List of Animal Health Products: Kooperatibang Pangkabuhayan NG Sta. Maria

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San Gabriel, Sta. Maria, Bulacan


Product Active Indications Dosage Packaging SRP
Amikin Amikacin Amikacin is clinically to treat serious gram-negative Swine: 0.10-0.20 ml/kg body 30 ml 790.00
Sulphate infections in most species. It is often used in settings where weight for 3-5 consecutive 8 bottles x 30 ml 6,000.00
gentamicin-resistant bacteria are a clinical problem. The days. Intramuscular 12 bottles x 30 ml 9,000.00
inherent toxicity of the aminoglycosides limit their Poultry: 0.16-0.32 ml /head 50 ml 1,250.00
systematic use to serious infections when there is either to be given for 3-5 8 bottles x 50 ml 10,400.00
a document lack of susceptibility to other less toxic anti- consecutive days or 0.5 ml 12 bottles x 50 ml 15,500.00
biotics or when the clinical situation dictates immediate to be given for 3-5. 100 ml 2,500.00
treatments of presumed gram-negative infection before Intramuscular

culture and susceptibility results are reported.

Draxxin Tulathromycin, Swine: Treatment of swine respiratory 1 ml/40 kg BW, IM 50 ml 9,720.00

Monothioglycerol disease associated with Actrinobacillus once every 3-5 days

pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida,

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Borditella

bronchiseptica and Haemophilus parasuis.

For the preventive treatment of respiratory

disease (i.e.metaphylaxis) in swine at

high risk of developing SR associated with

Actinobacillus pleuropneuminiae, Pasteurella

multocida and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae

sensitive to tulathromycin.
Product Active Indications Dosage Packaging SRP
Fenisin-D Florfenicol Treatment of common bacterial infections in domestic 1 ml/10 kg BW, IM 100 ml 760.00
Tylosin animals where combination of anti-bacterial and anti- once a day, for 3-4
Dexamethasone inflammatory therapy is required. It is effective in the consecutive days.
control of disease such as APP Pnuemonia, Mycoplasmosis
Mastitis-Metritis Syndrome, Vibriosis, Lesptospirosis
Arthritis, Salmonellosis, and Soft-tissue infections.

Terramycin /LA Oxytetracycline Oxytetracycline dihydrate (Terramycin/LA) solution for Single dose rate of 1 ml 100 ml 620.00
Dihydrate injection is indicated for the treatment and control of per 10 kg bodyweight in swine
bacterial respiratory diseases of swine, cattle, sheep, cattle, sheep, goats and
goats, deer, poultry, and rabbits. It is recommended deer, and 0.25 ml per kg body
whenever prolonged antibiotic therapy is indicated, but weight in poultry (chicken,
where for practical, economic or veterinary reasons, turkeys) and rabbits.
frequent animal handling and repeat dosing is not feasible. Intramuscular injection
route should be used in all
animals except in young pigs
under 10 kg bodyweight,
poultry and rabbits where
subcutaneous injection is

Vetrimoxin LA Amoxicillin Treatment of respiratory diseases caused by amoxicillin-sensitive 20 mg of Amoxicillin/kg body 100 ml 990.00
(Amoxicillin) Trihydrate bacteria and particularly pasteurellosis. weight, as 1.5 mL of Amoxicillin
suspension for injection per 10 kg
body weigh. This can be repeated
48 hours later if necesseary.

2. Oral Solution
Enrofloxacin 10% Enrofloxacin Treatment and prevention of infectious diseases 4 ml/gal of drinking 100 ml 120.00
caused by gram-negative and gram-positive water for 5 days 1 liter 940.00
bacteria including Mycoplasma. Enrofloxacin is 1 gallon 2,800.00
of particular value against complicated CRD,
Colisepticemia pasteurellosis, coryza,
salmonellosis and all forms of mycoplasmosis.

Gentamycin 10% Gentamycin For control and treatment of colibacillosis caused 1 ml/2 gal of 100 ml 240.00
Sulphate by strains of Escherichia coli sensitive to drinking water for 3 1 liter 1,950.00
Gentamycin and swine dysentery associated with consecutive days
Treponema hyodysenteriae.
Product Active Indications Dosage Packaging SRP
Norfloxacin 20% Norfloxacin In poultry, for the prevention and treatment of Infectious 5 ml/5 gal of drinking 100 ml 110.00
Coryza, Salmonellosis, Staphylococcosis, Fowl Cholera, water for 5-7 days. 1 liter 850.00
Infectious Synovitis and Mycoplasmosis Chronic 1 gallon 3,240.00
Respiratory Disease, Air sacculitis and Colisepticemia.
In swine, for the prevention and treatment of
Colibacillosis, Brucellosis, hemophilus infection,
Colisepticemia, Mycoplasmal pnuemonia, Mastitis-
Metritis-Agalactia Syndrome, Atrophic Rhinitis, Swine
dysentery, Salmonellosis and other gastrointestinal tract
and urogenital infections.
3. Water Soluble Powder
Amoxicillin 20% Amocixillin For the prevention and treatment of respiratory, 2 tsp. or 10 grams of 1 kg 525.00
Trihydrate systemic and local infections caused by Amoxicil- drinking water for
lin sensitive organism such as gram (+) and gram (-) 5-7 days
bacteria like Staphylococcus, Agalactiae, Corny-
bacterium pyogenes, Escherichia, Haemophilus,
Klebshiella, Pasteurella, Pseudomonas and
Salmonella spp.

Colistin 10% Colistin For the treatment of gastrointestinal infections 5 grams per gallon of 1 kg 720.00
Sulphate caused by colistin sensitive micro-organisms like drinking water for
E. coli, Haemophilus and Salmonella spp. in calves, 3-5 days.
goats, sheep, poultry, and swine.

Doxycycline 10% Doxycycline Indicated for the treatment of Brucellosis, Chlamydiosis, Poultry: 4 tsp (20g) 1 kg 1,120.00
Listeriosis,Ehrlichiosis, Leptospirosis, Listeriosis, per gallon of drinking
Tularemia and Clostridial infections. Also for the water for
Athrophic rhinitis, Pneumonia, Shipping fever, Swine: 4 tsp (16 g) per
Proliferative adenomatosis complex, Streptococcal gallon of drinking water
Lymphadenitis and Eperythrozoon infection, and poultry for 5-7 days.
diseases like Chlamydiosis, Chronic Respiratory Disease
and Fowl Cholera.
Enrofloxacin 10% Enrofloxacin For treatment and prevention of infectious diseases Mix 4 grams/ gallon 20 g 30.00
caused by gram-negative and gram- positive bacteria of drinking water for 1 box (20x 20 g) 435.00
including mycoplasma. Enrofloxacin is of particular value 5 days. 1 kg 685.00
against complicated CRD, Colisepticemia,
Pasteurellosis, Coryza, Salmonellosis and all form
of Mycoplasmosis.
Product Active Indications Dosage Packaging SRP
Florfenicol 20% Florfenicol Indicated for the treatment and prevention of Mix 0.5-1.0 g per 1 kg 2,040.00
respiratory disease of swine and poultry caused by liter of drinking water
actinobacillus pleuropnuemonia, pasteurella, multo- for 3-5 days.
cida, haemophillus, parasuis, mycoplasma hyo-
pnuemonia, E. coli, and Salmonella.

Neomycin 20% Neomycin For the treatment and prevention of bacterial 1/2 tsp. per 2.5 gallon 1 kg 735.00
Sulfate enteritis and E. coli infections in poultry. of drinking water for
5-7 days.

Tiamulin 20% Tiamulin Hydrogen For prevention and treatment of swine enzootic 1 1/2 tsp./gallon of 1 kg 935.00
Fumarate pnuemonia caused by Mycoplasma and for chronic drinking water for
respiratory disease caused by Mycoplasma 5-7 days

Prostomach Duo Prevention and treatment of scouring caused by 20 gram 25.00
gram-negative bacteria principally E. coli, Salmonella 1 box (20x 20 g) 430.00
and gram-positive bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and 100 gram 90.00
spirochaetes (triponema) also for growth promotion. 1 kg 540.00

Prostat Sulfaquinoxaline For prevention and treatment of coccidiosis, fowl Coccidiosis/Avian Malaria 100 gram 75.00
Vit. K3 cholera, and avian malaria. 3.75 g/L (3/4 tsp/liter) of 1 kg 540.00
drinking water, administered
by the 3-2-3 method, i.e.: 3
days of treated drinking
water, 2 days of plain
drinking water and 3 days of
treated drinking water.
Continue this method until
symptoms disappear.
Product Active Indications Dosage Packaging SRP
COCCICCIDE Toltrazuril 50mg/ml Control of coccidiosis caused by Isospora suis infection in young Treatment: 20 ml 385.00
PLUS Iron piglets. I. suis infection is a major cause of diarrhea,dehydration, loss 1ml/piglet orally. Treat all infected 50 ml 950.00
of appetite, poor growth and occasional mortality in piglets between piglets and all at-risk piglets.
birth and 3-4 weeks of age. Clinical coccidiosis of piglets appears from Prevention:
5-30 days of age. ONE dose is effective because it attacks all stages of 1ml/piglet orally. Treat all
the parasite in the animal. Control of the disease is most effective when piglets at 3-6 days of age.
the product is given as a preventive before intestinal damage occurs
and diarrhea begins.

Egg Maximizer Oxytetracycline HCl To be given to layer, pullets, quails and ducks towards the Chicks: 1 tsp/5 liters of 1 kg 480.00
Vits. A, D3, E, B3, start of egg laying to ensure maximum productivity. For drinking water to be given
B5, B2, K3, B12 maintenance of good appetite and optimum weight gain 3-5 days for the first two wks
in broilers. For optimum egg production in healthy laying of age.
flocks under normal conditions (layer hen, quails, ducks, Maintenance of good appe-
and brood hens (game fowl). As a preventive medication tite and optimum prod'n:
in period of stress such as vaccination, transport, molting 1 tsp/10 gallons of drinking
extremes in environmental temperature, debeaking in water to be given as needed
pullets, selection and dubbing in stags/game fowls.
To prevent early mortality during brooding and to ensure
vitality of chicks throughout the brooding stage.


Probooster Vits. A, D3, E, K3 Prevention of metabolic and nutritional deficiencies As nutritional supplement: 100 ml 95.00
Regular due to poor feed absorption (malnutrition), restricted Mix 5ml (1 tsp) per gallon 1 liter 430.00
dietary intake, energy depletion and illness due to of drinking water to be given 1 gallon 1,300.00
pathological and physiological stress resulting to 3 consecutive days per
poor growth performnce and lack of resistance to week.
infections. For improved performance, health and fertility
especially peak production period.

Probooster Vits. A, D3, E, K3 Prevention of metabolic and nutritional deficiencies As nutritional supplement: 100 ml 85.00
Plus Electrolytes Electrolytes due to poor feed absorption (malnutrition), restricted Mix 5ml (1 tsp) per gallon 1 liter 445.00
dietary intake, energy depletion and illness due to of drinking water to be given 1 gallon 1,270.00
pathological and physiological stress resulting to 3 consecutive days per
poor growth performnce and lack of resistance to week.
infections. For improved performance, health and fertility During stress condition:
especially peak production periods. Also for rehydration Mix 10 ml (2tsp) per gallon
and replenishment of lost nutrients and electrolytes. of drinking water.
Product Active Indications Dosage Packaging SRP
Procaphos Calcium, Phosphorus Poultry: Improves egg shell and hatchability, increase egg 100 ml 95.00
Vit.s. D3, B12, Biotin production. 1 liter 510.00
D-Panthenol Swine: Increase milk and meat production. 1 gallon 1,600.00
Fighting Cocks: Provides optimum amount of calcium 5 liter 2,000.00

Vitamino Solution Per 100 ml: Vits A Corrects diet imbalances and supplies the essential Improvement of growth 100 ml 95.00
1,200,000 I.U., D3 nutrients during critical poeriods. Provides large quantity and egg production: 1 liter 1,080.00
320,000 I.U., E 320 mg, of Vits A and D3 to p revent fertility problems an drop Broiler/layer/breeders- 1 gallon 3,460.00
calcium pantothenate in egg production. Contains Vit C to supply chicks during Mix 100ml/200L of 5 liter 4,440.00
400 mg, Vits. B1 200 the 1st 3 days of life and fight against all kind of stress. water for 3 days.
mg, B6 120 mg, K 80 To combat stress:
mg, C 400 mg, folic acid Broilers, pullets, layers
30 mg, amino acids and and breeders- Mix 40 ml
minerals 2,000 mg in 200 L of water for 3 days.

Vitalifer Vits. A, D-3, E. acetate To improve feed conversion rate, egg production, weight Maintenance: 2 ml per liter 100 ml 90.00
K3 bisulfate, B1 HCl, B3 gain and hatchability. To help alleviate the symptoms of of drinking water for two 1 liter 876.00
(Niacin), B5, B6 HCl, stress, e.g. after transportation, change in diet, infectious days in a week. 1 gallon 3,120.00
B8 (Inositol), B12, Folic or parasitic disease, during convalescence growth Before and after stressful
Acid, Vit C, Amino Acids, problem, nervous problem, skin problem, following anti- condition: 2 ml per liter of
Protein Hydrolysate biotic treatment, preparation for vaccination or deworming drinking water 2 days before
pica, lameness, during and after pregnancy and also for re- and after vaccination,
production problems. For the prevention and treatment deworming and antibiotic
of acute and chronic liver disorders, aflatoxicosis, non treatment and change in diet.
specific anorexia, weakness, anemia and stress. To
regulate intake and livability.
Vitalifer Plus Vits. A, B-complex, C, E, To improve feed conversion rate, for broiler and hog fat- For maintenance in all 100 ml 65.00
K3, Calcium, Phosphorus tener, egg production for layers like quail, chicken and species: 5 ml (1 tsp) per liter 1 liter 600.00
Fish Autolysate (source duck, weight gain an hatchability. To help alleviate the of drinking water for 2 to 3 1 gallon 2,100.00
of amino acids and symptoms of stress, e.g., after transportation, change in times weekly.
minerals) Protein diet, infectious or parasitic disease, during period of reco- To fight stress:
Hydrolysate, and Yeast very , during and after pregnancy, preparation for vaccina- 10 ml (2 tsps.) per liter of
Extract. tion, deworming, reproduction problems and lameness. drinking water 2 days before
For the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic and after stressful condition
liver disorders, aflatoxicosis, non specific anorexia, like animal transfer, change
weakness and anemia. To regulate feed intake and liva- in diet, deworming, vaccina-
bility, To improve meat and milk production. Promote tion and change in weather
bone development in growing animals. condition.
During antibiotic treatment
Product Active Indications Dosage Packaging SRP
Proherb Extract of Fermented Supports the immune system with superior antioxidant Mix 10 ml per liter of 100 ml 105.00
Morinda citrifolia activity. Promotes proper digestion and nutrient drinking water. 1 liter 615.00
(Noni) absorption. Supports greater physical performance 1 gallon 2,200.00
levels. Boosts the metabolic system and energy. Supports
circulatory system/ tissues/cells. Contains adaptogens to
help relieve stress.
Phytoboost Phytonutrients from Plant Extracts, Addresses all kinds of stress affecting animal performance such as Broilers: 500-1000 ml/liter of 100 ml 140.00
Bio-Flavonoid, Poly-phenols, gained in live weight, diseases prevention, egg production drinking water under stress or 1 liter 1,060.00
Chelators and Organic Acids liveability and recovery period. prior to slaughter (7 days) 1 gallon 3,750.00
Others: 200-300 ml/liter of
drinking water.

Vigor-L Propylene Glycol, Yeasts (Saccharo- Guards against toxins to improve immune system against Immunity Enhancement for 100 ml 140.00
myces cerevisiae), Preservatives: diseases and for recharging liver and kidney. newborn animals: 0.5-2 ml/l 1 liter 1,060.00
Citric Acid, Orthophosporic Acid, of drinking water, continuous for 1 gallon 3,750.00
Lactic Acid , Aqueous Solution of 7 days in the 1st wk of birth
Plant Extracts Enhancing immunity to protect
animals in high risk of epidemic
1-2 ml/liter of drinking water
Signs of mycotoxicosis (feed
refusals, low ratio of delivery, weak
legs, prenatal mortality, anoestrus,
decreased productivity, prolapsed
uteri: 2-3 ml/ liter of drinking

Dextrose Dextrose (Glucose) For rehydration and replenishment of lost nutrients Mix 5 grams per liter of 75 gram 20.00
and electrolytes. drinking water. 1 kg 110.00

Hydromint Betaine Hcl, Sodium Bicarbonate, Hydromint is a mentholated solution of rehydrating elements designed General Dosage: Poultry & Swine 100 ml 70.00
Potassium Chloride, Sodium reduce mortality and production losses brought by heat stress and Administer 1-2ml per L of drinking 1 liter 530.00
Chloride, Mentholated excipients animal transport. Betaine acts as osmolyte and helps to retain water water for 3-5 days or as needed.
while electrolytes help to restore the electrolytes balnce in the animal's Layers & Breeders: 100ml/1000
body. Menthol gives the sensation of freshness by stimulating the oral/ birds.
nasal mucosa cold sensory receptors providing a feeling of relief.
Product Active Indications Dosage Packaging SRP
Guaifenesin Guaifenesin Guaifenesin 20% is an expectorant and supportive therapy Drinking Water 1 kg 480.00
use to loosen dry cough caused by the common cold, Mix 2 grams per gallon or
infections or allergies. 100 gram per drum (200 liters)
of drinking water to be given 4-6
hours interval.
Feed Premix at 20%
Mix 1 kg per ton or 50 grams
per bag of finished feeds.
Pro-Ax Ivermectin Immunity Enhancement for To be given in drinking water 20 gram 20.00
newborn animals: 0.5-2 ml/l continuously for 5-7 1 box (20x 20 g) 315.00
of drinking water, continuous for consecutive days at a dose 100 gram 85.00
7 days in the 1st wk of birth of a 100 mg/kg body weight 1 kg 455.00
Enhancing immunity to protect Swine: Growing pigs at 40-90kg
animals in high risk of epidemic bodyweight. Mix 1 tsp (5 grams)
1-2 ml/liter of drinking water of Ivermectin per 40 liters of
Signs of mycotoxicosis (feed drinking water (1.25 g/10 liters)
refusals, low ratio of delivery, weak Boars/Sow: Mix 1 tsp (5 g) of
legs, prenatal mortality, anoestrus, ivermectin per 45 liters of
decreased productivity, prolapsed drinking water (1.10 g/10 liters)
uteri: 2-3 ml/ liter of drinking Poultry (Broiler/Pullets/Layers:
Mix 1tsp (5 grams) of ivermectin
per 5 gallons of drinking water
for three days.
Quail: Mx 1 tsp (5 grams) of
ivermectin per 45 liters of
drinking water for three days.

Biocid 30 Iodine For use against Foot and Mouth disease: Dilution-1:550 (5ml or 1 tsp 1 liter 1,010.00
2.78 % Solution Phosphoric Acid per 2.75 liters of water)
Sulfuric Acids For use against Swine Vesicular disease: Dilution -1:600 (5 ml or 1 tsp
per 3 liters of water)
For use against diseases of poultry: Dilution- 1:125 (20 ml or 4 tsp
per 2.5 liters of water)
For use against tuberculosis disease: Dilution -1:30 (50 ml or 10 tsp
per 1.5 liters of water)
For use against other disease (anthrax, brucellosis, etc) Dilution -1:180 (5ml or 1 tsp
as required by general orders: per 900ml water)

Povidone-Iodine Iodine Povidone-iodine 10% antiseptic solution is a broad-spectrum Mixing Direction to make 10% 500 g 420.00
10% disinfectant active against gram-positive and gram-negative, Solution: Add 100 g Povidone-
bacteria, fungi, molds, yeasts, viruses, protozoa, spores and Iodine to 900 ml distilled water.
other harmful microorganisms. Mix well before use.
For Disinfection/ For Spraying
farm infected with diseases: 2
tbsps, (30 ml) gal of water.
Product Active Indications Dosage Packaging SRP
Protect II Glutaraldehyde For disinfection of farm, buildings and equipment which are Terminal and Routine Disinfection 1 liter 390.00
Quaternary Ammonium used for poultry and livestock production, hatcheries, animal Spraying - 1L/2000L of water;
Compound transport vehicles, slaughterhouses/ dressing plantsand their Foot Bath and Wheel Bath
corresponding cold rooms animal quarters and kennels. Dipping-1L/50-100L water
Gen Disinfectin (Misting)
1L/200 L water
Preventive Disinfections
1L/200 L water
Virucidal Performance
100 ml/4.5 gals. Water
Fungicidal Performance
15 ml/2.25 gals. water
For Chexer Card Holder, please present your card to avail additional 3% DISCOUNT.
You may place your order at CP Nos. 0922-887-2347 and/or 0925-625-0617.

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