at B-304 Imperial Height 150 Ft Ring Road, Rajkot-360005, Gujarat, India is
not owned by us. Our registered office is owned by our Promoter Mr. Dineshbhai Pandya. The Company has entered into
rent agreement with the Promoter on April 21,2022 for a period of 11 months for using the building as registered office.
We cannot assure you that we will be able to continue the above arrangement on commercially acceptable /favourable
terms in future. For further details, see section “Our Business” on page 53 of this Letter of Offer. If we are required to
vacate the current premises, we would be required to make alternative arrangements for new offices and other
infrastructure, and we cannot assure that the new arrangements will be on commercially acceptable/favourable terms. If
we are required to relocate our business operations during this period, we may suffer a disruption in our operations or
have to pay higher charges, which could have an adverse effect on our business, prospects, results of operations and
financial condition.
25. Industry information included in this Letter of Offer has been derived from industry reports. There can be no assurance
that such third-party statistical, financial and other industry information is either complete or accurate.
We have relied on the reports of certain independent third party for purposes of inclusion of such information in this
Letter of Offer. These reports are subject to various limitations and based upon certain assumptions that are subjective in
nature. We have not independently verified data from such industry reports and other sources. Although we believe that
the data may be considered to be reliable, their accuracy, completeness and underlying assumptions are not guaranteed
and their dependability cannot be assured. While we have taken reasonable care in the reproduction of the information,
the information has not been prepared or independently verified by us or any of our respective affiliates or advisors and,
therefore, we make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such facts
and statistics. Due to possibly flawed or ineffective collection methods or discrepancies between published information
and market practice and other problems, the statistics herein may be inaccurate or may not be comparable to statistics
produced for other economies and should not be unduly relied upon. Further, there is no assurance that they are stated or
compiled on the same basis or with the same degree of accuracy as may be the case elsewhere. Statements from third
parties that involve estimates are subject to change, and actual amounts may differ materially from those included in this
Letter of Offer.
26. The Issue Price of our Equity Shares may not be indicative of the market price of our Equity Shares after the Issue
and the market price of our Equity Shares may decline below the Issue Price and you may not be able to sell your
Equity Shares at or above the Issue Price.
The Issue price is based on numerous factors. The market price of our Equity Shares could be subject to significant
fluctuations after the Issue and may decline below the Issue Price. We cannot assure you that you will be able to sell your
Equity Shares at or above the Issue Price. Among the factors that could affect our share price are:
Quarterly variations in the rate of growth of our financial indicators, such as earnings per share, net income and
Changes in revenue or earnings estimates or publication of research reports by analysts;
Speculation in the press or investment community;
Domestic and international economic, legal and regulatory factors unrelated to our performance.
27. Our insurance coverage may not adequately protect us from all material risks and liabilities
We maintain insurance which we believe is typical in our industry in India and for amounts which we believe to be
commercially appropriate for risks. However, such insurance may not be adequate to cover all our losses or liabilities
that may arise from our business. Our insurance policies contain exclusions and or all limitations on coverage, as a result
of which, we may not be able to successfully assert our claims for any liability or loss under the said insurance policies.
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Additionally, there may be various other risks and losses, specially arising out of our business agreements, for which we
are not insured because such risks are either uninsurable or not insurable on commercially acceptable terms. Furthermore,
there can be no assurance that in the future we will be able to maintain insurance of the types or at levels which we deem
necessary or adequate or at premiums which we deem to be commercially acceptable. The occurrence of an event for
which we are not insured, where the loss is in excess of insured limits or where we are unable to successfully assert
insurance claims for losses, could result in unforeseen liabilities and losses. Further, despite such unforeseen losses we
may remain obligated for any future financial indebtedness or other obligations related to our business. Any such
unforeseen losses or liabilities could result in an adverse effect on our business operations, financial conditions and results
of operations.
29. Our ability to pay dividends in the future will depend upon our future earnings, financial condition, cash flows,
working capital requirements, capital expenditure and restrictive covenants in our financing arrangements.
We may retain all our future earnings, if any, for use in the operations and expansion of our business. As a result, we may
not declare dividends in the foreseeable future. Any future determination as to the declaration and payment of dividends
will be at the discretion of our Board of Directors and will depend on factors that our Board of Directors deem relevant,
including among others, our results of operations, financial condition, cash requirements, business prospects and any
other financing arrangements. Accordingly, realization of a gain on shareholders investments may largely depend upon
the appreciation of the price of our Equity Shares. There can be no assurance that our Equity Shares will appreciate in
30. The price of the Equity Shares may be highly volatile after the Issue.
The price of the Equity Shares on the Indian stock exchanges may fluctuate after this Issue as a result of several factors,
including, volatility in the Indian and global securities market; our operations and performance; performance of our
competitors and the perception in the market about investments in the our industry; adverse media reports on us or the
industry; changes in the estimates of our performance or recommendations by financial analysts; significant developments
in India’s economic liberalization and deregulation policies; and significant developments in India's fiscal and
environmental regulations. There can be no assurance that the prices at which the Equity Shares are initially traded will
correspond to the prices at which the Equity Shares will trade in the market subsequently.
1. Failure to exercise or sell the Rights Entitlements will cause the Rights Entitlements to lapse without compensation
and result in a dilution of Investor’s shareholding.
The Rights Entitlements that are not exercised prior to the end of the Closing Date will expire and become null and
void, and Eligible Equity Shareholders will not receive any consideration for them. The proportionate ownership and
voting interest in our Company of Eligible Equity Shareholders who fail (or are not able) to exercise their Rights
Entitlements will be diluted. Even if you elect to sell your unexercised Rights Entitlements, the consideration you
receive for them may not be sufficient to fully compensate you for the dilution of your percentage ownership of the
equity share capital of our Company that may be caused as a result of the Rights Issue. Renouncees may not be able to
apply in case of failure in completion of renunciation through off-market transfer in such a manner that the Rights
Entitlements are credited to the demat account of the Renouncees prior to the Issue Closing Date. Further, in case, the
Rights Entitlements do not get credited in time, in case of On Market Renunciation, such Renouncee will not be able to
apply in this Rights Issue with respect to such Rights Entitlements.
2. There is no guarantee that the Rights Equity Shares issued pursuant to this Rights Issue will be listed on the Stock
Exchange in a timely manner.
In accordance with Indian law and regulations and the requirements of the Stock Exchange, in principle and final
approvals for listing and trading of the Rights Equity Shares issued pursuant to this Rights Issue will not be applied for
or granted until after the Rights Equity Shares have been issued and allotted. Approval for listing and trading will require
all relevant documents authorising the issuing of Rights Equity Shares to be submitted. Accordingly, there could be a
failure or delay in listing the Rights Equity Shares on the Stock Exchange. If there is a delay in obtaining such approvals,
we may not be able to credit the Rights Equity Shares allotted to the Investors to their depository participant accounts
or assure ownership of such Rights Equity Shares by the Investors in any manner promptly after the Closing Date. In
any such event, the ownership of the Investors over Rights Equity Shares allotted to them and their ability to dispose of
any such Equity Shares may be restricted. For further information on issue procedure, see “Issue Information”
beginning on page 124.
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3. Failure to exercise or sell the Rights Entitlements will cause the Rights Entitlements to lapse without compensation
and result in a dilution of shareholding.
The Rights Entitlements that are not exercised prior to the end of the Issue Closing Date will expire and become null
and void, and Eligible Equity Shareholders will not receive any consideration for them. The proportionate ownership
and voting interest in our Company of Eligible Equity Shareholders who fail (or are not able) to exercise their Rights
Entitlements will be diluted. Even if you elect to sell your unexercised Right Entitlements, the consideration you receive
for them may not be sufficient to fully compensate you for the dilution of your percentage ownership of the equity share
capital of our Company that may be caused as a result of the Issue. Renouncees may not be able to apply in case of
failure in completion of renunciation through off-market transfer in such a manner that the Rights Entitlements are
credited to the demat account of the Renouncees prior to the Issue Closing Date. Further, in case, the Rights Entitlements
do not get credited in time, in case of On Market Renunciation (the last day for which is August 24,2022), such
Renouncee will not be able to apply in this Issue with respect to such Rights Entitlements. For details, see ― “Terms
of the Issue” on page 124.
4. The Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form will have no voting rights in respect of
Equity Shares until they provide details of their demat account and Equity Shares are transferred to such demat
account from the demat suspense account thereafter.
The Equity Shares will be credited to a demat suspense account to be opened by our Company, in case of Allotment in
respect of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form and who have not provided the
details of their demat account to the Registrar or our Company at least two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing
Date. Such Eligible Equity Shareholders are required to send, amongst others, details of their demat accounts to our
Company or the Registrar to enable our Company to transfer, after verification of the details of such demat account by
the Registrar, the Equity Shares from the demat suspense account to the demat accounts of such Eligible Equity
Shareholders. Unless and until such Eligible Equity Shareholders provide details of their demat account and the Equity
Shares are transferred from demat suspense account to such demat accounts thereafter, they will have no voting rights
in respect of Equity Shares. For details, see ―Terms of the Issue on page 124.
5. The Rights Entitlement of Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form (“Physical
Shareholder”) may lapse in case they fail to furnish the details of their demat account to the Registrar.
In accordance with the SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2020/13 dated January 22, 2020, the credit of Rights
Entitlement and Allotment of Equity Shares shall be made in dematerialised form only. Accordingly, the Rights
Entitlements of the Physical Shareholders shall be credited in a suspense escrow de-mat account opened by our
Company during the Issue Period. The Physical Shareholders are requested to furnish the details of their demat account
to the Registrar not later than two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date to enable the credit of their Rights
Entitlements in their demat accounts at least one day before the Issue Closing Date. The Rights Entitlements of the
Physical Shareholders who do not furnish the details of their demat account to the Registrar as per the prescribed
timelines mentioned above, shall lapse. Further, pursuant to a press release dated December 3, 2018 issued by the SEBI,
with effect from April 1, 2019, a transfer of listed Equity Shares cannot be processed unless the Equity Shares are held
in dematerialized form (except in case of transmission or transposition of Equity Shares).
6. Applicants to this Issue are not allowed to withdraw their Applications after the Issue Closing Date.
In terms of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, Applicants in this Issue are not allowed to withdraw their Applications after
the Issue Closing Date. The Allotment in this Issue and the credit of such Equity Shares to the Applicant’s demat account
with its depository participant shall be completed within such period as prescribed under the applicable laws. There is
no assurance, however, that material adverse changes in the international or national monetary, financial, political or
economic conditions or other events in the nature of force majeure, material adverse changes in our business, results of
operation or financial condition, or other events affecting the Applicant’s decision to invest in the Equity Shares, would
not arise between the Issue Closing Date and the date of Allotment in this Issue. Occurrence of any such events after
the Issue Closing Date could also impact the market price of our Equity Shares. The Applicants shall not have the right
to withdraw their applications in the event of any such occurrence. We cannot assure you that the market price of the
Equity Shares will not decline below the Issue Price. To the extent the market price for the Equity Shares declines below
the Issue Price after the Issue Closing Date, the shareholder will be required to purchase Equity Shares at a price that
will be higher than the actual market price of the Equity Shares at that time. Should that occur, the shareholder will
suffer an immediate unrealized loss as a result. We may complete the Allotment even if such events may limit the
Applicants’ ability to sell our Equity Shares after this Issue or cause the trading price of our Equity Shares to decline.
7. Holders of Equity Shares could be restricted in their ability to exercise pre-emptive rights under Indian law and
could thereby suffer future dilution of their ownership position.
Under the Companies Act, any company incorporated in India must offer its holders of equity shares preemptive rights
to subscribe and pay for a proportionate number of shares to maintain their existing ownership percentages prior to the
issuance of any new equity shares, unless the pre-emptive rights have been waived by the adoption of a special resolution
by holders of three-fourths of the shares voted on such resolution, unless our Company has obtained government
approval to issue without such rights. However, if the law of the jurisdiction that you are in does not permit the exercise
of such pre-emptive rights without us filing an offering document or registration statement with the applicable authority
in such jurisdiction, you will be unable to exercise such pre-emptive rights unless we make such a filing. We may elect
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not to file a registration statement in relation to pre-emptive rights otherwise available by Indian law to you. To the
extent that you are unable to exercise pre-emptive rights granted in respect of the Equity Shares, your proportional
interests in us would be reduced.
8. Rights of shareholders under Indian law may be more limited than under the laws of other jurisdictions. Our Articles
of Association and Indian law govern our corporate affairs. Legal principles relating to these matters and the validity of
corporate procedures, Director’s fiduciary duties and liabilities, and shareholders’ rights may differ from those that
would apply to a corporate entity in another jurisdiction. Shareholders’ rights under Indian law may not be as extensive
as shareholders’ rights under the laws of other countries or jurisdictions. Investors may have more difficulty in asserting
their rights as one of our shareholders than as a shareholder of a bank or corporate entity in another jurisdiction. In
accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, the voting rights of an equity shareholder in a company shall be
in proportion to the share of a person in the paid-up equity share capital of that company.
9. No market for the Rights Entitlements may develop and the price of the Rights Entitlements may be volatile. No
assurance can be given that an active trading market for the Rights Entitlements will develop on the Stock Exchanges
during the Renunciation Period or that there will be sufficient liquidity in Rights Entitlements trading during this period.
The trading price of the Rights Entitlements will not only depend on supply and demand for the Rights Entitlements,
which may be affected by factors unrelated to the trading in the Equity Shares, but also on the quoted price of the Equity
Shares, amongst others. Factors affecting the volatility of the price of the Equity Shares, as described herein, may
magnify the volatility of the trading price of the Rights Entitlements, and a decline in the price of the Equity Shares will
have an adverse impact on the trading price of the Rights Entitlements. Since the trading of the Equity Shares will be
on a separate segment compared to the Equity Shares on the floor of the Stock Exchanges, the trading of Equity Shares
may not track the trading of Equity Shares. The trading price of the Rights Entitlements may be subject to greater price
fluctuations than that of the Equity Shares.
1. Changes in government regulations or their implementation could disrupt our operations and adversely affect our
business and results of operations.
Our business and industry are regulated by different laws, rules and regulations framed by the Central and State
Government. These regulations can be amended/ changed on a short notice at the discretion of the Government. If we
fail to comply with all applicable regulations or if the regulations governing our business or their implementation change
adversely, we may incur increased costs or be subject to penalties, which could disrupt our operations and adversely
affect our business and results of operations.
2. You may be subject to Indian taxes arising out of capital gains on the sale of the Equity Shares.
Under current Indian tax laws, capital gains arising from the sale of equity shares within 12 months in an Indian company
are classified as short-term capital gains and generally taxable. Any gain realized on the sale of listed equity shares on a
stock exchange that are held for more than 12 months is considered as long-term capital gains and is taxable at 10%, in
excess of Rs. 1,00,000. Any long-term gain realized on the sale of equity shares, which are sold other than on a recognized
stock exchange and on which no STT has been paid, is also subject to tax in India. Capital gains arising from the sale of
equity shares are exempt from taxation in India where an exemption from taxation in India is provided under a treaty
between India and the country of which the seller is resident. Generally, Indian tax treaties do not limit India’s ability to
impose tax on capital gains. As a result, residents of other countries may be liable to pay tax in India as well as in their
own jurisdiction on a gain on the sale of equity shares.
3. Public companies in India, including our Company, shall be required to prepare financial statements under Indian
Accounting Standards.
Our Company currently prepares its annual financial statements under Indian GAAP. The MCA, Government of India,
has, through a notification dated February 16, 2015, set out the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) and the timelines
for their implementation. In accordance with such notification, our Company is required to prepare its financial statements
in accordance with Ind AS. Ind AS is different in many aspects from Indian GAAP under which our financial statements
are currently prepared. Accordingly, the degree to which the restated financial statements included in the Letter of Offer
will provide meaningful information is entirely dependent on the reader's level of familiarity with Indian accounting
practices. Any reliance by persons not familiar with Indian accounting practices on the financial disclosures presented in
the Letter of Offer should accordingly be limited.
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4. Taxes and other levies imposed by the Government of India or other State Governments, as well as other financial
policies and regulations, may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of
Taxes and other levies imposed by the Central or State Governments in India that affect our industry include:
Custom duties on imports of products;
Goods and Service Tax
These taxes and levies affect the cost and prices of our products and therefore demand for our product. An increase in
any of these taxes or levies, or the imposition of new taxes or levies in the future, may have a material adverse effect on
our business, profitability and financial condition.
5. Political instability or a change in economic liberalization and deregulation policies could seriously harm business
and economic conditions in India generally and our business in particular.
The Government of India has traditionally exercised and continues to exercise influence over many aspects of the
economy. Our business and the market price and liquidity of our Equity Shares may be affected by interest rates, changes
in Government policy, taxation, social and civil unrest and other political, economic or other developments in or affecting
India. The rate of economic liberalization could change, and specific laws and policies affecting the information
technology sector, foreign investment and other matters affecting investment in our securities could change as well. Any
significant change in such liberalization and deregulation policies could adversely affect business and economic
conditions in India, generally, and our business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations, in particular.
6. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of facts and other statistics with respect to India, the Indian
economy and Indian Agricultural and Retail Industry contained in the letter of offer.
While facts and other statistics in the letter of offer relating to India, the Indian economy and the Indian Agricultural and
Retail Industry has been based on various government publications, reports from government agencies, India Brand
Equity Foundation and industry publications etc. that we believe are reliable, we cannot guarantee the quality or reliability
of such materials. While we have taken reasonable care in the reproduction of such information, industry facts and other
statistics have not been prepared or independently verified by us or any of our respective affiliates or advisors and,
therefore we make no representation as to their accuracy or completeness. These facts and other statistics include the
facts and statistics included in the chapter titled “Industry Overview” beginning on page 43 of this letter of offer. Due to
possibly flawed or ineffective data collection methods or discrepancies between published information and market
practice and other problems, the statistics herein may be inaccurate or may not be comparable to statistics produced
elsewhere and should not be unduly relied upon. Further, there is no assurance that they are stated or compiled on the
same basis or with the same degree of accuracy, as the case may be, elsewhere.
7. Global economic, political and social conditions may harm our ability to do business, increase our costs and negatively
affect our stock price.
Global economic and political factors that are beyond our control, influence forecasts and directly affect performance.
These factors include interest rates, rates of economic growth, fiscal and monetary policies of governments, inflation,
deflation, foreign exchange fluctuations, consumer credit availability, fluctuations in commodities markets, consumer
debt levels, unemployment trends and other matters that influence consumer confidence, spending and tourism.
Increasing volatility in financial markets may cause these factors to change with a greater degree of frequency and
magnitude, which may negatively affect our stock prices.
8. Foreign investors are subject to foreign investment restrictions under Indian law that limits our ability to attract
foreign investors, which may adversely impact the market price of the Equity Shares.
Under the foreign exchange regulations currently in force in India, transfer of shares between non- residents and residents
are freely permitted (subject to certain exceptions) if they comply with the pricing guidelines and reporting requirements
specified by the RBI. If the transfer of shares, which are sought to be transferred, is not in compliance with such pricing
guidelines or reporting requirements or fall under any of the exceptions referred to above, then the prior approval of the
RBI will be required. Additionally, shareholders who seek to convert the Rupee proceeds from a sale of shares in India
into foreign currency and repatriate that foreign currency from India will require a no objection/ tax clearance certificate
from the income tax authority. There can be no assurance that any approval required from the RBI or any other
government agency can be obtained on any particular terms or at all.
9. The extent and reliability of Indian infrastructure could adversely affect our Company‟s results of operations and
financial condition.
India’s physical infrastructure is in developing phase compared to that of many developed nations. Any congestion or
disruption in its port, rail and road networks, electricity grid, communication systems or any other public facility could
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disrupt our Company’s normal business activity. Any deterioration of India’s physical infrastructure would harm the
national economy, disrupt the transportation of goods and supplies, and add costs to doing business in India. These
problems could interrupt our Company’s business operations, which could have an adverse effect on its results of
operations and financial condition.
10. Any downgrading of India’s sovereign rating by an independent agency may harm our ability to raise financing.
Any adverse revisions to India’s credit ratings for domestic and international debt by international rating agencies may
adversely impact our ability to raise additional financing, and the interest rates and other commercial terms at which such
additional financing may be available. This could have an adverse effect on our business and future financial performance,
our ability to obtain financing for capital expenditures and the trading price of our Equity Shares.
11. Natural calamities could have a negative impact on the Indian economy and cause our Company’s business to suffer.
The current Covid-19 pandemic had brought the world to a standstill affecting all sectors and the livelihood of many are
at stake including the Indian economy. However, our Country is achieving normalcy by various measures taken by the
Government. The pandemic is still to be controlled and any major outbreak will seriously impact our business. Further,
our Country in the past has experienced natural calamities such as earthquakes, tsunami, floods etc. The extent and
severity of these natural disasters determine their impact on the Indian economy. Prolonged spells of abnormal rainfall
or other natural calamities could have a negative impact on the Indian economy, which could adversely affect our
business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations as well as the price of the Equity Shares.
12. Terrorist attacks, civil unrests and other acts of violence or war involving India or other countries could adversely affect
the financial markets, our business, financial condition and the price of our Equity Shares.
Any major hostilities involving India or other acts of violence, including civil unrest or similar events that are beyond our
control, could have a material adverse effect on India’s economy and our business. Incidents such as the terrorist attacks
in India, other incidents such as those in US, Indonesia, Madrid and London, and other acts of violence may adversely
affect the Indian stock markets where our Equity Shares will trade as well the global equity markets generally. Such acts
could negatively impact business sentiment as well as trade between countries, which could adversely affect our
Company’s business and profitability. Additionally, such events could have a material adverse effect on the market for
securities of Indian companies, including the Equity Shares.
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The present Rights Issue of Up to 90,56,255 Equity Shares at an issue price of Rs. 54/- (including premium of Rs
44/-) per equity share aggregating up to ₹ 48,90,37,770/-. Letter of Offer has been authorized pursuant to a
resolution of our Board of Directors held on June 3, 2022 passed under Section 62(1)(a) and other applicable
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. The terms of the Issue including the Record Date and Rights Entitlement
Ratio, have been approved by a resolution passed by our Board at its meeting held on July 27,2022.
The following is a summary of this Issue, and should be read in conjunction with and is qualified entirely by, the
information detailed in “Terms of the Issue” beginning on page no. 124 of this Letter of Offer.
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Add -Shop E-Retail Limited was originally incorporated on August 20, 2013 as “Add-Shop Promotions Private
Limited” having its registered office at Shree Ashapura Complex, Shop No. 202, 2nd Floor, Opp. Ahya Commercial
Centre, Gondal Road, Rajkot-36002, Gujarat, India, under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 bearing
Certificate of Incorporation No. U51109GJ2013PTC076482 issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra
and Nagar Havelli. Subsequently our Company was converted into a Public Limited Company pursuant to special
resolution passed by the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on June 11, 2018 and fresh
certificate of incorporation consequently upon change of name was issued by Registrar of Companies, Gujarat,
Ahmedabad dated June 21, 2018 and name of our Company was changed to Add-Shop Promotions Limited and a
fresh certificate of incorporation was issued bearing U51109GJ2013PLC076482. The name of the Company was
further changed to Add-Shop E-Retail Limited and a fresh certificate of Incorporation bearing CIN No.
L51109GJ2013PLC076482 was issued by Registrar of Companies Ahmedabad, Gujarat
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Details of Key Intermediaries pertaining to this Issue and our Company:
LIMITED "Subramanian Building", No. 1, Club House
Anandlok”, Block-A, 2nd Floor, Room No. 207, 227 Road, Chennai - 600 002, India
A.J.C Bose Road, Kolkata-700020, West Bengal Tel No: +91-44-40020700
Telephone: +91 – 33 – 22895101 Fax: +91-44-28460129
Email: Email:
Website: Investor Grievance Email Id:
Investor Grievance Email: Contact Person: Ms. K Sreepriya
Contact Person: Mr. S. Ramakrishna Iyengar Website:
(Director) SEBI Registration Number: INR000003753
SEBI Registration No: INM000012185 CIN No: U67120TN1998PLC041613
CIN No: U74900WB2011PLC169377
D-1, MMS Chambers, 1st Floor, Capital Market Division, 5th Floor, H T Parekh
4A, Council House Street, Kolkata-700001. Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai – 400020
West Bengal, India Tele No: 022- 68052182
Telephone: +91 9830640366
Contact Person: Mr. Jayabrata Mukherjee,
Advocate. SEBI Registration No: INBI00000004
Contact Person: Mr. Sagar Welekar
Note: Investors may contact our Company Secretary and Compliance Officer and/or the Registrar to the Issue, in
case of any pre-issue or post-issue related problems, such as non-receipt of letters of allotment, credit of allotted
Equity Shares in the respective beneficiary account or refund orders, etc.
All grievances in relation to the application through ASBA process may be addressed to the Registrar to the Issue,
with a copy to the relevant Designated Intermediary with whom the ASBA Form was submitted, giving details such
as the full name of the sole or First Applicant, ASBA Form number, Applicants‘ DP ID, Client ID, PAN, number
of Equity Shares applied for, date of submission of ASBA Form, address of Bidder, the name and address of the
relevant Designated Intermediary, where the ASBA Form was submitted by the Bidder, ASBA Account number in
which the amount equivalent to the Bid Amount was blocked and UPI ID used by the Retail Individual Investors.
Further, the Bidder shall enclose the Acknowledgment Slip from the Designated Intermediaries in addition to the
documents or information mentioned hereinabove.
Credit Rating
This being an Issue of Right Equity Shares, credit rating is not required.
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Debenture Trustees
As the Issue is of Right Equity Shares, the appointment of Debenture trustees is not required.
Monitoring Agency
As the Issue Size is below ₹ 10,000 lakhs, the appointment of a monitoring agency is not required.
This Issue of Rights Equity Shares is not being underwritten and no standby support is being sought for the said
The Draft Letter of Offer has been filed with BSE (the Designated Stock Exchange having nationwide terminal)
for obtaining in-principle approval.
However, a copy of the Letter of Offer shall be filed with the SEBI for the purpose of their information and
dissemination on its website to the e-mail address:
Minimum Subscription
In accordance with Regulation 86 of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, if our Company does not receive the minimum
subscription of 90% of the Issue Size, our Company shall refund the entire subscription amount received within 4
(four) days from the Issue Closing Date. If there is any delay in the refund of the subscription amount beyond such
period as prescribed by applicable laws, our Company and Directors shall pay interest for the delayed period, at
such rates as prescribed under the applicable laws.
Issue Schedule
The subscription will open upon the commencement of the banking hours and will close upon the close of banking
hours on the dates mentioned below:
Last date for credit of Rights Entitlement August 16,2022
Issue Opening Date August 17,2022
Last date for On Market Renunciation* August 24,2022
Issue Closing Date August 30,2022
Finalisation of Basis of Allotment (on or about) September 07,2022
Date of Allotment (on or about) September 08,2022
Date of credit (on or about) September 13,2022
Date of listing (on or about) September 15,2022
Note: The above timetable is indicative in nature and does not constitute any obligation on the Company or the
Lead Manager. While our Company shall ensure that all the steps for completion of all the necessary formalities
for the listing and trading of our equity shares on the main board platforms of BSE are taken within the prescribed
timelines, the time table may change due to various factors such as extension of the issue period by the Company
or any delay in receiving final listing and trading approval from the BSE. The Commencement of the trading of
Equity shares will be entirely at the discretion of BSE in accordance with the applicable laws.
* Eligible Equity Shareholders are requested to ensure that renunciation through off-market transfer is completed
in such a manner that the Rights Entitlements are credited to the demat account of the Renouncees on or prior to
the Issue Closing Date.
# The Board of Directors or the Rights Issue Committee will have the right to extend the Issue period as it may
determine from time to time, provided that this Issue will not remain open in excess of 30 (thirty) days from the
Issue Opening Date. Further, no withdrawal of Application shall be permitted by any Applicant after the Issue
Closing Date.
Please note that if Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date, have
not provided the details of their demat accounts to our Company or to the Registrar, they are required to provide
their demat account details to our Company or the Registrar not later than two Working Days prior to the Issue
Closing Date, i.e., August 25, 2022 to enable the credit of the Rights Entitlements by way of transfer from the
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demat suspense escrow account to their respective demat accounts, at least one day before the Issue Closing Date,
i.e., August 29, 2022. Further, in accordance with the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars, (a) the Eligible Equity
Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date; or (b) the Eligible Equity Shareholders,
who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date and who have not furnished the details of their demat
account to the Registrar or our Company at least two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, desirous of
subscribing to Rights Equity Shares may also apply in this Issue during the Issue Period. For details, see “Terms
of the Issue” beginning on page no. 124 of this Letter of Offer.
Investors are advised to ensure that the Applications are submitted on or before the Issue Closing Date. Our
Company, the Lead Managers or the Registrar to the Issue will not be liable for any loss on account of non-
submission of Applications on or before the Issue Closing Date. Further, it is also encouraged that the applications
are submitted well in advance before Issue Closing Date, due to prevailing COVID-19 related restrictions. Please
note that if no Application is made by the Eligible Equity Shareholders of Rights Entitlements on or before Issue
Closing Date, such Rights Entitlements shall get lapsed and shall be extinguished after the Issue Closing Date. No
Equity Shares for such lapsed Rights Entitlements will be credited, even if such Rights Entitlements were purchased
from market and purchaser will lose the premium paid to acquire the Rights Entitlements. Persons who are credited
the Rights Entitlements are required to make an application to apply for Equity Shares offered under Rights Issue
for subscribing to the Equity Shares offered under Issue.
The Capital Structure of our company before the Issue and after giving effect to the Issue, as at the date of
this Letter of Offer, is set forth below:
(Rs. in Lakhs except share data)
Aggregate Aggregate Value
No. Particulars
Nominal Value at Issue Price
A Authorized Share Capital
3,50,00,000 Equity Shares of ₹10/- each 3,500.00 --
Issued, Subscribed & Paid-up Share Capital prior to the
1,92,56,701 Equity Shares of ₹10/- each 1,925.67 --
C Present issue in terms of the Letter of Offer*
Up to 90,56,255 Equity Shares of ₹10/- each for cash at a
905.62 4890.38
price of ₹54/- per share **
Issued, Subscribed & Paid-up Share Capital after the
2,83,12,956 Equity Shares of ₹10/- each 2831.30 --
*This Rights Issue has been authorized pursuant to a resolution of our Board dated June 3, 2022.
** Investors will have to pay the entire offer price i.e. ₹54/- per Rights Equity Share at the time of Application.
***Assuming full subscription to the Rights Entitlements and Allotment of the Rights Equity Shares.
a) Our Company does not have any employee stock option scheme or employee stock purchase scheme.
b) Our Company does not have any outstanding warrants, options, convertible loans, debentures or any other
securities convertible at a later date into Equity Shares, as on the date of this Letter of Offer, which would
entitle the holders to acquire further Equity Shares.
c) All Equity Shares are fully paid-up and there are no partly paid Equity Shares outstanding as on the date of this
Letter of Offer. The Rights Equity Shares, when issued, shall be Full Paid up.
d) At any given time, there shall be only one denomination of the Equity Shares.
e) No Equity Shares held by our Promoter or members of our Promoter Group have been locked-in, pledged or
encumbered as of the date of this Letter of Offer.
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Intention and extent of participation in the Issue by the Promoter and Promoter Group:
Our Promoter(s) and entities forming part of our Promoter Group have, vide their letters dated June 10, 2022 (the
“Subscription Letters”) undertaken that the Rights Issue is only for the Public Shareholders and there will be no
Rights Entitlement to the Promoters and entities forming part of the Promoter Group. However, in the eventuality
of an under-subscription in the Issue the Promoters and entities forming part of the Promoter Group will subscribe
to the unsubscribed portion.
The subscription on account of un-subscribed portion, made by Promoter(s) and entities forming part of our
Promoter Group shall be made subject to such subscription not resulting in the minimum public shareholding of
our Company falling below the level prescribed in Regulation 38 of the LODR/ SCRR. Our Company is in
compliance with Regulation 38 of the SEBI Listing Regulations and will continue to comply with the minimum
public shareholding requirements pursuant to the Rights Issue.
The ex-rights price per Equity Share arrived in accordance with Regulation 10(4)(b) of the SEBI Takeover
Regulations is ₹ 84.82/-
Shareholding Pattern of our Company as per the last filing with the Stock Exchange in compliance with the
provisions of the SEBI Listing Regulations:
(i) The shareholding pattern of our Company for the period ending June 30, 2022 can be accessed on the
website of the BSE at:
(ii) The statement showing holding of Equity Shares of persons belonging to the category “Promoter and Promoter Group”
including the details of lock-in, pledge of and encumbrance thereon, for the period ending June 30, 2022 can be
accessed on the website of the BSE at:
(iii) The statement showing shareholders holding more than 1% of the total number of Equity Shares for the period ending
June 30, 2022 is as follows:
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The main objects clause of our Memorandum enables our Company to undertake the activities for which funds are
being raised in the Issue. The existing activities of our Company are within the object clause of our Memorandum.
The fund requirement and deployment are based on internal management estimates and has not been appraised by
any bank or financial institution. These are based on current circumstances of our business.
Requirement of Funds
Our funding requirement is dependent on a number of factors which may not be in the control of our management,
changes in our financial condition and current commercial condition. Such factors may entail rescheduling and/or
revising the planned expenditure and funding requirement and increasing or decreasing the expenditure for a
particular purpose from the planned expenditure.
Means of Finance:
We propose to meet the requirement of funds for the stated objects of the Issue from the Issue Proceeds. Hence, no
amount is required to be raised through means other than the Issue Proceeds. Accordingly, the requirements under
Regulation 62(1)(c) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations (which requires firm arrangements of finance through verifiable
means for 75% of the stated means of finance, excluding the Issue Proceeds and existing identifiable internal
accruals) are not applicable.
In case of variations in the actual utilization of funds allocated for the purposes set forth above, increased fund
requirements for a particular purpose may be financed by surplus funds, if any, available in respect of the other
purposes for which funds are being raised in this Issue. If surplus funds are unavailable, the required financing will
be through our internal accruals and/or debt.
We may have to revise our fund requirements and deployment as a result of changes in commercial and other
external factors, which may not be within the control of our management. This may entail re-scheduling, revising
or cancelling the fund requirements and increasing or decreasing the fund requirements for a particular purpose
from its fund requirements mentioned below, at the discretion of our management. In case of any shortfall or cost
overruns, we intend to meet our estimated expenditure from internal accruals and/or debt. In case of any such re-
scheduling, it shall be made by compliance of the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 / Companies
Act, 1956.
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Our company has network of farmers and distributors spread across the country and since we are in the field of
organic products, we shall endeavor to grow special variety of organic plants like Aloe Vera, Turmeric, Bitter
gourd, Giloy, Ashwagandha, Moringa, Tulsi, Gooseberry, Shatavari, Soyabean, Saunf (fennel), at specific soil
conditions suited for achieving quality standards which shall be used in production of Organic products.
Organic Farming is a technique, which involves the cultivation of plants in natural ways. This process involves the
use of biological materials, avoiding synthetic substances to maintain soil fertility and ecological balance thereby
minimizing pollution and wastage.
Organic farming is a farming method that involves growing and nurturing crops without the use of synthetic based
fertilizers and pesticides.
It relies on ecologically balanced agricultural principles like crop rotation, green manure, organic waste, biological
pest control, mineral and rock additives. Organic farming makes use of pesticides and fertilizers if they are
considered natural and avoids the use of various petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides.
We have estimated our working capital requirement based on the following holding periods:
Particulars 31-03-2020 31-03-2021 31-03-2022 31-03-2023
Sundry Debtors Holding period (Months) 7.04 4.84 1.71 2.75
Inventory Holding Period (Months) 2.29 1.20 1.46 2.00
Sundry Creditor Holding Period (Months) 5.60 2.66 0.31 0.25
As a % of
Estimated As a %
Activity Expenses of the Total
(Rs. in Lakhs) Issue Size
Issue Expenses
Fees payable to the intermediaries like Lead Manager,
RTA, Legal Advisor, Banker including Brokerage, Selling 40.00 57.14% 0.82
Commission and upload Fees etc.
Page 39 of 161
Advertising and Marketing Expenses 8.00 11.43% 0.16
Fees payable to Regulators Including Stock Exchanges 15.00 21.43% 0.31
Printing and Other Miscellaneous charges 7.00 10.00% 0.14
Total 70.00 100.00 1.43
The Issue Proceeds will be first utilized towards the Objects as mentioned as mentioned above. The balance is
proposed to be utilized for general corporate purposes, subject to such utilization not exceeding 25% of the Issue
Proceeds, in compliance with the Regulation 62(2) of SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2018. Our Company intends to
deploy the balance Issue Proceeds, if any, for general corporate purposes, subject to above mentioned limit, as may
be approved by our management, including but not restricted to, the following:
(i) Strategic initiatives (ii) brand building and strengthening of marketing activities; and (iii) ongoing general
corporate exigencies or any other purposes as approved by the Board subject to compliance with the necessary
regulatory provisions.
The quantum of utilization of funds towards each of the above purposes will be determined by our Board of
Directors based on the permissible amount actually available under the head “General Corporate Purposes” and the
business requirements of our Company, from time to time. We, in accordance with the policies of our Board, will
have flexibility in utilizing the Issue Proceeds for general corporate purposes, as mentioned above.
Appraisal Entity
The Objects of the Issue have not been appraised by any bank or financial institution.
Our Board and the management will monitor the utilization of the Issue Proceeds through its audit committee.
Pursuant to Regulation 32 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, our Company shall on half-yearly basis disclose to the Audit Committee the
applications of the proceeds of the Issue. On an annual basis, our Company shall prepare a statement of funds
utilized for purposes other than stated in this Letter of Offer and place it before the Audit Committee. Such
disclosures shall be made only until such time that all the proceeds of the Issue have been utilized in full. The
statement will be certified by the Statutory Auditors of our Company.
Key Industry Regulation for the proposed objects of the issue (If different from existing business of issuer)
The object of the issue is to utilise the fund in the existing business activity of the company. So specific key industry
regulation is same as the present industry regulation applicable to the company.
Page 40 of 161
Interest of Promoter, Promoter Group and Directors, in the objects of the Issue
Our Promoter, Promoter Group and Directors do not have any interest in the objects of the Issue. No part of the
Net Proceeds will be paid by our Company as consideration to our Promoter, Promoter Group and Directors of our
Page 41 of 161
The Board of Directors
Add-Shop E-Retail Limited
B-304, Imperial Height, 150ft Ring Road,
Rajkot-360005, Gujarat, India
Dear Sir,
Sub: Statement of possible Special tax benefit available to Add-Shop E-Retail Limited, its shareholders and
its material subsidiaries (if any).
We report that there are no possible special direct tax benefits available to the Company, its shareholders and its
material subsidiaries under the Income-tax Act, 1961, presently in force in India.
This statement is only intended to provide general information to the investors and is neither designed nor intended
to be a substitute for professional tax advice. In view of the individual nature of the tax consequences and the
changing tax laws, each investor is advised to consult his or her own tax consultant with respect to the specific tax
implications arising out of their participation in the Issue.
Neither we are suggesting nor advising the investor to invest money based on this statement. The contents of this
statement are based on information, explanations and representations obtained from the Company and on the basis
of our understanding of the business activities and operations of the Company.
We hereby give consent to include this statement of tax benefits in the Letter of Offer, the Letter of Offer and in
any other material used in connection with the Issue.
No assurance is given that the revenue authorities / courts will concur with the views expressed herein. The
views are based on the existing provisions of law and its interpretation, which are subject to change from
time to time. We would not assume responsibility to update the view, consequence to such change.
We shall not be liable to Company for any claims, liabilities or expenses relating to this assignment except to the
extent of fees relating to this assignment, as finally judicially determined to have resulted primarily from bad faith
of intentional misconduct.
CA Dilip Maliwal
Membership No: 148387
Place: Ahmedabad
Dated: 09.06.2022
UDIN No: 22148387AKSJKX2541
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India has emerged as the fastest-growing major economy in the world and is expected to be one of the top three economic
powers in the world over the next 10-15 years, backed by its robust democracy and strong partnerships.
India’s nominal gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices is estimated to be at Rs. 232.15 trillion (US$ 3.12
trillion) in FY2021-22.,
India is the third-largest unicorn base in the world with over 83 unicorns collectively valued at US$ 277.77 billion,
as per the Economic Survey. By 2025, India is expected to have 100 unicorns, which will create ~1.1 million direct
jobs according to the Nasscom-Zinnov report ‘Indian Tech Start-up’.
India needs to increase its rate of employment growth and create 90 million non-farm jobs between 2023 and 2030s,
for productivity and economic growth according to McKinsey Global Institute. The net employment rate needs to
grow by 1.5% per year from 2023 to 2030 to achieve 8-8.5% GDP growth between 2023 and 2030.
According to data from the Department of Economic Affairs, as of January 28, 2022, foreign exchange reserves in
India reached the US$ 634.287 billion mark.
Recent economic developments in India are as follows:
With an improvement in the economic scenario, there have been investments across various sectors of the economy.
The private equity - venture capital (PE-VC) sector recorded investments worth US$ 6.8 billion across 102 deals in
November 2021 42% higher than November 2020. Some of the important recent developments in the Indian economy
are as follows:
India’s merchandise exports between April 2021 and December 2021 were estimated at US$ 299.74 billion (a 48.85%
YoY increase). In December 2021, the Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) in India stood at 56.4.
The gross GST (Goods and Services Tax) revenue collection stood at Rs. 1.38 trillion (US$ 18.42 billion) in January
2022. This was a 15% rise over a year ago.
According to the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), FDI equity inflow in India stood
at US$ 547.2 billion between April 2000 and June 2021.
India’s Index of Industrial Production (IIP) for November 2021 stood at 128.5 against 126.7 for November 2020.
Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) – Combined inflation was 2.9% in 2021-22 (April-December) against 9.1% in
the corresponding period last year.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) – Combined inflation was 5.20% in 2021-2022 (April-December) against 6.6% in 2020-
Foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) invested Rs.50,009 crore (US$ 6.68 billion) in the Calendar year 2021.
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The wheat procurement in Rabi 2021-22 and the anticipated paddy purchase in Kharif 2021-22 would include 1208
lakh (120.8 million) metric tonnes of wheat and paddy from 163 lakh (16.7 million) farmers, as well as a direct
payment of MSP value of 2.37 lakh crore (US$ 31.74 billion) to their accounts.
The Government of India has taken several initiatives to improve the economic condition of the country. Some of these are:
The Union Budget of 2022-23 was presented on February 1, 2022, by the Minister for Finance & Corporate Affairs,
Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman. The budget had four priorities PM GatiShakti, Inclusive Development, Productivity
Enhancement and Investment and Financing of Investments. In the Union Budget 2022-23, effective capital
expenditure is expected to increase by 27% at Rs. 10.68 lakh crore (US$ 142.93 billion) to boost the economy. This
will be 4.1% of the total Gross Domestic Production (GDP).
Under PM GatiShakti Master Plan the National Highway Network will develop 25,000 km of new highways network
which will be worth Rs. 20,000 crore (US$ 2.67 billion). In 2022-23. Increased government expenditure is expected
to attract private investments, with a production-linked incentive scheme providing excellent opportunities.
Consistently proactive, graded, and measured policy support is anticipated to boost the Indian economy.
On February 2022, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman Minster for Finance & Corporate Affairs said that productivity linked
incentive (PLI) schemes to be extended to 14 sectors for achieving the mission of AtmaNirbhar Bharat and create 60
lakh (6 million) and an additional production of Rs. 30 lakh crore (US$ 401.49 billion) in the next 5 years.
In the Union Budget of 2022-23, the government announced funding for the production linked incentive (PLI) scheme
for domestic solar cells and module manufacturing of Rs. 24,000 crore (US$ 3.21 billion).
In the Union Budget of 2022-23, the government announced production linked incentive (PLI) scheme for Bulk Drugs
which was an investment of Rs. 2500 crore (US$ 334.60 million).
In the Union Budget of 2022 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that a scheme for design-led
manufacturing in 5G will be launched as part of the PLI scheme.
In September 2021, Union Cabinet approved major reforms in the telecom sector, which is expected to boost
employment, growth, competition, and consumer interests. Key reforms include rationalization of adjusted gross
revenue, rationalization of bank guarantees (BGs), and encouragement to spectrum sharing.
In the Union Budget of 2022-23 the government has allocated Rs. 44,720 crore (US$ 5.98 billion) to Bharat Sanchar
Nigam Limited (BSNL) for capital investments in the 4G spectrum.
Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman allocated Rs. 650 crore (US$ 86.69 million) for Deep Ocean mission that seeks to explore
vast marine living and non-living resources. Department of Space (DoS) has got Rs. 13,700 crore (US$ 1.83 billion)
in 2022-23 for several key space missions like Gaganyaan, Chandrayaan-3, and Aditya L-1 (sun).
In May 2021, the government approved the production linked incentive (PLI) scheme for manufacturing advanced
chemistry cell (ACC) batteries at an estimated outlay of Rs. 18,100 crore (US$ 2.44 billion); this move is expected to
attract domestic and foreign investments worth Rs. 45,000 crore (US$ 6.07 billion).
Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman announced in the Union Budget of 2022-23 that Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will issue
Digital Rupee using blockchain and other technologies.
In the Union Budget of 2022-23, Railway got an investment of Rs. 2.38 lakh crore (US$ 31.88 billion) and over 400
new high-speed trains were announced. The concept of “One Station, One Product” was also introduced.
To boost competitiveness Budget 2022 has announced to reform the 16-year-old Special Economic Zone (SEZ) act
to enhance competitiveness this will be done to make it compatible with the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
In June 2021, the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) announced that the investment limit for FPI (foreign portfolio
investors) in the State Development Loans (SDLs) and government securities (G-secs) would persist unaffected at
2% and 6%, respectively, in FY22.
To boost the overall audit quality, transparency and add value to businesses, in April 2021, the RBI issued a notice
on new norms to appoint statutory and central auditors for commercial banks, large urban co-operatives and large
non-banks and housing finance firms.
In May 2021, the Government of India has allocated Rs. 2,250 crore (US$ 306.80 million) for the development of the
horticulture sector in 2021-22.
In November 2020, the Government of India announced Rs. 2.65 lakh crore (US$ 36 billion) stimulus package to
generate job opportunities and provide liquidity support to various sectors such as tourism, aviation, construction and
housing. Also, India's cabinet approved the production-linked incentives (PLI) scheme to provide ~Rs. 2 trillion (US$
27 billion) over five years to create jobs and boost production in the country.
Numerous foreign companies are setting up their facilities in India on account of various Government initiatives like
Make in India and Digital India. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, launched the Make in India initiative
with an aim to boost the country’s manufacturing sector and increase the purchasing power of an average Indian
consumer, which would further drive demand and spur development, thus benefiting investors. The Government of
India, under its Make in India initiative, is trying to boost the contribution made by the manufacturing sector with an
aim to take it to 25% of the GDP from the current 17%. Besides, the Government has also come up with the Digital
India initiative, which focuses on three core components: the creation of digital infrastructure, delivering services
digitally and increasing digital literacy.
On January 29 2022 the National Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd (NARCL) will acquire bad loans worth up to
Rs. 50,000 crore (US$ 6.69 billion) about 15 accounts by March 31, 2022. India Debt Resolution Co. Ltd (IDRCL)
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will control the resolution process. This will clean up India’s financial system and help fuel liquidity and boost the
Indian Economy.
National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) is a bank that will provide non-recourse
infrastructure financing and is expected to support projects from the first quarter of FY2022-23, it is expected to raise
Rs. 4 lakh crore (US$ 53.58 billion) in the next 3 years.
By November 1, 2021, India and the United Kingdom hope to begin negotiations on a free trade agreement. The
proposed FTA between these two countries is likely to unlock business opportunities and generate jobs. Both sides
have renewed their commitment to boost trade in a manner that benefits all.
In August 2021, NITI Aayog and Cisco collaborated to encourage women's entrepreneurship in India.
In August 2021, Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi announced an initiative to start a national mission to reach the
US$ 400 billion merchandise export target by FY22.
In August 2021, Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi launched digital payment solution, e-RUPI, a contactless and
cashless instrument for digital payments.
In June 2021, RBI Governor, Mr. Shaktikanta Das announced the policy repo rate unchanged at 4%. He also
announced various measures including Rs. 15,000 crore (US$ 2.05 billion) liquidity support to contact-intensive
sectors such as tourism and hospitality.
In June 2021, Finance Ministers of G-7 countries, including the US, the UK, Japan, Italy, Germany, France and
Canada, attained a historic contract on taxing multinational firms as per which the minimum global tax rate would be
at least 15%. The move is expected to benefit India to increase foreign direct investments in the country.
In June 2021, the Indian government signed a US$ 32 million loan with World Bank for improving healthcare services
in Mizoram.
In May 2021, the Government of India (GoI) and European Investment Bank (EIB) signed the finance contract for
second tranche of EUR 150 million (US$ 182.30 million) for Pune Metro Rail project.
According to an official source, as of September 15, 2021, 52 companies have filed applications under the Rs. 5,866
crore (US$ 796.19 million) production-linked incentive scheme for the white goods (air conditioners and LED lights)
In May 2021, Union Cabinet has approved the signing of memorandum of understanding (MoU) on migration and
mobility partnership between the Government of India, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
In April 2021, Minister for Railways and Commerce & Industry and Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution,
Mr. Piyush Goyal, launched ‘DGFT Trade Facilitation’ app to provide instant access to exporters/importers anytime
and anywhere.
In April 2021, Dr. Ahmed Abdul Rahman AlBanna, Ambassador of the UAE to India and Founding Patron of IFIICC,
stated that trilateral trade between India, the UAE and Israel is expected to reach US$ 110 billion by 2030.
India is expected to attract investment of around US$ 100 billion in developing the oil and gas infrastructure during
The Government of India is going to increase public health spending to 2.5% of the GDP by 2025.
Mr. Piyush Goyal, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, on January 21, 2022
said that Indian industry to raise 75 unicorns in the 75 weeks leading up to the country's 75th anniversary next year.
Mr. Piyush Goyal said that India will achieve exports worth US$ 650 billion in the financial year 2021-22.
India’s electronic exports are expected to reach US$ 300 billion by 2025-26 this will be nearly 40 times the FY2021-22 exports
(till December 2021) of US$ 67 billion.
As per the data published in a Department of Economic Affairs report, in the first quarter of FY22, India’s output recorded a
20.1% YoY growth, recovering >90% of the pre-pandemic output in the first quarter of FY20. India’s real gross value added
(GVA) also recorded an 18.8% YoY increase in the first quarter of FY22, posting a recovery of >92% of its corresponding
pre-pandemic level (in the first quarter of FY20). Also, in FY21, India recorded a current account surplus at 0.9% of the GDP.
The growth in the economic recovery is due to the government’s continued efforts to accelerate vaccination coverage among
citizens. This also provided an optimistic outlook to further revive industrial activities.
As per RBI’s revised estimates of July 2021, the real GDP growth of the country is estimated at 21.4% for the first quarter of
FY22. The increase in the tax collection, along with government’s budget support to states, strengthened the overall growth of
the Indian economy.
India is focusing on renewable sources to generate energy. It is planning to achieve 40% of its energy from non-fossil sources
by 2030, which is currently 30% and have plans to increase its renewable energy capacity from to 175 gigawatt (GW) by 2022.
In line with this, in May 2021, India, along with the UK, jointly launched a ‘Roadmap 2030’ to collaborate and combat climate
change by 2030.
India is expected to be the third largest consumer economy as its consumption may triple to US$ 4 trillion by 2025, owing to
shift in consumer behavior and expenditure pattern, according to a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) report. It is estimated to
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surpass USA to become the second largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) by 2040 as per a report by
Agriculture, including its allied sector, is the largest source of income in India. According to an article in Down to Earth, the
sector contributes 19.9% to the country’s GDP (as of FY 2020-21), with 54.6% of the population engrossed in agricultural
activities. While India may have achieved self-reliance in production of food grains, the production process is labour-intensive
and regionally biased. As most rural households mainly depend on farming for their livelihood and the country’s agricultural
land suffers from varied degrees of degradation and erosion, many farmers use chemical and organic fertilisers to improve
plant nutrients and crop yields; therefore, boost their earnings.
The agricultural sector’s success largely depends on the fertiliser industry, which manufactures some of the most important
raw materials required for production of crops. Moreover, the Indian fertiliser industry is extremely crucial as it produces
phosphorous-based fertilisers such as diammonium phosphate (DAP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP), nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potassium (NPKs) and single superphosphate (SSP) which aids in the development of healthy crops. To
manufacture these fertilisers, the country mainly depends on rock phosphate, which is a common, key raw material and largely
sourced from Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Despite this, India imports 90% rock phosphate from other countries.
Chart 1: Production, Import and Sales of Key Fertilisers in India (Unit: million metric tonnes)
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In FY2021, the production of DAP, which is the second-most popular fertiliser among Indian farmers after urea, grew steadily
at 1.9% between FY2020 and FY2021, compared to the sizeable growth of 8% between FY2019 and FY2020. This reduction
in growth percent was due to shortage of raw materials and increase in prices of inputs, primarily rock phosphate. Although
the demand for rock phosphate drastically declined between October 2019 and October 2020, in FY2021, the country has
recorded a gradual uptrend in demand due to unlocking of the economy. Moreover, prices for rock phosphate and other raw
materials such as phosphoric acid, ammonia and sulphur are likely to surge due to tight supply but high demand from countries
like India and China; this is expected to augment the overall retail price of phosphatic fertilisers and therefore, hamper the
country’s agricultural developments.
To improve availability of phosphatic fertilisers, lower the country’s high dependency on rock phosphate imports and combat
the volatility in international prices, which affect the domestic prices of fertilisers, in June 2021, the government announced
that the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers has outlined an action plan to accelerate exploration and mining of available
rock phosphate reserves in the country.
Following this, Mr. Mansukh Mandaviya, the Minister of Chemicals and Fertilisers, said, “I am glad that the Department of
Fertilisers is ready with an action plan to make India Aatmanirbhar (self-reliant) in rock phosphate, the key raw material of
DAP and NPK fertilisers.”
In conclusion, India aims to be self-reliant in overall fertiliser production by 2023 as the government is constructing new
manufacturing units to reduce dependency on imports. In addition, the government is likely to spend Rs. 1.19 trillion (US$
15.97 billion) in FY2021 in the form of subsidy components to the farmers for the fertilisers. Following this and the
government’s action plans under the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative will aid and accelerate India’s steps in becoming self-
reliant to manufacture phosphatic fertilisers in years to come.
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The Indian wellness industry—estimated at Rs. 49,000 crore (US$ 6.70 billion)—is gaining momentum on the back of
government focus on building a healthy and fit India. Ayurveda is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in India.
The Indian wellness and ayurveda industries go hand in hand. Ayurveda is globally acclaimed for its preventive healthcare
properties and treatment of many chronic lifestyle disorders. The Indian ayurveda industry has several large players, with the
micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) capturing 80% market share. Ayurveda is witnessing a resurgence in India
because people have accepted this as a way of life as opposed to the earlier notion of ayurveda as an alternative area of
The government set up the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy) in November 2014 to
promote the country's indigenous alternative medicines including education and research. The objectives of AYUSH include
the following:
Upgrading educational standards of the Indian Systems of Medicines & Homoeopathy colleges
Strengthening existing research institutions and facilitating time-bound research programmes
Outlining schemes for promotion, cultivation and regeneration of medicinal plants
Evolving Pharmacopoeial standards for the Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy drugs
A budget of ~Rs. 3,400 crore (US$ 464.68 million) is set aside for the next five years—towards Ayush Wellness Centres under
the National Ayush Mission. The centre has contributed towards the wellness sector by revamping the existing 1.5 lakh health
centres across the country.
Key Developments & Trends in India’s Wellness and Ayurveda Sectors Initiatives by the National Medical & Wellness
Tourism Board
The Services Export Promotion Council, the Ministry of Commerce, estimates the global medical tourism market to be worth
US$ 46.6 billion in 2021, with Asia-Pacific accounting for the largest share (40%). In a bid to position India as the global
wellness and ayurveda hub, the tourism ministry is planning to register all wellness centres in the country after the pandemic.
Mr. Prahalad Patel, Minister of Tourism, during the National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board meeting held in December
2020, outlined various measures to aid medical tourism—such as creating a database of all wellness centres and separate hubs
for ayurveda and allopathy to help tourists make the right choices. Other important recommendations by the board were to
increase the number of hospitals falling under the international standards of Joint Commission International (JCI) so that
tourists have more hospitals to choose from. And also, upgrade hospitals under the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals
& Healthcare Providers (NABH) and elevate them to the JCI level of hospital. Granting of medical visas are also under
Mr. Rajeev Kale, President and Country Head – Holidays, MICE, Visa and Thomas Cook India, revealed that the travel firm
has launched ‘wellness breaks’ comprising a range of programmes such as meditation, yoga sessions, spa sessions, dietician
consultation and nature walks, with a starting price of Rs. 6,500 (US$ 88.84). “These holidays are being well received by a
wide range of consumer segments including millennials, young working professionals and couples," said Mr. Rajeev.
Many hotels have tie ups with ayurveda and wellness centres where guests can reside at hotels and avail wellness & ayurveda
facilities in the hotel premises. Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL), which runs the Taj Group of Hotels, revealed that its
guests are opting for wellness programmes to relieve themselves from stress, leading to an average 50% increase in demand
for spa treatments every month. Mr. Anil Chadha, Chief Operating Officer, ITC Hotels, highlighted that spa is emerging as
one of the favourite spaces during the pandemic. The group introduced Taj Wellness in-house retreats in September 2020
across select hotels in partnership with spa brand Jiva Ayurveda.
WHO Director General, Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stated that the new centres will support WHO's traditional
medicine strategy 2014-2023, which aims to support countries in developing policies and action plans to strengthen the role
of ayurveda.
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The AYUSH ministry revealed that the Jamnagar institute was conferred the status of an Institution of National Importance
(INI) by a parliamentary act and another college in Jaipur was designated an ‘Institution Deemed to be University (De novo
Category)’ by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Research Collaborations
In January 2020, IIT Delhi and the All India Institute of Ayurveda signed an MoU to study the therapeutic benefits of herbal
formulations and wellness. Seven collaborations focusing on various Ayurvedic formulations and practices have been planned
for the next two years. These include the following:
Examine the effect of six ayurvedic juices on gastrointestinal secretions
Develop herbal formulations to reduce harmful effects of reusing cooking oil
Develop a biodegradable herbal wound dressing
Study the effects of ‘Brahmari Pranayama’ on the nervous system
Examine the impact of ashes on proteins implicated in neurodegenerative diseases
Develop ‘Dhoopan Yantra’—a fumigation device for aiding wound healing
Gauge if ayurvedic drugs help in early detection of cancer and assess response to these drugs in treating breast cancer
Experts such as Ms. Shivani have also highlighted that yoga should be introduced as a regular activity in schools and
universities to enhance value education and promote the importance of self-care. Most schools are trying to engage students
in yoga by appointing guest trainers. In November 2020, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan
announced that yoga education has been made mandatory in the new education policy and will be imparted in every school
across the state.
FMCG outlets are critical in showcasing Ayurveda products such as herb-infused energy drinks, ayurvedic shakes, herbal
powders and juices & immunity boosters. Herbal healthcare manufacturers such as Himalaya Drug Co., Dabur and Kapiva
have introduced a range of ayurveda products to its portfolio containing herbs, juices, powders, health tonics and green teas.
India has the potential to become a health and wellness hub, attracting investments and creating additional jobs. The
government has set a target of increasing spending on healthcare from the current 1.3% to 3% of its GDP by 2022. With
continuous support from the government and various industries shifting towards a healthy ayurveda-based approach, the Indian
wellness & ayurveda market is on its way to touch the lives of millions of people at domestic and global levels.
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Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector is India's fourth-largest sector with household and personal care accounting for
50% of FMCG sales in India. Growing awareness, easier access and changing lifestyles have been the key growth drivers for
the sector. The urban segment (accounts for a revenue share of around 55%) is the largest contributor to the overall revenue
generated by the FMCG sector in India. However, in the last few years, the FMCG market has grown at a faster pace in rural
India compared to urban India. Semi-urban and rural segments are growing at a rapid pace and FMCG products account for
50% of the total rural spending.
The FMCG market in India is expected to increase at a CAGR of 14.9% to reach US$ 220 billion by 2025, from US$ 110
billion in 2020. The Indian FMCG industry grew by 16% in CY21 a 9-year high, despite nationwide lockdowns, supported by
consumption-led growth and value expansion from higher product prices, particularly for staples. The rural market registered
an increase of 14.6% in the same quarter and metro markets recorded positive growth after two quarters. Final consumption
expenditure increased at a CAGR of 5.2% during 2015-20. According to Fitch Solutions, real household spending is projected
to increase 9.1% YoY in 2021, after contracting >9.3% in 2020 due to economic impact of the pandemic. The FMCG sector's
revenue growth will double from 5-6% in FY21 to 10-12% in FY22, according to CRISIL Ratings. Price increases across
product categories will offset the impact of rising raw material prices, along with volume growth and resurgence in demand
for discretionary items, are driving growth. The FMCG sector grew by 36.9% in the April-June quarter of 2021 despite
lockdowns in various parts of the country.
Number of households shopping on modern-trade channel grew 29.15% YoY in the September quarter and shopping volume
on the channel went up by 19.2% YoY.
In September 2021, rural consumption of FMCG increased 58.2% YoY; this is 2x more than the urban consumption (27.7%).
In the third quarter of FY20 in rural India, FMCG witnessed a double-digit growth recovery of 10.6% due to various
government initiatives (such as packaged staples and hygiene categories); high agricultural produce, reverse migration, and a
lower unemployment rate. Rise in rural consumption will drive the FMCG market. The Indian processed food market is
projected to expand to US$ 470 billion by 2025, up from US$ 263 billion in 2019-20.
FMCG giants such as Johnson & Johnson, Himalaya, Hindustan Unilever, ITC, Lakmé and other companies (that have
dominated the Indian market for decades) are now competing with D2C-focused start-ups such as Mamaearth, The Moms Co.,
Bey Bee, Azah, Nua and Pee Safe. Market giants such as Revlon and Lotus took ~20 years to reach the Rs. 100 crore (US$
13.4 million) revenue mark, while new-age D2C brands such as Mamaearth and Sugar took four and eight years, respectively,
to achieve that milestone.
Companies with dedicated websites recorded an 88% YoY rise in consumer demand in 2020. Since then, more businesses
have begun to adopt the D2C model, and India is now home to >800 D2C brands looking at a US$ 101 billion opportunity by
E-commerce companies reported sales worth US$ 9.2 billion across platforms in October and November (2021), driven by
increased shopping during the festive season. With festive season sales, Flipkart Group emerged as the leader with a 62%
market share.
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Advertising volumes on television recorded healthy growth in the July-September quarter, registering 461 million seconds of
advertising, which is the highest in 2021. FMCG continued to maintain its leadership position with 29% growth in ad volumes
against the same period in 2019. Even the e-commerce sector showed a healthy 26% jump over 2020.
The Government has allowed 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in food processing and single-brand retail and 51% in
multi-brand retail. This would bolster employment, supply chain and high visibility for FMCG brands across organised retail
markets thereby bolstering consumer spending and encouraging more product launches. The sector witnessed healthy FDI
inflows of US$ 20.01 billion from April 2000-December 2021.
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Some of the major initiatives taken by the Government to promote the FMCG sector in India are as follows:
In November 2021, Flipkart signed an MoU with the Ministry of Rural Development of the Government of India
(MoRD) for their ambitious Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM)
programme to empower local businesses and self-help groups (SHGs) by bringing them into the e-commerce fold.
Companies are counting on recent budget announcements like direct transfer of Rs. 2.37 lakh crore (US$ 30.93
billion) in minimum support payment (MSP) to wheat and paddy farmers and the integration of 150,000 post offices
into the core banking system to expand their reach in rural India.
On November 11, 2020, Union Cabinet approved the production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme in 10 key sectors
(including electronics and white goods) to boost India's manufacturing capabilities, exports and promote the
'Atmanirbhar Bharat' initiative.
o Developments in the packaged food sector will contribute to increased prices for farmer and reduce the high
levels of waste. In order to provide support through the PLI scheme, unique product lines—with high-growth
potential and capabilities to generate medium- to large-scale jobs—have been established.
The Government of India has approved 100% FDI in the cash and carry segment and in single-brand retail along with
51% FDI in multi-brand retail.
The Government has drafted a new Consumer Protection Bill with special emphasis on setting up an extensive
mechanism to ensure simple, speedy, accessible, affordable and timely delivery of justice to consumers.
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is beneficial for the FMCG industry as many of the FMCG products such as soap,
toothpaste and hair oil now come under the 18% tax bracket against the previous rate of 23-24%. Also, GST on food
products and hygiene products has been reduced to 0-5% and 12-18% respectively.
GST is expected to transform logistics in the FMCG sector into a modern and efficient model as all major corporations
are remodelling their operations into larger logistics and warehousing.
Rural consumption has increased, led by a combination of increasing income and higher aspiration levels. There is an increased
demand for branded products in rural India.
On the other hand, with the share of unorganised market in the FMCG sector falling, the organised sector growth is expected
to rise with increased level of brand consciousness, augmented by the growth in modern retail.
Another major factor propelling the demand for food services in India is the growing youth population, primarily in urban
regions. India has a large base of young consumers who form majority of the workforce, and due to time constraints, barely
get time for cooking.
Online portals are expected to play a key role for companies trying to enter the hinterlands. Internet has contributed in a big
way, facilitating a cheaper and more convenient mode to increase a company’s reach. The number of internet users in India is
likely to reach 1 billion by 2025. It is estimated that 40% of all FMCG consumption in India will be made online by 2020. The
online FMCG market is forecast to reach US$ 45 billion in 2020 from US$ 20 billion in 2017.
It is estimated that India will gain US$ 15 billion a year by implementing GST. GST and demonetisation are expected to drive
demand, both in the rural and urban areas, and economic growth in a structured manner in the long term and improved
performance of companies within the sector.
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The following information is qualified in its entirety by, and should be read together with, the more detailed
financial and other information included in this letter of offer, including the information contained in the section
titled 'Risk Factors', beginning on page no. 20 of this Letter of Offer.
This section should be read in conjunction with, and is qualified in its entirety by, the more detailed information
about our Company and its financial statements, including the notes thereto, in the section titled 'Risk Factors'
and the chapters titled ‘Financial Information' and ‘Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Conditions and Results of Operations' beginning on page no. 20, 69, and 110 respectively, of this Letter of Offer.
Unless the context otherwise requires, in relation to business operations, in this section of this Letter of Offer, all
references to "we", "us", "our" and "our Company" are to Add- Shop ERetail Limited and Group Entities as the
case may be.
In the Retail Sector, our company has built a vast bouquet of products with sole motive of promoting ‘Healthy
Living’. It produces & distributes more than 120 products through traditional & online channels in categories like
Ayurveda Supplements
Animal Feed Supplements
Herbal Cosmetics
Personal Care
Organic Fertilizer
Our Company has also been awarded for being in Top 100 SME IPO in the year 2018-19.
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The equity shares of our company are listed on BSE Limited (“BSE”) since September 10, 2018.
Currently, our registered office and corporate office is located at B-304, Imperial Height, 150ft Ring Road, Rajkot
-360005, Gujarat, India. Currently, our business activities include:
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Ayurvedic Medicines – These products have ayurvedic proprietary medicine that can be consumed for
curing various illness, including diabetics, piles, anti-ageing, slimming tablets, etc. The same is majorily
procured from its group Company Dada Organics and Marss Herbal (India)
Animal Feed Supplement - These products are used as a Food supplement for Animals to improve their
health and curing various illness.
Organic Bio Stimulant - These products are useful to enhance natural immune system of plants and
increase soil fertility.
Personal Care - These Products are useful in treatment of teeth and gum problem, hair related problems,
anti- ageing and healing problems
2. To carry on in India or elsewhere the business as traders, agents, stockiest, distributors, indenters, importers,
exporters, buying and selling agents, manufacturer’s representatives, commission agents, servicemen,
conducting seminars, market promotion agent, launch advertisement, to organize sales promotions drives,
training, seminars, events, exhibitions, fairs as may be necessary for the promotions of sales of products and
/or services, carrying and forwarding agent, general brokers, market man, market developers, research and
development in the field of marketing and selling, promoters, organizers and retailers of all types of goods,
services, commodities used in industrial and/ or domestic purpose.
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3. To manufacture, purchase, sell, produce, grow, import, export, pack, repack, refine, acquire, process, store,
distribute, exchange or otherwise deal in all types of Ayurvedic or herbal medicines, drugs, vitamins, tonics,
herbal products, ointments, chemicals, spirits, mixtures, powders, tablets, pills, capsules, injections, balms, oils,
compounds, extracts, tincture, mouth washes, cosmetics, toiletries, soaps, detergents, shampoo, creams, scents,
perfumes and perfumery products including deodorisers, perfumed bath salts, flavours, sprays, scalp lotions,
hair oil, hairdyes and tooth pastes and brushes and goods used in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, laboratories
and other health units and all kinds of pharmaceutical cosmetics, preparations used in Homeopathic, Allopathic,
Ayurvedic, Unani, Biochemical, nature cure or any other medicinal system or branch of medicine or as beauty
aid or personal hygiene; juices, squash, sharbat, nourishment foods and concentrates, bandages, cotton, crutches
connected with or required for any one or more of the above mentioned items and products.
4. To carry on the business of manufacturers fabricators, producers, growers, makers, importers, exporters,
buyers, sellers, suppliers, stockiest, agents distributors and concessionaire of and dealers in agro, fertilizers,
manures, animal feeds, urea and other types of organic or inorganic or mixed fertilizers of synthetic or natural
origin containing nitrogen, phosphate or other compounds soda ash, insecticides, fungicides and remedies of
all kinds whatsoever for agricultural, fruit growing or other purposes whether produced from vegetable or
animal matter or by any chemical process or otherwise
2. Relationship with distributors and Customers: We believe in constantly addressing our distributors, sales
agent and customer needs for our products. Our relationship with them help us to get repeat business. This
has helped us to maintain a long-term relationship with our distributors, sales agent and customers. We
believe that our relationship with our distribution, sales agents and customers represents a competitive
advantage in gaining new clients and increasing our business.
3. Focused Market Area: Our company is engaged in the business of marketing and selling of over the
counter ayurvedic medicines and personal care products. We have focused on Urban, Semi-Urban and
Rural markets to sell our exclusive products, as the demand of quality goods and services in the urban,
semi-urban and rural areas of India is increasing rapidly.
4. Widespread domestic presence and distribution network: Our product is sold pan India through a network
of C&F Agents, Super Franchisee, Franchisee, Distributor and sales agents. The sale of our products is
therefore not dependent on any particular region or state.
5. Range of Product Offerings: Our Company markets and supply’s a range of ayurvedic, food supplement,
Fertilizers, animal feed supplement, and personal care products. The range of products that Company offers
makes the Company a complete solution provider for all kind of health care and other ayurvedic products.
2. Quality Assurance: We will continue to maintain quality of our existing product to cater to various
customers in the market. We endeavor to maintain the quality of our products, and follow strict procedures
to ensure quality control, timely delivery and competitive prices. The company intends to strengthen its
product development effort by leveraging skills of its employees which will help to increase the sales of
the Company and retain customers.
3. Focus on increasing geographical presence: We believe that our growth in the markets will result from
growing demand for the products we are distributing. Our strategic initiatives for wide markets include
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offering of wide products which helps us develop a broad market penetration and establish our presence in
developed market.
4. Leverage and enhance our brand name: We believe that our brand commands a recall amongst the
consumers in the areas where we operate due to its image and goodwill established over the years. We
intend to leverage the brand equity that we enjoy. Also, we plan to leverage our existing brands, which
have good recall with customers to introduce a wider range of products.
5. Improving operational efficiencies: Our Company intends to improve operating efficiencies to achieve
cost reductions to have a competitive edge over the peers. We will be addressing the increase in operational
output through continuous process improvements, quality check and technology development. Our
employees are regularly motivated to increase efficiency with error free exercise. We believe that this can
be done through continuous process improvements. Further we believe that this can be done through
domestic presence and economies of scale. We believe in strong in-house management to control the entire
process. It controls costs by eliminating unnecessary intermediaries for procuring materials in cost efficient
manner by optimizing logistics and maximizing labour efficiency.
6. Manufacturing of new product: Currently, we have a tie-up with Marss Herbal India and Dada Organics
Ltd for the supply of products. In future, we plan to grow our business by manufacturing ayurvedic
medicines, Organic Bio Stimulant, animal food supplement, personal care products as well as other
products which also requires specific licences for manufacturing. We believe that manufacturing of
products will help us in increasing the volume of sales and profitability for that our Company is in process
of taking the required licenses for inhouse manufacturing of such products
The sector in which we operate are highly and increasingly competitive and our results of operations are
sensitive to, and may be materially and adversely affected by, competitive pricing and other factors.
Competition may result in pricing pressure, reduced profit margin or a failure to increase our market share, any
of which could substantially harm our business and results of our operations.
We compete directly against wholesalers and direct retailers of having substantial market share, established
companies selling internationally renowned brands as well as domestic retailers and regional competitors.
Many of our competitors are companies with strong brand recognition. However, the domestic segments are
fragmented and continue to be dominated by unorganized and regional suppliers. We compete primarily on the
basis of brand image and quality. In order to compete effectively, we must continue to maintain and develop
our brand image and reputation, be flexible and innovative in responding to rapidly changing market demands
and customer preferences and offer customers a wide variety of good quality products at competitive prices.
Many of our competitors have significant competitive advantages, including longer operating histories, larger
and broader customer base, more established relationships with a broader set of suppliers, greater brand
recognition and greater financial, research and development, marketing, distribution budgets and other
resources than we do. The number of our direct competitors and the intensity of competition may increase as
we expand into other product lines or as other companies expand into other product lines. Our competitors may
enter into business combinations or alliances. Our competitors may also be able to respond more quickly and
effectively than we do to new or changing opportunities, standards or customer preferences, which could result
in a decline in our revenues. There can be no assurance that we can effectively compete with our competitors
in the future, and any such failure to compete effectively may have a material adverse effect on our business,
financial condition and results of operations.
Human Resources
An effective and efficient human resource are a key to the success of any organization and our company has
been well focused in adopting the best standards in the industry which not only gives us the benefit of attracting
good talent but gives us an edge towards providing best qualitative services to our customers. Our manpower
is a mix of experienced and young talent pool of resources which gives us the dual advantage of stability and
growth. Our work processes and skilled resources together with our strong management team have enabled us
to successfully implement our growth plans. Our dedicated staff members are the backbone of our successes
and none of the milestones would have been possible without immense contribution and dedication on their
part. The details of department wise number of employees are given here below:
Page 57 of 161
Department No. of employees
Executive Director 3
Independent Director 5
Non-Executive Director 1
Company Secretary 1
Chief Financial Officer cum Executive Director 1
Operations Department 8
Accounts Department 2
Marketing Department 5
Transport Department 3
Total 29
Our Registered Office is presently situated at B-304 Imperial Height 150 Ft Ring Road, Rajkot-360005, Gujarat,
India. and is equipped with computer systems, internet connectivity, other communication, equipment, security
and other facilities which are required for our business operations to function smoothly. Our registered office is
owned by our Promoter and Director Mr. Dineshbhai Pandya. The Company has entered into rent agreement
with the Promoter & Managing Director on April 21,2022 for a period of 11 months for using the building as
registered office.
Owned Property
Details of Agreement Address of property Purpose
Sale Deed dated 10th October,2018 Land bearing Plot No.34, Survey No. Factory Building and
executed between Dakshaben 480 admeasuring 29,066 Sq. mtr. Warehouse
Rahulbhai Patel (“Vendor”) and Situated at Village Padvala , Taluka
Add Shop ERetail Limited Kotadasangani, District Rajkot,
(“Purchaser”) Gujarat
Our Company has adequate arrangements for Water and Electricity to operate our business smoothly.
Insurance Policies
Our Company has insurance coverage which is reasonably sufficient to cover all normal risks associated with
our operations and is in accordance with the industry standards.
The details of Insurance Policies in the name of our company are as under:
Page 58 of 161
Policy No Type of Policy Nature of Policy Issuing Total Sum
Policy Period Coverage Office Assured
Sum Assured
Furniture ,
Fixtures &
Fittings:- Sum
The below mentioned flowchart reflects our manufacturing process of different products:
Collecting different
Pulverising the
Grains to make
Packing Powder
Adding Liquid-
Vitamins, Minerals
Page 59 of 161
Procuring Raw
Making Granul
and Spray liquid
and making
Transfer of
Collecting Raw Stirring of
products to
Materials Products
Proper dilution
of Products
Page 60 of 161
Existing Capacity and Capacity Utilisation:
Set forth below is the detail of the installed and utilized capacity of our products.
Our company is using trademark logo which is owned by Add-Shop ERetail Limited. Our Company’s logo is
registered under the Trade Mark Act as per below details
35 Device 3309283 14/07/2016 Registered
1 Private
2 31 Device Promotions 4240390 19/07/2019 Registered
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Subsidiary / Associate Companies / Joint Venture details:
As on the date of this Letter of Offer, our Company has no subsidiary Company or Associate Company.
Page 62 of 161
A) Board of Directors
As per the Articles of Association, our Company is required to have not less than 3 (Three) directors and not more
than 15 (Fifteen) Directors. Our Company currently has ten directors on its Board. The present composition of our
Board of Directors and its committees are in accordance with the corporate governance requirements provided
under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI Listing Regulations.
The following table sets forth details regarding the Board of Directors as on the date of this Letter of Offer:
Sl. Particulars Details
1 Name of the Director Mr. Dineshbhai Bhanushankar Pandya
Father’s Name Mr. Bhanushankar Hargovinddas Pandya
Residential Address A 104, Pradhyuman Royal Heights , Near A G Chowk , Kalavad
Road, Rajkot , Sau Uni Area, Gujarat-360005 , India
Date of Birth 08-11-1973
Age 48 Years
Designation Managing Director
DIN 06647303
Occupation Business
Date of Appointment Appointed as Director since 20/08/2013. Designation changed to
Managing Director on 31/05/2018 for 5 years
Date of expiration of current 30-05-2023
Directorship in other 1. Dada Organics Limited
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Sl. Particulars Details
3 Name of the Director Ms. Deviben Dineshbhai Pandya
Father’s Name Mr. Dineshbhai Bhanubhai Pandya
Residential Address A 104, Pradhyuman Royal Heights, Near A G Chowk, Kalavad
Road, Rajkot , Sau Uni Area, Gujarat-360005 , India
Date of Birth 10-04-1994
Age 28 Years
Designation Executive Director
DIN 07905047
Occupation Business
Date of Appointment 10-05-2018
Date of expiration of current Liable to retire by rotation
Directorship in other 1. Dada Organics Limited
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Sl. Particulars Details
6 Name of the Director Mr. Rajeshkumar Rasiklal Parekh
Father’s Name Mr. Rasiklal Gopaldas Parkeh
Residential Address 14/5-Yogi Nagar, Oppo. Government School, Near Bal Yogi
Hanuman, Gondal, Rajkot-360311, Gujarat, India
Date of Birth 10-08-1978
Age 43 Years
Designation Independent Director
DIN 08139094
Occupation Business
Date of Appointment 26-05-2018
Date of expiration of current Appointed as Independent Director for 5 Years with effect from
term 26/05/2018 to 25/05/2023
Directorship in other Nil
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Sl. Particulars Details
9 Name of the Director Mr. Yagnik Dilipbhai Mundadiya
Father’s Name Mr. Dilipbhai Haribhai Mundadiya
Residential Address Mahendrapur, Tankara, Rajkot-363650, Gujarat, India
Date of Birth 01-06-1996
Age 25 Years
Designation Independent Director
DIN 08165999
Occupation Business
Date of Appointment 25-06-2018
Date of expiration of current Appointed as Independent Director for 5 Years with effect from
term 25/06/2018 24/06/2023
Directorship in other Nil
a) Details of current and past directorship(s) for a period of five years in listed companies for each Director
mentioned above, whose shares have been/were suspended from being traded on any of the stock exchanges,
during his/her tenure: Nil
b) Details of current and past directorship(s) in listed companies for each Director mentioned above, who have
been/were delisted from the stock exchange(s) during his/her tenure in the past ten years:
None of our Directors are or were a director of any listed company other than the issuer company, which has
been, or was delisted from any stock exchange during the term of their directorship in such company during
the last ten years preceding the date of this Letter of Offer.
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4 Mr. Dineshbhai Bhanushankar Mr. Jigar Dineshkumar Pandya Father
Pandya (Managing Director) (Executive Director)
Service Contracts
Our Company has not executed any service contracts with its directors providing for benefits upon termination of
their employment.
The details of our senior and the key managerial personnel as on the date of this Letter of Offer are set out below.
All the Key Managerial Personnel’s are permanent employees of our Company. Except for certain statutory
benefits, there are no other benefits accruing to the Key Managerial Personnel.
3. Mr. Dev Dineshbhai Pandya is the Executive Director and CFO of our company.
5. Mr. Nirajkumar Kishorbhai Malaviya is the Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of our company.
Relationship amongst the Key Managerial Personnel and or Directors of our Company
Mr. Dineshbhai Bhanushankar Pandya, Ms. Deviben Dineshbhai Pandya and Mr. Jigar Dineshkumar Padya are
having family relationship as under:
Sr. No. Name of the KMP Related to Relationship
1 Mr. Dineshbhai Bhanushankar Pandya Ms. Deviben Dineshbhai Pandya Father
(Managing Director) (Executive Director)
2 Mr. Dineshbhai Bhanushankar Pandya Mr. Dev Dineshbhai Pandya (CFO) Father
(Managing Director)
3 Mr. Dineshbhai Bhai Pandya Jigar Dineshkumar Pandya Father
(Managing Director) (Executive Director)
Page 67 of 161
C) Current Organisational Structure
Board of
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Un-Audited Financial Results For the Quarter ended On June 30, 2022 along with Limited Review
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Un-Audited Financial Results For the Quarter ended On June 30, 2021 along with Limited Review
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The Audited March Financial Results-March 31, 2022
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The following tables present certain accounting and other ratios computed on the basis of amounts derived from
the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 and limited reviewed for
the period ended June 30, 2022:
- On Standalone Basis
Formula used:
1. Earnings Per Share (₹): Net Profit after tax for the year attributable to Equity Shareholders divided by weighted
average no of equity shares outstanding during the period.
2. Return on Net Worth (%): Net Profit after tax for the year attributable to Equity Shareholders divided by Net Worth
at the end of the period multiplied by 100.
3. Net Asset Value Per Share (₹): Net Assets as at the year-end/ period end divided by total number of equity shares
outstanding at the end of the period.
4. EBITDA (₹ in lakhs): Profit before tax plus finance costs plus depreciation and amortisation expense and interest
CA Dilip Maliwal
Membership No: 148387
Place: Ahmedabad
Dated: 27.07.2022
UDIN No: 22148387ANSVST7209
The following discussion is intended to convey management’s perspective on our audited financial condition and
results of operations for the financial year ended March 31, 2022 and 2021 and for the quarter ended June 30,
2022 and June 30, 2021. One should read the following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and
results of operations in conjunction with the section titled “Financial Information” beginning on page 69 of the
Letter of Offer. This discussion contains forward-looking statements and reflects our current views with respect to
future events and our financial performance and involves numerous risks and uncertainties, including, but not
limited to, those described in the section entitled “Risk Factors” beginning on page 20 of this Letter of Offer.
Actual results could differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements and for further
details regarding forward-looking statements, kindly refer the chapter titled “Forward-Looking Statements”
beginning on page 17 of this Letter of Offer.
Unless otherwise stated, the financial information of our Company used in this section has been derived from the
standalone Audited Financial Information. Our financial year ends on March 31 of each year. Accordingly, unless
otherwise stated, all references to a particular financial year are to the 12-month period ended March 31 of that
year. In this section, unless the context otherwise requires, any reference to “we”, “us” or “our” refers to Add-
Shop E-Retail Limited, our Company.
For Detailed information on our business, please refer to chapter titled “Our Business” beginning from page no.
53 of this Letter of Offer
1. Our dependence on limited number of customers for a significant portion of our revenues;
2. Any failure to comply with the financial and restrictive covenants under our financing arrangements;
3. Our ability to retain and hire key employees or maintain good relations with our workforce;
4. Impact of any reduction in sales of our services/products;
5. Rapid Technological advancement and inability to keep pace with the change;
6. Increased competition in industries/sector in which we operate;
7. General economic and business conditions in India and in the markets in which we operate and in the local,
regional and national economies;
8. Changes in laws and regulations relating to the Sectors in which we operate;
9. Political instability or changes in the Government in India or in the government of the states where we operate
could cause us significant adverse effects;
10. Any adverse outcome in the legal proceedings in which we/our promoters may be involved, if any;
11. Failure to obtain any applicable approvals, licenses, registrations and permits in a timely manner;
12. Occurrence of natural or man-made disasters could adversely affect our results of operations and financial
condition and
13. Our inability to successfully diversify our product offerings may adversely affect our growth and negatively
impact our profitability.
(2) Expenses
(a) Purchase 3566.62 71.86 2386.66 76.51
(b) Change in Inventory 126.26 2.54 -29.07 -0.93
(c) Employee Benefit Expenses 29.2 0.59 24.68 0.79
Tax expense -
(a) Current Tax 176.68 3.56 88.64 2.84
(b) Deferred Tax 1.13 0.02 -1.35 -0.04
Total Tax Expenses 177.81 3.58 87.29 2.80
Total Revenue
During the period under review, the company has recorded a turnover of Rs. 4963.44 Lakhs for the period ended
June 30,2022 as compared to Rs. 3119.45 Lakhs for the period ended June 30,2021 showing an increase of 59.12%
from the previous year.
Depreciation expenses increased from Rs. 7.15 Lakhs for the period ended June 30,2021 to Rs. 14.38 Lakhs in for
the period ended June 30,2022 representing an increase of 101.11% to the previous year.
Total Expenses
The total expenses excluding depreciation, finance cost and tax has increased to Rs. 4167.87 Lakhs for the period
ended June 30,2022 from Rs. 2650.02 Lakhs for the period ended June 30,2021.
Except as described in this Letter of Offer, during the periods under review there have been no transactions or
events, which in our best judgment, would be considered unusual or infrequent
Tax expense -
(a) Current Tax 428.7 2.69 256.91 3.27
(b) Deferred Tax 7.9 0.05 -3.53 -0.04
Total Tax Expenses 436.6 2.73 253.38 3.22
(7) Profit/(Loss) for the period/ year 1,908.69 11.96 767.67 9.77
Total Revenue
During the year under review, the company has recorded a turnover of Rs. 15965.31 Lakhs as compared to Rs.
7,857.12 Lakhs in the Previous Year showing an increase of 103.20% from the previous year which is a result of
increase is sales.
Depreciation expenses increased from Rs. 28.38 Lakhs in financial year 2020-21 to Rs. 46.33 Lakhs in financial
year 2021-22, representing an increase of 63.25% from the previous year.
Total Expenses
The total expenses excluding depreciation, finance cost and tax has been increased to Rs. 13474.21 Lakhs in
Financial year 2021-2022 from Rs. 6709.32 Lakhs in Financial year 2020-2021.
Except as described in this Letter of Offer, during the periods under review there have been no transactions or
events, which in our best judgment, would be considered unusual or infrequent.
Except as disclosed below, there are no outstanding litigations involving our Company and our
Subsidiaries/associates whose financial statements are included in the letter of offer, either separately or in a
consolidated form including, suits, criminal or civil proceedings and taxation related proceedings that would have
a material adverse effect on our operations, financial position or future revenues. In this regard, please note the
In determining whether any outstanding litigation against our Company, other than litigation involving issues
of moral turpitude, criminal liability, material violations of statutory regulations or proceedings relating to
economic offences against our Company, would have a material adverse effect on our operations or financial
position or impact our future revenues, we have considered all pending litigations involving our Company,
other than criminal proceedings, statutory or regulatory actions, as 'material';
For the purpose of determining materiality, the threshold shall be determined by the issuer as per requirements
under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015
Unless stated to the contrary, the information provided below is as of the date of this Letter of Offer.
As per the Audited Financials for the Financial Year ending 31st March, 2022, the Company has no
Contingent Liabilities.
3. Proceedings involving issues of moral turpitude or criminal liability on the part of our Company:
5. Matters involving economic offences where proceedings have been initiated against our Company:
Neither our Company, nor our Promoter or any of our Directors are or have been categorized as a willful defaulter
or a fraudulent borrower by any bank or financial institution or consortium thereof, in accordance with the
guidelines on willful defaulters and a fraudulent borrower issued by the RBI.
MARCH 31, 2022.
Except as mentioned in this Letter of Offer, no material circumstances have arisen since the date of last financial
statement until the date of filing the Letter of Offer, which materially and adversely affect or are likely to affect the
operations or profitability of our Company, or value of its assets, or its ability to pay its liability within next twelve
months to our knowledge.
The main objects clause of the Memorandum of Association of our Company and the objects incidental, enable our
Company to carry out its activities.
1. The Board of Directors have, pursuant to Section 62(1)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013, by a resolution
passed at its meeting held on June 3, 2022 authorized the Rights Issue.
2. In-principle approval dated July 01, 2022 from the BSE to use the name of BSE for listing of the Equity
Shares issued by our Company pursuant to the Rights Issue.
Trade License
Gujarat Add-Shop FFW190001000 03/08/2019 02/08/2022
Limited Municipal
-Wholesale License
-Retail License Promotions
Limited FFR190001510 11/09/2019 10/09/2022
Some registrations/approvals as mentioned above are still in the name of old name, the issuer company is under
process of updating the name with respective authority.
We regard our intellectual property as one of the most important factors in contributing to our success, and our
intellectual property rights include trademarks associated with our businesses and other rights arising from
confidentiality agreements relating to our database, website content and technology.
Our company is using trademark logo which is owned by Company. Our Company’s logo is registered under the
Trade Mark Act as per below details.
1. The Issue of this Right Equity Shares to the eligible shareholders in terms of this Letter of Offer has been
authorized by a resolution by the Board of Directors passed at their meeting held on June 3, 2022 under Section
62(1)(a) of the Companies Act 2013.
2. Our Board in its meeting held on June 3, 2022 has resolved to issue the Rights Equity Shares to the Eligible
Equity Shareholders aggregating up to ₹ 4890.38 Lakhs and decided to issue the Rights Equity Shares at an
Issue Price of ₹ 54/- per Rights Equity Share (including a premium of ₹ 44/- per Rights Equity Share), in the
ratio of 1(One) Rights Equity Share for every 1(One) Equity Shares, as held on the Record Date by the Public
shareholders. The Issue Price of ₹ 54/- per Rights Equity Share has been arrived at, in consultation with the
Lead Managers, prior to determination of the Record Date.
3. The Draft Letter of Offer has been approved by our Board pursuant to its resolution dated June 10, 2022.
4. This Letter of Offer has been approved by our Board pursuant to its resolution dated July 27,2022
5. Our Company has received In-principle approval from BSE (being the Designated Stock Exchange) under
regulation 28 of the SEBI Listing Regulation vide their letter dated July 01, 2022 for listing of Right Equity
Shares to be allotted in the issue. In-principle approval from CSE is not required as CSE is a regional stock
6. Our Company will also make applications to the BSE to obtain their trading approvals for the Rights
Entitlements as required under the January 22, 2020 – Rights Issue Circular.
7. Our Company has been allotted the ISIN INE01B520018 for the Rights Entitlements to be credited to the
respective demat accounts of the Equity Shareholders of our Company. For details, see “Terms of the Issue”
beginning on page 124 of this Letter of Offer.
Our Company, our Promoters, Promoter Group orDirectors, of our Company have not been or are not
prohibited from accessing or operating in the capital markets or restrained from buying, selling or dealing in
securities under any order or direction passed by the SEBI.
Our Company, our Promoters, Promoters’ Group are in compliance with the Companies (Significant Beneficial
Ownership) Rules, 2018.
None of our Promoters or Directors of the Company is a Promoter or Director of any other Company which is
debarred from accessing the Capital Market by SEBI.
Our Company is a listed company and is eligible to make this Rights Issue in terms of Chapter III of SEBI ICDR
Regulations. Our Company is in compliance with the provisions specified in Clause (1) of Part B of Schedule VI
of the SEBI ICDR Regulations as explained below:
1. Our Company has been filing periodic reports, statements and information with the designated stock exchange
in compliance with the listing agreements or SEBI Listing Regulations (to the extent applicable) for the last
one year immediately preceding the date of this Letter of Offer;
3. Our Company has investor grievance-handling mechanism which includes meeting of the Stakeholders
Relationship Committee at frequent intervals, appropriate delegation of power by the Board as regards share
transfer and clearly laid down systems and procedures for timely and satisfactory redressal of investor
As our Company satisfies the conditions specified in Clause (1) of Part B of Schedule VI of SEBI ICDR
Regulations, disclosures in this Letter of Offer have been made in terms of Clause (4) of Part B of Schedule VI of
the SEBI ICDR Regulations.
Our Company, any of our Promoters, Promoter Group or our Directors are not debarred from accessing the
capital market by SEBI.
None of our promoters or Directors of our company is a promoter or director of any other company which is
debarred from accessing the capital market by SEBI.
None of our Promoters or our Directors are declared as Fugitive Economic Offenders within the meaning of
the Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018.
Further, in relation to compliance with Regulation 62(1)(a) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, our Company has
made an application to BSE (designated stock exchanges having nationwide terminal) for their In-principle
approval and undertakes to make an application to BSE for listing and trading approval of the Rights Equity
Shares to be issued pursuant to the Issue.
All Equity Shares are fully paid-up and there are no partly paid Equity Shares outstanding as on the date of this
Letter of Offer. The Rights Equity Shares, when issued, shall be fully paid-up.
We will ensure compliance with the conditions specified in Regulation 62(2) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations,
to the extent applicable.
Neither our Company, nor our Promoters or our Directors, have been identified as a wilful defaulter by the
In terms of Regulation 3 of SEBI ICDR regulation, in case of Rights Issue size is less than Rs. Fifty (₹50.00) crores,
the issuer shall prepare the letter of offer in accordance with requirement as specified in the regulation and file the
same with the SEBI for information and dissemination on the SEBI’s website.
Since the Board of Directors of our Company has approved and passed resolution on June 3, 2022 to authorize the
Board of Directors to raise the funds by way of Right Offering amount not exceeding Rupees Forty Nine Crores
Fifty Lakhs Only (₹49.50 Crores), the draft letter of offer has not been filed with SEBI for their approval. Only the
Letter of Offer will be filed with the SEBI for information and dissemination on the SEBI’s website.
Investors who invest in the Issue will be deemed to have been represented by our Company and the Lead Manager
and their respective directors, officers, agents, affiliates and representatives that they are eligible under all
applicable laws, rules, regulations, guidelines and approvals to acquire the Right Equity Shares of our Company,
and are relying on independent advice/evaluation as to their ability and quantum of investment in this Issue.
Our Company and the Lead Manager shall make all information available to the Eligible Equity Shareholders and
no selective or additional information would be available for a section of the Eligible Equity Shareholders in any
manner whatsoever including at presentations, in research or sales reports etc. after filing of this Letter of Offer
with the SEBI/Stock Exchange.
No dealer, salesperson or other person is authorised to give any information or to represent anything not contained
in this Letter of Offer. You must not rely on any unauthorised information or representations. This Letter of Offer
is an offer to sell only the Rights Equity Shares and rights to purchase the Rights Equity Shares offered hereby, but
only under circumstances and in jurisdictions where it is lawful to do so. The information contained in this Letter
of Offer is current only as of its date.
“BSE Limited (“the Exchange”) has given vide its letter dated July 01, 2022, permission to this Company
to use the Exchange’s name in this Letter of Offer as the stock exchange on which this Company’s
securities are proposed to be listed. The Exchange has scrutinized this letter of offer for its limited internal
purpose of deciding on the matter of granting the aforesaid permission to this Company. The Exchange
does not in any manner:
• Warrant, certify or endorse the correctness or completeness of any of the contents of this letter of offer;
• Warrant that this Company’s securities will be listed or will continue to be listed on the Exchange; or
• Take any responsibility for the financial or other soundness of this Company, its promoters, its
management or any scheme or project of this Company;
and it should not for any reason be deemed or construed that this letter of offer has been cleared or
approved by the Exchange. Every person who desires to apply for or otherwise acquires any securities of
this Company may do so pursuant to independent inquiry, investigation and analysis and shall not have
any claim against the Exchange whatsoever by reason of any loss which may be suffered by such person
consequent to or in connection with such subscription/acquisition whether by reason of anything stated
or omitted to be stated herein or for any other reason whatsoever”
Our Company will apply to BSE for final approval for the listing and trading of the Rights Equity Shares subsequent
to their Allotment. No assurance can be given regarding the active or sustained trading in the Rights Equity Shares
or the price at which the Rights Equity Shares offered under the Issue will trade after the listing thereof.
The Draft Letter of Offer shall not be filed with SEBI, nor will SEBI issue any observation on the Draft Letter of
Offer as the size of issue is less than Rupees Fifty Crores.
However, a copy of the Letter of Offer shall be filed with the SEBI by filing at e-mail address:
for the purpose of their information and dissemination on its website.
We have been registered with the SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES) as required by SEBI and
monitor the same on regular interval.
Our Company has a Stakeholders Relationship Committee to redress complaints, if any. Its terms of reference
include considering and resolving grievances of Shareholders in relation to transfer of shares and effective
exercise of voting rights.
Our Company has appointed Mr. Nirajkumar Malaviya, Company Secretary, as the Compliance Officer to
redress complaints, if any.
Cameo Corporate Services Limited is Registrar to our Company. All investor grievances received by us have been
handled by the Registrar in consultation with the Company Secretary and Compliance Officer.
Our Company has also appointed Mr. Nirajkumar Malaviya, Company Secretary, as the Compliance Officer to
redress complaints, if any, of the investors participating in the Issue.
Investors may contact the Registrar or our Compliance Officer for any pre-Issue/post-Issue related matter. All
grievances relating to the ASBA process process may be addressed to the Registrar, with a copy to the SCSBs (in case
of ASBA process), giving full details such as name, address of the Applicant, contact number(s), e-mail ID of the sole/
first holder, folio number or demat account number, serial number of the Application Form, number of Rights Equity
Shares applied for, amount blocked (in case of ASBA process), ASBA Account number and the Designated Branch of
the SCSBs where the Application Form, or the plain paper application, as the case may be, was submitted by the ASBA
Investors along with a photocopy of the acknowledgement slip (in case of ASBA process).
In case of non-routine grievances where verification at other agencies is involved, it would be the endeavor of the
Registrar to attend to them as expeditiously as possible. Our Company undertakes to resolve the investor grievances
in a time bound manner.
Contact details of the Registrar to this issue and of our Company Secretary and Compliance Officer are as follows:
This section is for the information of the Investors proposing to apply in this Issue. Investors should carefully read
the provisions contained in this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter and the
Application Form, before submitting the Application Form. Our Company and the Lead Manager are not liable for
any amendments or modifications or changes in applicable laws or regulations, which may occur after the date of
this Letter of Offer. Investors are advised to make their independent investigation and ensure that the Application
Form is correctly filled up. Unless otherwise permitted under the SEBI ICDR Regulations read with SEBI Rights
Issue Circulars, Investors proposing to apply in this Issue can apply only through ASBA or by mechanism as
disclosed in this section.
Further, in accordance with Regulation 77A of the SEBI ICDR Regulations read with the January 22 ,2020– Rights
Issue Circular, the credit of Rights Entitlements and Allotment of Rights Equity Shares shall be made in
dematerialised form only. Accordingly, the Eligible Equity Shareholders who are holding Equity Shares in physical
form and are desirous of subscribing to the Issue, are advised to furnish the details of their demat account to the
Registrar not later than two working days prior to the Issue Closing Date. However, SEBI, pursuant to the May 6,
2020 – Rights Issue Circular and July 24, 2020 – Rights Issue Circular has stated that in the event there are physical
shareholders who have not been able to open a demat account pursuant to the January 22 ,2020– Rights Issue
Circular or are unable to communicate their demat account details to our Company or the Registrar for credit of
Rights Entitlements, such physical shareholders may be allowed to submit their application subject to conditions.
For more details, see “Application by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form”
beginning on page nos. 143 of this Letter of Offer.
Investors are requested to note that application in this Issue can only be made through ASBA, in case of Eligible
Equity Shareholders.
The Rights Entitlement on the Securities, the ownership of which is currently under dispute and including any court
proceedings or are currently under transmission or are held in a demat suspense account and for which our Company
has withheld the dividend, shall be held in abeyance and the Application Form along with the Rights Entitlement
Letter in relation to these Rights Entitlements shall not be dispatched pending resolution of the dispute or court
proceedings or completion of the transmission or pending their release from the demat suspense account. On
submission of such documents /records confirming the legal and beneficial ownership of the Securities with regard
to these cases on or prior to the Issue Closing Date, to the satisfaction of our Company, our Company shall make
available the Rights Entitlement on such Securities to the identified Eligible Equity Shareholder.
This Issue and the Rights Equity Shares proposed to be issued on a rights basis, are subject to the terms and
conditions contained in this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter, the
Application Form, and the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association of our Company, the
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, FEMA Act, FEMA Rules, the SEBI ICDR Regulations, the SEBI Listing
Regulations, and the guidelines, notifications and regulations issued by SEBI, the Government of India and other
statutory and regulatory authorities from time to time, approvals, if any, from the RBI or other regulatory
authorities, the terms of the Listing Agreements entered into by our Company with the Stock Exchange and the
terms and conditions as stipulated in the Allotment advice.
In accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations and relevant SEBI circulars on Rights Issue, our Company will
send, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter, Application Form and other issue material (i)
only to e-mail addresses of the resident Eligible Equity Shareholders who have provided their e-mail addresses; (ii)
through physical delivery only to the Indian address of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort
basis, whose e-mail addresses are not available with our Company or the Eligible Equity Shareholders have not
provided the valid email address to our Company; (iii) through physical delivery only to the Indian addresses of
the non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, who have provided an Indian address
The Letter of Offer will also be provided by our Company to any existing Shareholder who makes a request in this
Please note that Eligible Equity Shareholders, in order to update the respective Indian addresses/ email addresses/
mobile numbers in the records maintained by the Registrar or our Company, should visit Investors can access this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer and
the Application Form (provided that the Eligible Equity Shareholder is eligible to subscribe for the Rights Equity
Shares under applicable securities laws) on the websites of:
Eligible Equity Shareholders can obtain the details of their respective Rights Entitlements from the website of the
Registrar by entering their DP ID and Client ID or Folio Number (in case
of Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form), PAN and such other credentials as may
be required. The link for the same shall also be available on the website of our Company (
Further, our Company along with the Lead Manager will undertake all adequate steps to reach out the Eligible
Equity Shareholders who have provided their Indian address through other means, as may be feasible.
Please note that neither our Company nor the Registrar nor the Lead Manager shall be responsible for non-dispatch
of physical copies of Issue materials, including this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights
Entitlement Letter and the Application Form or delay in the receipt of this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of
Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter or the Application Form attributable to non-availability of the email addresses
of Eligible Equity Shareholders or electronic transmission delays or failures, or if the Application Forms or the
Rights Entitlement Letters are delayed or misplaced in the transit.
The distribution of the Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter and the issue of
Rights Equity Shares on a rights basis to persons in certain jurisdictions outside India is restricted by legal
requirements prevailing in those jurisdictions. No action has been, or will be, taken to permit this Issue in any
jurisdiction where action would be required for that purpose, except that this Letter of Offer is being filed with
SEBI and the Stock Exchanges. Accordingly, the Rights Entitlements and Rights Equity Shares may not be offered
or sold, directly or indirectly, and this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter,
the Application Form or any Issue related materials or advertisements in connection with this Issue may not be
distributed, in any jurisdiction outside India, except in accordance with and as permitted under the legal
requirements applicable in such jurisdiction. Receipt of this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights
Entitlement Letter or the Application Form (including by way of electronic means) will not constitute an offer,
invitation to or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction or in any circumstances in which such an offer, invitation
or solicitation is unlawful or not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer, invitation
or solicitation. In those circumstances, this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement
Letter or the Application Form must be treated as sent for information only and should not be acted upon for making
an Application and should not be copied or re-distributed.
Our Company is undertaking this Issue on a rights basis to the Eligible Equity Shareholders and will send the
Abridged Letter of Offer, the Application Form and other applicable Issue materials primarily to email addresses
of Eligible Equity Shareholders who have provided a valid email addresses and an Indian address to our Company.
This Letter of Offer will be provided, primarily through e-mail, by the Registrar on behalf of our Company or the
Lead Manager to the Eligible Equity Shareholders who have provided their Indian addresses to our Company and
who make a request in this regard.
In accordance with Regulation 76 of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, SEBI Rights Issue Circulars and ASBA
Circulars, all Investors desiring to make an Application in this Issue are mandatorily required to use the
ASBA process. Investors should carefully read the provisions applicable to such Applications before making
their Application through ASBA. For details, see “Procedure for Application through the ASBA Process”
The Application Form can be used by the Eligible Equity Shareholders as well as the Renouncees, to make
Applications in this Issue basis the Rights Entitlement credited in their respective demat accounts or demat suspense
escrow account, as applicable. For further details on the Rights Entitlements and demat suspense escrow account,
see “Credit of Rights Entitlements in demat accounts of Eligible Equity Shareholders” on Page 128
ASBA facility: Investors can submit either the Application Form in physical mode to the Designated Branch of
the SCSBs or online/electronic Application through the website of the SCSBs (if made available by such SCSB)
authorizing the SCSB to block the Application Money in an ASBA Account maintained with the SCSB.
Application through ASBA facility in electronic mode will only be available with such SCSBs who provide such
Investors applying through the ASBA facility should carefully read the provisions applicable to such Applications
before making their Application through the ASBA process. For details, see “Procedure for Application through
the ASBA Process” beginning on page no. 139 of this Letter of Offer.
Please note that subject to SCSBs complying with the requirements of SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/DIL/13/2012 dated
September 25, 2012, within the periods stipulated therein, Applications may be submitted at the Designated
Branches of the SCSBs.
Further, in terms of the SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/DIL/1/2013 dated January 2, 2013, it is clarified that for making
Applications by SCSBs on their own account using ASBA facility, each such SCSB should have a separate account
in its own name with any other SEBI registered SCSB(s). Such account shall be used solely for the purpose of
making an Application in this Issue and clear demarcated funds should be available in such account for such an
Applicants should note that they should very carefully fill-in their depository account details and PAN in the
Application Form or while submitting application through online/electronic Application through the website
of the SCSBs (if made available by such SCSB). Please note that incorrect depository account details or PAN
or Application Forms without depository account details shall be treated as incomplete and shall be rejected.
For details see “Grounds for Technical Rejection” beginning on page 147 of this Letter of Offer. Our
Company, the Lead Manager, the Registrar and the SCSBs shall not be liable for any incomplete or incorrect
demat details provided by the Applicants.
Additionally, in terms of Regulation 78 of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, Investors may choose to accept the offer
to participate in this Issue by making plain paper Applications. Please note that SCSBs shall accept such
applications only if all details required for making the application as per the SEBI ICDR Regulations are specified
in the plain paper applications and that Eligible Equity Shareholders making an application in this Issue by way of
plain paper applications shall not be permitted to renounce any portion of their Rights Entitlements. For details, see
“Terms of the Issue - Application on Plain Paper under ASBA process” beginning on page 141.
The Rights Entitlement Letter will clearly indicate the number of Equity Shares that the Eligible Equity Shareholder
is entitled to, however the promoters or promoter group of our company will not be given any right entitlement and
the rights issue is only for the public shareholders. If the Eligible Equity Shareholder applies in this Issue, then
such Eligible Equity Shareholder can:
(i) apply for its Equity Shares to the full extent of its Rights Entitlements; or
(ii) apply for its Equity Shares to the extent of part of its Rights Entitlements (without renouncing the other part);
An Investor, wishing to participate in this Issue through the ASBA facility, is required to have an ASBA enabled
bank account with an SCSB, prior to making the Application. Investors desiring to make an Application in this
Issue through ASBA process, may submit the Application Form in physical mode to the Designated Branches of
the SCSB or online/ electronic Application through the website of the SCSBs (if made available by such SCSB)
for authorizing such SCSB to block Application Money payable on the Application in their respective ASBA
Investors should ensure that they have correctly submitted the Application Form and have provided an authorisation
to the SCSB, via the electronic mode, for blocking funds in the ASBA Account equivalent to the Application
Money mentioned in the Application Form, as the case may be, at the time of submission of the Application For
the list of banks which have been notified by SEBI to act as SCSBs for the ASBA process, refer
Please note that subject to SCSBs complying with the requirements of the SEBI circular bearing reference number
CIR/CFD/DIL/13/2012 dated September 25, 2012, within the periods stipulated therein, Applications may be
submitted at the Designated Branches of the SCSBs. Further, in terms of the SEBI circular bearing reference
number CIR/CFD/DIL/1/2013 dated January 2, 2013, it is clarified that for making Applications by SCSBs on their
own account using ASBA facility, each such SCSB should have a separate account in its own name with any other
SEBI registered SCSB(s). Such account shall be used solely for the purpose of making an Application in this Issue
and clear demarcated funds should be available in such account for such an Application.
The Lead Managers, our Company, its directors, its employees, affiliates, associates and their respective directors
and officers and the Registrar shall not take any responsibility for acts, mistakes, errors, omissions and commissions
etc., in relation to Applications accepted by SCSBs, Applications uploaded by SCSBs, Applications accepted but
not uploaded by SCSBs or Applications accepted and uploaded without blocking funds in the ASBA Accounts.
a) Ensure that the details about your Depository Participant, PAN and beneficiary account are correct and the
beneficiary account is activated as the Equity Shares will be allotted in the dematerialized form only.
b) Ensure that the Applications are submitted with the Designated Branch of the SCSBs and details of the
correct bank account have been provided in the Application.
c) Ensure that there are sufficient funds (equal to {number of Equity Shares (including additional Equity
Shares) applied for} X {Application Money of Equity Shares}) available in ASBA Account mentioned in
the Application Form before submitting the Application to the respective Designated Branch of the SCSB.
d) Ensure that you have authorised the SCSB for blocking funds equivalent to the total amount payable on
application mentioned in the Application Form, in the ASBA Account, of which details are provided in the
Application Form and have signed the same.
e) Ensure that you have a bank account with an SCSB providing ASBA facility in your location and the
Application is made through that SCSB providing ASBA facility in such location.
f) Ensure that you receive an acknowledgement from the Designated Branch of the SCSB for your submission
of the Application Form in physical form or plain paper Application.
g) Ensure that the name(s) given in the Application Form is exactly the same as the name(s) in which the
beneficiary account is held with the Depository Participant. In case the Application Form is submitted in
a) Do not submit the Application Form after you have submitted a plain paper Application to a Designated
Branch of the SCSB or vice versa.
b) Do not send your physical Application to the Lead Managers, the Registrar, the Escrow Collection Bank(s)
(assuming that such Escrow Collection Bank is not an SCSB), a branch of the SCSB which is not a
Designated Branch of the SCSB or our Company; instead submit the same to a Designated Branch of the
SCSB only.
c) Do not instruct the SCSBs to unblock the funds blocked under the ASBA process upon making the
Applicants should note that they should very carefully fill-in their depository account details and PAN in the
Application Form or while submitting application through online/electronic Application through the website of the
SCSBs (if made available by such SCSB). Please note that incorrect depository account details or PAN or
Application Forms without depository account details shall be treated as incomplete and shall be rejected. For
details see “Grounds for Technical Rejection” appearing on Page 147 of this Letter of Offer. Our Company, the
Lead Manager, the Registrar and the SCSBs shall not be liable for any incomplete or incorrect demat details
provided by the Applicants.
Rights Entitlements
As your name appears as a beneficial owner in respect of the issued and paid-up Equity Shares held in
dematerialised form or appears in the register of members of our Company as an Eligible Equity Shareholder in
respect of our Equity Shares held in physical form, as on the Record Date, you may be entitled to subscribe to the
number of Rights Equity Shares as set out in the Rights Entitlement Letter.
Eligible Equity Shareholders can also obtain the details of their respective Rights Entitlements from the website of
the Registrar (i.e., by entering their DP ID and Client ID or Folio Number
(for Eligible Equity Shareholders who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date) and PAN. The link
for the same shall also be available on the website of our Company
In this regard, our Company has made necessary arrangements with NSDL and CDSL for crediting of the Rights
Entitlements to the demat accounts of the Eligible Equity Shareholders in a dematerialized form. A separate ISIN
for the Rights Entitlements has also been generated which is ISIN: INE01B520018. The said ISIN shall remain
frozen (for debit) until the Issue Opening Date. The said ISIN shall be suspended for transfer by the Depositories
post the Issue Closing Date.
Additionally, our Company will submit the details of the total Rights Entitlements credited to the demat accounts
of the Eligible Equity Shareholders and the demat suspense escrow account to the Stock Exchanges after
completing the corporate action. The details of the Rights Entitlements with respect to each Eligible Equity
Shareholders can be accessed by such respective Eligible Equity Shareholders on the website of the Registrar after
keying in their respective details along with other security control measures implemented thereat.
Rights Entitlements shall be credited to the respective demat accounts of Eligible Equity Shareholders before the
Issue Opening Date only in dematerialised form. Further, if no Application is made by the Eligible Equity
Shareholders of Rights Entitlements on or before Issue Closing Date, such Rights Entitlements shall get lapsed and
shall be extinguished after the Issue Closing Date. No Rights Equity Shares for such lapsed Rights Entitlements
will be credited, even if such Rights Entitlements were purchased from market and purchaser will lose the premium
paid to acquire the Rights Entitlements. Persons who are credited the Rights Entitlements are required to make an
If Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date, have not provided the
details of their demat accounts to our Company or to the Registrar, they are required to provide their demat account
details to our Company or the Registrar not later than two clear Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, to
enable the credit of the Rights Entitlements by way of transfer from the demat suspense escrow account to their
respective demat accounts, at least one day before the Issue Closing Date. Such Eligible Equity Shareholders
holding shares in physical form can update the details of their respective demat accounts on the website of the
Registrar (i.e. ). Such Eligible Equity Shareholders can make an
Application only after the Rights Entitlements is credited to their respective demat accounts.
In accordance with Regulation 77A of the SEBI ICDR Regulations read with the SEBI Rights Issue Circular, the
credit of Rights Entitlements and Allotment of Rights Equity Shares shall be made in dematerialized form only.
Prior to the Issue Opening Date, our Company shall credit the Rights Entitlements to (i) the demat accounts of the
Eligible Equity Shareholders holding the Equity Shares in dematerialised form; and (ii) a demat suspense escrow
account (namely, “Add-Shop E-Retail Limited Rights Issue - Suspense Escrow Demat Account”) opened by our
Company, for the Eligible Equity Shareholders which would comprise Rights Entitlements relating to (a) Equity
Shares held in a demat suspense account pursuant to Regulation 39 of the SEBI LODR Regulations; or (b) Equity
Shares held in the account of IEPF authority; or (c) the demat accounts of the Eligible Equity Shareholder which
are frozen or suspended for debit/credit or details of which are unavailable with our Company or with the Registrar
on the Record Date; or (d) Equity Shares held by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical
form as on Record Date where details of demat accounts are not provided by Eligible Equity Shareholders to our
Company or Registrar; or (e) credit of the Rights Entitlements returned/reversed/failed; or (f) the ownership of the
Equity Shares currently under dispute, including any court proceedings.
Eligible Equity Shareholders are requested to provide relevant details (such as copies of self-attested PAN and
client master sheet of demat account etc., details/ records confirming the legal and beneficial ownership of their
respective Equity Shares) to the Company or the Registrar not later than two Working Days prior to the Issue
Closing Date, to enable the credit of their Rights Entitlements by way of transfer from the demat suspense escrow
account to their demat account at least one day before the Issue Closing Date, to enable such Eligible Equity
Shareholders to make an application in this Issue, and this communication shall serve as an intimation to such
Eligible Equity Shareholders in this regard. Such Eligible Equity Shareholders are also requested to ensure that
their demat account, details of which have been provided to the Company or the Registrar account is active to
facilitate the aforementioned transfer.
Please note that in accordance with Regulation 77A of the SEBI ICDR Regulations read with the SEBI Rights Issue
Circulars, the credit of Rights Entitlements and Allotment of Equity Shares shall be made in dematerialised form
only. Accordingly, Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date and
desirous of subscribing to Equity Shares in this Issue are advised to furnish the details of their demat account to the
Registrar or our Company at least two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, to enable the credit of their
Rights Entitlements in their respective demat accounts at least one day before the Issue Closing Date.
Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date and who have opened
their demat accounts after the Record Date, shall adhere to following procedure for participating in this Issue:
a) The Eligible Equity Shareholders shall send a letter to the Registrar containing the name(s), address, e-
mail address, contact details and the details of their demat account along with copy of self-attested PAN
and self-attested client master sheet of their demat account either by e-mail, post, speed post, courier, or
hand delivery so as to reach to the Registrar no later than two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing
Date; Alternatively the same can be uploaded in the web portal of the Registrar at .
b) The Registrar shall, after verifying the details of such demat account, transfer the Rights Entitlements of
such Eligible Equity Shareholders to their demat accounts at least one day before the Issue Closing Date;
Prior to the Issue Opening Date, the Rights Entitlements of those resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, among
others, who hold Equity Shares in physical form, and whose demat account details are not available with our
Company or Registrar, shall be credited in a demat suspense escrow account opened by our Company.
Accordingly, such resident Eligible Equity Shareholders are required to send a communication to our Company or
the Registrar containing the name(s), Indian address, email address, contact details and the details of their demat
account along with copy of self- attested PAN and self-attested client master sheet of their demat account either by
post, speed post, courier, electronic mail or hand delivery, to enable process of credit of Rights Equity Shares in
such demat account. Alternatively the same can be uploaded in the web portal of the Registrar at .
Such resident Eligible Equity Shareholders must check the procedure for Application by and credit of Rights Equity
Shares in “Procedure for Application by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form”
beginning from page 143.
Investors are eligible to apply for additional Equity Shares over and above their Rights Entitlements, provided that
they are eligible to apply for Equity Shares under applicable law and they have applied for all the Equity Shares
forming part of their Rights Entitlements without renouncing them in whole or in part. Where the number of
additional Equity Shares applied for exceeds the number available for Allotment, the Allotment would be made as
per the Basis of Allotment finalised in consultation with the Designated Stock Exchange. Applications for
additional Equity Shares shall be considered and Allotment shall be made in accordance with the SEBI ICDR
Regulations and in the manner as set out in “Basis of Allotment” beginning on page 151.
Eligible Equity Shareholders who renounce their Rights Entitlements cannot apply for additional Equity
Non-resident Renouncees who are not Eligible Equity Shareholders cannot apply for additional Equity Shares.
Investors to kindly note that after purchasing the Rights Entitlements through On Market Renunciation / Off Market
Renunciation, an application has to be made for subscribing to the Rights Equity Shares. If no such Application is
made by the renouncee on or before Issue Closing Date, then such Rights Entitlements will get lapsed and shall be
extinguished after the Issue Closing Date and no Rights Equity Shares for such lapsed Rights Entitlements will be
credited. For procedure of Application by shareholders who have purchased the Right Entitlement through On
Market Renunciation / Off Market Renunciation, please refer to the heading titled “Procedure for Application
through the ASBA process” on page 139 of this Letter of Offer.
The Investors can visit following links for the below-mentioned purposes:
a) Frequently asked questions and online/ electronic dedicated investor helpdesk for guidance on the
Application process and resolution of difficulties faced by the Investors: +91-44-40020710 / 0706 / 0741
b) Updation of Email address/ mobile number in the records maintained by the Registrar or our Company: .
c) Updation of Indian address in the records maintained by the Registrar or our Company by email to .
d) Updation of demat account details by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding shares in physical form: .
All rights and obligations of the Eligible Equity Shareholders in relation to Applications and refunds pertaining to
this Issue shall apply to the Renouncee(s) as well.
Rights Entitlements
Eligible Equity Shareholders whose name appears as a beneficial owner in respect of the issued and paid-up Equity
Shares held in dematerialised form or appears in the register of members of our Company as an Eligible Equity
Shareholder in respect of our Equity Shares held in physical form, as on the Record Date, may be entitled to
subscribe to the number of Rights Equity Shares as set out in the Rights Entitlement Letter.
Eligible Equity Shareholders can also obtain the details of their respective Rights Entitlements from the website of
the Registrar (i.e., . ) by entering their DP ID and Client ID or Folio Number
(in case of Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form), PAN and such other credentials
as may be required. The link for the same shall also be available on the website of our Company (
Rights Entitlements shall be credited to the respective demat accounts of Eligible Equity Shareholders before the
Issue Opening Date only in dematerialised form. If Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical
form as on Record Date, have not provided the details of their demat accounts to our Company or to the Registrar,
they are required to provide their demat account details to our Company or the Registrar not later than two Working
Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, to enable the credit of the Rights Entitlements by way of transfer from the
demat suspense escrow account to their respective demat accounts, at least one day before the Issue Closing Date.
Such Eligible Equity Shareholders holding shares in physical form can update the details of their respective demat
accounts on the website of the Registrar (i.e., . ). Such Eligible Equity
Shareholders can make an Application only after the Rights Entitlements is credited to their respective demat
accounts, except in case of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form as on
Record Date.
Our Company is undertaking this Issue on a rights basis to the Eligible Equity Shareholders and will send the
Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter and the Application Form (i) only to e-mail addresses of
the resident Eligible Equity Shareholders who have provided their e-mail addresses; (ii) through physical delivery,
only to the Indian address of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, whose e-mail
addresses are not available with our Company or the Eligible Equity Shareholders have not provided the valid email
address to our Company; (iii) through physical delivery, only to the Indian addresses of the non-resident Eligible
Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, who have provided an Indian address to our Company; and (iv)
to the e-mail addresses of the foreign corporate or institutional shareholders, and in each case who make a request
in this regard.
The Letter of Offer will also be provided to any existing Shareholder who makes a request in this regard.
The Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer and the Application Form may also be accessed on the
websites of the Registrar, our Company and the Lead Manager through a link contained in the
aforementioned email sent to email addresses of Eligible Equity Shareholders (provided that the Eligible
Equity Shareholder is eligible to subscribe for the Rights Equity Shares under applicable securities laws)
and on the Stock Exchange website. The distribution of Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights
Entitlement Letter and the issue of Rights Equity Shares on a rights basis to persons in certain jurisdictions
outside India is restricted by legal requirements prevailing in those jurisdictions. No action has been, or will
be, taken to permit this Issue in any jurisdiction where action would be required for that purpose, except
that this Letter of Offer has been filed with SEBI and the Stock Exchange. Accordingly, the Rights
Face Value
Each Rights Equity Share will have the face value of ₹10/-.
Issue Price
Each Rights Equity Share is being offered at a price of ₹54/- per Rights Equity Share (including a premium of ₹44/-
per Rights Equity Share) in this issue. Investors will have to pay the entire offer price i.e., ₹54/- per Rights Equity
Share at the time of Application.
The Issue Price for Rights Equity Shares has been arrived at by our Company in consultation with the Lead Manager
and has been decided prior to the determination of the Record Date.
The voting rights in a poll, whether present in person or by representative or by proxy shall be in proportion to the
paid-up value of the Shares held, and no voting rights shall be exercisable in respect of moneys paid in advance, if
Credit Rating
As this Issue is a rights issue of Rights Equity Shares, there is no requirement of credit rating for this Issue.
Fractional Entitlements
The Equity Shares are being offered on a rights basis to existing Eligible Equity Shareholders in the ratio of
In this regard, our Company has made necessary arrangements with NSDL and CDSL for the crediting of the Rights
Entitlements to the demat accounts of the Eligible Equity Shareholders in a dematerialized form. A separate ISIN
for the Rights Entitlements has also been generated which is INE01B520018. The said ISIN shall remain frozen
(for debit) till the Issue Opening Date and shall become active on the Issue Opening Date and remain active for
renunciation or transfer during the Renunciation Period. It is clarified that the Rights Entitlements shall not be
available for transfer or trading post the Renunciation Period. The said ISIN shall be suspended for transfer by the
Depositories post the Issue Closing Date.
Eligible Equity Shareholders are requested to provide relevant details (such as copies of self-attested PAN and
client master sheet of demat account etc., details/ records confirming the legal and beneficial ownership of their
respective Equity Shares) to the Company or the Registrar not later than two Working Days prior to the Issue
Closing Date, i.e., by August 25,2022 to enable the credit of their Rights Entitlements by way of transfer from the
demat suspense escrow account to their demat account at least one day before the Issue Closing Date i.e., by August
29,2022, to enable such Eligible Equity Shareholders to make an application in this Issue, and this communication
shall serve as an intimation to such Eligible Equity Shareholders in this regard. Such Eligible Equity Shareholders
are also requested to ensure that their demat account, details of which have been provided to the Company or the
Registrar account is active to facilitate the aforementioned transfer.
Additionally, our Company will submit the details of the total Rights Entitlements credited to the demat accounts
of the Eligible Equity Shareholders and the demat suspense escrow account to the Stock Exchange after completing
the corporate action. The details of the Rights Entitlements with respect to each Eligible Equity Shareholders can
be accessed by such respective Eligible Equity Shareholders on the website of the Registrar after keying in their
respective details along with other security control measures implemented thereat.
The renunciation from non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholder(s) to resident Indian(s) and vice versa shall be
subject to provisions of FEMA Rules and other relevant circulars, directions, or guidelines issued by RBI or the
Ministry of Finance from time to time. However, the facility of renunciation shall not be available to or operate in
favour of an Eligible Equity Shareholders being an erstwhile OCB unless the same is in compliance with the FEMA
Rules and other relevant circulars, directions, or guidelines issued by RBI or the Ministry of Finance from time to
The renunciation of Rights Entitlements credited in your demat account can be made either by sale of such Rights
Entitlements, using the secondary market platform of the Stock Exchange or through an off-market transfer. For
details, see “Procedure for Renunciation of Rights Entitlements” on page 140.
In accordance with SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2020/78 dated May 6, 2020 read with SEBI
Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL1/CIR/P/2020/136 dated July 24, 2020, and SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL1/CIR/P/2021/13
dated January 19, 2021 the Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on Record
Date and who have not furnished the details of their demat account to the Registrar or our Company at least two
Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, will not be able to renounce their Rights Entitlements.
The On Market Renunciation shall take place electronically on the secondary market platform of the Stock
Exchange on T+2 rolling settlement basis, where T refers to the date of trading. The transactions will be settled on
trade-for-trade basis. The Rights Entitlements shall be tradable in dematerialized form only. The market lot for
trading of Rights Entitlements is one Rights Entitlement.
The On Market Renunciation shall take place only during the Renunciation Period for On Market Renunciation,
i.e., from August 17,2022 to August 24,2022 (both days inclusive). No assurance can be given regarding the active
or sustained On Market Renunciation or the price at which the Rights Entitlements will trade. Eligible Equity
Shareholders are requested to ensure that renunciation through off-market transfer is completed in such a manner
that the Rights Entitlements are credited to the demat account of the Renouncees on or prior to the Issue Closing
Date. For details, see “Procedure for Renunciation of Rights Entitlements – On Market Renunciation” and
“Procedure for Renunciation of Rights Entitlements – Off Market Renunciation” on page 140.
Please note that the Rights Entitlements which are neither renounced nor subscribed by the Investors on or
before the Issue Closing Date shall lapse and shall be extinguished after the Issue Closing Date.
Where an Applicant has applied for additional Rights Equity Shares and is Allotted a lesser number of Rights
Equity Shares than applied for, the excess Application Money paid/blocked shall be refunded/unblocked. The un-
blocking of ASBA funds / refund of monies shall be completed be within such period as prescribed under the SEBI
ICDR Regulations and SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2021/552 dated April 22, 2021. In the event that there is a
delay in making refunds beyond such period as prescribed under applicable law, our Company shall pay the
requisite interest at such rate as prescribed under applicable law.
Listing and trading of the Rights Equity Shares to be issued pursuant to this Issue
Subject to receipt of the listing and trading approval, the Rights Equity Shares proposed to be issued on a rights
basis shall be listed and admitted for trading on the Stock Exchange. Unless otherwise permitted by the SEBI ICDR
Regulations, the Rights Equity Shares Allotted pursuant to this Issue will be listed as soon as practicable and all
steps for completion of necessary procedures for listing and commencement of trading in the Rights Equity Shares
will be taken within such period prescribed under the SEBI ICDR Regulations. Our Company has received In-
principle approval from the BSE through letter bearing reference number DCS/RIGHT/CP/FIP/2388/2022-23 dated
July 01,2022. Our Company will apply to the Stock Exchange for final approval for the listing and trading of the
Rights Equity Shares subsequent to their Allotment. No assurance can be given regarding the active or sustained
trading in the Rights Equity Shares or the price at which the Rights Equity Shares offered under this Issue will trade
after the listing thereof.
The existing Equity Shares are listed on BSE (Scrip Code: 541865) under the ISIN: INE01B501018. The Rights
Equity shall be credited to temporary ISINs which will be frozen until the receipt of the final listing/ trading
approval from the Stock Exchange. Upon receipt of such listing and trading approval, the Rights Equity Shares
shall be debited from such temporary ISINs and credited to the existing ISIN as fully paid-up Equity of our
Company and thereafter be available for trading and the temporary ISIN shall be permanently deactivated in the
depository system of CDSL and NSDL
The listing and trading of the Rights Equity Shares issued pursuant to this Issue shall be based on the current
regulatory framework then applicable. Accordingly, any change in the regulatory regime would affect the listing
and trading schedule. In case our Company fails to obtain listing or trading permission from the Stock Exchange,
we shall refund through verifiable means/unblock the respective ASBA Accounts, the entire monies
received/blocked within four days of receipt of intimation from the Stock Exchange, rejecting the application for
listing of the Rights Equity Shares, and if any such money is not refunded/ unblocked within four days after our
Company becomes liable to repay it, our Company and every director of our Company who is an officer -in-default
Subject to applicable law and Articles of Association, holders of Rights Equity Shares shall be entitled to the
above rights in proportion to amount paid-up on such Rights Equity Shares in this Issue.
Market Lot
The Rights Equity Shares of our Company shall be tradable only in dematerialized form. The market lot for the
Rights Equity Shares in dematerialized mode is one Equity Share.
Minimum Subscription
In accordance with Regulation 86 of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, if our Company does not receive the minimum
subscription of 90% of the Issue Size, our Company shall refund the entire subscription amount received within 4
(four) days from the Issue Closing Date. If there is any delay in the refund of the subscription amount beyond such
period as prescribed by applicable laws, our Company and Directors who are in shall pay interest for the delayed
period, at such rates as prescribed under the applicable laws.
Joint Holders
Where two or more persons are registered as the holders of any Equity Shares, they shall be deemed to hold the
same as the joint holders with the benefit of survivorship subject to the provisions contained in our Articles of
Association. Application forms would be required to be signed by all the joint holders (in the same order as
appearing in the records of the Depository) to be considered as valid for allotment of Rights Equity Shares offered
in this Issue.
Nomination facility is available in respect of the Rights Equity Shares in accordance with the provisions of the
Section 72 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 19 of the Companies (Share Capital and Debenture) Rules,
2014. Since the Allotment is in dematerialised form, there is no need to make a separate nomination for the Rights
Equity Shares to be Allotted in this Issue. Nominations registered with the respective DPs of the Investors would
prevail. Any Investor holding Equity Shares in dematerialised form and desirous of changing the existing
nomination is requested to inform its Depository Participant.
In accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations, SEBI Rights Issue Circulars and MCA General Circular No.
21/2020, our Company will send the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter, Application Form
and other issue material (i) only to e-mail addresses of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders who have provided
their e-mail addresses; (ii) through physical delivery, only to the Indian addresses of the resident Eligible Equity
Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, whose e-mail addresses are not available with our Company or the
Eligible Equity Shareholders have not provided the valid e-mail address to our Company; (iii) physical delivery,
only to the Indian addresses of the non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, who
have provided an Indian address to our Company; and (iv) to the e-mail addresses of foreign corporate or
institutional shareholders, in each case who make a request in this regard.
The Letter of Offer will also be provided by our Company to any existing Shareholder who makes a request in this
Further, our Company along with the Lead Manager will undertake all adequate steps to dispatch the physical
copies of the Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter and the Application Form, if
feasible in the current COVID-19 situation. However, our Company, Lead Manager and the Registrar will not be
liable for non-dispatch of physical copies of Issue materials, including the Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of
Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter and the Application Form.
All notices to the Eligible Equity Shareholders required to be given by our Company shall be published in one
English language national daily newspaper with wide circulation, one Hindi language national daily newspaper
with wide circulation and one Gujarati language daily newspaper with wide circulation (Gujarati being the regional
language of Gujarat, where our Registered and Corporate Office is situated).
The Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer and the Application Form shall also be submitted with the Stock
Exchange for making the same available on their websites.
The the Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter and Application Form shall be sent
to the e-mail address of non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholders who have provided an Indian address to our
Company or who are located in jurisdictions where the offer and sale of the Rights Equity Shares is permitted under
laws of such jurisdictions. Investors can access the Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer and the Application
Form (provided that the Eligible Equity Shareholder is eligible to subscribe for the Rights Equity Shares under
applicable securities laws) from the websites of the Registrar, our Company, the Lead Manager and the Stock
Exchange. The Rights Committee may at its absolute discretion, agree to such terms and conditions as may be
stipulated by the RBI while approving the Allotment. The Rights Equity Shares purchased by non-residents shall
be subject to the same conditions including restrictions in regard to the repatriation as are applicable to the original
Equity Shares against which Rights Equity Shares are issued on rights basis.
In case of change of status of holders, i.e., from resident to non-resident, a new demat account must be opened.
Any Application from a demat account which does not reflect the accurate status of the Applicant is liable to be
rejected at the sole discretion of our Company and the Lead Manager.
Any non-resident shareholder who has applied in the Issue without submitting RBI approval and/or without
providing Indian address, his/her application will be liable for rejection.
The non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholders can update their Indian address in the records maintained by the
Registrar and our Company by submitting their respective copies of self-attested proof of address, passport, etc.
through email to
How to Apply
In accordance with Regulation 76 of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, SEBI Rights Issue Circulars and ASBA
Circulars, all Investors desiring to make an Application in this Issue are mandatorily required to use the ASBA
process. Investors should carefully read the provisions applicable to such Applications before making their
Application through ASBA.
For details of procedure for application by the resident Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in
physical form as on the Record Date, see “Procedure for Application by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding
Equity Shares in physical form” on page 143.
The Lead Manager, our Company, its directors, its employees, affiliates, associates and their respective
directors and officers and the Registrar shall not take any responsibility for acts, mistakes, errors, omissions
and commissions etc. in relation to Applications accepted by SCSBs, Applications uploaded by SCSBs,
Applications accepted but not uploaded by SCSBs or Applications accepted and uploaded without blocking
funds in the ASBA Accounts.
Application Form
The Application Form for the Rights Equity Shares offered as part of this Issue would be sent to the Eligible Equity
Shareholders (i) only to e-mail addresses of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders who have provided their e-mail
addresses; (ii) through physical delivery, only to the Indian addresses of the resident Eligible Equity Shareholders,
on a reasonable effort basis, whose e-mail addresses are not available with our Company or the Eligible Equity
Shareholders have not provided the valid email address to our Company; (iii) through physical delivery, only to
the Indian addresses of the non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, who have
provided an Indian address to our Company; and (iv) to the e-mail addresses of foreign corporate or institutional
shareholders. The Application Form along with the Abridged Letter of Offer and the Rights Entitlement Letter shall
be sent through email or physical delivery, as applicable, at least three days before the Issue Opening Date.
Please note that neither our Company nor the Registrar nor the Lead Manager shall be responsible for delay
in the receipt of the Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter or the
Application Form attributable to non- availability of the e-mail addresses of Eligible Equity Shareholders
or electronic transmission delays or failures, or if the Application Forms or the Rights Entitlement Letters
are delayed or misplaced in the transit or there is a delay in physical delivery (where applicable).
To update the respective e-mail addresses/ mobile numbers in the records maintained by the Registrar or our
Company, Eligible Equity Shareholders should visit Investors can access
the Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer and the Application Form (provided that the Eligible Equity
Shareholder is eligible to subscribe for the Rights Equity Shares under applicable securities laws) from the websites
our Company at
the Registrar at;
the Lead Manager at;
the Stock Exchange at
The Eligible Equity Shareholders can obtain the details of their respective Rights Entitlements from the website of
the Registrar by entering their DP ID and Client ID or Folio Number (in
case of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form), PAN and such other
The Application Form can be used by the Eligible Equity Shareholders as well as the Renouncees, to make
Applications in this Issue basis the Rights Entitlements credited in their respective demat accounts or demat
suspense escrow account, as applicable. Please note that one single Application Form shall be used by the Investors
to make Applications for all Rights Entitlements available in a particular demat account or entire respective portion
of the Rights Entitlements in the demat suspense escrow account in case of resident Eligible Equity Shareholders
holding shares in physical form as on Record Date and applying in this Issue, as applicable. In case of Investors
who have provided details of demat account in accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations, such Investors will
have to apply for the Rights Equity Shares from the same demat account in which they are holding the Rights
Entitlements and in case of multiple demat accounts, the Investors are required to submit a separate Application
Form for each demat account.
Investors may accept this Issue and apply for the Rights Equity Shares by submitting the Application Form to the
Designated Branch of the SCSB or online/electronic Application through the website of the SCSBs (if made
available by such SCSB) for authorising such SCSB to block Application Money payable on the Application in
their respective ASBA Accounts. Please note that Applications made with payment using third party bank accounts
are liable to be rejected.
Investors are also advised to ensure that the Application Form is correctly filled up stating therein the ASBA
Account (in case of Application through ASBA process) in which an amount equivalent to the amount payable on
Application as stated in the Application Form will be blocked by the SCSB;
Please note that Applications without depository account details shall be treated as incomplete and shall be rejected.
Applicants should note that they should very carefully fill-in their depository account details and PAN
number in the Application Form or while submitting application through online/electronic Application
through the website of the SCSBs (if made available by such SCSB). Incorrect depository account details or
PAN number could lead to rejection of the Application. For details see “Grounds for Technical Rejection”
on page 147. Our Company, the Lead Manager, the Registrar and the SCSB shall not be liable for any
incorrect demat details provided by the Applicants.
Additionally, in terms of Regulation 78 of the SEBI ICDR Regulations, Investors may choose to accept the offer
to participate in this Issue by making an application that is available on the website of the Registrar, Stock
Exchange, Lead Manager or on a plain paper with the same details as per the Application Form available online.
Please note that Eligible Equity Shareholders making an application in this Issue by way of plain paper applications
shall not be permitted to renounce any portion of their Rights Entitlements. For details, see “Application on Plain
Paper under ASBA process” on page 141.
If the Eligible Equity Shareholder applies in this Issue, then such Eligible Equity Shareholder can:
i) apply for its Rights Equity Shares to the full extent of its Rights Entitlements; or
ii) apply for its Rights Equity Shares to the extent of part of its Rights Entitlements (without renouncing the other
part); or
iii) apply for Rights Equity Shares to the extent of part of its Rights Entitlements and renounce the other part of its
Rights Entitlements; or
iv) apply for its Rights Equity Shares to the full extent of its Rights Entitlements and apply for additional Rights
Equity Shares; or
v) renounce its Rights Entitlements in full.
In accordance with the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars, (a) the Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares
in physical form as on Record Date; desirous of subscribing to Rights Equity Shares may also apply in this Issue
during the Issue Period. Such resident Eligible Equity Shareholders must check the procedure for Application by
and credit of Rights Equity Shares in “Procedure for Application by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity
Shares in physical form” on page 143.
Investors should ensure that they have correctly submitted the Application Form, or have otherwise provided an
authorization to the SCSB, via the electronic mode, for blocking funds in the ASBA Account equivalent to the
Application Money mentioned in the Application Form, as the case may be, at the time of submission of the
Please note that subject to SCSBs complying with the requirements of SEBI Circular No.
CIR/CFD/DIL/13/2012 dated September 25, 2012 within the periods stipulated therein, ASBA Applications
may be submitted at the Designated Branches of the SCSBs, in case of Applications made through ASBA
Please note that on the Issue Closing Date, Applications through ASBA process will be uploaded until 5.00 p.m.
(Indian Standard Time) or such extended time as permitted by the Stock Exchange.
Applications submitted to anyone other than the Designated Branches of the SCSB are liable to be rejected.
Investors can also make Application on plain paper under ASBA process mentioning all necessary details as
mentioned under the section “Application on Plain Paper under ASBA process” on page 141.
Eligible Equity Shareholders who renounce their Rights Entitlements cannot apply for additional Rights
Equity Shares.
Resident Eligible Equity Shareholders who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on the Record Date cannot
renounce until the details of their demat account are provided to our Company or the Registrar and the
dematerialized Rights Entitlements are transferred from suspense escrow demat account to the respective demat
accounts of such Eligible Equity Shareholders within prescribed timelines. However, Such Eligible Equity
Shareholders, where the dematerialized Rights Entitlements are transferred from the suspense escrow demat
account to the respective demat accounts within prescribed timelines, can apply for additional Rights Equity Shares
while submitting the Application through ASBA process.
Investors may be subject to adverse foreign, state or local tax or legal consequences as a result of trading in the
Rights Entitlements. Investors who intend to trade in the Rights Entitlements should consult their tax advisor or
stock broker regarding any cost, applicable taxes, charges and expenses (including brokerage) that may be levied
for trading in Rights Entitlements.
The Lead Manager and our Company accept no responsibility to bear or pay any cost, applicable taxes, charges
and expenses (including brokerage), and such costs will be incurred solely by the Investors.
Please note that the Rights Entitlements which are neither renounced nor subscribed by the Investors on or
before the Issue Closing Date shall lapse and shall be extinguished after the Issue Closing Date.
In this regard, in terms of provisions of the SEBI ICDR Regulations and the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars, the Rights
Entitlements credited to the respective demat accounts of the Eligible Equity Shareholders shall be admitted for
trading on the Stock Exchange under the ISIN that shall be allotted for the Rights Entitlement subject to requisite
approval. The details for trading in Rights Entitlements will be as specified by the Stock Exchange from time to
The Rights Entitlements are tradable in dematerialized form only. The market lot for trading of Rights Entitlements
is one Rights Entitlements.
The On Market Renunciation shall take place only during the Renunciation Period for On Market Renunciation,
i.e., from August 17,2022 to August 24,2022 (both days inclusive).
The Investors holding the Rights Entitlements who desire to sell their Rights Entitlements will have to do so through
their registered stock brokers by quoting the ISIN - INE01B520018 (for Rights Entitlement) that shall be allotted
for the Rights Entitlement and indicating the details of the Rights Entitlements they intend to sell. The Investors
can place order for sale of Rights Entitlements only to the extent of Rights Entitlements available in their demat
The On Market Renunciation shall take place electronically on secondary market platform of BSE under automatic
order matching mechanism and on ‘T+2 rolling settlement basis’, where ‘T’ refers to the date of trading. The
transactions will be settled on trade-for-trade basis. Upon execution of the order, the stock broker will issue a
contract note in accordance with the requirements of the Stock Exchange and the SEBI.
Eligible Equity Shareholders are requested to ensure that renunciation through off-market transfer is completed in
such a manner that the Rights Entitlements are credited to the demat account of the Renouncees on or prior to the
Issue Closing Date.
The Investors holding the Rights Entitlements who desire to transfer their Rights Entitlements will have to do so
through their depository participant by issuing a delivery instruction slip quoting the ISIN (for Rights Entitlement)
that shall be allotted for the Rights Entitlement, the details of the buyer and the details of the Rights Entitlements
The instructions for transfer of Rights Entitlements can be issued during the working hours of the depository
participants. The detailed rules for transfer of Rights Entitlements through off-market transfer shall be as specified
by the NSDL and CDSL from time to time.
Applications on plain paper will not be accepted from any address outside India. Please note that the Eligible Equity
Shareholders who are making the Application on plain paper shall not be entitled to renounce their Rights
Entitlements and should not utilize the Application Form for any purpose including renunciation even if it is
received subsequently.
The application on plain paper, duly signed by the Eligible Equity Shareholder including joint holders, in the same
order and as per specimen recorded with his bank, must reach the office of the Designated Branch of the SCSB
before the Issue Closing Date and should contain the following particulars:
“I/ We understand that neither the Rights Entitlement nor the Equity Shares have been, or will be, registered under
the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “US Securities Act”) or any United States state securities
laws, and may not be offered, sold, resold or otherwise transferred within the United States or to the territories or
possessions thereof (the “United States”) except in a transaction exempt from, or not subject to, the registration
requirements of the US Securities Act. I/ we understand the offering to which this application relates is not, and
under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offering of any Equity Shares or Rights Entitlement for sale in the
United States, or as a solicitation therein of an offer to buy any of the said Equity Shares or Rights Entitlement in
the United States. Accordingly, I/ we understand that this application should not be forwarded to or transmitted in
or to the United States at any time. I/ we understand that none of the Company, the Registrar, the Lead Managers
or any other person acting on behalf of the Company will accept subscriptions from any person, or the agent of
any person, who appears to be, or who we, the Registrar, the Lead Managers or any other person acting on behalf
I/ We understand and agree that the Rights Entitlement and Equity Shares may not be reoffered, resold, pledged
or otherwise transferred except in an offshore transaction in compliance with Regulation S under the US Securities
Act ("Regulation S"), or otherwise pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration
requirements of the US Securities Act. I/We (i) am/are, and the person, if any, for whose account I/we am/are
acquiring such Rights Entitlement, and/or the Equity Shares, is/are outside the United States, and (ii) is/are
acquiring the Rights Entitlement and/or the Equity Shares in an offshore transaction meeting the requirements of
Regulation S.
I/ We acknowledge that the Company, the Lead Manager, their affiliates and others will rely upon the truth and
accuracy of the foregoing representations and agreements.” In cases where multiple Application Forms are
submitted for Applications pertaining to Rights Entitlements credited to the same demat account or in demat
suspense escrow account, including cases where an Investor submits Application Forms along with a plain paper
Application, such Applications shall be liable to be rejected. Investors are requested to strictly adhere to these
instructions. Failure to do so could result in an Application being rejected, with our Company, the Lead Manager
and the Registrar not having any liability to the Investor. The plain paper Application format will be available on
the website of the Registrar at .
I/ We acknowledge that Our Company, the Lead Manager and the Registrar shall not be responsible if the
Applications are not uploaded by SCSB or funds are not blocked in the Investors’ ASBA Accounts on or before
the Issue Closing Date”.
In cases where multiple Application Forms are submitted for Applications pertaining to Rights Entitlements
credited to the same demat account or in demat suspense escrow account, including cases where an Investor submits
Application Forms along with a plain paper Application, such Applications shall be liable to be rejected.
Mode of payment
All payments against the Application Forms shall be made only through ASBA facility. The Registrar will not
accept any payments against the Application Forms, if such payments are not made through ASBA facility.
In case of Application through ASBA facility, the Investor agrees to block the entire amount payable on Application
with the submission of the Application Form, by authorizing the SCSB to block an amount, equivalent to the
amount payable on Application, in the Investor’s ASBA Account. The SCSB may reject the application at the time
of acceptance of Application Form if the ASBA Account, details of which have been provided by the Investor in
the Application Form does not have sufficient funds equivalent to the amount payable on Application mentioned
in the Application Form. Subsequent to the acceptance of the Application by the SCSB, our Company would have
a right to reject the Application on technical grounds as set forth in this Letter of Offer.
After verifying that sufficient funds are available in the ASBA Account, details of which are provided in the
Application Form, the SCSB shall block an amount equivalent to the Application Money mentioned in the
Application Form until the Transfer Date. On the Transfer Date, upon receipt of intimation from the Registrar,
pursuant to the finalization of the Basis of Allotment as approved by the Designated Stock Exchange, the SCSBs
shall transfer such amount as per the Registrar’s instruction from the ASBA Account into the Allotment Account
which shall be a separate bank account maintained by our Company, other than the bank account referred to in sub-
section (3) of Section 40 of the Companies Act, 2013. The balance amount remaining after the finalisation of the
Basis of Allotment on the Transfer Date shall be unblocked by the SCSBs on the basis of the instructions issued in
this regard by the Registrar to the respective SCSB.
The balance amount remaining after the finalisation of the Basis of Allotment on the Transfer Date shall be
unblocked by the SCSBs on the basis of the instructions issued in this regard by the Registrar to the respective
The SCSB may reject the application at the time of acceptance of Application Form if the ASBA Account, details
of which have been provided by the Investor in the Application Form does not have sufficient funds equivalent to
the amount payable on Application mentioned in the Application Form. Subsequent to the acceptance of the
Application by the SCSB, our Company would have a right to reject the Application on technical grounds as set
forth hereinafter.
Prior to the Issue Opening Date, the Rights Entitlements of those resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, among
others, who hold Equity Shares in physical form, and whose demat account details are not available with our
Company or the Registrar, shall be credited in a demat suspense escrow account opened by our Company.
In accordance with the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars, (a) the Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares
in physical form as on Record Date; or (b) the Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares in physical
form as on Record Date and who have not furnished the details of their demat account to the Registrar or our
Company at least two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, desirous of subscribing to Rights Equity
Shares may also apply in this Issue during the Issue Period. Such Eligible Equity Shareholders must check the
procedure for Application by and credit of Rights Equity Shares in “Procedure for Application by Eligible Equity
Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form” on page 143.
To update respective email addresses/ mobile numbers in the records maintained by the Registrar or our Company,
Eligible Equity Shareholders should visit
Procedure for Application by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form
Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date and who have opened
their demat accounts after the Record Date, shall adhere to following procedure for participating in this Issue:
The Eligible Equity Shareholders shall send a letter to the Registrar containing the name(s), address, e-mail address,
contact details and the details of their demat account along with copy of self-attested PAN and self-attested client
master sheet of their demat account either by e-mail, post, speed post, courier, or hand delivery so as to reach to
the Registrar no later than two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date. Alternatively the same can be
uploaded in the web portal of the Registrar at .
The Registrar shall, after verifying the details of such demat account, transfer the Rights Entitlements of such
Eligible Equity Shareholders to their demat accounts at least one day before the Issue Closing Date;
The Eligible Equity Shareholders can access the Application Form from:
our Company at;
the Registrar at;
the Lead Manager at;
the Stock Exchange at
Eligible Equity Shareholders can obtain the details of their respective Rights Entitlements from the website of the
Registrar by entering their DP ID and Client ID or Folio Number (in case
of Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form), PAN and such other credentials. The link
for the same shall also be available on the website of our Company (;
The Eligible Equity Shareholders shall, on or before the Issue Closing Date submit the Application Form to the
Designated Branch of the SCSB or online/electronic Application through the website of the SCSBs (if made
available by such SCSB) for authorising such SCSB to block Application Money payable on the Application in
their respective ASBA Accounts.
b) In accordance with the SEBI Rights Issue Circulars, (a) the Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity
Shares in physical form as on Record Date; or (b) the Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares
in physical form as on Record Date and who have not furnished the details of their demat account to the
Registrar or our Company at least two Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, desirous of
subscribing to Rights Equity Shares may also apply in this Issue during the Issue Period. Such Eligible
Equity Shareholders must check the procedure for Application by and credit of Rights Equity Shares in
“Procedure for Application by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form”
on page 143.
d) The Application Form can be used by both the Eligible Equity Shareholders and the Renouncees.
f) Application should be complete in all respects. The Application Form found incomplete with regard to any
of the particulars required to be given therein, and/or which are not completed in conformity with the terms
of the Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter and the Application Form
are liable to be rejected. The Application Form must be filled in English.
g) In case of non-receipt of Application Form, Application can be made on plain paper mentioning all
necessary details as mentioned under the section “Application on Plain Paper under ASBA process” on
page 141.
h) An Investor participating in this Issue through the ASBA facility, is required to have an ASBA enabled
bank account with an SCSB, prior to making the Application.
i) Applications should be submitted to the Designated Branch of the SCSB or made online/electronic through
the website of the SCSBs (if made available by such SCSB) for authorising such SCSB to block
Application Money payable on the Application in their respective ASBA Accounts. Applications through
ASBA process will be uploaded until 5.00 p.m. (Indian Standard Time) or such extended time as permitted
by the Stock Exchange.
k) In case of Application through ASBA facility, Investors are required to provide necessary details, including
details of the ASBA Account, authorization to the SCSB to block an amount equal to the Application
Money in the ASBA Account mentioned in the Application Form.
l) All Applicants, and in the case of Application in joint names, each of the joint Applicants, should mention
their PAN allotted under the Income-tax Act, irrespective of the amount of the Application. Except for
Applications on behalf of the Central or the State Government, the residents of Sikkim and the officials
appointed by the courts, Applications without PAN will be considered incomplete and are liable to be
rejected. With effect from August 16, 2010, the demat accounts for Investors for which PAN details have
not been verified shall be “suspended for credit” and no Allotment and credit of Rights Equity Shares
pursuant to this Issue shall be made into the accounts of such Investors.
m) In case of Application through ASBA facility, all payments will be made only by blocking the amount in
the ASBA Account. Cash payment or payment by cheque or demand draft or pay order or NEFT or RTGS
or through any other mode is not acceptable for application through ASBA process. In case payment is
made in contravention of this, the Application will be deemed invalid and the Application Money will be
refunded and no interest will be paid thereon.
n) For physical Applications through ASBA at Designated Branches of SCSB, signatures should be either in
English or Hindi or in any other language specified in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India.
Signatures other than in any such language or thumb impression must be attested by a Notary Public or a
Special Executive Magistrate under his/her official seal. The Investors must sign the Application as per the
specimen signature recorded with the SCSB.
o) In case of joint holders and physical Applications through ASBA process, all joint holders must sign the
relevant part of the Application Form in the same order and as per the specimen signature(s) recorded with
the SCSB. In case of joint Applicants, reference, if any, will be made in the first Applicant’s name and all
communication will be addressed to the first Applicant.
p) All communication in connection with Application for the Rights Equity Shares, including any change in
address of the Eligible Equity Shareholders should be addressed to the Registrar prior to the date of
Allotment in this Issue quoting the name of the first/sole Applicant, folio numbers/DP ID and Client ID
and Application Form number, as applicable. In case of any change in address of the Eligible Equity
Shareholders, the Eligible Equity Shareholders should also send the intimation for such change to the
respective depository participant, or to our Company or the Registrar in case of Eligible Equity
Shareholders holding Shares in physical form.
q) Please note that subject to SCSBs complying with the requirements of SEBI Circular No.
CIR/CFD/DIL/13/2012 dated September 25, 2012 within the periods stipulated therein, Applications made
through ASBA facility may be submitted at the Designated Branches of the SCSBs. Application through
ASBA facility in electronic mode will only be available with such SCSBs who provide such facility.
r) In terms of the SEBI circular CIR/CFD/DIL/1/2013 dated January 2, 2013, it is clarified that for making
applications by banks on their own account using ASBA facility, SCSBs should have a separate account
in own name with any other SEBI registered SCSB(s). Such account shall be used solely for the purpose
of making application in public/ rights issues and clear demarcated funds should be available in such
account for ASBA applications.
s) Investors are required to ensure that the number of Rights Equity Shares applied for by them do not exceed
the prescribed limits under the applicable law.
t) An Applicant being an OCB is required not to be under the adverse notice of the RBI and must submit
approval from RBI for applying in this Issue.
u) Only persons outside restricted jurisdictions and who are eligible to subscribe for Rights Entitlement and
Rights Equity Shares under applicable securities laws are eligible to participate.
Except for Application submitted on behalf of the Central or the State Government, residents of Sikkim
and the officials appointed by the courts, each Applicant should mention their PAN allotted under the
Income-tax Act.
Ensure that the demographic details such as address, PAN, DP ID, Client ID, bank account details and
occupation (“Demographic Details”) are updated, true and correct, in all respects.
Investors should provide correct DP ID and client ID/ folio number while submitting the Application. Such
DP ID and Client ID/ folio number should match the demat account details in the records available with
Company and/or Registrar, failing which such Application is liable to be rejected. Investor will be solely
responsible for any error or inaccurate detail provided in the Application. Our Company, the Lead Manager,
SCSBs or the Registrar will not be liable for any such rejections.
Do not apply if you are ineligible to participate in this Issue under the securities laws applicable to your
Do not submit the GIR number instead of the PAN as the application is liable to be rejected on this ground.
Avoid applying on the Issue Closing Date due to risk of delay/ restrictions in making any physical
Do not pay the Application Money in cash, by money order, pay order or postal order.
Ensure that the details about your Depository Participant and beneficiary account are correct and the
beneficiary account is activated as the Rights Equity Shares will be Allotted in the dematerialized form
Ensure that the Applications are submitted with the Designated Branch of the SCSBs and details of the
correct bank account have been provided in the Application.
Ensure that there are sufficient funds (equal to {number of Rights Equity Shares (including additional
Rights Equity Shares) applied for} X {Application Money of Rights Equity Shares}) available in ASBA
Account mentioned in the Application Form before submitting the Application to the respective Designated
Branch of the SCSB.
Ensure that you have authorised the SCSB for blocking funds equivalent to the total amount payable on
application mentioned in the Application Form, in the ASBA Account, of which details are provided in the
Application and have signed the same.
Ensure that you have a bank account with an SCSB providing ASBA facility in your location and the
Application is made through that SCSB providing ASBA facility in such location.
Ensure that you receive an acknowledgement from the Designated Branch of the SCSB for your submission
of the Application Form in physical form or plain paper Application.
Ensure that your PAN is linked with Aadhaar and you are in compliance with CBDT notification dated
February 13, 2020 read with press release dated June 25, 2021 and September 17, 2021
Do not submit the Application Form after you have submitted a plain paper Application to a Designated
Branch of the SCSB or vice versa.
Do not send your physical Application to the Lead Manager, the Registrar, the Escrow Collection Bank
(assuming that such Escrow Collection Bank is not an SCSB), a branch of the SCSB which is not a
Designated Branch of the SCSB or our Company; instead submit the same to a Designated Branch of the
SCSB only.
Do not instruct the SCSBs to unblock the funds blocked under the ASBA process.
a) DP ID and Client ID mentioned in Application not matching with the DP ID and Client ID records available
with the Registrar.
b) Sending an Application to the Registrar, Escrow Collection Banks (assuming that such Escrow Collection
Bank is not a SCSB), to a branch of a SCSB which is not a Designated Branch of the SCSB or our Company.
c) Insufficient funds are available in the ASBA Account with the SCSB for blocking the Application Money.
d) Funds in the ASBA Account whose details are mentioned in the Application Form having been frozen
pursuant to regulatory orders.
f) Submission of more than one Application Forms for Rights Entitlements available in a particular demat
g) Multiple Application Forms, including cases where an Investor submits Application Forms along with a
plain paper Application.
h) Submitting the GIR number instead of the PAN (except for Applications on behalf of the Central or State
Government, the residents of Sikkim and the officials appointed by the courts).
i) Applications by persons not competent to contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872, except
Applications by minors having valid demat accounts as per the demographic details provided by the
j) Applications by SCSB on own account, other than through an ASBA Account in its own name with any
other SCSB.
k) Application Forms which are not submitted by the Investors within the time periods prescribed in the
Application Form and this Letter of Offer.
m) Application Forms accompanied by stock invest, outstation cheques, post-dated cheques, money order,
postal order or outstation demand drafts.
n) If an Investor is (a) debarred by SEBI; or (b) if SEBI has revoked the order or has provided any interim
relief then failure to attach a copy of such SEBI order allowing the Investor to subscribe to their Rights
o) Applications which: (i) appears to our Company or its agents to have been executed in, electronically
transmitted from or dispatched from the United States (other than from persons in the United States who
are U.S. QIBs) or other jurisdictions where the offer and sale of the Rights Equity Shares is not permitted
under laws of such jurisdictions; (ii) does not include the relevant certifications set out in the Application
Form, including to the effect that the person submitting and/or renouncing the Application Form is (a)
outside India and the United States and is a foreign corporate or institutional shareholder eligible to
subscribe for the Rights Equity Share under the applicable securities laws or (b) a U.S. QIB in the United
States, and in each case such person is complying with laws of jurisdictions applicable to such person in
connection with this Issue; or (iii) where either a registered Indian address is not provided or where our
Company believes acceptance of such Application Form may infringe applicable legal or regulatory
requirements; and our Company shall not be bound to issue or allot any Rights Equity Shares in respect of
any such Application Form.
p) Applications which have evidence of being executed or made in contravention of applicable securities
q) Details of PAN mentioned in the Application does not match with the PAN records available with the
r) Applications by a non-resident without the approval from RBI with respect to Rule 7 of the Foreign
Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019.
Depository account and bank details for Investors holding Shares in demat accounts and applying in this
Investors applying under this Issue should note that on the basis of name of the Investors, Depository
Participant’s name and identification number and beneficiary account number provided by them in the
Application Form or the plain paper Applications, as the case may be, the Registrar will obtain Demographic
Details from the Depository. Hence, Investors applying under this Issue should carefully fill in their
Depository Account details in the Application.
These Demographic Details would be used for all correspondence with such Investors including mailing of the
letters intimating unblocking of bank account of the respective Investor and/or refund. The Demographic Details
given by the Investors in the Application Form would not be used for any other purposes by the Registrar. Hence,
Investors are advised to update their Demographic Details as provided to their Depository Participants.
The Allotment advice and the email intimating unblocking of ASBA Account or refund (if any) would be
emailed to the address of the Investor as per the email address provided to our Company or the Registrar
or Demographic Details received from the Depositories. The Registrar will give instructions to the SCSBs
for unblocking funds in the ASBA Account to the extent Rights Equity Shares are not Allotted to such
Investor. Please note that any such delay shall be at the sole risk of the Investors and none of our Company,
the SCSBs, Registrar or the Lead Manager shall be liable to compensate the Investor for any losses caused
due to any such delay or be liable to pay any interest for such delay.
In case no corresponding record is available with the Depositories that match three parameters, (a) names of the
Investors (including the order of names of joint holders), (b) the DP ID, and (c) the beneficiary account number,
then such Application
Forms s are liable to be rejected.
Modes of Payment
All payments against the Application Forms shall be made only through ASBA facility. The Registrar will not
accept any payments against the Application Forms, if such payments are not made through ASBA facility.
1. Individual non-resident Indian Applicants who are permitted to subscribe to Rights Equity Shares by
applicable local securities laws can obtain Application Forms on the websites of the Registrar, our
Company and the Lead Manager.
Note: In case of non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights
Entitlement Letter and the Application Form shall be sent to (i) the Indian addresses of the non-resident
Eligible Equity Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, who have provided an Indian address to our
Company; and (ii) the e-mail addresses of the foreign corporate or institutional shareholders.
The Letter of Offer will be provided by the Registrar on behalf of our Company or the Lead Manager to
the Eligible Equity Shareholders at (i) the Indian addresses of the non-resident Eligible Equity
Shareholders, on a reasonable effort basis, who have provided an Indian address to our Company; and
(ii) the e-mail addresses of the foreign corporate or institutional shareholders, in each case who make a
request in this regard.
2. Application Forms will not be accepted from non-resident Investors in any jurisdiction where the offer or
sale of the Rights Entitlements and Rights Equity Shares may be restricted by applicable securities laws.
3. Payment by non-residents must be made only through ASBA facility and using permissible accounts in
accordance with FEMA, FEMA Rules and requirements prescribed by the RBI.
In case where repatriation benefit is available, interest, dividend, sales proceeds derived from the investment in
Rights Equity Shares can be remitted outside India, subject to tax, as applicable according to the Income-tax Act.
In case Rights Equity Shares are Allotted on a non-repatriation basis, the dividend and sale proceeds of the Rights
Equity Shares cannot be remitted outside India.
In case of an Application Form received from non-residents, Allotment, refunds and other distribution, if any, will
be made in accordance with the guidelines and rules prescribed by the RBI as applicable at the time of making such
Allotment, remittance and subject to necessary approval.
In the case of NRIs who remit their Application Money from funds held in FCNR/NRE Accounts, refunds and
other disbursements, if any shall be credited to such account.
Non-resident Renouncees who are not Eligible Equity Shareholders must submit regulatory approval for applying
for additional Rights Equity Shares.
Multiple Applications
In case where multiple Applications are made in respect the Rights Entitlements using same demat account, such
Applications shall be liable to be rejected. However supplementary applications in relation to further Rights Equity
Shares with/without using additional Rights Entitlements will not be treated as multiple application. Similarly, a
separate Application can be made against Equity Shares held in dematerialised form and Equity Shares held in
physical form, and such Applications shall not be treated as multiple applications. A separate Application can be
made in respect of each scheme of a mutual fund registered with SEBI and such Applications shall not be treated
as multiple applications. For details, see “Procedure for Applications by Mutual Funds” below. Cases where
Investor submits Application Forms along with plain paper or multiple plain paper Applications for same Rights
Entitlements shall be treated as multiple applications.
In cases where multiple Application Forms are submitted, such Applications shall be treated as multiple
applications and are liable to be rejected.
If the Application Form is not submitted with an SCSB, uploaded with the Stock Exchange and the Application
Money is not blocked with the SCSB, on or before the Issue Closing Date or such date as may be extended by the
Rights Committee, the invitation to offer contained in this Letter of Offer shall be deemed to have been declined
and the Rights Committee shall be at liberty to dispose of the Rights Equity Shares hereby offered, as provided
under the section, “Basis of Allotment” on page 151.
Please note that on the Issue Closing Date Applications through ASBA process will be uploaded until 5.00 p.m.
(Indian Standard Time) or such extended time as permitted by the Stock Exchange.
Withdrawal of Application
An Investor who has applied in this Issue may withdraw their application at any time during Issue Period by
approaching the SCSB where application is submitted. However, no Investor, applying through ASBA facility,
may withdraw their application post the Issue Closing Date.
Issue Schedule
DATE OF CREDIT (ON OR ABOUT) September 13,2022
DATE OF LISTING (ON OR ABOUT) September 15,2022
Note: The above timetable is indicative in nature and does not constitute any obligation on the Company or the
Lead Manager. While our Company shall ensure that all the steps for completion of all the necessary formalities
for the listing and trading of our equity shares on the main board platforms of BSE are taken within the prescribed
* Eligible Equity Shareholders are requested to ensure that renunciation through off-market transfer is completed
in such a manner that the Rights Entitlements are credited to the demat account of the Renouncees on or prior to
the Issue Closing Date.
# The Board of Directors or the Rights Issue Committee will have the right to extend the Issue period as it may
determine from time to time, provided that this Issue will not remain open in excess of 30 (thirty) days from the
Issue Opening Date. Further, no withdrawal of Application shall be permitted by any Applicant after the Issue
Closing Date.
Please note that if Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date, have
not provided the details of their demat accounts to our Company or to the Registrar, they are required to provide
their demat account details to our Company or the Registrar not later than two Working Days prior to the Issue
Closing Date, i.e., August 25,2022 to enable the credit of the Rights Entitlements by way of transfer from the
demat suspense escrow account to their respective demat accounts, at least one day before the Issue Closing Date.
Our Board / The Rights Issue Committee may however decide to extend the Issue Period as it may determine from
time to time but not exceeding 30 days from the Issue Opening Date (inclusive of the Issue Opening Date).
Basis of Allotment
Subject to the provisions contained in this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement
Letter, the Application Form, the Articles of Association and the approval of the Designated Stock Exchange, our
Board will proceed to Allot the Rights Equity Shares in the following order of priority:
a) Full Allotment to those Eligible Equity Shareholders who have applied for their Rights Entitlements of
Rights Equity Shares either in full or in part and also to the Renouncee(s) who has or have applied for
Rights Equity Shares renounced in their favour, in full or in part.
b) Eligible Equity Shareholders whose fractional entitlements are being ignored and Eligible Equity
Shareholders with zero entitlement, would be given preference in allotment of one additional Rights Equity
Share each if they apply for additional Rights Equity Shares. Allotment under this head shall be considered
if there are any unsubscribed Rights Equity Shares after allotment under (a) above. If number of Rights
Equity Shares required for Allotment under this head are more than the number of Rights Equity Shares
available after Allotment under (a) above, the Allotment would be made on a fair and equitable basis in
consultation with the Designated Stock Exchange and will not be a preferential allotment.
c) Allotment to the Eligible Equity Shareholders who having applied for all the Rights Equity Shares offered
to them as part of this Issue, have also applied for additional Rights Equity Shares. The Allotment of such
additional Rights Equity Shares will be made as far as possible on an equitable basis having due regard to
the number of Equity Shares held by them on the Record Date, provided there are any unsubscribed Rights
Equity Shares after making full Allotment in (a) and (b) above. The Allotment of such Rights Equity Shares
will be at the sole discretion of our Board in consultation with the Designated Stock Exchange, as a part of
this Issue and will not be a preferential allotment.
d) Allotment to Renouncees who having applied for all the Rights Equity Shares renounced in their favour,
have applied for additional Rights Equity Shares provided there is surplus available after making full
Allotment under (a), (b) and (c) above. The Allotment of such Rights Equity Shares will be made on a
proportionate basis in consultation with the Designated Stock Exchange, as a part of this Issue and will not
be a preferential allotment.
e) Allotment to any other person, that our Board may deem fit, provided there is surplus available after making
Allotment under (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, and the decision of our Board in this regard shall be final and
binding. After taking into account Allotment to be made under (a) to (d) above, if there is any unsubscribed
portion, the same shall be deemed to be ‘unsubscribed’.
1. The amount to be transferred from the ASBA Account to the separate bank account opened by our
Company for this Issue, for each successful Application;
2. The date by which the funds referred to above, shall be transferred to the aforesaid bank account; and
3. The details of rejected ASBA applications, if any, to enable the SCSBs to unblock the respective ASBA
Further, the list of Applicants eligible for refund with corresponding amount will also be shared with Escrow
Collection Bank to refund such Applicants.
The Rights Entitlements will be credited in the dematerialized form using electronic credit under the depository
system and the Allotment advice shall be sent, through email, to the email address provided to our Company or at
the address recorded with the Depository.
In the case of non-resident Investors who remit their Application Money from funds held in the NRE or the FCNR
Accounts, refunds and/or payment of interest or dividend and other disbursements, if any, shall be credited to such
Payment of Refund
Investors shall be Allotted the Rights Equity Shares in dematerialized (electronic) form.
The procedure for availing the facility for Allotment of Rights Equity Shares in this Issue in the dematerialised
form is as under:
1. Open a beneficiary account with any depository participant (care should be taken that the beneficiary
account should carry the name of the holder in the same manner as is registered in the records of our
Company. In the case of joint holding, the beneficiary account should be opened carrying the names of the
holders in the same order as registered in the records of our Company). In case of Investors having various
folios in our Company with different joint holders, the Investors will have to open separate accounts for
such holdings. Those Investors who have already opened such beneficiary account(s) need not adhere to
this step.
2. It should be ensured that the depository account is in the name(s) of the Investors and the names are in the
same order as in the records of our Company or the Depositories.
3. The responsibility for correctness of information filled in the Application Form vis-a-vis such information
with the Investor’s depository participant, would rest with the Investor. Investors should ensure that the
names of the Investors and the order in which they appear in Application Form should be the same as
registered with the Investor’s depository participant.
4. If incomplete or incorrect beneficiary account details are given in the Application Form, the Investor will
not get any Rights Equity Shares and the Application Form will be rejected.
5. The Rights Equity Shares will be allotted to Applicants only in dematerialized form and would be directly
credited to the beneficiary account as given in the Application Form after verification or demat suspense
account (pending receipt of demat account details for resident Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity
Shares in physical form/ with IEPF authority/ in suspense, etc.). Allotment advice, refund order (if any)
would be sent directly to the Applicant by email and, if the printing is feasible, through physical dispatch,
by the Registrar but the Applicant’s depository participant will provide to him the confirmation of the credit
of such Rights Equity Shares to the Applicant’s depository account.
6. Non-transferable Allotment advice/ refund intimation will be directly sent to the Investors by the Registrar,
by email and, if the printing is feasible, through physical dispatch.
7. Renouncees will also have to provide the necessary details about their beneficiary account for Allotment
of Rights Equity Shares in this Issue. In case these details are incomplete or incorrect, the Application is
liable to be rejected. Resident Eligible Equity Shareholders, who hold Equity Shares in physical form and
who have not furnished the details of their demat account to the Registrar or our Company at least two
Working Days prior to the Issue Closing Date, desirous of subscribing to Rights Equity Shares in this Issue
must check the procedure for application by and credit of Rights Equity Shares to such Eligible Equity
Shareholders in “Procedure for Application by Eligible Equity Shareholders holding Equity Shares in
physical form” on page 143.
FPIs are permitted to participate in this Issue subject to compliance with conditions and restrictions which may be
specified by the Government from time to time. The FPIs who wish to participate in the Offer are advised to use
the Application Form for non-residents. Subject to compliance with all applicable Indian laws, rules, regulations,
guidelines and approvals in terms of Regulation 21 of the SEBI FPI Regulations, an FPI may issue, subscribe to or
otherwise deal in offshore derivative instruments (as defined under the SEBI FPI Regulations as any instrument,
by whatever name called, which is issued overseas by an FPI against Shares held by it that are listed or proposed
to be listed on any recognised stock exchange in India, as its underlying) directly or indirectly, only in the event (i)
such offshore derivative instruments are issued only to persons registered as Category I FPI under the SEBI FPI
Regulations; (ii) such offshore derivative instruments are issued only to persons who are eligible for registration as
Category I FPIs (where an entity has an investment manager who is from the Financial Action Task Force member
country, the investment manager shall not be required to be registered as a Category I FPI); (iii) such offshore
derivative instruments are issued after compliance with ‘know your client’ norms; and (iv) compliance with other
conditions as may be prescribed by SEBI.
An FPI issuing offshore derivative instruments is also required to ensure that any transfer of offshore derivative
instruments issued by or on its behalf, is carried out subject to inter alia the following conditions: (a) such offshore
derivative instruments are transferred only to persons in accordance with the SEBI FPI Regulations; and (b) prior
consent of the FPI is obtained for such transfer, except when the persons to whom the offshore derivative
instruments are to be transferred to are pre – approved by the FPI.
As per the SEBI VCF Regulations and SEBI FVCI Regulations, VCFs and FVCIs are not permitted to invest in
listed companies pursuant to rights issues. Accordingly, applications by VCFs or FVCIs will not be accepted in
this Issue. Venture capital funds registered as Category I AIFs, as defined in the SEBI AIF Regulations, are not
permitted to invest in listed companies pursuant to rights issues. Accordingly, applications by venture capital funds
registered as category I AIFs, as defined in the SEBI AIF Regulations, will not be accepted in this Issue. Other
categories of AIFs are permitted to apply in this Issue subject to compliance with the SEBI AIF Regulations. Such
AIFs having bank accounts with SCSBs that are providing ASBA in cities / centres where such AIFs are located
are mandatorily required to make use of the ASBA facility. Otherwise, applications of such AIFs are liable for
As per the FEMA Rules, an NRI or Overseas Citizen of India (“OCI”) may purchase or sell capital instruments of
a listed Indian company on repatriation basis, on a recognised stock exchange in India, subject to the conditions,
inter alia, that the total holding by any individual NRI or OCI will not exceed 5% of the total paid - up equity capital
on a fully diluted basis or should not exceed 5% of the paid-up value of each series of debentures or preference
shares or share warrants issued by an Indian company and the total holdings of all NRIs and OCIs put together will
not exceed 10% of the total paid-up equity capital on a fully diluted basis or shall not exceed 10% of the paid-up
value of each series of debentures or preference shares or share warrants. The aggregate ceiling of 10% may be
raised to 24%, if a special resolution to that effect is passed by the general body of the Indian company.
Further, in accordance with press note 3 of 2020, the FDI Policy has been recently amended to state that all
investments by entities incorporated in a country which shares land border with India or where the beneficial owner
of an investment into India is situated in or is a citizen of any such country (“Restricted Investors”), will require
prior approval of the Government of India. It is not clear from the press note whether or not an issuance of the
Rights Equity Shares to Restricted Investors will also require a prior approval of the Government of India and each
As a matter of abundant caution, attention of the Investors is specifically drawn to the provisions of Section 38 of
the Companies Act, 2013 which is reproduced below:
“Any person who makes or abets making of an application in a fictitious name to a company for acquiring, or
subscribing for, its Shares; or makes or abets making of multiple applications to a company in different names
or in different combinations of his name or surname for acquiring or subscribing for its Shares; or otherwise
induces directly or indirectly a company to allot, or register any transfer of, Shares to him, or to any other person
in a fictitious name, shall be liable for action under Section 447.”
The liability prescribed under Section 447 of the Companies Act for fraud involving an amount of at least ₹ 10
lakhs or 1% of the turnover of the company, whichever is lower, includes imprisonment for a term of not less than
six months extending up to 10 years (provided that where the fraud involves public interest, such term shall not be
less than three years) and fine of an amount not less than the amount involved in the fraud, extending up to three
times of such amount.
In case the fraud involves (i) an amount which is less than ₹ 10 lakhs or 1% of the turnover of the company,
whichever is lower; and (ii) does not involve public interest, then such fraud is punishable with an imprisonment
for a term extending up to five years or a fine of an amount extending up to ₹ 50 lakhs or with both.
Payment by stockinvest
In terms of RBI Circular DBOD No. FSC BC 42/24.47.00/2003- 04 dated November 5, 2003, the stockinvest
scheme has been withdrawn. Hence, payment through stockinvest would not be accepted in this Issue.
The Rights Committee reserves its full, unqualified and absolute right to accept or reject any Application, in whole
or in part, and in either case without assigning any reason thereto.
In cases where refunds are applicable, such refunds shall be made within a period of 15 days. In case of failure to
do so, our Company and the Directors who are “officers in default” shall pay interest at the prescribed rate. In case
an Application is rejected in full, the whole of the Application Money will be unblocked in the respective ASBA
Accounts, in case of Applications through ASBA. Wherever an Application is rejected in part, the balance of
Application Money, if any, after adjusting any money due on Rights Equity Shares Allotted, will be refunded /
unblocked in the respective bank accounts from which Application Money was received / ASBA Accounts of the
Investor within a period of 15 days from the Issue Closing Date. In case of failure to do so, our Company shall pay
interest at such rate and within such time as specified under applicable law.
The complaints received in respect of the issue shall be attended to by our Company expeditiously and
All steps for completion of the necessary formalities for listing and commencement of trading at all stock
exchange where the Right Equity Shares are to be listed are taken within the time limit specified by the
The funds required for making refunds to unsuccessful applicants as per the mode(s) disclosed shall be
made available to the Registrar to the issue by our Company.
Where refunds are made through electronic transfer of funds, a suitable communication shall be sent to the
applicant within 15 days of closure of the issue giving details of the bank where refunds shall be credited
along with amount and expected date of electronic credit of refund.
Where release of block on the application amount for unsuccessful bidders or part of the application amount
in case of proportionate allotment, a suitable communication shall be sent to the applicants.
A. All monies received out of issue of this Right Equity Issue to the public shall be transferred to a separate
bank account.
B. Details of all monies utilized out of this Right Issue referred to in clause (A) above shall be disclosed under
an appropriate separate head in the balance sheet of our Company indicating the purpose for which such
monies had been utilised; and
C. Details of all unutilized monies out of this Right Issue referred to in clause (A) above, if any, shall be
disclosed under an appropriate separate head in the balance sheet of our Company indicating the form in
which such unutilized monies have been invested.
Please read this Letter of Offer carefully before taking any action. The instructions contained in the Application
Form, Abridged Letter of Offer and the Rights Entitlement Letter are an integral part of the conditions of this Letter
of Offer and must be carefully followed; otherwise the Application is liable to be rejected.
All enquiries in connection with this Letter of Offer, the Abridged Letter of Offer, the Rights Entitlement Letter or
Application Form must be addressed (quoting the Registered Folio Number or the DP ID and Client ID number,
the Application Form number and the name of the first Eligible Equity Shareholder as mentioned on the Application
Form and super scribed “ADD-SHOP E-RETAIL LIMITED – RIGHT ISSUE” on the envelope and postmarked
in India or in the email) to the Registrar at the following address:
In accordance with SEBI Rights Issue Circulars, frequently asked questions and online/ electronic dedicated
investor helpdesk for guidance on the Application process and resolution of difficulties faced by the Investors will
This Issue will remain open for a minimum 7 days. However, the Rights Committee will have the right to extend
the Issue Period as it may determine from time to time but not exceeding 30 days from the Issue Opening Date
(inclusive of the Issue Closing Date).
There are two routes through which foreign investors may invest in India. One is the “automatic route”, where no
government approval is required under Indian foreign exchange laws to make an investment as long as it is within
prescribed thresholds for the relevant sector. The other route is the “government route”, where an approval is
required under foreign exchange laws from the relevant industry regulator, prior to the investment.
Foreign investment in Indian securities is regulated through the Industrial Policy, 1991, of the Government of India
and FEMA. While the Industrial Policy, 1991, of the Government of India, prescribes the limits and the conditions
subject to which foreign investment can be made in different sectors of the Indian economy, FEMA regulates the
precise manner in which such investment may be made. The Union Cabinet, as provided in the Cabinet Press
Release dated May 24, 2017, has given its approval for phasing out the FIPB. Under the Industrial Policy, 1991,
unless specifically restricted, foreign investment is freely permitted in all sectors of the Indian economy up to any
extent and without any prior approvals, but the foreign investor is required to follow certain prescribed procedures
for making such investment. Accordingly, the process for foreign direct investment (“FDI”) and approval from the
Government of India will now be handled by the concerned ministries or departments, in consultation with the
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of
India (formerly known as the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion) (“DPIIT”), Ministry of Finance,
Department of Economic Affairs, FIPB section, through a memorandum dated June 5, 2017, has notified the
specific ministries handling relevant sectors.
The Government has, from time to time, made policy pronouncements on FDI through press notes and press
releases. The DPIIT issued the Consolidated FDI Policy Circular of 2020 (“FDI Policy”) by way of circular bearing
number DPIIT file number 5(2)/2020-FDI Policy dated October 15, 2020, which with effect from October 15, 2020,
consolidates and supersedes all previous press notes, press releases and clarifications on FDI issued by the DPIIT
that were in force and effect as on October 15, 2020. The Government of India has from time to time made policy
pronouncements on FDI through press notes and press releases which are notified by RBI as amendments to FEMA.
In case of any conflict between FEMA and such policy pronouncements, FEMA prevails.
As per Rule 7 of the Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019, the RBI has given general
permission to Indian companies to issue rights securities to non-resident shareholders including additional rights
securities. Further, as per the Master Direction on Foreign Investment in India dated January 4, 2018 issued by the
RBI, non-residents may, inter alia, (i) subscribe for additional securities over and above their rights entitlement;
(ii) renounce the securities offered to them either in full or part thereof in favour of a person named by them; or
(iii) apply for the securities renounced in their favour. Applications received from NRIs and non-residents for
allotment of Rights Equity Shares shall be inter alia, subject to the conditions imposed from time to time by the
RBI under the FEMA in the matter of refund of Application Money, Allotment of Rights Equity Shares and issue
of Allotment advice. This Letter of Offer, Abridged Letter of Offer, Rights Entitlement Letter and Application
Form shall be dispatched to non-resident Eligible Equity Shareholders at their Indian address only. If an NR or NRI
Investors has specific approval from the RBI, in connection with his shareholding, he should enclose a copy of
such approval with the Application. Our Board may at its absolute discretion, agree to such terms and conditions
as may be stipulated by RBI while approving the allotment of Rights Equity Shares. The Rights Equity Shares
purchased by non-residents shall be subject to the same conditions including restrictions in regard to the repatriation
as are applicable to the original Equity Shares against which Rights Equity Shares are issued on rights basis.
As per the existing policy of the Government of India, erstwhile OCBs cannot participate in this Issue.
The Rights Entitlements, Rights Equity Shares and Equity Shares have not been and will not be registered under
the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), or the securities laws of any state of the
United States and may not be offered or sold within the United States, except pursuant to exemption from, or in a
transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities
laws. Accordingly, the Rights Entitlements and Rights Equity Shares are being offered and sold only outside the
United States in offshore transactions in reliance on Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act and the applicable
laws of the jurisdiction where those offers, and sale occur. The Rights Entitlements, Rights Equity Shares and
Equity Shares have not been and will not be registered, listed or otherwise qualified in any other jurisdiction outside
India and may not be offered or sold, and Applications may not be made by persons in any such jurisdiction, except
in compliance with the applicable laws of such jurisdiction.
The above information is given for the benefit of the Applicants. Our Company and the Lead Manager are not
liable for any amendments or modifications or changes in applicable laws or regulations, which may occur after
the date of this Letter of Offer. Applicants are advised to consult their legal counsel, to make their independent
A) Please note that in accordance with Regulation 77A of the SEBI ICDR Regulations read with the SEBI
Rights Issue Circulars, the credit of Rights Entitlements and Allotment of Equity Shares shall be made
in dematerialised form only.
1. Issue Agreement dated June 9, 2022 entered into among our Company and the Lead Manager.
2. RTA Agreement dated June 10, 2022 entered into among our Company and the Registrar to the Issue.
3. Escrow Agreement dated July 05, 2022 among our Company, the Lead Manager, the Registrar to the Issue
and the Banker to the Issue.
B. Material Documents
1. Certified copies of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of our Company.
2. Certificate of Incorporation of our Company dated August 20, 2013 issued by Registrar of Companies, Gujarat,
Dadra and Nagar Havelli in the name of Add-Shop Promotions Private Limited. Subsequent Certificate of
Incorporation dated June 21, 2018 in the name of Add-Shop Promotions Limited and Certificate of Incorporation
dated May 26, 2020 in the name of Add-Shop E-Retail Limited.
3. Resolution of the Board of Directors of our Company under section 62 of the Companies Act, 2013 dated June
3, 2022 authorizing the Issue.
4. Resolution of the Board/Rights Issue Committee dated July 27,2022 approving the terms of the Issue.
5. Resolution of our Board dated July 27,2022 approving the Letter of Offer.
6. Consents of Directors, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Statutory Auditors,
Legal Advisor to the Issue, Banker to the Issue, Lead Manager, Registrar to the Issue, to include their names in
the Letter of Offer to act in their respective capacities.
7. Annual Reports of our Company for Fiscal, 2021, 2020, 2019,2018 and 2017.
8. The report of the Statutory Auditor, in relation to the Audited Financial statement for the Financial ended
2021-22 and Un-Audited Financial Results for the Quarter Ended on June 30, 2022 along with Limited
Review Report as reported to BSE.
9. Statement of Tax Benefits from statutory auditor of the company dated July 27,2022.
10. In-principle listing approval dated July 01, 2022 from the BSE Limited.
Any of the contracts or documents mentioned in this Letter of Offer may be amended or modified at any time if so
required in the interest of our Company or if required by the other parties, without reference to the Eligible Equity
Shareholders, subject to compliance with applicable law.
We, hereby declare that no statement made in this Letter of Offer contravenes any of the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder. All the legal requirements connected with the issue as also
the guidelines, instructions etc., issued by SEBI, Government and any other competent authority in this behalf,
have been duly complied with.
We further certify that all the statements in this Letter of Offer are true and correct.
S/d- Sd/-
_______________________ _________________________
Mr. Nirajkumar Kishorbhai Malaviya Mr. Dev Dineshbhai Pandya