A Brief Architectural Overview of Alice
A Brief Architectural Overview of Alice
A Brief Architectural Overview of Alice
Alice Team: Randy Pausch (head), Tommy Burnette, A. C. Capehart, Matthew Conway, Dennis
Cosgrove, Rob DeLine, Jim Durbin, Rich Gossweiler, Shuichi Koga, Jeff White
Table of Contents
We are developing Alice, a rapid prototyping system for virtual reality software. Alice programs
are written in an object-oriented, interpreted language which allows programmers to immediately
see the effects of changes. As an Alice program executes, the author can update the current state
either by interactively evaluating program code fragments, or by manipulating GUI tools.
Although the system is extremely flexible at runtime, we are able to maintain high interactive
frame rates (typically, 20-50 fps) by transparently decoupling simulation and rendering. We have
been using Alice internally at Virginia for over two years, and we are currently porting a
"desktop" version of Alice to Windows 95. We will distribute desktop Alice freely to all
universities via the World Wide Web; for more information, see
To support this goal, we are developing Alice, a rapid prototyping environment which can
generate environments such as the one shown in Figure 1. The name "Alice" honors Lewis
Carroll's heroine, who explored a rapidly changing, dynamic environment.
Many of our VR programs were developed using a two-person model, where the immersed
participant uses the first mode of interaction and is assisted by a person at a desktop station using
the second two modes. This is useful because the rapid prototyping cycle is so fast that
constantly donning the equipment and coming back out to change the code is too time-
Because Alice is targeted towards novice programmers, it is important that Python, more than
languages such as Tcl or Scheme, can be mastered by new Alice programmers with little effort.
For example, the following code snippet sorts a list of words and prints those that start with a
Alice provides a set of Python classes for creating and manipulating geometric objects in three-
dimensional environments. Alice models the world as a hierarchical collection of objects; Figure
2 shows the hierarchy of objects in the scene from Figure 1. By default, an objects moves in its
parent's coordinate system: a billiards ball, for example, specifies its position relative to the
billiards table. If the billiards table is moved within the room, all the balls will move with it. The
parent/child relationships in the hierarchy can be reorganized on-the-fly. To have the cue ball
hop off the table and onto the floor, one could type
Some popular systems [INVENTOR] provide hierarchically organized rendering lists, which are
fundamentally different from the Alice-style hierarchy. In a hierarchical rendering list, the
system performs an inorder traversal of the data structure, and performs operations at each node.
However, the order of the traversal is important. For example, if the system traverses a node
containing a chair's geometry before the system traverses a node containing a light, the chair will
not appear lit by the light, even though other objects in the environment will. While hierarchical
rendering lists are very flexible, they make it difficult to implement and maintain intuitively
simple structures. In contrast, Alice programmers can place headlights in a virtual automobile
hierarchy, and then drive that car around the environment, without worrying about internal
ordering in the tree. In a hierarchical rendering list where order matters, the programmer would
have to ensure that the headlight node be traversed before all the other nodes in the scene graph,
which is awkward at best.
In a similar fashion, Alice allows programmers to have multiple cameras in the hierarchy, each
of which render to separate windows on the screen. For example, to interactively add a separate
"cue ball's eye view" window in the billiards simulation, an Alice programmer can type:
cueBallCamera = Camera()
By default, transformations on Alice objects are performed in the coordinate system defined by
that object's parent. However, by adding an extra parameter to any operation, the programmer
can have that operation performed in any object's frame of reference, regardless of where that
reference object lives in the hierarchy. We have found this mechanism extraordinarily useful in a
variety of surprising ways. For example, when creating a new object in the environment, it is
often difficult to place it in a location where the immersed participant can see it. However, with
the ability to move in any object's coordinate system, we can place the object one meter in front
of the participant's head. Note that this does not make the object a child of the participant's head,
it merely places the object in a location relative to the head's current position when the move is
Each Alice object has a list of action routines, or callbacks, which are executed each frame of the
simulation. These action routines are responsible for changing the internal state of the object
(position, orientation, application-specific state, etc.) for the next animation frame. For example,
in Figure 1, the action routines for each ball could compute the physics of their collisions, the
bunny might beat his drum, and the cue stick might sample input devices worn by the immersed
In addition to the "once per frame" action callbacks, Alice objects can also employ a time-based
animation facility. Any of the standard operations on Alice objects (e.g. move, rotate, setColor)
can be made to animate over a given time period, merely by passing in an extra parameter to the
method call. So, instead of teleporting from the old location to the new, the object smoothly
animates over time. By default, these animations employ slow-in/slow-out
(acceleration/deceleration), but the programmer can choose other interpolation functions or
supply a custom function of his own design.
In Alice, we separate the simulation frames from the rendering frames by using a multiple
process architecture, typically with each process running on a separate CPU. This allows the
participant to interact in real-time, even when the application-level simulation computations
become complex. This is useful because even though the changes to the environment (e.g. the
position of the billiard balls) might only update twice a second, the participant's viewpoint in the
head-mounted display, being fed by the tracking devices, will update more rapidly, and that is
the frame rate that must be kept high at all costs, in order to maintain the illusion of presence in
an environment.
To accomplish this separation, we have two main processes: the first computes the simulation
and maintains its state, and the second maintains a geometric database and renders it from the
participant's current point of view. Together, this allows Alice to support the billiards example
where the balls update their positions at, say, 5 simulation frames/second, while the participant
can walk around the table and have his viewpoint updated at, say, 30 rendering frames/second.
These processes typically run on separate machines connected by a local area network.
Several other VR systems, including the MR Toolkit [MR], also use multiple processes, but they
require the programmer to control both: one process is typically viewed as the "interaction
process" and the other is the "computation process," and the programmer must explicitly handle
all data communication between the two. In Alice, we make the process separation transparent to
the programmer, who writes a single-process simulation. Figure 3 shows a block diagram of the
When the simulation process begins, it transparently spawns a rendering process on a remote
machine. As the simulation process runs, it updates its local database, and queues update
commands for the rendering processes, which are sent over the network as an atomic unit at the
end of each simulation frame. A device handling process is also spawned, which streams updates
of multiple six-degree-of-freedom trackers to both the simulation and rendering processes. The
rendering process needs the information in order to draw the environment, and the simulation
process needs it because some objects in the hierarchical database are "attached" to trackers for
their current position and orientation, and the program may query that information. During each
rendering frame, the rendering process walks the tree and renders graphics via the openGL
graphics library, and localized sound via Crystal River Engineering's Beachtron card. Because
the rendering process always has a consistent set of simulation data, it can render multiple
viewpoint (and hand position) updates while the simulation computes the next computational
change to the database. Discrete input devices, such as buttons, send events over the network to
the simulation process.
The rendering process can read database update commands from the network and update its
cache of the database in a small fraction of the time that it takes to render the graphics, so the
networked database updates do not substantially affect system performance. The key observation
about the multiple process architecture is that this is all transparent to the programmer, who
merely writes a program in Python.
The hierarchical database and frame rate separation interact quite nicely. For example, consider
what happens if the participant reaches up and grabs an animated toy, such as the mechanical
bunny. First, the simulation detects the grab event via gesture recognition or a button press. The
simulation responds by re-parenting the bunny from the room to the participant's hand. This
command would be sent over, and updated in the renderer's cache. Although the animation of the
bunny's beating his drum, as a simulation operation, might still only be updated 5 times per
second, the bunny (as a child of the hand, driven by the tracker), would follow with the
participant's hand at 30 frames/second. In our experience, participants are not bothered by this
dichotomy. The system must respond to the participant's motions as rapidly as possible, but the
other animations in the environment can more safely degrade, even when the participant is
grasping an animated object!
This approach works less well if the animations themselves are meant to be low-latency feedback
techniques. For example, in applications which attempt to grid the user's hand to fixed distances,
participants are more sensitive to lower simulation frame rates. We have not yet found these
cases to be motivating enough to implement a three-level separation into
We have been using Alice at the University of Virginia for two years. We have a rapidly growing
library of geometric objects and Python classes which embody object behavior, and we have
used Alice twice in our graduate level computer graphics course. On several occasions,
researchers from other organizations have used Alice productively during two-day visits; we see
this as the best end-validation of our system's simplicity and utility.
We are currently porting Alice to Microsoft Windows 95, where Alice will be a desktop system
for interactive 3D graphic using a mouse and keyboard. We will distribute this version of Alice
freely to all universities via the Internet.
[PYTHON] Guido van Rossum, Interactively Testing Remote Servers Using the Python
Programming Language. This paper, and more information on Python is available from
ftp://ftp.cwi.nl or http://www.cwi.nl/~guido/Python.html.
[INVENTOR] Paul Strauss and Rikk Carey, An Object-Oriented 3D Graphics Toolkit, Computer
Graphics (SIGGRAPH `92 Proceedings), 26:2, July 1992, pages 341-350. More information is
available via the World Wide Web at http://www.sgi.com/Technology/Inventor.html.
[MR] Chris Shaw, Jiandog Liang, Mark Green, and Yungi Sun, The Decoupled Simulation
Model for Virtual Reality Systems, Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in
Computer Systems Conference, May, 1992, Monterey, California, pages 321-328. More
information is available via the World Wide Web at
Our thanks to the many members of the UVa User Interface Group who have worked on Alice,
and to Charles Choi, who built custom input devices for us. We are also grateful to the UVa
Computer Science Department, which has been very supportive of our group. This and other
work by the UVa User Interface Group is supported in part by ARPA, NSF, NASA, SAIC, and
the Commonwealth of Virginia.