The Sabroe HPO/HPC range is a unique high-pressure In ammonia heat pump installations, Sabroe HPO/
compressor design. It is widely used in conjunction HPC compressors are often employed to produce hot
with ammonia heat pumps, and has also become very water at temperatures up to 70°C at very low cost.
popular due to the resurgence of the use of CO2 as a For such applications, Sabroe HPO/HPC compressors
refrigerant, along with high-pressure refrigerants such are normally used as an extra “supercharge” stage in
as R410A. traditional ammonia plants.
Sabroe HPO/HPC compressors are now used in In CO2/ammonia cascade plants, Sabroe HPO/HPC
CO2 /ammonia cascade plants and R410A chillers all over compressors are used on the low-temperature side,
the world. working very efficiently with evaporating temperatures
as low as -55°C. Due to the fact that HPO/HPC
compressors using CO2 feature extremely high
efficiency and capacity, such cascade systems are very
compact and ensure low operating costs.
There are six models covering capacities between 97
and 452 m3/h swept volume at maximum speed, and
with guaranteed ratings for a wide range of different
refrigerants at pressures up to 40 bar for HPC and
50 bar for HPO.
HPC 108 compressor block with Unisab IIl compressor control unit
The advantages of the Sabroe HPO/HPC high-pressure or the customer, the benefits of the Sabroe HPO/HPC
compressor design include high-pressure compressor design include
utomatic capacity control and high coefficient u L ower power consumption, especially when operating
of performance (COP), with excellent part-load at part load. This greatly reduces operating costs.
xcellent accessibility – including simple-to-clean u Easy maintenance, resulting in low service costs
water covers and externally accessible oil pump/filter and minimal downtime.
(HPC only) – and few requirements for spare parts.
ny necessary repairs can normally be undertaken uA
ll repairs can be carried out on site at the
without having to remove the compressor. customer’s own premises, reducing both repair costs
and downtime.
¢ L ightweight pistons, chromium piston rings, gas- u Extended service life for key wearing parts.
dampened discharge valves and hardened cylinder
liner surfaces.
pring-loaded safety heads, balanced refrigerant- uT
he special design ensures low noise and low
tight shaft seal, asbestos-free gaskets and an vibration levels, with safe, environmentally
internal bypass valve to prevent excessive pressure. friendly operation.
Standard equipment Compressor and oil cooling
Sabroe HPO/HPC compressors are supplied with the Depending on specific refrigerant and operating
following equipment as standard conditions, it can be necessary to supplement basic air
l Sabroe Unisab IIl microprocessor control with convection cooling with one of the following options to
temperature/pressure sensors make sure that the compressor and the lubricating oil
l compressor block with oil pump and oil filter are cooled efficiently
l solenoid valves for capacity control l water-cooled head covers
l suction and discharge stop valves l water-cooled side covers for oil cooling
l oil-charging valve
l suction filter
l evacuation valve
l pre-lubrication valve.
Optional equipment
A wide range of optional equipment is also available on
Sabroe HPO/HPC compressors. This includes
l extended one-cylinder capacity control or standard
l explosion-proof equipment
direct-drive unit
l motors
l tool sets
Model Number Bore x Max. Swept Normal capacities kW Approximate dimensions Approx. Sound
of stroke rpm volume Heating Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Direct coupled unit weight pressure
cylinders mm at 1500 mm excl. level
2008.10 - 1
HPO 26 6 70 x 70 1500 146 397 106 176 138 207 1600–1950 940 985 550 76
HPO 28 8 70 x 70 1500 194 529 141 235 184 276 1620–1970 940 985 580 77
HPC 104S 4 100 x 80 1500 226 629 168 284 228 338 1920–2270 1030 1100 850 81
HPC 106S 6 100 x 80 1500 339 942 252 426 343 507 2010–2460 1085 1130 1025 82
HPC 108S 8 100 x 80 1500 452 1256 335 568 457 676 2040–2490 1235 1130 1100 83
Nominal capacities for R744 are based on no subcooling in cascade cooler, 10°K useful suction superheat
Nominal capacities are at 1450 rpm.
*) The sound pressure has been calculated for -50/-10˚C with R744 at 1450 rpm