In all low-temperature refrigeration installations, The TCMO/TSMC range includes eight two-stage models
two-stage reciprocating compressors are an that provide capacities between 175 and 1018 m3/h low-
economical operating alternative to single-stage screw pressure swept volume at maximum speed.
Sabroe TCMO/TSMC two-stage reciprocating Compatible and upgradable
compressors are therefore ideal for medium-size The Sabroe TCMO/TSMC design is future-compatible
industrial and marine refrigeration installations. They because ongoing changes and improvements are
are the most reliable and economical option for a range designed so that they can also be implemented on
of heavy-duty applications on this particular scale, earlier TCMO/TSMC models. This makes it easy to
where an extended service life is required. upgrade and retrofit older compressors to the most
recent specifications.
The advantages of the Sabroe TCMO/TSMC or the customer, the benefits of the Sabroe TCMO/
compressor design include TSMC compressor design include
igh coefficient of performance (COP), with u L ower power consumption, especially when operating
excellent part-load characteristics. at part load. This greatly reduces operating costs.
xcellent accessibility – including simple-to-clean uE
asy maintenance, resulting in low service costs and
water covers and externally accessible oil minimal downtime.
pump/filter (TSMC 100 only) – and limited spare
parts requirements.
ny necessary repairs can normally be undertaken uA
ll repairs can be carried out on site at the
without having to remove the compressor. customer’s own premises, reducing both repair costs
and downtime.
hromium piston rings, gas-dampened discharge u Extended service life for all moving parts.
valves and hardened cylinder liner surfaces.
pring-loaded safety heads, balanced refrigerant- uT
he special design ensures low noise and low
tight shaft seal, asbestos-free gaskets and an vibration levels, with safe, environmentally
internal bypass valve to prevent excessive responsible operation.
Standard equipment l il separators with solenoid valve and TLT valve (TSMC
Sabroe TCMO/TSMC compressors are supplied with the 100 only) for oil return
following equipment as standard l oil charging pump
l compressor block with oil pump and oil filter l vibration dampers and foundation bolts
l solenoid valves for capacity control l tool sets
l suction and discharge stop valves l sets of genuine Sabroe spare parts.
l safety valve
Model Number of Bore x stroke Max. Low-pressure Normal capacities Dimensions in mm Weight Sound
cylinders mm rpm side swept in kW at 1500 rpm Direct-coupled unit without excl. pressure
low/high- volume at intermediate cooler motor level
pressure max. rpm, -40/+35°C kg dB(A)
side m3/h R717 R134a R404A R507 L W H
TCMO 28 6/2 70 x 70 1800 175 20 11 27 28 1400–1750 700 1000 500 71
2008.10 - 1
TSMC 108 E 6/2 100 x 120 1500 509 82 NA NA NA 1900–2500 1050 1125 1000 83
TSMC 116 S 12 / 4 100 x 801 1500 669 100 60 132 139 2475–3200 1150 1335 1800 84
TSMC 116 L 12 / 4 100 x 100 1500 848 133 62 *) 136 *) 144 *) 2475–3200 1150 1335 1800 84
TSMC 116 E 12 / 4 100 x 120 1500 1018 163 NA NA NA 2475–3200 1150 1335 1800 84
Nominal capacities are based on 2°C subcooling from condenser, 2°C superheat and liquid subcooling in intermediate cooler to 10°C above intermediate temperature.
Nominal capacities are at max. rpm except for: *) at 1200 rpm
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