Philo101. Ethics Module 2
Philo101. Ethics Module 2
Philo101. Ethics Module 2
This module discusses the influence of culture to one’s moral behavior, the Universal Values, the Asian Moral
Understanding, and the Filipino Moral Character.
Learning Outcomes:
Form a group and think five examples of situations that demonstrate that law, religion, and culture cannot
be universal sources of moral authority. Discuss in class why holding them as universal sources of moral authority
would be problematic.
- refers to the customary ways through which things are done within a group.
“The original conscience of an individual in any given society is a historical accident, the result of influences
to which he has been subject.” (Robinson, 1964)
- Some ethicist purport that moral laws are nothing but social conventions.
- Some believe that morality is nothing but an effect of social conditioning.
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College of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Education
Prepared by: Francisco La Torre Jr., Annalisa Jamilano, Angela Llanares, Errol Torres
- Cultural relativism is the view that moral beliefs and practices vary with and depend on the human needs
and social conditions of particular cultures. (Holmes, 2007)
- According to this view, our morality can be understood based on what is culturally acceptable or not, in the
society where we belong.
Culture has a major impact on morality. People from different cultures appear to have different sets of ethics. This
is particularly apparent in ethics of groups of people from the Eastern or Asian culture as compared to those from the
Western culture. Some say that one of the differences between Eastern and Western Culture is the fact that Western
Ethics is basically about finding the truth, whereas Eastern Ethics is very much about protocol and showing respect. Asian
Ethics is said to be more about doing what is right in terms of what is expected of someone by his family, society, and
culture. On the other hand, Western Ethics is claimed to have more of a stress on self and what is logically true.
Moreover, Western Ethics is seen to place more emphasis on law and justice while Eastern Ethics seems to hold that one
must do what is right and expected of him and the universe will take care of the rest. The table in the following slide
summarizes the perceived differences between Western and Eastern Ethics.
Western Ethics Eastern Ethics
As in indicate in the table, the basis of Asian or Eastern Ethics is religion, specifically Eastern religions and philosophies.
Confucianism for instance, focuses in the cultivation of virtue and maintenance of morality, the most basic of which are:
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College of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Education
Prepared by: Francisco La Torre Jr., Annalisa Jamilano, Angela Llanares, Errol Torres
Filipino cultural morality, especially that which concerns social ethics, centers on ideally having a ‘Smooth Interpersonal
Relationship’ (SIR) with others.
SIR in the Philippine culture is anchored on six (6) basic Filipino values.
1. Pakikisama
'Pakikisama' is having and maintaining 'good public relations.' This is usually being practiced to avoid
clash with other people or a certain group. It characterizes both a value and a goal that involves
keeping good feelings in all personal interactions and getting along with others, oftentimes, at all costs.
2. Hiya
"Hiya is described as a feeling of lowliness, shame or embarrassment, and inhibition or shyness which
is experienced as somewhat distressing. Integrally, 'hiya' is related to the concept of face' and a
concern with how one appears in the eyes of others. This unique Filipino concept 'hiya' or "fear of
losing face' encompasses being afraid to do bad things as it may damage one's reputation in the
sight of other people. A person's capacity for proper behavior with authority figures is a reflection of
his or her family upbringing and this fear of losing face. Too much 'hiya, nonetheless, may lead to
having inferiority complex and losing self-confidence.
3. Amor Propio
Like 'hiya, the Filipino value of 'amor propio' is derived from the concept of face. Although commonly
translated as 'self-respect' or 'self-esteem, 'amor propio' has been"characterized as the high degree of
sensitivity that makes a person intolerant to criticism and causes him to have an easily wounded
pride" ("Amor Propio," n.d.). Concerning this Filipino value, some observe that "Filipinos learn to
withstands 'loss of face' in some situations, particularly when they perceive themselves to be at fault,
but it is devastating to be publicly criticized, insulted, belittled, or humiliated, or to lose one's self-
respect" ("Amor Propio," n.d.). 'Amor propio' comes from the person's tendency to protect his or her
dignity and honor. Because of pride or amor propio, for instance, a person may refuse offers even if
he/she really wants to accept them.
4. Utang na loob
'Utang na loob' is also a fundamental aspect of upholding group harmony and relationships that
demand the balancing of obligations and debts. This involves the concept 'reciprocity' or returning the
received favor.
5. Filipino Hospitality
'Filipino hospitality' refers to the innate ability and trait of Filipinos to be courteous and entertaining to
their guests. Indeed, generally speaking, Filipinos are hospitable as they are internationally known to
be warm, welcoming, and or accommodating. This trait, however, makes Filipinos prone to being
abused maltreated.
These Filipino social values are important to maintain harmony in Filipino relationships in social institutions such
as family, school, and community. The 'smooth interpersonal relationship, together with Filipino 'pakikipagkapwa-tao, has
been deemed as a central core of essential cultural traits that form and define an almost stereotypic Filipino character and
moral behavior.
Lesson 6
According to James Rachels, there are three universal values which are important to moral issues:
The existence of the so-called universal values is a strong proof that cultural relativism is wrong. If certain values
exist in both in Western and Eastern cultures (including the Filipino culture), then cultural relativism’s claim that cultures’
morality radically differ from each other is mistaken. According to Dr. James Rachels, despite some the fact that cultural
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College of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Education
Prepared by: Francisco La Torre Jr., Annalisa Jamilano, Angela Llanares, Errol Torres
standards may seem to differ, the following are the three basic values shared by all cultures which serve as the basis of
their existing rules, norms, and practices:
Learning Tasks:
1. Quiz
2. Watch ABC News report entitled "White Supremacist Moves Into Town"(video link: and analyze the negative implications of cultural relativism by
answering the following question:
a. Would a cultural relativist be correct in maintaining that nobody has moral basis to complain about the
white supremacist's actions because he was just following what he believed is right?
De Guzman, J. (2017). Ethics: Principles of Ethical Behavior in Modern Society. Mutya Publishing House: Malabon City
Pasco, M. O. D., Suarez, V. F., & Rodriguez, A. M. G. (2018). Ethics. C & E Publishing, Inc.: Quezon City
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