Unit 3 Booklet Compiled

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Grade 10 MYP Yr.


Unit Title: Important redox reactions

Practice Booklet #1

Key concept: Change

Related Concept: Models,Consequences

Global Context/exploration:
orientation in space and time/ Natural and human landscape and resources

Statement of Inquiry: Changes in the models of some discoveries has led to considerable
consequences on natural and human landscapes and resources.

ATL Skills: Communication- communication skills IBLP: Thinker

Thinking- Creative thinking skills Communicator

Self-management: Reflection skills

Research: Information literacy skills

Student’s name: ---------------------------------------- Student’s section: 10 --------


2022 - 2023

Unit Three Overview

MYP Year 5 (Grade 10)

Unit Title: Important redox reactions

Duration: 4 weeks

Related Concept
Key Concept Models Global Context
Change Consequences Orientation in space and

Statement of Inquiry

Changes in models of some discoveries has led to

considerable consequences on natural and human
landscape and resources

Inquiry questions

• What is change?
• What are the consequences of redox reactions?
• What models and discoveries have consequences on human landscapes and resources?

• How does change in models affect energy production?
• How does consequences of energy transformation impact uses?
• Why do humans study the consequences of energy changes?

• To what extent can consequences from change in models impact human landscape?
• Can change in models affect the human landscape?

Science Approaches to learning:

Skills needed to solve questions included in worksheets and exams:

ATL Cluster ATL Specific Skill

Critical Thinking Skills Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues. A(i)

Creative Thinking Skills Propose and evaluate a variety of solution. A(iii)

Communication Consider multiple alternatives, including those that might be unlikely or

impossible. A(ii)

Skills needed to solve questions included in writing essays:

ATL Cluster ATL Specific Skill

Critical Thinking Skills Recognize and evaluate proposition D(ii)

Communications Make inferences and draw conclusions D(i)

Paraphrase accurately and concisely D(iii)
Information Literacy Collect and analyse data to identify solutions and make informed
decisions D(iv)

• Content

Unit Title Unit Details

Important redox reactions • Explain what is meant by reduction and oxidation in

terms of loss and gain of oxygen and hydrogen (old
definition) and in terms of loss and gain of electrons(new
definition) .

• Write half equations for redox reactions that take place

upon the electrolysis of molten salts.

• Identify the oxidising and reducing agents in a reaction.

• Describe the difference between voltaic and electrolytic


• Use the reactivity series to explain the voltage difference

in voltaic cells.

• Describe how electrolytic cells are used in electroplating

fake jewellery.

Week No. Learning Process

Week 1 Topic:

8/1-12/1 Redox introduction


Critical Thinking Skills: Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects/ideas


Recycling of Batteries

Week 2 Topic:

15/1-19/1 Oxidation number of atoms

Oxidizing and reducing agents

Half equations


Critical thinking skill: Evaluate Evidence and Arguments-TED Talk

Creative thinking skills: Develop multiple opposing contradictory and complementary arguments


Evaluate evidence from the reactivity of different metals through a lab demonstration.

Develop arguments regarding battery efficiency when using different metals through a lab

Week 3 Topic:

22/1-26/1 Reactivity series of metals

Extraction of iron and aluminum


Transfer Thinking Skill: Transfer Current Knowledge to Learning of New Technology-Moving through the
phases of the design cycle to innovate solutions.


Rechargeable batteries

Week 4 Topic:

29/1-2/2 Electrolytic and voltaic cells


Critical Thinking Skill: Analyze Complex Concepts into its constituent parts – Dissecting the prompt


A Scientific essay to explain how electroplating is used to refine metals.

This booklet includes a holistic view of the unit’s material and activities and shows the learning process and
includes the topics, skills, and products.
Each activity will be allocated to be done in class with a specific time interval. The content for this unit is not
based on one resource, it is an inquiry-based process that results in learning about a particular topic from
multiple resources. Students are expected to master different approaches to learning skills through a list of
activities and will be expected to use reliable resources to gather information leading to conceptual and
contextual understanding.

Crawford, E. (2014) Available from: Using the Inquiry Cycle to Guide Our Learning | PYP at Spicewood. Available from: Using the Inquiry Cycle to Guide Our
Learning | PYP at Spicewood

Name of Criterion: Knowing and understanding

Level Task-Specific Rubric/Clarifications
0 The student does not reach a standard identified by any of the descriptors below.

i. State scientific knowledge

i. State scientific knowledge regarding the
1-2 ii. Apply scientific knowledge and oxidation number of elements.
understanding to suggest solutions to
ii. Apply scientific knowledge and understanding
problems set in familiar situations
to suggest solutions to problems set in familiar
iii. Interpret information to make
situations regarding the definition of oxidation and
iii. Interpret information to make judgments
regarding extraction of iron from its ore.

i. Outline scientific knowledge i. Outline scientific knowledge regarding reactions

3-4 between halogens and alkali metals.
ii. Apply scientific knowledge and
understanding to solve problems set in ii. Apply scientific knowledge and understanding
familiar situations iii. Interpret to solve problems set in familiar situations
information to make scientifically regarding parts of cells
supported judgments. iii. Interpret information to make scientifically
supported judgments regarding half equations.

i. Describe scientific knowledge i. Describe scientific knowledge regarding

5-6 direction of electron flow in cells.
ii. Apply scientific knowledge and
understanding to solve problems set in ii. Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to
familiar situations and suggest solve problems set in familiar situations and
solutions to problems set in unfamiliar suggest solutions to problems set in unfamiliar
situations iii. Analyse information to situations regarding uses of batteries
make scientifically supported iii. Analyse information to make scientifically
judgments. supported judgments regarding electrolyte and

i. Explain scientific knowledge ii. apply

i. Explain scientific knowledge regarding
7-8 scientific knowledge and understanding
electrolysis of molten compounds and
to solve problems set in familiar and
observations at electrodes.
unfamiliar situations
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to
iii. Analyse and evaluate information to
solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar
make scientifically supported
situations regarding writing ionic equations.
iii. Analyse and evaluate information to make
scientifically supported judgments regarding
electroplating and uses of electrolysis.

ATL skill Category ATL subject specific skill Explicit ATL skill activity Implicit activity to reinforce explicit
ATL skill

Critical thinking skill- Make unexpected or unusual See, think wonder Acting: Recycling of batteries around
connections between objects the world
and / or ideas

Activity Tasks:

1-Make an observation about the image, back up their interpretation with reasons.

2-Think about what this makes them wonder about the object or topic.

3- Write down your reflections in the table below

Harvard graduate school of education. Available from: See, Think, Wonder | Project Zero (harvard.edu) [accessed 29 January 2022]

What do you see?

What are you thinking?

What are you wondering about?

What is the contextual understanding?

SDG goal

Reflect on your ability to make unexpected/ Why?
unusual connections

Criterion A A (i) Outline scientific knowledge

ATL Cluster Creative thinking skills

ATL specific skills Develop multiple opposing , contradictory and complementary arguments.

Practice 1: Oxidation number

a- State the oxidation number of the assigned elements in the following formulae: Ai(1-2)

b- Outline the change in the oxidation number of chlorine and potassium in the following reaction:
Ai(3-4 )

Practice 2 : What are redox reactions?

Read pages 137-138 in your text book.
a-Use Venn diagram to describe the difference between the old and new definitions of redox reactions.

Harvard graduate school of education. Available from: See, Think, Wonder | Project Zero (harvard.edu) [accessed 29 January 2022]

What is the purpose of battery recycling?

Which countries recycle batteries, and which do
What effects does recycling batteries have on the
natural world and landscape?

What is the contextual understanding?

SDG goal

Reflect on your ability to make unexpected/ Why?
unusual connections

b-In the following chemical reactions, assign the reductant and oxidant then explain your answer for each
Reaction 1:

Reductant Oxidant Explanation

Reaction 2:

Reductant Oxidant Explanation

Activity Tasks:

1- Watch the following video

Why Facts Don't Convince People (and what you can do about | TED-Ed
TED-ED (2012) Available from Why Facts Don't Convince People (and what you can do about | TED-Ed [Accessed 10 January 2023].

2- Discuss methods to evaluate evidence and arguments to convince people of evidence and reflect on the
uses of metals.

What have you learnt about evaluating evidence

and arguments?

Reflect on your ability to make unexpected/ Why?
unusual connections

Students’ individual work: *Single displacement reactions of the halogens (test tube racks , test tubes and stoppers)

Fill the table below according to the observations you get when adding the combinations in the following table:

Next Add, Observation

Tube # First Add Cork & Shake

1 3 drops Cl2(aq) 3 drops NaBr(aq)

2 3 drops Cl2(aq) 3 drops NaI(aq)

3 3 drops Br2(aq) 3 drops NaCl(aq)

4 3 drops Br2(aq) 3 drops NaI(aq)

5 3 drops I2(aq) 3 drops NaCl(aq)

6 3 drops I2(aq) 3 drops NaBr(aq)

Teacher’s demo :Group 1 Metals (Alkali Metals) , some physical and chemical properties:

* Lithium

Use a forceps to obtain a small piece of lithium metal and wipe off the excess oil on filter paper. Observe the
hardness of the metal by attempting to cut it with your knife.

*Half fill a test tube with distilled water and cautiously drop in the lithium metal piece and close it with a stopper ,
immediately, Observe carefully the reaction that occurs , using a lighted splint , test for the presence of
hydrogen gas. When the reaction is complete, stir the solution and measure the conductivity (using a
conductivity meter) and pH of the solution, qualitatively : damp red litmus paper in the solution / quantitatively
:measure the pH of solution using a pH meter.

*Reaction between very small piece of lithium and 0.1 M HCl (aq) in a test tube and close with a stopper then test
for the presence of hydrogen gas using lighted splint.

Conductivity pH _______________________

Teacher’s demo *Reaction between magnesium ribbon (need sand paper) and 0.1 M HCl(aq) (test for the presence of
hydrogen too)

Teacher’s demo *Test for the presence of carbon dioxide : lime water test Set up : sodium carbonate or any metal
carbonate available , 0.1 M HCl(aq) solution in a flask attached to lime water (should turn milky when CO2 is evolved).

Criterion A A (i) Outline scientific knowledge

ATL Cluster Creative thinking skills

ATL specific skills Develop multiple opposing , contradictory and complementary arguments.

Practice 1: What is electrolysis?

Read the following paragraph to educate yourself about electrolysis:

a- State the meaning of the terms electrolyte and electrolysis. Ai(1-2)

b- In the lab the teacher will set up an electrolytic cell to electroplate an iron nail by copper. Outline the
tools used to accomplish the electroplating of the nail with copper. Ai(3-4 )

c-Describe the chemical reactions that take place at the cathode and anode including the observations at
each electrode. Ai(5-6)

Practice 2 : Electrolytic vs voltaic cells

a-Use Venn diagram to describe the difference between electrolytic and voltaic cells.

Practice Three: Voltage

a-In the lab the teacher will set up a voltaic cell composed of zinc half-cell connected to another metal half-
cell through the wires, voltmeter and the salt bridge. The cell will be allowed to run for 30 seconds then the
reading of the voltmeter will be measured and recorded.
The demo will be repeated keeping the zinc half-cell constant while replacing iron half-cell by Aluminium ,
copper and iron half cells to deduce the effect of changing one of the half-cells on the voltage of the cell .

Cell Voltage (V)




b-i) Deduce the relationship between the difference in reactivity between metals in half cells of a voltaic cell
and the voltage of cell

ii) Explain your answer to (i). Ai(7-8)

Available from: The Innovation Life Cycle: 4 Stages Innovators Share in Common - JD Meier [accessed 31 January 2022]

ATL category ATL subject specific skill Explicit teaching activity Activity to implicitly reinforce
the skill

Transfer Transfer current knowledge to Moving through the phases of the Rechargeable batteries
thinking skill learning of new technology design cycle to innovate solutions

Transfer knowledge gained about the innovative cycle

and cells to reflect on the use and design of
rechargeable batteries.

Reflect on your ability to transfer knowledge. Why?

Explain how you can move through the phases of the design
cycle to innovate solutions

What solutions can you think of from this design cycle that
will impact human landscapes and resources?
(You can also attach an image from your sketch)

Reflect on your ability to transfer current knowledge to N/L/P/Ex

learning of new technology Why?

Conclude the contextual understanding and
global citizenship by answering the questions on
the slide.

Reflect on the gained IBLP.

Explain why you chose this attribute.

Bing images. Available from: 1495337.jpg (2480×2480) (delftmama.nl) [accessed 31 January 2022]

ATL skill category ATL subject specific skill Explicit teaching strategy Activity to reinforce the skill

Critical thinking skill Analyze complex concepts into its Dissecting the prompt How are metals extracted using
constituent parts electricity

Explain how you can dissect the prompt into constituent


Reflect on your ability to dissect the prompt. N/L/P/Ex


Facing history and ourselves. Available from: Teaching Strategy: Dissecting the Prompt | Facing History [Accessed 31 January 2021].

How are precious metals refined?

Reflect on a suitable IBLP.

Why did you choose this specific attribute?

International mindedness
Unit Title: Important redox reactions
Global context: Statement of inquiry:
Orientation in time and space
Natural and human landscapes and natural Changes in the models of some discoveries has led to
considerable consequences on natural and human
landscapes and resources.
Key concept: Change
Related concept(s): Models/ ATL Skills:Transfer skills/ Creative thinking
consequences skills/ critical thinking skills
Factual question:
What is change?

Conceptual question:
How does change affect consequences?
Debatable question:

Could change in models affect consequences?

Your reflection:








- Outline what is meant by SDGs, and why they were created.






- To emphasize on the aspect of “international mindedness”, reflect on SDG taking into

consideration the “action” you are working on in this unit.






End of Unit Reflection

Unit Title: Important redox reactions

Global context: Statement of inquiry:

Orientation in space and time

natural and human landscape and Inequalities in communities may have consequences on
resources relationships and health patterns

Key concept: Change ATL Skills: Transfer skills

Related concept(s): Critical thinking skills
Models/ consequences Communication skills

Factual question: What is change?

Conceptual question: How do change affect consequences?

Debatable question: Could change in models affect consequences?

Complete the table overleaf to reflect on your own learning in this unit.

Questions Did we find answers? Yes/ No Any further questions you would like to

What is change?

How do change
Could change in
models affect

ATL Skills Description: What new skills How well did you master the skill?
did you learn?


Critical thinking

IBLP attributes Reflect on the attributes and how useful they are for you.





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