Pathology Exam2
Pathology Exam2
Pathology Exam2
Pathology Exam
Section ( I) MCQs
Answer the questions by (T) for true and ( F) for false statements
Pathology Exam
Section ( I) MCQs
Answer the questions by (T) for true and ( F) for false statements
1- Inflammation
a- is vascular response to injury
b- can be caused by radiation االشعاع
c- is always harmful دائما مؤذي
d- can be reduced by Aspirin
e- is due to release of chemical mediators افراز وسائط كيميائية
2- Necrosis is النخــــــر هو
a- death of single cell
b- death of group of cells
c- abnormal mass of tissue
d- decrease in the size of tissues
e- fibrosis and new blood vessels formation
3- Edema can be caused by الوزمة
a- acute inflammation
b- chronic inflammation
c- low serum proteins نقص االلبيومين
d- lymphatic obstruction
e- histamine
4- clinical signs of shock include
a- hypertension ارتفاع الضغط
b- cold and pale skin الجلد شاحب
c- sunken eyes
d- disturbed conciseness اضطراب الوعي
e- all of the above
5- Malignant tumors
a- can be caused by chemical substances
b- are capsulated
c- can cause anemia and weight loss
d- treated by surgery onlyالعالج جراحي فقط
e- has good prognosis
6- Anti-tuberculous drugs
a- streptomycin is ototoxic يؤثر علي السمع
b- INH causes red urine
c- Ethambutol is a bactericidal drug
d- Pyrazinamide should not be giver to children
e- Drugs given in combinations to avoid resistance
7- Chloramphinicol is used in treatment of :
a- meningitis
b- leprosy
c- amoebaiasis
d- typhoid fever
e- Kalazar
8- Complications of malaria include
a- sever anemia and jaundice يرقان
b- renal failure
c- malignant tumors in the brain
d- black urine
e- all of the above
9- Syphilis
a- Caused by parasites
b- is venereal disease من االمراض التناسلية
c- can present with skin rash طفح جلدي
d- diagnosed by VDRL test
e- treated by penicillin
10- Post primary pulmonary tuberculosis
a- in adults
b- has mild sign and symptoms
c- causes hemoptesis تفاف دموى
d- lead to anemia
e- treatment is for 10 days
11- Kalazar
a- is caused by leishmania Donovani in Sudan
b- present with large spleen
c- can cause bleeding نزيف
d- transmitted by mosquitoes
e- pentostam is used in treatment
12- Acute bacterial meningitis
a- caused by bacteria called Neisseria meningitides
b- present with photophobia and convulsions
c- vaccination in Sudan is for type A
d- can cause blindness
e- treated by penicillin and chloramphinical
13- Schistosoma mansoni infectionبلهارسيا المستقيم
a- not found in Sudan
b- can cause liver fibrosisتليف الكبد
c- the infective stage is the miracidium الطور المعدي
d- can cause hematemesis استفراغ دموي
e- treated by praziquanted in single dose
14- Tuberculoid leprosy
a- immunity is high
b- affect only skin and nerves
c- can be mistaken as fungal infection
d- can cause limp amputation
e- Dapson is used in treatment
15- In study of diseases
a- Etiology is the causes of the disease
b- Pathogenesis is how it happen
c- Diagnosis is signs and symptoms
d- Prognosis is the out come النتيجة النهائية
e- Epidemiology is disease distribution توزيع المرض ومدي انتشاره