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Computer-Aided Analysis of Mechanical Systems 1 PARVIZ E. NIKRAVESH Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department ‘University of Arizona 148787 8? i iim Conputer aided analy Nikravesh PsE, et g *. PRENTICE HALL, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 07632 aD+” Niteavesh, Parva \ {Gampatealded sna of mechani systens/by Pave ikaw nem Biogas Ike ne BRE emo ; irene of Dt paces. 2, Sean, rocessing. 1, Titk, ot HMB? ist? rans ane ae ae Baitorial/production supervision and interior design: Elena Le Pera Cover design: Photo Plus Art Manufacturing buyer: Cindy Grant To the memory of my sister, Henriette, © 1988 by Prentice-Hall, Ine A Division of Simon & Schuster Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 : All rights reserved. No patt of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher Printed in the United States of America 098 7654324 ISBN 0-13-4b4220-9 ges Prentice-Hall International (UK) Limited, London Prentice-Hall of Australia Ply. Limited, Sydney Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., Toronto Prentice-Hall Hispainoameticans, §.A., Mexico Prentice-Hall of India Privete Limited, New Dethé Prentice-Hall of Japan, ne, Tokyo mon & Schuster Asia Pl Ltd., Singapore Editora Prentice-Hall do Brasil, Lida. Ro de Janeiro ‘a a7mG Stedards 8.0 ° SYMBOLS Vector of right-hand side of acceleration equations, Angle between two vectors, Vector of Lagrange multipliers Potae moment of inertia for body J.oeat (body-fixed) Cartesian coordinate system Radius of a circle Lagrange multiplier associated with the constant om Py Angle of rotation Bryant angles Euler angles Angular velocity veetor for body # Global components of 6 Local components of & One construint; vector of constraints Jacobian matrix of constraints Number of bodies Vector containing quadratic velocity terms for body i Vector of quadratic velocity terms Veetor with its ends on two different bodies Global components of Boer parameters Vector of three Buler parameters ey, 6,2 for body f Force acting on body i Global components of f, Vector of forces for body i containing f and nj ‘Vector of forces for a system Vector of constraint reaction forces Velocity vector for body # containing and of Vector of velocities for a syste Number of degrees of freedom (DOP) Vector with its ends on two different bodies Global components of 7 Number of constraint equations Mass of a particle Mass of body £ Number of coordinates Moment acting on body i Global components of Local components of fi Components of fin four-dimensional space ‘Vector of four Buler parameters ea, na 85 for body i Vector of coordinates for body! Vector of coordinates for @ system “Transtational postion veetor for body ¢ Global coordinates of F Veotor with both ends on body i (constant magnitude) Globat components of § Local components of 3 ‘Time Initia time Final (end) sie Unit vector Global components of fi; vector of dependent coordinates Vector of independent coordinates Global Cartesian coordinate system Yector of integration variables Rotational tcansformation matrix for body 3 X 4 transformation mattix for body f 3% 3 or general identity matrix, 4.x d identity mattix Global inertia tensgr for body # Local (constant) inertia tensor for body i 4 4 ineitia tensor Lower triangular matrix 3.x 4 transformation matrix for body 6 % 6 mass matrix for body / containing Nand Ji : Mass matrix for a system 3 X 3 diagonal mass matrix for body # Upper triangular matrix Potential energy \/ Contents Preface ix Note on Unit System ili INTRODUCTION 4 11 Computers in Design and Manufacturing 1 TL] Computer-Aided Analysis 2 1.2. Multibody Mechanical Systems 3 1.3 Branches of Mechanics 6 13.1 Methods of Analysis 6 1.4 Computational Methods 9 141 Efficiency versus Simplicity 10 142 A General-Purpose Program VECTORS AND MATRICES 19 2.1 Geometric Vectors 19 2.2. Matrix and Algebraic Vectors 21 2.2.1 Matrix Operations 24 222 Algebrate Vector Operations 24 2.3. Vector and Matrix Differentiation 28 2.3.1 Time Derivatives 28 2.3.2 Partial Derivatives Problems 33iv Contents 3 BASIC CONCEPTS AND NUMERICAL METHODS IN KINEMATICS 35 3.1 Definitions 35 311 Classification of Kinematic Pairs 37 3.1.2 Vector of Coordinates 38 3.13 Degrees of Freedom 40 3.14 Constraint Equations 41 3.15 Redundant Constraints 41 3.2 Kinematic Analysis 42 3.2.1 Coordinate Partitioning Method 43 3.2.2 Method of Appended Driving Constrains 48 3.3 Linear Algebraic Equations 50 33.1 Gaussian Methods 51 33.2 Plvoting 53 33.3 LU Factorization 56 3.34 L-U Factorization with Pivoring 61 3.3.5 Subroutines for Linear Algebraic Equations 63 3.4 Nonlinear Algebraic Equations 66 34.1 NewtonsRaphson Method for One Equation in One Unknown 66 34.2. Newton-Raphson Methed for » Equations in Unknowns 67 34.3. A Subroutine for Nonlinear Algebraic Equations. 70 Problems 72 4 PLANAR KINEMATICS 7 4.1 Cartesian Coordinates 77 4.2 Kinematic Constraints 80 42.1 Revolute and Translational Joins (ey) 81 42.2 Composite Joins (LP) 84 423° Spur Gears and Rack and Pinion (HP) 86 424° Curve Representation 89 4.25 Cam-Followers (HP) 93 42.6 Point-Follower (HP) 97 4.2.7 Simplified Constrains 98 4.2.8 Driving Links 100 4.3, Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Analysis 101 43.1 Systematic Generation of Some Basie Blenents. 103 4.4 Kinematic Modeling 105 44.1" Slider-Crank Mechanism 105 44.2 Quick Retwn Mechanism 110 Problems 1156 7 Contents (A FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ANALYSIS OF PLANAR KINEMATICS Sa 5.2 53 Kinematic Analysis Program (KAP) 119 5.1.1 Model-Deseription Subroutines 123 5.12 Kinematic Analysis. 127 $1.3 Function Bvaluation 130 5.14 Input Prompts 134 Simple Examples 134 5.2.1 Fow-Bar Linkage 135 5.22. Slider-Crank Mechanism 137 $2.3 QuickRetwn Mechanism 139 Program Expansion 140 Problems 140 EULER PARAMETERS 6.1 Coordinates of A Body 153 6.1.1 Euler's Theorem on the Motion of a Body 157 6.1.2. Aetive and Passive Points of View 157 6.13 Euler Parameters 158 6.14 Determination of Euler Parameters 160 6.1.5 Determination of the Direction Cosines. 164 6.2 Identities with Euler Parameters 166 6.2.1 Identities with Arbitrary Vectors 170 6.3. The Concept of Angular Velocity 172 6.3.1 Time Derivatives of Euler Parameters 6.4 Semirotating Coordinate Systems 176 6.5. Relative Axis of Rotation 177 6.5.1 Intermediate Axis of Rotation 180 6.6 Finite Rotation 180 Problems 181 SPATIAL KINEMATICS 7.4 Relative Constraints between Two Vectors 186 7.11 Two Perpendicular Vectors | 188 712 Two Parallel Vectors 188 7.2. Relative Constraints between Two Bodies 189 7.2.1 Spherical, Universal, and Revotute Joints ar) 190 7.2.2 Cylindrical, Translational, and Serew Joints (Lp) 192 7.2.3 Composite Joints 196 72:4 Simplified Constraints 199 119 153 186vi Contents 7.3. Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Analysis 200 7.3.1 Modified Jacobian Matrix and Modified Vector-y 204 Problems 204 8 BASIC CONCEPTS IN DYNAMICS 208 8.1 Dynamics of a Particle 208 8.2 Dynamics of a System of Particles 209 8.3 Dynamics of a Body 211 83.1 Moments and Couples 212 83.2 Rotational Equations of Motion 215 83.3 The Inertia Tensor 217 834 An Unconstrained Body 219 8.4 Dynamics of a System of Bodies 221 84.1 A System of Unconstrained Bodies 221 84.2 A System of Constrained Bodies 222 84.3 Constraint Reaction Forces 223 8.5 Conditions for Planar Motion 224 9 PLANAR DYNAMICS 227 9.1. Equations of Motion 227 9.2 Vector of Forces 229 9.2.1 Gravitational Force 229 9.2.2 Single Force or Moment 229 9.2.3 Translational Actuators 231 9.2.4 Translational Springs 232 9.2.5 Translational Dampers 234 9.2.6 Rotational Springs 236 9.2.7 Rotational Dampers 237 9.3 Constraint Reaction Fores 237 931 Revolue Jom 237 9.3.2 RevoluteRevolue Join 240 9.3.3 Translational Joint 242 9.4 System of Planar Equations of Motion 242 9.5 Static Forces 244 9.6 Static Balance Forces 245 9.7 Kinetostatic Analysis 247 Probiems 248 10 A FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR ANALYSIS OF PLANAR DYNAMICS 253 10.1 Solving the Equations of Motion 253 10.2 Dynamic Analysis Program (DAP) 254 102.1 Model-Deseription Subroutines 2581 12 Contents vii 10.2.2 Dynamic Analysis 260 10.2.3 Function Evaluation 263 10.24 Force Evaluation 263 10.2.5 Reporting 265 10.2.6 Static Analysis 266 10.2.7 Input Prompts 267 10.3. Simple Examples 268 10.3.1 Four-Bar Linkage 268 10.3.2, Horizontal Plaform 269 10.3.3 Dump Truck 273 10.4 Time Step Selection 277 Problems 281 SPATIAL DYNAMICS 289 11.1 Vector of Forces 289 ILL1 Conversion of Moments 289 11.2 Equations of Motion for an Unconstrained Body 291 . 11.3 Equations of Motion for a Constrained Body 292 11.4 System of Equations 293 114.1 Unconsirained Bodies | 294 114.2 Constrained Bodies 296 11.5 Conversion of Kinematic Equations 297 Problems 299 NUMERICAL METHODS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 301 12.1 Initial-Value Problems 301 12.2 Taylor Series Algorithms — 302 P21 Runge-Kuta Algorithms — 303 12.2.2. A Subroutine for a Runge-Kutta Algorithm 304 Polynomial Approximation 307 12.3.1 Explicit Mutistep Algorithms 308 12.3.2 Implicit Multistep Algorithms 308 12.3.3 Predicior-Corrector Algorithms 309 12.3.4 Methods for Starting Mulistep Algorithms 309 12.4. Algorithms for Stiff Systems 310 12.5. Algorithms for Variable Order and Step Size 311 Problems 311vill 13° NUMERICAL METHODS IN DYNAMICS 13.1 Integration Arrays 313 13.2 Kinematically Unconstrained Systems 314 13.2.1 Mathematical Constraints 315 13.2.2 Using Angular Velocities. 317 13.3 Kinematically Constrained Systems 318 43.3.1 Constraint Violation Stabilization Method 319 13.3.2 Coordinate Partitioning Method 321 13.3.3 Automatic Partitioning of the Coordinates 324 13.3.4 Sti Differential Equation Method 327 13.4 Joint Coordinate Method 330 134.1 Open-Chain Systems 33.1 134.2 Closed-Loop Systems 334 Problems 335 14 STATIC EQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS 14.1 An Iterative Method 339 14.1.1 Coordinate Partitioning 340 14.2 Potential Energy Function 341 14.2.1 Minimization of Potential Energy « 342 14.3 Fictitious Damping Method 344 14.4 Joint Coordinates Method 345 Appendix A. EULER ANGLES AND BRYANT ANGLES AL Euler Angles 347 Auld Time Derivatives of Euler Angles 349 A.2 Bryant Angles 351 AL Time Derivatives of Bryant Angles 352 Appendix B. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EULER PARAMETERS AND EULER ANGLES B.1 Euler Parameters in Terms of Euler Angles 353 B.2- Buler Angles in Terms of Euler Parameters 354 Appendix C, COORDINATE PARTITIONING. WITH L-U FACTORIZATION REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX Contents 313 339 347 353 355 357 359 363Preface ‘This book is designed to introduce fundamental theories and numerical methods for use in computational mechanics. These theories and methods can be used to develop com- puter progcams for analyzing the response of simple and complex mechanical systems. In such progcams the equations of motion are formulated systematically, and then solved ‘numerically. Because they are relatively easy to use, the book focuses on Cartesian co- rdinates for formulating the equations of motion. After the reader has become familiar ‘vith this method of formulation, it can serve as a stepping stone to formulating the tquations of motion in other sets of coordinates, ‘The numerical algorithms that are dis- ‘cussed in this book can be applied to the equations of motion when formulated in any coordinate system. Organization of the Book ‘The text is organized in such a way that it can be used for teaching or for self study. The concepts and numerical methods used! in Kinematics are systematically treated before the concepts and numerical methods used in dynamics are introduced. Separate chapters on each of these tdpies allow the text to be used for the study of each topic separately or for some desired combination of topics. Furthermore, the text first treats the less complex problems of planar kinematic and dynamic analysis before it discusses spatial kinematic and dynamic analysis. With the exception of the first twwo chapters and the last chapter, the text can be divided into two subjects —kinematics and dynamics, Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the subject of computational methods in kinematics and dynamics. Simple examples itiustrate how a problem can be formulated using different coordinate systems. Chapter I also explains why Cartesian coordinates provide @ simple tool, if not necessarily the most computationally efficient one. Chapter 2 presents a review of veotor and matrix ixx Preface algebra, with an emphasis on the kind of formulation that lends itself to implementation in computer programs. Chapters 3 through 7 deal with kinematics. Chapter 3 introduces the basic con- cepts in kinematies that are applicable to both planar and spatial systems. Algebraic con. straint equations, the various coordinate systems, and the idea of degrees of freedom are Presented as a foundation for both the analytical and the numerical aspects of kinematic analysis. Position, velocity, and acceleration analysis techniques are presented and illus. trated through the solution of simple mechanisms. Numerical methods for solving the associated kinematic equations are presented and illustrated. These include methods for solving sets of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations. A comprehensive treatment of Planar kinematics using Cartesian coordinates is presented in Chapter 4, In that chapter, a libraty of Kinematic constraints is defined and the governing algebraic constraint equa. tions are derived. Chapter 5 contains a FORTRAN program for planar kinematic analysis. The pro- gram is developed and explained as a collection of subroutines that cary out the fun tions of kinematic analysis. The problems at the end of Chapter 5 provide guidelines for the extensions that allow for the expansion of the program to treat broader classes of planar kinematic systems, Chapter 6 presents a set of spatial rotational coordinates known as Euler parameters, The physical properties of Euler parameters and the development of their algebraic prop. erties are introduced to allow the reader to become comfortable with and confident in their use, Also, velocity relationships— including the definition of angular velocity —and other identities are developed that are necessary for the formulation of spatial kinematic and dynamic analysis, Chapter 7 presents a unified formulation of spatial kinematics using Cartesian co- ordinates and Euler parameters. Vector relationships that are required for the definition of kinematic joints are first presented and then applied to derive the governing equations for a library of spatial kinematic joints. Although this book does nat provide a source listing for a spatial kinematic analysis program, the computer program in Chapter 5 and the constraint formulations in Chapter 7 provide all the information that the reader needs to develop # computer program Chapters 8 through 13 deal with dynamics, Basic concepts in dynamics are pre- sented in Chapter 8. Discussion begins with familiar concepts of the dynamics of a parti- cle and progresses to the dynamics of systems of particles and, finaly, to the dynamics of rigid bodies. By means of a building block formulation, the complete theory of the dynamics of systems of rigid bodies is developed in a systematic and understandable way. The Newton-Euler equations of motion are derived and used as a fundamental tool in the dynamic analysis of systems of rigid bodies that ate connected by kinematic Joints, The Lagrange multiplier formulation for constrained systems is developed, and the reaction forces between the joints are derived in terms of the Lagrange multipliers. Chapter 9 discusses the planar dynamics of systems of constrained rigid bodies, drawing upon the kinematics theory discussed in Chapter 4 and the basic dynamics theory discussed in Chapter 8. Even though the numerical methods for solving the differ. catial equations of motion are discussed in detail in Chapters 12 and 13, a FORTRAN Program for planar dynamic analysis is presented in Chapter 10. This program, which isPreface xi a collection of subroutines used to implement a vatiety of computations required in the formulation and solution of equations of motion, builds upon the kinematic analysis program in Chapter $. The computer program is demonstrated through the solution of imple examples, and extensions to the program are included as problems at the end of the chapter. Chapter 11 presents the formulation of spatial system dynamics using Cartesian coordinates and Euler parameters. The equations of motion of kinematically constrained systems of rigid bodies are derived and developed in a form suitable for computational implementation. Chapter 12 presents a btief overview of numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations. A FORTRAN listing of a fourth-order Runge-Kutia algorithm illustrates the implementation of these numerical methods along with some examples. Chapter 13 presents s number of advanced numerical methods for multibody ddynamies. Alternate techniques and algorithms for the solution of mixed systems of ¢if= ferential and algebraic equations that arise in system dynamics are presented, Th the analysis of multibody mechanical systems, it may be necessary to go beyond kinematics and dynamics and find the static equilibrium state of a system. Chapter 14 discusses several computation-based methods for static equilibrium analysis, Level of Courses ‘The book can be covered in two successive courses. The student is required to know the fundamentals of kinematics and dynamics, to have a basic knowledge of numerical methods, and to know computer programming, preferably FORTRAN. "The first course—a senior undergraduate or a first-year graduate course —could cover Chapters 1 through 5, 9, and 10, on planar motion; if students do not have the proper background in numerical methods in ordinary differentia! equations, Chapter 12 Should also be covered to the extent necessary. The course could be project-oriented: students could be assigned to find existing medium- to large-scale mechanical systems and analyze them using the computer programs that are provided in the book. The second course would then cover Chapters 6 through 8 and 11 through 14, on spatial motion; this ‘would be quite suitable as a graduate-level course. Students, divided into groups, should be able to develop a spatial-motion dynamic analysis program. ‘Another possibility would be one course, covering Chapters 1 through 7, on the subject of kinematics, and a second course, covering Chapters 8 through 14, on the sub- ject of dynamics. Exercises Problem assignments can be found at the end of most chapters. The problems are designed to clarify certain points and to provide ideas for program development and analysis techniques. However, by no means do these problems represent the ultimate flexibility and power of the formulations and algorithms that are stated in the book, Most realistic multibody problems that arise in engineering practice can be treated by employing similar techniques and ideas.xii Preface Computer Programs ‘Two FORTRAN programs called KAP and DAP, for planar kinematic and dy- namic analysis, respectively, are developed and listed in the book. Other programs, for static equilibrium analysis, or for spatial kinematic and dynamic analysis, can be devel- oped by the reader by following the formulations and algorithms that are discussed in Various chapters. Source codes for KAP, DAP, and other complementary programs can bbe obtained on a floppy disk from the publisher. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 began working on the first version of this manuscript in 1980 at the University of Iowa while I was teaching two newly developed courses on this subject, Some of the material that was taught in these courses grew out of research collaboration with two of my colleagues, Dr. Edward J. Haug and Dr. Roger A. Wehage. I would like to express my appreciation to Ed for his encouragement and comments on the eacfier versions of the manuscript. I am deeply grateful to Roger for many stimulating discussions over the years. Without his initiative, creativity, and support this book would not have been possible. 1 would like to thank all of the graduate students who assisted me in many ways. ‘They checked many of the formulas, found many eirors, and generated many ideas. In particular, I would like to express my thanks to Mr. Hamid M. Lankarani for his assis- {ance during the past two years and to Mr. Jorge A.C. Ambrosio for his effort in gener- ating the computer graphic images. . Finally, 1 would like to thank my wife, Agnes, for her support and patience, and for not getting upset about the many evenings, weekends, and holidays that I spent working on this book University of Arizona Parviz Nikravesh TucsonNote on Unit System xitl NOTE ON UNIT SYSTEM “The system of units adopted in this book is, unless otherwise stated, the intemational system of units (SD. In most examples and problems, the variables are organized as the elements of arrays suitable for programming purposes. These variables usually represent various different quantities and therefore have different units. If the unit of each element of an array were to be stated, it would cause notational confusion. Therefore, in order to eliminate this problem, the units of the variables are not stated in most parts of the text ‘The reader must assign the correct unit to each variable. The unit of degree or radian alone is stated for variables representing angular quantities. SI Units Used in This Book Quantity Unit SL Symbol (Base Units) Length meter m Mass ilogram kg ‘Time second s (Derived Units) Acceleration, translational meter/second? m/s Acceleration, angular radian’ /second? rad/s* Damping coefficient newton-second/meter —N.s/m Force newton N (=kg.m/s") Moment of force newton-meter Nm Moment of Inertia, mass kilogram-meter* kg.m? Prossure pascal Pa (=N/m?) Spring constant newton/meter N/m Velocity, translational meter/second m/s Velocity, angular radian’ /second rad/s * or degree1 Introduction ‘The major goal of the engineering profession is to design and manufacture marketable products of high quality. Today's industries are utilizing computers in every phase of the design, management, manufacture, and storage of their products. The process of design and manufacture, beginning with an idea and ending with a final product, is a closed-loop process. Almost every link in the loop can benefit from the power of digital computers, 1,1 COMPUTERS IN DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING Factory automation is one of the major objectives of modern industry. Although there is, no one plan for factory automation, « general configuration is presented in Fig. 1.1. In this configuration, all branches of the factory communicate and exchange information through a central data base. Various parts of the product are designed in the computer- aided engineering (CAE) branch, and then the design is sent to the computer-aided manu- facturing (CAM) branch for parts manufacturing and final assembly. ‘Two of the major subbranches of CAE are computer-aided product design and computer-aided manufec- turing design. “The computer-aided product design branch, better known as computer-aided design {CAD),' may consider the design of single parts or it may concern itself with the final product as an assembly of those parts. Computerized product design requires such capa- bilities as computer-aided analysis, computer-aided drafting, design sensitivity analysis of optimization. The computer-aided analysis capability serves as part of the design proc- “The abbreviation CAD is commonly used for both computer-aided drafting and computer-sided design, Most of the CAD systems available today ate intelligent computerized ckafting systems with limited design capability 12 Introduction Chap. 4 Worshoure one shipping ‘Computor aided engineering ‘computer-aided chatting ‘Computer sided product design ‘Computer-aided aealyss ‘manufacturing assign | ' I i ! i i { { ' 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 1 Optimization techniaues Figure 1.1 Auto ted design and manufacturing, ess and is also used as « model simulator for the finished manufactured product. Analy- sis may be considered especially appropriate for « product whose initial design has to be modified several times during the manufacturing process. Thus computer-aided analysis can be used as a substitute for laboratory or ficld tests in order to reduce the cost, ‘The computer-aided manufacturing design branch is concerned with the design of the manufacturing process. This branch considers the manufacturability of newly designed parts and employs techniques to improve the manufacturing process, in addi- {ion to on-line control of the manufacturing process 1.1.1 Computer-Aided Analysis The computer-aided analysis process (CAA) allows the engineer to simulate the behav- ior of a product and modify its design prior to actual production. In contrast, prior to the introduction of CAA, the manufacturer had to construct and test a series of prototypes, a Process which was not only time-consuming but also costly, Most optimal design tech- fniques require repetitive analysis processes. Although one of the major goals of an auto- ‘mated factory is computer-aided design, computer-aided analysis techniques must be developed first.Sec. 1.2 Multibody Mechanical Systems 3 Computer-aided analysis techniques may be applied to the study of electrial and electronic citeuits, structures, ot mechanical systems. The development of algorithms for analyzing electrical circuits began in the early days of electronic compute’ Similar techniques were also employed (0 develop computer programs for structural analysis, ‘Today, these programs, known as finite-element techniques, have become highly advanced and are used widely in various fields of engineering, twas not until the early 1970s that computational techniques Found their way into the field of mechanical engineering. One of the areas of mechanical engineering where com putational techniques can be employed isthe analysis of multibody mechuniesl systems: 1.2 MULTIBODY MECHANICAL SYSTEMS yeteneutum ‘A mechanical system is defined as a collection of bodies (or links) in which some o* all vr the bodies can move relative to one another. Mechanical systems may range from the very simple to the very complex. An example of a simple mechanical system is the single pendulum, shown in Fi 1.2{a), This system contains two bodies—the pend Jum and the ground. Examples of more complex mechanical systems are the four-bar Tinkage and the slider-crank mechanism, shown in Fig, 1.2(0) and (c), respectively ‘The fourbar linkage is the most commonly used mechanism for motion transmission, “he der crank mechanism finds its greatest application in the internal-combustion engine, While the motion of the systems in Fig. 1.2 is planar (two-dimensional), other mechanical systems may expetience spatial (three-dimensional) motion. For example, the suspension and the steering ff an automobile, shown in Fig. 1.3, contain several spatial mechanisms. This system as a whole has several degrees of freedom While the kinematies of the individual linkages in this vehicle are more complicated then those of the mechanisms shown in Fig. 1.2, the concept remains the same. ‘A eascade of simple planar linkage systems can be put together to perform rather complex tasks. ‘The deployable satellite antenna shown in Fig. 14 contains such @ ¢as- cade of six four-bar linkages.’ Before deployment, the panels of the antenna are folded fr order to occupy the minimum space. Once the satellite is in orbit the panels are tinfolded in a predefined sequence, as shown in Fig. 1.5. When the unfolding process is Completed, the four-bar linkages become a truss structure to support the panels connecting rod (ink 2) (Link 3 (Link 4) al WOON wo) fa Figure 1.2. Examples of simple mechanical systems: (0) single pendulum, (0) «four-bar mechar ism, and (c) a slider-crank mechanist.Introduction Chap. 1 igure 1.3. The suspension system and the steering mechanism of an automobile, Figure 1.4 A deployed satelite antenna, @ wo) Figure 1.8 Unfold process of the antenna in orbit (@) folded panels; (b-e) unfold ing process.See. 1.2. Multibody Mechanical Systems @ ‘) Figure 1.5 (continued) ‘Another example of a mechanical system is a robotic device. A robot can be fixed toastationary base or fo a movable base, as shown in Fig, 1,6. ‘The motion and the posi- tion of the end effector of a robot are controlled through force actuators located about each joint connecting the bodies that make up the robot. o) wo Figure 1.6 Examples of robots with (a) stationary base and (D) movable se [Any mechanical system can be represented schematically as a multibody system ‘The actual shape or outline of a bocly may not be of izmme- js. OF primary importance is the connectivity of the the bodies, the type and the location of the joints, 1nd other elements in the system. the manner shown in Fig. 1.7. diate concer in the process of analysi bodies, the inertial characteristics of ‘and the playsical characteristics of the springs, dampers,6 Introduction Chap. 1 Figure 1.7 Schematic epresentation of iitibody system, 1.3 BRANCHES OF MECHANICS ete ate two different aspects tothe study of @ mechanical system: analysis and design. When a mechanical system is aced on by a given excitation, for example, an external force, ihe system exhibits certain response, The process which allows an engineer to study the response of an already exising system to a known excitation is called analysis. This requires a complete knowledge of the physical characteristics of the mechanical system, Such as material composition, shape, and arrangement of parts. The process of determin, ing whict physical characteristics are necessary for a mechanical system to perform « Prescribed task is ealled design or synthesis. The design process requires the application of scientific techniques along with the engineer's judgment. The scientific techniques i the design process are merely tools to be used by the engineer. These are mainly analy. sis techniques and optimization methods. Although these techniques can be employed in 4 Systematic manner in the design process, the overall process hinges on the judgment of the design enginees, Since the sciemttic aspect of the design process requites analysis techniques as a tool, it is important to learn about methods of analysis prior to design. ‘The branch of analysis which studies motion, time, and forces is called mechanics: 1 consists of two parts —suaties and dynamics. Statics considers the analysis of station. ary systems — systems in which time is not a factor. Dynamics, on the other hand, deals With systems that are nonstationary —aystems that change theit response with respect to time. Dynamics is divided into two disciplines —kinematics and kinetics. Kintematios is {2e Study of motion regardless of the forces that produce the motion. More explicitly, Kinematics isthe study of displacement, velocity, and acceleration. Kinetics, on the othey handy isthe study of motion and its relationship withthe forces that produce that motion, ‘The focus ofthis book ison the dynamics of mechanical systems, with an emphasis on computational methods. In addition, one chapter is devoted to computational methods in Static equilibrium analysis, since this may be needed prior to dynamic analysis: for certain mechanical systems. 1.3.1 Methods of Analysis Before we analyze the motion of any mechanical system, we must make some simplify- ing assumptions, For example, if the overall acceleration of a vchicle under the appliedSec. 1.3 Branches of Mechanics 7 toad of the engine isto be determined, then the vibrational motions of eertain pats of the vehisle ae of no significance. If one decides to consider the vibration and local deforma: tion of every part of the vehicle, then determining the response of the system becomes highly complicated, if not impossible, Therefore, these simplifying assumptions serve two purposes: to make the problem solvable and to eliminate the expenditure of effort on ‘unnecessary or insignificant responses. Classical methods of analysis in mechanics have relied upon graphical and often quite complex techniques. These techniques are based on geometrical inespreiatons of the system under consideration, As an example, consider the slider-crank mechanism: howe in Fig, 1.8. The crank is rotating with a constant angular velocity. The objective iro find the velocity of the slider. A graphical solution to this problem can be achieved rather easily. The velocity of point A, #, has a magnitude of v4 = (1.0)(0.1) = 0.1 m/s tnd is perpendiculat to the crank QA, as shown in Figute 1.9(@). ‘The velocity of point B, i, is in the direction of the motion of the slider, and the velocity of point B relative to point A, denoted by vector 7%, is perpendicular to the connecting rod AB. A vector expression relating these velocities is given as she wh eM a [A vector diagtam (velocity polygon) corresponding to this expression is shown in Fig. 1.9(b). From this diagram the magnitude ‘and the direction of # can be found. : AO. AB 0.2m 4 ona" co Tradls Figure 1.8 A slider-eranlc mechanism, — j oams\ [yea on cl 3 : Co) o igure 1.9 Graphical solution. [Although @ graphical solution to this problem is rather simple, its accuracy is limited. ‘The graphical approach can yield more accurate results if some itigonomelie famnlas and geometric relations are introduced into the process. For example, for the Mlider-erank mechanism, since the angle ¢ and the lengths of the erank and the connect: jng rod are known, other geometric information for this system can be found easily, as ‘depicted in Fig, 1.10(a). Then a vector diagram can be constructed vith complete details as shown in Fig. 1.10(b). From this diagram, y® can be calculated from the elementary8 Introduction Chap. 1 fa wp Figure 1.10 Geometric approach with detailed information, relationship between the sides and the angles of a triangle: 0,1) ina. 48 5 = 0.072 sin 75,52 ~ 0.072 m/s and of course the direction of # is known An alternative method to the graphical approsch is the solution by vector algebra In this method, all the vectors are expressed in terms of their components in a common coordinate system. For example, the components of the velocity vectors of the slider, crank mechanism in the xy coordinate system are 0.1 cos 60 ye ye v" cos 75.52 -0.1sin6o] * ~/o v™ sin 75.52 Substitution of these components in Eq. 1.1 yields v® = 0.1 cos 60 + v™ cos 75.52 0 = —0.1 sin 60 + y™ sin 75.52 which results in »** = 0,089 m/s and v® = 0.072 m/s. Kinematic analysis with vector algebra may lead to solving linear or nonlinear simultancous algebraic equations. For example, the geomettic relations between the siles and the angles of the wiangle made by the slider-erank mechanism can be expressed as ' a cos $ +b cos -d =0 asin ~ b sine Where a = OA, b = AB, and d = OB. Since a and b have known valués, Eq, 1.2 ean be written as (1.2) Q.1 cos + 0.2 cos@~d=0 OL sind — O.2sin@=0 For any given value of the crank angle the solotion to Eq. 1.3 yields values for 9 and 4. For example for ~ 30°, it is found that @ = 14,48° and d = 0.28 m. The time derivative of Eq. 1.3 yields the velocity equ (13) 01d sin 6 — 0.26 sin @- d=0 aa | 0.16 cos — 0.28 cos 6 = 0Sec. 1.4 Computational Methods 9 ‘The angular velocity of the crank is © =1 rad/s. (Since the direction of the angu- Jar velocity of the, crank is opposite to the defined positive direction of , a negative sign Is given to ,) Substituting this in Eq, 1.4 yields @ = ~0.45 rad/s and d = 0.072 m/s, where d reptesents the velocity of point B ‘The method of solution with vector algebra is an analytic approach. This approach is more systematic when compared with the graphical method. A problem formulated tnatytically can be solved repeatedly for different values of input. Por example, iF the angle and the angular velocity o of the crank are varied as a function of time, Has. 1 3 ual 1 can be solved repeatedly to obtain the solution. Although this process can be performed with pencil and paper, « eompater program can do the job more efficiently. “The usefulness of writing & computer program becomes even more apparent when the mechanical system under consideration is more complex than a planar stider-erank mechanism. For example, the spatial five-bar linkage shown in Fig. 1.11 has (wo input angles, dy and a. If this system is considered for Kinematic analysis, & graphical approach would be very tedious as well as inaccurate. In contrast, ifthe problem is solved analytically, the solution is accurate and is found efficiently igure 1.11 A spatial five-bar mechanism. “An analytical approach using a computer program manifests itself when « mechani cal system is considered for dynamic (Kinetic) analysis. Equations to represen’ the notion of a system that contains the applied loads and other characteristics of the system ane other differential equations or mixed algebraic-differential equations, An exact (closed-form) solution to these equations cannot be found except for highly simplified Gees, Regardless of the complexity of the equations of motion, itis always possible fe solve them numerically. 1.4 COMPUTATIONAL METHODS ‘The purpose of computer-aided analysis of mechanical systems is (0 develop basic methods for computer formulation and solution of the equations of motion, This requires Systematic techniques For formulating the equations and numerical methods for solving them, A computer program for the analysis of mechanical systems can be either & “special-purpose program of a general-purpose programa. Th special-purpose program is a rigidly structured computer code that deals with only one type of application. The equations of motion for the ular application are10 Introduction Chap. 1 derived a priori and then formulated into the program, As input to the program, the user Gan Provide information such as the dimensions and physical characteristics of each part. Such a program can be made computationally efficient and its storage requirement can be minimized, with the result that it will be suitable for implementation on small per. sonal computers. The major drawback of a special-purpose program is its lack of flexi. bility for handling other types of applications. A general-purpose program can be employed to analyze a variety of mechanical systems. For example, the planar motion of a four-bar linkage under applied loads and the spatial motion of a vehicie driven over a rough terrain can be simulated with the same general-purpose program. The input data to such a program ate provided by the user and must completely describe the mechanical system under consideration, The input innst contain such information as number of bodies, connectivity between the bodies, joint types, force elements, and geometric and physical characteristics. The progrant then generates all of the governing equations of motion and solves them numerically. A Beneral-purpose program, compared with a special-purpose program, is not compute- Honally as efficient and requires more memory space, but it is flexible in use. The computational efficiency of a general-purpose program depends upon several factors, two of which are the choice of coordinates and the method of numerical sole tion, ‘The choice of coordinates direetly influences both the number of the eqtations oF motion and their order of nonlinearity, Furthermore, depending upon the form of these Equations, one method of numerical solution may be preferable to another in terms of efficiency and accuracy, 1.4.1 Efficiency versus Simplicity The goveming equations of motion for « mechanical system can be derived and expressed ina variety of forms, dependent mainly upon the type of coordinates being employed. A set of coordinates q selected for a system can describe the position of the elements in the system either with respect to each other or with respect to a common reference frame, In order to show how different sets of coordinates can lead to different formulationg cescribing the same system, a simple example is given here. In this example, a fout-bar linkage is Considered for kinematic analysis. Therefore, all of the governing equations of ‘motion are algebraic equations: i.e., no differential equations are involved. ‘The first formulation shown here considers only one coordinate to describe the Configuration of the system, since a four-bar linkage has only one degree of freedom, This is referred to as the generalized coordinate ofthe system. In a system of n deptees of freedom, there will be 1 generalized coordinates. As shown in Fig. 1.12, the angle ¢, describing the orientation of the crank with respect to the ground, can be selected as the generalized coordinate; i.e., a= [¢j .s) For any given configuration, i.e., known ¢, any other information on the position of ‘any point in the system can be calculated. For example, the angles 6,, 8, and 8, can be found from the following formulas: (P+ P+ 3? ~ a?) ~ 211 cos b + 2s cos 0 — 2s cos(h — 8,)=0 (1.6) (+P + 5? ~ BP) — 271 cos + 2ds cos 0, = 0 a7)Sec. 1.4 Computational Methods n Figure 1.12. A four-bar mechanism with generalized coordinate $. b+ OO +O — 2 = 0 8) In these equations 7, d, and s represent the lengths of the links, and J represents the dis- tance between points A and D. These formulas are derived from simple geometric real- ieations, It is cleat that for a given , Eq. 1.6 yields 0,, then Bq. 1.7 yields 0, and finally Eq. 1.8 yields 6, The solution of theso equations requires direet substitution -— there is no need to solve a set of simultaneous algebraic equations.. Now, it should be ‘lear that the coordinates of a typical point attached to one of the links, in this ease the point F on link BC, can be found easily. ‘The second way of formulating the kinematic equations for the four-bar Tinkage considers three coordinates, For this or any other mechanism, the selected coordinates may define the orientation of each moving body with respect to a normoving body or with respect to another moving body. Therefore, in this book these coordinates are re- erred relative coordinaies. As shown in Fig. 1.13, angles 4, br, and ¢, are selected as a set of coordinates ob a=|% (9) bs ‘These angles ate measured between the positive x axis and the positive vectors repre- senting the Tinks. Since the four-bar linkage has only one degree of freedom, the three igure 1.13 Relative coordinates desesib ing the configuration of a four-bar system,12 Introduction Chap. Coordinates are not independent. Two loop equations relating these coorclinates can | written as follows: 1 008 + d 608 $y + 5 cos $y —~1=0 rsin by +d sin dy + 5 sing, = 0 For any given configuration, i.e., known ¢, the set of two simultancous algebraic equ: tions must be solved for}, and 4s, After Eg. 1.10 is solved, other information such z the xy coordinates of a point F can be calculated. The third formulation uses three Carvesian coordinates per link—the x and y coc: nates of the center point of each link and the angle of the link which is measured wit Tespect to the x axis, as shown in Fig. 1.14. Thus, the set of coordinates describing th Configuration of the four-bar linkage is (lt a= ty y mb: yy sl ad ‘These nine coordinates are dependent upon each other through eight equations: x = F008 oy =0 vi > F sin dy = 0 x + F cos oy a + Leos 6, 0 yt Fin, —y Ling, = 0 (2 + Leos da Leon dy =o nt S sings ~ ys ~ Fin bs 0 xy — Sc08 44 — 2 yo > sin $= 0 For any known configuration, any of the nine variables can be specified, and then the remaining eight variables can be found by solving the set of cight nonlinear algebraic equations in eight unknowns. Figure 1.14 Cartesian coordinates descit ing the configuration of a four-bar linkageSec, 1.4. Computational Methods 13 “The three preceding forms of formulation with generalized coordinates, relative coordinates, and Cartesian coordinates describe the kinematics of a four-bar mechanism, For dynamic analysis, the differential equations of motion for the four-bar linkage, or for any other mechanical system, can also be derived in terms of any of these sets of coordinates, For the four-bar linkage, formulation with genegalized coordinates yields ‘one second-order differential equation in terms of ¢, ¢), and ¢. This equation is highly nonlinear and complex in terms of ¢ and . The equations of motion, for the four-bar Jinkage in terms of the relative, coordinates, consist of three second-order differential equations in terms of ¢, 4 and g for i = 1, 2, and 3. The order of nonlinearity of these equations is not as high or as complex as in the first case. However, with these three cifferential equations, the two algebraic constraint equations of Eq. 1.10 must be consid ered, Therefore, the governing equations of motion for this system in terms of relative ‘coordinates are a mixed set of algebraic-differential equations. Similarly, in terms of the Cartesian coordinates, nine second-order differential equations can be derived. Those, in conjunction with the eight algebraic constraint equations of Eq. 1.12, would define the governing equations of motion for the four-bar linkage. These algebraic-differential equations ate loosely coupled and have a relatively low order of nonlinearity when com- pared with the previous sets, ‘A crude but general comparison between these three sets of coordinates, with regard to seversl crucial and important aspects, is summarized in Table 1.1. A general conclusion that can be made from this table is that the smaller the number of coordinates and equations, the higher the order of nonlinearity and complexity of the governing equations of motion, and vice versa. Other aspects for comparison, not listed in this table, ate the numerical solution of the governing equations of motion and the numerical error encountered in the solution for different formulations. TABLE Generalized Relative Cartesian coordinates ‘coordinates coordinates Number of coordinates Minin! Moderate Large Number of second-order Minimum’ Moderate Large sifterental equations [Nomber of algebraic None! Moderate Large ‘constraint equations Order of nonlinearity High Moderate Low Derivation of the Hard Moderately Simple! ‘equations of motion hard Computational Efficien Biticient Not as efficient efficiency! Development of a Difficult Relatively Bay! general-purpose «lifficalt ‘computer progeam "an advantage over the other tvo sels of coordinates ‘computational efficiency in solving the govering eqations of maton is dependent onthe form and the numberof equations, and the meted of numerical solution, Theroore, this is 8 very general remark.14 Introduction Chap. 1 Numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations have been well Known for decaces. Well-ceveloped algorithms with reliable error control mechanisms have been used extensively in every area of science and engineering. ‘This can be con- sidered another advantage in formulating the equations of motion in terms of a set of generalized coordinates. On the other hand, the governing equations of motion in terms of a set of relative coordinates or Cattesian coordinates are mixed algebraic-differential equations. Methods of numerical solution for such equations, compared with those for the ordinary differential equations, are still in their infancy (this subject is discussed in detail in Chap, 13). Numerical solutions for differential equations provide only an approximation to the actual (exact) solution. The deviation between the numerical solution and the actual response is the numerical error inherent in the solution. One of the main factors influenc- ing the amount of error in the solution is the number of equations. Generally, the larger the number of equations, the greater the chances for accumulation of numerical error. ‘This can be considered one more advantage in using a minimum number of coordinates. At this point, it ean be concluded that the points in favor of using a set of general- ized coordinates for formulating the governing equations of motion outnumber those fa- voring the other coordinates. However, the disadvantages must not be overlooked. The complexity in deriving the equations of motion and the difficulty in developing a ver- satile computer program for general usage require an advanced knowledge of dynamics and prior experience in developing large-scale codes. In contrast to the generalized coo dinates, the derivation of the equations of motion with Cartesian coordinates is simple, ‘The resulting equations can easily be put into general usage and into a versatile computer Program. IF computational efficiency is not the decisive factor, then a set of Cartesian coordinates can be an attractive candidate. It can be concluded that a set of relative coordinates falls in the middle of the “comparison scale.” ‘Therefore, selection of a set of relative coordinates might be a good compromise between the generalized and Cartesian coordinates in formulating the gov- ering equations of motion. In Chap. 13, it will be shown how a dynamic analysis algorithm can be developed to take advantage of the simplicity of the Cartesian coordi- nates for formulating the equations of motion and the efficiency of the generalized or relative coordinates for the numerical solution, 1.4.2 A General-Purpose Program A general-purpose computer program for the dynamic analysis of mechanical systems must perform four basic funetions: 1, Accepting data from the uscr 2. Generating the governing equations of motion 3. Solving the equations 4. Communicating the result to the user ‘The first step is referred to as the input phase, the second and third steps are the analysis phase, and the fourth step is the output phase.Sec. 1.4 Computational Methods 6 Input. ‘The user must furnish for the program a description of the system under consideration through a set of engineering data. As an example, assume that the double- wishbone suspension system with steering shown in Fig. 1.15(a) is considered for dynamic analysis. A schematic representation of this system is shown in Fig. 1.15(b). ‘The system consists of six moving bodies, a nonmoving body (the ground), a spring and 1 damper, four spherical joints, and four revolute joints. The input data describing this system must contain such information 1, Number of bodies, mumber and types of joints 2, Mass and moments of inertia of each moving body 3. Connectivity information between the bodies 4, Connectivity information and characteristics of the spring and damper 5, Tire characteristics (if its deformation is to be considered) 6. Direction of gravity 7, Initial conditions on the position and velocity of each body 8, Steering input (from the driver) and applied forces to the wheel (from the road) Note that in rigid-body dynamic analysis, the shape of bodies need not be described this information is needed only if « graphical display of the system is required, “The minimum requirement for generating and communicating a set of input data to the anilysis program is an alphanumeric computer terminal. The input can be entered ‘manually via the keyboard and transmitted to the analysis program, which may reside on 4 mainframe computer, a minicomputer, or a personal microcomputer. The process of generating the input data can be facilitated by developing a preprocessing program and izer tablet, a graphics terminal, or a CAD system. employing a digi ain chasis \ Ball joint a ww Figure 1.35. (@) A double-wishbone suspension system, and (b) its corresponding sche- anutie representation,16 Introduction Chap. 1 Analysis. On the basis of the input data, the analysis program generates all of the necessary equations describing the system, These equations are then solved numeri cally in order to obtain the response of the system under the specified loads. The numeri (s) to Figure 1.16 Graphic display of the response for the double-wishbone suspension sys- ‘em (@) toa steering commend, and (b) to an obstacle on the roadSec. 1.4 Computational Methods 7 cal algorithms provide the solution to the equations at discretized points in time. The response at cach time point is communicated to the user; it contains such information as the position, velocity, and acceleration of each moving body and the reaction forces at the joints Output. ‘The minimum output-device requirement is either a terminal screen or a printer, The numerical result of the dynamic simulation for systems undergoing planar ‘motion and having only a few moving bodies may not be too extensive, When it is not, ‘one can interpret and understand the dynamic response for such systems from @ printed ‘output, But the task can become extremely time-consuming and tedious when the number of moving bodies is large, particularly when the system undergoes spatial motion, The difficulty of interpreting the dynamic response can be resolved by developing a post- processor program capable of communicating the result to the user through various forms of output device, e.g., a printer, a plotter, or a graphic display un Possibly one of the most expressive forms of communication is computer graphics, For this purpose, the user must provide for the graphics package the exact or an approxi- mate shape of each body. This can be done by defining a set of points on each body and specifying the connectivity between these points. The lines produced from the connec tivity information, when displayed, represent surfaces of the outline of each body. The outlines can be positioned in their proper orientation according to the position data pro- vided by the output at any required point in time. Figure 1.16 is a graphical display of the result of a dynamic simulation of the sus- pension system of Fig. 1.15. Figure 1.16(a) shows the response of the wheel to a steer~ ing command, and Fig. 1.16(b) shows the tesponse of the system when if encounters an Figure 1.17 Dynamic response of the double-wishbone suspension system presented as series of graphic displays to form an animation.18 Introduction Chap. 1 obstacle on the road. Figure 1.17 shows the graphic presentation of the system at several instants of time. When a sequence of graphic displays at small and successive incre- ments of time is generated and displayed at a rate of at least 30 frames per second, an animated picture of the motion is created. This requires a high-speed graphic display device that is capable of displaying several thousand lines or polygons, flicker-frec, in ‘one second,2 Vectors and Matrices ‘Vector and matrix algebra form the mathematical foundation for kinematics and dynamics, Geometry of motion is at the heart of both the kinematics and the dynamics of mechani cal systems. Vector analysis is the time-honored tool for describing geometry. In its geo- metric form, however, vector algebra is not well suited to computer implementation, Tn this chapter, # systematic matrix formulation of vector algebra, referred to as algebraic vector representation, is presented for use throughout the text, This form of vector representation, in contrast to the mote traditional geometric form of vector repre~ sentation, is easier to use for either formula manipulation or computer implementation. Elementaty properties of vector and matrix algebra are stated in this chapter without proof, 2.1 GEOMETRIC VECTOR When we write a vector in the form a, it is understood from the atrow notation that we are referring to the vector in its geometric sense: it begins at a point A and ends at a point B. The magnitude of vector d is denoted by a. A unit vector in the direction of @ is shown as il. Vectors lying in the seme plane are called coplanar vectors. Collinear vectors have the same direction and the same line of action, Equal vectors have the same magni- tude and direction, A zero ot null vector has zero magnitude and therefore no specified direction, Multiplication of a vector @ by a scalar a is defined as a vector in the same direc: tion as a that has a magnitude aa. The negative of a vector is obtained by multiplying the vector by ~1; it changes the direction of the vector. 1920 Vectors and Matrices Chap. + ‘The vector sum of two vectors & and 5 is written as @=a+5 Qt The product of a sum of two scalars a + 8 and a vector a is expanded as (@ + Ba = ad + pa 22 A vector d can be resolved into its Cartesian components ay, dyy. and ayy along the x, y, and z axes of a Cartesian system, Here, the unit veetots fy, ays and fey are directed along the coordinate axes x, y, and z." In vector notation, the resolution of the vector into its components is expressed as = aggiigy + aptly + deity Q3, If the angles between the vector d and the positive x, y, and z axes are denoted by Oy Gy and Ay, the components of vector d are given as Aq = 4 608 Oy a) = 4 005 By On Ag = 608 Oy ‘The quantities cos 83, C08 B,», and cos Oy are the direction cosines of vector &. The sealar (or dot) product of two vectors @ and is defined as the product of the magnitudes of the two vectors and the cosine of the angle between them; i.e., 4-6 = ab cose 25) Aghia + agiby, + abe. 2.6) aba (2.7) where the angle @ between the vectors is measured in the plane of intersection of the vectors. If the two vectors are nonzero, i.e., if a #0 and & % 0, then their scalar product is zero only if cos @ = 0. Two nonzero vectors are thus said to be orthogonal (perpendicular) if their scalar product is zero. For any vector d, aaaa (2.8) The vector (or cross) product of two vectors @ and B is defined as the vector @=4axb (2.9) = ab sin Oi (2.10) (asbig ~ aaPooiey + big ~ @abudilyy + (Oy Py) ~ aya an) where i is a unit vector that is orthogonal to the plane of intersection of the two vectors @ and b, taken in the positive right-hand coordinate direction, and @ is the angle between vectors a and b. Since reversal of the order of the vectors & and & in Eq, 2.9 would yield ‘an opposite direction for the unit vector, it is clear that bxa=-axb (2.12) While not obvious on geometrical grounds, the following identities are valid: G+ esa-erbee (2.13) G+B xt=axtrixe (2.14) "In most textbooks ihe three unit vectors along the x, y, and z axes are denoted by 7, }, and &. In this text since andj ate used to denote indices of bodies, to avoid sny confusion, nit vectors ave denoted by i, Fay. a4 HySec. 2.2. Matrix and Algebraic Vectors 2 From the definition of scalar product, yeetor product, and unit coordinate vectors, the following identities are valid: flog + Hig = Higy © Hey = fy * Hy = 0 Se ore eee dg (2.15) Fey * iy = Hyg Bey = Hey thea = 1 and Figg ® tig = Hy, X ihey = Hig X Hg = 0 fy X fy, = ley ora 2.16) fy X fy = tay fgg * tiyy = Hy 2.2 MATRIX AND ALGEBRAIC VECTORS ‘Compact matrix notation often allows one to concentrate on the form of a system of ‘equations and what it means, rather than on the minute details of its construction. Matrix manipulation also allows for the organized development and simplification of systems of equations. ‘A matrix with m rows and 1 columns is said to be of dimension m Xn and is denoted by a boldface capital letter; it is written in the form a ay tt Aw ay Oa aay A= [aj] Gig Oya Sa Jos where a typical element ay is located at the intersection of the éth row and jth column. The transpose of a matrix is formed by interchanging rows and columns and is desig- nated by the superscript T. Thus, if ay is the ij element of matrix A, ay is the i element of its transpose A”. ‘A matrix with only one column is called « column matrix and is denoted by a boldface lower-case letter; e.g., a. A matrix with only one row is called a row matrix and is denoted as a"; ie., as the transpose of a column matrix. An m X 1 matrix can be considered to be constructed of n column matrices a,, where j ym, oF nt row matrices af; where i = 1,4 9m ‘The vector a in Eq. 2.3 is uniquely defined by its Cartesian components and can be written in matrix notation as follows: ag a=} ay ay Ay. yr ol (2.17) This is the algebraic (or component) representation of a vector. 2.2.1 Matrix Operations In this section, the terminology of matrix algebra is briefly reviewed. Several useful identities are stated that are used extensively throughout this text.22 Vectors and Matrices Chap. 2 A square mairix has an equal number of rows and columns. A diagonal matrix is a square mattix with ay = 0 for i % j and at least one nonzero diagonal term. Ann Xn diagonal maitix is denoted by A= diaglay, aay... ud) +k, are arranged along the diagonal of a matrix D If square matrices B,, i to give &B, then the matrix is called a quasi-diagonal matrix and is denoted by D = diag(B,, B,,..., By] ‘even though D is not a true diagonal matrix. Ann X n unit or idemity matrix, denoted normally as 1, is a diagonal matrix with ay = 1, i= 1,...,0. A mull matrix or zero matrix, designated as 0, has ay = 0 for all i and j If two matrices A and B are of the same dimension, they are defined to be equal matrices if ay = bj for all i ancl j. The sum of tvo equidinensional matrices A and B is ‘ matrix with the same dimension, defined as C=A+B 2.18) where cy = ay + by for all ¢ and j. The difference between two matrices A and B of the same dimension is defined as the matrix C=A-B (2.19) Where cy = ay — by for all i and j. For matrices having the same dimension, the follow- ing identities are valid: (A+B) +C=A+B+OQ=A+B4C (2.20) A+B=B+A 2.21) Multiplication of a matrix by a scalar is defined as aA =C (2.22) where ¢, = aay. Let A be an m X p matrix and let B be ap X n matrix, w 7 ay ay ABl: B= [by by... bi] ay, are column vectors with 7 elements, Then the matrix product of A and B is defined as where the a7, # = 1,...,m, ate row vectors with p elements and the boi =1...ny the m Xn matrix | | C=AB (2.23)Soc, 2.2 Matrix-and Algebraic Vectors 23 where a alb, atb, -+* ab, aj, ab, ++ aby ct : (2.24) alb, amb, - ++ aqby, or ¢ = aby. The scalar product a’b for two vectors & = [ay 435 seedy)” and b= {b,,b,,...,b)J" is defined as al = ayby + agby + +0 + ayby (2.25) It is important to note that the product of two matrices is defined only if the number of columns in the first matrix equals the number of rows in the second matrix, It is clear from the definition that, in general, AB 7 BA (2.26) In fact, the products AB and BA are defined only if both A and B are square and of equal dimension “The following identities are valid, assuming that the matrices have proper dimensions: (A + B)C = AC + BC (2.27) {AB)C = A(BC) = ABC (2.28) (A+ By = Al + BY (2.29) (AB)’ = BTAT (2.30) I ay = ay for all { and j, the matrix A is called symmetric; ive. A= AY. If ay = —ay for all i and j, the matrix A is called skew-symmetric; i.e., A= A’. Note that in this case, ay = 0, for all i. Consider an m p matrix A. If linear combinations of the rows of the matrix are nonzero; i.c., if Ma x0 2.31) for all @ = [ay,0,.-- 54)” % 8, then the rows of A are said to be linearly indepen- dent. Otherwise, if Ma = (2.32) for at least one a # 0, then the rows of A are said to be linearly dependent and at least cone of them can be written as a linear combination of the others. The row rank (column rank) of a matrix A is defined as the largest number of lin- early independent rows (columns) in the matrix, The row and the column ranks of any ‘matrix are equal. Each of them can thus be called the rank of the matrix. A square matrix ‘with linearly independent rows (columns) is said to have full rank. When a square matrix does not have full rank, itis called singular, Por a nonsingular matrix there is an iwverse, denoted by AT’, such that AAT =ATA=T 2.33) ‘The following identities are valid: =(ay' (2.34) Bat 2.35) (ay (AB)24 Veotors and Matrices Chap. 2 A special nonsingular matrix that arises often in kinematics is called an orshogonal matris, with the property that’ ay (2.36) ‘Therefore, for an orthogonal matrix, : ATA = : (2.37) Since constructing the inverse of a nonsingular mattix is generally time-consuming, it is important to know when @ matrix is orthogonal. In this special case, the inverse is ti ally constructed by using Eq. 2.36. 2.2.2 Algebraic Vector Operations The algebraic representation of vectors provides @ powerful tool for vector algebra. A. reader who is not familiar with this notation and arithmetic may not realize at first its ease of use and flexibility, However, after learning how to operate with algebraic vectors, the reader will find that the traditional geometrical vector operation is rigid and limited for formula manipulation, An algebraic vector is defined as a column matrix. When an algebraic vector rep- resents a geometric vector in three-dimensional space, the algebraic vector has three components and is called a 3-vector. However, algebraic vectors with more than thtee components will also be defined and employed in this text. A 3-vector a was shown in Eq. 2.17 in terms of its xyz components. The compo- nents of a veetor can be specified in terms of the other coordinate systems besides the ayz coordinate system, such as the x'y’2' or &nf system, In order not to restrict the fol- Iowing notation to the xyz components of a vector, we show the components of vectors a and bas a (2.38) a by b=]b, (2.39) by and thus the vector sum“of Eq: 2.1 becomes, in algebraic notation, c=atb (2.40) It is also true that @ the components of the vectors are equal; ie., if = b. Mul- tiplication of a vector @ by a scalar e occurs component by component, so the vector ed is described by the column vector aa. A null or zero vector, denoted by 0, has all of its components equal to zero. ‘The sealar product of two vectors may be expressed in algebraic form as a’ = Bla = ayby + a,b, + aby an "The correct terminology would have been orthonormal instead of orthogonal.Sec, 2.2 Matrix and Algebraic Vectors 28 Note that two vectors # and b are orthogonal if ab =0 (2.42) A skew-symmetric matrix associated with a vector a is defined as 0 ~a, & 0 ~a (2.43) -a, a, 0 Note that the tilde placed over a vector indicates that the components of the. yector are xd 10 generate a skew-symmetric matrix, Now the veetor product d x 5 in Bq. 2.9 ‘be written in component form as gh) ~ ahr = ab =| ab, ~ abs 2.44) aby ~ arb, For later use, it is helpful to develop some standard properties of the tilde opera- tion, First note that 0 aa “a 0 4 (2.45) a -a, 0 ‘Also, for a scalar a, * adi = (aa) (2.46) For any vectors a and b, a direct calculation shows that ib = —ba 2.47) Direct calculation may also be done to show that fa = 0 (2.48) Hence, by Eq. 2.45, all = -a'a = 0" (2.49) It can also be verified by direct calculation that ab = ba! ~ a'bl + (2.50) where Lis a3 X 3 identity matrix. Also, (Gb) = ba’ — ab” (2.51) \ (2.52) ab + ab’ = (2.53) It-can also be verified by direct calculation that a+b (2.54) Table 2.1 should assist the reader in becoming familiar with the algebraic notation. Example 2.1 ‘Test the validity of Eq. 2.47 with two vectors a = [~2,1, ~3) and b = Ui, -2.47.26 Vectors and Matrices Chap. 2 Solution The product ab is computed as follows: oat 1 -2 ab=}-3 0 2]/-2]=] 5 1-2 o}} 4 3 The product ba is computed similarly: 0 ~4 -2][ -2 2 ba=/4 0-1 1yp=]-s 2 1 of] -3 -3 It can be seen that b = ~ba. Example 2.a For vectors a and b, verify Eq. 2.51 Solution The product ab'was found to be [-2, 5, 3]". Therefore, 0-3 5 a=! 3 02 -5-2 0 ‘The right-hand side of Eq. 2.51 is computed as follows 1 -2 ba’ — ab" =| -2 |[-2,1,-3]-] 1 |f1,-2,4] 4 “3 -2 1 -3 -2 4 -8 =] 4-2 6/-| 1-2 4 “8 4-12 -3 6-12 0-3 5 =| 302 -5 -2 0 which verifies the validity of Eq. 2.51. Example 2.2 Show that aX Ox QtbxEXA+ExG@xd=G Solution Using algebraic veetor notation, we write the left-hand side of this expression as abe + bea + cab Employing Eq. 2.50 for ab, bé, and ¢4, the above terms become (ba” ~ a’bDe + (cb” — bie)a + (ack — c'al)hSec. 2.2. Matrix and Algebraic Vectors a TABLE 2,1 Vector Terms in Geometric and Algebraic Forms Geom cs asd ath . ai wb axd a a-0xo the Cxa-a (bey'a (= ~e'ba) ax@xd iibe axdxs ie or ba’e ~ athe + eb'a ~ blea + ac" ~ clab Observe that ba%e = a”eb, since ae is a scalar and can be placed to the left or to the right of vector b, Since a’e = c’a, then ba’e = clab. Similarly, it can be shown that ch’a = a’be, ac’b = bea, and the identity is proved to be zero. Consider three vectors @ = fay, 42, yl", b = (by,b,, B31", and c = (cy, ¢q, 65)". For these vectors, the following representations in matix form will be used in this text: a bo A=[ab,c]=] a. by & (2.55) ay by Cy ay ay ay AT= [a,b,c =] by by bs (2.56) ete ‘The algebraic representation of vectors allows one to define vectors with more than three components; i.e., vectors with higher dimension than 3. A vector with # compo- nents is called an n-vector. For example, the vector a = [41,4 4,)" is # 3-veetor, and = [ay 43,5, bs Bay bss Cy Cores) = [ab 2.57) is a 9-vector. Note that the right side of Eq. 2.57 is a column vector. In this text, for clarification purposes in particular cases, the dimension of a vector is shown as a super- script; e.g., vector d for Eq. 2.57 can be shown as a”. "A matrix can be represented in terms of its subvectors and submatrices. For example, the 3 X 4 matrix C can be represented as c= [aA] (2.58) where a is a 3-vector and A is a 3 X 3 matrix. Vector a represents the elements of the first column of C, and the matrix A represents the elements in columns 2, 3, and 4 of C Example 2.3 If C = [a,A] and D = [b,B] are two 3 X 4 matrices, express CD" and 7D in terms of a, A, b, and B.28 Vectors and Matrices Chap, 2 Solution The product CDT yields a 3% 3 matri CD’ = [a, A] (t = ab’ + ABT and the product C"D yields a4 4 matrix: 1p = [*" ab aB cD= [* {b,B] [x AB 2.3 VECTOR AND MATRIX DIFFERENTIATION In the kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems, vectors representing the posi- tions of points on bodies, or equations describing the geometry or the dynamics of the motion, are often functions of time or some other variables. In analyzing these equations, time derivatives or partial derivatives with respect to some vatiabies of the vectors anc ‘equations ate needed. In this section, these derivatives are defined and the notation used in the text is explained. 2.3.1 Time Derivatives In analyzing velocities and accelerations, time derivatives of vectors that locate points or bodies or equations that describe the geometry of motion must often be calculated Consider a vector a = a(t) = [ay(0), an(t), ay(1)]", where + is a scalar parameter that may play the role of time or some other variable. The time derivative of a vector a is denoted by d ad a a Er Ga = [fa daiocoso] (2.59) Thus, for vectors that are written in terms of their components in a fixed Cartesian coor- dinate system, the derivative of a vector is obtained by differentiating its components. The derivative of the sum of two vectors gives CORELO) which is completely analogous to the ordinary differentiation rule that the detivative of a ‘sum is the sum of the derivatives. The following vector forms of the product rule of dif- ferentiation can also be verified: +b (2.60) ea) = bi + of (2.61) Le = ab + ab (2.62) Lean = ab + ab 2.63) where a(t) is a scalar function of time. Note also that (2.64)Sec, 2.3. Vector and Matrix Differentiation 29 Many uses may be made of these derivative formulas. For example, if the length of a vector a(f) is fixed, Le., if a@’a() = ¢ then ia =0 (2.65) If a is a position vector that Jocates a given point, then a is the velocity of that point Hence Eq, 2.65 indicates that the velocity is orthogonal to the position vector when the position vector has a constant magnitude. ‘The second time derivative of a vector a = a(t) is denoted as a(d d A(4qy) o4@ 8 2.66 a ) ae oa ‘Thus, for vectors that are written in terms of their components in a fixed Cartesian coos dinate system, the second time derivative may be calculated in ferms of the second time derivatives of the components of the vector Just as in the differentiation of @ vecior function, the derivative of « matrix whose components depend on a variable ¢ may be defined. Consider a matrix A() = (ay(] ‘The derivative of A(A) is defined as dali i qh [geo] A (2.67) With this definition, it can be verified that “ao + BQ A+B (2.68) Laconia) = AB + ab 2.69) Lea aA + ak (2.70) d gq hoa) = Aat+ Aa (2.7) Example 2.4 If a is a nonzero time-dependent 3-vector, A = [a,a] isa 3 x 4 matrix, and C= AA’, what is the condition on a for which € will be a null matrix? Solution Matix C is found to be c= wail] = aa — The time derivative of C is = fal + ad — fa ~ 08 where Eq. 2.50 is employed that € = 247al. Therefore, C ai” + aTal — aa” + ail a’A, after simplification it is found 0 if a has a constant magnitude; i.e., a = 0. 2.3.2 Partial Derivatives 1m dealing with systems of nonlinear differential and algebraic equations in many vari ables, itis essential that a mamriy calculus notation be employed, ‘To introduce the nota-30 Vectors and Matrices Chap. 2 tion used here, let q be a k-vector of real variables and & be a scalar function of q. Using j as column index, the following notation is defined a _ [ae > =| (2,72) “oq I... 7 Equation 2.72 indicates that the partial derivative of a scalar function with respect to a variable vector is a row vector. Example 2.5 Vector q designates four variables as q = live of a scalar fimetion with respect to q where & = Solution Since a@/ax, = —1, ab/ar, = 3x3, a@/ax, = 0, and db/ax, = 6x,x3, then, using Eq. 2.72, ®, is written as follows: 4 ®,=[-1 3x3 0 Gray) »%3,%3.44)", Find the partial deriva- i Sxl HE B(q) = [4,(q), O,(4), . .., ©,,(@)I" is an m-vector of differentiable functions of 4 using i as row index and j as column index, the following notation is defin ob a®, 6,=— foo (2.73) aq I, ee Equation 2.73 indicates that the partial derivative of m functions of a k-vector of vari- ables with respect to that vector is defined as an m X k matvix. Example 2.6 Vector q containing six variables is given as q = [xy. 4,25 Y2.%s5J4]”. Determine the partial derivative of two functions & = (4,, ,]" with respect to q where ®, = x, + 3y, 4 + 2 yy = 1 + yet Dy Solution The partial derivative of @ with respect to q is a2 x 6 matrix: 13-10 2-1 nom O10 2 matrix contain the partial derivatives ®, Note that the first and the second rows of this of ©, and &, with respect to q respectively. ‘The partial derivative of the scalar product of two n-vector functions a(q) and b(q), by careful manipulation, is found to be a row vector: a aq ‘Where the dimension of the resultant row vector is the same as the dimension of vector q. (2.74) 'b) = bla, + ab,Sec, 2.3 Vector and Matrix Differentiation 31 Example 2.7 Vectors a and b are functions of a s tive of a/b with respect to a if igle variable a, Determine the partial deriva- 2a 3 . a=|-1 b=] a a ~a Solution Using Eq. 2.74, it is found that 2 o (ety) = [-3,0,-a]| 0} + 2a-tal} 1b} =-2e—7 aa 7 a ‘This result can be obtained directly, in order to verify Eq. 2.74, by determining the scalar product a’b: -3 alb = [2a,-L,a]] a | =
i + 1, and go to (0) ‘The simple form of the constraint equations of Example 3.2 may give the impres- sion that the constraint equations can always be explicitly partitioned into terms contain- ing the independent coordinates and terms containing the dependent coordinates. In general, this partitioning is not possible for highly nonlinear equations. However, regardless of the order of nonlinearity of the constraint equations, the velocity and accel. eration equations can be partitioned according to Eqs. 3.8 and 3.11, since they ate linear in terms of @ and @, respectively. Example 3.3 Derive the velocity and acceleration equations for the constraint equations 2 cos dy + 3 cost, ~ o,) ~ 2 cos(bs + 44) — 4 cos & ~ 5=0 wo 2 sin b, + 3 sin(d, ~ ,) ~ 2 sin(, + $,) — 4 sind, -— 1 = 0 ‘Then express these equations in pastitioned form if ¢, and @, are assumed to be the independent coordinetes. Solution ‘The vector of coordinates is 4 = [s, asx, ul": thus v= [dy dhl” and u = [42,". Since the constraint equations are nonlinear, they cannot be
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